#not safe for sander
firewolf111 · 9 days
Remus: I have an idea to get away with drunk driving.
Janus: By not driving while drunk?
Remus: No, stupid. By bringing a sober friend with you. That way, when you get pulled over, you kiss them and inhale their sober air to pass the breathalyzer.
Janus: That's not- why wouldn't you just have the sober friend drive?
Remus: *stares at Janus with a wide grin while blinking one eye at a time*
Janus: ...
Janus: Are you just creating an excuse to make out with me?
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jane-purity · 3 months
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Extra censored by request
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part-time-zombie · 4 months
Ranking the sides based on how angsty they are (or potentially can be) to me, from least to most angsty imo:
(this is all for funsies and just my personal opinion/headcanons)
6: janus.
I know we have the whole redemption arc thing going on with him, but I feel like he lives for the drama and doesn't let too many insults cut too deep (unless you go below the belt, roman).
5: virgil.
While he was definitely full of angst in the past (and keeps up the edginess even now), I think he's grown a thicker skin and is more angry and resentful than sad and self-deprecating lately.
4: remus.
I know he's just a silly little guy, and I love that for him, but if I decide he cares about anything he can be so freaking angsty yall, it is unreal. Basically he's like instant angst, but diy edition.
3: patton.
We've had a whole two-parter and an 8bit breakdown talking about him and his repressed emotions. As easy as it is to see him as just a "happy pappy patton", it's important to remember that.
2: roman.
Yall. This man. He tries so hard and with almost no recognition or appreciation at all. People tell him to do or believe something and then punish him for doing so. He needs a break(down).
1: logan.
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need I say more.
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ijzermansdriesen · 4 months
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-e. e. cummings.
Happy Birthday Ally ♡ @if-music-be-the-food-of-love
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anxiousgaypanicking · 3 months
Fucking Machine
Loceit (Logan x Janus) Kinktober 2023 Day Ten: Fucking Machine Warnings: robot porn, wire play, electrocution, overstimulation, premature ejaculation, grinding
"Forgive me if I don't exactly trust you to check my hardware," Logan states, as Janus leads him through the house and up a flight of stairs. "Typically, I run an analysis on myself, and - if I need human assistance - I ask Virgil. You, on the other hand, have never been that... mindful of technology." 
Janus shrugs off Logan's concerns. "I'm more trustworthy when it comes to technology than Patton." 
"That's not hard to accomplish," Logan refutes, as Janus guides them into Logan's own bedroom. It's decorated to look human, but the metal table donned with a singular pillow clashes with the dresser, closet, and framed photos quite a bit. 
Still, it was what Logan had requested. He had no need for a bed; he didn't much like laying on his front, and his charging port was on his lower back. If he needed to sit at all, he'd rather do it on a table akin to the one he was created atop of. It also meant he could sit straighter while charging. 
Janus guides him to the table and encourages him to sit, before sitting criss-cross behind him. Janus finds the cold metal to be rather harsh and uncomfortable, but he keeps quiet about that for now. 
"I don't understand why you're doing this anyway. According to my recent self-scans, I've been running perfectly fine." 
"Isn't it nice to double check, though?" Janus asks, as his fingers slide beneath Logan's polo. 
Logan's skin is synthetic - it's made to feel human, but lacks warmth. Janus can even press his fingers into Logan's sides or arms and they'll sink a bit into the fake flesh, but it's just an outer layer designed to protect his wires and circuitry, the same way the skin is just an outer layer made to protect muscle and bone. 
Logan frowns. "It won't be nice when your unskilled prodding causes a server shutdown," he argues, as Janus slowly pulls his shirt up and over his body. 
He's able to process each touch to his body due to an array of microfibers built into the synthetic skin. He's been told it should feel identical to the way a human would feel when being touched the same way, but Logan had no way to compare the two. So Janus's fingertips brushing against his soft back makes his internal nerves spark, with Logan stiffening and straightening his posture. 
"If you're going to pull out the panel, I'd suggest you get on with it. I'm not here to entertain you." 
Janus chuckles softly. "Aren't you made to be patient?" 
"I can tell you that I'm definitely not made to be tampered with." Logan turns his head to the side, and gives Janus a cold glare. "Especially by someone already acting so unprofessional." 
"Such a snarky tongue. Is that programmed, or just preferred?" 
Janus grins. "Hm. I like it." 
"I'd like for you not to damage my hardware." 
"Relax," Janus soothes, as his hands push into Logan's back in two specific spots parallel to each other on his left and right side. The pressure causes Logan's skin in a rectangular shape to sink a bit, before it springs out with a soft hiss. Janus dips his hand underneath the left-hand opening, just barely able to wedge two of his fingers under it, and undoes a latch. This allows him to fully swing the panel open like a door, and reveals Logan's innerworkings beneath. 
There's a metal spine down the center of his back that allows Logan to turn and bend like a typical person, but Janus is able to reach his arms into Logan around it, which immediately has Logan clicking in disapproval. 
"Anything you'd need to look at would be on the screen on the inside of my back panel," Logan states,  though Janus is fully aware of this. "There's no reason for you to be sticking your hands into my body." 
"Physical checkup," Janus reasons, before sitting up on his knees. He places his chin on Logan's shoulder, with his hands sliding up Logan's spine. "You can't exactly see inside your back; how sure are you that everything's still in order? It seems to me that every time Virgil's worked on your system, he's only paid attention to your digital data or reports. When was the last time he made sure there were no exposed wires, twisted circuits, or dented metal?" 
Logan hesitates, before claiming "I think I'd be able to feel if things were damaged." 
Janus's fingers reach back into his innards, and his fingertips lightly caress the thick, black wires braded around thin metal rods, which all formed together into a makeshift ribcage. The action makes Logan bite his lip, an artificial - but incredibly noticeable - flush spreading over his cheeks in an almost cartoonish manner. 
"Careful," Janus murmurs. "We don't want you to overheat, now do we?" 
Logan's fingers tap against his thigh. "No. No, I suppose not." 
"Good. May I check?" 
Logan glances at Janus, knowing full well what Janus means by "check." And yet, he nods. "Only if you're careful." 
"I'll make sure you're still functional afterwards," Janus assures him, before adding "but I can't promise much more than that." 
He kisses Logan's bare shoulder, before leaning back down to poke at Logan's autonomy. Logan's mostly still as Janus's hands explore his insides yet again, but he knows it's only a matter of time before Janus is determining what looks the most fun to play with and decides to pull and push at it. 
And seemingly, the first thing that seems to interest him are the coloured wires, which he runs his fingers over. 
He decides to tease the yellow one first, and pinches the cord lightly, before sliding upwards, and then dragging his fingers downwards, tugging briefly on the wire and making Logan jolt suddenly. 
"Careful!" Logan insists, but his voice glitches as he rubs his hands over his thighs. 
"Trust me," Janus responds, pressing a kiss to the back of Logan's neck. He hears a click, followed by a soft whirring sound as Logan's fans begin, with his outer layer heating up ever so slightly. Janus smiles against Logan's skin.
"Do you secretly like it when I pull on that wire?" Janus asks, as he tugs on that very cord again. This time, Logan hisses, but it's not the reaction Janus wants. So he hums, and runs his fingers over a few others, before stroking the red cord. That has Logan moaning and jolting, his hands gripping the edge of the table they're seated on. 
"Ahh," Janus muses, "I see. You were just waiting for me to find the right wire. This one is fun, but I wonder what the blue one does..." 
Janus again switches wires, and tugs a lot more harshly on the blue one, with something becoming unplugged and Logan's innards sparking. Logan lets out a glitchy cry as Janus rushes to pull his hand out of Logan's back, not wanting to injure himself. 
"Fuck," Janus curses quietly, before setting a hand gently on Logan's upper shoulder. "Are you alright?" 
Logan pants. "You just... unplugged my ethernet port." 
Janus chews his inner cheek. "Do you... do you need that?" 
Logan huffs, turning to glare at Janus over his shoulder, who smiles prettily at Logan's narrow eyes. "You're going to dismantle me someday." 
"I'm going to take that as a 'no.'" Janus grabs the loose cable and ducks a bit to try and figure out the plug the small, cylindrical plug into. He sees the silver ring clear on a small black box up inside Logan's body. Janus reaches up to rub over the port with his finger, making Logan moan softly. "However, I'll be nice. I'll plug it back in for you, so you can... connect to the ethernet." 
"It allows me to tap into the local network in order to access speedy data transmissions," Logan murmurs, his eyes fluttering shut as Janus circles the hole with his plug, teasing the very tip of it at the plugs entrance. Janus pushes it in just enough for it to be noticeable, and then pulls it out again, making Logan shudder and stutter as he attempts to continue. "It doesn't... it doesn't do much for me at home, but it's useful for when we're out." 
"Oh yeah? So should I just..." Janus slips the cord in just enough for it to be noticeable, but not fully, edging Logan out of that satisfying click, "not plug this back in, then? It doesn't do anything anyway, right?" 
Logan whines, taking in a shuddering breath that lets Janus watch as small pistons nestled in his faux ribcage pump the air back out. "Please. Plug it in, please." 
Janus smirks, and does just that, and while normally plugging something in wouldn't feel this intense, something about the way Janus speaks or the way he teases his outlet makes it such, and so when Janus fully plugs the ethernet cord in, Logan jolts and sparks, eyes briefly flashing fully white, and moaning outright. Again, Janus has to rush to pull his hand out, before huffing. 
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to electrocute me." 
Logan pants, arching his back and reaching behind him, as if trying to dig his fingers into his open panel and play with his cords himself. "I'd just be electrocuting us both, in that scenario. I spark because this is unnatural; it's not my fault I wasn't built to be played with."
Humming, Janus's hands circle around Logan's body and run his hands down between Logan's thighs, feeling the straining bulge in his jeans. "What's this for, then?" he asks, while grinding his palm over the area, making Logan squeeze his legs together, unintentionally pushing Janus's hand further against his crotch. 
"Anatomical accuracy," Logan weakly explains, but he knows Janus doesn't care. 
Janus blindly undoes Logan's jeans, struggling briefly with the zipper before he can get it down, and pulls out Logan's cock. 
He was built to be average in terms of size, but sensitive in terms of touch. The purpose of that feature was so that he could touch distinct surfaces and identify what they're made of, but it meant he was also incredibly sensitive to touch from others, especially in areas which weren't normally stimulated. 
Janus strokes his fingers over Logan's cock with little hesitation, before pulling his hands away and peering into Logan's back. 
"Your... fluid compartment... does that connect to your shaft?" 
"Of course it does." 
As Janus's eyes find the small, round-shaped, bag-like compartment, he's delighted to see it's full of a milky white liquid. "Is that for anatomical accuracy as well?"
Logan swallows the nonexistent spit in his mouth. "It is." 
Janus reaches out to touch the compartment, and cringes with fascination and disgust at how it feels. It's like a ball made of nano-tape; just thick enough to hold firm, but malleable when squished. And so, out of morbid curiosity, Janus squishes it.
Perhaps he wasn't thinking about where that fluid would go when squeezed out of its compartment, or maybe he wasn't aware that such an easily overlooked piece of hardware was essentially created to be similar to a human prostate, but either way Janus is incredibly startled when Logan's body jolts as pleasure rushes through him, and he lets out a warped cry as an orgasm is quickly forced out of him before he's ready. 
The sudden excitement has Logan sparking with delight and surprise of his own, and despite having previously been careful to avoid the loose electricity, Janus couldn't possibly have seen this coming. 
A loose wire comes into contact with the back of Janus's hand, and before he can even gasp electricity is coursing through his body, and sending an overload of electricity through Logan's as well as he conducts it through his flesh and back into Logan's hardware. 
The shocking, the pain, and the pleasure last for mere seconds before Janus is pulling away, but it's just long enough for them to both fall of the table in opposite directions. 
Janus falls onto his backside near Logan's wall. Logan falls forward onto his chest across from him. 
Struggling to catch his breath, Janus holds his hand and turns to look at Logan, who's laying limp. Immediately, he freaks out. Sure, he's human, and that much electricity could be dangerous, but Logan was a fucking machine. He's not supposed to be electrocuted; Janus could have seriously damaged him!
As Janus moves to stand up, he realizes he's hard in his pants, and curses at the poor timing as he circles the table and drops to his knees beside Logan. His pants land in a sticky mess of Logan's artificial come, and he cringes, but attempts to ignore his disgust in favor of flipping Logan over, closing his back panel in the process. 
Logan's eyes are shut, but when Janus slides his eyelids up, he sees that his eyes are completely black. 
Filled with a rush of anxiety, Janus reaches his hand around to the back of Logan's neck, and feels a button at the base of his hairline, which he presses and holds down, praying that it starts to glow. 
And thankfully, it does.
There's a small power-up tune that plays as the button on the back of Logan's neck flashes, before Logan's eyes are slowly blinking open. They shift from solid black to bright wide, and then with a few more blinks blue irises are forming, swirling around like a loading screen before solidifying with a black pupil. 
Logan stares blankly for a minute, before his face heats up into an embarrassed flush. 
"Sorry," he mumbles, as Janus helps him sit up. 
"Sorry?" Janus repeats, in disbelief. "I'm the one who should be apologizing! Are you... hurt in any way?" 
"Are you sure?" 
Janus's hands reach for Logan's face, but Logan grabs his wrists and causes him to stop short. Logan's eyes flicker away from Janus, before settling back on him as he admits "I shut myself down." 
"What?!" Janus frowns and smacks Logan's shoulder. "You're not funny. The others would have never let me hear the end of it if I'd damaged you!" 
Logan clears his throat. "I could feel a server overload coming due to the electricity and so shut myself down in order to reprogram myself and install better hardware. It's still processing, but it should finish in a couple minutes." 
"Better hardware?" 
Logan stretches his arm out, wiggles his fingers, and then circles his arm around, testing his mobility. "Yes. Better hardware. Obviously a surplus amount of electricity can cause physical damage, but I'm fairly resilient. My main concern would be my hard drives or servers becoming overwhelmed and either corrupting or frying them altogether. So... I installed a few failsafes." 
"Such as...?" 
"I lowered my electricity output temporarily," Logan begins, listing items off the top of his head, "both for my benefit, and yours-" 
Janus looks away at the implication he'd be reaching back into Logan's insides. 
"I downloaded some protection agencies that increase my server's abilities to withstand extreme stress, I copied and uploaded some of my most important assets to the cloud, I ran a diagnostic and made sure no permanent damage was done, and reprogrammed myself to shut down in the event of extreme electric damage so that neither of us would be killed if that intense of a shock were to happen again." 
Staring blankly at Logan, Janus clasps his hands together. "So... we're good to resume?" 
Logan sighs, but a smile tugs at the corner of his lips. "Yes; if you so desire." 
And Janus does so desire, and so flips Logan back over without warning, where Logan obediently stays on his hands and knees. He lets Janus push his chest against the ground and flip his back panel open once more, and tries to keep his body from overheating when he feels Janus's bulge push against his clothed ass. 
"Your fans flicked on again," Janus comments, as his hands plunge back into Logan's innards. He feels wind blow over his scales and shivers, but is more than amused at how quickly they were activated. 
"It's a precaution," Logan murmurs, visibly embarrassed. 
Janus leans over Logan, grinding his hard cocks over Logan's backside and groaning into his ear, before Janus searches for a new item inside of Logan to play with. He pokes the small compartment, though now it's lacking fluid. While that means no more mess, Janus suspects that Logan won't mind having a dry orgasm or two. 
Logan lets out a shaky breath as Janus's fingers rub over his ribcage, his spine, and then back down to his wires, some hanging looser than others. Briefly, Janus's fingers rub over an unused outlet - fit for a hard drive, if Logan ever needed to transfer outside information to his servers - and it makes Logan moan outright. 
"I've heard of plugs being used during sex, but you take it to a whole new level," Janus teases, as his other hand tugs firmly on an intertwined group of wires, which makes Logan suddenly cry out, arching his chest against the floor. Janus grinds his thumb more purposefully over the empty socket. "Maybe I'll download some of Remus's porn onto a hard drive and plug it into you without warning. Would you like that? If I overwhelmed your intellectual technology with graphic, defiling content?" 
Despite Logan's typical stoic behavior, he actually pushes his forehead against the floor as he moans out "yes." His voice is glitchy and quiet, and it causes Janus to let out a shuddering breath of his own as he ruts his hips against Logan's ass. 
As Janus's hand continues to slide against the open plug in the lower right hand side of Logan's back, his other caresses the wires up to where they disappear into a black box. And so, he slides it back down to a circuit board, which he is gentle when touching despite Logan beeping in surprise as Janus's fingers tap against it.
"Careful!" Logan again exclaims, though he sounds more excited than anything. "That's fragile!" 
Janus grinds harder against Logan's ass at just how cute he sounds. "I am careful," he assures Logan, while pushing his longer thumb nails into both the plug and the circuit board. 
Little flickers of electricity bounce off the circuit board, shocking Janus once or twice, but it's significantly tamer compared to what he's already experienced. And with Logan's little jolts and whimpers, Janus can assume he's feeling the shocks too.
But what Logan's really amazed by is how foreign and obviously wrong the protrusion of Janus's nail is into his outlet, and the scratching of his circuit board, and yet... he's getting off on this technological malpractice. 
Everything that Janus is doing to him is unique. New. And so Logan desperately tries to record and memorize the strange way it feels. However, the light touches also allows Logan to breathe - both metaphorically, and artificially. In this brief respite, Logan's reminded that he's pathetically hard due to the weight of his cock hanging between his legs. He knows his fluid compartment is empty, but that doesn't negate his ability to have an orgasm, and he knows Janus will going to push him to his limit again and again and again if he so desires. 
Embarrassed, Logan hides his face in the floor, picturing how lewd and unprofessional he's being. He must look like some sort of sexbot! But before he can complain, Janus is dipping his face into Logan's panel, and lightly blowing air over his circuit board, causing Logan to gasp as his head shoots up in surprise. 
He tries to crane his head back to look at Janus, who just grins at him in response and grinds a little harder, reminding Logan that Janus is also getting off on toying with him like he's some sort of do-it-yourself robot kit. 
Logan opens his mouth to complain, but nothing comes out. Still though, Janus playfully explains "I thought I saw a speck of dust," lying right through his teeth. His words however have Logan whining anyway, and Janus draws a particularly loud noise from him when he begins to snake his fingers around a couple wires. 
Even the faintest of touches make him moan and shut his eyes, submissively pushing his face back into the ground as Janus messes with him. 
"What-" Logan starts, but his voice abruptly glitches and cuts out, making him flush and focus for a moment on steadying himself. After clearing his throat, he tries again, and asks "what are you doing?" 
Janus just smiles. "I think I see a few tangled wires..." he says, as both of his hands move to a cluster of them. Feeling Janus's fingers caress the cords makes Logan gasp, only for him to moan when Janus begins to carefully pluck and untwist a set that were indeed wrapped around each other. They're guided out of sockets in order to be looped through the meshed cables, and then re-plugged in such smooth tandem that Logan's never given a break to catch his breath. 
He's touching multiple wires for a prolonged amount of time, gently maneuvered back to where Janus believes they should be, even if it doesn't affect their ability to function at all. 
And Logan repeatedly moans and groans as Janus continues to slide the wires past each other, rubbing them against other cords and in-between his own warm, fleshy fingers. Logan's noises increase in pitch the longer Janus touches, and raise in volume the firmer his caresses get. 
And while Janus takes his time initially in playing with Logan, he can't help but become impatient at the lack of pleasure he's feeling himself, and so grabs Logan's wires more tightly - almost as leverage - while he grinds harder against him, moaning into Logan's back panel and breathing over his sensitive hardware. 
A click is heard followed by Logan's internal fans whirring slightly louder, as though they've increased in intensity and kicked into high-gear, and Janus can't help but laugh softly as he rests his forehead against the side of Logan's back - teetering on the edge of his synthetic flesh and Logan's exposed innards.
"Feeling hot?" Janus teases, before his forked tongue licks across the rim of the panel's opening. That has Logan crying out; the power button on the back of his neck flashing excitedly. Janus raises his eyebrow as he looks at it. 
"Is this draining your battery?" he asks, and watches Logan slump in humiliation, as pleasure rushes through his body as Janus continues to twirl his wires around like they're fidget toys for his amusement. "My, we might just have to leave you plugged in all night to recuperate after this!" Janus's fingers pull out of Logan's panel, sliding over his inner walls before leaving entirely, and instead move to circle around his charging port on his lower back. 
Lightly, Janus rubs his pointer finger over it, and that's all it takes. 
Logan's gasping, crying and glitching - his moans a stuttering cacophony of different sound bites and start-up noises, all mixed in with his artificial breathing and the differing noises spilling from his back. His charging port sparks and the electricity catches Janus again, shocking him more intensely this time, but he moans against Logan and just presses his finger harder against it, rubbing it feverishly against the outlet as Logan's worked through a dry orgasm before he lays limply on the ground, wonderfully overstimulated and burnt out (literally). 
Janus smiles as he moves his hand away from Logan's port, and spends the next minute or so humping against Logan's ass before he comes in his own pants with a soft moan, and then closes Logan's back panel before falling against him. However, the constant light from Logan's flashing power button bothers him, and so he pulls away. 
"You really should plug yourself in," Janus comments, as he helps Logan to his feet. 
Logan struggles to stand for a moment, mumbling "hold on... recalibrating balance settings..." while trying to get his loose cock back into his jeans, before he falls over onto his metal table chest-first.
He lays against it limply, and thanks Janus after the latter struggles to lift Logan's heavy form fully onto the surface. 
Janus circles around Logan to his wall outlet, where he takes Logan's charger into his hand and promptly plugs it in. Logan whines, as though he's still sensitive, but his power light glows happily at being plugged in. Janus leans against the table and sighs. 
"How are you feeling?" 
Logan turns his head to the side, so he can speak without sounding muffled. "Fine. I don't think anything's permanently damaged." 
Janus huffs out a laugh. "That's a relief." 
"Knowing you? I agree." 
Janus smacks Logan's lower thigh playfully, before focusing on his breathing for a moment. Logan's rhythmic, synthetic breathes contrast greatly to Janus's more irregular exhales, but there's both visibly pleased, albeit a tad messy. He'll get himself cleaned up after catching his breath, and he supposes that when he's done with a bath he'll come wipe Logan down. He'll even be extra careful! He's sure Logan will appreciate it. 
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beepmeowiskarkat · 6 months
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 month
Hc that the first person Virgil says "i love you" to is Thomas, not any of the other sides
Still thinking through how it would happen. Maybe Thomas and Virge are talking, Thomas frustrated with how bad his anxiety has been lately and trying to work WITH Virge to figure it out. And Thomas says something like "i wish I knew why you were doing this" and Virgil snaps out "because i love you, okay?!" without really thinking, bc it's been a long time since Virge has had to really filter himself around Thomas
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nolongerphantom · 7 months
After taking a mental health break from social media, we're backkk!!!
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[image ID: a teenager cosplaying Patton Sanders from the series Sanders Sides, their makeup is black freckles, cyan eyeshadow, and a cyan heart on their cheek, they're also wearing rainbow fingerless gloves and have frog eyes on their head. End ID]
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quackkaz · 9 months
Remus : Nerdy Wolverine!!!!! I can't do this stupid math!!!!!
Logan : What is it?
Remus : Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply.
Janus, covering Patton’s ears, while Roman smacks Remus upside the head : Not going to lie that was hella smooth.
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justalocalartist · 2 months
This post is about the tumblr user bananaconda33 and is a copy over of my twitter thread.
I’m gonna preface this by making it clear I do NOT want this person to be harassed in any way. This is to spread awareness to those in the TSS fandom who knows and follows this user.
I won’t be talking much about the tracing situation because that seems like it has been vocalized enough by Brei (BreiGrace). What I’m here to talk about instead is a post that Banana made most specifically about me. I wasn’t planning on making this thread, but considering what was said in Banana’s post, I now feel compelled to speak out and expose everything, provided with a multitude of evidence and explanations.
The first part I’d like to talk about started a few months ago.
Banana rped non-con in an 18+ server that had a strict rule against that content. Admittedly, I wasn’t reading all of the messages being discussed / planned out about the RP, so I didn’t realize what was going on until a bit later. However, when I finally started reading the rp itself, I realized what was happening and asked her to stop the rp. Instead of banana agreeing and accepting fault, banana started to argue with me and one other person. The person she was rping with even agreed to the fact that it was stepping into that territory. Eventually, Banana stepped down and it seemed like everything was chill. But alas, a whole entire day later, I got sent a massive essay about how the roleplay supposedly “wasn’t non-con”.
The first batch of screenshots is the rp discussion (a discussion which I didn’t read all the way through) (these screenshots are important to share though because banana consistently refers back to these in future arguments)
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Here is a screenshot of the RP itself.
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And here’s the argument + the dm that banana sent me an entire day later (same warnings apply) (post will continue in reblog)
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In Heat
Analoceit (Transmasc!Virgil, Logan, & Janus)
Content: Pet Play, Collars& Leashes, Breeding, Bondage, Pegging, Overstimulation, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs
Read it on AO3!
This fic is a gift for @pupplaylogan!!! Hope you enjoy!!
Logan whined, nuzzling against Janus as he sat in his lap. This skewed the adorable black and blue puppy ears that sat upon the headband he was sporting, one of the only things he was wearing besides his collar and a tight pair of boxers, and caused one of his ears to hit Janus in the face. The other side playfully pushed him back while readjusting the headband.
“Ok, down boy, that’s enough.” Janus said with a smile. Logan climbed down from his current position on the couch and instead sat on his haunches on the floor in front of him. He leaned forward to rest his chin on Janus’ knee, which earned him a few headpats.
Logan enjoyed playing the cute and innocent pup like he was currently doing, but what he loved more was being a needy pup. He wasn’t aggressive or bratty, like how his owner claimed Virgil or Remus were when they played with him, but he did require a lot of attention, and more than just some pets or praise. After Janus stopped petting him, he whimpered softly and put his ‘paws’ up on his leg, straddling it. 
His owner shot down a glare, “Puppy. Be good.”
But Logan couldn’t help it! He was just a needy puppy after all. He gripped Janus’ leg and rutted down against it.
Janus let out a short exhale through his nose. Logan hardly ever acted like a brat, so he’d be generous enough to let him try to behave correctly.
“Last warning. Knock. It. Off.” 
Logan tilted his head as if he didn’t understand and continued the motion from before, grinding down against his owner’s leg repeatedly. The reaction from Janus was immediate. Logan was pulled up by his collar onto Janus’ lap once more with a yelp, only instead of being allowed to cuddle him, a hand on his chin forced him to meet his eyes.
“No, puppy, I trained you better than that.” Janus spat, “If you’re going to be a whiny little mutt then I’ll give you something to whine about.”
He threw Logan down across his lap and went to pull down his boxers in order to discipline him for misbehaving, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. 
“Who is it?”
“Uh, it’s me.” Called back a gravelly voice that could only belong to Virgil.
Janus looked down at Logan, releasing his harsh hold on him and speaking in a softer tone, “Let’s pause for a second, dearest. Can he come in or do you want me to tell him to come back later.”
Logan took a moment to think about it, “It’s alright. He may enter.”
“Alright.” Janus said, giving him a small kiss on the back of his head, “Come in!”
Virgil opened the door to quite the sight, Logan practically naked and splayed out over Janus’ lap, but what was more interesting was his own state of dress being much the same. Of course, he sported kitten ears that contrasted Logan’s, and his collar, in addition to featuring a tag, had a small bell attached to the ring at the center. When he entered, Janus allowed a small smile to rise up on his face as a plan began to formulate in his head.
“Well, well, kitten. What have we here?”
“Oh, I- sorry I didn’t know you were playing with Logan right now.” Virgil stuttered, turning away to head out.
“Virgil, come here.” Janus patted the spot beside him, “I have an idea for how both of you can play.”
The next thing they knew, Virgil and Logan were taken to the bed and instructed to wait there until Janus returned. This proved difficult as Logan was still at half mast from his previous bout of disobedience, and Virgil’s gravitation towards being a brat made him want to get him in trouble further. When Janus came back to the bed with some rope and a few other items in hand, he was quite shocked to see the two making out with Virgil holding Logan down on top of him.
“That is quite enough, both of you!” He said, tossing the items down and lifting Logan off of Virgil, “Such needy pets, I think you deserve punishment.”
Logan whimpered once again, it was Virgil who pulled him down to kiss! He should be the one getting in trouble. Virgil, however, glared back at Janus with a shit-eating grin, knowing exactly what he’d done.
Janus huffed and put Logan in a similar position as he was when Virgil first came in, over his lap. This time, He was able to pull off Logan’s boxers, unveiling the fluffy tail plug hidden beneath them. It didn’t stay on for long before he gently teased it out, pulling a whine from the puppy from lack of being filled. Luckily, Janus quickly slid two lubed up fingers into him to replace it, adding a third soon after to stretch him out. After he deemed Logan suitably stretched, he manhandled him to be face down and ass up.
“Stay, puppy. Unless you don’t want any attention for the rest of the night.” 
Logan obeyed, waiting for what would come next. In the meantime, Janus shifted his focus to Virgil. He had grabbed one of his kittens' strap-ons and beckoned him over. Virgil slyly crawled over, turning himself around and wiggling his hips just to tease him further.
“I was thinking about being nice and putting a vibrator in you, but if you’re gonna be a filthy tease I suppose I can not let you have any pleasure too.” Janus threatened.
Virgil immediately sat down and shook his head, “No Master, I’ll be good.”
“Good.” Janus wasted no time adjusting the strap-on over his hips and sticking a vibrator in his cunt, “Now go and make sure our puppy is nice and full.”
Virgil crawled to Logan and nuzzled against his back, placing a few kitten licks down his spine, making him shiver. He lined up his cock with the puppy’s hole and gently slid in, earning a quiet moan from him.
“Stay right there, don’t pull out yet kitten.” Janus ordered, grabbing the rope and unraveling the neat cord of it. He knelt down beside his two pets and started tying a harness around Logan’s waist and thighs. When he looped the same rope around Virgil’s hips, his kitten gave him a confused expression.
“This is still a punishment, I have to make sure both of you little brats see it through till I say you’re done.” Janus explained as he continued to tie Virgil and Logan’s hips together, “This will make it so you can’t run away.”
Both of them had to concentrate to make their hips stay still until the tie was completed, but once it was, Janus praised them for doing so.
“Good boys. Here’s what will happen. Virgil, you’re gonna fuck Logan until I say so, no matter how overstimulated you both get. When I think you’ve made it up to me, I’ll release you and you can both serve me like good little pets. Understood?”
They answered with twin nods, ready to begin. So, Janus turned on Virgil’s vibe, and allowed them to start. Virgil moaned as he tested the tie. He couldn’t fully pull out, meaning he would have to be constantly grinding into Logan. Logan could barely move his hips, forced to go at the pace Virgil set, not that he really wanted to move. He loved just being used like a toy to get off with. He gasped when Virgil thrusted into him, hard.
Virgil leaned over Logan, properly mounting him, and gripped onto his shoulders, sinking his nails into them as he railed into Logan.
“Puppyyyyy you feel so good!” Virgil moaned as he nuzzled into his neck, “Wanna breed you.”
Now logically this was not possible with a strap on, but that didn’t stop Logan from keening at the thought, “Please please breed me!”
The two of them continued fucking as Janus watched from the side. He knew that in a few rounds they’d be begging for him to untie them. He sat by Logan’s head, petting his hair and speaking dirty words into both their ears.
“Aw, are both my pets in heat? You both look so incredibly desperate.” He teased, running his hands along the length of Logan’s collar, “Huh, puppy? Did you just wanna be someone’s little breeding bitch?”
“Yes Master-” Logan gasped out as Virgil raked his nails down his back.
“What about you kitten?” Janus scratched just behind the set of fake ears on his head “Did you just need something to get all that pent up energy out?”
“Mh-mhm! Needed to fuck him.”
“See how good you both can be when you’ve got nothing but pleasure on your mind?” He reached down and turned up Virgil’s vibrator, which in turn caused his thrusting to speed up.
Both his pets were rocking against each other, desperately chasing more stimulation. Virgil managed to angle his thrusts just right and hit Logan’s prostate, forcing a moan from the puppy. Everything had them dripping in record time.
One particularly rough thrust into Logan was enough to put him right on the edge, and when Virgil leaned down to bite a mark on his neck he was done for. He spilled over the sheets with a shout, his orgasm slamming into him.
Virgil wasn’t far behind. The sight of the puppy losing control made him shove all the way inside him and grind up against the bottom of the strap until he was coming.
But both of them couldn't stop. The vibrator kept going inside Virgil, making him squirm from overstimulation. As he tried to get away from the sensations, he forced the strap to move in and out of Logan again, who started whining at the sensation.
They were stuck in a loop of painful pleasure that had no end in sight, leading to them lazily grind against each other until they were worked up again.
It went on like that again and again, until they both came about three more times, wearing an exhausted look on their faces. Virgil’s thighs were painted with his slick and the bedsheets were completely covered in Logan’s come. Their loud moans of pleasure turned into quiet pleas as their most recent orgasms hit again. Janus noticed, and decided to put their misery to an end.
“Alright pets, one more round, then I’ll untie you.” He stated, stroking their sides in encouragement.
Logan barely had the strength to push his hips back against Virgil’s anymore. He shut his eyes as the other pounded into him with a new found stamina.
“C’mon puppy please just one more- come for me one more time!” Virgil panted, rolling his dick over and over into him.
“Please, fill me up kitten, need it!” Logan wailed in return.
With both of them being so sensitive, it didn’t take long. Virgil toppled over the edge with a mewl while Logan finished, whimpering. Janus got to taking out the vibrator and untying the both of them, being sure to check for any unwanted irritation the rope may have left. He let them collapse together for a moment, nuzzling and kissing at each other in a cute display of affection. He was almost sad to cut it short. Almost.
“You both did so well, such good boys.” He sat up by the pillows of the bed and patted the spot between his legs, “Come here, both of you, and come get your treat.”
Logan and Virgil hurried over, waiting expectantly for Janus to unzip his pants. When he pulled out a short leash with two clips at the end, they looked up at him, confused.
Janus took each of the clips and put them through the rings of their collars, Virgil’s making a rather noisy sound with the bell attached. Only once they were clipped in did he pull down the zipper and unbutton his slacks, taking himself out for his two pets to pleasure.
“Don’t keep me waiting, get to it.” He directed, pulling the leash down towards his rock hard dick.
Logan moved first, licking down the shaft in broad movements. Virgil followed suit, putting apt kitten licks across the head of his cock before taking it into his mouth and suckling on it. Janus sighed at the pleasure his two pets gave him, watching them work diligently to get him to orgasm.
They worked in tandem to stimulate him, even attempting to kiss with him between their mouths. It was such a sight to witness, and with watching them fuck themselves into exhaustion, Janus was closer to the edge than ever before.
He praised them as he finished, “Oh, fuck. Such perfect pets. Feels so good, both of you worshiping my cock, ah Logan, Virgil-!”
He came across both of their faces, marking them with his seed. They were quick to lap at it and clean the mess off each other, earning a chuckle from their owner when he came down from his high.
“Ok, I think that’s enough for now.” He reached for both of their headbands to set off to the side, and encouraged them to come cuddle up to his side. For now, they’d rest, but perhaps their heats would align some other night.
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thorin-baby-bear · 9 months
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Cg!Virgil and Little!Logan agere mood board :33
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moths-wonderland · 10 months
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Logan agere moodboard📚👓🧠
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anxiousgaypanicking · 17 days
Prinxiety (Roman x Virgil) Prompt: I was wondering if you'd be able to write something with prinxiety or Virgil/Roman/Janus in some kind of winged!au where the wings are pretty sensitive and one of them has feathered wings and kinda gets off on having them groomed/preened? Maybe they get embarrassed about it so let their wings get a little messy before the other(a) step in to help and find this out? And then maybe decide to make things fun (wink) Idm necessaily who's in which role :3 I just never see smut with a focus on wings and think it would be really cute <3 no pressure tho!! /Gen Warnings: preening, handjobs, overstimulation A request from my AO3
Virgil shifts in discomfort, prompting Roman to turn to him and frown. When Virgil notices the bitter look, he mumbles an apology, but Roman doesn't look away. 
"You keep squirming," Roman comments, almost judgmentally, though Virgil knows Roman well enough by this point to understand he's concerned. "I know my bed is not this uncomfortable, so what is?"
"It's nothing," Virgil tries to dismiss, though when Roman sits up - opposed to their former position of cuddling together, Virgil's eyes can't help but flicker towards Roman's white wings, which stretch out briefly, flap shortly (unintentionally knocking Virgil in the arm), and then tuck snugly against Roman's back. After being laid on for the majority of their snuggle session, Virgil understands the need to spread them and soothe the ache within them. But Virgil's own wings were folded beneath his hoodie - of which he loved too much to cut the appropriate slits in which would otherwise allow his wings to slip out. However, not allowing them to stretch was causing dull pain to reverberate in his bones. 
Roman sees Virgil look towards his wings, and then frowns as he reaches to tug at Virgil's hoodie sleeve. 
"If you took this off you'd probably feel a little better," Roman says, which has Virgil yanking his arm away and frowning. "Even if at least for a minute. Your wings need to stretch." 
"No they don't," Virgil lies, shrugging off Roman's worry. "I'm fine. Just needed to shift positions is all." 
"Your wings need to shift positions." 
Virgil rolls his eyes and glares at Roman, which causes Roman to pout softly, as he leans against Virgil needily, sliding one of his hands beneath Virgil's hoodie and rubbing it against Virgil's ribs. 
As his thumb presses against Virgil's side, Roman mumbles "I don't want you to be in any discomfort, Virgil. Just... just stretch them briefly, won't you? For me?" 
Virgil nearly cringes at Roman's words, and doesn't hesitate to shove Roman away, but Roman smiles at the noticeable flush decorating Virgil's cheeks and the way his hands play with his hoodie strings as he considers Roman's plea. 
Eventually though, Virgil pulls his hoodie off. He keeps it crumpled on the bed next to him, but gives himself the opportunity to finally let his wings splay. It does feel rather refreshing - especially since Virgil would only normally let his wings free at night before heading to bed. So a mid-day sprawl was incredibly soothing. 
He spreads them out fully, with Roman leaning forward so that Virgil's wings could stretch behind him, but is staring rather intensely at the dark feathers. 
As Virgil's wings briefly flap and shake, and then tuck against his back, Virgil realizes that Roman's still staring. It starts to make him nervous. 
"Sorry," he instinctively apologizes, as he goes to put his hoodie back on. Roman quickly stops him though, leaning to set his hand atop Virgil's as he shakes his head, but his brows are furrowed in thought as his gaze stays shifted towards Virgil's back. 
"Don't be sorry," Roman quickly dismisses, as he reaches for Virgil, before stopping just short of his shoulder. Glancing at Virgil's face, he sees that Virgil is staring at him in discomfort, and so Roman retracts his hand. "I should be apologizing. I don't mean to stare. Could I just..." Roman chews his inner cheek, choosing his words carefully, before restarting with "may I touch your wings?" 
Virgil flushes at the request - more so out of shame than fluster - but nods anyway. 
Roman gently takes one of Virgil's wings, and guides it out, shifting his position so he's sitting the opposite direction Virgil is facing. As Virgil's wing is spread, Roman frowns, and Virgil rubs his hands together anxiously at the sight. 
"Is... is something wrong?" he asks, but Roman quickly reaches over to squeeze Virgil's thigh in a soft bit of assurance. 
"No, no," Roman quells him, before sort of humming and going "well, kind of." 
Virgil doesn't like that answer, and shoots Roman an upset look, which has Roman huffing and going "well, something is wrong! I wasn't going to lie to you." Roman's fingers gently brush over Virgil's inner wing, over the rough feathers, and even feels one coming loose! He goes to grab and pluck it in order to ease Virgil out of the discomfort the stray is no doubt causing him, but Virgil's face goes bright pink as his wing quickly flaps to knock Roman's hand away, and tucks back against his spine instead. 
"Be careful," Virgil hisses, as Roman pouts at the retraction. "You can't just go around pulling feathers off my wings!" 
"They need preened!" Roman whines childishly, as he grabs at Virgil's shirt and places a few rapid-fire, uncoordinated kisses over his face as if trying to convince Virgil of his point. "I'm sure those stray feathers can't feel comfortable! Let me pluck them, darling, I promise you'll feel so much better." 
Virgil shoves Roman away with a huff. "They don't need preened," he mutters dejectedly, pulling his knees to his chest. 
Roman frowns, and turns away from Virgil to mess around in his nightstand. After a few moments, he pulls out an expensive looking brush, that he shows off to Virgil. 
"Grooming brush," Roman proudly explains, smiling wide. "The bristles are incredibly soft and designed for feathers." 
Virgil stares at the brush, and briefly thinks back on his time with Remus and Janus. He tries to remember if he ever saw them grooming their wings. Virgil stares at the brush, and then looks back at Roman. "Remus never brushed his wings." 
Roman frowns at the mention of his brother, but still explains "Remus's wings aren't feathered like yours and mine. They're just skin. I'm shocked he can even fly." Roman then pushes his beautiful golden brush into Virgil's hands, encouraging him to run his fingers over the soft white bristles, and Virgil is indeed shocked with how gentle they are against his flesh. "This brush is specifically made for wings like mine. It's able to ease loose feathers away from the wings, and smooth them out overall."
Virgil hands Roman his brush back, still looking a bit unsure. Roman takes it from him, but then kisses Virgil's head. 
"Trust me," Roman implores him. "You'll feel so much more comfortable with them brushed out. I'll be gentle, I promise."  
Virgil chews his inner cheek, looking admittedly doubtful... but he trusts Roman. And if Roman's wings looks so smooth and well-groomed, then surely he has a lot of experience in combing through the feathers. And honestly Virgil's wings have felt stiff and uncomfortable for days now, more so than usual.
So, slowly, Virgil slides down the bed a bit, and lets his wings spread. Seeing this as an invitation, Roman smiles and moves to be sitting behind Virgil. 
Fingers gliding gently against his feathers, Virgil shivers in anticipation as Roman merely pets over his wings for a moment, as if smoothing them out until they're spread just enough for him to have the most unhindered access. 
Roman holds the brush in his hands, and hums as he looks for the best place to start. Eventually, he settles on combing from the inner side outwards, starting with the feathers closest to Virgil's back. Most of the feathers here look loose, and many fallout the moment his bristles brush against the plumes.
Immediately, Virgil can't help but sigh at the sensation of these disgruntled feathers - that have been irritating his wings so fervently - being removed tenderly by Roman's gentle hand.
"I don't mean to pluck," Roman murmurs, as Virgil feels Roman's fingertips gently push into the skin of his wings. "Some of these feathers are just so buried in your skin that my brush can't even ease them out. It's like an ingrown hair..." and then Roman's grimacing at his own words, as if nauseated by the comparison. Virgil can't see his face, but he understands what Roman's saying, and flushes shamefully because that's exactly what it feels like. Just to an amplified degree.
"This can't be comfortable," Roman then continues, as Virgil looks towards the pile Roman's making as he sets the removed feathers aside. "I really wish she would have let me know about this sooner. You don't have to live in discomfort, Virgil."
"It's just.. not your problem..." Virgil mumbles in reply, and though his voice is breathy, it's not out of guilt or anything, but in fact out of fluster.
As Roman's brush begins to swipe towards the latter half of his wingspan, Virgil's body starts to feel hot. His wings are rather sensitive, and even a cool breeze could send him shuttering - let alone the diligent bristles of a delicate brush, combing through him with such compassion. 
Virgil squirms a little, and causes the brush to press deeper into his wings, which has him abruptly covering his face. Roman retracts as soon as he notices.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Roman asks, halting all movements. Though he's only combed about half of one wing, if detangling feathers was hurting Virgil, then he was worried about continuing. "I'm so sorry. I thought I was being careful!"
"You are being careful," Virgil replies, though he sounds considerably muffled.
Roman pouts, interpreting Virgil's words as a lie. "If I was being careful then you wouldn't be hunched over like I hurt you," he huffs, and wraps his arms around Virgil's wait. He lays his chin on Virgil's shoulder, but is careful to not press his front against Virgil's wings, as if scared of irritating them further.
Virgil's silent for a moment, before he nervously peels his hands away from his cheeks. He sets his hands atop Roman's knuckles, and very gently guides Roman's fingers downwards, over his pudgy stomach, and then down between his thighs, where Roman's palm meets an unmistakable bulge. When Roman rubs it, Virgil has to stifle a soft moan, and they both end up red in the face.
There's silence between them for a moment, and Virgil almost goes to pull away, worried he's ruined things, but then Roman is rubbing over his bulge more firmly.
"Did... did I do that?" Roman asks, which is a question that admittedly makes Virgil snicker.
"Who else could've," Virgil snarkily replies, but his words are obviously playful, which easily melts some of the tension. At this silly response, Virgil feels Roman's concern melt into a similar bout of playfulness, and then he's kissing the side of Virgil's chin.
"What did I do," Roman then asks, after a moment, which has Virgil chewing his bottom lip.
Virgil has a pretty good guess on what it was that has him so excited, but admitting such would no doubt be embarrassing. However, after some further prompting from Roman, Virgil utters something soft and embarrassed about "the brush" and "my wings."
It doesn't take an expert to piece these things together, and Roman is instantly cooing at just how sensitive Virgil's wings are.
"Aw!" Roman immediately exclaims. "Just a bit of brushing and you're already worked up! Is that why you don't groom them? Because you get too hard and have to stop?"
Virgil whines out Roman's name, almost as in a plea with him to stop teasing, which has Roman laughing and saying that he's just kidding.
Roman then pulls away from Virgil, his arms sliding past Virgil's waist, before he grabs his brush and continues his preening. Virgil can't help but flush darkly at how Roman just shamelessly neglects him after finding out he's hard, but he supposes that his wings are in desperate need of plucking and grooming, so he doesn't stop Roman regardless. Besides, he wasn't lying when he said the brush was what aroused him, because as it continues to slide through his feathers, he can't help but let little moans slip past his lips.
"Feel free to touch yourself while I preen," Roman says, surprisingly casual, though he's blushing just as much. "You shouldn't have to be neglected while I continuously stimulate you. I'd never deny you pleasure, Virgil, just like you should never deny yourself self-care." 
Virgil says something quiet about being embarrassed, but Roman can't really understand it. And despite his apparent embarrassment, Roman hears a zipper, and then glances over Virgil's shoulder to see he's pulled his cock out anyway, as if he's desperate to touch despite still habitually complaining about it. Roman can't help but laugh softly, and press his own thighs together to hide the fact Virgil's got him excited as well. 
More loose feathers are carefully preened from Virgil's wings as Virgil tries to touch himself in tandem to the movements of Roman's brushing. 
"There," Roman sighs, happy with his work, as he gives Virgil's wing a few loving strokes once it's been completely brushed out. "That one's done. Give it a flap for me, won't you?" 
Virgil does - his wing retracts, and then stretches out, and then flaps, scattering most of the loose feathers Roman had meticulously piled up on the bed. Virgil immediately frowns at the mess, while Roman chuckles again, mumbling an embarrassed "whoops." 
He moves his brush to the second wing, starting again from Virgil's back and brushing outwards, but says "that feels nice, doesn't it? I'm sure there's a noticeable difference." 
Virgil mumbles something in response, swiping his thumb over the slit of his cock and dragging his pre downwards, smearing it over the length of his shaft. He shivers again as Roman brushes over his wings, and suddenly jolts as Roman plucks another disorganized feather from his back. 
"Roman!" he squeals, before shoving a hand over his mouth. He hears Roman sharply breathe in behind him, but Roman doesn't say anything, and instead brushes over the spot he just pulled a feather from. Virgil squeezes his eyes shut in embarrassment, and the hand around his cock squeezes as well, as Roman continues grooming him. 
Each brush of Roman's bristles has Virgil gasping or moaning softly. It felt like Roman was caressing his inner thighs, over his ass, even rubbing over his front in terms of sensitivity. He feels so good that he's almost jealous he's never given his wings the time of day before! And Roman seems overly aware of the power he has, as he spends a lot longer on this wing than he did on the last, combing over the same spot repeatedly until the feathers and skin of Virgil's wings are so soft that he's forced to move on. 
Roman's taking such gentle, tender care of Virgil. He's being careful and attentive, and his hands are so skilled at preening and plucking. 
His brush is indeed soft, but when Roman takes the time to card through Virgil's feathers with his own fingers, Virgil almost comes right then and there.
"Roman," Virgil moans, taking in a stuttering breath. "Roman, please." 
"I can't go any faster, Virgil," Roman muses in response, as he uses his hands to gentle comb through Virgil's feathers, teasingly pressing the pads of his fingers into the skin of Virgil's wings. He swears he can feel Virgil's rapid heartbeat through beneath the feathers, and rubs smoothly against thin skin there. "You wouldn't want me to accidently miss anything, after all." 
Roman's finger dips into a certain spot, nestling beneath an unruly feather, and as he begins to ease it out, Virgil suddenly cries out. 
"Fuck, there!" he pleads, stroking his cock vigorously. "Keep rubbing there!" 
Roman does. With a flush on his face, he lightly drags his nails along that exact spot, pushing and pressing into it, rubbing against it and continuing to ease the loose feather more and more out of place. And just as Roman's soft scratching fully works the feather from Virgil's wing, Virgil's flooded with relief, both from the itching, annoying feather falling away from his body, and from him finally letting go, and letting himself stroke his cock through a quick and relaxed orgasm. 
He makes a mess of his pants, and Roman's bed, but he keeps pumping his shaft until he's satisfied, and then lets his head fall back as he pants, meeting Roman's eyes. Roman was watching him through it, but quickly turns his head in embarrassment when Virgil meets his eyes. 
Virgil's heavy breathing fills the room, until Roman resumes his preening, using his actual handheld brush this time as he works on the end of Virgil's wings, making Virgil whine softly. 
"Roman," he weakly protests, but Roman just hushes him with a dramatic "shh." 
"It's not my fault you finished before I did," Roman pouts, though he's only teasing. "I'm almost done, alright? Just a little bit more, and your feathers will be as soft as a baby fledglings." 
Grumbling something bitterly, Virgil huffs, but doesn't push Roman away, and instead lets Roman finish up his grooming. However, with the bristles lightly scratching through his feathers and the constant petting from Roman's hand, Virgil is embarrassingly worked back up again. So much so, that when Roman's done, Virgil lets out a soft whine of protest. 
"Why are you upset?" Roman pokes him, grinning like a dope as he rubs his hand through Virgil's wings a final time. When he deems them preened to perfection, he puts his brush away. "You should be feeling a lot better now." 
But when he moves to wrap his arms around Virgil's waist once more, his knuckles bump against Virgil's cock, which is fully stiff, and very messy. 
Virgil feels the heat radiating from Roman's face, but with it resting on his shoulder, he can't gauge Roman's countenance. 
Instinctively, Virgil mutters "sorry," but then Roman's wrapping his fingers around Virgil's shaft, and stroking it slowly and carefully, giving Virgil's cock his full and intense attention. And when Virgil moans, and asked through bated breath what Roman's doing, he just gets kissed on the side of the head in response. 
"Consider it a 'thank you,'" Roman explains, cheerily. "For letting me brush through your wings." 
"But that was already-" Virgil pauses to moan in overstimulation, and then swallows a follow-up whine, struggling for a minute to recompose himself. "Preening me was already a gift. You didn't have to do this as well." 
Roman shrugs. "Well, I like taking care of you. In all ways." He squeezes firmly around the base of Virgil's cock, and drags his tightened hand upwards, as if milking the pre from Virgil's slit. "If this is making you feel good, then I want to help you feel great." 
Virgil presses the back of his hand to his mouth as he whimpers, rocking his hips into Roman's touch. Roman praises him under his breath, rubbing and pumping Virgil's length until every breath Virgil takes is an unexpected gasp or a shuddering inhale. 
And truly, Virgil does feel good. His wings are no longer stiff and uncomfortable. He no longer has to deal with itchy feathers poking into his skin that need to fall out and won't. 
Roman plucked away all his problems, and is now taking care of Virgil's final one as though it was no burden at all! 
"Roman," Virgil moans, and this time Virgil hears Roman moan back. A wordless, sheerly instinctual moan. And that's when Virgil realizes Roman's touching himself behind him. Briefly, Virgil wishes he was turned around to see, but he likes the comforting hold Roman has on him. The hand around his waist, reaching past his side to stroke him quick and lovingly. While Roman's other hand occasionally brushed Virgil's back, it was mostly used to touch his own cock, getting off alongside Virgil. 
"I'd brush your wings every day if you'd let me," Roman pants, even though they both know that'd be excessive. "I'd have you in this position, and I'd even get you off after if you so desired." 
Virgil's face is bright red. Sweat rolls down his cheeks. 
Roman leans closer to him, pressing his chest against Virgil's wings, making Virgil gasp. 
"Let me," Roman breathes, barely above a whisper. Virgil doesn't even know what he's asking, but answers anyway. 
Roman lets out a soft moan. "Virgil." 
Roman kisses Virgil's shoulder, up his neck, beneath his earlobe - anywhere Roman can kiss, he does, and with Roman's front against his back, lips against his neck, and hand around his cock, Virgil comes, a spluttering orgasm being milked out of him with loving ease. Perhaps having already came only aided Roman's pursuit, but Roman seems satisfied nonetheless. 
Roman touches Virgil through his orgasm, before pulling away to finish getting himself off, and coming much less ceremoniously over Virgil's back and the bedding. When Virgil huffs out a few bad words for Roman getting his shirt dirty, Roman just laughs and says Virgil should consider himself lucky it wasn't his jacket. 
"It did get on your wings a little, though," Roman mumbles, making Virgil flush and turn to glare at Roman over his shoulder. 
"Damnit, Roman," Virgil huffs, "now I'm going to have to struggle to wash that out." 
But Roman just smiles cheekily, and slides off his bed, pulling Virgil up as well. "Or," he starts, already bringing Virgil towards his bathroom, "we could shower together, and you could let me give your wings a proper washing. It'll be good for them, I swear! And I even have a shower brush to really help scrub the soap in!" 
Virgil knows what Roman is implying, and flushes dark, but rolls his eyes and sighs regardless. "Fine, whatever," he mumbles, but picks up his step a little, already moving to undress completely and let Roman tend to him further. 
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twinksintrees · 26 days
i love virgil and obviously his purple hoodie is iconic but his og hoodie looks sooo fucking soft and warm and safe and i need one like it so badly
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allabtnsfw · 3 months
Erhm uhm aahhaehehe . Do. Does anyone have any bottom remy fics and/or art I can have ?Ahehe . Please im starving I need to see that coffee addict get railed 🙏
Also here’s an unfinished old art piece I made of him in like 2023 . Explodes
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