#not teeth talk really just rambling
ghoulodont · 10 months
ok i was planning to make an unnecessary & longwinded post about my personal experiences (or lack thereof) that i used for the last fic i wrote so here it is
my understanding is that the two general categories of wisdom teeth extractions are if they are erupted you can pop them right out and any dentist can do it, or if they are impacted and/or unerupted its more of a surgical situation. mine was definitely in the second category (they were unerupted and i went specifically to an oral surgeon). and ive gathered that in the second category there is generally some sedation involved.
there is a significant split between these two experiences by location depending on how strict the recommendation is that you should not remove teeth that havent caused any problems yet. this is what they recommend in any place that has socialized healthcare because they can use evidence based (for better or worse) guidelines rather than a consumer based you just buy whatever healthcare you want or can afford type of situation.
anyway, in my case, the second category, sedation was involved, yes. however. im not sure what the intention was but i had nitrous oxide and my experience was simultaneously being way too high and way too aware. i definitely could feel & hear them crunching around in there WAY more than i needed to. like i was blasting off into outer space but i took the surgeon with me. also i remember the local anesthetic wearing off at one point, but i was too fucked up to communicate this effectively, leading to this exchange:
me: ow surgeon: are you feeling pain or just pressure me: i dont know surgeon: ok well pressure is this (he presses on my shoulder) and pain is like when someone is cutting you with a knife (i assume he was recently cutting me with a knife and i said ow) me: i dont know
it was so unpleasant. then he gave me more local anesthetic and i said ow again about that which frustrated him. and i remember all this. everything i read about sedation was talking about how much you would not remember. what was the point?
i didnt subject rain to that exactly because 1. nitrous oxide seems less common especially outside of the usa and 2. i had a better and more fun experience to use:
when i had surgery, like real surgery about organs kind of surgery, im convinced they gave me the same medication used for conscious sedation (midazolam) right beforehand and honestly it was great. good vibes all around.
in my experience, which yes you already read but: i truly did not give a fuck what they were doing to me. and they really did very little to me then and nothing at all distressing so its kind of a moot point? the more interesting thing was i went in there thinking i would probably die (unrealistic, it was a very safe procedure. however i did almost get hit by a train on my way to the hospital) and when they gave me this drug i was like... ok goodbye world, its been fun. i still thought i was going to die but i did not care at all. this is the feeling i channeled. highly recommend it.
the painkiller that made rain fall off the bed was also taken not from my wisdom teeth experience but from this surgery/hospital experience. i was not falling off the bed because they put you in a bed with rails like a toddler but i do remember holding onto said rail for dear life. i dont even know what they gave me because i was in a foreign country and all the drugs were called different things. they sent me home with some after surgery and i did NOT take it thank you very much.
anyway i think it turned out logically sound at least, despite my sort of making it up. it was fun hearing little bits of other peoples experiences in the comments too, thank you :)
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noose-lion · 8 months
I'm about to kill (in minecraft) this bitch in my art class.
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keebwee · 6 months
finding friends through the wild kratts fandom ensures you have friends interested in science and animals and i think thats just wonderful. never stepping foot back in that fandom tho. never again . im all good. no offense to my wk followers i love yall <3 its the fandom as a whole i do not associate with anymore
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stiffyck · 1 year
pls be careful with the hooked nose and blue skin, it could easily lead into antisemitism with the addition of pointed ears, sharp teeth and claws. ik these are also traits people give to their vex designs but as a jewish person it's pretty uncomfortable to see ^^;
So basically when drawing vex scar try to avoid hooked noses and claws and sharp teeth?
This is a genuine question, because I'm really not sure if I understand the wording correctly.
Also, I don't usually draw scar with blue skin, so is the normal design I have alright or should I change something??
Like say, is this design fine? (It's not colored but he has a normal skin tone)
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lesbiansanemi · 8 months
What is the point of insurance. I file a claim. They call me. Say they need more information. None of the information is about the actual incident, it’s all stuff they already have on file about my car (make and model, license plate, etc). Oh! They also have to ask if I had a child’s car seat in the car at the time of the incident, because apparently that’s important. And finally after all of this I ask, “so now what? Are you gonna pay for this?” and the lady goes “to be completely honest, it will probably be cheaper for you to find a shop on your own that will do it the cheapest than go through one connected with your insurance because you’re technically at fault for this and will end up paying for it out of pocket most likely because of the way your copay is set up.” HELLO??? HELLO!?!? I’m at fault for someone breaking my window and trying to steal my car???? God fucking dammit I hate insurance why am I PAYING for this every month just for you to not cover anything 😭😭
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freakish-hazzard · 10 months
do you ever have a dream so strange, otherworldly, beautiful, vivid and enchanting, yet so so anxiety inducing and stressful to the point it hurt a bit DURING the DREAM, that when you wake up, you feel sad that its over and you wont always remember it? or that you feel like a new person with new and important experiences?
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pointsfortrying · 8 months
Okay yeah so my dad (job in tech/ai) said i was doing the same as racism (specifically regarding white @ black people) when i was trying to explain Why the whole AI thing is harming artists and just. Me, an artist, also asian who's been bullied for racism since they were born:
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lieutenantlashfaz · 11 months
Idk if it's just my dentist or what but like
Why do they always try to make small talk while they have all their tools n shit in your mouth as if you can reply. Liek don't get me wrong love my dentist she's awesome but ma'am I'd rather talk about the best method of frying bacon without your mini pressure washer thing in my mouth
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w0lp3rtinger · 1 year
The best advice I can give to people struggling to write dialog is to listen to interviews and transcripts of various conversations.
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dovedrangeas · 1 year
i dont care if either of my parents have adhd too because it doesnt matter.
however. if i had to pick which one of them i got it from it would undeniably be my dad because that man has something divergent in his neuros for sure
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aberooski · 1 year
Luke's song Diamonds is hitting me a little too hard and close tonight.
#really hoping things will finally start to turn around again soon#I've been so depressed this year it's probably the worst I've been in a long time#the worst part is finding a job has been next to impossible and I have no driver's license so I can't leave my house#my bedroom is the attic of my house and I have windows so all I've been able to do for literal months is sit up there in my cave#and just stew in my misery and try and fail to find a way out of it#I've just stopped taking care of myself as the months have gone by too#at least I haven't been doing as well as I was. I never really did a very good job to begin with#I just sit around and try to look at jobs and cry all day and I have to fight myself to drink water or brush my teeth at night or even eat#unless it's breakfast or dinner. that or I actually do eat but tell myself I've been eating too much and stop eating for the day again.#I harsly talk to anyone In real life anymore I just feel like I'm inconveniencing people by being around#I can't sleep without taking melatonin and even then it's hard to sleep and I'm just tired all the time#'Is this the way it will always be' indeed Luke#I'm serious when I say I think I have several undiagnosed mental illnesses only making things worse for me#but who needs therapy when we've got Luke's solo album and Taylor Swift right?#it's me. I know I do. when I can actually manage to find a job (soon please I really need/want 🤞) and can afford it I'll look into it#abby's just rambling don't mind her#abby's having a crisis#goddammit I don't have windows in my room that's what I meant how could I miss the word no 😭
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gemharvest · 2 years
One of my wisdom teeth is nearly fully out and its. So weird. I can move the one bit of gum left over it with my tongue.
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dbphantom · 2 years
Listen I'm just saying
Any character expressing unfiltered rage is awesome, hands down.
But a character that is generally composed and refined expressing that same rage? To the point they become disheveled and feral? To the point they're willing to throw away the whole world just to keep the person they care about safe? To the point their musical sting transforms from a violin and a piano to an electric guitar? Man... that's fuckin art.
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heyitslapis · 1 month
what fucking makes me want o rip my hair out when it comes to the security guy at work is that i'll even try to COMMUNICATE WITH HIM!!!!! (i know for people like us communication can be difficult & we often need specific clear wording and even then we have layers to peel back) When i cant tell if he's being sarcastic, i'll ask him genuinely, because as ive told him multiple times before the way he says things it literally cannot be interpreted as a joke (even neurotypicals at work have agreed with me in front of him) and always seems like he's being serious. i tell him this all the time and he acts like its fucking funny that im genuinely mad about the fact that he wont communicate back with me. Verbatim i have told him on multiple occasions "i genuinely cant tell when youre being sarcastic or making a joke because your tone is so flat and your face is so serious and deadpan and usually people will laugh or crack a smile a few seconds after the joke but you just stand there not expressing anything, even after i ask if its a joke because i genuinely cant tell"
YET HE CONTINUES TO FUCKING DO IT and then has the fucking GALL to laugh at me or call me gullible or naive when IM LITERALLY TRYING TO COMMUNICATE!!! bitch how tf am i supposed to know whats a joke and whats real when you act like im asking a fucking statue every time you say a lie or joke
#id give him the benefit of the doubt cause i know he's very autistic but doesnt know it#BUT BITCH I LITERALLY HAVE ASKED & TRIED TO COMMUNICATE. NO NUANCE. LITERAL CLEAR COMMUNICATION WITH NO ROOM FOR MISUNDERSTANDING#then he acted like i was fucking stupid for assuming he was lying when he said that he had dinner at tgi fridays with an astronaut#still gives me shit abt it like ''i think its funny that you thought that was a lie'' & i still stand by what i told him that day#''i assumed you were bs-ing bc idk about you but i personally dont know anyone who's actually met an astronaut & you said it like a joke''#IM SO SOS O SO SO T I R E D OF ALL MY COWORKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#not Cam tho. he's cool & at least i can tell when he's being sarcastic & he doesnt try to pull me into his guru cult#i cannot fucking WAIT for the other auditor to finally retire. she's going down to 3 days a week in july & full retirement in june 2025#and im fucking COUNTING the days. ive had to put up with her bs for two years now#and the security guard has been thinking about quitting the security company that our hotel contracts & i keep encouraging him to#as a ''friend''. i just keep saying that if he's not happy he should prioritize that cause he has to look out for himself cause work wont#see i can be nice & offer level-headed advice even if i cant fucking stand someone. really i just want his bigoted ass GONE#he talks about how K (my coworker) doesnt see shes in a cult & in the same breath he preaches to me that im wrong & were all born with sin#ive been SO WELL BEHAVED at work yall dont even know!!!!!#and theres no one to be proud of me for being so brave & so nice & so well-behaved!!!!#ripping tearinig biting evily with my fucking sharp teeth#emma rambles#emma rants#work tag#fuck my stupid baka life tbh
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an-inky-fingered-lass · 9 months
mr philip j coulson my good sir you hog the pov spotlight like NO ONE i’ve ever met.
do you think you could maybe..... share with may
as in. like. get her to share with you cause i wrote her experiencing emotions and i think she’s pissed at me now.
(sorry may. that’s a really beautiful paragraph you gave me right there. thank you.)
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lovebugism · 7 months
ok reader x eddie having a casual conversation about sex, talking about what they're both into, leading to some smut??? just hearing what eddie's into sounds so hottttt (i imagine its filthy,, sorry)
ty for requesting! hope you like it!! — a failed date with eddie leads to a night in and several confessions (established relationship, mostly fluff, talks of sex but no actual smut 18+, 1.6k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
Eddie Munson is a hopeless romantic.
Not because he loves like it’s breathing (though some would argue otherwise), but because his attempts to be affectionate with you are complete and utter failures.
He had a whole romantic day planned. A late lunch, a quick walk, and then sunset at the park. Honestly, it probably would’ve been a pretty metal date if it was any day other than this one — the biggest flood of the whole goddamn year.
You got to the diner just fine but had to rush back to the trailer in the rain since he didn’t have his van. Thankfully, it waited to outright pour until he got you home. Now, his leather jacket — which you’d used as a makeshift umbrella — hangs beside the opened window to dry.
The orange autumn breeze rolls over your bare bodies like silk (because, of course, an innocent shower after getting drenched in the rain couldn’t not end in getting dirty again).
“Was all this just a ploy to get me into bed?” you tease, tracing the freckles on his back with the tip of your finger. “’Cause you coulda just asked, you know? I would’ve said yes.”
Lying flat on his stomach, Eddie laughs into his folded-up arms. His deep brown hair brushes his pale shoulders when he turns to look at you. His smile is swollen and rosy and crooked.
“You got me, princess. Making my girlfriend walk in disgusting weather was all a part of my evil plan.”
“I wouldn’t say it was evil.”
“Sinful, maybe. Sexy, even,” you joke with a lopsided grin. “But no, not evil.”
“Is that so?” he lilts as he rises on his elbow to prop his cheek on his fist.
You shake your head and roll onto your back. Your eyes flit to the spotted ceiling. A smirk blossoms on your lips. “I feel like evil would imply that it was hurtful in some way. And that thing you did in the shower felt way too good to be evil.”
“What thing?” the boy wonders with pinched-together brows.
You shoot him a look. “You know…” you hum vaguely, expectantly.
“No. I don’t, actually,” Eddie laughs, mostly at himself. “I’m kinda dumb, in case you forgot.”
“You’re not dumb, Eds.”
“Stop being sweet. You’re deflecting.”
You concede with a small huff. “That… That thing. With your mouth. When you pressed me against the wall and— please, don’t make me describe it, Eddie,” you ramble, then cut yourself off to whine.
He meets your grimace with a boyish grin. “I don’t know. I kinda like hearing you talk about it.”
“I’ll die,” you deadpan.
“You’re so dramatic.”
His words are harsh, but his pink smile is kind. He kisses you with it after — a smacking peck to the corner of your mouth that migrates rather quickly. He sprinkles his lips along your jaw and chin and neck. 
That’s where he lingers. 
Eddie finds your pulse point and goes a half-inch higher, just like he did while he was fucking you against the shower wall. You nearly came the first time he kissed you there. 
He sucks at the delicate skin until he leaves another faint mark. The feeling of his tongue and teeth on your newfound sweet spot makes your toes curl. It has you moaning out loud before you mean to.
His lips audibly smack when he pulls away.
“That thing?” he wonders, smiling down at you like he already knows the answer.
Your thighs clench together. Your bones are made of mush. “That thing,” you repeat in the affirmative.
“Well, if we’re sharing secrets…” Eddie singsongs, then leans in all close like he’s about to spill the latest gossip. His fingers spread out along your bare waist, eyes sparkling with mischief. “I really liked it when you got all mean.”
You hadn’t thought much of it, then — when Eddie edged you on the counter with his fingers and laughed when you writhed. 
You didn’t even let him make it up to you after, just sucked him off and told him he wasn’t allowed to touch you. “Don’t cum ’til I tell you to, understand?” you’d said. “Or I’m gonna get myself off, and you’re gonna watch.”
He was a good boy for you, though, and you let him fuck you in the shower.
Your nose scrunches in muted embarrassment. “I wasn’t being that mean, was I?”
“No. I mean, you could certainly get meaner…” Eddie assures with a shake of his head, then grins as his fingers crawl up your ribcage. You fight back a shiver. “Which I think could be preferable from time to time.”
“So, you want me to be more… dominant?”
He shrugs a pale, freckled shoulder. “Yeah. Sometimes. I like watching you get all dumb for me, don’t get me wrong, but every time you get a little mean, I almost cum in my pants.”
The blatant confession makes you go slightly stupid. You just nod at him, lazy and unblinking. “Yeah. I can do that. You know, if that’s what you want.”
“I do want,” Eddie hums, matching your sloppy head shake. His nicotine-coated breath fans across your cheek. “Very, very much.”
“But not all the time, though, right?”
“No. Not all the time. Just… sometimes— when the moment’s right or whatever.”
Eddie’s grin broadens when you trail off. A faraway look glazes over your eye. His brows raise expectantly. “What’s that look for?”
You blink rapidly as you descend from the clouds. Shaking your head, you dismiss him. “Nothing. Nothing— I just… I did kinda like not letting you come right away.”
“Yeah. Me too,” Eddie concurs, suddenly breathless.
Your gaze flits to his, mousy and twinkling. Your hands fidget above the covers. “And I kinda wanna try letting you cum and maybe… not stopping…”
Eddie’s eyes go wide. His mouth opens to respond, but he forgets how to speak. He barely remembers to breathe.
“Is that… Is that weird?” you ask, forcing a laugh at his unusual silence.
“No!” he blurts, sounding much louder in the honeyed quiet of his bedroom. “No, that’s… That’s really hot, actually. Like, really hot.”
He zones out just like you had. The imagery of it all makes his stomach whirl. He’s done it to you a number of times — brought you to the edge and kept on pushing you over until you pushed him away. But he’d never thought about ever doing it to himself till now. 
Actually, there’s quite a lot of things he’s done to you that he might enjoy himself if he thinks about it.
The thought alone opens a world of possibility in his wild, wild head.
“Can I tell you about something I was thinking about the other day?” he wonders suddenly.
Though slightly startled by the blurted question, you nod. “Of course.”
His gaze flits away from yours. His hand fidgets at your waist, fingers softly scratching at your burning skin. “You know my handcuffs? The ones I clip on my jeans sometimes?”
Again, you nod.
“Well, I— I have the keys, you know? So it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if we— you know— if we used them…”
“On me?” you press, brows pinched in distant concern.
Eddie shakes his head immediately. “No. I know you don’t like that.”
“So… on you?”
“Yeah. Maybe. If you want,” the boy mumbles, suddenly shy in a way you’ve only seen a handful of times — including earlier, when he was begging to cum in your mouth. “I just think it could be cool, you know? Like, you could tie me up and just… use me. If you want,” he repeats.
“Use you?” you repeat with a soft laugh.
He shrugs. “Yeah. I mean, I don’t— I don’t really care about getting off as much as I care about you getting off, you know? I just… wanna take care of you. Want you to take what you want.”
You open your mouth to respond only to find that all words have lost meaning. Your brain is a jumbled mess of alphabet soup. So you just nod, dumb at the very thought.
Eddie’s hand rises from the covers. His palm settles warm at your jaw. His fingers smell faintly of sex as his calloused thumb smooths across your chapped lips. “You could, like, rub yourself on my cock. Get yourself off on top of me,” he murmurs lowly to you, a quiet and crooked grin pulling at his mouth. “Wouldn’t that be metal?”
“Yeah…” you answer with a sigh, getting lost in the daydream right along with him. “Wouldn’t put you inside me at first, either. Not until you’re begging for it.”
His smile widens. “Exactly.”
“Then I’ll ride you until you make me cum.”
Eddie nods, egging you on. He tucks his face into your neck, if only to conceal how ardently he’s blushing. He hides his pink cheeks between your jaw and shoulder and kisses you where he knows it’ll drive you crazy. 
“Mhmm?” he urges, muffled.
You sigh a faint moan. Your fingers curl in his wild hair. You press your lips to his temple and continue. “And I’ll let you come, too. Eventually… But I won’t stop.”
“Fuck,” he groans into your pulse.
“Not until you’ve filled me up three times—”
“Oh, fuck…”
You tug at his hair with a soft, stern touch you think you could learn to master for him. His lips click faintly when he parts from you. He blinks down at you with glassy chocolate eyes.
“Something like that?” you wonder, feigning innocence with a sweet-sounding lilt.
Eddie nods, sloppy and stupid. He stammers. “Yeah… Yeah. Some—Something like that.”
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