#not sure what november's is gonna be but we'll see
bughusbands · 7 months
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(shows up 10 minutes late, with coffee) Halloween Noctowl illustration for October!
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kindestofkings · 7 months
photographer era [2]
my lovelies this is a long one so get yourself a cuppa and hopefully enjoy!
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liked by hshq and others
inhalerdublin A huge honour to be bringing our show to @officialslanecastle this summer to support the one and only @harrystyles. We should definitely shower for this one X
See you there.
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inhalerfan1 man this is so cool
yourusername WOOO ill get the boas !! @joshjenkinson_ @bobbyskeetz @elijahhewson @ryanmcmahon_15
bobbyskeetz oh lets maybe not do that
yourusername damn my small indie band aren't that small anymore
inhalerfan2 such a mood lol
yourusername posted on their story:
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elijahhewson posted on their story:
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yourusername posted on their story:
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liked by evehewson and others
yourusername these lads are about to SLAY Slane castle !!
📸 are all me baby ;))
inhalerfan1 AHH they were so so great
inhalerfan2 oh come on look at that first pic of eli, if thats not love I dont know what is !
inhalerfan3 they are making it hard to not ship em inhalerfan4 that your honour is two oblivious people IN LOVE (liked by bobbyskeetz)
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
inhalerdublin We’ll never be able to fully recover from the experience of playing Slane Castle yesterday. Thank you to @harrystyles for having us open for him in such a legendary place. And to every one of you who sang our songs back to us.
See you in November Ireland x
📸 @lewevans and @yourusername
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lewevans some gig!
thescriptofficial Scenes !!!!
inhaler2 inhalerry photo when? (30 likes )
inhaler1 @username you take the best pics of them please please go on tour with them!!
(liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
inhaler2 will ONE of you close the deal , for the sake of your fans !! joshjenkinson_ @elijahhewson for the fans.... inhalerfan3 so unserious you forget they just played SLANE
harrystyles, anthonypham and lloydddddddddddddddd followed you!
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername photos of THE harry styles that I took... me cause I met harry styles over the weekend
view all 1,000 comments
ryanmcmahon_15 your supposed to be our photographer
bobbyskeetz welcome home cheater
elijahhewson is one lead singer not enough for you ??
yourusername ..... yourusername you start dancing like that THEN we'll talk elijahhewson 💔💔
lloyddddddddddddddddd coming for my job but the pics are so good ill let it slide
yourusername yeah im obsessed with you and your employer please hire me <33 yourusername i can boot scoot like a pro (liked by harrystyles and hshq)
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liked by yourusername and others
elijahhewson was a good weekend I'd say
yourusername wow yes well done that caption reaffirmed how cool you are !!
yourusername YOU JUST PLAYED SLANE YOU CAN BE HYPED evehewson such a loser
joshjenkinson_ did you do it for the fans ??
ryanmcmahon_15 👀👀 bobbyskeetz 👀👀 yourusername he did it for the fans FINALLY
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inhalerfanupdates photos of eli and @ yourusername have been leaked over the last few days .... are we still saying they're just friends?
view all 50 comments
inhaler1 if I didnt think they were in love before I sure do now
inhaler2 literal evidence of my parents in love <33 inhalerfan3 for real I feel so passionately about these strangers
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liked by evehewson and others
yourusername slow down more like .. go down/ soft sound/ midnight/ car lights ....
my idiot (lovable) friends are now my employers cause im joining them on tour in europe ahhh, a professional photographer some may say
bobbyskeetz war is fucking over we got ya
ryanmcmahon_15 about time!! gonna be lethal
lewevans ohh yeah cannot wait to see you in action!
(liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
yourusername too kind <33
yourusername posted on their story:
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liked by elijahhewson
trumanblack just followed you!
authors note: ahhh part 2 which will probs flop, shes a long one! hope y'all enjoyed, please please enlighten me on your thoughts <33
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meimi-haneoka · 10 months
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Chapter 76: Comments + JP-ENG translation differences
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Ooooh CCS fans, welcome back to our monthly appointment!! Which, apparently, will go on a little longer than previously expected because (I'm sure you've heard of it in the last month, but in case you didn't) CLAMP/Kodansha did what I thought they wouldn't dare doing: they extended the Clear Card serialization a little bit more, announcing the last volume will be the 16th one, instead of the 15th one as previously stated! Volume 16 will be released on April 1st 2024, while they also delayed the release of volume 15 to November 13th (this made me suspicious, is it to accomodate more chapters in it? Or what else happened there, to delay it?) I have no idea how many more chapters we'll get at this point (or if the 16th volume was born because it will accomodate some after-story extra chapters), but I have to say that after the initial shock, I've took the news quite well and I just can't deny that the story really seemed to need a bit more room to develop the conclusion properly, so I'd daresay the announcement ultimately made me sigh in relief. And this chapter definitely proved to me that things are steadily proceeding, but taking care in depicting carefully and without haste an heroic moment that will turn out to be more complex than what probably Sakura & co. expected. I'm gonna need a bit more patience to see how all of this ends, but I prefer for the end to not be rushed and not have regrets in the future! Also, this looks like it might tie in with the beginning of season 2 of the anime? We'll see!
Well, after this preamble to update everyone on the situation of the serialization, we'll proceed under the cut to talk about the actual chapter, which unfortunately this month is stained by several translation mistakes, omissions and inaccuracies. They really deceived me, doing a good job on the past 2 chapters...*sigh* I'm still quite mad because of course WHO gets affected the most, among those translation mistakes? I feel like coming at this point I don't even have to state it. *another sigh* Before diving into my ramblings, let's give a look to the gif of this month! I chose this one because I feel like I need to lighten the mood a little bit, since between the end of this one and -I'm sure- the next chapter, I'm afraid there won't be anything to laugh about.
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Under the cut!
The Color Page
Anyone following this blog since some time, or who knows me well, probably doesn't need to be told that I completely loved the color page of this month! 🥰After 11 chapters, Akiho comes back to grace the opening page of a chapter of Clear Card. It's very simple, but in its simplicity I could feel all of Akiho's essence, while appreciating the usual symbolism of some elements of the color page. First and foremost, Akiho is smiling, and that wasn't a given for a color page appearing at the end of this story. We've seen Sakura making plenty of wistful faces lately, so it feels like we can't really take for granted to see our characters smiling. But her beautiful smile in combination with the nice shade of green Mokona-sensei chose for her elegant dress (which is totally in tune with what Akiho would wear) is really giving a kind of hopeful vibe to the whole color page. And I feel that for this chapter, we really needed that. Green is kind of an unusual color to associate Akiho with, but there's more to it. Together with the shade of yellow that sensei used to create a gradient on the skirt, this green is a clear callback to the color scheme of the lilies that Akiho is holding and wearing among her curls. And as we all know, lilies in this arc are primarily a symbol of the character who literally bears their name: Akiho's mother, Lilie (German for "lily"). As soon as I saw the presence of lilies in this color page with her, I went all "awwww" because I couldn't help but think "this is a sign her mother is watching over her and is always with her, right?" And inevitably, seeing Akiho gently holding those flowers made me wish even more that she could know something, anything about her mother. I also noticed that Mokona-sensei slightly changed the shading of Akiho's hair again, removing the yellowish undertone that was present in the most recent color pages that Akiho appeared in, making me sigh because I'll have to modify my color palette for my fanarts once again 😩it still looks lighter than her mother's, at least, and it's still very much ash blonde. The editorial text in JP on the color page is what Sakura told her at the end of chapter 73: "Let's get them back. The one you didn't want to lose".
Collapsing Time
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Aaaaand this chapter for me started with a "I KNEW IT!" equipped with a loud laughter, because ever since chapter 75 ended I've really been wondering "will the group at home be able to follow their journey inside the fake moon, or will the connection be conveniently cut off?" OF COURSE IT'S THE LATTER, what else could've been? 😆 Tomoyo rationally wonders if the signal simply doesn't reach in the space inside the fake moon, but Eriol from the other end of the videocall tells everyone that these are rather some more specific, particular circumstances: he was able to see what was inside the fake moon for a split second before the connection was cut off, and what he saw is an environment where time isn't simply stopped, is actually collapsing. I want to start my long list of complaints about the translation in English of this chapter, with this mild inaccuracy: the ENG makes Eriol consistently sound unsure of what he's affirming above, using verbs like I suppose, while the JP text doesn't leave any trace of doubt - Eriol isn't supposing, he knows that time is breaking down in that environment.
Back to Sakura and Syaoran, our little heroes start to feel the effects of this powerful magic that is permeating the interior of the fake moon, with Syaoran noticing that the clock parts fluctuating aren't really deformed like they're seeing, but only appear so due to the strong pressure of the magic spell inside that environment. And here we have to stop once again, because this is another straight up mistake of the ENG translation:
ENG: "There's nothing wrong with the watch itself. The spell's placed too much pressure on it. It only looks broken"
JP: "It's not like the components of the clocks are really deformed...They only look like that because the pressure of the magic spell is too strong"
As you can see, skipping the translation of the word 部品 (components) made them completely misunderstand Syaoran's line and make it about the pocket watch in their hands, instead of the fluctuating clock parts! And it's like they wanted to give an explanation to why the pocket watch looks broken (hello??? The pocket watch gradually broke when Kaito was still active in the un-rewritten world!!), despite the adjective used in JP is deformed, not broken. But let's go on.
Sakura starts to feel that pressure on her head, in fact she points out that her head is hurting to a worried Syaoran (JP, lit.: "My head is..."). He answers that it's only normal, because the spell is so powerful that it's affecting them physically, and he can feel those effects too (he's only better at dissimulating it, apparently). (I'm just worried if it's clear in the ENG translation, by how they're phrasing things, that the spell Syaoran is referring to is the one that's active on the whole place, not the one he used to trace the owner of the pocket watch). Syaoran continues saying that it's happening the same to the interior of the "fake moon", basically everything is so warped and deformed (due to the strong pressure) that if the pocket watch didn't show them the way, they would've lost both their sense of orientation and even the "target" they were tracking with that compass. So while the readers might have thought that if Sakura and Syaoran got there successfully it was only thanks to the compass, CLAMP went out of their way to specify that it wasn't exactly like that: it seems like the pocket watch actively guided them through the magic beam that originated from the compass, preventing them from getting lost. I guess without the watch's intervention, the compass might have still shot that beam in search for Kaito, but it might have gotten all of them lost, because the magic spell at work inside that environment is so strong that it warps everything, beam included. Again, I wonder if this concept above is clear enough from how they phrased it in the ENG translation.
And if that wasn't enough, Sakura's sweet smiling face says that Akiho guided them there. Evidently she thinks that the pocket watch is not only permeated by that mysterious moon magic that they still don't know who it belongs to, but also by Akiho's strong will to look for and to find the person she never wanted to lose. Akiho is always with them, spirit tightly connected to that pocket watch, and I couldn't help but being so moved by how considerate and sweet Sakura is. Akiho is evidently at the center of her thoughts even now, after all, she departed for this mission precisely for her sake.
Syaoran says that the beam is pointing at this dragon that is sleeping in front of them, but then actually starts doubting it and says "wait, is this really a dragon...?". The mere fact that he had a second thought about it might already be a sign that there might be more than meets the eyes, behind this creature that we're seeing now. Sakura just needs to look at it for a moment to remember immediately: she met this dragon before, in a dream. Of course, she can remember about this only thanks to the "film strips of memories" that the Record Card supplied her with some chapters ago, since it's all stuff that comes from the "un-rewritten world". Then, Sakura takes charge of the pocket watch and thanks Syaoran for his help with the compass: it's clear that she wants to talk to the dragon, now. Clutching the pocket watch tightly and looking at the sleeping creature in an intense way, she gets closer to it.
The dragon finally opens its eyes and wakes up.
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Sakura is such a sweet and well mannered girl, so I couldn't help smiling when she said this: (JP, lit.) "Please allow me to address you with "you" (anata), since I don't know your name". Yes, because Sakura's usual speech pattern includes calling people by their name, rather than using a direct "anata". Even with Syaoran, some pages ago, she didn't use a direct "you", but simply repeated his name instead. Her usual way to talk to people always sounds very soft, well mannered and warm to me, while probably using "anata" even with her closest people feels too "blunt" to her. Or, maybe, "impersonal". In this case, she really doesn't have any other choice, though. Alas, this was something that was hardly translatable in a literal way in the ENG version, and I think the way they chose works pretty well anyway.
And so, Sakura continues. (JP, but ENG is equally fine as well:) "I can feel 'something' coming from you, which is the same that I can feel coming from this watch as well. I guess Syaoran-kun would call it 'magical power'. Do you know the owner of this watch? Or.....is this watch YOURS?" How cute, this really shows clearly that Sakura's relationship with magic is not made of technicalities and such, and she still feels a newbie about it, so she is capable of feeling distinctly the magical aura coming off the dragon and the pocket watch, but she isn't still used to use technical terms like "magical power", "aura" and such. Syaoran is the expert for those things, and she seems to admire and respect him a lot for that! 😆
Sakura asks something to Syaoran to get a certain confirmation. I have the impression that she could feel it herself, but wanted the confirmation from her expert husband boyfriend. She asks him if the magical power that is permeating the environment of the fake moon is the same moon power that comes from the pocket watch. Syaoran confirms they're different (again, an inaccuracy of the ENG translation, which makes Syaoran say "something is different". There's no "something" in the JP, he was just plainly stating that the two sources of power are different).
I want to point out how cool Syaoran looks in his pose of this scene, his hand gripping the handle of his sword the whole time, ready to unleash it at the minimum sight of danger on Sakura. I really love it because Sakura doesn't really know the intentions of the dragon yet, so what she's doing is pretty risky in itself, but Syaoran didn't stop her, he trusted her and let free to do what she wanted to do. He's just, you know, going to stay in the background with his hand on his sword, ready for any scenario, just in case. 😂 Protective boyfriend (but not suffocating one) strikes again! This is what I mean when I say they came a long way ever since chapter 1.
I Know Your Eyes
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Sakura can feel that even the magic coming from the "cage" (she uses a term in JP that sounds more like fence than the harsher cage, though) is different from the one the pocket watch is giving off, and this is all she needs to have the confirmation she was looking for: just putting 2 and 2 together from the difference in powers, she concludes that the dragon is there against its will, and someone else locked it up in there. Sakura asks the dragon if she's right, but it simply......stares at her, in silence.
Sakura watches those eyes....and they're all she needs to see. Because she realizes she knows those eyes.
And here, unfortunately, I have to prepare you for another translation mistake, an actual omission that irritated me quite a lot because I consider this a very important scene for a certain character's depiction and development. And you probably don't even need to ask who he is, because he's been bastardized this whole time by the ENG translation.
ENG: "I know you. I know your eyes...And not just because I've seen them in a dream. With your eyes, you watched over Akiho-chan. Somehow, that memory's still inside of me"
JP: "I know...your eyes. And not because I've seen them in a dream. Those eyes used to look at Akiho-chan with great care/affection. (That feeling) remained inside of me"
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*draws a deep breath* Okay. I'll go with my grievances with the translation first and then I'll talk about my own reaction to this scene.
When Sakura is talking about the way Kaito used to look at Akiho (because it's clear as hell we're talking about him here, even if she doesn't remember who he is, yet), the JP text includes a very important adverb, 大切に (taisetsu ni, lit. "carefully, giving importance, cherishing something). And Sakura doubles down on it by preceding it with another adverb, とても (totemo, "very"). It is absolutely, unmistakably clear that Kaito used to look at Akiho with lots of affectionate feelings. That 大切に indicates how much he cherished her...how much she was important to him...and he never said it aloud, probably not even realizing it himself, but his eyes spoke for him. And Sakura saw it all.
The ENG translation completely omitted and skipped the translation of the adverb とても大切に, indicating only that Kaito "watched over" Akiho. Completely stripping the action of looking at her of any emotional involvement. To me, that is intolerable. Why?
Because this is the first time that a character, any character, clearly spells out how Kaito considers Akiho. And of course they gave the honor of pointing out the elephant in the room (gosh, this really looks like that situation) to the protagonist, our Sakura. I mean, we came to this point in the story precisely because nobody was able to say for sure what the hell Kaito thought of Akiho. Not even the person concerned himself! I've seen countless of theories along the years, and a worringly big amount thought that Kaito only wanted to use Akiho for his own selfish goal. I kept seeing speculations of that kind even after all he did in chapter 70. And that was particularly strong in the western side of the fandom, because of how the translation portrayed Kaito all these years. Now that we finally get a spoken, spelled out confirmation that he considered Akiho so important, he cherished her so much, and those sweet feelings seeped through his eyes and couldn't escape Sakura's attentive stare, what do they do? They remove any sign of it. They make Sakura say that he only "watched over her" like a regular watch dog, without touching any of the emotional involvement that was indicated in the JP original text. I remind you that 大切(な) is also the core adjective of the famous 一番大切なひと, "the most important person". If this will be connected to an eventual statement later on, this omission is even worse.
Of course, I cannot be anything else than dismayed at this perpetrated character assassination that this translation is operating on Kaito. Leaving aside all my bias for my two favorite characters, this omission penalizes Sakura's characterization too. The fact the she could recognize Kaito (without knowing it's Kaito) through the Dragon's eyes is a testament to how extraordinarily empathetic she is, and how her empathy is literally saving this story. Her empathy made her understand that Kaito couldn't be a bad person, deep down, because of how he looked at Akiho and how Akiho was so happy with him, leading her to make the decision of not confronting them openly, back in the un-rewritten world. Her empathy is what guided her here and what now is telling her "yes, this IS Akiho's most important person. And that person cherished her too". And how she was able to recognize that? Not because Kaito used to just "watch over" Akiho, what made that gaze special were the feelings that Sakura could see inside of it. All of this story is held up by the feelings between its characters. I think it's a huge mistake to not give the right importance to them, to ALL OF THEM.
I think I complained enough about this translation, so let's get talking about happier things. Because of course, in its original form, this scene became my favorite one from the entire chapter and moved me to tears. I was amazed by how Sakura was capable of recognizing Kaito's soul, his essence, only looking at the dragon's eyes. And you know, although being similar (they are some kind of tsurime too), they're not exactly the same as Kaito's, so it seems clear to me that Sakura recognized them basing on sensations and feelings alone. Eyes are, after all, a window to somebody's soul. And even though we could never really get into Kaito's head, or only partially did towards the end of the "un-rewritten world", I really have to say that his eyes spoke volumes of what he was feeling for the entirety of the manga. And for that, we can only praise Mokona-sensei's wonderful skills. I always loved Kaito's eyes, how they could be mischievous, happy, surprised, sweet, sad, tragic. The fact that I could be sure that he loved Akiho in any capacity till now, was also thanks to how he looked at her. So I was really glad to see the element "eyes" being used in this scene to make Sakura recognize him. And there's more to it. I delved into the use of the word 瞳 (hitomi, lit. "pupils") with the furigana "me" next to it (which is the pronounciation of another kanji used to indicate eyes, 目), and I found out/re-confirmed that 瞳 indeed literally means "pupils", but in manga, songs, novels and such it is a trope used to indicate the eyes when there's an emotional nuance attached to it. It is used to make things sound more "romantic" or drip with emotion. "Your eyes...looked at her with so much affection"... ...You can now understand even better why I am so peeved at the omission of the ENG translation for this part. All the other languages did their job and included the nuance correctly. CLAMP were trying to be very straightforward with their composition of Sakura's line, everything was indicating that this was a very important and emotional moment. Akiho, all alone in Sakura's memories of the double date, is at the center of the entire page, as if to indicate that she was at the center of Kaito's eyes too (because that's what Sakura is talking about in the bubbles). But we can see a "spotlight" beside her, an empty one: that was certainly where Kaito used to be when Sakura met them at the botanical garden.
The Escape
Okay, Sakura found what she was looking for. Or, rather, WHO she was looking for. And it doesn't matter if it's a huge, dark dragon trapped inside a cage. I found this almost hilarious, how she doesn't question even for a second that Akiho's most important person is actually a dragon! But I could quickly realize that it's all because in this manga, external appearances don't matter. What matters is who you are. These are all souls, loving other souls. Everything in between holds no meaning. And so if there's one thing that Sakura knows with all her heart, is that this dragon cannot stay here. So she tells him (yeah, I can finally say "him") to come along with them. But it's in that moment that a danger arises: the clock particles start attacking Sakura and Syaoran at great speed, so much that Syaoran has to turn around very quickly to realize it (I loved the effect in his eyes to indicate the speed). With a swift move, Syaoran summons his famous "Raitei Shourai" and his powerful thunderbolt repels and destroys the clockwork that was about to attack them.
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We go back for a moment to Yukito's home, where everyone is staring intently at the tablet to see if Sakura and Syaoran give any sign. A worried Touya (and Yukito, too) turns his attention to Akiho, though, who is the quintessence of tension right now. Hard stare to the screen, she looks as if she's ready to fight anyone at any moment. And here, unfortunately, another translation mistake drops.
ENG: "We need to be sure we're ready to go...In case Sakura-chan calls for us" JP: "I have to be fully prepared...for when Sakura-san will call me"
First thing first, you probably caught it yourself, Akiho calls Sakura "Sakura-chan" in the ENG version, and that's a mistake. She hasn't suddenly changed speech tone in the JP, she hasn't dropped keigo, she still calls her "Sakura-san", as usual. And despite here there isn't a subject (again, a typical thing Ohkawa-sensei does in her scripts), it's pretty understandable that she's talking about herself and not the whole group, because of the imperative tense she's using. Moreover, Sakura told the rest of the group that MAYBE she would've called them if she ended up needing any help, but for Akiho she was SURE she was going to call her, so Akiho really does have to be ready to be called at any moment. Akiho in JP uses a particular word to indicate the concept of "be fully prepared, all set, take all possible measures": 準備万全 (junbi banzen) and when I looked for its complete meaning on the internet, to understand the context better, I found out that this is also the name of a skill in the game of the "Uma Musume" series. That made me laugh because coincidentally, Akiho's voice actress Minori Suzuki is famous for voicing one of the characters of Uma Musume, "Agnes Digital" and I know for a fact that CLAMP are fans of Uma Musume. Was Ohkawa-sensei trying to make a fun reference or an Easter egg, here? 😉 Anyways, Akiho's determined face here is really beautiful, I'd daresay there isn't only determination in those eyes, but also a tiny touch of...irritation? I've probably said it before, on other social media, that I hope Akiho will be the one giving an earful to Kaito, and yell all her feelings in his face while angrily crying 🤪if this is building up to that, I cannot be happier than this!
Everyone proudly looks at our little warrior getting ready, and unfortunately due to the misunderstanding above, Yukito's line is mistaken too, in the ENG version: they make him say "I'm glad we have eachother" while in JP he simply commented "You're so confident/reliable!", which is totally coherent with the face she was making before. The adjective he uses, 頼もしい (tanomoshii) indicates someone who's dependable, reliable, confident or even "sure-footed".
Needless to say, I was very happy to: 1) See an interaction with Akiho coming from Yukito, this is the first time and with this comment he acted like another お兄ちゃん to her (the more, the better); 2) See him defining her "confident and reliable", I've seen a JP fan I follow on Twitter making an interesting interpretation of his line, coming from a character that was always worried over not knowing what to do to help the people he loves, and seeing another magic-less character standing tall and facing this ordeal courageously might have prompted him to understand Akiho's position more than we could imagine; 3) Acknowledge that it really seems as if CLAMP are trying to establish new and more connections between the old cast and Akiho, probably because these connections will stay even after the end.
Back to the situation inside the fake moon, Syaoran yells to Sakura that he's sure he won't be able to break that cage only with his spells, so he urges her to find a way to free and get that dragon out of there while he fends off all the incoming attacks. Sakura immediately complies, and this back and forth between them was already awarded the title of "husband and wife interaction" from the JP fandom. 😂 Sakura remembers what Momo told her about the remaining Cards that are waiting for her call...and sadly I have to point out another translation mistake: while the JP was always vague about the number of Cards awaiting for her to call them, the ENG this time around traced back its steps and made Momo say that "There is one more Card that was left behind", despite in chapter 73 correctly translating Momo's words as a general "There are other Cards that haven't disappeared". So, not only they haven't even checked what they translated just 3 chapters ago and are unable to keep coherence with it, but they didn't even consider that the Card we're about to see isn't even the last one that is waiting to make an appearance ever since the Clockland Play happened. Therefore, it's NOT true that there's just one left.
But the inaccuracies aren't over, because in the next line, Sakura looks at Kaito's pocket watch, and this is the association that she makes with it:
ENG: "This is my mother's watch...and that card looked just like it. I don't remember creating it...but..." JP: "My mother's watch....I created a Card that looked like it, and I never found out when that happened"
Always thanks to Record, Sakura got also back the memories of Nadeshiko's pendant watch, how she got it, and that she found herself with a Card that looked like it but didn't know when she created it (hint: it was because Kaito rewound time, but the Card survived).
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It's the moment for Sakura to call the Card: TIME!! And finally, this Card that many awaited in trepidation gets activated for the first time. In a very poignant moment, no less! Sakura, full of gratitude, thinks about her mother and how they made this Card "together", and she finally realizes that Nadeshiko's pendant watch found its way to her through great-grandpa Masaki precisely for this. To be used in this moment. And so she does. She orders to the Card to "activate" the time of the cage, so that she can "open" it, and Nadeshiko's watch goes to position itself precisely over what I think is "the lock" of the cage. I think this might suggest why the watch was changed into a key in the anime: it would make even more sense that it's a key the one that will open the lock. The lock, together with the cage, successfully dissolves, freeing Kaito/the Dragon. The Dragon seemingly "stretches" himself (poor thing, having to stay all crouched for god knows how long!!), destroying all the remaining clockwork in the process. Sakura gets her Card back and doesn't waste time, urging everyone to get out of there. Syaoran notices the opening they had "sliced" into the fake moon earlier, and says to go through that to get outside. I think the opening is appearing here in front of them so immediately because the spell that was warping and making that space so tortuous and convoluted is now broken. Sakura and Syaoran fly towards the opening, successfully getting out of it, but once outside Sakura notices something and looks back in dismay: the Dragon is not moving. She asks frantically why. But Syaoran yells to Sakura to pay attention: she turns around, in time to see a big group of arrows pointing at them, in full attack.
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Aaaaand this is where the chapter ends, once again with a big cliffhanger!! Where is this attack coming from???
I'll give you a hint......
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Remember a nice afternoon tea, interrupted by a clan of ass*oles allied with an Association of criminals, back in chapter 33? Yeah, Kaito sure remembers well. Lord knows how many of these attacks he had to repel over the months that passed from when he was excommunicated from the Association, officially starting "the war" between him and those bastards. Kaito back then easily fended off the attack by stopping time, again at the expense of his life, but I wonder what will happen now. It's clear it's something that's coming from them. However, I'm still not sure they're concretely sending the attack right now. It might be a "trap" they've left in place in case anybody tried to free Kaito, so maybe Sakura won't confront them directly. I still don't believe this is where it's going. But we'll see what will happen and what direction CLAMP decided to give to this.
My biggest concern is also the Dragon. It became apparent, in this chapter, that the creature is Kaito himself, in some capacity. I say "in some capacity" because we don't know if he was transformed, if this is the form the Seal of D forced on him, or if it's the effect of taking all that magic from the artifact that he got from Akiho. I am pretty sure this isn't his true form or anything like that, he was a human being to begin with.
We don't even know if he's conscious of what's happening right now, what he remembers from "before", from the un-rewritten world. If he remembers about Akiho at all. Unfortunately, he didn't give any signs of even understanding what Sakura was telling him. I have to say it pains me to see Kaito like that, and this is a possibility that I had been preparing myself for since long time, so that surely "cushioned" the blow.
There is a theory going around, about why the Dragon won't move at the end of the chapter. I've seen it both from JP fans and from my mutuals too. And I have to say....it's pretty in-character. It's very convincing. The Dragon/Kaito doesn't move because he doesn't want to. Because he thinks he doesn't deserve to go out there and be saved. And it's to be noted that what Syaoran says is indeed 動かない (doesn't move), not 動けない (can't move). If we have to take those words literally, then we should exclude that there's anything "external" preventing him from moving. The reason is somewhere else.
If it's really Kaito being unsure/not willing to go with them because he doesn't think he deserves to, then that would also mean his memories are intact. Add agony over agony. If his consciousness is intact, I wonder what he thought when he saw Sakura and Syaoran? Was he surprised? I really think this could be the perfect spot where Akiho could finally spring into action. Because THAT is something only SHE can do anything about. If that's really the reason why he's not moving, then he needs to hear the full story. And he needs to hear it from the person his plan affected the most, the one he saved, yes, but also the one he's hurt the most with his blind "excess of love". But before that, Sakura needs to understand where the problem lies. I really hope she'll have the chance to talk to the Dragon again, and with her exceptional empathy, understand that Akiho needs to talk to him.
Next chapter, the 77th one, is going to be published on August 30th on CLAMP's Youtube channel, less than a month away! And by this release date, I can infer it'll go on sale with Nakayoshi on September 1st. At this point it doesn't even feel so "special" to announce it, but the next issue of Nakayoshi will see Sakura once again on the cover, and once again featured in the furoku! At the time of writing this post, no leaks have appeared regarding how/what the furoku will be.
Well! Sorry again for an endless post full of complaints about the translation, but this time around they really messed up. I thought something changed in the translation process in the past 2 chapters and they paid more attention/checked multiple times before giving the OK, but apparently this time that was not the case. As usual, I'll await any question/topic you want to discuss about in my ask box! See you at the end of this month for chapter 77!!
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felassan · 7 months
Do you think were going to see a Dreadwolf reveal trailer at Dragon Age Day or at the Game Awards?
I'm not sure, and I'm also hopeful/excited (so.. a regular felassan state of affairs hh..). if it's in a place where they feel ready to show it to the world more then that'd be neat, it'd be cool to see what's being worked on. and ofc anything said here is only speculation.
it's been at TGA before (2018 trailer, 2020 trailer), the last time being 3 years ago in 2020. if the 2024 internal currently-aimed release window mentioned in error on a dev profile recently is indeed still current (I'd guess that the change to "TBD" won't have been because the aim changed since the dev put that there btw, it'll have been because there isn't supposed to be any public info about the currently aimed release window yet but the games press noticed it on the profile, prompting BW/EA to ask the dev to change it. separate note: this being the case doesn't mean that there's no possibility that the window will slip more though), appearing at TGA 2023 wouldn't be a shock. maybe it depends on whether the possible 2024 release window is in early (but still after April 1st 2024 because of the fiscal quarter & FY24 slate stuff) 2024 or late 2024? as if it's later in 2024 (like say November) I could see a world where it isn't at TGA23 but is somewhere in the summer video game event/news expo period instead, because of the recent trend that's been observable in the industry generally and commented on by a former bioware dev re: an industry move towards shorter marketing periods (like more in the realm of a few months-6 months than a year). it's been said that the policy for this for a lot of AAA games has become a lot shorter, tending towards a lot shorter and louder marketing campaigns.
jeff grubb recently said on DA:D, "The Game Awards 2023 sounds right to me, they’ve done stuff at The Game Awards before. I’m expecting them to be there. If they’re not, it better be soon after, because Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, was, you know, there was a chance Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could’ve came out this year. Obviously it did keep moving internally, as I’ve reported before. It’s now, they’re looking at, you know, by the mid of next year, something like that.” and "The reality is, we very well could get Dragon Age: Dreadwolf content at The Game Awards. They’ve had teasers there before, it would make all the sense in the world for something to show up there." [link] this is interesting bc i'm pretty sure I remember a tweet from him last year about TGA22 where he straight up said "no it won't be there" or something basically when he was asked about it.
what I would say is that if it's gonna happen in a substantial way (as in not a codex entry and a blog post) in early December 2023, it'd likely be at TGA, not on DADay. this is based on how it was done previously and also on what's been said about DADay (an unofficial fan holiday event that just happens to occur very close to when TGA is held, thereby being overshadowed by it in terms of scale) vs TGA (a massive industry-wide high publicity event). DADay has seemed to have been more of a community-focused thing, a place to announce something smaller in scale like a tv show or a new book or to have something smaller highlighted like short stories or a codex. it's more of a 'today we are announcing we will be at TGA' with a new trailer-type [hypothetically] context rather than a 'here is a new trailer that isnt an ingame cinematic' type context, if that makes sense. saying that if it isnt going to be a 'big' trailer at TGA23, maybe there's something at DAday like last year where they showed an ingame sequence, which is smaller than a 'big substantial trailer' but still a video.
(idk if this post/ramble made sense but there you go). guess we'll find out in < 3 weeks. (❁´◡`❁)
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stevetonyweekly · 7 months
SteveTony Weekly - November 19
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Hey, y’all! Here’s what I read this week. I’m exhausted, and excited--my best friend is coming to see me!!!--so I don’t have anything to add this week. I won’t be able to do next week’s list because I’ll be traveling, so I’m gonna put up some of my favorites or maybe a trope list? Anyone got a trope y’all want me to do a list for? 
Any--comment and kudos for your authors, friends! 
pass through life at my side by silkspectred
Tony’s birthday feels like a new beginning in so many ways. Steve is back from his worst nightmare, Tony is back from his coma. They’re rebuilding the team.
It feels good to be back.
they move on tracks of never-ending light by silkspectred
In an alternative future created by a time-traveling Peter Parker, Tony Stark has been dead for a year. Steve can’t let him go.
this will destroy you by silkspectred
The screen flashes in front of his eyes. It takes him entire seconds to realize that it’s an incoming call.
shelter from the storm by silkspectred 
Tony adopts a baby. Guess who's Majorly Fucked Up™ about it.
Slut Era by BladeoftheNebula
Tony never meant to become the campus bicycle but since that was apparently what was expected of him he figured it was easier just to lean into it.
He just never expected Steve Rogers would ever want to take a ride.
submerge me in your will by captainstars 
“Hey,” Tony says. Steve’s heart thunders in his chest, his hands twitch by his side and he folds them under his chest to keep them from doing something stupid. They just look at each other for a moment. Tony registers the signs of age around Steve’s eyes, the glimpses of silver in the pale blonde of Steve’s hair. Steve takes in the pinked scar curving around Tony’s eye and jaw, and his prosthetic arm.
Steve feels like he’s a second away from breaking apart after months of clinging onto the pieces of himself. “Hey,” he replies, instead of all the other things he wants to say.
Marks On Your Skin by Becci_chan
Steve still wondered what Natasha was trying to achieve by making him confess his feelings for Tony. She was right, of course she was. It didn’t mean Steve wanted to admit it in front of her. Or in a place where Tony could come in any time. He had almost heard him say he wasn’t in love with him. Steve wasn’t sure which would have been worse.
Not One of Blood by RurouniHime
It’s just another Sunday, until it isn’t, and Tony’s own life becomes the very last thing he’s concerned about.
A Wish Your Heart Makes by Carsonian
The absolute last thing Steve's expecting is Tony Stark, and so it's fairly in character for the man to be standing on the other side of the door.
"Hi." Tony looks impatient, greeting barely out before he's walking past Steve and into the apartment. 
The First Time I Went Dancing Sober by schemingreader 
Steve Rogers is a great physical therapist who works with sick kids. Tony Stark is a damaged biotech engineering genius who really wants to be one of the good guys.
Inevitable by Naxa1818
After Tony lost a bet to Steve he has to go through a week of basic training. If only he hadn't just had a revelation about the super soldier. It was going to be a long week.
On the Road We Find the Journey Home by navaan 
In the Aftermath of Secret Empire, Steve goes on his Road Trip to find out who Captain America can be after Hyda!Cap put fear into the hearts' of the people who used to cheer for him. His thoughts trail back to Tony.
Side Effects by elimymoons
"So what I'd like to propose," Tony continued on, "is for you to let me help you out a little, yeah? We'll work off some of this energy, some of this adrenaline, and you don't have to worry about hurting yourself anymore, okay?"
Steve's in a bit of trouble. Tony wants to help him out. Sexily.
Out of Order by archwrites (Arch) 
Look, Steve wants to like Tony, but the man is impossible. Frankly, Steve's kind of a mess, too. Hatesex, pining, some angst, a little fluff, friendship, more sex, and even a little plot (a very little). But not in that order.
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nakanotamu · 4 months
Okay so this is the post about the Stardom stuff going on Right Now. I was gonna put my personal thoughts here too but lmao joke's on me even just this got long enough as well. Honestly I'm glad I waited to actually say anything because Rossy and Bushiroad both ended up talking about it pretty publicly so there's really not that much to speculate on any more. If you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, here's the background post about the past few months/year in Stardom and my own personal thoughts about everything are here.
So, wow. I spent a lot of last year joking "Stardom fire your entire office 2k24", really was not expecting them to actually take me up on it! Bushiroad fire Kidani as well 2k24??? idk if they even can I think he might control too much of the company but I may as well keep swinging while I can
So yeah, apparently immediately after the Osaka PPV last Sunday, February 4th, Bushiroad fired Rossy. On a practical level this isn't really a big change - as I've said before, Rossy was off of booking and apparently not even being listened to since last April at least already, this isn't a huge shake up of Stardom management. What IS a huge shakeup is why.
Bushiroad said they fired Rossy because he was poaching wrestlers & staff from Stardom. Rossy denies this, but has confirmed he is starting a new promotion. Which, first and foremost from me, I'm glad we can immediately put the WWE rumours to bed. Rossy says he told Bushiroad in November that he would not re-sign his contract with them in March since he wasn't being listened to anyway and told the staff and some wrestlers this and that he was thinking of starting a new promotion. Bushiroad claims he was deliberately poaching from them. Honestly, given the state of Bushiroad management, I could absolutely see them just being completely caught off guard by how many of the roster want to leave and freaking out, but we'll probably never know the truth of the matter.
It is confirmed that some of the Stardom roster are not re-signing with Stardom and are planning to join Rossy's new promotion. Bushiroad came out and openly said that, including some top names and even current title holders. That a number of people will be leaving is for sure happening. We do know for sure Mayu is the only person definitely contracted to Bushiroad later than March, as the movie about her comes out in May, but it seems likely she leaves after that. EDIT to add that a couple days later Tam said openly that she is staying with Stardom as well but I'm not gonna keep updating this every time someone says something new. Anything beyond that about who exactly is leaving or how many is pure speculation. I've seen everything from only one or two people leaving to close to a 50/50 split to only one or two people staying. We'll know in a month or two.
I think it's also worth remembering while WON is writing about this however much and the dirtsheets run with things, their source is Literally Just Sonny, who we already know to be both unreliable and Rossy's biggest cheerleader. It doesn't even seem like the wrestlers actually talk to him about it or anything, he just Works There, and more than once he's passed on some story that's gotten out just to then pass on that so-and-so was so mad it got out, on top of the stuff he's just flat wrong about. It just seems like he has a deep need to be An Insider, the kind of guy who actually gets a job in wrestling and uses that for reddit clout, so keep in mind that that's where all of the english "scoops" are coming from. The news for the next however long it's coming solely from him is going to be sensationalized, decidedly anti-Bushiroad and pro-Rossy, and probably try and throw at least a few of the wrestlers who do stay with Stardom under the bus, because that's his MO and we've seen it all before from him. So like, just as usual take everything with the biggest grain of salt you can manage.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 18 days
Learning New Things
Paranormal Preteens AU: Episode Twenty-Four
A JSE Fanfic
After the two-part romp of the gang exploring Caverns & Creatures, it's back to business. The kids have exams coming up before winter vacation, so they have to buckle down and study and try to ignore anything supernatural happening. But that proves impossible for JJ and Marvin, as they finally figure out what that strange doll does. And they're not fond of it. Hopefully next chapter we'll reach winter vacation so the kids will be a bit more free :) Big things are planned! We just gotta build up to get there ^-^
More of this AU | From the Start | Read on AO3 at CrystalNinjaPhoenix
Even with all the supernatural battles they’d fought since summer, Chase thought that exams were the worst struggle he’d had this year. And this was only for the end of the fall term! He was dreading how much exams would suck  at the end of the school year. November and December flew by in a blur of assignments. He tried to put them off for as long as possible, but not only was Mom constantly asking him about homework, but so was Schneep. “I would be willing to help, if you need it,” he was constantly saying.
Chase turned him down every time. “I’m never gonna figure it out if I get help,” he said. “Besides, you’re also busy, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I am always on the top of my class work,” Schneep would reply. “And we have some same classes, I could definitely help with those.”
The first time he said that, Chase said, “Great! Can I see your work, then?” And Schneep slapped his arm and said something about cheating that Chase couldn’t quite make out, since half of it was in German. So Chase learned to quietly accept the help Schneep provided. It felt a bit weird to get help from someone younger than him, but Schneep was really smart, so it wasn’t too weird. Still, there were some times when Schneep was at a loss for how to explain things. Especially with maths. Maths were Chase’s worst subject. The numbers just didn’t click in his brain.
Still, he struggled on. It was so hard to concentrate with the other big thing coming up. That being, only the greatest holiday of the year: Christmas. He couldn’t wait! The lights, the presents, the decorations, the songs! And he had to get presents for Schneep and the others! And maybe he could save up to get something for Mom, too? What did Mom like? Books and stuff, right?
Chase was sure that every single kid out there was as excited for this holiday as he was. But one day, at lunch—
“What do you mean you don’t like Christmas?!” Chase gasped.
Marvin shrugged. “At home, basically every day after our birthday is fucking soaked in Christmas. You saw the lights were up already, right? I’m pretty sure they put those up on November first.”
Usually, yes, but not this year, JJ said. Didn’t you notice? They waited until the day after you were home.
“Uh... not really,” Marvin said. “But that’s, uh, good.” He looked back at Chase. “Anyway, yeah, ‘cause of that I don’t really care about Christmas all that much.”
Me neither, JJ agreed. The best part of Christmas is that our grandma stays with us until New Year’s. Other than that? I’m not a fan.
Chase stared at them in disbelief. He looked at Stacy. “What about you?”
“Uhhhh... I-I don’t have any... strong feelings,” Stacy said awkwardly.
“How can you not have strong feelings?!” Chase turned to Schneep. “Come on, Schneep! Christmas is great! Like—you’ve gone to our family Christmas parties in America! I’ve seen you there!”
“Well, Mama and Papa would fly us over for the party, and then we would sleep in a hotel and leave the first thing the next morning,” Schneep said.
“Huh? Well... I guess I never really saw you guys hanging around...” Chase and his parents would always fly to his grandparents’ house a week before the actual party, doing stuff in town and spending time with the rest of the family who would gradually show up over the following days. He realized he never did see Schneep or his parents there outside of the party on Christmas Eve. It was one of the reasons he hadn’t been close with Schneep before Mom took him in. “You guys would fly back on Christmas morning? What about opening presents?”
Schneep looked down at the table. “Most of Christmas was Papa’s business things. If I was good during the time, I-I would... get my present at the end of the day...” He slowly trailed off.
Chase clenched his fists, angry, and then took a deep breath and nudged Schneep beside him. “Well I can show you how Mom and me do things this year, then! It’s so much better than that!” Schneep smiled softly.
“So, you guys are gonna fly to America for Christmas?” Stacy asked.
“Uh... I dunno,” Chase said. “We usually do, we leave right after exams are done. But, uh, a while ago Mom asked me how I’d feel about staying here this year. And I... said I’d be fine with that.” He shrugged, trying to look unbothered about it. He would really miss the Christmas party this year. But... it wouldn’t be the same without his dad there, too. And since the party was on Mom’s side of the family, he probably wasn’t going to be there.
“Aunt Jess asked me something similar,” Schneep said quietly.
“Winter holiday would fucking suck without you guys,” Marvin said.
Yes, I agree, JJ said.
Stacy frowned. “You should add, like, ‘no pressure’ to the end of that or something.”
No pressure, JJ added. Then he blinked, looking momentarily confused, but dismissed it.
“Well, ah, moving on from Christmas,” Schneep said. “Have you all figured out anything more about the strange doll?”
JJ glanced to the side—no doubt looking towards his locker. Apparently the doll would show up in his bag if he carried it around school with him, but if he left his bag in his locker it would stay there.
“Well, uh, last night we tried seeing if a knife did anything to it,” Marvin said.
“What?!” Stacy gasped.
“It didn’t, don’t worry,” Marvin said. “But then again, we didn’t do too much. We just kinda... pressed it against the doll. Didn’t cut through the cloth or anything. But! JJ couldn’t feel that.” JJ nodded. “So it’s probably fine. He also didn’t feel it when we dropped the doll out the window again. Or stacked books on top of it.”
“And... you two just did this on your own?” Schneep asked, worried.
We were careful! JJ said.
“What if something worked?! You would be hurt!”
“It’d be fiiiine, we were careful!” Marvin said. “Very slow about it. JJ was able to stop things if he started feeling weird.”
“You guys are crazy,” Stacy muttered.
“I mean... I guess if it worked?” Chase figured, gesturing vaguely. “Anyway. You guys notice any grown-ups who might be in the Circle watching you or anything?”
JJ shrugged. I think... the attention has started to fade, maybe.
“We’ll be able to go back to normal stuff once we reach winter holiday!” Marvin said cheerfully. “And once the fucking exams are over—fucking hell, I always forget how much I hhhate them.”
“If you are in trouble of failing, I could try to help you learn,” Schneep offered.
“Nah—you guys are a year below us, your shit is all different,” Marvin said. “Thanks, though. I don’t think I’ll fail anything, but... uh...” Marvin trailed off. For a moment, he looked... afraid. Not mortally afraid, but still. There was fear in his expression. Chase knew immediately what it meant. He was afraid that he actually would fail something.
“Well, uh, getting bad grades isn’t the end of the world,” Chase said awkwardly. “I did really bad on my exams last year. I, uh... couldn’t study.” Couldn’t bring himself to study. He ended up spending most of April and May lying in bed and feeling bad. Maybe he should’ve tried a bit harder? “B-but I ended up alright!” he hurriedly added, partly to push away his own doubtful thoughts.
I’m helping Marvin, don’t worry, JJ said. He smiled. He’s not going to get bad grades if I can help it.
Marvin laughed. “Yeah. And, uh... really thanks for that, JJ.”
Of course. You’re my brother.
“Do you think Jackie could tutor you guys?” Stacy asked.
“He’s probably busy,” Marvin said. “He’s in sixth form this year, right? That’s gotta be a lot of schoolwork. But I guess we can ask if things get really fucking bad.”
Chase frowned. “I still don’t really understand what sixth form is... even though I’ve lived here for years now, I just don’t get it. Is it like... a different school? But it happens in the same building?”
“Yeah, I think it’s special stuff to help you prepare for like... going to uni and shit,” Marvin said, frowning. “Well, whatever. We don’t have to deal with that for a couple years. And Jackie’s smart. I’m sure he’s doing good even if it’s a lot.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Chase nodded. Jackie was really cool and smart. He was probably dealing with exams better than most of them.
“I’m so fucking dumb,” Jackie said, slamming his head down on the open textbook.
“You’re not dumb,” Fengge said reassuringly. “You’re just not good at taking notes.”
“Because taking notes is booooriiiiing,” Jackie groaned.
He was with the rest of his friends, sitting around a table in Fengge’s house. His parents had a full-on library attached to the side of their house. Well... it was a single room with floor-to-ceiling bookcases surrounding it. But there were still a lot of books in here! And the bookcases lent the room a sort of soundproofing, so the friend group tended to gather here when it came time to study.
“I’m with you,” Missy said, idly doodling on a corner of her notebook. “Not fun. And not all that helpful.”
“Studies show that note-taking is very helpful, actually,” Rama muttered. “Otherwise I would not remember how to calculate the area of a... uh... an ellipses.”
“Pi times semimajor axis times semiminor axis,” Sylvester said.
“Whoa! You know that off the top of your head, Syl?” Missy said, eyes wide. “Impressive!”
“It’s, uh, really not.”
“Smart and good at Gym—you’re a rare breed, Sylvester Shepard!” Missy said, leaning close to him.
Sylvester frowned. “...I feel like all smart people should be offended by that.”
“Oh, uh.” Missy slowly leaned back “I didn’t mean it like that. I just... think you’re great.”
“Oh. Um, thanks.”
“You two need a room,” Celine muttered.
While his friends bantered, Jackie lifted his head and stared down at the textbook. Why did he need to take Biology again? He didn’t want to have a job that would need it... maybe. He thinks. What did he want his future job to be? The question stuck in his head for a while before it slowly fell out, a thick syrup like all the rest of his current thoughts. He could think about his future later. Right now, his present was full of homework. Come on, concentrate. What was something important about Biology that he remembered? The structure of an animal cell... “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell,” he muttered.
“Maybe we take a break,” Fengge said, reaching over to close Jackie’s textbook for him. The pages gently slapped Jackie’s cheek, since his head was still pretty close to the book.
“I’m fine, I can keep going,” Jackie said, putting a hand in the book as he sat up so Fengge couldn’t fully close it.
“Yeah, no, clearly not,” Ram said. “Breaks are good for you, Jackie.”
“Welp. I’m all for it.” Missy closed her notebook. “Now what d’we do during the break?”
“We could... watch a movie?” Sylvester said.
“That break sounds a little too long,” Celine said. She put her books down and moved them into a little stack. “Let’s just chat. I actually wanted to tell you something, Jackie.”
“Hmm?” Jackie perked up. “What is it?”
“You’re still looking for that Jack guy, right?”
Jackie immediately sat up straight. “Yeah?”
“Well I talked to my brother, Mr. Student Body,” Celine said. “He said that when Jack’s parents had to pull him out they were required to give a moving address. To prove they’re moving out of range. I guess. He said it’s probably still in the records, so that the school can send them letters.”
“Why would the school want to send a former student letters?” Sylvester asked. “I know universities do that, but... our school?”
Celine shrugged. “It’s what he said.”
Jackie’s mind was racing. “Do you think you could...? Do you think I could ask your brother for...?”
Celine grinned. “He wouldn’t tell you, Jackie. But fortunately, I have myself some ways.” She wriggled her fingers mystically. “I can figure it out for you... for a price.” That last part was added in a spooky voice.
“I’m not giving you thirty pounds,” Jackie said, straight-faced.
“I’ll take it.”
“Done.” Jackie reached into his pocket and dug around for his wallet. He opened it up, took out a few loose bills, and handed over seven. “The rest on completion.”
“Hehehe.” Celine grinned. “That’s fair.”
Sylvester watched this all happen. “You guys freak me out sometimes.”
“But you looove us,” Jackie said teasingly.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Why are you so curious about Jack McLoughlin, anyway, Jackie?” Ram asked. “Is it because of the name incident?”
“Uh... I just want to talk to him about some stuff,” Jackie said. “I... think he could help with it.”
“Hmm. That is fair.”
A moment passed in silence. “We could ask my mom for snacks,” Fengge said, looking towards the library door. “That would probably help with everything.”
“Oooo snacks!” Missy said. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
The group got up and headed out of the room towards Fengge’s kitchen. Jackie tried to keep his face neutral. If they could reach Jack, they could see if he really was connected to Anti. And if they could take care of Anti, they could stop these monsters for good. Or at least, stop Anti from getting them forcibly involved with the monsters. The rest? Well... he and the kids would figure it out eventually.
Marvin stared at the worksheet sitting before him. He was sitting on the floor of his and Jameson’s shared bedroom, the worksheet sitting on a stack of books that formed a makeshift table. He really wished that they had a desk in their room. Honestly, he was surprised that Mam and Dad hadn’t already gotten one for JJ. But their room was pretty small; he wasn’t sure where a desk would fit, anyway.
A flush echoed down the hallway, and a few moments later, JJ appeared in the doorway. Sorry about that, he said.
“Literally don’t worry about it, it’s so normal,” Marvin said.
JJ sat down next to him. While I was gone, did you figure out the answer?
“Uhhh...” Marvin looked back down at the paper. “It’s... x = 12, right?”
Marvin, this is your World History homework, JJ signed gently.
“I know, I know. Just... thought I’d make a joke.” Marvin smiled weakly at JJ. When JJ didn’t smile back, he sighed, and put his head in his hands. “This fucking sucks, JJ. When am I ever gonna need to know this? I don’t think Chinese dynasties will come up a lot in my life.”
You could have taken English History instead, JJ pointed out.
“But I’ve taken English History every year! We never get any farther than, like, the fucking 1830s.”
Well, maybe this year would’ve been different if you took it, JJ said.
Marvin groaned. “Whatever. Just... help me out with this. It’s... Zhou, Shang, Qin—”
The first two are reversed, actually.
JJ smiled. Do you remember that little song I taught you to help with this?
“I do! I just... got the first two reversed.” Marvin groaned.
Let me see your textbook, JJ said.
Marvin pulled it out from the pile, opening it up. “I’m working on this chapter.” Some papers were sandwiched between the pages, covered in graphite writing. His notes. “And here’s what I got.”
JJ looked over the notes. The problem is that you’re being TOO detailed, I think. You’re never going to remember a long sentence like this. You have to jot down something shorter that reminds you of the longer fact. This is why people make acronyms and such.
“But... it all seems important,” Marvin said slowly.
JJ nodded. It does, but if you can remember a fact that’s linked to other facts, then the rest will come to you. Or at least, that’s how it’s always worked for me.
Marvin nodded back. “Alright. So... what should I focus on with this?”
The exam will probably ask you for a bunch of dates, so focus on those, JJ said. So you have to come up with ways to remember all those numbers. For me, I like to—
More footsteps came down the hallway. Dad peered into the open bedroom of their room. “What are you boys working on?” he asked.
“Uh... studying, Dad,” Marvin said.
“Oh really?” Dad smiled. “Working hard, huh? What’re you looking at now?”
“Um, World History,” Marvin said.
“Hmm?” Dad looked confused. “Jameson, I didn’t think you were taking World History.”
JJ blinked. I’m not... he said slowly. ...but I’m helping Marvin.
“Oh? So... you’ve already gotten all your own homework done, then?”
JJ hesitated. He nodded.
“Really?” Dad raised an eyebrow doubtfully. “So if I went down to check on your homework on the table downstairs, your essay would be done?”
Oh shit. The essay. Marvin glanced at JJ worriedly, knowing that he hadn’t even started it. It’s not due until next week, JJ said.
“It’s never good to procrastinate, Jameson. That only leads to sloppy work at the last minute. You need time to edit your writing and double-check that you’re doing the best work you can. You don’t often get second chances in life.” Dad smiled in a... well-meaning way. “Now. Go down and work on your homework and don’t stop until you’re done with that essay.”
JJ stood up right away, nodding, and headed out of the room. Marvin looked after him, surprised at how fast he got up and left. Usually when something like this happened, JJ at least took time to reassure Marvin that he’ll be back later. Or to remind Marvin about some important fact or studying method. Not this time. It was fine, but... confusing. And Marvin would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little hurt, wondering if he’d done something wrong. But it was too late to say anything. JJ was already gone, leaving Dad standing awkwardly in the bedroom doorway. “Well... good luck, Marvin,” Dad said, and went back down the hall towards his and Mam’s bedroom. 
Marvin sighed and looked back at his notes and worksheets.
Meanwhile, JJ was sitting at the kitchen table, pencil in hand, before he even realized what he was doing. He just—got up like that? How rude! He should go back upstairs to apologize to Marvin, at least. And finish what he was telling him. Maybe he could even take his books upstairs with him. Even though he usually left them at the kitchen table so he could do homework on a proper flat surface, it would be better to do homework together, wouldn’t it?
He started to get up.
Or, at least... he tried to.
He pushed the chair back from the table, but when he thought about standing up... his body just didn’t listen. He continued to sit there.
Okay, that was annoying. Come on, JJ. There would be no real consequence to delaying for a moment. Mam and Dad probably wouldn’t even notice if he popped back upstairs. Come on. Stand up.
But his legs wouldn’t move.
Jameson’s eyes widened in alarm. He looked down at the pencil in his hand, and told himself to let go of it. But the result was the same. His fingers stayed wrapped around the wood. He wasn’t gripping it tightly or anything. Just holding it casually. But he couldn’t... let... go.
He stared at his hand, utterly baffled for a moment. And while he did that, he found himself pulling the chair closer to the table. His other hand grabbed a piece of paper from the stack nearby and set it in front of him. And then... the pencil started to move. It pressed to the paper, and his eyes widened as he felt his hand write his name at the top without his intent.
What was this?! What was happening?!
The pencil wrote down his name, the class, and the professor’s name, and then stopped. Desperately, he tried to push back from the table again, but every time he thought about it his body stayed still. His eyes widened and his breathing started to speed up as panic crept up on him. Why?! Why couldn’t he stand up?! He looked around the kitchen, eyes darting, head turning. Was there something strange in here?! No, he couldn’t see anything. His eyes looked back down to the paper. Was he—was he being compelled to do his homework? Why?!
No no no, he didn’t want to do that. He wanted to go back upstairs and help Marvin. This wasn’t due for a while, but Marvin’s worksheet was due the day after tomorrow! He had to help him a bit more, at least!
Why couldn’t he stand up?!
A small whimper came from his throat. He continued to struggle against whatever force was keeping him here, against whatever was keeping him still. But he couldn’t fight it. He thought about crying out for help—Granmam was in the living room, she would hear him before Marvin or his parents did. But, as always, his throat closed up.
Maybe—maybe if he just got through the essay, this would go away? Maybe if he focused long enough to do it, he could get up afterwards? He wasn’t going to be stuck sitting here forever, he couldn’t be!
His vision was starting to blur with tears. Focus! Calm down! Just calm down! He didn’t have to write a good essay, he just had to write something.
Slowly, he took shaking breaths, and tried to concentrate on the words. He just... had to write about... what was he writing about? A book? Right, The Count of Monte Cristo. What prompt had he chosen, again? Something about... morality in the book?
Concentrate, concentrate. Everything would be okay if he could concentrate.
Time passed. He wrote slower than he usually did, counting the words until he was done, trying to write around wet spots on the paper. Finally, he finished it off with a weak conclusion paragraph. He leaned back, breathing slowly, blinking up at the ceiling. Then he tried to stand up.
It worked. Just as normal. It was so normal, in fact, that for a moment he doubted anything had happened. But no. He would never be able to forget that.
He walked out into the hallway, reaching the staircase—
“Jems!” Granmam was in the hallway already, walking towards the kitchen. Next to her feet, their kitten Sinney wound around her legs. But they both stopped as they saw Jameson, Granmam staring in shock. “Are you alrigh’, lad?”
Jameson was aware that his eyes were red and his face was red. But he couldn’t explain what just happened. He—he didn’t know how to. So he just hurried up the stairs, not looking at her as he climbed.
Marvin had given up on the worksheet and was now lying on Jameson’s bottom bunk, flipping through the instruction manual for his magic kit. He initially didn’t look up as he heard Jameson come in. “Hey, d’you think I could use my greenlight powers to do some of these for real?” he asked. And then he looked up. And he went white. “Wh-what happened?”
Jameson shook his head. I don’t know! I couldn’t move!
“What do you mean?” Marvin sat up straight.
I went down to the table and I couldn’t move I couldn’t stand up and the only way to fix it was to write the essay and I don’t know what it was but it must have been something weird and magic and scary— Jameson’s signs started to fall apart as the panic returned.
“Whoa, whoa, hey!” Marvin quickly scrambled to his feet and walked over to JJ. He put his hands on his shoulders. “Calm down. Breathe, JJ. Please.” His voice was soft. Gentle. A solid anchor to grab onto.
JJ took a few deep breaths and wiped his eyes. It must have been something related to Anti or the greenlight or something. That wasn’t normal.
Marvin shook his head. “No, it wasn’t. Hang on. I-I was thinking about this, and I might be able to sense the greenlight...”
JJ nodded slowly. He knew that Marvin had been practicing on that. So far, he’s been able to pick up on ‘vibes’ from the weird doll and some of the rocks in his collection.
While Marvin closed his eyes, concentrating, JJ heard footsteps come up the stairs. Granmam stopped in the doorway to their bedroom, holding Sinney in her arms. “I was wond’rin’ if you two wanted some playtime with the kitten.”
Marvin’s eyes immediately opened up again. “Sinney!” He went over to the corner, grabbing a cat toy that he’d left there. He dangled it in front of Sinney, and she immediately leapt out of Granmam’s arms and pounced on it.
“Is there anyt’ing else you lads need?” Granmam asked, looking directly at JJ as she said that.
Jameson shook his head. No. But thank you, Granmam.
Granmam smiled. “Any time.” And she headed back downstairs.
JJ waited until she was gone to close the doorway. Then he turned back to Marvin. Did you get any vibes?
“No more than the normal ones,” Marvin said. “From there—” He pointed at his box of rocks. “—and there.” He pointed at the corner where they’d thrown the doll earlier. It was sitting on the floor casually. Like it was relaxing and staring at them.
JJ shivered. He walked over to the doll and turned it around so it was facing the wall instead. And... that’s when he noticed it. Does the doll look... bigger to you?
“Huh?” Marvin looked away from Sinney and towards the doll. “I... guess.” He paused. “It’s not, like, taller, but it does look... bigger? Like there’s more stuffing inside.” His eyes widened. “Do you think the doll did that to you?”
JJ nodded slowly. We HAVE been wondering what it does... 
“Holy shit. It... froze you in place?”
No, that wasn’t exactly what happened. He wasn’t just frozen. He was stuck there until he did his homework. JJ frowned. He had a crazy idea... He didn’t want it to be right, but there was one way to figure out if he was. Tell me to do something, he said.
Marvin blinked. “Huh?”
Tell me to do something, JJ repeated. Something I wouldn’t normally want to do.
“Okay, uh...” Marvin looked down at Sinney. “Meow like a cat.”
“Mew.” JJ’s eyes widened as the sound popped out of his mouth. 
Marvin glanced at him in surprise.
Now see what the vibes from the doll are, Jameson said.
Marvin narrowed his eyes at the doll in concentration. He gasped. “It—there was like, a spike in the vibes. A vibe spike.”
Tell me to do something else! Jameson insisted.
“Um, uh—do ten jumping jacks!”
JJ started jumping immediately. He tried to stop, but just like downstairs, his body didn’t listen to his brain. As he did this, panic on his face, Marvin looked over at the doll again. “Another vibe spike!” he gasped. “The—the doll—it’s—making you do stuff?”
JJ finally finished his jumping jacks, panting. It’s making me do stuff people are telling me to, I think.
“That’s so fucking fucked up!” Marvin gasped. “What the fuck?! And we’re pretty sure the Circle gave this to you, right?! What the fuck?! Why?!”
I don’t know, JJ said. But we need to message the others.
“So you’ve never seen a Christmas movie?” Chase pushed. “Like, at all?”
Schneep shook his head. “No, and I am starting to get tired of you and everyone else talking about Christmas all the time.”
“Sorry. It’s just... such an important thing to me, you know?” Chase said. “It’s like... really big and happy and, uh... and good.” He shrugged. “Anyway, you gotta at least see one Christmas movie. Then I’ll leave you alone. Probably. I’ll try, I mean.” He was currently crouched on the floor in front of the TV, looking through their DVDs. Schneep sat on the sofa behind him. In his lap was a textbook and his small plushie bat, Mitternacht. “Uh... We can watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Or these stop motion things, I guess, they’re kinda boring. Nightmare Before Christmas is more of a Halloween one, I think, but we didn’t watch it in October so we could watch it now. Have you heard of any of these at all?”
Schneep shook his head. “No. I am sorry.”
Chase sighed. “Maybe you didn’t have any of these in Germany.”
“No, maybe we did. But my parents did not like me to watch television. Remember?”
“Yeah...” Chase frowned for a moment, then continued looking through the movies. “Oh! A Muppet Christmas Carol! That one’s fun. But my favorite is Home Alone. It’s funny. We can watch that.”
“Do you think I will like it?” Schneep asked.
“Yeah, sure! It’s about this kid who gets left home alone accidentally while his family goes to France for Christmas holiday. While the mom really tries to get back to him, he has to stop some burglars from getting into the house.”
“Ooo.” Schneep leaned closer. “Alright. I am... intrigued.”
Chase laughed. “Intrigued? Fancy word.”
“It means curious... I think. Or, ah... interested?”
“Can’t believe you know more English words than me sometimes,” Chase muttered, setting up the DVD.
Footsteps came down the stairs as Mom arrived in the living room. “What are you boys doing?” she asked. “Are you done with homework?”
“Yeah, Mom,” Chase said. “I’m showing Henrik Home Alone.”
Schneep nodded. He held out the textbook—apparently it was a habit of his to offer for Aunt Jess to check his work.
“Don’t worry about it, Henrik,” Mom said, knowing what he was asking. “Before you two get started, Chase, I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh. Uh, yeah, sure.” Chase stood up and walked over.
“Both of you,” Mom continued. She looked back and forth between Chase and Schneep. “How would the two of you feel about... having the family Christmas party here this year?”
“Huh?” Chase blinked. “Like... in our house?”
“Well, obviously our house isn’t as big as Grandma and Grandpa’s,” Mom says. “So the family wouldn’t actually stay in the house. They’d stay in a hotel.”
“Ohhh. Uh...” Chase thought about it. He did really like traveling back to America every year for the party. His grandparents’ house was great, they had a big TV and a big yard with a playground and so many rooms! But... He looked at Schneep. “What d’you think?”
“Ah... wh-who will be coming to the party?” Schneep asked, looking nervous.
Mom looked at him seriously. “Albrecht and Maggie won’t be invited if you’re not comfortable with them being there,” she said softly.
Schneep looked down at his lap. He messed with Mitternacht’s wings. “I... I would be... fine with... h-having the party here. As for Mama and Papa... ahm... a-ask me again l-later.”
Mom nodded. “Alright. If you’re sure.” She looked at Chase. “What about you? You know, if we have the party here... I was... thinking about inviting some of your dad’s relatives.”
Chase perked up. “Will Dad be there?” He hadn’t been expecting Dad to go to the Christmas party, since it was on Mom’s side of the family.
“I don’t know, sweets. Maybe.”
Chase nodded. “Y-yeah, let’s have the party here!”
Mom smiled. “Great. I’ll start sending out invitations, then.” She headed back upstairs. “You have fun watching the movie!”
“We will, Mom!” Chase shouted up after her. He grinned, thinking about it. What if Dad really did come to the party? What if—what if he could talk to him? About video games and baseball and everything? That would be amazing! Though his chest kinda hurt thinking about it... Not because he was sad. Because he was feeling... something else. He didn’t know what, though. It was... good, maybe? Maybe... he could ask Mom about that later. For now, he looked at Schneep. “Are you, uh... okay?”
Schneep nodded slowly. He was hugging Mitternacht to his chest. “Ah, can we... watch the movie now? You said it was funny?”
“Yeah.” Chase walked back over to the sofa and sat down next to Schneep in his usual place. While they’d been talking, the previews included on the DVD had been playing. He quickly pressed the menu button. “The movie’s from, like, years ago so some things are different, but the funny is forever.”
Schneep laughed a little. “I am very intrigued now.”
Chase laughed as well. “Hope it lives up to the intrigued, then.”
He pressed play on the remote and the two of them settled in for the movie, leaning close against each other. The first half of the movie proceeded normally, but then—
He heard the text tone of his phone go off. Chase scooted over to the end table to grab it, looking at the message. It was from JJ. Emergency meeting tomorrow at zellys PLEASE!!!!
“Is it one of the others?” Schneep asked.
“Yeah... JJ says we need to meet tomorrow.” Chase frowned. The capital letters and multiple exclamation marks really wasn’t like JJ’s usual way of typing. He hoped everything was okay.
It would be fine, wouldn’t it? After all, the meeting isn’t now, it couldn’t be that bad if JJ was asking them to wait until tomorrow.
Chase slowly set the phone down. “I’ll ask him about the time after we’re done,” he said. Though he felt a bit bad about it, he was sure everything would be okay.
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cosmicclearwater · 1 year
Cliff Diving
Genre: fluff Character: Embry Call Word Count: 1k Warnings: cursing
(a/n: I'm not sure if I really like this one or not so I might end up taking it down. Or just heavily editing it. We'll see. 🤷🏽‍♀️)
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"You know, Embry? If you weren't so pretty, I would definitely punch you in the face." you said to the boy next to you.
"For what?" he chuckled.
"For dragging me up here. I'm really confused as to how you convinced me to do this?" you glared daggers at your boyfriend. 
"I didn't drag you up here. I made a joke about you not having the guts to do it, not knowing you would feel the need to prove yourself over something this stupid and reckless, clearly a lapse of better judgment on my part. I'm here with you because I love you and I'm the only one you trust with your life." he stated, continuing to lead you up the trees.
"Well, Call, I'm starting to rethink the whole 'trusting you with my life' part as we speak." you huffed. "I've decided that I value my life a lot more than I let on and I don't want to die today."
"You're not gonna die." he rolled his eyes at your dramatics.
"Says you. You're a fucking werewolf who fights vampires for a living. Jumping off of a big ass cliff is like a walk in the park for you. Not to mention the fact that it's the middle of fucking November and you aren't at risk of hypothermia."
"Babe." he stopped once you finally reached the cliff, holding your face in his hands to make sure he had your full attention. "You'll be fine. I'll be with you every step of the way. And you don't have to worry about the cold. I left some dry clothes in the truck and my body maintains a temperature of over 100 degrees, I'll carry you all the way back if I have to."
"Thanks for the reassurance, but I'm still freaking out."
"You can still back out of it. I'm not forcing you to do this. I was actually the one that tried the hardest to talk you out of it. You're the one that wanted to come up here, not me."
"Because I can't back out. Paul and Jared owe me $20 each if I jump."
"Well, then let's get this over with and go. I asked Sam to have the fireplace lit for when we get back and Emily is making some soup."
Walking towards the edge of the cliff, hand-in-hand with Embry, you began to really regret your decisions. You couldn't help but curse Paul and Jared for fueling your competitiveness as you stared over the edge at the waves crashing against the side of the cliff below you.
"Ready?" Embry asked, hand squeezing yours as a sign of comfort.
"No." you shook your head, fear running through every vein in your body.
"Take a deep breath and then cover your nose. I'm gonna count to three and then we will go, okay?" 
"Okay." you nodded, taking a deep breath in before exhaling and using your free hand to pinch your nose.
Before you could finish mentally preparing yourself, Embry shouted three and pulled you off the cliff with him. It felt like an eternity before you both finally broke the surface, plunging into the deep, freezing water. Embry was quick to pull you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you as much as he could but still allowing him to swim and get you both back to shore. As fast as he could, he picked you up and ran you back to the truck. Getting in, he turned the heater on full blast and let you get changed in the back seat while he changed into a dry pair of shorts outside, opting not to wear a shirt. Once you had finished, he settled into the drivers seat and waited for you to join him at the front of the truck. As soon as you did, he pulled you to the center, allowing you to press yourself into his side as close as you could get.
The drive back to Sam and Emily's didn't take long and before you knew it, you were snuggling up in Embry's arms on the floor in front of the fireplace. Wrapped in multiple blankets with him in an attempt to trap his body heat and warm you up as fast as possible, you were finally beginning to gain feeling back in your toes and fingers. Now that you had finally reached a comfortable temperature, you were beginning to doze off, the feeling of your boyfriends fingers running through you hair not helping with the drowsiness. However, that was quickly ruined by the obnoxiously loud men that burst through the door right as your eyes fell shut.
"I can't believe you actually did it." Jared spoke first upon noticing your curled up figure in his friends lap, voice full of amusement. 
"Same." Paul agreed. "As mad as I want to be about losing out on some money, I can't help but feel proud of you."
"It was an idiotic move though." Leah interjected, from the spot she had taken on the couch. "Your body isn't built for that type of shit like ours is. Especially with how cold it is outside. It could have ended with a trip to the hospital."
"I tried to tell her that but she wouldn't listen." Embry sighed. "Maybe she would have if these two bozos hadn't made a bet with her." he glared at the two men who only chuckled in response.
"I'm fine though." you shrugged. "Embry was there to help keep me warm."
"You may be safe from hypothermia but I bet you'll wake up with a nasty cold tomorrow. His warmth can only help so much." she pointed out.
"I can handle a cold." you argued. "Plus, I don't plan on doing that again. Ever. So there's nothing to worry about."
The conversation went on for a little while longer before Emily interrupted, announcing that the food was done. After finishing your soup and waiting on your boyfriend to finish his, you and Embry returned to your spot by the fireplace where you finally allowed sleep to overcome you.
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finallydelight · 1 year
Hiiii! I was wondering if you could write about ming´s first rehearsal after her hiatus and the members´ reaction to it. It was mentioned that she hat lost weight and couldn’t keep up with the choreography🥺 i love your writings btw💕
We’ll Figure Something Out | Ming Chapter
warnings: this chapter has mentions of weight loss, fatigue, hospitals, etc. vomiting is also present in this chapter. so, if you're not comfortable with any of those, I recommend to skip this one and take care of yourself, my darlings ❤️‍🩹
author’s note: thank you so much for the request, honey ! I hope you like it and let me know what you think of it ! 🫶
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November 1, 2022
Ming quietly walked into the practice room, Seungcheol's right hand firmly on her shoulder, his left one occupied with holding her bag. The members warmly welcomed them, happy to see her again in the practice room after what seemed forever.
''Hey, what did they say?'' Jeonghan asked the pair, appearing at Ming's side as soon as they had stepped in the room.
Before they walked in, Ming and Cheol had made a visit to her doctor. The company and members wanted to make sure she had medical approval to start rehearsing again. Cheol insisted on going with her, not fully trusting her to go by herself. Ming was very desperate to join the members again on tour, he didn't want to risk her lying in case the doctor said she couldn't join them yet.
Her grandmother's hospitalization had taken a huge toll on her. Ming barely slept, barely ate and kept all of her worries to herself. Overall, she wasn't taking good care of herself, physically and mentally, prioritizing her little brothers. Once she had returned to Seoul, she had lost a lot of weight, her skin looked pale and she hadn't genuinely smiled once. Obviously, it had made the members extremely worried seeing her in the state that she was. It wasn't the first time she had undergone a great loss of weight, but it had been a while since the last time.
Of course, they took care of her as well as they could. Mingyu became her personal nurse and gradually was getting her back to her regular eating routine. Next to cooking, he carried her around the dorm on his back, although after just a few days that was stopped by Jeonghan who said Ming needed to build her strength again.
''He said I could resume my activities again if I wished to, but that I need to take everything very slowly and shouldn't do anything that is too intense for me.'' Ming copied her doctor's words, a soft smile gracing her face.
The members made sounds of excitement, Soonyoung and Dokyeom even going as far as clapping for her. The staff were also very delighted to know she would be joining them again, being fond of the young woman.
''Let's start stretching then.'' Hyerim told the group, clapping her hands together. She made her way over to where Ming was taking off her jacket. ''How's your knee doing, Yerm?'' She asked her, looking down at her legs.
Ming hesitantly answered. ''If I don't put too much pressure on it, it's totally fine.'' She had taken a small tumble in the bathroom, losing her balance due to a lack of energy. She injured her knee and was forced to wear a knee brace for at least a few weeks.
''We're gonna see what your limits are today, so please,'' Hyerim pleaded, ''please, don't overestimate yourself, if it's too much no one will blame you for sitting on the side.''
She nodded at the stage director's words. ''I know, I'm gonna be careful, unnie.'' Ming assured her, knowing there's no time to fool around.
''We'll start with Left & Right! Ming-ssi, you mark through it and see what you can do.'' Their instructor said, motioning for the staff on the side to get the song ready to play.
Ming walked to her starting position, happy to be back performing with her members again even if it was only a rehearsal.
Seungkwan tapped her shoulder. ''Yerimie, be cautious, okay? You can just step out if it's too much.'' He wasn't too entirely sure about Ming practicing again, still not thinking she had recovered enough. She patted his shoulder, offering a tight-lipped smile.
She took her spot next to Jeonghan, who briefly grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. ''Don't force anything, please. Don't be like me with my arm.'' Despite the joking nature of his comment, his stern face told her he was very serious about it.
A simple nod was given to him. Ming looked down at her feet, a sudden wave of nerves crashing over her.
Their choreographer counted down and the song boomed from the speakers. Ming slightly flinched, not expecting the music to be as loud as it was.
As she went through the dance, she noticed her stamina had greatly weakened and that even without fully doing the choreography, she knew it was impossible for her to perform on tour.
However, Ming kept going. The will to prove to everyone that she could do it was stronger than her worries about possibly injuring herself more. Eventually, the song ended and the loud breathing of the members was the only sound to be heard in the room.
Hyerim slowly walked over to Ming, taking in the physique of the younger woman. ''How are you feeling?'' The stage director caressed her arms and looked deep into her eyes, creating a sort of safe space.
''I'm tired, but my knee didn't hurt or anything, so I think I can continue for now.'' It wasn't a lie, her knee felt fine and she was tired, but she downplayed it.
Hyerim and the other members that had heard weren't entirely convinced by Ming's answer, but they gave her the benefit of the doubt.
''Alright, one song and then you take a break.'' She told Ming, holding up her index finger. The older woman looked around at the members. ''What song should we do now?''
The members' eyes glanced at the three leaders that coincidentally stood together. ''Uh, World? Mansae?'' Jihoon suggested, not being too sure about it.
''I don't think she should do Mansae, too much jumping.'' Soonyoung noted, not thinking it was a good idea to do a dance with too much energy.
''Let's do Mansae then!'' Hyerim concluded, stepping back to the side of the room. She motioned to the members to get in their positions and for the staff to start the song.
Ming went to her space in-between Mingyu and Minghao, who gave her encouraging smiles. ''Take it slow, alright?'' Minghao peeped over his shoulder at her.
Like earlier, the song started and everything was fine in the beginning, but once the first chorus hit, everything started going south.
The fatigue settled in, and all her energy and strength seemed to just have disappeared. Her limbs felt heavy and it became a huge task to just not fall to the ground. With even the slowest movements, her vision became blurry.
Normally, after the chorus is done, she waits by the wall to wait for her part to come up, but instead went for the door and opened it. Between the hallway and their practice room, there is a small space to leave your bags and coats, but the members barely use it. In the corner of the small space is a small trash can, she reached out for that and her entire breakfast of that morning seemed to leave her body.
She felt someone grabbing her hair and holding it together, making a ponytail. Another hand rubbed her back, soothing her. ''It's okay, don't work yourself up.'' She recognised the voice as Cheol's.
Ming sat herself down on the ground, once her stomach was emptied. Cheol sat down behind her, calming her down by putting his arms around her and moving her side to side.
''Oppa, I can't do it.'' She began to sob, covering her eyes with her hands. The man behind shushed her, caressing her arms. ''It's gonna be okay, Yerimie… just focus on your breathing now, okay?'' The leader was trying his best to prevent her from having an anxiety attack.
Jun had walked over to them, holding a water battle and some tissues. He opened the bottle and handed it to Ming. ''I know it's not gonna taste good right now, but it's important to drink some water.'' With the tissues he wiped her face clean, some traces of the vomit still evident around her mouth and on her chin.
When Jun was done, Cheol motioned for him to go back to the practice room, leaving the oldest and the second youngest alone.
''You're okay, little one. Maybe it's a little too early to perform again.'' He told her, there being no way he would let her perform on tour again if that would be the outcome after every show.
Ming shook her head, but quickly stopped as it gave her a headache. ''Noo~ I don't want to stay here all by myself again, I don't like it.'' The separation anxiety every time the members would leave had never been this bad.
''We'll figure something out, little one. We'll figure something out.''
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Taglist: @seolboba @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms
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Round 3… START!
You guys know what time it is. Its time for round 3 of DMC OC Week :D
We were a little late this year, sorry bout that but shit happens yah know? But we're here now and have a new set of date for you all based on community feed back :D
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Tumblr really was like what if we did both lol So we had to chose a happy medium between the two.
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Now that you all have those let's get into what everyone will be needing :3
What do you need to know?
The event for this year will be taking place from November 13th - November 19th Both on Twitter and here on Tumblr
Feel free to post wherever you like, even on both platforms if you prefer. However if your worried about time, please don't :3 At least not too much :p It's ok if you can't get everything done in time. Just share what you can, when you can during this time period and we'll make sure to get it out there for people to see.
We'll most likely still be sharing stuff a little while after the event is done so don't feel pressured to churn stuff out :)
What you'll need?
For starters you'll need the event prompts :> Event Prompts Link
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We spruced them up a bit but its still all the same stuff. The free space is always available if you wish to add anything new :D
If your the type who needs a little bit of a guide, worry not we've got some very useful templates to help you out. [Template Twitter thread link] [Template Google drive link] (Both of these links contain the same content, use whichever is easiest)
You can write in these, insert art, or even a little bit of both. It's totally up to you so just go where your imagination takes you.
These templates are NOT mandatory, they're just here to help if you need.
If your gonna be sharing content to Tumblr please make sure you tag everything with our designated tag for the event
#dmcocweek (For Tumblr) # DMCOCWeek (For Twitter)
Only if you want us to be able to see it and reblog it ofc <3
Last but most certainly not least we have a discord 🎉
You don't have to join to participate in the event but if you want to interact with some more of the fandom a bit easier then it's here for you.
[Discord link]
Well I think that's it folks If you have any questions just chuck it in the inbox and we'll get to it as quick as we can
See y'all when the event starts👋🏽
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anneapocalypse · 5 months
Writing Wrap-up and 2024 Goals
It's a weird year to be doing a wrap-up, because I did not post a whole lot this year and I'm not sure I even set any goals last January thanks to having covid and being sick and exhausted for weeks, which still kind of feels like it threw off my whole year even though that sounds dramatic. Whatever. I've moped enough about it being a bad year for writing; now, I want to look forward.
2023 Wrap-Up
In case you'd like to read the one fic I did post this year, it's "Before You Go", a Loghain/Maric fic for Dragon Age (3022 words, rated E), which I am still quite happy with! And though it's not writing, I also made a podfic of RosellaWrites' gorgeous fic "let them not make me a stone (and let them not spill me)" (and if you're not interested in podfic you should still go read Rosella's fic, seriously, it's great).
While November 2022 was the last time I made substantial progress on A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren (my Briala/F!Tabris longfic for Dragon Age), I did make a few attempts to chip away at the draft this year. I didn't keep any records of what progress I made, but lucky for me Scrivener has a writing history feature that can at least give me a ballpark, and... it says I added 17,326 words to the draft this year (all in the first half of the year), which, not gonna lie, seems unreal to me. The first half of this year is mud in my head, so the fact that I did in fact get some writing done is really encouraging.
Over the summer, FFXIV started to really consume me as I had finished ARR by that point and my investment in the story was growing, and I also started taking a more active leadership role in my tiny free company, and so for the back half of the year I've mostly been writing little snippets about my Warrior of Light Ariane and her adventures and relationships, some of which may become part of actual fics later. This totals out to about 19,500 words at the moment.
So I only posted about 3000 words, but in total I wrote almost 40K this year. Is that a fantastic year, no... but honestly, it's a lot better than what my brain has been telling me I've accomplished this year, which is nothing. :P So I'm glad that I sat down to actually find the numbers!
Onward and upward.
So what's next?
2024 Goals
Finish one longfic.
Write and post a one-shot.
Do one exchange.
Outline an original novel.
Write a poem.
Send out one piece.
Tentatively my immediate plans are to get started outlining and then writing my Ariane/Haurchefant fic. I'm on the fence about February. On the one hand, it would be great to come back to my Briala/F!Tabris longfic for Femslash February, but on the other hand there's a high probability I'm going to be playing Endwalker by that point and I have no hope of keeping my head in Dragon Age during that time, so it's probably best not to commit to it. Dragon Age fic might be best saved for after I've caught up on MSQ when there are (hopefully) a few months still left to wait for Dawntrail and I can take a little break to let it marinate while I work on something else. My enthusiasm for the Briala/Tabris fic has not waned despite the long hiatus, and just yesterday I was reading bits of the draft and getting excited again, so I do hope to finish that this year and get to share it with you.
The alternate candidate for February is either keep working on the Haurchefant fic or in the case of a miracle in which I actually finish it this month (hah!), move forward with the next one I have planned, an Urianger/Moenbryda. That's unlikely but we'll see. I know I still have things to learn about Urianger in Endwalker, which I'm very excited for.
As for what exchange(s) I might do this year, I'm not sure yet! I haven't seen any announcements yet that Chocolate Box is running this year. Black Emporium and FemslashEx are both strong candidates for me. We'll see where I am when those roll around, or maybe something else will catch my eye!
Edited to add: Oh, yeah, also at some point we're supposed to get that final season of Red vs. Blue. I have a few outstanding projects in RvB but the main one that really matters to me is Radio Silence, my Carolina lost years fic. I'd love to use the series' send-off as a kick in the pants to finally finish that one, whenever that happens. We'll see!
Finally, I am making a conscious effort to reclaim my writing time, which traditionally has been the morning between 9 and noon because that's when my mind is the sharpest, but over the past I basically let that slip entirely and be taken over by either housework or gaming, just writing on the fly when something came to me. I'm not morning gaming anymore unless it's for a good reason (timed event I need to catch, etc, which is rare, and finishing yesterday's roulettes is not a good enough reason because the queues are slower in the morning and it just ends up eating more time than it needs to, they happen every day, it's fine).
On to 2024. Looking forward to it.
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fencer-x · 9 months
Erised Beta Call!
Hey peeps! The official Erised beta list this year is a little thin, so I'm putting out a call here as well so others can take advantage of the betas who've already offered their services.
For those who don't know what Erised is, it's an annual Drarry (Harry/Draco) secret santa fest. I've been participating in some fashion for a few years now, and it's that time again!
To ensure the details are kept secret so they're a surprise for the recipient, I can't give too many particulars, but we'll see what we can do all the same.
Looking for: A Drarry fan with few to no triggers (I don't want to detail the content before you've agreed to beta the story, but if you've read my work before, you know what kind of things I usually write about, so draw your conclusions there!) who has a good eye for SPAG errors and is preferably a UK English speaker (as I am not, and while I feel I usually do a pretty good job, there's always gonna be goofs). You need to be a pretty quick reader--I can't discuss the length in public, but I want to be sure you've got plenty of time to dedicate to the beta in case it's longer or shorter than you might be expecting.
The first draft will be completed by the end of September/in another week or so, and I'll be editing and finalizing while my beta looks over this draft. There won't be massive changes made during editing, I expect, so this saves time. Erised submissions are due by the start of November, so it's just a month to finalize everything!
If this sounds like something you'd be up for, please drop me a message!
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alexissara · 9 months
Thoughts On Leaving Texas Before I Leave Texas
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I'm moving, I've lived in Texas since I was 5 years old, for almost my whole living memory I called Texas my home, a few different cities but I've been in Texas for a long time, 26 years. There is a lot of things I really liked about living in Texas but now it's time to go. Money wise it's gonna be rough but for my health, for my fiancé's health, for our future we have to leave. My Fiancé got a job up north and so we're going in December or November and leaving behind our long time home.
Texas has become an increasingly terrible place to live, before we even talk about like the direct political threat to my life we need to talk about the threat to everyone's life that is Climate Change and Texas's shit energy grid. Every single winter we have to worry if we'll lose energy for days maybe weeks and if people will literally die freezing due to the failing of Texas thanks to attempts at further privatization they had done. This is getting to the point that things are getting too hot too and the energy grid is under threat now like half the year where people are asking to conserve energy lest we all literally die if the power grid broke down. I hate having to worry that I might get my power shut down random for a few hours or worse case a few days. It is not good for my little neurodiverse brain to have something like that looming over my day as I get yet another warning about conserving energy or just see that the weather is getting to the
Now we can talk about the threats to mine and my loved ones life currently ongoing in Texas. The lack of abortion rights is an active health risk for my family. The constant threat of removing HRT from people is a threat not just to me but to my Fiancé who was considering starting T for a long time now. The removal of queer books and trans women from public spaces doubly effect me as a trans woman and writer removing spaces where I could potentially do public appearances and places I could share my work inside my own community. Not to mention it also just sucks that all the cool public resources, aka libraries could be stripped of queer books, many of which my Fiancé was an active part in getting into the system when they worked there. I pass really well, literally haven't been misgendered in years but a bathroom ban still raises threats to me. Generally the public environment while not as bad in this city always has to have me at least a little bit on guard for fear for my life for being trans but also for being in a queer relationship openly and publicly.
So ya, I feel like I have to go, I do want to go but I wanted to go at my own pace, like I wanted to take the time to wait until we got the right job in the right city, till we were sure we could be living somewhere we could put roots in but that's not what we're doing, we are leaving because we need to be somewhere safer and somewhere better even if it isn't our first choice.
I am excited to move, stressed about the money and about actually moving and I suffer from really bad separation anxiety and get attached to places so I know I will probably spend the week we move balling my eyes out even if I am otherwise emotionally okay but I am excited. The era isn't too far from some friends and since I moved to a new city in Texas I haven't really had any friends who weren't like my Fiancé's friend that I was hanging out with also. Being in a more queer community should be nice and I should be close to some nice spots living more directly in the city. I think I will love a lot of it but also that I will utterly hate the colder months because I like it warm and I hate it cold but to be fair Texas has got a ton colder and our homes aren't built for the cold so I don't actually imagine days in will feel much different.
I mostly feel really positive about everything but from now till I move I am gonna try and hustle and see if I can't get some more gigs or something to take the load of expense off our savings. If you enjoy my work let me know and let other people know you do and that is a great way to help me make more cash money. Thank you for raeding.
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iicha-0s · 6 months
Jungkook's Approval Stamp | !Jungkook×reader
A/n: hey guys! this one was pretty fun to write back in November. I hope you guys enjoy it lmk what you guys think! :D
Tags— !face-riding, !messy sex, !dirty talking (a little bit), !oc is thick, !jk is WHIPPED here, !oc blows him so good she has him MOANING out loud, !squirting, !oral (both f and m receiving) , !overstimulation, !unprotected sex (stay safe!), !motorboat, !cuddling, !creampie, !hickeys, !nicknames
Ratings: Explicit|R18|Adult
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"I mean, it was probably the hottest thing i came up with in my head out of nowhere." You lean against your arm on the pillow while looking up at him as you both lay on your tummies next to each other.
"can i maybe get a demonstration?" He looks down at you.
"a demonstration?" You raise an eyebrow before lifting yourself to elbow the mattress and be in the same position as him, both yours shoulders brushing against  each other a little.
"I wouldn't know what you mean until I get one yk?" jungkook shrugs as you look at him, not even surprised at his request.
he's always the type to flirt with you any chance he would get. earlier, when you'd recently become friends you thought it was just his way of trying to tease you since you were on the curvier body shape chart, compared to the majority of skinny girls on your campus. but as time went on his indirect "jokes" about how he wanted to fuck you raw and hard continued, you understood that no matter how many skinny girls he's slept with he still prefers the thicker ones.
"yk its always the thicker the better, Y/n.." he took a sip from his drink."... would honestly love to have your thighs suffocate me." was something he once slipped out at a party after a couple of drinks while eyeing your thick thighs peeking from behind your ridiculously tight dress.
"are you sure you'll be able to take it?" You look at him with a challenged face.
"can't say anything until we actually get to it." He shrugs.
"we dont have to do too much, koo. you're saying it as if we're gonna fuck." You chuckle.
"You never know. a boy and a girl. together in a bed. in a dark room with only a laptop being the light source. will the kiss? will they fuck? guess we'll have to continue watching to find out." You throw your head back and laugh loudly at his comment, cheeks puffing so adoringly just the way he loves.
oh how I wanna bite those cheeks rn.....
he bit his lower lip to hold himself back as you calm down from your laughter but keep the smile persistent on your pretty face.
"alright then I'll give you a demonstration." You give in and fall silent for a few moments while he waits for you to do what you'd thought, eager to find out.
your soft hand collides a bit harshly with his cheek as a slapping sound emits through the silent room. his eyes go wide while his face stays still, facing away from you because of the sudden force, mouth slightly open in shock.
"what the fuck was that for!" He looks at you with his eyebrows furrowed only to see you shrugging.
"You said you wanted a demonstration, so I'm giving you one."
"what type of demonstration did you even think that I was asking for??" He rubs his hand over his now stinging cheek, pretty sure there's going to be a red hand print by judging how hard you hit him.
"the one that I was thinking aboutt~ does it hurt bad?" You ask as he looks at you to see you looking back with big eyes and a small pout.
just the thing to get him to swoon over you all over again..
he sighs and moves his hand away but doesn't let the act go. even though it didn't hurt that much his heart still wanted to gain some sympathy from you, to find out what lengths you would go out of guilt.
"yeah it kinda does." He looks down, pouting while playing with the corner of your pillow cover.
"want me to help make it feel better?"
"i-" He gets a little taken aback at your question and looks at you again to see you still looking at him with your big eyes. gulping he nods and chokes out a small "yes" his heart rising just at the thought of all the different scenarios of things you'd do now.
you bring your hand up, grab his chin and turn his face so that his cheek is facing you. bringing his face closer to yours, you open your mouth and stick your tongue out pressing it flat against his cheek giving it a nice long lick.
you move your tongue from his jaw to his cheekbone and just this action basically knocks the air out of jungkook. his brain goes numb and he swears he's never felt his dick get as hard as it has right now. 
you pull away and let go of your cheek as jungkook doesn't dare move an inch. it's as if he moved, he'd cum right then and there. he could feel the reminisce of your warm tongue on his cheek still, your saliva now coating his cheek.
"woah okay-" He chokes and clears his throat as his voice cracked a little in the end.
"Hm? you didn't like that?" You question.
"no I loved that." He accepts his eyebrows still raised in shock as he looks at you only to see you giggling shyly.
"am I seeing a hint of shyness there? right after you did something like that? you're gonna drive me insane, Y/n." He nudges you with his shoulder as you giggling again while shushing him.
"no you didntt~"
"yes I didd~" He continues teasing you while smiling watching you continue giggling shyly.
"anywaysss~ does it still hurt? I'll do it again if you want me to." You look at him with your big eyes again, a small smile consistent on your face.
"then i should say.... yes it still hurts." He giggles as you shake your head and roll your eyes.
even tho you knew he was joking you still grab his chin and lick his cheek but in a slower pace than before while he hums at the action.
"seems like you've unlocked a new way of turning me on. yk another part of me hurts too can you maybe help soothe the pain there too?" his question makes you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
"wdym? where?" You watch him as he rolls on the bed and lays down flat on his back, tugging his hands under his head as it pulls his tight tank top a little high to expose some of his v-line.
nudging his head to point at something you follow his eyes only to come face to face with a giant boner now standing tall and proud in the front of his matching black sweatpants.
"it's more painful than the slap you gave me on my cheek so I don't think one or two licks will help soothe it." He smirks watching your wide eyes staring at his boner, mouth hanging a little agape.
"i- oh-" You stutter and gulp at the sight not understanding how you've just caused this reaction out of him by doing something you thought was a little silly but very flirty if you were to try and use that to get someone.
maybe i can get his approval on something else I've been wondering about?
you wonder before looking up at him and pushing yourself off the bed to sit up straight. jungkook raises both his eyebrows whilst smirking at you as he watches you slowly make your way in between his legs and tug at the strings in the front of his pants to get them lose.
he lets his head comfortable on your pillow, the smell of your shampoo engulfing him as you pull his pants and boxers down just to be slapped slightly by his cock hitting against your face.
looking down he sees you make eye-contact with him while grabbing his dick and giving it long licks from the base till the tip.
oh yes, he'd imagined you like this a lot of times but none of that was and will ever compare to the real thing. the feeling of your warm tongue against him, your saliva slowly coating his dick and the small sounds of you gulping it down even tho it has his precum mixed in it.
this is it... I could stay here forever....
he thought while placing a hand on top of your head as you start taking him in your mouth. You opened your mouth as far as you could, jaw aching as he helped push his length in, his own lips parting as he watched, and once your throat constricted around his tip he stopped, hissing out. Your eyes burned as he held your head still, deep into your throat, pulling air through your nose as you relax your throat.
“That’s it. that's my good girl.” He praises before he pulls your head back and pushes it down again with a grunt. God, it was sinful watching Jungkook’s face. Watching how his brows furrowed and his lips remained parted, how he huffed and hissed as he slowly fucked into your throat, using your mouth for his pleasure.
But what you didn’t know was that he was only getting you accustomed to his size before the grip to your hair tightened, his free hand rested at the small of your face and he bobbed your head faster on him.
Grunting and hissing, Jungkook was relentless against your throat. Your nose meeting his pelvis over and over as tears gathered in your eyes, streaming down. He stopped to pull away fully, a trail of drool and his arousal connecting you both, allowing you a deep intake of air before he pushed you back in.
You rolled your eyes back as he abused your throat, only letting him use you, but Jungkook was too turned, and he knew that if he continued to fuck your throat while your eyes rolled back and braless tits bounced like that against his big t-shirt you had on, he would cum.
and soon he did cum deep in your throat. he holds your head down, nose pressed against his pelvis as his cum splashed all over your mouth and your throat while you struggle to gulp around his huge girth. once done cumming for a few minutes he pulls your head off, both of you panting and he realises how much he loved your fucked out face.
he's surprised but also not, at how fucked up you look when you'd just gotten face-fucked by him... and the real deal wasn't even here yet.
it's sure going to be a long night....
he smiles and sits up pulling you in by grabbing the back of your neck and pressing your lips against his. you both messily make out as he pulls you towards him causing you to land on his lap. bringing his other hand up to cup your cheek he slides his tongue professionally into your mouth and rubs it against yours.
you moan softly at the feeling both of you sharing his taste from your mouth as you move your arms around his neck and lose your hands in his hair.
"sit on my face." He pants in between the kisses and lays back down pulling away. you are a little shocked by his request but always had a kink for face-sitting, so without giving it too much thought you sit up on your knees and take your underwear off from under his big shirt you were wearing.
he watches you attentively, grabbing a glance at your glistening pussy already dripping wet when you guys haven't even started doing anything.
tugging you up by your thighs he makes you sit on his face, mouth inches away from you as he could smell your arousal which caused him to grow hard again. wrapping his arms around your thighs, he pulls you closer and dives in immediately causing you to throw your head back and gasp at the sudden contact.
teasing you by rubbing the tip of his tongue in circles around your clit sends waves of electricity through your body as your thighs twitch next to his head from time to time.
you place a hand on the headboard for support while the other lands on the mattress as you moan softly while he continues teasing you. he stares up at you watching you carefully as you keep your head thrown back, continuous moans flowing from your mouth of his name.
he tugs you closer and flattens his tongue on you as you let out a low moan, hand moving down from the headboard to his hair. you grip and tug on it as jungkook start rubbing his flat tongue on your clit in circular motion, repeatedly.
"jung- ffffuck!" you moan it felt so good that you unconsciously start grinding your hips against his tongue to gain more friction. he groans at you using his tongue to get off causing your back to arch when his vibrations spread from your core thro your entire body.
he moves his tongue lower to your entrance and starts circling it with his tongue while his nose is pressed against your clit. you unconsciously move your hand up from the mattress and push your shirt up until it's revealing only a little bit of your under-boob, to get a clear view of Jungkook's face in between your thighs.
your groan at the sight of him holding your thighs tightly next to his head while devouring you completely. it causes you to continue riding his tongue and moaning as you arch your back into your hand, that was gripping a bunch of your shirt against your tummy, again and tug onto his hair. he pushes his tongue inside your seeping cunt and you gasp at the feeling.
he moves his tongue in and out of you, the tip of it brushing against this one point that has you squirming and drooling on top of him cause the electric shocks it was sending through your body felt amazing.
gripping onto his hair tighter and looking down at him through hooded eyes from time to time, you feel your high approaching you quickly. jungkook stares up at you in awe his hand moving up to rub sensually on your soft tummy while the other stays on your thigh as he feels you clench around his tongue understand that you're about to cum.
he keep rubbing his warm huge hand on your skin, kneading your soft flesh and pinching here and there from time to time while fastening his tongue movement going in and out of you.
you whine out a moan of his name, arch into his hand while your thighs shudder next to his head and cum hard on his face and mouth. he continues softly licking and sucking you and helps you ride out your high as you continue moaning softly here and there while trying to calm your breathing down.
you calm down completely and look down only to realise jungkook is pulling you in again as he starts licking at your cunt. you gasp and try to pull away but he holds you firmly by your thighs and teases you by brushing the tip of his tongue against your bud.
your body jolts at the action and you twitch above him, letting out a squeal while he takes your bud in his mouth and starts sucking on it harshly. you tug onto his hair while trying to get away from him, your head getting thrown back as you whine.
"pl-ease- AH!" you arch your back when you feel him use his teeth on the bundle of nerves causing electric shocks to run through your body. he continues playing with it with his tongue and teeth, sucking and nibbling on it alternatively which is making your brain go hazy.
your thighs shake as you feel your high approaching quick, since you were still sensitive from the last one. your eyes roll back into your head as you yelp in pleasure, squirting all over his face and cum hard.
he was taken by a little shock because he didn't know you were a squirter. he helps you ride out your high, tongue swiping softly against your dripping cunt while rubbing soothing circles on your thighs that twitch beside his head.
you sigh and slowly move off of him as he sits up too, wiping his face with the back of his hand but you don't miss out how he licks your arousal off of it. he leans forward onto all fours and hovers over you causing you to lie down against the pillows kept behind you.
he leans in and softly presses his lips against yours, placing his hands next to your head on the pillow. you wrap your arms around his neck and open your mouth to let his tongue in, rubbing yours against his both of you moaning softly.
breaths mingle and so does the taste of both of yours orgasms mix up with spit, as you both messily make out while he pushes your legs up a little by the back of your knees. he pulls away with a soft smacking sound made by your lips and moves down to your neck, leaving wet open mouthed kisses only to leave dark purple hickeys all over.
you moan softly while playing with his hair and he continues moving lower and lower. pushing your shirt up on your stomach again, while he fixes himself between your legs again as you keep your hands in his hair when he lowers himself into you again.
pressing your head back against the pillow you tug onto his hair upon the felling of his warm tongue on you again. he leaves long stripes of his spit with his tongue. your arousal as well as his drool coating your pussy and making it shine.
fuck she tastes so good I can't get enough.
he groans and shoves his tongue into your cunt as you arch your back and tug onto his hair. he look up at you from in between your legs to see you taking hold of your breast from over his t-shirt and it gives him the motivation to keep going.
moving his tongue away and focusing it on your clit, he pushes a finger inside you causing you to shudder his name. he plays with your clit as his rough finger moves in and out of you skillfully, making you feel so good. he adds another finger and has you squirming and moaning his name easily under him.
pulling away from your clit he keeps fingering you, bringing his thumb to your clit and starts rubbing it in circles too when you arch your back against your hand and clench around him letting him know you're close.
"nu-huh you're cumming on my dick this time." He pants softly and pulls his hands away from you.
you let out a soft whine and open your eyes to meet his hooded ones. you see him take his tank top off as well as his joggers, his thick hard dick standing tall and proud against his tummy. licking his lips he stares at you who was panting while staring back.
"Lets get this off since you already have it up like this." He mumbles and leans down taking hold of the hem of his shirt you were wearing and pulling it over your head. he looks at your nipples in a little shock upon seeing a heart-shaped nipple pasties on it.
"what?" You look at him and then down at your chest and figure out why he's staring at your tits like that. bringing your hand up you were about to peel it off when he grabs your wrist and stops you.
"keep it on." is all he says and holds your wrist next to your head. his other hand positions his tip against your hole and slowly pushes in. you gasp at the stretch but your arousal helps him push in easily as he eventually settles himself deep inside you.
you felt so perfectly stretched and so full. you look up at him on top of you and see his face contorted in pleasure. he leans down and presses a chaste kiss on your lips before slowly pulling out and pushing back in until his hips meet yours. your mouth hangs open, his imitating yours as you bring your hand up to cup his cheek while he presses his forehead against yours.
"You feel too good, Y/n." He groans and starts thrusting in and out at a steady pace, holding himself back from cum already.
both of yours lips brush against eachother, pants and moans shared along with heavy breaths as he continues thrusting in and out of you. it felt so good and you both didn't want the feeling to ever end.
"f-fast-er please!" you moan against his lips wrapping your arm around his neck to help keep you grounded in some way, when he switches angles a little and starts pistoning faster into you.
you throw your head back and moan his name loudly, gripping onto his shoulders. he moves his other hand to your breast and takes hold of it, seeing how perfectly his hand engulfs it and the cute heart-shaped pasty covering your nipple.
God I'm gonna cum so hard.
he groans and throws his head back while straightening himself up. he grabs you by your hips and flips you over, manhandling you onto your fours and pulls your hips up. he pushes himself back in immediately while you hold onto the pillows and moan loudly.
he holds onto your hips tightly and starts thrusting in and out at an animalistic pace, staring at your plump ass slapping against his pelvis and producing lewd sounds that fill the room.
his eyes catch something and he looks more carefully to see a small tattoo, in between the dimples at the end of your spine.
"fuck-" He groans and runs his thumb over it. he knew you were crazy but he didn't know you were this crazy. bringing his hand forward he grabbed you by the back of your hair and pulled you up, until your back was pressed against his chest.
"plum huh?" he pants against your earlobe before biting onto it as you moan. "who are you so plum for? tell me." he groans and keeps holding onto your hair.
"hng- ahh- Kook!" you moan out loudly.
"who?" he grits against your ear while tugging onto your hair a little more.
"you! fuc- God!" you yell out placing your hand on the forearm of his hand that snuck its way around your waist and was now started rubbing against your clit.
"me? and? is there someone else?" he stares at you in amazement at how easily you were a putty in his hands.
"no! just you! only yo-huf-you! always!" you pant out shutting your eyes tightly and digging your nails into his forearm as he keeps rubbing his hand on your clit in circular motion and thrusting into you too.
"thats right baby. just me. it always should be just me." he smiles and pushes your head forward till its pressed tightly against the pillow and increases his pace of moving in and out of you, even more.
your moans come out muffled against the pillow while he keeps a hand places on your head and the other rubbing your clit as he feels himself cumming. he throws his head back and moans out your name, coating your walls with his seed. he keeps thrusting in and out of you to ride out his high, fingers still rubbing against your bud as you spasm and squirt around his cock, your high following right after.
your walls now coated with his and your cum, a lot of it dripping down your thighs too as you shake while jungkook leans down against you from behind and places multiple kisses against your back, rubbing softly here and there.
squirting not only once but twice had knocked the air out of you and you were too exhausted to move even an inch. you feel jungkook press a few kisses on your hair and mumble a "I'll be right back" before he left to go to the bathroom and come back with a warm towel to help clean you up.
he turns you over slowly and cleans you up being as gentle as ever and makes sure to place multiple kisses everywhere on your skin. he cleans himself up too and helps you wear his shirt again before putting on his joggers and laying down next to you.
he pulls you closer and rubs soothing circles against your arm while pressing the "play" button on his laptop to continue watching the movie that you guys were. you snuggle into him and entangle your legs together, listening to his gentle heartbeat while watching the movie.
"I wanted to ask..." he starts causing you to look up at him. ".... about those stickers on your nipples. was they on purpose?" he looks down at you.
"not really I use them practically all the time." you shrug.
"so the other day when I hugged you and asked if you weren't wearing a bra and you said yes, you had these on?" he raises an eyebrow.
"mhm" you nod and look down at the laptop screen.
"can I see them again?" he pushes the laptop away and places it next to you while turning to face you.
"didn't you already see them?" You ask when he climbs on top of you and his hands move to pull your shirt up your chest.
"not really. I was distracted." he smiles and pushes your shirt over your breasts and stares at your boobs while licking his lips.
your heartbeat rises a little as he continues staring hungrily dragging his hand up your side and resting in right under your boob.
"are they supposed to look this attractive?" he looks up at you for a second before looking back at your boobs again.
"I don't know. noones ever seen me like this." you blush and look away when he suddenly leans down and presses a kiss on your cheek.
"can I motorboat?" he stares fondly into your eyes as you nod slowly and he smiles, pressing a kiss on your lips before moving your cheek and then lowering himself to your neck.
he kisses, licks and bites onto the skin on your neck leaving hickeys while moving down to your chest. you pant softly as he starts playing kisses all over your chest too sometimes biting here and there only to cause you to gasp.
he presses his face in between your boobs while his big hands push your boobs further against his face from each side. he honestly couldn't get enough of the smell of you. wanting to stay in the position forever, he snuggles his head more in your chest causing you to giggle since it tickled, as he keeps his head shoved in between your boobs.
"I could stay here forever." his voice comes out muffled from your chest as he looks up at you smiling trying his best to ignore his semi-hard on. moving his head in between your boobs again you laugh softly and play with his hair, turning your head to look at the laptop screen to continue watching the movie.
"is this the right time to say that I brought up the topic, on purpose, just to see if you'd approve of me doing something like that?" you feel him smile against your chest.
"aha! I knew it! but I let you off easily..." he chuckles and holds both of your boobs with his hands while elbowing himself up a little. "...and that was just because I love you too much." He plunges his face back in between your boobs while you laugh outloud, throwing your head back and wrap your arms around his shoulders.
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felassan · 1 year
Snippets/speculation etc of interest from Mark Darrah part 2 (in parts due to Tumblr character limits. Part 1 link), from his co-stream of The Game Awards, under a cut due to length:
"[BioWare] did have a trailer just 4 days ago [the new cinematic], it was a trailer that wouldn't have gotten, Geoff would not have put that on TGA, so it was too small for TGA and too big to be [inaudible]". He said it would have been a lot at one time to show the new cinematic on DA Day, Absolution releasing and to be at TGA. On why that video was chosen, he said probably because it was done, or close to done
When another game was announced and gave a date in its announcement during the world premieres, he said "Yeah, see, they're literally dating and announcing at the same time, Dragon Age might be thinking of doing the same thing"
When asked in chat "​does this mean we're getting DA:D in 2024 tops? Not even late 2023?" he said "no, it doesn't mean that, it means they're keeping their options open and they're just planning to spend their money over their summer, like they're just compressing their marketing so they can have a louder campaign, it doesn't mean anything. It means you're not gonna see it [it's not going to release] in the summer [of 2023], but you were never gonna see it in the summer. 'Cause they have one more big beat. They could drop a big trailer at E3, that's June, if they come out in November that's still tons of time. We'll see something from them in the summer, unless something goes horribly wrong they would have to do something in the summer. I still think they're targeting November 2023, like, eleven months from now. They would do it [push to 2024 if they had to], their financial year ends at the end of March, but the reason they would delay it is for quality reasons, EA wouldn't push it for any other reason"
He said "I don't know, but I doubt DA:D will have a multiplayer at all". Chat asked "the mandate from EA to make DA4 MP when you were running it, did you think it would eventually shape up and work, or was it a bad idea from the start?" and he said "it could have worked, but it was the right choice to move away from it. [...] It could have been made to work, there was work yet to be done there and definitely there wasn't perfect alignment on it. [...] The team wasn't really on-board with multiplayer so it would've been uphill. If the team doesn't wanna do it, it's basically a virtual impossibility to get them to do it effectively and make it good"
He doesn't think the temporal gap between DA:I and DA:D matters really, if the game is good, though "you're definitely not building on momentum. It's a standing start, for sure". "2016 was the best time to release another Dragon Age, but after 2016 you largely lost that moment". Mass Effect is going to have the same situation obviously - "there's enough time between them. [though] it can actually work in your favor because you don't have any drag either"
When asked in chat "wonder if BioWare could have afforded to release DA spin offs in between DA:I and DA:D. Heck why not have some other studio make something? Lack of resources?" he said "EA doesn't like spending money"
"RPGs are expensive and they take a long time". "Probably we need to get used to long development times, but I do think the industry knows, we haven't figured out a way out the other side yet. I think the answer is more true sequels and more [asset] reuse, but there is an active [gaming] community backlash against that sort of thing, so". Not reusing assets much between DA games has happened "for stupider reasons than concern about fan backlash" though
"You just have to treat Frostbite with respect. BioWare has not built upon itself [re: Frostbite] as effectively as it could have unfortunately"
When asked in chat "what did the Dragon Age 'finalling team' do in Mass Effect: Andromeda?" he said "lots of things. The DA team helped shipped ME:A, they came up pretty late, helped with triage, helped with bug-fixing, some level, I think one level was made by that team"
The Alpha phase is much later than two years out from release
"I don't know what it's gonna be like playing DA:D [himself], because there will definitely be stuff in there that was there when I was working on it, so it'll be really weird, I think"
He's not covered by any NDA from BioWare about any upcoming news, but he doesn't ask them for things that he wouldn't want to talk about, because otherwise they would stop telling him things
One of his pitches for Joplin was "no DLC and to make another game in 18 months"
Expansions and DLCs are things you can have devs working on while you're waiting for the next franchise to pick them up. When asked in chat "​why were DAI DLCs so short compared to games like The Witcher 3 DLC? Any reason in particular?" he said that the DA DLCs were trying to be more focused, while The Witcher 3 DLCs were stretching up towards expansion packs and CDPR had/has different terminology for things like patch vs DLC vs expansion pack
When asked in chat "has the origin of the Blight plot been modified since DA:O or did the team stick with the original vision?" he said "the idea is always to leave those threads as open as possible so that they can be tied into a lot of different places, so. Broad strokes are still the same, yeah"
"If we don't see DA:D today we won't see it til EA Play or E3, because that would be as late as you could go in date for pre-orders. I doubt we would see anything between now and then, anything like a trailer at least"
Mark and Matthew Goldman were working together on the DA:D teaser trailer from 2018. "More Matt than me, because I was already taking over Anthem at that point". Mark's talked a few times to Matt since he left BioWare. Matt was only on Twitter because of his role in BioWare and is still in game development
For voice acting in DA, Kate Mulgrew became expensive after Orange is the New Black (which released in 2013)
When chat said "I think it would be a bit late to change DA4 based on Absolution's reception" he said "they wouldn't change it based on its reception but they could change their positioning"
When chat said "maybe they want to give some time between showing Absolution and the trailer for DA:D just in case, since new fans may judge DA:D by Absolution" he said "yeah, that's the thing, they might be holding, they might be keeping some powder dry in case, if Absolution stinks they have something to, a palate cleanser. I think that's reasonable thinking"
[source, part 1]
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surrogate-fawn · 7 months
New Month, New Update:
So, I'm sure you guys can tell, I've not been doing great mentally this year -- at least, not overall.
Frequent pregnancy envy aside, my relationship with my family (whom I still live with) has really deteriorated this week. Like . . . deteriorated very badly. I haven't heard back from that job I really want, and I have no choice but to look elsewhere because my bank account is in the negatives now.
As far as things on this blog go, I know I've been getting sidetracked when it comes to my projects. "The Surrogate's Journey" is going to be a very long-running series and I need to stay focused on it; otherwise, my brain may lose motivation to finish it (yay ADD symptoms).
So, as far as my projects go, here's what's on the roster for this month:
Finish "The Surrogate's Journey" Part 3 -- this part is very personal to me but it's very important to the plot, so I need to bite the bullet and push through the uncomfy parts.
Begin the final part of "End of Term" -- no pregnancy kink in this part; just character building, heavy angst, and plot resolution.
Begin a sequel to "Nesting", which will be an erotic mating scene between the polycule -- no set finish date.
Beg the forgiveness of the people I owe roleplay responses to -- I am so sorry I've been slow as I have been.
Also, November is my birth month! I'll be part of the 27 club on the 19th! God knows how or if I'm gonna celebrate it, but we'll see.
Anyhow, that's about it for updates for this month. Talk to 'ya soon.
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