#not over this sugar glider
air-rising · 5 months
Ryoyu Kobayashi made history flying 291m on the Red Bull Springboard in Hlidarfjall, Iceland; a feat that will go down in the books as the longest ski jump in the world, beating the previous record by 37m ⛷️
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bolithesenate · 1 month
some very quick, short fluff. Jocasta's idiots are back at it again
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turochamp · 22 days
dont let your dog play with small animals you want to be alive. the dog doesnt know restraint and will kill it
yes your dog. yes even little dogs. yes even companion breeds. you are the only one to have the risk assessment skills of your duo, use it to keep your dog from killing shit by limiting interaction.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
Honestly, considering we know ponies like Troubleshoes where they see their cutiemark as a burden and can even lead to trouble for them (at least until the CMC helped him anyway), it really is a missed opportunity to not have more ponies like him in Our Town. Like yeah, Party Favor and Sugarbelle are nice and all, but what about say, a unicorn with a cutiemark in being a gardener coming to resent it because they were mocked for having an "earth pony" profession? An earth pony with a fashion related cutiemark who struggled because they couldn't make new designs as fast as their unicorn peers? Idk, it'd just be nice for her to use ponies actual insecurities against them- correct me if I'm wrong but we never learn the why of how the Our Town ponies joined, do we?
Maybe in the comics? i definitely know the show didn't touch on it. Which is a shame, might've made an interesting Starlight-townsfolk reconciliation episode if we got a glimpse of why they came.
I think the whole thing about "equality" was what the show tried to push as the key factor. but like. cutie marks don't automatically make you good at something. It's shown in the show that it requires work (and personal enjoyment in your mark) to really get the most of it. But the show makes it clear that this ideology is hypocritical and incorrect, and so is Starlight.
I definitely like the idea of it being compromised of ponies who are unhappy at their marks or confused by them. I think the tiny town was compromised of unhappy ponies who Starlight managed to isolate and preach to. Would be very interesting if we got some backstory on them, but I wonder if that might be too depressing or "dark" (for lack of a better word) for the generation. For now, hc's ahoy!
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dracolizardlars · 1 year
ohhhhhhhh my god that woman in the post about having her sugar glider in her bra at the doctor's appointment referred to it as a squirrel. there's absolutely 0% hope that thing is even remotely being cared for properly (not that any pet sugar glider probably is but Jesus fucking christ)
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Y'all I got not only approved to adopt but am getting two boys and two girls (boys are neutered!!!) And their names are Forrest, Laverne, Shirley, and Lenny.
They will be renamed but omggg
Forrest is new to the colony since his mate died but they're all gonna be sooo spoiled.
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roadkillgodfather · 1 year
Just got recommended a video of a dude petting a very overweight 'strawberry tiger' 💀
Cannot overestimate how much I hate that.
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lilbirdblu · 2 years
friends & i now have an origins server (along with oh the biomes youll go) and once again ive shown how fucking lucky i get in minecraft because within the first 24 hours ive found a woodland mansion AND afortress in the nether (which is only 200 blocks away from the portal i made)
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riongeee · 3 months
Imagine Sebek getting a small fluffy animal as a pet, one that isn’t afraid of him. And that pet absolutely hates Malleus. Like anytime Sebek leaves those two alone the pet would just start glaring at Malleus.
Oh my god that's evil, I love it >:)
Sebek gets like a squirrel or a sugar glider maybe even a ferret that just absolutely abhorrs Malleus is GOLD.
The angst potential too >:)
Listen, it starts out as Sebek feeling lonely and being recommended getting a pet or something. For once, he's like 'yknow what, why not?' and goes to a pet store (or Sam because he probably DOES have animals. Not sure if that's ethical but hey....)
Every other animal is just a bit wary of him, he's half-fae(of the crocodile variety) and quite loud, so it's understandable enough. Just about as Sebek is about to leave a brave ferret or sugar glider just begins climbing him. He obviously gets flustered and tries to get it off before he realises it's not scared of him :0
Yeah he brings it back and he's so excited he sets up a whole little area in his room, making sure it's warm enough because if he can't stand the cold diasomnia, his pet probably won't be able too either.
Once he's fairly settled in with his pet and names it, he goes around Diasomnia to introduce it.
Except... the pet hates literally all of Dia3. Not even others, just Dia 3 specifically.
Lillia at first was amused and tried to interact with the little thing before getting bit and glared at. He's befuddled to say the least and Sebek scrambles to apologise.
Silver is absolutely astounded, usually animals flock to him in droves. Yet this little thing sits on Sebeks shoulder and glares at him as if he smells of week old socks. (Sebek probably didn't personally introduce his pet to Silver because he was worried it would like Silver more, that's how it's always been afterall.)
Malleus is the one the pet seems most averse to, it hisses and claws and just generally for some reason can't stand Malleus. Malleus is hurt but understanding but begins to distance himself from Sebek more to not aggravate the pet. From Sebeks perspective however, Malleus just hates him. So he turns to spending more time with his pet as comfort and eventually joining in with first year shenanigans.
Eventually, due to how much his pet hates Dia 3, Sebek begins to distance himself instead. Diasomnia don't even realise until they begin to notice the absence of the things Sebek used to do. The silly meals he used to cook(always with the best nutrition for wakasama), the sparring sessions, the thoughtful help and just missing the sunny boys presence after it's gone.
They try talk to him but that pet always gets in the way glaring at them, leading to Sebek leaving the room. Diasomnia are left with the impression that they have lost their youngest.
They try talking again when he is with the first years only to hear his laughter and stop in their tracks. When was the last time they illicited such a thing from Sebek, had they ever? Lillia even watches in distracted horror as Sebek walks over to the first years and ruffles Sebeks hair while asking him if he wanted to try a new recipe.
All this caused by one little pet :)
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hellonearthtoday · 5 months
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double posting in one night because I'm awesome and unstoppable. read more if you want to be bombared by my warrior cat au
CAT JALLY IS HERE!!!! Idk why Dallys mom chose his dork ass name in the og but he's named very blatantly after the state/city here. He's bounced around different locations a lot, especially for how young he is. He's been in Texas, New York, and now Oklahoma. He hitchhiked in people's cars to get place to place, before eventually settling down in Oklahoma once he got situated w homegang.
Dally and Johnny are actually THEE dynamic duo here. Dally is farrrr more hype about sparring and fighting than Johnny is, like that freak lives and breathes it, (he likes winning) but Johnny still kicks ass because Dally trained him. Johnny has like has a sleeper build because he's constantly hunched over like a crinkled plastic bag so they don't ever expect it when he leaps at them like a sugar glider and starts scratching the shit out of them
Johnny doesn't really like sparring at all because he doesn't like hurting his buddies, and Johnny literally has only two modes and it's passive or actually rabid so he always reflexively holds back when they try and spar with him since he cant be normal about sparring. So he just ends up literally standing there doing nothing. Imagine those videos of goats just freezing. Or opposums playing dead
He can play fight with the others fine, but he can only really spar for real with Dally because he's not afraid of hurting him. What I'm trying to say is Johnny hones in on beating the enemy whenever he fights and he literally can't multitask. he's LOCKED in
Johnny mostly tag teams w Pony because first of all Pony is not doing that shit alone and SECONDD of all, while Dal and him DO fight good together, Johnny tried sending him A Look one time mid battle and Dally didn't get it and asked if he was abt to cough up a hairball. Then Dally was body slammed by the guy behind him Johnny was trying to warn him about
Johnny tried explaining what he did afterwards and Dally said that shit was stupid and Johnny mumbled smthin abt "Pony would get it😒😒😒" he was low-key embarrassed though
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annemarieyeretzian · 4 months
orym moving over to chetney, asking “can I get into the bag?” and chetney asking “are you sure?” and orym saying “mmhmm.” and chetney opening the bag and offering it to orym and orym taking out otohan’s blade and leaving the room with it and laudna saying huffily “that blade’s bigger than you. we can all see you taking otohan’s blade.” and fearne saying “he’s allowed to do that, though.” and ashton adding “he may actually be doing something healthy.” (bonus: imogen saying “I don’t think he’s going to follow a sugar glider.” 😂)
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sweetlyskz · 1 year
Emerald Gem||Chapter 2
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x fem!reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one the talk to but the pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stable upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff
Warnings: Suggestive themes, language
Word count: 2.6k
The next morning you wake like any other morning. When the roosters crow, you absentmindedly make your way downstairs, partially unaware of the mess you had made yesterday. The first floor was empty, not a single hybrid in sight. The house was quiet- a little too quiet. You began to make breakfast, cooking a meal for a family instead of just one. After searching the fridge, you grab about 10 eggs instead of just one and use all of your fresh bacon from the butcher shop in town. You also scrummaged through your cabinets for some flour. Maybe they'll like pancakes?
The first of the pack to wake up was the bunny hybrid. He told you his name was Jungkook. Sleepy-eyed, he tiptoes his way to the kitchen, following the aroma of bacon and eggs.
"Mm, smells good", he mumbled, sneaking a piece of bacon off of one of the plates. You smacked his hand lightly.
"Not so fast", you warned him. "Go wake the others and tell them to come to the dining table. I wanna talk about something while we eat breakfast."
He gulped. The last time someone just wanted to talk, they were put on the streets and being hunted like rabid animals. He was praying to whoever above that this was not the case.
"It's nothing bad", you promised him, as if you could sense his nervousness. "I meant what I said the other day. You all can stay as long as you please. I just want to go over some ground rules and make sure your stay is as comfortable as possible."
He nodded, making his way back to the room to wake up his pack mates. While he gathered up the crew, you set the table, laying out two plates of bacon, two stacks of pancakes, a plate of eggs, and a glass bottle of homemade maple syrup. You placed a fork and knife at each chair and a pile of napkins on the center of the table, close enough for everyone to reach.
One by one, everyone made their way to their seats. First was Jungkook who rushed to the table after informing the other breakfast was served. Next was timid Fox, Hoseok. He took the seat closest to you. Trailing after him was a panther hybrid, Yoongi. You haven't had the chance to talk to him yet, but it seemed like he wished to keep it that way. He took the seat furthest away from you. The pack leader, Namjoon, came out last with two other wolves and a sugar glider.
"Thank you for the hospitality", said Namjoon. He sat directly across from you, speaking with his head hanging low. Now that you think about it, none of them made eye contact when speaking to you, head always in their lap fiddling with thier fingers.
"No need to thank me", You replied, scraping some scrambled eggs onto their plates. The bunny looked at them with disgust, picking up his fork and picking through it, not ever putting the fork to his lips.
"Is it not up to par?" You asked him. Maybe the eggs went bad. Sometimes you don't get to the eggs fast enough. He shook his head.
"No! I bet there great... I just don't really like eggs", He whispered, as if he said something he shouldn't. However, The pack omega, Jin, was quick to scold him.
"Don't be a brat", he reprimanded. "Eat the food that miss y/n took her time to cook for us. She's been gracious enough to let us stay here. Don't give her a reason to kick us out!"
You interrupted his scolding. "It's okay! there's plenty more for you to eat here, as long as you still get your protein."
They looked at you in confusion, and you returned the same look. If you were being honest, it scared you, listening to Jin talk to him that way. Did they actually believe that you would put them out over something so trivial? Everyone went silent, slow to touch their plates.
"Just to be clear, I would never kick you guys out. This is your home now, if you so choose to stay. You don't have to walk on eggshells around me. Tell me if you do or don't like something. I want to get to know you guys more, now that we're roommates and everything."
"T-thank you miss y/n", Jin uttered. "We've never been treated like..."
Like people, he wanted to say.
"And another thing", you continued with your speech. "You don't have to call me that. I would actually prefer you just call me by my name. Just y/n will do just fine." You showed your bright smile to let them know you weren't upset.
"okay... y/n" he hesitated. You could see a slight smile sneak up on his face, but he quickly pushed it away. You took it as some progress. Instead of putting everything on their plate, you let them choose what they wanted. It made it easier to see what you should cook next time, knowing what foods they craved the most.
"Also, I have to go in town and get you guys some new clothes, but in the meantime you guys can wear some of my brother's old clothes. I probably won't get any until next week. I don't like going in town." It's true, you dreaded going into town. That's why you preferred the rural setting. Your brother however, wanted to experience more, leaving you and your parents to take care of the farm. And when your parents took their final breath, you inherited it all, and he wanted nothing to do the family farm or you.
The guys looked like they had questions, but they didn't dare ask them. Instead, they thank you for the meal and go wash up, putting on the clothes you gave them, giving you enough time to clean up and wash the dishes.
"I can help with that, if you want", you heard a voice behind you whisper. You turned around to see who was speaking, only to see no one there.
"Uh, sure?" You spoke into the air, hoping whoever asked could hear who. Then a head peaked around the corner with perked ears, followed by the rest of his body.
"H-hello", the wolf whispered. "I'm Taehyung. Jimin wanted to come too but he's a little more shy." He spoke whilst looking at the ground, face as red as a cherry tomato. "I'm good at washing dishes!"
"Really? I would love that", you smiled, lightly ruffling his hair with your slightly wet hands. He hid his face in his hands, making you smile even harder. If he is this shy, you can't imagine how Jimin must be.
After a while he gained enough courage to grab the sponge from your grasp, washing each plate carefully. While he washed the dishes you dried them and put them away, creating a system for the both of you.
"So, where are you guys from?" You tried to make small talk, hopefully lightening the mood. Sadly it did the exact opposite. his head tilted at your question, like he was trying to remember.
"You mean where we were born?" He asked you.
"Yeah, like your birthplace. For example, I was born right in this very house. My mother had a home birth." You don't think he understood what that was, but you decided to just leave it alone for now.
"Well, I was born in a lab, I think. The lab is all I remember. I never met my parents. Jin was made in a test tube, so he doesn't have any parents. I think the only one who grew up with parents is Hoseok."
"Oh, that's unfortunate", is all you could bring yourself to say. You can't imagine it, your whole life being used as some project, some new invention, being given away as pets or fighters. Life must've not been too kind to this pack of hybrids.
Taehyung shrugged. "It's nothing we're not used to. That's why this is so important to me. I really don't want to mess this up again."
"I would never. There's nothing you guys can do that would make me do such a thing."
"That's what the last one said", he sighed. "That's why Joon is so cautious. The last time he let someone in, he was being hauled to a research facility."
"I'm so sorry", you sympathized. "But I promise you will never have to deal with that as long as you guys are here. Let me prove it to you." After hearing all that these guys have gone through, you made it your personal agenda to make them feel as loved and wanted as possible, starting with the oldest.
In order to understand your new roommate's better, you began to do some research on their breeds in your study. Panther hybrids, like Yoongi, sleep for almost have of the day and prefer dark spaces. A bunny hybrids favorite snack is carrots, of course. Luckily you have plenty of them in your garden. Honeydew is a very important part of a sugar glider hybrids diet. Wolves and foxes need a large grassy area to call their own and shift into their animal form more often.
"Y/n?" A voice called on the other side of the door, breaking you away from your research.
"You can come in, Tae", you knew that smooth deep voice by memory now. "I was just finishing up but you can sit down, if you want."
The wolf opened the door, observing the decor in your office. He was mesmerized by all of the books you kept on the shelves, probably covered in a white, dusty film. It's been a while since you dusted. You pointed to the comfy navy blue couch in the corner of the room, suggesting he take a seat.
"Are you busy? I don't want to interrupt..." he slowly sat down on the couch, finding the comfiest spot.
"Not at all! I actually need your help with something, if you're up for it."
He shook his head, a little too eager. "Anything."
"I want to know what Jimin and Yoongi like. Out of all of you, they're the ones I interact with the least, and I really want everyone to feel welcomed here", you stated. "I want to respect their space, but also let them know I want them here."
Taehyung thought about it for a second, looking up as if there was a thought bubble above his head. "Well, Yoongi is a domesticated panther, so he likes cat trees and anything he can scratch or lay on... But Jimin is a little more difficult."
You made a mental note to add that to your shopping list.
"Wait!" He blurted, as if the thought bubble above his head turned into a light bulb. "There is one thing that Jimin loves, but you might not be ready for it."
Your mind automatically went to another place, somewhere Tae was not trying to go. "Nothing like that!" The look on your faced must've been too obvious. Embarrassed, you put your head in your hands to cover the red that crept up your cheeks.
"Jimin really loves scenting", He said plainly, as if you knew what that meant. After a minute of silence he realized you probably needed a definition. Stupid humans, he thought.
"Scenting is really a comfort thing. He's a little more territorial than the others, and I bet he would be pleased if you let him scent you. It's just rubbing scents glands, like your neck or your wrist."
You nodded, taking in all of the notes Taehyung gave you. Maybe this will work, you thought. Can't get any worse, right?
That same night, Jimin was in the living room, watching some silly cartoons on the old television. You took it as an opportunity to go and socialize, get to know him better.
"Can I sit?" you asked him, pointing to the spot next to him on the couch. He nodded, scooting over some to give you a little more space.
"You don't have to move, Jimin", you told him. "There's plenty of room here for both of us."
"I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable", he whispered, never breaking eye contact with the tv. You scoot closer to him, gently overlapping your leg with his.
"Is this okay?" He nodded quickly. You could feel his heart start to race. You could see his mind racing. Something in you made you want to go further, to see how far you could go. You laid your head on his shoulder, wrapping both of your arms around his arm.
"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered.
"Trying to get comfortable", you shrugged nonchalantly. Even though you played it off, your heart was also racing. You hadn't been close to anyone this way in such a long time. You felt rusty. "Are you comfortable?"
"N-not really... n-nervous."
You pouted. "Oh... well, Tae told me that scenting helps calm you down. You can scent me, if you want." You kept your attention on the cartoons, but you could see him looking at you startled.
"How do you know what that is?" He questioned. Maybe she doesn't know what she's asking for... this must be too good to be true.
"Taehyung explained it to me briefly. He said it would make you more at ease." You swung your hair to the other side, tilting your neck, as if giving him permission to do as he pleases. "You can scent me if you want to. I don't mind it, really."
You could tell he was contemplating it, his hand easing its way to your waist. "Are you sure? This isn't something I take lightly. Once, you do this, you're mine." Your eyes widen at his choice of words. His darkened.
"O-okay", you whispered. You couldn't speak any louder, for fear that the tremble stuck in your throat would escape. His? You can't possibly become his, not when he already has plenty.
In a sudden haste, he lifted you from the couch and onto his lap. You gasped, clinging onto his shoulders to balance yourself. He then slid his hand behind your neck, forcing you to tilt your head back, giving him perfect access to your sent glands. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he licks a wet stripe down your neck.
"Holy shit, Jimin", you moaned. it was honestly an accident. Tae told you this was supposed to be comforting for him. He didn't say you would enjoy it. Maybe you should've done your own research.
Instinctively, you try and pull away from him, but it seemed that his reflexes were much faster. He continued peppering you in sloppy kisses, mind in a haze. Jimin couldn't think even think clearly. If he could, he would realize that you were now slowing grinding on his lap, subconsciously trying to relieve the tension between your legs.
"What the hell am I doing?" He whispered to himself. he couldn't stop repeating it. And no matter how many times he said it, he still couldn't find the answer.
Then, as if suddenly finding the answer, he shot up from the couch, tossing you from his lap to the seat cushion. His eyes were wide, obviously in distress.
"Jimin, what-"
"I... I c-cant", he stuttered, backing away from you slowly. You tried to reach for him but it only made him more apprehensive. "This was a mistake... I'm so sorry..."
And with that he ran to his sleeping quarters, leaving you sitting in the living room dumbfounded. Guess things could get worse...
Tags! (still open but filling up fast!)
@yoongicatcat @wifflepuff1344 @unwillingly-oblivious @shycreationdreamland @emer-syn @rinkud @amimami1991 @singukieee @nikkiordonez12 @xicanacorpse @cestlabellemort @whipwhoops @spider-thot0115 @ddaeng-angmoh @silscintilla @readerofallthingss @welcometomyworld13 @danielle143 @kookiesbunny @yoongiigolden
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kekaki-cupcakes · 5 months
Heyy! Could I request Jason x Child of Nyx! Reader, i'd figure it'd be a cool thing since you know Zeus and Nyx don't really like each other that and then their children fall in love.
You don't have to do it, if you don't want to and ps. I love all of your works! <3
okay so these have been sitting in my inbox since eons ago, so I decided I was gonna set myself a minimum of 0.4k words because I figured people would rather read a lil bit of their request rather then non of it, but I just churned out 1.2k words of this and I know more then the gods do about nocturnal animals.
enjoy <3
he was raised by wolves - Jason G x child of Nyx reader/animal lover
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Jason dumped his teddy bear jacket on the back of the spinning chair, after he checked there were no hedgehogs eating plum offcuts on it. He’d made that mistake one too many times. There were a lot of miniscule holes in the sleeves of his jacket. 
The medical kit he was looking for was most likely in one of the crates stacked beneath the snake table. The table with the snake tanks on it, obviously. 
Your cabin was dark a lot of the time, when you weren’t there, courtesy of the kingdom of nocturnal animals lurking between books and in pillowcases, so Jason had to turn on a few of the antique lamps you’d found [on the side of the road, of course] so that other people could see.
He got to his knees, wincing at the crack he heard. 
He could also hear a faint hissing. He looked into one of the tanks, and waved at Benjamin. Benjamin was a northern desert night snake. Meaning he looked like if a leopard wearing a choker was turned into a slithery little serpent. Jason was glad you’d passed that pet leopard you used to have onto Pollux and Castor. It got fur all over his clothes.
Benjamin just stuck his tongue out at him, and Jason crawled underneath the desk, looking for the first aid kit every cabin was supposed to have.
There was a pretty high chance you had chucked it out to make room for that little collection of shrinking green frogs you had found in a river by the Hecate cabin, deep in the woods so that when they accidentally cursed bloodlines and the like, no one was in imminent danger. Lou Ellen owed her first born to three different beings, but that was irrelevant. 
He dug past a few boxes of sugar glider pellets, and found the first aid kit. 
Jason sat straight up. A thud echoed through the low lit little cabin, and his head began to pound. He’d hit it on the bottom of the snake table. He sniffed, “I said that once.” 
He heard you trot over as he tried to extract himself, the back of his head throbbing painfully. 
“Babe, we talked about this,” you fussed, and yanked him out into the open with the force of someone who took chocolate out of coyotes mouths on the daily. “You gotta stop banging your head! You’re getting that chronic pain from it that Will told you about!”
Jason grumbled about nothing, and squinted as he looked around. Your face was just a blob. 
“You dropped your glasses babe, hear, lemme… wait, hold this,” you said, dumping your wrapped up hoodie into his arms, the one with the moon cycle phases on the back, and then crawling back underneath the snake table. “I’ve got em!”
He watched you slide them back onto his eyes, your hands actually very gentle compared to the yanking from before. He tried not to grin stupidly. The hoodie in his arms wriggled. Jason looked down, and a small spiky red face looked up at him with big shiny eyes.
“Uh…” he said.
You stood up with a huff, “I knew it, you’ve got a concussion. Now you’re slurring your speech!”
“...No, I just wasn’t expecting a fox,” Jason managed to squeak out, staring at the little animal. It was pretty cute. It reminded him of a wolf, but not the wolves he knew, more of a spindly wolf dipped in ketchup. 
You paused, the first aid kit in your hands. “You weren’t? What did you think I was doing in the forest?” 
“I don’t know,” Jason said, standing back up and moving to the squishy blanketed bed behind the humongous crystal ball and stack of telescopes. There were also a few cat playgrounds to weave around, but he managed to sink into your pile of bat shaped teddies and pillows. “Fighting monsters, near death experiences, something regular?”
You rolled your eyes, and sat cross legged on the bed, reaching for his head with those gentle hands that made him understand how you could pick up the deadliest of spiders and feralist of wolverines without even a scratch. 
Jason wasn’t even nocturnal, but he did sink into your hold. 
Then you let go to crack the unfrozen ice pack and let the chemicals take over until it would make the tips of your fingers freezing. Jason knew to expect your cold hands under his shirt, trying to freeze him out. 
He was sort of used to it, though.  
He looked around your cabin while you savagely whacked the poor icepack against one of the many thick framed mirrors lining your walls. A few bats flapped out of their hiding places in the rafters and settled back down. A baby puma hissed from its place by the umbrella stand that was actually just full of swords. 
From the outside, your cabin looked like a tiny portion of a haunted mansion plonked between the Asteria cabin and the Hestia cabin, which was really just a cozy little room for anyone. Jason pet the soft head of the fox napping in his arms. On the inside, though, it was just old lamps and chew toys and even older mirrors. And a lot of poo bags. And record players. And Jason’s hoodies.
You were already wearing his teddy bear jacket, but he didn’t argue when you pressed the ice pack to his head.
“So, what were you really lookin for in there, babe?” you asked, taking back the fox. You held your hand out, and it disappeared into a shadow. 
On the other side of the room, out of a shadow, you grabbed a ziploc bag of raspberries. You pulled it back and began feeding the little fox, red staining your cold fingertips. 
“You know you can’t beat Beth, right?” you teased, looking up for a moment with those gorgeous eyes that made Jason’s head feel a little floaty. Or maybe it was just the injury. 
You smirked, “I mean, not that it’s totally not hot when you beat the shit out of people or anything.”
Yep. Definitely just the head injury. Totally.
Jason ate a slightly squashed raspberry. “I know, but I wanted to practise. I was gonna find Will. Can’t remember how to wrap my wrists.”
You passed over the fox, who wiggled out of the hoodie and curled around a fruit bat Squishmellow with a yawn, fangs stained with red that may or may not be berries or blood. 
Jason shuffled forwards on the bed, ice pack falling from his white blonde hair. “My turn?”
“I thought you were going to get the shit beaten out of you by Annabeth?” You said with a smirk. You had that shark tooth necklace on. Jason gave you a half hearted evil eye, and you opened your arms.
He flopped into the hug, pushing you both back onto the bed. A Tasmanian devil [how? You were in America!] and a grumpy looking white tailed deer and about seven different types of bush mice stared at you. 
Jason didn’t care. He snuggled into your hug, chin on your chest. Your fingers ran through his hair.  
He was your favorite feral animal. 
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darkpuppysuit · 25 days
Happiness Pt.2
Words: 7k
WARNINGS: Heavy sexual depictions, mentions of hybrid abuse, fluff, smut, MxM, predator/prey dynamics, a/b/o dynamics, corse language (cursing duh), hybrid ruts. (Might have missed something lmk)
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It's been a few days since the sugar glider had been staying with the seven of them and they've fallen into some type of rhythm which consists of Y/n sticking to either Jungkook or Jimin like super glue including Jin when he was home.
She felt safer with them to say the least, the others scared her to death, she's always been afraid that one of them will eventually snap if she did the tiniest thing wrong so she followed the other two and occasionally Seokjin when she would watch him cook or during the week when he would come home from work, she always followed him around like a lost puppy and Seokjin didn't mind at all.
That is until tonight when he was in the kitchen cooking. 
He was minding his own business spinning around the kitchen so much she thought his head was going to whirl around and right off his shoulders but once he stood at the stove and stayed stationary for a moment Y/n came up behind him to watch him like she normally would and that's when it all happened, so quickly in fact, Y/n barely had time to collect herself when Seokjin spilled the pan with popping hot oil as he spun around on his heels, all over the front of her causing her to let out a hiss of pain and Seokjin to scream almost bloody fucking murder. 
"Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck! Y/n baby I am so sorry damn it!" Seokjin quickly puts the pan into the sink and makes his way back to the glider hybrid with haste. "What happened!?" Namjoon came running from the patio through the living room and around the kitchen island to his mate, rubbing his hands up and down his arms when Seokjin smacks his hands away to assess Y/n's injuries he had caused. 
"She was behind me, I didn't even notice her, she's so quiet. Fuck baby your legs are red and welts are forming already." He kneels down to get a better look before he glances up between the two hybrids staring at each other.
Y/n is frozen like a statue with round eyes only wincing a few times to somewhat acknowledge the fact she has first degree burns running down the front of her legs meanwhile Namjoon looks almost, just as startled the only difference was his dragon-like eyes were squinting at her and that intimidated the poor sugar glider.
It wasn't that she didn't like Namjoon, he was very handsome and very tall, she was ninety percent sure she could climb him like a tree if she wanted to and she did have that urge, but the only thing stopping her was the obvious fact that he's a predator and she's prey.
Namjoon thought they had gotten past the awkward staring during dinner last night when he had fed her some meat off his plate and she actually smiled at him but apparently they hadn't.
Every muscle in her body was screaming at her to run and hide, to get away but she couldn't bring herself to move and every time her muscles would jerk to make a mad dash for the open door just on the other side of the living room the burns on her legs would keep her from using them. 
"Y/n come with me, we need to get your legs under some luke warm water before they get worse." Seokjins words snap Namjoon out of the staring contest with the glider and she quickly looks down at the human currently positioned on his knees in front of her and she becomes shy, a cute shade of pink dusting her freckled face down her neck, nodding her head in response when Seokjin stands up giving her a kind hearted smile laying his hands on her shoulders gently turning her around when the full reality of the burns hits her like a freight train and she goes down to her knees which only made the pain worse and she starts crying as she tries to stand up again. "Fuck I didn't think it was that bad. Joon help me, I'll get her left, you get her right."
Namjoon hesitates, he's supposed to make sure she's safe with them, with him he's pack alpha after all and that was his duty as the alpha but because of his apex predator wolf she's scared to death of him. Hell, she can't even look him in the eye without flinching like he was going to beat the crap out of her, he just wish he knew why or rather who made her fear hybrids like him. 
"Namjoon!" Seokjin snaps at the wolf hybrid and he looks at him motioning to the other side of her kneeling figure with his head and he clumsily makes his way to her tripping over his own feet before grabbing her by the arm to help her stand up but when she doesn't make it very far he just decides to do what he does best, be an alpha she can trust even if that meant waiting months or even years for Y/n to fully trust him. 
He picks her up bridal style trying his best to keep her burns from touching anything until she was under water.  She let out a small yelp wrapping her arms around Namjoons neck holding on for dear life when their eyes meet once again and she can feel something tugging at her heart and so can he.
This magnetic pull scared the shit out of her, it's not like she knew what it was that was telling her to trust the wolf hybrid but she kept pushing that feeling down hoping it would go away. Namjoon breaks eye contact once again moving forward up to the big bathtub in their master bathroom. 
Seokjin starts the water as the wolf squats down setting her into the half filled tub, she shivers at the luke warm water around her but her legs thank her, the sting slowly leaving them as she sits there with her head against the cool tile behind her head, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Do you think she'll be okay? Actually, could you stay with her for a moment?" Seokjin looks at the hybrid next to him, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Uh, y-yeah." Y/n swiftly pulls Seokjin by his pant leg looking up at him with pleading eyes like, please don't leave me with him he might eat me while you're gone, even if that were true Y/n and Namjoon had complete polar opposite ideas when it came to eating her. Seokjin looks down at her small hand that has crumpled his sweatpants into her fist. 
"I promise I'll be right back Y/n. Namjoon is a good alpha he'll take good care of you until I get back." She tugs on him again shaking her head almost crying. "Bunny." She squeaks, tears threatening to fall. Seokjin looks between her and Namjoon before locking eyes with her once more. "Bun is asleep in his room he's not feeling too good. I think his rut is about to start, it's best not to disturb him sugar." She shies away her cheeks turning a rosey red color, Y/n hasn't had her heat for so long she's pretty sure her previous owner broke her more than she had previously thought. 
"Go Jinnie, I'm ninety percent sure dinner is burning by now." Namjoon speaks calmly fluffing out his scent of cedar and chocolate creme which was a weird combination for a wolf hybrid but it was his, unique to him. Seokjin's eyes widen when he hears Yoongi shouting from downstairs and he sprints out of the bathroom to meet the panther hybrid in the kitchen who's trying his best to save dinner on the stove.
The bathroom remains silent, Y/n sits at the edge of the tub facing Namjoon because if he was going to attack her she wanted to see it head on so she could try to defend herself, even though there wasn't much she could do anyway. All he had to do was use his alpha tone and she would immediately comply, even if they weren't the same species it didn't matter an alpha's an alpha.
"Y/n, can I ask you a question?" Namjoon's the first to break the weird silence with the soft timbre of his voice that makes the glider hybrid jump a little, snapping back to reality she looks up at him timidly nodding her head. It's silent for another moment as Namjoon considers his next words carefully.
"Did I do something- these last few days that you didn't like?" Namjoons question is simple and to the point, Y/n looks down picking at her hands thinking about Namjoon. Honestly he didn't do anything to her he's been nothing but sweet and kind to her, he's even gotten her to smile a few times with how much he reminds her of the little girl she used to have. "I can't fix it if you don't tell me pup." 
The nickname comes out naturally, so naturally in fact, it takes him a moment to realize he's purring and fluffing his scent more in an attempt to calm her to get the glider to talk to him, he shouldn't use it like this but he worries for her like he does for his mates.
Y/n opens and closes her mouth a few times before Namjoon hears her precious voice for the first time which causes his heart to flutter at the small sound. "Y-you didn't do anything I just- I've never- been around many predators- before."
And before she knew it she spilled her life story.
So that's the issue or, well, more like issues he thought to himself, his heart strings began to pull at him begging him to do something but he doesn't want to scare her off since this is the first time she's actually talking to him and not completely dodging his advances. "Oh I get it, I mean I don't but, I can understand where you're coming from." The wolf chuckles with a smile gracing his lips his dimples on full display, chastising himself because he was born in a shelter and stayed there for a good portion of his life before Seokjin came walking into the shelter he was at and found him tucked in a corner by himself reading a rather thick book and practically begged the shelter employee who was in charge of the legalities of adoption to take him home the same day. Y/n doesn't realize she's staring yet but how could she not? His smile was like a breath of fresh air, it's unique to him which made it all the more precious to her.
Y/n reaches out to Namjoon, grasping his hand gently, causing him to actually jump a little. "You know when your mate found me, I thought he was another human who was going to use me. I know that isn't true because he's been doing his best to take care of me and-" Y/n's explanation was cut off by the bathroom door swinging open rather forcefully and she's quick to let go of Namjoons hand, sitting back in the tub. A pair of bunny ears peak through the crack of the door first followed by Jungkook and his worried expression. "Y/n, I heard what happened." He begins finally stepping into the large bathroom. "Are you alright? Jin hyung said you could barely walk-"
Y/n is the one to cut him off even though Namjoon was about to speak for her. "I'm fine, I promise." Her voice still quiet and small making Jungkooks eyes light up and his smile grow, his brown eyes start to blow out. "Your voice is so pretty sugar, please talk more." He says the beginning drips of desire rolling off his tongue, Namjoon looks at the bunny hybrids eyes as he stares Y/n down, they're blown out almost completely and his ears are standing at attention, the wolf hybrid quickly puts a hand on Jungkooks chest to keep him from coming any closer to her. "I brought you some dry clothes to change into." She nods her head and says a brief thank you, Namjoon looks at her over his shoulder with a soft smile which she returns before the two of them leave the bathroom and out into the hallway. 
The next day while Seokjin is at work he receives a call from a Mr. Lee in his office, a private call his assistant said was urgent. "Hello this is Kim Seokjin of Yang Law Firm what can I do for you?" His tone is calm and collected, quiet professional. "Hi this is Lee Sujin the rightful owner of that- hybrid you took from me. My wife is worried about her and would like to have her home if you would be so kind." Seokjin couldn't believe what he was hearing not only had the person he and his six mates never wanted to see or hear from was on the phone but the fact that he was using his wife who was just as guilty as he was as a means to take Y/n away from them so soon made his blood boil. 
"I don't think that's quite possible Mr. Lee because she has taken a liking to myself and a few of my mates so, if you would be so kind and get off the phone." His voice was laced with pure spite mocking the scums previous words, who was he to call and just casually demand for the obviously abused sugar glider back like this? Not to mention they all knew Lee was the one causing the abuse and if Taehyung had his way the poor bastard would be dead within the week. "I don't think you quite understand Mr. Kim by all legal rights she belongs to us, to me. So unless you want a lawsuit on your hands I suggest you bring her home." He growls into the receiver causing Seokjin to grit his teeth and slam the phone back onto the holder.
Back at home things weren't as tense as they were yesterday, Y/n is warming up to Namjoon rather quickly after their little talk, currently curled next to him on the living room couch with her legs draped over his thighs and her head on his shoulder lightly snoring with his arm around her knees gently rubbing her outer calf, his head on top of hers, nearly asleep himself. 
Meanwhile Jimin is locked in behind her, his chest against her back, his arms and tail wrapped around her middle protectively, Taehyung is currently in Jungkooks bedroom making so many unholy noises, Yoongi is pretty sure the room is going to be completely trashed and sticky in places it shouldn't be sticky in the first place when the bunny hybrids rut is finished and Hoseok is making sandwiches for lunch in the kitchen with the panther hybrid attached to his back the entire time giving him tiny kitten licks and kisses against his neck on occasion.
The door to Jungkooks room opens with a creak and the thick scent of sex wafts through the house causing everyone's heads to turn on a swivel except for Y/n whose nose is (hopefully) tucked safely into Namjoon's scent gland at the juncture of his neck and shoulder. Taehyung walks out unceremoniously in a pair of Jungkooks basketball shorts with his skin covered in dark purple love bites, some almost comically large and the little ones looked like tiny pin pricks, his mating marks standing out including some rather red and bloody scratch marks on his back and chest, looking a "little" worse for wear. 
"He keeps asking for Y/n- I managed to convince him to take Jimin for now at least until Jin gets home." He takes a deep breath as he makes his way to the landing of the stairs. "Tag you're it panda but be careful he- he's on one this go around." The red panda hybrid's ears perk up and his arousal is evident not only by his scent but the growing tent in his pants. "I guess I better get in there then, I seriously pray to any god that will listen, he doesn't break me, couldn't walk correctly for a week last time." 
Namjoon nods at him pulling the glider hybrid a little closer to him fluffing his scent, while rubbing his cheek against the top of her head and she surprisingly shifts into his lap encasing his torso with her free arm while the other looped around his back when Hoseok hands him a big plate with four sandwiches chips and a few other food items on it. "You're gonna need this." He smirks ruffling Jimin's hair and up the stairs he went with the plate of food of course, letting out a shrill yelp when he's yoinked into the bedroom and the door is slammed shut. 
Taehyung takes Jimins place behind Y/n rubbing his nose on the nape of her neck soothingly when she starts to shift again her eyes flutter open and her vision is met by the sight of Namjoons puffy scent gland, pressing her nose against it causing a warm rumble to vibrate from the wolf's chest. "Barely been here a week and kit's already acting so bold fucking with Joon's wolf like that." Yoongi's low tone causes Y/n to pause for a moment only now realizing what she was doing. "S-sorry, senses lil' overloaded." 
Her sentence, if you could call it that, is broken because she's slowly losing herself to subspace better known as omega space due to the sheer amount of calming alpha scents swirling around her but she's doing her best to not go into a full omega drop cause once she's there it'll be hard to get herself out. "She's so adorable when she's spacing in and out like this, what changed between you two for her to be so pliant Joon?" Taehyung ghosts his long fingertips over the bare skin of her forearm causing the glider hybrid to shiver under his touch, still coming down from his own overflowing instinct to breed from not even five minutes ago. 
"We talked for a little while when she got burned last night and when I woke up this morning she was wedged against me and Kookie." His ears twitch and swivel when she starts nudging at his scent gland again, repositioning herself on his lap to get a better angle absentmindedly rubbing against his groin, his eyes roll back drifting closed as she paws at the expanse of his chest with her fingernails. 
Taehyung who's perched directly behind her after just coming out of Jungkook's room, makes all of her senses go haywire and her coherent thinking taking a nosedive out the nearest window, all of this was far too quick, Y/n thought, she's only been here a week barely and she's already damn near putty in their hands, they're predators for fuck sake, what is she thinking? 
The answer to her own question was absolutely nothing she had fallen into an omega drop something she was trying to avoid but with four alpha hybrids, one of which that just came out of a room with a rutting bunny hybrid (fucking like rabbits), every inch of him covered in the most intoxicating scent of sex and Jungkooks sweet aroma of marshmallows and crisp apple pie mixing in with his own scent of tea leaves and fresh coffee causing Y/n to reach around her back and pull the tiger hybrid closer by digging her nails into his bare slightly bruised ribcage, leaning against his firm chest wanting to smell like all of them, predators be damned.
"Awe, look at her, she's playing with fire with those two." Hoseok chuckles as he looks at the scene unfolding in front of him, a low thunder like purr erupting from his chest when the fragrance of collective arousal hits his nose like a truck going ninety to nothing down the highway. "N-nest- cuddle- p-puddle." The four alpha hybrids look at her, staring almost like did they hear her right?  Y/n wants to build a nest? She wants the four predators in the nest with her? 
They've never entirely dealt with an omega hybrid, there was Jin who acted more like an omega given his kind and caring mother-like nature but he's human soft and a little more delicate than the rest of them, even Jungkook was rough and that's saying a lot given his soft and sweet bunny counterpart. Yoongi makes a mental note to stop by the omega section at the hybrid outlet with her the next chance he got.
"We can do that pup, you have to get off of me though." Namjoon purrs his eyes damn near blown out as Taehyung wraps his striped tail around her arm, his hands slithering around her middle letting out a rumbling chuff from his chest up his throat, more than willing to go for another round or two if the chance presented itself. 
Y/n doesn't budge from her position on the couch tucked between Taehyung and Namjoon as Hoseok and Yoongi come to try and collect her, fluffing their own unique scents adding sharp mint, whiskey, sage and rosemary to the mix. "Come on kitten let him go, come with alpha I'll make sure you get to the bed in one piece."
After a moment of Y/n whining and tugging on Namjoons shirt she finally lets go and Yoongi helps the wolf transfer her into his arms, wrapping her legs around his hips, her arms around his shoulders, head nuzzled into the crook of his neck nudging at his scent gland like she did with Namjoon, trying to get him to fluff his minty fresh whiskey out again causing the panther hybrid to damn near drop her, clasping his hands under her thick thighs giving her ass a crisp smack before fluffing his scent again almost drowning her in it. Oh how she loved his scent almost as much as Jungkooks it caused her head to spin and her arousal to become heavier, her blown out pale blue eyes resembling that of her sugar glider, big and damn near black. 
Y/n comes to reality just enough to shakily stand on her own two feet as the others grab every blanket and pillow they could find, even going as far as sauntering to their individual rooms for hoodies and any other article of clothing they thought she'd like to snuggle with. 
Once everything was haphazardly set onto the bed Y/n turns to the four of them making a get out motion with her hands. "Shoo alphas." They blink at her a couple times not quite understanding why she was kicking them out before she has to collect them one by one and shove them out the door. "Stay." Is the last word she utters before closing the door in their confused faces.
Y/n is happy the one thing she knew how to do and make really well was a nest at least that was one thing her owner hadn't taken away from her. Her stomach was doing flips almost lurching into her throat as she thought to herself. Will they like it? Will it be up to their standards? Maybe she shouldn't make a nest but her omega is begging her to make one so she could sleep comfortably, with the alphas on the other side of the bedroom door hopefully still waiting for her to finish. 
Y/n shakes her negative thoughts from her head as she starts building, starting with the mountain of pillows they collected, setting them neatly onto the large bed in a big circle so all five of them could fit without fucking it up. She grabs the big, heavy duvet into her hands inhaling the keen aroma of mint and whiskey laying it down over the pillows as a base throwing a few other blankets over it to make her nest a little softer, the copious amount of clothing they had brought in is tossed then spread out right in the middle, she has to hold herself back from jumping right into her nest before showing it off to the four men standing in the hallway.
"Come!" It wasn't really a demand especially with how high her voice was but without missing a beat Namjoon opens the door closely followed by the other three and when they make it around the bend where the bed sat Y/n has her hands outstretched towards the new nest with a wide smile on her face like she just won first place in a race or something. She preens when she notices the surprised looks on their handsome faces, they never had a nest to curl into much less something made by the one who was a true minx able to flip a switch like she wasn't just making them as horny like a bunch of preteens just a few minutes ago. 
"Cuddle, yes?" She asks with a pout looking between the four of them, eventually setting her sights on both the coyote and panther hybrid with a smile grabbing their wrists to follow her to the side of the bed, taking her shirt off leaving her in sweatpants and a sports bra that held her heavy breasts practically inviting the two hybrids to look down, Hoseok is shamelessly staring right at them earning a slap to the back of the head by Yoongi. 
"Alpha be nice!" Y/n's smile fades into a pout crossing her arms, her ears twitching in adorable pretend anger, even stomping her little feet. "Yeah alpha be nice." Hoseok repeats sticking his tongue out at the panther causing him to grit his teeth with a you're on thin fucking ice glare. If looks could kill Hoseok was one-hundred and ten percent sure he'd be six feet under and then some. 
Y/n practically rolls into the middle of her masterpiece making double sure to not knock over her carefully built perimeter making little grabby hands for Yoongi and Hoseok to join her in the nest. Hoseok is the first to move and he does so quickly joining Y/n, playfully rolling over her with a laugh and a blinding smile once on her opposite side he pushes her over laying her down on her back, wrapping his arms around her middle and underneath her head, circling his ash blonde tail around her thigh, nuzzling his nose against the crook of Y/n's neck causing her to fall back into full omega space once again. Sleepily Yoongi crawls in noticing her eyes are completely blown out and glossed over. He looks at her for a moment, his mate laying behind her with a stupid grin on his face, letting out a small sigh he wraps his arms and tail around her like Hoseok had just a second ago.
Y/n's head pops up from her position on her back, looking at the other two who look dejected and unloved with a smiling face, she points to her legs lazily. "Here, want- all alphas." She stutters the words nearly foreign to all involved, yet they don't hesitate as Taehyung nearly dives underneath the pile of blankets Hoseok had thrown over the three of them once Yoongi was inside the nest and up her legs taking a deep breath underneath the sheets causing his eyes to roll back, his tail to thump the bed and a chuff-like moan slip between his plump lips. 
Namjoon clambers in after the tiger hybrid wrapping himself around her thick thighs laying his head on her squishy stomach, giving her thighs a squeeze earning a squeak from the glider hybrid. Once they were all comfortable and they made sure their little one they had decided to call her when she was in this state of mind, had everything she needed or wanted they each gave her a kiss or more somewhere on her from their respective places against her soft and squishy body.
Four hours pass before Seokjin groggily slumps through the front door toeing off his dress shoes and loosening his tie, unbuttoning the top three buttons of his pale pink dress shirt. He hazily walks to the kitchen dropping his things onto the counter carelessly, opening the freezer taking out a small secret bottle of whiskey for emergencies taking a swig, after the day he's had staring at his computer looking up the different hybrid laws and calling every hybrid lawyer he could, trying to find a way he could legally take Y/n away from Sujin permanently. After a few more sips he puts the bottle back in the freezer tucking it behind the frozen waffles and ice cream sandwiches when he realizes his normally chaotic house is almost dead silent.
"Hello? Where is everyone?" He calls out waiting for any form of noise but when he doesn't hear a simple door opening or the shuffle of Jungkooks feet against the floor to come attack him, he starts to freak out a little bit. Making his way up the stairs he stops by each room in search of his mates and Y/n when he opens Jungkooks door though, it was really a sight to behold. 
Poor Jimin was naked tied up in ribbons with a ball gag tied around his head and hands secured painfully behind his back, face first in the pillows under him with his hips up and legs spread presenting himself, a ball cage around his cock the tip of it an angry red color from the unbearable neglect, precum leaking from the tip, his soft gagged pleas and whimpers nearly lost between the growling and grunting of the rutting bunny hybrid behind him railing into him without mercy. 
"Look Jimin-ah hyungs home, you look so pretty with tears in your eyes. Don't you think Jin hyung?" Jungkook purrs into the red panda's ear as he bottoms out causing him to roll his eyes back moaning loudly. "He looks absolutely beautiful Kookie, be easy though, you damn near broke him last time. I don't need another trip to the hospital cause you couldn't find your sense of self control." Seokjin looks down at his little panda mate, completely at the mercy of Jungkooks kinky mind and unbelievable strength, wondering just how many positions he's had Jimin in already and for how long, completely surprised he hasn't tapped out yet.
Seokjin is too busy staring at the scene before him, biting his bottom lip red, to hear the master bedroom door open and Y/n launching herself at him. "Jinnie you're home!" He turns at the last second barely catching the glider in his arms as she wraps her half naked body around him tumbling through the door and onto the floor. 
"I missed you!" She preens barely phased by the two hybrids fucking on the bed just above her head, when she looks up her cheeks begin to burn red hot having only heard them and now she's staring directly at the point where the two are connected squirming against Seokjins hips before completely jumping off of him and back into the bedroom leaving him a little shell shocked. Jin slowly picks himself off of the floor exiting the room closing the door behind him following the glider to find his other four mates and Y/n curled in what he assumes is a nest Y/n had made, happy to see her fear of the predator hybrids has almost disappeared. 
Y/n is staring down at her feet like a deer caught in the headlights of a car with Yoongi and Hoseok at either side of her nudging her neck softly,  Namjoon and Taehyung laying on her legs rubbing small circles on her sun kissed skin, fluffing their scent so much even he could smell, practically taste, the four fragrances mixed into the air on the back of his tongue. 
"What's all this? Wait, is that my pastel sweater under your ass Taehyung?" He points to the small piece of fabric before looking back up taking in the sight before him with a goofy smile on his lips. "Little one wanted to nest so her alphas grabbed what we could for her, we'll need to stop by the store to get some things she might actually like-" Yoongi hums almost sing songy pausing when Seokjin rubs his face hiding behind his hands. 
How was he supposed to tell them that she more than likely wouldn't be able to stay with them much longer? That the dirty old twat of an owner threaten to hit him and his family with a lawsuit if he didn't bring her back to him in a timely fashion. Seokjins scent of stale bubblegum and burning vanilla sticks causes Y/n to shift her pale blue doe eyes to him moving over the bed and two large bodies to yank him into the nest.
"Oh shit!" Is the only phrase Seokjin manages to spit out before he's dragged to the center. The glider hybrid practically laying on top of him one leg draped over his, nudging her nose against his neck vigorously, with her ring patterned tail wrapped around his middle and her arms encasing his torso in a tight embrace, the alphas forming a protective circle of love and care around the two of them. 
"No sad, only happy." She whispers borderline whimpering in his ear, Seokjin looks down at her locking eyes and for the second time in his life his chest feels whole again, like she was the missing piece to his heart which was thumping rapidly against his ribcage one-hundred percent sure they could hear it as Y/n leaned in closer her eyes flashing between his chocolate orbs and his pink swollen lips from biting them so much. 
"C-Can I k-kiss you?" She asks sheepishly catching him off guard a little bit, now it was his turn to look at her with wide eyes. "Wh-what? Say that again." His mind was fogged over with thoughts and stupid ideas on how to keep her by their side that he hardly heard her. "Stupid, nevermind." She curls in on herself a little before Seokjin pulls her head up by his index finger hooked under her chin, completely lost in everything that was her. "Don't be shy baby, it wasn't stupid I just didn't hear you, ask me again you can do it." He urges her to speak again as her round eyes stay locked with his.
"Can I stay here? Don't want to leave." She whines nibbling on his shoulder playfully, hoping for any god that would listen to answer her silent pleas to stay. She's gently pulled into Seokjins warm embrace right on top of him straddling his hips, slithering her arms under his head nuzzling back into his neck. "I'm going to make sure you never have to see that poor excuse of a man ever again darling, just give me some time to figure it all out okay? Until then this is your home." Seokjin places a chaste kiss on her head holding her tighter against him when she lifts her head with tears in her eyes. "Home." She whimpers, eyes still glossed over and a tone of possessiveness laced within her purrs she lets out causing the five of them to look at her curiously. Yoongi was half asleep and so was Taehyung when they were pushed around to make room for their mate in the bed.
When they wake again a few hours later Y/n is nowhere to be found, not in the bathroom or in the walk in closet. They start to freak out, what if she was taken in the early hours of the night? How did they not hear her get up, she was in the middle of the nest last they knew, Seokjin should've at least felt her move, she was laying on top of him after all. Namjoon bolts upright along with Yoongi who rushes out the door and down the stairs to find Y/n standing in the kitchen.
She turns around humming silently to herself as she begins to cut an onion on the built in cutting board not giving the panther hybrid a second glance as she spins back around to the steaks in the cast iron skillet flipping them over shaking her ass to music only she could hear.
"You need a fucking bell woman." Yoongi clutches his chest leaning against the kitchen island as the other three come racing down the stairs, Taehyung damn near tripping over the last step. "A bell sounds wonderful." Y/n chimes in with a smile on her face as she mashes the potatoes and stirs the gravy. 
The four hybrids catch their breath for a moment meanwhile Seokjin steps into the kitchen, bumping his hip with Y/n's to let her know he was there. "What's for dinner little dove?" He smiles tying an apron around her back then doing the same with his own apron. "I didn't know how to use the air fryer so I thought next best thing was some type of meat and I saw these sitting at the bottom of the fridge." She says shyly pointing at the steaks in the skillet in front of her. "Then I found the pantry eventually, if it was a snake it would've bitten me, and got out some potatoes and a few cans of mixed vegetables to go with it, the rolls are in the oven, set to warm because they were done faster than I thought they'd be." She mumbles the last half of her sentence, focusing intently on the mashed potatoes so they wouldn't burn.
This is the most any of them have heard her speak coherently since they day she got here and even then it took a day or two for her to open up to any of them, to say anything but a few words here and there. "That sounds really good actually, I'm starving. You can only survive on sandwiches and random snacks for so long." Jimin grumbles ever so slowly limping down the stairs, similar to Taehyung he was only in his pair of shorts skin littered with Jungkooks "little" love bites and drenched in the scent of sex causing Y/n's tail to go ramrod stiff slowly turning around to see just how beat up the poor red panda hybrid is. 
"Oh my gods Chimmy! What on earth did that rabbit do to you?" Y/n shouts using the nickname she heard Seokjin call him that first night she came here, causing Seokjin to wince at her sudden change in volume and taking over so she could check Jimin over a few times if need be.
She jogs over to him catching him a little off guard while Jimin rubs his forehead, feeling the start of a headache coming on she grabs his puffy face into her hands moving his head every which way, putting her wrist against his forehead before ushering him over to the couch scenting a pillow with her sweet lavender and calming pine, handing it to him. 
"Damn she went into overdrive didn't she?" Taehyung nudges the wolf hybrids shoulder as he watches Y/n take care of their mate like it was second nature. "The moment she turned her nice ass around she jumped right into action without a second thought." Namjoon chuckles walking towards the kitchen only for Seokjin to promptly push him away from the stove to the dinner table to sit and not touch a damn thing. 
"Is that enough, are you comfortable? Please- I can go get the hoodie I was wearing if-" Jimin cuts her off with muffled speech she couldn't understand tilting her head to the side, she had covered and wrapped him in all the blankets readily available to her along with the pillow she just scented resting under his head, he wiggles his head out of the pile of blankets covering his plush lips. "N-no I'm fine, I didn't need all of this pampering but, it feels nice thank you Y/n." She preens nodding her head with a smile giving him a peck on the lips without thinking and promptly excusing herself back to the kitchen when Jungkook groggily walks out of his room, the glider paying him no mind as she slaps Seokjins hands away and tells him to go sit down with his mates while she cooks. 
The entire dinner was as wild and chaotic as it normally was, although Seokjin was wrapped up in his own train of thought when his phone buzzed, it was a text message from an old co-worker of his who moved to the hybrid division of the law firm. 
"Hey it's me I know it's late but I found something in an old hybrid law book. It states that if one or more hybrid(s) are mated to a human or another hybrid then legally no body can split them up. I guess it causes an immense amount of pain for the hybrid(s) involved to the point they'd rather take their own life than to live in agony anymore...."
The text message, more like the entire law book, goes on to explain the rest of it almost verbatim, Seokjin quickly shoves his phone back in his pocket trying to wrap his head at the new information when Y/n the very hybrid plaguing his mind nudges his foot under the table, she would've moved closer to him to comfort him but Jungkook currently had her in a iron grip on his lap while he ate his dinner, refusing to let her go for even a second to do much of anything else. "Are you okay honey?" 
She's just full of these little nicknames today isn't she? Seokjin absently thinks to himself before shaking his head, completely coming back to reality. "I'm fine baby really, just a lot going on at work that's all." Seokjin didn't want to worry her about anything not when she's practically part of the family almost.
Giving her a tight lipped smile and a pat on her knee she accepts the half assed answer to go back to eating as Jungkook squeezes her side a couple of times causing her to squeak at his rough touches, her cheeks dusted in a light shade of pink as the others chuckle, deep seated smiles adorning their faces.
Can someone help me make breaks for different paragraphs? I've seen so many pretty ones and have no idea how to make them myself.
Send help.... please
Also if anyone would like to start being tagged in things with multiple chapters please do not be afraid to let me know!
I have DOASM (Dreaming of a Silver Moon) being worked on and edited so far I have five chapters written and being edited so lmk if you want added to the tag list for that one as well, I will make sure to write you tag down so I can add it when I put the first chapter up!
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Roommates? (5)
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Chapter Summary: Y/n speaks with the Sugar glider hybrid before leaving the alley and going to her own home, the next day while leaving lunch with her friend’s Y/n notices it starts to rain, remembering her homeless injured friends, Y/n races to help them, but what will she do?
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: Homelessness, Mention of Injuries, Mention of Blood, Implied Potential Illness/sickness. Let me know if I missed any!
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Taglist (Open)
@rinkud @xanny91 @knjloverr @kalala22
If you would like to be added please let me know!
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The sound of movement slightly stirred me in my rest, it was hard to be completely asleep in the alley, uncomfortable, traffic, nerves. Low grunts filled my ears as I felt a heavy object shifting across my lap.
"Don't move."
I commanded to the injured man who had woken, opening my eyes slightly I saw it was getting dark, the sun almost gone, shadows merging into darkness, glancing around I could see everyone stayed where they were, slight snores and heavy breathing filled the otherwise quiet area besides the slow flow of traffic from the ends of the alley way.
My hand snapped to grab a hold of his wrist, firmly but soft as to not scare him, he had rotated to where he was slightly facing my stomach, he looked up at me eyes slightly lidded. "Don't get up. You need to rest."
Hearing my words, he seemed to understand a bit more, relaxing back down. But before he could get comfortable, I lifted his head slightly off my lap scooching out from under him, I reached for a makeshift pillow I had spotted, using it to replace my lap under his head. He looked at me, his brown eyes shimmering in the low light before slowly closing them, locking his with my own one last time.
Sighing, I tried standing up only to fall back down on the ground, my legs had gone numb from Namjoon laying on them for so long. I tried again, but still ended up back on the ground, grunting, I looked up noticing a broad hand reaching out to me, without looking at the owner I reached for it pulling myself up with their help, leaning against them until the blood started circulating back in my legs, and I found my balance.
Being able to steady myself, I slightly pulled away looking up at the person, it was the sugar glider hybrid, his kind chocolate eye stared into mine, the moonlight illuminating his face, his slightly washed-out purple hair falling perfectly over his eyes, he looked ethereal in the moonshine.
I gave him a polite smile before looking down to dust some dirt from my legs, dried blood soaked into my clothes and cracked on along my thighs, it looks like I just committed a murder. Sighing, realizing that I'll have to throw out these clothes, I looked up at the man who clearly hadn't taken his eyes off me.
"How are you feeling?" He finally spoke.
"Eh, tired mostly, and my legs hurt" I whined kicking my legs about. "I should really get going though, it's getting late."
The man hummed at my response before turning away towards the entrance. "I'll walk you back. I don't want you to get in any trouble with someone, no good people use these alleys at night. Besides, Jimin would kill me if you didn't get home safe."
Smiling I caught up to the man who was a few feet ahead of me, walking side by side we made our ways through the alleys and back to my shop, making small talk on the way.
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Arriving at the shop I unlocked the door, stepping in, the man seemed to loom behind not knowing what to do, I turned to him, giving him an inviting smile telling him to come inside. He hesitantly stepped inside looking around as he did, scanning the room, I walked over to the freezer we had, rummaging through it trying to find what was looking for.
Gabbing them out I held up a few ice packs varying in sizes placing them on the bench before washing my hand in the sink trying to get off as much of the dried blood as I could. Drying my hands, I pulled on the paper towel until there were a few squares piled up, I put the squares with the ice packs to wrap them with.
"Sorry, I never caught your name." I said sheepishly.
"Would you like some tea and biscuits, Seokjin?"
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It was Sunday, me and Seoyeon had the day off, so we decided to go out for lunch with some friends, the forecast had said it was going to rain but most of the time it’s wrong and the sun was shining, so we ignored it.
We were at a café not too far from our own, Jisoo and Jeongyeon joined us today, we had spent the morning doing some shopping and now we were just catching up and having lunch. Jisoo and Jeongyeon were filling us in on all that happened on their recent business trip to Paris.
"-she spat the soup out. In the restaurant!"
"You hit me with your baguette!"
"Yeah, well that's what happens when you can't follow the maps."
"It's not my fault it's in French! I don't speak French." Jeongyeon defended, they were both bickering back and forth making me and Seoyeon bust out laughing, struggling to keep it in.
"...It was pictures..."
The rest of their arguing got drowned out by hysterical laughter from us all, when we all settled back down and flowed back into the regular conversation, the girls asked how the café was going, which we responded to letting them know it was going well, I brought up Jimin but left out the rest of what happened. I had mentioned Jimin to the girls before, so they knew who he was, they never had much of a problem with him, for which I was thankful.
Finishing lunch, we began to walk down the street to where our cars were, Jeongyeon and Seoyeon had come together, and Jisoo had a friend picking her up. Walking up to my car I unlocked the door, waving and saying a last goodbye to my friends.
"Bye! Drive safe!" I heard Jeongyeon yell as I slid into my seat, giving her a smile before closing my door, starting up the car, and pulling out of the parking spot. The muffled sound of the radio and the steady vibrations from the engine filled the car eliminating the silence.
Humming along to the song playing I started making my way home, driving through the city I noticed most of the small stands on the sides of the roads were packing up and the streets were seemingly empty compared to the usually busy area.
That's weird, it's still early.
Failing to notice that through our lunch heavy rain clouds had started filling the sky, I was brought to realization by the small dots quickly covering my front windscreen making it harder to see the road in front of me.
We haven't had rain for a while.
Flicking on the windscreen wipers to clear the window, I kept driving coming up to some traffic lights before it settled in.
The pack!
Panic sending through my body, I quickly turned the car into another lane before speeding up at the green light trying to get to the alley as quick as possible, second by second the rain was getting heavier, by now I could hear it hitting the roof of the car and the road was wet.
Thankfully, the streets weren't too busy so it was easy to get to the alley, going around corners probably a bit faster that I should, trying to get to them before the rain got too bad. Knowing where the alleys are I tried to make it to one of the closer entrances, but I wasn't sure exactly which streets they came out to.
Slamming on the break and shoving the car in park to where I thought an alternate entrance may have been, I jumped out of my car grabbing my emergency umbrella on the way. I raced into the alley, the puddles of water splashing under my shoes. I held the umbrella over my head as I faced the first turn, a few more turns later I saw an awfully familiar place, rushing forwards I recognized the alley to my right, the one that lead back to my shop and the one ahead of me lead to them.
Breaking past the invisible barrier that declared their territory I looked around, the couch had been flipped upside-down along with the chair, the mattresses were all leaning on the wall leaving small pockets that were somewhat sheltered from the rain.
A head of wet blond hair peaked out from the upturned chair, brown eyes looking at mine, I ran over to him wrapping an arm round him bringing him closer to me and under the umbrella that I held. Knowing who it was, I saw some of the others poking their heads out of the up turned furniture but staying under enough as to not get wet.
"Y/N? What are you doing here? You need to get out of the rain." Jimin spoke pulling back slightly to look at me.
"So do you guys." I said back to him spotting Jungkook peeping out from the same chair Jimin emerged from. Taking a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was going to say next, it had been on my mind for a bit, and this was the tumbling point causing the next words to spill from my mouth.
"Y/n we-"
"Come and stay with me."
The alley went silent at my words, blocking out the rain and slight traffic you could've heard a pin drop, gulping down my anxiety, I kept talking. "You guys can't stay in the rain, you'll get sick, and your wounds won't heal. Please, come stay with me, you're all welcome."
Jimin stared at me, looking deep into my eyes at what I had said, searching for this all to be a lie, fake, a dream. Movement drew my eyes away from his looking over at the mattress where Seokjin had come from, his broad shoulders and tall frame looming over me, then Namjoon came out besides him. I hadn't been able to come back and tend to his wounds and I could see the bandage needed changing, everyone's probably needed changing by now.
"Don't give us false hope." Namjoon scoffed glaring daggers at me, but I could see the sliver of hope in his features.
"I'm not." I said sternly looking around. "All of you are welcome. Please, I don't want you guys getting sick from the rain. My car is just around the corner, even if it's just for tonight and I bring you all back tomorrow."
The rain seemed to be getting heavier soaking myself and Jimin despite our umbrella covering us.
There's no way they can stay here.
Seokjin’s eyes caught mine as he spoke, stepping closer. "Are you sure Y/n?"
"I am, I couldn't live with myself if I left you guys out here and you all got sick." I said looking into his eyes, I silence passed us before he nodded and looked away, I turn to Jimin giving him a confirming look before I heard a voice behind us.
"Pack up guys, we'll stay with Y/n until the rain stops."
Seokjin gave me one last questioning look to which I sent him a look verifying my decision before he turned away to get something. At his words everyone seemed to emerge from their areas and started walking around hastily grabbing things, small trinkets, and belongings.
It didn't take long before we were all standing around waiting for the next course of action, looking over everyone they still seemed hesitant, but they all were holding a few small items that seemed to be of importance. Looking over at Seokjin I nodded my head to which he returned before my gaze switched to Jimin, I gave him a small smile which he returned with an uneasy one, I started walking through the alley telling the pack where my car was and to follow me.
"Um, Y/n?"
I turned to my left but kept walking to face Jungkook who was in line with me, his voice was slightly distorted from both his shivering and the heavy rain, I gave him a questioning look asking his to continue.
"Will there be enough room for us in your car?"
Jungkook question came just in time as we rounded the corner to see my car parked on the side of the road right ahead of us, seeing the car seemed to answer his questions, I had gotten a new car a few months ago, one with a lot of room and seats since I often go on road trips with Seoyeon, Jisoo and Jeongyeon, and they don't pack lite.
Speeding up trying to get to the car faster as to keep us out of the rain, I pressed my keys unlocking the car before running to the back and opening the boot, pulling the door it swung sideways, opening the back, I pushed down one on the seats so the boys could climb over.
I turned to them, and they were all just waiting patiently looking at me, the back seats are smaller than the others so the shortest members would be in the back, that being Jimin, Hoseok and the cat hybrid.
They still didn't move after I looked over to them, so I spoke.
"C'mon, get in. Shortest in the back."
Making hand gestures for them to hurry up they seemed to get the hint as the shortest came forward getting into the back of the car. Jimin was last and he gave me a quick smile before jumping in, I clicked the seat back in place before turning to the others.
"Who's going in the front with me?"
They seemed to look between themselves before Seokjin turn to me.
"I will-"
"I'll go in the front."
I turned to look at Namjoon who cut Seokjin off, the rain was getting worse, and I didn't want to stay out here much longer to not get sick and to get out of the wet. Not wanting to argue, I agreed opening the middle doors before rounding the car and getting into the driver’s seat.
Wiping my face, I could hear the boys shuffling into their seats and slight whispers, the rain was getting really bad now and I couldn't see too far ahead of the car. I looked to my side as I felt the car move and heard the door open, Namjoon hauled himself into the car besides me in the passenger seat, his hair was wet and dripping more water into his lap, my eyes travelled down to his bandages, they were dirty and covered in blood and definitely needed a change. My eyes kept traveling down seeing his bare stomach just below his bandages, wet and covered water droplets from his hair, I quickly looked away realizing I was staring,
I pulled down mirror looking into the back. "Is everyone okay?" I saw a few nods and heard low hums. "Right, well let's go then."
I started up the car realizing I had left the aircon on before changing it to heating, I pulled out of the park and started driving away and towards my apartment. The car had fallen into an uncomfortable silence during the drive, I tried to ease the tension.
"You need your bandages changed."
I stated, not looking at Namjoon but he knew it was directed at him.
"No, I don't, they'll be fine."
"I'll change them when we get there."
I kept my eyes on the road not looking at his, I could feel his eyes glaring into my side after I spoke. Thankfully, he didn't seem like he was going to try and object, he's stubborn but he's not so stupid to not get them changed.
"Where abouts do you live Y/n?" A voice from the back spoke up.
Looking in my rearview mirror saw Jungkook looking back at me, figuring he asked the question I answered.
"I live in an apartment complex not far out from the city."
At hearing my words everyone seemed to tense, and the tension from before was back.
What's wrong? - Oh!
"Don't worry, hybrids are technically allowed."
The tension seemed to ease a bit as we kept driving through the rain to my apartment, occasionally Jungkook would ask question and I could hear them chattering and whispering quietly in the back.
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Thankfully my apartment had covered parking so we wouldn't get rained on again, the drive wasn't too long, about 30mins. Pulling into the parking space I turned off the car jumping out and heading to the back and opening the boot again, Jimin moved so the chair could go down before they all piled out.
Once everyone was out, I lead them through the lobby and to the elevator pressing the 16th floor watching the button light up, we were pretty jammed in, eight people, and they were all tall. On the way in we got a few odd looks from staff which changed into fake polite smiles when they realized I had noticed them.
The elevator chimed and the doors opened, stepping out I made my way right making sure all the boys were following me, I had to keep counting to make sure we were all here as I didn't want to lose anyone in the large building. We went down a few doors before we made it to mine, taking out my keys I unlocked the door looking behind me at all the boys before pushing in the door and walking through the thresh hold.
Jimin was the first to follow me in hesitantly followed by the others, turning the corner from the hallway the room opened to the main areas, I placed my bag on to the kitchen bench, thankfully it wasn't too wet, before making my way to the laundry pile grabbing some towels for me and the boys.
Jimin and Jungkook were looking around in awe while the others seemed nervous. "Here." I handed out towels to everyone and put the spares on the bench letting them know they could have them if needed, I gave a quick tour pointing out the basics before collapsing on the couch and closing my eyes, exhausted.
Peeking through my eyes I saw them all looking at me curiously, realizing they wanted permission to sit down I sat up patting the couch besides me.
"Come sit down please."
At my words they all started moving over towards me on the couch, I scooted over a bit to make of the best of the space we had, everyone found a place on the couch or chairs around it, Jimin sat one side of me and Jungkook on the other. Eventually the room had fallen into a comfortable silence, some of the guys drifting off from exhaustion and the comfort of the couch, I would have fallen asleep too if it weren't for my phone.
Jimin was leaning on my shoulder and Jungkook's head was resting on my lap, I was scrolling through social media before I received a weather notification, clicking on it I started reading. The weather app said that the rain would most likely continue for the rest of the week, as a storm was approaching, and the weather would start getting worse in the next day or so.
Well crap...
Slowing moving Jungkook off my lap and repositioning Jimin, I stood up making my way over to my room, if a storm were approaching, I'd have to do some shopping now before it got much worse, I didn't have time for a shower. Taking off my wet clothes I slipped on a hoodie and some shorts, quickly doing my hair in a way that it wouldn’t get in my way.
Walking over to the kitchen counter, I grabbed out my keys stuffing them into my hoodie before turning around. Jimin was standing behind me. "Where are you going?" He asked rubbing his eye, I gave him a small smile spotting Jungkook slowly waking up behind him.
"Ah well, I need to go shopping because there's a storm rolling in." I explained catching Jungkook's attention who was now making his way over to us. "You guys can come if you'd like. I need to buy food, so it would be nice if I could buy somethings, you guys like, we could also get you guys some new clothes while were there." I smiled back at them both.
They seemed a bit unsure at first but ultimately agreed, I gave them both one of my hoodies to get them out of their wet clothes before we headed out.
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We had finished doing the groceries the boys letting me know what types of foods they all liked so I could make them meals they’d like, we also picked up some extra bathroom supplies before we headed to the clothing store. Walking in I instructed the boys to find some clothes for themselves and everyone else while I headed to the linen area, having eight people at home, I knew I didn't have enough blankets or even clean towels.
I picked up a few large towels before looking for some blankets, I picked out a few doonas and covers before grabbing some fluffy blankets, I only had two beds at home so we would have to set up the couch for the other boys. By now I had 2 shopping trolleys which was proving quite hard to steer so I was very happy when Jungkook had made his way over to me, muttering a small 'Thank you' I continued getting bedding supplies before meeting back up with Jimin who had gotten enough clothes that I cloud barely see his face behind the large pile. He dropped them into Jungkook's trolley which had all the items from this store, they both gave me a look at seeing how much the trolley was filled but I quickly shot that down with my own look, we had this conversation when getting groceries, they could get whatever they want, when they leave, they can either keep it or I’ll find something to do with it.
"Got everything?" I asked them, looking at the trolley. "Enough clothes for you all?"
"Yep, enough for everyone."
Nodding in approval we went up to the counter and started pulling the clothes up on to it as the lady behind the counter started scanning it all, it didn't take too long before we were heading out the store, asking the boys if there was anything else they needed, we decided all the shopping was done and start heading home.
Arriving at the building we got all the bags out of the car, Jungkook and Jimin took most of them leaving me with just one in each hand.
Walking through the lobby again, the boys behind me, over at the reception I saw Yeonjun who gave me a nice smile and a wave which I returned before turning into the elevator with the boys, Yeonjun was one of the workers here whom I'd gotten to know along with some others.
The elevator dinged as we reach my level the doors opening to see an elderly lady along with another worker, we exited the elevator heading towards my apartment. Grabbing the keys out putting them in the lock turning the door and pushing it open, what was waiting on the other side worried me.
"What the heck?"
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A/n: They moved in! I know these first five chapter might be moving a bit fast, but it’ll slow down now. Sorry for the late update, I add extra work today. I love leaving dialogue cliff hangers it adds so much to me, and I can start the next chapter at a sure-fire point too. Also, if it’s feeling a bit Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon based at the moment, don’t worry! It’s just to get the story started and I plan to give each member their own moments and time with Y/n. If you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this series, please like, reblog, maybe leave a reply or even follow if you feel like it, it is much appreciated, I hope you all have a lovely day & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
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winterviolet1 · 8 months
Ateez Reaction:
Them being hybrids with a human S/O
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Hybrid Ateez and their human S\O
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HongJoong being a wolf hybrid. wolves being know for loyal, educated, Intelligence and strong tie to families. Being the leader in his pack of mix hybrids, he always cares and defends his friends and family. He was mostly a lone wolf without a mate until he met you.
You and HongJoong met at a hybrid café tho you were a human. You two met a few time before Hongjoong asked you out on a coffee date. From there you as his s/o have been with Hongjoong for near 4 years. There has been a few time that Hongjoong thought he may be not good enough for you cause he was a hybrid but you proven him wrong. He's happy to have someone like you in his life either as A human or a hybrid.
You are his Mate
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Seonghwa the charming yet sweet red panda hybrid. being the oldest in the group of mix hybrids. Seonghwa is loving and protective but in his way that only those close to him knows about. Being a red panda has it perks at times but it also has it con except when he was out on his walk and met you.
You was on the bench doing some sketching on your drawing book. When you as Seonghwa as he was looking at you, you were shy by his beautiful charms and red panda energy. You two chat over for a bit and for a while, you got to know Seonghwa as he did the same for you. Soon you two started dating cause Seonghwa and You grew feeling for each other over time. You were getting used to Seonghwa hybrid side which you alway from cute and would get to pet his ear.
Seonghwa was more then happen to have you as his human S/O
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Yunho as fox hybrid is beautiful, sly and playful. Being one of the tallest hybrids in his friends group. Yunho loves to pick on and teases those who are shorter then him while he best friend his Mingi.
During the day it was snowing. Yunho met you at a store as you were trying to reach something on a top shelf. Having a big heart and playful expression. You and Yunho met up quite a lot on days he wasn't busy. Soon you and Yunho started dating, You get to play and touch Yunho ears and tail since he finds it comfortable.
Yunho is more then happy to have you as his human S/O cause he get to share his passion with you
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Yeosang as Racoon hybrid usual has a few flaws. Raccoon are usual known to be a pest and thieves but not Yeosang. Yeosang is sweet, insecure and kind to those in his family and friends. Yeosang is normally insecure for his markings cause he finds them ugly and thinks he looks unattractive with them.
You as he S/O of 3 years love everything about him. His markings, his expression and everything about him attracts you to him. You met him at a skate park as he was skateboarding around before he accident ended up crashing into you. After many apologies and offer to repay for crashing into you, You get to know him well and his hybrid side as he is very shy being himself around you.
He's grateful you don't find him disgusting
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San as a sugar glider hybrid tend to sleep a lot during the day. His cheery and mischief are active during the night. So when he was out to do some late night activities, He met you at a festive as you saw him covering his ear cause of how sensitive they were. You were sweet to have earmuffs and cover his ears so the loud sounds were muff as San blushed while smile at you kindness.
After that day You two had met up a lot til he asked you out on a date. Now your his S/O of a year and 4 months, He was warm and cuddly during times when you two take a nap. Being a human san had sure to not harm you with his sharp nails when you two hold hands or have intimate sessions.
San's happy to have you in his life.
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Mingi another tall get in the group would be a Panda Hybrid. Cuddly, shy and clingy he may be but don't let his cute side fool you. He can be quite the handful guy til he opens up to those around him.
You as his human S/O love this big man. Going on dates with him when he isn't busy with tour or work was lovely. He met you during one of the events with him and his team as you were just minding your own business. You were surprised at first to see someone like him but happy to get to know him and is now dating this Panda Hybrid.
Mingi was more then happy to show you off to the world if he could get the chance to lol
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Wooyoung a tiger hybrid is smug, clingy, cheeky and sometime passive aggressive. Wooyoung loves attention and is easily jealous when he attention is taken from him. Especially if his S/O attention was taken from him.
You as his human S/O knows the wrath if Wooyoung is jealous. Luckily always manage to get around it by giving him kisses, making his favorite food or spending long session with cuddles. Wooyoung takes pride as he know brags about how he luck to have someone like you in his arms and no one else.
"Babe of course I would show you off if it means to show everyone your mine"
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Jongho the fearsome Lion hybrid. He take pride in what he does for his group of friends and family. If you make him angry, well might not see another day. He's very protective and supportive to the one's he love, even his Human S/O.
You as his Human S/O is his precious treasure. You and Jongho met during his tour as he found you the most charm/beautiful human he ever saw. Getting to know each after exchanging numbers, You manage to capture his heart as he did the same to you as now you two been dating for over a year. Jongho can easily jealous if another human tires to hit on you when he is or isn't around.
In his eyes, your his lioness and the love of his life...
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