#not tagging it but i hc all of them as autistic + trans
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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Spider Variant!Tim,Stephanie and Cass
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
Percy,Nico,Hazel and Estelle are all huge Bluey fans and they make Thalia watch it with them while Jason buys them merch since he's loaded thanks to Jupiter's 'reperations'
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arthvrmvrgan · 7 months
Arthur Morgan x Male!Reader Hcs
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Hey!! I wanted to make another hc list cuz the last one did so well! I made this an x male!reader because as a gay trans guy, there really isn’t too much when it comes to male readers. I just wanna make other people who feel the same and myself feel happy and represented!
Also to add Arthur is autistic in this
Warnings: Mention of vomit
Though he maybe aversive to touch with others, arthur is SUCH a cuddle bug with his partner. When they first start out he’s shy and will hold your hand or wrap his arm around your shoulders.
but once it’s long term arthur gives you big bear hugs, hands around your waist, holding you close by the fire, and of course those soft kisses <3
When he’s drunk, he pulls you onto his lap, smothers your face in kisses, and yells about how much he loves you.
Arthur also gets shy when it comes to talking about his interests. If you mention something like drawing or horses, he’d make a small comment or addition to the conversation. But once he’s comfortable enough, he’ll infodump for hours about horses to you!
Just hold him close, let his head rest on your chest while you pet his hair and he infodumps, and he’s in heaven!
Some pet names he’d call you would include: “Darlin, Sweetheart, My prince, My man, Hun, and Sunshine” :3 When you call him any pet name, his heart melts and his legs feel like jelly
He loves giving and receiving praise! He’ll whisper in your ear “good boy” just to mess with you cuz he know it makes you BLUSH! But he’ll also be like “atta boy!” or “yup, that’s my boy.”
The first time you praised him, it felt really odd for him. He hadn’t been praised like that ever since he’d been with Mary. It felt so foreign but so…good.
His big ol’ heart skips a beat when you tell him how proud you are of him, or how he looks so handsome in that new shirt you got him. He feels like the happiest man on earth
Now unfortunately, times weren’t as accepting as they are now. You and Arthur knew it had to be kept secret for fear of what might happen. You two don’t feel any embarrassment at all, just a need for a safety. The gang knows about you two, most of them accepting you with welcome arms!
You also help Arthur out more with errands, jobs, and chores. Ever since an incident were Arthur worked his way up to illness like vomiting, you’ve made it your duty to lay off the weight on Arthur’s shoulders.
If he needs help with the hay bales, you’ll be right next to him holding one. If he’s going out on a stage job from alden, you ask if you can tag along!
Arthur has gotten better with accepting help or rest, but not so much asking for it. You still encourage Arthur to request help if he needs it, and how he’s not weak for doing so.
There have even been times where you’d yell at Dutch and Strauss to leave Arthur be for a bit.
He’ll sometimes doodle little drawings of you in his journal as well as writing lovey dovey passages about you and putting “A<3Y/N” with a big heart too. He’ll even just doodle random hearts while spacing out and thinking about you..
He gets so excited to see you, even if you can’t tell. The way his eyes light up like a big puppy dog’s as he speed walks over to your horse to greet you and give you a welcome back kiss
He also penguin pebbles and finds random stuff that reminds him of you!! Whether it be a cigarette card, a flower, or even some artifact or object he found…he WILL give it to you!
That’s all for now! If y’all wanna send in your arthur or just any other rdr hcs, feel free! I also wouldnt mind writing more arthur hcs so please feel free to send me rqs!
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a-f00ls-bl0g · 2 months
<3-My ‘master list’ for my blogs + Rules & fun facts of me-<3
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-My pronouns are she/her, it/its, they/them but you can really use almost anything tbh.
-I’m 19 years old, but with that being said I don’t want 17 & younger following my blog/s because I’m a NSFW blog sometimes and one or two of my other blogs is very much NSFW!!
-I’m autistic, and prob dyslexic so don’t expect the best grammar on here, & don’t bring your ablest mindset around any my blogs, you won’t be welcomed!!!
-I’m very chill with most neo-pronouns & will happily refer to you with them if you want me to…but with that being said, I won’t respect them if you’re using slurs, bodily autonomy or anything like that as ‘pronouns’, you will be blocked. (I’ve seen people do that- I’m not even joking)
-I’m taken by a very, very lovely person irl, keep this in mind please lol.
-I’m in multi fandoms, some of which are. TWDG/TWD tv show & dead-city, RDR1 & RDR2, life is strange 1, hazbin hotel & helluva boss, saints-row (mostly 4 tho!), furry fandom, Ark survival evolved, sims 3 & 4, gacha club, creepypasta, MLP, etc.
-trans rights are human rights, women rights are human right, queer rights are human rights, POC rights are human rights, everyone needs equal rights and if you don’t agree please leave my blog.
-MAP’s, ZOO’s, racists & sexist people will be blocked without hesitation!!
-Queer isn’t a bad word on my blog, Disabled isn’t a bad word on my blog either nor is  Hypersexual, don’t act like it is whatsoever on my blogs/pages!!
-my Favourite colours are Forest-Green, Dark-Blue & most neon colours!!
-some of my favourite animals are  hammerhead & great white sharks, cheetahs, killer whales & ants!!
-if I happen to post something that might/dose  trigger you feel free to send me a ask/DM to ask me to tag it in the future!! If I see it I’ll most definitely tag it after that! (IE things with eyes, bugs, foods, saliva & things like that!! I want my blog to be a safe space for people!!)
-I have a theme with the word ‘April’ with/on all my blogs so far- so feel free to call either that or ‘Oct’ in Asks you might send me if you decide to.
-if I reblog a meme you happen to like please go to the original poster of it to reblog it if you  must reblog it, I’d prefer the eyes be put on OP’s blog for that and not mine. (The same goes with art & writing)
-If you happen to feel the need to block me on one of my blogs then please block me on all of my blogs!!
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My Hazbin/helluva muse/rp blog I’m not too very active on rn! (17 but preferably 18+) -> @a-f00ls-muse
My Walking dead blog!(17+)-> @a-f00ls-walking-bl0g
My NSFW/NSFT multi fandom & ’personal’ Blog!(obviously 18+!! + a quick TW/CW for intense/darker kinks & such!!!!) -> @a-f00ls-pet
My Saint Row blog for my bosses/HC’s or one-shots & such. (18+) -> @a-f00lish-saint
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davenweenie · 2 years
I’ve spiralled into a Lab Rats hyperfixation recently and now all of you have to deal with it. I haven’t watched Mighty Med yet so some stuff about Elite Force may be wrong since I don’t know the MM characters that well yet. Most will be Chase-centric. Anyway, here are my HCs.
-Chase is trans, he is the most trans character I have ever seen you cannot change my mind.
-Adam acts like a d!ck to Chase but he actually loves him a lot and would actually kill someone for him (I stand by Adam being the cuddliest sibling)
-to reiterate the above, Adam loves hugs. He will hug anyone and any given point (Tasha is usually the victim of his super strong hugs)
-Bree loves girly stuff but when it comes down to it she can act like a classic brother (pranks, punching people in a friendly manner, bro hugging people, loogie contests, arm wrestles to prove who’s stronger etc) (THIS IS NOT ME SAYING GIRLS CANT DO THIS, it’s just that traditionally brothers do this more than sisters. This is coming from someone who has a sister and a brother)
-Bree can pick Chase up and used to always attempt to throw him like Adam does. She has not yet succeeded in throwing him farther than about a foot. Adam thinks it’s cute and hilarious.
-Leo gets along with Chase more than everyone else because they’re both autistic and they stim dance together all the time after Leo introduced it to Chase.
-Chase was forced to suppress his stims as a child because Mr Davenport wasn’t educated on autism/neurodivergence enough to realise it was helpful to Chase.
-Chase was not diagnosed with autism until Leo came along and both him and Tasha pointed it out that he is most definitely on the autism spectrum.
-Adam isn’t stupid. He just acts stupid and like he doesn’t know things just to annoy Chase and he thinks it’s funny.
-Adam has ADHD and struggles with retaining information that doesn’t interest him.
-Adam is also dyslexic and has dyscalculia (number dyslexia basically)
-Leo and Bree love reading comics together. Bree fangirls over Skylar Storm (since this is based on the seasons before Bionic Island and Elite Force. She pretends to not know Skylar when she sees her because she’s been bullied at school for liking comics before and she doesn’t want Oliver, since she had a crush on him, to know she reads comics)
-Adam and Chase can’t read comics. The colours and fonts make it hard for Adam to focus and Chase gets overwhelmed by all the bright colours with his super senses. The pages also feel very icky to him.
-Chase leans against Adam when he feels overwhelmed (this is kinda canon since we see this in the scene where Chase gets overwhelmed by the sound of the school bell in Crush, Chop and Burn)
-All the siblings play Minecraft. Chase and Leo have an amazing world together where they’ve built a whole city with really cool features. It’s their pride and joy.
-Spike doesn’t know he’s bionic and god forbid he ever finds out.
-Spike stems from Chase’s deep rooted dysphoria. Spike is everything he thinks he is not. This is why we see Spike portrayed as having a really deep voice and constantly flexes his muscles as a result of toxic masculinity.
-Chase can communicate with Spike in his head if he wants to, he just hasn’t discovered it yet because he still hates the idea of Spike taking over his body
-Chase and Sebastian definitely dated.
-TW for this one: Sebastian was abusive to Chase towards the end of their relationship, after Sebastian found out about the destruction of Krane.
-Chase falls for people easily and tends to blindly trust people because of his autism. He isn’t aware when people have ulterior motives as he’s not good at reading between the lines. (This is totally not based on me /s)
-And on that note, Chase uses tone tags all the time after Leo showed him what they were. Leo loves it. Adam is confused on what they mean and forgets the meaning so has a screenshot of what they all mean saved to his phone. Bree forgets to use them a lot because she speed types and makes a lot of mistakes but she tries her best.
-Adam is gay, he definitely went out with Owen but had to break up with him when they moved to the bionic island. They get back together once Adam realises that Owen can come to the island whenever he wants to. (I imagine this happens after the team is split up when Bree and Chase join the EF)
-Bree is lesbian. When she started school she realised all of the girls always talked about boys and dated boys, she was desperate to fit in so she tried to force herself to go out with guys. That’s why she never had a long lasting relationship. None of them ever worked out. She’s dating Skylar now (I will get more into detail about that in future posts)
-Chase is bisexual. I absolutely love this hc. He thinks girls are really pretty, and blushes every time a girl has complimented him. But he thinks boys are very pretty too. He only really realised he likes boys too when he had to pretend to be Bree at that school dance with Bree’s boyfriend (?) at the time. I stand by Chaz (Chase and Kaz) being real. They were so in love.
-Leo is pan. He’s gender blind and doesn’t care about the gender of the person he is dating. It took him a while to find a label that fits but when he finally found one (after hours of research with Chase) he was ecstatic. He asked Taylor out when he realised how much he liked her but it turned out she was dating one of the female students in secret. Leo now has a crush on Logan but is still trying to figure out how to ask him out since he’s never been with a guy before and he has a lot of past internal homophobia he’s trying to work through.
-Last one for this post, there will be a lot more. Leo’s dad was abusive which is why Tasha left him. She was a single mother for a few years before deciding to start looking for another partner which is when she met Mr Davenport. She was very picky because she didn’t want the same thing to happen to her and Leo again.
So sorry for the extremely long post. I just have so much to talk about.
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silly-sampo · 6 months
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This is definitely NOT Sampo Koski this is uhhh... a fan account! Yeah...
(( ooc ))
THIS IS A FAN ACCOUNT not affiliated with Hoyoverse or whatever legal mumbo jumbo
secondly hi I'm Mel I go by they/he
my hcs for Sampo are that he's trans masc, gay and very very autistic (silly me) (adhd headcanons may be included depending on my brain feels)
most ships are okay with me besides pro-ships (my favorites are Sampard... I think that's it.) if you want to rp a ship besides that, please let me know beforehand.
please use tone tags if you're unsure if I'll get your tone, especially if you're not trying to be rude
no racism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism is allowed on this page, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all
NO NSFW, while I'm an adult I'd rather not rp anything that... scandalous. It's just not my cup of tea plus I can't really... write it well. If you want them to fuck just do what I do in my writing and just write ~they fucked ;) (this is in a joking way I am the silly... for real though I'm more of a romance and platonic kinda rper idk)
double parentheses or (( )) will be used for ooc/when I say something
Look at how he's so silly
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autistic-alhaitham · 6 months
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(( ooc ))
THIS IS A FAN ACCOUNT not affiliated with Hoyoverse or whatever legal mumbo jumbo
secondly hi I'm Mel I go by they/he
my hcs for Alhatham are that he's trans masc, gay and very very autistic (silly me)
most ships are okay with me besides pro-ships (my favorites are HaiKaveh and whatever Cyno and Alhaitham's ship name is) if you want to rp a ship besides that, please let me know beforehand.
please use tone tags if you're unsure if I'll get your tone, especially if you're not trying to be rude
no racism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism is allowed on this page, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all
NO NSFW, while I'm an adult I'd rather not rp anything that... scandalous. It's just not my cup of tea plus I can't really... write it well. If you want them to fuck just do what I do in my writing and just write ~they fucked ;) (this is in a joking way I am the silly... for real though I'm more of a romance and platonic kinda rper idk)
double parentheses or (( )) will be used for ooc/when I say something
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(( ooc ))
THIS IS A FAN ACCOUNT not affiliated with Hoyoverse or whatever legal mumbo jumbo
secondly hi I'm Mel I go by they/he
my hcs for Jean are that she's trans fem, bisexual and maybe autistic.
most ships are okay with me besides pro-ships (my favorites are JeanLisa (gay lesbians) and JeanEula or whatever it's called) if you want to rp a ship besides that, please let me know beforehand. (KaeJean is also cool NO JEANLUC ALLOWED IT'S TOO HETEROSEXUAL /hj)
please use tone tags if you're unsure if I'll get your tone, especially if you're not trying to be rude
no racism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism is allowed on this page, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all
NO NSFW, while I'm an adult I'd rather not rp anything that... scandalous. It's just not my cup of tea plus I can't really... write it well. If you want them to fuck just do what I do in my writing and just write ~they fucked ;) (this is in a joking way I am the silly... for real though I'm more of a romance and platonic kinda rper idk)
double parentheses or (( )) will be used for ooc/when I say something
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scramble-crossing · 4 months
1, 3, 15, 16 for the love for fandom asks :]
List 3 positive things about your current fandom
1. It feels like a cozy and closely-knit community :] When I see someone on the dash + in the main tag there's a good chance I'll recognize them (to the point where I sometimes actually take notice of new talkative folks dropping in) and even know a little bit about them, the characters they like, the headcanons they have, their thoughts about the series, etc. It's cool! And it makes me appreciate the content I see even more when I'm like "Oh it's them!! Hi!" like I'm excitedly waving to a distant neighbour. Of course from fandom events I know twitter would be a whole different ballpark but I'm not on there and never will be <3 so that's ok!
2. It's not as much of a thing anymore, but we had a bunch of really fun polls back when they were still new and exciting and I still remember the autistic + trans tournaments fondly
3. There's a lot of aspec headcanon-ing and acceptance + celebration of those headcanons! I was on tumblr in the late 2010s. That's when I was first getting into fandom, and coincidentally it was also the peak of """ace discourse"""". I didn't trust fandom spaces for a long time after that. Here I can come in swinging saying "Idc if you all think Sho is hot. He does not fuck." and not only have I not caught a single bit of flack for that, turns out quite a few other people hc him as aspec too! And not just him either, I've seen quite a few aspec headcanons floating around out there without anyone tearing them down...it's nice :]
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate...Popular pick! I've answered this one before and I'm running out of ideas so I hope you don't mind if I hop on 9. A ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy just to shake it up a little
I'm not much of a shipper myself, but I've warmed up a lot to NekuBeat in the last little while, and as an extension Hachicule. My personal belief is that a Hachiko Gang polycule is good but ONLY if each relationship Neku has is different. One has gotta be a platonic partnership or QPR. One romantic. One utterly incomprehensible and unlableable (vague hand gesture) something or other and no one knows exactly what it is, not even the people involved. Shiki and Beat take turns swinging between the first and second option but Josh always gets to be third.
15. The character that always makes you smile
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^This fuckin guy. Bane of my existence. Ruiner of my life. I hate him.
16. Tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
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I'm out of steam so look at him. I think more people should see this screenshot in particular
What the cat doing
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march-7th-hsr · 4 months
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Hey!!! <3 This is me, March 7th's, official Tumblr page! (I don't think I have any people that would make fake accounts of me... you never know though!)
(( ooc ))
THIS IS A FAN ACCOUNT not affiliated with Hoyoverse or whatever legal mumbo jumbo
secondly hi I'm Mel I go by they/he
my hcs for March are trans fem and lesbian! I love Starch sm, I also hc her as autistic just like every other character I like ever (also adhd)
most ships are okay with me besides pro-ships, if you want to rp a ship, please let me know beforehand.
please use tone tags if you're unsure if I'll get your tone, especially if you're not trying to be rude
no racism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism is allowed on this page, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all
NO NSFW, while I'm an adult I'd rather not rp anything that... scandalous. It's just not my cup of tea plus I can't really... write it well. If you want them to fuck just do what I do in my writing and just write ~they fucked ;) (this is in a joking way I am the silly... for real though I'm more of a romance and platonic kinda rper idk)
double parentheses or (( )) will be used for ooc/when I say something
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Ichigo Kurosaki and Hunter Noceda-Deammone are my favorite kind of male love interest's because they act all tough as a trauma response and have edgy powers/origins but the soft uwu girl they're in love with don't even need to try to babygirlify them,they just do that to themselves whenever they're around
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Aislin. Hello. I would talk to you like adults that we are, but you have made your essay statement and blocked everyone who may disagree with you, despite openly saying that you welcome people "tearing it apart." I will be as brief as possible and focus on a few points only so I will not be tearing it apart. You're lucky that way.
You've given me no choice but to post this in the tag so all of D2 Tumblr will know your shit.
First of all, I don't think you've read The Callout Post(TM) with adequate reading comprehension or perhaps you've read it and didn't fully understand the issues with things me and another user brought up. Reminder.
But let's move past that one. In your essay, you have stated the following:
If there was someone I was interacting with who showed they were racist, bigoted, transphobic, or even fascist (I see that last one being used quite a bit and I don’t think you all are using that in the correct context, but I digress) then I would simply stop interacting with them and block them.
Really? Okay, so you didn't notice any of the bigotry in the actual post that you claim you've read. Maybe I just wasn't pedantic enough. But by the Traveler, can I be pedantic. Thank you for giving me the chance.
Transphobia 1 (anti-puberty blockers and gender affirming healthcare for trans people and youth in particular, paired with the "REEEE" which is often used as an ableist shortcut to mock autistic people, for good measure.) Transphobia 2 (reblogging a post celebrating the ban on trans women in sport and specifically being rude to one particular trans woman for no reason other than pure and utter hatred, calling trans women "men," anti-puberty blockers.) Transphobia 3 (supposed "gotcha" over how kids should not be allowed to express gender dysphoria when they're young because minors can't buy guns. Stay classy at the time of yet another mass shooting that happened in your country where elementary school children have been killed.) Transphobia 4 (just one of the posts supporting Gina Carano, a known transphobe that I have written about in my original post. Just as an addition, here's some stuff about Gina Carano being antisemitic. Ice in the tags noting that Gina was the only good actress in Star Wars. Really? The antisemitic transphobe?)
Is this enough proof of transphobia or do you need more? Is there a specific number of transphobic beliefs your friend has to agree with and spread around for you to acknowledge she's transphobic?
Homophobia (literally for no reason saying that people calling characters like Din, Luke or Han gay is "the stupidest crap she's ever heard." Why are these headcanons bothering her? Answer quickly. Here's Mark Hamill, Luke's actor, affirming people's HCs about Luke being gay if they so desire.)
Asking if supporting Attack on Titan makes her a Nazi (yes.)
Phew, that's a lot of tough topics to go through. Let's take a break with something light. Here's her anti-Crow post that's actually related to Destiny where she keeps calling him Uldren and saying she hasn't done any quests "helping Uldren" and she doesn't want Bungie to force her to side with him. As far as I know, you support Crow. This is a minor nitpick, but I am being pedantic after all.
Xentari is currently doing the same as you, supporting Ice-6 and claiming there's no bigotry involved anywhere and you're all a nice little support group who support other bigots. And I thought you all just support each other no matter what, but Xentari answered an ask tonight and this was reblogged by one of you who made a sideblog specifically to engage with this discourse and be transphobic. Transphobia in the tags, Xentari liked the reply so I will assume she agrees with the transphobic reply and transphobic tags. This person, whichever one of you it is, has called trans women "men" before and was already transphobic before.
Xentari has been particularly bothersome and outright stalking one of my friends despite my friend not wanting to interact with them. Xentari said my friend is "hiding behind the block button." Curious. Aislin, you're doing the same. This will be a tough one for Xentari to parse through: on one hand, hiding behind a block button is bad, but on the other hand her bestie is doing it too.
Extremely suspicious that both Xentari and you went to dig out stuff posted by trans people, with you, Aislin, specifically not just clipping bits of text but also implying the text wasn't AI generated. And then defending yourself by saying you wrote the person "claimed" it was AI generated. It being AI generated isn't a claim. It's a fact. OP didn't claim anything, he stated a fact. The text is AI generated.
You don't find it funny, whatever. It's not your place to police trans and LGBT+ people about which jokes they will make about themselves. You don't care about that at all. You only care about a post making fun of Cayde because falsely accusing Cayde, a fictional character, of sexism is worse than your friends supporting human rights being taken away.
Your next point I want to address:
Post to donation sites for those who have the means to and may like to contribute to.  Especially for those in the US and Ukraine, cause things are crazy and scary right now all around and backing organizations and people who want to make a real difference and help people is far more helpful than going after random blogs on Tumblr.
Oh things are scary in the US right now? I see you're pro-choice so I will assume you are referring to that.
The person you're willing to die on the hill for is not.
Anti-abortion 1 Anti-abortion 2 Anti-abortion 3 Anti-abortion 4
For as long as you support people who actively made this happen by voting against abortion, you are at fault for what is happening. Whatever little posts and statements you're making about being pro-choice are futile for as long as you're coddling people who want human rights being taken away and chalking it up to "different opinions." This is what "different opinions" on human rights have done. Really "crazy and scary."
Don't fucking dare say that you can still be friends with people who have "different opinions" when those "opinions" are literally about whether or not human beings should have bodily autonomy and the right to choose. Human rights are not an opinion. You cannot be friends with people over this. Different opinions are about what's your favourite colour, not whether or not millions of people will die because your bestie is voting for their rights to be taken away.
I hope I have provided you with sufficient evidence at least for transphobia and anti-abortion stuff. You have explicitly stated that you will stop interacting with and block people who support any kind of bigotry and I believe I have given enough links and explanations and links for further reading to prove this.
If you still can't see transphobia, you are a transphobe.
I will wait with bated breath to see you publicly denounce your friendship with transphobes and transphobe supporters that you are currently very friendly with. As per your own admission that you will.
I also hope that you are hardcore donating to those organisations since you've spent a lot of time coddling people who are responsible for this happening to your country. Links to these organisations that Bungie promoted, for your ease of access:
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation
In Your Own Voice
Trans Lifeline (hope you have a huge donation to this one in particular given the scope of transphobia exhibited by your (hopefully former) friends)
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cyno-the-adventurer · 5 months
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You're under arrest for assault and battery. Wait no it's a joke you see-
(( ooc ))
THIS IS A FAN ACCOUNT not affiliated with Hoyoverse or whatever legal mumbo jumbo
secondly hi I'm Mel I go by they/he
my hcs for Cyno are that he's trans masc, gay and the most autistic mf in Genshin Impact
most ships are okay with me besides pro-ships (my favorites are CynNari (spelling??) and honestly any of the Sumeru boys) if you want to rp a ship besides that, please let me know beforehand.
please use tone tags if you're unsure if I'll get your tone, especially if you're not trying to be rude
no racism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism is allowed on this page, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all
NO NSFW, while I'm an adult I'd rather not rp anything that... scandalous. It's just not my cup of tea plus I can't really... write it well. If you want them to fuck just do what I do in my writing and just write ~they fucked ;) (this is in a joking way I am the silly... for real though I'm more of a romance and platonic kinda rper idk)
double parentheses or (( )) will be used for ooc/when I say something
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girlboydotjpg · 2 years
autism and sex (intricacies)
author’s note: this is straight hookhausen porn. shoutout to @tedtheodorelogan for autistic hook hc and for writing a fic that made my little autistic heart SING go read it and then come back and read mine
also for @graculuss because they are a self described horny autistic, just like me fr
edit cause i remembered i saw @thebestintheworld ask to be tagged in hookhausen smut fics and this is the one!!!!
this is autistic and trans hook and danhausen loving and indulging him really. pressure stimming and horniness ❤️
Danhausen’s smell was comforting. It was a weird thing to notice, but it was the truth; he smelled like fruity shampoo and good soap, and a little bit musky after a match. Hook always made sure to hug him then, bury his face into Danhausen’s neck and breathe it in, comforting and grounding and something else that Hook couldn’t let himself think about when they were still backstage. They’d find time later to be alone and he could fully indulge.
Their hotel was all the alone time Hook needed. Danhausen seemed to have an innate sense of when his partner’s social battery was drained— he’d gently disentangle from whatever conversation he’d been in, taking Hook’s hand and lacing their fingers, squeezing twice, quick pulses, and guide them both away— and in the comfort of the hotel room, Hook returned the thanks with two quick squeezes of Danhausen’s fingers. Danhausen grinned, kissed the younger man’s temple, tacky from his facepaint. The feeling was less than pleasant, but Hook could endure it. It was fine when it was Danhausen.
“Can you lay on me?” Hook asked, quiet and half-hoping Danhausen wouldn’t hear, but of course he did. He made an interested noise, pointed ears seeming to perk up a little. “Hook wants Danhausen to lay on him. What purpose would that serve?” Jesus, sometimes Hook wished his brain worked properly so he wouldn’t ask for weird shit. “It’s— it’s like a comfort thing,” he began, face growing warm, then hot, “I have a weighted blanket at home, it’s, like, the same idea.” Danhausen hummed, taking his hand from Hook’s, then nodded, a bob of his head. “I see. Well, let’s get started!” 
Shoes came off, obviously— neither of them liked shoes on bedding— and Danhausen took off his cape, and then Hook was laying flat on his back on the bed, feeling like he did the first time he fooled around; a clumsy teenage encounter that wasn’t really fun for him but solidified his disgust at being touched even more. But now the squirming in his stomach was more fluttering, caterpillars morphed into butterflies. Danhausen was looking down, studying Hook’s face, the eye contact never long enough to make the younger man wince. With another hum, Danhausen climbed onto the bed and carefully laid himself over Hook.
It was like Hook’s weighted blanket and not. The pressure was intensified, but not as evenly distributed, and, of course, Danhausen’s breathing was in his ear, soft and calm. “Is this what Hook desired?” and Danhausen didn’t have to say it like that but Hook didn’t really care. He had that feeling after a perfect day, everything in its place, routine, blissful monotony. It was so nice that Hook just nodded and closed his eyes, focusing on the weight of Danhausen’s body on him.
Hook wasn’t sure how long they’d both been lying like that before it happened, but it wasn’t sudden, more a gradual thing. Maybe it was because Danhausen was literally on top of him, warm and firm and there, but Hook was perking up, his clit slowly swelling with arousal, pressing against the front of his boxers and thin sweatpants. His brain was mush in his skull, vaguely cataloguing this odd change in his body, but everything felt sleepy and relaxed and good, like a waking wet dream. Danhausen hadn’t seemed to take any notice, just shifted occasionally when his arm fell asleep, getting more comfortable. 
“Sorry,” Hook finally managed to say, slurred and thick, probably right in Danhausen’s ear. His hands were still by his sides, but they were twitching, wanting to hold onto something other than the sheets. Danhausen said, “why is Hook apologizing?” and shifted again, lifting off Hook, and the younger man felt a sharp, cold stab of panic spear his liquidy brain. “No, no, no, don’ get up, stay,” he gasped, reaching up and grabbing the demon’s arms, and it was like a switch was flipped; Hook was hyper-aware of how wet he’d become, the way he was tenting his pants, aching with how turned on he was. A flush of embarrassment crept up his neck, and Danhausen looked perplexed, but he lowered himself back down. Hook’s fear began to melt away almost instantly, and he wrapped both arms around Danhausen’s shoulders without thinking.
Another few minutes crawled by, and Hook could feel his heartbeat echoing between his thighs, still too groggy to really focus on why or how, so he just sighed, turning his head and nuzzling at the side of Danhausen’s neck. It wasn’t like they weren’t physically affectionate, but Hook had always drawn the line at anything too sensual, anything that could lead elsewhere. Now, the line was blurred and almost nonexistent, and Danhausen just made a wordless sound of curiosity, then muttered, “mmm, Hook is quite touchy-feely tonight,” which made Hook huff a laugh against the demon’s neck, hips rolling of their own accord. Danhausen shifted again, belly rubbing firmly against Hook’s crotch, and the younger man sucked in a sharp inhale at the sensation, pleasure blooming from his lower half. 
“Jesus, D,” Hook groaned, getting another noise— soft, amused— against his neck, lips still sticky with his facepaint. “Fuck,” he mumbled, eyelids dropping, and Danhausen’s voice was still gentle when he said, “no swearing.” Everything was syrupy-slow, like nothing Hook had ever felt; grinding against his tag team partner laying atop him, breathing unevenly against Danhausen’s neck as he tried to gather his glittering thoughts. They were scattered again when one of Danhausen’s hands found its way to Hook’s hair, fingers carding through the untamed mane. Sweet, relaxing, good, everything felt fucking good when he was with Danhausen. Hook moaned, louder, pushed himself harder against his partner’s stomach, getting more of that friction, getting wetter, getting harder. 
His clit was throbbing, the hot-cold pleasure numbing his crotch when Danhausen put more of his weight down on Hook, saying something that he couldn’t really hear, the words indecipherable, the tone lilting all slow and nice, a pattern. Hook liked patterns, he liked predictability, he liked being able to rely on others. And here he was, relying on Danhausen, who was letting Hook fucking— hump him like a horny teenager, one of his feet sliding up the back of the demon’s calf, more involuntary than anything, the need to curl in on himself the closer he was to orgasm, that hand in his hair still petting, petting, pausing the scratch his scalp. Then Danhausen drew in a breath, stomach tensing tight and hard, Hook’s clit rubbing through the ridge of his abs through three layers of fabric, and he was cumming, muffling his whimpery noises with his face tucked into Danhausen’s neck. He was sort of aware that his toes were curling, pleasure absorbing Hook and making him feel like he was drowning in the wonder that was Danhausen.
The pleasure slowly tapered off, and Hook’s hips dropped back to the bed, feeling so bone-tired all of a sudden that when Danhausen moved off of him, he watched with a muted sense of satisfaction. “Is that what laying on Hook usually entails?” Danhausen asked, and Hook laughed, rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn. “Nah, that— was more of a one-off. Sorry for bein’ horny,” he added, because he felt like he should. When he looked back, Danhausen was smiling, not deranged like normal, but genuine, eyes crinkling. “No need to apologize. Danhausen thought it was quite an experience.”
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jazzyjesse · 1 year
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#its a fun little guessing game my friends do in which they try to tell me im autistic and i go surely not as i do the most austistic things
My Top Posts in 2022:
guys wait new grian hc! okay so you know how some people draw or write him as a doll that may or may not be possessed? well! i propose that we can combine grian and xelqua!
here's the evidence: grian has claimed he was born with the jumper on. xelqua was his former ign (iirc). grian isn't the player. he's the jumper possessing the player
83 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
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Wait a minute, let me take you there (Oh) Wait a minute 'til you (Oh, hey!)
i've had griande on the brain lately and then i saw an ariana grande photo and i couldn't stop myself
93 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
I'm thinking about scott's last words. "Tilly death do us part, Pearl." bc like it was tilly's death that did them part
when tilly first died it cemented pearl as an unhinged loose canon. no one wanted to ally with her because no one could predict what she would do. she frequently hurt herself to hurt scott etc etc. she only had tilly and when tilly died she died as well. pearl has been on red since the beginning
tilly's final death, at the hands of bdubs and impulse, called the horn to the horsemen and signaled the end was near. no more need for intervention, these last few will kill themselves.
"Tilly death do us part, Pearl," said the man who vehemently denied her this whole time. the man who refused to team with her.
pearl is infamous for hurting herself to harm scott and yet it's scott who kills himself in the end. they forgave each other. they were never meant to love each other and as soon as they started to it was the end.
"Tilly death do us part, Pearl."
122 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
i for one think we should wilburify mumbo more revivebur? nah revivumbo
192 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
all i really want for third life season 3 is bdubs doing The Thing again where he ends up inexorably tied to someone as if the strings of love and fate bound them together and no mortal blade could ever sever those ties
1,390 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
You Can (Both) Take Me Anywhere
You can (both) take me anywhere by Summerthecat
A fixit au where Horikoshi realizes Bakugou dosen't deserve to be friends with Shouto and Izuku because he treats them like shit and Momo gets the arc she should've had
(Title is from 'Take me anywhere' by Natewantstobattle,with an additional word by me)
Words: 3498, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Family & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo & Todoroki Family
Additional Tags: Half bangladeshi Rei Todoroki, In light of recent manga chapters i'd like to clarify that i've had this hc for years, and i will keep having it but only in aus where the Himuras aren't freaks, Afro-Asian Midoriya Izuku, Blasian Yaoyorozu momo, Latina Yaoyorozu momo, Genderfluid Todoroki Shouto, Trans Midoriya Izuku, Trans Female Yaoyorozu Momo, Mentioned Todoroki Rei, Fluff and Angst, Chubby Yaoyorozu Momo, Partially Blind Todoroki Shouto, Izuku uses he/him and Momo she/they while Shouto uses she/he/they!!, And they're all autistic, Bakugou Katsuki Bashing, He dosen't show up but he's very much not potrayed in a positive light, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Bashing
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46906624
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