#not to be overdramatic but if they pull a fast one on us and decide wattson/crypto is gonna be canon i'm ending it all
wishitweresummer · 2 years
Sapnap vs. George
Word Count: 1172
(Video that inspired this - I love my feral boys so much.)
This one has a part two!
     After, literally, years of unproven theories, today was the day the Dream Team House found out the answer to the highly debated question amongst the group. Now that the two were together under the same roof the boys could put their money where their mouth was. The air was thick with suspense as the two stepped up to each other.
They had known for a while now that George was taller, but still he smirked smugly down at Sapnap, as if this discovery was new. George was convinced it would give him the advantage. Sapnap was convinced it would make him over-confident. Sapnap puffed his chest up, way overdramatic.
"You're not fighting.", Dream boomed, interrupting their stand off. Both boys instinctually stepped away from each other.
"Dream!", they whined together, childishly.
"He literaly has it coming!", George spun to face Dream, his accent notably posher the angrier he got. Dream only rolled his eyes.
"And so do you. Now back off. You two are not fighting. It doesn't matter who's stronger.", Dream put his hands on his hips and shook his head.
     The scene was awfully familial, and extremely annoying to the two shorter boys.
"You can't tell us what to do. You're not our father.", Sapnap scoffed. "Plus it doesn't matter to YOU because you're HUGE!", he yelled now. All adrenaline.
     Though Dream couldn't exactly call the shots verbally, they both knew he could overpower them in an instant. George decided to push a little anyway, as usual.
"Fine. We won't do anything. You can go now.", he smirked and crossed his arms. The blatant attempt at trickery pulled a smile out of Dream.
"You-", Dream paused and pointed at George, "-are not slick.", he said, although amused.
"We live together now! What are you going to do? Watch us all the time? Just let us fight and get it over with and then we can fall into the strength heirarchy of strongest to weakest and move on with it.", Sapnap shouted, waving his arms like what he said was obvious instead of ridiculous. Dream wheezed painfully, doubling over from the force.
"What?!", he squawked, his laughter choking him.
     Sapnap bounced on the balls of his feet a little as he watched him. He was annoyed, but getting Dream to make that noise will wash a sense of giddiness over anyone. He looked over at George to find the same fond smile plastered on his face as he watched Dream struggle against his own laughter.
     The whole display was giving Sapnap an idea. But, he needed to move fast. Dream was already collecting himself, but George was still distracted gazing at him like an idiot.
     Sapnap rushed forward and tackled the unsuspecting George to the floor, quickly twisting  him onto his stomach and straddling his back. The action was impossibly fast and only allowed George enough reaction time for a shocked yelp.
"Nick!", Dream cried out, his voice rich in fear for George. He closed in quickly on the two on the ground, but paused when he got a better view of the situation.
     George was holding his breath and squirming like a worm while his hands desperately grabbed blindly behind him, a few times making contact with Sapnap’s hands. Sapnap was tickling as fast as he could up and down George's sides. Dream melted a bit at George's first little bubbles of verbal reaction. He whined. He whimpered. He squeaked.
"Pffft sap-NAP!!", he screamed, slipping hilariously fast into hysterical laughter the moment Sapnap's tickly fingers found their way into George's armpits.
“Got ‘em!”, Sapnap grinned up at Dream proudly, who shook his head in amusement. This was the kind of fight he could support. The kind that had George in the laughter-kind of stitches instead of the kind that required a trip to the ER.
“That’s his worst spot.”, Dream mused, offering pointless information, but shamelessly on Sapnap’s side for once.
George shrieked and cackled, working himself into an even worst position as he tried to get the terrible fingers out of his armpits.
“PLEASE!!”, he cried out. Sapnap smiled and rolled his eyes, switching his tickling to his lower sides and hip bones. George’s small frame was built to receive these tickles, his hip bones poking out of his skin just begging to be played with. He wailed at the new touch.
George pounded his fists against the ground and kicked at the air desperately, hoping he would reach Sapnap and knock his head off. It made for an entertaining scene; George’s reactions. “I fucking HATE YOU!!!”, he sputtered out his mean comments, any bite in them being drowned out by his chaotic cackling.
Dream had plopped down crosslegged next to the other two at some point to get a better view. He didn’t need to offer any assistance or opinions on the situation. The results of the pressing question from earlier were clear as day.
Sapnap is stronger. In a fight, Sapnap would win.
Although his victory would likely be helped by some dirty tricks, that was so them anyway. Sapnap mercilessly grabbed at George’s ribs to rub in the point, basking in every resulting noise.
George felt his need to try and overpower the other dry out as his survival instincts kicked in. He was red-faced and being tickled to pieces by someone smaller than him as his best friend watched, not even helping. A wheeze ripped out of him resembling Dream’s. He clawed at the carpet uselessly as tears pricked in his eyes. He felt Sapnap’s fingers crawling up towards his armpits and he snapped his arms down in panic.
“You’re stronger!”, George yelled, all high-pitched and embarassing. “You’re stronger, you’re stronger, you’re stronger!!!”, he begged, his laughter bubbling out of every crevice in his words. Sapnap stopped tickling.
Sapnap pulled himself off of George and sat crosslegged at his side, smiling at Dream as he scooted in closer until they bordered George neatly. George flipped onto his back and wrapped his arms around his stomach. His laughter died down to giggling, and then soon was just whining.
“Dream, you didn’t even protect me.”, he muttered, nearly breathless. Dream laughed and ran his fingers through George’s hair.
“Are you kidding? I’m not stepping to Sapnap when he goes all tickle monster mode! You wanted to step to him and you did, there you go. You lost…but there you go.”.
Dream looked fondly between his two favorite people in the whole world.
George was still blushing horribly and avoiding all eye contact despite laying on his back on the ground between them. It was possible he would never recover.
Sapnap was smiling dumbly down at his work. He got his way with his want for a fight, managed to pull a fast one on Dream, and tickled the absolute muffin-fuck out of George.
“The strength hierarchy wa-“, he started.
“Shut up!”, the two interrupted him, all three falling into giggles.
(Art is by @kazenomegaminowanpisu )
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kageyuji · 3 years
hq boys as dads
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⤷ oikawa, atsumu, akaashi, kenma ; [gn!reader]
warnings/genre: fluff, no warnings
notes: i used noni as a gender neutral term for parent :) and as always please reblog <3 idk anyways i don’t like kids that much but maybe for them i do or whatever
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━━ oikawa;
the kid sitting on his lap giggled, reaching up to grab a fistful of his brown hair. the smaller of the two gave a particularly hard tug, earning an overdramatized groan.
“you two having fun?” you ask, stepping into the room.
“one of us is,” oikawa complains. however, the smile on his face shows how he really feels.
you can also see the way he melts when his son releases him and falls onto his chest. oikawa’s eyes slip over to you. he looks absolutely love stricken, completely at the mercy of such a small kid.
it reminds you of the way he looks at you — the soft smile in the early mornings where neither of you are fully awake, the adoring eyes right after he kisses you.
━━ atsumu;
“well i’m sorry i’m not uncle ‘samu,” atsumu mutters, pouting.
it mirrors the pout on his daughter’s face, who had decided she didn’t like his cooking. you could intervene if you really wanted to — but you didn’t want to.
she whines and slams her small fist on the table, kicking her legs defiantly. atsumu’s shoulders droop. with a sigh, he stands and lifts her out of the high chair, placing her on his hip.
“alright, we’re gonna go find animal crackers and we aren’t gonna tell your noni are we, hm?” atsumu apparently doesn’t see you leaning against the door frame.
when he starts to walk towards the pantry, the little girl reaches for his free hand. it’s almost instinct that he brings it up to her face and allows her to use it as a pacifier.
━━ akaashi;
“y/n…” the call of your name is a stage whisper, but still holds affectionate in it; you find akaashi fast asleep on the couch next to you.
his little girl is fast asleep on his chest, cheek squished against him, the fabric of his shirt bunched in her hands. the book he was reading to her is abandoned now, sitting on the floor by the couch.
the glasses he always wears are sitting slighting lopsided on his face. his hair is tousled and you’re sure he’s also half asleep.
“she’s finally asleep,” he whispers again, smiling when he looks down at her.
his hand comes up to lie gently on her back. you watch his thumb begin to rub in small circles, then watch it slow as his own eyes slip closed.
━━ kenma;
when kenma calls you, you perk up. with your phone now abandoned on the couch, you quietly pad off towards the bedroom, opening the door just as silently. the baby was supposed to be still asleep.
you were wrong.
kenma is sat at his computer, his headset on but lopsided, trying to hold his son with one hand. you can’t help they laugh that escapes you. though his hair is pulled up, the kid had managed to grab a fistful of it, pulling at his headset in the process.
“having fun?” you finally ask.
“love him, really do, but he has a surprising good grip for a child.”
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The Hollow Man
(Ao3 Version here)
He has become something of a local legend. A terrifying reminder that something is not quite normal in the little town of Hawkins. You can see him lurking around town with a hooded sweatshirt pulled up over the tangle of his hair and if you're really unlucky, catch a fast glimpse of his feverishly blue eyes beneath that hoodie.
Junior grade girls who used to throw themselves at his feet pretend not to know his name. Instead, they whisper to each other when he passes by, spooked and theatrical. “It’s the Hollow Man.”
Or as Eleven calmly tells Max: "Billy will be different now."
"Different how?" she'd asked, skeptical. She wasn't foolish enough to believe you could be stabbed through the chest cavity by a three-story monster and come back right as rain.
"Different…sort of like me," El had, looking a bit sad at the idea. "Only…not."
She still has absolutely no fucking idea what that means but he does seem calmer now, especially after Neil left the house.
Well, 'left' implies that he planned out his departure and packed his bags one day.
Neil actually got up in the middle of the night, packed their car with a haphazard collection of his shit, and drove away from the house - by himself after a bewildered Susan and half-asleep Max refused to go with him. "Fine - stay here with that fucking demon!"
Max assumes that Neil meant Billy but she doesn't understand - he's certainly quieter than he used to be (and maybe stronger, she isn't so sure) but calling him a demon is a little overdramatic, in her opinion.
At first, Billy thinks she's fucking with him, and then he assumes she's just being polite because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. But Max really, truly does not notice anything different. In fairness, Eleven and even Susan don’t usually seem to find anything amiss - maybe they’re a little more uneasy about him now and then, but for the most part, they’re pretty alright.
That’s when Billy realizes that there’s a trick to it. Not everyone sees what he can see when he looks in the mirror now. Most of them, from what he can tell - from what El confirms for him - see a much tamer version. Neil must have seen something much, much worse.
But in his most secret self, Billy has to admit that he loves Max - so she really can’t see any difference.
Anyway, the people in the town don’t bother him and so he doesn’t bother them and that’s the way he likes it.
Or that’s the way it is until that squeaky little church boy decides to put his fucking hands on Maxine.
Max is already impatient when she answers the door. She’s supposed to be meeting El at the movie theater in twenty minutes and she’s looked up and down but can’t find her own fucking shoes - Pretty in Pink is still playing in the tiny theater and it isn’t really Max’s bag, but she knows El will love it and Max is the only one who’ll go with her.
So she’s already over this conversation before she even opens the door to the person knocking. It doesn’t really help that Max first thinks he’s like, an actual Mormon or a Jehovah’s Witness or something.
He looks very…clean. Maybe it’s spending too much time with boys like Billy or that guy Eddie who the boys are always hanging around but Max finds something very weird about boys who are that clean. It’s like seeing a green sky and blue grass - there’s something not quite right about it to her.
Although Max doesn’t know it, Jason has been hunting for each boy in the party for the entire weekend - mostly because they hang out with Eddie Munson. Eddie Munson, who lately has been spending a large amount of time with Jason’s girlfriend.
Well…as of Friday, she’s now his ex-girlfriend.
Max does know that there’s something about the way he smiles. It reminds her of the way Billy used to smile - the fake one. “Hi, are you Maxine?”
“Max,” she says shortly, creeped out that he apparently already knows her name.
“Lucas’ girlfriend?”
“Uh…yes?” This is making even less sense by the minute - and where the hell are her fucking shoes?! “Do you mind getting to the point any time soon?”
His smile - fake, her mind still notes - dims away. “He hangs out with that Eddie freak, right? Do you happen to know where he is?”
Irritated behind belief at being treated as Lucas’ fucking secretary, of all things, Max snaps “No! I’m his girlfriend, not his fucking keeper! If you’re so keen on finding him, I don’t know - call him, maybe?”
And then Max slams the door in his face, because she is going to be fucking LATE, and Eleven gets anxious when any of them are late, and-
Jason’s entire arm blocks the door, face stormy. No longer quite so saccharine-polite. “Do you normally talk to strangers this way?” Glances at the empty hall behind her. “Your parents didn’t teach you any manners, Maxine?”
“Max,” she corrects again with a sneer. Although a prickle goes over the back of her neck, Max Mayfield has dealt with the Upside Down and her stepbrother is Billy Hargrove. This…how would Billy put it? This squeaky little shitbag doesn’t scare her. “And yeah, they did - I just don’t need to use them on arrogant assholes who try to interrogate me at my own house.”
“You-” He doesn’t finish the sentence, just grabs at Max’s arm and squeezes, squeezes like Billy used to when he was really pissed - except that Billy never ever grabbed her this hard and Max’s mouth opens - to scream, or to yell at him, she doesn’t even know, but Jason’s other hand reaches toward her face to cover her mouth.
NOW Max is sorta panicking - this motherfucker has actually lost his mind - but before she can freak out too badly, something happens.
And by ‘something’, she means Billy.
A rough bronzed hand suddenly yanked on the back collar of Jason’s jacket, pulling him up and then off of the front porch, and sending him careening down the front stairs. The action forced him to let go of Max, naturally, who was dumped onto the floor in the front hallway, directly on her ass. Ow.
She struggles to her feet just in time to see Billy, in his ratty fucking sweatpants and holey workout tank, standing with his back to her on the porch steps - right behind where Jason used to be standing.
“Oh, dude!” she cries, as she realizes what Jason is doing right on their fucking front lawn. “Seriously?!”
He’s pissed himself. Well, he’s pissed himself, AND he looks like he’s seen a fucking ghost - but as far as Max can tell, it’s just Billy.
Jason’s mouth opens and closes, a strained weak sound emerging that Max realizes is actually a scream. Or it would be a scream but Jason is apparently so terrified that he can’t properly work his lungs to make the sound.
Again, it’s just Billy. She doesn’t know what’s got him so worked up. Except that it’s just Billy to Max.  
Billy feels a grin stretch across his face and the little blond maggot looks like he might actually faint. It must be worse than what he can see when he looks in the mirror - and what he sees in the mirror looks pretty fucking bad.
Jason doesn’t see Billy, Jason sees The Hollow Man.
Dark empty pits where the eyes should be - not missing its eyeballs but the sockets are bloody, scraped clean of them, the face gaunt and skeletal and graying and semi-translucent. Like something decayed, and Jason can sort of see its teeth through the skin. They look…sharp. Very sharp.
He tries to crawl away on weak, rubbery limbs as it comes closer but the thing grabs him by the front of the shirt, fingers long and spidery and clawed. Reaches for his face, covering his mouth the way Jason had tried to do with Max.
His tongue, when the creature speaks, is slick and black. Oily. Jason feels bile rise in his throat and whimpers, tears flowing freely down his face.
“Go on home now, little boy,” It purrs, and grins at him with all of those teeth. “I’ll see you again tonight in your dreams.”
And then Billy throws Jason back to the ground, and while he doesn’t use all of his strength to do it, his shoulder still makes a divot in the grass when he hits it.
Max watches dumbfounded as Jason, now covered in dirt and grass and piss, screams his head off like an absolute ninny and runs away from their house like someone has lit his hair on fire.
“Man,” she says, rubbing her sore butt. “People in this town have a fucking screw loose.”
“Mm,” Billy agrees, and lights himself a cigarette.
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slasherbastard · 3 years
Slasher’s With a Pierced/Tatted S/O + Would the Slasher Have Tattoos/Piercings
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(gif credit: onedirectionlyricsandquotes)
note: sorry i haven’t been writing so much lately please request stuff i’m desperate
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(gif credit: briarrosefromthedead)
Otis Driftwood
Be glad he spared you, especially with those piercings since he definitely would've gotten his sadistic side off just by ripping them out while torturing you (you know that autopsy scene from Final Destination 1? Yeah) - same goes for tattoos, he would gladly just cut them out and stick them in a box for later (I feel like he has a whole collection of rotting chunks of tatted skin, that or he uses them for his art somehow).
Onto the good stuff, he thinks your tattoos and piercings are pretty badass. He knows that they probably would've been a pain in the ass to get and since you have so many he's just gonna assume that you could go through literal hell and come out with barely a bruise.
Would he get a tattoo/piercing himself? Probably. You've clearly inspired him. He's more of a tattoo kind of guy and would probably get something on his bicep like a skull (very edgy, Otis).
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(gif credit: netesu)
Jason Voorhees
Instant worry. Did those hurt? Who hurt you? What would his mother think? Even if it's just a small tattoo on your arm that's easy to hide with your sleeve or a nose piercing he's worried that his mother will hate you.
Jason wouldn't want tattoos himself. I think we can all see him with one of those arrowed heart tattoos with "MOM" written inside it or maybe his mother's birthday with her favourite flower beside it. If Jason did end up going through with a body mod there's a chance that it wouldn't hurt.
In the end he loves them anyways. If you're happy with your piercings or tattoos then he's happy and it's not like you're going to get them removed just because his mother might dislike them. Jason likes to trace over the tattoos and point that them when he wants to learn why you chose to put it on your skin.
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(gif credit: briarrosefromthedead)
Tiffany Valentine
LOVES THEM. She has a few piercings and tattoos herself so she understands. She also loves hearing your stories about the diy stuff you did. I feel like she definitely had a few other piercings like a septum or a second lobe piercing and maybe a stick and poke she did during a more rebellious phase, she has stories of her own that she'd love to share as well.
She'll want to get matching tattoos with you there's no doubt about it. You both might settle for something minimal like matching hearts on your wrists or roses.
Chucky hears about you a lot. Seriously, Tiffany is obsessed with you and Chucky is sick of it at this point. The first time you two finally meet he can't help but feel a little jealous - that's when he realises that Tiffany wasn't lying or being overdramatic and that you're just as good as Tiffany makes you out to be.
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(gif credit: prurientpuddlejumper)
Bo Sinclair
Depends. Knowing Bo, if you had a more NSFW piercing then he'd definitely find it hot but he'd probably lose it over a tongue piercing as well.
The only reason Bo would have a piercing would be because either got drunk and decided to get one or he lost a bet and was forced to get one. If he did get a tattoo he would get something on either his chest or arm and he would show it off at any chance he got - it would get to the point where Vincent would end up fast balling a shirt at him during dinner.
On the topic of what Bo would get pierced and tattooed, a pinup girl tattoo on his arm and maybe something for his mother. Piercing wise it would be nipple piercings - it was during his high school-college days while him and a few friends were out drinking and it was either a tattoo of a d*ck or nipple piercings. He was going to just take them out once they healed but he sort of forgot about them and ended up just keeping them in.
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(credit: boodalinski)
Brahms Heelshire
Very curious about your piercings and tattoos. He's going to touch them and pull on the metal depending on where it is and want to know more about them. He's not used to seeing stuff like this since neither of his parents are pierced (except for his mother who just has the standard lobe piercings) or tatted and it's not like any of the characters in his classical novels had tattoos. He's probably aware that stuff like that exists but he himself hasn't seen any real tattoos in person before meeting you.
Doesn't want piercings or tattoos even if you volunteer to do them yourself since you know he's not leaving the house or letting an at-home piercer/tattooist enter the house. I feel like Brahms doesn't handle pain that well and probably hates needles so he wouldn't want any anyways. He wonders how you managed to sit through them (and if you did any of them yourself then he'd probably feel a little intimidated).
Let's say that Brahms did want a piercing it'd be something standard like a lobe piercing. He would probably only end up getting one ear pierced before chickening out from the pain. He'd either have to stop every time he passed a mirror just to look at it or he'd forget he'd gotten it pierced altogether and be shocked every time he saw it in his reflection for felt it.
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pretty toes ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1741
request?: yes!
@gar-goyle “Can you write a fluffy smut about machine gun Kelly’s foot fetish and the reader?”
description: something as innocent as going barefoot in your house results in sweet words and love making
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
(fair warning, i personally am not a fan of feet, so this imagine isn’t gonna focus too much on feet)
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It was a rare event when Colson had more than a day off at a time. After releasing Tickets to my Downfall, Colson decided he wanted to take a lot of time off of work to focus on spending time with you and with Casie. The album had taken up so much of his time and energy that he rarely got to see his two favorite girls, and when he was able to see you two, he was usually drained.
On a night that you two actually had to yourselves, Colson suggested a relaxing night in watching movies. After a long week of work, you couldn’t have agreed more to anything that included the word “relaxing”.
You were both sat on the couch; Colson on one end, you on the other. You had your legs stretched out to be rested on his lap. You were in a pair of pajama pants and one of Colson’s shirts, so you had your socks off, leaving you barefoot.
At some point during the movie you were watching, Colson began running his fingers up and down your leg, spending a little extra time grazing over your feet. Eventually, he gave up pretending and just put both warm hands on your cold feet, beginning to give them a massage as he did so.
“Am I turning you on?” you teased, using the foot he wasn’t massaging to playfully kick him.
You knew all about Colson’s...love for feet, so to speak. You thought it was a joke at first, but soon came to learn that it was anything but. Colson had a thing for feet and, while it was still something you were getting used to, you couldn’t deny that you liked how much attention Colson would give your feet sometimes. Like in that moment, where he continued to massage your feet despite your teasing.
A small smile came across his face. “Of course you are. You and these pretty toes.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “They’re literally just on your lap. We’re just watching a movie. You’re being overdramatic.”
“How am I being overdramatic when you’re sat here looking like a fucking goddess?”
You shook your head at him. “I’m sat here in pajamas with my feet on your lap. I’m hardly a goddess. You’re just looking to get your dick wet so you’re trying to butter me up first.”
He chuckled at this, but your dirty words must’ve gotten to him as you could feel his bulge growing against your feet. He moved your feet so they were resting on the couch and knelt in front of you. You raised an eyebrow at him, feeling excited to see where this would be going.
“You are a goddess, no matter what you’re wearing,” he told you. “But especially when you’re wearing nothing.”
You giggled as his hands started trailing up your legs, stopping at the hem of your pajama pants. He looked up at you, waiting. You raised your hips so he could pull them down your legs and discard them somewhere on the living room floor. He ran his hands up and down your bare legs before lowering himself towards your feet again.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met,” he said. His warm breath brushed against your bare skin, causing you to shiver. “Even when you’re not trying. Especially when you’re not trying. You just radiate this natural beauty.”
He started kissing up your legs, giving both of them the same amount of attention each as he trailed his way up towards where you were starting to want him most. Your body was practically vibrating with anticipation.
As he got higher up, his hands slipped under the shirt you were wearing and lightly traced your bare skin. A moan slipped from your lips as his hands ran over your breasts, pausing for a moment to give your nipples a slight pinch.
He was teasing you. His mouth was kissing around your already soaking panties, but he wasn’t kissing the area you wanted most. You ran your fingers through his hair before trying to place him where you wanted him most. He looked up at you, mischief in his eyes, as he kept resisting and just kissed your thighs and stomach instead.
“You’re mean,” you said with a pout. “I wasn’t intentionally teasing you, you just decided I was.”
“You have a point,” he said. “I was just calling you a goddess, and now I’m teasing you for no reason. What kind of monster am I for doing that?”
Before you could respond, he quickly kissed your clothed clit, causing you to gasp. He smirked at you, and in one quick movement, he had pulled your panties down your legs. You repositioned yourself so he could comfortably lay between your legs.
The feeling of his tongue against you was like heaven. Your eyes immediately rolled into the back of your head in ecstasy. You grabbed at Colson’s hair, taking a handful of it and pushing his head slightly, trying to get him to go deeper.
His strokes were long and slow, sending a shiver up your spine every time his tongue connected with you. He was treating you like the goddess he kept saying you were, and you definitely weren’t complaining.
You whimpered as he pulled away. You tried to pull him back again, but he untangled your hand from his hair and kissed your stomach. Realizing what he was getting at, you pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it to the floor with the rest of your clothes. You lowered your body to be laying down on the couch as he began to kiss up your stomach. He took your breasts in his mouth one at a time, giving them extra attention. You were starting to become needy and desperate to feel him inside of you, but you were enjoying the praise too.
His lips finally reached yours and he kissed you gently. He rested his body on top of yours and you could feel his bulge pressing against you through his sweatpants. You hands ran down his back and pulled at the hem of his pants. He smiled down at you as he sat up long enough to pull them off. His boner popped free and you felt a growing wetness between your legs.
He pumped himself a few times before he leaned down to kiss you again. You gasped as you felt him push himself into you, slowly filling you up. When he had pushed completely inside of you, he laid down on top of you again, his arms resting on either side of your head so he could keep himself up.
It had been a while since the two of you were able to have slow, passionate sex. With Colson’s busy schedule, or with Casie always looming around the corner, the sex that you had was usually rough and quick. You were always trying to finish fast, and you wouldn’t complain about that, but you did miss being able to just hold Colson close and to be able to take your time.
He lowered his head to yours and kissed you gently. He lightly traced your cheek with one hand as he pushed himself deep inside of you, then pulled out almost all the way and pushed himself back in again. He repeated the pattern over and over, driving you wild with his slow trusts.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed in your ear as he started to kiss down your jawline and neck. “The most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
You tried to say something back, but it was cut off with another moan as Colson’s hips met yours. He chuckled at your attempted response and began to suck on the sweet spot on your neck that he knew all too well on how to find.
His slow thrusts were driving you wild. Your body was beginning to shake as you started to near your climax. Your nails were clawing at Colson’s back, surely leaving marks that you currently didn’t care about.
“Are you close, princess?” he asked. You nodded in response. His teeth nipped at your ear as he told you, “Let me feel you cum around my cock.”
The words alone were enough to drive you over the edge. Your eyes rolled back as you felt your climax hit hard. You called out Colson’s name in pleasure as he pushed himself deep inside of you, wanting to feel you cum on every inch of his hard cock.
When you had finally rode out yours, Colson began to thrust again. This time, they were fast and hard, causing you to let out screams of pleasure that echoed back to you in the empty house. You heard him grunt once before feeling him twitch inside you, followed by him filling you up as he hit his own climax.
You stayed tangled together for some time. Your vision was so clouded with lust that you felt like you could barley see anything. Colson was placing sweet kisses on your neck again as he came down from his own high. When you both felt like you were able to, Colson pushed himself off of you and got up from the couch. He passed you your clothes as you both began to dress again.
“That was...intense,” you commented, finally finding your voice again.
“In a good way?” Colson asked.
You giggled. “Of course in a good way. I don’t think there’s a bad way for sex to be intense.”
Colson chuckled as well. “You have a point. I just wanted you to know how much I love you and that I do think you’re a goddess, in all aspects of the word.”
“You tell me those things all the time,” you reminded him. “Although if your reminders are like that, I will take them whenever.”
He chuckled again before sitting next to you on the couch. You turned off the movie the two of you had completely forgotten about and decided to watch an episode of your favorite show together. You cuddled into Colson’s side and kissed his cheek.
“I’ll also walk around barefoot more often if it gets me those kinds of reminders,” you told him, looking down at your bare feet.
“Definitely won’t complain about seeing those pretty toes more often,” Colson agreed. You smiled up at him before settling into his side again.
I’m sorry it doesn’t actually focus much on his foot fetish at all :/ I hope you still liked it though!
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uswntxfootball · 4 years
wonderland (kristie mewis x uswnt!reader)
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all the memories and suppressed feelings flood back when she gets called up to the national team again.
word count: 2624 ish
rated D for dumb idiots. also F for flustered reader. and A for a little angsty.
it was tuesday morning when you had a near death experience.
jordan thinks that you’re being overdramatic but you don’t listen to her anyways.
on your off day of training the team decided to go out to have a nice breakfast together at a cafe.
there was the usual banter, disgusting couple moments (you constantly made gagging noises at them), and general stupidity.
after a bit the conversation dulled a little, but spiked again when jordan said:
“hey doesn’t the uswnt roster drop today?”
oh crap you forgot about that.
“oh crap yes it does.”
you were pretty sure you were going to make it again.
you’ve been very constant with your playing, scoring goals nationally and at the wsl alike.
still you couldn’t help the nerves that crept their way up your skin, and you handed your phone to jordan to have her read the list .
“read the list of midfielders aloud for me would you?”
the forward accepted it without hesitation, this being a usual exchange between the two of you.
jordan scanned the page a few times before smiling:
“i am proud to present the midfielders for the 2020 netherlands camp-“
“oh stop it just get on with it.”
“well i was before you rudely interrupted me-“
“alright whatever well keep going then.”
“julie ertz.”
“lindsey horan.”
“also a given.”
“rose lavelle.”
“catarina macario.”
“i’m not surprised.”
“sam mewis.”
“uh huh”
“and yours truly, y/n y/ln.”
the table cheered a little and you blushed, taking a bite of your avocado toast to hide your smile.
“oh and kristie mewis.”
and then you inhaled sharply, choking on your bite of food.
“who?” you managed to get out through a fit of coughing.
your inquiry was met with an array of exclamations.
“do you not know who kristie mewis is?”
“sam mewis’s sister?”
“won the challenge cup with dash?”
“dated rachel daly?”
“how do you not know who she is?!”
“you’re american for god’s sake!”
you ignored them all and instead said to jordan:
“can you hand me the water?”
jordan furrowed her eyebrows and handed you a glass of water as you coughed away.
you shot her a thankful glance before it was broken again by your nonstop coughing.
daan turned and slapped you a few times on the back which helped slightly.
for the rest of the breakfast jordan noticed you were much quieter, resorting to staring off into space instead of filling the silences with bad jokes.
after breakfast she caught up with you.
“alright spill.”
you shot her a look of confusion.
“spill about what?”
“you and kristie.”
“there’s nothing to spill.”
“that’s a lie and you know that.”
“i- hey would you look at the time i gotta go!”
you glanced at your wrist quickly before running off.
jordan shook her head before yelling out:
“you don’t even have a watch on!”
steph watched the two of you and shook her head.
you and kristie were bickering about something across the field, too caught up in your own world to pay attention to the fact that training had ended.
steph and kristie were both boston college grads, and the two had been close friends before signing together.
kristie had taking a particular liking to you, and within the first week of training you found yourself included in everything the they did.
the three of you played for the boston breakers, sharing an apartment, a car, and consequently all your personal spaces as well.
and so it was only fitting that the three of you bickered.
a lot.
you and kristie more than anyone.
“that is the worst show in existence!”
“no it is not the cinematography is fantastic it’s-“
“no the acting is so bad!”
“no it’s not i-“
“you just have bad show choices.”
you gasped in offense.
“take it back.”
kristie grinned and stuck her tongue out at you.
“well then you better run.”
kristie’s eyes widened when you lunged at her.
she took off but you, being faster tackled her to the ground.
your fingers dug into her sides and through a fit of laughter she relented.
“okay okay! i take it back! you have good taste in shows!”
you grinned triumphantly and stopped, your hands on both sides of kristie’s head as you looked down at her.
kristie’s cheeks were flushed and her chest heaved slightly as she looked up at you.
you were briefly aware of the pounding in your ears and butterflies in your stomach.
your eyes locked onto hers and unbeknownst to you you were leaning in but kristie was very, very aware of it, and just as she was about to lean in as well, steph’s yell broke the two of you out of your trance.
“hey training is over idiots!”
you shoot up so fast that your vision goes a little bit black.
you stumble a little bit before finding your balance.
“shut up mccaffrey you almost gave me a heart attack.”
you look down to see kristie still on the ground before you stick a hand out to help her up.
“what were the two of you even fighting about?”
you gave kristie a pointed look before saying:
“this idiot said my show choice was bad.”
steph thought about it for a minute.
“well i mean she isn’t wrong.”
kristie lets out an exclamation after hearing that.
“see?! i told you!”
“hey! you took it back!”
“doesn’t mean it isn’t true!”
“i’m being bullied.”
“oh shut up y/n.”
adjusting your mask and sunglasses, you made your way out of the plane with a few of your teammates.
you had just landed in the netherlands, and coming from england you had a shorter flight compared to most of the team, who would be landing in an hour or so.
you were brimming with excitement at meeting up with your us teammates, as you hadn’t seen them since the beginning of the pandemic.
even then you didn’t get to see them often as you played in the wsl.
you had signed with arsenal in 2017, after the league folded and the boston breakers disbanded, as you were done with the american soccer system.
england had welcomed you with open arms, and you soon made a home there, flying back every so often for national team camps and games.
so when the pandemic hit and a handful of your teammates signed for international clubs, you were ecstatic.
even if they signed for opposing teams.
at least none of them signed for chelsea.
christen gave you a little tap when she saw your suitcases, and you gave her a thankful look before going to grab them.
when everyone was settled, you made your way to the bus and set off on your way to the hotel.
“sam how excited are you that kristie is coming?”
your head snapped up at the mention of the midfielder’s name, an action sam noticed but didn’t comment on.
“i’m so happy! she’s happy too on being called back and can’t wait to see her old teammates again!”
your cheeks flushed a little when sam’s eyes met yours at the end of her statement, and you suddenly found the ground very interesting.
it was a little later when you arrived at the hotel and rose kicked your foot that you looked up.
making your way into the hotel was an interesting experience.
on one hand you were beyond excited that you were back with the national team, yet on the other hand the prospect of seeing kristie made you want to throw up a little bit.
it’s not that you didn’t want to see her.
you were nervous because you liked? like? her.
of course this you realized way after you had left the us.
or rather, just as you were about to leave.
you stood, heart racing as you stood in front of kristie’s door.
your hand hovered above it for a little bit as you tried to swallow and breathe normally.
you had already told steph and the rest of your friends but why was it so much harder to tell kristie?
were you afraid of what she was going to say?
that you were going to leave the country, leave the nwsl, and leave her?
you take a deep breath to calm down and you gave it a little knock.
the door flies open in less than a second.
“y/n! what are you doing here?”
kristie’s cheery demeanor rattled you a little bit.
upon seeing your face she frowned.
“what’s wrong?”
your mouth was so dry and it trembled a little.
you could feel your heartbeat in your ears, tears threatening to spill.
kristie’s looking at you with a face full of worry now, and you couldn’t get the words out.
you close your mouth again and take a second to look at her.
noting the ways her eyes sparkled and the way her hair was falling out from her bun in little curls over her shoulders.
and then it comes out in a hushed whisper when you least expect it.
“i’m moving to england.”
kristie looks at you too stunned to speak.
she whispers:
“when are you leaving?”
you look down at the ground.
you keep your eyes trained on the ground, too scared to look up at her, knowing that when you look at her the tears you’ve fought so hard to hold back are going to spill.
the silence that falls between you is too heavy. too thick. too constricting.
you find yourself lunging forward towards the midfielder, wrapping her in a hug as the tears spill.
“i’m so sorry i didn’t tell you sooner.”
kristie doesn’t say anything.
she just hugs you harder.
you break away when you have to, but as soon as you turn kristie grabs your wrist.
you turn to ask her what’s wrong but her lips are on yours in an instant.
before you can even process what happened she pulls back.
“you’re going to kill it in england.”
and then she walks into the apartment and shuts the door.
ironically you walk into a door when you see her.
to be fair it wasn’t your fault.
it was hers.
well maybe it was yours.
your head had been all over the place in the past few days, ever since the prospect of seeing her was brought up.
when you had left five years ago, you couldn’t help but replay that kiss over and over in your head.
you couldn’t believe all the signs you had missed.
so yeah.
you were nervous.
and so with music blasting in your headphones, you were prepping for a run, and subsequently not paying any attention to where you were walking and she opens the door right in your face.
you stumble a little bit backwards, before falling down.
you haven’t even looked up, instead sitting on the ground rubbing your forehead and cursing.
it’s when a pair of sneakers appears in front of you that you look up.
and you actually choke on air.
before you stood the woman you had been thinking about, sporting an amused smile and quirked eyebrow.
she says something you don’t hear and it’s only when she leans down and takes your headphones off that you notice them.
your cheeks flush and you mutter an embarrassed “oops” which elicited a chuckle from the midfielder in front of you.
she extends her hand out to you and you take it, sparks shooting up your arm at the contact.
she pulls you into a hug and the two of you quickly fall into conversation.
here up close, you can spot all the changes and similarities of the girl you left 5 years ago.
the five years had been great to her, she was now even more breathtaking than before, no longer the awkward kid but a gorgeous woman.
she almost looks like a completely different person.
but you notice the same ways her eyes sparkle when she talks, the way the corners of her mouth tug up slowly when she smiles, and the way she tucks loose strands of hair behind her ear and you know this is the same girl you were so smitten with 5 years ago.
“you done checking me out now?”
your gaze snaps back up to her face and blush, a little surprised by her statement.
kristie gives you a teasing smile before saying:
“come on i’m just joking.”
she even has the audacity to wink at you.
and this behavior continues.
for the whole training camp she flirts with you.
you’re a little taken aback by the confidence in the girl.
with the constant winking and flirting and fleeting touches you’re pretty sure she’s trying to kill you.
“y/n. y/n!”
sonnett’s voice snaps your gaze back onto her face.
“sorry what?”
“you were so far into la la land i almost had to get ryan gosling to come get you.”
you shoot her an annoyed look.
“oh shut up no.”
your eyes drift back to the other side of the field, to where kristie was.
sonnett rests her chin on your shoulder and says:
“so who are we checking out today?”
you turn to her and scowl.
“no one.”
“you’re no fun.”
“come on you love me.”
and of course she scores.
of course.
no matter how hyped the game was.
or how difficult the netherlands defense was.
of course she scores.
she had been on for less than two minutes when she did so too.
you’re so excited you almost trip over your own feet.
she runs to you and you catch her as she jumps, and soon the rest of the team comes to envelop the two of you in a hug.
“i’m so fucking proud of you,” you whisper, and when everyone has relaxed a little, she kisses you.
it’s firmer and more insistent than the one from five years ago.
it’s almost like she knows what she wants and what you want.
you pull away after a few seconds, but only because you have a game to win still.
“come on kris let’s kick some ass.”
you let go of her and the two of you make your way back to your positions.
a few of your arsenal teammate shoot you teasing glances, and you blush when you meet them.
and when the whistle blows thirty minutes later, they make sure to tease you about it after the game.
you see kristie walking towards you and you grin, but before she gets there sam steps in front of you.
you look up at her, and when she doesn’t speak you fill the silence.
“i promise not to hurt her.”
sam quirks an eyebrow and leans in to whisper:
“you better not. or i will tear off your arm and beat you with i-“
kristie gives her sister a little slap in the arm before pulling you away with her.
“um h-hey,” you stammer, rubbing your neck nervously.
“you’re so cute.”
you blush a bit, your heart racing.
kristie catches your hand when it comes down and intertwines her fingers with yours.
“go on a date with me?”
you blush even harder and nod enthusiastically, not trusting your voice at this point.
she gives you a look before leaning in and connecting her lips with yours.
“hey please don’t bang my sister on the field!”
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diary-of-an-onliner · 4 years
lifelines [g.w.]
hi! first fic, pls be nice!
word count: 2300
warnings: none
After Gryffindor turned the tides at the last second, winning the second most important game of the season after a massive setback in the first hour, the celebrations raged harder than ever. Since Hufflepuff had beaten Slytherin to the ground two days ago, the path towards the Cup was clear. Angelina was sitting on the couch, having passed the point of looking pleased long ago, and now seemed almost frazzled by the result. People came up to her periodically, clapping her shoulder or topping off her drink, directing the buzzing energy of the common room straight into her.
Truly, the atmosphere was phenomenal, the stolen food and drinks from the kitchens juicer and a little more spiked than usual. Or maybe it was the sunlight still streaming through the windows as strongly as ever despite the past gloomy week. Whatever it was that made the day so electrically happy for everyone, it showed no signs of stopping.
This type of unrestrained feeling you always imagined started from the back of your head as s little star-like scribble that cast a net over you and spread the intensity throughout. This week it was stronger than it has been in a while.
You felt electric in the stands as you yelled for your team, an invisible line ripping the words from your throat before you even knew you were saying them. You felt elated as your housemates put their hands around you in delight, screaming themselves sore when they announced the winner. And you were feeling the happiness in your hair now, in every single strand from root to end as it swayed along with the bottle in your hand.
This was happy. This was joyful. This was utterly buttery in your chest and electric in the air.
You idly looked around the red and orange common room, which burned with excitement, deciding how to best spend this time before it runs out on Umbridge's watch and she ruins it.
No. No wasting thoughts on her today. She sucked enough life out of you and your housemates this year, she won't be doing it off the clock too.
Your eyes settled on possibly one of the strongest sources of this warmth - George Weasley, sitting on the arm of the couch next to his brother. The window behind him silhouetted him in gold perfectly, like the sun offered him to you. It accented how attractive he was, even if he burned a little at the top.
You've connected eyes before, talked before, even bantered. One wittier than the other every odd day, you toed the line between acquaintances and friends perfectly. Seeing as he's very popular, catching him in-between conversations was a matter of luck.
You imagined a line going from the center of your chest to his as you approached him. He pensively looked to the side, observing some goings-on on the far end of the room as you interrupted him.
"That was a good game. You got some very nice shots in," you said.
He turned to you with a mild close-mouthed 'hm', a look, and then a grin.
"You sure it was me?" he cocked his eyebrow and look at Fred on the couch next to Angelina, bumping knees with her and accepting congratulations in both of their names.
"You wear different numbers, genius. I know how to count this time."
"And you have my number memorized," he said, his voice glad.
"That would've been a great line if you were a Muggle."
"Pity, I already chose a magical career." he took a sip of his butterbeer and eyed you up, "Maybe I should start using my magical lines on you. Would those work better?" his eyes widened and his tone turned innocent at the end.
"I think I know too much anti-jinxes for that."
He pursed his lips in amusement. "Alright. What would work on you then?"
"Oh, I find responsibility and appropriacy really hot." you shot back, twirling a piece of your happy, charged up hair.
"Contradiction too," he said, "since you're still here."
"I find contradiction a natural state of the human soul, thus if I wasn't contradicting myself, I wouldn't fully be here."
"Hm. Brainy." he chuckled.
"Judgy. If you need me to simplify you can just say so."
"I think I can handle your smart mouth just fine."
"Then why am I winning?"
"I didn't realize this was a competition."
"Rookie mistake." you shook your head dramatically.
"I'm pretty sure it's a rookier mistake to assume you're winning. Who's the judge?"
"My innate inner sense of whether I'm winning or not."
"If it's inside you, then how would one file a complaint concerning an unfair ruling?"
"They wouldn't. It's a noble and just system that decided I'm in the lead. You just need to accept the truth."
"Don't make me come in there," he said, smirking good-naturedly.
"In where?" you shot back.
"In you." his smirk held on for a second before he seemed to realize what he said and his face scrunched up in apologetic laughter.
Your mind slipped into the gutter the way new yorkers fall into sinkholes filled with rats - hilariously fast.
Albeit greatly amused, he started to correct himself, "I didn't mean-"
"No, of course not." you licked your lips, "I understood you the first time " Was karma going to bite you in the ass for that lie? Who knows, but you might even be into that. Everything seems possible when the sun is shining. So he shone.
He grinned with his happy mouth and you once again noted how the light from the window behind him silhouetted him in the golden lining that made him look like a cutout glued onto the scene of this funny collage. His hair was aflame and his face was darker from the shadows but just as loudly burning with laughter.
This was happy.
You drew the word in your mind, line by line. H, a smooth move from the bottom, a decorative loop, then a parallel stroke, and a transversal. A, a circle with a tail, sharp move upward, and an even sharper drop for the backbone of p. P's tummy? Bulge? Nope, your mind shouldn't slip there in the middle of Binns’ class, no matter how boring he was. Another p, as George's knee bumped into yours. He was moved from "Mr. Wester, Phillip." for being disruptive, so he engaged in an under-the-table kind of disruption with his new tablemate.
You smiled. A long diagonal line, and another shorter one that cut into it. Y.
You were, truly, right now. It sounded upside down to be happy though, both overall and when stuck in a soul-suckingly draining class, but you were.
George read over your shoulder, then audaciously engaged in over-the-table elbow-bumping-disruption and a cocked eyebrow. You straightened up, feeling a warm line unfold from the back of your head to the core of your brain, through the center of your chest, and straight to your stomach. Your happy line.
I'm happy, you mouthed.
Really? He mouthed back sarcastically yet good-naturedly. I can definitely see why. His eyes darted toward the professor. I say go for it, he's a catch. You might even be his type.
You burst out laughing, then immediately bit your lip. A few students, including Philip, looked at you as you shook with laughter, but professor Binns carried on.
George, on the other hand, shrugged with his shit-eating grin, pretending he has no idea why you were laughing, thus letting everyone know why you were laughing.
You scribbled, I don't know. What if it goes badly. I'd hate to be ghosted.
George raised his eyebrows at the Muggle slang you explained before. His hand slipped next to yours on the table and you felt your happy line thrum in approval. His hand was warm as he gently pressed it to yours, slowly took your quill, and scribbled back: Need someone more physical, huh? And I thought you were the romantic type.
Strong words for someone who never bought me dinner, you replied.
Mhm, as soon as I find a good line get you to agree to it.
Keep writing like that and I'll start thinking you fancy me.
Keep your mind in the gutter and I'll start thinking you don't fancy me back. He accented that line with a wink and an overdramatic lip bite.
You pouted sarcastically at him. Of course not, I only want you for your knobby knees.
He chuckled, reminded of the short line of warmth that connected your knees under the table. He pressed his into yours a little stronger, then pulled away.
That's a funny way of flirting. I'd know, I'm an expert at funny.
And I'm not flirting. If I was, you'd know it.
Would you? your breath hitched. For reasons you very well knew but refused to sound out to yourself, this short sentence drove the air around you two from joking to serious at breakneck speed.
Know if you were flirting with me? your happy line felt jumbled up in your stomach. He smiled at you.
Would you know if you were flirting with me?
The following week was arduous.
Gryffindors had a record amount of detentions, and Snape tore into them any and every chance he could. Even McGonagall was one edge, meaning lousy or missed homework was a death sentence. You forgot how to read from tiredness, submitting essays patchworked of other people's thoughts without ever having any information pass through your head. Everything was dull, gray, and dragged out.
Despite that, outside the castle the sky was blue and sunlight streamed through the soft clouds and a sweet breeze would blow around aimlessly. It was both comforting and a little mocking. The sky should be as exhausted and as beaten down as you. Good to know stress made you compare yourself to a literal sky. But maybe that's a little cruel. Nevertheless, it sounded like nature itself was turning its nose up at you, saying you're selfish for wanting grey skies, she doesn't care, she's above puny human affairs. The world turns and you have to turn with it or stop, then spend the rest of the time catching up.
You haven't stopped yet, but by all that is holy, you wanted to sleep. As the sun finally descended on a Friday after dinner, you finished your essays in hope that the next week might be kinder if you do everything quickly. The common room was dark, most of the light coming from the fire in the fireplace. It was also oddly empty for nine-thirty in the evening. Apparently, everyone had the same week as you.
Your almost finished essay laid on the table as you dozed, swinging your legs back and forth over the edge of your armchair.
The creak of the portrait opening caught your attention, and George Weasley walked in a second later, rubbing his sore hand and cussing.
Truly everyone had a shitty week.
"Love?" you said teasingly.
He looked up at you with a tired grin.
"It's late."
"Not really. You okay?"
"Nothing I can't handle, love." he sighed, leaning against the wall next to the fireplace.
"Can I see?" you crossed the room to stand in front of him. Again, the firelight licked at the lines of his face, clear and sharp. He had circles under his eyes and a heavily nibbled lip.
"It's nothing." still, George raised his hand. "Love." he added, distantly. He seemed to be staring right above your head. You looked at the middle line of his lips again. You imagined him biting it.
Was it him that bit it? That one hurt. You hoped it was him.
You took his hand in your and rubbed circles into his knuckles. His eye winced.
"I'm sorry."
"S'not your fault."
"What happened?" he closed his eyes.
"Two ickle firsties almost brought the wrath of Umbridge into themselves with some dungbombs. You know how it goes," he said, a corner of his lip tugging upwards. Your chest expanded looking at him being satisfied with himself. As he should be.
"How... responsible of you," you said.
His eyes snapped downwards to yours.
"Keep looking at me like that and I might also start being appropriate too, darling."
You stepped closer, your happy line thrumming against your chest like a quivering violin string.
"What if being responsible is enough?"
"Enough for what?" he breathed out before you pressed yourself against him.
At first, that's was it was - a press of two warm lips. Then he started to move slowly, almost gentlemanly. How appropriate.
As he touched you, you felt the daze of last week lift. The little star scribble on the back of your head lit up, pulsing with brightness rather than fogging your thought. This was clear, you felt his every stroke that made up his face and chest and hands. The scribble of happiness extended itself into a web, overtaking your brain - you could feel it and you wondered if he saw it too when he looked at you. You pulled away and lifted your head to check. Probably not, but his eyes were glassy and he gave you a dopey smile. He was glad you were there. You pressed your lips against his again. You were glad he was there too.
The web continued down your neck, arms and chest, into your legs until your toes buzzed with light coursing through you. You were more awake than you have been in a long time.
Your hands were the brightest of all, and as you touched his hands, connecting them fingertip to fingertip, things made sense. The web buzzed and his breath was warm against yours, hands pulsing with energy as your every lifeline connected into his.
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I Wanna Be Adored 2 (Number 5x reader)
A/N: wowe a part 2 of my i wanna be adored fic this is also an old draft that ive finished after s1, give the first one a read x
Request: hh.. that five imagine was so soft and sweet to read, great job <3 would you ever consider doing a part two? maybe the rest of the hargreeves meeting five's s/o? feel free to skip this one. but for real, it's such a good text <33
Words: 1529
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“I’m just not drinking as much coffee anymore.” He said matter-o-factly. “I used to not be able to sleep very well so I’d just drink a lot of coffee to keep myself awake but I guess I just don’t have to anymore. I’ve been sleeping really well recently when I’ve been with you.” You smile as you feel him gently press a kiss to the side of your head. You smile contently, beginning to close your eyes, his heartbeat sounding like sweet music to your ears.
“Five, do you have a girl in your room?” A distance voice was heard echoing through the academy.
“Shit.” He mumbled into your hair, you knew it was going to be a long day in the Academy.
Five looked around frantically, trying to decide what to do. He pulled you up from his bed, mischievous glint in his eyes as he moved quickly to the window, you shake your head, trying to let him know you weren’t going to jump out the window. Giving you a wink, he pulled you towards his closet just before Fives bedroom door swung open.
“Shit. They’re not in here Diego!” Five let out a quite breathy laugh, locking his eyes with yours. It was only in this moment that you realised your closeness, it’s not like you have never been as close to Five as you were in that moment but the small space in the closest emphasised it. Five could feel the sudden change in mood as well, slowly moving his hands around your waist.
In that moment you forgot about Fives two older brothers peering out the open window, you forgot about your exams, you forgot about everything except Five. The collision of your lips felt like a thousand lighting bolts between the both of you. You were both so horrifically in love with each other but neither of you could get the words out. 
Klaus and Diego had came to the conclusion that Five and y/n had either climbed out the window or teleported away, that was until they heard a loud thump come from the direction of the closet. They both slowly crept forward before swinging the closet door open expecting to find their ‘younger’ brother. Klaus and Diego were met with nothing but a few toppled over books with no answer on where Five or his ‘friend’ were.
You collapsed back onto your bed in a flash of blue, giggling like school children giddy from a sugar rush. In the closet you’d both gotten too into the moment, Five pushing you against the side of the closet wall resulting in a bang.
“I would really like to meet your family, you know.” You say softly to him, settling into a state of calm. “So at least they know who you’re with rather than stress them out when they don’t know where you are.” His hair was silky to your touch.
“I know,” He let out an almost overdramatic sigh. “They’re strange, I don’t want to scare you off. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me.” You smile at his words but you were concerned, you knew all about Fives time in the apocalypse or at least as much as he would tell you, he would sometimes let something slip about the crippling loneliness or his time in the commission.
“I’ve been able to deal with your strange ass for the past year, I think I can cope.” You slightly shove him as you speak, admiring the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. “Maybe if you warn them in advance, then they won’t “scare me off’ and they’ll be slightly normal?” 
He seemed to think about it, for just a split second the only thing whizzing around his fast mind was the thought of you meeting his family. Every possible situation that could occur whizzed through his head, every bad situation with every one of his siblings.
A shiver ran down your body as you stood at the doors of the large mansion, waiting for the right time to knock at the door, or even just to convince yourself to do it. Every time you had been to the academy no one else was home, except for Pogo and Grace of course but they never asked too many questions, or Five just blips you into his room, you’d never knocked before.
But you knew you had to do this, for Five, so his family doesn’t worry as much. You’d even put on your best pair of jeans and best t-shirt, just to hope to make the right impression to his six sibling. So despite all of the atoms in your body screaming with anxiety not to knock on the door, you banged the knocker, you couldn’t even get a third knock in before the door swung open to reveal a nervous looking Five. His face lit up when he saw you, his eyes drifting up and down your figure.
“You look nice.” He said as he held his hand out for you to take, gently pulling you into the academy.
“I do try sometimes, you know.” You squeeze his hand as you stepped inside, hearing the chatter of his siblings from the other room. Letting go of his hand, you gently lift your bag from across you. Without missing a beat Five gently took it from your hand and hung it up. 
“It’ll be fine.” Five whispered in your ear as you walked into the room, reassuringly placing his hand on the small of your back. Your face instantly got red as you got closer to his siblings, all of their eyes falling on you, some giving you kind smiles while some didn’t show any emotion at all.
“Hi,” You spoke softly to the crowd, giving a soft smile. “I’m Y/n.”
“She’s my girlfriend.” Five added, moving his hand from your back to around your waist, giving it a gentle squeeze. A series of raised eyebrows erupted around the room as they all glance at each other. The room fell silent until someone finally spoke up.
“It’s really nice to meet you, I’m Allison.”
“Ben also says hello.” Klaus spoke again.
“Come sit down.” Allison said warmly, moving over so there was enough room for you and Five to sit down. You gladly sat down with Five squeezing next to you, his hand still resting around your waist.
“So,” Klaus said as he crossed his legs and rested his head on his hands. “How did you both meet?”
“I work at Griddy’s in between school, Five came in a lot and we just ended up talking, this was nearly a year ago now I think.” You say nervously, you gripped both of your hands together to stop them from shaking. 
The mood relaxed as you all made general chit chat, asking about your ambitions and your interests, how you’re doing at school and even a little bit about your relationship with Five. Diego however, had not muttered a single word, he just kept intently staring at you, maybe trying to read you and judge your character, or maybe he was still mad about when he last saw you.
A cold breeze drifted through the room, causing you to shiver and your bare arms get goosebumps. Five ran his hand down your arm, feeling how cold you were. “Want me to get you a hoodie?” He spoke quietly to you, you shook your head no to his question, not wanting to be a bother. “I’ll get you one, you’re freezing y/n, I’ll be back in a minute” The last part was spoke mainly to the room as he stood up and started walking to the stairs only to be gone in a flash of blue.
“Diego, I’m sorry!” You spoke quickly. “I’m sorry about how Five acted with you when you saw me last, I was the one who wanted to meet you all.” You were almost tumbling over your words as they spilled out of you. “I just thought you should know who Five is with when he’s not here, I’m super responsable and always make sure he’s safe.” When you finish your face was flushed, the anxiety crept up on you as you spoke, being unable to read Diegos face. 
“I appreciate that, thank you,” He said genuinely. “We just worry about him sometimes, ya know.” You nodded to his words before Five appeared before you, he was now wearing a jacket over his own hoodie and holding one out to you which you gratefully took. 
 “We’re going to head off,” Five said to the room, waiting for you to pull his hoodie on before pulling you up by your hand. “I’ll be back later.”
“It was nice meeting you all!” You say, you received a series of ‘you too’s and ‘come back any times’s. You walked with Five to the door before wrapping you bag back around you and leaving the academy. Fives hand was instantly in yours as soon as you were walking down the steps and out into the street, swinging it as you both walked.
“I think that went rather well.”
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desertofsnowflakes · 3 years
Incorrect Order Chapter 7 (Nessian AU)
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A/N: Do inform me if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist! If you happen to find my storyline similar to another fic or one of yours, I'm extremely sorry, I might've just not known. All characters belong to the author Sarah J. Mass. Enjoy!
Summary: Don't first impressions always affect the way you see someone? Well, what more with the Nesta Archeron? Nesta meets Cassian at few unexpected places and to say it didn't go well was a major understatement. Certain circumstances make them become enemies to tolerable company to friends to lovers.
Trigger Warnings: none ig
2097 words | Incorrect Order Masterlist | Read on AO3
Wearing a tee is fairly simple. Just bunch it up and pull it over his neck, then, put his arms through. That's it. This is the third time he was trying to get himself in this damn t-shirt. The first time, he wore it the other way round. The next time he accidentally tried putting his neck where his arm was meant to go. He got snarled in the t-shirt in the process. It's a miracle the garment hadn't ripped off. His brushed hair also got mussed and tangled in the process.
Cassian sighed and held his dark brown tee up. His mind was still playing his memories with Nesta on loop. It just wouldn’t stop. Not when he was sulking, bathing, changing—
The doorbell rang. A quick glance at his wall clock confirmed that the hour was ungodly enough that most would be asleep. Wondering who exactly it was, Cassian opened the door—
—and his mind blanked out. There, standing in front of him, in all her glory was Nesta. Nesta, who had snapped at him earlier. Nesta in a white oversized sweater and black tight-fit leggings. A small bag was slung on her shoulder. He was pretty sure he was gawking like an idiot. He forced his mouth to shape her name.
“Nesta,” he breathed. Nesta could hear awe and reverence in his voice. So much that she shivered. There was pain in his voice too. Tears pricked her eyes. How selfish of her to run to him even after she hurt him. But she couldn’t turn away. Not now, not after walking from her home to here. She closed her eyes and swallowed. His bare torso didn’t help matters either. His torso was a wonderful masterpiece. His tattoos were starker in the moonlight. She longed to trace them with her fingers. Nesta immediately shut that train of thought. She didn’t come here for that. She came here because of Tomas. That’s it.
Cassian was peering over her shoulders when she opened her eyes. Frowning, he asked, “How did you come here? Has your cab left?”
“No,” she said. “I walked here.” His eyes snapped to her face. He took a step back and opened the door wider, “Come in,” he said.
Nesta could feel his eyes on her while she stepped through the threshold and took her time to look through his house. It wasn’t as big as Feyre’s but it was bigger than her apartment. She saw a rumpled t-shirt discarded on the dark blue couch and reigned in a smile. She heard the click of the lock and turned to face him. He looked at her and ran a hand through his hair, tousling it further. Her eyes tracked the wispy strands moving in between his slender, long fingers. Cauldron, she thought, this was going to be very difficult, indeed.
He nodded at the couch, “Have a seat. You must be tired. How long was the walk?” he queried.
She took her seat on the soft couch and replied, “Around half an hour including a short break I took.”
He nodded. The pained expression, mixed with one of longing, didn't leave his face yet. “Why are you here Nesta? Truly? Just a few hours ago, you were screaming in my face and now, you’re in my house looking rattled. What do you want?”
Nesta stared at her hands resting on her lap, took in a ragged breath and said, “Tomas.”
The shock was evident on his face. “Tomas?” he repeated. She saw as the shock on his face bled and became anger. “Did he disturb you again?” he demanded.
“No,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around herself. “No. He wasn’t really even there. I was on my bed. Trying to get some sleep. I couldn’t sleep, I kept tossing and turning on my bed. Sleep felt so far away. But after sometime I think I fell asleep. Then I felt like I woke up. It was bright. It all felt weird to me. And that was when I saw him. He was in my room. His hand was around my neck, squeezing. He was talking and talking.” The words were gushing out of her now, a panicked flow of words. She continued, “Then he slapped me. He also had a knife with him. He kept threatening me. Telling me about the way he said he wanted to kill me. And—and he used his knife on me. He stabbed my arm and kept dragging upward slowly. It hurt like hell. That was what I didn’t understand. The pain. It all felt very real. Most of all, my pain.” She looked back at Cassian. He was silently listening, she was grateful for that. “That’s why I came here,” she admitted. “I got scared. The vulnerability I felt… I want to be ready when he comes back. And he will come back. He isn’t the type to let things go. I need your help. Help me,” she pleaded. She wasn’t aware of the tear escaping her eye.
Cassian got up and seated himself beside her. He cupped her cheek. Unconsciously, she leaned closer to him. He gently brushed her tears away. “I’ll help you,” he said gently. “You’ll be ready. When the time comes, you’ll be ready. I’ll make sure of it. Only if you call me Cass.”
She grinned. “That wouldn’t be very difficult,” she said.
Cassian felt like he was selling his soul in a bargain to the devil. He knew. He knew that this wouldn’t end well for him. He knew he’ll end up having his heart broken. But he couldn’t resist. He couldn’t bring himself to say no to her.
Nesta wrapped her arms around his middle. He froze. The sensation of her hands on his bare skin was a shock to his senses and elicited a shiver down his spine. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you so much. Really.” she gave him a playful smile. “Cass,”she said with more emphasis than necessary. And Mother, he didn’t regret letting her call him Cass one bit.
She yawned and stretched like a cat. He liked that too, he decided.
“Have you slept?” he asked.
“A bit. You?”
He shook his head. He gestured to her to follow him up the stairs. “You can sleep here till dawn in Mor’s room. You know, the room you used the last time.”
“Cass,” she said. He halted, turning back to face her. “I really need to say this. I’m sorry. Truly. I shouldn’t have said what I did last night.”
He didn’t say it’s okay because it really wasn’t. He just nodded, acknowledging her apology, showing her that he couldn’t forget how much it hurt him but he’ll try to come to terms with both of their mistakes. They reached Mor’s door.
She hesitated. “I don’t have any clothes to change to,” she said.
“It’s fine,” he said. “Mor’s clothes would fit you, though it would be slightly loose. You can also use the bathroom to wash up or anything else you want to do. I’ll be in the room down the corridor—” he said, gesturing to the second last door— “so just knock if you need anything, okay?”
She nodded and thanked him again before closing the door and preparing for bed. He entered his room and plopped on the bed. It might’ve been how tired he felt or it might have been her presence two rooms away, but in mere minutes, Cass was fast asleep.
A few fast and hard knocks on his door woke Cassian from his sleep. Groggily, he opened the door to find Nesta in a tank top and shorts. Very short shorts. She looked disturbed, though.
“What happened?” he asked her.
“I can’t sleep,” she said, her voice small.
Cassian’s heart, or at least, what was left of it, broke. He hated to see this. Cold, sharp Nesta now, standing in front of him, scared and afraid. He felt a surge of protectiveness in him. He wanted to tuck her to his side and shield her from every and any harm that would come to her.
He held his hand out for her and brought her into his room. “Sit,” he gestured to his bed, “What do you want to do?”
She smiled tentatively, “Would you tell me about yourself? We haven’t introduced ourselves properly. I think I want to hear more about you from you yourself. And if you want… I could tell you some things about myself too.”
He sat on the bed beside her and said, “That’ll be fun.” He saw this not only as a means to escape the horrid things in her head, but also as a peace offering. He couldn’t forgive and forget the things she told him earlier but he could try to play along with her patching up.
“Who’s gonna start first?” she asked.
He dramatically placed his hand on his bare chest in a variation of a bow and said, “After you, my lady.”
She laughed and asked, “Do you ever wear a shirt at home?”
“Why? Getting distracted already?”
“Can’t you just answer my question?” she asked hotly, though a light blush was creeping up her cheeks.
The corner of his lips kicked up a notch, “I do wear shirts at home.”
“Good,” she said and opened her mouth to continue when he interrupted her.
“Wait,” he said, “Now, you haven’t answered my question.”
“I didn’t deem it worthy enough to answer.”
He pouted, “You wound me, Nes.”
“Stop being overdramatic. And don’t call me Nes!” she snapped half heartedly.
“Twice,” aggrievedly, he said, “you wounded me twice. Also,” he smirked, leaning closer to her, “you like it.”
“Like which?”
“Being called Nes.”
“I don’t.”
“Now you’re the one who’s getting distracted. What did we plan for and what are we doing now? If this is how things are gonna be, I think you’ll prove to be a very bad teacher.”
“Now, Nes, you need to know that I’m good at many, many things and would prove to be an extremely focused teacher,” he said, voice husky. He knew she caught his meaning when the blush on her cheeks deepened. He leaned back on his palms, “Go on.”
So she spoke. She told him of her time when both her parents were alive; of the time when they grieved their mother’s death; when she kept herself away from her sisters after becoming orphans; when she made the mistake of falling for Tomas. “Honestly,” she had told him, “when I look at him now, I wonder how I fell in love with him in the first place.” She then told him of how her relationship with Tomas was a toxic one; him being abusive and controlling; how he made her feel low of herself; how he never respected her; how he kept cheating on her. She told Cassian of the day Tomas hit her and accused her of cheating just because he saw her paying for her groceries at a male’s counter. She told him of how she called the police immediately after and got him behind bars. By the time she was over, Nesta was curled by his side, tears silently streaming down her beautiful face, him rubbing soothing circles on her back.
Then he told her about himself. He decided to tell her the plain truth without any alterations. She deserved it. But it felt intimate, somehow, sharing the details he hadn’t spoken out loud. Even Az and Rhys had only seen what he did and never pushed afterwards. He told her as much before telling her about how much he loved his mother; of how he never knew his father and that was for his father’s own good; of how his mother was killed one day while he was at school; of how he beat the men involved into pulp; of how he was called a brute and a bastard there on; of how he first met Rhys and Az at his school; of how Rhys’s mother took him in as her own son; of the silly things and the trouble the trio would create.
“You are a very good friend, Cass. And an even better man,” Nes said
His heart warmed. He said, “Don’t care about what Tomas said. You’re a beautiful, intelligent, brave, witty and sharp woman. And I,” he paused, “I like you very much as a friend too.”
He didn’t understand the short pang of disappointment on his face. All he could think was, shit, I almost said I loved her.
taglist: @shadowsinger07 @im-someone-i-guess @saltyfortunes @cressjacquine @champanheandluxxury @zemiraa @nehemikkele @angelic-voice-1997 @heartless--aromantic @sv0430 @vinylcryes @deedz-thrillerkilller16 @sjm-things @dontgetsalmonella @ganseys-jane
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starylust · 4 years
❝our journey pt. 2❞
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masterlist ∤ prev ∤ next
➙ pairings - tsukishima x fem!reader ; suna x fem!reader
➙ genre - heavy angst, fluff, slice of life
➙ warnings - depression, verbal arguments, mentions of smut, suicide, death, mentions of self harm (i hope i didn’t forget any)
➙ word count - 1548
taglist - open
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Memories were something precious to every person. Whether it is good or bad it helps everyone grow as a person. Although there may be many bad memories sometimes they’re just worth it in the end.
This reminded you of the first time you and Tsukishima got into a bad argument. This memory scared you as you thought it would be the end of your relationship. Although a lot of couples fight you didn’t know what to expect in the end.
The week was very stressful on the two of you. Finals were coming up which meant lots of studying and not much time together. Although you didn’t spend much time together in the past few weeks you thought he’d at least text you everyday.
It could’ve been a simple ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ but you got nothing. Days on end you wouldn’t talk to each other. You truly wanted to speak up on how you felt but didn’t need him to feel like you were trying to be clingy and annoying.
So you let it be for now. It didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. You knew he was busy, you were busy so it made sense. That was until you would see him around campus and he wouldn’t even make eye contact with you.
Maybe he didn’t see you. You tried not to come to any bad conclusions but it was hard not to. It felt like you were being neglected and forgotten. It was hard not to overthink situations like this. 
So as the days went bye he still didn’t acknowledge you in school or through the phone. You really did try and shrug it off like it was nothing. Again you both were busy right?
Those were your thoughts before you saw her. ‘Wow was she beautiful’ you thought. The odd thing was you saw her walking next to Tsukishima. Her hair was short, maybe coming to the length of her shoulders. It was a light golden brown.
She was pretty short, she seemed maybe around 5′3 or 5′4. She had such a beautiful smile. Her slim figure with an outfit that showed it off perfectly. How could you not feel insecure seeing her next to Tsukishima. 
He hadn’t been talking to you for a while and then she showed up? Does this mean that he was making time for other girls and not you. Bad thoughts ran through your head and no matter how far you tried to push them back they always appeared again.
‘Maybe they’re just friends, it’s okay for him to have friends calm down.’
You set your books down needing a break from all the studying you had been doing. You grabbed the things you needed and headed outside for a walk.
It was a bit cloudy but still a nice day for a walk. You decided you would head to the café near your house to grab a quick coffee. As you were walking there you could see through the window a guy who had the same hair as Tsukishima.
‘That’s funny’  you thought. It was a bit odd you’d admit but their hair was extremely similar you thought. It all made sense when the blonde guy turned his head towards the window. It was Tsukishima.
You wondered what he was doing at a café by himself when you realized something else. A girl was next to him. Not too close but they were definitely there together. A panic feeling started to settle inside of you.
You would never assume or think Tsukishima would cheat on you but your thoughts were extremely overwhelming at the moment. You just were not thinking straight. All the bad thoughts that piled up in the past few days, the ones that you were trying to get rid of, they all came rushing back in.
The craving for coffee you had a few minutes disappeared. You walked home as fast as you could trying to erase the sight from your head. They were together at the café when you couldn’t even earn a simple text from him. A little frustration entered your body.
You decided you would just text him, so you did. You pulled out your phone and clicked on his contact name.
‘Hey can you come over later. I need to talk to you.’
‘Okay I’ll come over in a bit then’ he responded.
You guys have been going at this argument from a while now. You just felt like he wasn’t listening to you and he felt like you were listening to him.
“I just don’t understand how you have time to go out with another girl when you can’t even text me back,” you yelled at him.
“How many times do I have to tell you? She was helping me study. It wasn't like I was just hanging out with her for fun!” He argued back.
“It doesn’t matter, it looked like the two of you were having fun today! I’m your girlfriend the least you could do is say good morning or goodnight, but no. You basically ghosted me for basically the past week. Do you know how that makes me feel?”
“Then why didn’t you text me first? Why didn’t you tell me how you were feeling?”
“I am right now! This is exactly why I don’t. You’re not listening to me. All you’re doing is making up lame excuses and not really listening to how I feel!”
“Well you’re not listening to me either. Jesus you know how busy I was with finals this week and you’re upset I didn’t text you? How needy are you?”
An unsettling feeling set into your heart. A stinging feeling of pain was overwhelming in your chest. This is exactly what you were afraid of. You didn’t want to be overbearing. You didn’t want him to think you were being needy.
To be honest you were just falling back into your old ways. You needed someone there with you. And the one person who you thought you could always count on just called you needy.
Before you even knew it streams on tears ran down your face. Your eyes were still wide open, not blinking once. Yet the tears still rapidly came down. ‘So is this how he really feels?’ 
Tsukishima’s eyes widened when he saw the tears running down your face. He didn’t mean what he just said. He was letting the anger take over him. He knew how sensitive you were when people called you things like that but he did it anyway.
He ran over to you and hugged you tightly.
“Look I’m sorry you know I didn’t mean it,” he whispered to you.
All he got in response were a couple of sniffles. He pulled back and bent down to your eye level. His fingers brushed against your cheeks wiping away the tears that were there.
“Hey, I really didn’t mean it okay? We can get through this, we can talk about this okay?”
This feeling of relief washed over him when he felt a slight nod come from your head.
‘Yeah we can get through this’ you both thought.
Opening up to people about your past was a difficult thing for you. Although it was not only about your past but overall your health, it was still hard to explain to people. The fear of them thinking you were overdramatic or if you wanted attention scared you.
You definitely didn’t want others to think of you differently. It scared you so why wouldn’t it scare them? Although you thought this sooner or later you were going to have to talk to Tsukishima about these things.
Communication is an extremely important things in relationships. So you decided it was time to sit down and talk about things with him.
The two of you were currently sitting on the couch in your living room right now. You had asked if Tsukishima could come over so that you could tell him something. You were extremely nervous as to what he would say.
‘Does he even want to know about things like this? Would he even care if you told him.’
So many thoughts ran through your head. He was always pretty understanding and honest with you, so you had to remember that. So as time went by you finally started speaking.
You explained the things that happened in your past and things that were happening now. He was very quiet the whole time. He listened to you and let you talk, nodding at the things you were saying..
As you finished up what you were saying you felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. You had to admit it felt good to speak to someone about these things. Well at least someone who would listen and try to understand where you were coming from.
Someone who wouldn’t judge you for what you were saying and what you were thinking. You were glad to have Tsukishima in your life. For once it felt like it really had someone you could rely on.
Some you could talk to when you weren’t feeling good. Someone to hold you on your worst days. This was something you could get used to.
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next part:)
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
New house, new roomies
Final Chap.
This is a tickle related series, so if you are not interested in that type of content, I’d suggest ya to find another ff to read, thank you :)
Mini series based on a request from an anon and one  of my ff Self-Esteem (I think you should better read it firstly so you can understand more what’s going on)
Summary: Nefeli (14) has just moved in with the boys and Jimin, but she is still not comfortable around them, so each one spends a day with her in order to get her to open up and to know each other more.
Warnings: None
Notes: None
This is a tickle related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling
Lots of love Nef 💕
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“But I am your favorite, right?”
“I don’t know Yoongi! I love you all”
“Yeah but you must have a favorite one”
The boys and Nef were sitting in the living room, chilling on their phones and chitchatting. All the rest of the week was really fun for all of them and they had all enjoyed it really much.
However, unlucky her, Tae decided to say that he is her favorite and now they are all interrogating her and are trying to get her to admit who’s her favorite.
“It’s me right? You just don’t want to admit it” Jungkook threw his arm around Nefeli’s shoulder, pulling her closer to him.
“Nah, of course, it’s me. Remember how much fun we had when we were dancing Nef?” Hoseok smiled innocently at her, not to mention the tickle torture the girl had been into that day. Which of course made her roll her eyes playfully and stick her tongue out at him.
“Yeah, you wish. I am her favorite and we can all see that. Look who she is leaning on!” Taehyung pointed at her leaning more onto him as soon as Jungkook let her go.
“I bet it’s me. Everyone loves me! I am adorable after all” Jin did his famous flying kiss motion to Nefeli, only getting some giggles in response.
“Jin... You are almost 30... I am 14... You are not adorable for me...” Nefeli rolled her eyes again, grabbing her phone and opening TikTok to scroll through it.
The oldest lad put his hand on his heart and fell on the armchair next to Yoongi’s, gasping overdramatically “I have been betrayed by the youngest one...” while everyone else laughed at him and Yoongi threw a pillow at him. “Hey!”
“Stop being a drama queen!” Yoongi made himself comfortable on the other side of the couch, next to Jungkook as he leaned back.
“Guys, let the poor little one alone” Namjoon scolded the boys, not taking his eyes from the book he was reading in front of him.
"Thank you Namjoon” Nefeli smiled, still scrolling down her phone.
“We all know I am her favorite. I helped her overcome her fear of mathematics” he raised his vision and winked before he returned to his book, leaving a grinning Nefeli in front of him.
Oh, she remembers that lesson pretty well...
“Now now guys, why do you keep trying? Of course, it’s me! I know her ever since she was born, and we have been living together almost her whole life!” Jimin exclaimed, smirking widely as everyone groaned in frustration, along with Nefeli.
“Guys, please! I don’t have a favorite one! Can we please change the topic?” Nefeli groaned and shook her head, covering her ears as soon as a chorus of ‘no’s echoed the whole house.
“Come on girl! Tell us!” Tae poked her side, earning a squeal from her.
A squeal that brought a smirk to everyone’s face.
“Well... Y’know we have our ways to get ya to admit something...” Yoongi’s voice came out teasingly, as he pointed a single finger at Nefeli, making her flinch and giggle.
She knew what was coming and yet she chose to ignore it. She wasn’t gonna give them the satisfaction they wanted anytime soon with just a poke. Plus, as everyone knows, Nef is known for being stubborn... “I don’t have anything to admit!”
The boys shared a knowing look, while wide smirks were forming on their faces as a knot formed in Nefeli’s stomach. Those smirks would be the death of her one day...
“Are you sure...?” Jungkook started wiggling his fingers next to her, wiggling his eyebrows too in a mischievous way.
Nefeli felt a blush rising inside her and giggled being stuck in her throat as he watched Jungkook’s fingers coming closer to her and everyone’s smirks growing wider.
In a flash of light, the young girl had thrown away her phone and had jumped like a rabbit off the couch, running for her life away from him, while some giggles were escaping her.
“Get her!” Hoseok yelled, running behind the giggly girl, the rest of the boys following close behind.
Soon, the whole house was filled with loud snickering, and choruses of ‘come here’ or ‘you cannot escape’ were echoing in every room. Their footsteps were annoying everyone in their block of flats and their giggles were loud enough to brighten someone’s day.
Nef was running all around the house, dodging the boys’ hands and walking on pillows or jumping on couches to avoid them. As we can all understand she wasn’t running as fast as she could, due to the giggles which were running out of her mouth like a waterfall. Which of course only led to one thing. Almost getting caught way too many times. But almost.
However, when the girl was turning a corner, she understood that she was circled by all of them in her own room.
“Nowhere to go, little one?” Yoongi grinned widely, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly. Yoongi was the only one who could look so mischievous even by only staring at someone and make them have butterflies. And oh he was giving Nef serious pretty intense ones...
Before she could even respond tho, two arms were tightly wrapped around her waist, carrying her to her bed. Nefeli squealed loudly out of surprise while she was squirming around in the air, trying to escape, but whoever’s grip was too strong for her.
“What’s happening? Why are you giggling so much Nef? We haven’t even touched you yet!” the boy whispered in her neck, making her giggle loudly and feel shivers down her spine. Namjoon.
The young lad laid her on her bed and pinned her arms above her head with no difficulty at all and sat on them fastly, smirking widely down at her. Jin and Jungkook spread Nef’s legs and put each of her feet on their laps, while Yoongi sat on her hips. Hoseok and Jimin sat next to each side of hers, and Taehyung in between her spread legs, all seven of them smirking from ear to ear mischievously.
“Uhuhuhum” Nefeli couldn’t hold in her giggles, while she was trying to pull her arms down, curling and uncurling her toes. She was feeling her feet already tingling and shivers were running down her spine as the light breeze which was coming from the slightly open window above her head was brushing her exposed spots “Ihihis it a bad tihihihime to choose one?”
The boys exchanged knowing looks, as their smirks grew wider “There is no comeback, princess. It’s gonna happen” Taehyung wiggled his fingers, making her blush and giggle louder.
“Yeah, too late for apologizes!” Jungkook ghosted his fingers above her sole, grinning in amusements as Nefeli’s giggles turned hysterical without even being touched. Jungkook’s fingers were sending a wave of tingles all over Nef’s torso, while she was giggling her heart off, grinning from ear to ear.
“Aw, he is barely touching you and you are already giggling! What happens if we really tickle you?” Hoseok poked her side, earning a loud squeal and more snickering from the young girl, knowing he had hit a pretty sensitive spot of hers.
“I guess it’s time to find out, don’t you think, angel?” Namjoon was tracing his fingers from her elbows to the middle of her armpits, while he was grinning wider than before. Never slower, never faster. Only with the needed speed to make her giggle and melt on the mattress, driving her crazy.
“P-Pleahahahase nahahahahao!” Nefeli giggled out, trying to shot her arms down, but she could obviously do nothing. She was only able to lay there and take it.
“Please not what?” Jin and Yoongi asked at the same time, wearing the same mischievous smirk.
“Tihihihickles!” she yelled in between her giggles, immediately regretting it as soon as 70 devilish fingers attacked her torso with merciless tickling.
“As you wish!” all boys cheered before they dived in and started tickling the poor girl with no mercy at all.
“BWAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAO!” Nefeli shrieked in surprise and fell in loud belly laughter, kicking her legs and thrashing around as much as she could. However, having alive restrain is not the best thing that can happen to you when you are being tickled, right?
“Aw, you are so ticklish you cannot even stand 2 secs of tickling! Adoooorable!” Hoseok squealed in delight while his fingers kept squeezing her side. His thumb and index finger had made his hand look like he was a crab, and its feeling was setting Nef’s nerves on fire.
“I AHAHAHAHAM NAHAHAHAOT AHAHAHA!” the young girl cried in between her laughter, not really thinking about it before doing it. And of course, forgetting what had happened this whole week... Or that Jimin had been living with her almost his whole life and knew completely well the truth.
Which he obviously took advantage of to tease her.
“Really? Because I remember otherwise!” Jimin held on her arm before he scribbled in between her ribs.
Nefeli screamed in laughter as she was trying to roll away. Only for her to push herself more onto Hoseok who just kept squeezing her faster and faster. At that point wherever she would move her torso, it was useless. She would get it from every corner.
“Y’know I feel like you wore that crop top on purpose...” Yoongi raised her shirt high enough to only expose her tummy, sides, and ribs and not something else, before he started spidering all over her belly and another side.
Nef’s loud snickering was filling the whole room and probably the whole place from how much it tickled at this point “NAHAHAHAO I DIDN’T AHAHAHA! PLEAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHO AHAHAHA!” she cried in between her laughter, probably annoying all their neighbors.
“Now now, no reason to be so loud, Nef. We are not killing you!” said Tae who was currently wiggling his fingers behind her knees, a spot no one was supposed to know. How he found out about is still a mystery. But oh well. He is still making the poor girl scream in laughter and kicks her knees up and down nonstop.
Have we ever mentioned how bad teasing affects Nef? Because it really does! Every time someone is teasing her, it feels like tiny bugs are running up and down her sides and like her head will explode from how much she is blushing.
“I’LL GET Y’AHAHAHAHAHALL BAHAHAHACK AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was laughing so hard that it was doubtful she had ever laughed so hard before. It tickled so much that she thought she would lose her mind!
“You are in no position to make any threats, little one!” Jungkook, who was spidering her barefoot, suddenly pulled her toes back and started scribbling furiously, yet softly her poor, hypersensitive sole, while his bunny smirk was shown.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say that with the position you’re in either...” Jin on the other hand was playing with her toes like piano, occasionally scratching their base “You remember how this song was going? Na-na-na-na-naaaa” Jin was playing with her toes, teasing her in a sing-song voice and trying to hit a higher octave by each ‘na’.
Nef let out an ear-piercing shriek while she was thrashing around furiously as soon as Jin touched her toes. She immediately felt like a wave of ticklish electricity had hit her body “NAHAHAHAHAO PLEAHAHAHAHASE I’M SAHAHAHAHAHAORRY AHAHAHAHA!”
All the boys let out cute chuckles and kept going with their assaults. Namjoon was wiggling his fingers on her armpits and occasionally blowing in her neck, making the young girl melt but at the same time explode in loud laughter. Hoseok and Jimin had each one took each side of her rib case and one side, poking and scribbling them fastly. Yoongi was shaking all his five fingertips in the middle of her tummy while his other hand was mercilessly squeezing her hypersensitive waist. On the other hand, Tae had chosen to lightly wiggle his fingers behind her knees, making Nef go crazy. Who knew soft tickles can be so bad for her? And for the big finish, Jungkook and Jin were torturing her poor, hypersensitive feet, sending her in fits of pure hysterics.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GAHAHAHAHAOD AHAHAHAHAHA! PLEAHAHAHAHASE AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli’s loud screams were probably annoying everyone in the block of flats while the smirks were tattooed on the boys’ faces.
“Oh my god, those ribs look so tasty, lemme try them! Nomnomnom!” Jimin out of nowhere started nibbling her, thanks to Yoongi, exposed ribs. And Nef was immediately thrown in serious hysterics.
“Oh oh oh oh, lemme try them too!” Hoseok exclaimed and copied Jimin’s action, making the poor girl shriek in hysterical laughter.
“NONONOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHAHASE AHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHO AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was thrashing around so much that she almost set herself free at least three times. However, every time Namjoon would manage to pin her down once again.
“It’s so cute how you haven’t said stop this whole time!” Jin giggled along with her before he bent down and kiss all over her sole. Nefeli at this point was feeling like she was gonna lose her mind. It tickled so much!
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHA JIAHAHAHAHAHAN PLEAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAO AHAHAHAHA! YOU AHAHAHAHARE MEAHAHAHAHAN AHAHAHAHA!” she cried in between her hysterics, curling her toes tightly and arching her back. What did she get in response? A loud chuckle from Jin and more yet faster kisses.
“Oh no that’s not mean. Y’know what’s mean? This!” Yoongi quickly put his hands under her waist, raising her more so that her tummy was fully exposed. Then out of nowhere, he dived in and kept blowing long, unstoppable raspberries on her tummy, occasionally shaking his head in it to make the feeling way worse.
“YOONGAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was trying to shot her back down on the mattress again, but Yoongi’s hands were preventing her from. And as if the berries weren’t already enough, Yoongi was softly digging in her lower back, a truly sensitive spot of hers.
“Aw, coochie coochie coo, angel!” Taehyung giggled while he kept softly stroking behind her knees with his fingertips. This made every hair on her body straight while sending a truly ticklish shiver down Nef’s spine.
“I can do this all day!” Jungkook kept scribbling all over her sole and toes, not really showing mercy.
“PLEAHAHAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAT THAHAHAHAT AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli screamed, shaking her head side to side while Namjoon was blowing raspberries in her neck and scratching her bare armpits.
“Aw Neffie you are so ticklish!” Namjoon whispered in her neck, making tingles run all over her torso.
At this point, Nef’s body was feeling like it was on fire. Her stomach and lungs were burning while her mouth was aching. She was losing her mind slowly while she had fallen into silent laughter. Her whole face was red while she was shaking and her messy hair was even messier.
“Aw okay okay let’s give her a break” Jimin said, knowing the position Nefeli currently was in pretty well.
Immediately everyone pulled aside and let her breathe. Nef instantly curled up, panting while some leftover giggles were leaving her. Taehyung pulled her and cuddled her closely, rubbing her lower back to help her calm down.
“Are you alright, sweets?” Hoseok asked her sweetly, stroking her cheekbones. Nefeli nodded lightly and snuggled closer to Tae.
“So, who’s your favorite?” Jungkook was staring at her with big eyes, waiting for her answer. His cute eyes had gone wide while his lips had formed in an adorable, physical pout, waiting for an answer.
The young girl took a glance at the whole room and smiled widely “I love everyone equally and I mean that” she admitted, making everyone smile widely. Hoseok and Jin even blew her a kiss, making her giggle.
Every boy had made her feel special this week. They had made her feel like she was home. Taught her how to love herself. Taught her how to be herself and not to be ashamed of who she is. And she had made her feel like she was special for them.
Jimin would always have a special place in her heart. And maybe she loved him a little more than everyone else, everyone was special for her.
A comfortable silence filled the room, while everyone was comfortable on the bed, or on the floor, not doing anything at all.
“Sooo who’s ready for round 2?” Yoongi smirked widely, every boy copying his expression.
In a matter of a second Nefeli had speeded out of the room, with everyone hot on her heels, trying to avoid their fingers.
And lemme tell you their days from now on were filled with those moments. Funny and cute ones. Memorable moments and adorable experiences. Filled with affection and giggles. Both from the boys towards Nef and Nef towards the boys.
They were like a family.
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honey-dewey · 4 years
Pairing: Maxwell Lord/Reader
Word Count: 1,429
Warnings: None!
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
It’s rare you see your husband smile. Well, no. You see him smile daily, but those are cheap smiles. Smiles meant to persuade. You’re talking about genuine smiles, ones that are mindless and perfect and show off a dimple you haven’t seen since your wedding day. And Goddammit, you will do whatever it takes to see that dimple again.
You looked up from your book, seeing Max standing there in his new suit. “Looks good,” you said, turning a page and humming. “I like that color on you.”
Max grinned, sitting next to you on the couch. “Do you?”
“Mhm,” you said, looking at Max. “Why?”
“No reason,” Max promised, checking his watch. “Gotta go. Kisses?”
You leaned over and kissed your husband, feeling him smile beneath your lips.
“Love you!” He said, standing up and walking towards the door. “See you afterwards. I’ll be home by ten.”
You waved, curling your legs up under yourself and going back to your book.
Around dinner time, you got up and reheated some leftovers, eating absently while sitting on the kitchen counter. The house was quiet, as it usually was when Max was working and Alistair was with his mother. You sighed, breaking the quiet and putting your bowl in the sink. When the house was like this, the silence was stifling, and only one thing could cure that.
The photo album.
The album was old, from a few years back and filled to the brim with photos of you and Max. You sat cross legged on your bed, surrounded by the thick blankets and flipping absently through the album. Some photos were goofy, some were more professional, and some just made you happy.
Eventually, you hit the wedding pictures. They took up a few pages, and the biggest one was your favorite. A picture of you and your husband laughing with each other over dinner, still all dressed up. Max had cake on his face, and you had accidentally shattered a plastic fork between your teeth. It was the worst opportunity for a photo, but it was a genuine moment and it always made you smile. Tracing over the picture, you noticed a small detail about Max that you hadn’t noticed before.
He had a dimple.
You blinked a few times. Surely you would’ve noticed your husband had a dimple. It was on his face, and he was always smiling on TV. Sure, you had probably noticed on your wedding day, but since then, it had slipped your mind. Had he never smiled that wide since your wedding?
Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, you continued to flip through the album. In every few photos, you could see Max’s dimple, only on one side, which was adorable. You discovered that he just never smiled genuinely enough for the dimple to be obvious.
Standing and stretching, you slid the album away and set a plan for yourself as you got into bed and waited for Max.
You would absolutely see that damn dimple.
Max, as promised, came home late. You barely heard him get into bed, and you were just awake enough to roll over into his arms and fall asleep for the night.
The morning came fast, and before you knew it, you were waking up to the sun shining through the window and Max insisting on five more minutes. You indulged your husband, running your fingers through his sleep disheveled hair. As much as you loved the fancy and very put together TV Maxwell, the Max who woke with a bed head and wore oversized t-shirts around the house while carrying a cup of coffee was the man you’d married.
That Max made an appearance when you two finally got out of bed, Max a complete mess as you handed him a cup of coffee and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “How’d the thing go last night?”
“Good,” Max said, sipping his coffee. “We finally presented that huge project, and the potential partners agreed to work with us.”
“That’s good,” you agreed. “Does the success mean you get a day off?”
Max grinned, not wide enough to see the dimple. “Yeah, actually. It does. What do you want to do with our day off?”
You brightened. “Cuddle?”
Max laughed, pulling you into a hug. “Of course we can cuddle.”
Which was how you two ended up on the couch. You were practically on top of Max, his arms securely around you while you absently hummed with some commercial on the TV. The channel was doing a huge classic Disney rerun, so you and Max were watching Alice in Wonderland.
“What do you want for lunch?”
“I dunno,” you said softly, kissing Max’s face and sticking your tongue out. “You need to shave.”
Max gasped overdramatically. “What? I thought you loved my facial hair!”
You began to laugh. “Max, hon, no. You left horrible beard burn on my thighs last time you had any facial hair.”
“I could totally pull off a mustache,” Max decided, grinning. “Just the mustache, like those government agents, remember that?”
“Oh yeah,” you said, remembering when you’d watched some foreign news and saw a thing about drugs in Columbia. “Absolutely not, you would look ridiculous.”
Max pouted, and you poked his cheek, where you could see the tiny dip where his dimple was. “Plus, I wouldn’t be able to see this if you didn’t shave.”
“My cheek?”
“You’ve got a dimple,” you said, ignoring the movie playing on the TV. “Did you seriously not know?”
Max shook his head. “No, I knew. Just didn’t think you did.”
“Well I do,” you said, pressing your ear to Max’s chest and hearing his heartbeat. “And I wanna see it.”
Max grinned, almost mischievously. “You’ll have to earn that privilege, darling.”
You gasped. “Maxwell, I am your spouse!”
“Mhm,” Max agreed. “You have to earn your rewards. You know this.”
Despite your red face, you were still able to roll off Max and cross your arms in a very childish pout. “You’re no fun.”
Max grabbed your waist, pulling you close again. “Aw, is someone mad at me?”
You pouted, seizing the presented opportunity and kissing Max’s nose. “Yes.”
Laughing, Max stood and scooped you off the couch princess style, much to your happy squealing as you gripped Max’s neck and tried not to topple out of his arms. “Maxwell!”
“Yes darling?”
“Put me down!”
Max’s mischievous grin grew. “If you insist.” And then he dropped you.
You screamed, knowing the bed was beneath you and laughing when Max fell basically next to you, throwing one arm out over your body and effectively trapping you in place.
“Max,” you groaned, rolling over. “Max!”
You scooted out from under his arm and sat on top of him, straddling his thighs. Slowly pushing your hands up his chest, exposing his belly, you noticed Max’s skin heating beneath your hands. “Babe,” he said, voice strained. “Babe, it’s noon, are you sure about this?”
Smiling, you shimmied down and began to press kisses to Max’s stomach. When he was least expecting it, however, you popped your lips just above his belly button and blew a raspberry into his skin.
The effect was immediate. Max screamed with laughter, squirming and almost kneeing you in the throat. He did end up sinking his knee into your chest, almost dislodging you. But at the new discovery that Max was ticklish, you were determined to keep going. So you did what any sensible partner would’ve done. You showed no mercy and tickled Max.
It turned quickly into all out war. Max, in tears, somehow managed to gain the upper hand, rolling you onto your back and trapping you on the bed with his knees. He began to return the favor, tickling you with as much mercy as you’d given him. You probably kicked him a few times in your desperate attempt to dislodge him, but he was unrelenting in his assault.
“Max!” You managed to scream out through your laughter, completely out of breath and starting to feel your stomach curl in pain. “Max! I concede!”
Max sat back on his heels, seemingly satisfied as he pressed the palms of his hands against your stomach, gentle in his touch. “Happy?”
You reached up, stroking your thumb over Max’s dimple, which was on full display. “Very,” you murmured. “And so are you.”
Max’s smile never died as you both relaxed, stomachs aching and skin red from the recent attacks.
At some point, before the sun went down but after you had eaten something for lunch, Max stroked a finger down your face, still smiling. “I love you.”
You grinned, rolling onto your side and poking Max’s cheeks. “I love you too dork. Thank you for indulging me.” You leaned forward, kissing Max’s dimple.
“For you,” Max said softly, kissing your forehead as you lay back down. “I would do anything.”
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
MC had a crush on a different brother
Genre: angst, fluff Warnings: very vague nsfw on Lucifer’s and Asmo’s parts Summary: the brother you’re dating finds out that you used to like another brother A/N: reader is gender neutral! Also, I’m pretty sure this is the same person but just in case it somehow isn’t I added both. Also, if it is the same person, guys, please don’t do this. I see every request and am working as fast as I can. Don’t spam me. Thank you and I hope you enjoy :)
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it’s simple, really
he was a mix of disgust and anger
I mean, how could you like such a dingus before dating himself?
he thought you had good taste, but maybe he jumped to conclusions too soon
c’mon, Mammon, really?
out of all of his brothers?
he just doesn’t understand 
he pretended not to be bothered by it, other than showing you his signature frown and a sigh
“It’s all in the past,” he reassures you but it kind of sounds like he’s trying to reassure himself
but you noticed that he wouldn’t let you near “the dingus” without him there as well 
after a week of not being able to sit next to Mammon at the table, go shopping with him, or anything else really, you decided enough is enough 
you walk to his study and walk in without even knocking, not that you needed to
“Darling, you don’t need to worry about Mammon. It was a fleeting crush that lasted all of a week,” you promise
he raises a brow up at you before smirking
“Funny that you think that it bothered me,” he says all cool like as if it really didn’t bother him 
he tugs you onto his lap and gives you a kiss, staring up at your beautiful face
“Maybe I should mark you to remind my brother just who you belong to,” he whispers in your ear before starting to suck hickeys on your neck 
when Mammon finds out you had a crush on him out of all the possible options 
his whole body surged with jealousy 
why Asmodeus? 
what was so great about that overdramatic f boi
nothing, that’s what 
he doesn’t even bother trying to hide how mad he is 
he even finds Asmo and goes off on him 
“Oh? (Y/n) has a crush on me?” the flirty man coos, smirking at you 
next thing you all know, Mammon is in his demon form and gripping the front of his shirt 
“Had! Had a crush on you! They’re dating me now! The Great Mammon! Don’t get it twisted!” he shouts in his face
you’ve never seen Mammon in his demon form other than at the ball that Diavolo held 
Asmo stares up at his elder brother, his eyes widened 
he did not see that coming for some reason 
you’re quick to walk up to Mammon, placing your hands on his back and arm 
“Babe. Hey, it’s okay,” you soothe, pulling him away from Asmo 
he relaxes a bit, his heated glare still on Asmo 
“Baby, look at me,” you whisper, placing your hands on the side of his face
it takes a moment but he eventually looks at you, his glare disappearing when he makes eye contact with you 
“I don’t like him anymore. I liked him for like a week. I love you and only you, okay? I don’t want him, I want you,” you reassure 
and just like that, his demon form is gone and he pulls you into a tight hug before giving you a passionate kiss 
“I knew that! Why wouldn’t you want The Great Mammon?”
when he discovers that you used to like his brother, he’s shocked 
he’s jealous, to say the least
what if his brother likes you and takes you away from him?
Beel wouldn’t do that, right?
he only cares about food 
there’s no way he likes you 
you can see the gears turning inside of Levi’s head, a frown hanging heavy on his face 
you smile softly as you tug him to the bed and lay him down, cuddling into him 
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I don’t like him anymore. I just brought it up cause I thought it was funny,” you say softly before giggling 
Levi nods his head, taking a deep breath before tugging you closer to him 
he believed you but it was hard to get over it 
he’s not the Avatar of Envy for nothing 
it took a while of reassuring, cuddles, and kisses for him to completely calm down 
this man is furious
not that he can help it 
he’s the Avatar of Wrath for crying out loud 
you didn’t even mean to tell him 
it kind of just slipped out 
you knew he’d react like this and that he’d make it a big deal 
but it makes him even angrier that you hid it from him 
he’s quick to find Lucifer
Lucifer is surprised to see that he’s in his demon form 
everyone is, for that matter
Satan tries to keep his anger in check, knowing he’s overreacting 
he just can’t control the blinding rage that consumes him 
“Satan, think before you a-”
“Shut up!’ he snaps, cutting Lucifer off before taking deep breaths 
you run to catch up, panting when you finally find him 
“Oh lord,” you groan, quickly going over to them 
before you can even speak to try and calm him down, Satan is speaking again 
“You’re always one-upping me and it’s really starting to piss me off!” 
he looks ready to attack Lucifer, so you quickly step between the two 
“Hey, it’s alright. Calm down, love.”
that didn’t seem to work 
“How can I calm down? You used to like him! You probably still do! Why wouldn’t you, right?” 
you frown up at him, quickly and gently grabbing his face with your hands 
you swiftly kiss him, knowing that’ll calm him down a little bit 
“I love you. You and you alone. Not Lucifer. None of your brothers. No one else. Just you. I love you,” you say against his lips, watching him slowly calm down 
“Okay. I know. I’m sorry. I love you,” he whispers back, holding you tightly against him 
Asmo’s honestly not that bothered by it 
I mean, you chose him for a reason 
no one can make you scream their name like he can 
why would he be jealous of Satan? 
I mean, have you seen his hair?
or the way he dresses?
if anything, he teases you both about it 
“You used to like Mr. Librarian over here?”
“Satan, do you find (Y/n) attractive?” 
Satan didn’t even know that you used to like him 
which makes sense since you very clearly clarify that you only liked him for a week or two 
“I’m not surprised you got over him quickly. I’m way more attractive and just an overall better boyfriend,” Asmo boasts 
Satan wanted to argue that he’d probably be a better boyfriend but he didn’t want either of you getting the wrong idea 
Asmo eventually went as far as to invite him for a threesome 
Beel didn’t even start liking you until you started flirting with him
now, he’s head over heels for you but in the beginning, he barely knew you existed 
when he finds out you used to like his twin brother, he’s shocked but not really surprised at the same time 
he tells you that he understands if you’d rather date Belphie, a pout on his lips 
this poor baby boy omg my heart 
you frown and bring him into a hug, holding him tightly to you before giving him a kiss 
“I don’t want him. I want you. I only liked him because he seemed like a cool, mysterious, bad boy. I mean, he was locked inside the attic. I was very curious,” you say honestly, smiling up at him 
he does that cute chuckle thing he does before giving you another kiss 
guys my fragile heart literally can’t write this fluff 
my heart is swelling just by imagining this 
he’s quite a bit upset, to say the least 
it makes sense to him though 
it feels like he’s been locked up in the attic for like half the time you’ve been here
he becomes very insecure after hearing this new information 
it just makes sense 
Levi has known you and gotten to know you longer than he has 
why wouldn’t you like him?
you have to spend a while reassuring him that you love him and not Levi 
“Baby, I instantly got a crush on you when I met you,” you admit
he looks up at you with round, saddened eyes 
he looks like a kicked puppy 
“Really?” he asks unsurely 
“Yes! Do you know how cool I thought you were? I can’t even explain it.” 
he smiles at that 
“You thought I was cool because I was locked up in the attic?” he asks, a teasing lilt to his voice 
you giggle and nod your head, wrapping your arms around him 
“Yes, I did. You were just so mysterious and hot. I wanted to know you better and I’m glad I got the chance to. I got a lovely boyfriend from it,” you reply, hoping to boost his ego to make him feel better 
he smiles even more at that
“You think I’m hot?” he teases further 
you scoff and roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest 
“Is that the only part you heard?”
More with Obey Me!
Tag List: @mexicanmagick, @animefreak-247, @niphredil-14, @gamelovers-posts, @virtualmemmecollector ✦ if you would like to be added, comment or send an ask :)
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koushisatori · 4 years
I’m not telling, that I’m hurting
matsukawa x f!reader
genre: a slight bit of angst, and then a slight bit of fluff
warnings: hm, maybe the slightly suggestive last sentence <3
word count: 5.8k
note: pls accept my ugly baby, my brain fried itself writing it  (09.12. finally beta’ed my ugly baby hehe)
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remember how I said Kuroo is a chill boyfriend and is quick to show that he dislikes something, openly seething and brooding?
Mattsun is even more laid-back in general, there's probably a picture of him next to the word in the dictionary
BUT he also hides it super well when he doesn’t particularly like something
Like, you're probably not realizing that he’s upset or angry until he decides to be very, very obvious about it
and even if he can't hide it (bc it's not only one thing bothering him but more, extremely rare) he won't talk about it on his own
Which is not only exhausting for you but also straining on your relationship at those times
There are two different kinds of pissed though
It isn’t something he wears openly but he gets jealous pretty fast
you’re beautiful, smart, funny and friendly
you’re everything he wants in his significant other and he’d do anything for you, but he hates how there are truly people out there thinking they could be better for you and ask you out 
ofc they want a piece of your attention, he understands, it doesn't mean he that he can't hate it
Bc..maybe (and he would never admit it) he was a bit more insecure than he let on, hiding it under a perfectly trained appearance, all lazy smile, and sarcastic comments
this is his usual state of being pissed, and it’s exclusively reserved for and directed at others
After you officially became an item, it got better - it’s not hard to see that you two were a package deal match made in heaven
back to the day, you started dating:
you two weren’t yet a couple yet but you both were pretty obvious w your wants
There was that unspoken push and pull battle between you regarding who would give in first and ask the other out officially
That moment, you were standing next to Matsukawa holding his hand  which is amazing come on, his large hands engulfing yours is a blessing
(‘’Mattsunnn, my fingers are so cold, will you warm them up?’’ – ‘’That’s a lame attempt of an excuse, Y/N,’’ he had said while taking your hand anyway ‘’you could have that every day, you know, all you have to do is ask me first’’ – ‘’In your dreams, Issei ~’’ ) 
it didn’t stop that one guy from his class, so arrogant and sure of himself, from coming up to you, completely ignoring Matsukawa, and asking you out?? 
Mattsun did not like that AT ALL
If glares could kill, you’d have to visit your boyfriend in jail every week <3
you just gaped at the other, it was hard to believe that this guy was serious but…he waited for an answer
moments of staring were followed with you both simultaneously - he, hiding his annoyance with sarcasm, you mildly concerned for the others health - letting out a ''What the hell''
Before you could tell the other guy that you're not the slightest interested, Mattsun answered for you
''It's sooo cute of you to ask me, but I think it would be unfair of me to agree and just leave Y/N hanging like that…additionally, I only have one hand holding hand available and…'' he sighed deeply, lifting your still firmly intertwined fingers, his brown eyes boring into the other guys ''I have to hold her hand for her for…probably forever, so you're…a bit late.'' 
Letting him pull you away, you giggle ''You know you kind of declared us as offical, a couple, for everyone to hear.'' - ''I absolutely did not do such thing, I'm now simply eternally attached to you and your hand, that's a difference.''
You won that round nonetheless bc him telling the other off was THE gossip for the next week
Your best friend gave you the glorious idea to attend his game at the end of the week in his volleyball shirt but tease him a bit until then about wearing his friend's one 
''You know I should totally ask Tooru if he would lend me his jersey, just to make that jealous bitch in my class shut up and stop pestering me simply for actually knowing him.'', ''Have you seen Iwaizumi's biceps? Please tell me that you wouldn't totally support our strong ace…and maybe open a cult just for his arms. Let me drop all of my life duties real quick, I'm meant to be a good housewife.''; ''Taka-chan said he'd pay for my lunch the whole week if I'd come to your game showcasing his number, you wouldn't mind right?'' 
The thing that had happened and you riling him up all week ended with the other kind of anger which is the silent treatment, completed with a very cold shoulder (which is also, in all honest, his specialty)
him punishing you with silence the whole Thursday as well as Friday morning
He avoids being alone with you, answers messages as short as possible, spends his lunch starring at his food, and not making eye contact
(he's still watching you, just bc he is currently annoyed with you after deviling him so much, doesn't mean he stops wanting to kiss your pretty face until your lips are swollen and your cheeks dusted in pink and red)
The worst is that he KNOWS that you're teasing him but he can't help it okay, you found his achilles heel  </3
Anyways, of course, when the opposing team arrives and they warm-up, you want your…not boyfriend but close enough boy friend to stop moping around (Makki begged you: ''please do something, he won't clown the others or joke around with me, all he does is sulking'')
Even without Takahiro coming up though, you would have gone to him before the game but it just makes it more adorable and hilarious bc he is a bit dumb there, I mean?? The only hand you're holding (and love doing whenever possible) does not belong to either Makki, Iwaizumi, Oikawa, or anyone else for that matter
It wasn't an easy task to discreetly rob him off of his other tricot but you managed
So, while they were doing their warm-up drills you - with Hanamakis help - sneaked into the gym
wearing HIS number on your back and front, together with a pair of jeans that he had complimented on dates before (they make your backside look amazing and you can't tell me that he does not appreciate a nice ass)
After you teased him with the others for so long, he immediately perked up when Hanamaki playfully wolf-whistled at you from across the gym, adding an ''You look amazing, Y/N-chan. Wanna get some food later?'' 
(Makki and you - overdramatically calling each other Taka-chan & Y/N-chan whenever possible to mock Oikawa a bit as well - ended up being best friends. bonus: you both LOVE to irritate Mattsun every now and then since he really only looses some of his composure in relation to you)
glaring at his best friend, Matsukawa strode over to you and dragged you right out of the gym again
then, a few minutes of silence
him checking you out kind of hungrily, longingly (trying not to be obvious about it, too)
before you finally relent and pull him down, standing on your tiptoes
To flick his forehead with all the strength in your fingers :)
‘’The fuck, Y/N.’’
''You are a fucking morron, Issei, and you hopefully know that.'' you sigh, pressing your lips against the point your fingers had hit against to sooth it
Avoiding your gaze - hiding his excited blush - he answered with a noncommitting grunt and a shrug
''you better win this game, and warm up my hands right after, you let them turn to popsicles while not doing your job for nearly two days only bc you were petty''
The smile that now curled his lips while nodding was genuine
not the sarcastic one or the teasing smirk he wore usually for everyone to see
a small, very pleased, and very happy smile, one he offered rarely and only to you
After the game - and having to watch other people ogle your nicely hugged curves even with you wearing his shirt and yelling his name for at least 2/3 of the time - he swept you off of your feet by openly and rather dramatically kissing you all Disney-like (earning some gagging noises from his friends) and asking you out in the same over-the-top kind of way
Don't worry though, he usually only gets frisky 1. when you two are alone
2. when you both decide to annoy the others (but that's more of a show and lots of unnecessary nicknames and sounds - honestly please have some decency children are watching) 
and 3. when he becomes insecure jealous
You know if it's the jealousy burning in him
he's attempting to not show it to you
Yet his grip on your waist is a smidge stronger, his slightly amused expression a bit too tight, too strained to be natural, and he's uncooperative…more than usual
This specific thing happened, just now
 ''Mattsun…'' you murmur, struggling to turn around in his vice-like grip. 
You tried to loosen his arms around your waist a few times while ranting about the mathematical problem and the upcoming test you had, hoping he would offer you his help. To no avail. He probably didn't really realize that he was squeezing you to death or tuning you out. This is why you resorted to wiggling around in his hold until you were finally facing your huffy boyfriend. One of your hands on his biceps and your other playing with the hair in his neck in hopes to calm him down a bit.
''Who spat in your breakfast this morning, you're usually not that grumpy,'' you continue softly, your tone between teasing and worry. Even though you and Hanamaki enjoy riling him up you both always make sure to stay inside a certain limit. Nothing you couldn't solve with an apology, sweet kisses, and genuine assurances that it was nothing more than a joke. In the end, he is the only person that causes your heart to beat faster. The one you like…love. You knew that you loved him for some time now, the desire to have a perfect moment to announce it is the only thing keeping you from saying it out loud.
The shrug you receive wouldn't do it though. Him tending to let it consume him until he snaps is not good. Not for him, and for the relationship of the both of you as well. ''Issei, come on,..'' you gently prod, ''…tell me. Stop living up to your name and talk to me,''
There were a lot of reactions you expected. Another huff maybe, his usual 'Nothing' or even the true reason for his behavior. What you did not expect though was his annoyed groan and him nearly growling at you. ''Y/N, fucking leave it. Stop sticking your nose into my business. Don't you get that I don't want to talk?!''
For a second your breath hitches. The annoyance…slight anger in his voice startling you. ''Jesus fucking Christ, fine,'' you curse - now irritated yourself. It caught him off-guard enough due to its rareness of you cussing out loud. At least enough to push against his chest and free yourself off of his hold, successfully stopping him from just hiding his face away in your neck. ''If that’s what you want, fine. I'm sorry for worrying about you, Matsukawa.'' you say provokingly before you let out a small sigh, ''I'll go to class, maybe Hajime is back from chasing the Captain and can actually help me with math…listens to me, to begin with. Not mope around to the point of ignoring me for some unknown reason.'' with that said you turn around on your heels and leave him standing.
You know he would eventually come around in the next few hours. You hope. Mattsun wasn't or rather isn't angry with you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been as close to you as he had been but his inability to merely talk with you about what was and is bothering him proves to be one of the few reasons that are able to drive you up the wall.
Mathematics being mathematics, the problem wasn't just simply explained within those ten minutes before class started.
If things were normal, you wouldn't be as bothered as you are right now though. Issei would find a way to get it into your pretty little head. He knew how to explain and what to transcribe for you to get the idea behind all those letters and lines scrawled between the numbers.
The problem is that you usually did this in the calmness of your rooms on the weekend. As it seems though, did most people get the problem from the get to go and the teacher decided to write the topical test in your afternoon class today instead of next week, so she could begin with the new thematic on Monday.
Alas, you're fucked.
Not only would you get the worst grade in your whole mathematical carrier but you also couldn't ask your boyfriend, and listen to his deep gentle yet teasing voice explaining stupid equations to you with him being so infuriatingly upset over whatever.
 To your luck, Iwaizumi offers to be your knight in shining armor in extreme times of need. (He tried to convince you to just go to Mattsun because ''He's head over heels for you, don't tell me a stupid fight holds you both back from being insufferable together, Y/N'' - ''We can't be fighting, when he doesn't talk or listen to me.''.) Sacrificing a free hour and his precious lunchtime sitting on the school's rooftop with you, he explains the procedure over and over again. 
After what felt like a whole notebook full of wrong exercises and another one with their corrected versions, the structure of the problem does finally make sense to you. Now cheerfully humming, you look over older tasks you didn't get before when he decides to speak up.
''Y/N?'' Iwaizumi asks, his voice completely calm and…soothing?
''Hmm…'' you hum letting him know that you're listening while correcting another exercise.
''Mattsun will relax once we won that game, okay? Don't be so hard on him.'' His words caught you off-guard, which leads you to look up, question mark clear on your face. ''It's against Akumahebi? The ones that provoked and insulted him so underhandedly last time? Hit all his nerves spot on?'' he adds questioning.
Lips forming a big 'O'. You remember today's opponents vividly.
Seijoh first played against them at the end of your second year, a few weeks after you and Mattsun had started talking with different intentions than throwing terrible pick up lines at each other. Foremost for shit and giggles but actually starting to have hope that the other might mean it.
They stood at the other side of the net and began with their unsportsmanlike strategy by haunting him. ''Imagine thinking someone so mediocre could be rightfully on the field next to players like your ace, could compete against someone like Iwaizumi Hajime.'' or ''The only reason you're on the field is your height, the first years will take over your spot sooner than you think. You are replaceable after all.''. There was no obvious reason for them to pick out Issei but they did. Hissing different things under their breath. You guessed that it's because he always looked so unbothered. As if nothing could wilt his stupidly attractive lopsided smirk.
Afterward, the four of you had a hard time convincing him that those snakes knew shit. That he was on the team for his skills, his amazing blocking, and strategical thinking ability, not his height. That he would be a regular until he left the volleyball club and that he was respected by all of his kouhais.
''Shit,…them? Really?'' you jut our your lower lip. ''He didn't tell me...but I also didn't ask.'' you admit guiltily. ''Well, then I have to cheer extra loud for Issei, I think.'' A triumphant smile stretches across your face, gripping the collar of your uniform with one and pulling up the collar of the jersey underneath with the other. Enough to see the Seijoh colors to come to light. You had stolen it out of your boyfriend's bag two days ago after he went to the bathroom and had hidden it in your desk drawer until today. You nearly forgot to put it on after you accidentally slept in this morning, so you kind of just threw it over your head while hoping to not fall over trying to get into your tights. ''I'm ready to scream at the top of my lungs for my favorite player,…'' you say before you at least partly bashful add ''…no offense. You are my second favorite star player, Haji.''
At that, Iwaizumi simply laughs and playfully pushes against your shoulder. 
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Later that evening you found yourself wearing one of Issei's ridiculously large pullovers and sweatpants, sitting wrapped up in blankets on your couch in the living room. Your chest hurting from swallowed and choked up sobs. Even though your parents weren't home when you arrived and wouldn't be for the next two days, enjoying a long-planned short vacation, you didn't allow yourself to cry. A gory horror movie on-screen meant to distract you from your thoughts ends up being nothing more than background noises while wallowing in self-pity.
At one point, Oikawa and Iwaizumi stood at your door - even though you hoped that it would be a certain boy you loved - worried glances boring into your skull from the first second on, and never ceasing.
You didn't even know if your team won or lost. It wasn't like you asked them either.
All you cared for is Issei. Issei, who seemingly decided that he would stop caring for you.
Iwaizumi-senpai and Y/N-senpai would make an adorable couple, don't you think?
You leaving him to make true on your words intensified the insecurities that had just started to brood underneath the surface a few days ago. He couldn't help it, but he definitely would not share those silly thoughts with you.
Issei knew they were wrong. But that didn't stop them from invading the darkest corners of his brain.
You have to agree that Y/N-san and Iwaizumi-san seem really close.
Overhearing the first years giggling about his girlfriend and one of his best friends being a cute couple amplified all of it. Also…he realized just now…since when do you call Iwaizumi by his name? When did he allow you to call him Hajime?
''Have you seen him smile like that with another girl? I, for my part, haven't seen that smile off the court where he can do the thing he loves the most.'' 
 ''Oh, stop, Y/N-senpai has a boyfriend! Don't you know? I feel uncomfortable speculating about something like that.''
 '' 'Course, I know! I just say that, if I were in a relationship with someone, I'd want my boyfriend to be a bit more…relationship-y about it, you know? Like, yeah, they hold hands and they hug. But all they do besides this is banter meaninglessly…more like friends, not like a couple should behave! Iwaizumi-san, though, even without being as close to her bodily, gives off more intense boyfriend vibes than this other player.''
''His name is Matsuka-'' 
‘'And, Y/N-senpai calls him Hajime, I think she even said Haji once, isn't that cute?!''
''Stop it, stupid! You shouldn't be so loud with your words, you might spread something accidentally. And just because she gives them nicknames doesn't imply anything. I'm also giving you nicknames! And, she looks happy with Matsu-''
‘'Yeah yeah, but you don't like me like that. Anyway, just think about it! Would you really say no to someone like Iwaizumi-san though…? What I'd give for him to at least look at me like that. If I were Y/N-sa-''
''You aren't, can we go now, don’t wanna be late for class because of you again.''
 Iwaizumi did seem to feel extra relaxed around you. And you seemed to like his presence as well. 
What if those first years had a point?
For the second time that day, he growled.
No, there was nothing to doubt or think about. It wasn't unusual of you to use their names. You literally started calling Hanamaki 'Taka-chan' within 10 minutes of knowing each other. Making friends was easy for you, and that you and Iwaizumi were in the same class with Oikawa probably just strengthened your bond with each other to endure the Captain's antics.
Issei nodded to himself, decidedly ignoring the little whisper of doubt in the back of his mind for now.
''I am not jealous.'' The black-haired student repeated this sentence in his mind over and over again. His best friend wouldn't do such a thing as 'stealing you away', nor would you leave him like that. People should shut their mouths. Mind their own problems. And because of him definitely not being insecure jealous, there was nothing he had to tell you.
Around lunchtime, Matsukawa decided to make good on his words and apologize to you. He would explain that he just felt on edge due to the game against this specific team, you would forgive him and then things would be back to normal…hopefully. The problem was, that he couldn't find you. Not in your classroom nor with your friends, who didn't have any idea regarding your whereabouts as well.
The dark-haired blocker was about to send you a message to ask you to meet him before your last lesson and his volleyball practice when he hears your beautiful laugh coming from the staircase right in front of him. Pressing himself to the wall he watches you coming down from the school roof with Iwaizumi, jumping into his arms with a blinding smile and running off to your class a second later.
''Would you really say no to someone like Iwaizumi?  ~ Imagine thinking you could compete against someone like your ace.''
With the greasy, suffocating feeling of jealousy burning in the pit of his stomach, he storms off in the other direction.
 Right before warming up for the game in the afternoon, he heard you chatting with Hanamaki in front of the locker room while he was changing. And while the door opened - Kyoutani walking in and Oikawa leaving to fullfil his captain duties conscientiously - he looked at his strawberry haired friend and your back. For the split second he could see you, he realized just how much having you around all day means to him. His eyes wandered. Over your softly shining hair. Slowly outlining your in Seijoh-colours clad shoulders, down your arms to your elbow where they are bent to cross in front of your chest to hold your jacket and uniform pullover. Then down your back and-
With an annoyed huff, he found himself throwing his locker door in its lock, bending down to pull up his knee pads more aggressively than necessary. Ignoring the curious looks and whispers from his teammates he simply grunted out an Ok, when Makki came in telling him that you would be waiting for him.
Issei 💗👁️👅👁️: go, I'm not coming to see ya', don't need ur encourgmnt or you now You: Mattsun, what's wrong, honestly, you're scaring me Issei 💗👁️👅👁️: sure You: come on, I wanna support and show who's my favorite player Issei 💗👁️👅👁️: hilarious, stay, go home, idc
"Hey, Y/N-chan, what I meant to ask you earlier…why were you wearing Iwa-chan's shirt." Oikawa carefully questions, his perfectly shaped eyebrow shooting up to emphasize his words.
"I diD wHAT NOW?" - "She did what?!"
Without wasting a second you jump up from under your blanket mountain and sprint up the stairs to your room to look through your hamper.
There it was, that goddamn tricot. A 4 looking right back at you instead of a 3 or 2. It brought every process of thought to an halt.
"But I- 2 days- what, I got this- I was in-" you stop again, slowly turning your head to Iwaizumi, pointing at him. "Since when were you missing this?"
The ace immediately straightens up under your intense gaze. "Three days? No two? Since our last practice, I guess. Kyoutani and Yahaba had some…problems and fought it out in the locker room. But I…wasn't missing it! I thought that it might be in the laundry by accident.'' he answers hesitantly.
You blink. A few times. Nod. And then a loud laugh starts to bubble out of you, interchanging itself with heavy sobs, forcing you to fold into yourself  and hide your face in your hands.
With a worried expression, Oikawa kneels down beside you. ''Y/N-chan…are you okay?''
"He's so fucking dumb, Tooru, why do I even love him? And I am, too!" You hiccup pitifully. "Makki and he switch numbers from time to time, in case you haven't realized. They say it's because it doesn't really matter in the end, it’s fun to confuse others and the worst that could happen is that they forget to wash it before the other wears it,'' you add, a little laugh escapes your lips before your voice breaks in favor of a hiccup again. ''I guess they were about to do that again but with Mad Dog on the loose, the chaos was enough to mix up all the shirts on the bench completely. And since I stole this one secretly out of Issei's bag when he went to the bathroom and quickly hid it to surprise him today, I accidentally grabbed the wrong one instead of his without realizing it."
You gasp for air, your stuffed nose making it difficult to breathe properly. "And then you have to play against this team, out of all possibilities, it's them! So, of course, he's already fed up, and then I'm wearing Hajimes number who he already kind of feels inferior to on the court, where he's the ace and vice-captain first and not his best friend, due to this stupid fucks picking on his insecurities. Fuck!"
For a second you bury your head in your hands again. "No, you know what, fuck this. I don't need him to bury that shit in himself again, or to have stupid thoughts, or leave me because of it'' you furiously hiccup, standing up. ''I can go over, too, and put that behind us.''
 The first time you actually took a second to breathe and evaluate the situation, you had already rung the bell at the Matsukawa family house. Thrice. For good measure. (And so he knew that there's no way out, that you wouldn't leave.) After waiting for solid 5 minutes - knowing that he'd usually reach the door in under a minute, one if he had napped before, you glare at the window above. A strawberry pink colored patch of hair peek out from underneath.
''Alright, if that's what you want'' you grumble. Going over to the trellis and climbing up on it onto the small canopy before finalizing your unauthorized entry by narrowing your furious eyes at two unbelieving faces. Well…he should never have dared you to try to enter his room like this for a joke in the first place when you first became friends. Now, he would definitely not escape you.
''Open. Now. I will break this dumb window, if that's the only way to get you to talk to me, Issei.''
In the end, minutes of starring later, Hanamaki relents and opens the window. ''Thanks,'' you say sweetly before you chop at the strawberry haired boy's side. ''Y/N-chan, I thought we had something special,'' he wheezes, holding his side.
''We have a talk later, Makki, this was only for not opening the door now'' you say, promptly throwing him out of your boyfriend's room. Your voice seemed to sound scary enough for him to leave rather freely. Or at least it made clear that there was no space for buts. That this was a talk between Mattsun and You. Alone with your boyfriend, you turn around to face Matsukawa. To glare at him.
''What do yo-'' - ''Shut up, Issei. You're going to listen and talk to me right now without filter.'' you hiss. While he tried to keep his cool demeanor, the black-haired boy swung his legs off of the bed to sit properly and not slouch, wanting to listen to you. Wanting you to explain…probably.
''Issei, you morron, you deserve the hardest forehead flick in the history of forehead flicks! What were you thinking?! Why didn't you just tell me that it was them you had to play against today? I would have done everything for you to feel better. I would have been understanding of your mood because I know what they did, but no. You decide to be jealous instead? Of Hajime out of all people? Give me a statement and I will refute it within seconds, whatever you want. Come one, test me. And I dare you to shrug just once,...just once!, and I will - even though I lo-. I will freaking kick your dumb ass to the moon..''
A snort, unfairly attractive and so very Mattsun, leaves him. ''As if you could reach that hig-'' - ''Thin fucking ice, Matsukawa.'' 
With a sigh, he scratches the back of his neck. ''Why were you saying you want to 'support' your favorite player when you were wearing Iwa's shirt? I mean I can’t prescribe who you like, I guess, it’s your decision...but,...hah,...maybe don’t make it sound...I dont know.'' Issei asks straight away, watching the ground between you. 
''Because certain volleyball players I know like to change jersey numbers after practice. And because of Mad Dog-chan being on the hunt for Yahaba's head, a very specific already mentioned player took the wrong shirt with him, which ended with me accidentally stealing said wrong shirt.'' you vaguely answer, watching him tense up. ''Now it's my turn. Why are you so specifically bothered by it being Hajimes?''
 ''I…it's-'' looking up, he met your eyes already narrowing again. You expect him to say 'It's nothing'. No, it was important to say it now, even if it was embarrassing. ''I heard people talking,...saying that he'd be better for you than me. That…that you liking him that way is just a question of time. And while I was sure that that's not true…I asked myself…am I really what Y/N wants? Are you bothered by the way we are in public? Are we couple-y enough for you? I was on my way to apologize when I saw you both coming from the roof. You seemed so happy, so excited. I started to worry…that if he was to ask you out…would you truly choose me? Do I make you look and feel as happy as you seemed to be earlier with Iwa?''
 Him not meeting your eyes bothers you. How could he understand if he's not looking? You slowly walk over, giving him time to say stop or move away from you…but he doesn't. Standing between his legs you gently cup his cheeks and make him look up into your eyes. Make him see.
''Let's start somewhere…thank you for being open and honest with me. Okay, firstly, I was on the roof with him so he could explain math to me. I didn't want to sit in a classroom and let others hear how troubled I was by what seems to be one of the easiest mathematical equations in existence. And since I was occupying his lunch break, Haji at least wanted to have some quiet for eating if he sacrifices his time like that.'' you chuckle slightly before you meet his eyes again.
''Secondly,...Issei,'' you murmur now, caressing his cheeks gently. ''why would you believe things about our relationship coming from people that don't take part in it? Hm? They don't know us. They don't get to spend nap time with us, arcade and ramen dates, or movie nights. They don't see how you treat me away from curious eyes and ears. We aren't any less of a couple just because others have a different opinion on how couples should be to the public eye.'' you say, your undertone loving and warm. ''It's not Iwaizumi who I love. I have chosen you because you are the one. I love you.'' you emphasize the words. You never imagined the moment to be like that, but it feels right to come clean with the depth of your feelings now. His cheeks heating up in between your hands is an extra treat.
''I love you when you smile all lazily at me after sleeping. I love you when your voice drips with sarcasm and mischief. I love you when we argue over who has ultimately won the worst pick-up line contest - which is me by the way.'' you grin, shushing his protest by resting your thumb on his lips. ''I love you even when we fight. When you get jealous and grumpy. I love you even though you regularly tell Taka-chan how you'd sell me to Satan for a corn chip, just to mention this stupid bird meme. I love you to bits, you sweet but silly idiot, and I'd chose you all over again if I was to wake up in another parallel universe. Because I know, that you'll always treat me right. Because I'm sure that you feel this, too.''
While you were speaking, your boyfriend's arms slowly but steadily started to move past the last bit of resistance, wrapping them loosely around you and pulling you tighter with every said word.
''I mean it when I say that I get why you felt so uneasy today. However they do it, they manage to crawl under your skin. And that's human, Issei. To be overwhelmed, anxious, or insecure. But please, don't risk us falling apart by letting it eat away on you silently.'' You whisper.
''Y/N, I'm sorry…and I promise to try and talk when I feel bothered again. And-'' A surprised squeak leaves your lips at the sudden movement of your boyfriend. ‘’I love you, too.’’ Giggling, you look up to the dark-haired blocker, who is now towering over you, caging you in his arms. ''You look so irrestistable in my clothes, you should wear them more often.'' Issei continues, the smirk on his lips finally being close to the one he usually wore, eyeing you still wearing his way to big pants and sweatshirt. Then, Mattsun finally - Finally! - leans down to kiss you thoroughly, seemingly keen on making up for the wasted time. Nibbling on your lip, tasting and teasing you, eliciting sweet little sounds that sound oh so much like heaven. He had missed this the whole day.
Deciding to give the both of you a second to breathe, he leans back enough to study your now glowing expression. You lick your lips, watching a suddenly burning interest flaring up in his eyes due to the breathlessness in your voice. ''I have a proposition, you know.'' You begin, softly tracing his features with your pointer finger, smiling innocently. ''If you don't want people to doubt our closeness in this relationship…maybe you should show them just how good you make me feel when I have you all to myself, hm?'' You murmur with a seducing tone, watching him process your words, his slightly heated gaze not leaving yours.
Him diving right back in and whispering a litany of 'I love yous' was answer enough.
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121 notes · View notes
aonogifreactions · 4 years
Prompt 5: “What’s that smell… are you making cookies?” + 60. “I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.” + 75. “Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, love.”
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Requested: Yes, by anon. 
Pairing: Yukio Okumura/Reader
Word count: 1,5k + bonus at the end 8)
Warnings: takes place after current manga events. Read the bonus plz 8)
Beta-read by @/no-remorse. Thank you! <3
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Your ball pen scribbled on the paper angrily, causing you to hum in defeat sixth time this day. You facepalmed and looked at the mug with hot chocolate, that was now only half-full. Getting suspicious, you furrowed your brows and squinted at the mug - where was that mountain of tiny marshmallows you had put earlier? Did one of your familiars decided to prank you and - unintentionally - make your day a little bit worse than it already was?
Before you could summon them, what suddenly dawned upon you was your very own thought - that YOU did, in fact, eat all the marshmallows. Furthermore, prior to the eating, you thought it was a good idea to count them all; you don't get the chance to procrastinate very often, especially in front of your very important paper.
Swallowing the last amounts of the sweet, brown liquid in a few gulps - you decided to head downstairs to clear your mind and check on Yukio, who a few hours ago claimed to go and help Rin in the kitchen. As you were going down each step, the smell of baking pastries filled your nostrils; the smell so good that you felt was almost seductively inviting you to the hot room. Despite the internal battle to resist further distraction, you gave in.
“What’s that smell… are you making cookies?”
Upon entering the kitchen and awaiting hearing the answer, you almost collided with running Rin, who screamed as he made his way to the oven. You stared at him, rising one of your brows; you watched as he hurriedly took the baking tray out and place it on the counter nearby. Half-demon sighed, voicing his frustration out loud.
"You should go and take a break, I can watch the cookies in the meanwhile. And yes, we are," You hear Yukio say after placing the dirty mug in the sink. He was cutting out the cookies with many different cutters and seemed not to take his eyes off them, even if talking to Rin. His brother whined, not fully convinced, "I don't know, man... I'm kinda scared to leave you alone with... all that baking..." he murmured the last part, but - much to his dismay - Yukio's sharp ears picked it up, for which he got scolded anyway.
"Hey! It's just baking, I am able to turn off the oven and get the baking tray out, okay?!" Yukio slammed his fist against the table, causing one gingerbread man to fall off. You watched them in entertainment, picking the cookie up and placing it back on the parchment paper, "Alright, boys. I'll help Yukio in the kitchen, you go get a nap, Rin. You look like shit." you said honestly, playing with Yukio's brown locks lightly. Rin appeared to be fake-offended by what you said, but eventually, he agreed; his apron has been hung on a rack and he left the kitchen, heading to the shower first - after all, baking for all day long has taken a toll on him.
You shifted your attention to Yukio, who still kept quietly cutting out the cookies; you placed a soft kiss on his forehead and messed his hair up in a joking manner to annoy him. You asked him if he needs any help with his current task, but Yukio only shook his head, and politely declined. You sat next to him and started to cure your boredom by observing Yukio's face - even if it still seemed to be a little annoyed, you knew that deep down, he's happy. After all those events, his relationship with his twin brother was getting better; he's been reaching out to him more and more by himself, even if the activities were rather trivial - nonetheless, Rin appreciated that and the fact, that his brother wanted to fix their broken relationship was enough for him already.
"Can you... stop looking at me like that?" he asked embarrassed, blushing ever so slightly, "Have you finished your paper?"
"No," you started to nudge one of the cookies with your nail, only to get your hand lightly slapped away by Yukio, "I haven't. I couldn't focus, but I have most of it done already." You answered somewhat coldly, checking out your rainbow-colored nails. Yukio noticed your irritation, concluding that it was better to let you have a break, so he could later help you.
Yukio readjusted his glasses with his arm, placing the cookie cutters on the table, "Do you wanna... decorate the cookies with me?" he asked shyly, glancing at the full baking tray that Rin left on the counter earlier. You perked up, nodding your head happily, and stood up to get everything ready - you got the unbaked gingerbread cookies ready on the baking tray, then got decorating supplies ready on the table that Yukio had cleaned up with a damp cloth. You carefully arranged the cookies next to each other, then sat down and waited for Yukio, that was getting out another batch of cookies from the oven.
Your legs were dangling as you observed him getting closer and closer, your eyes not leaving his hips until he sat down with a loud "thump"; he glared at you playfully, "No shame. Not at all..." he murmured, receiving a kiss in return, "Well, we have everything. Do you wanna sta-" he stopped mid-sentence, noticing that you had already started decorating. He sighed heavily, grabbed one gingerbread cookie, and cracked a smile when he heard you giggle at his overdramatic reaction.
There was quite a variety of different flavored frosting types on the table - banana, strawberry, coconut, toffee, chocolate, and more - Rin really seemed to buy every single one. Yukio worked precisely with his frosting pen, giving a reindeer-shaped gingerbread a smiley face, as well as red, strawberry-flavored antlers and bright nose. The reindeer got "extremely long, white legs"  - or what Yukio claimed to be - socks, as well as a light brown body made out of toffee-flavored frosting. As the brown-haired male proclaimed that the gingerbread is done, his hand reached for another one - this time, the cookie happened to be in the shape of a snowflake. The curiosity within got the best of him though, and even though he started to decorate it - his sight wandered onto you.
You, on the other hand - managed to somehow decorate six gingerbread men already; your face was covered with yellow frosting, as well as your lips.
Is this why the banana one vanished so quickly?
You looked at his face innocently, blinking at him, "Yes?"
“I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
"Wow. I just needed to see if it was eatable. Besides, I worked hard on my cookies, you know!" you declared, dropping your frosting pen and crossing your arms.
Yukio laughed softly, tapping your shoulder to make you face him.
You turned your head to gaze at his face, but before you could do that - you felt a pair of warm lips in the corner of your very own.
"I know you worked hard. And I do love every single one. I just... I'm sorry that I don't say things like that more often, and I'm sorry that I used to leave you thinking that I don't appreciate things you do... for me. For everyone. I-"
You pulled his chin and crashed your lips onto his to silence his neverending rambling.
After making sure the kiss was long enough for him to shut up, you pulled apart first, "I know, Yukio. We talked about it," you started, "I love you. I know you always wanted the best for me, hell, you still do now. I always knew you cared, even if you didn't say anything."
He leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes.
“Merry Christmas, love.”
"Merry Christmas to you too, my babycakes."
Yukio inhaled sharply, "...This one time," the air he sucked in got exhaled through his nose, "I will agree to be your babycakes."
"Alright, guys! Good job with the cookies!" Rin exclaimed happily, grinning at the pile of gingerbread cookies, "And none got burned! I'm impressed!" He placed his arms on his hips, standing proudly. "Yeah, whatever. We ran out of the frosting too fast," you yawned, rubbing your eyes, "Anyway, I gotta go and finish my paper. See ya, boys." You kissed them both on the cheeks and left the kitchen, lazily getting upstairs.
Yukio was doing the dishes, as the growing pile of dirty plates and bowls seemed to frighten him.
Rin finished brooming and wiped the sweat off his face, then looked mischievously at his twin brother.
"So, babycakes, huh?"
Yukio flinched, choking on his own spit.
Yet, you still wonder what made Rin laugh so hard he passed out that day.
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elwenyere · 4 years
Deck the Halls
(Steve/Tony fluff, in which the Avengers make their own holiday decorations, and it goes about as well as you would expect)
Also on AO3
“Okay,” Tony said, “I am willing to admit that putting repulsors on the Iron Man ornaments was not my best idea.”
He paused to duck as a pillow, half a molasses crinkle, and what looked suspiciously like a tranquilizer dart flew at him from three different locations in the Avengers common room.
“But I maintain,” he continued from behind the couch, “that the underlying principle of the design is both technologically sound and aesthetically adorable. Also, refs, can I get a rule check on ‘no using knock-out techniques on your teammates’?”
“If I wanted you knocked out, you’d be dreaming of sugar plums right now,” Natasha called out from somewhere behind a makeshift barricade of packages and wrapping-paper rolls. One of the tiny Iron Men buzzed over her head, sending a barrage of dime-sized repulsor blasts at a Rudolph gift bag, and Natasha shot the ornament out of the air with her Widow’s Bites.
“Also, calling in the refs is a pretty bold move,” Bruce added, “considering that the miniature murder bots guarding our Christmas tree are in flagrant violation of rules ten through fifteen.”
Bruce’s voice was slightly distorted by the walls of his blanket fort, which Steve had suggested building as an anti-Hulking measure when the first wave of ornaments flew off their branches and into attack formation. So far the strategy had proved successful, with only one close call after Thor almost collided with the fort during an enthusiastic mid-air tackle.
“Remind me never to do holiday dinners with you guys again,” Rhodey groaned. He was crouched next to Tony behind the couch opposite Steve’s, and Steve could hear the faint whir of the War Machine gauntlet as he scanned the room. “I could be falling asleep on my couch to the Vince Guaraldi Trio, and instead I’m hiding from an army of weaponized Christmas figurines.”
“When you’re subpoenaed for the inevitable senate hearing about this, just remember: it was all Steve’s fault,” Tony advised.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Steve replied, adding an eye roll that he knew Tony would hear in his voice.
It was true that Steve had been the one to suggest that they make their own decorations for the Tower this year. But it was also true that Steve’s contribution (a hand-drawn series of family holiday cards to hang on the fridge) had been the only one that hadn’t tended to produce chaos. Thor and Natasha’s idea to braid garlands had started out innocently enough. But then they’d decided to add “motivational mead” to the creative process. Ten hours later, they’d produced so many strings of spruce, holly, and taffeta that the garlands had to be looped around every available surface, twisting around lamps and chair legs until the common room looked like it was being slowly strangled to death by a festive boa constrictor. Bruce – in a complete failure to learn from the previous Halloween’s Saltwater Taffy Incident – had concocted a spiced eggnog so addictively good that each new batch he made disappeared almost immediately – setting off a cycle of recrimination and dairy-based hoarding. And Clint had stayed true to form by making an extremely explicit, themed pin-up calendar of himself, which had been quickly banned from all common areas by a 4-2 vote (“I think these poses are courageous,” Thor had explained, “considering your very small human sizes”).
“Blame is assigned by the survivors, Stark,” Natasha said evenly. Her face darted into view at one end of her barricade, next to a box wrapped in “Hulk Smash!” paper. “And if we don’t get these ornaments contained before Bruce’s chocolate pecan pie has to come out of the oven, I can’t guarantee that anyone in this room will qualify.”
“How many left, JARVIS?” Tony asked.
“Just three, sir,” the crisp voice replied. “And my sensors indicate they are all locked in a standoff with the large stuffed hedgehog on the lower floor.”
“Do I have to ask?” Rhodey muttered.
“It’s for Pepper,” Tony explained, “a running gag: she thinks it’s hilarious.”
“We should set a trap to draw out the remaining ornaments,” Steve decided. “I want eyes on the perimeter – where the hell is Clint anyway?”
As if on cue, a grappling arrow shot across the room and latched onto the side of a container of eggnog. The metal wire attached to the hook pulled taut and then retracted with a sharp twang, yanking the eggnog over their heads and back into the air vent.
“You have a problem, man!” Rhodey yelled after Clint’s feet as they slithered away from the opening in the ducts. “Get help!”
“Ah that gives me an idea!” Thor exclaimed. He popped his head up from behind the kitchen counter, where he had apparently been braiding one of the garlands into his hair. “The tiny Iron Soldiers seem determined to guard the spirit of the holidays. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage.”
“Right,” Tony agreed, “cover me.”
He stood up and strode toward the Christmas tree, gauntlet charging.
“Come out, my tiny, murderous robot sons,” Tony called, “or I’m going to turn your favorite tree into a pile of toothpicks.”
“Did you actually equip them with audio sensors? Or are you just grandstanding?” Rhodey asked.
“Kind of stepping on my moment here, Gumdrop,” Tony replied.
And whether it was because the ornaments had somehow sensed a threat to the tree or because they had successfully subdued all the stuffed animals in the vicinity, Steve’s ears suddenly picked up the low whine that meant hostile décor was incoming. As Tony held his position, Steve saw Natasha, Rhodey, and Thor leap out from cover and take aim at the three diminutive Iron Men that were shooting toward their creator’s head.
“Tony!” Steve yelled, and Tony let out a small yelp of surprise as Steve tackled him sideways onto the couch. Steve curled his body protectively around Tony’s, and he threw up his shield just in time to shelter them from the disintegrated ornaments, which fell like a shower of harmless glitter into a halo around their heads.
Steve cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks flush slightly as a chunk of armor the size of a pea pattered onto the couch next to them with a barely audible fizzle.
“My hero,” Tony smirked.
“A bit overdramatic, Rogers,” Thor observed.
“Ooooooh, Captain America!” Clint called in a high-pitched voice from a nearby vent. “You’re so dreamy. Will you sign my chest?”
A chorus of boos and a smattering of tossed cookies followed Clint’s laughing retreat back through the ducts.
“So I’m thinking the Mark II ornaments should come with a fail-safe button,” Tony mused, looking up at Steve with his head still resting in the crook of Steve’s arm.
“Tony,” Steve sighed.
“What?” Tony asked with exaggerated innocence. “I have models for the whole team. There’s even a little Cap ornament with magnets for the hug and fly.”
Steve chewed his bottom lip.
“Are you trying not to smile?” Tony asked.
“I’m trying to contain my disapproval,” Steve replied.
“You’re trying not to smile,” Tony confirmed. “Let it out, Steve. I’m objectively delightful.”
“You’re objectively a threat to national security,” Steve retorted.
“Yeah, and you love it,” Tony nodded. “That’s like…your number one turn on.”
Steve finally allowed a smile to spread across his face. In the part of his mind that was always scanning his periphery, he was aware of Natasha helping Bruce out of his blanket fort and picking a piece of lint out of his hair – her hand lingering a little longer than necessary as Bruce assured her he had a backup pie in the fridge. Rhodey and Thor were loudly concocting plans to smoke Clint out (and pointedly ignoring Clint’s own contributions from the vent above them). And in the center, as always, was Tony, who was grinning victoriously as he took in Steve’s expression.
“You’re right,” Steve told him. “I do love you.”
Tony's smile froze in momentary surprise and then softened.
“This is how you want to say that for the first time?” he asked teasingly, his hands coming up to brush at Steve’s sides just above the hem of his jeans. “On the couch, surrounded by our catcalling friends and the scorched remains of the homicidal holiday ornaments I created?”
“Yep,” Steve answered, leaning down to kiss Tony’s forehead. “I love that you make messes,” a kiss on the right cheek, “I love that you invite messes to move in,” a kiss on the left cheek, “I love that since I met you, you’ve made every mess of mine your mess too,” a final kiss – as gentle as Steve could make it – on Tony’s lips. “I love you, Tony.”
He pulled back so he could look into Tony’s eyes and watch the rapid play of emotion across his face – always too fast to track.
“I love you too, you big sap,” Tony replied, and as the team whooped and set off a round of Christmas crackers, he pulled Steve back down by the front of his Iron Man sweater.
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