#not entirly sure what this is
snekdood · 2 years
Just saw an ad that was like "if ur a mother whos taken tylenol when pregnant and u have an autistic child u might be financially compensated" or whatever the fuck and ????? Kill yourself ma'am
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bornagainmurdock · 4 months
the morning after // matt murdock
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When you woke up, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and looked around. This wasn't your bedroom. You focused on the sheets under your legs and looked down to see this also wasn't your bed.
"Good morning. Must've tired you out last night, you slept right through my alarm." He slurred sleepily. You turned to look behind you at the where the voice was coming from.
Matt fucking Murdock.
"Do you want breakfast? I can make us food." He shifted, throwing his legs over the side to stand up.
"I'd like that," you smiled, "what time is it?"
"Just a little after 8. Figured I'd let you sleep a bit more since you told me you didn't have work today." Matt threw on some sweatpants thrown over the edge of the bed and started walking towards the kitchen.
You moved to exit the bed as well, grabbing your discard clothes along the way, slipping on a shirt and your underwear.
"Egg and cheese bagel sound okay?" He grabed a pan and dug through his fridge.
"Sounds great." You sat down at the kitchen island, leaning over to rest your head on your arms. "Thank you for letting me sleep."
"No worries. You fell asleep almost immediately after I cleaned you up last night. Snuggled right into my side snoring away." He cracked an egg into the pan and turned on the heat.
"I do not snore."
"Mmhmm sure you don't." He put the lid over the pan, steam cooking the top of the egg.
You staretd to drift to sleep on the counter once again, Matt putting together breakfast and setting up the table for waking you up again.
His hands ran over your shoulders, massaging the skin there.
"Ready to eat, hmm?" He sat next to you, putting together the last bits of his breakfast sandwich.
"Hmm," you took a bit and hummed softly.
"If you keep moaning like that we're gonna have to go back to my bedroom." Matt raised an eyebrow with a smirk.
"Is that a promise?"
"Don't test me." Matt set his bagel down, facing you entirly now.
"Why not?" You took a sip of orange juice.
Matt stood up from his seat as a warning of his next move. Once you agreed, he grabbed your hips and threw you over his shoulder.
"I told you not to test me." He started walking to his bedroom, smacking your ass in the process.
You shrieked, kicking you legs the whole way until Matt threw you onto the bed.
"Guess I gotta teach you a lesson." He climbed over your body, started with a kiss on your forehead.
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hugsarethugs · 6 months
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uuuuuuh ight so AU thats rattling my brain lately- i seen this drawing from @/ theoutcastedartist about an alt version of the ep "Down & Out" with king dice living with the cups and dealing with thier shenanigans. I absolutly adore this idea and kinda wanted to make my own spin on it- (Im not entirly sure what im going to call this Au since i don't like the thought of stealing the Au name from op buut ill think of sumthin) anyway in this version King Dice choose to live with the cup bros to have a better hiding place from the devil since ya know- dude is kinda hiding from him since he failed the guy twice- an who better to hide with than the cuphead who keeps on thwarting all the devil's little tricks to take his soul. Can Dice survie the cups till he's able to get himself back to a independant living or is he just going to take his not so geat chances with the Devil? tune in next time for my sleep deprived rambles and doodles because i can never make anything at a reasonable hour.
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☠OPLA Nickname Headcanons🍖
So the show has seriously taken over my mind, that and those damn turtles, so here are some other nicknames that the crew and company would call you if you were in a relationship.
🤡Buggy-Sea Glass/Little Sea Glass (As established previously) becuase it's what my angsty brain had come up with at the time. Something like My Star or #1 star that shows your place in his heart would also be good but then he's also calling you My little minion or baby, baby cakes, and sugar. Depends on the day.
🍊Nami- It depends if your older or younger than her but I feel like Honey or Sweetie would be her go to. Let's out a babe once in a while. Having had to learn to trust and love people I feel like her way of love would be the most normal.
🍖Luffy-Most likely calls you something based on what you look like when you smile. Sunshine or sunflower comes to mind or maybe something dumb like Primecut or Premium Sirloin becuase he loves meat and it's the only way to describe the feelings you give him.
🍺Zoro-He's a simple man and I think he would call you Love or My *insert name here* but only when it's the two of you.
🍽Sanji-He would sprinkle in all the names in any language he knew! Especially in French but that's no surpise. Mon Amor, Mi Amor, Cara mia, My darling, my love, light of my life, sweatheart, ext. Very extra.
💣Usopp-Babe, baby cakes, sweetness, hot stuff, baby girl, cutie pie is right up his alley. Really wants too look cool infront of others but not too cool.
🗡Mihawk-A man of refinment for sure and like Zoro is more affectionate behind closed doors. Simple sweartheart, love, dearest, darling are the usual but if he's really feeling it, My love is on the table for sure.
🐬Koby-Being new to puting himself out there I think he'd use Sweetie exclusivly. He's not sure of himself entirly just yet but he's getting there.
🏴‍☠️Shanks-This man I feel will call you everything under the sun and more. My Treasure, my star, my heart, my soul, my love, some type of flower or just my flower are some good ones and when he's drunk off his ass it devolves into my siren or my little seagull. Dumb shit that catches his eye but it's cute. Calls you Mollusk once and never again.
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I had a nice time thinking about these. I never thought I'd get into One Piece again after all this time. I'm even thinking of picking up the anime again...
We'll see if that happens.🤭
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lost-walmartbag · 7 months
First Impressions pt 6
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Warning: Swearing
Background: Eric needs time to tell you the truth, but it feels like answers need to come sooner
Status: Ongoing
Previous part
Next part
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"Come on Eric! This is stupid just tell me what's going on." You said as you walked out of the bar, chasing after Eric.
He stayed silent as he walked ahead. "I just need...I just need some time Y/N"
"Time? Eric, no we need to talk about this." You said reaching for his arm but he pulled away.
He took a shaky breath and turned to face you. "Y/N I... I don't want to talk about it. Not now. Can you please just give me some time?"
You frowned and looked up at him. He refused to look into your eyes but he clenched his fist and you knew exactly what that meant. You reached out and gently took his hand.
"I don't like knowing you're keeping something from me...but I respect that you need time." You said softly causing a sigh of relief to leave his lips.
"Thank you, baby." He whispered, wrapping his arms around you.
"Just promise me when you're ready you'll tell me." You said rubbing his back.
"I promise, babe."
"And Eric?" You whispered
"Yeah babe?"
"Get your hand off my ass."
"Yes ma'am."
You ended up driving Eric home because he was way too drunk to get behind the wheel. He was pretty quiet, apprently when drunk he is a very sleepy and cuddly bear so you were entirly alone with your thoughts.
How were you supposed to process all this? You didn't want to push Eric but god you needed answers. Kyle called him disgusting and sadistic. Sure you've jokingly called him that before but you never meant it.
The streets were quiet. Snowy. It was all very beautiful. You can Eric growing up here. Walking to school, playing basketball, pretending to be a wizard or something. You can see it suiting him once upon a time. Back home he seemed happier. Here he seemed like he was drowning.
You parked the car in the driveway and saw his mom leaning against the front door. Even in the dark, you could see a smug smirk on her face and it dawned on you. You look next to you seeing Eric, who is very much still drunk and asleep. You've seen Eric drunk before. He won't drive the next day.
She knew this would happen. She wanted this to happen
You stepped out of the car and stomped over to her. "You knew! That's why you wanted us to go. You know he won't want to go home tomorrow when he's like this."
"I know my Eric more than you ever will." She said crossing her arms over her chest.
"You- I just- what the fuck is your problem? Why the fuck are you such a bitch?" You said completely exasperated.
Time seemed to stand still, you didn't mean to lash out like that. You hated her so much at that moment and even though she has been a bitch, she is still Eric's mother. Her eyes narrowed and wrinkles appeared on her forehead.
"Is that how you feel about me Y/N?" She asked as a small smirk pulled the corner of her lips. "What do you think Eric? What is my problem? Why am I such a bitch?"
Your heart stopped and slowly turned around seeing Eric standing there with a nervous look. He looked down at his feet before simply walking past the both of you without a word. It seemed to shock his mom as much as it did you but she didn't say anything.
"I'm sick of this." You muttered turning to walk inside.
"Ah ah ah," Liane said following you inside. "You can't share a room with him. You two aren't married."
You could feel your blood boiling at her words. 'Can't share a room?' You literally live with him, doesn't she know that?
You opened your mouth to say something before Eric, who was halfway up the stairs, turned back and put a hand on your shoulder.
"You sleep in my room. I'll take the couch." He said rubbing his eyes, clearly sleepy, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Down the hall first door on the left."
Liane watched in shock as Eric made his way to the couch and faceplanted, instantly going to sleep. You wanted to watch him, in the most non-creepy way you could think of, and just fawn over him but Liane didn't even let you finish the thought before pushing past you, knocking you into the railing as she made her way upstairs, clearly upset.
You looked back at Eric before making your way up to his room. When you opened the door and took it all in. You walked inside examining everything. Purple walls, brown carpeted floors, a few posters, even a telescope.
It was honestly hideous but this is where he grew up so there was a level of appreciation. You made your way to the large bed in the center of the room and lay down. There was already a dip in the center and the blankets smelled like they had come out of the wash recently.
You tried not to think about it too much and closed your eyes. It was easy to fall asleep. Fresh blankets, soft mattress, and an unmistakable smell of Eric. You were basically given the dream sleeping spot.
You woke up at some point in the night and reached for Eric until your brain processed that he wasn't there. You groaned and got out of bed, making your way downstairs to get some water.
You tiptoed down, trying your best not to make too much noise which almost immediately went out the window when you spotted Eric sleeping on the couch, which wouldn't be bad by itself if it weren't for his mother standing over him, staring down at him.
You froze up just staring at them, you had done nothing to alert them you were there but somehow, she knew.
"You're supposed to be in bed."
You tensed up at the sound of her voice. It was cold and monotone like the sound version of a dull knife.
"What are you doing?" You asked in a shaky voice.
"I'm making sure my son is ok." She snapped, turning her head to glare up at you.
"What is your problem?" You whispered backing up, your hand gripping the railing to stabilize yourself.
"You've asked that already." She said taking a step up the stairs.
You looked down at her and moved up a step, a cold sweat dripping down your face.
"You aren't enough for him. A girl like you who wants to change him wants to 'fix' him." She said taking another step up as you moved to take a step away. "He doesn't need fixing he needs his mother.
"You're insane- Eric is a grown man he doesn't need you babying him." You said shaking your head and your legs began giving out on you.
"He will when a stupid whore like you leaves him like every other fucking girl." She said with a growl as she began taking more steps up the stairs towards you.
You quickly tried to back away before she could get you, but you weren't fast enough.
She grabbed your collar and looked down at you with wide eyes.
"I won't let you break him."
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A/N: Turned into a bit of a horror story towards the end lmao. Honestly didn't really mean for that to happen but that's just what came out. Writing is a bit all over the place, I'm trying to find time for this but because of it, my writing is suffering a bit so I'm sorry if it's bad, I'll do better next time. Anyway hope you all liked this, thank you for reading, love ya'll ❤❤
Taglist: @jessiegerl @stephs-inluv @breadandbutter33 @renpoo14 @atanukileaf @minimss @corpseinpink
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Devlog whatever.imdoingmybest okay put some fancy developer terms here i dont know them
With some minor tweaking of one of the assets and making a couple others I now have: dressable Eichi! which should work just fine untill we get to the fainty ones in which case ill just have to make fainty versions of those. the idea is you should be able to decide what outfit Eichi wears that day but rn its super sketchy and bad because it was my first attempt and i wasn't sure if it was worth the effort of getting it right
the overall idea is just a silly thing but might make for some fun later in the game if i set it up to be possible now (and save me some time on spirting honestly-)
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right now though it's just the test keito shirt- no telling if ill manage to figuere this out entirly but i think i could???? i mean ive gotten this far
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i love living in ohio. You know why? Its cause i honestly think we have one of the funniest inside jokes in america and im gonna explain it to you.
So, if youre not from here, theres this guy. This guy named Tim Misny. Never met him myself but hes a lawyer. Now, most people have no reason to remember the name of a random ohio personal injury lawyer that theyve never even met let alone worked with HOWEVER, everyone in the Cleveland area is likely to know who Misny is.
See, mr Misny has billboards. Like, a lot of billboards. So many billboards all over and and they always, at least used to say "Misny makes them pay". This, along with him being a pretty memorable looking man makes the abundance of advertising pretty memorable. But is it funny? Not quite.
See, i have this friend. Her name is Ava. And almost every time we'd be driving somewhere, sure enough we'd see one of these god forsaken billiards. In this year alone Ava has said at least three times the following words in relation to the billboards "if this man has the money to put up all these billboards, he has the money to hire someone to make him a better slogan"
Of course my friend is right, however, it wasnt until much later that things started to change... for the worse. See, Misny did change his slogan, however, instead of making it more professional and interesting he makes it "im tim misny. You know what i do"
..... now anyone in there right mind would consider this to be extremly personal. Could he hear my friends prayers? Was the outrage of his terrible slogan so huge that he decided to change it? These answers we may never know. However the chaos doesnt end there. Not to long after he changes the billboards again, but not the slogan. Actually he does the complete opposite of changing the slogan again and gets rid of it entirly, leaving a blank billboard with nothing but a picture of his eyes and terrifyingly sharp eyebrows in its place... needless to say this was much worse than the last slogan, and these billboards have been scaring ohioans, pleguing the local public, and leaving us with more questions that's answers. Dont believe me? I have proof
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I might have actually dreamt this one up but im like 70% sure one time i saw one with no text and just him on a motorcycle
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nights-with-stars · 1 month
How Not to ask Someone out in a Hollow
Billy x Belle
The cunning hares are deep in a hollow with Belle leading them out. Nicole gets fed up with watching Billy attempt to ask out The proxy and decides to intervene.
I used the names of the different types of ethereals in this but in case you arn't sure which are what (I didn't until I wrote this) I'll put a brief description if you don't want to go searching for it yourself. Hati: The unarmored dog like ethereals. Alpeca: Humanoid ethereals, missing half their arms and use ranged attacks. Farbauti: Big bulky one that looks almost entirly stone, likes to stomp the ground alot.
The Cunning Hares trudged through the hollow with Belle controlling Eous leading the way. Anby was as neutral as ever but was visibly worse for wear. Her hair out of place, scuffs on her gear and the occasional bruise here and there. Nekomata wasn’t showing much in the way of damage, but she complained about how long the Mission was taking. Nicole appeared not nearly as beaten up as Anby, but her disgruntled demeanor was on full display.
“So, Manager. What are you up to later?” Billy followed close behind Eous.
“That would be classified information Billy.” She responded playfully, but she also did mean that. Plus she was more concerned with getting them out.
“More proxy stuff then,” He looked around feigning casualness. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
Nicole rolled her eyes as she watched Billy actively distracting their only means of getting out. They’ve already been in for longer than necessary. Their commission was more complicated than they thought and dragged them deeper into the hollow than they would have liked. And yet here she was. Watching Billy unsuccessfully trying to ask out Belle. She would have found it funny if not for the situation they were in.
“Whenever you’re next free, want to go…” Billy hesitates as his systems start overheating. The sound of his cooling systems was very noticeable. He knows what he wants to say but saying it to her was still hard. He thought it would be easier this way, when she isn’t directly face to face with him, but it seems just as hard. Billy realizes he’s paused for too long and quickly tries to finish his sentence. “…to go somewhere cool.” The pitch of his voice increases with every word he says.
“You sure sound like you need to be somewhere cool.” Belle jokes about his clearly overworked cooling system, but then she quickly turns serious. “You aren’t lacking money to get repairs or anything? You’ve been like this for a week now.”
“No, no, no. I’m all good. A Starlight Knight like me has never been better. I just uh…” His bravado breaks as he looks around desperately trying to think of an excuse. “It’s been hotter recently, hasn’t it?” Any attempt he made to ease her concerns was slightly overshadowed by the whirring coming from him intensifying. Belle wasn’t convinced, but she wasn’t going to push the argument any further whilst they were still trying to get out.
Nicole couldn’t tell if she was more frustrated by Billy distracting the Proxy or by his poor attempts at flirting. They weren’t going to get anywhere like this. Both in the hollow and with their feelings. Nicole quickly thought up a scheme in order to do something about this. Maybe she could kill two birds with one stone. She quickly made her way over to catch up to them.
“Hey Billy.” Nicole hides her intentions with a casual conversation. “Did you ever get round to asking about that one movie… what was it?” She trailed off. Billy, having no idea what she was talking about, looks at her confused with a slight tilt to his head. Before he can even speak up Nicole continues. “Hollow Horrors or something like that.”
“Nicole-” Billy is interrupted before he can ruin her perfectly good lie.
“You don’t happen to have that one in stock do you Proxy?” Nicole sends Billy a quick glare before he can say anything that’ll ruin her efforts.
“Oh, I love that one. Yeah, we definitely have it. It’s a bit intense but it’s perfect for late nights with your friends, or if you just want some fun horror.” Belle begins her light synopsis of the film.
“Oh, that’s great.” She grins mischievously. “Billy here was interested in seeing it. Isn’t that right?” Nicole turns to Billy, daring him to disagree with her.
“Right uh... That’s right boss. I did.” He stammers with nerves. In all truth he couldn’t handle horror films. He tried watching some with Anby a few times and every time he did, he would end up staying awake all night paranoid. But he knew better than to disagree with Nicole when she was acting like this.
“You can drop by later and pick it up if you want.” Belle continues to lead the way.
“Well, you see…” Nicole crouches down to get closer to Eous causing Belle to turn around and face her. Nicole lowers her voice conspiratorially, but it’s still easily heard. “Billy is embarrassed to admit it but, he wants to watch it, he’s just easily scared by those sorts of films. You wouldn’t mind watching it with him, would you?” Billy hears this and is nearly indignant at the suggestions before what Nicole is doing fully hits him.
“Why can’t one of you watch it with him?”
“Nekomata and I are Busy, and even if we weren’t Anby has booked the TV for a while.” Nicole shrugs.
“Well then, I don’t mind. I’ll take any excuse to watch it again.” She responds enthusiastically, the prospect of hanging out with Billy more thrilling then watching the movie.
“Hey, wait no I wasn’t-” Billy sputtered as he started to second guess this whole thing. He was quickly interrupted by Nicole pulling him down and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
“You hear that? She wants to watch it. You can’t disappoint the Proxy like that.” Nicole despite her playful attitude was speaking with full seriousness. He breaks free from Nicoles grasps.
“Yeah, uh. Yeah.” He turns to Eous to get Belle’s attention. “I’ll organize a time with you later.”
“Sure. Let’s get out of this hollow first.” Belle goes back to paying full attention on getting them out. Billy on the other hand escapes to join the back of the group. He didn’t know whether to thank or curse Nicole. Meanwhile Nicole was just happy to not have Billy distracting Belle from getting them out of the hollow. A quick job is a good job, and this job has already gone on for long enough.
They make their way through the hollow, getting closer to their exit. Only they were so focused on the exit that they missed a rather largegroup of ethereals that the team had managed to wander too close to. It was only when one ethereal, a Hati, launched itself towards Eous did they notice.
Nicole batted the ethereal away from Eous before quickly moving towards the others. Belle ran to find an advantages position. Billy, Nekomata and Anby all quickly got ready to fight as well. Ethereals began to surround the group. A lot more than expected. A mix of Alpeca, Hati and one Farbauti. It’s nothing they couldn’t win but in their current condition, It could be a challenge.
“Anby, Nekomata. Take out those Alpeca. We can’t have them sptting ether at us. Billy, You’re with me.” nicole takes charge, gesturing Billy to follow her towards a group of dog like Hati that surrounded the large armored Farbauti. Belle focused on trying to route their way out, whilst trying her best to avoid getting hurt. Dodging and weaving, in and out of friend and foe alike.
Nekomata runs towards the group of Alpeca ethereals nearby. They all shot concentrated ether towards her. She jumped out of it’s way. Quickly moving closer to gather all their attention. Allowing a chance for Anby to get close. Which she did. One of the ethereals were struck down. Quickly but not so quietly. The group of ethereals turned their attention to Anby now. Who dodged their attacks but not as fast as Nekomata could. Nekomata then quickly took that chance to down an ethereal herself mostly to try and get their attention back. She was more agile so she was confident she could outrun them. Seeing Anby moving slower and less calculated was a big motivator to get their attention off of her.
Across the field Billy and Nicole weren’t fairing so great themselves. Nicole kept the pressure on the large Farbauti, letting Billy focus on the smaller, and quicker Hati that kept trying to surround them. However much she kept firing at it though. The beast didn’t slow down. In fact, it only seemed to get more aggressive the more they attacked it. She barely jumped out of the way of one of its attacks. Exhaustion setting in. How long have they been here? Far too long for her liking. Before she could get her bearing back the large ethereal started to charge towards her.
“Nicole!” Billy quickly tackled her out the way before returning fire at it. “Got any plans boss? I don’t think we’re gonna make it out like this.”
Nicole got up from the ground. She looked towards Anby and Nekomata. They were at least faring better but she wasn’t about to ask them to abandon their fight to help with hers. They had already been fighting so much today. Anby desperately needs a break and Nekomata has taken more damage than she’s willing to let on.
Billy, focusing on the big guy now, didn’t slow down but showed small signs of deterioration. A few stray shots here and there weren’t anything out of the ordinary, but he seemed to be missing more than was normal for him. Nicole charged up her weapon to start Attacking the ethereal again. She hit it but it quickly moved out of the danger zone. Only when it did, a few pieces of it’s armor tore away from it.
“Billy! I need you to stall it.” She shouted as she aimed another shot, this time aiming to not hit it center on but rather more beside it.
“That’s what I’ve been doing boss.” He grunted back as he continued to fire barrages at the ethereal.
Nicole shot again, hitting the floor right beside it. More of its coating flaked away. Just a few more and she might just have a solid spot for Billy to aim. Only as she aimed her shot some more Hati appeared around them again. Billy was torn between crowd control or distracting the big one. He looked towards Nicole. She wasn’t in any immediate danger right now, so he continued to focus on the big guy.
Nicole fired another shot near it. It landed just right and tore away just enough armor that the softer part of the ethereal was exposed.
“Aim for the exposed spot!” She shouted towards Billy. He quickly examined the ethereal, finding the spot she was talking about. He raised both guns and kept a close eye on his target. He aimed, and, in a few seconds, shot a barrage of bullets towards it. Those shots were just enough to have the large beats fall to the ground.
The fight wasn’t quite over yet. They still had a few Hati to deal with but that should be easy compared to the big one. Nicole readied herself to finish this fight as did Billy. They quickly got to work taking out ethereal after ethereal. There were still a handful left but Billy’s attention was quickly brought to one in particular. It broke away from the group. He watched it carefully, curious as to why it ran. Only to find it charging right for Eous.
Belle was so close to finding a way out. So close that she let her guard down. She only noticed when it was far too close to run. And Eous couldn’t do much to fight. Any supplies she’d normally use to help out were already depleted. A feeling of dread set in. Sure, she wasn’t in any physical danger. But what would these guys do without her. Wander aimlessly until their inevitable end. She braced for impact. Maybe she would get lucky, and it wouldn’t rip Eous to shreds. The chances were slim and she knew that. She closed her eyes as the beast approached. Only it never arrived. She opened her eyes after a few seconds, having expected to be ripped to shreds by now. Only to find said ethereal on the ground, slowly fizzling away.
Belle relaxed now. She saw Anby and Nekomata finishing off the last few ethereals. She couldn't see Billy or Nicole yet and began to look around.
“Are you alright?” Billy spoke from directly behind her, more seriously than she was used to. Belle turned to look and saw Billy crouched behind her, one gun still raised from when he just shot down the ethereal.
“I’m fine.” She spoke nearly breathless. Looking up she couldn’t help but notice the stern expression as he scanned around for anymore ethereals. She was glad she wasn’t physically present as she felt her cheeks flush with color. Belle could tell she would be hearing about this from wise later.
“Billy Kid!” Nicole marched up towards him. “How dare you leave me to deal with those ethereals all by myself. We are a team you know!” Nicole scolded him.
“What?” He whined. Any seriousness he held was immediately gone. “I had to save the proxy. How else are we getting home.” He argued back. Nicole crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him. She was fully aware of his ulterior motivation when it came to saving Eous but she knew she could not argue against his logic.
“Well, maybe a little warning next time.” She quickly moved to check up with Anby and Nekomata to make sure they were faring well.
“Speaking of getting home.” Belle spoke up again. “We just finished routing our way out and it’s not that far away.”
“Well then. Lead the way my dear proxy.” Billy bowed with a dramatic flair as he waited for Belle to take the lead. She laughs at his antics. Billy’s been like this all day. All week even. She doesn’t have much time to dwell on it though as she begins leading their way out.
Having successfully led the Cunning Hares through and out of the Hollow, Belle disconnects from Eous and stretches in her chair. She gets up to help Wise with finishing up any loose threads. They had another Commission to get ready for but after how that one went, they would definitely have to let Eous charge a little.
They get some noodles to pass the time, and take them back to Random Play so they can eat in the Staff Area together. The proxy siblings strike up casual conversation as they eat.
“Can’t we just postpone the next commission.” Belle sighed as she leaned back dramatically.
“Unfortunately, the next one is rather time sensitive.” Wise responded calmly. Belle exaggeratedly flopped forward, catching her head with her hand as she leaned on the table. After her dramatic display she began eating again. Belle’s phone chimed. she checked the incoming message. Wise watched as she blushed lightly and sent a quick message back before putting her phone away and eating again. “What did Billy say?”
“He was just trying to organize a time to watch a movie with me.” She answered calmly before stopping mid bite. “Hang on. How’d you know it was Billy?”
“I haven’t seen you get flustered when anyone else messages you.” That comment made her blush even harder.
“I was not.”
“So, you weren’t flustered when he saved you earlier?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She crossed her arms as her blush grew.
“Come on Belle. Just admit it. You like him.”
“No, I-” She stops as she notices Wise sternly looking at her. Playing dumb and avoiding her feelings was not going to work right now. “I guess I like him a little.” She mumbled as she quickly went back to eating her noodles, almost hiding behind the bowl.
Wise seemed satisfied with her answer and relaxed somewhat. Going back to enjoying his noodles. “When are you going to tell him?” Wise smirked only to be met with Belle’s indignant response. She did not get to enjoy her food in peace as Wise proceeded to poke fun at her until their next commission started.
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
so, going off of @oldestenemy 's comment about the Boys being a family unit, but not like what Max seems to want, I'm going to ramble a bit about my Thoughts on that. Thisi s going to be pretty stream of thought so bear with me.
So, first off, let's talk about vampires in general.
The world of the Lost Boys gives us precious little to use by way of greater vampiric worldbuilding, AND A BIG NOTE HERE, I HAVE NOT SEEN THE OTHER MOVIES OR READ THE COMICS AND I DON'T PARTICULARLY WANT TO, SO THIS WILL ONLY BE USING THE FIRST MOVE'S CANON, THANK YOU. We are left with a lot more questions than answers about how vampires even work, let alone how the Boys may deviate or conform to what's considered the 'norm' for vampires. This leads to having to use two things following that - extrapolation, and headcanons, not mutually exclusive, but I do like to make the distinction because one is 'using details in the canon to read between the lines' and the other is more 'this feels like it fits or make sense, despite nothing explicitly supporting it in canon'.
Non-traditional family dynamics and the Boys. I love 'em. I think their group dynamic is fascinating to toy with. I also think Max was a fuckin' headcase, and has been for a while. Like a guy walking a bunch of wolves on leashes and swearing up and down they don't bite, which is basically what he's doing.
It's implied that Max is all of the Boy's sire, and thus has some sort of...parental complex about it, because as far as literally the rest of the movie is concerned, the Boys don't give half a shit about Max. They taunt him, if from a distance, they break rules he's explicitly set for them (ie, 'I told you not to come here anymore' when in the video store). Max has less control over the Boys than I think he'd like, which makes me think about what a head vampire even is, and if it even exists at all.
The only 'evidence' for such a thing in the movie, is whatever the Frog brothers are presenting us - WHICH IS ALL BASED ON COMICS. In the movie, we get no other explanation from anyone, and certainly none of the vampires. Star gives us her take on it, but she never says 'David told me this what's true', it's just what she assumes, which can also be flawed. She's unreliable as well. All we knows for sure is that David was sired by Max, and with the way Max refers to them as 'his boys', the rest of them are his as well.
So, there are a couple ways I think that vampires can organize themselves socially:
one, is as the Boys do: packs. Groups of vampires who all share a common sire living together
two: clans - vampires who may not have the same sire living together; clans tend to be a little less close than packs, and a bit more common as packs geeeenerally don't (can't) get much larger than the Boys' pack
there's also a secret third option, but that one is almost entirly made up by me and my writing partner, ask us about it if you want, but it's strictly oc stuff, so I'm not putting it here.
Max is basically trying to force upon the Boys a way of living for vampires that not only doesn't seem like they want anything to do with because WE HAVE NO IDEA IF MAX EVER MENTIONED THIS TO THEM AT ALL?? THEM BEING INTERESTED IN MICHAEL SEEMS ALMOST LIKE A COINCIDENCE, and on top of that, as vampires, like, the species, they may not be able to live as anymore.
I could go on forever about vampire psychology, but I'll leave it at that. The Boys don't want 'family', they want 'pack.'
As my partner says, 'found family, but make it like, 10% more intense'. The Boys want nothing to do with anyone outside their pack if it's not eating them, or fucking around with them. Vampires are both more social than 'lonely, stalking monsters of the night' and less social than 'literal hive of undead monsters crawling like zombie hoards from the sewers'. They want their pack, the people they Connect With, the people they hunt with, sleep with. They don't want some...human thing. I would be uncomfortable to them.
And for the Boys' specifically, it would mess with their group dynamic. David and the rest have things just the way they'd like it, and Max interferes with that.
My partner and I have come up with a known phenomena for packs in the Lost Boy's universe.
Sire-Killer packs. :)
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19871997 · 2 months
dylan definitely keeps tabs on connor lolol. just in the past couple months there's that liked post on twitter, and dylan said he thought connor would get the scoring title when they played edm a couple months ago, and dylan was on gate 14 a couple weeks ago and brought up that viral moment of connor doing a beer run. guy is down badddddddd
TO DEFND HIMMM. i think everyone and their mother saw the beer run vid + ofc he’s going to see that play against dallas (entirly on him to like it tho nothing i can do there) + like. what js he going to say wrt to connor getting the scoring title? like im pretty sure if asked jeichel would also say that he would get it
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l4xu0riipng · 2 years
A scene in one of my Rise au’s between the disaster twins.
(Cw/Tw: mentions of and descriptions of blood, injury, and death.)
Donnie looked down at Leo in his arms, tears filling his eyes at the state of his twin. A hole through his chest, out his back and shell gushing with blood, the injury was terrible and sure to be fatal, Donnie however, couldn’t accept it.
“Leo…” He mumbled, his breath hitched as Leo looked up at him, the life already gone from his eyes, he took in a strong inhale before anything else dared to come out, Donnie continued. “Leo, keep your eyes open.”
Leos eye’s widened at the request, he figured that Donnie would be the first out of his brothers to accept he’s dying, Leo teared up as well as he choked out a response.
“Donnie-“ He was interrupted by coughs, blood trickling down his chin.
“Donnie please, I’m not gonna make it…” He finally spat out, Donnies demeanor was suddenly filled with rage and he began shouting.
“That’s what you said last time and you were fine, just keep your eye’s open.” Donnie rushed the response, trying to keep himself from breaking down as he started to tremble.
“Donnie, please you have to-“ Leo tried to speak again Donnie cut him off with another seemingly angry response, but this time, his voice was filled with desperation.
“No! I’m gonna get Raph to carry you, we’ll go home and get you patched up, and you’re gonna be fine just stay awake, please!” Tears slowly began to run down Donnies face, grief enveloped his soul seeing Leo fail to respond.
Donnie couldn’t accept it, nothing was going to take his twin away if he KNEW how to fix it, he just needed to get him back home.
Donnie stared at Leo still in denial, Leo’s face shifted from shock, to a sort of soft acceptance. He knew he was going to die and he was accepting it. That was the only thing that could ever make Donnie break down.
Donnie pulled Leo into a tight hug and began to sob into his shoulder, mumbling, pleading, until a full sentence finally shot out of his mouth.
“Leo no matter how much I may joke about these things, I don’t mean it, I still need you… I’ll do whatever you want when you recover, you can bug me for as long as you want everyday, I’ll let you beat me when we play games as many times as you want to, you can even call me your twin and I’ll go along with it just please, keep your eyes open PLEASE.” Donnie wailed as the bargaining and begs escaped his mouth, his brother, his twin was dying, and at this rate he was to powerless to fix any of it
Leo brought up one of his hands and cupped Donnies cheek, Donnie let out a small gasp at the gesture. He looked down at Leo, soft sniffles escaping him while tears began to flow heavily, and yet? A smile, Leo had a small smile plastered on his mouth, he captured a small breath before talking.
“Donnie, remember… anatawa hitorijanai. You are not alone, you never are. I would never leave you guys.” Leo sighed, wiping away some of Donnies tears.
He began to shake lightly, more life was getting sucked out of him and felt so exhausted, he felt like there was something crushing him, a weight urging him to accept the darkness, and eventually he couldn’t fight it anymore, ears ringing and vision slowly fading out, he said his final words.
“Do me a f-favor and let everyone know I love them, don’t tell them this but… you were always kind of my favorite Dee… I love you Don. I’m sorry… for everything.”
His hand slowly dropped from Donnies cheek, going limp as his breathing slowed. Donnie began to panic and tried to jolt him awake by shaking him, but to no avail.
Leo’s eyes slowly fell shut, the last thing he ever heard was the desperate shouting of his twin, as he slowly sunk into the darkness. Never to wake up again.
Donnie was still crying for Leo to wake up as Leo’s body slowly began to fade away, just like how Karai’s had. When Donnie realized, it was already to late, he tried to pull Leo into one last embrace, hoping that maybe he could keep him from fading, but that final wish was left unfulfilled. Donnie wrapped his arms around himself just as Leo fully faded, it felt like a glass platform had just broken underneath him and he was frozen, he couldn’t speak, he could barely even breath, he just stared off into disassociation.
He didn’t know how long he’d been there, how long it had been since Leo died and he was left alone, by himself. He estimated about five minutes before suddenly hearing Mikeys voice and Raph’s foot steps.
“DONNIE! LEO! WHERE ARE YO-“ Mikey had called out before turning to see Donnie, relief filled his eyes as he began to run to his brother.
That was the moment Donnie snapped out of it and was brought back to reality, he turned to see Mikey running towards him before jumping on Donnies battle shell and hugging him from behind, clinging onto his brother for dear life, that was until he heard Raph.
“Donnie! We were so worried- wait… where’s Leo?” He asked innocently, concern filling his eyes not realizing the full weight of what just happened. Donnie stayed silent for a moment as his eyes widened again.
“I…” He began, his mind was racing, how did he break the news to them? COULD he even break the news to them? What would their reactions be like? Would they blame him?? Would they HATE him??? To much was going on all at once, one thought moving into the next, his heart was pounding, oh god what was he going to do.
“Donnie?…” Mikey said worriedly, moving to look Donnie in the face, his grip tightened. Raph moved to hold him as well.
“Nngh…” He groaned choking back a tear, a sigh escaped his mouth as he looked at them, it’s now or never.
“H-He… I…” He spoke slowly, a tear escaped his eye as his body shook which initiated Mikey and Raph to just cling on tighter, Donnie looked down, taking in one last breath before it all came crumbling down, the words seeping out like molasses and one final hesitation before he finally dropped the ball on them.
“Leo he’s… he’s 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦.”
Yes I know I’m evil :) <3
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favcritecriime · 1 year
He || JJ & John B ( @lcstinfantasy )
He shouldn't have gone to Luke's house. Not when he hadn't been sure if his father was around. He had avoided confrontations with this man for a while now, yet it was for that reason it had escalated. Had given the man all the ammunition to let his son know and feel no matter what he did everything was wrong. That he couldn't make it right. Was he around he was called useless trash, was he not around then he was called the same. JJ had locked himself within his room after, tried to drown out the insults thrown his way by his own father with loud music while he suffered in pain. Not all of it had been physical, though. It had felt like forever until Luke finally had passed out on the couch and JJ had taken his leave.
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The Maybank hadn't many places to go, yet there was one person he had seeked to see. That one person who had his back since third grade. John B was the only one who had ever seen him this messed up. While he yet had to explain what exactly had went down, JJ was glad when his best friend didn't push for more answers. Leaning against the kitchen counter, the blond was picking at his nails absentmindedly. Something he only noticed when John B stepped in his view. Despite avoiding eye contact blue eyes where still watching the other. Warm, comforting hands wrapped around his own, making JJ aware of how tensed up he still was.
Whatever joke he was about to make died on his tongue when a gently kiss was pressed to his damaged knuckles. He must have messed them up when he had punched the wall in his room out of fustration and pain. Yet it wasn't that what let him freeze. It was the gesture, it was John B. As kids they had kissed each others scrape better all the time, but it has been years since the last time they had done this. Mainly because JJ hadn't allowed it to happen. Being this vulnerable with the one person who meant a whole lot to him, reminded him of a memory he had burried within himself, along with part of him he couldn't allow to surface. Despite how much he didn't want to think about it, the thought already had found it's way to the forefront of his mind. JJ knew how it was to be kissed with those lips. Reason why it wasn't the first time he felt the desire to re-enact that time when they had taken each other's first kiss. Unlike back then, JJ desired more than a kiss, though. He wanted for John B to make him forget about all the pain he was feeling and has ever felt, wanting for him to let him feel like a person who was worth of gentle gestures, worth of comfort, worth of —  love.
Letting out a snort the blond pulled his hand from his friend's grasp. "What are we five?" JJ mocked, giving a grin which wasn't entirly genuine. "I can take a little pain, Johnny boy." With that he had pushed past the other and stepped over to the fridge, bringing distance between them to clear his mind from those wrong thoughts.
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 1 year
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
I am so sorry I just need someone to vent to right now and I don't want to call a hotline and possibly important cases from going through.
I did something stupid to my mother and made her cry, I really didnt mean to. But now I'M sure that my parents are both mad at me and for the last almost three years I've been mostly alone in my room with no social contact besides my parents and this isn't the first time we fought because of me and I don't wanna go apologise because I don't know how and because I've made this mistake multiple times now and I don't know how to fix it.
And in the last couple of years I started "acting" I'll stand in front of my mirror put on audios on my headphones and pretend to be different characters in different fandoms, but always somewhat myself. I pretend to be OC's if you want to put it that way, and now it came crashing down on me that what I'm doing there is NOT real and that I'm completly alone and that probably no one really cares. And I feel so alone and I don't know what to do, and maybe the eternal peace of death would be great but I'm scared and my parents would be sad and I'm not worth surviving but my characters who all represent a different side of me are, but they are not real and I'm alone and I myself am not worth surviving for... I just don't know I don't know what I want to do with my life and the world looks like shit anyway and my only sanctuary is my mind, but my mind is not real and who really cares?!
I'm only making my parents trouble anyway, they have to figure out how to keep me out of school and I'm just ungrateful and start fights and keep to myself in my room and go completly cold when they are (sometimes rightously angry at me because I don't know how to handle my emotions and get to angry and sad to fast. And I promised myself that I would only cry once I am safe in my own flat but not even that promise I could keep and I just feel like such a failure and so alone and I keep scratching my arm with my long nails because I don't have a knife and even if I had one I would probably be way too scared to actually use it, and because I only use my nails I can't even make myself properly bleed, my arm just turns red and has a bunch of scratch marks.
Who cares anyway? I know I don't and I don't see why anyone else should.
Deep breathes dear, deep breathes. You're going through a lot in this moment, but it will pass, you'll be fine. I can only recomend some things to do, but I'm not a profesional (Please, please get a profesional to help you, it's so important). You can try writting down all the stuff that comes to your mind, no matter what order, just every thought that comes to you, write it down, even if It takes you hours, do It. You'll empty your mind of all that mess. And when you have those pages, you'll take them and see that all of it, isn't you. It's not. You're a brave soul that has survived up until now, fighting a tiring battle with yourself, but you matter, you're important and you make this world a beautiful place for all the people that know you 💕
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vaugebitch69 · 6 months
its about 12 am right now and i live in a kinda mountany area. Its not unusuale to hear kyots and other wild life eco through the mountan in the middle of the night. moments ago i heard an oldy high pitched cople of kyots not bizar theres been a group poking around the home for quite a whyle. Whats bizare is that i only hear like 3 if i had to recon and idk how to describe it but they sound... wrong i have lived in places like this my whole life. That soud is off grose . It also ecos way more than it should.They didnt sound like they were in the hills they sounded like i was in a conret tunnel and they were just a few turns down another path ahead.Thats not the reson im wrighting this im wrighing this becase as soon as i went thats odd ima try and record it... they stoped . like as soon as i opened my recording softwear and hit the fucking record buton thay just stoped no eco no nothing. A few minits pass i wait for them to star agine nothing our dog started growling and barking when they stoped, that was only for a minut and now hes shut up to. Its just quite now.no crickets frogs no nothing . just the sound of the wind passing through the trees and my computer fan. pur and utter scilance. id look outside but i used to have nightmares like this as a child. Im not entirly sure im not sleeping right now.Its asenerio just like i mean like exactly like this nary to the leter aside for the sound befor this were im all alone i look outside ever so slighly through the curtans and see i see..
then i just jolt awake eather into sleep pralalisis or a headace or ocationly to halucinations. It got so bad at one point that i coudnt sleep with the lights of just so that i could see in my state of parlisis.
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rabbitholesitrippedon · 8 months
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not entirly sure what the goal was, but A for effort i suppose.
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