#not linking the article we are not giving in to clickbait
edwardnashtons · 10 months
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oh thank goodness, i was worried for a second there
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limerental · 9 months
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Listen, this is @the reasonable side of the Witcher fandom and not racist weirdos, we've got to STOP giving OP's like this a platform and sharing screenshots of clickbait junk article titles.
OP of this post (percistent) is most literally an alt-right blogger whose blog contains transphobia, xenophobia, racism, misogyny, etc yet I saw several Witcher bloggers sharing the post uncritically.
The article itself? A fandomwire article (notorious clickbait junk journalism) that is a poorly written rewrite of this article that they link from july 2019. Read the articles you're actively sharing outraged headlines from. Be skeptical of where your sources of pithy tidbits are coming from. Don't reblog from far right bloggers? Can we just? Use an ounce of common sense here man.
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traumasurvivors · 1 month
I wrote a blog post about how harmful it can be to have your emotions invalidated growing up. It's here if you want to check it out! I'll paste the text below the read more for people who don't like links, but if you're comfortable, I really appreciate getting hits on my site! It feels really validating after all the work I've put into it. I've opted to not have any ads or anything to monetize my site, so it isn't like those annoying clickbait articles.
The effects of having our emotions invalidated while we’re growing up isn’t talked about enough and it can have lasting effects. This can happen when people say things like “you don’t know real struggles” when a younger person is upset about something they’re struggling with. This might include being told “I’ll give you something to cry about” which implied that the reason you were crying then “wasn’t a big enough reason”. Other people may have had to deal with “worse” problems and so we were told to be thankful for what we had because of what other children experienced. Your feelings of sadness, frustration, disappointment or anger were still real and valid. And you were allowed those feelings.
You may have been told to “stop being so sensitive,” which taught that you weren’t tough enough. You may have also been told “it builds character” which may have made you feel that you had to find a positive lesson in every bad thing you experienced. This can also be part of how people invalidate the seriousness of abuse, and other things that happened to you that were someone else’s fault. If someone doesn’t want to take responsibility, they may minimize what happened to you. They may say it’s okay because “they didn’t mean to do it” or “they don’t know any better,” perhaps because of abuse they went through. Your feelings may be invalidated because someone wants you to “let it go.” How serious they feel it was, or the reasons it happened, are not reasons that your feelings should be ignored or disregarded. Your feelings are valid. You should never have to “let it go.” 
These things that we were told, and many more, taught us that our emotions were bad and wrong. It likely felt invalidating. It may have been damaging And it probably affects how we see the emotions of others. I’ve had people say similar things to me now that I’m an adult, and I think it’s likely they do it because they were told things like these when they were younger, too. Over time, this has led to me invalidating my own feelings. I’ve told myself I should be strong and to avoid such feelings, or that the reasons for them weren’t “big enough”. I told myself that others had it worse than me, therefore I wasn’t allowed to be upset. None of these things helped me. Instead, they actually made me worse off. I bottled stuff up and then began using unhealthy coping methods to deal with the emotions. Having our emotions invalidated as we grow up can be traumatizing in its own way. It also doesn’t teach us how to effectively deal with and process our negative emotions. This can lead to people having fits of uncontrollable rage, spirals of depression and guilt, substance abuse to avoid feelings, and any number of other unhealthy reactions that can cause us more harm and prolong everything or make it worse.
Being unable to cope with my feelings was a big part of me not being able to cope with conflict in my relationships. Downplaying any “bad” thing that happened and ignoring it meant, for instance, I wouldn’t point out and deal with a small (sometimes completely unintentional) mistake. Instead, I let my feelings build without communicating about them and let my resentment build. By the time I acknowledged and spoke about my feelings, the problem was a thousand times worse than it would have been if I had dealt with it quickly. And sometimes it was too late to fix the damage done.
It’s not too late to learn and do better. You don’t have to be thankful it wasn’t “worse”. You don’t have to find a silver lining. While it’s important not to get stuck in our feelings long-term, sitting with them and feeling them and acknowledging you aren’t okay is okay! It’s okay to think something sucks or that it wasn’t fair. It’s okay to feel frustrated or sad over “small” things. Sometimes we don’t even understand why a situation or something has left us having such big feelings, and that’s okay, too! Your feelings are real and valid, even if they don’t make sense to you. And you deserve patience and compassion. Especially from yourself.
When you have negative feelings, if you find yourself minimizing them, or telling yourself why you don’t have a right to feel them, stop and try to be aware of what you’re doing. And allow yourself to feel it if you can. I've often had to remind myself that while it is uncomfortable, I can be uncomfortable and sit with my feelings. Think about if there’s a healthy response you can have to those feelings. For instance, if someone said something hurtful to you, talking to them about it might be a lot more productive than acting like you don’t care. Your feelings are valid. And invalidating them yourself is unlikely to be good for you.
Try to remember that, and try to be kind to yourself.
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inchidentally · 3 months
https://x.com/McLarenF1_News/status/1747978653189767464?s=20 Knowing life, a certain portion of a certain driver's fanbase will use this as a dig at their favorite driver.
I do find it hilarious that this hasn't gained any traction and I actually think it's bc all Lando fans have been here before mANY times with his own quotes being misappropriated. if we went off what ad revenue based journalism says then Lando wants to personally and intimately destroy like 75% of the grid at any given moment.
I do laugh tho bc Autosport just got a big red strike against their name by Oscar's very protective team. not a great idea since it looks like they've already alienated a lot of the grid and don't get many exclusives.
but this is actually a really good example to use going forward since we're bound to get even more as the years go on...
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to break down the notes in the images, the only quote from Oscar is that he personally doesn't like to tear himself down publicly but that he's very hard on himself privately. that's the only "scoop" lol. this dude at Autosport actually got Oscar on the phone and decided to bin most of the interview in favor of singling out something he could twist into a clickbait headline.
and the tweet links to a content aggregator website that itself has pulled from another article which is almost completely the Autosport guy's personal opinion about Lando and Oscar with the Oscar quote (in which he only refers to himself) and then some old quotes about Alpine and Mark Webber to stretch the ads out further.
as I said, Lando fans are used to this. he once said in this interview how lost and down he felt during his first season comparing himself with how competent Carlos was - easy as piss to suddenly decide that Carlos was of no help to Lando's mental state - and maybe harmed it!! - and that they weren't as close friends as everyone hoped! and whenever Lando's said how calm and down to earth Oscar is compared to Daniel and that Oscar and Daniel are complete opposites, super easy to decide that he's shading Daniel and they're not as close as everyone hoped! except he's fully still friends with both of them and that adults can hold opinions and also manage to NOT have some crazy subtext of drama underneath it wowwwwww
the crazy thing is that Oscar is saying exactly what a ton of Lando fans - as well as Martin Brundle and Jenson Button - have been saying about Lando's attitude toward himself during the 2023 season. I'm personally on the fence with my feelings but the popular sympathetic opinion is that Lando isn't helping himself at all with public self-flagellation and that it's only fanning the flames of people who already have it out for him. so it's truly a stretch to turn that one quote into 'ooohhhhh he's being mean to Lando' when Oscar famously avoids all public conflict after the Alpine drama and also is not wrong for not wanting his teammate and possibly friend to shit on himself so much ??
the point of sports journalism - outside maybe one or two sources who don't want to burn bridges with the 20 guys in F1 - is to create drama and generate engagement. I took the hit and loaded those pages but that's all the ad revenue I'm going to give shitty websites for at a while lgfljahfa
this is why I ignore everything except authorized sources who either legally have to run everything past the driver's reps first or who actually put up full content and not cherry picked quotes. and in Oscar's and Lando's cases anyway, that's what they both want their fans to do.
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heyharoldsboo · 1 year
Y'all, I have said MULTIPLE times here that you CANNOT trust rag websites. I was LITERALLY endorsed on this by Percy's mum, if you can't just believe my expertise and background on the field.
And yet, every single day, my askbox has someone freaking out over one article that is clearly CLEARLY clickbait.
I won't answer your asks with these kind of links because I refuse to give them a platform and to help them get spread out.
I am sorry, but this is something we have been over at least a hundred times in the past 45 days. Do not click on these links. Do not engage with these publications. You're only fuelling them to keep on making these kind of articles.
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mariacallous · 5 months
This article is from 2019
It’s dangerous for leaders to outlive their countries. Whether they move on or become obsessed with returning to power, they cannot escape their role as symbols of a vanished world—a condition fraught with both nostalgia and danger.
Nobody knows that burden like Mikhail Gorbachev, the final leader of the Soviet Union. Since his involuntary retirement, Gorbachev has raised money for worthy causes, attempted to make a comeback in Russian politics, and, notoriously, made an advertisement for Pizza Hut.
The ad would have become a footnote were it not for its long second life online, where it’s rediscovered every few years. There’s an undeniable voyeuristic frisson of seeing a man who once commanded a superpower hawking pizza.
Each time it repeats, it leaves behind a new flood of clickbait—Time listing it among the “Top 10 Embarrassing Celebrity Commercials” in 2010, Mental Floss using Gorbachev’s birthday as a hook to link to it in 2012, Thrillist naming it the sixth-most bizarre celebrity endorsement of all time. Most of the facts dredged up in these deluges are recycled from a 1997 New York Times article.
More serious authors treat the commercial as a free-floating signifier to prove whatever thesis they are peddling, as when Jacobin cites it as another data point showing that Gorbachev was a sellout or David Foster Wallace uses it to prove the vacuity of popular culture.
But the conventional stories don’t really hold up. Gorbachev isn’t actually the star of the commercial. He doesn’t even speak. He’s a bystander to the commercial’s central drama, a fight over Gorbachev’s legacy between a fiery, pro-reform young man and a dour, anti-Gorbachev middle-aged man—possibly father and son. The two exchange charges and defenses of Gorbachev’s record—“Because of him, we have economic confusion!” “Because of him, we have opportunity!” “Complete chaos!” “Hope!”—before an older woman settles the argument: “Because of him, we have many things … like Pizza Hut!”
In a lot of ways, it’s a beautiful short film and a very weird advertisement: Who would have thought that a bunch of Muscovites bickering about the end of communism would be a natural pitch for pizza?
For the people who created the ad—the executives, the agents, the creatives—it was a professional landmark. But for Gorbachev himself, the story of the ad is a tragedy: one man’s attempt to find—and to fund—a place in a country that wanted nothing more to do with him.
For the world, the death of the Soviet Union was a geopolitical earthquake. For Gorbachev, it was a forced retirement at the hands of his rival—and successor as Russian leader—Boris Yeltsin. According to the biographer William Taubman in Gorbachev: His Life and Times, Gorbachev reciprocated Yeltsin’s hatred, telling one journalist: “When they hang me, make sure that they don’t hang Yeltsin from the same birch tree.”
Initially, Yeltsin and Gorbachev avoided direct conflict. But within months of the Russian Federation’s establishment, Gorbachev began criticizing Yeltsin publicly. In retaliation, the Russian president ordered an audit into whether Gorbachev’s foundation was illegally using Communist Party funds. Then the Kremlin systematically removed the foundation’s sources of support, ginned up protests to harass the foundation, and finally cut its office space to a few thousand square feet.
Yeltsin’s final victory would come in the 1996 election. That year, Gorbachev challenged Yeltsin by launching his own bid for the presidency—scraping just 0.5 percent of the first-round vote. After that victory, Yeltsin left the foundation alone. Yet the years of presidential harassment had taken its toll on Gorbachev’s finances. In 1991, the heads of the former Soviet republics had voted to give Gorbachev a pension of 4,000 rubles per month—but it was not indexed to inflation. By 1994, according to Meduza, his pension was worth less than $2 a month.
Gorbachev had suffered the same fate as many Soviet retirees, who had looked forward to generous pensions only to find themselves forced to hustle and scrape to get by as the Russian economy collapsed around them—shrinking by 30 percent between 1991 and 1998. The foundation, too, was tottering, with even Gorbachev’s significant lecture fees unable to sustain both his family and the foundation and its staff, let alone any projects he might want to pursue to leave a legacy. Even generous donations from Ted Turner only went so far.
Gorbachev was determined to stay in Russia and fight for reform, not to take up a life of well-compensated exile abroad. To do that, he would need money to fund his center, his staff, and his activities—urgently. As Gorbachev later told France 24 when asked about the ad, “I needed to finish the building. The workers started to leave—I needed to pay them.”
To keep his vision going—and to stay relevant in a world moving beyond him—he would need a lot of money. More, even, than he could make by giving lectures. More than anyone in Russia could, or wanted to, give him.
As the Soviet Union shrank, Pizza Hut expanded.
The American firm had broken into the Soviet Union just before it died, thanks in part to Gorbachev’s policies of openness. That’s one reason why the commercial could exist in the first place: It was filmed on location in a Moscow Pizza Hut near Red Square, which had opened in 1990 as part of a Soviet-era deal with the chain’s then-parent company, PepsiCo. That arrangement, which had been hailed as the “deal of the century,” flopped when the Soviet Union collapsed, killing both the Russian economy and the restaurant’s supply chain. (Overnight, Lithuanian mozzarella became an expensive import from a foreign country.)
That connection helped provide the hook that Pizza Hut’s advertising creatives needed. For the advertising firm BBDO, Pizza Hut was a big client in a challenging category. Conveniently for BBDO, that translated into big-budget commercials. Pizza Hut ordered dozens of ads a year from BBDO, with a mixture of ordinary TV spots touting weekly specials and major campaigns featuring spokespeople like Dennis Rodman and Donald Trump.
Keeping such a big client happy was a priority for the firm. By 1997, Pizza Hut’s international arm was looking for new spokespeople. As a global brand, then-Pizza Hut advertising executive Scott Helbing recalled in an interview, the company “needed an idea that truly traveled across continents” for “a truly global campaign that would play in any country in the world.”
Former BBDO art director Ted Shaine, who helped create the ad with Tom Darbyshire, a young copywriter at the time, recalled that BBDO “heard that [Gorbachev] was willing to do something.” Others suggest that somebody at BBDO came up with the idea and sought Gorbachev out.
However it happened, the core idea of the ad remained stable throughout the monthslong process of negotiating and filming it. It would not focus on Gorbachev but on an ordinary Russian family eating at Pizza Hut. It would be shot on location, featuring as many visuals that screamed “Russia” as possible.
The concept obviously exploited the shock value of having a former world leader appear. But the ad played on the fact that Gorbachev was far more popular outside Russia than inside it. As late as October 1991, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed that 54 percent of Americans wanted to see Gorbachev as the head of the Soviet Union, compared with only 18 percent for Yeltsin. And warm feelings toward Gorbachev persisted in the West long after the Soviet Union dissolved. “In contrast to his unpopular standing at home,” the political scientist Andrew Cooper writes in Diplomatic Afterlives, “Gorbachev retained superstar standing abroad as a visionary statesman.” At home, Gorbachev was a pariah. Abroad, he was an elder statesman and celebrity, far more beloved than the buffoonish Yeltsin.
Actually brokering the deal took months. Katie O’Neill Bistrian, now chief marketing officer of the collaborative workspace firm Work Well Win, took on the role of representing Gorbachev. Then in her mid-20s and a firebrand executive at the sports and talent management company IMG who routinely brokered deals for stars like Derek Jeter, she viewed the Gorbachev deal as something that she could execute.
There was a hitch: IMG didn’t actually represent Gorbachev. Nobody did. O’Neill Bistrian’s first challenge, then, was to work through contacts, particularly IMG head Mark McCormack, to connect to people in Gorbachev’s circle to broker the deal.
The negotiations took months. Partly, this represented a negotiating tactic: The longer the negotiations drew out, the higher Gorbachev’s talent fee would be. But it also represented real hesitation on Gorbachev’s part.
Taubman argues that Gorbachev’s loss of station and purpose hit his wife, Raisa Gorbachev, hard, not least because it meant that the betrayals of 1991 were compounded by public criticism and even charges of treason. Raisa likely feared that the Pizza Hut ad could only further harm his reputation. On the other hand, only international sources could provide the funds that Gorbachev needed. (The exact amount that Gorbachev would receive for the commercial is secret, but it may have been one of the largest talent fees in history—an amount that would be easily in the seven figures today, adjusted for inflation.)
While Gorbachev’s circle prolonged the negotiations, O’Neill Bistrian told BBDO that another figure was available: Muhammad Ali. IMG had just begun to represent the once-polarizing figure, who, by the 1990s, had transformed into a beloved national icon. Pizza Hut and BBDO leapt at the chance. (Concluding both the Gorbachev and Ali deals would get O’Neill Bistrian her own endorsement deal, for Samsung monitors—the only trace of O’Neill Bistrian’s involvement in the deal until now.)
Gorbachev finally assented—with conditions. First, he would have final approval over the script. That was acceptable. Second, he would not eat pizza on film. That disappointed Pizza Hut. “We always wanted the hero of the ad to eat the pizza,” Helbing said.
Gorbachev held firm. “‘As the ex-leader, I just would not,’” Helbing recalled Gorbachev saying.
O’Neill Bistrian suggested a compromise: A family member would appear in the spot instead. Gorbachev’s granddaughter Anastasia Virganskaya ended up eating the slice. Pizza Hut accepted.
At last, filming could begin. Helbing, Shaine, Darbyshire, O’Neill Bistrian, the director Peter Smillie, and several others flew to Moscow in November 1997. Preproduction (casting, costuming, and location scouting) took several days before principal photography, which took place over two days—one for the exterior shots and one for the interior scenes.
BBDO Chairman Philip Dusenberry insisted that the agency’s advertisements be cinematic in their quality. The Gorbachev production lived up to that standard. Informed estimates put the commercial’s budget in the low millions of dollars. Darbyshire, who wrote the script in English, went through three translators to get the right level of idiomatic Russian. To capture the beautiful establishing shots of Red Square and its domed churches, the crew hefted the film cameras high atop the Kremlin itself. And somehow the production managed to get the whole square shut down for the entire shoot.
(Incidentally, Red Square seems to have been chosen more for cinematic needs than for veracity. The commercial shows a Pizza Hut storefront on Red Square itself, but that’s fake—the Russian signage behind several Pizza Hut logos establishes that the door Gorbachev and Virganskaya are filmed entering is actually a jewelry store.)
The team encountered challenges. “The weather was horrible,” Shaine recalled: low light, bitterly cold, and not even enough snow to make Red Square look as Americans felt it should—until a couple of inches fell on the day of the shoot itself. Worse, it wasn’t clear that the commercial would even happen. After months of reluctance to agree to the shoot, Gorbachev arrived late, the first of a few occasions when the BBDO team thought the agreement might collapse. (When the former leader arrived at Red Square, Shaine greeted Gorbachev by saying, “Well, this is a big production we’re involved in.” “I know,” Gorbachev replied through his interpreter. “I’ve been to many big productions in this place.”)
Filming the interior scenes took the better part of a day in a different location, inside a real Moscow Pizza Hut. (Even though the bulk of the commercial is just a conversation around a table, multiple sources stressed that filming such a scene—with its complicated sightlines—is enormously challenging.) Coincidentally, it also happened to be Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Since the commercial was being shot at a working Pizza Hut, the cast and crew—including Gorbachev—ate pizza, which was “one of the most interesting Thanksgiving dinners I’ve ever had,” said Shaine, who was seated with Gorbachev.
In b-roll shot during the production, Helbing interviewed Gorbachev on camera. Gorbachev justified his decision to do the commercial on two grounds. First, the former leader argued, “pizza is for everyone.” It was nicely communal: “It’s not only consumption. It’s also socializing.”
But the more important reason, Gorbachev confessed, was that he needed the money.
The Gorbachev commercial wasn’t just a piece of advertising ephemera. It was also a multimillion-dollar short film—and the creators were as concerned with artistic standards as selling pizza. Besides the expense and effort of the shoot and the postproduction (an original score recorded live!), the dialogue is entirely in Russian with English subtitles—even though Americans hate subtitles.
The aim of these choices was to show Pizza Hut as a global brand with, as Helbing calls it, a “gravitas” that Little Caesars or Domino’s couldn’t match. To do that, Darbyshire and Shaine tried to capture a story that would reflect Russian reality—not just American stereotypes.
Yuval Weber, the Bren chair of Russian military and political strategy at Marine Corps University’s Krulak Center, uses the commercial as a primary document in his classes in Russian history to illustrate the stresses of the transition from communism. Weber argues that Darbyshire and Shaine succeeded maybe even better than they knew at depicting Russian life at that moment. “You have the fundamental note of hope from the American side, that basically pizza or Western culture can solve the really intractable problems of Russian politics,” Weber said. “You have the Russians depicting a legitimate family—a stylized family dispute on something important. The actors themselves are portraying very real stereotypes about contemporary Moscow.”
“The disagreement about the big issues totally would have been plausible describing the Moscow intelligentsia that those actors are portraying in the commercial itself,” Weber said. “My guess, based on the clothes that the actors chose or that the costume designers chose, is that grandmother is clearly a philologist, some sort of drama teacher, literature teacher, foreign-language teacher. Dad? He’s an engineer of some type. The son is a businessman. And they represent the ’50s generation, the ’70s generation, and the ’90s generation. That would have been beyond an American audience, but … I’ve always thought the actors brought [those choices].”
You can also read the ad as a metatextual comment on itself. As Helbing observed: “If you see the spot and hear what they’re kind of saying about what he’s brought, that was truly what those actors were discussing. We would never have been sitting in that Pizza Hut with Gorbachev eating a pizza if it hadn’t been for what he had done.”
With filming concluded, the Americans flew back to the States. The footage went to Clayton Hemmert, an editor and co-founder of the firm Crew Cuts, who had the task of assembling a narrative from the raw footage. “When you get down to it,” Hemmert said, “you have hundreds of thousands, millions, of frames of film that could be juxtaposed in any order and put any sound behind it, so your options are tremendous.” His smooth cutting of music and dialogue gave the ad its chaotic, argumentative energy.
Hemmert played a key role in shaping the ending. “If you listen to that sound ‘Hail to Gorbachev,’ it sounds like the entire nation of Russia is chanting ‘Hail to Gorbachev,’” Hemmert said. The commercial closes with the cheers resounding throughout Red Square and then all of Moscow in progressively wider shots with celebratory music underneath. “It has this impression, you might say the illusion, that the entire nation feels this is a wonderful thing that happened.”
Of course, it is an illusion—in this case, taking the actor’s dialogue, adding reverb, and layering the chants over each other. But it’s also one that suited both the marketing needs of Pizza Hut and the myth-making needs of Gorbachev. Pizza Hut gets to be not only the avatar of global capitalism but also the restaurant that brings people together. In the commercial’s fiction, at least, Gorbachev gets the hero’s reception that Raisa always thought he deserved.
Yet the commercial itself is more open-ended than it might appear on first viewing. “At the very end, when everyone is saying ‘Za Gorbacheva,’ it resounds throughout Moscow and all the landmarks. But the last shot was an old lady, a babushka, dressed in black who basically looks into a great distance. And in a sense, it’s played for laughs. But that’s also her looking off into the future, which is still unclear,” Weber said.
The future turned out to be much dimmer than the ad anticipated. A little less than a year after the ad was filmed, in August 1998, the Russian financial system collapsed. The economic recovery that had begun to take hold was wiped out. As the Moscow Times wrote, “The whole Russian economy fell to pieces at a stroke.”
Weber reflected on what that might have meant for the fictional family in the commercial. “They would have been the ones crushed. The son, he’s exactly the sort of guy who would have been overleveraged. Dad isn’t in great shape. Grandmother hangs on but in worse shape because grandson probably can’t support her as much,” he said. Whatever optimism made the pro-Gorbachev slant of the ad even dimly plausible as a representative sampling of Muscovite opinion vanished. News reports suggest that the Pizza Hut location in which the commercial was filmed itself closed during the crash.
And that means that this fictional family, like most Russians, probably spent the early 2000s supporting the increasingly hard-line Vladimir Putin, seeing him as “the only person who can take them back to stability and potential for growth,” Weber said. Out with pizza, in with the vertical of power.
Everyone with whom I spoke about making the commercial remembers it fondly. They got to meet a world leader; they succeeded in drawing attention to the brand; and the commercial received a unexpected second life online, keeping their work alive in a profession where most product is disposable.
For Gorbachev, however, the ad’s legacy seems less bright—mostly because he never found the path he’d meant for it to fund. The commercial funded his foundation and loyal retainers for a while. Yet a year later, he told the Guardian that he had lost his own savings in the 1998 crash.
Raisa died of cancer in 1999. And despite Gorbachev’s ambitions that his post-presidency could push his country toward greater openness, Russia has slipped ever further along a much less free path than he once envisioned.
This year, Putin commemorated two decades in power. A tightening of laws on foreign support for nonprofits inside Russia squeezed the Gorbachev Foundation; many of his family members have reportedly moved to Germany. In a book released last month, Gorbachev even weakly offered praise for his successor on the grounds that Putin “inherited chaos” and that his moves could be justified if “the aim of authority is to create conditions for developing a strong modern democracy.”
For Russians, the debate about his legacy that the ad foregrounded has been conclusively resolved. In a 2018 poll by the respected Levada Center (another byproduct of Gorbachev’s reforms), 66 percent of Russians responded that they regretted the collapse of the Soviet Union. So, of course, does Gorbachev. His ambition was to perfect the country, not to end it.
Yet Russians seem to blame him for the catastrophe. A 2017 Levada poll found that only 1 percent of Russians expressed admiration for Gorbachev, 30 percent professed to dislike him, and 13 percent said their overall attitude was one of disgust or hatred. (Yeltsin, who died in 2007, received almost identical ratings.) As a leader, Russians rank Gorbachev well below Joseph Stalin.
No Russian crowd, in other words, is going to chant “Hail to Gorbachev!” anytime soon.
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vavuska · 1 year
Fake news here:
Barbados recently (30th november 2021) became a republic within the commonwealth instead of just an independent state. Since then Barbados has looked into ways of doing right to the people that were enslaved back in the colonial ages. Part of this is building museums about the atrocities, another part is attempting to get people to pay back reparations for their ancestors roles in slavery.
They've not pushed to get reparations previously, as the British monarch was still their head of state. With that no longer being the case, the Barbados PM Mia Mottley is calling for 1 specific family to pay reparations. Drax Hall was the largest slave plantation in Barbados and the only one still in the hands of the family of the original slavers. Its current owner is Richard Drax, the Conservative MP for South Dorset. This is who they're asking to pay these reparations. They want him to give the land back so they can build on it, and otherwise there's talk of them sueing for money instead.
The chairman of Barbados's national commission on reparations (David Comissiong) has talked about how other families might be asked to pay reparations too. In particular he mentioned the British royal family/ other relative of Queen Elizabeth, none of which is happening now
The only reason Cumberbatch is involved is the Telegraph used his name to ask whether he was involved so they could get clicks. Cumberbatch or his family, aren't involved in the slightest. Other newspapers than ran with this clickbait and made it much larger. Here is the only thing that's said about Cumberbatch
When asked if descendants of the Cumberbatch estate would be pursued, Mr Comissiong said: “This is at the earliest stages. We are just beginning. A lot of this history is only really now coming to light.”
They are not actually targetting him, Barbados in general is just making an effort to reclaim land that was used as slave plantations and use it (or the funds if they come to an agreement) to fund infrastructure.
The article linked here is just fully clickbait without doing much themselves, and intentionally using charged words like "reparations" to get clicks.
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Do you ever wonder how exactly there came to be such a transphobia problem in British feminism?
Not really. Pretty straightforward IMO.
Britain is highly patriarchal and pretty much just an oligarchy at this point, given the majority of people in charge were born rich and went to one of a handful of private schools. Fair amount of them are also journalists to some degree, or work with journalists on the regular, so when those pesky feminists wanted to dismantle their little boy's club, they stoked up a culture war to give them a new target.
A great example is the NHS. There's been issues lately with supply of oestrogen. I have a former classmate who is a raging transphobe and in her fifties. She's constantly on twitter talking about how the reason she can't get her hormone replacement therapy for her menopause is that trans women are taking all the oestrogen. Her source? A right wing newspaper linked to half of the current PM's cabinet. The real issue? The Tories have been systematically gutting and selling off the NHS since they came into power, which is causing shortages now, because the Tories want the NHS to fail so they can say 'see? NHS doesn't work. Time to privatise the whole thing' and make a mint doing it.
So basically, the minority we should actually be worried about - the 1%ers who have had everything handed to them on a silver platter all their lives, including some of the highest powers this land has to give, and are using that power to take our country apart for profit in the houses of parliament - have convinced a decent portion of feminists that a minority with basically no power is the root of all evil.
And so, using their institutional power (being the law-making elites) and their influential power (clickbait articles they've usually written themselves), they've convinced a portion of feminists that the upper-class, born-rich, bred for rule, blue-blooded bullies who thrive off the patriarchy aren't the problem, trans people are, and so the sect of feminists they've successfully turned against trans people are now fighting to uphold the patriarchy on behalf of the Conservatives and calling it feminism.
#this is an oversimplification tbh but it's also a tumblr ask that i'm trying to respond to promptly#really i could write a whole essay about this#but all the ties are right there#TERFism is closely linked to the alt right for a reason#and the goals just reinforce that#no matter what age someone transitions they have a problem with it#which is just another way of saying they don't want people having bodily autonomy#which links to pro life bullshit#they're talking about 'third spaces' just for trans people#which is a thinly veiled attempt to just push trans people out of society entirely#if a trans person decides to not have a surgery or hormones for whatever reason they label them a fetishist#and they talk about protecting the children. usually by calling trans people gr00mers with no basis#which again is just them saying trans people shouldn't be near children with extra steps. which ALSO pushes trans people out of society#and there have been so many issues with transvestigators 'clocking' trans people#because 'WE CAN ALWAYS TELL'#and then half the time the person they've 'clocked' is cis but like... is a woman with short hair. and the response is she looks 'male'#at which point... just say you want all women barefoot and pregnant. it saves time.#and then they claim to be feminist or pro choice or whatever... but they still don't want bodily or medical autonomy#unless you want something that they approve of#and then we've got the tories just reinforcing this with BS legislation and articles in the guardian#that are just them saying 'look at the evil trans people! they're the root of all evil!'#and these TERFs are like 'you're so right. they're the problem here.'#meanwhile the tory is destroying everything behind them as they turn their weapons on the trans community
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I checked every folder and I cannot find it anywhere 😭 I genuinely thought he forgot to send it lmao
oh no! here's the text of it:
In this week's video, it's a bus that transforms into a train! That's right: there's a road-rail vehicle, out in the world, that the public can ride. The catch is that it's in a fairly remote part of Japan.
Over on Lateral, it's the return of Karen from Karen Puzzles, Ashens, and Dr Becky, with questions about medical methods, musical murders, and McDonald's marketing.
What else have I found on YouTube this week?
The "Little Shop of Horrors" Tiny Desk Concert is magical: the current Broadway cast, along with composer Alan Menken providing the introductions and stepping in to solo "Somewhere That's Green". If you know the musical, this is absolutely worth your time.
There's finally a behind-the-scenes for Andrew Huang's "Spacetime"! Even if you didn't see the original, it's worth watching this, to see what a dedicated indie production team can pull off on a budget these days. (And the title is a great bit of modern clickbait!)
Evan Hadfield's Rare Earth continues to make heartfelt, deep videos: the coolest kid in the prison camp (occasional strong language) is a meditation on the meaning and purpose of charity, as well as documentation of something that's out of sight of most of the world.
Kasey Chambers covers Eminem's Lose Yourself (very strong language). I'd have thought that Lose Yourself was un-cover-able: too iconic, too well-known, and too tied to the movie it came from and the artist that performed it. The first two minutes of this video might fool you into thinking it's some earnest-but-cringeworthy, well-intentioned folk singer trying to be hip. But stick with it: it's worth it.
And from around the rest of the internet:
How did we know space was a vacuum, centuries before anyone got there?
I'd never heard of the Farmer's Diagram before this week. It's a way to represent catastrophe aversion: in short, how much danger is society willing to tolerate?
Spun soy protein was the "food of the future", and this article about its development, growth, and popularity collapse is well worth reading. It's a portrait of one part of the space-age optimism of the 1960s, the Jetsons future, surely, just around the corner.
Discord, or the Death of Lore (occasional strong language) is a polemic by online archivist Jason Scott that echoes and clarifies thoughts I've had for a long time: document your stuff properly.
And finally: Chuck E. Cheese still uses floppy disks in 2023, but not for long.
All the best,
— Tom
If you want any of the links lmk and I'll give them to you!
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jayantrajblogs · 2 years
Why Facebook Advertisers are Failing?
Facebook Advertising is the most popular business out there in the Internet marketing space, and it has not become outdated even now. People are more attracted to it than ever before, undoubtedly because of the increase in awareness level in Asia.
Now, The more popular it is, the more Advertisers we have now and it is fair because there is a massive demand for Online Advertisement from each scaling business. Nobody, who has the knowledge, wants to go for traditional (marketing) these days to burn 10x of their money.
But, here is the point of this Article,
The more advertisers we have on earth right now don’t mean they are optimal. And the majority of them are failing with Facebook Ads. and the reason is that they are not realizing that Facebook ads are improved a lot itself.
Not Facebook ads, but other brands like Apple have also taken steps for Online advertisement like the New iOS Update.
Now, this is why they fail, and the Cure
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Very first you need to understand that What are the main elements that includes in Fb ads.
The Technical Part–
Campaign Setting
Pixel Setup
The Hard Part which demands your Natural way of thinking,
The Creative Part–
Ad Copy
Landing Page
Now, that we have identified these important elements, let’s discuss what can we do, start heading towards lil-by-lil success
The Mool-Mantra (Keynote) is – by Lil-by-Lil TWEAKS
Now there are mainly two activities which you need to care about, First involve the above elements:
The Technical and Creative Part
Analysis, Testing and Tweaking Part
Today, I’ll help you with the second one, which would be a Game-changer for you, which I have learned from my research.
But still, First
For the Technical one,
What you need to do, is just learn how to set up the campaign in the right way. Be careful about –
The Nomenclatures for different names
How to set up initial Targeting
How to mess up with the budget and WIN
Right training of implanting the pixel
For the Creative one,
Focus on writing the direct and relevant ad copies, not clickbait ones
Creatives must tell a story, otherwise, they’ll be ignored
Headlines must be sharp, but simple to understand
You must know your messaging before you even touch creative part
Landing page Psychology
You can learn all these easily from trusted platforms, or YouTube channels like this one: ”Facebook ads” if you belong to India.
Now, Let’s discuss the Main Part to get real Compounded Results,
The key factors you need to Focus On…
The first thing you need to focus on is testing your copy, Copies are really powerful even these days, and they always will be. And the simple reason is
“if they are reading, then they are taking an interest”
But, only if you know how to use it. And the simple mindset is: Don’t try to become the world's best copywriter or to find one.
Simply Observe what you’re target audience is saying in their queries and use those words, and Keep tweaking until you get a tolerable engagement.
I’ll make this one very easy for you,
Just find make different stories your target audience can relate to and keep creatives around that. Find one that just grabs your Audience from its core. And just stick with that for each campaign.
I am a strong believer that people STOP, for your Creative, BUT “people JOIN– for your Headline.
Tweaks your Headlines, Until you get a SIMPLE, STRAIGHT and the most TRUSTFUL Headline.
Landing Page
For the Landing Page, the Headline part just remembers the above words. For the rest,
Focus on just the relevancy of the content with your Goal and your AD Copy. Everything else will take care of itself.
Now, This is an important part,
The most important metric I want you to focus on to see the change in your results is “Link CTR” not CTR but Link CTR, I myself learned this from a Blog, that CTR shows your overall improvement, but not the exact one.
But Link CTR gives you the right data of people from your ad to your Landing Page and based on that you can perform your future tweaking plans.
Hope the Article Proves helpful to you, All the very Best Guys. It’s the world of Digital Marketing and we’re the ones, who are making it. 👍
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keirainaustenland · 3 months
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This image, or collection of images, spoofing a Buzzfeed front page caught my attention this week and made me laugh because it reminded me of something Catherine herself may have written after the conclusion of her adventures. This “clickbait” version of Northanger Abbey’s main plotlines begins with the headline “Did General Tilney Kill his Wife? 12 Things You Have Been Dying to Know About Northanger Abbey.” While the use of the word “dying” in the second sentence may be a little on-the-nose, it captures the obsession of Buzzfeed and similar media outlets with using hyperbole to draw people in, much like Austen’s character Isabella, who always has “a hundred things to say to you” (page 38). The image paired with the article is an older man (assumed to be the General) looking ominously outward with the tall Abbey in the background. Catherine Morland’s misunderstandings of Captain Tillney’s late wife’s death are due to both her naivety and her inclination to try to fit her life into a storyline from one of her beloved novels. Because the abbey reminds her of her gothic horror novels, she jumps to the conclusion that something sinister must have happened surrounding Henry’s mother’s death and ends up mortified when her suspicions are revealed. She cries for an entire evening out of embarrassment for the way she jumped to conclusions and had she been found out by more than just Henry, she could have ruined her entire stay at Northanger. 
The second “article” is titled, “Is This Cancel Culture? Woman Loses Best Friend over ‘Misunderstanding’ with Friends Brother,” paired with an image of two young girls walking with linked arms with a bright yellow arrow pointing to the cheater and a lighting bolt between them. This image is funny because of the contrasting moods, the regency clothed girls in serious conversation paired with the gossip column-esque bright labeling. Additionally, the use of “cancel culture” as a clickbait tool fits, because Isabella would certainly try to assert that she was a victim of the 2010’s-2020’s cultural obsession with cancel culture, or a misdemeanor that resulted in a possibly less than warranted public shunning. When Isabella attempts to convey in her letter to Catherine that the reason she hadn’t heard from James was a possible “misunderstanding” after what truly happened was calling off the engagement for Fredrick Tilney, Catherine finally understands that Isabella is a cruel hearted girl and not a true friend. Isabella had been using the Morland family to hopefully gain a higher position in society, until she mistook Fredrick’s flirtations for a better offer coming along. 
The third article is titled, “Now I must Give One Smirk, and then we Must be Rational Again: Henry Tilney’s Flirting Tips (For a Guaranteed Engagement by End of Season)” paired with an image of JJ Feild smirking, who played Henry in the 2007 film adaptation of the novel. This article reminded me of a post that I saw from Tumblr user “Haunted-phantom-student” that was posted on August 4, 2023, that said “an adaptation of Northanger Abbey in which every character besides Catherine gets at least one scene in which they look at the camera like they're on The Office and Catherine gets more and more frustrated about not knowing what they're looking at but finds it too awkward to ask.” All of the witty remarks and pointed flirting that Henry does throughout the book largely goes completely over Catherine’s head, and it is as if all of the other characters can “look at the camera like they are in the office” because she just does not understand. She is certainly charmed by him, but does not understand that he cares for her back until the very conclusion of the novel. 
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isalms · 7 months
Thoughts on public shaming and cancel culture
What is the cause behind cancel culture? Why do we as people enjoy shaming others? In this post I will be diving in to the topic of cancel culture through different forms of media, and sharing some of my own thoughts!
For my ALMS course, I wanted to choose a topic I could discuss and reflect on by watching and reading content, and then giving you my thoughts on what I watched or read, as well as my personal experiences. Cancel culture seemed like the perfect theme for this!
Cancel culture is a phenomenon I have witnessed over the 10+ years I have spent on the internet, and it is a topic I have also learned about in my journalism studies. I'm planning on watching documentaries, TV shows, Ted talks or podcasts regarding the topic, to get an idea for what exactly this phenomenon intails and how it can impact people.
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27.9 15 Minutes of Shame
Today I watched a documentary called 15 Minutes of Shame, a documentary on cancel culture and public shaming. Monica Lewinsky, who is an executive producer on the documentary, and who herself was a victim of public shaming back in 1998, wants to dive into the topic of public shaming and why it happens.
The phenomenon of public shaming dates back very far, to days way before the internet. As human beings, we have a desire to shame and call out others, which was interesting to learn about. Public shaming used to be done on the streets, before it was moved into tabloids and later on, the internet.
The documentary follows four different people who were victims of public shaming online, as well as interviews with experts. The stories range from getting racially harassed at a university campus, bullied over anti-Trump comments and getting fired for an alleged white supremacy handsign.
The story that touched me the most was that of Matt Colvin, an Amazon reseller. Admist the coronavirus, Colvin agreed to be part of an article for The New York Times, depicting how he had purchased nearly 18 000 bottles of hand sanitizer to resell for a profit. What followed was an article, focusing on price gouging, and ultimately painting Colvin in a bad light.
I decided to read the article, titled He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them, written by Jack Nicas, to see what lead to Covin being threatened and unemployed. The article uses Colvin as an example of greed and unethical profiting during a pandemic. Quickly after resellers on Amazon raised their prices to make a profit, the sales of products like Colvin's hand sanitizers was heavily restricted, hence the bottles collecting dust in his garage.
I find the link between media and public shaming to be very interesting. In multiple of the stories highlighted in the documentary, the media picked up these stories, thereby sensationalizing them and making them even bigger than they needed to be. What follows is the wrath of an online mob, leading to negative attention for the company the canceled person works for, mental health issues and even death threats.
It especially makes me think about clickbait and using sensational stories to get more clicks, and how this can lead to people losing their livelihood or even their own lives. Being the reason for another person's suffering is not something I would personally be okay with.
I really enjoyed the documentary, and it made me think about my own role in these kinds of stories, as a potential journalist of the future. The documentary also highlights one of the dark sides of the internet, how easy it is to ruin someone's life.
5.10 Hated in the Nation
The topic of cancel culture and social media reminded me of a few Black Mirror episodes I have seen. Black Mirror is a British anthology series focusing on various topics surrounding dystopias and sci-fi. The show's Wikipedia page describes it as a speculative fiction, which I feel is very accurate.
Today I decided to rewatch an episode that sparked my interest for the topic of cancel culture: "Hated in the Nation". It is the sixth episode of the third Black Mirror season, and it came out in 2016. The episode is set in the near future, with advanced technology and most notably, a network of Autonomous Drone Insects (ADI), which are solar powered drones acting as a stand in for near-extinct bees.
The episode follows a team of police officers in the UK, investigating the death of a journalist, a celebrity and a normal woman who were all in the middle of so-called "online shitstorms". The team come to find that all victims were killed by the ADIs. Each victim was determined by the use and popularity of a #DeathTo-hashtag, with the most popular person under the hashtag being killed each day.
At the end of the episode, the person who hacked their way into the netword of ADIs and his plan are revealed - he wants people who take part in cyberbullying to pay the ultimate price. He calls it a game of consequences, where the hacked ADIs eventually end up killing all of the thousands of people who took part in using the #DeathTo-hashtag.
This episode of Black Mirror is very dark, as it shows how many people take part in cyberbullying. Not only do the people who post the hashtag unknowingly take part in the death of the person they target, they also end up paying the ultimate price as a consequence.
The episode highlights how easy it is to take part in bullying or wishing death upon someone they don't even know. It also shows how people react to being the target - the journalist puts on a brave face while the normal woman is practically having a panic attack. I find this episode to be eye-opening in many ways, and definitely worth a watch.
I'd also like to point out the use of accents in this particular episode. The lead actress Kelly Macdonald is Scottish, and it took me a second to get familiar with the Scottish accent. I decided to listen to the episode without subtitles to challenge myself to understand her, and it didn't take me very long to clearly comprehend what she was saying.
11.10 The Most Hated Man on the Internet
I decided to watch another documentary relating to public shaming and the internet, and stumbled upon a docuseries called The Most Hated Man on the Internet. The series is about a website used for revenge porn, and follows several victims who had their nude photos posted on the site.
The series mainly follows a woman called Charlotte, whose daughter had her nude photos posted on the site. The daughter had stored the images in her private email, which means that the photos posted on the site were a result of someone hacking her acount.
In the series, multiple other victims explain their stories. One victim got his photos posted while someone was using his phone, another victim tells her story of trying to use the site to promote herself (she was doing porn on other sites) but ended up losing her children for the posts. One woman ended up attempting suicide over the leaked photos.
The man who owns the site, Hunter Moore, seems to get a lot of enjoyment out of publicly humiliating people. His cult-like following bullies the victims who end up on the site and even threaten victims and people like Charlotte, who try to go against the leader.
It was interesting to watch a documentary about getting bullied and attacked on the internet for other reasons than opinions or bad choices in life, getting a glimpse of how having your private photos leaked can ruin your life too. This gave me a wider understanding of just how evil the internet can be - anything you post (or just keep for yourself) can have huge consequences.
The first part of the series also touches on legal issues, like copyright and privacy, which was interesting to learn about. These things will most likely be discussed more in the other parts, which I might watch at some point.
I think the documentary was very eye-opening. I can only imagine what I would do if I was in any of the victims' shoes. The fact that a website like this existed, where anyone could post revenge porn for the leader's followers to bully and harass, is very scary. I find the worst part to be the leader himself, who didn't seem to care about the victims' feelings at all.
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rewardsgo · 1 year
How to get subscribers on youtube fast | Best youtube subscribers telegram groups
 Increase youtube subscribers through Telegram, BEST YouTube SUB4SUB Telegram Group join 2022 । How to join telegram group link, MRPOPULAR.
If you are reading this post then I can say for sure that you are a YouTuber and you want to increase the number of subscribers on your YouTube channel and you need a Telegram Group to increase the number of subscribers, then in today’s post, I will give you the best I will give you the complete list of YouTube Sub4Sub Telegram group link, By joining all these groups, you can increase the number of subscribers on your YouTube channel.
Group Rules
Be active in the group
Don't post links and spam
Don't cheat and cancel your subscription
How to join groups to increase youtube subscribers
To join a Telegram group youtube subscribers free, you see the links for all groups below. You have to click on the link and after you go to Telegram you have to click Join, once you click Join, you will join the Telegram group, after that, you can't send any message to the group, youtube subscribers pay.Header 1Header 2Header 3Header 4Header 5Group 1Group 10Group 19Group 28Group 37Group 2Group 11Group 20Group 29Group 38Group 3Group 12Group 21Group 30Group 39Group 4Group 13Group 22Group 31Group 40Group 5Group 14Group 23Group 32Group 41Group 6Group 15Group 24Group 33Group 42Group 7Group 16Group 25Group 34Group 43Group 8Group 17Group 26Group 35Group 44Group 9Group 18Group 27Group 36Group 45
Of course, you can enter these groups and interact in them to increase the number of subscribers in your YouTube channel easily. Just publish professionally according to the rules of each group.
You can increase YouTube views through these groups. Post a video link for you instead of publishing the link to your entire channel.
How do you succeed in YouTube? .. the secret that was hidden from you even in paid courses
I must first point out the principle of YouTube’s algorithms so that no one will tell me that their videos do not appear in the search results.. and believe me, you will not find this in paid courses.
YouTube's algorithm works intelligently with videos, so that a video may be created and within the first 24 hours is your chance to determine if the video is a failure or success.
It may be different from Google, which is late in archiving articles, but YouTube speeds up archiving videos, and this happens in an organized way to determine the most appropriate videos to appear.
They appear in search results, homepage, end screens, suggested content and many different places within YouTube.
In YouTube we know the term impression, which we see every day in the statistics, but have you ever thought about analyzing it? In fact, successful people do it. It happens when you try to understand the language of numbers and what they express.
Let's be honest with each other, does anyone know what's inside the video before entering it? Of course not, so what the visitor sees is only two or three things, the title, the thumbnail, and sometimes the description.
If we get a low click-through rate (CTR), the problem is either in the title or the thumbnail, and this is where the term "clickbait" comes in.
"Click Beat" is symbolized as the weapon of professionals in YouTube, they know how to choose titles in a smart way, so that it does not include lying and deception, and at the same time pushes you to enter.
Although there are YouTubers who use "clickbait" in a different way, the correct way to do this is to put titles that raise a question in the visitor's psyche and put a thumbnail in colors that make him stop at your clip.
This way you can improve your click-through rate which according to YouTube's algorithms leads to more popularity of your videos, and higher in search results.
Despite all this, but we are not finished, what should be added to the title and description is “SEO”, which is a topic alone, and in it I recommend VidiQ.
Also, in order to favor your videos over competitors who follow the same approach, YouTube follows an additional algorithm based on how long a visitor takes inside the video.
Warning: If the visitor enters for a few seconds and leaves, your channel will be destroyed and its profitability will decrease.
To solve the problem, we will need to understand why the visitor exits the video, the most predictable thing is the "first 10 seconds of the video", and others recommend the "first 5 seconds of the video", it's simple but crucial seconds.
If you can use all the attraction in those seconds, be prepared to cross the million subscribers mark in less than a year, and even the pros focus on those seconds.
May you tell me how to do it? There are attraction techniques that must be learned, and in order to make it short, you have to go to the competitors’ videos, or to any video that has millions of views in your field of specialization and notice the first seconds.
You'll use what you've learned to prepare your videos until you get creative with it. It is mentioned that using Intro in those seconds (for beginners) increases the visitor's exit rate and instead of destroying the channel, it is like announcing her death from the first day of her!
Regarding the thumbnail, you will also look at the competitors and try to get the perfect image, as well as try to learn Photoshop.
The topic is still long, you will need to market your channel and prepare strong backlinks to rank in Google search results, you will also need to choose topics that have an audience and have little competition.
Also, you may find channels that get millions of views and have poor earnings, so learn to look for niches with a high CPC.
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heyharoldsboo · 1 year
LMAO, Popfaction is not a reputable news source. It’s a scummy, retweet/like obsessed Twitter account. The only publications that can report on industry news (TV and movies) are Variety and Deadline. Also, the fact that Popcrave which is far bigger than Popbase and Popfaction, plus actually cites sources, hasn’t posted anything about Percy, says a lot.
Okay, can I use your ask to babble about this? Hope you don’t mind!
So these gossip websites, they get their money based on how much people enter their website. Their income comes from advertising money, and the more traffic that comes from people clicking on their links, the more money they make.
So, this means that they make what we call clickbait headlines. These headlines are specially made to make people click on them, so they write gossip about the most commented topics.
They want advertising money. Not to report the truth.
So let’s not give them what they want. Don’t click, don’t engage. The more people clicking, the more “articles” and “news” like this will appear. Because they’re a goldmine.
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lookwhatilost · 1 year
i don't sympathize much with the incels, for the same reason i don't have a lot of patience for "trauma twitter" – any environment that encourages you to identify personally with your problems is going to lead you down a path where it's all you can think about, and you're probably going to treat other people much worse as a result. unlike trauma twitter, though, i do think the incels are an interesting group, and what makes them interesting has been flattened out by clickbait.
“incels worship elliot rodger as a god” sounds very “muslims in new jersey were cheering after 9/11″, for one thing.
it’s also not lost on me that the first discussions of internet radicalization were in the context of islamic terrorism. this isn’t a fully formed thought, but it does make me wonder how the incel panic will age.
the journalistic rigor is lacking severely, for something that people are allegedly very concerned about. rodger being editorialized as much as he has makes me question how much research has actually gone into the bulk of it.
in this vox article, the writer talks to a self-fashioned ex-incel historian who goes by “reformedincel”. this is from the portion of the article about the isla vista massacre:
The attacks were a turning point for the incel community. The killer’s posts on PUAHate, a popular online forum among incels frustrated that pickup artist techniques weren’t working for them, rendered the term “incel” toxic. It was the final blow in the war for inceldom’s soul — the moment when ReformedIncel knew his side had lost.
“The thing about Elliot Rodger is that he used that word. And that pretty much devastated the original incel community,” ReformedIncel tells me.
He describes a loss of hope among the community, a belief that “the only future we could foresee” for incels was one darkened by Rodger’s shadow. So, as he says, “we just gave up.”
But Rodger more than redefined the term “incel”: He helped reshape the ideas that the community would come to stand for, pushing its angriest and most nihilistic impulses to the fore.
the problem with this is that the word incel doesn’t appear once in “my twisted world”, and you can crtl+f for yourself if you won’t take my word for it. rodger used puahate, but it’s only mentioned 3 times in the manifesto in this paragraph:
The Spring of 2013 was also the time when I came across the website PUAHate.com. It is a forum full of men who are starved of sex, just like me. Many of them have their own theories of what women are attracted to, and many of them share my hatred of women, though unlike me they would be too cowardly to act on it. Reading the posts on that website only confirmed many of the theories I had about how wicked and degenerate women really are. Most of the people on that website have extremely stupid opinions that I found very frustrating, but I found a few to be quite insightful. The website PUAHate is very depressing. It shows just how bleak and cruel the world is due of the evilness of women. I tried to show it to my parents, to give them some sort dose of reality as to why I am so miserable. They never understood why I am so miserable. They have always had the delusion that everything is going well for me, especially my father. When I sent the link of PUAHate.com to my parents, none of them even bothered to look at the posts on there. 
this is a year before the massacre, and what i gleaned from reading the manifesto, it genuinely seems like a footnote in his violent ideation.
there’s really ugly shit on those forums, and i’m not minimizing it. even though every attempt to add nuance to conversations like this gets you accusations of legitimizing extremism from Those Kinds of People. but i say, if you want to solve a problem, you can’t do that without an accurate understanding of it.
so here’s a better shot: what makes these guys sink further into their misery is that they try to use sociological findings to legitimize their self loathing, “truth hurts” as a form of confirmation bias. a small cross section of .is’s must read threads include data about how brain scans show feel little to no empathy for the emotional pain of others, how some studies that anticipate findings about discrimination against women often yield a more balanced gender distribution than the researchers thought, how social isolation increases mortality, cliques/bullying/popularity existing passed high school, and sexual masochism in women explored through endocrine and neurobiological lenses.
the high-effort scientific posts are meticulously cited. the last one was legitimately really interesting, although i think what the poster extrapolates from it is odd. but i think this reflects something important about the psychology of a common .is user: they respond better to hard numbers than they do the emotionally-coded language of self-help advice.
one suggestion for prevention and harm reduction for incels: the left needs a figure that’s similar in affect to jordan peterson
random addendum: it’s funny how they reinvented sex tourism though “seamaxxing”
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bananaff · 2 years
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Furthermore for someone who is new to the BitTorrent world finding a torrent tracker might be difficult so today we’re going to talk about the list of best torrent sites of 2022 to download movies, upcoming web series, and TV series for free.
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If your favorite torrent tracker got shut down or it’s down for unknown reasons you’re probably looking for an alternative while the net is full of torrent sites not all of them can offer you quality content. Some like Demonoid managed to come back after several months of inactivity while others sank back into oblivion. Many trackers appear gained a trusted community and then disappeared due to legal issues and active government intervention. Here we have a list of the best torrent sites of 2022 to download movies, web series, and TV series for free.
#Best moana movie download utorrent utorrent
Overall, Frostwire is one of the best uTorrent alternatives that you can use today.Torrents have been around for a while and currently, torrent trackers are more popular than ever during the years. Also, it offers lots of bandwidth management option. It has features like a built-in search engine, magnet link support, import music files from iTunes, built-in media player, etc. Unlike all other torrent clients, Frostwire is entirely ad-free, and it offers decent sets of features as well. Well, Frostwire is one of the most lightweight and straightforward torrent clients that you will ever use. Apart from that, due to its light and ad-free nature, Halite provides better downloading speed compared to its competitors. The user-interface of Halite is pretty clean and it doesn’t show ads. Guess what? Halite is one of the best and lightweight torrent client available for Windows operating system.
#Best moana movie download utorrent windows 10
Well, if you are searching for an easy to use torrent client for your Windows 10 computer, then you need to give Halite a try. Still, users can send torrent files to Boxopus servers where it can be downloaded easily. However, sometimes Dropbox bans the account which is associated with Boxopus. The great thing about Boxopus is that it allows users to download torrent files directly on their dropbox account. Boxopusīoxopus is another best torrent client on the list which is available for almost all major platforms including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, etc. Apart from that, the features of Deluge can be extended through plugins. Another best thing about Deluge is that it’s completely free and it doesn’t show any ads. The interface of Deluge is much similar to qBitTorrent, but it looks simple. If you are looking for perfect uTorrent Alternatives that provide lots of unique features, then Deluge might be the best pick for you. High-speed internet users won’t face much different while downloading torrent content. However, the downloading speed on Tribler is a little bit slow compared to uTorrent. Yes, the torrent client has all features to fulfill all your downloading needs. It’s a torrent client that focuses more on the interface. If you are looking for a torrent client that arrives with a neat interface, then Tribler might be the best pick for you. Guess what? Transmission is also one of the fastest torrent downloaders around, and you can expect better download speed from the other ones listed in the article. Transmission is an open source Torrent client that’s free from any charges and ads. However, Windows users can also use this to download torrent files. Well, Transmission is initially meant for Linux operating system. Apart from that, qBittorrent also offers a torrent search engine, a media player. The interface of qBittorrent looks clean, and it arranges every feature straightforwardly. The Windows torrent client is well optimized to provide you with better downloading speed. QBittorrent is probably the most lightweight torrent client that you can use right now. That means, it can grab torrent magnet links and various other download links from web pages. Actually, BitComet is both a download manager and a torrent downloader. The best thing about BitComet is its interface which looks great and clean. BitCometīitComet is another best Torrent client for Windows which every torrent users would love to use. You can disable several options to block ads on the torrent client. However, BitTorrent can be customized as per your needs. The torrent client also shows lots of ads and spammy offers. However, BitTorrent adds several bundled tools like browser start page, etc., during the installation. The features and the user-interface also remain the same. Both BitTorrent and uTorrent are equally popular. BitTorrent is probably the oldest torrent client on the list.
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