#not my cat btw </3 i stole him.
bro is abt to get hollow purpled 😕
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astronicht · 11 months
viking au, max/daniel f1🫶
Hopefully you came into this anticipating the wall of text 💜
1. The summer that Max was ten years old, the raids went far to the south, through the Pillars of Hercules and into the Mediterranean— because this literally happened like Vikings in fact did this. Theoretically Vikings could have seen Monaco! Anyway. This was memorable not because it was his first season — it was his second, he started a little young — but because it was the first time he stole something for himself on a raid. So, Max saw the coast from Narbonne and Pisa. And Max stole two cats on a raid of a town whose name he did not know, but where people died fast enough that a boy could dodge into a house with searching hands.
Back home, people sometimes laugh and ask if he saved his spoiled cats from the pelt-sellers, who raise cats for their fur (sorry i know i wanted sexy viking “i stole my dutch wife” stuff and instead i give u this canonical Viking-era Danish practice SORRY). He always corrects this: “no, I went out viking and i stole them.” People usually think this is a joke. Their names are Jamti and Saxi, because of course Max does not know their original names. (these are both boy names but whatever, his cats are named after Monaco clubs, what do you want me to do about it).
2. Daniel’s folks are from Sicily and Calabria; let’s put him in Calabria, which is partly Byzantine Greek ruled by Constantinople and partly Arab; he would call himself Roman (meaning Byzantium, the Eastern Empire) and speaks Greek, probably, with a smattering of Arabic that is mostly slang. He is weirdly bad at it. (Sicily was entirely Berber Muslim at this point with a large Byzantine Greek population, by the by, and would later be conquered by the descendants of the Vikings, so I guess that’s a whole different AU). Daniel, for his part, was not stolen from his home; his father was not killed, his mother and sister are presumably well. It is simply that he could not sit quietly in a warm place that would have loved him fine. Oops!
3. They meet for real in the town of Jorvik, which is a river city in what will later be England. Christian warned Daniel ahead of time that they were taking on a new kid, implied that there was a favor owed. Daniel’s met the father, and like, fair enough. Pay Jos back for whatever and steer clear, in Daniel’s opinion, and Daniel and Christian usually agree. Max arrives with a set face and carrying his cats — who are 16% smaller than modern cats but still fucking heavy and sliding around unhappily — in a wicker basket that he carries up the hill from the river himself, his doeskin boots sliding in the muck. A few of the guys tell Max he can get mousers here, why carry these? Daniel, who had been in the city for three years now, tells him he should have taken the old Roman stone road. Max is unamused, but at least Daniel was (unwittingly) the helpful one. They are overwintering together in a house down by the other river. Max is seventeen.
3.a Christian’s debt owed was to Max’s mum. Daniel doesn’t know this.
4. Daniel does otherwise know a lot about Christian, because he helped the ironically named Christian Hornbære (also written as Hyrne), once a minor Northumbrian thane, to throw his lot in with the Danes (vikings), take a Dane wife, turn on his compatriots, and sack the place. Christian has remembered this loyalty ever since. This will come up later!
5. Okay since everyone has been patient i WILL play up one sexy (?) viking trope and like. At some point it’s spring and just prior to the beginning of raiding season and the first early little harvest has come in so Christian is hosting a feast before they all go off to do some genuinely heinous shit, and the expectation is absolutely that Christian’s boys get to fuck in this semi-public way in the longhouse. And Max and Daniel are two of the stars of the show, right, so it’s a sort of champagne room situation, only it becomes increasingly clear to Daniel, who is btw barely holding everything together, that Max is absolutely relying on him to get through this. Like everyone in this long dark room has been drinking for two days and Max is watching Daniel to see what he’s going to do, and Daniel is terrified to realize Max watching is the only reason he’s getting hard, etc. They fuck women side by side. It’s a mess! They get off, by which i mean daniel watches Max get off and then fakes his but watching max was the best part. After a bit Daniel goes outside bc he thinks he’s going to be sick but he’s not and he just sits on the new wet grass. Max comes out looking for him and somehow they end up just like. sitting in the wet grass and Max lets Daniel hold him and it’s the only thing that calms Daniel down that entire year, it feels like.
6. The emotional narrative here is like. The inherent tragedy of wanting to be the best, wanting to be beloved, wanting a crowd to know your name, and the outlet available to you is a small, brutal, violent activity. Not because there is absolutely no other option— the Viking Diaspora is one of the widest worlds to have existed; there was a rigid social structure, but one with lots of little odd corners and loopholes. But the tragedy comes in any time and place when no one thinks to tell you this. Max’s cats — stolen from the dead, but themselves simply just cats, just little animals that kill birds for food or to show you love — are kind of the nexus of this, somehow. No idea how I would resolve it, frankly, which is partly because i have to write things to know what they’re gonna say!
Further notes: in this verse Alex Albon’s granddad somehow got caught up in the Battle of Talas, probably on the side of the Tibetan Empire and the Caliphate but who knows, politics are big complicated. Like many Talas veterans’ families he lives in Baghdad right now with his mum and his siblings and he’s often very tired. Look if a Tang Chinese general could get lost in Ethiopia for a bit after the Battle of Talas then Alex Albon could be doomed to watch a really weird viking funeral on the banks of the Caspian during a trade mission to meet up with his father. Shit happens to him. Why is that nude viking man holding a torch and covering his anus?? We will never know bc Alex + Ibn Fadlan’s translator wisely chose not to show up that day. Alternatively Alex IS Ibn Fadlan’s translator, which explains why he is very tired.
what the fuck is this one! thanks for playing. i spent two hours researching domestic housecat dispersal theories.
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mugzymiik · 9 months
my tpc headcanons bc why not :D
[last updated: august 20, 2024]
main chars:
trans FtM
he and Lythorus have absolutely been down bad for each other in the past but they never brought it up at all (until really recently now they kis!!!! they kiss!!!!! they kissy k)
REALLY likes cats
has a pretty good tolerance to the cold. all cubes do (in my headcanons anyway) but his is especially great
used to have really bad control over his strength (he and Lythorus HAVE had a pillow fight in the way past and Lyth got smacked into the wall on complete accident)
back when he and Lythorus started dating he tried to rest his head on top of Lythorus's as a way of affection and he proceeded to get stabbed by the spike
has a really deep voice. but at the same time he somehow also sounds like a really tired teenager who works retail
has a british accent
also knows a frightening amount of very unsettling fun facts
shes the tallest out of the non-monster caretakers (so herself, Iris and Cube). why? fuck you. fuck you is why /HEVJ/VSILLY
he "talks with his hands" >:] i stole this hc from a friend btw/hj/lhj (hi Tea /silly)
he and Ketches are close friends i also stole this hc :3
he has pockets in his robe and its like a "time-out area" for Gold (but sometimes Gold chills in there anyways)
he named Barracuda and Gold after his pet fish. like, genuinely. with how big monsters are, barracudas could practically be goldfish and actually goldfish could be like guppies or something to them
likes to follow people around!!! and also doesnt like being left alone for long periods of time
he and Cyanide somehow get confused for each other a lot???? literally nobody knows how but it very much happens
eepy lil guy :D
Tsavorite and him are each other's impulse control. ofc its mostly Orange whos keeping Tsavorite from walking straight into a landmine (/j ofc) but they keep each other out of trouble (most of the time at least)
if bored enough, he can and will find ways to fit into places that will have everyone wonder "HOW THE FUCK DID HE GET IN THERE- HOW DO WE GET HIM OUT???" and he somehow manages to squeeze out flawlessly every time. he has never gotten truly stuck
will drink straight mayo (<- stolen headcanon (hi Tea /SILLY))
genderfluid and uses any pronouns. :3c he? yes! they? yes! she? yes! literally any neopronoun(s)? HELL YEAH!!!
also has a british accent
constantly compares Orange to an actual orange (teasingly ofc)
very alert, but "backwards". like. he'll be able to notice a cool beetle from 5 feet away but wouldnt be able to tell you where Orange headed off to despite being right next to him just a few seconds ago
shows affection thru hugs and pokes. basically just. physical touch
adding onto the last one!!! if he cant be physically affectionate they will just give random ass gifts :D
knows a lot abt physical weapons to the point where its honestly a littol unnerving because hOW DOES HE KNOW ABT ALL THIS-
the shortest out of all the Heroes once theyre all matured. and theyre so pissed abt it to this day /silly
actually really likes horror elements in media
can hold intense eye contact for extended periods of time without blinking (and has intimidated multiple people with it on complete accident)
can and will fistfight someone over chicken nuggets btw
HATES the snow. and all the other Heroes tease them (/aff) abt it ever since they all found out bc "we thought you loved EVERYTHING"
owns a shitton of pins i dont take criticism on this one sorry /vlh
does NOT care for formalities. like. at all. like say if he met a "King Guy" he wouldnt say "King Guy" hed just say "Guy"
he has been caught eating weeds from the front lawn on multiple occasions
REALLY doesnt like mayo. its literally the ONLY thing they wont eat and if he even SEES it she straightup gags
knows PSL (Paradisian Sign Language). this is a hill i will die on/j
has bit Tsavorite multiple times for holding him BUT Tsav didnt really care so he eventually just got used to it and now theyre besties :)
tall. tall fuck. everyones confused asf bc hes not physically related to Pyrare so he couldnt get those kinda """genes""" but hes still REALLY fuckin tall (when matured ofc)
does NOT like water AT ALL (self-projection beam GO/j)
VERY SNAKE-LIKE!!! he can hiss. he has fangs. and hes more sensitive to chilly weather and the cold than most other shapes
despite his sensitivity to cold weather he does love snow
whenever hes nervous and/or anxious he just starts singing random songs but in a purposely bad way (haha what do uou Mean im self projecting um)
back when he was saying Literally Nothing he WOULD speak occasionally but in only one word sentences. those single words were unintentionally very vaguely threatening 9 times outta 10
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i know its literally not possible in any way BUT that fluff on his jacket? whenever he's angry/frightened/defensive/whatevertf, that fluff poofs up like a cobra's hood
he would start a mass extinction event if anything happened to the other Heroes /j
his bandana used to be around his neck like Cyan's, but it was moved to his leg a little while after he was birthed because his leg got hurt. anyways yeah the bandana was the only thing that could potentially be used at the moment so it was moved to his leg by Pyrare as a makeshift bandage or smth. and afterwards he just kept it there, it was fucking w his sensory issues anyway </3 that leg is a little more fragile because of the past injury
has multiple songs pirated on herself. i do not take criticism/j
tall for an unmatured hero :3c
gets attached to people very very easily, but mostly people who show her even just an ounce of kindness :(
whenever she's trying to "hide something", she uses very detailed language,,for example, if she did something like sneaking out or smth she'd say "greetings" instead of just "hi" or "hello"
"lags" more whenever its hot out
being ANYWHERE around her at ANY point in time is a BIG fuckin risk because she can play Never Gonna Give You Up/Whistle/that stickbug gif on herself on command /SILLY
sometimes she gets so angry that she starts yelling and her filter kicks in BUT she is so angry that it gets kinda fucky and. instead of her yelling. funky town or smth like that will just start playing at full volume and in microwave quality
i dont have any for her as of rn D:
really likes chicken nuggets. its really random but she LOVES chicken nuggets
is CONSTANTLY called short by Purpex and Marcle + everybody in all the other groups (teasingly ofc)
Round <3
is absolutely dating Circumsphere
bisexual and also polyamorous :D if he was given the choice between getting his dead wife back or staying with Circumsphere he would choose both with ZERO hesitation
i dont have any rn :[
danimal cannon:
very strong for a pentagon (once when she n Hexagram were younger she hit him and he had a big ass bruise for a few days)
has a very bad obsession with vikings, which is why his corrupt form has a "viking"-ish look
i got none rn :<
big giant circles:
doesnt swear very often so when he does its a shock to everyone/lhj
a big softie! to those he deeply cares abt tho
he has to be gentle whenever he hugs someone bc hes gonna break someones back someday if he isnt/lhj
IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF CIRCUMUSCLE SWEARING-WISE if she is given a single chance to say Fuck she WILL absolutely take it with zero hesitation at all/lhj
they and Circumuscle have an "older brother + younger sibling" dynamic
has a british accent as well
i dont got any for her either D:
very distractible
also said in Cube's section; he and Cube were absolutely down bad for each other in the past but never actually acknowledged it (untill recently now they smooch)
aquatic flower (explained further in the world-wise "shape related" section)
has a VERY bad fear of insects
hes 6ft. and he and Cube have a running joke with this using his name as a measurement. something's exactly 12ft tall? its 2 Lythoruses tall actually/j/lhj
nonbinary!!! and uses he/she/they pronouns :D
he and Ketches r like,,partners. take that in any way possible
has the ability to form a body beneath her, buuuut she prefers to fly
a sweetheart through and through. but when/if they do decide to get silly and start teasing people sometimes he accidentally takes it way too far
absolutely has a "pirate" accent r u kidding me/lhj
also has the ability to form a body like Heli
is an uncle figure to Gold
can honk. not like a duck i mean like a boat. "WOOAOAOAOAORRRR" <- that kinda honk
he can purr. i dont take criticism sorry/hj/lhj
he and Barracuda were gay as FUCK i will DIE on this hill istg/lhj
took guitar classes before he and Cuda went pinksauced
left a seat in the tower's "main room" just in memory of Barracuda. little does he actually know--/lhj
is actually a ghost rn!! after Dub escaped from the seal he just roams around the tower and also occasionally chills next to Dub (even if Dub cant see him at all + has no idea he's even there)
he and Lycanthropy have BEEF for some godforesaken reason
Cube HAS tried to stick up to him once in the dreamscape(??? is that whats its called???) but Cubic IMMEDIATELY shot him down using a threat against Cyan
idk rn D:
his spikes are different from other flowers'; most flower's spikes are pretty sharp, but his never sharpened from childhood, and thus are a little "dull-ended"
idk for her either rn
manipulative as FUCK. the only person he hasnt ever lied to is Circumcannon
speaking of which. he and Circumcannon still kiss/lhj
no ideas,,again😭😭😭
same as all the others
the only thing keeping he and Cubic from fistfighting each other every time they see each other is that they both know that 1) Dub WILL somehow find out and WILL get their asses and 2) Cubic is strong enough to actually kill Lycanthropy if they fight too hard. and Cubic doesnt wanna fling himself into boiling hot water (not literally ofc) + Lycanthropy doesnt wanna die to THIS bitch's hand
a lot of the other corrupted flowers see him as a "general"/"commander" due to Lythorus being leader of the (uncorrupted at least) flowers
should NOT be trusted with any kind of powertools ever
he can go fuckin insane on the drums
pretty close friends with Macabre
would absolutely dj in his spare time
world-wise hcs:
shape related:
spheres are the speediest out of all the shapes
cubes have a natural resistance to the cold
some flowers have the ability to live entirely underwater, its kinda like a "subtype" for them; theyre often referred to as "aquatic flowers"
flowers have fangs :3c chompers even!!!
spheres are the most likely out of any other shape "species" to be able to grow hair
flowers are naturally tall as shit!!!
flowers' spikes arent as "sharp" when theyre young- they "sharpen up" quite a bit as they get older, though
adding onto the last one, aquatic flowers' spikes are a little more on the duller side
other/unrelated to anything else:
some shapes dont have a "combat ability"
all of the group members of a certain area have meetups sometimes, and occasionally ALL of the groups meet up as a whole (pretty rare considering the size of Paradise, but it still happens at times!)
all the heroes have an odd obsession with going in and out of windows instead of doors. there could be an open door right next to a window and any one of them would still open the window and go right out of it
after Dub is defeated, every year on the anniversary of that day the Heroes get in a circle and chant "its not over til its over" to each other for exactly an hour straight. the caretakers were VERY worried initially, and debated calling an exorcist or something- but theyve grown used to it after like the first 3 years. but it still scares the shit out of anybody else who's unfortunate enough to witness it
in terms of the Trees creating the Heroes, creating and birthing them are two different things. initially, the Tree creates the Hero BUT they aren't immediately taken out of the Tree– instead, theyre in a kitten-like state for like a week and then they lose that state afterwards. and a week after that they are FINALLY taken out of the Tree by their caretaker
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d0not-disturb · 1 year
MY HERMIT-HAMILTON AU!! (Empires included 😉)
-Hamilton: Mumbo Jumbo (my fav💋)
-Eliza: Grian
-Angelica: Martyn 🤑
-Peggy: Jimmy
-Aaron Burr: Docm
-John Laurens: Scar
-Lafayette: Iskall
-Hercules Mulligan: Impulse
-King George: King Ren, Obvi 😒
-Samuel Seabury: Bdubs
-Philip Hamilton: Grumbot 😉 (he got shot in the face)
-Tomas Jefferson: Geminitay
-James Madison: Pearlescentmoon
-George Washington: Xisuma
-Charles Lee: Zedaph (Take FAT L blud)
-Maria Reynolds: Also Jimmy. he needed more screen time tbh
-James Reynolds: Tango
-George Eacker: Etho (Grumbot killer 💋)
-John Addams: Cleo
-The ONLY reason I chose Mumbo for Hamilton is because Mumbo can’t spell and he ‘writes like he’s running out of time’ Also see how pathetic Hamilton was in the play? Wet cat vibes. Mumbo = wet cat. Mumbo = Hamilton.
-Helpless. Grian. Season 6. Eliza. Yeah it’s Grumbo themed. Because they have kid who got shot the stars align people!,! 👏👏👏 BTW Grian setting things ON FIRE MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. my fav arson boy. Tired of Mumbos silly shit. Same bro 😞 ALSO MUMBO SENT GRIAN LETTERS THRU MESSAGING SYSTEM GRIAN CALL HIMSELF CLINGY GIRLFRIEND. HMMMM WONDER WHAT THAT REMINDS ME OF. ELIZA. BEING HELPLESS. OMG. YAY GAYS.
-*sigh* Martyn DID marry Mumbo but not here. Lose for the Martyn Mumbo shippers. Like the one left. MARTYN GIVES OFF STRONG ANGELICA VIBES. Peggy is Jimmy. Jimmy is Peggy. YOU KNOW WHY. STARS ALIGN PEOPLE 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Also Jimmy grew a pair and stole his siblings man. Bravo Jimmy!
-Docm being Aaron Burr just fits okay? When Mumbo first came to Hermitcraft he found support in Doc. And Doc done SHOT the guy same here bruv. I would too if my wet cat main character supported Gem. SPEAKING OF WHICH-
-Gem, just Tomas Jefferson. MAYBE I WANT A PEARL AND GEM TEAM UP MAYBE NOT. WHO CARES ABOUT GENDER ITS A SCAM MADE UP BY BATHROOM COMPANIES TO SELL MORE BATHROOMS. Hmmmmmm Xisuma as Washington because I am a true believer of Mumbo thinks of him as a Dad core. Dadsuma. RIGHT HAND MAN 🏃‍♀️
-Uhhh Grumbot is literally Philip. Literally 🔥 They both love their Dads and do they’re last names Proud, they both got shot, THEY BOTH ARE PIANO KIDS! Hmmmm Biblically accurate my friend 🌚
-King George as King Ren just fits. HERE IS WHY!!! 1. they both fruity ass kings. 2. They have Fruity little guy who love and support them. 3. KING REN ARCH AND REBELLION. but then you’ll b like. Why Grian Eliza not Hamilton? Uhhhh because I SAID so. Also because who would be Schuyler sisters? (Don’t answer)
-Hmmmmm Scar as John Lauren’s make me happy…..Redscape hints people👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
-Urm I will NOT throw away my shot ☝️🤓 And make character designs and fake screenshots of these so expect THAT. send in asks for questions blah blah blah. And if I get something wrong, just tell me pls 😭
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blackfairy312 · 4 months
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🔥/ soooo oc x canon stuff ... we (system) are making a fnac 3 au based on our (and my boyfriend's) interpretations of the characters in the rat and cat theater while adding our OC into it because of course we are.
(one of the drawings used a reference image by mellon_soup on patreon/pintrest!)
soo some info abt this ship and au:
- the Puppeteer, Rat, and Cat actors have names (Vincent, Antonio, and Richard respectively)
- my OC, Komi, is a pianist who, you guessed it, plays piano during the shows. i can lore dump about her role in the fnafverse another day yaaawwwnnn....
- havent drawn any full refs yet but Antonio is based off of Jesse Pinkman and Richard is based off of Steve Harrington, while Vincent i based off of one of my headmate's memories.
- havent drawn Mary yet but should soon...
- William Afton and Henry Emily stole the design of Vinnie in this AU to make the Security Puppet/Marionette. they both used to go to the R&C Theater
- redesigned Vinnie btw bc Oh My God why does he look like that. no wonder those shows were unpopular 😭
- i havent drawn the other animatronics yet bc i have trouble drawing them tbh 😭 i have drawn Blank a few times
- Vincent and Komi are like a ... Oh wow they both suck! He doesn't deserve her but She deserves him if that makes sense at all Youknow?
idk what else to put here but i'll try posting more on here soon!! tiktok and instagram are blackfairy.312 and youtube is oliverddp.
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homosexual-tommyinnit · 2 months
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c!Tommy and c!TNT duo headcanons? :3
Also, any DSMP AU’s you’d like to share? :}
*laughs maniaclly and ive lost all my fucking hcs bc i forget to write them down and i got the worst memory known to human kind*
Lets do some dsmp au's, i had this tnt duo time swap au, where it was like, 11 fucking pages of the plot, and it was (in a nutshell) C!Wilbur gets sent to QSMP because C!Karl is now a time entity engulfed in sorrow and greif and wants rveenge on wilbur you could say? But C!Quackity notices wilbur isnt there and basiclly goes to search for him with C!Philza, C!Tubbo, C!Nikki, and C!BBH, and leaves C!Slime because they need him in hte DSMP for like reasons for something i forgot, but theres an entire thing to it, and i really want to find the plot pgaes
Another DSMP au i have is like this dsmp centred around cbenchtrio where its like, the descendents of cbenchtrio go to this history meuseam for some trip, and find these disc things, and the ctommy descendent is like "what the fuck is this" and so later at night, all three of them break into the mesuaem and they almost get caught, but tommy tries to grab the discs, while also holding tubbo and ranboos hand, so they get transported back in time to the lmanburgian war thing, but theres a dream for the time where the descendant benchtiro was and that dream travels back to try and kill the decsendents bc hes like that
i got more aus but i forget them after a while
i have too many ctommy hcs so uhm ill try and list them
Transfem, Aroace (mellohi and cat obviously)
AuDHD, PTSD, Depression
They are ambidexterous and is extraodrianry at baking
They didnt know what was posinous plants and what werent so when she was in exile she tried to eat some of the flowers and she has a high poison tolerence now (i cant explain it but its like if you are opne to lots of germs at a young age you can develop a tolerence to it when youre older, so she has a high tolerence of poison ig)
She has a pet goldfish named brett and if anythings happens to it she'll legit flip out
has an rp account of her favourite character (dazai from bsd, account on tumblr [not projecting at all btw])
vegetarian (started being one around post exile)
prefers to sleep on the floor rather than a bed (no one knows why)
but i have a separatere post thats like a design of her and it has a bunch of hcs, ill link it here. But some separate hcs i have, is basiclly i stole cotas bc i can >:3
ctnt duo hcs...? uhmmmmmmmmm
movie nights, i dont care if their relationship is toxic, they have motherfuckin movie nights every saturday, wilburs favourite movie is labyrinth, quackitys is aladdin (im coming up with these on the spot), but if they cant decide, its immediatly falsettos
Wilbur preens quackitys wings when hes had a bad day (a common hc among tnt duo fans) but hes legit like amasing at it
Wilbur does like a bunch of physical stuff or smthn, and its like, his stiches quackity has to sew them like every month or two, yknow?
In their contacts, wilbur has quackity as "bbg" (then a bunch of emojis after that) and quackity has wilbur as "old ass bitch" (i love this dynamic mk??)
when they watched hazbin hotel, wilbur pointed out how radioapple was like them and quackity was like "oh yeah, i guess" and wilbur wouldnt stop talking about the similarities and now looks over his shoulder for a camera every five seconds (anxiety) so they didnt watch hazbin hotel again
when they go kareoke it litterally be wilbur dragging quackity to dance with him to the song, but the thing is wilburs making the dance on the spot so quackity is trying his best to keep up
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Hi!! Please excuse my rambling!! I hope this is okay!💜
Can I please request a Kili x fem!healing mutant!reader where she has healing powers, and that’s why she was asked to be a part of Thorin’s Company, the Dwarves loving her as if she’s their own, seeing her as part of the family (and Bilbo of course). She’s not a fighter and is very gentle (Thorin often questioning whether she should be on this quest with them), and they’re all very protective of her. Kili and Y/n becoming especially close, sharing soft kisses when they think no one is watching, cuddling together at night (every night), and after he got shot with that poisonous arrow and she healed him, he asked if he could braid her hair… She says yes (only Fili and Bofur in the room to see, they’d be smiling so wide and telling Y/n “Welcome to the family!”🥺). When the Kili, Fili, and Thorin go off to fight Azog, Y/n, who is supposed to stay in the Mountain, hidden and safe (also ready to heal anyone who needs it, when it’s safe to), sneaks off into the middle of the battle to find them (as she can’t help but shake the feeling that something is going to happen to Kili and his family). She finds each of them (Kili, Fili, and Thorin) after they’ve been attacked by Orks, close to death, but she heals them just in time, saving all 3 Durins (this allowing the three of them to overpower Azog and win the battle, and live to tell the tale). At the dinner after the battle (the one where the humans, elves, and Dwarves + Bilbo were eating together), Thorin makes a toast to Y/n for saving their lives, and announces her engagement to Kili (Y/n being very flustered and Kili being so proud, giving her a big kiss, her burying her head in his chest🥺🥺)
Finally, it took so long to finish it.
I'm really sorry for the wait, but I love to take my time in doing things, especially requests.
Btw this was long, nad a little of a miss since I had to find away to link the events, especially since what you requested seems to happen at different times, I almost cut it to three to four parts. It was too long.
Warning: I don't know? My writing. English is my third language so...sorry for the grammar mistakes.
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The only thing your ears could pick up is the soft sleepy noise of the company. They all were sleeping or at least that is what you thought, so carefully and as silently as possible you stood up zigzagging your way to the person who had stolen your heart since your eyes first meet.
He, like everyone else, had his pretty eyes closed. His arms were wide open as if he was waiting for you.
"I will always wait for you" he confessed to you, one night, causing a soft smile to bloom for days in a row. The dwarves even teased you about it, with knowing smiles.
In your eyes, there is nothing but adoration for Kili. He may or may not be your first love but he sure will be your last, because not in a million years you would love someone like your loves, your whole heart was in the palm of his hand, for him to keep no matter what will happen.
Laying by his side, his hands unconsciously hung around you, burying you deep in his chest, warming your heart and body from the cruel cold wind. The gesture caused your cheek to hit up, it was hard not to blush, when you can feel his hot breath a centimetre away from your neck, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.
You left your head to admire his face, and to your surprise, he was already looking at you with the biggest grin, and you couldn't help but stare.
Your face turned blank, which scared Kili for a moment, you almost gave the poor boy a heart attack.
He thought he was making you uncomfortable. He only calmed when he notice your eyes, those eyes that shined with millions of stars.
Your pupils were wide, like a cat. You had an immense red blush, that only he notice now, which was caused by the little to no space between your faces.
Taking the opportunity, he stole a kiss. The kiss was gentle, warm and soft, it represented Kili.
This was Kili, your kili. You thought.
You were clinging to each other never breaking the kiss as you changed position, now you were laying on top of him. Your hand holding his hair to stop from him moving and to deepen the kiss. You flinched when his cold hands come in contact with the warm skin under your shirt.
He caressed your tense shoulders, making you moan softly as you relaxed a little. You both knew you can't take it far, since literary everyone was sleeping by your side and can wake up just by one small movement, so you sadly broke the kiss.
You lay on top of him with his hands still working their magic, it provided him with enough comfort, easing the fear in his heart, the fear of losing you.
It was hard for Kili to believe that such an amazing human with intriguing powers had chosen him over his brother and his uncle, who happened to be popular among the young girls and women. He thanked every god he knew and believed in, for sending you into his life, and he promised that he will take care of you. He won't leave you, and you won't leave him, he will protect you with his life.
You were like the light that guided him towards home, with you he understand that home was a person, not a place, and god…Once this is all done he will propose. He will worship every inch of you, and every part of you will know what it's like to be loved by a man.
Without even noticing, the two lover birds fell asleep, unaware of the ears that were listening as they swear their oaths, and they may not show it (Thorin who believed you to be unnecessary for the mission)but they were happy for both of you.
You completed each other perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle.
The days passed in a blur, and without realizing you were running away from the elven and the Orcs. Everything was a mass, that you didn't even notice the arrow coming your lover's way, and unfortunately, it hit him before you could push him out of it way.
A few minutes later about an hour, you found yourself in a human village. The weather and the sky matched your mood. Grey, from fear, doubt and sadness that was overwhelming you, causing your power to be momentarily deactivated.
"It gonna be okay" Kili groaned tooking your hands in his, and you noticed how shaky they were, yet they squeezed yours, offering some comfort.
Weren't the one supposed to do that?
Oh, how terrible he looked. All sick and sweaty while you sat there focusing on your power, pushing them to the surface but no matter your effort, it seem as if you lost them.
"No..it's not okay" You snapped your eyes turning to your intertwined fingers. How dare he say that, while lying on a table, taking each second a step towards death, nothing is going to be okay if you don't fix him.
Fili and Bofur sat a little away giving you both some space, they were the only one left to protect you. They were sure you will help Kili, and you loved him just as much as they did if not more. You wouldn't let him die.
"It's okay take your time" He winced, throwing a flirty(?) smile your way. How can he act nonchalant while his life is been sucked off him?
You looked at him for a moment, and you saw it…
He was always looking at you with so much love as if you held the world in your hand. It helped your heart calm down.
If only he knew how much he mean to you, if he died you were dying with him. you closed you eyes in frustration letting your mind surrended to the numbness, and without realizing your power travelled from your heart to the tip of your fingers, to his whole body covering him up with golden light. It looked and felt holy for the three dwarves, something out of heaven.
The moment it disappeared, you opened your eyes and to your surprise, he was like new, as if never fought a battle in his life, even the scares that adored his body were now gone, and you kissed the night your become had disappeared.
Fili and Bofur were surprised, unable to believe what their eyes just witnessed. They knew you were powerful, but this was something else. In their life they never saw something like this. How much are powerfull?
He stood too fast almost falling face first if it weren't for your body supporting his, he held your face with both of his hands, as he felt life coming back to his body, and sudenly Kili realised something…he was about to leave you, he was about to die leaving you alone. It scared him, maybe even more than it scare you. Holding you near him he turned to his brother, as if Fili could read his mind he nodded , leaving you two to drown in each other, you needed to feel him as if you were trying to conviece your brain that he was here and alive.
Kili felt the same, and it was hard on him as much as it hard on you, but he let you touch him as you please, he let your cry your heart out, letting all the stress of the situation fall as tears. He didn't dare to speak or break you mental breakdown. He held you until you calmed down.
I wish I had a partner like him Hours later, you were sniffling, wiping what is left of tears on your cheeks. You were relieved, you felt as if a weight was left off your shoulders.
You were sitting on his lap, arms crossed, and eyes closed as Kili's figure caressed your head, going through your hair untangling each knot carefully not disturbing your peace. You had exhausted yourself, and Kili wasn't happy about it, as much as he appreciated the effort you put into saving him, he wanted you to rest too.
Your hair had grown longer than his, which had given him an idea "Can I braid your hair?" he whispered in your ears his hot breath caused you to shoot your eyes open. Cheek growing red. You couldn't talk afraid of what may come out of your mouth, so you nodded.
He chuckled at your reaction, he was over joyed that he has the same effect you have on him, even if he never had showned.
You both were in your won world inware of the two pair of eyes watching you.
"Oh my god! Aren't they so cute!" so they whispered to each in pure aww at the both of you. If they haven't considered you a part of their family before, congratulation they now do! They are already planning a wedding, good luck leaving now!
"You can go, please?" You had a bad feeling about the fight against Azog. You knew people are about to get hurt and die, and you won't be able to help all of them, but that didn't mean it hurt less and you wished that neither of your friends was among them. It brought guilt in you, and it was eating from the inside. If only you were more powerful, maybe then you would have healed all the soldiers.
"Don't worry, I will come back" He promised, kissing your head a last goodbye before joining in the fight leaving on edge, with tense shoulders.
So it was no surprise that moment later you were running after your lover future husband. You tried to search for him, yet you never were able to find him.
Unfortunately, when you finally found him, he was in the break of death, for the second time. Not only him but Thorin and Fili too, you can hear your heart shatter in your ears as you run ignoring all the shoots around you.
You knew that if you don't hurry, instead of preparing for a marriage you will be preparing for a funeral sooner than later.
Gathering your courage you sneaked past the enemy, hands already glowing, you knew you had less than thirty seconds to heal all of them before the enemy notice you.
"Please work" You begged as you felt the energy drain out of your body going to the three dwarves, and slowly the colour of their face was back, and in no time they were running back to the fight.
Healing one dwarf was hard enough, but three at the same time, was wow..
Blackspotss appeared in your vision, and you fought as much as you could the dizziness, yet you weren't able to stand for muchlongerr before you collapse on the ground. Before you could fully for into the abyss you heard your namebeingn called by the people you considered family, even before you and Kili become a thing. They were your family not by blood, but still family.
"What happened?" You groan standing up. Your head felt heavy, and it hurt so much.
Have you been hit by truck-kun or something?
You look around as much as possible, with your eyes still close from sleep. The room looked fancy, elven style. It looked so much like the guest room, the Lord Elrond let you use.
Your turn left to see the window wide open. The sky was decorated by stars that shined too brightly for you. You sigh, how did you get here? Why were you here? Didn't you all leave months ago?
Wait a second...You checked the room again. Why can't you remember, what happened after you left the?
"Oh my God, you're awake!" You were about to snap at whoever was screaming, but stopped yourself when you saw who it was.
"Darling!" Kili come running your way, hugging you so tightly you found it hard to breath, yet you didn't push him away, as he cried.
Tears fell from his eyes like rain, you were sure you could feel the wetness on your shoulder. "shh" you tried to calm him down, but he just kept crying.
"I thought you died..I-I thought you were leaving me!" His confession confused you.
You were about to die?
"What?" You tried pushed aside, but he just cling to you, explaining to you what happened, and in conclusion, you drained your body, to the point where your heart almost stopped. You were sleeping for weeks, he blamed himself, over and over again. Until, the other Dwarf come in taking him off you, which you were grateful for. They explained the rest of what happened.
You healed them completely just like you did to Kili when he was poisoned, but as you did so, it exhausted your body and your heart almost stopped, the healers had to put you into a deep slumber (coma), so you can get rest without your boy shutting down.
They did give you a lecture about putting yourself in danger, but they were restful nonetheless, even Thorin the sour dwarf apologised for underestimating you.
"Let's get married!" Kili blur out as he sat on your bed, the other had left giving the boy a pointed look before closing the door.
It was now or never. Kili thought.
That caught you off guard.
"What?" You raised an eyebrow, "Let's get married now" You laughed but stopped when you noticed his seriousness. "Excuse me?" Your wide eyes obeserved him looking for any sort of emotions, but all you could see was that he was nervous.
"I realise how close to death we are..." He played with his fingers trying to ease his beating heart, he was sure you could hear it" I never thought about marriage, but that doesn't mean I never wanted a family...Actually, I always wanted a family...A partner that wait for me and with mini kids running around looking so joyful, but The woman never found interest in me, they always go for my uncle or for my brother, but I never lost hope, and I'm grateful for that" He turned to you with the brightest smile, pushing all the air out of your lungs.
Oh my god, he's so cute I wanna die, ugh!
"What I a trying to say is.." He took your cold hand in his giving them a brief squeeze, eyes nervously looking at you, as he kneeled on the ground, and you coudln't help but gasp.
Is he going to..? Your eyes widen, your hand blocking a gasp from escaping your mouth. He answered your silent question "(Y/N) (L/N) would you please make me the happiest man, and marry me?"
It took you three minutes, and ten seconds to finally registered what he said.
Oh my god, he finally just proposed!
You jumped in his arms. Oh, my god he finally proposed. It felt like a dream come through, which it was, but that was your secret. You loved Kili t a point where it was starting to hurt you physically and mentally. He made you unable to think of anything or anyone when he is around, and when he is not. Your brain and heart were obsessed with him.
"Yes!" You screamed in his ears making him wince before chuckling, he didn't hesitate to kiss, not like he ever was. It held all his and your emotions in it. The fear of losing each other, the happiness, the excitement everything.
Unfortunately, as things got heated up the Dwarf crashed in, congratulating you, Thorin and Bilbo stood at the door, one with a smile that for the first time since you meet him had reached his ears, while the other with an apologia one.
Those sneaky bastards were listening, and as much as you were disappointed and frustrated that things didn't go your way, you were still happy, chuckling as they congratulated you with a "Welcome to the family".
How can you be not when you were about to marry the man who stole your heart, not only that but now..now you had a family that will protect you with their life and you will do the same.
Thorin had organized a feast for the success. All the dwarves were happily getting drunk. there were other creatures but you only recognised the elven, the Dwarves and the humans.
You were sitting with the company. By your left side Fili was sitting talking your ear off, you right that where you fiancé was sitting holdin your wraist slowly caressing the soft materiel of the dress you were wearing tonight.
You had especially worn it, and done your hair, even though you didn't have to. You wanted to look beautiful so that his eyes can only be one of you. thankfully, his eyes never left yours, he stared at you all night with hungry eyes, that you ignored, with the most satisfied grin smirk on your face.
As you were about to take a sip of your drink, Thorin raised his cup, getting everyone's attention. Your eyes were on him, but your mind was somewhere, that until he turned the cup in your direction" I want to thank especially (Y/N) who come running to our aid...If it weren't for you none of us will be sitting here celebrating" You held your head high raising your cup in his direction "celebrating the betrothal of my nephew to this amazing woman" You almost pitted, coughing your looked down embarrassed as everyone laughed at your silliness.
This is your life and you will not exchange it for anything.
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mollycoddle707 · 10 months
Detective Satan and assistant MC [Obey me Fic+Art]
A/N: Hello @tulipsaisle ! I'm your secret Santa! I decided to write a fic about an adventure with Satan and the mc :) I hope you enjoy it and - MERRY CHRISTMAS HOHOHO
Thanks @lemeowade for organising this event <3
(Btw I didn't get to proofread it, 'cause it's exam period for me now haha, I used this event to justify procrastinating lmao)
Rating: General Audiences
Word count: 1275
“Aha! More footsteps! Let’s follow them.” Satan cried out. You had been following the same trail of footsteps for 20 minutes already. You crossed the street, walked past majolish and that one store where Levi gets his manga. “Are you sure that it stayed within the city?” you asked, “If it left the city then there is no way we’ll find it again.” Satan wagged his finger. “Tsk, no no. Rule number one of sleuthing. Never give up once you have a trail. We will find this cat, even if it’s the last thing I’ll do!”
(1 hour earlier)
You and Satan left the catcafé after a well deserved break. A couple of weeks ago the place opened and the two of you had already become regulars, the cats even looked up when hearing your names. Quite adorable. “Did you see how Nifty rubbed her hear against me?” Satan asked, still on a high from the affection he got from the feline. “I did.” You responded. “It was so adorable! And the bell around her neck clanged so happily when you started playing with him.” Satan smiled more at that comment. The cats really seemed to like him and it was the biggest piece of joy in his life. You decided to head back to the house of Lamentation, because you still needed to study for a human charming test. Memorising spells sucks. You thought. You were looking around, trying to find anything and everything to use as an excuse not to go home when you suddenly saw Asmo running across the street. “GET BACK HERE YOU THIEF!” He yelled. “What is this all about?” You commented. Satan looked up, seemingly indifferent about the situation. “Hm? Don’t know, don’t care.” He said as he walked past his screeching brother. Asmo continued as he continued running into an ally. “GIVE ME MY NECKLACE BACK CAT! YOU FIEND!” …. Satan’s head whipped around and he came to a halt. “Cat?” He whispered. “Did he just say… Cat?” He enunciated every word. “I guess.” You said. “Let’s see what’s happening” He quickly responded. He grabbed your hand and rushed into the ally, following his brother. Wow, he switched his attitude quickly after hearing the word cat. You thought. However, you were very grateful to Asmo’s screeching. Now you could procrastinate more, yes! 
The two of you entered the ally and saw Asmo yelling to a furry creature sitting atop the wall that closes the ally. “I said! Give it back!” He cried. The cat didn’t seem to pay him much mind. He wagged his tail while holding on to a shiny gold necklace. “What is going on?” Satan questioned. Asmo turned around: “O perfect!” He said, tears welling up in his eyes. “I just returned from buying that gorgeous necklace. I was going to wear it to school tomorrow, ‘cause it matched a shirt I have perfectly. However,” He turned again, now facing the cat. “This little THIEF, stole it from me!” The cat wagged his tail again, content to be out of reach. “I have been chasing it all through town!” The cat purred, enjoying the show. However, it soon became bored. It turned around and hopped down to the other side of the wall. “NOOO” Asmo cried once more. How can someone yell that much? You questioned. “Now I’ll never find it again.” He dejectedly looked down. “No need to fear dear younger brother of mine.” Satan said in a voice that can only be described as the voice of a protagonist. “It is clear to me now. This is a case for a detective and his assistant.” He put on a detective hat and was holding a magnifying glass. Where did those come from? “We will find that necklace for you!” He grabbed your hand. “Detective Satan and his assistant are on the care!” You interjected. “Can’t we both be detectives? Why do I have to be an assistant.” “Because every detective needs an assistant, everyone knows that. And I’m not gonna be one, so..” He shrugged his shoulders and Asmo asked. “So, will you two return my necklace?” Satan put his nose up into the air; “Of course dear younger brother, no need to fear. You just return home and well find that cat and return your jewellery.” “Yay!” Asmo commented. “Then I’ll leave it to you! Bye bye you two.” His good spirits seemed to have returned. Asmo strolled out of the ally, leaving Satan and you by yourselves. Wait no. I mean detective Satan and his assistant! “So, where do we start?” You asked. “Find clues.” He responded. “So, lets follow the trail this cat left behind until we find him and solve the case of the lost necklace!”
(Back to the present)
“Satan, we have been running around for over forty-five minutes, we questioned a bunch of people and cats and we’ve lost our trail. Maybe it’s time to call it quits and go home.” Your watch indicated that it was almost time for dinner. Luckily it wasn’t your day to cook, but still, you had had it with the detective stuff. “No!” He interjected. “We still haven’t found the cat, nor the necklace! We can’t return now. Asmo will lose all hope.” Right, that’s the reason. Not ‘cause you wanna continue playing Sherlock Holmes. “Fine. However, if we don’t find any more clues in the next fifteen minutes then I’m going home.” You said, giving an ultimatum. “Deal.” he quickly responded. You let out a sigh. The cat had disappeared from your sight a while ago, the chance that you’ll find it again was quite slim. However, the blond haired demon next to you refused to give up. It was quite admirable. You continued your search, questioning more passerbys and cats. You wondered if Satan really had learned the language of cats or if he was just messing around in the name of ‘questioning their kind’. Several minutes passed with no luck in finding clues. You looked at your watch once more: “It’s been fifteen minutes, Satan. Let’s return, I don’t think we’re gonna find it again.” You said to him, “Let’s give this one to the cats.” Satan looked down dejectedly. You were right. “It seems the great detective Satan has failed.” He sighed. You grabbed his hand and started walking towards the house of Lamentation. You passed the bookshop, the grocery store, the cat café where you were sitting an hour and a half ago and majolish where the crime first took place. Your eyes swept over the small ally next to the store. A flash shooting across it. Huh? You thought. What was that? Satan was still walking next to you. At first he was unaware of your discovery, he was still gloomy about his failure as a detective. However, then he felt you slowing your steps and your gaze was focused on a dark ally. “What is i-” He started, but he was interrupted when you swiftly pulled him into the ally. “There it is! The culprit!” You yelled. “What?!” He questioned perplexed. You let go of his hand, stealthily snuck upon the cat (without being noticed) and grabbed the necklace that he was holding in his mouth! “Got it! I got it, Satan!” You celebrated. You had been victorious! Satan grabbed your shoulders, a smile on his face. “Good job! Detective Satan and his assistant do it again!” Your brows furrowed. You shook your head, removed the detective hat from his head and put it on yourself. “Wrong.” You paused, looking at him dramatically. “It was detective MC and assistant Satan who cracked the case.”
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cloudcountry · 4 months
Part 3 of rant ig?
But yeah, idia is fucking doomed by the narrative in every way and for whatever reason it make my brain light the fuck up.
I would definitely consider myself the emotional support dog to a degree? I like helping people with mental health and I feel obligated to help those I can. I've had a bad run with my own brain and my shit can be considered MILD compared to a lot of stuff. And so I look at characters like idia, I relate, and I immediately go "HOLY SHIT I NEED TO TAKE HIM OUT OF STRESSFUL SITUATIONS IMMEDIATELY " I'm the oldest of my siblings I'm a care taker I look at those people who need validation or brain feelings help and I go "I GOTCHU BRO" because if my brain made me feel as bad as I felt.. WHO KNOWS WHAT ITS DOING TO THIS POOR GUY :((( LIKE
Liking idia is like finding the wettest most pathetic half dead cat that's scared of ppl and has behavioral issues, and helping it becuase that kitty has the potential to be the bestest and most happiest cat ever
Tldr: he's so fucked up he triggers my protective and nurturer instincts
Plus!!! He likes anime and I was literally raised on that! Since I was like 8, every Saturday the whole family would watch an episode of Dragon Ball and an episode of Bleach. Otaku??? Ranting buddy??? Someone the theorize and binge with?? YES. Dude have you ever shit talked your least favorite character and everyone hyped you up becuase they ALSO hate that character???? THAT SHIT CATHARTIC!! AnD THAT HALLOWEEN GETUP???? HONEY DO YOU WANT TO COSPLAY WITH ME PLEASE I JUST WANT TO WEAR MECH ARMOR---
Idia is Hella nuerodivergent coded and it makes me salivate because like!!! He knows TM. Existing around other people with fucked up brains is so weirdly cool becuase alot of the time you can just tune in to the other on a subconscious level like Bluetooth connection. PARALLEL PLAY WOULD BE FUCKING AMAZING WITH IDIA BC HE WOULD JUST PLAY GAMES AND YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! Also the infodumping. INFODUMPING BELOVED. I personally, would love to hear him go off about tech shit that I would not understand becuase just the feel of the passion is intoxicating!! (This feeling extends to Jade leech btw) FREE DOCUMENTARY!!!
Another thing I also appreciate is the Sass that they stole from Hades, Idia is a sassy little bitch and it is WONDERFUL. He is a petty little shit. A horrible stinky gremlin man. I love the slang, the puns, the utter bullshit. He intrigues me and I wish to study him!!!!! He would send me a blurry picture of bread with the caption "me living that crumb life " at 2:47 am and I would lose my shit BECUASE YES. CRUMB LIFE!!! YOU ARE LIVING IT!!!! He's also genuinely smart and I like smart characters. Idia is a little shit, but he's also smart. I 100% believe in the "you can think your way out of anything if you just get creative enough" way of looking at things. IMPROVISE ADAPT OVERCOME!!! I appreciate the technological skills and alternative thinking patterns! (camp Vargas where he motivated himself to pick up sticks by comparing it to something he liked? Boom. Creative thinking beats out executive dysfunction!!!)
It's a type of friendship and weird bullshit I couldn't see myself doing with a lot of other twst characters ? There potential for a deep emotional understanding and connection that is just really alluring for my mind ig
Just 2 fucked up ppl trying to exist, but at least it's easier together sort of thing? Also idia would probably let me kill someone.
okay WOW you and edie sent me so much about this man and i like just woke up so now im reading this with a hazy sleep brain LMAO AKSJDHHSFGJDHSGDFH
but you know its very interesting to see how things that bother me SO MUCH are things that make other people laugh. they make other people like him. THE THINGS I DONT LIKE ARE ENDEARING TO YOU PEOPLE!!!!! its all about perspective!
idia is really fucking smart like i may not like him but i can acknowledge his good parts. he cares about his brother hes smart and uhhhh ummmm uhhhhhhhhhh ANYWAY. im just teasaing SDJJSDDJ but thats why i love when i get these long winded messages about characters i dont like because if i can change my mind about rook and vil i can change my mind about idia
all it takes is people who loves him!!
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murdleandmarot · 5 months
9, 14, 15 aaand 25 for Mungo!!! For the character ask thingy!! :-)! <3
Okay okay Mungojerrie times!! 🧡🖤🧡🖤
9. Him and Rumple are a package deal, so I’d be rooming with the both of them in my mind soooo absolutely!!! They match my brand of chaos and I’d like to help play pranks on the other residents :). Rumple seems like the type to do a bad movie marathon into the night, and I would ADORE doing that. So overall, yes, I think I’d be okay rooming with Jerrie
14. this man is simultaneous the worst and best dresser you’ve ever seen in your entire life. I aspire to be him. His cargo pants? Paired with a silk shirt that he stole. Checkerboard? Paired with red stripes. His socks? Mismatched as hell. Everyone has been begging him to learn color theory for years but he does not care. I call it ‘colorful cluttered maximalism.”
Ex. (Pintrest)
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what the fuck is even going on here. I love it so so much.
15. Munkujerrie!!! I thought of it during work today, (when I was *actually* supposed to be doing my job), and it hasn’t left my head since then…I fluctuate on ships like the needle on a ghost meter, but ughhhh the potential……plus it would also be really really funny. Barbie x Ken activities. Also the way the colors work together?????? Like aughhh the more I think about it the more it drives me insane. While it’s not my Munkustrap specific ship, I’ve only known of Munkujerrie for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them, I’d throw a temper tantrum.
25, OKAY SO: I actually saw Cats live when I was in middle school and I LITERALLY REMEMBER ALMOST NONE OF IT MAKES ME SO MAD. WTF. The first thing that I remembered is durning the Addressing of Cats I kept whispering at Tugger telling him to ‘go stand next to his boyfriend’ (literally knew nothing about the musical at the time. How did I do that (I was talking about Misto btw)). THE SECOND THING I REMEMBERED is that Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer’s song was my favorite in the entire show. It’s the only one I looked up when I got home. They were my absolute favorite for an entire week I was rly like ‘these silly thieving motherfuckers I love them so so much.’ Mungojerrie and his stupid crop top <333 their double cartwheel was the coolest thing I’d literally ever seen. 10/10 no notes. Best first impression ever. And now??? Still love him. He’s so silly, and his accent drives me insane. Mungojerrie you will forever be famous <333
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identity-theft-101 · 5 months
Spilled milk of a DnD character? Well I am intrigued, how is he like spilled milk?
Hes just like the added old man to ever.
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Hes 40 years old, having a midlife crisis, and his Ex-Wife Shyrl took the kid the cat and everything
He doesn't have clothes (the dm has offered me the option but Frank will not buy pants ♡)
He had absolutely no money until a magic rat bit his companion (a 9yr old looking Elf girl who also had no money) and magically gifted them money
Frank met the Elf in a trash bin btw
Frank wants to be a bard, but his singing and lute playing is canonically so bad he killed his elderly neighbor with the sound (which is why shyrl SAID she divorced him, I think it is a lie and she divorced him to be evil instead)
His lute is stolen and also his club, he rolls at disadvantage to play the lute
-2 intelligence, he has no preception
+4 charisma, basically the sexiest Bigfoot ever
His cat Steve (that his ex wife stole) popped up in the campaign and im pretty sure he's an eldritch God of some sort
Canonical has a fear of large bodies of water after nearly drowning 5 minutes after meeting his Elf companion
Thought said 9 year old Elf was going to eat him, for 4 hours
Has canonically eaten a cursed rock. DM can roll to make Frank poop himself and fail a strength check.
Has canonically asked his Elf companion if she carried Human bones and if he could eat one
Canonically had a Tuna can fez that he lost in the near drowning incident
Assisted in starting a forest fire, did not stop it
Was canonically in a gay criminal gang as a teen
Frank has a daughter named Mimsey that he hasn't seen in 5 years since the divorce, Mimsey is 9 years old like the Elf companion
Shyrl was an Elf and Mimsey a half Elf (dnd party helped me decide that)
Frank has attempted to steal a magic tent
Frank has eaten everything he has killed in campaign
Everyone associated in his teen crime gay gang has not recognized him and he lost potential npc clues
Frank once argued he should be given a discount on a book because it was bloody and becuase he couldn't read the language it was in
Subconsciously treats his Elf companion as a daughter, (he named her Sprout since she didn't have a name)
Somehow bumped into another bugbear, 17 y/o, Frank is now a single divorced dad of 2. Send help.
Once walked onto a boat and the crew was too afraid to kick him off until they were on the next continent
Has not showered in 3 months
Consistently rolls 1-4 or 16-20, no in betweens
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asydicsydney · 6 months
"A Multiplicity of Kevin" I CALLED IT GUYS
It's been 6 minutes though, where's the actual episode?
Well goodnight y'all, see you in the morning Kevin
Good morning, thank you Spotify. I'm gonna become Kevin first though so I'm not sure when I'm listening
Love you too Joseph
Doesn't start with Kevin :(
Arch enemy slay
Not again
Lovely Carlos impression Cecil
Did she like legally legally adopt him? Implications..
As the standing continues to off
I am scared of the band room! Thanks Cecil
Denny's, great variety
Oh no they stole all the theater kids
Doing a great job at what??
The 21st? Alright Cecil I'll try
Rich loam :))
Goddammit Cecil
Ah shit
There's already two! You're a double!
Still got the knife, good to know
Poetry time real
God Ceec, stop giving the kid a crisis
They can't pronounce Jennifer?
Well they returned so, that's good
Crisscross applesauce :3
"Little one" that's so cute but it's also like just the accurate term of him
Young Kevin is not civilized?
At least it's a fair fight
Your nemesis who is also your son
Creatures?? Smiling God????
:D cat phone!!
#1 cause of bird deaths in my heart
You're one to talk Cecil (that was mean sorry)
Your whole... deal
Which Kevin? Old kay
Just going for it then
"There's still time for you" HE'S CHANGED, HE KNOWS THE FUTURE, LISTEN TO HIM
How is the older one faster?? Dawgs been at physical therapy
Blood wells!
Cecil rant! Oh no I hate this
Cecil's gonna fucking kill someone over yogurt dogs
Which??? Kay
Gotta love my bloody boy
Weather :D
A bit of a shame I did bloodless Kevin today, but I'm tired okay?
Good weather btw
"The subtle death that the pleasure brings, is almost better than the real thing"
Boy Kevin wants to be powerful and old Kevin wants to be peaceful
Were you 42 when you entered the DOW and 92 now Kevin?
Here's the thing though, boy Kevin thinks the only way to change is to erase. But adult Kevin lives with his mistakes and his love
Sunday Morning Stasis??
He set the path, you must follow it
Yayyyy!! Wtf do you mean you won't be alone? Lauren?? Charles??!!
Oh that sounds Strex-ish, I don't like it
You can be good enough if you accept goodness
Same Cecil
Horrible creatures...
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robinrequiems · 11 months
hiii (cats here btw)
my hcs for steph + dami + jason
There's either a universe where Damian ends up shorter than Steph and get's terrorized for it like crazyyy OR he ends up tallest of the fam but ends up getting terrorized for being shorter than Jon
Steph and Damian spar in Selina's stilettoes for the sillies. Jason stole Talia's heels but couldn't spar because 1. they were boots therefore unfair 2. he tore them because big feet (his ass got BEAT)
Stephanie stole the crowbar that Damian gave Jason, spray painted it purple and regifted it to him. She also spray paints his guns purple but he don't care and still uses them sometimes hashtag slay gorliee
When it's steph's shark week Damian let's her keep alfred the cat as a stress ball and Jason (Attempts to) disappears because Steph has punching tendencies during her period and well. He's the punching bag. (she really doesn't its just funny to beat him uo)
Stephanie sometimes thinks of the daughter she gave away. Although she never even looked at her face, Damian sometimes gives her sketches of her hypothetical daughter doing silly girl things, just like her mom, whenever she's feeling too down.
ALL OF THEM HAVE CURLY HAIR but varying degrees- jason got them white boy curls yasss. Meanwhile Damian has wavy hair while Steph's hair are so damn spiky because she keeps combing them with a straight hair comb
2) I feel like Jason gets back at stephanie by giving her a black mask bc they are the type to have such dark humor 😭
3) stephanie is such a menace during shark week istg
4) stephanie confides in Jason abt the loss of her kid, and Damian eavesdropped the first time .. so it led to him drawing. shocking stephanie at first ..
5)I swear stephanie so ruined the ends of her hair at one post by the brush and because she straightened it bc she used to be embarrassed abt her curly hair 😩
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osachiyo · 11 months
miau 🙁
https://pin.it/4grpJoD (i found another version of this but lost it)
https://pin.it/7jT5STN bedroom eyes fr
https://pin.it/El1WjfH i would start rambling abt him but it would sound like im obsessive bye
I also wrote smth abt that anon but i lost that too,, mad at tumblr >:(
@/sukiischaotic stole my words /j (im jokjng dont attack me pooks 😨)
Idk what went through that anons mind that it would be okay to ask such questions like that.. erm… sounds like egoisme or smth like that i forgot the word..!!! anyways i hope that anon leaves u alone now otherwise im throwing hands 🙏 also why werent they thinking before asking questions? Like, do they not think on how you would feel??? Its honestly giving careless. ☠️ erm anyways
nuthin special happened today other then me finally finishing a syory in my notes and publishing it on tumblr.. yay (that story was like in august or smth) 😭
I WOULD ramble abt dazai but idk if its allowed— also u n @/stinkyme remind me of the song “La seine and I” :3 hope ur doing well now btw 🙏🙏
Wishing you a amazing day if not, sending cookies n hugs !!!!!!!!!!
( ding ! ) reminder; whenever you feel sad, just remember that you have billions and billions of cells in your body and that they care about you ! And so do us humans :3 we love n care abt u so never forget that<33
-💞 anon
AAA THE FIRST ONE OMG :( gojo n the cat hiuwiwur !! also the dazai one goddamn ! the artstyle n everything is so good?? AND FEEL FREE TO RANT ABOUT HIM OMG ID LOVE TO LISTEN
about that anon, i dont know if they had ill intentions or not but its just super awkward and creepy to ask personal questions like that uifiuob esp to ppl online ! but i blocked em and saw that its a porn blog...like actual real ppl porn so um that was something.
glad to know that you published your story !! :D id love to read it lol <3
OMG YES I LOVE THAT SONG :( that is literally so cute uwqiduq aaaa !! im doing well now, thank you for your concern sweetie <3
i had a good day ! i had some rlly rlly good shrimp fried rice so mmmm ! i love shrimp so muchh... but i'd still like the hugs n cookies pls <3
thank you !! that applies to you too, nonnie !! i care about you sososo much and literally look forward to your lil dailies <3
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detentiontrack · 2 years
Welcome to kitty wrapped 2/26-3/5 !!!
A new weekly post where I post the epic highs and lows of collector zoloft's behavior throughout the week (mostly lows)
Starting off strong
Bad behaviors
Stole my favorite pens and stashed them under the bed so I had to use pencils for 2 days
Walked on my keyboard during an important zoom meeting with my school and then tried to bite me when I gently moved him off
Meowed and yelled at me whenever I tried to pet him with my cold hands + made me warm them up before giving him the pets HE insisted on
Started doing this lovely thing where he catches + kills bugs and then puts them in his water bowl like he's trying to make cucumber/strawberry infused spa water
Knocked my pill organizer into his water bowl and made me panic because we are currently snowed in and can't get to the pharmacy + some of my meds I can't refill yet for another week (they are okay but jfc)
Tried to eat my DSM + the tabs
Put his entire head in the pickle jar and now his head smells like pickle juice
Realized that my pill bottles are the loveliest toys and has been hiding them (it took me 2 hours to find my Adderall today)
Ate my cereal
Ate my rice
Ate my pickles
Ate a pita chip + made me panic thinking he was going to die bc I didn't know if it was safe for cats (he's fine and very happy with himself)
Violent behaviors
Bit me.... Bit me SO many times
Scratched me when I tried to put on his sweater (which he loves once it's on him)
Woke me up this morning by scratching my head so hard my scalp BLED because he was attacking the string lights on my headboard
Attacked and bit my toes any time I moved my feet under the blankets
Terrified my mom's dog (who is so scared of him) just for fun (he backed her into a corner and just stared at her while she shook)
Bit my brother's knee bc he smelled like outside
Bit my ear WAY too close to my piercings so I would wake up and feed him (it was 4 in the morning & still dark out)
Used my head and stomach as a launching pad to jump up on my headboard while I was sleeping (somewhere he's also not allowed to be btw)
Hid under the bed every single morning and attacked my feet from under it whenever I made the bed.
Bit my face while I was crying
Good behaviors (there are some!)
Cuddled so nicely against me for warmth at night
Shared his favorite blanket (even though it's technically mine)
Laid on my stomach and let my pet him when I cried
Let me hold him tight in my arms when I was having a panic attack (he usually doesn't let me hold him)
Chirped politely for me to replace his water instead of just flipping it over and making a mess
Compromised with me and let me put laundry on him so he didn't have to get off the bed (he fell asleep immediately after the laundry was on him)
Is the most handsome little man in the world <3
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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deregirls · 1 year
Ok since bitches wanna say I'm lying, here's everything my roommate has done:
Took a five day trip a bit after we moved. We were struggling to pay rent and they took the whole week off work. All they talked about was how they were going to have sex. I had to pay their part of rent so they could have a booty call. They are now frequently guilt tripping and shitting on my fiance and i for taking theme park trips. We have season passes and don't have to pay for hotels bc my fiance has friends near the parks.
FREQUENTLY bought useless shit while we were struggling. I recall one case where we were freaking out about rent for the month and they bought a 200 dollar vibrator. When we were trying to save after this move they got tattoo after tattoo. My fiance and I've had to cover their rent MANY times while they bought useless shit.
I ate a SINGLE BAG for their pizza rolls. I thought they were everyone's bc every bag we got before that was everyone. They verbally abused me over this, stole some things from me, and caused me to develop an eating disorder bc i was so fucking scared to eat thinking they might abuse me. I've lost 30 pounds because they couldn't just ask me to buy another fucking bag.
Constantly. CONSTANTLY, they would get snippy and mean with me. For no reason.
When we had food stamps, they would send us mile long lists of food. We usually spent more on them then the two of us combined. When we no longer qualified bc of my fiances job paying more and they had food stamps, they wouldn't buy us a thing. They kept everything they bought in their room and almost never shared.
They guilted us into getting a cat. We were only allowed 2 cats prior our lease and already had 2. The processed to never pay for food or litter, maybe bought toys once, never fed them, never cleaned out the litter boxes, never did anything. They were never home to play with him. When we asked them to stay and care for the cats for 3 DAYS so we could go on our anniversary trip, they complained. They did nothing for this cat. When we kicked them out, they wanted to keep him despite him being bonded to the other cats, not recognizing them, not moving well, and their boyfriend's family having aggressive cats and not believing in vet care.
After i went to the psych ward and got fired for it, i was very obviously EXTREMELY depressed. They judged and criticized me for not doing a whole lot. (Btw when my fiance was on a trip i did the dishes and packed some)
Speaking of that trip, my fiance asked them to stay home while they were gone bc i do not do well being home alone. They did not even once say HI to me. Even when i said hi first.
Has not helped with the move at all (which is insane since they gave me shit for not packing while so depressed i couldn't move and almost had to go to the psych ward again). WE had to move THEIR heavy stuff out of their room. While we were sweating and slaving, getting sick, nearly passing out, in so much pain we couldn't WALK, they were at work (i called off btw!!!) And then cozy at their boyfriend's house.
Claimed THEY don't feel safe/comfortable at home when THEY are the one who gave me an ED. They only don't feel safe bc i stand up for myself
They fake did. Plain and simple. They're faking. If they aren't, they're LYING about their alters role. They told my fiance their partner has sex with their little and when they said "uuhhh that's a a child" the alter magically changed to just being shy the next day. Ok.
We had a hearing a week or so ago bc our landlords screwed up, and my fiance and i (both disabled to the point of needing mobility aids) sat down before them. They scoffed and rolled their eyes.
They got mad when i invited my family over. While we were playing Jackbox they were clearly not having fun and brought down the mood. Also afterwards they sent a very aggressive text in the household GC.
When we were at Cedar Point, we rode a family ride with some kids that were...admittedly loud but they're KIDS. After we got off the ride, they said FAIRLY LOUDLY that they want to hit the kids.
There's. So much more but I'm too fucking tired and I'm almost home from work.
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