#not the ophelia episode that was like episode three lol
drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
In one of the episodes, Jun mentioned that she wanted to pierce her ears twice. in your version she has already done this?
oh dude you either have memory of a steel trap or someone had a good rewatch recently! But, wow, tbh I do not remember this and in HoM AU designs I only delibarately added earrings/piercings to Kim and Jake to sort of break their design more from their og looks (especially Kim lol, I barely changed her anything xD) but also for practical in-verse reasons. I didnt even think about Jun or anyone else... but you know? I like it, so now she does!
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AND now she got 7 of them!!! Some are just simple hoops or studs, but others are magical gem stones for emergencies (small spells and protections), and she can just swap them out when needed.
After you mentioned it, I wonder why out of all characters Jun is like almost the only one without piercings of any sorts? I mean even Lila got a fang earring and she has been human-shaped for like less than a year?? Which led me to a headcanon:
What if Jun's invulnerability is so strong she couldn't even get piercings in a normal human way? So, going with her Mom or her friends to get her ears pierced in a mall was out of the question. She and Jasmine had to enchant a needle/make a spell (or maybe just visit a monster beauty salon), just for her to do it and after they just show up to her parents like: "Oh look Barbara, Michael, I took Jun to pierce her ears, doesn't she look wonderful?'
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And later Jun just took the needle/spell to covertly make more piercings with her friends, which Ophelia was more than happy to do. The other three she got a bit later over the years. ;D
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
I do love the book but it's harder to get through than the show if you don't care for wangxian just because the focus is that much narrower. The nature of adaptation and also CQL having objectively too many episodes(Guanyin temple did NOT need four eps lol) turns it into an ensemble show with something for everyone. Yanli takes fifty chapters to show up and Wen Qing doesn't make her entrance until chapter 60. I am one of those people who very much do enjoy wangxian both separately and together but I also consider them one of the less interesting storylines and there are relatively few scenes of theirs I reread compared to the rest of the cast.
AGREEEEEED. The show cares so much for the supporting characters and gives such life to them--as adaptations of works with such vast words SHOULD once they've been freed from the constraints of first-person or third-person-limited narration, honestly. Knowing that there's less WQ in the novel is particularly disappointing to me, bc I love her friendship with WWX, and had hoped All WWX All The Time would at least mean more mad scientist friendship time! Alas.
That said. I am going to go on a tangent because ohhhhhhhh my god, Guanyin Temple and its need for editing.
@maester-of-spreadsheets and I have compared Guanyin Temple to Act IV of a Shakespeare play. A lot of Act IVs includes a super intense scene where the characters are in a state of HIGH EMOTION as shit hits the fan and we hurtle towards the climactic action in Act V--Ophelia's mad scene, Richard II's deposition, Brutus and Cassius's breakup fight, Richard III's coercion of Elizabeth Woodville, etc. These scenes are all CERTIFIED BANGERS that hold their plays together.
However. The reason these scenes go so hard is that they're just ONE SCENE. One really long-ass scene, maybe, but "long" here is maybe 20 minutes, bc we can't chug along with the same exact level and type of intensity for much longer than and remain engaged... which is EXACTLY what happens in CQL's iteration of Guanyin Temple. Without Mingjue's corpse busting in like the Kool-Aid man to release the tension in explosive action (the blade spirit does NOT cut it unless "it" is JGY's arm) or Wangxian's confession to release tension with some levity, it's just tearful emotional reckoning after tearful emotional reckoning for THREE ENTIRE HOURS.
And like, I 100% find every plot being rehashed at Guanyin Temple more interesting than anything Wangxian have going, but it's weird to have our protagonists just sitting there spectating other people's emotional implosions for the equivalent of an entire feature-length film. Like, they tried with the curse mark thing and the Second Flautist, but all the plot permits WWX to do is scowl tearfully about these major revelations because JGY's gotta be killed by NHS via LXC.
It had me by the throat when I first watched it because all the information was BRAND NEW and I genuinely didn't know what was going to happen, but on rewatches I just get tired. Individual bits are great on their own, but as one long slog? Noooooo thank you. And the abrupt mood whiplash and confused pacing once the focus returns to Wangxian for good leaves a weird taste in my mouth.
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kmze · 2 months
Your fav music moment on tvd,if any?
There was one that I always found intriguing.In 6×14,when caroline was ,rambling to Stefan, about all the books her mom wouldn't be able to finish reading before she died & Stefan said he was happy to take the responsibility because he had probably read all the books(Brag!),the song playing in the background was Sweet Ophelia by Zella Day.This song is about loss of innocence and compares it with Ophelia from Shakespeare's Hamlet.Zella has said that she wrote it when she felt betrayed by the guy she lost her virginity to.What do think this meant for Stefan & Caroline's relationship?
This is the part they played on the show 👇🏿
Believe me now,you're too young,girl
Cherry Pie with your gold curls
Growin' up like a grapevine
Wrapped around you in due time
Oh-ah, oh-ah
Oh-ah, oh-ah
Oh-ah, oh-ah
Oh-ah, oh-ah
Sweet Ophelia
When young blood escapes
Vows that break
Go up, up away
Sweet Ophelia
When young blood escapes
Vows that break
Go up, up away
Up, up away
Up, up away
Great questions Anon!
My favorite musical moment is Steroline's reunion kiss in 7x22 with Aquilo's Silhouette playing, I even made a gifset back in the day as to why! The 7x22 kiss mirrors their 6x14 kiss and I felt like the scene was filmed that way because it was basically saying that after all that shit they went through that season they still found their way back to one another and can go back to the start.
I can remember being nothing but fearless and young We've become echoes, but echoes, they fade away We've fallen to the dark as we dive under the waves
The first line describes them pretty perfectly as vampires and the next two lines are kind of about how they were separated for three years and they fell into the dark (aka Caroline hating him). And through all of that they still found their way back to each other because they always find their way back to each other and that's what these lyrics represented.
As if you don't remember As if you can forget It's only been a moment It's only been a lifetime But tonight you're a stranger Some silhouette
I especially love that it's called Silhouette because both kisses have that silhouette look to them, because when they kiss they become one some silhouette.
Oh that's really interesting about Zella Day's Compass I didn't know that! The connection to Hamlet seems really intentional too as foreshadowing especially if were looking at Caroline as Ophelia, these lyrics describe her well:
Believe me now, you're too young girl Cherry Pie with your gold curls
I think the connection comes from what happens to Caroline in the following episode because when Ophelia's father is murdered and Hamlet "rejects" her she goes mad and eventually kills herself. When Caroline's mother dies and Stefan "rejects" her she shuts off her humanity. It's also a really nice tie-in that Zella Day's Hypnotic is used in 6x17 I always love when they repeat an artist for Steroline like Aquilo, Lights & Motion and Amy Stroup.
I also think it was intentional that they talked about Jane Eyre in that scene (and I know LOL at Stefan he's so pretentious sometimes) because that foreshadowed what was going to happen with their no humanity arc. Here's the meta on it which is really interesting. Obviously it's not a complete retelling but I think it was intentional. Also this post talks about my Odyssey theory lol, and you know I read Circe by Madeline Miller (fantastic book btw) a few years ago and I've decided I stand by that theory (I was just wrong about the FF but whatever)! Plus since sirens were introduced the following season and Enzo used the Odyssey to clue Bonnie in on what was going on.
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @camb99-cbmi6 !!!
ONE thing that traumatized you as a child: Okayyyyy I’m gonna assume this is not referring to real psychological trauma lol and more so just something that scared you “trauma” but um I watched a couple episodes of criminal minds at too young an age and got so scared I couldn’t sleep so I’ve never watched the show again lol
TWO things you’re looking forward to: The Owl House coming back and Halloween
THREE games you’ve recently played: mostly I just play animal crossing, I have Pokémon arceus but I unfortunately haven’t played in a bit, I don’t own a third game at the moment
FOUR songs that you love at the moment:
(Thank you tumblr for turning me on to this song)
(Actually I’m obsessed with Rina’s entire new album but I’m putting this one since it’s the one currently stuck in my head)
(My pinned post attests to this)
(I’m planning another fan art but it’s gonna be a while till I get to it)
FIVE places you’d like to visit: I want to visit many places but Tokyo, San Francisco, Reykjavik, Rio de Janeiro, and Lisbon are probably my number ones rn
SIX cool looking cars: I don’t know cars ❤️
SEVEN TV shows you love: (lol should be obvious to anyone who has followed me for longer than a couple weeks but) Andi Mack, Julie and the Phantoms, Diary of a Future President, The Owl House, The Ghost and Molly McGee, Kipo & The Age of Wonderbeasts, and Avatar The Last Airbender are the first that come to mind
EIGHT mutuals to tag: I’m not sure who to tag so just anybody who wants to should do it and just say I tagged you :)
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b-b-b-b-bones · 3 years
Watching Cold Case can be difficult sometimes because there are no smart people in the cast. It’s just six homicide detectives, no variety at all, and they’re all so. Fucking stupid. I mean, they’re smart in that they can, like, deduce stuff or whatever, but like, none of them actually know anything. There was one episode where the victim was posed like Ophelia in the river. The murderer was an art history teacher. On Bones they would have solved that case in, like, five minutes, and they could have done the same on Cold Case if any of those idiot cops had ever looked at a painting even once in their lives.
Is this what most other cop shows are like? Damn. You get spoiled when your favorite show is about a bunch of walking encyclopedias.
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cometcrystal · 3 years
anyway i finished Family by ffn user The Middle Warner Sibling today. i’d link it, but tumblr hides posts with links; you’ll find the fic easily if you sort on fanfiction dot net by highest amount of favorites for animaniacs LOL
here are my thoughts which i am making a Post about because this fic is literally 760,000 words long and if it’s not a touchstone of the fandom, it should be. ALSO if you care about spoilers for this story, this post will have spoilers in it.
things i liked:
the warners themselves are written very well. i’m not a huge fan of the “they’re actors and animaniacs is the show they film” idea myself, but it’s done in the best way possible here that feels very believable
i watch riverdale and thus i enjoyed all the melodrama. this fic is very dramatic but that’s not always a bad thing
the adult fear was very powerful. as a 24 year old and also an oldest sibling, reading about how during their TIS days, dot was adopted off to a few different homes and yakko and wakko didn’t even know it??? and she was only returned because she wouldn’t stop crying out for yakko??? was INCREDIBLY unsettling to me. the fact that it’d even happen. also my favorite arc was probably the TIS arc alongside the car crash/coma arc
the sibs being descendants of bosko was an interesting detail that i liked. there are SO many animation history references throughout this ENTIRE fic and i’m positive i missed some but i recognized a lot. op obviously knows what they’re talking about
the implementation of toon theory and “schlesinger syndrome” is BRILLIANT. i’ve seen lots of fics explore toon theory stuff, but none as in-depth as this. i LOVED IT and i want to read just an entire manual on toon theory. i wanna take an entire course
the sibs’ mentors and chaperones are all wonderful. i’m very firmly a “scratchy is the warners’ parental figure” truther, but bugs bunny being that in this fic worked very well. yakko calling him “da-doo” in his perspective is VERY fitting and i liked that detail a lot. it’s extremely cute. also foghorn’s relationship w wakko and porky’s relationship with dot are both extremely cute as well. also: chaos vodka aunt slappy nation rise
hello nurse is given a real name and some agency thank god
the character of penelope goose should be a real thing. i love her SO much.
i have never watched a single episode of talespin in my life but i love mrs cunningham, kit, and molly now
i cried three times at this fic, which is an accomplishment because i have NEVER cried at a fanfic before: once when ophelia died, once when goose comforted yakko after they got caught by TIS, and once at goose’s funeral
normally i don’t care for overly-dad-like yakko. he’s protective of his siblings ofc and would die for them but he’s still their big brother, not their dad. BUT in this universe, dad-like yakko makes perfect sense, and i really enjoyed it, so points for that
every good thing that happens to the warners feels completely earned. we see them from the very beginning, when dot can’t even walk yet, all the way up to yakko’s 16th birthday. it all just feels very rewarding to see them succeed, and their backstory/buildup to working for warner bros is just. really good. the familial love and sibling relationships are IMMACULATE
things i didn’t like:
i know that teenage boys are just Like That but also i did not like how the author put yakko in so many situations where he was allowed to act on it, especially considering he’s like, 12 or 13 when his first makeout session happens, and then maybe a year older when the next thing happens. really did not like that.
also really did not like the author’s homophobia and transphobia showing in SEVERAL instances. it was just weird because the fic’s weirdly progressive in a lot of places but then its just like. yakko explaining that gay people exist to wakko is suddenly a “weird conversation”. like. ok
pinky and the brain and straight and brain is straight with GADGET HACKWRENCH
this fic is so mean to scratchy. be nice to him :(
it’s also mean to skippy hes just a boy!!!!!!!!!
things i am neutral on but still found noteworthy:
the author has a very very strong vendetta against darkwing duck for some reason and its just so baffling. he is SO yucky nasty to the warners and FOR WHAT??? and gosalyn is a lil bitch in this fic too its SO weird to see. ive never watched darkwing duck so maybe theyre just like that but i doubt it
anyway i enjoyed reading this story despite the problems i have with it. it managed to cut off at the best moment it could: yakko getting reassurance from bugs and giving him a hug after wakko and dot have decided to try new interests out. it’s unfinished, and was last updated in 2014, but that’s a much better cutoff point than a lot of unfinished fics get, and i don’t feel a need for closure on anything.
just be warned, this fic has a LOT of heavy subjects in it. feel free to ask me if you need any specific warnings, but otherwise, i say go for it
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ophelia-coeur · 3 years
tagged by @fvae - thank you! i’ll be ✨manifesting✨ that pottery studio for you 
rules: answer these questions and tag some people you are contractually obligated to know better
I'll be tagging @brizzlovesyou @bandsanitizer @caffeine-catastrophe and whoever else feels like it <3
1. name/nickname: ophelia 
2. gender: female
3. star sign: libra
4. height: physically, 5′8. spiritually, 5′11 (which I now have luckily achieved with platform boots)
5. time: 18:20
6. birthday: birthdays are gross :)
7. favourite bands/groups: 5sos, nothing but thieves, keane, sleeping at last, boys world is quickly getting there too. 
8. favourite solo artists: taylor swift, sabrina claudio, shawn mendes, hayley williams, gregory porter and literally everyone ugh
9. song stuck in my head: nothing, though i’m listening to taylor swift right now
10. last movie: a drunken watch: “50 shades darker” to confirm that it is, indeed, a bad movie
11. last show: i think four bad episodes of fate: the winx saga, which was v unfortunate for my time and wellbeing 
12. when did i create this blog: 2016
13. what do I post: nostalgia, excerpts from other people, music, whatever i feel like, the occasional personal post that dutifully gets deleted 24 hours later. 
14. last thing I googled: nicknames for short people as research for a fic lmaoooo
15. other blogs: @lydias--stiles which is multifandom with a current focus on julie and the phantoms, that one show no one can shut up about as of late
16. do I get asks: nope, i do get frequent ones on my other blog though
17. why i chose my url: this was originally supposed to be a studyblr, but that was when i thought i actually liked studying. 
18. following: 384
19. followers: the size of a senior book club
20. average hours of sleep: between 3 and 12 because being manic hasn’t stopped being fun for some reason 
21. lucky number: not superstitious
22. instruments: ukulele that hasn’t been touched in a while lol
23. what am I wearing: straight-legged jeans, black knit sweater, socks
24. dream job: fashion historian or columnist for a paper. or working for a museum when they have a fashion exhibit and digging in the archives for the good pieces and help create the story around it. plan b is to become an exotic dancer in a strip club :):):) gotta get that back up 
25. dream trip: indonesia, congo, mexico, boston, backpacking through scandinavia, clubbing in eastern europe.
26. favourite food: anything juicy and vegan. chili sin carne, mangos, hummus, anything with mushrooms
27. nationality: belgian, baby!
28. favourite song: i legit love everything. drunk me would say something by abba or lizzo. right now though, “impossible” by nothing but thieves. 
29. last book read: the first quarter of “on the road” by jack kerouac 
30. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: the tinkerbell cinematic universe was dope as fuck, i’d love to be a flower fairy. “martine” which was a belgian children’s book series about a girl just having fun with her friends. the bratz universe because i, also, have a passion for fashion lmao 
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glowwormsmith · 4 years
I wanna know ALL the angst questions for Iris, my latest fascination, because I’m always a slut for Eden’s Gate ocs and her playlist is full of BOPS seriously you have excellent taste in music 👌💕
asdfds thank you!!💗 I’m glad you like the playlist for her, I worked hard on it. It’s half sad, soft girl who loves her flower girlfriend, half horror movie villain lol. I also really like talking about Iris, since she’s an unrepentant follower of Faith and Joseph and I can make a complex villain. Let’s get into the angst.
oc angst questions here for reference!
(cw for child abuse/domestic abuse/mental illness/sexual trauma mentions/self-harm/suicidal thoughts and idealization below the cut. Let me know if you need anything else tagged.) 
💙 If Iris were dying near Faith or Joseph, her final words would be nothing but gratitude and love for saving her, accepting her into their family and giving her purpose. With Faith, she would tell her she was the only person she ever loved and promises she’ll wait for her in the afterlife, even if she doesn’t truly believe in such deep down. If she is dying in the presence of her enemies, she will curse their names and go down like a bitch: taunting and spitting poison at them, defiant to the end. 
In my story, Iris survives the Collapse and the events of “New Dawn;” she’ll most likely die of natural causes down the road, which the Deputy and Iris’s other victims find unfair.
💧 The worst physical pain she was in was when her father brutalized and locked her up in the basement for three days when she was fourteen because she was hanging out with a girl after-school and they came across her giving the girl a kiss; she doesn’t remember much about her past that was rife with abuse, but this moment has stuck in her mind due to the fact that this was the first instance of severe abuse and when she became a prisoner within her own family.
The worst pain she was in mentally was when Faith died. She had mainly healed from her past thanks to being with Faith and the Project; even when the Project was under siege by the Resistance, it was fine because she had Faith. When she came across Faith’s body in the river, Iris had a complete mental shutdown, simply holding Faith’s body in her arms and sitting on the river bank, talking to her as if she were alive. Only Joseph was able to pull Iris away from Faith and Iris needed time alone/with Joseph to process her grief.
🔷 While Iris does not regret leaving her dysfunctional and abusive family, she notes that it was a great leap of faith that culminated in more abuse while on the road; the only reason she never tried to go back was because she could not bear to be locked up again under the grip of her cruel and sadistic father, uncaring and cold older sister, and an awful uncle, aunt and cousins who helped in the abuse.
She was abandoned by her birth mother when she was ten, who had been her only source of comfort. Her mother’s abandonment gave Iris both a feeling of low self-worth but also a desire to be as brave as that woman to leave her prison one day, even if it was into an unknown and uncaring world.
🔵 Her home life was never pleasant and it grew worse when her mother ran off when Iris was ten. She became a captive within her own family at fourteen and she developed severe depression, anxiety, severe anger problems, suicidal idealization, and even sadistic tendencies as a result. She was able to escape after killing her sister in a fit of rage, though it didn’t get better as Iris became homeless and was further exploited on the road.
It is all a blur to her and she prefers it that way, with only a few key memories standing out in her mind. She had to overcome a lot of sexual trauma to show physical affection for Joseph and Faith, and even then they are the only two she allows to touch her. She has an inherent distrust of law enforcement (her aunt was a detective that helped to keep any suspicious people away) and has developed a fear of men, dogs, sex-repulsed, sharp objects, confined spaces and loud voices. She also wonders, in her moments of self-reflection, if she would have been a better person without her dysfunctional family, or if she was always this cruel and vindictive.
❄️ She regrets having to turn to prostitution, thievery and even murder while she was homeless. While she knows it wasn’t her fault that her family treated her awfully, she feels shame and disgust over what she had to do on the road, to the point where she wonders if she should have just died instead of kept going. Faith and Joseph have to continuously remind her that no, she’s not “dirty” or “bad” for having to survive and that if she chose to die, then they would never have gotten the chance to know her. While it makes her feel better to hear this from the two people she loves, the negative intrusive thoughts refuse to go away, so she copes by projecting onto others, becoming a bully and tormentor herself.
💦 She tended to self-harm before Eden’s Gate and she still tends to do it at her lowest of lows or if no one’s around. She also has the urge to be a huge asshole to others, as a way to get her pent-up frustration and bitterness and negative emotions out. This unfortunate habit is supported by EG because, even though Joseph wants to save as many people as possible, he allows his followers to fight the Resistance and she takes the opportunity to be cruel to “sinners.” 
She has become somewhat reliant on the Bliss, since being in the Bliss makes all the bad thoughts go away.
🌊 Iris is a pretty mean-spirited and petty person, but she can hide it well to put up a sympathetic and sincere front. When she’s hit her low, she drops the facade and goes hard; pray you aren’t on the receiving end of her anger or if you’re dealing with her during an episode.
If she becomes triggered or has a panic attack, she’ll dissociate and find a quiet place out in the woods to curl up and wait to settle her mind. She’ll look to Joseph or Faith for comfort and reassurance she is fine, that they won’t leave her or let anyone harm her.
☄️ She does, though it has gotten better due to healing from Joseph and Faith. She only opens up to these two, though she has enough emotional intelligence (probably due to healing from them) to understand that they are the only two she can even genuinely love at this point.  She is complex: on first glance, you’d think she wasn’t affected by her past at all, but more time and learning about her history that her experience has shaped Iris into her current personality and behaviors, even if she suppresses much of her memory.  By the time of “New Dawn,” she has completely forgotten her past and only knows Eden’s Gate; the only trace memory of her past life is that “monsters made me a monster.”
🔹 She has scars on her arms and thighs from both self-harm and the abuse from her family. Her family were more careful not to leave evidence of the abuse, so most of the scars from them are mental. She hates looking at the scars because she sees them as her weakness and impurity, so she covers them up when she can.  Iris has gotten so good at burying her past that most of the Resistance or even regular EG members simply believe she is an asshole or monster, without realizing that her past has made her this way.
To quote Daenerys Targaryen, “If I look back, I am lost.” Iris refuses to dwell on the past, purely seeing them as monsters she had to face before she found her true family, her true father who loves and protects her, and her true love of her life.  By refusing to give thought to her birth family and life on the road, she both allows herself to bury the abuse and let the trauma and hurt manifest itself in her personality, relationships with others, and behavior.  It’s both good and bad, and just like the Seed family, she really needs proper counseling but will never truly get it so she copes in different, sometimes even unhealthy, ways.
📘 Theme: Meet-Cute (have an angsty drabble with a happy/hopeful ending lol)
I want to die.  I don’t want to, but I do. It hurts too much to keep going, but I’m too scared to end it.
It was funny how Iris realized the folly of her desire to both live and not live, how beautiful it would be to lie down in the field of white bell-shaped flowers, close her eyes and stop breathing, rotting back into the soil and letting her bones become home to the flowers and weeds and worms. 
Before she was taken out of school, her English class had read Hamlet and she had been idealizing Ophelia since, a beautiful death, and she had looked at any river she passed with a longing to enter it and not come out. But then she remembered her mother, the ghost of a woman whose only true strength came in her running away into the unknown, and any attempt to end her life was half-hearted and abandoned, with the next thought turning to how she would get her next meal, with only three dollars in her pocket.
It doesn’t matter now. Food, shelter, dying by my own hand. They’re found me. Iris had seen them when she wandered into that small town, putting up pictures of her at sixteen near a dive bar and speaking to the town’s preacher. She had frozen only briefly before he slunk back into the shadows of the forest line and kept wandering. They had been searching for her the whole time since she killed the Bitch and left the Cage; the Monsters that had the nerve to call her blood. She allowed a small, bitter chuckle that it took two years to cross her path; she always knew she was the smart one among them...And then a hysteric sob burst out as she fell to her knees, her tongue tasting iron as her lip broke. She would die easy by their hands; they probably wouldn’t even kill her as they dragged her back “home.”  The memories were coming back, no matter how she tried to push them down into the darkness: the Beast’s hands and voice and evil laughter, being dragged into the Dark Room again, feeling the pangs of hunger....Iris stopped her sobs, only letting the tears form but never cry.
No. She would not let herself be drawn back there. Not after escaping, not after putting herself through cruelty on the world just for the sake of freedom. Only she had the right to her body and mind and thoughts; no one, especially those Monsters, were going to take it away. Only she would be the decider of her fate.
Just as Iris was about to reach into her pocket to pull out the switchblade and steel herself to fight against her survival instinct, she heard singing. It was soft at first as Iris looked up and around the field of bell flowers.
“H-Hello?” she called out, voice hoarse. Perhaps I’m already dead. She then stood up and walked towards it, both curious and more of her survival instinct keeping her alive as long as possible.
The singing became clearer as Iris spotted a figure twirling in the field. It was a pretty sound, but there was no lyrics, just melodious humming and chiming.
The singing belonged to a beautiful young woman and Iris felt any unease at meeting a strange ease; she only had fear and mistrust of men, and this girl...was an angel. She was clad in a pure white dress, her dirty blonde hair hanging loosely to her shoulders and she was holding a flower as she danced without a care in the field. Even her bare feet looked untouched and mildly muddied, which only endeared Iris to this wood nymph.
She then took note of Iris, who was conscious of how dirty and plain she looked compared to the lovely girl’s pristine appearance, with matted red hair, grimy face, stench and tattered clothes she pulled from Goodwill and hardly replaced. Rather than look surprise or disgusted, the angelic girl smiled kindly.
“Hello, friend. Do you need help?”
“I...” Iris was unaccustomed to speaking to anyone in such a pleasant manner since her time on the road, let alone anyone asking her for help so kindly and without any secondary motivation. She blinked in confusion then looked behind her, afraid her family would suddenly appear with their horrid faces and harsh words to drag her away. She must have looked panicked when the girl’s brow furrowed in concern, though the sweet smile was still on her face.
Iris saw the girl open her hands towards her and she feared she would be touched so she drew back, but the girl kept her hands open, waiting for Iris to take them herself. Iris felt her hands fold together and began picking her skin with her nails, her eyes drawn towards the soft, clean hands. She had no right to touch them with her own dirty ones.
“I can take you to my home. We have warm food, showers and a place to rest. You seem to have been traveling for awhile. There’s no need to be afraid of me. My name is Faith; what’s your name?”
“...I-Iris. Umm...” God, she’s so pretty and kind. Like a real angel. Can someone like me be so lucky to be in her presence?
“That’s a beautiful name. Iris, would you like to come home with me?” Faith asked. “You’ll be safe there.”
Iris felt her mouth twist into a scowl. “Nowhere’s ever safe.” She cringed and thought that Faith would turn away from her now that she showed her ugliness, but Faith nodded and gave a quiet hum in agreement.
“I know all too well how unsafe this world and people can be. But there’s no where quite as safe as Eden’s Gate,” Faith said. “I know I’m a stranger to you, but all friends start as strangers, and if you come with me, you’ll finally feel the safest you’ll ever be.”
Iris looked to Faith and noticed her brown eyes, like a doe’s. All the barriers she put up with people melted away as she looked at the open, beautiful face, the soft lips curved in a smile. Iris gulped. Who knows how long the Monsters will be in this area for. “Alright. I’ll...I’ll take a leap of faith.”
Faith let out a chuckle at that, which sounded wonderful to Iris’s ears, and the girl took Faith’s hands into her own, was lead out of the field and into a new life.
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sunjaesol · 5 years
ophelia watches “party crasher”
i don’t understand why it can’t always be like this: plot!! story!! characters being humans!!! yay!!!! the first three minutes is already amazing and better than most recent episodes in my opinion. 
he HARVESTS the butterflies? I mean it makes sense... i really wihs to know more about all the lore
“neautraliser” jeez Nino a lil intense 
lol “the chance that they’ll be disappointed is a 100 percent” in this house we love max stating facts
“un pote” is basically a bro, a dude. so basically adrien sees mari as one of the guys which is i think worse than being seen as just a friend imo BUT WHATEVER I GUESS
I like how they make Nino use a different language register. He’s a cool guy that wouldn’t use the normal/elite lingo. it’s familial. 
ivan hugging his friends as if he hadn’t seen them in ages is what i want to see on tv
the crocodile jumping out of a helicopter is me trying to do hiphop. 
master fu... took... the fucking miraculouses... into the house of the enemy. 
honestly, mari dancing to 70′ music is me at party after 3 tequila suicides
scratch that the party crasher is me after 3 tequila shots
OH MY GOD THEY FINALLY DID IT Y E S Ladybug finally got defeated first!!! thank god they changed the narrative for once
i’m confused. have we already seen Max and Luka with their powers? why are they so casual about it? 
im wheezing kim was in the bathtub whilst all of this was going on 
 fuck yeah his transformation is awesome
overall a really great episode. this was the 14th episode to air but it was actually ep20, meaning that it is probably normal they all suddenly got the miraculouses?
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fishylife · 5 years
I was tagged by @bloody-mary-23 to name 10 different characters from 10 different things.
Thinking about this actually made me realize that nowadays, I tend to read books and watch movies from a more critical lens, whereas I watch shows with more of a “fan” lens (not sure if that makes sense). Like, I had trouble even naming one favourite character from a book or a movie, maybe because I tend to just sit back and judge them? Whereas for TV shows I learn to identify with them or I aspire to be like them and that’s how they become my favourites? 
Anyway, enough with that. Most of the characters on my list are either from things I enjoyed as a kid, or things I enjoyed very recently. Like, there’s no middle ground. Either they’re old enough to have always been one of my favourites or they’re a recent obsession lol. 
1) Three Kingdoms (Chinese drama) - Xun Yu
He’s my favourite character only based on the 2010 adaptation so I’m not sure if this carries over to other adaptations. Anyway, while I also like a few of the big players of the story (namely Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun), Xun Yu is my ultimate fave. While Cao Cao technically didn’t need his expertise because Cao Cao was plenty smart himself, he served as a sounding board for Cao Cao, so he played a very much behind-the-scenes role. Anyway, I just liked how level-headed he was and how much he stuck to his morals (for which he paid with his life in the end…).
2) DC Comics - Jason Todd
When I first started getting into DC comics, actually Dick Grayson was my favourite character. But over time, I started enjoying Jason’s sense of humour as well as his non-conventional ways. Despite appearing to be the “wild one,” it’s quite interesting to find that Jason actually does have a strict moral code. It’s just one that’s slightly different from that of his family.
3) Day & Night (Chinese drama) - Zhou Xun
I’m still watching this show, but he’s like the stereotypical police boss character in Chinese dramas, complete with moustache, beard, and floppy hair (like Bai Yu in Guardian lol). I like his character for how much he tries. On one hand, he’s advancing his career, doing what he can to close cases, and he knows that Guan Hongfeng is someone he can count on for that. On the other hand, he knows that Guan Hongfeng is someone he needs to keep a close eye on in case anything about his brother comes up. So he does what he can to patch that up too. Also wears leather jackets and is a bit of a hothead/brash one which comes as part of the cocky police detective boss character. I’m down. 
4) Nirvana in Fire (Chinese drama) - Xiao Jingyan
Yo, I had a really hard time deciding between Jingyan, Mei Changsu, Consort Jing, and Grand Princess Liyang. In the end, I decided on Jingyan. First, he adheres to his moral code very very very strictly. That’s his thing ™. Second, he loves his family and close friends to bits. That’s his other thing ™. These two things are what guides him through life. Sometimes it makes him even a little naive, i.e. him wanting Mei Changsu to be reinstated as a member of the extended Royal Family, etc. (but Mei Changsu knows that that’s a former life he can’t live up to anymore). But he always has the best intentions in mind and that’s something I can respect. 
5) Vikings - Ragnar Lothbrok
To be honest, I stopped watching this show after Ragnar died. He was such an interesting character. He was a fierce warrior, but he also wanted to be a wise ruler. Sometimes he had to use offhanded tactics but I kind of liked that he was willing to think outside the box. He was also a little bit ruthless but I think he did so when he knew that he had to make a decision for his realm. I just thought his character was a combination of a lot of different traits and wasn’t just a two-dimensional character.
6) Sailor Moon - Kino Makoto/Sailor Jupiter
I love that Sailor Moon has so many different characters in its main cast because there’s always a role model for each period of my life. When I was young, I liked Sailor Mercury the most because like her, I was a massive nerd with no friends. Nowadays though I like Sailor Jupiter quite a lot. She’s sometimes labeled as being both super masculine (being a tomboy, being physically strong) as well as super feminine (liking baking and gardening). But that doesn’t mean she has to give up one or the other. Instead, these are just the activities she enjoys doing and that doesn’t mean she needs to be labeled for it. It reminds me that you should just go ahead and like the things you like because that shouldn’t say anything about your character.
7) Hamtaro - Penelope
When I was a kid I thought Penelope was the cutest hamster. For the longest time I didn’t know the yellow thing was a blanket she was wearing and I thought that was just what she was (like, until recently). I still remember that one episode where the hamster clubhouse was flooded in a rain and Penelope ran to Laura’s dog to get help and ultimately saved all the hamsters from drowning. Penelope was the MVP that day.
8) Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Sonya
It’s kind of surprising to me that my favourite Fire Emblem character is from FEE and not FEA (which was my first FE game). However, I found that with the romance/matchmaking mechanics in FEA and FEF, a lot of the characters turned into gimmicks because it seemed the writers probably ran out of different things to write for their supports with other characters. I found that in FEE, the support conversations were more meaningful because they were limited, and therefore more fleshed out. Anyway, I think Sonya is the coolest because she’s like the cool older sister but also a sympathetic person. Love her
9) Bleach - Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni
I also didn’t expect my favourite Bleach character to be Yamamoto Genryuusai. I probably would have expected my favourite to be Byakuya or Hisagi, you know, my pretty boy husbandos. Or even Soifon or Hiyori, my kickass girls. But there’s something about Captain-Commander that makes him such an epic character. Yes, he is a bit stuck in his old-man ways, but everything he’s done has been to protect Soul Society. The part near the end when he finally goes Bankai is just….chills. Like, when the old man finally uses his old man strength, then you know shit’s going down. 
10) Sweet Pool - Sakiyama Youji
To be honest #1, there’s not a lot of characters to choose from here and to be honest #2, I haven’t actually played the game myself. So I’ve really just known his character through the audio CDs (translated), other people’s playthroughs, etc. But I’ve come to like his character. Just the mellow, solemn way that he is despite all the chaotic bullshit going on around him. 
(I won’t lie, it took me a really long time to come up with a tenth favourite character lol)
Also this questionnaire has made me want to reread Claymore again, since that manga had a TON of badass characters. I only remember a handful, like Clare, Galatea, Ophelia, etc. 
Tagging anyone who wants to do this!! I just never know who likes doing this stuff and who doesn’t so if you see this please do it and tag me! Don’t be shy :) :) Even if it’s like months and months later, I don’t mind.
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8147 · 6 years
reading hamlet for the first time (act 5: the finale)
none of you told me it was going to be this painful . none of you.
“Ophelia’s dead.” “Enter CLOWNS!”
Like im sure this has a different meaning in EMA but im gonna make fun of it because it’s fucking hilarious. (future (present? (now past once more (?))) antares coming back to say i did look at nfs and yeah theyre gravediggers)
“First Clown: What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter? Second Clown: The gallows-maker; for that frame outlives a thousand tenants.” damn not even just this one quote but these are some depressing clowns
hamlet and horatio!
okay there’s something about all of hamlet’s skull talk that makes me uneasy. like, not even the topic, just something in the words and how earnestly and (pardon my pun) gravely hamlet’s speaking about this. and it’s almost a mournful tune, too. it’s a huge difference from his “we’ll all be eaten by the same worms” speech to the point that it’s almost haunting.
“HAMLET: I will speak to this fellow.” C O N F R O N T
“HAMLET: I think it be thine, indeed; for thou liest in't.” (incomprehensible scribbling)
HAMLET, NOT IN ENGLAND: oh yeah lol he was sent to england huh u know why lmao
wait. did the. did the pirate situation get resolved. before act V.
I mean i think hamlet mentioned something about three years but the pirates are so fucking glossed over like what the fuck
“First Clown: 'Twill, a not be seen in him there; there the men are as mad as he.” HOLY SHIT ROAST THEM JFC
“HAMLET: Let me see. (Takes the skull)” THIS IS THE SKULL SCENE! I fucking KNEW it was bullshit that holding the skull was in the to be/not to be speech. I saw it being presented as such like once or twice while reading and I KNEW IT
hm okay so hamlet picks up this guys skull, of someone he used to know, and sure maybe i could ignore the “those lips i have kissed” but then he goes on to mention alexander the great and i mean come on
but jesus like i feel like im not doing justice to the stuff hamlet’s saying. just, the gravity of it all. Its kinda hitting home a bit hard bc like ive had a crippling fear of what happens after death and being forgotten etc since i was like in fourth grade and this is @ing that phobia
like, with that julius ceasar thing. “O that that earth which kept the world in awe / should patch a wall to expel the winter flaw,” it’s so strange. like, every fucking human who has lived, whether they be emperors, murderers, inventors, peasants, or philanthropists- as long as they weren’t blind, they’ve all looked at the same sky. like. It doesnt matter what the fuck you did or didn’t. It’s wild.
“First Priest: No more be done: We should profane the service of the dead To sing a requiem and such rest to her As to peace-parted souls.” hey i get that there are cultural taboos around suicide but like this guy’s a dick it isnt even clear if it was suicide, like, she was so fucking crazy she might not have even known she was, y’know, in a lake or w/e
laertes, dude, my guy. maybe jumping into a grave is cosmic foreshadowing for something you don’t want to happen to you. js.
“HAMLET: [Advancing] What is he whose grief Bears such an emphasis? whose phrase of sorrow Conjures the wandering stars, and makes them stand Like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I, Hamlet the Dane. (Leaps into the grave)” hamlet is NOT one to be out-extra’d (posting-antares here to say, wait, ‘whose phrase of sorrow conjures the stars? is this my aesthetic-speeches-summon-ghosts theory? probably not, but i havent mentioned it for a while)
“LAERTES: The devil take thy soul! (Grappling with him)” IN A FUCKING GRAVE. THEY ARE FIGHTING. IN A GRAVE.
all because hamlet doesn’t want to be out-extra’d. my god.
“QUEEN GERTRUDE: This is mere madness: And thus awhile the fit will work on him; Anon, as patient as the female dove, When that her golden couplets are disclosed, His silence will sit drooping.” Ah yes gertie just talk about the distraught and angry madman as if he isn’t there. that’ll diffuse the situation.
You know what? We still haven’t discussed the pirates.
“HAMLET: So much for this, sir: now shall you see the other; You do remember all the circumstance?” If this isn’t gonna be about the pirates im gonna. scream.
“HAMLET: My fears forgetting manners, to unseal Their grand commission; where I found, Horatio,-- O royal knavery!--an exact command, Larded with many several sorts of reasons Importing Denmark's health and England's too, With, ho! such bugs and goblins in my life, That, on the supervise, no leisure bated, No, not to stay the grinding of the axe, My head should be struck off.” god, though. imagine that. being exiled to another country by the person who killed your father, only to find out that they were going to have you killed, anyways. that’s fucking terrifying. jesus christ.
Damn this idea that pretty handwriting is ~beneath~ nobles confuses me so fucking much. I got called haughty once just because my main handwriting is cursive. I mean, they were right, but their evidence was circumstantial at best.
“HAMLET: That, on the view and knowing of these contents, Without debatement further, more or less, He should the bearers put to sudden death, Not shriving-time allow'd.” Hamlet’s Revenge. 
but also, what the fuck, dude. two wrongs dont make a right.
damn i kinda lost myself while reading but it really doesn’t sound like hamlet’s insane anymore. Like he’s… tempered himself. he doesn’t feel insane, just solemn.
“OSRIC: Your lordship is right welcome back to Denmark. HAMLET: I humbly thank you, sir. Dost know this water-fly?” goddamn ROAST HIM HAMLET (also what a fucking mood)
Osric put on your fucking ha--
The wind is
The wind is northerly
“HAMLET: No, believe me, 'tis very cold; the wind is northerly.” I remember someone saying that this is important
Okay here: “HAMLET: I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.”
oh no
Osric just wear ur fucking hat u doof
“OSRIC: Exceedingly, my lord; it is very sultry,--as 'twere,--I cannot tell how. But, my lord, his majesty bade me signify to you that he has laid a great wager on your head: sir, this is the matter,-- HAMLET: I beseech you, remember-- (HAMLET moves him to put on his hat)” excuse me a WAGER
but alas all hamlet cares about is osric’s fucking hat
“HAMLET: What's his weapon? OSRIC: Rapier and dagger. HAMLET: That's two of his weapons: but, well.” hamlet u sarcastic little shit i love you
I mean so is horatio. I love him too.
This stuff with the competition is. not gonna end well. not at well.
“HAMLET: I do not think so: since he went into France, I have been in continual practise: I shall win at the odds. But thou wouldst not think how ill all's here about my heart: but it is no matter.”
hamlet no. listen to your heart or whatever. jesus christ don’t do it.
Ohhh hamlet
okay reading what laertes said, you know what? i’m giving laertes one last chance. please do not prove me a fool, laertes. 
everything is giving me mad anxiety. e v e r y t h i n g.
claud’s speech is insanely sketchy
“KING CLAUDIUS: [Aside] It is the poison'd cup: it is too late.” One, so that’s why it was sketchy. Two, the POISONED CUP?
Gertie’s. Dead.
Shit, shit, shit
“LAERTES: [Aside] And yet 'tis almost 'gainst my conscience.” YES! SO PLEASE! STOP FIGHTING!
“LAERTES wounds HAMLET; then in scuffling, they change rapiers, and HAMLET wounds LAERTES.” Oh no oh no oh jeez eheu they’re hurting each other, shit, fuck,
“LAERTES: ...woodcock…”
“KING CLAUDIUS: She swounds to see them bleed. QUEEN GERTRUDE: No, no, the drink, the drink,--O my dear Hamlet,-- The drink, the drink! I am poison'd. (Dies)” one, i love how claud is desperatley trying to stick to the plan, its almost adorable in a childish sort of way. two, oh god. ohhh god. gertie. 
Oh no. 
this is the bloodbath. THIS IS THE BLOODBATH.
“HAMLET: The point!--envenom'd too! Then, venom, to thy work. (Stabs KING CLAUDIUS)” ...
wait and hamlet’s on death row, as with laertes. Oh no.
“LAERTES: He is justly served; It is a poison temper'd by himself. Exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet: Mine and my father's death come not upon thee, Nor thine on me. (Dies)’ oh my god already??? I haven’t even really accepted king claud’s death?? jesus christ??
My friend just sorta nudged me and asked if i was alright and i. I’m not. i’m in shock. goddamn. what?
goodness thats three in like less than thirty seconds JESUS CHRIST
“HAMLET: Heaven make thee free of it! I follow thee.I am dead, Horatio.” that’s chilling. just, the poignancy. that’s so fucking spectral. i’m not okay.
“HORATIO: Never believe it: I am more an antique Roman than a Dane: Here's yet some liquor left.” No no no on no nononon NO NO oh my god are you going to-
“HAMLET: As thou'rt a man, Give me the cup: let go; by heaven, I'll have't. … If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart Absent thee from felicity awhile, And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, To tell my story.” hey i’m crying in study hall. i’m actually crying. what the fuck. I don’t cry unless i’m thinking about that one pair of 18th century shoes with the really good photo quality (transcribing-antares here. I fucking love those shoes. I’m looking at them right now and they’re so fucking beautiful. they look how velvet feels, which is odd, bc they're apparently silk. I don’t care they’re just so fucking lovely)
F O R T I N B R A S?
“HAMLET: O, I die, Horatio; The potent poison quite o'er-crows my spirit.” I’ve identified my emotion. Dread. pure, unadulterated Dread.
for all of you that’ve listened to the penumbra podcast: do you remember the concierge, right before final resting place, saying “you do realize you can just like, leave, and everything will be hunky dory and you won’t have to deal with the emotional consequences this episode will bring you” because i’m seriously considering doing that right now.
“HAMLET: The rest is silence. (Dies)” shit. (posting-antares here to say that i forgot to do the body count but honestly im crying while formating because of this goddamn fucking 400 year old play)
“HORATIO: Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince…” oh god. horatio.
“Good night sweet prince…”
(yet again tis transcribing-antares here to say that im fucking sobbing right now, the shoes are no match for this, and ‘goodnight sweet prince’ is actually never going to leave my head.) (editing-antares here to say im fucking crying again god fucking damn it) (posting-antares back again saying that this fucking line. this line. my god.)
“HORATIO: What is it ye would see? If aught of woe or wonder, cease your search.” oh, horatio. god. that isn’t something said without tears staining your skin and a bitter tone hard-won, not that its possession is a victory.
oh my god. this can’t. no. this can’t end like this. What. no. people must have rioted. No. no!!
i typically hate it but i would GLADLY accept a deus ex machina right about now!!
okay my friend just took my phone away from me and shut it off because i kept on trying to scroll past the end
jesus christ
okay so i’m not going to be okay for like, several eternities, so im going to play the sims until i. until i die, probably. my god.
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delilahmidnight · 6 years
Laurel in shorter hair and red leather pants–girl jsut keeps getting gayer and gayer as the seasons go on
Oh my goooooooooooooddddddd oh my god.
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Bonnies new haircut. Oh my god. Bonnie thats……..thats hella gay dude. Like, HELLA gay
Hi. The first name that comes to annies mind is bonnie. Thanks.
Honestly Ophelia and Anna Mae’s love for each other gives me LIFE
Ugh poor annie, and poor ophelia. I know this conversation almost word for word because I lived in a three generation household too.
Of fucking course stupid fucking Hannah Keating has to interfere
ahdkgkksnxbfsn when she closes the door on her dad
Oh good girl annie, looking for AA meetings instead of drinking
I am….uncomfortable
Oh good for you girl
Oh never mind
Oh nevermind the nevermind
…….im being murdered by a mother-daughter forehead touch. Not fine. Very not fine.
…….ok I’m shitting myself asher and Michaela are too cute and supportive. Michaela knows he’s acting up bc he’s threatened and asher uses the word toot instead of fart like. Oh my god. Too damn cute.
How can she seriously, after all tahts happened, still think annalise is heartless?
I’m literally gonna kill myself, I cannot watch annalise tenderly care for her gentle, fierce old mum while she slowly loses her mind, I will KILL myself, I can’t take it
And still she knows how to whip them all into shape, I love Ophelia
Lmao you’re never gonna be part of the firm, fishbreath
My sweet, she loves loves loves it, even as she says they won’t be able to afford it
Bonnie knows annalise better than almost anyone in the world I think
Lol anything to get out of dinner with frank
A hot date oh my god
Oh but look how sad she looks when she says “the kids will be there too”
I’m so glad Celestine and annie have a loving relationship
……………….I don’t even want to talk about this annie/Ophelia scene. I dont. Just. Leave me alone.
She looks so young, my god, and that little double take she does at annalise to see that she’s ok–im not ok
I’m so angry that Annalise has to literally beg for her job, bc shes right, she has nothing else
Ok bye this is the worst fucking episode ever thanks I’m gonna die
Bonnie is so soft for the entire dinner and then michaela looking softly at laurel when she announces shes keeping the baby, and Annalise’s reaction to her news, and bonnie asking annie if shes ok and annie IGNORING HER, and annie trying to spin letting the kids go as a fucking positive thing when they're literally lost without each other, but she can't stand the thought of losing another one of them, or ruining them, so she's sending them away, and Michaela literally crying laurels name while laurel emotionally shuts down, and I hate michaela again for being horrible to bonnie, and annie is already crying, and all the kids leave without even a backwards glance, and bonnie trying to console annie--
No. NO.
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It’s 11:27 and the inbox is now open again! We closed the inbox on February 1st, and we’ve now had it closed for almost three weeks which has given us time to work through requests and get the inbox count down. We have gone from having 508 messages to 130 ( which is honestly amazing, that means we’ve managed to get through 378 asks). We now have 312 drafts instead of the original 370, and our current queue has 3 things in it. 
We’ve also accepted 11 new helpers into hoi, which is super exciting! They’re all super precious, so please give them a warm welcome! We’re all very happy to have them join the hoi team and I hope you all enjoy the resources they release on this blog!  While we have gotten the inbox count down to 130, we feel that we need a fresh start ( and a lot of the messages left now are old ones that no one has claimed ). Thus, we have decided to delete the inbox, so the inbox count is now at ZERO. A list with the deleted requests can be found below the cut. We ask that you do not resend the ones that weren’t aimed at a specific helper, BUT if you really want a request that you requested from someone you can resend it to someone else (or without a name).
We’d like to thank everyone for their patience during these 3 weeks, and also ask that you remain patient, since we still have a lot of requests in the drafts, and quite long to do lists. We hope everyone is having a good week and we’re excited that the inbox is now open once again.
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remember, if you see your request in this list and would still like them to be done, then feel free to resend the request and hopefully one of the helpers will complete it for you! 
edit: only requests that were directed to specific helpers******
Hello! Could any of the helpers please make a gif hunt of Jonathan Hyde as Eldritch Palmer from the Strain? They can be normal and don't need any style. Thank you in advance!
Could someone familiar with wrestling do some rp icons of Randy Orton? More recent ones preferably. Thanks a million!
Can I request a manip of Ciara Baxendale and Grant Gustin? Thank you so much.
to anyone, I was wondering if someone could possibly make some 100x100 plain icons of tyler young in eyewitness? thanks if anyone can!
Hi! Could I request some icons of Ayase Haruka? If possible, from the movie "Umimachi Diary (Our Little Sister)". If not, any role would be perfect! Thanks!
Hi helpers, happy holidays<3 I was wondering if I could have a crackship of Tyson Houseman and Evan Peters please?
hello helpers! is there a helper who'd be willing to possibly help me out and make some base icons of Melanie Tran? ;w; And if not, could you please direct me to where I might be able to find some? Any help is appreciated! <3
Hi guys, I was wondering if I could request some icons of Tanc Sade in his role in Gilmore Girls pretty please?
Hey! Can i please a crackship of Finlay MacMillan and Freya Tingley? Thanks!
hey can i request an aesthetic of m/m interracial couples from lottie if she doesn't feel way too busy? thank you
Hi! Can I please get a manip of Jeremy Irvine and Xavier Dolan please? Thank you in advance!!
Could I please get a lovelt mannip of cory michael smith and eiza gonzalez? <3 <3 <3
Can I please request Rahart Adams icons from Every Witch Way, Liar Liar Vampire, and Nowhere Boys? Preferably border-less 100x100 HQ/HD? Forgot to add border-less in. x.x
Hey Gillan! Can you make some circular icons of Mune from Mune Guardian of The Moon?
Dear Jay and smutty-gif-hunt-anon, Thank you for helping out with what I'd be too embarrassed to request!! Rock on!
Hello if possible could I get gif icons of James paxton of eyewitness. any style works who ever seems inspired to do this works. thank you. I'm easy to please. Thank you again for all your hard work.
Will you make some Faith Wladyka icons?from Blue Valentine? Only if you're up for it :)
Hi Jay! Since you're the resident wrestling related helper I was wondering if you could help me with something. Could you make me a manip of Taylor Swift with the Raw women's title, please? Something similar to when Charlotte visited Today after wrestlemania? I didn't see manips on your WID, but I thought I'd seen you do a manip request before. Thanks in advance for your time!
I don't know if my request was received before or after the inbox was deleted so my apologies if this is a duplicate. Can I please get some roleplay icons of (Tristan Milligan) Lyle Lettau from season 13/14 of Degrassi? Thanks! <3
could i request some Darby Stanchfield rp icons as her role from abby whelan in scandal? preferably 70x70 white a light grey psd thank you so much in advance and god i love this blog - the indie community salutes you
Good evening HOI, could I request a man up of Shin Hye-Jeong and Jessica Parker Kennedy please?
Hi, Lottie! May I request some RP icons of Ryan McCartan as Brad Majors in the TV version of Rocky Horror Picture Show in style "scarlett," please? Thank you so much!
Hey guys! I was wondering if you could please do a manip of Kacey Musgraves and Derek Theler of them and some party or award show? Thanks, love ya bye!
Hey! I'd pretty please like to request plain static rp icons of Korean actor Jo Jung Suk if possible!
Hello! Could I please request an icon pack with Lily James in Downton Abbey using Blue's B6 style? Thank you so much! <3
This message is to anyone who has space on their todo. Culd i request some rp Icons of Keir O'Donnell on Wedding Crashers please ?
hey lovelies! I was wondering if someone was willing to do a manip of Emily Rudd and Matthew Daddario for me (sibling/friends vibes)? thank you in advance :)
hey there lovelies!! could i please request plain 100x100 rp icons made of christina masterson? thank you so much lovelies!
Hey there Samantha! Just wondering if you were up to making a gif icon hunt of recent Kat Mcnamara? Thank you! xxxxx
May I please request standard sized gif icons of Laura Vandervoort from the film Damage, please?? :333 Thank you, and Merry Christmas! <3
Thanks for being helpful and understand about my technical issues & letting me send my gif pack request here (Which admin would you like to complete the request? Anyone What is the url from the video? If it’s about a movie/tv show, tell me which the name of the movie/tv show+episode so we can find suitable download links.- skins 6x07 "alo" Who's the faceclaim?- holly earl as poppy champion Any specific PSD? Vibrant, Pale, Dark, or a link to one posted. " just 160x160 QUOTE text moodboard gifs
Hi Maxie! Could I request some icons of Taylor Dearden as Ophelia Mayer in Sweet/Vicious, in the mx17 style? Thank you!
Hello Ellen. Is it possible that I could het Dylan O'Brien gif icons in EL*013? Thank you in advance! :)
Hey Helpers! Is it possible I can get a twin Lin Miranda manip, one with short hair and one with long? Thanks!
May I request some Amy Nelson rp icons? [ underused face claim ] in any psd you want, I would appreciate it :D
Hello! Is it possible I could get roleplayable icons of Kalel Cullen? With a light psd and such?
Hello lovely helpers, can I please request for a manip picture of Elizabeth Olsen (brunette) with Evan Peters please? As a couple. Thank you so much. <3
Super random but can you pretty please make me some gifs of matthew daddario doing magic. Like instead of crackship gifs of him with another person , it would be of him and a faceless gif of magic aka gifs of wizard matthew daddario lol.
May I request a family template for Rachel Hilbert fc?
Hi, can i please request gif icons of Travis Fimmel in her role in Vikings (Ragnar)??? Thanks you very much. Oh, without border pls.
may i have a family template for sarah shahi? if you can, could her father be the one who's persian/iranian and her mother be the one who is spanish? but, if not, that's totally fine! thank you so much, helpers! xx
May I pretty please request a moodboard or aesthetic of Matthew Daddario and Cameron.Monaghan as Even x Isak from skam ?
Hello, there! First of all, I absolutely love your icons! I was just wondering if it was possible to ask for gifs/icons of Daniel Miller from Berlin Station? Thank you. Have a lovely day! :)
hey helpers! i'm currently working on creating a werewolf multimuse, and i want to have two packs represented- but for the life of me i can't think of pack names beyond the cliche "moonstone/bloodstone" kind of thing. so could you help me come up with names? if it helps, the packs are kind of opposites- good vs evil kind of thing. thanks so much!
Hello!! I was wondering if you guys could make me a manip of Tom Felton as Draco and Elle Fanning. As siblings.. Please and thank you! :3
Ayo! Can u make manip of Luke Hemmings and Dua Lipa, pls? Ty. ♡
Hi I was wondering if someone could make an Angelique Boyer gif hunt? I'm wanting to use her as a FC but realized there's hardly any gifs of her out there. I would appreciate it so much <33! Thank you to whoever decides to take it on.
Hi anyway! Can i request some Jun-ji hyun gif icons from The Legend of the Blue Sea please?
Would anyone be willing to make a gif hunt of Travis Fimmel in the the 2003 Tarzan, please?
You all are super talented and super awesome. i was wondering if any of you helpers could possibly do a manip or aesthetic of david gandy and helen owen as a power couple. Whichever would be easier. It's for a story i am currently writing.
Hello, can I please request icons of model and actress Nicole Fox? For whomever reads this I know her movies can be potentially triggering, so if you aren't comfortable with those, that's completely fine (frankly I'm just glad you're reading this). She was also in s13 of ANTM. If there's anything problematic about her, I am not aware, but please let me know. Thank you very much and have a great day x
Hi! I was wondering if any of you would be willing to do a family template for Romanian Actress Madalina Ghenea.
can i please request herman tømmeraas gif icons? thank you in advanced !
may i please request icons for maxence danet-fauvel?? Thank you!!!!
Could you please make some static rp icons of Ben Barns from By The Gun? Thank you!
Sorry, ignore my last message. Could I please request crackships of Britt Robertson and Jeff Goldblum from around Jurassic Park and The Lost World era? Thank you!
hey babes! i love all the manips you all do, so i was wondering if i could request a romantic-y manip of alec lightwood and max ehrich? preferably from under the dome for max, but really anything is fine for him! thank you so much
hello helpers! would someone be willing to make plain 100x100 icons of tom austen in his role as jasper frost from the royals?
I hope I'm not bothering any of you. I hope you all have a great holiday season. I was wondering if anyone would do a manip of Jessica Lowndes and David Labrava as a couple. You all do amazing work and should get more credit for all the hard work you guys put in. You are all talented.
Hey! I was hoping one of you would have the time to help me out with something. I've got all the human icons I need for my muse, but I'm seriously lacking in phoenix icons. I know there's Fawkes in Harry Potter, but I was hoping there would be manga/anime and/or other movies/shows with phoenixes in them that I could get icons from? Or if there are any icons/gifs out there already? Anything would help, please and thank you.
Hello is it possible to get Henrik Holm RP icons in G15 from his role as Even in SKAM?
do you guys make rp icons of animes and mangas? If yes can I ask for rp icons of Sarada Uchiha please? With a tiny white and grey border?
happy 2017 helpers ! hope you all are well c: i was wondering if i could possibly request a manip of seola from cosmic girls and hyungwon from monsta x ? please and thank you so much !
Hi there, can I please request a gif hunt of Jonas Nay from his role in Deutschland 83?
If possible could I get some Icons of the French Model Johan Akan the 3d scan for Nyx Ulric of Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive? Please and thank you
Hello lovely helpers, can I please request for crackship gifs of Lily Collins with Evan Peters? They relationship is similar of Rosie and Alex's relationship in Love, Rosie. Thank you. <333
I lovely helpers! I was wondering if I could please request a manip of David Giuntoli as an X-Wing pilot from Star Wars? Thank you for your time <3
Hi :) Could you please do some Brent Antonello icons from the tv show Hit the Floor? I'd love that.
Hey helpers! Can I request a manip of Freddie Highmore as a Blue Lantern (or a green lantern if it's easier)?
Good morning helpers! Can I ask for a manip of Hunter Parrish and Robbie Amell please?
Can I have a manip of Kristine Froseth and Evan Peters? I'd like it if it was done mid-90's Polaroid style with using Evan's AHS Season 1 resources.
Hello helpers can someone make a manip of Zach Roerig and Matt lanter as best friend please?
hi, could i possibly get crackship gifs of america ferrera with long hair and chris (the guy) from the tv show skam? thank you in advance xx
Hey guys. I was wondering if any of you would do a manip of Rhiannon Fish and Scott Eastwood as a couple.
hello ! first of all, i'd like to thank all of u for putting in time to make resources for the indie community ! u guys are awesome ! secondly, i'd like to ask if any of you would be willing to make a manip of herman tømmeraas and ariana grande as friends ? thank u in advance !
Hello, can I please request a romantic "instagram-post like" manip of Zendaya and Cristiano Ronaldo? Thank you!
hi there! i hope you're all having a lovely day! could i please request gabi demartino gif icons?
Hey helpers! Can I request a (romantic) manip of Keahu Kahuanui (preferably with facial hair) and Nick Jonas? Thanks!
Hi, can I please request rp icons of Vika Bronova?
Hi guys, I was wondering if you could help me with a url for a Lord of the Rings elf original character, I'm using Emilia Clarke, primarily in her role and Daenarys Targaryen? thnx
Hi Helpers! I would like to know if any of you could do somes gif icons or icons of Trè Samuels, if is not a trouble. Thank you very much in advance <3
Hello! Could you guys suggest first and surname's for Naressa Valdez? ( I'm not sure if this counts as two asks? ) Thank you so much!
Hello, may I please request plain ( with pixel texture) gif icons of Jan Lisiecki ? Thanks in advance !
hello dearies! can i request some plain icons (bases, to be clear) of spencer macpherson in american gothic please?
could you please give me some ronan lynch urls? tysm, i love your blog!!
Could someone pretty please make a manip of Eva Green and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, by any chance? Thank you
hi love, can you do some gif icons of ryan gosling with beard and some from crazy stupid love? tysm <3
Hello can someone please make me some crackship gifs where it looks like Matthew Daddario has super powers.
hi i'd love some simple rp icons of alex steele in her role as tori santamaria in degrassi please <3
Oops! Sorry, I didn't realize there was a form! I recently changed my mind, though, and was wanting just plain RP icons (Robby Benson from The Chosen). Is that doable? Ahh sorry and thank you!
Can I pleeaaasseee get 100 x 100 black and white light textured rp icons of Amandaschronicles/Amanda Mckenna? It would mean so much to me! Thank you sm for all you guys do!
Could I please request some rp icons of Rodrigo Santoro? Thank you!
May I have an aesthetic (or a moodboard which ever you'd like to make) of Kristine Froseth and Evan Peters (AHS season one resources pls) as heads of a mafia known as the Gemini Mafia pls?
hello, could i request icons of Çağatay Ulusoy in a plain style, please? hope you guys have a great day and thanks for all that you do!! ♥
Can I please request some gif icons or a gif hunt, I'm not sure which is easier/preferred, of Raúl Esparza, please?
Hi! I was wondering if it was possible for someone to do a manip of Lady Marian (BBC Robin Hood) and Prince Arthur (BBC Merlin) ? Thank you. :)
Hello, yes! If you're still dong manila, can I have one of Katey Sagal (as Gemma Teller) and Norman Reedus. Preferably as a couple.
Is there any chance you could do a faceless gif hunt of a couple with a blonde female and a male who has dark skin? Thank you so much in advance!
can i request a manip of ryan potter and keiynan lonsdale?
can i please get a dominic sherwood x ashley moore manip? thank you
Hello helpers! I was hoping someone would be able to make regular, 100x100 RP icons of Morgan Lily! I would be much appreciated! Thank you for all of your help!
I'm not sure If you are still doing manipulations but if you are could I please request one of Matt Ryan and Marie Avgeropolous. Thank you. You guys are flawless.
hello! hope you're all doing well! i would like to request icons of Sophie Stuckey (from any and all ages, please). I did put in a request before, but i'm not sure if that's been done (and i haven't seen them) or rejected or forgotten about? so if anyone could make them or direct me to them or .. anything else? that'd be greatly appreciated. <3
Hi helpers! I was wondering if I could ask one of you lovelies to make a family template for Alex Brooke? Thank you so much!
could i ask for billy cranston from mighty morphin power rangers (David yost) icons? thank you thank you thank you :)
hey lizzie! thanks for opening your requests again. could i please request some icons of daniel sharman in the style L6? thanks so much!
hi lizzie!!! hope you're having a brilliant day! could i please ask you for some icons of jeremy irvine in the style L7? thanks so much!
hi hello lizzie! hope this isn't too much of a bother, but would it be possible for me to request some icons of Sean O'Pry in L7? thank you x10000 !!!!
lizzie could you pls make rp icons in L7 of chris wood as jake riley? :)
hey lizzie, could i please get rp icons of ivana baquero as eretria in L1?
could i please request gif icons of bellies during various stages of pregnancy? in short, gif icons of pregnant bellies? nothing fancy style-wise, but maybe a light texture, since i think those look best! thank you so much to whoever takes this up! (and another thank you to the rest of you, since you guys help the community so much!)
Hello! I have been unable to find any resources of Maeda Goki. He's a sadly underrated FC. If you know of some that already exist, could you link me please? And if not, could you please make some plain (no texture/border) icons of him from any role? Thanks for your help!
Hi Lia, could I possibly re-request the Toby Regbo as young Jaime Lannister aesthetic I asked for, if you'd like to do it?
can you make some icons of dean and renee kissing on total divas plkease??
I'm not sure if you've answered this but I I use Marie Avgeropolous as an fc and I know Olivia Steele-Falcone played young Octavia in The 100 but I don't know if she has enough films to create an icon pack.I know you have a gif pack form but I didn't see one for icons. Is it possible for anyone to do these for me, I would much appreciate it. Or if you have already done them can you link me? Many thanks in advance. You guys have been fabulous so far.
Is it possible for someone to make some PNGs? I need some supernatural creatures/scared/crying PNGs but I can't really find any. A mix of those would be great but just scared/crying PNGs are absolutely cool too.
hello! I was wondering if i could please request some icons of Tahlena Chikami? Possibly base icons? Or at least very little editing? I'd really like to use her as an fc, but she has almost no resources that i could find. thank you for your consideration and your time!!
would anyone be willing to make a manip (preferably a selfie) of cody saintgnue and ashley moore? :)
Could someone possibly make a manip of Jon Hamm and Michelle Forbes? They are married in my roleplay so possibly something of them cuddling or anything would be fine. Just a picture of them together would be amazing all together.
hey there lovely helpers!! i was hoping i could please request some 100x100 plain rp icons be made of ming na wen in joy luck club? thank you so much!!
Hello! If icon requests are open, may I please request plain 100x100 icons of Lulu Antariksa as Rowan in t@gged? It's on go90 :)
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sunjaesol · 7 years
Thoughts on 6x13 “After Images”
- Awww Brett you did not deserve this - lol that big ass sign “NO SERVICE” as if any phone does that - what you do to survive...  - “An amateur that killed a hellhound” I hate these kinds of people, thinking they’re everything. That was luck you asshole.  - “Let’s not mistaken luck for skill.” Even though I don’t like Gerard, I agree. Get in line you bitch. (I wanted to say her name but I forget it woops) - oh snap Brett is coming for you - SINCE WHEN IS SHEZ ABLE TO SHOOT A GUN? I mean yeah she misses him but STILL. Did gerard quickly learn her the basics of shooting whilst they were on their lovely evening stroll? - MY HEART THE BOYS PLAYING VIDEO GAMES THIS IS PURE FANFICTION I LOVE IT I MISSED THIS THIS IS MASON X LIAM SEASON 4 MY HEART IS FULL - WTF are they even playing. It looks like something from the 90′ or early 2000 - Is he literally going to study there? In front of a TV in a dark room. On the ground? With his books on his legs? Really? That’s the best seating position?  - Before we start going into Mason’s explanation that Im’ not ready for because Mason deserves the universe - - - what is Liam wearing? A long sleeve and than a short sleeve? In hideous colours? That’s what I wore in elementary. And why does Mason still has his jacket on? Also Liam’s hair keeps getting worse.  - “You know what after images are?” ROLLLL CREDITS  - And you know, we all say Mason is Stiles 2.0, but he has many similarities to Lydia. Crazy high GPA and knows things like these. The things Mason says is something Lydia would say. (without his famous one-liners, of course, that’s all to him) I would also like to applaud the actor, he’s doing a marvelous job.  - Holy fucking shit he’s literally hallucinating the body - JEEP - god damn it why can’t Scott ever drive away. First Lydia creepily standing there, now Lori.  - Why is Melissa still in the hospital at night? - holy shit.  - same Melissa, I jumped as well - ah, she cutting a sample for the pack. That’s very brave of her.  - nope. nope nope nope I did not sign up for a horror movie - RUN MELISSA RUN THE FUCK AWAY - WHAT NO NO NO NO NO THIS IS LIKE LYDIA IN EICHEN - OPEN THE DOORS! - oh thank god she’s away from that thing - Corey... just go home. I don’t like you, the actor is meh. Mason says they found blood and your face stays expressionless. Just... go home please.  - what the fuck Lydia - ah she’s doing that thing again. The writing, light thingy. But this for Brett, and Stiles is like, you know, STILES - corey SHUT THE FUCK UP LYDIA ASKED YOU TO STAY QUIET - COREY I WILL FUCKING CUT YOU STOP DOING ANYTHING YOU ARE LITERALLY ACTING LIKE AND 5 YEAR OLD WHO CANT KEEP STILL ITS NOT LIKE YOU HAVE ANY CONCENTRATION PROBLEMS SO STOP JUST STOP - aaaand it’s happeneing again. It’s really great how Lydia now can control her powers and really ius them when she needs them.  - questioning camera work but okay - sad the number isn’t 69 - OOOH MELISSA AND CHRISSSSS - “oh shoot i better impress her” - wow that’s new Teen Wolf. Zooming in on transpiration.  - holy shit is everything alive??? - oh. Nolan. he’s still here? - ITS THE BLACK GUY WHO GOT... POSSESSED? MURDERED? idk im so scared - Nolan’s pupils are enormous. People who are scared have small pupils. Conclusion: he’s in love with the black guy.  - “I think we should split up” NEVER SPLIT UP  - “We should stick together” thank you Malia. - What has Liam been doing for three months? Have i forgotten something? -  “If you decide to do something stupid and die then go ahead” lol me. Malia has some great lines. - Swizerland!Scott - Those rock things are used by hikers to mark there trail for them and the ones who would take the same path. Quite smart. A bit obvious though.  - The actress who plays Lori is... eh. I can deal with it. I rather have her then Corey - *stares into a camera like in The Office when Liam roars* -  yay melissa! - SCOTT - FUCK OFF GERARD BOOBY TRAPS REALLY - AND LORI FUCKING HELL - Malia helping Scott is like Allison stitching up Scott in 3x06 Motel California (AKA the best episode ever) - “I just need a minute” “You just need to shut up” - ah, lovely Scolia moment - Chris you are smiling like a lovestruck puppy - WHAT - Are you seriously going to share you sob story now when, like you said, Brett is in danger. Frankly, I also don’t care about it.  - Wait I thought DNA and RNA was the same. Oh wait no the chemical structure is the same. Right. Okay. Moving on. (Nerd!Ophelia out) - Nolan’s eyes really freak me out - “Or any high school test” again, Mason is smart! Nearly Lydia Martin smart! - What. The fuck.  - and wow those special effects damn - ah, they will take a blood test.  - who the hell walks like that? Nolan’s a weird kid. (As if he didn’t just stab someone but whatever) and why keep that pen in the clear?  - NOLAN IS 68 - “You’re one of them, aren’t you?” fuckkkk -  UNLOCK A CHANCE TO WIN LYDIAS DRAWINGS I CAN GET A DRAWING OMG  - Yikes Brett. - Oh Liam. You’ll die out of impulsivity.  - “I’m generally not a trusting person” then why the fuck did you decide to follow this old man?  - I don’t feel bad for shipping Scolia. I genuinely enjoy their interactions.  - STILES - “And now I’m gonna lose you too.” awwwwww - “yeah. all of us. you know what i mean.” me avoiding my feelings.  - STILES - is he talking? - yep he was insinuating them - Ayye Malia! GO YOU! - “What happened?” “It worked” cue a fucking stare that makes me go into a frenzy - shoot I thought a kiss was coming - Chris and Melissa are like awkward high schoolers not knowing what to do. JUST KISS GO FOR IT MELISSA - I thoroughly enjoy BAMF!Melissa, Chris is totally caught of guard.  - ayye melissa AND WHY ARENT THEY KISSING - If Lori and Brett die I will be pissed - wow. Brett just... - oh no that’s the trap. Gerard is all part of this, of everything
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