#not individually tagging those bitches. but they are all either my ocs or friends ocs :+)
peitalo · 2 years
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nearing the end of my sketchbook! here’s some spreads i really liked :-)
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ishibishie · 2 years
Hi there! Do you have any headcanons for your favorite characters?
oh yes! they're not my favorite characters without headcanons and self projection after all :,D
for steven, i've made a few posts dedicated to just steven hcs! can't remember what that tag was (just "headcanons" maybe?) but all you need to know is that my absolute favorite ride or die steven headcanon is that he's half galarian on his mother's side. don't know where the thought came from either, i just thought british steven was cute or something. i've got way more on those dedicated posts (i think like... 55-ish hcs?) so i won't ramble here much longer unless i want this post to become Ungodly long (it probably will)
i briefly mentioned this in my silly wip pile post, but the one thing i will yell into the quite frankly empty void of juan's tag is that GNC JUAN OR BUST! i know people use that term for a bunch of different stuff so i like to use gnc for him in terms of breaking gender roles and not really anything to do with the character himself if that makes sense? like. he's a contest star or something, i think he would like to look pretty no matter how 🥺 put the cute little man in a cute little dress! (bonus points for wallace "YAS BITCH SLAY" moments lol. also not sure where to put this but i think he/they juan would also be kinda cute heehee). if he's from the pokemon version of greece, he's super into cats as well and probably has like 5 skitty he picked up from the side of the road and it's wallace who needs to physically restrain him from the 6th because "you don't need it yoU HAVE ENOUGH CATS" and THEN on that note i'm a chad and believe that juan adopted wallace as his son because this is such a sweet headcanon GUYS GET ON THIS
clair and lance i think come as a package deal because it's either 1) i like to think that at some point before lance became champion HE was the one taking care of clair (for some reason. parents busy? idk) which makes their relationship lean closer to siblings or 2) fuck canon, they are straight up siblings. i have accidentally called them siblings to some friends so at this point i'm going all in on my mistakes and i also..... kinda hate how their relationship is presented in canon so fuck that it's (canon) morbin' time. but a bit for each character individually: you have seen this in most my lance posts, he has heterochromia because it's badass and is also pokemon's gay icon and is kissing my oc. clair would just roll her eyes and go "oh geez really" whenever this happens. she's basically the kid who thinks everything love-related is gross and sappy. also you know how most teenagers need to get approval of their partner from their parents? lance needs to go through his bratty little relative. anyway, lance. he's a mess in super social situations (at the end of hgss he says being around TWO people is too noisy for him or something at the hall of fame?), a hopeless coffee addict, and he's a closet contest fan and has had crushes on like Way too many cute male coordinators (legal adult male coordinators ofc). and for clair herself.... i wanna think she's really good at swimming because hanging out with the dratini and dragonair at the dragon's den is her favorite way to calm down and chill out, and she has also fallen to the same fate of buying identical capes at the goldenrod department store
with falkner, pokemon masters has made me realize the brilliance of narcoleptic falkner because he talks about being tired and falling asleep a few times in his pokemon center dialogue! also on that note, he says he wants to go to galar just to take the corviknight taxis, so maybe he's a fan of travelling around? he'd love going to different regions and observing bird pokemon he's never seen before! he is also pathetically short i wanna punt him into orbit lovingly
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omgrachwrites · 5 years
May Queen (Loki Laufeyson)
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x OC
Summary: Astrid, the princess of Vanaheimr relocates to Asgard to seal a betrothal to the youngest prince and an attempt to escape unforeseen forces. She soon finds happiness and a multitude of new friends. Unfortunately treachery and deceit lie in the court of Asgard in unlikely places, and she learns that true love never dies.
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of death, character death
Words: 2104
A/N: I’m back guyys!!!! I’ve missed you guys so much, I’m sorry for going silent! Hope you guys enjoy, please let me know what you think, if you want to be tagged just shoot me an ask/message, I love you all very much!! xxx
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Chapter Eight - The Trial
Astrid sat motionless at her window seat watching the raindrops run down the windowpane as a servant entered the princesses’ chambers, making her presence known as she came to collect the breakfast tray. The princess hadn’t so much as taken a nibble out of the smallest morsel of moist and sickly sweet honey cake. The servant sighed as she gazed down at the still fully loaded breakfast tray.
“Are you still not hungry my lady?” the servant inquired.
Astrid shook her head and reverted her eyes back to the window, counting every individual water droplet upon the glass. She was still in a fair bit of shock; she couldn’t quite believe that it was supposedly Arna who had made an attempt on her life. Was this because she had maybe found out that Astrid had once been in love with her husband?
If that was the reason why Arna had tried to commit treason Astrid thought that it was a poor excuse because Arna already had Erik. She had nothing to fear as far as Astrid was concerned. It would have been a very different matter if Astrid and Erik were engaging in intimate relations behind Arna’s back. Erik had put an end to such things before he married the noble woman.
Astrid felt a warm hand on her shoulder and when she looked up the servant was smiling at her, albeit a little sadly but there wasn’t enough sympathy there for Astrid to feel bad about herself.
“Keep your head up my lady, I’m sure this whole ordeal will be over soon,” she smiled and the princess patted the hand that was upon her shoulder.
“Thank you Delphine,” Delphine nodded with a smile and took her leave, leaving the princess to ponder on her thoughts.
About twenty minutes later Mara poked her head through the door to see how Astrid was getting on and to let her know that the trial would be resuming in about an hour. The princess nodded without really hearing her, she just wanted everybody to leave her alone. Astrid wasn’t aware of how much time had passed before there was an incessant pounding on the door of her chambers, startling her slightly.
“Astrid! Let me in! We need to talk,” it was Erik’s voice, Astrid stood up from where she was perched, her big doe eyes fixed on the door, willing him to just go away and let her be, “please,” he almost whimpered and that pulled at Astrid’s heartstrings, she sighed and wrenched the door open, standing aside to let him in.
He looked awful, his skin was deathly pale with red rings around his tired and bloodshot eyes and his hair was sticking up in all directions like he had been continuously running his fingers through it.
“Why have you come here Erik? What do you want?” Astrid asked harshly, folding her arms, she was steadily growing impatient as Erik started pacing and shaking his head.
When Erik looked up at her she could see how vulnerable he was and she realised just how young they all were, this shouldn’t have to be their lives, full of treachery and deceit. Not yet anyway.
“Please don’t let this happen. I love her! Does that mean nothing to you? I love her. She didn’t make an attempt on your life, she’s been nothing but nice to you since she’s been here which has been admirable under the circumstances. Deep down you know that she’s innocent don’t you? Appeal to your mother, you have the power to do the right thing, you have the power.”
Astrid could see the tears gathering in the waterline of his eyes making them look even greener. It seemed like only yesterday she was happily drowning in those green pools but now they were a whole world away from each other. It stung her to hear him talk about how much he loved Arna.
He scoffed and used the sleeve of his robes to wipe away his tears, turning his attention to the rain streaked window and he wiped away the condensation so that he could see outside, “it’s an awful day,” he chuckled without mirth, “Arna and I are trying for children you know. We’ve been very unsuccessful so far.”
Astrid could hear the pain in his voice and she felt that heart-breaking pain on his behalf, it was the same sort of feeling that she had had when she found out he was to be married to someone else.
“Erik, I feel for you, I really do and I now this can’t be easy for you but you have to understand that this isn’t easy for me either. Your wife committed treason; she has got an alarming amount of evidence against her. There would be no justice if we ignored that simply because you love her.”
Astrid wished that she could turn her emotions off but she had always let them get the best of her. It had always been her downfall. Erik turned back around, his back against the stone walls with his eyes fixed on the pommel of his sword which was shaped like a mermaid. Astrid backed away, bumping against the wooden bedpost as she did so. She was suddenly scared that in a fit of madness he would draw his sword and finish what his wife started. The small commotion made him finally look up at her, his eyebrows creasing together.
“Please, for the love that you used to bear me and for the love that I still bear you, save her,” he muttered, taking long strides across the room towards her, his hands cupped her cheeks and he pressed his lips against hers.
His lips were warm, they had always been so warm, he had a musky taste to him and it still intoxicated her. With Erik’s kiss it reminded her of how easy it was for her to fall in love with him all over again. But, she couldn’t let that happen. She wanted to yield and give herself up to him once more but she couldn’t, with two hands on his firm chest she pushed, breaking their kiss. Erik looked momentarily surprised and perhaps a little offended as he stumbled backwards into the wall.
“I can’t Erik,” she whispered, “I’m going to be queen of this realm one day and my future people must see me as a ruler who enforces justice and deals with those who betray themselves and the realm. I can’t be seen as weak, I won’t be seen as weak,” she felt a sick sense of pride, she was finally thinking and speaking like a ruler, her mother would be proud.
Somebody clearing their throat behind Astrid made her jump further away from Erik, she turned round feeling guilty when she saw it was Loki, his face was unreadable, “I just came to tell you my lady that the trial will be resuming in a couple of minutes.”
Erik bowed his head in Astrid’s and Loki’s direction before he departed without another word to either of them. Astrid and Loki walked down the hallways of the castle side by side and Astrid just couldn’t take the painful silence anymore.
“Loki,” she started, placing a hand on his arm to halt him, “I’m really sorry that you had to see that. He kissed me and I got caught up in it for just a second, old habits and everything, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise,” he shook his head and Astrid chewed her lip, still unsure of his words.
“Are you certain?” Loki looked at her for just a moment before he kissed her so tenderly and softly that it almost made her cry. He pulled away all too soon.
“I’m certain,” he grinned, nudging his nose against hers which made her giggle and cup his cheeks.
“Come on, we should get inside,” she smiled as Loki took her hand in his and together they entered the throne room. She was nervous; if Arna was guilty then Astrid would be ultimately sealing her fate.
Arna was seated in the middle of the throne room and Astrid couldn’t help but notice that Arna still looked incredibly beautiful despite the worry on her face. As the prince and princess found their seats Astrid nodded over at her mother and her council of judges to start the trial.
“Let’s get started,” she took a deep breath and grabbed onto Loki’s hand for support.
Loki watched the trial from Astrid’s side and he desperately wanted to do more for Astrid than just sitting next to her and holding her hand. There was so much evidence against Arna that it seemed unbelievable from the clothes she had been wearing that night to the eye witness account that the shopkeeper had given. He thought that maybe he ought to apologise to Mara, maybe her hand wasn’t to blame in the poisoning of his future wife.
The first part of the trial was just going over the old details and it was clear that Arna was getting very frustrated and disheartened. Eventually the Captain of the Guard took over the questioning of Arna; a thick wad of parchment was tightly clenched in his fist.
“Your family crest and seal is a gilded dragon’s head plated in white gold, is it not?”
Arna sighed before nodding, “yes it is, I’m not even going to try and deny it because I’ve got nothing to hide from you people,” she glared at the council of judges. Loki was surprised that she didn’t try and say that she’d misplaced it or it had been stolen.
“Let’s see what this sealed letter contains, ladies and gentlemen of the court,” he broke the seal and cleared his throat.
“The poison worked but I didn’t know that the royal bitch was going to be having a taster, normally she tastes her own meal, and it would have been a sure way to ensure her death. I’ll find another way to end her life; my husband loves her you see. Find enclosed a gold coin in exchange for your silence, I’m sorry that I lied.”
Loki felt very disturbed and haunted by the contents of the letter and by the looks of it, so did the rest of the court. The Captain scoffed as he tipped the coin into his hand and threw it at Arna’s feet.
“My guess is that you didn’t have time to send it, tell me, is that your hand and signature?” The Captain asked as he walked over with the letter, Arna gave him a death glare before looking down at the letter.
“Yes,” she gasped, “but I don’t understand, I never wrote that letter, I don’t remember writing that letter!” she cried out in distress, “but I won’t deny that my husband is in love with her but I never wanted to kill her,” she looked over at Astrid with a peculiar look on her face.
By the end of the trial Loki – and the rest of the court – was convinced of Arna’s guilt. All the evidence was against her, she had no alibi and there had been no way that she could talk her way out of anything. Queen Eira looked over at her daughter to take the floor and seal Arna’s fate.
“What is your verdict, Your Highness?” Astrid took a deep breath, let go of Loki’s hand and she stood up, looking regal and in that moment Loki was so proud of her.
“I find you, Arna, guilty of treason and for traitors there is only one sentence and punishment that I can pass,” her voice had a very final tone; she nodded at her mother before excusing herself.
Loki watched Astrid as she gazed out at the lands surrounding Asgard as they travelled past in the carriage; she had a look of immense joy on her face. It had been about a month since the trial and Astrid seemed to be feeling better every day. However, Loki knew that she still dwelled on the sound of Arna pleading and the swish of the axe, it couldn’t be easy for anybody.
Astrid wanted to leave for Asgard a couple of months earlier than expected, unaware that she was bringing another enemy along with her.
“It’s so beautiful here Loki, I think this could be just what I need,” she beamed, marvelling at a flowing crystal clear waterfall as they passed by.
“I think so too,” Loki grinned, kissing her cheek and leaning out of the open window, “I can see the palace. Welcome to Asgard, my lady.”
Taglist: @theonelittleone​ @void-imaginations​
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bookenders · 5 years
Storyteller saturday! What was the first thing you knew that /had to be/ included in your wips? What's special about it? What is giving your motivation to work on your current projects? What's a neat worldbuilding thing you came up with?
Storyteller Saturday!
Hey hey @timefire25! Thanks so much for the asks, friend!
I’m gonna tackle these fantastic questions in order: 
[H2H = Heart to Heart
FF = Fish Food
AOPC = All Our Painted Colors
TND = The Neither Days]
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1.  What was the first thing you knew that /had to be/ included in your wips?
H2H: Lesbians. Happy, live-beyond-the-end-of-the-story lesbians who can do magic and are ridiculously wholesome. Also: a strong, loving community; social commentary; enough fluff to stuff a whole set of pillows; cool science stuff.
FF: Humor! Without it, this story would be super duper way too dark. Also, lots of social commentary on… *checks notes*
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That. And legit depictions of mental health issues.
AOPC: A culture centered around ART. I love art. And stories.
TND: Okay so there’s this one scene coming up that’s super rad and I’m really excited about it. It’s been in my head since the beginning and it’s like, the second scene I thought up. I love the imagery and the symbolism and the feelings. It’s great.
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2. What’s special about it?
H2H: Sometimes you need to read something that will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Fluff makes the world go ‘round, ya know? And lesbians gotta survive. Also, I’m passionate about found families, which is why the story has one at its very center. I love writing stories about people who don’t feel at home somewhere, so they find with other people who feel the same and call a new place theirs. It’s an important thing to learn: there’s always somewhere for you, and always someone out there who can catch your drift. 
FF: Stories like this one are ways to see the truth of reality. Okay, that sounded super intense. What I mean is that this is a story about a group of people who have been used coming together to fight back against a system that’s doing its best to tear them down. Including accurate and respectful depictions of mental health in this story is important to me, too. I feel like this genre is a great place to explore that. 
Also, I need to work on my humor writing so that’s pretty special, I guess. 
AOPC: I loved the idea of a culture based on art. What do they value? How to they keep records of events and their history? How do they share information? What do they hold dear? It’s sort of my own version of the Legato Conservatory, for those who listen to TAZ. I don’t know of any other fantasy cultures 100% centered on art, either. It’s a story about storytelling and all the ways you can use it. And I think that’s pretty special.
TND: The metaphor and the symbolism, with the context of the canon, is so full of feels it makes my heart clench. It’s an unexpected coming together, a reaching out of two hands that meet in the middle while the world spins off-kilter around them. It’s an oh and a gasp in the same breath. It’s a fall that feels like flying.
That’s about as poetic as I can get without spoilers.
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3.  What is giving your motivation to work on your current projects?
Right now, not much, to be honest. It’s midterms time and I’m a grad student, so life is pretty much study hell right now. But my stories are my creative therapy, so I expect I’ll start writing again pretty soon after all my business chills out. 
But on the regular: I really want to tell everyone about the big giant spoilers and how they happen in H2H, and one of the big confrontation scenes in FF (seriously, it’s a huge twist I don’t think a lot of people will see coming - one of them anyway 😉), and I want to figure out what the hell happens next in AOPC, and in TND, I really want to get to the switched POV chapter because it’s full of mutual pining and it offers a lot of really good insight into one character’s head (it’s my motivation to finish this transition chapter too because it’s taking forever).
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4.  What’s a neat worldbuilding thing you came up with?
H2H: The magic types I developed are pretty cool! Astromancy, Totem Magic, Sigilcrafting, and Pact Magic. There are a few others, but that’d be spoilers, my friend. Making these info posts was also very fun. I got to do nerdy research about magic and science! 
And something I haven’t mentioned yet: liminal spaces are very important in this story! The town of Linsay is a liminal space. Gemma’s house is a liminal space. The police station is a liminal space for Oz. The lake is a liminal space. This is important: transformation takes place at liminal places. Magic is strongest there. The old is left behind and the new is just ahead. And the fae inhabit liminal spaces.
FF: I made a WIP page that mimics the Coalition of Heroes’ database! It took forever and it was really hard but I did it! And I think it looks rad. 
In-world, hmm… I really like Lithium’s bar. It’s a place that’s like a hero-themed TGI Friday’s or Red Robin, and it’s also the hangout for off-duty heroes. They all chill there like it’s a cop bar for officers who are all undercover. It’s great. None of the civilians who go there know that they’re sitting next to high level super heroes. And Lithium thinks it’s hilarious.
AOPC: There are so many cool worldbuilding things in this story. One is the marriage ceremony I made up. The couple stands before the Namestone and the most senior Elder binds the bride’s left hand to the groom’s right. Then the men of the tribe line up behind the groom, and the women line up behind the bride. They’re ordered so the people closest to them, like family and lifelong friends, are first. One by one, the women dip their right hands in purple paint and mark the bride’s back with their hand print. The men do the same with green paint on the groom’s back.
After everyone’s marked the bride and groom, the Elder blesses the couple, holds their foreheads together, and then they turn around and press their backs together, mixing the paint and blending the colors together. The party starts as soon as their hands are unbound. 
TND: Since most of the worldbuilding for this has already been done by the canon, here are a few recurring story threads I’m working with: Crowley vs. ducks, liminal spaces being the most comfortable and calming, “a good shock to loosen the tongue,” and the kinds of miracles that don’t work. 
Thank you so much for these awesome questions!! 💜
I’ll add my tag lists since there’s a lot of information worth tagging about:
WIP Intro Post | H2H WIP Tag | Character Page | WIP Page | PowerPoint Intro
Character Tags: Gemma | Mel | The Ladies | Fred Coriander | Officer Oz
OC Intros: Harry | Mary | Oz | Jill | Treena | Fred | Gemma | Mel
H2H Tag List: @katekyo-bitch-reborn, @cawolters, @wasting-ink-not-youth, @quilloftheclouds, @snickertoodles, @mvcreates, @writeness, @half-explored, @dcdarrells, @aslanwrites, @minusfractions, @purpleshadows1989, @royalbounties, @waterfallwritings, @the-clockwork-anything, @kriss-the-writing-nerd, @abalonetea, @timefirewrites, @tricksexual, @introspective-outreach, @alternativeforensicscientist, @sumoranges, @hermiones-writeblrr
[Let me know if you want to be added or removed!]
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AOPC Tag List: @quilloftheclouds, @snickertoodles, @half-explored, @chemistwriter, @purpleshadows1989, @waterfallwritings, @kriss-the-writing-nerd, @abalonetea, @alternativeforensicscientist, @hermiones-writeblrr
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WIP Intro Post | FF WIP Tag | WIP Page | PowerPoint Intro
Character Tags: Iron Will | Overseer | Lithium | Babylon | Nightmare | Sparkplug
OC Intro Post:  Phase 1 | Phase 2
Individual Intros:
Phase 1 (Main Cast): Iron Will | Overseer | Lithium |  Babylon | Nightmare
Phase 2 (Supporting Cast): Sparkplug | Battalion | Ferro
[Let me know if you want to be added or removed!]
Fish Food Tag List:  @theevolutionofledarose, @kriss-the-writing-nerd, @quilloftheclouds, @waterfallwritings, @dontwritethatone, @aeschknight, @abalonetea, @ladywithalamp, @writevevo, @danger-writes, @anika-writes-things, @sunlight-and-starskies, @writing-every-other-star, @shadeshadow234, @jaimistoryteller, @leave-her-a-tome, @dowings, @alternativeforensicscientist, @sumoranges, @notanalien51, @hermiones-writeblrr​
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Link to Story | Story Tag
TND Tag List: @every-book-has-a-secret, @at-thezenith, @ofinkblotsandscript, @alternativeforensicscientist, @abalonetea
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missilekidding · 6 years
☄ / 🔮 / 🌐 :)
Gah I had so much fun with these! Again, so sorry I didn’t get around to them sooner, but I hope they were worth waiting for!
☄ - NewsAGoGo
To begin with I need to say that my headcanons for this wonderful lesbian are HEAVILY influenced by @neon-rat‘s NewsAGoGo tag cause that shit is SO GOOD.
- So we got our lesbian scene queen here. She’s had about four thousand different hair cuts and colours and not a single one has ever looked good, but that’s sort of the point. She is CONSTANTLY shaving bits off her head and has most of her scalp tattooed. Frequently seen in a variety of extremely ugly green, yellow or orange trench coats and totally impractical knee length boots, and manages to pull off the ‘I literally wouldn’t recognise good fashion if it punched me in the face’ look brilliantly. This is mostly because of her charisma and confidence in personally loving her own look, and besides, she is a TERRIFYING motherfucker so most runners wouldn’t have the guts to tell her they don’t like her look anyway.
- When I say shes tattooed I mean she is TATTOOED. Most of her body is covered. They aren’t generally big pieces either - a large piece on her upper arm, chest and one thigh, but otherwise covered in tons of smaller pieces, individual from each other and symbolic of vastly different things. Her favourite is probably any of the pieces her girlfriend, DJ Hot Chimp, has given her, and even if Hot Chimp wasn’t genuinely one of the best tattoo artists in the zones she would adore the fact that it’s her girl’s iconic ocean patterns that rest across her rib cage.
- She can be pretty blunt, and it often comes across as rude - she will always speak her mind and totally tends to miss the changes in conversations when people are hurt. She can also get a little heated too when she’s passionate, but also very short when she doesn’t care, so she can be a little intense for many joys to deal with. That’s not, however, to say that she is unkind. If NewsAGoGo is anything, its a good fucking friend. She is fiercely loyal to Doctor Death Defying and her friends at the radio station, and to Hot Chimp, and she easily makes up for anything mean that she may accidentally say in the passion she shows to the people she trusts.
- Before they settled either with or near Doctor D in the radio station, News, Hot Chimp, Cherri and Pony all ran together - it only lasted for about six months once they escaped the City, but it was probably the most fun any of them had. They were some of the earliest killjoys to get out, so the rules of the Zones were much less defined, meaning that setting fire to buildings for the sake of it and driving fast enough to crash every single car they found was fine - the precious nature of these things really weren’t set out or apparent, and the desire for chaos which plagues any runner fresh out of the City went uncontrolled in them.
🔮 - The Phoenix Witch
AH! My absolutely favourite character in the universe! Resident Goth Deity!
- She isn’t called the Phoenix Witch for no reason. The woman has mad power. Raising the dead and making random shit vanish type power. Mostly she takes this very seriously - a nasty side effect of prophetic visions is that she can see the role she, and others, need to play in the big picture, and so her somewhat controversial choices to raise, or not raise joys from the dead plays on her conscience a lot. It’s not clear where she got her power from other than the fact that it took her years of practise to gain it, and that the more powerful she becomes the less she seems to actually be seen.
- This then means that very few living runners have actually seen her. In the earlier days it was more common - she seemed to actually conform to the idea that having a physical form means that you had to exist somewhere at all times, so seeing her around the zones was rare, but possible. Many of those ‘joys who did see her wandering across the land however were ghosted, and those who do claim to have seen her in the later years tend to say that she can just appear at will, and so this lack of knowledge and sightings of her, paired with the frequent stories of the impossible things she can just do really gained her her status as big fucking mythical cryptid across the zones.
- Know I included this in my last Phoenix Witch headcanon post but it’s a headcanon I am willing to Die for - She is Doctor Death Defying’s twin. They were raised together and although they don’t see each other very often cause like. crazy zone happenings. they are still incredibly close and look out for each other. They also fuck around and indirectly make each other’s lives extremely difficult on purpose to piss the other one off because even if your sister is essentially a deity you can still make sure that she wakes up to her least favourite song playing on the radio once every week, and even if your brother is the most revered killjoy in the zones you can give him weird fucking intense dreams that fully convince him that yes, he is in fact a large marsupial, at two in the morning.
- Her ability to shape shift was something that kind of just happened. very suddenly. She was kind of just sitting there one day, thinking about how inconvenient it was to be a human person with like arms and legs and a torso, when suddenly she just wasn’t anymore. It was pretty surprising to say the least, to no longer have to exist in corporeal form, but both personally and practically it was pretty awesome, and after some practise she worked out how to change into a raven, which while also looking totally rad allowed her to go and sit outside Doctor D’s radio station at ungodly hours of the morning and shriek really loud before making a quick get away.
🌐 - One of my OCs
Okay lets talk Grenade. My fucking weird dumbass bitch oc. Love her.
- She has never lived in the Battery - she’s originally from around London, but when shit Went Down in the UK her family moved as far as they could - into the area that later became the zones. Her mother moved into the City in the early days but Grenade’s apprehension to follow proved pretty fucking lucky after Better Living started dropping bombs on the zones and their true nature was revealed. During this time she spent a while running with this group of aggressive dudes and trying to convince herself that she was totally straight™, but she quickly realised that this group were actually pretty awful morally, and left, later realising that girls exist and reassessing her entire world view.
-  She is pretty covered in tattoos (notice the running theme in my headcanons for most female killjoys, I’m gay sue me), with her favourite being either the snake around her forearm or the large floral pieces over her hips and thighs. Her time being a general nuisance to Dracs has proved a little detrimental to the larger pieces on her body - a particularly violent run in left most of her chest piece totally unrecognisable, but the scarring itself still has meaning to her so it doesn’t bother her too much.
- She is often seen running around under the full moon, titties out, praising the Goddess. Just cause you live in the desert doesn’t mean you can’t still do your crazy witch shit and Grenade is definitely extremely spiritual. Due to this she also makes charms for runners she meets - getting her hands on actual supplies for spell bags is hard, but she makes do with what she can find and invests a lot of time into sigil magic to make up for it.
- Her and Lithium (@neon-rat’s OC) were the first members of their group, and met shortly after Better Living stopped dropping pig bombs when the two of them ended up trying to kill the same annoying SCARECROW agent together. They got on amazingly mostly because they are both fucking batshit crazy, so the idea of spending three weeks hiding in the City and just repetitively stealing all the fruit from the previously mentioned SCARECROW agent’s house before setting it on fire was one that made perfect sense to them both. They were originally gonna call their group Dykes! but realised that DOGS, or ‘Damn, Occult Girls are Sexy’ is funnier, and sounds like it should stand for something way cooler than it does.
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Angel, the Writer: An Interview
This is a post about my writing preferences and habits (my name is Angel, it’s not a show-based pseudonym). 
Why? Because my bestie tagged me in her version. And I love @waywardjoy​ bunches and bunches.
And since I’m a wordy bitch, I’m going to add a read more after the second question.
1. What inspires your work most? (The show it is based on, the actor who portrays a certain character, maybe the character itself? It could even be an experience.)
Can I say all of the above? The complexity of Dean Winchester’s character and my habit of (and training as an English teacher wouldn’t let me stop) analyzing his character led to writing about him, and he wouldn’t have any appeal hardly if he weren’t brought to life by the gorgeous and talented Jensen Ackles. The variety of the show, the ever-changing plot lines, villains, characters, etc., means that even though I’ve always been a loyal-to-canon girl, I never run out of ideas to write about. And then, most importantly, there’s the experience of writing on tumblr--the amazing feedback I’ve gotten from the readers and writers of fanfic on tumblr has been humbling, intoxicating, and it inspires me as a writer more than they probably realize. I do it for you all... and because every time I get a compliment it makes my day. :)
2. What is your favorite fandom to write for?
Supernatural. *See above answer.
3. Which point of view* do you prefer writing in? (First-person, third-person) *I changed perspective to point of view, because I’m an English teacher, and I care that this kind of thing is correct. :P Perspective is who is telling the story. Point of view is the narration style used. Message me if you want to understand this in better detail.
When it comes to fanfiction, I write almost exclusively reader-insert. In that format, I prefer reader’s perspective and 2nd person point of view: “you hugged Dean close to you, as tightly as you could, worried about what would happen if you let go of him.” In that format, I use “Y/N” only during dialogue. When I’m doing the story from Dean’s perspective, I usually do third person limited and use Y/N a lot more. I have experimented with all of them.
In my non fanfic writing, I prefer alternating third person limited. (I know the thoughts of one character at a time, and I switch between characters in different chapters.)
4. Do you prefer writing reader fics or OCs?
Before fanfic, the idea of writing reader insert had never occured to me, so for more that a decade and a half of writing actual stories, I only had OCs. I LOVE the freedom of writing reader-insert, and my audience seems to prefer it. :)
5. Do you prefer writing longer works or one shots?
Almost everything I’ve written for tumblr has been one shots simply for time purposes--both times I’ve done a series (at the 1/3 mark of one right now) it takes me forever to finish it. 
I like longer stories; as I mentioned earlier in this post, I’m a wordy bitch, and I live for character analysis. Longer fics allow you to do that. But one shots are more realistic with my adult life being so busy and wanting to post more frequently than once per three months.
It’s also easier to write a smut fic (which most of mine are) if you know you can conclude it after the orgasm without worrying about the morning after awkwardness--probably the same reason my usual spn character Dean likes one night stands. 
6. Do you take requests?
Not anonymously. If it’s a friend asking for me to write something, I’ll add it to my to-write list. Sometimes I do a request type celebration when I hit a new follower count goal, and new followers with whom I’m not friends yet can certainly join in then...or just get to know me. I think I’m pretty friendly, and the message box is always open. If you like SPN and/or my fics, then we already have a topic to talk about, so let’s chat!
7. Do you enjoy getting random Asks?
Yes, with one exception--the tag others things. Most of them are sweet: “You’re one of my favorite bloggers and you bring sunshine to others. Don’t let this stop with you! Copy paste this message into the asks of 5 of your favorite blogs!” 
Those bug me. I delete them immediately.
I don’t like being told I’m kind/beautiful/smart etc. if the only reason I’m being told is because the person who sent it was passing on a chain message. If you value your followers, think of a nice message of your own, preferably a personal one to either yourself or to your intended recipient, and go put it in their asks.
And they do exist. I can point out several I have received, and I have a policy where I go send between 5-10 to different followers with genuine individual-related compliments and love when I see a bit of anon hate reblogged. It’s my way of spreading some positivity.
Random asks about me I’ll answer depending on how personal they are. I have to keep my anonymity on here because of my real-world job. Random asks about my writing I will always answer.
The ask box is open.
8. What inspires the names for OCs (or extra character names) in your works? Do you pick them from real life or just select them at random? A mix?
Nothing is really random in my fics--writing, analyzing writing, reading, etc. that’s my legitimate career, and that carries over to my fic writing. 
I am a HUGE canon nerd. My supporting characters are usually characters from the show, whom I try to bring to life accurately. Even my AU series is only peopled by characters from the show and my reader. 
I usually give a little bit of backstory and characterization to my reader persona, so I guess they are partial OCs, and those are tailored to fit the individual fic (an antiques dealer in a cursed object case, a rodeo arena manager on a case where I wanted a cowboy!Dean fantasy, etc.) with a bit of personal flair thrown in--an accent, a habit of mine, a favorite music, etc. 
My only real major character OC I’ve ever done was an invented archangel named Sariel, and I got his name from researching angels and archangels online--it hadn’t been used on SPN, but he had an interesting biblical history that I could mold to my purpose for his motivation in the plot of my first series. I gave him an entire backstory drabble where he actually tells the reader his history and plans. His tone and voice were meant to help characterize him.
9. If your story(ies) have OCs, are their appearances based on real people or celebrities? If so, who?
Oops, I think I answered this in the last question.
10. How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I posted my first full one shot on this Tumblr account on March 13, 2016. I think I’ve been writing fan fiction for a lot longer than that though; I can remember as a child trying to write my own story with kids who could shape-shift into animals (thank you K.A. Applegate and the Animorphs series). I definitely tried my hand at a Nancy Drew-esque story in my preteen years. As a young teenager I plotted out an entire fantasy series that was in large part original, but also took a lot of inspiration from my reading of the Lord of the Rings. From late teens through college it was sometimes-paranormal series romances (like the paperbacks I read constantly, and even Twilight when I eventually caved in and read it my senior year of college). 
I’ve always been inspired by the fandoms and works that I obsessively read and analyze, and they show up in my writing. Legitimate fanfiction though, where I use the characters and work of another writer and put my own spin on it? That didn’t happen until I made my first tumblr account. Fanfiction sucked me in and intrigued me in early 2015, but I didn’t write any. Then I discovered the smut fics with Spn after I started watching the show in 2015. I wrote a few 100-300 word blurbs for fun on my old account before I decided to write a smutty one...which required the creation of a new account for privacy reasons with my career.
Hello whispersandwhiskerburn. :)
Sorry if you read all of that--I told you I’m a wordy bitch. I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you’d like to share your own answers to these questions, feel free to grab them, create your own post, and do so! I’m sure your readers would love a peek into your writing brain. :)
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