#not sure if this was just a random ask or a request for hcs or a fic
aliceramblez · 8 months
Dating the Hazbin Hotel Residents 😈
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Tags: GN!Reader, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentioned Mature Topics (ie. Suicidal Thoughts, Alcohol Abuse, SA, etc), Spoilers For The Show, etc.
A/N: Ahhh yes, more brainriot for the pile 😌 I was more of a Helluva gal before the show aired, but now I gotta say these blorbos are a dear part of my heart! Hopefully y'all enjoy these as much as I did writing them!
Consider following my main blog @taruchinator for more solid content & feel free to leave a request here for future HCs~
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Charlie 🌈
When the Happy Hotel first opened its doors and all of Hell started making a mockery of it, you were probably the only one who took it as a sign to try and improve from the low life that you were. It's not like you had anything else to live for, anyway.
As soon as you enter the building, you're immediately greeted by the bubbly Princess of Hell herself (along with a reluctant Angel Dust) who is more than happy to show you around and welcomes you with open arms.
You've never been shown this much kindness and sympathy for your situation before, so it naturally takes you aback and makes you wonder what the catch is. Turns out there's none and the Princess is probably the only sweet soul to live in this shithole.
As you grow closer, she asks you to drop the title and just call her Charlie. She also shares a bit about her situation and how her mother wanted to save sinners from the extermination each year, and now Charlie felt like it was her duty to continue this legacy until her dreams came true.
You can't help but feel touched over how much she cares, so you silently vow to yourself to help her in any way you can, just like she's done for you.
It doesn't take long before the two of you grow even closer and feelings begin to blossom, but you decide to ignore them since why would a Princess ever like someone like you?
But Charlie proves you wrong yet again, since one day she comes to you a blushing mess and confesses her own feelings, asking if you'd like to go out with her. You can't help but vocalize your shock since she could do so much better than a random sinner. She deserved better, too.
She looks at you with fondness in her eyes. “You've been by my side for so long and supported me every step of the way. Who wouldn't fall for someone like that?”
And thus, you are the luckiest person in Hell because you scored Charlotte Morningstar, and whoever says otherwise can get a knife to their throat.
She's the perfect definition of a sweet and patient girlfriend, never pushing you to do anything you aren't comfortable with (since you really aren't used to such adoration in a romantic relationship), but as soon as you give her the get-go, she'll be sure to shower you with as much affection as she can until the doubts in your mind disappear completely.
You aren't that far behind either. Albeit not as good as her, you do your best to be a comforting partner whenever she needs you. This is especially necessary after an extermination happens, which always leaves Charlie devastated and in need of a hug or words of encouragement because she doubts herself sometimes and wonders if the hotel is even working at all.
You remind her how it brought the two of you together, to which she smiles and agrees that at least something good has come out of it so far.
Vaggie 🎀
Both you and Vaggie used to work in the same legion under Adam with the rest of his exorcists. You knew of each other's existence, but didn't really talk much aside from whatever was needed in the midst of battle.
The day she spares a demon child's life, you're doing your rounds nearby and witness the whole exchange, including Lute coming over and ripping both an eye and Vaggie's wings for showing mercy. You don't know why, but it makes your blood boil.
“HEY! What are you doing?! It was just a kid, why not let it slide?”
And just like that, you become a target of Lute's rage as well, being ripped from your angelic status along with receiving a few nasty cuts, yet surprisingly not as bad as Vaggie herself.
Once the two of you are left to die, you immediately try to tend the girl's wounds with whatever you can. Vaggie can only stare in disbelief at what you'd done and questions why you even did so in the first place—now you were stuck just like she was.
“Guess I just don't like seeing injustice... Who knew Heaven could be so fuckin' shitty?”
You both laugh at the irony of it all, and that's when luck is finally on your side as Charlie finds you in the dirty alley and brings you back to the hotel to heal properly.
For the next three years you two stay at the Hazbin Hotel, helping Charlie in any way you can to try and make her dream a reality since deep down you hope that despite Heaven's corrupt system, there can be a small chance that souls can be redeemed. You hide the fact that you're ex-Anges though, since you don't wanna cause unnecessary drama.
During this time period, the two of you become better friends, having your own inside jokes regarding things you didn't particularly enjoy from your time as Angels, as well as learning more about one another.
You're the one to come to terms with your feelings first and decide to lay them on the table for Vaggie to see—she's always been a straight-to-the-point kind of gal, so if you're about to be rejected, might as well have it be done quick. But of course, she replies with her own declaration and desire to give a relationship a shot, which you're ecstatic about!
It's a bit hard at first since you never got to see much of romantic relationships in Heaven while training for murder every year, but you try and make it work. Both you and Vaggie work endlessly to try and make the other happy, and it only makes you fall for each other even more.
Also Charlie is your go-to wingwoman who will be there to give you the best advice to try and woo your girlfriend. She ships you two so hard.
Angel Dust 🕸
Working at a porn studio under an Overlord who owns your soul can be exhausting. You know this better than anyone since everyone who works under Valentino has contracts that won't let you get far with a leash. This is especially true with your friend Angel Dust.
You know about the things Valentino does to the spider demon—hell, everyone in the studio probably knows, but know better than to say anything about it. You're always there for Angel after particularly rough shoots, doing your best to comfort him in any way you can, though there isn't much you can do given you're in the same spot.
When he tells you he's moving to Princess Charlie's Hazbin Hotel, you're so happy for him! At least that will give him some distance from Valentino and his disgustingly filthy hands when he's not working.
This unsurprisingly doesn't bode well with the Overlord, causing him to throw fits of rage around the studio when Angel leaves for the day. You can't help but make a snarky comment that you definitely regret moments later.
“Can one blame him for wanting space from such an overbearing asshole?”
Without his favorite stress toy around, you end up paying the price for such comments. The kind of pain and suffering he puts you through is completely different from what you're used to. Is this the stuff he does to Angel? He leaves you naked, bruised and bloody in your room, and all you can do is muster what little strenght you have left to head for the Hazbin Hotel.
As soon as the door opens, you immediately tumble forward and start losing consciousness. The last thing you remember is Angel's horrified expression before it all fades to black.
Once you wake up and have been patched up, you explain what happened at the studio, and you could've sworn you saw fire in Angel's eyes as he holds on to you, fearing you might disappear at any moment. He begs you to stay in the hotel with him, and you agree without hesitation.
And so, your new routine of heading to work and then coming back to the hotel becomes blissful, not having to deal with that lunatic mothman more than necessary. You also get to spend time off with your best friend, which is always a plus.
Well, ‘best friend’ might not be the best way to describe it. You'd developed a crush on the spider demon even before this whole incident occurred, and now that you were spending more time with him, it only continued to grow.
With the line of work you two had, romantic relationships didn't seem to be a thing that crossed anybody's mind since why have a permanent partner when you could just go around fucking the hottest people in Hell? But you knew your feelings were far beyond from sexual, but didn't wanna ruin what you already had going for you.
One heartfelt drunken conversation after work however, makes you do a double take—Angel likes you back. And that both scares and excites you. But with both of you going over the pros and cons with each other, you decide to give it a chance.
You make sure to always have Angel's consent when it comes to physical intimacy—anything from holding his hand, to kissing to just cuddling. He jokes about not being a porcelain doll, but deep down you know he appreciates it.
You're also there for the rough nights, when he comes home wanting nothing more than to die again and let the earth swallow him whole. Words of reassurance are spoken and you can only hold him and let him cry as you vow to do anything in your power to stop this from happening again.
Husker 🍺
As one of the first guests of the hotel, like any wayward sinner, you find yourself in the bar more often than you'd like. Alcohol killed you in the first place, yet not even in the afterlife could you seem to pull yourself from its grasp.
It's a somewhat welcome surprise to find out that the bartender is going through a similar struggle. He still serves you drinks and lends and ear whenever he's not busy, but will occasionally drop the words of wisdom to watch your fill.
Eventually you two find yourselves doing this little back and forth and aid each other when you're in your dark places—Husk won't let you near the bottle if he sees you're about to knock yourself out, meanwhile you're there to look after him when he has one too many drinks and can't take care of himself.
Not to say he isn't a good drinking buddy—you've found out most of the gossip around the hotel thanks to this sneaky little cat demon and there's never a dull moment with him around.
You learn about his deal with Alastor during a particularly bad night, when Husk's had one too many and isn't thinking straight. You don't bring it up, but now have an eye open for whenever the Radio Demon drags your friend away.
Angel's the one who brings up your questionable relationship to the surface.
“So... you two like, fuckin' each other, or what?”
Your entire face goes red, and if it weren't for the dark fur you could swear you see Husk looking the same. He's quick to get rid of Angel's nosy ass, but now the seed has been planted in your brain—do you like Husk that way?
After careful consideration, you come to the conclusion that yes, you do. And it's honestly kinda terrifying considering how relationships don't usually work out in Hell, at least from what you've seen. Besides, even if you did try and confess, there was always the possibility of him not feeling the same and just being embarrassed by Angel's comment.
So in an attempt to make your feelings disappear, you stop frequenting the bar. Who knew the best way to stop drinking habits was trying to avoid spending time with your unrequited crush?
But of course, Husk isn't stupid. He sees the change in your behavior and let's it slide for a while, until he eventually corners you and asks what's wrong. You decide to get it all out of the way and tell him how you feel.
To the embarrassment of both of you, he holds your hand firmly between his and darts his eyes toward the corner of the room. “Next time you should ask before going off assuming things, ya got it?”
And so, your glass may have been empty that day, but your heart had never felt fuller.
Sir Pentious 🐍
You meet Sir Pentious when you sign into the hotel, and your immediate thought is just how can this snake man be so adorkable, it should be illegal.
As you greet the other residents and staff, you're quick to strike a conversation with him, which based on his body language he was not expecting. He starts telling you a bit about his weaponry and other contraptions, and you can't help but be fascinated by it.
You're a bit of a tinkerer yourself, albeit you've only dabbled in small scale projects—nothing compared to the massive canons and aircrafts that Pentious seems to be familiar with.
He acts like a kid opening gifts on Sinmas when he talks to you about his inventions, clearly never having anyone show interest before. Eventually he'll even ask for your input on certain smaller projects he wants to work on to help around the hotel, all to thank Charlie for being so kind to him and giving him a second chance. You're obviously eager to help!
You two start spending so much time together that the egg boys have started calling you ‘Boss #2’, much to Pentious' embarrassment and your amusement.
One afternoon once exercises are done for the day, the snake demon seems much more fidgety than usual as he invites you over to his room to continue working on his security system prototype. He's a blabbering mess once he has you sitting down and your heart just can't help but swell at each little syllable.
“Dearest (y/n)... you've, um, well... you are a huge inspiration for my work! A-And I wouldn't have been able to create any of this... without your help. You are kind, and smart and very talented.... and w-well, um I-”
You gotta silence the man with a kiss otherwise you two would be here all day. He's puddy in your hands and you can only giggle in return. “I really like you too, Pen.”
Everyone is either saying they called it or groaning in annoyance because fucking FINALLY, you two were just dancing around each other like idiots. The egg boys are just so happy to have someone else besides Pentious to be in their lives, and will do their best to look out for you just like with their own boss.
So yeah, prepare yourself for some sickeningly sweet gestures from this guy cause he will go above and beyond to get you what you need/want even if it kills him (again). And you can confidently say that you'd do the same in return.
Alastor 📻
After running in the same circles when you were alive, it's no surprise to you to end up in Hell, although you never would've suspected that you'd find yourself in the same place as him. It was honestly a huge relief not having to go through this all by yourself.
As Alastor exerted his dominance over Hell as the Radio Demon, you were powerful enough to be an Overlord yes, but rather liked keeping it on the down low instead of making a spectacle of yourself (Alastor was the one for theatrics anyway). Because of this, only select few knew of your true power and what you were capable of.
Instead, if there was one thing you were known for, it was being the only soul allowed to be close to the Radio Demon without the risk of death.
Yes, Alastor was a sadistic, cold-blooded and egotistical mastermind, but he wasn't a monster. You knew that better than anyone. Although the reactions he had to other demons treating you like a joke or calling you the ‘Radio Demon's Pet’ were not helping his case.
“ł₣ ɎØɄ V₳ⱠɄɆ ɎØɄⱤ ₴ØɄⱠ, ɎØɄ ₩łⱠⱠ ₩₳Ⱡ₭ ₳₩₳Ɏ Ɽł₲Ⱨ₮ ₦Ø₩ ฿Ɇ₣ØⱤɆ ł Ɽł₱ ł₮ ₳₱₳Ɽ₮ ฿ł₮ ฿Ɏ ฿ł₮...”
“Al, chill. You're gonna make them shit their pants.”
After his seven year absence, you immediately noticed something was wrong with him, and wouldn't stop pestering until he told you the truth—A deal he made and how his soul was now bound to someone much more powerful than he was.
You were obviously mortified and started looking into ways to try and find a loophole to this, but alas the Radio Demon would just give you his signature grin and tell you not to worry about it. It was his battle to face.
But of course you're quick to remind him that you've stuck together through thick and thin even in life, so there was no way you were letting him handle this by himself. You work as a team—always have and always will. You engulf him in a hug.
“We're gonna figure this out, Al. I promise...”
The grin remains, but his eyes widen slightly in surprise. He hesitantly returns the embrace, patting your back and wiping the tears you didn't even know you were shedding.
“There there~ To think such a sweet and innocent soul wound up in a gutter like this. I cannot say I complain as long as I have your delightful company beside me.”
And so when he says he has a plan that involves Princess Charlie Morningstar and her new Happy Hotel, you follow along. Whatever fate has in store for you two, you'll be ready.
Also Charlie is a sweetheart who could do no harm. Knowing Alastor, he'll probably do whatever he can here and there to help around for the cause. You also offer your services as an undercover Overlord, much to everyone's surprise when you reveal your status.
The Radio Demon may have a plan, but something tells you it won't involve bloody murder (unless extremely necessary or if someone really pissed him off).
Like you said—he's not a monster.
Lucifer 🍎
You and Lucifer were good friends at the beginning of Creation. While you were stuck with the tedious task of designing blueprints for the new ‘Human Project’ that headquarters had in store, Lucifer's Seraphim status allowed him to bring creations to life with the flick of a wrist, much to your delight and wonder.
His ideas and pitches for Earth were always so entertaining to listen to, and you would do your best to encourage him to show them to the higher ups to get them approved—His mind was just filled with joy and love and wonder that you'd never seen before.
Which was why it was always so disappointing whenever he'd come back and say that he was shut down and even mocked at. How could Heaven shut down such an imaginative mind in the creation of their biggest project yet?
To say you were devastated when you heard about his fall would be an understatement. You mourned the loss of your friend, knowing that he'd done nothing wrong and thinking it wasn't fair to him to receive such punishment just because he cared for the future of humanity.
Thousands of years later, you overhear the plan for Extermination of Hell kind. You didn't mean to walk by, yet here you were, under the direct eye of the Head Seraphims about to be downcast for something you had no control over—just like Lucifer.
“You're all self-entitled pricks! You think you can do whatever you want just because it doesn't follow what you define as good!”
You get a few good arguments before being cast downwards, leaving you in bad shape in a random alley with no wings and no means of escape. That is of course, until destiny seems to be on your side and Lucifer finds you, completely perplexed to see you here at all.
After getting treated, you tell him about the Extermination so he and Hell can prepare. The conversation of you getting cast down by Heaven gets glossed over, but he can feel the fury building up inside him. You were always doing things by the book—how could they do this to you?
Once the slaughter is over, Lucifer gets a meeting with Heaven and secures protection for both his daughter Charlie and you, to which they begrudgingly agree to keep him outta their hair. You can't help but feel touched by this gesture.
He's also quick to offer you a room to stay in, but you compromise by living in a seperate building from him and Charlie so you aren't a bother even though he says you aren't. In fact, ever since Lilith left, he's had to take care of his young daughter all by himself, so he's more than happy when you offer to help.
It doesn't take long for your feelings to start coming into the surface from all those years ago, and you gotta push them away because he's both married and has a child to look after! Besides, why would the King of Hell ever look in your direction?
Eventually though, he brings up the question with nothing but sweaty palms and a customized rubber ducky that says ‘I love you’ whenever you squeeze it. You blush furiously, but can't help but bring up your concerns, not wanting to replace Lilith in his heart. He looks into your eyes and says that he hasn't been as happy as he is now in the past thousand years.
Cue baby Charlie walking in on everything, and she just smiles and goes innocently. “Daddy! Is (y/n) staying home with us now?”
You two can only chuckle at the cuteness of it and you immediately go to hug her. You couldn't believe that you were blessed with such a wonderful family.
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screeching-bunny · 10 months
Saw that requests were open, and maybe can you do this one? ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
Request- A master manipulator yandere husband that’s been with his wifey (us) since childhood. That’s right, we childhood sweethearts <3 He lovingly molded us into a dependent stepford wifey, cause what’d we do without him? He’s always been there to protect, provide, and care for us since we were young, why stop now into adulthood?
Love to have this as HC format with some dash of dialogue if possible to show some of his personality!
Also I loved your latest CEO yandere, what’s his name? He’s a favorite of mine now. Love the ones that spoil you rotten and can’t live without you!
Yandere! Husband Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
A/N: Yandere! Ceo currently doesn’t have a name rn but don’t worry he will soon!!! Thank you so much enjoying him!!!
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🌟 Yandere! Husband has been friends with you since you were children. From the moment you got out of the car and started to get your things out of the moving van, he was absolutely hooked. He practically rushed his little legs over and started to enthusiastically introduce himself to you and your family. He was honestly so thrilled to learn that you were the same age as him and going to be attending the same elementary school as him. When you first started attending school Yandere! Husband made sure to hold your hand no matter where you went. Whenever anyone asked he would say that he was only doing this to make you more comfortable (he’s doing this for his own enjoyment). This is a habit that stays even in your adult life. No matter where the two of you are, he is always holding your hand lovingly.
🌟 Yandere! Husband in elementary school used to get so upset whenever someone would try to approach you to play with them. Whenever someone did this he would always try to do petty little things to them such as trip them, tattle tale on every little thing they did, and sometimes get even a little physical. At the time he wasn’t exactly sure why he was feeling these awful emotions but what he was one hundred percent sure on was that he didn’t want anyone to take your attention off of him.
Random elementary student: “You can’t keep doing this! You’re acting like they’re yours! They can play with whoever they want, so stop acting like you own them!”
Yandere! Husband: “...” Coming to the realization that he loves hearing that. The idea of you being solely his causes his heart to beat even faster. “Mine, I like the sound of that.”
🌟 Yandere! Husband made sure to protect you from any bullies that ever tried to harm you. He wanted to be seen as a savior in your eyes and would brutally beat up anyone who tried to harm you. If he wasn’t physically strong enough to beat them then he would do everything in his power to frame them for something and get them expelled from school. He definitely has some sort of savior complex when it comes to you. Yandere! Husband made it a mission to be your first kiss when the two of you were going to graduate elementary and go into middle school. He wanted to be your first in everything and felt this was the first step into making you his. Your first kiss had been with him in his bedroom while you were over to play videogames.
Yandere! Husband: “Come on, this is the first step we gotta take in order to grow. Our first kiss has to be with someone special and you're the specialist person I know!”
Just like that, the two of you were leaning in and that was how Yandere! Husband successfully stole your first kiss.
🌟 Yandere! Husband was still stuck to your side even during puberty. It was during this time that he started getting attention from a lot of people due to his looks. He made sure to always ignore or reject them due to only having eyes for you. Yandere! Husband makes sure that your classes are all with him. Believe it or not but Yandere! Husband is extremely smart and a model student. He will make sure to point out how you are lacking academically therefore you need someone to tutor you (even if you don’t) to both teachers and the principal in order to be in the same classes as you. Yandere! Husband will make small and very subtle passive aggressive remarks about how you aren't that academically intelligent and that you need him by your side. At some point you start to believe this and believe that you need him to tutor you everyday in order to survive school.
Yandere! Husband: “It’s okay if you’re not good at anything. As long as you have me by your side, I’ll take care of you no matter what. Even if we’re old and wrinkly.”
🌟 Yandere! Husband has successfully isolated you from making friends by the time you two are in high school. You basically have no friends but him. This was mainly due to the fact that he would always try to outdo the person you were trying to befriend in order to make them seem boring. Having romantic feelings for anyone other than him was off limits. If you ever did have a crush on someone then Yandere! Husband would absolutely destroy them. He would make sure to spread the nastiest rumor about them and cause them so much shame that they would have to move away from your town in order to avoid further embarrassment. It’s probably around highschool that Yandere! Husband officially asks you out to be his lover. He makes sure to go all out while asking you out in order to make you feel special.
🌟 Yandere! Husband is proposing to you the moment the two of you graduate highschool. Don’t worry about funds, he’s a Nepo baby and will inherit his dad’s company. He definitely wants you to be his housespouse when he’s ready to go to college and work a job. He wants you to depend on him and hates the idea of you being independent without him. In order to make sure this never happens, he manipulates you into thinking that you can’t do anything without him and around. So why don't you sit still and look pretty for him when he gets home.
🌟 Yandere! Husband picks out everything when it’s time to get married. He’s a complete groomzilla and wants everything to be absolutely perfect. When he sees you in your wedding attire for the first time he definitely tears up a bit. You’re just so beautiful. Domestic life with Yandere! Husband is peaceful and calming. Yandere! Husband imagines you all the time while he is at work. When he drives home from work he likes to imagine how you would be waiting for him. Would you be waiting at the door for him or would you be asleep sprawled on the couch. He makes sure to always come home as fast as he can in order to wrap his arms around you. The sight coming home to you and a home cooked meal absolutely melts his heart. This is perfection to him and he’ll make sure to do everything in his power to protect it.
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retroaria · 21 days
Michael Kaiser. That’s it. That’s the post.
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i’m having kaiser thoughts. i’m pondering my orb, and all it’s showing me is michael kaiser. the evil voices in my head (my ask box) are taunting me (sending very nice requests) to sell my soul to michael kaiser (finally write something about him) and so here i am.
summary: random kaiser hc’s (lmk if you want more/nsfw ones)
BLUE LOCK M.LIST | enjoy 🪽 - aria
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• thinking about how possessive he would be in a relationship. it isn’t overbearing, in the sense that he trusts you and lets you do you’re own thing. however, he’s a rather insecure man behind all that smug douchebaggery that he puts off and he has a hard time watching you interact with other men of his same stature. because truly, no matter how good he is to you, he isn’t the best person all around. there are guys out there that would be better for you and he can’t help be fear that you’ll be swept off your feet and taken from him.
• Kaiser is gentle with you. you actually turned him into a completely different person. It’s not that you’ve really changed him at his core, but you’ve opened him up to love he didn’t know before, and so he feels like he has nothing to be afraid of with you. he’s vulnerable and expressive and happy with you. he makes sure to provide that same experience for you in the relationship, making sure you always know you can go to him for anything and you don’t have to hide anything from him.
• In the beginning of the relationship, Kaiser is very protective of your privacy. He’s really afraid of the consequences that may come with the world knowing who you are and who you are to him. he’s not naive, he knows there’s bad people out there. not only that, but it’s no one else’s right to know you’re love for each other. i see him doing a soft launch and that’s it. after that he’ll post you on occasion and be a little less aggressive about hiding from paparazzi, but he still doesn’t want to share you. you’re his whole world, keyword HIS.
• kaiser LOVES intimacy. physical or emotional, he loves those sweet loving moments that come to fruition from the trust and bond the two of you have cultivated. he loves showering and taking baths with you, relishing in the gentle touches as the two of you clean each other up. they’re always filled with soft giggles and quick kisses, before drying each other off and snuggling up. he loves listening to you talk about your day, not sparing him from details you may have spared others from. telling him all the thoughts and actions you aren’t proud of, unafraid of being judged in his eyes. the vulnerability of it all makes his heart beat fast, but you’re both so trusting and in love that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
• this might be a hot take, but i feel like the concept of marriage would scare him a bit. it’s not that he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life with you, because he absolutely does and already plans on it. it’s just a level of commitment that he never thought anyone would dedicate to him. he doesn’t want you to end up regretting it in the future. he doesn’t shy away from conversation about it though, he actually wants you guys to talk about it and get a feel for where you both stand. when the time comes to take that next step, he’s as ready as ever. just make sure you don’t break his heart please (or i’ll find you bro.)
• dates with kaiser can either be extravagant and classy or they can be chill and sweet, he can do both. sometimes he wants to take you to the nicest restaurants he can fine, see you all dolled up looking absolutely stunning for him, and pamper you the entire night. other times he just wants the two of you to do something fun and spontaneous, would take you to a fair and win you all the stuffed animals you want, or would take you on a stroll around the city, letting you frolick through the shops while he holds all your bags for you. he’s such a gentleman either way.
• kaiser loves being domestic with you. doing the laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, making dinner, he loves it. in those moments he finds himself wishing they would last forever, just the two of you existing in each others presence, he has nothing to worry about.
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moon divider- @strangergraphics-archive
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stressforu · 3 months
hii! i was wondering if i could request atsumu dating headcanons? i loved your tsukki one :)
♯ atsumu miya — dating hcs
HI ANONNNNN !!!! thanks for requesting ^^ , sure here's an atsumu hcs ! tsukki hcs 𖹭
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୨ৎ the whole Inarizaki team is so updated with your relationship with him like wdym the whole team already knows after confirming your relationship just a minute ago .... 🤨 (sounds fishy 'tsumu)
୨ৎ ughh atsumu always bragging how he's the only taken person in the whole team "ahh, it's nice to have a girlfriend so caring, sweet, kind, beautiful, like there's no right word to describe how perfect she is." "shin, can we kick him?" "i prefer you do not."
୨ৎ you being atsumu's profile picture on every social media he has and his username's gotta be something like "y/n's🔐" or "takenbyy/n" with a matching key emoji to it and he'll BEG you to match usernames with him like a key next to your username
୨ৎ he's such a goofball that he never fails to make you laugh even the smallest and simplest thing you'll never fail to laugh when you're with him. (he once tripped while you were walking, and let's just say you'll never let him live it down)
୨ৎ atsumu is COMPETITIVE when it comes to playing games with you especially fps games or obbies ... (prolly sulks when you beat him once in roblox tower of hell or dress to impress smh rage quits) after losing to you, he would tackle you in a hug and just put his head on your shoulder. yes, he's sulking.
୨ৎ bae... I'm sorry to say this but you can't escape from his flirty jokes >:( he'll throw in jokes you don't even know when he'll say it. You're walking with him to the vending machine, and he'll say :"I'm no photographer but I can picture us together. 😈🙏 " bombastic side eye 😐... AND HE EVEN PLASTERS A SMIRK like: 😏
୨ৎ asks you the most random things at the middle of the night, he'd chat you and you would be in the middle of your sleep when your phone rings. loml tsumu 💝 : will you still love me if i'm a roach — you: no
୨ৎ atsumu is so clingy... especially after Inarizaki wins a match, he's so tired that all he wants is a hug from you!! please don't deny this man his privileges :(( and shower him with praises !!!! atsumu LOVES it whenever you praise him you know it lowkey assures him that you're still here.
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a/n : sorry it took so long, anon ! hope you love it <333 last fic b4 i review dem psych materials 😈😈😈😈💯💯
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pearlymel · 2 months
Love your work!! If you’re available, could you please write hc’s of Jing Yuan, Natasha, Kafka, Boothill, Jiaoqiu (OOC is fine!!), Sampo, Gallagher, March 7th, and/or Serval with a reader with low blood sugar? Huge self-indulgent comfort ask, but it might resonate with a lot of other people!
My DM’s are open if you ever would like to learn some major symptoms of blood sugar drops. You absolutely do not have to do all of these characters, just giving you some ideas! Have a wonderful day/night!! ☺️💕
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Synopsis: headcanons of the hsr character and reader with a low blood sugar.
Includes: Boothill, Jiaoqiu (might be ooc), Jing yuan, Gallagher, and March 7th.
Notes: i didn't add all of them because i usually write up to 5 characters or so (gonna create my rules sometime this week). But thank you for the request, lovey! I had so much fun writing this, i love writing and exploring new things :) i hope it was to your expectations, and sorry if the symptoms were inaccurate (google was my help i was too shy to dm.)
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—we all should agree that this man is a caring lover, although i see him as the type to forget that you're not like him. You're not metal and scraps like him, and that you're a human being who needs a lil extra care.
—he doesn't think much of it when you first tell him that you tend to have low blood sugar, he even asks random strangers at bars he goes to about this sickness.
Boothill loves all types of fun to do with you, and tonight, you suggested you both dance.
Seeing the hint of a smile gracing your lips when you try hiding it by pressing your face on shoulder, Boothill grins. And he makes no attempt to hide his delight, he tightens his grip on your frame, holding you carefully but firmly against his chest.
"Well now, ain't I a lucky devil," he drawls, the evident sarcasm was in his tone, "Looks like I'm gettin' the chance to dance with a lovely person who shares my love for tryin' new things. I must be doin' somethin' right."
Silly, you think. "You were simply just you. And i love being with you."
Boothill grins, his eyes softening at the edges as he gazes down at you.
"Well now, ain't that a sweet thing to say," he replies, his voice gruff yet affectionate. "I ain't used to hearin' such sweet talk, to be honest." He pauses for a beat, his grip on you tightening ever so slightly.
"But hearin' it from you, it's nice," he continued before pulling you a bit closer against him.
You laugh along with him, bringing your hand to brush your fingertips along his hair, your other hand over the metallic surface of his chest before you slow your movements, you feel dizzy. No, it's not from how much you both were spinning, you both were going slow and careful.
It doesn't go unnoticed by him with the shift in your demeanor, a subtle change in your movements that indicates something is amiss.
"You okay there, darlin'?" he asks, his brow furrowing as he looks down at you. He can feel something amiss with you physically.
"Lightheaded." You mumble, holding onto him. "You... You have uhm.. anything sweet i can take?" He gives you a nod, "Reach into my pocket, I'm sure there's a candy sitting there," he explains, guiding your hand to his pocket, taking it calmly.
You give him a small smile when you reach for his side pocket to grab the singular wrapped candy.
Your fingers fumbles with the wrapper before you pop it in your mouth, sucking on the strawberry flavoured candy while resting your cheek on his shoulder.
"Doin' a little better there?"
"Yeah, thanks my hero."
"Don't you go gettin' all sweet on me now," he mutters with that of gruffness, though he smiles. "You're the one who's supposed to keep me from goin' all soft."
—Oh he's ready 24/7 whenever the situation calls for it. He takes this very seriously and will make sure no funny jokes were made about it, because they're certainly not funny to him and he will kick ass if anyone makes it harder on you than it should be.
What a sight for sore eyes. Truly. And no, he's not talking about the view, he's glancing back at you where you sat while looking up at the skies, your head titled as if you're so immersed.
"Anything on your mind?" He was the first to speak as he approaches you, "A lot of things.. clouding my head." You half shrug, watching him as he takes a seat next to you with a can of some carbonated drink on his side, and you hear the slight hiss of it when he open it with his finger. The carbonated drink fizzes a little between his finger and thumb as he pops the tab open, taking a small sip from it before turning his attention back to you.
His crimson eyes were on the direction you were trying to look at but he can't find what's so interesting about tonight's sky.
“I'm willing to stay here all night and listen.” He reassures you.
"Mhm," you stare blankly ahead now, almost zoning out, and you don't notice how sweaty you're starting to feel, or how your heart starts racing.
Gallagher's eyes narrow as he notices your almost zombie like look of a thousand yard stare. The way you look unmoving and not even acknowledging him.
He doesn't say anything and just hands you his drink, gently tapping the can on your arm to bring back your attention. You don't hesitate to grab it, taking small fast sips.
"Careful," he helps you straighten your back, drinking while slouching isn't exactly good.
You sigh when you hold the can with both hands now, letting it rest on your lap, "Thank you—"
"When was the last time you ate today?" He gently cuts you off.
“And can you confirm that ‘earlier’ wasn’t hours ago?” He asked, his voice now firm but he tries to stay calm.
"I'm sleepy." You brush his question off instead, looking at him while blinking slowly as you lean to rest your head on the side of his shoulder. Gallagher watches you, letting out a soft scoff at how you tried to change the subject. He knew he wasn’t going to get an answer from you, but he also wasn’t going to let you just avoid the problem either.
"We're having dinner after your little nap, deal?"
—March.. panics when she finds out for the first time. She asks you if you were okay, if you wanted anything, even when you try to reassure her that you felt fine at times, she wouldn't be convinced until you stay under her watch. She bugs Dan Heng to tell her all the possible symptoms so she wouldn't panic more than she should.
Today, you were March's model for photography, well you always are her model because she says you're the best fit for it.
She lets you try out fun clothes and you shyly and awkwardly try to pose in front of the camera at first, but then you immediately gain the confidence after a few more clicks. Smiling and posing while trying out all the fun combinations of colours and clothes.
She looked at you, wearing clothes she had picked out for you. You looked absolutely beautiful.
The enthusiastic girl was blushing a lot as she kept taking pictures of you, giggling behind the camera even.
"March, mind if i sit down for a bit?" You hated to stop her from her enthusiasm, but you feel lightheaded almost. And you were sure it's not from the flashes.
March immediately stopped taking photos and set her camera down when you asked.
She placed a gentle hand onto your forehead, seeing if you had a fever first. "Are you feeling sick?"
"No, don't panic. I just feel lightheaded. Do you have anything sweet i can take?"
Okay, she is prepared for this, "You're low on blood sugar, are you?" She asked, concerned. March then grabbed a small candy—a lollipop, to be exact—from the camera case and offered it out to you.
"And you came prepared." You try teasing, and she nodded with a light laugh. It was a nice-looking sweet lemon-flavored lolliop.
"I carry them with me just in case!" She replied, You both sit down together, she takes out another lollipop for herself so you wouldn't feel left out.
"We can take pictures while eating these lollipops."
March nodded in agreement with your idea, she was happy that you even said that, it meant taking pictures together for an hour now wasn't boring you out.
Then, she pulled out her camera again, a grin forming on her face, "That's a good idea! Alright, on the count of three—" she pulls the lollipop out, posing as if kissing the candy while you smile widely as the camera clicks on both of you.
—sooo, he's a healer. Then that means we all can agree that he's the attentive lover, and strictly cares about your health and diet, but i feel like he'd be playful about it at times.
You don't remember sleeping for so long when you woke up rather confused, shuffling around the blankets and sitting up on the bed while rubbing your head.
Your fault for skipping breakfast and going straight into your work or chores for today.
You fail to notice at first the pink haired figure next to you, sitting beside the bed so silently that it makes you gasp when you turn around to see him.
He was holding a spoonful of some red liquid that you're sure is spicy concoction. He looks at you expectantly, a hint of mischief behind his closed eyes.
“Say ahh,” he says quietly, enjoying the moment. But you almost try not to laugh.
"What happened exactly?" You ask him, refusing to still take that.. extremely dark red soup. It was so dark you can almost smell the spice in the air.
"Someone forgot to eat their meal i prepared earlier," he hums, still trying to pry his spoon closer to your lips, "so i had to find myself misfortune in the of finding you almost unconscious. You're lucky i was carrying some sweet herbs with me." And you frown at his next words, you want to apologize for how he must've been worried.
As if sensing your next words, he smiles, "none of that. Now, open up." He offers you the spoonful again but you pull your face away.
"Are you sure you're not trying to kill me next?"
Jiaoqiu pretends to pout. His fox ears prick and he gives you a slight pout, "You're so dramatic," he says, his tail flicking with amusement. He holds up the spoon again, still waiting for you to open your mouth.
"My soup will fix your blood sugar. Trust me, it's a secret recipe," Jiaoqiu says with a sly smirk.
"What if it tastes bad?" You regret the words leaving your mouth, because he opens his eyes and stares at you with an almost hurt expression. You take the spoonful in your mouth without another complaint, and he hums in approval while closing back his eyes.
The flavours almost explode in your mouth, it.. wasn't spicy at all. It was rather sweet and savoury.
"You tricked me, it's not spicy at all."
"I never said it was spicy, though." He tilts his head, feigning innocence and confusion.
Despite his antics, you instantly feel better, although he doesn't allow you to feed yourself, he'll do it for you.
—This man would spoil you rotten. You're feeling unwell? He would love to take the day off and just look after you, although there is a doctor on the side in case anything gets serious. You're simply tired not because of your low sugar levels, but just because you were? He would gladly invite you in his arms or simply sit next to you while you both chat nonstop about eachother's days if that's what will make you feel better.
You were panting when you decided to train alone in the training grounds, Yanqing offered to train with you but you insisted that you needed that full concentration.
After a while, you do feel exhausted and worn out. The spear dropping from your hands as you bend a bit to rest your hands on your knees to catch some breath.
"Now, now, if you want to get stronger, you'll also need a break." Jing Yuan's call for you is what makes you huff out a chuckle. In his hands is what looked to be a bowl of fruits with a water bottle on the other.
"i wanted to build some muscle." You tell him when he gives you that look whenever you start training alone. It's not that he's against your wishes of wanting to be stronger for your own good, but he wishes Yanqing was atleast there to watch you.
"And, I'm not a baby." You roll your eyes playfully and he lets out a deep laugh. "Eat up." You take the orange first, but he was quick to take it from your hands to peel it for you, so you take the grape instead.
You as well take the bottle, gulping down almost the whole thing. Water has never tasted this good.
"You're not a baby, but you drool like one." You almost glare at his words and he only grins while wiping the excess water and fruit juice off the corner of your lips with his thumb. "That was mean, General." You raise both of your eyebrows at him, he only pats your head back, pulling you in with his arm to just hold you.
"when the time comes, you'll be strong enough to protect me."
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blkluci · 3 months
MHA boys and the reader fighting p2 please!!
Aizawa Shoto
Sero Hanta
Denki Kaminari
Shinso Hitoshi
Shigiraki Tomura
You don't have to do all but if ur able to, TYSM!<3
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𝑴𝑯𝑨 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔/𝒎𝒆𝒏 and you fighting pt.2...
CHARACTERS )) hanta sero, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinso, shota aizawa, tomura shigaraki.
PLOT )) a headcanon of the boys seeing you fight.
A/N )) thank you for your request @thisisxli!! i'm glad that you enjoyed the last part :) hope you enjoy this one and to everyone thanks for all the love on my other posts, i truly appreciate it. feel free to send in more requests guys! reader is a pro-hero in aizawa's hc!
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[ 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀 ] sero is a laid back guy; which is one of the reasons you decided to date him (on top of his charm). when he was there to experience a random girl from ua, get into an argument with you, he stood and analyzed everything. he made sure to not let anything go overboard and pull you away when things got intense. "how 'bout we avoid her from now on, yeah?" now two days later when shawty pulled up talkin' bout fight me, he let you have her.
... hanta's eyes watched every movement intensely
... he made sure that no one jumped in while you handled that
... you were on top of the flailing girl
... knuckles meeting her face every time
-> "keep punchin' bae."
... when some friend of the girl try to jump in, he taped them up
-> "it's a fair fight, back up."
... when he seen that you've got girl leaking he pulls you off
... strong frame holding you in place
... his lips curve into a smile while watching you yell at the girl
... he's proud of you standing on business
... makes sure that you avoid all fights after
... there for you when you get scolded by aizawa
[ 𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐊𝐈 ] this boy kaminari loves the drama as long as he's not a part of it. and most definitely wouldn't want to hear his beautiful girl's name out of anyone else mouth, even ms kendo from 1-B. he brings the situation to your attention. nonetheless asks you to no fight, in school at least, and tells you to let him know if she say anything else. "I'll put on a wig if needed." it turns out he'd need to for the next day.
... when you texted denk to let him now you beating her after school
... he made sure to pack it up real quick after class
... you catch the girl outside, asking her wassup and she dropped her stuff
-> "dayumm!"
... denki winced when you punched her jaw
... the sound echoing along with the other heavy hits you planted on that head
... his capturing everything he screamed from behind the camera
-> "WORLDSTAR! beat her 'ah babe!"
... possibly tased the girl while you beat her
... just then cementoss pushed into the fight to break y'all up
... denks acted like he wasn't videoing and helped out
... was sent to the principal with you
... makes sure to zoom in on the girl bloody face on cam
... denki most def seems the type to post it to twitter
[ 𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈 ] shinso ain't bout all the confrontation. he will totally brainwash the person to walk away. that's how much he doesn't care. hearing you tell him about some girl antagonizing you, he asks you if you want him to brainwash her. you told him it wasn't necessary because she wasn't gon do anything. "even if she does try something, walk away." easy for him to say.
... toshi looked for you during his bathroom break
... your class was in the gym for combat practice right now
... opening the door to peer his head in, hitoshi spots you
... however, you're soaked with water
... next thing he knows you jump on this girl
... you pull her hair and knee her face
-> "damn."
... people crowd and alert ectoplasm
... toshi decide to brainwash him just to give you extra mins
... the pent up annoyance in you fueled your punches
... when the girls friends start pulling you off
... toshi wastes no time rushing to you and breaking the brainwash on ecto
... hitoshi pulls you away at takes you to the nurse to ice your hands
... softly kisses them while smiling because of how you handled her
-> "i think you be her enough baby. she can't take no more."
... keeps a keen eye on your every move from that day forward
[ 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐀 ] aizawa told you about ms. joke being obsessed with him when you first coupled up. and he knew you wouldn't be fond of hearing that. saying the day she gets too comfortable, you'd smack her up. "that won't be necessary hun." oh but it is. she really thought showing up to his job was a good idea. toshinori being a real one, hit you up and let you know.
... you walked down the ua hall and looked for the teacher lounge
... nearing the door you heard a woman laughing
... your blood was boiling
... in an instant your eyes fall upon shota being cornered by ms. joke
... all he heard was rapid footsteps when he turned and seen emi get punched
... eyes widen at the culprit; YOU
-> "y/n!"
... you were about to attack the girl again but used his bands on you
… you shouted for him to let you go
… the lady charged at you in that instant
… ngl, she got you one good time on your eye
… now you felt mad
… aizawa sighed as he loosed his grip and let you go
… you started wallin’
… your first was like super smashing her face in and aizawa sipped the coffee that he made
… eventually he decided to break them up as students that passed by were whispering and some even videotaped
… when he pull you off, all might walked in helped the joke get up
… aizawa wrapped your lips up
-> "i told you that wasn't necessary. but thank you."
[ 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 ] i feel like shigaraki wouldn’t be to fond to seeing you fight. more so over petty things. he doesn’t have a care in the world about people fighting being that he has hatred in his own heart. but to know you wanna fight over him, he thinks it’s stupid. “fighting over me is a stupid idea when i’m already yours. but knock yourself out.” his response wasn’t what you wanted but he gave you permission so cool.
… there was a new girl member added to the group
… she was young too
… but her attitude stunk
… so during the meeting you asked her if she wanted to fight
… little miss attitude stood up
… and you popped her
… y’all was going at it and she tried to pull you to the ground. ultimately failing
… kurogiri tried to help break y’all up
-> “no. let 'em fight. that's what she wanted right?”
… hearing him say that made you a bit more angry
… you used that on the girl
… pulling hard at her hair and repeatedly thumping her face in
… hit after hit, the girl was giving up
… when you knocked her out, shiggy allowed kuro to interfere
… shiggy walked over to you and pulled you away to a different room
… he takes the hand off his face and stares you in the eyes
… his face serious
-> “did you get it outta your system?”
… you grumble and he tells you that you got her good and no more fighting
… or else he’ll get you
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in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭AMP‬‬)
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imababblekat · 1 year
Bayverse TmnT X Thankful Reader; HC’s
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Anon Request, "Can I ask for Bayverse Turtles reacting to GN reader who thanks them for saving them instead of being scared of them?"
 Dudes pretty stoked when it hits him that you’re not running away screaming your head off after he’s saved you from some drunks
He’s really excited and almost loses himself to it, grabbing your hands and cheerfully introducing himself
Probs throws out some kind of pun or pick up line about how this must mean something, and for a moment almost really feels that when you giggle at his shenanigans
A human who thanked him with no shred of fear and thinks he’s funny?! Someone pinch him because there’s no way this isn't a dream
Would slip you his number before dashing off to the calls of his brothers, winking back as he waved goodbye, already picturing you as a new friend
Freaked out at first when he sees you still hanging around after he fought off a thug who tried to rob you, but that shock is quickly replaced with curiosity as you breathlessly thank him
He wonders if this is some other form of distress on your part and does a quick check up to make sure you didn’t hit your head or something
Is even more surprised when it turns out you’re perfectly fine, and you don’t shy away from his touch, a large hand still gently holding you by the shoulder
Donnie’s quick to pull away when he realizes, fumbling with his words for a moment and the soft smile you offer is not helping the warmth dusting his cheeks
The shout from his brothers for him is what saves him from further embarrassment, but as he turns to leave and sees you still standing, watching him go, he can’t help the growing intrigue he now has for you
You’re not running in terror, screaming bloody murder, and Raph isn’t sure how to feel
He just stands and stares absolutely bewildered as you offer him a kind thank you after saving you from random aggressors
He’s quick to catch your hand as it lifts towards his face, more shock coursing through him when he sees the rag in your grasp to clean at a cut on his face
Your fearlessness towards him is impressive, but he can’t help the internal panic
Yes there’s a joyful elation Raph feels, but this is all new territory to him
Sure, he has human friends like April, but even she freaked when she first met him
Not you though, and as he runs off to catch up with his brothers, he finds himself unable to stop thinking of this memorable encounter
Leo is stunned by your kind thank you versus the usual display of fear he receives, there’s a reason he tried to be super stealthy after all
He’ll actually ask if you’re not scared of him, sounding casual about it but feeling the exact opposite
You’re denying response gives him a sense of relief and curiosity, but also apprehension
Are you trying to trick him? Are you secretly part of the Foot Clan?
He can’t help his skepticism towards your kindness, as the leader he’s sort of built this wall against newer people to protect his family
He’ll eye you for a moment, asking if you’re okay to walk home by yourself, and after he’s sure you are truly fine, he’ll be quick to make his leave
It’s sudden and abrupt and while a small part of him feels kind of rude about suddenly dipping, he’s too busy fighting an inner battle about how his whole existence is to stay hidden, and this new desire to be sought by you
Definitely doesn’t tell his brothers about this meeting, last thing Leo needs is for them to encourage the warm hope you’ve instilled within him
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spikedhe4rt · 1 year
I need dating Darry hcs. NSFW and SFW
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Darry Curtis x Reader Headcanons 🪸🪸
A/N: I hope yall enjoy this, I also have a darry smut coming out soon. My request box is always open!! Love you guys<3
✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
❥ You met eachother while he fixed your roof, which your family helped you pay for.
❥ You kept making excuses to come outside and talk to him.
"Hey, Darry" you yelled out to make sure he could hear you from the roof. He responded with a loud "yea?" I smiled at his voice. "I made you lemonade and homemade pretzels.
❥ You started to invite him inside the house and talk more
❥ You were highly upset when he finished your roof, you knew you would miss him.
❥ He asked you out on his last day because he took so much interest in you.
❥ You both wanting to take it slow, because he had his brothers to look out for.
❥ Meeting Soda and Pony, and them taking a liking to you.
❥ Visiting his parents grave with him for support.
Darry gave a sad chuckle as he finished a story about the time his parents bought him his first bike. "They sound amazing, Dare" you gave him a loving smile before a tears ran down his cheeks. "They were. I just really miss them sometimes."
You nodded and brought him in for a hug. Once the hug ended, his lips found their way to your forehead, kissing it softly. "Thank you for coming with me."
❥ Trying to keep a serious face when he lectures Pony over the silliest things.
"Ponyboy, how many times do I have to tell you...you can't leave your stuff anywhere. You left your book on the floor and Soda slipped on it." You truly tried to hold it in, but once he said Soda fell, you lost it. Wheezes came out as you tried to control yourself. You were met with the eyes of shocked and mildly offended Darry as he stared.
❥ You calming him down with kisses.
❥ Holding hands when you walk together.
❥ He will fix anything for you. He basically refuses to ever let you hire a maintenance man because he claims he can do it.
❥ Thinks about what you like when he buys groceries.
"Since when did any of us like Pringles, Darry?" Pony asked with a face of pure confusion. Darry grabbed the can of salty crisps from his hand "Y/n likes them, tell the rest of the boys not to eat them either" Pony nodded to his older brother, smiling at the fact that he cares enough about you to do that.
❥ Random slow dancing when you guys get bored. It seems cheesy to others but it makes you guys feel like the only people in the room.
❥ Him randomly picking you up just because he can.
❥ You running your hands along his abs under his shirt when you guys sit together.
❥ You two always making sure Johnny is safe and taken care of.
❥ Him promising that he will put a ring on your finger one day.
  ✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
❥ He loves any physical marks on you both. Hickeys, bite marks, bruises, scratches make him go crazy.
❥ He loves how much bigger he is so he can bend and take you how he needs to easily.
❥ Is strong enough to keep/hold your hips down while he eats you out and overstimulates you.
“Im gonna cum!” I panted out for the second time tonight. My hips bucked up into Darrys face again, as continued too suck my throbbing clit through my high. Two hands snaked around my thighs, making he secure as he continued. “Give me a couple more, hon”
❥ Will not cum until you have at-least once because he puts you first.
❥ Takes his stress out in the best ways, the bedroom
❥ Burys his face in your neck and moans when he cums.
❥ Grabs your chin to force eye contact when you can't look at him.
"Look at me, baby." Darrys fingers were thrusting in and out of your pussy. Your head was over his shoulder and tucked into his neck, trying not moan out loudly. "Please-" your words were cut off when you felt his hand on your chin, making you look him. "You look so pretty like this. Keep looking at me, just like that." His words made you whimper, grinding into his thick fingers.
❥ Loves to cum on your ass after taking you from behind.
❥ He will whimper while getting head from you.
❥ Holds your hips and bounces you up-down when you get tired when riding him.
"Fuck, Darry!" you panted out, grinding your hips down on him. "Im tired, Dar" your movements came to a halt as you tried to catch your breath. "I gotchu, hon. I always do." His large hands came to your hips and slowly moved you up and down on his cock. "Faster please" you moaned out as your hands came down to steady yourself. "There you go, baby. Such a good girl for me"
✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
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struwberrii · 2 months
Hello, I like your haikyu headcanons and was wondering if you could do tendou headcanons?:)
tendou headcanons ₊˚⊹♡
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thank u for the request!! i feel like tendou doesn’t get a lot of love nowadays so this one is for all the tendou fans (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
he def just makes up songs randomly and sings them for you (usually just to make you laugh)
his shoes usually aren’t tied and he never noticed until someone points it out
imagine tendou with a snaggletooth (i saw someone on tiktok say this and CANNOT STOP THINKING ABT IT it so cute)
constantly does impersonations of characters (he’s actually kind of decent)
little trinket collector
chronically picks at his lips and always ends up bleeding
also picks at his nails/fingers
always celebrates your small little wins with you (yaaayyyy!!)
always comes up with silly games to play when you guys are bored
randomly drops lore on you
makes scary faces at kids if they’re staring for too long
i feel like he’d lowkey listen to tommy heavenly6
hates calling during the day but will have a full convo with you through voice messages
does not let anyone pick on you AT ALL like he’ll get super protective and use his ‘scary’ looks to his advantage to freak people out
encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things
some days social anxiety is scared of him, then the next day he’s too anxious to even go outside
constantly begging you to let him do your makeup even if you don’t wear it (he botched you)
but he still gets insecure sometimes and needs to hear praises and reassurance
let’s you style/cut his hair for him
probably had a random pet growing up, like he found a frog or turtle outside and kept it as a pet
draws on his arms and legs when he gets bored
always scares you, like he waits around the corner for you then jumps out and scares you
has a HUGE sweet tooth
i feel like he would have a really bad memory but keeps all important dates written down, don’t ask him what he ate for dinner because he doesn’t remember
sits in the shower
playful teasing as a love language
watches mukbang videos while he eats
genuinely has a hard time voicing how he feels about people so he uses humor to mask his emotions and now nobody takes him seriously
shockingly the best guy to go to when you need to cheer up, and not because he’d make you laugh but he just knows what to say?? if that makes sense
like he tells you what he wishes someone told him when he was in middle school
always makes sure nobody is left out in a group activity
has the craziest diet, like i feel like he’d eat like a toddler
average tendou meal consists of a yoohoo chocolate milk, a pizza lunchable and a handful of grapes and that’s enough to hold him over for the day
sports garfield pajama pants ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
i feel like he’d also listen to alice in chains
but i also feel like he’d listen to gorillaz
his knees are always bruised (prob from volleyball)
has an impressive figure collection of his favorite manga character :3
sorry guys this is like 30% me projecting 70% tendou hcs 😭
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brights-place · 8 months
Hey! Could I request a Brozone x s/o jealousy hc? Thanks!
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Brozone Jealousy Headcannons
Pairing: Brozone X S/O (Seperate)
Warnings: Cursing, fluff, jealousy
A/N: Dude I love writing all your requests OMG JEBJKWN VKLKBQW anyways jealousy headcannons are the BEST!
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John Dory/JD Jealousy! Headcannons
- John dory is 100% very overprotective of you - Snapped the fire would he was collecting quickly as he saw the troll talk to you as you were smiling chatting to the troll as John gritted his teeth - He gets very clingy. He latches onto your arm, jumps on your back, kisses your neck at times, that sort of thing if needed to and will glare down anybody if needed
- He feared that they would steal them away from him. - he would become jealous and possessive, and would do everything in his power to make sure that YOU! His partner only had eyes for him.
- Will stare daggers at anyone who stares at you too long. He will make it known you're his.
- Is definitely the type to waltz up to the person you're chatting with and interrupt the two of you to introduce himself and have an hand on your waist then kiss you right infront of them with an smirk
- Grips onto your waist while staring the person down as the dude walked away when seeing JD's glare as he left JD hugged your waist "mine" he mutters as you giggle
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Spruce/Bruce Jealousy! Headcannons
- While bruce knows he is an attractive man I mean come on he's entitled as the heart throb in his band years he still thinks that you can do much better than him!
- Isn't vocal about his jealousy would just stare at how an random person would walk up and start talking to you, and the fact you were unaware about that the person was flirting with you kind of pissed him off
- He was writing an order before hearing the person flirt with you making him snap his pen and grip onto his notebook for an moment as an Vacay islander raised an eyebrow at Bruce before noticing the scene
- Bruce stood there in shock as he walked over with an aggravated look on his face as he grabbed your hand, taking you to the kitchen - "Bruce honey are you okay?" You asked him cupping his face "I'm fine. Stop talking to that guy and just give me your attention.." he mumbled as you cupped his face as you peppered his face with kisses.
- He planned on banning the person from your restaurant but you told him not too so he just gave the guy an plate of clams... there was an reason he told everybody not to order the clams
- Lets say that troll wouldn't be talking to you anymore and would be having diarrhea
- He closed the restaurant early and walked over to you hugging you so hard saying how that troll should of backed off
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Clay Jealousy! Headcannons
- Clay well doesn't really get jealous But he HATES like really HATES feeling it when he is - He never wants you to feel like he doesn't trust you cause you trust him and he loves you so much
- He may get a bit defensive if a man or woman is trying to shoot their shot with you but he's confident enough in you and your relationship that he doesn't worry but when needed he will stride over smile at them - Whenever someone flirts with you clay jaw clenches involuntarily. Hiseyes narrow ever so slightly, a subtle sign that he's not entirely pleased with the attention you're receiving. - He trusts you enough to let you handle it on your own... but will 100% step in like the serious boy he is to get the person away from you - This man is petty as fuck you could see that everyone could see that
- He'll come up and wrap his arm around you, or press a kiss to your cheek, making your relationship very obvious to the person who's talking to you
- Showers you with affection afterwards since he held your hand and then held you close but If you accuse him of being jealous, he'll look away then back at you with an small smile muttering an "Maybe..." while you laugh
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Floyd Jealousy! Headcannons
- Floyd rarely get's jealous but when he does he has two sides either very quiet and fidgety or when he notices the person trying to flirt he'd be more up front about the situation like clay and an mix of bruce/spruce - He’s a tad bit insecure and quite fidgety. He’s also very quiet, his eyes darting between you and the person you’re talking with.
- He trusts you there’s no question about that but he’s still insecure. - They were so much more confident and good-looking, and floyd felt... like he was nothing compared to the person.
- If the person leaves he will bury his head into your neck wrapping his arms around your waist and speaking softly
- Innocent questions like "Who was that?" or "Do you know them well?" become loaded with an undercurrent of jealousy. He might pretend it's just curiosity, but his heart beats a little faster as he waits for your response.
- His fingers might 'accidentally' brush against yours when he senses someone watching a little too closely. It's a subtle way of reminding everyone that he's the one who gets to hold your hand.
- In group settings he positions himself between you and any potential threats aka people trying to flirt with you -It's a protective move that ensures he can keep a watchful eye and be ready to intervene if necessary.
- He becomes unusually vocal about his love for you when he senses competition. Expect random declarations of affection and praise, as he wants the world to know just how amazing you are.
- "You wouldn't date them right?" "what why?" "I dunno" floyd muttereed quietly looking towards you "Floyd honey I love you so much your enough for me... wait where you jealous?" floyd looked away while you laughed
- Cup his face right after an tell him you wouldn't leave him but also you teasing him about him being jealous is cute
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Branch Jealousy! Headcannons
- Branch doesn't like seeing you around other people... it makes him feel weird since he's afraid you'll leave him - He understands. Of course people would flirt with you! He knows that you’re pure beauty and perfection so it’s no surprise that people would want to hit on you... but it pisses him of so much - The pop trolls would gape in disbelief seeing someone like you, kindhearted and gentle dating... someone like branch cause he's... Branch
- Branch cares for you so much and would walk over place an hand on your waist and glares down at the person
- This man literally SCREAMS that episode with Rosa and her dog arlo??? in S3 Ep 12 in B99! "I love my wife/husband/partner and if anything happens to them I would kill everybody in this room then myself" vibes while your blushing and covering your face
- BUT THATT DOESN'T MEAN HE ISN'T INSECURE ABOUT IT! - He's still fairly insecure with himself! So when he sees someone he feels is more attractive than he is he can't help but feel self-conscious
- He will subconsciously go above and beyond for you! pulling out your chair, bringing you flowers, making your favorite food, and opening the car door for you more than he already does after feeling so insecure
- but he also will glare somebody down and plan their death so fast it isn't even an joke - ESPECIALLY if they bully you he would have their heads on an stick
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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julsvu · 6 months
hiiii :3 can i request blue lock bachira x f!reader hcs where his s/o is really sweet and all lovey-dovey towards him or maybe just bachira boyfriend headcanons in general? he’s so cute i’d conquer the world if he asked…‎ ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡ love your account btw~ thank you and have a good day/night!!
fem! reader
💬: hi!! tysm for requesting, i love bachira so much :3 i hope you have a nice week anon (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ you are so real I'd conquer the world if bachira asked me to, too
📒: fluff
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meguru bachira boyfriend hcs
no shame at all. he WILL be all over you even in public, giving you cheek kisses and hugs especially
he always does it with a big goofy grin on his face too
if you return his energy, his grin would somehow be bigger?? he's the human embodiment of ":D"
LOVES LOVES rambling to you, or telling you random stuff in general
probably spams your texts a lot
he's the type to try loads of random filters while on video call
u could be telling a story and he'd be having a tiger filter on (he also makes random facial expressions to test how much the filter can go)
VERY VERY TOUCHY, if u dont want him giving u kisses in public, he can stick to holding your hand and literally glueing himself to you, when you guys sit beside each other, he makes sure your thighs or legs are touching
mans is the type to wait for you outside the bathroom
loves giving you his sweaters, and vice versa!!
sometimes he steals your hoodies
he'd be all "I don't know, love! i hope you find them soon, though :D" when you ask him where your hoodies are
his friends, esp isagi, knows absolutely everything about you
he rambles about you a lot 😭😭
"did you know (name) is really pretty? and!-" cue him infodumping for at least 45 minutes, take a huge deep breath and proceed his infodump once again
he's vv supportive in whatever u do
if u like soccer like him, he always teaches u how to do tricks and stuff
he gets so excited whenever he plays with u too
mans is having the time of his life
wants to own a small apartment with you and your future 50 cats (half of them are named meguru jr...)
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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kaya-p · 5 months
gf!paige hcs pls🤲🤲🤲
paige bueckers gf headcanon 💖
notes: you asked... i shall recieve !! taglist form, if anyone wanna be tagged in my works !! @imsobabygiirl @Bibella8swan @xxloveralways14 @sunkissed-zegras @fake-intelligences !! and requests are open !! 🎀
౨ৎ ⋆ 。˚
౨ৎ paige bueckers, star on the court, always has eyes on her, but she only has eyes for you after practice
౨ৎ you meet because you’re both grabbing the last smoothie at the cafe near campus, and she lets you have it with a wink
౨ৎ she invites you to her games; you don’t know much about basketball, but you quickly learn because you love seeing her passion
౨ৎ after her games, win or lose, she looks for you in the stands first thing, and your smile is what brightens her day
౨ৎ study dates are frequent; you help her with history, and she explains sports stats, you're both laughing at how different your majors are
౨ৎ she wears your hoodies because they smell like you, and they’re oversized on her—she looks adorable
౨ৎ slow dances in her dorm room after tough matches when she needs to unwind and you need to remind her that there’s more to life than just sports
౨ৎ you both try cooking dinner together; it’s a mess and half the dinner ends up burnt, but you end up ordering pizza and watching movies under a shared blanket
౨ৎ paige introduces you to her team; they’re protective at first but soon they adore you because you make her incredibly happy
౨ৎ random text messages during the day just to say “i love you” or “you’ve got this!” because you both understand how busy life can get
౨ৎ she teaches you how to shoot hoops; you’re terrible at it, but she loves teaching you, her arms wrapped around yours, guiding your shots
౨ৎ social media posts are rare but heartfelt; when she posts about you, it’s always with a caption about how lucky she feels
౨ৎ graduation day, she writes in your cap, “forever my number one fan and my number one love”
౨ৎ planning a future together, not sure where you’ll end up, but knowing you’ll navigate it side by side, supporting each other’s dreams no matter what
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retroaria · 10 days
NSFW kaiser hcs plsplspls omggg >.<
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a/n: i’ve been wanting to write these so bad but i needed the motivation so thank you anon lemme give you a kiss 💋
sorry this is so short 😓
BLUE LOCK M.LIST | requests are open! | enjoy 🦋
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• kaiser is 100% the dominant one in bed, but that doesn’t mean he won’t let you top him. he’s a service top/soft dom (most of the time), so he’ll let you do whatever will get you off as long as he gets to participate.
• he loves being marked up. bite marks, scratch marks, bruises on his shoulders, hickeys all over his neck and collar bone, he could stare at himself in the mirror and drool at the sight of your work on him. especially likes the comments he gets from his teammates in the locker room, usually gives a half assed response or brushes it off. feels there’s no explanation needed, he simply fucked you so good you literally had to hold on for dear life and try to eat him lol.
• if you didn’t read my virgin!kaiser post here it is. if you did then you KNOW how i feel about about this topic. unpopular opinion: he is not a whore. kaiser would absolutely save himself for someone special, so chances are he lost his virginity to you. he’s done lots of foreplay with other people in the past, but he didn’t go all the way until he met you and when it happened he was hooked. kaiser has an insatiable libido but he does know how to control himself. just know that you’ll be getting tons of horny texts, nudes, phone calls just so he can hear your voice while he jerks off, he’s a menace.
• he is EAGER to learn about you and your body and every little thing he can do to make you squirm. would spend hours just touching and playing with you to figure it out. teases and edges you all the time (likes to edge himself a little too). wants you to tell him what you want, loves hearing you verbalize your sexual desires.
• will make you talk about sex in inappropriate situations. he’ll whisper dirty words in your ear and smile at you. dinner with the fam? “You’d look so pretty bent over this table.” tries to coax you into joining the mile high club any time you take a flight. he has absolutely no filter when it comes to talking about sex. will reminisce on last nights ministrations while you’re in the car, out to eat, whispering over to you at the movie theater. he’ll ask if you liked certain things he did, if you want to try something different, tell you yet again how good you were for him.
• he’s not a fan of toys aside from vibrators for you but i can see him being into some light bondage perhaps? he likes when he can fuck you and you can’t touch him or yourself.
• kaiser doesn’t like the idea of others watching you guys fuck but he likes the idea of them knowing he’s fucking you if that makes sense. wants you to be loud when there’s other people in the room next to you. makes sure his thrusts are hard enough to my the door or the bed shake and creek. he only does this if he’s around people you guys know. doesn’t want random people to know y’all are fucking but definitely like if he’s teammates or friends are around, rival teams too perhaps.
• this boy loves intimacy so much, as horny as he is, he likes to make sex with you special when he can. when he comes back from playing in another country, desperately yearning for your touch, he does everything in his power to make it the most romantic and passionate experience for you. he takes his time and keeps his pace at a cool medium, not too fast but he doesn’t drag them out too much. kisses everywhere the entire time, can’t take his lips off your perfect skin that he’s missed so much. can’t stand to see it without a single sign of him, so he’s marking you up along the way. moaning your name right into your ear and mumbling “i love you”’s into the crook of your neck. he’s going for as long as possible by the way, switching positions, eating you out for what feels like forever, he could go all night like this.
• he isn’t the kinkiest guy but he will try whatever you want to try. doesn’t mind if he has to be a little mean to you or even if he has to be a little submissive. really cares about sex being an enjoyable experience so he wants to make sure you’re both getting to explore your fantasies. i could see him being into roleplay a little ngl.
• i’m sorry but this man has a perfect dick. it’s like 5-6 inches, not too big not too small, his girth fills his length perfectly, he has a very slight upwards curve that prods into your sweet spots perfectly every time. he keeps himself excessively well groomed. when he gets undressed in front of you all you can do is stare in awe at how pretty he is. his shaft is the same pale tone as the rest of his skin, his veins aren’t very prominent and his tip is pink and cute???? Idk call me weird IDC he’s a pretty boy.
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7ndipity · 10 months
Long Distance Relationship HCs
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: How Yoongi would be in a long distance relationship. In connection to this blurb.
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Writing these really brought my mood up(can I pls have a Yoongi? For my health?) I hope you like them!
You’re 100% on point about him making those little ‘joking-but-dead-serious’ comments constantly, like “There’s a flight leaving in like two hours, I could be there by the time you wake up tomorrow morning… Why are you laughing? I’ll even bring breakfast!”
He would use any excuse to fly you to Seoul.
“It’s done nothing but rain here all week.” “Damn, that sucks. Although, you know, that wouldn’t be a problem if you were here.”
“I’m not flying to Korea just to buy potato chips.” “Why not?! I’ll pay for your ticket!”
He does make sure you don’t go more than about a month without seeing each other in person, whether that’s him coming to you or vice versa, even if it’s just one day.
You tend to video call each other while you’re doing whatever and just leave the call open, not even really talking outside of the occasional comment or question, just keeping each other company.
Y’all send little care packages to each other full of things like favorite snacks, random little gifts you’ve found, hoodies, etc.
For some reason, I think y’all would have some little plushie that you send back and forth, sending pics of what they're up to while they’re with you(hanging out in his studio, binge watching youtube with you).
Because he’s so busy all the time, it doesn’t actually feel all that different sometimes from when you’re in the same city, but that almost makes the moments when you do feel the distance all the worse. Not being able to physically be there for each other when you’re really down or having a tough time is absolute agony.
“Did you know that the international space station is only 250 miles up? It’s closer than we are right now.” “Babe...”🥺
Literally the first time you cried over the phone with him, he lived up to his ‘jokes’ and had his plane ticket booked before you’d hung up.
You wake up the next morning to him calling you like “Open your fucking door, I brought coffee.” and you’re like wtf?! But you open the door and sure enough, there he is.
And when you ask “What are you doing here?!” He’s just like “You were crying. I couldn’t leave you here on your own.”😭
The first time you surprised him like this(probably for his birthday or Christmas), he cried and refused to let you go for over an hour.
The day you tell him you’re moving to Seoul is probably one of the happiest days of his life. (He won’t hear of you getting your own place tho. “I’ve had more than my fill of distance, Love. I need you here, with me.”)
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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poetlus · 3 months
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my lovely @satelitis requested this!! i love denki, so who am i to turn it down ?!? he’s so silly. not proofread !!!
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he had a crush on you first !! not that he realized it though.
hanta, kirishima, & bakugo were the ones to point it out. all in their own ways, of course.
“god dammit, sparky! do you ever shut up about them?!” bakugo would yell, to which denki replied “i don’t even talk about them that much!!”
“who, y/n?” hanta walked through the door of the classroom. denki’s stomach erupted with butterflies at the sound of your name.
“yeah, how did you know who we were talking about??” denki asked the boy.
“they’re all you talk about, man! it’s kinda funny, honestly.”
that’s when kaminari realized he had a thing for you. all this time, he figured his feelings towards you were just because you were so close! but now that he’s seeing you in a romantic light, he understands.
that doesn’t mean he would confess though. with a crush came the overwhelming urge to ask you out, but with that came fear of rejection, nervousness, and all sorts of unwanted worries.
you can’t lie, you had a thing for him too. you were sure he didn’t feel the same way, but when hanta and kiri came up to you talking about him, they accidentally let something slip.
“kaminari’s like, in love with you! you’re all he ever talks ab-“SERO!!” kirishima interrupted before sero could say anything else.
“wait..what?” you asked them. they didn’t respond. instead, they acted like they didn’t say anything at all.
“if you two don’t answer me right now, so help me i’ll kill you!!” that’s when the boys broke and told you everything.
when denki found out they said something, he was both furious and embarrassed. you didn’t mind though. that’s how you confessed ! you told him that sero and kiri told you how much he likes you, and how flattered you were about it, and then you asked him out!!!
when you guys actually get into a relationship, he is SO sweet.
he always makes sure to tell you goodmorning and goodnight, he tells you random things that happens throughout his day, he sits with you at lunch.
he gets a little overprotective sometimes, when mineta says something about you he zaps him.
he buys you stuff that reminds him of you!! sometimes he buys two of the same thing, that way you get one and he gets one to cherish.
he often thinks he’s not a good enough boyfriend, but you always reassure him that he’s more than enough
when aizawa found out he was rather… unhappy. he said romance would get in the way of hero work. the two of you didn’t listen though, and denki likes to argue that with you by his side he’s a stronger hero !
overall, denki is a super good boyfriend and you couldn’t have asked for anyone better.
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littlemissrbf · 4 months
Viktor (Arcane) Headcannons
(This is pure drabble that I had to get off my mind)
Viktor's version of "Girl Dinner" is literally just some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.
His handwriting is either the neatest, most elegant handwriting you've ever seen, or absolute fucking chicken scratch. (There is no in between)
On your desk is a lovely hand-written note he had given you, written neatly in cursive and signed at the end with his name and a little heart... and on his desk there is about twenty pages of calculations and notes written in the most God-awful penmanship possible, that it is practically illegible to literally everyone but himself.
Viktor is absolutely horrified of spiders and yet he is absolutely against killing spiders. He's a firm believer in catching and releasing... but he also doesn't want to be the one who has to actually catch the spider
Viktor's go-to cafe/home drink is a London Fog (basically some earl grey tea w/ steamed milk and sweetener / can also be enjoyed iced)
Viktor's go-to study/work drink is the strongest shit you can brew in a coffee machine with enough milk and sugar to mask the bitter taste.
The most creative way he gets you to hold his hand is by holding out his closed fist as if he was handing you something and sweetly asking you to "hold this for me, please". The second you hold your outstretched palm under his, he interlaces your fingers and goes on walking as if nothing happened.
He is not above saying his hands are cold just to feel your soft hands surrounding his own as you try to warm him up. he's "freezing" in the middle of summer.
He 100% uses his cane to reach stuff on shelves
Viktor probably goes through 3-5 books a month depending on how busy he is. His favorite genres are science fiction (wow what a shocker) and mystery, he loves trying to figure out the plot twist before he gets to the end.
Viktor read "Little Women", at your request, and was absolutely devastated when Beth died.
I'm 99.9% sure that Viktor has some obscure allergy to the most random food like strawberries or graham crackers.
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(Authors Note: Thank you guys so much for reading I hope you enjoyed these random hcs that I made to distract myself from the fact that S2 is coming out soon and our boy is not coming out untraumatized.)
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