#not even joking. BUCKETS
Berries are the best frickin thing in the world man
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eluminium · 2 years
“There’s only two genders, MCC winner and non MCC winner” well damn Impulse congrats on your transition!!!! 
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fawnchives · 5 months
he'd def help you get used to smoking if you're not experienced, wouldn't pressure you or making you feel afraid to be new at things. he'd roll and light it up, taking the first 2 hits to let you see how it's done. he'd def reassure you and praise you. the bass of his rap music would hit harder once the weed kicks in, and you look at him like 😳. chris would be retying his bandana when he sees you shocked, and he laughs. "startin to feel it, pretty girl?! fuck yeahh"
and i can see dealer chris in a dodge, camaro or a mustang
“STARTIN TO FEEL IT” DON’T DO THIS TO ME OMFG. it’s been too long since i got my hands on some weed i need it (also i can definitely seem him with a camaro fr)
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phantomdimension · 5 months
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krashlite · 1 year
Going mildly insane over the revelation that Scar was scapegoating Grian throughout 3L and when he’s thanking Grian for all he’s done to keep Scar alive he’s thanking Grian for being there to lightning rod all the negative attention Scar brought onto himself.
He isn’t thanking Grian for his devotion he’s thanking Grian for being enough of a lunatic to draw the heat off of Scar’s back. Scar only survived because more effort was placed on retaliating against Grian instead of Scar, who’s able to maintain the “I’m just a silly guy!!” After going around threatening people.
Scar only has a comeuppance in LL for his scamming and threatening because he was alone. Every other season he has someone to share the blame or to even take the brunt of it
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draconscious · 6 months
traveled outside of Blackthorn for an extended period of time
secret Goomy shrine
went on a reality TV show
met Moltres
and now
managed to submit a Frontier Brain with an armbar hold...
we can pack it up now. after a great multi-year run, the great @draconscious experiment has concluded.
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esmeislewd · 1 year
idk how we recommend people for sainthood/whatever the equivalent is for other religions but I would like to suggest whoever thought of breading mac and cheese and then deep frying it. Like I'm sorry but mac and cheese bites are absolutely heavenly and I would do practically anything to have some to eat right now
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bunnyb34r · 9 months
Me for the last two weeks: I gotta clean my fucking room before Christmas
Me every day for the past two weeks: not today. I got time
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thevalleyoftriumph · 6 months
doez anyone have any tipz on choosing color palettez slash where to put colorz on a character and not make it look like trashhhh pretty pleaseee
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naughtynoodle056 · 11 months
The constant artist dilemma of wanting to draw some of the most Heinous Horny Unspeakably Hot stuffing kink art ever with your OCs of color you love so much but being Uncomfortably Aware that racial stereotypes revolving around Very Specific Foods exist and people Suck....
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tyrantwombat · 2 years
PEEAAAAACE. baby you're back.
lol his perception on Han Yoojin is great. He finds Gnosi and the first thing he thinks is 'this creature HURT father? and father did not then smite it in just vengeance????' HE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE HAN YOOJIN. HE KNOWS. Only second does he think 'And Han Yoohyun ALSO did not absolutely murderize this thing???? ...father must have a plan.'
Peace knows what's up.
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
Not to be an ass but yeah...
This lesbian was assaulted.... This trans woman was found dead.... Bi women get beat up on trains and are more likely to be hurt by their male partners than straight women..... This trans man died defending lesbians in germany.... These gay men are in camps in russia... This nonbinary person was killed.....
Amazing how you hear about violence aginest gay and trans people but i litterally cant find a single vetted article that shows violence aginest aro/ace pple for "aphobia". Like its always these excuses;
Aroaces face corrective rape! the "corrective rape" was not corrective and happend because the aroace person said no to sex and it was just mysogny because the aro/ace person was afab n would you look at that, the rapist was a cis man. Thats mysogny. Not to mention 80% of aro/ace people are cis women, trans men and afab nonbinary people aka the people raised litterally taught from birth that sex is not something for them to enjoy and they exist to please.
Doctors consider lack of sexual/romantic attraction to be a symptom instead of an orientation! Because lacking the desire for sex and relationships is a hallmark sign of trauma, abuse and mental illness. Its litterally symptom #1 to struggle with sex and commitment when your traumatized and ive litterally never met a not-traumatized aro/ace. I know this because im a traumatized aro/ace and no, "aphobia" isnt traumatic. Honestly, even if your aro/ace as a result of trauma, thats valid, just make sure your healing and that your honest about it.
Well, when i wore my ace pin, someone called me a queer! Thats a sign that me, being cisgender and heteroromantic asexual, am really queer! Experiencing misplaced oppression at the hands of homophobic and transphobic people dosent suddenly make you gay or trans. Also, they dont know what any of the flags mean so why tf would they care that you dont fuck unless its Tuesday? They just assume all little pins with a bunch of colored stripes mean child groomer gay pedo tranny, not demiaroace or wtf ever. They litterally only hate you because they assume you fuck the same gender or dont identify as ur brith sex. Thats it. It also dosent help that you go running around saying "im SOOO gay" and "im such a dirty little queer." When you are neither. When you say ur gay, they are gonna think ur gay. If they know ur cis and het and dont have sex, they dont give a fuck.
Well, your theory falls apart that aro/aceness is mostly brought on by trauma and mysogny when trans women, amab enbies and cis man aro/aces exist! Ok, you still havent disproven my point because 1. transfems and amab enbies usually have gender dysphoria which, speaking from my own experiences, complicates sex and makes it harder. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and unless you bring to me 5 examples of cis het men who identify as aroace, you dont get to use them as a gotcha. Ive been gay for almost 10 years and ive still never met one, online or irl.
I also never stated that aro/aceness was purely brought on by trauma/mental illness and mysogny, its something that can just naturally happen. Ive just never seen it genuinely happen. Usually the person has trauma/mental illness or is afab or is trans or all three. All of these things, according to proven psychology, can affect the sex drive, attraction and desire for committed relationships.
Thats why every aro/ace you see is either really young and in pain, still healing from trauma or is older and admits to holding on out of spite or admit that its trauma related. There are always gonna be exceptions but unless those excepts make up more than 25% of a thing, im not considering it something totally stand alone. Its also why every ex-aro/ace carries the same story: they identified with it when they were younger and healing from some traumatic shit, they got older and got help, they healed and magically they werent adverse to sex and relationships. That dosent happen with gay pple or trans pple usually. Like 70% of today's aro/ace people are allo 5 years later. If not 5, then 90% by 10 yrs. If not 10, then 99% by 20 yrs.
Its not a coincidence. Adversity towards sex and relationships usually has a foot in the graves of social oppression, trauma/abuse and mental illness. Usually once someone feels empowered by their minority status, heals from their trauma and copes with their mental illnesses, they arnt aro/ace anymore. I speak from experience watching pple i knew when i was 13 go from traumatized and a "romance and sex repulsed" aroace transmasc nonbinary kid who hates allos and gags at sex scenes to being 20 and seeing them all just be ur average bisexual transmasc nonbinary person who kisses and fucks like everybody else. They might throw an arospec or acespec label in their like demi- or -flux but its usally just labels that mean that they are normal person who dosent fuck on sight or isnt always thinking about sex.
Im not saying that every incident of aro/aceness is a result of trauma/abuse, mental illness and bigotry but i am saying that coming to terms with that shit usually makes someone less aro/ace. Im also mentioning how many times ive seen aro/ace people throw out excuse after excuse and label after label that all boil down to telling someone to stop getting therapy and just identify as this because "all labels are vaild and inate to you. You'll always be this." Then they mob you when you get help and openly say your not aroace anymore and ur labled a "traitor" who "wasnt an actual aroace and is just a troll" cause you dare to talk about rhw toxicity and fandomization the aroace communities suffer from. I know this cause im aroace and i dont touch those communities with a 10ft pole. Aint happening. I see a person with a demigreyromantic pin and i turn the other way hopeing to got they didnt see my aro one cause i refuse to talk to pple like that.
The definitions of romance and sex are fluid for a reason and just because you think you dont fit the societal definition of a "average amount of sexual and romantic attraction" dosent mean ur right about society and dosent make you akiocupioangleddemiaroacefluxspike, i promise. All these bajillion labels fall apart the moment you mention that its completely natural for a human's desire for sex and romantic partnership is supposed to fluxuate over the course of your life and multiple things influence it. Im not opposed to microlabels and sexuality modifiers and other things people do in an attempt to find community with others who have the same experiences as them and i never have but what i am saying is that little shit like that dosent oppress you on a societal scale and never has and to think critically about yourself and others to understand that what your feeling isnt always the truth and emotions can betray you.
You arent always a trustworthy person and its always best to make long term decisions on a full stomache, a mid mood, in clean clothes and plenty of energy with enough time to be sure. Quick decisions can fuck you up and the amount of spite and toxicity coming from the aroace communities when you even so much as glance critically at them is worth a few months of deliberation before you go in full speed. Just dont come crying to the normal aroaces when you hit a brick wall 5 ft in and get bombarded with cishet sob stories of people who lost their partner cause they didnt disclose their aroace status, cupcakes and dragons, the gay dads kicked me out copypasta and a bajillion people claiming that their oppressed with their only sources being "trust me bro" and " how dare you question my experiences". If you arnt 100% informed, ur on a hundred blocklists just for mentioning that you dont like the ace flag or some meaningless shit like that.
Trust me, dont bother.
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sillimancer · 18 days
ireland wants the diaspora to come home and learn the language and history and stuff and yet they will not give me the tens of thousands of dollars required to do all that? curious. interesting. mhm.
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octolingplush · 4 months
sometimes i forget people equate incest with selfcest
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runawaymarbles · 2 years
...what is the "sex is just rock climbing" category
It was kind of a joke between me and a friend ("you wouldn't judge someone for having gone rock climbing with a bunch of different people") but honestly the more I thought about it the more I bought into it unironically because:
It is a physical activity done with one or more partners
You should only go rock climbing with people you trust to not let you fall
You should not go rock climbing with someone who is drunk or currently incapable of rational decision-making
Some people get super super super into rock climbing and do not shut up about all the places they have climbed and how many are left on their bucket list and these people are usually men between the ages of 20 and 35 and like it's fine dude I'm glad you're happy but I don't know what most of those mountains even are
While many consider it a fun activity, pressuring someone into climbing when they don't want to (or ignoring their feelings and just dangling them off a cliff,) could cause both psychological and physical trauma
There is no moral value to it whatsoever. Who you have gone rock climbing with (or whether you have rock climbed at all) has no bearing on who you are as a person. Imagine telling someone "it's not that heights make you nauseous, it's just that you haven't found the right person to belay you!" or "you need to save your first time rock climbing for someone special." That would be absurd.
For some people it is a deep and moving personal experience.
historically I have not asked myself "will this aggravate my hip flexor injury" before participating when perhaps I should have 😔
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