#not sure to tag this cause i don't want it to leak into the fandom and make the fandom toxic af but i hate it soooo much
belanova · 2 years
Karmaland!Quackity is C!Quackity theory.
The theory is that k!quackity is c!quackity because everyone is from a different universe and died in their og timeline but were pulled out, and such their memories removed, everyone is from k4 except quackity who is said to be from a different universe... Which must mean k!quackity is actually c!quackity
People then use this theory not to like make theories of k!quackity's backstory or the speculation of what c!quackity's life could've gone had he not met the people did or what killed c!q or maybe any searching for k!quackity's past and wondering if his past then affects him now and his views on that c!q and speculating on that past him and if it resemblance to any current rela-
NOPE IT'S A SPLIT PERSONALITY THING! the reason he does the bad things or not morally good thing is because c!q is posessing k!q like a demonic guardian and he passes out until waking up he's killed a bunch of people but he doesn't notice because appearantly nobody tells him either
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It's fucking stupid because this characterizes him as "Naive idiot who can't do malicious or evil things without somebody else manipulating him to do it" aka what luzu thought of quackity and such the reason he stole the elections, THE ARC SPELLS OUT AND THEN K!QUACKITY HIMSELF CRITICIZES BY SAYING "What? he thinks i'm a baby or something!?" AND IT STILL FLEW OVER YOUR HEADS
making his actions be because of a personality split is the most fucking boring way to deal with that because that removes k!q's agency and instead goes to "oh a ghost made me do it" instead of inspecting the reasoning and any impulses for him to do the things he does,
the usual trope of D.I.D people by implying that a second secret personality possesses them and makes them cause atrocities because they're inherently dangerous how many times does this trope have to happen until people get sick and bored of the plot twist and fuck off to some other new shiny thing that's fucked with people's ability to consume stories
tldr: if i gotta see this theory being made into c!q is k!quackity's split personality i'm going to
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markster666 · 5 months
KINKTOBER (Except in February) - ALASTOR X READER - DAY #2 (Face F*cking)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Tags: Kinktober, One-Shot, 18+, Smut, NSFW, Flirting, Teasing, Not a lot of plot, face fucking, aggression, slapping, pet names, praise, choking, gagging
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Word Count: 519
A/N: Sorry for the delay on this one! Thank you all who have been patient. Lots of love. Minors click away please. Unedited, so apologies fo any spelling mistakes.
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"Alastor, what in the flying fuck are you doing?"
You were reading a book on the lobby couch before Alastor swatted the book away with his microphone, quickly climbing on top of you and pressing himself into your body.
"I'm not doing much, Darling, just being appreciative of your everlasting beauty."
He then dipped down before you could protest and started passionately kissing you. You felt your face heat up, moaning into his mouth. Your tongues danced together and sloppily exchanged saliva, as if to drink the very essence of each others' beings out of each other.
Alastor broke the kiss,
"My Dear, I won't take long I promise, but I must use a part of you for a little while."
Your eyebrow raised in confusion,
"What part?"
As if something animalistic inside of him snapped, he wrap his hand in the roots of your hair before pulling and forcing you down on your knees. You struggled against his grasp for a bit before he wrestled your head up to look at him.
"Open wide, PET."
You cautiously opened your mouth and he inserted his finger inside of it.
You started sucking on his finger, continuing to keep eye contact with him. He was watching you with a mischevious glint in his eye, a lack of empathy. His grin grew wider as he watched you.
He slapped your face lightly but still with a bit of aggression and pulled his finger out. He then unbuttoned the front of his pants, letting out his cock right in front of your face. It caught you off guard, not expecting so much aggression out of him in the current moment. You wonder what stressed him today.
"I don't think I need to repeat my instructions to you."
You whimpered and nodded your head. You opened wide and he instantly slammed his cock into the back of your throat, causing you to gasp and choke.
"Gooooood girl, now, keep your head still for me, Dearest."
He gathered your hair in both of his hands and started thrusting into your mouth. All you could do was look up at him and take the relent on your throat. Tears started to well up in your eyes as he continue to fuck your face.
"Fuck, Pet, you feel so good. You're so so good for me."
You kept gagging on his cock and he gripped your hair tighter. Mascara marks started to run down your cheeks as the tears started completely flooding. You didn't know how much more you could take before you passed out due to lack of oxygen.
Alastor's thrusts started to become more sloppy before his ears furrowed and he let out everything into your mouth. He kept his base to your mouth as he unloaded inside. He was panting in ectasy and wanted to make sure you swallowed every bit of him.
He eventually pulled out, a bit of cum leaking from your mouth and tears running down your face.
He gave you a kiss on the forehead before clicking his heel and turning away,
"You may continue reading now."
TAG LIST (Comment Below if you'd like to be added!/If I missed you I apologize):
@smallershorteranduncut @persephoneblck @freekyfangirl @danveration @daisybelldarling @your-excellenc-z21 @aestheticgals-blog @naewasnothere @bontensbabygirl @amara-ishigami @strawberrypimpsimp @mneferta @deathnoteeee @lady-valtieri @itz-yue @alastorsfawn @thatdeadstoat @heartsbutterfly (won't let me tag you for some reason), @harmfulb1tch @no1sillybilly @ohbother2 @vee3-vox @alexandria-fandom @loratadina-makesmewanttocry @stargirlplanet @lbcreations-blog @depresoecspreso @dndmaniac @polytheatrix
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ficklecat · 5 months
Hi fickle! 🖤🧟‍♀️🌊🖇️
henlo fren :3 thank you for the ask!
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog
Writing primarily. I also enjoy reading and making origami paper stars, and in the warmer months I try to pick pottery back up with a friend of mine but I'm bad at being consistent. I really ought to get myself a wheel but I don't think I'd have anywhere to put it.
🧟‍♀️ scariest thing that’s happened to you
Hm...to avoid revealing anything too uncomfortable or traumatic, I once got some kind of chemical burn on my hand from a rotted battery. The corrosive acid mixed with something in our first aid kit that had leaked and this chalky white burning substance felt like it was crystallizing as it spread beneath my skin in seconds. I literally watched it spread across my finger like a fucking plague. I used white vinegar to neutralize it and it shockingly worked (thank you fanfiction research) but that was fucking scary, I thought I was about to lose a finger. No idea what it was.
🌊 a kink you would like to write but you think you’d be judged
I don't really worry about being judged in this sort of sense. I tag things for a reason. And I don't think any kinks I'd want to write about or explore would be so egregious as to be judged anyway, at least not in any sort of major way. That being said, I've written horror fic before that contained some challenging subjects in another pairing/fandom, and though I've had some similar ideas since then, I feel like the space I've curated now doesn't support that kind of work anymore. I'm aware I invite some judgement being a creative and posting content to share, so I try to make sure the stuff I put out is stuff that I enjoy, but that will bring me joy to share as well. If I think something will paint a target on my back or cause drama or whatever, I just won't post it, or will share it in a more private way.
🖇️ what are your favorite asks to answer
I don't get a ton of asks, but I enjoy talking about my writing. I put so much into my fics and works, themes and symbolism, recurring imagery, etc., and I always wonder if people pick up on them or enjoy experiencing them as much as I do coming up with them. It's hard sometimes to create something and get no feedback on it, which is why comments on AO3 go such a long way! I love reading about what people have gleaned from my works, but more than that I really do enjoy sharing my process or thoughts on them. Each work I share is deeply personal to me in some way, so of course, I'd love to answer questions about them (at the risk of sounding narcissistic!)
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imperatorrrrr · 8 months
Talk Hockey To Me
I was tagged by @stereax and @mikathemad :)
Tell me about:
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey:
Okay, this is a little embarrassing. In the fifth grade around the year 1999, I liked a boy and that boy liked hockey, so in an effort to have shared interests with said boy, I checked out the New Jersey Devils and the rest is basically history. The boy is absolutely long gone, hahaha, but the Devils are here to fucking stay. I got into them right before their two Cup wins and in the era of Scott Stevens, Patrik Elias, John Madden and the love of my child life, Brian Rafalski. I've been a Devils fans for like over twenty years now. I'd say in the past decade I've started to check out other teams (Pens, Canucks, Avs, Stars), but I'm a one team girl at heart.
2. Your first ever fandom friend
So in the Devils Tumblr fandom, I'd say @jonassiegenthighler I think I just finally came off anon in their inbox and it began.
3. The jersey you would most like to own
Okay, so I already have a pretty decent collection of jerseys, but I think I'd like a Nico Pride Jersey, but I know I'll never get one 'cause the bids for the star players are always way more than I budget for myself or if the Devils ever do a specialty South Asian Heritage Jersey I'd take literally any player's (except Smith's). But let's be honest, I need a Sid jersey for fucking sure. I also don't have the Jersey Jersey yet, so I need to get that.
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
Eassssssy. It's Nico Hischier.
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
@stereax stole my answer. Its NicoJesp, for sure. I say this all the time. Before Nico put his arms around Jack on center ice, before Siegs was cooking for Nico and they were cohabiting, it was Nico and Jesp. They've been through coaches, through GMs, through players coming and going. It's them.
6. Your favorite on-ice moment
Oh, this one is a hard fucking question.
Ugh, this is actually so fucking hard, what the fuck.
Okay, I'm picking this: after the shutout win against the Avs back in late October last season right near the beginning of the thirteen game heater when Nico looks out into the crowd and scream's LET'S GO.
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
I will pick four.
@kmercer's art. like come the fuck on, you've got to be kidding me with this
2. @stereax's Kingdom Poetry Series about each of the 2022-2023 Devils
3. @jonasiegenthaler's art always hits the damn mark, always.
4. My favorite NicoJack fic of all time. Seriously, all time.
kiss me on the mouth (set me free) by coastalhighway
link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
Soz, I don't have anything. I haven't written fic in a decade and I have no artistic skill whatsoever, but one day I'll write fic again and when I do I'll share it with the masses.
tagging: @jonasiegenthaler @dawson-mercer and @jakejuentzel
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damnfandomproblems · 2 years
Just treat this as an ask and not a submission. You don't have to post this and can just read it for yourself if you want to.
As someone who is in both the twst and genshin fandoms, I can say that twst fandom is pretty chill. Or it was until that one person came up and tried stirring up drama. It's the same thing every time: sexism against female characters/lack of female representation/too many people hating on female characters/people lying about hate on male ocs and that female ocs get more hate. Every time the drama dies down, some person which I am pretty sure is the same person comes and brings these topics back up "for inclusivity." They probably feel like they are doing justice by doing this, but they are really just alienating people who like making male ocs and the male audience by trying to paint them as the bad guys. Other than all this stuff just mentioned, the tags are usually filled with people gushing about how much they like a character, asking for gameplay advice, or sharing their gameplay experience.
And as for the genshin stuff, it wasn't this bad in the beginning. After it became an international gaming sensation, it attracted lots of bad apples. Those people that go around policing what ships a person can and can't like. They don't like the ship? They say those characters are family and that anyone who disagrees with them is an incest loving freak. Character leaks? They complain that said character doesn't have a confirmed design yet and make a fanmade design. Then when said character's actual design is released, they get pissed and call them ugly and that the company should have gone with the fanmade design instead. Which, mind you, could cause legal issues since the company did not come up with said design and it belongs to the fan instead.
All in all, most of the fandoms aren't as bad as some of the submissions you got made them out to be. It is just the loud minority that somehow keeps getting attention that makes it look that way
Signed a frustrated fan of twst and genshin
I held on to this ask for awhile and I decided it is worthwhile to post it. I suspect you are probably talking about the same person.
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petitprincess1 · 11 months
Sorry for being unspecific, I'm referring to the anon that said it's best to ignore anons specifically coming to you with aggression or starting discourse or whatever, and your response was something like, "They're the ones coming to my inbox, it's not like I wanna start discourse lol"
Like, my point is that you could very easily just ignore those types of asks. You're under no obligation to answer them, but you do so anyways, as well as put them in all the fandom tags. I think that's what that other anon was saying gets tiring to see over and over, and if I'm right in that assumption, I kinda agree with them. It just feels overly petty on both sides. (I'm not sure if the other anon was referencing a specific event or just discourse-causing in general, but I'm speaking more on the in-general side of things, I guess)
I get what you're saying, but I don't view some of the stuff that you may see as discourse. I'm guessing this is based on an anon I got telling me about Striker being OOC/poorly written. I didn't view that as discourse in my eyes, which is why I didn't really understand what that person was talking about. That's someone who was just speaking their mind, even if it was a little passionate.
The second anon that came afterward probs was a troll, but meh. A troll/bait is only successful when you give a shit and I've ran out of that lol. I play it off as a joke or not really caring, which is why I put the "tomfooleryy" tag in there. I don't feel it's discourse, just silliness/foolishness.
Plus, some "discourse" where it's misinformation or rumors or harassment, I want to nip in the bud as quickly as possible. I don't view that as discourse, just people spreading around crap that doesn't need to be. Especially when it comes to leaks going around in both fandoms. Yeah, it's drama, but I think that has more "danger", for lack of a better word, in the fandom versus opinions.
While I cannot promise that none of the discourse will be in the tags, I will say that the ones where they're clearly trying to piss me off won't be. I hope that's understandable. I just wanted to be as honest as possible.
Yeah, I know it can be petty, but I'm okay with forgoing some maturity just to show how obnoxious that troll is being.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Hey can I just ask u smthg since ur the one of the only.... positive.... reader of the bible(ml) I know lol
I saw a post abt mocking ppl abt the love square saying how bad the season is and that the end will be very disappointing blah blah blah u know usual stuff
I just... this rlly set me off cause I've not been very excited with the start of the season cause of the bible being leaked and a lot of ppl who read it saying that the season was going to be bad. Everytime I go see some legal spoilers and teasers I see ppl making memes and analysis, stuff that dont have a fcking read below tag or even a warning at the start that it's a bible leak and everytime I think it's just some headcanon its fcking real and I am so disappointed.
Like I haven't watched multiplication and destruction and don't even think on doing it anytime soon cause that's how low my interest dropped from accidentally seeing SO MANY leaked images and text posts saying that ml season 5 will truly be trash
I dont wanna look into anymore of those spoilers it's rlly not safe even in this site so I just wanna ask if u think this season is as bad as ppl say it?
But I understand you completely this show goes from 0 to 100 and the other way around ALL THE TIME. One episode is amazing and the next one is crap and so on. I hated the bible so much and I still hate so many decisions the writers made and I'm really not sure how things will end but I idk I thought quitting the show will help me but I'm too attached to it and my friends here and the truth is I can't just leave. I loved Destruction. I wanted to leave not because I was disappointed in the previous episodes - the season 4 finale was awesome and so was Evolution and Multiplication - but the spoilers got worse and worse. The more I read about them the more I hated them and nothing here was making me want to stay. The fandom sucks too but man there are some of my friends here whom I would sell my soul to the devil for so I can see them again every day. If you want to quit I fully understand and I don't judge you. I quit like three times now and every time I find excuse to come back. ML is addictive. If you need a break take it. We will get a lot of episodes now and when/if you come back you will have a lot of stuff to watch. Breaks help a lot. I felt so good when I didn't interact with the fandom for a while.
But just in case maybe you want to read the bible? And I will share the link for it and I can't say it will change your mind but I just think you should watch Multiplication and Destruction cuz I haven't met a person yet who was deeply disappointed by these episodes. I personally thought they were great. I wish every episode was this interesting and funny and I know this season will disappoint with some episodes too but that's how we roll. I will probably take more breaks again sometime when I decide. I understand and support you whatever you decide. You do what you want.
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shinydixon · 1 year
part 2
grace and mason are very close too, to the point she goes on dates with him and his gf but no vq is seen making a big deal out of that. it's funny how they suddenly respect the fact they have partners---jess and i don't know the name of mason's gf---but when it comes down to grace's own partner, they chose to drive him away from social media altogether. the disrespect they have towards her own personal life is so sad. they want her on their terms. they want to believe they're in a secret relationship when there's no evidence of that ever happening. it's impossible, it's literally impossible, for them to have gone unseen by the entire world when joe's life is exposed every single week in one way or another. he has been photographed alongside everyone but grace. there's no way someone took a picture of them together and decided NOT to share it. joe's filmed walking up and down the streets in london daily. posting news/pics of him to social media is a good way to earn some clout and we know that the people who leak photos or stalk celebrities wouldn't bat an eye before posting a grace/joe pic if they had the chance. 
and to finish this, i need to vent about two things:
one is grace herself. it's fucking weird she interacts with vanquinns. there's a chance she thinks it's just a nickname since that fanexpo account called the name 'clever'. there's a chance she thinks it's harmless like when we say we want more 'jomie' content. i'll never know for sure. but she has seen what the hardcore vanquinns can do. she's been tagged in posts and we know she sees it. i understand they're her biggest fanbase to date. she never had a fandom just for herself like this. i understand she needs to tiptoe around them because they're the ones getting her through during this no acting period. they're the ones watching her streams on the off chance she mentions joe in some way or another even if they don't even like playing video games. and i even understand being smug and petty about knowing joe personally and trying to rub that in the face of her haters. i do get it. if i was being attacked like she was, i'd lash out too. hell, i'd probably get cancelled 'cause i have no patience for bullshit and i would've told everyone to go suck it. but there is a limit and she's gone over that limit a few times. i'm betting joe has no idea what she posts on tumblr, has no idea how problematic she can be.
and finally, even if this is controversial, some quinnies need to understand joe is her friend. i'm a steddie fan, i'm a quinnie too, but denying he really cares about her is a stretch. choosing to believe he must be secretly annoyed with her or that he's just being polite is a delusion as well. he's her friend. and i bet he's feeling protective now that she disclosed everything that's been happening on her life. and that's a GOOD thing. i love that joe is like this. i love that he cares, that he goes the extra mile to try and cheer her up, not just her but all of his friends. he's a good man, he's got a big heart. that man is so sweet that even after being doxxed and stalked throughout italy, he still said 'some parts are weird' when talking about his sudden fame. he had all the right in the world to cuss and lash out but he still opted to see the good in everything. joe loves. that's not an unfinished sentence. he loves. with all that he has, he loves and he chooses love whenever he can because that's how he is.
and now i won't ever talk about this shit again. thanks for letting me vent.

I want to remind you that when Grace was together with Mason and his gf, people were saying she was with Joe, even though it was proven that he was with Ollo, Agathe and other people 💀
After the Paris con she hanged out with Casper, Raphael and elodie; no sign of Joe or Jamie and yet they kept saying they were together.
Finally, she posted pictures with Ash, a picture that became her fb pfp (not mentioning the previous one said "my kiwi❤️" and this I know thanks to twitter lol) and they kept calling him her best friend.
Why I'm saying all of this? I'm saying this to say once again, that it's useless to try and reason with them, they'll always make up excuses.
About her interacting with vq I can't say why, only thing I can think about is that she doesn't know that most of them use vq as something romantic.
And finally, I agree, people have to understand that they're friends, so of course Joe talked about the harassment, however, I still think it was inappropriate to ask.
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emsylcatac · 2 years
clown anon coming back from the dead :0)))) hi emsy!!!!
i hope you already know about the season 5 huge leak that is going on, i'm staying far away from those spoilers, i'm even thinking about stop using tumblr because this is where i get all my ml info and fandom stuff
it makes me mad that quiting tumblr this season means that i can't enjoy the fandom while it airs, it was really fun to do it with season 4 (being my first time in the fandom)
maybe i won't quit it for the entire season but i'll be more careful with the blogs i already follow if they ever want to talk about those leaks
hope you're doing okay, have a good day <3
(oh and yeah i'm totally watching evolution tomorrow, i won't watch any trailer this time haha)
Hey clown anon!! ❤️
I just woke up to that news and I'm soooo so mad right now. Also very stressed about getting spoiled 😬
Know that I will not reblog nor share a single thing from the leaks here because I will try to avoid them as much as possible. I think the worse of it is twitter? But it'll definitely spread on Tumblr for sure
So to still stay in the fandom what I'll do will be
unfollow right away anyone I see sharing a leak and especially if they don't have the minimum decency of tagging it as #ml leak
Block any account that is revealed as a sharer, no matter how good their blog can be, at least during the release of S5
Not go in any ML tags, which won't be a problem because I never go in the general tags go avoid salt
Filter some tag such as "ml leak" / "ml leaks" / "miraculous leak" / "ml S5 leak" / etc you name it
As for discord I'll probably just stay in servers I know are safe. And Instagram I already don't go there cause it annoys me so I guess I'll even less go there 🤪 since you can't even filter tags or anything
Good luck avoiding everything ❤️😫 we'll be watching Evolution in the meantime (tomorrow for me probably since I'll be sleeping when it airs, then I'll be at work 😅)
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Getting Needy Now
Pairings | Bucky Barnes x Sam Wilson
Warnings | smut, making out, anal fingering, rimming, humping, mocking, anal sex, unprotected sex, smidge of cockwarming to top it all off
Word count | 1k
Summary | Sam and Bucky having lazy sex. That's the fic
A/n | this is my first SamBucky fic. I hope you enjoy?☺️
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Bucky is draped over him, thick thighs straddling Sam's as their lips move languidly against one another's. You could barely call it kissing - the way their lips were tangling was messy, sloppy even, and so, so lazy.
Both of them were tired, hardly had the energy to fuck and yet their hard dicks were telling them otherwise. Sam's lips were twisted into a smirk against Bucky's, the super soldier beginning to rut his hips up into the Falcon's in a fashion that was purely desperate.
Sam loved it when Bucky was like this; need and tangible, so desperate for anything that'd he'd start grinding against Sam like a bitch in heat.
"Sammy." Bucky's voice is already reduced to breathy moans and gasped squeals, the plates of his metal arm whirring when he feels Sam's thick fingers curl around his throat - merely a ghost of a choke.
"Yeah, honey? You gettin' needy now?" Sam's voice is taunting and thick, thick with lust and thick with want as his lips descend on Bucky's jaw.
"Please." Bucky whimpers, face attempting to hide in Sam's chest as he flushed pink from his neck to the tips of his ears.
"Aww, baby, don't get shy on my now." The fingers around Bucky's throat tilt his head back, a pout on the soldier's lips as he looks up at his boyfriend.
"Please fuck me." Sam had no idea how Bucky can make those words sound so- so...innocent! With his large, cerulean eyes and his pouted lips Bucky is the picture of innocence, and yet Sam knows just how dirty he can get.
"Hmm, I'll tell you what. You go find us some lube and I'll lick you open nice and good, huh?" With that Bucky is scrambling away, his hasty actions causing a chuckle to bubble in Sam's throat.
When he returned, Bucky practically threw himself on Sam as he clambered back onto the sofa where Sam was sprawled out.
"Good boy, now why don't we get these clothes off, hm?" Sam cooed, fingering the hem of Bucky's jeans. The super soldier made quick work of his clothes, and soon they were all scattered over their living room.
Sam gave him a quick kiss before flipping Bucky over, letting his fingers trace over his boyfriend's back teasingly as he fumbled with one hand to get the cap off the lube.
Bucky couldn't help but shudder, the way Sam disregarded the super soldier's size and manhandled him with ease was something that both surprised and aroused Bucky the first time they'd fucked. It was just mind boggling to Bucky, the way Sam was just a normal - well, normal with bulging muscles - guy that was strong enough to flip Bucky over with one hand.
A shiver followed Sam's fingers as they danced across Bucky's spine , the latter arching into the touch as a needy whine escaped him. Sam chuckled, and Bucky buried his face in one of the little cushions Sam loved to organise on the couch.
"I'm getting there, don't you worry." Sam chuckled, a now-lubed finger flitting over Bucky's rim of muscle in a way that made Bucky keen. "Mmmm, good boy." Sam found himself cooing as he bent down, breath hot on Bucky's skin before his tongue was snaking out and smoothing over Bucky's hole.
The resulting moan was sinful; the sound was thick with need and laced with pleasure, accompanied by bucking hips and quivering thighs as Sam began to lick into Bucky.
"Fuck! Sammy!" Bucky's wailing as Sam's tongue worked its way into him, massaging his walls and leaving a wet slobber to leak from his hole.
When Bucky's nice and open for him - the soldier took three fingers before Sam seemed him so - Sam was flipping him over again; by this point, Bucky was damn near sure that Sam was showing off just to make him even needier. It was working.
The man thrusted shallow, a smirk curling is lips when Bucky's back arched and his hand reached back to grab onto something - anything - whilst the plates in his other hand began to whirr.
Sam was spooning his boyfriend, cock up his ass and arm tight over his body to keep Bucky's thrashing to a minimum. His lips were hot on Bucky's neck, lazily sucking a bruise into his skin as he thrusted slowly.
It was the definition of sweet torture, in Bucky's eyes; in Sam's, it was a cruel, cruel game. And he loved to play.
"Good boy, Buck. Taking in so well." Sam praised, a husk of exalt. Bucky whimpered then, hot and high pitched against his boyfriend's hand, which was settled tightly over his mouth.
Sam's hand wrapping firmly around Bucky's cock was the last straw.
The super soldier came suddenly, his cum shooting onto Sam's fist as the man behind him stuttered, the sight of Bucky cumming causing Sam's stomach to clench as he released himself into his lover's ass.
"Fuck, you're so good to me." Sam sighed as his hand left Bucky's mouth, his arm resting over Bucky's hips in a loose - yet protective - grip instead.
"And you always take care of me." Bucky chimed in, a dopey smile stretched over his lips as he felt Sam's flutter over his bare shoulder. Sam hummed in agreement, eyes growing heavy as he settled against Bucky's back.
"Let's stay here for a while. Like the feeling of your tight ass keeping my cock nice and warm." Bucky knew they should move, that they should have a bath or a shower or something. Knew that they should probably disinfect the sofa. Twice, at the least. But right now, he couldn't bring himself to care, the little voice in the back of his head singing 'you'll do it later' as he felt himself drift off to sleep.
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Bucky Barnes One-shots, Drabbles and Headcannons | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @anakinsslag @macylawz @zaphdekota @ihavemajordaddyissues @theoldermanswhore @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala @turkish276 @lilpopizzle @gooseyhouse @ohmy-fandoms @harrysthiccthighss @partiesandblurrypolaroids @prettysbliss @the-surviving-revolutionist @white-wolf1940 @dpaccione @tenaciousperfectionunknown @loveyou5everr @vallerydevora @multihoee @supraveng @cap-n-ce @sebbyxlover @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @veronicapaula @ravenmoore14 @frickin-bats @itstaylorcale
if your name is crossed out, it means I couldn’t tag you!
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
Prompt: Sefikura, mpreg, preggo!Cloud (with Prompto), lactation kink. This is exactly what it says. I don't know why but I like to think that Sephiroth loves everything about Cloud while he's pregnant, including the part where Cloud is lactating. Cloud finds it embarrassing and becomes very flustered when THAT particular part of his body just... decides to make itself known. Sephiroth personally tries to find any opportunity to shove Cloud against the wall and lift his shirt to suck his breasts.
Fandoms: FFVII
Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
Tags: mpreg, lactation, lactation kink
Kind of couldn’t make it clear it’s Prompto Cloud’s pregnant with because like… adding that was going to feel out of nowhere for the tone but I think I got basically everything else.
“Ngh, Seph- uh.”
Cloud is pretty sure most people would be freaking out at his position – pinned between Sephiroth and a wall. The General’s grin smug against their neck.
Even Cloud’s heart starts to race at it, but certainly not from fear.
“Mmph, Seph, we’re in public.” Anyone could walk into the hall and see them – Sephiroth’s lips ghosting along Cloud’s neck. His hands holding Cloud’s hips where he wants them.
If Zack walks in Cloud would never hear the end of it.
“So?” Sephiroth asks, his hands sliding up and under Cloud’s shirt to rest on the full swell of Cloud’s stomach where their child grows. “They should already know that you are mine.”
“Yeah but,” Cloud says. His words cut off by Sephiroth dragging his teeth down his neck. Making Cloud’s legs go weak.
“But nothing, I cannot be expected to keep my hands to myself when you are like this.”
Cloud wants to laugh at it. He hardly considers himself at his most attractive right now – bloated and leaking. Not that he’s going to say so out of fear it might cause Sephiroth to stop what he’s currently doing. Or move his attention on what is apparently his newfound fascination.
“You don’t believe me?” Sephiroth asks, drawing back to look Cloud in the eyes. Making Cloud wish he couldn’t read him so well.
“It’s not that.” Cloud knows Sephiroth is at the very least fascinated by how Cloud’s body has changed from their child. Even shift something to be obsessively categorised.
That doesn’t mean Cloud has to be similarly pleased about it.
“Then what?” Sephiroth asks.
“It’s nothing.” Can they please go back to just making out against the wall until someone walks in?
“It’s not,” Sephiroth says. One of his hands creeping up from Cloud’s stomach towards the newest fun side-effect of pregnancy.
“Uh-“ Cloud doesn’t know how Sephiroth can really expect him to give a cognitive answer while so hyper-aware of where Sephiroth’s hands are on his body. So aware of the one making its way up his chest.
A thumb presses against Cloud’s nipple and he can only whimper.
Sephiroth’s eyes narrow.
“Is this it?” Sephiroth asks. His thumb almost massaging the nipple. Encouraging it to start to leak. “Are you ashamed of how your body is preparing to feed our child?”
“Not ashamed.” Cloud had known he would start to lactate at some point while he was pregnant obviously. But he hadn’t expected it to come as early as it did.
“No?” Sephiroth asks, pushing Cloud’s shirt up with his hand still on Cloud’s stomach. Bunching it above the swell.
Cloud watches as Sephiroth leans down to press a kiss to the peak of it.
Closes his eyes and gasps as the next kiss is paired with another firm massage of his now hyper-sensitive nipple.
“Stunning,” Sephiroth says, pushing Cloud’s shirt up further still. Exposing Cloud’s chest as well.
Cloud tries not to think about how much of a mess he must look. Sticky milk smeared across his breast from where Sephiroth had encouraged it to be expressed.
He doesn’t dare open his eyes as he feels Sephiroth’s tongue drag up through the sticky mess and over the now especially sensitive nipple.
“Seph,” Cloud groans when Sephiroth drags his tongue over again.
Sephiroth makes a questioning hum at it. His face still so close that Cloud swears he can feel the vibration of it against his skin.
“Later,” Sephiroth promises. “For now let me enjoy what your body is making for our child.”
Cloud wants to protest. Protest that they are in too public of a place to have his milk-heavy breasts exposed. Protest that Sephiroth shouldn’t want to give them so much attention. Protests that Cloud wants his body to just calm down in its preparation for the baby that’s still a couple weeks off being due.
When Sephiroth’s mouth surrounds Cloud’s breast and starts to suck it’s all Cloud can do not to have his legs go out from under him. Uselessly bracing against the wall as he moans.
Sephiroth can somehow grin without stopping sucking. His hands holding Cloud under his stomach – helping keep Cloud upright while also tracing patterns on the stretched skin with his thumbs.
And- fuck.
Cloud hadn’t realised how much pressure had built up in his chest until now when Sephiroth’s actions give him apparently much needed relief.
One of Sephiroth’s stabilizing hands slides down and into Cloud’s pants. Cloud only able to pant as it finds the hard flesh within.
“Seph,” Cloud says, although it comes out more as a whimper as Sephiroth apparently tries to milk his body for all it can produce.
All of it feeling like too much and not enough. A spring coiling tighter and tighter through his whole body.
Orgasm brings relief to some of the pressure. But it does not seem to cause Sephiroth to let up on his sucking. The feeling very quickly crossing over into painful overstimulation.
“Sephiroth, enough.”
Sephiroth does draw away. Looking up at Cloud with a gaze that can only be defined as predatory.
“Oh gods,” Cloud says. Leaning against the wall behind him as he catches his breathe. “You bastard.”
“You weren’t complaining earlier,” Sephiroth says, like the smug bastard he is.
“You’re lucky nobody walked in,” Cloud says instead of acknowledging that. Tugging his shirt back down over his stomach and ignoring how sticky both it and his pants are. He’ll have a shower and get changed soon.
He tries to ignore how one breast now feels fuller than the other but fails.
“Ugh, I’m going to feel uneven all day.”
It takes a moment for Sephiroth to figure out what Cloud means. Cloud knows as soon as he does though because the predatory grin comes with it.
“I could help you out with that,” Sephiroth offers.
“No, it’s fine.” Cloud already isn’t sure he will be able to walk straight right now. Going a second round for Sephiroth to ease the pressure in his other breast will end with him needing Sephiroth to carry him back to their room. And Cloud really won’t live that down if Zack finds out.
“Alright,” Sephiroth says, pressing a kiss to Cloud’s cheek. Cloud trying not to be hyperaware that the slight stickiness of it a result of his milk. “I will offer again later.”
Which, great, another opportunity for someone to walk in when Sephiroth decides it’s time for another too-public place for him to help ease the pressure.  
Cloud really is looking forward to after this kid of theirs is born and Sephiroth’s obsession over him returned to a normal level.
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reallystellacadente · 3 years
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I was tagged a while back by @sleepswithvillains -- as always, thank you so much. It's nice to feel not forgotten when I've been out of the fandom for so long.
Anyway, the much-delayed Chapter 7 is almost done. I had some FUCKING LIFE SHIT go down, which I will expand upon under the cut. For now, two snippets from Chapter 7 of We Belong to the Light.
The story is an AU where my Sith Warrior Xhareen and her husband Malavai Quinn are estranged but not divorced after the Quinncident. Xhareen is about to embark on a life-changing endeavor when Malavai comes asking for her help: His sister, Kayda, has been kidnapped by persons unknown, and the Empire won't send a rescue mission.
From the opening scene of Chapter 7, on Nar Shaddaa, Xhareen and Vette finally speaking to one another after three years.
Vette stepped closer. “Look, I get that your Sithy life is complicated. Jaesa comes and goes so much trying to keep up with it.”
Xhareen took both of Vette’s hands in hers. “I don’t mean to take her from you. I’m ecstatic that the two of you are happy together.
“I just need to make sure the people in my life are spared the consequences of my choices. I haven’t been doing a very good job of that despite convincing myself I have.”
They stood there, saying nothing, for a moment, bathed in the riotous neon lights, the hum of shuttles a hundred meters below them buzzing like a million million insects.
Vette sniffled. “I accept your apology.”
And then, a few days prior, when Dr. Kayda Quinn, Malavai's sister, finally finds out where her kidnappers have taken her to.
They walked into a small foyer. Kazmow held his arm out to prevent Kayda from entering the inner doors.
“Gotta get scanned first. Gotta make sure we ain’t carrying anything bad.”
“He means the Jeddai-abbadai mostly,” Yalzen said.
Kazmow raised his hand to slap the boy, but Kayda grabbed him and twisted his arm until he fell to his knees.
“There’s no need to hit him for telling me the truth you’ve been hiding from me. I told you then and I will tell you now, if you had only asked, I could have brought more help than you knew what to do with.”
“We really don’t like outsiders but we’ll do what we have to to get what we need to fix what your kind broke here.”
Kayda let him loose but kept a fighting stance. “Don’t think your hulking body is any advantage against me. I don’t want to be here, I want to be home with my wife and child and I passed every Imperial fighting test on the first try.”
OK, IRL whining below the cut.
So my son is having a serious health crisis. For those who don't know, he's an autistic adult and lives at home with my husband and me. He wasn't feeling well, that went on for a few days, he thought it was kidney stones (having had one 3 years ago but has since changed his diet dramatically) so I took him to the nearest hospital. Side note, other than the kidney stone, the last time he was sick was when he was 5 and got chicken pox, in the days right before the vaccine.
Well, COVID fuckery kept him waiting 27 hours in the ER, mostly in a hallway, for a room, like 19 hours after a CT scan showed he didn't have a kidney stone (it was pancreatitis, just a little thing that runs in the fam) but he did have a mass on his right lung. It's more than likely a congenital overgrowth of blood vessels, but a week's stay and a biopsy and a bunch of other shit hasn't really cleared up the issue. There's almost zero chance it's cancer but he has to go in for ANOTHER BIOPSY before the inevitable removal of the entire lung because I saw the MRI and that sucker is huge. Oh, and the first biopsy caused a blood leak from the mass and gave him pneumonia.
Cut to the fact that I've been unemployed for almost a year, while all this is going on and I'm doing the 19th or 400th zoom interview, I finally get a job. Part time, but doing something I can do, something that's interesting, and that justifies my fucking master's degree finally. So I'm doing all this training, dealing with my son's doctor appointments (my son doesn't drive and the hubs can only drive sometimes due to serious anxiety) and tests AND THEN the job gets a huge and hugely important contract with the city to assist NEW CANNABIS BUSINESSES into existence!!
So I've been a bit busy. But I am going to try to finish and publish Chapter 7 this weekend before shit gets really out of control!
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lanzhanlanzhan · 5 years
seein all the bjyx dramas around Zhan-ge makes me so frickin sad and mad. what the hell is wrong with those shippers/fans? this shit would ruin Zhan and Yibo's beautiful friendship and they would slowly stop interacting and meet each other and i don't want this to happen. i wanna see them as happy and close to each other as they used to be. and i wanna see them in new projects together. but this would make them stop. i hate this and i'm so worried about Zhanzhan he didn't deserve this mess
Just to clarify, not everything about the mess around Xiao Zhan is shipping-related. If you only heard about it from me and it looked this way, I apologize, since in my first post, the version of the story I shared was the version where alleged BJYX fans attacked WZC. (This goes to show what XZ Studio is on about—rumors are bad, kids!) I am in the BJYX circle (hell, I even feed its English-speaking community writing for it) and I am always wary of fellow fans crossing the line. This is not even limited to just BJYX, because it has happened to other idol fandoms I have dipped my toes in before—fans pushing their fantasies to their idols, whether about themselves or with another celebrity, bringing ships in events that should not be about that, tagging their idols in the more questionable content we all know happen in fandom, and so on.
Just for the purposes of clarity (although big disclaimer again that I am but a fan and so like many others is an outsider and do not know everything), later in the day yesterday, other versions of the story surfaced. I don't even know if the alleged attack on WZC even occured, but his name did get dragged into an issue he likely did not ask for, what with fans from camps all over arguing with each other and throwing words at even the actors themselves. The first version, and I think this was one of the top rumors that some fans and XZ's camp were trying to allay, was about the alleged attack and WZC being angry about it, as shown in videos that went around different social media platforms of WZC "angrily" pulling his hood down. However, a longer version of the video supports another version of the story, which was that WZC only pulled his hood down to show fans that he was not Xiao Zhan, whom they were waiting for outside of the hotel. This video looked more tame, with fans somewhat relenting and some even saying, "Oh, Jiang Cheng" as though, yep, realizing it wasn't Xiao Zhan.
But the fact that there was an angle of WYB/BJYX fans being behind the alleged attack brings attention to another ugly side of the fan camp, which is that there is a lot of in-fighting among solo fans and shipper fans, which has been going on for a while. If there really was no attack on WZC, then somebody spread the rumor that he was. At the height of the issue, these different camps were fighting again. Even Wang Yibo, who for all intents and purposes did just one thing for Xiao Zhan's birthday, still got dragged along. Some people actually criticized Wang Yibo for—get this—greeting Xiao Zhan, accusing him of riding on Xiao Zhan's and their ship's popularity to gain attention. I have... either so many words or no words for this. Sure, Xiao Zhan has been #1 since August (I think), but Wang Yibo has actually been his #2 on some days and has not gone too low in the daily rankings from what I have seen. Also, Wang Yibo pandering to fans, really? We who love him could only wish this was true. We wish he did more fanservice. Do you guys even know what Wang Yibo was doing yesterday while all this BS is going down? Watching the MotoGP World Championship, fanboying Márquez like the motorcycle nerd he is. Bless this boy, I hope he just stays the way he is and just continue doing what he loves.
Apart from all of these, some fans just plain behaving badly around Xiao Zhan is still a very big issue. #SaveXiaoZhan also trended from what seems to be because of how a fan, either accidentally or on purpose, bumped into Xiao Zhan, and people saying that this is the reason why he had a visible injury on his head on his birthday. Once again, whichever version of stories we hear may be true, Xiao Zhan's camp did release that statement confirming that there have been extreme, already harmful behaviors going on. They affect Xiao Zhan and they affect his friends. This is not the first time these things have happened, it's just that now there is finally a dedicated studio taking care of Xiao Zhan. But many other weird things have happened in the past. A fan once cancelled Xiao Zhan's flight. Fans blocked his way and got too close even way before, and during times he did not have much security around him. Not just Xiao Zhan, I also remember the time when there were rumors of Wang Yibo having a girlfriend, and it caused such an uproar among his fans that his agency had to release an official statement. Another time, Wang Yibo's number got leaked, and he eventually had to change his number and move all accounts related to it because he kept getting calls until even late at night. His number was used for unsolicited transactions, etc. He told fans how it had already started affecting his life, how he hated the inconvenience of having to change numbers, and asked for fans to be reasonable. That post was heartbreaking, but truly, things around these idols can sometimes get a bit nuts.
Of course, there is little the international community can really do about what goes on inside China right now, unless maybe you speak Mandarin and are on Weibo. Even without the language barrier though, crowd control is never easy. Nonetheless, these all still serve as a good reminder of how people should behave in and outside of fandom. There are a lot of horror stories around fandom worlds, just take your pick which. Asian fans are not the only ones who have done extreme things. I very much agree that it can get sad and reach the point of being harmful to others, as in the case of the current issues now. I personally hope that all these boil over soon and the parties that got involved are resting and coping well.
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onebatch2batch · 6 years
I wanted to pop in to tell you how much I adore and value all your writing for this little fandom. You are sincerely one of my favorite writers of the Kastle ship. Also, I don't know if you're still accepting drabble prompts from that list, but if you are, could you please write something for 59. "Tell me to go and I will, but if you ask me to stay I'll never leave you again."
Hi!!! Thank you so much for this sweet message. I love this fandom so much, everyone is so kind and welcoming and I’ve very happy to be a part of it. For those of you who are waiting for me to answer prompts, I am working on them and they will get done–just not all right away. Thank you for the patience and love xoxo
59. “Tell me to go and I will, but if you ask me to stay I’ll never leave you again.”
Kastle, post-canon
The the bell above Johnnie’s Hardware’s door jingles happily as Frank steps through, a blast of cool air hitting him in the face. Sarah Lieberman sighs gratefully as she follows him in. He grabs a basket and shoots her an amused look.
“Y’know you didn’t have to come, right?”
Sarah huffs, following him towards the back of the store. “Pete, if I don’t learn this stuff, no one will. And then what will we do when Leo goes off to school? Trust David?”
He chuckles, eyes scanning the shelves. “You got some time before we gotta resort to that. And I’m a good stand-in.”
She hums, adjusting the strap of her purse. “Maybe so. But no way in hell I was staying in that furnace of a house. At least the van has AC. Might as well keep you company.”
Frank shakes his head, stopping before the shelves carrying the parts needing for her air conditioning system. It had gone out the day before and, due to the intense summer, the handyman had a list of clients will the same problem. After a full twenty-four hours of sweltering heat, David had called asking for his help. Frank was glad to do it and while David was at work he’d gone to survey the problem and picked up a tag-along into town.
Said tag-along is currently staring at the shelves critically. She leans forward to read the little labels underneath the parts and Frank steps over, picking up what he needs. He explains each part, what it’s called and what it’s for. Her blank stare tells him she’s regretting her decision to be included, and eventually he huffs. “Alright, that’s it. Ready?”
“I actually wanted to look at shower heads. Do you mind? The kids broke theirs–somehow.” Her frustrated sigh reminds him painfully of one of Maria’s after the kids had caused trouble. He gives her a tight nod and leads her to the opposite side of the store, turning the corner and stopping short.
Sarah collides into his back with a small yelp, and the woman scanning the shelves in front of them turns to look, jolted.
“Frank,” Karen says, eyes widening.
There aren’t many thing that scare a man like Frank Castle, anymore. Standing here with Karen Page in her shorts and tank top, a baffled and hurt expression on her face, is absolutely one of them. “Karen,” he says, but it comes out on a choke.
Her eyes fall to Sarah and the change in her is immediate. Her surprised hurt turns to a polite but confused smile. She lifts her basket on her hip and glances at Frank. He can see the panic in her eyes, and it takes him a moment to realize it’s because she’s said his real name in front of a woman she doesn’t know. Always protecting him, even when she’s hurt.
Sarah steps forward excitedly. “Karen? As in Karen Page? I’ve heard so much about you–I’m Sarah Lieberman. It’s nice to put a name to the face!”
She blinks, digesting the information, and then relaxes slightly. “Oh, hi. It’s nice to meet you.”
Frank shifts awkwardly. It’s been nearly six months since they’ve been face to face. After the carousel and the hospital, he’d sent her a text (I’m fine, it’s over. I need some time.) and then retreated into himself much like before. It had taken weeks and months of group sessions with Curtis, dinners with the Lieberman family, and working as Pete Castiglione for him to work up the nerve to approach her. By that time it had been long enough he was sure she wouldn’t want to see him–she had stopped sending texts and calling weeks before.
He meets her gaze. “What’re, uh, what’re you doin’ here?”
She yanks her hair behind her ear and turns back to the shelves in front of her. It’s a familiar gesture that makes his chest ache. “My stupid sink is clogged and my super is a creepy asshole.”
Sarah’s elbow jabs him in his ribs and he blinks, realizing he’s been staring. “Uh. D’you need some help?”
Karen turns to him with sad, frustrated eyes. She looks like she’s debating on saying no. “If you have better things to do–”
“Oh, he doesn’t.” Sarah grins, plucking the basket from his hand. “Leo should be home from school soon. She can help me. Pete, why don’t you go help Karen?”
Frank feels a familiar panic blossom in his chest as both women look at him, waiting. He nods, a quick jerk of his head. Sarah squeezes his arm and smiles at Karen. “Nice to meet you, Karen! Maybe one day we can get some lunch.”
Karen returns her smile and this time it’s a little softer, a little more genuine. “Thanks, Sarah. I’d like that.”
Sarah waves and walks off towards the shower heads, and Karen’s gaze lands on him again. The air between them is stale with unsaid words, and he eventually looks away at the tools. “You know what kinda leak?”
She describes the problem and he grabs the appropriate parts for her, trying to keep himself busy. Soon enough they’re out the door and into the wet summer heat towards her place.
Her apartment is just as he remembers. Same eclectic bookshelf, same tiny kitchen and same beers pulled from the fridge. It gives him deja vu, taking the bottle from her outstretched hand as she looks at him with searching blue eyes. He lowers his head and mutters, “I should take a look at that” and then he’s under the sink and out of sight. Karen sits on the island opposite him, her flip-flop clad feet swinging into view everytime he looks down the length of his body. Her toes are painted a deep red. He turns to the task at hand.
“Is it fixable?” She calls after a moment.
“Yeah. Easy fix,” he grunts back, tightening and loosening and doing everything he can to keep his mind off the woman not three feet away. When he finishes and stands, he flicks on the tap and washes his hands slowly. It works fine.
Her gaze burns holes in the back of his head. He stares down at the suds on his hands and forces the words out. “…sorry I haven’t been around.”
Karen huffs, half amused and half…something else. Something he can’t quite name. Something close to betrayal, but not quite. “Yeah, well, I guess I should be used to it by now.”
He turns, drying his hands on a towel. The label of her beer bottle is peeled away methodically; scraps of paper fall onto the floor. “What’s that mean?”
She glances up, catches him watching and straightens her spine. She cocks her head, considering her words with an unwavering stare. “It means you and Matt and everybody else I care about seem to think they can just come in and out of my life and I’ll just keep letting them do it.” She pauses, looking away, and then says quietly, “…letting you do it.”
Shame fills him up until he feels like he’s going to drown in it. It’s taken weeks and months of searching to find out who he is, after everything was over. He’s still not entirely sure he knows, but he knows he’s not someone who can just let the people he cares about think he doesn’t. He twists the towel in his hands, then tosses it aside. He runs a hand through his hair and waits until her eyes came back. “I wanted to come back here. Almost did, a couple of times.”
She’s a little taller than him, perched on the counter like she is. She stares down at him, surprised at the admission. “Why didn’t you?”
“I had to get my shit straight.” Frank rubs his neck. He’s getting that feeling at the base of his skull—nervous, on edge, awkward—it’s the same thing he feels every time he opens up in group. “And I couldn’t drag you back into it, y’know? You—you did so much for me. It’s not fair to expect you to clean up this.” He gestures vaguely to his head, scowling. She doesn’t say anything so he looks away, energy draining with one long sigh. “I’ve been goin’ to group, and workin’, yeah? But I wanted to come back and be—…”
Her toes wiggle in his peripheral when he trails off. She shifts. “Be what?”
“…fuck, I don’t know, worthy?” He looks up and catches her raised brows. “I know, shit’s corny but…You’re one of the best people I know and I–…if I were lookin’ in on all this from outside, I’d want me to get my shit together first. Yeah? You’re worth the wait–that’s all.”
He hasn’t been so honest since that first afternoon in group. When he’d looked around the circle of women and men with the same exhausted defeat on their faces and said I’m scared. He’s a little surprised with himself now, if he’s honest, but there’s a gentleness settling in the soft slope of her lips so he can’t regret his candidness too much.
“What are you trying to say, Frank?”
He exhales slow, bracing himself. “I’m sayin’ tell me to go and I will…but tell me to stay and I’ll never leave again.”
Karen gives him a measured look, but her cheeks are lifting into a wide smile. She holds out a hand and he takes it, marvels at the smooth skin there and the beauty mark on her index finger. She tugs him closer, pulls his hand to rest on her thigh and covers his chest with her own. He peers up at her looking wrecked and star struck all at once.
“Promise?” she asks quietly. “Because Frank…I can’t watch you walk away again.”
His hand comes up to cup her face, thumb brushing her cheekbone. Gentleness bleeds out of his eyes, buzzes around her skin. He leans forward and presses his temple to her own, the quietness of the kitchen filling the air around them.
tagged (if anyone wants to be added let me know!)
@kastleandcoffee @emanationman @frank-castle-loves-karen-page @babsiechap @darknesseyez @marinefrank @tuntematonkorppi @ohmypreciousgirl @killorbekillcd @nina2406 @iamacolor @princesshaleyeve
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