#not really interested in a romantic relationship tbh
camodielsart · 2 days
Are you fine with people shipping their oc with the Casino Cups version of Cuphead? Do you have any cons about it like as long as they keep him in the aroace spec, etc?
Have you also happen to come across some creators who do ship their oc with Cuphead? Do you have any personal opinions or are just neutral towards them
aroace means he's not interested in any romantic relationships at all. obviously he can have friends haha tbh i can't really control what ppl do. i rather they don't but ppl are gonna ship what they want to ship regardless of what i say
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brainfullofbees · 8 months
#it's kinda like. since figuring out i'm arospec it's like i've just gradually been becoming more aro lol#not really interested in a romantic relationship tbh#i love kisses and cuddles and doing stuff that could be romantic if put in that context but like#it's not romantic. it doesn't feel like that and honestly i don't really want it to anymore#funny how things flipped around like that lol#i guess i'm also still coming to terms with the whole aro thing#i think it's super cool and i'm really proud of this new aspect of my identity i've learned#but i guess it's also a strange feeling to go from being obsessed with romance to being so neutral about it lol#it also makes everything else mix weird#like. i don't want a romantic relationship but if i did it would be with a girl or enby or just. idk somebody who's not a guy#but also guys can be hot!! and i'd fuck a guy! but i wouldn't wanna date one#but also i don't wanna date anybody#but also. girls... <3#does that make sense???#i am a queer little bitch and it's silly and fun and i like having a funky identity lol#so like. i am a lot of things but right now? i feel like aro is the top thing. the other attraction stuff is less important lol#i am aromantic first and a pan lesbian second. but aro takes up like. most of that#idk i'm sleepy and i'm rambling but main point is. I'M FUCKIN ARO BABYY AND THAT'S COOL AS SHIT#(greyromantic and quoiromantic specifically but that's very wordy lol)#and finding this out has been so good for me. i feel so much better about myself now#i have a better understanding of my relationships with people now. i can actually start to parse out the difference between ''i want to do-#-romance things with this person'' and ''i wanna be really close to this person somhow'' ?!#GOD do you know how many times i've thought i've had crushes on people just because i was becoming closer friends with them????#amd now that shit is easier to figure out!!#it's fucking freeing!!#good shit :)#okay i go sleepy lol
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strangeasf · 2 months
Eddie: You and Tommy have the right idea..
Me: ha?? are you saying what I thi-
Eddie: Stay single. Hang out with the boys.
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satorugojoswiife · 8 months
in light of the previous anon's ask, are there any confirmed/canon ships in jjk? i just got into the series this year and i've seen a lot of people claiming satosugu is canon, as well as yutamaki.
Kenjaku x yujis dad.
There aren't really many, if any canon ships in jjk now that I think about it??? There seems to be something between hakari and kirara but nothing has ever been officially confirmed.
They are both very popular ships, but neither satosugu or yutamaki are canon. I understand why lots of people ship them though.
I'm not 100% sure but I think a big reason for lots of people saying stsg canon is due to the 'my one and only' line in jjk0, but that is actually exclusive to the viz translation.
The direct jp to eng translation is 僕の親友だ。たった一人のね -> "It was my best friend. The only one I have"
Viz's version, 'my one and only', still technically works but tbh I kind of feel like they worded it like that on purpose, almost borderline queerbaiting, but yeah.
Aside from that the ship does have lots of other things going for it tho! Definitely an important relationship in the series and whether people would like to interpret it romantically or plantonically is up to them. As far as 'canon' goes I'd say it'd be platonic (as of right now with the information we have).
While love is a very prominent theme in the series (the most twisted curse of them all, 'teaching' sukuna about love, ect.) I feel its mostly explored in otherways than romantic. Whether it be familial, platonic, or whatever. jjk is definitely not a romance focused series, so I'm not sure if we ever will see any canon ships explored. I guess mechamaru was heavily implied to have a thing for miwa, but.. . well, we know how that ended 💀
omg so sorry I went off on a tangent there !! I feel like people focus too much on what is and isn't canon. But idk who cares about canon, just ship what you like 💖 I hope everyone enjoys shipping their fave ships and has a good day 👍💖
Also ily satosugu and yutamaki shippers I don't mean for this post to come off as dismissive of your ships I was just trying to be as factual as possible. Ignore me tho and continue loving your ships!!
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gideonisms · 2 years
tamsyn could say two characters fucked nasty and people would still interpret it as platonic. And they might be right, depending
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haliaiii · 8 months
tell us more abt sam and val plsplspls they are the backbone of our society i love hearing abt them
ofc ofc!! i love talking about them lmao
The story itself is called Retrograde and Sam and Val are the two main characters!
(Brace yourself it's kinda long!)
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Personality wise he's pretty reserved, doesn't really say much unless needed, he's more open with people he's close to
Though he may look moody, he's actually just awkward
Currently he's working as a bounty hunter to pay his rent and keep the license but really it's just a title and he just goes around accepting odd jobs that pay him
He doesn't kill people so he instead chooses to beat them up real bad and turn them in
Val isn't his real name, it's just a nickname. Barely anyone knows his real name aside from one or two people.
Doesn't have the best past (original i know but its plot relevant) but he's working through his mistakes and trying to make amends with himself and others
He was found drifting in the river on the verge of death but was miraculously revived by a doctor who ran a small clinic nearby
He got into bounty hunting because he could get a license that works as a valid form of id so he can rent an apartment and have a bank account while also being able to hide his identity (loopholes)
His eyes are actually not normal and are in fact a genetic condition he was born with! He gets a lotta stares and comments for it but he doesn't really care atp
Actually ridiculously good at dancing, he won a lot of competitions for ballroom dancing when he was in highschool and he could've gone professional if it weren't for certain other reasons
Because of his weirdly unique talent, he's really agile which makes him good at close hand combat
He's the one who drives both him and Sam around because he's the only one who has a hoverbike and can drive
Things he likes:
Ballet performances
The spicy shrimp noodles from his favorite thai restaurant
Cheesy romcoms (a secret)
Driving his hoverbike 30 miles above the speed limit
Things he doesn't like
Large crowds
Bugs (especially spiders)
People who don't respond to text messages
Messy eaters
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He's gonna have a longer description cause he's pretty plot relevant for the beginning
He's a pretty easy going guy, in many ways the opposite Val
Easy to get along with, most of the time he's pretty chill so he doesn't find it too hard to talk to people
Not really an extrovert tho, somewhere in the middle but still social if that makes sense
Val found him in an underground cave sleeping in a pod like thing while on a bounty
Somehow he managed to open the pod and wake Sam up, only to find out he has no recollection of anything that's happened to him nor who he is or his name
They decided to call him 'Sam' for now because it was printed on the tag hanging from his left ear
The last thing Sam remembers before waking up is a giant flash and burning buildings
Based on the weird room, sleeping pod, and the weird suit he's wearing, the two figure out that Sam's been asleep for a lot longer than he thought (more than 500 years)
He's actually from the Previous Era, which was an old civilization a lot more technologically advanced than the Current Era but was destroyed by a cataclysmic explosion (wonder what caused it?)
So Sam is technically many many years old atp but is still mentally the same age as Val
As you can guess he doesn't really take this very well
Turns out there was another pod next to Sam's pod that's been opened meaning that he may not be alone
Sam decides he wants to recover his lost memories and find out what happened to him and also find the person in the other pod, or at least what happened to them
Since he has no idea what the current era is like he enlists Val's help in exchange for helping him pay his rent.
He decides to keep his true identity a secret to not draw attention
He's actually really good at fighting and can hold up with Val pretty well so the two become partners
He's got these strange metal implants inside him, the most visible one around his neck which he's a bit self conscious about.
He doesn't know why it's there but it might have something to do with the blue ring above his head
The halo only turns off when he sleeps/lies down but seems to be above his head no matter what (he doesn't like it cause it draws a lot of attention)
His eyes are really unnatural and actually glow in the dark, another thing that freaks him out
His hair is naturally coral pink and not dyed (which is also a bit strange but not as much as the other things in his opinion)
Sam can't really read well, he's not sure if it's because he never learnt to read or the language has changed so much since he went to sleep, he's also not great at math
Kinda thanks to this he's also not great at budgeting and sometimes spends a lot of money on useless things that piques his interest (which causes him and val to do more bounties, much to val's dismay)
Even though he can be kind of an idiot sometimes, he does his best to fix his mistakes and make it up to people
Weapon of choice is dual guns!
Things he likes:
Sweet drinks (he's got a bad addiction to boba, milkshakes, and smoothies)
Arcade games (sucks at the fighting games but really good at rhythm games)
Astronomy (he knows nearly every constellation and its position by memory, it's kinda scary)
Action movies
Things he doesn't like:
Narrow hallways and closed spaces
Horror movies
Bugs (they're both screwed i know)
Some other fun facts !!
They live together in Val's apartment, they alternate sleeping on the couch and bed since Val felt bad
Even though Val said he'd only help Sam if he helped pay his rent, he actually didn't mind helping him for free and only added that because Sam insisted
Val is the only one who can cook out of the two, however that doesn't mean he's good at it, so they usually just order out most of the time
The world they live in is a mix between futuristic and post apocalyptic, yeah there's still technology but it's not as great as it was before
Part of this was because after the collapse of the previous era, rebuilding took a crazy long time and there was a big power struggle until the current government took control
There was a 4 year long civil war that happened and ended around 5 years before Sam woke up
There's currently a large supply shortage so for the past few decades so some technology has regressed
Their world is technically an alternate universe of our world, the divergent point happened around the late 1940s, I could go into it more but it's not that plot relevant but it is the reason they don't have a lot of today's modern technology despite it being many years into the future
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tiredsadpeach · 1 year
Uh oh!!! Here comes the part where I think my bf will hate me once he learns x thing about me!!!!
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sysig · 1 year
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Self-contradictory (Patreon)
#Doodles#Villainsona#Just Desserts#Hypocritical? Close but not quite#Charm is always the one who gets to hold the most interesting ideas lol#Spookage! She just wants to be chill the more intimidated she feels the more she wants to lash out#But she doesn't always want to! She's a villain in recovery! As evidenced by Kaiein trying to tempt her#He's really not very tempting - although he is aggravating which is unfortunately to his favour :/#He's so encouraging in all the wrong ways#Also I don't think I've mentioned it but his second line? That's a reference to the song I've attached to their relationship#Unfortunately I'm pretty sure the song is meant to be romantic?? Which - yuck lol - but I also just don't really see as That Romantic tbh#It's Villainous Thing by Shayfer James which I'd just recommend in general it's a really nice song :D#But it fits them for probably obvious reasons lol ♪ Villainous Thing but make it paternal(? still yuck lol)#Well he's just yuck so again - expected lol#Some Evil Time with eye shines - more ''encouragement'' probably from early on#Just play along it's probably fine :)#Getting into a ''What if'' spiral is no fun so it's better to just avoid it#And then a three-set - it's not meant to be hypocritical - conflicted yes but stemming from the same source#Feeling Special™ is so dangerous! How far until it's too far? Is there a way to turn back? Is it better to not worry about it and never know#Can't have regrets if everything goes exactly to plan - planning around the most likely situation - it's fiiiine it's fiiiiiiine
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
Also what is with me and M names?? And mikes????
Childhood friend and crush: Miki (michael)
Childhood besties: Marie, Marilynn
High-school bestie: Michelle !
High-school crush: Marco (I asked him to prom but our friend group fell apart over an argument btwn him and another friend and no one went. Oop.)
College friend vague crush: Mike (turned out to be gay)
Uhhh current guy who asked me out: Mike.
That's 3 michael/Mike variations! And Marco is very close as well! And my best girl friends were all Ms also! Do M names get like magnetically drawn together or something???
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mister13eyond · 1 year
i love writing bc my brain is like "what, finish your multiple wips based around a ship you love and care for that you have clearly thought out continuations for? no. you're going to write about your oc being a surrogate parent to giorno giovanna"
#yes this is about#vesuvio#vesuvio bruciato#tbh i think its fun coming up with ocs to have other dynamics than ship dynamics with canon characters#not to disparage shipping or ocxcanon ships because i love love and i'm a big gooey sappy person who likes writing romance and relationship#but because like#idk one of the things that makes a character feel real is that they exist outside of a romantic partnership#they have other relationships that anchor them to the world around them#family and friends and acquaintances and coworkers#and i LOVE digging into those niches#especially for a character like giorno for whom this is a Central part of his backstory#his whole backstory hinges on the fact that he was neglected and abused and then one (1) person showed him kindness#and he dedicated his life to living in that person's image#and i'm really interested in that through the lens of like#what do you do when you meet your heroes and they're painfully human#what happens when the person giorno has looked up to his whole life#is just as messy and human and has his own struggles#but also the two of them Still to some degree have that drive to look after each other#because you never forget someone who changed your life#so now they have to see each other as people#i think the experience of learning the adults around you dont actually have it all figured out either#is an underrated part of a coming of age narrative#like seeing that 'oh we just get older but there's no sudden Moment when you cross a threshold and just Get It all at once'#i dont know why i needed to write this all in the tags#anyways if anyone wants to send me asks about vesuvio and/or giorno i would love that#help me flesh out their relationship & interactions
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primsycoldbottles · 2 years
sooo glad there r more ppl other than me who recognize that while ruehob IS cute and when actively watching the scenes its very investing and gweeee but the moment u step back and Think about it.. they dont have much substance. it was a big swing of infatuation and their progression has been deeply rushed (again. curse of only having 10 episodes to figure everything out) so theres less personal investment in their romance as a result . AND with binxhera seemingly pushed on by others in the group while binx and andhera really just seem like growing friends in coinciding situations (though they DO have romantic potential i suppose, i dont see it being fulfilled within the reigns of the show because theyve JUST NOW gotten to a place i personally see as a POSSIBLE beginning for budding emotions and such. nothing concrete.)
i <3 not feeling pressured to ship things anymore even tho im sosososo scared of being jumped by hardcore shippers sometimes
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winepresswrath · 1 year
After spending NiF listening to my girlfriend explain how Lin Shu should die, she is now spending Mr. Sunshine listening to me explain how Lady Ae-shin is femmephobic because she will not marry Hui-seong and have threesomes and/or a protracted emotional affair with Eugene.
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ideal scenario is that i like thinking about this like, essential short story adventure where winston and tuk hook up w/a couple [that bachelorette party] members, and as a foursome/quartet because they have these parallel stories of two pairs of friends who are like "sure i'd have sex with you if things aligned for that" and now are living that short story about expanding a dynamic & becoming closer friends for the end of it (of course billions only wrote winston as standing next to tuk next episode, instead of rian as he's often written to be standing with incl in a previous finale, to shove him out of the path of getting material and let taylor have confusing nonresolution w/rian based on this proximity and coincidence instead. but who can't say that that, And winston next not even trying to sit with tmc in the last finale appearance which at this point is probably for the best and instead again hanging out with tuk and then ben, isn't about having been closer for whatever all happened there in obtaining casual sex together)
and they can have perpendicular stories of also just having some nice chats and enjoying other interactions together such that maybe it's just fun for this one night of crossing paths, maybe anyone stays in touch at all, who even knows, if winston or tuk are dating anyone it's probably only going to come up again in how they were last dumped for being too much effort for how unepic they are, so godspeed to offscreen unmentioned dating. but just friendly acquaintanceship, or again this one-time spontaneously crossed paths night's acquaintanceship, is also a lot of fun. and why not imagine that winston "he's not allowed to not feel self-loathing or, by doing basic things like talking or initiating Or oppositng anything, Not operating as though he's too low in a social hierarchy here to be allowed thusly" type of material where his spontaneity, vivacity to bon vivantocity, self-assurance that is apparently arrogance/aggression to every who thinks he ought to be self-effacing instead, etc, is actually just a social success in other less wretched non-work situations, and his personality is taken as a contribution to the proceedings even before anyone takes up his proffered contribution of himself as a potential sexual partner. and lending confidence to tuk as like one person who won't, at any given time, go into hostile mode with him or even like take up the position of issuing this criticism, which is an inherently elevated (over tuk) one when it's a unilateral thing. such that tuk's personality can be a potential contribution as well. and winston and tuk's Friendship Developing Moments can be happening then, too, b/c Maybe they've hung out outside work on their own aleady, but also maybe they've never really been interacting with a larger group outside work, such that that group is less likely to include some people, or entirely people, who will suddenly go sicko mode on either or both of them. and then meanwhile, who knows anything abt this bachelorette party, could be already a cohesive friend group who all see each other all the time, or people who see each other more infrequently meeting up on this trip, or a mix; could be fun and chill or something so scheduled/demanding it's kind of like a work trip, or fluctuate....and of course zero info abt the individuals such that imagining anything abt them is entire OC territory, and i'm bad at that, or at coming up with stories, so not exactly a lot of details here from me but godspeed if two of them unlock another tier of friendship here b/c like parallel to winston and tuk, they're like hmm okay so we're mutually down re: potentially having a foursome here, and spending some time away from the larger group
(or of course the scenario that tuk and winston can also have that moment but just as putting "and/or: a threesome?" as an option, and that tips the scales for someone who might've otherwise felt more indecisive like "hmmmm casual convenient hookup, or spending more time out & about like this / whatever other activity...." but then is like oho Well, if it's a threesome, i'll seize that opportunity, sure....such that then maybe afterwards [winston and tuk hanging out together] happens sooner, if the third member feels more third wheel about things lol, since now they'd be the only two who already know each other. like ooh who knows, round n+1 in the aftermath just one on one (and/or i mean, maybe another thing the third party's still around for, re: further casual sex opportunities that don't just fall into your lap every day), and/or talk, watch tron together, go back out on the town even. where the conclusion of this truly is the essence of "it Is easy to imagine that winston and tuk are real Genuine Friends for the implicit further offscreen time spent together outside work / interactions between them here. and fun" and with that flair of "and give that a juxtaposed parallel in it being the same for a couple bachelorette attendees, why not, good for them"
#winston billions#not even overt winstuk ideas. at least not in the sense that this or other ideas i have in that realm would necessarily be distinct from#the realm of ideas abt their being actual regular friends. even when it's like ''ooh & what if they kissed'' ideas.#it's [aroace] it's [relationship anarchy] it's [for the most part if i use ''romance/romantic'' as a term it's a shorthand for convenience]#not the most interesting dynamic i'm working towards here. like even w/the world of [many Tayston ideas that involve their both extensively#navigating this world of What Are We] most fun ideas aren't that they Just want to say ''i love you(tm)'' especially not wherein that in#turn is supposed to be a shorthand for Romance; Huh? that itself elides everything else w/more Meaning that can be discussed or organically#figured out by further navigation when what's more honestly going on is that they want more options in how they interact w/each other#which is included in fun ideas that they do enjoy & go ''jk unless??'' when ppl assume they Are dating / together romantically(tm) lol....#all that to really take a long tangential way around to ''and i don't even think much abt what billions canon could offer re tuk & winston#being friends beyond further very occasional very isolated very peripheral glances outside of knowing a) it'll be a joke on both of them#and/or b) it'll be a joke on just winston; in that tuk is the one who must Transcend this genuine friendship'' and i certainly don't expect#much in general given that i'm not even presuming winston's not written out early in season 7 or anything#to even write some nebulous Positive Enough / Genuine Enough riawin dynamic material for my tayriawin wip sure is essentially equivalent w/#writing this What If Their Friendship Was Positive/Genuine Enough. and tbh taking it back to pre 5x08 rian of the short hair & busy desk#when there was still that potential re being a character b/c whoops weren't yet cast into being taylor's mirror & only plot Device vs Drive#great times out here. could get actual character material if she's actually criticized vs w/e taylor says abt her is [their mood ring]#evidently hypocritical in how she treats winston; which is to say: uses him; most often by bullying him; & seems to have interacted w/his#ever indeed having a crush on her by consciously taking advantage of that for....only more bullying. so based on That canon precedence it's#like....considerations of how they could interact now that might be more romance(tm) proximate are. certainly not Good lol.#the one true This Could Be Good And Enjoyable billions canon has proven to yield: Put It All On Taylip Baby. As Personal All/Anythings 🙏🙏#hilariously similar Seeming premise w/riawin like wow they're rivals when feeling petty but can & want to work together. they're peers.#they're foily. they're offbeat enough. they're a duo of somethings. they're Aware of the language & the rules & the behaviors. they're#crucially unusually cooperative in general but esp. with each other....and yet. apparently At All Costs winston must be a joke and rian mus#be correct; other characters insisting on thusly so much that there's no indication the writers are even aware of any other possibilities#when perhaps core themes of analyzing perceived intrinsic vs extrinsic incongruity fails to apply this to Autistic Ppl Are Real....shrugh!#i have no idea if the fact rian has no clue she also ever uses people to her benefit & will keep at it b/c she can get away with it is also#aligned thusly like. writers think pwning winston is A Neutral; Unquestionably Correct simple fact of human interactions/relations.#still nonzero suspicion that [no; rian isn't meant to simply be correct] but if you write him off / nobody's said shit to her except for#winston himself (ignored by characters & potentially viewers) or even blinked; as has been the case so far....then where are we exactly.
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devilsskettle · 2 years
something i’ve been thinking about recently: kind of crazy how much my Type has changed since the pandemic started like my ex was So my Type and i was infatuated before the pandemic and now their Type hasn’t changed but i probably wouldn’t even look twice at them now, kind of insane
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
Consideration for the Princess Mary is thought to have been one of Jane's uppermost [concerns] as she moved into her role as consort, but whether it was simply political or indeed sincere is another question. She apparently approached the subject with Henry just prior to Anne's arrest: 'Mistress Semel [...] suggested that the princess should be placed in her former position; and the king told her she was a fool, and ought to  solicit the advancement of the children they would have between them, and not any others. She replied that in asking for the restoration of the Princess she conceived she was seeking the rest and tranquility of the king, herself, her future children and the whole realm; for, without that, neither [Charles V] nor [the English] people would ever be content.' Her concern for Mary may [well] have been genuine, but her timing was impeccable. She safely voiced her concern surrounded by her family and friends at court who opposed the Boleyns. What is interesting in this exchange is the speculation of Jane's motives, combined with the king's reaction: he defined the role he expected her to fit into, in this case, he gave clear indication that she should concern herself with the business of the children she would have with him, not any other. Politics aside, she was expected to produce an heir and focus her attention on the dynastic issue of her future family. At the very least, Henry had convinced himself that there would be children between them and sought to remove her from any central political role to that of consort and mother. Jane was a hope for the future, but Henry set out immediately placing a definition on where her concerns should be and what his expectations obviously were.
Jane, The Quene (Pamela M. Gross)
#the 'them and not any others' would suggest he already had a firmly set mind for how the near-future parliamentary succession act was#going to shape out#also. there wasn't a coup against edward vi. so it would seem she was ; actually; wrong (something not brought up much)#(at least in regards to her future children; that is)#and. frankly. in regards to charles v as well. charles v made an alliance with henry without that. henry well had the measure of that.#(one kind of wonders if her own source for that was chapuys himself. or one of his points of connection/ sources at court thirdhand )#although if his reign had been longer#...who is to say. maybe there would have been one backed by mary. but i think the idea of mary is that she honored henry viii's final#succession act/ will too much to have ever done that (which...eh. she did and she didn't. she certainly didn't wed with parliament's#consent. so)#nor keep her status unchanged re: legitimacy#i don't really believe in weir's theory but the confidence of 'the children they would have between them'... hm. maybe they had consummated#the relationship before marriage? because it almost sounds like he believes on is on its way#*1#i've outlined that for one of my fics just bcus i think it's more fictionally interesting. whocan really know#i know a lot is made of how so many of his marriages ended (for obvious reasons) but man is this not a particularly romantic beginning#and i don't even mean anne's arrest (altho . clearly that too)#but already calling her a 'fool' ? damn. maybe she had already accepted the proposal or maybe he was letting her know in no unsubtle terms#that he could always make another choice...since officially the betrothal date isn't until may 20#could do without the woobification of this marriage tbh! hirst and weir i am looking at you's
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mejomonster · 2 months
I finished final fantasy vii rebirth and. Some mixed opinions.
The main good points: as a Sequel to original FF7? Its good. The women are all written well (which was a concern considering Kairi and Lunafreya in past games), and everyone was in character just fleshed out more (with 2 slight exceptions). What the game did best was accomplish an open world game, world spanning adventure, stick fairly well to some main highlights from original ff7 (which is what people wanted for ages) and with new stuff thats fun if you like the world, very little wasting of player time (so much better than ff7 remake). It did open world well, pacing well, side quests and mini games well, characters well, combat well, and overall gave the feel of what square enix was maybe Hoping and Wishing to successfully accomplish in a mainline game for years but either hasnt been able to achieve on a technical level or fumbled in the past. (So no time wasting dungeons like ff7 remake, fleshed out open world with stuff you enjoy doing so more than ff15, open world so more than ff13, and combat that feels like things theyve learned and improved on well). How it feels to play? Great, fast paced, no dead time, all enjoyable game you came to play. (With the exception maybe of Cait Siths box mandatory mini game and the aerith in ancient temple magic platforms thing but they both werent too difficult to push through if you dont enjoy them).
The bad? Mostly... if you treat Rebirth as a SEQUEL to original ff7, these arent major issues. They just annoy me as a player of the original ff7 game. Because i know plenty of people will ONLY play ff7 Remake and Rebirth etc, and never know the original characterizations. So 2 characters were slightly unlike their original ff7 selves, and instead more like their Advent Children (and general non ff7 appearances) selves: aerith and sephiroth. Sephiroth's character being NOT like ff7 originals is more irritating personally. Because yeah... i get it. As a sequel to original ff7, this Remake/Rebirth Sephiroth might be from the future (so he is Advent Children esque version of himself), hes had time post losing his way to really get all mysterious and hyperfocus on cloud and be a looming vague pest. But the thing is... in the original ff7 the reason we learn hes used to be a SOLDIER war hero, is so the cast and you are confused why he kills Shinra people. Then you and the casy figure: well cloud remembers sephiroth finding out hes a monster cause of shinra, justifiable for sephiroth to hate shinra. Unflrtunately Sephiroth also decided to hate ALL HUMANS. Then you later find out maybe Jenovas controlling Sephiroth/one with him etc. But the key here is you find out at some point in original ff7 that sephiroths goal is mainly Destroy World because Hes not Human. Rebirth... does not clarify this very important and very BASIC point ever. Maybe it assumes its so basic that as a ff7 fan you should know.. but plenty of new players wont. Rebirth clarifies yes sephiroth may be Jenovas kid... but the whole MOM, im an ancient like Jenova! Oh Jenova isnt an ancient oh well fuck humans anyway! Either way fuck humans ill kill them all! None of those Very basic sephiroth motives are clarified much. I felt Rebirth did good explaining the Gi and the black materia. But to make Sephiroths motives so vague, why he wants to end the world SO VAGUE, why hes in clouds head (the black robes are everywhere but the game HINTS theure sephiroth clones but never actually spells it out eevn though its a BASIC KEY DETAIL). Now... because Rebirth is a sequel, it makes sense... if hes Advent Children Sephiroth he already knows he isnt an ancient, knows hes Jenovas kid, knows he wants to fuck with Cloud specifically now and the world generally but not necessarily so singlemindedly desperate to just kill all humans. So yes, Sephiroth is in character for his future self... but i feel like even with him less SINGLE MINDED and freshly with Jenova, clarifying some basics of his Original old timeline motives... would be helpful to new fans. So it annoyed me. I think the biggest Not Good writing decision in Rebirth was to never fucking clarify Sephiroths original basic goal: im not human like mom, hate humans, kill world. I suspect the writers either thought players KNEW so hinted instead of being on the nose (but to new players theyll just be CONFUSED), or they plan to explain those basic things in game 3. Which seems stupid to me and shouldve been explained earlier.
And Aerith. As a sequel? She remembered the other timeline which explained some moments she was calmer than original ff7. She forgot, then toward the end of Rebirth she seems to have remembered the other timeline again and that she needs to die and X happens etc. So her being calmer based on the plot they wrote for Rebirth? Makes sense. However... i deeply miss her Original FF7 personality where as an Ancient she freaks out a bit LIKE sephiroth, paralleling him, that shes not human, a freak, that it all rests on her as only one ancient left. Their overwhelm parallels each other. Aerith is more scared in original ff7 of being the only ancient, of what it means, of finding out more. That fear is slightly there in Rebirth but WAY LESS. its only a little in cosmo canyon and almost gone in the Ancient Temple. In ff7 expanded universe theyve changed her character over time to a calmer wiser goddess type like in Advent Children, and so yes in Rebirth when she remembers the alrernate timeline it makes sense she'd be calmer like her future self. However... i miss original ff7 aerith. I miss her initial shock, loneliness, fear of the weight on her shoulders, not being sure what to do. Her and Sephiroth, because of Rebirth writing them to know more, act more like their future selves and so. While it is in character and logical to the Rebirth plot. Its also sad to me that anyone who only plays Remake and Rebirth simply wont see what they were like WHEN these revelations were brand new shocks to them, forcing them to react and grow and fear. I dont think Aerith is written bad, i just think because this game is in reality is a Sequel im just personally mourning that it didnt have that as much of the original Aerith's personality who was afraid and discovering. Mostly her Rebirth personality is similar to original ff7s. But in some high tension moments shes way calmer and wiser than in the original. I miss getting to see some of that before to after character growth.
Oh and. The aerith dies scene. Does it make sense in context of Rebirth written as a sequel? Sure. Is it impactful? Not as much as the original. In Rebirth, theres a scene where Cloud is losing control and listening to Sephiroth and attacks Tifa, causing Tifa to fall into mako. That scene is high stakes and emotional and lands WELL. Later in Rebirth, when Aerith actually dies, Cloud has not lost control and isnt the one who killed her. Its fine, as a sequel to ff7 i get the choice to make him able to stop himself from hurting her. But it does make the scene less impactful: now cloud will NOT be blaming himself for her death, will not be struggling with the guilt and fear, and will not be as terrified of losing control again. Since he wasnt the one who attacked her. And since he saw her ghost/something post death, hes not even sad or grieving her. He thinks shes fine. These 2 things will result in a WILDLY DIFFERENT cloud moving forward than the original ff7 one who very much was distraught and horrified he did that. So like... as a sequel its fine these changes were made. But death wise... i wouldve prefered like, cloud drops her from up high qhile struggling with whispers, or doesnt get to her in time and sephiroth stabs her when shes too far away. The way Rebirth did it, cloud was near her, she gets stabbed anyway. It seemed to me almost like the writing was trying to vaguely or softly kill her, like somehow making it vague would make it hurt less. Yeah it did hurt less... but id rather if a character i love dies that its a Worthy Scene for them to die in. A strong meaningful scene that makes me cry, that felt like the loss it is. The Rebirth scene... couldve done its plot as intended and just make Cloud farther away or something and it wouldve been better to me. Maybe the writing point was Cloud thinks its fine, and its still not, and he cant even feel distaught because he cant tell if she died or if things are fine? Thats the only angle i can see where maybe the death scene did what the writers wanted? Anyway. Aeriths moms death made me sob, Aeriths death did not. It is what it is. I feel like Tifa, crying in my heart off screen, the game acting like Cloud like its fine and it looks fine to him but im confused like Tifa aa to why hes (the game) treating it that way. Lol.
Overall? Um 4/5. 8/10? Really solid square enix game, Amazing as far as final fantasy 7 SEQUELS go. It has one main weak spot in treating Sephiroth fully mysterious when a few clarifying details could help the game stand on its own Better (and make Sephiroth a stronger enemy character instead of a vaguer one). The other weak spots are more my personal preference and mourning the parts of ff7 original i miss and had wished were in this, but as this is a Sequel in a parallel timeline i dont feel the parts effect Rebirth on its own merit. It IS the best Square Enix game ive played in ages, at least since Final Fantasy X or XII. I thought it was better than FF13, FF15, definitely better than ff7 remake (i hate time wasting dungeons and bad pacing its a dealbreaker), and than kh3 (although kh3 was quite good for a kh sequel). I get to play FF16 next, which will hopefully be as good as Rebirth or better! Since its also on the PS5 and clearly from Rebirth, the square enix main team can do excellent combat, open world, level design, mini games, side quests, and good pacing now. So i'll just have to see if ff16's story is better. And i am guessing it hopefully will be, since Rebirth as an ff7 sequel has some weirdness to its plot quite typical of ff7 extended universe stories like Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus. Whereas ff16 is a brand new plot, so they have nothing preventing them from a tight excellent written story except themselves. I am curious how BIG ff16s world will be though. Because ff7 Rebirths world was MASSIVE and very full of stuff, tons of mini games, cool stuff to find or do or little character side quests. If ff16 also takes me 60 hours to beat the main story its gonna be thw longest final fantasy main title ive ever played.
Rebirth is very replayable if you enjoyed it. I will probably replay ff7 original soon.
#final fantasy vii rebirth#ff7r#lb#rant#oh and shipping discourse lol: if you ship tifa x aerith? GREAT TIME#tifa mourns aerith more than cloud does. tifa aerith ARE IN LOVE. great time for me as an aerti fan and ot4 fan#i do think in theory the writers had aerith x cloud scenes more in Rebirth since aerith dies at the end. and predict game 3 will have#more tifa x cloud scenes. so itll be even by the end. i think everything was in character tho tbh#(in my opinion anyway)#like. aerith x tifa x cloud x zack i ship and they clearly all CARE for each other. zack loves aerith but also saved cloud#when aerith likes cloud. zack is big enough to be happy for aerith and want her to have what SHE wants.#cloud loved zack and was so fucked emotionally when zack died he convinced himself he WAS zack. tifas his childhood crush. aerith likes him#and he gradually does like her back too. (clouds very not interested in crushes tho tbh. hed happilt be in ot3 with#tifa and aerith or ot4 with zack or ot3 with barret too if they just told him to be)#and tifa loves cloud but wisely isnt sure how he feels OR whats going on mentally with him. and is focusing on building trust#that cloud will communicate with her BEFORE getting romantic (shes wise we should all copy her). and she loves aerith. which is goof#cause cloud isnt giving aerith some care she Needs. but Tifa always does give aerith that support.#tifa knows aerith likes cloud. so tifa simply is likinv her 2 crushes (happy to be in an ot3 if aerith and cloud would start it)#but tifas shy and slow going ans values friends MORE so shes not making any major moves until she knows the other 2 aerith and cloud#are emotionally stable (and theyre lol not)#and now shes grieving aerith so :/. my point is: all the romance is written very in character#very similar to original ff7. and if ur a tifa AND aerith as characters fan like me?#its really NICE to have 2 main woman leads in a game (with romance even) who are full characters ON THEIR OWN#and really well written and with relationships outside of cloud. (again... after lunafreya and kairi#i was worried tifa or aerith as love interests might get written BAD or flat or destroyed writing wise#by some shitty square enix writer *cough* who tends to butcher woman characters if theyre love interests)#so im super glad i could just enjoy tifa and aerith#also as a Non romance lover. i enjoyed that Rebirth focused HEAVY on friends but had very little actual romance#flirting yeah sure. but aerith and tifa never even kissed cloud in my playthrough (yay for me)#their crushes are just side details they mention to be direct and communicate (wise of them) but the romance isnt the main point
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