#not that the format /can't/ be used well but so many of them are boring and badly written
cuddlytogas · 1 year
entering my bitch era (trying to get more into twitter fandom and finding my tl flooded with people talking about A Certain Popular AU Fic that is, frankly, mostly just fine, and being overwhelmed with some of the pettiest little jealous rages you ever did see)
#pointless post is pointless#like damn at least [other popular au fic] is extremely fucking good#where's MY fandom-within-a-fandom?? where's MY pages and pages of fanart??#plus i'm so sick of smau's since joining twitter it's going to drive me crazy#everyone and their god damn dog has about four on the go what the shit#not that the format /can't/ be used well but so many of them are boring and badly written#and still have big followings because - ???????#because i have no idea why#also reading fic on twitter is a nightmare and i don't know why anyone would prefer it over ao3#broken threads and the inability to edit and jfc#when you COULD have centralised tags and word counts and chapter breaks and edits#is it just because it's suited to mobile format????? what IS it about these things that seems to have captured everyone so much??#UUUGGGHHHHHHHH#please no one take this as an attack i am fully aware i'm being a mean and jealous little killjoy lol#maybe i really do just have an overinflated sense of my own talent lmao#edit: OH AND OF COURSE on twt you need to ADD ALT TEXT TO IMAGES THAT ARE NOTHING BUT SCREENSHOTTED PROSE#because the basic premise of a smau is actually really fucking difficult to execute#(a story told primarily through the medium of images text messages and social media exchanges)#so most of them resort to PRIMARILY using prose interspersed with flavour images#in which case WHY would you post it on TWITTER#the defining feature of which is A VERY SMALL CHARACTER LIMIT
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cozymoko · 1 year
You wanted requests, right? So what if it was the other way around? Yandere Siyun Baek having to take care of his girlfriend that got sick?
(I hope this requests isn't too boring, love your blog btw ❤❤)
Manhwa: “Dreaming Freedom” ~~~~!
Note: Its perfect! Thank you for requesting! Also thank you for reading, you made my day. ♡
Pairing: Siyun Baek x female! reader
Format: Headcanons; 2nd person
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, obsession, mild spoilers
Word Count: ???
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It's ALLERGY and/or FLU SEASON, and unfortunately, you've fallen very ill. Best case scenario you'll have a cold and nothing more; a high fever at the worst. But either way, Siyun isn't complaining.
You can't go anywhere? Great! You feel like absolute shit and can barely move from your bed? Oh my, even better! Besides working out, Siyun doesn't have much to pass his time with. He's lonely without you, often finding himself watching the clock, counting the minutes — seconds before you return to him.
But seeing you tucked tightly beneath the pastel duvet, wrapped in a small cocoon. Your cheeks lightly flushed a rather feverish hue, as ragged breaths slipped past your dry lips. Call him crazy but you're absolutely adorable. He could hardly keep his hands to himself!
“Y'know, you look really cute like this {Name}.”
You huffed, “You almost look happy that I'm in this situation.” With a light shove, you pushed his face away from your own for what felt like the thousandth time. Finally ditching the thick sheets, you turn away from him, welcoming the chilled puffs of air to your warm skin.
“Would you be mad if I said I was?” Siyun asked, snaking his arms around your waist, pressing his cheek into the tender skin of your own. “God, you're adorable...”
“Yes. Now, let go; I'm burning up.”
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Siyun is CLINGY as it is. Therefore, you being bedridden to some degree is right up his alley. Personal space has never been a thing in your relationship, and he's not going to let a little flu stop him. Embracing you, suffocating you with his body; it's all too easy! Pressing sweet, chaste kisses along the warm skin of your neck. Sneakily, dragging his slender fingers beneath the flimsy silk of your pajamas.
In all honesty, he'd rather have you stay at his house until you feel well again. It works pretty well, convenience-wise. It stops him from wrenching your door open, occupying your home with the crying of loud unwavering hinges. Or perhaps even sneaking through your window.
You being so vulnerable excites him in more ways than he'd care to admit. He truly is a pervert. Chewing on his pink lips, even digging his nails into his milky skin, no longer seems to be enough. Though his desires are anything but malicious, Siyun can't help the wandering of his young mind to many, many impure places.
Your parents already adore him, let's be honest! Thus, convincing them to let you stay the night or week should be a piece of cake. It's almost scary, the way he speaks to your parents; so polite and dare I say perfect. It's truly no surprise that he was a former idol, a famous one at that. How could your adoring mother and father not allow such a kind man to nurture and care for your well-being?
Siyun brings your head to his chest, relishing in the heat you radiate. His hands had fallen past your waist, toying with the thin band of your thin shorts. You give his chest a weak push, as a pitiful attempt to distance yourself. But it was no use, he merely pulled you closer, much to your dismay.
“Siyun...” You breathed out, weakly clawing at his slender hands. “Stop this, you're going to get sick.”
He hummed, “Is that so?” Though his hands showed no sign of leaving your waist. Instead, they tugged you flush against his chest with a low chuckle. Warm breath tickled the back of your neck, making you tense in anticipation.
“Then I guess we're just gonna have to be sick together~!” ♡
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Let's say you're a STUDENT; high school or college, it's your choice. And due to your abrupt sickness, you're bound to miss at least a handful of classes. But fret not my dear, your classmates are itching to help you out. I mean, you're dating the Siyun Baek after all, just a glance at him could send anything girl into a frenzy!
Thankfully, your teacher settled for your seatmate. A kind, extroverted guy who you got along with quite well. He had managed to get your number due to a recent project and was quick to alert you of his unexpected arrival.
➤ Heya [Last Name], the teacher asked me to bring sum missin assignments to ur place. Is that okey with u?
SENT; 17:23
You snort at the scrambled characters, finding some charm amongst the male's easy mistakes. It wasn't something unusual as he was an infamous clutz in your class. So he was likely texting while typing, again. Your fingers hover over the luminous keyboard, before eventually sending him a simple response.
[YOU] ➤ Yeah, it's fine lol. But I'm not home so come to this address “XX XXXX Avenue/Drive/Street” SENT; 17:25
➤ Have a safe trip. :)
SENT; 17:25
While immersed in your phone, you had yet to notice a certain someone looming over you in displeasure. From lack of attention, perhaps. But you had never been one to allow technology to soak up your time, nonetheless when you're ill. So who could possibly be taking up your time? He pondered, glaring hard at the device resting on your hand.
Pulling back the covers, Siyun moved to join you beneath the spotless sheets of the mattress. The dipping of the bed didn't bother you, let alone pull you from the flashing screen of your phone. The ex-idol sighed loudly, shifting to take the pesky item from your protective grip. Only to be brushed off by a bored, dismissive hand.
He. Was. Livid.
“Babe~!” Siyun cooed, though his tone lacked even an ounce of playfulness. “What on your phone could possibly be so damn interestin—” DING DONG!
Whew! Saved by the bell.
“I'll get it.” He murmured under his breath, tossing the thick duvet to the side. The man was quick to leave in long, haste strides, but not before his eyes flicked to your stunned form one last time.
Now, Siyun had expected a lot of things, but this surely wasn't one of them. A shorter male, about five feet seven inches, no older than nineteen was at his door. His mousy brown hair was a mess, and he had a lightly tinted folder tucked tightly beneath his arm.
“H-hi, I'm one of [Last Name]'s classmates and I brought some papers to her.” Byung-Chul commenced, frantically unzipping the top of his backpack. “She — uhm, texted me this address.”
Oh, now it all made sense. The persistent flashing of your phone, snatching your attention right from his grasp. The lighthearted giggles that'd leave your mouth ever so often. Friendly, that they were. Giggles that held no sense of love; merely admiration and glee. Even so, it wasn't good enough.
One could say the latter is quite bitter. And if If looks could kill, your friend would be six — no, ten feet under! And that's being generous. But Siyun knows better than to let his bad side show. Heh, who am I kidding?
A faux smile tugged at the corner of his lips, one he was all too familiar with using. “Ah, I see. Thanks for coming...?”
“Choi Byung-Chul!” He chirped, handing the papers to the former idols' outstretched hand.
“Heh, right,” Siyun scoffs, disinterested. He lazily takes the folder from the male, leaning in a bit too close for comfort. “Since you're already here, I have a little favor for you. If you're up for it.”
“I...um — yeah, sure,” Byung-Chul stammered, looking over the time blaring from the smartwatch adorning his wrist. “I can spare a few minutes. What's up—?”
A sharp pain shot through the poor man's abdomen in mere seconds, sending him crumbling to his knees. Siyun loosely shook his wrist in the air, allowing the gentle breeze to cool the slight stinting of his knuckles. A cold, lifeless expression grazed the face of the once-beloved idol as he watched the man wither beneath his gaze.
“Stay away from [Name]. I wouldn't want anyth ing bad to happen to you~!”
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lavendarlily · 3 months
yeah of course my first fic for @phicphight is gonna be crack
for the prompt that wasn't a prompt by @faeriekit
am i doing this right?
prompt: PR096 - No prompt, just a note; I can't guarantee I understand the format of the prompts required here.
words: 777
click here to read on ao3
jack stumbles across something troubling, but finds the light at the end of the tunnel.
Finally. He had the house to himself. Jazz was at a study group, Maddie went to test some weapons in the field, and Danny… well, all Jack knew was that Danny wasn’t home. 
Jack loved his family - so incredibly much that it was a miracle you could fit all that love into one man (even one at Jack’s size). Yet between the needs of his children and assisting his wife with her inventions, it was difficult to find a moment for himself. Believe it or not, Jack Fenton did in fact have interests and hobbies outside of ghosts. It was just hard to make time for them, and boy was that new yarn burning a hole in his crafts closet, just waiting to be used. First, there were a few techniques he wanted to research before really digging in.
He fetched the laptop from the basement, and grabbed a soda from the fridge on his way to the living room. Jack settled in, feet resting on the coffee table since Maddie wasn’t home to tell him otherwise. He opened the computer, and groaned to himself when a myriad of open tabs took over the screen.
He’d told the kids so many times! Close your tabs after using the computer! He was always afraid of accidentally closing or deleting something they needed or hadn’t saved. There was also a sense that looking through their history was an invasion of privacy, but whoever had used the computer last would have to give up that privilege. He carefully clicked through the tabs, making sure there wasn’t anything potentially important before exiting out of each one. At least his kids had been doing their homework - Shakespeare analyses, essay writing tips, and hey! They’d found a tutor through some site called ChatGPT that was helping them with their assignment. 
He was almost done, ready to dive into video tutorials on achieving the perfect cross-stitch, when he paused. Though Jack tried not to linger on a page longer than he deemed necessary, this one caught his attention. An all too familiar face stared back at him - multiple faces - arranged against a blue background. Jack squinted his eyes at the search bar, reading it aloud.
“Tum-bl-er,” he said slowly. What the hell was this? Jack was certainly concerned at the amount of Phantom propaganda on the screen, leading to an even more troubling question: Which of his kids had fallen under the ghost boy’s spell to have ended up on a hell-site like this?
He scrolled through post after post of photos taken by Amity Park locals, elaborate drawings of the ghost kid, musings of his origins and whereabouts and… oh gosh… love-life. Who were these people worshiping Phantom like this? And why was Jack still looking at it?
It was like a car crash - he couldn’t look away. However, this led him to one post that finally gave Jack a semblance of hope. 
Phic Phight.
Jack knew he was no genius, but he side-eyed the misspelling and continued to skim through the rest of it. Fighting was all he needed to hear, especially if there was a group of people who idolized Phantom like… this. The ghost kid needed to go. These people needed to be saved from his manipulation! The words “Team Human” jumped out at Jack from the text, and without needing any more convincing that this is where he needed to be, he clicked the link that led to where he could sign up. 
He skipped through all the boring information and went straight into entering his information. There were a few questions he didn’t know how to answer, but he was Jack Fenton! Anyone who was organizing against the ghost problem that plagued Amity Park knew where to find him. 
There were only a few questions left, labeled as “Prompts”. Jack wasn’t too certain what it meant, but he could only envision it as where to leave suggestions for the best ways to defeat and capture Phantom. He entered the words electrocute, net, and Fenton Bazooka. He felt a little guilty for not understanding the entire gist of what was going on, so he also left a quick note for the organizer in hopes they would be forgiving.
Jack clicked the submit button at the bottom of the page and smiled to himself. He couldn’t wait to meet all these other folks interested in the well-being of their town. Team Human. It had a nice ring to it. He’d be sure to let Maddie know when she returned - who wouldn’t want the Fentons on their team?
And maybe… he could even get his boy Danny in on it too. 
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ninakuli · 10 months
Hi Nina! I hope you’re doin’ well! Whenever you get time, can you write about Rusty Nail (preferably joyride 2) and Bo Sinclair meeting their future s/o who is just like them? Not like a copy and paste but they have similar likes/dislikes/personalities/etc. Maybe Rusty meets a reader is who also a trucker? Maybe Bo meets a reader who is also into cars or likes guns? Preferably reader be afab or gender neutral (whichever works best for you!). You can also put it in whatever format you think would be best or is easiest for you. Headcanons, short fic, etc I don’t mind either way. I know this is a lot but I think you can make it work and if not that’s perfectly fine and okay! Hope you have a great day love! 🥰🖤
Bo Sinclair x reader
Rusty nail x reader
I finally have request!!! Happy to tears😭 your request make my day more better🥺💜 and thank you hope you have a wonderful day too!
I plan to write a short fic but seem like I write to a real fic lmao, anyway hope you enjoy!!!
Special tag: @sh1n0o @12gaugefalls
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Bo Sinclair:
The opportunity you can meet him first time is your car broken, of course you can fix it yourself but you don't have tool and replacement parts, so you give up and try to find a place have single or have people can ask for help.
You heard the truck sounds near, you look toward the sounds source, a truck parked beside you "Do ya need help?" A man show a kind big smile ask "Can you drive me to the nearby gas station or something like that?" "Sure, Bo run a gas station in Ambrose." "Bo? Ambrose?" "Yea, just at nearby, I can drive you over." "Okay, I really thanks a lot!" You hop on the truck and sit at the passenger seat.
"Name Y/N, thanks for the ride." "Lester and no problem." "Is this your truck right?" "Yea." "I like it a lot it's Chevrolet C Series right?" "Yea, it is!" Then whole roads you keep talking about cars with Lester.
You arrived the gas station, when you get in you found a man are dealing with a truck now "Oh! Is this Jeep Cherokee XJ 1998?" The man stop and looked up to you "Sorry, I just very love car, I need to find a guy name Bo, is that you?" "Yea, I'm Bo, wha' can I help ya?" "Oh I need a fan belt, 16 inch." "Well, 16 inch at my house..." "Oh it's okay so we go to take it?" "Wait me finish diz." "sure, you need help?" "Help? Huh I can do it myself." When he dealing with the car you both keep chatting, when you talk about like you two find out you all like cars and guns these kind of stuff, then what Bo think? He might be attract a little, and look you beautiful so he specifically add more points at you, and keep a interesting person at Ambrose not too bad right? Also it's not the first time he keep a girl beside him, he must can control all things like usual.
You at his house front door, he decided keep you at Ambrose a few days to see it's good or not "Oops 16 inch fan belt run ou' you wanna keep her' a few day?" "If you don't mind." "Of cours' I won't mind keep a interestin' beauty beside." So when you stay at here mean you have more chance to more chat and more understand each other, and you feel bad about keep staying here but don't do anything so you help do the house work sometime you will go to the gas station help Bo to fix car and Bo think you very interesting and you have so many points like him so he keep find some excuse to keep you, of course you not silly so you know these all just excuse but you can't say you didn't be attract by Bo right? Plus Lester, Vincent and Jonesy like you too, you're very helpful and kind, so gradually you and him didn't talk about the fan belt thing...
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Rusty nail:
Today your plan can finished your work then tomorrow you can go home and have a real rest, you feel very boring so you use the CB like usual, want to find a guy to talk let the road not that boring "Have anybody here?" Then you heard a deep voice "Hey." "This is Y/N how to call you?" "Rusty nail." "Want to chat?" "Sure." Then you try to find a topic talk with him, you both talk many things.
"I really hate some people pranks too over then call it just a 'joke' what a asshole." "Same." "Like one time a guy say if I prepare thing to designated place then he will consider date with me, then he freaking take advantage of my affection even make fun of me, I feel so shame." "It's oka'...one time hav' a guy name Candy Cane... play trick with me..." "Seem like we all be tricked." "Yea." Both of you just keep chatting to the night, you need to rest at the motel "Hey Rusty I gonna rest at the motel so maybe see you tomorrow?" "Sure." "Okay bye." Then you parked into the motel and ask a room to rest.
Next day come you wake up early because you want to go home as fast as you can, when you open the CB you heard a familiar sounds "Y/N?...Y/N?...Is Y/N here?...Who knows where Y/N?" "Morning Rusty nail! I just prepared to go on road." You heard he chuckles "Morning." "Today I plan to go home, I'm not sure next time we can meet again or not." "Well... Then cherish now." "You're right." Another joy ride pass, another bid farewell come.
In Rusty side, he never talk with someone so long on the CB and he still want to chat with you, he find out he want to more understand you and want to spend more time with you, chatting with you make him not that boring and feel very comfortable, so he ask other people about your information, of course include your next ride date.
You check the things all prepare ready, you ride on the road then open the CB "Seem like today it's a good day, everybody good?" "Yea... Good." When you heard the voice you unconsciously smile "Oh Hi Rusty nail, good to meet you again!" "Me too Y/N." Then you start chatting again, you both keep this about few months, you both all more understand each other, then you can't deny the truth that you obsessed with Rusty and Rusty can't deny he have feeling to you too. You decide take out your brave to ask him have a lunch with you then he accept, when you go to the restaurant that you both decided he haven't come, when you start worry about you be trick again he's voice appears "Y/N?" You turn to the sounds source, a huge male in front of you "Rusty nail?" "Yea it's me." "You come! I thought I be trick again... Shall we go in?" "Sure, pretty lady first." He open the door then let you walk in first, when you walk in you thank him, then you have a lovely lunch times, you both more hang out to have meal then more closer, finally you confess your affection to him then you both together, such a perfect couple, both are trucker can work together and use CB chatting, and so many points so similar... But you never will know he's killing secret, and you didn't know he already have a 'joy ride' with the guy who tricked and make fun to you...
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marimayscarlett · 6 months
I sometimes wonder if where Richard lives is somewhere close to where the guys used to hang out in the early days. Prenzlauer Berg isn't that big, so I'm curious if there's any significance to the building because before he bought it, it wasn't much of anything (like most of PB).
It kinda sucks that early Rammstein days are not that well documented, at least not as extensively as Feeling B. I'm sure Paul has loads of photos, but no one filmed them that much.
Hi 👋
As a matter of fact, Richard apparently really does live close to precisely two locations which were rather significant in the early days of Rammstein.
In this interview, it is mentioned that his house is located near the spot where the Knaack Club existed. Here, Rammstein played their first concerts in the beginning of their career as well as when they were already very popular - this location doesn't seem to be that important to Richard, but the second one which is mentioned: near the Knaack Club, the former rehearsal room of Rammstein was located, which holds fond memories for him.
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[Rammstein at the Knaack Club in 2004. They played three concerts to present their new album "Reise Reise" to their fans]
It's interesting to note that despite having lived at Prenzlauer Berg very early on (he moved there for I think two years when he was 19, but felt very lonely in this part of the city and spend most of his time playing guitar, mentioned here) and many memories were made there, Richard really isn't a big fan of the city. He mentioned numerous times that Berlin striked him as cold and elitist and doesn't overly feel like home, at least when he moved back there after his time in New York. Slowly he warmed up to the city, he doesn't really know where else he should live in Germany (mentioned here) and as a father, Richard is amazed how many playgrounds there are in Prenzlauer Berg 😊
Prenzlauer Berg in general is apparently in the process of heavy gentrification (a reason why the Knaack Club had to close its doors), which Richard heavily critizes, and he thinks that Prenzlauer Berg got rather boring now that a lot of artists can't afford the rent anymore. If he hadn't any personal relations to this district, he would've most likely live in Kreuzberg.
I don't know if the building held any significance before Richard bought it - he once mentioned that he actually didn't like the building in the beginning and only bought it because of the rooftop 😅
Regarding the documentation about the early Rammstein days: it really is noticeable that Feeling B has an extensive "archive" with videos and picture materials as well as a whole book ("Mix mir einen Drink") dedicated to their history. The book holds some information about the formation of Rammstein, but not a lot. There are two documentaries about punk music in the GDR in general, which also has some Rammstein/pre-Rammstein information (I can sadly only link the trailers since you have to buy them to watch them):
"flüstern & SCHREIEN - Ein Rockreport"
A fotobook with Paul's pre-Rammstein pictures would be very informative, as well as some more picture material of the numerous other bands the band members originated from (Orgasm Death Gimmick, Die Firma, Das elegante Chaos, The Inchtabokatables and more). Well, we can dream 😊
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Moderation is a Sucker's Game
Longpost time - tl;dr: the concept of moderation is totally beefed on a fundamental level everywhere and recent anti-trans bans indicate Tumblr has only made the problem harder for itself by making bad staff choices. No solution, not absolving Tumblr of responsibility, but also I think it's an interesting systemic issue on top of genuine incompetence.
Tumblr has a running history of screwing up moderation hard enough to either drive entire communities off the site or allow rule-breaking harassment to persist and drive them off.
As such, I think Tumblr will definitely cease at some point, because it is handling the problem of moderation much worse than most other big platforms and this is a major barrier to its financial sustainability - they cannot say "we put our users first and refuse to use relatively profitable Unethical Data-Harvesting Tricks" and expect to pivot to a user-supported financing model if they're widely perceived as repeatedly spurning said userbase.
The prior 'Porn Ban' (and subsequent smug tone of Staff communications) and the 'we had a moderator on staff accepting payments for making anti-trans moderation decisions' reveal stand out, as well as the (iirc) 2016-era peak of racist harassment (not that it ever *stopped*) which went largely unmoderated; instead, black users responding to, pointing out, or sometimes literally just screenshotting the deluge of harassment were permabanned.
There has also, of course, been the whole "over-moderation of queer- and specifically trans-related tags and terms in Search" - something that has also, repeatedly, affected Palestinian and pro-Palestine blogs.
Right now, of course, we have the current wave of anti-transfem "everything you do, selfies and textposts alike, can and will be marked as mature", compounded by instant permabans handed out without notice or appeal, all based on automod decisions from bad-faith reports and bizzarely cursory/biased human reviews.
This is all contrasted by semi-regular waves of fresh kinds of porn-related advertisements and spam blogs, which often go entirely unmoderated, automated or otherwise, for months upon months. Also the explicitly ToS-breaking harassment that gets reported and returned as "fine, actually".
Why is this happening? Beyond the inherent problem of "many Tumblr staff have had and currently have biases and open bigotry" (@photomatt springs to mind), you'd think that boring business sense would come first - diversity is Tumblr's brand, fandom is Tumblr's brand, so "not specifically driving off those groups" should have been an *essential* part of monetization efforts. Right?
Trouble is, even a lawsuit settled not-in-Tumblr's-favour can't solve the core problem, which seems to be the same one every user-generated-content platform faces: reasonable moderation isn't feasible for real-time, user-generated content at scale.
Straight-up, that is the largest problem Tumblr faces. Nobody knows how to do it fairly or reasonably. Content moderation has long been the writhing tar-pit horror sitting at the core of all large-scale social media. Increasingly, this unsolvable problem looks like it might be the reason the entire format is structurally doomed - or at least, doomed to a cycle of new platform -> rise in popularity -> failures in moderation and financing -> user exodus and platform collapse.
Meta (Facebook and Instagram) tackle moderation by being totally opaque and overzealous - often you won't even be told your reach has been limited. Or, if you're told, you might not know *what* post triggered it, or why. If you do, you won't be told what effect being 'limited' has, or how long it will last. There is no reliable appeal process, but that doesn't matter. They are too big to be affected by people being unhappy about moderation on an individual or community level.
Twitter 'solved' the problem by leaning more and more on pure automation - which wasn't working great, sure, but once it was bought and most of those measures scrapped for 'limiting free speech', Twitter got *much, much worse*. It is now a cesspool of unavoidable spams and spam-for-scams. Also, harassment.
Tiktok also does a lot of automated moderation - not as much as people seem to think, but also not as efficiently as other platforms, given that it's video content. They also make heavier use of de-prioritizing content algorithmically rather than just banning or deleting videos. Twitch and YouTube follow along in this bucket, being very willing to use automated systems to suspend, de-rank, and de-monetize hard, early, and arbitrarily.
Mastodon and similar 'decentralised' networks offload the problem onto whoever runs each local server/instance. You set up social.horse.mastodon or whatever? Great - moderation of posts on there is your problem. Some instances are great! Some instances are full of petty tyrants over-moderating their little fiefdoms. Some instances are godawful. Usually, nobody is being paid, which isn't great.
Unfortunately, instance-to-instance communication sometimes means that you can be harassed by a group of people from those godawful servers who are functionally unreportable and who cannot be stopped from spinning up dozens of sockpuppets on said servers to evade your blocks of individual accounts. This is also a problem with the concept of "email", so, you know, not strictly a new problem.
Google can't moderate its search results, and is overtaken by SEO spam and generative misinformation (even prior to their "AI answers" integration).
Amazon, as a storefront, is overrun by scams. Some of them are, functionally, directly run and facilitated by Amazon's own staff, facilities, and even manufacturing processes.
We seethe at Adobe insisting they have the right to moderate (automated or otherwise) the content we put on their cloud services, but chances are they would largely *rather not* - but legal obligations, advertiser/partner dollars, payment processors, and technical requirements are involved, so they're screwed and so are users.
Nobody can "do" content moderation of any kind at scale without being too lax or too overzealous, and probably both at the same time. If the billions of dollars of these corporate giants can't hack the problem, the rinkydink tens of millions of Automattic ain't gonna cut it.
None of this is "working" or "fair" or even "reasonable".
And that's fine by these companies! Their main moderation concern is "not being found liable for horrific and illegal shit users do", followed by "being pleasant *enough* to be used profitably, regardless of actual user experience or sentiment".
Good moderation is hard. Think about the obscenely small teacher–student ratio you need for a good, safe, productive classroom experience. You're not going to push more than a hundred students to one or two lecturers before you lose the ability to meaningfully grade their exams and give feedback, let alone have insight into their real-time behaviour for a dozen hours a week.
Now, imagine that but 24/7. A perpetual whorl of short-form essays being handed in at random times of day, wildly multimedia projects of totally inconsistent sizes from dozens of countries. What sort of ratio of moderators to users would even *plausibly* keep things under control? How do you *pay* for that? How do you have meaningful *oversight* over the mods? Fuck, how do you even *begin* to compensate for the fact that they'll be inevitably be exposed to a subset of your users posting criminally heinous content for laughs?
The answer is that you don't manage to balance it reasonably. You use keywords to auto-filter certain posts so they'll be seen less, lowering the chance of anyone reporting them. You use basic network models to auto-approve or auto-deny some reported content based on what's *probably* in the images or text, and call a 70% success rate an exemplary success, because that's 70% of those reported posts your human moderators will correctly never see and a further 25% fewer posts that are incorrectly ruled on but never get appealed! Huge reduction in workload - fantastic news!
You try your damndest to make sure that advertisers feel like their content is never posted next to or in association with "bad" content, even if it's not ToS-breaking, because that's where the dollars are and without those all you've got are good intentions and that's not a currency you can pay your moderators in. You hope to hell that you fall on the side of "overzealous", because right-wing single-issue ideologues have the ears of payment processors and lawmakers the world over, and they'll cut you the hell off if you get a reputation, fair or otherwise, for being the sort of platform that might "facilitate harm" to kids, or women, or Jesus. Mostly Jesus.
Hence, the uncomfortable tension stretching taut the façade of every major platform - on the one hand, 'shifting moderation burdens to your users' is universally regarded as a shitty and unethical cost-cutting move ripe for exploitation by bad actors. On the other, despite having a surplus of capital and benefitting from the efficiencies of scale (and, arguably, having an unshiftable responsibility to moderate their own platforms), companies aren't managing to wield moderation in a way that works for their users.
In Tumblr's case, it's not profitable. In *Twitter's* case, it's not even profitable.
Obviously, I don't have a solution to this. Tumblr has chosen to fight the dual battles of "moderation is hard" and *ALSO* "some of our staff, including moderators, are inarguably biased/bigoted against core user groups". That's on them. Not going to pretend it isn't, not going to make excuses for it.
The best answer I have is to archive your shit and hop onto smaller networks with staff, communities, and rules that you can vibe with, and hope you will be in a position to help directly and monetarily contribute to their continued existence in a sustainable way.
We're here for the community and a broad set of fairly straightforward features (and lack of other, worse features). Those can, will, and often *do* exist elsewhere. If you stick around and one of these 'elsewhere' platforms finds a size that's sustainable and a moderation approach that actually works for the vast majority of users, then you've hit the jackpot.
If not? Well, archive everything you can and hop ships to new networks. These aren't public institutions designed to last lifetimes - these are passion projects (or cash grabs) bloated beyond initial scope and inevitably riddled with the biases, oversights, and straight-up skill issues of their creators. They were never going to last, and their insistence on pretending they're immortal and behaving in accordance is part of the problem.
Also, you should support laws that would mandate user access to their own data in an exportable and preferably cross-platform-compatible format. Part of what keeps people on networks is lock-in and effort. Making it legally mandatory to make those transitions between networks easy is probably one of the only bits of social media-related law that would actually curb malfeasance (from users and platforms themselves).
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some-pers0n · 3 months
Hey guys here's writing of Mastermind and Starflight with Morrowseer there too ig. It's a rewrite of his intro scene. Yayyy. Will I come back to this and make it into an actual proper oneshot? Who even knows at this point. No formatting or anything, I just needed to get writing down before midnight for my daily words
"Ach!" The NightWing across the room hissed. "Make no more movements. I was tasked with solving this *crisis* that we have found ourselves in, and I intend on finding a solution before we are all buried in rubble. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to tend to."
"...father?" Starflight spoke hesitantly.
He winced as he saw the dragon– Mastermind, the royal scientist– pause. He dropped his tools. "I swear to the *moons* if you don't stop pestering me with these strange..." As he craned his neck to face them, his words trailed off.
It was like staring at his own reflection. Starflight always felt out of place when it came to being the only NightWing in the cave, but here on the volcano? Every other dragons looked like him. Scales black as the night and wings made up of the skies above.
By this dragon was different. There was a light in his eyes that Starflight knew too well. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His own father right before him.
Before he could properly get another word out, Mastermind lurched forward, grabbing him by the snout.
"Wh– what?"
"Hold still! I'm inspecting..." Mastermind murmered beneath his breath. He squinted as he looked over Starflight, jerking his head around and brighting his face up close to see. "Dark green eyes, splash scale pattern along the wing membrane, a rather perfect jawline..."
Without warning, he hugged Starflight. "Moons above! My son has returned!" He wrapped his wings around him, holding him close.
"Wh– what is..." Starflight was distracted by the sudden comfort and gentle embrace he had found himself in. Though, just as quickly as it had arrived, he let it go.
"My son! Morrowseer, I almost thought you to be useless by now, what with your little scheme."
"It's not a scheme, scientist."
"Oh, come now, don't get all formal." He scoffed. "I was led to believe that this little gamble of yours, personally setting up the Dragonets of Destiny and the formation of the Talons of Peace, was a fruitless endeavor. A waste of time and resources that, in all honesty, should have gone to my research either way."
"And what have you done in the past six or so years to make up for it?"
"Oh, plenty! You wouldn't truly appreciate it though. Yes, yes, indeed your mind is more for other, lesser matters." Mastermind's energetic eyes landed back on Starflight. "Which brings us to you! You already inherited so many of my most valuable traits. Although, you are missing my glasses. You also do not quite have the same, well, vibrato in your voice as I do. That's a problem for later. You'll adopt the accent and my very own spectacles soon enough, young newt."
He flinched upon hearing such an awful nickname. "My name is Starflight," he said.
"Starflight! Oh, Starflight!" Mastermind looked him over once more. "Hm, doesn't exactly strike me as a 'Starflight'. I would say you would be better off as a... 'Bigtalons'?" He laughed at his own comment. "I jest! I kid! It's only a rather common and boring name. Me? I fit the title of 'Mastermind' like a glove! You? Well–" He waved his talons– "I suppose I can't be upset at you. Rather, your cavegivers. Guardians, is that what you called them?"
Starflight nodded, slightly overwhelmed by how much this dragon was talking.
"Guardians, bah! What son of mine needs to be guarded? I doubted they were any good."
"They weren't. They were...not very nice." Starflight broke eye contact with him, staring at his talons.
"Oh, so you must have trauma of some kind from how you phrased it."
"H– huh?"
"It's obvious! Such a tone and hesitancy would mean you're inclined not to exactly talk about it. Play it down. It's basic behavioral psychology. You must also have been severely punished and have gone through rigorous and repeated trauma if you had left that cave in a state like this."
"Mastermind, I assure you the Guardians were not entrusted with five dragonets if only to harm them. It was to train them for the outside world. Pyrrhia is a cruel, uncaring reality that we live in."
"I agree with you, yes, but look at him!" Mastermind pointed to Starflight. "Healthy minds do not have a face like that. Clearly, despite growing up in far better conditions, he was subjected to enough mental trauma to become...this." He gestured in the general direction of Starflight. "No offense, of course."
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ubercharge · 5 months
im not sure if anyone asked you yet, but thoughts on the dunmeshi anime?
thanks for asking! sometimes i forget i exist here as a person cuz i just log on to queue random stuff without making posts 💀
it's pretty rare for me to watch an anime without ever reading the manga, and there've been stellar adaptations recently. ONK, kisekoi, BTR, frieren, CSM just to name a few. in a landscape where we're used to being disappointed as readers who have a frame of reference before watching a show, i had very, very high hopes for the dunmeshi adaptations that weren't quite fulfilled.
i'll dump everything under a cut since i actually have a lot to say, sorry if you were expecting it to be brief 😎
the lines in the artistic style are good, nicely translating the characters into animated format. really no notes there. definitely a nicer comparison for char designs between manga and anime vs. tonsuki and tensura who both have incredible manga styles that the anime stumble over (though in the latter's case, i don't think they were aiming for it sadly)
the shading has been fine, but weakened by the colour choices. some of the dungeon scenes (e.g., living armour stuff) are lit with a medium blue which helps to sell the idea of the scene being in a place not lit by fire (and contrasts it with the making camp & cooking scenes), but the lack of dark shading flattens some of these very well-drawn images.
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the earlier chapters don't have the same level of detail as newer ones, but the art style is still fantastic - it's expressive with high contrast and shows action and impact perfectly well. manga will often times have a naturally easier way with contrast due to it being in black & white, but i don't think that means anime should just give up on contrast in favour of playing ineffectively with colour.
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here's a night shot of fern from frieren. the choices made here allow for the shading to stand out from the flats and give her more definition overall while still being relatively simple (just flats + shading)
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when dunmeshi has more "normal" lighting conditions, it does a lot better. similar to fern up there, there's about the same amount of difference between the flats and shadows, so i really wish they did a better job on the dungeon scenes since they're going to have to deal with non-torchlit scenes plenty. i won't argue that the living armor scene certainly has some kind of a sickly, alien mood to it, but tl;dr i think it should've had darker shading if not also being less green. this largely applies to every other blue-green lit scene they've done.
looking at kui's coloured drawings in the ed gives me an idea of what could've been and it makes me sad to lose out on colour choices more similar to that (even if they obviously can't have her level of detail on top of it)
some of the backgrounds haven't been too interesting but some have been good, overall it's probably fine. plus you can only draw and detail repeating bricks so many times before the viewer gets bored of looking at them anyway, i guess.
the animation is really fun and expressive. it's trigger, so they don't keep scenes stiffly on-model when they want characters moving around. this is good because it helps to sell both action and comedy moments!
the music overall i haven't really cared for? the BGM has not been particularly moving, interesting, or memorable - mostly generic. and i've seen too many fantasy shows for my own good, so i might be harder to impress (but i even remember tenken had a good BGM song or two to make a fight dramatic and that show was barely above average at best)
i'm biased not being particularly into bump, so i would've selected a different artist for the OP (i actually did like the bump OP from SxF though, come to think of it). before anyone makes a wisecrack based on what i've watched lately, no it doesn't have to be yoasobi.
i maybe feel the ED song would've been better for the OP, i don't like the largely peaceful bit of the OP with very still visuals. the OP is where you reel people in! it should be an eye-catching hook, representative of what to expect with some extra sauce on top.
the ED is great, total bop. it's a fine time for slower visuals as an enjoyable wind-down from the episode, so less or no animation is no big deal. plus kui's art is absolutely gorgeous! it all perfectly fits that "end of work" fun and lighthearted mood they were going for.
i largely enjoy the voice acting. i would've personally gone for a less "old man" voice on senshi because he's really not that old for a dwarf, but they obviously wanted to make it clear he was the older, wiser, knowledgeable character.
this might be my own personally most blasphemous opinion, but i would've picked a different VA for falin. i want to make it clear i absolutely adore saori hayami - she's incredible and one of my faves. with that said, her voice fits the character, so maybe it's just because i've heard her too often which is not her fault by any means! i love the voices for laios, marcille, and chil.
it seems netflix's subs go off of the official EN TL of the manga, which makes sense, but i've talked about how i don't like it more than ehscans' TL (which is one of the single best TLs i've read for a series, official or otherwise) and that holds true for the anime ("mad sorcerer" is cooler AND less clunky than "lunatic magician"). i prefer less localisation stuff and/or quirkiness in my subs and more direct translation for both manga and anime.
as for the changes/additions they've made to the show, some of them have been alright and some i didn't care for. they really want to sell marcille as the funny joke character which is why they had her being chased by the basilisk instead of having doni & fionil like it was in the manga which was better for the pacing and had good impact vs a funny clip of marcille running back and forth.
i don't dislike when adaptations add or change stuff, but placing them cleanly is important. dunmeshi is already really funny! i don't think it needs help being funnier by reaching for the cheap laugh. when laios sees two people running for their lives from a basilisk and he just goes "wow that's a bad way to run from that monster", it's already lowkey hilarious - all the more so followed by marcille telling mr. monster-know-it-all to go rescue them if he knows what's up and him rescuing them by making himself big and chicken squawking real loud (which embarrasses marcille and chil, but c'mon guys, at least his idea worked!). i feel like the comedy in laios' funny hero moment is undercut by forcing the marcille butt of the joke moment in the anime.
dunmeshi is already incredibly good at just about everything it does. i feel if an adaptation wants to add or change something, it's often better amplifying a strength or shoring up a weakness in the source material. BTR adds a lot to the source (not hard considering the source is a 4koma) and makes already funny things even funnier. the "we should all get social media" scene is elevated to iconic status with the visual of bocchi glitching out + the VA's inhuman screech. i can't say where i'd really want to change or add stuff to dunmeshi, since it really feels so good and whole, but i'm sure there's room in the process of translating manga panels to animated scenes, and i think the direction overall could've been better (comparing most shows to BTR isn't fair i know because BTR is directed & adapted so well it's hydrogen bomb vs. coughing baby territory)
i've mostly said negative stuff, but i don't want it to sound like i hate or even really dislike the adaptation. i think when it comes to a series you really love, you want to see the best adaptation possible within reason, and the disappointment of stuff not being quite what you were hoping for is amplified by so many other recent adaptations being so good.
dunmeshi does not have a bad anime by any means, but a lot of that is thanks to the source material's quality. if they do another season, i hope they have more time/budget/whatever because i think a lot of the parts it does have are good parts! but in this case, i wasn't hoping for good; i was hoping for great.
trigger makes great shows with wacky storylines (in some ways, the same one wacky storyline, but that's a different discussion) and dunmeshi, being directed by someone who's worked on a bunch of trigger stuff (largely sci-fi leaning), maybe needed some more direction from people who've worked on fantasy stuff? i can't say for sure what would've been enough to take the show over the top, but though i generally don't hope for much from adaptations, i really did have higher hopes for this one than it ended up achieving.
overall it seems i'll end up scoring the show a 7 or 7.5 when i finish the season, though there's certainly still room to wow us all. whatever you feel about the adaptation, whether you liked it or not, whether or not you've read the manga, feel free to comment your thoughts below or in my inbox. let's keep it free of manga spoils for anime-only watchers, though!
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ry0chann · 2 years
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彡 INCLUDES: Tachihara, Atsushi, Kunikida
彡 SUMMARY: the above characters' reactions to their s/o protecting them from an enemy and getting injured as a result
彡 WARNINGS: bullet point format, angst (but nothing heart crushing), gn!reader, established relationships, reader is implied to be in critical condition (no one dies dw)
. . . the font i used to use for titles is too big so i'm slightly changing my fic layout AGAIN. i'm literally so indecisive — how irksome
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↺ the grudge he holds against himself for allowing this to happen- Tachihara is forever grateful that you would go to such lengths to protect him of course, but boy is he mad that he couldn't stop you sooner. he goes as far as to say it should've been him instead, that he should be the one hospitalized
↺ he brings you an excessive amount gifts, like way more than he should/needs to. he just feels so bad that you're in the condition you're in. from giant balloons to big teddy bears, Tachihara has your room filled with "get well soon" gifts
↺ he spends every night at the hospital with you. and even though he shouldn't, he lies in the bed with you. Tachi will just lie beside you and lightly wrap his arms around you (in a way that won't hurt you) and cuddle you until you fall asleep/wake up if you were already sleeping
↺ Atsushi feels so guilty for "letting" you get hurt, but it's not like he knew you were gonna take a bullet for him (metaphorically). you tell him this, yet that doesn't lift any of that weight off his shoulders :(
↺ he's super super anxious during your entire recovery. even if he knows you'll come out okay, he can't help but worry that something could still go wrong and he could lose you. the event also causes him to become paranoid about future battles if he knows you'll be fighting alongside him
↺ if you're not already living together, Atsushi offers to have you stay with him when you're released from the hospital. not as a permanent arrangement, but just until he's not so worried about your well-being (in which, you'll be staying there a while)
↺ he blames himself for your injuries :/ regardless of how many times you tell him you were protecting him, he will continuously say you shouldn't have risked your life and that he should've done better to keep you safe
↺ Kunikida does lecture you, it's only in his nature. obviously he doesn't do it as soon as he's able to see you, but once you're in good enough condition/getting better, he talks your ear off. he's sweet about though, saying while he appreciates it, he'd appreciate it more if you didn't do it again
↺ takes the time to visit you in the hospital every single day until you're released. once in the morning, then again in the evening. he's a busy man and unfortunately can't spend the entire day with you, but he will always make time for you. even if you're too tired to speak to him, he'll still sit with you for as long as he can
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[ @jessbeinme15 @leviamere @thepyroarchon @beautiful-is-boring @todorokichills @yuuotosaka3 @alice0blog @sev0-0 @kitsunekanojo ]
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vampireacademysims · 8 months
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Well, I guess it's time to address the situation... or the lack of situation lol This is gonna be long, be warned. There's a TL;RD at the end if you wanna skip the wall of text. To start, thank you to the two anons who took the time to read the comic and prod me about it and the new people who started following this tumblr in spite of the Hiatus warning. Altho this place has been collecting dust for more than a year now, I'm still around, updating my side reblogs tumblr, so it's not like I dropped from the face of the earth.
The truth is, at this moment in time, I've feel out of love with making this comic. It was always a lot of work due to me being a perfectionist. I never used any extra rendering apps, all you've seen here is raw sims images and a lot of work on Photoshop, so much so it gave me a muscle contracture on my right shoulder (because I did all my work in bed with my laptop/drawing tablet in my lap. I never said I was a smart person lol) that still flares up from time to time because I learned nothing. Then the VA fandom was already quite small by the time I started doing this in 2015 and I never really advertised this in the fandom anyway. I always got the impression most of the fandom didn't like the OG comics as it was and most of the people that followed the comic were sims 2 fans because, well, it's made with the sims and the images were pretty (forever holding in my heart the people you said this <;3) The recent "Vampire Academy" TV series (it was just in names, honestly) was the final nail in the coffin of my motivation. After information had leaked I was already disappointed in it, but after actually watching it, yeah no. Only plus to it was the surprise to see it was partially filmed in my country, in places where I have been myself. And lastly, and probably most importantly, I struggle with motivation a lot. It happens to us all, I am sure. It's no secret that I hated to panel, if I'd start all over again I'd just post the big images like many of you telling stories are doing now, it'd be less of a stress for me, but alas, I can't change formats now. And I said many times I was doing it mostly for myself, because I did love the comics based on the books, but doing it for yourself only gets you so far until you get bored. And I got bored. I'm actually surprised my hyper-focus on it lasted for as long as it did. I haven't been to Photoshop for editing - I used to make photomanipulations and other kinds of editing - for way over a year, so it's not only the comic that stopped.
I still have 7 pages to end chapter 6 in various degrees of editing, Veninorchid and Esotheria-sims have seen them, so they exist lol I will eventually finish editing them - it's mostly a Romitri flashback - and post them. But after that, I will have to decide how to proceed. Spending less time editing would help, but lowering the quality of my pages, the only thing people like about it, really doesn't sit well with me, because yeah, perfectionist.
So at the very least the remaining pages will be posted in early 2024, I might go back to it slowly, a little bit everyday so I don't burn out or put stress on my shoulder. But after that, it's up in the air. It's not like I've been staring at the walls during this time, I had other things taking my goldfish-like attention. I got interested in home bookbinding, which made me dig out old unfinished stories I once started and I've been trying to finish them and later try to bind them, because why the fuck not lol And on my reblogs tumblr I had this set of pictures about a Regency little story that people really loved and I'd like to add to it, but then again, all the editing it'd need *cries* I feel tugged in so many directions I fear I'll end up doing nothing lol
So the TL;DR is, I got bored with the comic because it was too much work and resulted in physical pain, I lacked the motivation and other things got my attention meanwhile. Chapter 6 will be be finished eventually, but after that it's up in the air. Cross my fingers that I get my mojo back while editing those pages. Still, a thank you to all of followed and are still following, sorry these were not the good news you wanted to read just because I made a post. You support up until now was what kept me going in the past, I can't thank you all enough.
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gettatranslations · 7 months
S Cawaii!-san&Demon Slayer Love Yumigeta Ako (23.11.26)
Good evening🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
Thank you very much for our Hokkaido Performanceー!!!
Lots of you came to watch us huh!🎶
I want to hear about your thoughts at our next individual event!!!
Also our new formation was announced yesterday!
Leader Ikuta Erina-san
Sub Leader Ishida Ayumi-san
Sub Leader Oda Sakura-san
Please continue to support Morning Musume。from here on too❤️
How amazing… all of their names contain 「田」。
Also today
I'll talk about S Cawaii!-sanー!!!
Today on S Cawaii!-san's official X(Twitter)
They posted some photosー!!!!
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Don't I look totally differentー!!!!
Seeing my fringe so thin made me so 「Ooh……!」
I was really excited!
There's another cute pink outfit of mine but I'll post that another timeー‼️
It was my first time doing this kind of hairstyle and just doing such a cool shoot📸
So、I was really excitable and kept telling the stylist-san 「This is my first time doing this hairstyle!」ー!
And、if you look closely at my eyes
Well not my eyes but the bit underneath my eyebrows。
Look closely
There's rhinestones!!!!!
I've always admired the way my senpai wear them during concertsー!!!!!!!
I also have large hair clips、and cool star earrings so I really enjoyed this shoot!!!!
I've also never worn such heavy eyeshadow so it felt really really really fresh。
And And And
On the flip side I'm wearing a really pale beige lipstick
And that surprised me too!
Like 「It's so pale but so beautiful!」!
I wore a cool outfit and a pink outfit、so you can see two opposing styles but they're both Yumigeta Ako(?) So please read it and pay attention to that contrast〜❤️‍🔥
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Look at thisー!
Yesterday、when I looked out of the plane window at the airport I saw something!
A Demon Slayer planeー!!
It was so coolー!!!!!!!
I really love Demon Slayer〜!!!
Demon Slayer is what first got me obsessed with anime!!!
It was a huge hit when schools were closed which is when I was in 5th〜6th grade!(T/N School closures = covid lock down times)
I couldn't play with my friends while schools were closed so I spent my whoーle time at home and I was super bored、
But my best friend was talking about Demon Slayer、so I started watching it and I was like 「This is so interesting…!!!!」
So I asked Mama to buy me the Manga and then I started collecting goods…
I got super duper obsessed!!!!
I also made origami
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Creator・6th grade Yumigeta Ako / Cameraman・6th grade Yumigeta Ako
They're pretty good
I was super obsessed with making Demon Slayer origami☺️
I was so proud of them I took them to school and showed them to my homeroom teacher like 「Look what I made!」😂
There are so many wonderful words in Demon Slayer、and I really love that about it💕
And with the covers of the manga、
I love the illustrations of the characters and the authors foreword and the titles each and every volume‼️
Writing all this makes me want to read it again。
Once YokoAre is over I think I'll reread the whole series from volume 1 ❤️‍🔥
I Getted 「Feelings of Love」✨
Demon Slayer is part of my origin story…
I'll always love itー!!!!!
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
2 days
Until Yokohama Arena
(Today was the final day of rehearsals!)
I definitely can't catch a cold now!!
Getting ill now would be the worst timing ever!!!!!
Tomorrow I'll wear a mask and gargle and wash my hands and disinfect everythingー!
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐤🐤🐤
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cozymoko · 1 year
Hello!! I’m so glad to see that you’re back online and taking requests once more! Can I ask for some HCs with Gojo Satoru with a S/O he always loves to push? I just love the idea of a super gentle, calm person who always tries to not show how truly possessive they can be getting stuck with someone like Gojo as a partner, who will of course notice their buried possessiveness and try to eagerly make them give into that and mark Gojo up a bit
(In his mind he’s like “Omg this could be such a fun game!! Imagine if they actually kabedon me due to their jealousy ahh” and Readers just like “I’m a monster who’s toxic and unhealthy :((” completely unaware Gojo is VERY into it)
Note: Hi hi hi! I'm glad to be back.
Featuring: Gojo Satoru
Format: Headcanons, 2nd person
WARNING(S): Possessive behavior, not proofread.
LINKS: Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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Now don’t get him wrong, GOJO SATORU is in no way a picky man when it comes to relationships. He just happened to fall for a very tranquil, kind-hearted person who is always sweet to those around them…Or so he thought.
I jest; you are all those things and many, many more it seems. But he didn't come to this decision by himself — oh no, he'd quite a few “hints” to help him out along the way.
Exhibit A: The two of you decided to use one of your very limited off days to spend time together in the city. Upon your arrival, GOJO was immediately swarmed by a group of fans, consisting of mainly teenage girls, who were practically drooling all over him. Being a rather powerful sorcerer yourself, you had your fair share of admirers. But that didn't excuse their strange behavior. Your relationship was public for Christ's sake!
You gently grab his arm, leading him from the group of girls in a rush. The polite smile on your lips was a bit strained and your nails were just barely grazing his skin. He'd almost brushed it off; well until he heard some very peculiar words leave your lips. “Do I have to marry him for these bitches to stay in their place or what? It's absolutely ridiculous.”
But he chose to ignore it.
Exhibit B: The afternoon the two of you were assigned a very important mission. But as always, SATORU can't seem to keep his attention in one place; so here you are, waiting in front of a Taiyaki vendor for the Jujutsu sorcerer, bored out of your mind. Once growing impatient, you push through the thin glass doors to retrieve him yourself.
But the first thing you saw was some chick holding GOJO'S hand dangerously close to her breasts and you were pissed. You approached the two with long strides before slapping the woman's hand away, leaving a stinging sensation in your wake. Your glare was hot, scorching even, as you stared her down as though she was nothing more than a spec of dirt beneath your feet.
“I'd appreciate it if you didn't touch my partner, M. I. N. E, or I might just have to teach you a lesson.”
That was all the proof he needed.
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“Hey honey, I think we need to have a talk about yesterday.”
The seriousness of his tone made your blood run cold. What happened; did he dislike the side of you that he saw? Is he genuinely upset with your actions? “Why didn't you show me that sooner~?” Bitch what?
Yes, he was a little bit annoyed at you for keeping such a wonderful secret from him; but I digress. Now's not the time to focus on the past when a new challenge has risen: Operation “Getting a (few) hickeys from {Name}” is now ago!
However, knowing you, this wasn't going to be easy.
While not being the type to make someone jealous, he will do his damnedest to get under your skin in other ways. For example, teasing; tugging the collar of his loose shirt, merely enough for you to see before saying, “Haah...My neck is awfully lonely right now; If only someone would bless me wish some kisses~!”
When you finally decided to give him some hickeys, it's over. Satoru is moaning so loud that you're sure the neighbors can hear you. It's mainly to tease you but he genuinely enjoys your possessive side. Having his significant other hold him so dearly is all he could ever want.
He's never been so grateful for his pale skin in his life. Don't even think for a second that he won't show them off! Low cut shirts, unnecessary tugs on his collar when he's around his students, and even openly converse about it. He truly has no shame.
You could hardly look your students in the eye due to his perverted acts!
At the end of the da y, GOJO will show you just how attractive he finds your possessiveness. After all, the last thing he wants is for his beloved to beat themself up over something so insignificant.
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theroseempress · 1 month
Weaving and Finger Painting for the ask meme!
(Weaving: are your works typically similar to one another? Pick two works, and share one similarity and one difference between them.)
I don't know if I'd say my works are similar per se, but there's most definitely themes I gravitate towards, and as such most of my works have said themes in common.
As to what said themes are... I'm honestly not entirely sure, to be honest. I definitely like writing character interactions, so I guess most of my works have strong inter-character relationships? I also really like exploring platonic love (and in general find exploring various types of love/relationships fun) so there's that as well.
As to the two works, I'll pick The Golden City and Mercy City (placeholder title) since they're the two I've been recently working on. Similarity- the main protagonist of TGC's name is Felix and the main protagonist of MC's name is Felice Aside from their names, Felix and Felice are pretty similar in some aspects. Also each of these stories currently has City in the title. Difference- Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that MC has a magic system and TGC does not, just average humans. There's also a lot more groups of people up to their own agendas in MC than TGC.
(Finger Painting: share a small snippet from your earliest work (or the earliest that you can get back to). How would you rewrite it today? Either share the rewrite itself or just describe how you'd do it.)
Oh wow, my earliest work... Actually, hang on, I might be able to get that. One moment... Yeah, couldn't find my actual earliest work. It's hypothetically somewhere in my email, but I emailed it to someone when I was like 11 or something, so yeah.
My actual earliest work was a fantasy book where the main characters were horses, believe it or not. I called it Isles of the Endless Sea (which is honestly a very cool name) and it had like 3 or 4 books before I got bored halfway through the ending of one and just. stopped writing them haha.
IotES was honestly quite a good series despite the rather clunky writing (not blaming my past self, she did her best), I reread it recently and there's quite a few moments where I was like 'huh that's actually a really cool concept/line'. The first book's title was 'Night of Shadows' and I honestly can't figure out if that's a bit too dramatic or if it's actually a very cool title.
I'd like to try rewriting it someday, to be honest. If I did, the biggest change I'd make would be changing the characters to humans. I'd also adjust the plot a bit so it's less convoluted, and definitely change how ALL THE CHARACTERS are somehow related. (I'd just discovered the concept of 'secret evil sibling' and was very enamoured with it).
There's a snippet (the first book's prologue) under the cut! Notes specifically on the snippet... not that bad honestly. Formatting could definitely use some work. If I were to edit it now, I'd probably rewrite some of the lines, but overall quite good, especially for what was basically my first time writing.
“She will see you now.”
The white attendant stepped out of the way, and Reikan strode past him, into the throne room. The mare who waited there was beautiful, a deadly kind of beauty, however.
She was the color of polished black ebony, and had striped hooves. Her face was neatly structured, suggesting a hint of Arabian. The only flaw was a long scar,running down her jawline. It was not a ugly thing, merely a line where there was no hair. However, it served as a reminder of who she was to her legions. That and the sabre, that deadly curved sword, that hung in a sheath at her side. It had emeralds studded down the handle, and a blade many suspected was dipped in poison.
It was, in fact. A narrow tube ran down the blade, feeding from the tip, to a reservoir set in the handle, that was filled with adders venom! It had a plug at the tip, so that when it stabbed something , that plug would give leeway for a thin trickle of venom. If you felt the tip, you could feel a slight bump, the plug. However, no-horse felt the tip, as Ziara made most of her kills without using the poison at all.
But perhaps her most recognizable feature was her eyes. They were black, which was not a strange thing. But the kind of black..ah, that was strange. They were a deep black that if you stared into, you felt almost as if you were being sucked into a vacuum. When she was angry, the black gained a strange gleam to it. She was also a master of stares, and could make almost any horse feel the way she wanted them to.
Ziara was studying a map when Reikan entered. However, she greeted him before the door had even closed
Somewhat astonished at how she had know it was him, he bowed, and replied. “Milady”
Eyes spitting fire, she turned around.
“Reikan! How many times must I remind you? Do. Not. Call. Me. Milady!” “Apologies General. It was a slip of the tongue.”
The lethal mare returned to her previous state, one so charming it was impossible not to be awed by her beauty.
“Your report?”
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dojae-huh · 2 months
So his original plan was just to, eating nd going around with doyoung, chatting....etc......but the company made it more like a veriety show interview where they could bring guest nd ask abt their upcoming activities!!! Haha..... That's funny.... What haechan wanted was a relaxation, just enjoying the eating with doyoung's company, he picked doyoung coz of their reaction over foods so ppl won't get really bored just see them eating... Nd yes if it is harchan nd doyoung ofcrs they fight nd it is kinda fun to watch... But now it become more serious job, like its ok if the guests are from nct, or the person they already known.... But the guests coming from outside of the bubble makes it more visible.. The epi with minhyung, like they did well but the awkwardness was visible, minhyung was not shy seeing strangers for the first time was a plus point in that episode... I'm not criticizing, it is a great opportunity for them to make new frnds nd also a new path... Since 127 is going on a hiatus.... Nd ofcrs doyoung nd haechan were enjoying it and also doing a good job this far... But I'm just wondering how would it be it for just 2 of em to go on a show... Like of ot was only dy nd hc would it be as successful as it is now?! Just wondering!! What is ur thought on this!!
Haechan and Doyoung eat out together a lot as it is. More like, Haechan wants a programme for himself. In the past he pitched the idea about Haechan's radio, that one lasted for some time.
Mokchu is low budget. There are only 2-3 staff members at the location, maybe, plus editors at SM. To attract non k-pop fans or non-NCT fans a restaurant-review show should have a better camerawork (i.e. cameramen at the shooting location), lighting, sound. Just look at Heechul's drinking show Do attended. There were like 10-12 staff members on the side, sitting in two rows. There is a big competition as there are many mukbaeng shows.
Therefore, I get why SM turned it into a more common format (hosts+guests). 2Dongs can shoot episodes with only two of them anytime later, as specials. I'm more concerned about another member replacing Haechan and later Doyoung. That will be a bigger deviation from the original plan, even more like work instead of doing something the two enjoy.
Fans tend to watch mostly content with their faves. And not all of them do. Even such a popular member like Taeyong gets 200-300k views for his TY vlogs. (Although I do believe that YT doesn't count many views, maybe from those who use adblocks). Therefore, I think 2Dongs show would have been watched only by their fans.
This show is a good practice though. The episode with Minhyung showed that both 2Dongs are not very good with dealing with new to them people in a situation without a prepared script, where they can rely on a professional role and don't need to decide how they should act (be more polite/be more friendly). Haechan can't even be his cheeky self (which he plays easily on variety shows). And Doyoung can't be MC easily (because their show doesn't have a structure, rules to follow, yet).
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fortyfive-forty · 3 months
6, 17, 19!
6. favorite surface to watch?
clay! idk i just think it's fun, and as i said, a lot of the players i like are good clay players which of course contributes to my personal enjoyment lol
17. do you prefer best of three or best of five and why?
this is genuinely a complicated question for me...on the surface, i like best of five because a) more tennis b) (usually) benefits my favorite players. bo5 generally leads to fewer upsets (i mentioned this a while ago in a previous post, but how many of the men would have been eliminated in early rounds of ao if it wasn't bo5? A LOT) which as i said benefits most of my favorite players who are relatively high ranked. ex: i think iga and elena would have both avoided their upsets at ao if it was bo5.
however, i actually think bo3 is a better format. not necessarily that i prefer it explicitly but i think the format, objectively, is better. i think it's more difficult, there is less room for mistakes/errors, the stakes are higher. plus, i come as primarily a fan of women's football, which is usually accused of not being competitive enough (that is, misogynistic men would use the "predictability" of woso to justify not watching or not investing in the sport). so i always see upsets as a good thing, even if they don't benefit my players. and i understand that this isn't really the vibe in tennis (in fact, its sort of the opposite), but i always feel like...wouldn't it be so boring if you could always predict who was going to win? and in bo3, when there are more upset and it's more unpredictable, to me that makes it more fun! like i said, there's more risk, and its more likely that you get low-ranked players causing an upset. which i think is also good for those players, because it gives them a better chance to increase their ranking! again, i know that isn't really the attitude in tennis, but as sort of an outsider to tennis culture, i think the unpredictability of bo3 makes the sport more interesting.
19. who is the most underrated player?
well i could give you about a dozen players...i also think it depends on how you define underrated, bc like, from a certain perspective, iga is underrated, i don't think anyone gives her the credit she deserves considering what she's accomplished. but in general terms...look i know i talk about her a lot but i think jasmine paolini is super underrated. i don't know enough abt tennis analysis to talk about her play style but i love watching her play and i feel like watching her slowly climb in the rankings over the course of the past year has been so rewarding. of course yes i am biased but truly i feel like she's really reaping the rewards of a long process of improvement and i can't wait to see what she does the rest of this year!!!
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tzigone · 1 year
Rewatched Dirty Dancing for the first time in at least a decade
Rewatched Havana Nights, too. I've seen the original mores time, but it's been at least a decade since I've seen either.
Of course, the story is a moment in time and ends there. But people like "what happened next" and I totally went to look for fanfic on it, I admit. Way too many "she's pregnant" stories - hell no. Johnny should not have trouble getting condoms at that time in history and given Penny's recent trauma, I just don't really buy them not using birth control.
But what do I think would happen? Well, I want my couples together. But what do they do, besides be in love? I will say Baby and Johnny are part of the formation and growth of each other and each other and the the events influenced their world views in ways that would linger forever, even if they didn't stay a couple. But I'd keep 'em together, because I'm a sucker for happy ending.
I admit to not watching all that closely this time around, so may have missed details telling us what they might want.
Did Johnny really truly love dance in the sense of wanting it as a career? I know Penny said it was all she ever wanted to do - not sure if she was being honest about it. If I made one really have success at it, it'd be her, I think.
I remember how Johnny felt about about Baby's father helping Penny. Now, yes, saying he's nothing is part of his own skewed view of his own worth. But would he like to be able to do something "important" because it's what he wants, instead of just for the regard it would grant him? That ability to help, and the willingness that Baby had to do so, are something he so admires, and doe he want to emulate it?
I do think Johnny has both desire and disdain for that upper middle class lifestyle (indeed, some of the disdain at, least, is envy-driven, though some deserved, as well). The security, the comfort, the women who take care of themselves and smell nice and all the "softness" and ease are have their appeals. I don't know if he could accomplish it - college isn't expensive then (well, depending on where you are), but affording to live while you are at school is an entirely different thing. And I'm not sure his pride or sense of "rightness" would allow for college-graduate wife Baby paying his way through later (and, of course, he'd be older). College is by no means a necessity, though. But what flavor of meaningful work would suit and please him?
Anyone else think his uncle might be better off than his own folks - union painter/plasterer would not be bad pay (though it depends on how many weeks work there are each year, and, of course, is blue collar).
Baby. Frances. She grew up so much. She went from viewing her father as almost perfect to realizing he was a (still good) man with his own flaws and biases. She learned you can't always change the unjust things, but trying matters anyway. But she's not as naive anymore. It's obviously important that she not give up wanting to help - to make the world a better place. But it's the method of it, I'm curious to. Will she be a lawyer or economist or something else? Certainly, I don't expect her to live in the same sort of "bubble" she grew up in - with the idea that "those people" are "other" - that it's good to help, but that they occupy different social spheres. So I do think she'd want a more mixed (economically, socially, racially) environment and social circle in her adulthood. Does she still go for the Peace Corps or for more mundane help at home? The world and youth culture change so much in the next few years (though we have to be mindful that the actual sixties had a whole lot boring, non-activist, traditional life-style young people), and how is she affected by those changes? Don't want her the cynic.
Then for Havana Nights, there's a whole other pickle with the political elements and consequences. Javier is hopeful for a brighter future. And Castro was quite popular for a quite a while, and there really were significant improvements in life for many. But he not a proponent of violence, and the executions, imprisonments, and setting folks up to spy on each other will not endear him. So how long until he leaves, and what does he do when he does? He's devoted to his family and is the major financial provider for his mother and nephew. Having dependents makes so much more difficult. Will he get leave for the US? Will he get his family there, too or just send remittances? And his brother is a whole 'nother can of worms. Even if he does come to the US, he absolutely not going to mesh well with the earliest/first-wave emigrants, who favor Batista like US influence over Cuba.
Katey is very much the typical teen in that she no idea what she wants to do with her life. She doesn't have a "direction" or dream job or anything like that. Still very much finding her way. Just with broader horizons after her experiences. And far more cognizant of of the impact of politics. Don't know what I'd have her do.
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