#not to knock tiff-- she did what she could and was there for me in a way I NEEDED an adult to be
simplydannie · 4 months
Previous “We Were Family!”
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A request written for @veneerandvelvet!! Sorry it took awhile! I hope you like it!! I’m honestly nervous posting this 😣
Vivian couldn’t believe Cressida wouldn’t what she did to her children, Velvet and Veneer… but Cressida is cunning. Luring her sister’s husband Vaughn into a trap and down a spiraling path he once journeyed. Now regret sits on his mind.
It had been one month since the incident with Cressida. Since they found her beating away at their son. The twins mother, Vivian, had yet to speak about the incident. How could her own sister do such a thing? How could she lay hands on him in such a way? Vivian was angry at her self, how could she not see that Veneer had been hurting, that he been afraid to say anything?
She sat on her chair staring out the window as thought after thought ran through her mind. A small knock on the door brought her back to reality.
“Yes?” She answered.
Her husband walked in. She saw the concerned look on his face, he had been worried about her, he tried to talk to her but she just didn’t want to hear any of it, at least not yet.
“Viv, you’ve been cooped up in here all day.” He said.
“Just a few more minutes.”
“The twins are starting to worry. They know you’re upset. Vennie thinks you’re mad at him.”
“What? No! Oh no I’m not! Where is he?”
“He and Vels are playing outside. Viv, please go out with them. Take them somewhere just the three of you. I know you don’t want to talk about what happened, I know it hurts you because it hurts me too. I’m ready to talk about it Viv, ready when you are.” He said. Vivian was silent a moment, thinking of what her husband said.
“She’s my sister Vaughn, how could she do that? I would’ve never laid a hand on her children that way. My niece and nephew…. Never. Why? And especially on someone like Veneer. Veneer! Vaughn he wouldn’t harm a fly why would she hurt him. Has she hurt Velvet to and she hasn’t told me? Oh my god I’m a terrible mother!” She buried her hands in her face and began to cry. Her husband walked over, holding her tight.
“No Viv, you’re not. You just trusted someone you thought you could because she was family. You’re not a horrible mother. We make mistakes and are oblivious to things as parents… but I know you love those two as much as I do.” He held Vivian, allowing her to drain the tears she had been holding. They don’t know how much time passed as they held each other there in the room…
“Mommy?” A small voice caused Vivian to look up. The twins peeked through the opening of the door, a sadden look in their eyes as they saw their mother cry. Vivian quickly wiped her face, attempting to compose herself.
“Hi sweetie.”
“Why are you crying?” Velvet asked as her brother followed her.
“Just…” Vivian sighed, why lie about feelings? “Sometimes moms need to cry when we feel something strong.”
“What were you feeling?” Asked Veneer.
“Sad. Very sad. But dad helped me feel better.” She placed a hand on his cheek… how she get so lucky?
“Ew! Please don’t kiss.” Velvet gagged.
“Come on now Vels, be nice.” Her dad smiled.
“Well Dad gave me a great idea. How about we go down the store and get some junk food to bring home?”
“Oh!!” Veneer said excitedly.
“Yes!!! I want those cake poppers!”
“Tiff Toffs!!! Chocolate Tiff Toffs!” Veneer squealed.
“Then let’s go. Vennie, your tubing? Why is it off?” She scolded.
“Oh.” Veneer ran off with Velvet at his heels. Once the kids were out of view, she turned and leaned over to her husband, placing a passionate kiss on his lips.
“Thank you. I’ll bring you back something. Then I’ll have a little extra treat for you once the kids are asleep.”
“In that case, let’s just put them to sleep now?”
“Very funny Vaughn.”
Vaughn stayed back cleaning up the house when they left. Vivian had called to let him know the kids wanted to go get ice cream instead, so they would be out longer than they thought. He took his time cleaning their home when he received a phone call. Picking it up, he automatically answered thinking it was his wife.
“Hey babe, are the kids behaving?”
“Hello Vaughn.”
He knew the tone of voice, his heart grew hard and cold.
“How dare you call here Cressida.” He said.
“Hear me out Vaughn. I need some help.”
“Your sister isn’t home. I doubt she’ll want to talk to you after what happened.” He said.
“It’s not my sister I need help from. I need yours. It’s a surprise… a little apology for her.”
Vaughn sighed, “Why don’t you just call back when she’s here.”
“I really need your help. It’s for her. I want to fix my relationship with her.. I want to fix everything.” She said, practically begging. Vaughn was silent. He didn’t want to help her at all…. He was FAR from wanting to help her… but it was for Vivian. He wanted his wife to be happy, he didn’t want her beating herself over what happened…Perhaps Vaughn could talk sense into his sister-in-law, something that could rekindle the relationship between all of them again…
He sighed, “I’ll be right over.”
Hours passed. It was late in the night when the twins came home with their mother. They laughed and giggled running into the living room.
“Look at all my chocolate I got!” Veneer exclaimed as he sat in the couch.
“Don’t you dare take off your tubing, mister!” His mother warned. She went into the house calling out for her husband.
“Vaughn. Vaughn, babe, we’re home.” She called out. She looked around in the living then the kitchen. “Vaughn.” She went up the stairs and into their bedroom…. There she found him, sitting on the bed, his face buried in his hands…. He was crying.
“Vaughn! Babe, what happened? Hey look at me.” She pulled his face to look at hers. “What happened?”
He pulled her close, burying his face into her chest.
“Vaughn. What’s wrong! You’re worrying me. Tell me what’s wrong please.” She begged.
“I love you. You know that right.” He pulled her down to kiss her.
“Of course I do… are you alright?” She asked him.
“Just kiss me, Viv, please.”
“The kids are still awake.”
“Close the door, they’re occupied. I just really need you now.” He leaned his head on her chest again, “Please Viv.”
That night, the kids had gone off to bed, Vaughn lay there with his wife, holding her close. She was sound asleep. Regret hit him hard, guilt. He hated himself… he hated himself for what happened…. He should have never gone over to Cressidas…. He should have never helped her… nothing would have happened. He would never have this feeling of disgust. How could he betray Vivian in such a way, how could he do this the person he loved most?
Tears began falling down his face as he hugged her. He shouldn’t have trusted Cressida, he shouldn’t have drank with her…
“A toast to fixing family relations.” She had said. And he believed her. One sip of alcohol lead to another… the craving for it had returned….the addiction. Cressida had known this, she had known about his weakness. Vivian had told her out of pure trust. After a while, after a few drinks, Cressida began to look like Vivian, he swore it was her, the alcohol polluted his mind, his vision, he mixed reality with fantasy.
“Viv? I thought you were with the kids?” He had said. But it wasn’t Vivian, he swore he thought it was her, the effects of the alcohol made it look like her. So he pulled her in to kiss her… before he knew it, both their clothes were off….it wasn’t until after, that the effects of the alcohol wore off that he realized… it was Cressida, an evil smirk on her face.
“Oh my god…” Vivian had torn him away from that addiction, from that poison… all for him to come back to it for one night and betray his wife.
He kissed the back of her head as she slept. He loved her, he truly loved her… how could he do this to her? How could he tell her the truth? Would she forgive him when she found out? He buried his face into her hair… she smelled good… she always smelled good.
“I love you so much, Viv. I’m sorry.” He cried himself to sleep.
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anime-rambles · 2 years
Safe with Us: Part 1
Pairing: Alpha!KiriBaku x Omega!MidoriyaTwinReader
Type: Angst, hurt, forced scenting.
Word Count: 3500+
A/N: Thank you all so much for the support and love for my work, I have been super busy at the moment in my personal life and haven't really ad a moment to breathe but I do have this finished and wanted to share with everyone. Part 2 coming soon. I have a new taglist form follow the link below and it will bring you too it. Much love as always, Tiff <3
Summary: You were Midroiya's twin, Bakugou's mate but life isn't easy and one day you were kidnapped, stripped from everything you know. Many years have passed, Bakugou has moved on but only now have you been able to escape, to return to your family. A family that has moved on.
Permanent Tag List: @jasmine2042003 @jazzylove @amypop122 @misssugarless @plutounderbridges @butterscotch-babie @backoftheletter @gojosslvt @himi-yuu @ebiharachan @black-rose-29
MHA Tag List: @hornehlittleweeblet2 @mystiqueewrites @belzeblitz @moonygeno413 @ace-the-side-character @unlogical-ella @moonseye @vaellee @corruptowlette @pasteldaze @24-7-multifandomsimp @yetoadet @ninetyeightrins @kirissluttypebble @elaineplayz @phantomalchemist @tigerd-draws @kunaigirlx44 @jujutaku @adventures-in-a-heartbeat @cmars59 @upinacloud @yourdragonsfire @uwiuwi @burningbluegalaxy @kirislilwhorewife @kuzusouda-and-terumaru-blog @kat-perdue @ebiharachan @lazyafgurl @bratty-fics @eraserheads-sleeping-bag @eijiandkatspebbleble
There were many things in your life that you thought was unfair, for one, living with your father away from your twin, having a quirk without your twin and being an omega and not being allowed to be an omega. You know nothing of your omegain side, only that it was something to be ashamed of. That you were merely the lowest of the low and even alpha’s, your destined alpha would tire of you and seek other mates, and you had to be okay with it. 
Your father brought you to this group of alpha’s, you never knew why but one thing was for sure they were villains. When the time came for your first heat, that was the last time you saw your father. He had sold you to them, and left you behind. For many a year the villains took care of you, but not for free, you cooked, cleaned and just about did anything that was expected of you. There was one alpha in the group, a new guy, who took a shine to you. He often would tell you he would find a way to get you home, to trust him, that you will know when the time is right. 
There was an explosion in the compound, it had knocked you straight off your feet. The door to your room, which was more of a cage, unlocked and the door opened slowly. You could hear screams in the distance and you knew it was time to run. A red feather floated into the room and flew around you, pushing at your back towards the door. It is definitely the sign you’ve been waiting for.  So you ran, ran as hard as your feet would take you. Your destination? Unknown. You had nothing, no money, no shelter, you were scared of what would happen now, you could embrace your omega. You could hardly remember your mother, or even if she would take you in, your twin on the other hand… 
You ran to the nearest phone booth, putting some coins you had found in your pocket and dialing the only number you could remember, hoping he never changed it. 
“Hello?” A voice croaked out from the end of the phone.
“Izuku” You whispered, tears already filling your eyes. 
“Yes, who is it? It's the middle of the night.” His voice sounded impatient.
“Zuzu, I ne-”
“Y/N, YOU’RE ALIVE, whereareyouareyouokaystaythereillcomeandgetyoudontgoanywhere..” Izuku interrupted you and tears flowed down your face, more happy tears than anything. 
“So, you’re telling me, Izuku has a twin, that we’ve never met, that you knew of, that your alpha chose and never thought to mention it to me?” Kirishima stood in front of Bakugou with his arms crossed trying to wrap his head around this new information. Bakugou dropped his bag that he was packing and turned to Kirishima. 
“Look, I'm sorry Eiji, what do you want me to say? We both thought she died? she disappeared around the same time Izuku dad went missing and we know how that turned out, she was young and already showing as an omega, and yes my alpha chose her, she was my mate,  but she disappeared, my alpha disappeared with her and then you came into my life and woke him up again, waking him up with that big stupid grin of yours, and my alpha claimed you as my mate too.” Bakugou made his way to Kirishima and placed his hands on his face. Kirishima smiled up at him, not really bothered about the omega, Kirishima knew that if Bakugou’s alpha had already chosen the omega as a mate that his own alpha would do the same. Kirishima had a lot of love to go around. Often the pair would add an extra member during ruts but no one ever felt right for the red head to let them stay around. Kirishima was actually quite excited to meet her but he wants Bakugou to talk about it, to open up more. Kirishima lent forward to kiss Bakugou. 
“I know bro, so manly you are” Bakugou pulled a face and stepped away from Kirishima. 
“What did I say shitty hair, stop calling me bro when you are touching or inside me” Bakugou picked up his bag again and Kirishima just laughed smacking Bakugou ass as he left his room and walked into the main area of the den. 
Everyone in the pack lived there and had their own rooms, Kirishima also had his own room but barely spent time in there anymore since him and Bakugou began courting. Bakugou could see Midoriya pacing at the door, with Todoroki at his side trying to calm him down. 
“God Katsuki hurry up, she’s lost and alone, andprobablythinksweveforgttenaboutheragaingodwearesuchbadexcudsesforalphas..” Midoriya rambled on, and Todoroki tried once again to calm his mate down, he was failing…badly. 
“Let’s go nerd” Bakugou grabbed Midoriya’s collar and pulled him out the door with his pack behind him wishing them luck. Bakugou grabbed his car keys on the way out and threw his and Midoriya’s bag in the boot of his car. 
Once both alpha’s were settled in the car, Bakugou began to drive to the airport, you weren’t in Japan anymore. Midoriya sat ringing his hands together not speaking, he was afraid and unsure what you would think. His alpha had missed you all these years, his baby omegain sister. Both of you had dreamed of becoming hero’s together but when he had not developed his quirk and you had, you promised him you’d still make his dream come true. Then you disappeared leaving him all alone, Bakugou and him grew very distant, and the alpha’s hate grew and grew and the next moment they were both in UA, constantly fighting each other for no reason. The pain of losing you, almost killed both of them. It was only after both nearly losing each other in villain attacks, was what brought them back together and formed their clan with the rest of the class. Midoriya wanted to talk to Bakugou, he wanted him to say something but he could barely read Bakugou’s emotion right now so he thought it was best to stay quiet. 
Bakugou could sense Midoriya wanted to talk but what could he possibly say at this moment. Everyone thought you had died. Mr Midoriya’s body was found years ago and you were nowhere to be seen. The hero’s and police all deemed you dead, as you were an omega without any protection whatsoever. Bakugou blamed himself that he left you all alone, even though there was nothing he could have done, he did not know what Mr.Midoriya was planning on doing. Since that day, the emptiness had taken over Bakugou, his alpha disappeared along with you. It took many hard years of Kirishima constantly working and helping Bakugou that his Alpha came back, but there was always a part missing, that part belonged with you. 
It was like any other day, you were in Bakugou’s house learning how to build a nest which you decided needed to be in his room and Bakugou allowed this, he thought it was adorable watching you learn how to be one with your second gender. It was a lot easier for Alpha’s to join with their second genders, where omega’s had a lot of learning to do. They only join fully with their omega when they go through their first heat. Then Mr. Midoriya arrived and he never saw you again. Bakugou rubbed on his neck, on your mark you left on him. The both of you had not joined sexually as you were both young but you both decided to mark each other early so that if something was to happen to either of you the other would have something to hold onto, one last hope. Bakugou hated the idea at the time but went along with it, and now he was so thankful for your brain for thinking about it, as it was all Bakugou had of you. The nest you had built had been taken by police as evidence and any belongings he had or Midoriya had all gone to some police station somewhere. 
Bakugou’s auto pilot had brought the pair straight to the airport and by the time Bakugou’s brain caught up with his body they were boarding the plane. Bakugou turned Midoriya who looked like he was going to pass out. He grabbed his hand and they locked eyes. 
“She alive, and were bringing her home, that is all the matters, the past is the past,” 
Midoriya nodded at Bakugou and the plane departed on its journey to you. 
Your father took you far away, to some little town in a European country with the plans to marry you off for a quirk marriage to create strong children. You inherited your father fire quirk and you were quite skilled at creating objects with fires and if you concentrate hard enough you could even make bombs but it took too much energy and often left you dizzy and breathless so you promised Bakugou you would leave all the exploding to him. 
Bakugou, you could hardly believe after all this time of hoping and wanting, you could go back to him. Sometimes you would be able to sneak away and see the news, you could see him and Izuku sometimes. You’d often get punished for watching tv but it was worth it, seeing them. You had this longing in your chest to be with Bakugou, a voice inside, telling you he was safe but you didn’t understand what that voice was. All you knew was that you were an omega, that's it, nothing more. Nobody would tell you anything else. You would've been used when you were younger, something about a heat? But you never had one, the alpha’s had said it was because you were already mated to an alpha as you had his mark, that you were only useful to a dominant alpha to break the mark or they could always kill the alpha that marked you but you never told them who it was. You always said it was a nobody, that someone attacked you and they believed you, well all but one alpha, his name was Dabi. He had tried multiple times to get close to you and even one time tried to burn off your mark but it was no use, you had a fire quirk and his flame did nothing to you. After not having your heat because of your joining with someone, they opted to wait for it to come naturally. This would take time. If you were focused to be with an alpha now, the up would not survive, that was also not an option with how powerful your quirk could be. 
Dabi was chosen to be your minder and breaker, you either stayed in your cage or in his room. They hoped that with Dabi’s pheromones your omega would choose him. You spent many nights forced into Dabi’s neck breathing him in, his scent made you sick and just the thoughts of him made your skin crawl. Dabi had also brought you to Japan a few times in the hopes you would be able to point out this alpha, one way or another you eventually would be his. But the hero’s always appeared and attacked him which was getting on Dabi’s nerves so he stopped bringing you. It was too risky. 
You're not really sure how you escaped. You knew the alpha with the red wings, Tango, he called himself but you felt deep down he was lying. You also knew he was behind it but you were never really sure why he helped you but you were grateful. You were finally going home to Izuku and to Bakugou. You knew after all this time the pair of them had probably stopped looking for you, there was no reason to believe you were alive so you couldn’t hold that against them. You also knew that so much time had passed, you were in your twenties now and Bakugou probably found himself another mate, you made a bargain with yourself that you would take all the comfort you could from him, until he mentioned his mate, then you would back off, it was only fare to whomever his mate was. 
You could feel something inside you come alive, but you were unsure as to what it was. There was a deep hunger inside and you started to heat up. Maybe you had caught a cold while running away from the compound. Izuku has mentioned an airport and you had managed to find a way to it, one or two hero’s had helped you along the way. They were friends of ProHero Deku, which you found so hard to believe that your quickless brother was a hero. That his dream came true. You were sitting outside the arrivals section of the airport afraid to go in, you knew no matter where you were standing Izuku would find you. 
The main doors opened and a group of people existed. You looked at them, in the back you could faintly see a mop of green hair and blonde hair. Your heart sped up and you panicked, your brian telling you to hide for some reason, that you didn't deserve to be safe and home. So you hid behind a tree, you could hear your name being called and it was getting closer and closer to you but you stayed behind the tree. 
Bakugou could see your arms sticking out from behind the tree. He knew you were scared, he could smell it in the air. Midoriya was already crying, he nudged Midoriya in a way to tell him to pull himself together. Both alphas reached the tree and stood still, they could hear your whimpers. 
“y/n, there's no need to be afraid,” Midoriya said in a quiet tone. Bakguou placed the bags on the floor. 
“Zuzu, Kats, is it really you.” They could hear the tremble in your voice and could smell your fear in the air. Midoriya motioned to his neck, Bakugou understood immediately and started to pump calming pheromones into the air to try and calm you. Even though Midoriya was your brother, your mate would be able to calm you down more. You started to calm down slightly and peaked at them from around the tree. 
“There she is, we're here now ‘mega, nothings going to happen to you ever again” Bakugou stared deeply into your eyes, he held out his hand to you and so did Midoriya. You took a cautious step towards them, looking around the area for the villains, for Dabi. They had often used the boys' images to trick you in the past to bring your heat forward but something deep inside was telling you it was them right here in front of you. You held out both of your hands and grasped both of them. You released the breath you were holding and looked at the two, both alpha’s had tears in their eyes but neither moved a muscle. 
“You’re both really here” You sobbed and threw your arms around their necks pulling them into you. Both alphas used their arms and held you tight breathing you in. 
“It’s been so long, an-an-d I tried so many times to sh-show you I was ali-vvv-e but they stopped me”You sobbed harder into them. Bakugou and Midoriya both pumped out pheromones to try and calm you down but it was no use, Midoriya could hardly breathe himself as he was crying just as hard. 
“Y/n, I failed you, I’m so so sorry” Midoriya fell to his knees, and sobbed into his hands. You pulled away from Bakugou and joined Midoriya on the floor. 
“Hush now, let's not live in the past, right now all I want to do is go home and I want you to tell me what it’s like being heroes. I’m so proud of you both right now.” You said and held onto Midoriya, once his crying had stopped he pulled you both to your feet. Midoriya let you go and grabbed his and Bakugou’s bag, giving the two of you a minute. You looked up at him and his eyes stared deeply into your eyes. 
“Hello you” You whispered, and made your way to stand closer to Bakugou. 
“Hey ‘mega” Bakugou wrapped his arms tightly around you, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. He tucked your face into his neck and you could feel his pheromones were much stronger here. Something inside you said you should kiss his glands, you could see his mark on his neck, the same one you had placed on him all those years ago, binding you both together. At the time it was just you being sappy, what you had not realized was that it was that sappiness that actually saved you all these years. 
“Missed you, a part of me died when you weren't here, never letting you out of my sight again, I’ll die without you” Bakguou whispered into your neck. You hummed for a moment, letting the comfort take over.
“I'm here now, Kats.” you closed your eyes and just breathed in his scent, you hummed again and let it take over. Bakugou giggled into your neck. 
“You purring ‘mega,” 
“Wait what, that's not you making that sound” You pulled slightly in his arms to look at him. He smiled at you. 
“Nope, that’s your omega sweetheart, she’s calling to my alpha, her mate.” Bakugou kissed your forehead, you let out an uneasy laugh. Bakugou could read you in an instant. 
“Don’t worry, I help you learn about your omega again, don’t expect you know a lot bout it, stupid kidnappers, and beside it’s my job as Alpha to teach you.” Bakugou’s brows creased and you lent forward to kiss them. He stopped all movements which caused you to giggle. 
“I trust you Kats, now let's go home yeah?” you asked as you wriggled out of his arms and made your way to Midoriya taking his hand in yours. 
Many many hours later you were back in Japan, sitting in Bakugou’s lap while Midoriya drove you home. On the flight home you learnt all about their pack, and den. You learnt basically everything you had missed over the years. Midoriya told you about Allmight and what happened, how he’s a hero now. Bakugou filled you in about everything else, the little things you might have missed in Midoriya’s mumblings. The boys pushed you to talk about your time but right now you couldn’t process anything about it without panicking so they stopped asking and decided to wait until you were ready. 
Midoriya pulled into the driveway of the house, and some of the pack members were already outside waiting. You looked up at them and started to panic, your head screaming at you that this is where you lose Bakugou, that his new omega is up there. Bakugou could sense your panic and asked Midoriya to get the pack inside and he’ll bring you in, in a minute. Bakugou watched as Midoriya ushered everyone inside and he locked eyes with Kirishima who was smiling like a dork to him.
Bakugou pulled you to him and kissed your forehead. “Come one ‘mega, what's going on in your head of yours.” You took a moment to breathe and pulled back to look at Bakugou and spoke. 
“I can’t do it Katsuki, I made a deal with myself that I can have you until we made it back to your pack, and I would give you back to your omega but I can't do it , I can't do it, I can't do it.” You sobbed into Bakugou. He released some pheromones and when your crying had slowed down he began to speak. 
“Y/n, I never took another omega, you’re the only one for me” Bakugou wiped your tears away. “But, b–ut, Kirishima? You mention him very differently. I assumed he was your new omega.” Bakugou took a breath, “I really didn’t want to do this so soon, but only recently did I start seeing Kirishima, he brought my Alpha back but sweetheart, Kirishima is an alpha and the pack alpha and I love you both so much, in my heart something clicks with it being us three, but we’ll give you time to heal okay, Kirishima agreed to stay away to help.” Bakugou rubbed your neck as he spoke, you stayed quiet. You weren’t quite sure how to react, were you happy? Yes. Were you mad? No. Something inside you was very excited to meet this new alpha, and you could faintly smell something new on Bakugou but you just imagined it was someone from the clan but now everything made sense and you started to smile. 
“Let’s go meet everyone then” You smiled brightly at Bakugou and kissed his lips. Bakugou’s smile joined yours and he released the breath he was holding.
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sister-cna-reader · 9 months
a group of guys from another school try to get into Anya’s business but Anya is so level headed(and sees right through their thoughts) declines their offers. Then Damian comes along and shows them how a real man treats a lady.
Chef's Kiss Anon!
“Hey cutie,” an Adam’s Prep Academy junior asked, thinking he was sly leaning against the storefront door and stopping Anya’s path. “You. Me. At the movies. Tonight.” 
It is a horror movie, not that you’ll know until you're in my arms. 
“I’m sorry. I have to help watch my baby brother.” She declined, barely putting in the effort to be polite in tone. 
“Are you as sweet tasting as you look?” 
The boy was twiggy thin and his brown eyes were over bright. 
His thoughts were… as tasteful as his pick up line. 
She saw the colors and emblem for Adam’s Prep Academy again on his duffle and could only hope the teachers there weren’t making pick up lines a part of their curriculum. 
How inelegant. 
“Ugh. If you bite me You. Will. Die.”  
She could not walk away from his dumbfounded face fast enough. 
She caught the colors before the name of the rival school came for a “Battle of the Block.” 
The biter and the leaner were both in the players huddle, their purple and yellow uniforms garish on the field. 
“You better relax and look away before your face gets stuck like that.” Becky advised, pulling her friend up into the stands. 
They were seated, a row behind Damian and the E-boys who caught Anya’s disgusted expression with a chuckle.
“Oh man!” 
“What’s got you in a tiff Pinky?” 
Their good natured ribbing finally pulled the scowl off the Forger’s face with a long suffering sigh. “It’s like Adam Prep Academy has a homework assignment to use the worst pick up lines.” 
“You gonna do something about it?” Damian asked, eyes focused on his textbook, yet listening with a tilt of his head. 
“What can I do? I doubt I can knock sense into them with the All Boys school situation they have going on. I sincerely doubt any female teachers work there with how their acting!” 
A few hours later with the game over and won thanks to Watkin’s skill, the group made their way across the field. 
“Hey look it what we have here! A pretty little bit of cotton candy.”  
Anya had promised her papa she wouldn’t punch anymore boys but they just didn’t get it! 
She curled her hands into fists only for a cool hand to pry the fingers open with his own. 
Curiously, Damian brought their entwined hands up to his lips, giving a soft kiss to her knuckle. His golden eyes on the rival school athletes the whole time. 
“Starlight, when did you say the premiere for the Spy War Movie was?” 
“Uh..” She blinked frantically, hearing a cacophony of “!!!!!!!!!” from her friends behind their ‘I’m superior to you’ stances and expressions.  
“S-Saturday at 7 o’clock. Why?” 
His golden eyes met hers and he seemed to purr. “I need a plus one. You’ve always been a big fan yes?” 
Who even cared about terrible pickup lines and jocks who couldn’t read a ladies disgust?! 
This was Bondman! This was the movie premiere of Spy Wars! The LIVE ACTION! 
She leaned into Damian’s bubble, ignoring the way his face burned and how he squeaked, squeezing his hand against her chest so he could feel how excited she was.  “YES! Yes! I’ll totally go with you Damian! Should I wear a tux? A fancy dress?” 
“Take notes boys…” Becky snickered, enjoying the way the realization come over Damian’s face. 
Anya was practically clinging to him now, hearts and stars in her eyes while Desmond looked a few beats away from a stroke.
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the-pale-goddess · 8 months
I believe this was explained later BUT… What was your MC’s reaction to hearing Harper say Ethan is out of town after he quit? Given MC hasn’t talked to him since he left.
Bonus: in your HC does your MC reach out to him? If she does, does he answer? Or does she wait for him to call her? 
Thank you for this amazing ask, dear! As per usual, I’m terribly sorry it took me forever to answer your questions ❤️
My girl tried to empathize with Ethan and recognized the distance he put between them, but still wanted to offer support in case he was willing to accept. They grew so close she just had to be there for him, so Tiff did reach out: she went to his apartment the evening following his resignation, but he wasn't home. She called afterwards, with no success either. Then she called him in the morning. And again, after the day off with the gang…But he never answered. It felt like a slap in the face, yes, and she had to fight a vicious battle against her own thoughts not to take his silence personally. 
When Tiffany found out that Ethan left Boston, she wasn’t surprised in the slightest; it made sense. Earth shattered beneath his feet, so he obviously needed some time to process everything that transpired, quite possibly fleeing to the safest place he knew. She hoped that taking a step back would make him realize how extreme his decision to quit was, eventually knocking some sense back into him. 
Miss Addams considered sending him a message as a last-ditch-attempt to get his attention, but the foundation of her fortitude was in tatters after the Landrat situation and her first triage. In the end, her pride took over: she decided to wait for Ethan's move, saving her already bruised dignity—she did everything she could and he clearly didn’t want her help.
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I think of two young lovers a-running wild and free//I close my eyes, and sometimes see//You in the shadows of this smoke-filled room – Kyle/Nica Pierce, Nica Pierce/Tiffany Valentine, Kyle/Nica Pierce/Tiffany Valentine, past Andy Barclay/Nica Pierce.
A/N: Day 10 for @yeehawgust . Another western AU for Child's Play/Chucky.
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“You look lonesome…” Kyle’s voice breaks into Nica’s thoughts, her sigh soft as she looks at the other woman. Blondes. She had to go and love them. She’s quiet for a time, watching Tiffany amongst the regulars. Nica knows she shouldn’t care, this is just Tiffany’s job after all, flirting and carousing with the locals, but it still hurts. She can remember when she was Tiffany’s one and only. “I could always ask her to come bartend?” The offer, kind as it is, has Nica shaking her head, her laugh low, rusty, almost sad. “She’d drive you insane and we both know it.” Kyle’s smirk is soft then, warm, almost caring. “Not if it means you stop lookin’ like someone shot your dog.” “Someone did, remember?” Nica teases, glancing at Kyle. She’d never really meant to end up between Tiffany, a hard, headstrong, woman who knew what it was to use her sexuality as a weapon, and Kyle, who seemed to not even know how strong and beautiful she was, even now.  Still, she had to admit, running into the woman who shot the damn coyote she’d kept around for no real reason, had been a blessing in disguise… she may sit under a neon moon, drinking her sorrows, but at least she’s not alone in her lonely home anymore. “Coyotes ain’t dogs.” Kyle retorts, pouring her a new drink as she drains the first. “ ‘Sides… at least you know your Tiff ain’t gonna get pawed at too much with us here.” Nica’s sigh is soft then, her voice low and warm. “Our… Tiff. She’s fine anyhow.” She murmurs, drinking a little more scotch and risking a sideways glance at Kyle. “You really haven’t figured it out yet, huh?” “What?” “It’s not just me and her no more… we both care ‘bout you too.” Kyle shrugs, moves to leave her to her drink and Nica’s hand closes over both wrists, quick as a shot. “I mean it, Kyle. You belong with us.” “Maybe I do… still gotta serve these drunks.” Kyle teases, pulling away and hiding her truth under a laugh that’s rough and husky as she serves the other barflies, leaving Nica to drink and think. There’d been a time, Nica knew, that they ran free. Tiffany making her money where she could, how she could, Nica knocking over a bank or two on their way through town. They hadn’t ever meant to settle, not here, not like this and certainly not with a barkeep so downtrodden she almost faded into the walls of her own bar… but they were here now and she had a choice to make. Settle, let Tiff ply her trade and keep Kyle company on the bar, or turn tail and flee like she used to.  Andy and Chuck, she thought, they’d have known what to do. Chuck had died rescuing Tiffany from an overzealous preacher and Andy… she could still hear his voice sometimes. She knew if she closed her eyes and just listened she’d see him in the crowded, smoke-filled bar. She does, for a second, indulge in it, then sighs as she opens her eyes. There’s no point mourning someone dead and less mourning missing men. She had work to do. She drains her glass, slipping the money to Kyle along with a ridiculously large tip and slinks from the saloon bar, catching Tiffany on her way out. “Stay with Kyle tonight, I’ll be back…” She needs, for her own sake, to figure where Andy went, at least Kyle’d keep Tiffany safe as she looked. Well, she hoped so anyway. She finds her answer late, near dawn, the man’s body hanging from a noose. He’s got a message pinned to his chest, aimed to the thieves who’d been robbing banks. ‘Hung for thieving.’ She’d laugh if she could, instead she retches, moving to the side of the worn tracks, gulping air like it means something before wiping her eyes with worn shirt cuffs and heading back into town alone, she’ll slip wearily between Tiffany and Kyle on getting home, sleep off her hangover and work on forgiving herself… somehow. Andy had been her person for long as she could remember, before Chuck, before Tiffany and long, long before Kyle. Now she was here, held safe between two blondes who thought her safe, a good person… she only hoped she could be.
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cutedisneygirl · 9 months
Love Online
Chapter 13
Warnings: some language. The rest is just Chris being sweet. If I missed something I'm sorry. But I think that's it.
   "Babe?" Chris asks looking down at Merida.
            "You awake?"
            "Sorta." She smiles.
            "Its 7:00 pm are you hungry?"
            "Wow, how did it get so late so fast? Yes I am."
            "Why I don't I make dinner?"
            "You cook?"
            "Sure. I can cook."
            "What will you make?"
            "I don't know. I will see what I can find."
Merida laughs. "Okay. I can help you."
            "I got it. You just relax."
            "Well I do need to use the restroom. I'll be back."
Merida left the living room and headed to the bathroom.
Merida's POV
           "I still can't get over how wonderful Chris is. How in the world did I get so lucky? Me, just a girl who is a daycare teacher. I'm not famous. I don't deserve him. Chris keeps telling me to stop doubting myself and being so negative, but I can't help it. This is all to me. I am trying to trust him. I love him , I love him so much it hurts at times."
I think to myself. Just then my phone goes off. I see a text from Tiffany.
Tiffany-Hey girl! Have you been on Instagram lately?
Merida-Not for a while. Why? What's up?
Tiffany-Well don't. It's bad. Your all over it and the comments are not good!
Merida-What's going on? What happened?
Tiffany-Can I call you?
Just then my phone rings.
            "Hey girl! What's up? What's going on?"
            "Your all over Instagram. Lots of girls are not happy. There are a few trying to defend you, but most are just being mean. I think you need to stay off for a while."
            "What are they saying?"
            "It's bad. I don't even want to tell you."
            "Tiffany, tell me please."
            "I really don't think I should."
            "Tiff, please tell me. What did they say?"
            "They are saying your slut, your only after his money. You're not good for him. That you're only a fling. That he's playing you. They are still saying your ugly, oh and you are only using him."
"Oh my gosh! That's horrible! Why are they saying that?"
            "I don't know, but I'm telling you, don't look. I would advice you to stay off for a while and don't even look alright?"
Before I could answer I heard a knock on the door.
            "Babe, you okay?"
            "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute."
            "Okay, its ready."                                                                                             
"I'll be right there."
I heard Chris walk away. "Tiff I need to go. I'll talk to you later."
            "Alright. Love you."
            "Love you too. Bye."
I end the call and head into in the kitchen. I find Chris fixing our plates.
End of Merida's POV
           "There you are. Are you okay? I was getting worried."
            "Yeah I'm okay. Tiffany called me."
            She sat down at the Island. Chris set the plate in front of her and grabbed his plate and down next to her.
            "Wow, this is looks great."
            "Thanks. I hope it is. I've never made it before. I looked up a recipe online."
He had fixed grilled Salmon with green beans and some toast.
            "I'm sure it is." Merida says taking a bite.
"Wow, it's amazing!"
            "Glad you like it."
They continue to eat in silence and then Merida helps Chris clean up. They have just finished washing the dishes and Merida starts to head towards the couch when Chris grabs Merida's hand.
He wraps his arms around her. "Are you okay?"
            "Yeah why?"
            "You were awful quiet at dinner and your not acting like yourself. What's wrong?"
            "Nothing's wrong."
            "Babe, come on don't lie to me. You know I can tell when your lying to me."
            Merida sighs.
            "It's what Tiffany told me."
            "What did she tell you?"
            "She told me to stay off Instragm because girls are being really cruel. She said they were calling me a slut, ugly, that I am only after your money, that I am only a fling. That I am only using you, and saying your playing me."
            "She said there a girls trying to defend us but there are so many negative comments. Why don't they like me Chris? What I have done?"
"Babe, you've done nothing wrong. I hate to say it, but it's part of being in the spotlight. No one will ever be good for me in their eyes. They all want what we have. They want me, but most of them want me for the wrong reasons. It's just something we have to live with, I'm sorry. I know this is hard for you."
            "It's getting harder, harder than I thought. Chris I love you, I do. I love you so much it hurts, but.."
            "Babe, listen to me. I 'm here for you always. In order for us to work we have to trust each other and we have to work together."
            "I do trust you Chris, it's just..."
            Chris holds her face in his hands. "It's okay babe. I know this isn't easy. But I love you and I want us to work. I will do whatever it takes. I will take care of this. Alright?"
            "What will you do?"
            "I will talk to my manager. It will be okay don't worry."
Merida lays her head on his chest. "I trust you."
            Chris kisses her head. "Do you have any games?"
            "Yeah like board games. For something different."
            "Yeah. I think I have Disney monopoly."
            "Ooo, let's play it."
            "Okay I'll go get it."
Merida heads to her room and to her closet and reaches up on the top self to get the game, but she can't quite reach it.
            "Man. Chris!" She hollars.
Chris comes running into the room. "Babe, what's wrong?"
           "I can't reach it. Can you get it?"
He walks into her closet and reaches up on the self and grabs the game.
            "Thanks. It stinks being short."
Chris smiles. They head back the kitchen and sit at the dinning room table and play the game. Just then Merida's phone goes off. She looks down at it.
            "Babe what is it?"
            "I'll be right back Chris."
            "Mer, what's wrong?"
Merida doesn't answer him she grabs her phone and heads to her bedroom, closes the door and calls Tiffany.
            "Hey girl."
            "Tiffany, what is going on? What do you mean I need to watch my back?"
            "I just saw a really bad comment and..."
            "About what? From who? A fan girl?"
            "No not a fangirl."
            "From who?"
Just then there was a knock on the door.
"Babe, you okay? What's going on?"
            "Merida, can I talk to Chris?"
            "Why? What's going on?"
            "Let me just talk to him."
            "Why? Let put you on speaker."
            "No, hand the phone to him."
            "Why? Can't you just tell me?"
            "No, let me talk to Chris."
Merida opens the door and hands her phone to Chris. "Tiffany wants to talk to you."
            Chris takes the phone.
Chris's POV
           "Hey Tiff. What's up?"
            "Have you seen any of the comments on Instagram?"
            "No. Merida told me you told her about some. She said you told her to stay off it."
            "Yes she definitely needs to, but there is something you need to know about. I didn't want to tell Merida and scare her."
            "What is it?"
            "Is Merida close by?"
            "Hold on a sec."
Chris looks at Merida then leaves and heads outside to the backyard. "Okay I'm alone. What's up?"
            "Merida told you about her ex right?"
            "Well he's threating her. He's saying he's going to find her and come after her."
            "What! Does he know where she lives?"
            "I don't know. I just told her to watch her back."'
            "They have been broken up for at least 5 years right?"
            "Yes, but he has never forgotten her. She doesn't follow him, she has him blocked but I see his posts and he has been after her ever since they broke up and now since he knows she is with someone, especially you, he's jealous and plans to come after her."
            "What did he say?"
            "Hang on I'll send you the comment and his post."
Chris receives the text. He clicks on the text.
            BradleySimons84#-She got a tattoo for him! She never would get with me! She said she hated needles! Why him? What does he have I don't? She is only after his money! It will never last! She will come running back to me when he breaks her heart! I will be waiting with open arms. What we shared was something special she just didn't know it! She's my love and always will be! Merida, I will be yours again very soon!
BradleySimons84-I recently found out that my one true love is dating one of the hottest most eligible bachelor's in the world. The actor known as Chris Evans! I thought I was dreaming when I heard, but then I saw the pictures. She is going to regret breaking up with me! I am going to get her back! I am going to find a way! She doesn't deserve him! He's not right for her, for one, he's a little old for her and he will never love her the way I do! I am going to find her and make her mine!
Chris goes back to the call. "Wow, I...I don't really know what to say to that. Do you think he would hurt her?"
            "I don't know. I wanted you to know, but please don't tell Merida. She will freak out, she was a mess after they broke up and it took her over a year to get over him and she was scared for a while so afraid he was going to find her."
            "I won't say a word. I will protect her don't worry. I will not let anything happen to her."
            "I know you won't. That's why I told you."
            "I will make sure she doesn't see that comment."
            "Yes please do. Maybe find a way to block it so she cant see it."
            "I will. Thanks for telling me Tiff."
            "Your welcome."
            "Do you want to talk to Merida again?"
            "No, it's okay. I will talk to her later."
            "Alright, bye."
            Chris hung up and went back inside and found Merida at the Island. She looked up when he walked in.
End of Chris's POV
             "Chris? What did she say? Everything okay?"
            "Yeah, it's okay. Lets get back to our game."
            "Are you sure everything is okay?" Merida asked with a worried look.
Chris walks towards her and turns her around and places his hands on her face.
            "Everything is fine babe."
They go back to their game and Chris ends up winning then they play scrabble and at one point Chris spells out a word and when Merida sees what is it is she looks up at him in surprise.
           "What! Chris you can't be serious."
            "I'm dead serious."
            "But Chris we just started dating and...you..."
            "Mer, babe, I love you and want to be with you. I know I wont want to leave Monday. I would love to come home and know your there."
            "Chris, I have my job here. I love my job! I can't just leave it."
Chris reaches and pulls her chair close to his. "I know it's a big step. I know it would be a big change and maybe hard, but I know we would make it work. A least think about it?"
            Merida nods her head. "I will think about it."
            "Thanks babe, that's all I ask."
            "Yeah babe?"
            "I know my dad would kill me. He always raised me to never move in with a guy unless I was married."
            "If that is all that is stopping you, you can leave your dad to me."
            "No, that's not the only reason."
            "What is the other reason?"
            "I'm scared. It's a big step and as I said I love my job."
            "You don't need to be scared babe. It will be okay. Yes it is a big step, but if we love each other I know we can make it work and you can find another job there."
            "Would it be LA or Boston?"
            "Boston." He said with his Boston accent.
Merida smiled.
            "That's the first time I've ever heard your Boston accent come out. I love it."
            Chris smiles. "So will you?"
            "I told you I want to think about it."
They play until Chris wins.
            "It's late, we should probably get some sleep." Chris says.
            "I'm not sleepy. Can we play cards?"
            "What do you want to play?"
Chris laughs. "You really want to play that with me?"
            "I'll got get the cards."
Merida leaves the room. She leaves her phone on the table. While she is gone Chris quickly opens up her Instagram and clicks on the posts and sees all the comments.
Chris's POV
         "Tiffany was right, there are a lot of bad comments. And there is the one I need to take care of."
Chris quickly blocks the comment from Merida so she won't see it. She will never know what he did. He had just set the phone down when she walked back in.
End of Chris's POV
            "Here they are."
            "Your sure you want to play this? You know I can read you and will know if your lying."
            "I'm good at this game."
            "If you say so. You go first." He says flipping the first card which was a queen of hearts.
            "Queen of spades."
            "What! Are you serious? Your calling my bluff already?"
            "I am. Pick it up!"
            "You really want to do that? You sure?"
            "I'm sure. Pick it up!"
            "I think you better look first."
            "Babe, I don't have to look I know your bluffing."
            "I just know. I'm right aren't I?"
            Merida huffs and picks up the card and turns it over. It was a 3 of hearts.
            "See! I told you! I told you, you didn't want to play this game with me." He laughs.
            "It's okay. I will get you."
            "We will see about that."
They play for another hour and Chris ends up winning.
            "I use to be good at this game," Merida frowns.
            "You must have been playing people who couldn't read you that well." Chris smiled.
            Merida just glared at him.
            "Babe, hey. Come here." He says pulling her into his lap so she is straddling him.
            "It's okay. I'm just good at reading people, I always have been. I'm sorry. I love you."
            "I love you too. What time is it I wonder?"
            "I'm sure late."
Merida taps her phone and it lights up. "Wow it's 12:00 am!"
            "I knew it was late. We need to get some sleep."
            "I'm not..." Merida started to say and yawned.
            "Uh huh. Come on lets go." He says starting to get up but she stops him.
            "Yeah?" he says looking into her eyes.
            "Why me?"
            "Why me?"
"Why you what?"
            "Why do you want me? Why do you love me?"
            "Mer, babe. Why are you asking me this? Are you okay?"
            "Answer me Chris, please I want to know."                                                                         
            Chris sighs. "Because your amazing, your beautiful inside and out. Your smile is something I love to see everyday. You make me happy, happier than I have ever been. You love me for me, and not because of who I am."
            Merida smiles. "Thanks."
            "For what? Babe, are you okay? Your not still worried are you?"
            "Maybe a little. I'm sorry Chris, this is just hard for me. I've never had anyone treat this way before. I've never been in love like this before. I..."
            Chris takes her face in his hands. "I love you babe, so much. You are amazing. You have nothing to worry about. I promise I will not let anything happen to you and I promise I will take care of the media and the comments alright?"
            Merida nods her head as a tear trickles down her cheek.
            "Babe, why are you crying?" He says reaching up and wipes the tear away with his thumb.
            "Because you make me happy."
            Chris leans forward and kisses her on lips. It's a deep kiss and he holds on for a few seconds. Merida reaches up and wraps her arms around her neck, rubbing her hands through the hair on the back of his neck. He wraps his arms around her to hold on to her so won't fall. Finally, they pull apart a little breathless.
            "Wow!" Chris says.
            "Yeah wow. Not even sure those are the right words."
            "Babe, keeping my hands off of you is going to be so hard."
            "Then don't."
            "You heard me, don't."
            "But I thought you...you wanted to wait that you weren't ready."
            "I'm not ready for it, but..."
            "Maybe, some other stuff." She smiles.
Chris smiles. "We can talk about that tomorrow. I don't want to rush it and its late. We both need some sleep alright?"
            "Okay." Merida gets ready to get up, but Chris grabs her and picks her up.
            "Chris? What are you doing?"
He picks her up and carries her to her bedroom and sets her down at her doorway.
            "I love you babe, sweet dreams," he says leaning in and kissing her.
            "I love you too. Goodnight Chris." Chris starts to turn then turns back towards her.
            "Oh, don't forget, stay off Instagram."
            "But I wanted..."
            "Please babe, at least until I can talk to my manger tomorrow."
            "I wanted to post a pic I took of Dixie." She frowns putting her bottom lip out.
            "Babe don't give me that look."
            "Please Chris?" She says still putting her bottom lip out.
            Chris walks back towards her and putts his arms around her and sighs.
            "I hate it when you give me that look. I can't say no to you. Fine. But only to post a pic. Don't look at anything else! Don't read anything! Do you promise?"
            Merida nods her head. "I promise."
            "Alright babe. I'll see you in the morning. Love you. Sweet dreams."
            "Goodnight, love you too."
He kisses her lips lightly then walks towards his room. Merida gets ready for bed and then climbs in and gets on Instagram and posts a pic.
Disneydoggrl83❤️- She is just so cute! I love her. I was watching a movie on the couch, and she looked at me with this face.
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Merida's POV
"I know I promised Chris I would only post a picture, but it can't hurt to just look a little. Could it?"
Merida then noticed she had a pm. She clicked on it.
Fangirl # 4 Girl you need to stay away from Chris! He is not right for you! You do not fit into his world. He deserves better than you! You only with him because he's a celebrity! End it now! He's going to break your heart and when he does I will just laugh!
"What!" Merida cries. She then sees the comments.
Fangirl # 4 Girl what is wrong with you? He's using you! He's not right for you. He deserves better! Your only with him for his money! Your such a slut!
Fangirl # 1 @Fangirl #4 yes I agree 100% she is with him for the wrong reasons. He's going to end up hurting her. Your only a fling to him! He's using you! You are so not right for him!
Fangirl # 7 @Fangirl #1 @Fangirl #4 I agree with both of you! He's so out of her league, she is just a fling to him, it wont' last! That tattoo, will be one he will regret and he will only get it removed! He will hurt her! Why does she think he loves her? He doesn't love her, he's playing her! It will all be over soon!
Fangirl #2  You girls need to stop! Merida does not deserve all this hate from you. She seems like a sweet girl and I think Chris does genially love her and it will last! What is wrong with you! How can you talk about them this way?
Fangirl #4 @Fangirl # 2 Go to hell! You don't know what your talking about! Chris is famous and deserves someone more in his world! She is not right for him and I can say whatever I want bitch it's a free world!
"Oh my gosh! What! No! no!" Merida cries out loud.
End of Merid's POV
Chris hears Merida scream. He climbs out of bed and rushes to her room. He knocks on the door.
"Babe, you, okay?"
She sniffles. "Chris?"
"Yeah, can I come in?"
She sniffles again. "Yeah."
Chris opens the door and walks toward the bed and sits down and sees she is crying.
"Babe, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"I got a pm from one of the girls and... the..."
"What! Show me what did it say?"
She opens up the message. "And Chris I...I...read some of the comments."
"Merida, babe! You promised you wouldn't!"
"I know, I'm sorry!" she cries. "I couldn't help it. I..."
"Hand me your phone."
"I want to see that message."
Merida hands him the phone and he reads the message. He can tell she didn't respond to it.
"Have you reported it?"
"Do it and then block her and delete the message. And stay off of Instagram! If you don't, I will take your phone and delete it!"
"You wouldn't!"
"Try me!"
Merida then cries. "Why are you yelling at me?" She sniffles and continues to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I..."
            "Babe, hey, I'm sorry. It's okay. Shhh." Chris says taking her in his arms and holding her. She lays her head on his chest.
            "I'm sorry I yelled. I just want to you stay off alright. At least until I can take care of it and things calm down."
Merida looks up at Chris. "But Chris will they ever stop?"
            "Not completely no, but they will die down. It will just take time. I plan to talk to my manager and he will take of it."
            "Okay. I'm sorry Chris. I won't get back on I promise."
            "Okay babe. I love you."
            "I love you too."
            "Get some sleep.  I'll see you in the morning."
            "Okay, I'll try."
Chris kisses her lightly on the lips then gets up and heads back to his room.
Chris's POV
I lie on the bed and think about Merida. "I love her so much. I know it was crazy for me to ask her to move in with me. Especially since we just got together, but I want to protect her. I want to know she is looked after and is okay. I don't trust this Bradley guy and I'm afraid of what he will try and do. I will be leaving Monday and I am now not wanting to leave and let her out of my sight!"
I send a message to my manager.
Chris-I need to talk to you ASP. Please call me as soon as you can.
I set my phone on the table beside the bed and lie back down and close my eyes. I try to go to sleep but I can't sleep. My mind is going 90 miles an hour. I know I won't be able to sleep. I look at my phone it is 1:00 am. "Uh...it's going to be a long night!" I decided to look at Insgram. I see all the comments and then I see one girl let another girl who was tring to defend us have it!          "This is just crazy! Wow. Merida doesn't deserve this!" I lay there a while scrolling through all the comments. Finally I can't take anymore and put back on the table beside me and lay down and close my eyes but I can't sleep. Then I hear my phone go off. I pick it up off the table.
            "Hey, Brad. Thanks for calling."
            "Chris it is 1:30 am in the freaking morning! What's going on?"
            "I'm sorry, but I need your help. The comments on Instgram are getting bad."
            "Chris, you knew this was going to happen! You're the one who decided to go public with her."
            "I know, but its really bad. She got a pm from a girl who threated her and then her ex is threating her too. I'm scared for her. Is there anything you can do? I will be leaving here Monday and I'm scared to leave her alone. I don't know what her ex will do."
            "Mmm, well I could have some security watch her."
            "Yes do it! But I don't want her to know she is being followed and watched. She doesn't know about her ex her best friend told me about it and told me she doesn't want Merida to know."
            "Chris, I think that's a bad idea not to tell her, but I understand. I will let them know they have to keep a low profile. I need pictures and details of this guy."
            "I will find a picture and send it to you."
            "Okay. I will have it set up by the time you leave on Monday and head back to LA."
            "Okay thanks a lot."
            "Your welcome. Now get some sleep!"
            "I will try."
I hang up and place the phone back on the table and roll over and close my eyes.
Tag List: @cevansbaby-dove @lizette50 @nicoline1998enilocin @frogeezz-blog-blog @sarahrogersevans @eva-knits12 @krissy25 @katherineswritingsblog
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bisluthq · 4 months
I think it's interesting how the two past relationships Taylor describes as having the most psychological damage on her were both with guys she described as a twin in some form. Jake was a "twin flame", Matty was her "twin" and "best friend". Joe, which was a long successful relationship that was very good for her for most of it, she always described him from day one as being quite different from her and so she could "trust him like a brother". She was an outdoorsman, Joe was a hothouse flower. Joe was high above the whole scene, she talked shit with her friends and felt like she was wasting his honor; she dropped her sword and knocked on Joe's door. Matty on the other hand, was someone who had her picking her sword back up, who not only could she shit-talk with, but who could outdo her in it. I remember watching her TIFF interview when the ATW short film came out and she talked about how it depicts this relationship where the girl is wanting to impress this older man who is cool and pretentious, and uses a French press, and she made a joke about how much it crippled her and affected her approach to relationships for years afterwards and it struck me at the time as very honest and real. It was like she realized at some point, probably later on, that she'd had no business dating teens like Conor and Harry, but that was what the aftermath of Jake did to her. The Manuscript stood out to me because of it, not only the French press reference which I caught right away, but the bit about dating boys who have dartboards on the back of their doors. And putting The Manuscript of all things, with its description of the ATW video, as the last track on the album. It's all very meta and deliberate.
it defs is interesting!
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iboatedhere · 2 years
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“So I heard you met the parents.”
TK frowns as Jonah says a quick hello to Grace before slipping by to join Charlie on the Ryder’s couch, swinging his backpack onto the floor before hopping up.
“Where did you hear that?” TK asks, still standing in the doorway until Grace rolls her eyes and pulls him in.
“According to my husband, your daddy has been talking non-stop about his new best friend, Major Reyes, and it’s got the 126 in a tiff because they’re thinking firefighters are exciting enough anymore. It’s also got them asking questions about your new boyfriend.”
“Judd can answer them,” TK says, trying not to sound annoyed. “So can Mateo, he’s met him too.”
“You know Judd has more fun teasing them by withholding information and you know how Mateo is. He’s talking about Carlos like he’s a superhero.”
“You’ve seen the way Carlos wrangles those kids,” TK says as he follows her to the kitchen, “are you seriously telling me that’s not a superpower?”
“You know what I mean,” Grace says before offering something to drink or eat, ever the polite hostess.
TK shakes his head, kindly, because Carlos is the same way. TK might not know where they’re going tonight, but he’s sure Carlos will feed him. 
“If they’re really that interested they can Google him like Enzo did.”
“What makes you think they haven’t? Apparently Marjan has been after Judd to confirm or deny that his ass is that nice in person.”
“I think I’ll leave Judd to squirm for a little while longer,” he says and Grace smiles ruefully. “Thank you for watching him tonight,” TK says as he nods to the living room. “Dad had a shift and whatever Carlos has planned needs to be done tonight so…”
“It’s no problem,” Grace tells him. “I’m happy to do it. You know, Jonah is more than welcome to spend the night. The air mattress is in the garage, it’s no problem to go get it.”
“That’s sweet of you to offer,” TK says, “but Jonah doesn’t really do sleepovers. My dad has tried and if he won’t stay over with Buttercup…” TK trails off with a shrug and Grace nods. 
“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to stick close to home.”
“I told him I’d be back at ten thirty to pick him up,” TK says, “unless that’s too late for you.”
“TK,” Grace says, “I know I’m a little bit older than you but I am not old. I can stay up until ten thirty at night.”
“I’m impressed, I’m usually calling it at nine forty five. Thankfully Carlos is usually asleep by that time, too.”
“A match made in early retirement heaven,” Grace teases and TK grins. “I’m glad things are going well for you,” she says more seriously. “You deserve to be happy.”
“He makes me happy,” TK says. “I really owe this all to you. If you didn’t tell me about little league I never would’ve known. Thank you, I don’t know how to repay you.”
Grace waves him off then hums. “I’ve got a birthday coming up and could use a babysitter so Judd could take me out for a meal that doesn’t have paper placemats and crayons on the table.”
“Consider it done,” TK tells her, reaching his hand out to shake on it.
She obliges with a laugh as three steady knocks sound against the front door.
“Better get that so you two can get on with whatever you’re getting on with.”
“It’s a surprise,” TK says and Grace pulls an impressed face before opening the door.
Carlos greets her with a warm hello and a hug, and TK feels himself begin to melt when he turns his attention to him.
It’s ridiculous, really. They’ve been doing this–or something close to it–for nearly two months now but TK still feels butterflies everytime he looks at him. 
“Hey,” Carlos says softly before brushing a kiss against TK’s cheek. “Are you ready to go?”
“Coach Carlos!” Jonah calls from the couch as Charlie waves him over. “Come see!” 
“I am ready,” TK says, “but you’re not.”
“I’ll be quick,” Carlos tells him, kissing his cheek again before stepping into the living room to look at the kid’s drawings.
He sits on the edge of the couch and asks Charlie how her ankle is healing, and talks to Jonah about the upcoming game on Saturday. 
“He is very good,” Grace says as she knocks TK’s shoulder with her own. “You might owe me a couple nights of babysitting.”
“Whatever you want,” TK says, “it’s yours.”
Grace huffs softly. “You are all the way gone, aren’t you?”
“Definitely,” TK says before stepping into the living room as Carlos gets to his feet. “Jonah, we’re gonna head out. Be good for Mrs. Ryder, have her call if you need anything, and we’ll be back to pick you up at ten thirty, okay?” 
Jonah looks at the clock above the entertainment center to check the time and nods. “Okay.”
Carlos smiles at him then reaches for TK’s hand, leading him back to the kitchen.
“Thank you again,” TK tells Grace as she sees them out. “Call me if you need me.”
“We’ll be just fine,” Grace assures him. “You two have fun tonight. But not too much fun.”
“No promises,” TK shoots back as Carlos herds him out the door. “I hope ten thirty is okay,” TK says as they walk down the driveway toward Carlos’ car.
“It’s plenty of time.”
“For what?”
Carlos smiles and opens the passenger side door. “It’s a surprise.”
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gripefroot · 1 year
Crooked Ways [7/22]
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Bulma woke with a heavy tongue dryer than a desert and a distant headache the next morning. No, not morning - she blinked at the sky through the high windows and saw the view was too white to be the misty blue of morning. It was afternoon. 
“No more galas,” she muttered to herself, stumbling for the bathroom. “No more champagne. No more feeling sorry for myself.” 
Well, the first two might be easier to swing. She splashed her face with cold water, coming up with red cheeks and tired eyes and the front of her sleeping shirt soaked through. Bulma peeled it off, dropping it on the bathroom floor. A shower was in order, anyway. 
She’d gotten mostly dressed and made-up when a knock sounded on her door. Her heart jumped at the sound, thinking Vegeta! before rushing for the door to open it, forgetting the towel wound around her damp hair. 
It wasn’t Vegeta. It was Panchy. 
“Oh, hi, Mom.” 
Panchy carried a tray full of the best breakfast foods - toast and eggs and bacon - which made Bulma’s mouth water. She stepped aside to let her mother through. 
“I was wondering when we’d see you!” she trilled. “How was the gala last night, sweetie?”
“It was fine.” Bulma ducked her head out the door, glancing left and right - but the hall was deserted. Disappointment pinched her uncertain belly, and she closed the door regretfully. 
“We didn’t hear you get home last night, so it must have been a good party!” Panchy set the tray on the bedside table, pushing aside a screwdriver and Bulma’s sketch pad and pencils to make room. “See anyone we know?”
“Basically everyone,” Bulma said. She unwound the towel from her hair, not wanting to talk about her fuzzy memories of the dull gala. “Where’s Dad?”
“He’s working in his lab.” Panchy paused to rearrange a bouquet of dying flowers on the dresser. Bulma couldn’t remember where those had come from. “I’ve just been in the garden all day, the weather has been gorgeous.”
“Oh, you know him.” Panchy waved a hand. “Always training. I’ll miss the occasional explosion shaking the flowerbeds when he leaves.”
When he leaves. The reminder was a slap in the face. Because he would leave, just like everyone else. Suddenly the bacon didn’t smell so good. Bulma hid her face by hanging up the towel in the bathroom, hating the stupid pain in her chest. 
“He was in a surprisingly good mood this morning,” Panchy went on. Bulma returned to her bedroom, shaking out her hair. 
“No, Vegeta. He had quite the temper tantrum last night.”
“What?” She wouldn’t have expected it - he’d seemed his perfectly normal self during their midnight encounter. 
“Oh, that was after you left.” Her mom snapped her fingers. “That was the issue. Yamcha came by around supper time to take you to the gala but you’d already gone.” 
Bulma’s face went cold, as if doused by a waterfall of ice. “Yamcha? Came here?”
“Sure did, and all dolled up nice with a tuxedo and everything. Even brought a corsage.” 
“But - why?” Her mind was reeling too fast to take in what she’d already heard. Yamcha had come to take her to the party. He’d remembered, all these months later. “Why didn’t he go after me?” Bulma asked, her tone turning sour. 
“Because of Vegeta, of course.” Panchy’s bracelets tinkled as she made for the door. “They had a little tiff.”
“A tiff? About what?”
“No idea, sweetie. I didn’t hear the words exchanged but it wasn’t cordial. Then Vegeta hit poor Yamcha in the face and got blood all over his nice tuxedo.”
“He what?”
“Blood on his tuxedo,” she repeated, wagging a finger. “Do you need your ears cleaned, sweetie?”
“Not Yamcha - Vegeta.”
“What about him?”
“He punched Yamcha? Why?” 
“Like I said, I didn’t hear what they said.” Panchy paused in the doorway, red-painted fingernails tapping on the doorframe. “He couldn’t catch up to you at the gala with a bloody nose, now could he?”
Bulma didn’t respond, and Panchy’s humming faded in the distance down the hallway a moment later. Despite the bracingly cold shoulder, her legs shook until she collapsed on the carpet, holding her aching head in her palms with a pitiful groan. 
She was going to kill Vegeta.
But first - breakfast. Otherwise she’d stand even less of a chance against him. 
Her temper hadn’t abated by the time she stomped down the halls and out the front door of Capsule Corp with the training pod in full view. Occasional thunks and thuds broke the otherwise peaceful afternoon. 
Soon hers added to the din, because Bulma was forced to pound on the door in an effort to get Vegeta’s attention. The door was kept locked while the bots were out, to avoid accidental damage of an unsuspecting visitor. She was not unsuspecting. And she’d left her keycard that allowed her to override the lock in her room. 
“Vegeta!” she screamed, her arm growing tired from the incessant pounding. “Vegeta, you - you high-horsed buffoon! You jerk-faced worm! Cretin! Abominable, tailless raccoon - ”
The door slid open, smoke billowing out in an acrid cloud to swarm around her head, cutting off her spiel with several coughs. Eyes watering, Bulma could barely make out the looming man ahead of her. 
“What’s a raccoon?” Vegeta demanded. His skin shone with sweat, soot smeared over his face where his black eyes glittered. 
“How - how could you?” Bulma said helplessly, throat gone hoarse. Gosh, what had he done to the robots to turn the training pod into a smoking parlor? 
“How could I what, woman?”
“You - you - ”
His eyebrows lifted sardonically, waiting for her stumbling answer. Bulma stomped her foot, fists at her side and broken wrist straining in pain at the movement. “You punched Yamcha!” she yelled. 
Vegeta blinked. Then his lips twisted into such a sneer that if she was any less furious she would have skedaddled. “He had it coming,” was all the excuse he gave, and reached out to punch the door closed again. 
“No!” Bulma held out a hand, keeping the door open. The smoke had cleared, but it only gave her a better view of his already-ratty tank top and blackened sneakers. “Okay, fine,” she allowed. With a deep breath, still sour, she figured that agreeing with Vegeta would be more likely to reach him. “I know you’ve never liked him. You’ve never liked anyone, I suppose.”
He gave a derisive tch. 
“But,” she enunciated, voice raising in pitch. “You can’t go around punching people you don’t like!” 
“Of course I can, I’m - ”
“Prince of all Saiyans, blah blah blah,” Bulma interrupted. “Not Prince of Earth. You’re not the man of the house, Vegeta! This isn’t your palace and you’re not in charge!” 
Vegeta’s sneer deepened. 
“And I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” That was the clincher, she realized. With the horrifying, crushing weight of hurt stamping down her heart into a flattened disc she had to blink back tears, forcing her voice to be strong as she said, “You kept it a secret from me.”
He only shrugged. 
“You let me think he didn’t show up.” No point in pretending to sound strong. Her voice trembled. 
Vegeta grunted, his eyes narrowed but lingering on his face as he asked gruffly, “Did you expect him to?”
“No, of course not.”
“So what’s the problem?”
Bulma inhaled a deep breath. If nothing else, at least she could say none of her hurt spilled from her eyes, all dried up. “Because I thought all my friends had forgotten about me and I was wrong. Yamcha cared enough to remember, to come for me.”
Vegeta’s gaze withered away, focusing on the grass behind her. Without it she felt about ten degrees colder and brave courage to say,
“And then with how sweet you were last night, taking me to the roof…it made me think…”
His eyes snapped back to hers, glowing with danger. “Made you think what?” he asked roughly.
She found she didn’t have any words to explain what she’d thought. If she’d thought at all, in the tipsy state she’d been in. But she must have thought something, or else she wouldn’t feel like she’d been ground into the dust. 
Which had probably started when Panchy had mentioned Vegeta leaving one day…
“I understand you,” Bulma said, taking the last step up to the door where she could look Vegeta right in the eye. He didn’t back up a step, but he did balk slightly. “I really do. You act all rude or indifferent, pretending like you don’t care, but you do. You care a lot, don’t you? If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have done anything about Yamcha showing up. You wouldn’t have gotten out of bed last night to make sure I was okay.” 
“For the record,” Vegeta said, rewinding his balk and meeting her nose-to-nose. “I sent Yamcha away blubbering like a baby so I wouldn’t have to listen to your heartbroken dithering the next time he screws up. I need you in fit form to take care of this pod.” 
But Bulma just smiled. Hope fluttered her disc of a heart. 
“You’re rude so that nobody wants to look closer at you to see what and who you really are,” she continued. “You don’t want anyone getting close because then they’ll know how to really hurt you. And I don’t mean by punching your lights out.”
“Pretend whatever you want,” Bulma said breezily, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Nothing like winning a verbal spar with Vegeta to improve her mood. “Might not hurt to take a risk with someone who you know won’t hurt you, no matter what you show them.” 
“There is no one alive,” Vegeta began, his voice lowered to a fierce, dangerous pitch that sent a shiver licking over her arms and up her spine. “That could begin to comprehend me and refuse to take a shot where it counts. Anyone simple enough to refuse to hurt me is too stupid to understand. Anyone smart enough to understand would know to cut me down the first moment they could.” 
“That’s so sad.” She shook her head, turning to jump down the steps to the grass. A few more steps got her cleaner air, but where there was no smoke, there was no musky Vegeta smell either. “Next time,” Bulma shouted over her shoulder as a parting shot to where he stood in the doorway, watching her go. “Tell me when one of my friends comes over.” 
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zorilleerrant · 1 year
"Did you know?" Jace demands, slamming the door open, maybe a little too hard. It's a cheap door. Why is Luke living in an apartment with such a shitty door?
"Jace?" Luke asks, rubbing at his eyes. He's asleep in the middle of the afternoon. Typical. What an asshole. He could at least wake up when Jace needs to talk, like he always used to say he would.
"Hey. Your apartment sucks ass." He should've shown up in costume. Bat swooping in right in the middle of the night scares the shit out of people, if you time it right. He could've done that to Luke. Had the upper hand. He could use the armor, anyhow, more than just a too chic jacket and a logo tee.
"It's Gotham, man. Shit's getting knocked down again in six months, max, no one bothers to build for durability anymore. What are you doing here?" Luke yawns, stretches, scratches at his neck like he doesn't even care that Jace is here. Turns his back on Jace. Like he doesn't know they're fighting yet. "You want some breakfast?"
Jace does actually want some breakfast. But admitting that would be letting his brother win, so he's not about to do more than sit down at the counter, arms folded in front of him, and scowl. It's a waste of an excellent scowl, because Luke doesn't turn around even when Jace says, "dad says you knew."
"Knew what, dude, I don't even - oh. This is about Batman." Luke sets his utensils down carefully, pressing his palms to the counter to look Jace soulfully in the eyes in the way that really brings forward the childhood urge to bite.
"Fuck Batman," Jace tells him. God, this would be so much easier if it were about Batman, if this could just be. Another misunderstanding. A heart to heart about the face behind the cowl. What it feels like to swing down from the roof and drag a stranger from the maw of death. Anger at their father for hiding things.
Easier anger.
"Okay, well, if it's not about Batman, you're going to need to give me like fifteen to twenty to wake up, because I have no idea what the fuck you're even talking about. Can I finish making pancakes?" Luke doesn't even wait for an answer before he goes back to cooking. Why should cooking be different from anything else in his life?
Jace sits and waits for his pancakes. Maybe he's just too hungry to have an argument. His head drops onto his arm and he stares listlessly at the wall, and that, that, Luke notices. Waste of a scowl. He can't muster up the energy for a new one. "Did you know that Mom's not my real mom?"
"The fuck are you talking about, she's not your real mom, she raised you your entire life, she rocked you when you were sick, she cheered at your soccer games, she put your certificates up on the fridge. She changed your diapers, Jace, she's been there for you every second." Luke pauses, turns back to the stove, and - Jace is rolling his eyes before the silence even grows, because Luke is just that predicatable - then turns back, waving a spatula in the way he definitely got from Mom, except he couldn't have, because Jace got it too. "Some of my best friends are adopted, and they would kick your ass over that. Don't be an asshole, Jace."
Jace's heart falls, or his stomach, or something, something drops in the center of his being giving him vertigo like the space between sheer skyscraper walls, except this time he hasn't controlled the landing. "So you did know." There's a taste on his tongue like he ate something spicy, even though Luke doesn't put so much as chocolate chips in his pancakes except for Tiff. And Jace hasn't even eaten any yet.
"That you were adopted? Yeah, I knew - you didn't?" Luke gets that look like he's about to be the golden child again and turns the stove off so he can sit by Jace instead, arm around his shoulder, and it's warm and gentle enough to piss Jace off, not that he'll give Luke the satisfaction of shoving him away or whatever.
Jace just burrows his face deeper into his hands. It muffles his voice, but, hey, Luke's secretly been a detective this whole time, so fuck him. "I'm not fucking adopted, shithead. Dad cheated on mom." The words sound just as wrong in his voice as everyone else's.
"That's - what? No, that - there was some teenager in trouble, or like a single mom or something, it wasn't - it was just a normal adoption, Tim, Jace, sorry, there's nothing nefarious going on!" Luke still hasn't stopped hugging him, but the way his hand moves has turned mechanical, like if he were wearing the Batwing suit after all. It's starting to chafe at Jace's back, not like this whole conversation didn't enough already.
"Some lady at his work, I don't know," Jace says. He sounds tired. He is tired. He doesn't know why this should be his problem to deal with, why his dad's fucked up decisions are always his to deal with, years down the line.
Luke stares at the table with Jace, not moving even when Jace gets nervous enough to inch away. That's his inventing face - or probably his detecting face, now that Jace thinks about it - a soft furrow of the eyebrow, lips moving like he's muttering to himself, even though Jace doesn't catch so much as a name.
"He says it like it was a one time thing," Jace says, not quite into his hands, wishing the kitchen were shaped differently so he could stare apathetically out the window without straining his neck. "But they were at it long enough to have me. So I think one time doesn't really cover it, you know?'
"Oh, god, poor Mom," Luke says, in the kind of dawning horror Jace has been over for weeks now, curling his fingers against the counter like he expects a tablecloth. Jace doesn't know why he does - there isn't one in the whole apartment, and Luke hasn't been home for dinner enough to get used to them again.
"Poor Mom? How about poor me?" Jace says, admittedly petulantly, but he's the one here to be comforted and she's not, and he shouldn't have to whine like a kid to get Luke to pay attention to him. "Whatever. Just. Go back to the pancakes."
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snowwolflover · 11 months
A deal is a deal
part 5
I have to admit I got a little nervous myself when I got the yet back from Flora. What did she want to talk to me about? Did I do something wrong? God I hope not. I showed Kat the message and she had no clue what it could be either but in Kat true fashion she blow it off right away and went on with the night. We went and sat in the living room with some of the other girls and Kat eat and we all watched some Halloween movies since Halloween was coming up Next Friday, only 6 days away now. Everyone was getting ready for the big campus wide party that happens on Halloween night. it's one of the biggest night of the year and all the sorority and fertunits have to show up and show out. I was talking to Kat about it a little. A few hours had gone by and then I got a text from Grace
Grace: Hey Tiff, do you think you can come get me soon or would it be better if I asked Miss Rae for a ride?
Me: I can come get you sweetie, are you done now?
Grace: Ya, I'm good to go any time. the kids are all in bed and the cleaning is done.
Me: Ok I'll head over now.
Me: Am I going to get a good behavior report from Miss Rae about you? LOL
Grace: 😡
Grace: 🫣
Me: I'll be there ASAP.
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I told Kat I had to go get Grace and I would be back soon. Kat said she was going to crash anyway since she didn't get much sleep the night before. I gave her a hug and told her I would see her in the morning. We always go down to the local spot Sunday morning to watch some football and blow of steam. Kat started up stairs and I went out to my car and headed over to the house. I pulled up out side and walked up to the front door where I was quickly greated by Miss Rae. She once again invited me in and we made small talk as we walked through the house to a formal living room to sit down. We talk for just a minute before Grace walks in and sits down next to me on the loveseat across from Miss Rae. I give Grace a hug and with my arm still around her I look to Miss Rae, "So how was everything today? everything good?" I asked. As soon as the words left my mouth Grace reached under my arm and pinched my side causing me to yelp. "GRACE! That is not lady like, We don't do that" Miss Rae scolded. "Yes Miss Rae, you right. I'm sorry" she replied with her head down. "Anyway, The night was very good. Nice and relaxing for me. My children just adore Grace, she's just like one of my own. Family." My Rae pronounces. "That's great to hear ma'am" I said "If you'll excuse me, I'm sorry to have to cut our talk short but I need to get to bed myself. I have to be up early." I tell her and she accepts that and walks us to the door. Miss Rae wishes us both a good night as we get in to the car. As soon as I pull off Grace turns to me "I told you, you didn't have to check on me." She says in a pout. I laughed and said "I'm just playing... But did you have fun playing with the other kids" I asked as I reached over and tickled her. She laughed at being tickled and said "Yes mommy, I did" while still laughing. I have to admit my heart melted a little at her words. We made small talk the rest of the way home. once back to the house as we are walking in I asked Grace "Do you want me to come get you ready for bed and tuck you in, sweetie" She starts to say something and then stops. It takes her a minute to finally say "No it's ok, I can do it by myself. I'll see you in the morning" With that I gave her a hug and sent her on her way while I head to my room. "Oh" I called out. "I put the stuff we got today away for you and the extra supplies we got are in your closet, sweet dreams".
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The next morning I woke up early again and took a quick shower. I put on some jeans and a jersey for my favorite team and pulled my hair back. I text Flora and asked what time she wanted to talk. There was a knock on my day and then Kat came in wearing some shorts and her jersey too, "When do you wanna head out? I've got a few things I wanna do and need to know how much time I got." she says from the door. "I'm waiting on Flora to reply now so I'll let you know as soon as I get something, go ahead and do what you need and we will go when your ready." I reply. "Ok, talk to you in a little" she said as she closed the door again. a few minutes later my phone went off again and it was a messy from Flora.
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Flora: Hey Tiff, Come and meet us in the conference room in about 20 mins.
Me: Ok I'll be there.
now my head is really going wild. Who is Is? what did she want to meet with me for? Is she going to be ok with what I wanted to ask? am I doing something wrong? I didn't know what to think and my stomach was turning. My phone went off again.
Grace: Good morning, I was wondering if I might be able to go with you guys to watch the games today?
Kat: Ya you can come with us. Don't forget to bring your cup so you don't spill though. LOL, JK.
Me: KAT! stop being a brat. Yes Grace you can come with us.
Kat: I was just kidding, Grace knows that. Ya you can come, we will text when it's time to go. Tiff has to talk with Flora first.
Grace: Thank you, and don't worry I know Kat is just teasing and it's fine. lol.
I start to head to the conference room, which is really a formal dinning room in the house we converted. It has big french doors at the entrance so it can be closed for privacy. I get to the room and knock on the door. A voice called out from inside the room telling me to come in. I opened the door and entered the room. There was a large table in the room with 12 chairs all around the room. Our sorority bi-laws, Old charter and other sorority historical items were all hanging on the wall. In the room waiting we're 3 people. Flora who is the president and was sitting at the head of the table. Jane Who is sitting to her right and is the Vice President and Sherry who is on the left and is the secretary for the sorority. My stomach still in knots by the point, felt like I could be sick from the nerves. I walked in the room and was invited to sit down. I walked up the left side of the table a few seats to where there was a glass of water set waiting for me and sat down.
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"Good morning Tiffany, Thank you for joining us today" Flora said. "As you know I told you I was actually hoping to speak to you the other day, To start with let me just say you have done nothing wrong and are not in trouble. This meeting is about good things but is formal." i nodded that I understood. "Well Tiffany, As you know both Jane and I are going to be graduating at the end of the year and the sorority will need new leadership. We are looking for who we think is the right person to nominate as the next president. You are one of the most respected sisters in the house. You have always been in good standing and have done all the right things. I personally think you would be a great president, what are you thoughts on taking on a role like this?" Flora explained. I was in shock at this news. I had never thought about taking on something like this. "Well to be honest I hadn't thought of something like this before now but as you said I will do anything for my sister's. If it would be what was best for the house, for the sisters I would step into the role. I'm guessing I'm not the only person on your list of possibilities so please note that I will do anything you need to support the house, even if you make a different choice and just need me in a different role." I tell the group. Jane spoke up next, "You willingness to suppythe sisters is a major reason we looked to you. You have never been someone who pushed for power but have always done the right thing for the house. Even looking after sisters when they needed it. Like at the party the other night." "You know about that?" I asked. "Colt and I talked that night, He let me know what happened and that the other guys were coming by the next morning to help at the house" Flora said, "He and I have been friends for years" She added. "We would like to have you start taking on some more responsibility to see how the house takes it if your ok with that?" Sherry added. "I understand, and thank you. What things did you have in mind?" I ask of the group.
"Well we have 2 things we think would be a good start... First is you will be head sister for the Halloween party. Your the one responsible for everything from the sorority end. I know it's alot of work but we think you can handle it." Flora tells me.
"And second" I asked. "Well a good president has to be able to be the friendly sister and the strict one too, so we want you to be the one who leads the grades check this semester. As you know we have strict rules in the house that all sisters must follow and keeping up grades in classes is one set. You will be the one who looks at all the grade reports and issues out the punishment for any who have failed the check, Everything from the swats with the cane to full explosion from the house if needed." She adds.
Our house does have strict rules about keeping up with grades. If girls are failing class then then they are brought before council and given swats from a cane on there bare ass. The worse the grades or longer it's been happening the more swats they get. If things get bad enough then the sister can be expelled from the house although there has not been a sister expelled from the house is over 20 years. This time I would be the one looking in to the reports that are turned in by all the sisters to see who needs to report for this and what they will receive, it's alot of pressure to make sure you stay fair and even with everyone.
"I understand and accept these task for you" I tell the group. All 3 lady's smile and thank me for it. "Now, you said you wanted to speak to me as well. Is this a council matter or something for just you and I?" Flora asks. "I have two things to ask and I think it's a council matter. First I wanted to ask the council for permission to take another current sister as a little sister, I know it's not what we normally do but this sister lost her big sister at the end of the year and I think having the support would be best for her." I ask the group. They look at each other and exchange words quickly then turn back to me. "Who is the sister your talking about and are they accepting of this as well?" Jane asks. "It's Sister Grace" I tell the group. "Yes she is accepting of this arrangement as her and I have already talked." I tell them. again the group talks amongst themselves for a moment before Flora awnserd me. "We will accept this as well. Keep in mind this is not just a title but comes with responsibility as well." "I do understand and accept them." I say to the group. "What was the second thing?" Sherry asks. " I would like to ask permission to work some room moves. I would like to have Grace share a room with me." I tell them. The group looked confused for a minute. "You know big sisters are not required to share a room with there little, so I'm guessing that this is also something you two spoke about. That being said room assignments fall under my role and. I am ok with you making this move as long as All sister involved are ok with moving to a new room." Jane says. "Also we haven't had the chance to tell you yet but one of the sisters is moving in with her fiance and a single room is opening up. You were next on the list for that room so if that helps you make the moves you need you can use that." she added. "Thank you all." I called out to the room.
"If there is nothing else we will close this meeting" Sherry says. We all shake our heads and the meeting is closed. Everyone starts to stand up and the Flora said "Tiff, can you stay for just a minute, I have one more personal thing I would like to talk to you about." I turned and started to sit back down. Jane and Sherry excused themselves from the room and when the door closed Flora invited me closer to her. I moved chairs and set down. "Yes Flora what's up?" I ask. She looked at me with a big smile on her face " So I spoke to Colt about the other night, first thank you for taking care of everything. Secondly I wanted to let you know he asked alot about you. He and I have been friends since middle school and he tell me all kinds of things. Let say he liked what he saw both in your personality and other ways. Normally he wouldn't have done all that he did over the boys rough housing. So did you like what you saw too?" she asks. I started to blush right away "Well yes I liked what I saw. He had a great body but I didn't really get to know him much" I said with a smile. "Well I'm sure it would take much on your end if you want to get to know him more. He will be at the Halloween party and I wouldn't be shocked if he tracked you down there, just so you know. Don't worry I didn't say anything when he told me about you and I won't tell him anything now. I'm not even sure if he knows I know he's interested." She added. I couldn't help but laugh at that comment. "Ok well maybe I'll run in to him then and see how it goes" I tell her with a wink. We both laughed again and started to stand up. "Thank you Tiff" Flora said as she gave me a hug and we both walked to the door.
I went back up to my room and sat for a little while to get my head straight from everything. When I was clear I pulled my phone out and sent a text to my current roommate Breanna.
Me: Hey Bre, I have some good news.
Breanna: Hey Tiff what's up?
Me: Well it's a bit of a longer story but the short version is there is a single bedroom in the house opening up and it was offered to me.
Breanna: Oh that's great, so who's my new roomie?
Me: Well that's the thing. someone else in the house has asked to room with me so I was going to offer the single to you if you want it.
Breanna: Really? wow. I mean I'm fine with that if your sure?
Me: You would be doing me a favor, so ya I'm sure.
Breanna: Lol well if this is a favor feel free to ask for more any time.
Me: Thanks Bre, hope your having fun and I'll see you again soon. Is it ok if we set up the room for you? I'll make sure no one messes with your stuff.
Breanna: Ya that's fine. Thanks!
Me: Ok sweetie, have a good day. Miss you!
Breanna: Miss you too and I'll be back soon.
after my talk with Breanna I text both Kat and Grace and let them know I'm done and to meet in my room when they are ready.
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dirtywratsimz · 2 years
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Previous Post....
Some Tiff content to appease the masses. We've got a new character to introduce to our story in this chapter...
Haven't done a gameplay story post in a hot minute, so let's see if I remember how to do this.......
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Here's our girl, and her main man, El Capitán. We haven't been up to much lately in this household. It's been storming like nobody's business the last couple days, so tonight we were just chillin' at home. We didn't expect a knock at the door in this weather, though...
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It was another Nosferatu sim I made! This is Bridget Evans, a fledgling vampire who thus far has had no contact with the main cast. She's a bit of a Cleopatra. I think that she was probably a rising model that was maybe a bit too vain for her sire's liking.
She is romantic, paranoid, and squeamish. Tiff felt a pang of sympathy for her, since she just showed up on her doorstep in the middle of a storm with nowhere to go, so she invited her in.
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She was nice to Captain, too! Usually the first thing everyone wants to do is rudely introduce themselves to him.
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Tiffany definitely feels for Bridget's situation. She knows what it's like to wake up like this and not have a clue what's going on. After some chatting, it turns out Bridget doesn't know who her sire is, either, so Tiff made her a promise that she would help her out however she can.
There's that Nosferatu clan loyalty that I fell in love with...
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Bridget showed up on our doorstep absolutely terrified, so Tiff did her best to calm her down. It's clear that this has literally just happened to her. She's lucky she found herself here and not somewhere else...
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These two are hitting it off pretty well, even though Bridget still seems really off-put by this whole... ehm, we'll call it a "lifestyle adjustment". Still though, her situation could have been a helluva lot worse, and Tiff hopes she realizes that.
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A little smile. That's a start...
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"Listen, I know this shit is fuckin' freaky, but stop panicking. There's others out there like us in this town. We can help you out."
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"I ain't been doing this a long time myself, but you and me can probably learn something from each other."
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"I just don't understand how I'm supposed to get used to this... I was a model, you know.. ?"
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"Well, good luck finding work now, girl."
"I wonder if my agent's tried contacting me..."
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 years
This is part seven of my Chucky transferring his soul into a human at the end of Seed au! This part is a homage to how he first dies in the first Child’s Play movie, and I think it’s one of my favourite parts to write so far :). Like always, in this au, up until the age of fourteen Glen and Glenda go by he/him and she/her respectively.
It was nearly 4 am. Chucky couldn’t sleep though, he had been struck by an idea for a new painting around midnight, and was currently taking a coffee break after a three hour painting session. Nobody else was up, or so he thought.
Because it was so quiet and peaceful, it was easy for Chucky to pick out the sound of two little pairs of feet scampering down the hallway, towards the kitchen. This was such an inconvenient time, but that was all part of the game. Oh well, he’d better stand up and find a nearby wall for later in the game. One time he’d chosen a wall that had a shelf on it and had suffered a minor concussion.
They were trying to be quiet, but they were whispering and giggling softly with excitement, before loudly shushing themselves. Every time they played this game, they forgot to be silent, but Chucky never told them. That would ruin things.
Sure enough, after about five minutes, Glen and Glenda jumped out from behind the doorway. Chucky faked surprise, then fear. He stuck his arms up in the air in a ‘don’t shoot!’ gesture and began to run around the kitchen, being sure not to knock into anything. Tiff would be pissed if he broke another plate whilst playing this game.
He managed to outrun the twins for a whole two minutes, then they shot him with their water pistols. That was a new record for them! He never held anything back, his children may only be seven but they should know how to gun down a man when he’s running at full speed. He was so proud at how fast they’d caught him this time.
But that pride had nearly made him forget the next part of the game. So he immediately let out a fake cry of pain, then stumbled into the wall he’d chosen earlier. He really hammed it up this time, letting out little groans as he clutched him middle and slowly slid to the floor into a sitting position.
“You killed me! You hear that? You killed me!”
He really drew inspiration from his final words to Mike Norris in that toy store all those years ago. But of course, he cleaned them up a bit, he didn’t want the twins going into school and repeating some of his more colourful phrasing. 
With a final gasp, he collapsed onto his back, closing his eyes for effect. He could hear nervous feet scuttling nearby. He’d been really convincing this time around, anyone would think that it was a real bullet that had hit him, not just water. The twins seemed genuinely nervous, and Chucky was tempted to break the illusion to reassure them that their Daddy was alright, but he didn’t want to ruin the game.
One of the twins came over and leaned their head against his chest. Their hair was long and curly, so it was probably Glenda. He was surprised at this, Glenda was usually more cautious about this sort of thing, it was usually Glen that did this part, but they must have agreed on who did what whilst they were filling their water pistols. 
He kept still and slowed his breathing. He did his best not to laugh or even twitch when Glenda shook him. His little girl was so feisty, a stark contrast to her more mild-mannered brother, who usually would just lightly poke him if he was the one on ‘check if he’s alive’ duty. He actually was rather proud of how well he did at not breaking character, not even for a second. It was moments like this when he genuinely believed that he’d missed his calling as an actor, but he preferred painting. 
Glen slowly walked over. He laid on Chucky’s other side, as if listening for a heartbeat. He must have seen that in a movie or something, it was really cute. Any second now he’d finish the game, but he never left it the same amount of time. He liked to build suspense, always leave them guessing. It would help them when they grew up. This wasn’t only a game, it was a lesson in survival. 
When they were older, he’d teach them how to properly fire and load guns, but at this age it was more about fun and not actual skill. But he did occasionally correct their form, because even on a toy, the ways they’d tried to fire those pistols at first didn’t produce any water.
He’d open his eyes in 3… 2… 1…
He opened his right eye half an inch. Everything was a blurry shade of grey, but he could still see the bright red hair of his children, lying on his chest. Now came the fun part.
With a playful roar, he leapt to his feet, picking up a twin with each arm, tossing the giggling seven year olds in the air and then catching them again. He staggered over to a nearby couch and threw himself down on it, keeping a firm grip on the twins so they didn’t fall on the ground.
They were all madly cackling at this point as Chucky peppered their faces with kisses. Then Glenda angrily poked him in the side with a stern glare (or, as stern as a seven year old could look).
“Not fair, Daddy! I really thought that they were fatal shots that time!”
The twins had shot him in the left arm. Even if they were bullets, they would only slow him down at most. But hey, this was a good lesson for them, not about where to shoot, because anatomy would come later and that would only upset them, but instead he could teach them about double-checking whether or not a victim is dead.
“We were only playing, baby. Besides, this is a good lesson, always double-check that the person you shoot is actually dead. If you grab the victim’s wrist and feel a beat, that’s their pulse, and it means that they’re still alive.”
He held his wrists out to Glen and Glenda, encouraging them both to check his pulse. Glenda simply stared in fascination, but Glen giggled.
“It feels kinda funny, Dad. It tickles!”
Chucky gently removed Glen’s tiny hand from around his wrist and reached down to ruffle his hair fondly.
“Yeah, it does feel kinda funny, doesn’t it buddy? But it’s a better way to check if someone’s alive than just lying on their chest, y’see?”
Glen smiled and nodded, showing that he understood. With this new discovery, Glen and Glenda settled down to cuddle into his sides, trying not to fall asleep.
“Your Mom would murder me if she saw you two up at this time, my little gremlins. I really should get you both to bed…”
Glen and Glenda gave each other a conspiratorial look and nodded. Then, at the same time, they turned to Chucky and gave him their best puppy-dog eyes and wide pleading grins. Chucky could never say no to one twin doing this, this was the first time that the two of them had done it together.
Sure enough, Chucky crumbled.
“Aw, hell. Screw your Mom, you can stay down here with me. I’m working on a new painting, wanna come into my studio and make some artwork? I’ll even let you use the really expensive pastels I spent a crap ton of money on.”
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silvershewolf247 · 1 year
Part 2 of the last fic. Still not proofread. Might edit later.
Everyone has a response to terror. An instinct when the blood runs cold. Fight, flight, fawn, and freeze. The Ray family’s response to terror, is freak the fuck out. 
“Dad, stop it, let her go!” Glen screamed. 
“Glen, go to your room, the adults are talking,” Chucky said. Tiffany made a reach for the knife, but Chucky kept it out of reach. She was pinned against the wall and couldn’t move an inch without him noticing. Glen ran up to their dad and pulled at his shoulder. Their father just rolled his eyes. And when they started hitting him, he turned his head and released one hand to grab Glen and shove them to the ground. 
Tiffany saw her chance and grabbed the antler of the deer skull. It popped out of the socket and she bashed the back of his skull as he turned back around. He didn’t go down but she didn’t think he would. He let go and staggered back. She could work with what she had. She walked around him, putting distance between her and the wall, as he recovered. 
“Okay Andy, now that you’re back, maybe we can have a mature conversat…” before she could finish he had torn the deer antler from her hands and used it to bash her knee, sending her to the ground.
“Fuck Tiff, that took me hours!” he responded, tossing away the antler. He kneeled over her. 
“You’re still you” she said, confused. He put his hands on her throat again 
“Yeah, different piece, different body, different rules,” he said. Glen grabbed their head and tried to squint away the black spots in their vision. 
“Anyway, I don’t know what you thought bringing Andy back would accomplish. He wants you dead just as much as I do,” he said, his grip tightened around her throat again
“Maybe more,” he shrugged, “I mean, ya killed his sister,” Tiffany’s eyes widened. 
“...Didn’t,” she choked out.
“Oh please, you set up the bomb, I was a severed head at the time, even if I helped. You did it!” he responded, emphasizing the last sentence. 
“Not…dead…” she said. “What?” he responded, taken aback, his grip loosened slightly. 
“Kyle’s… not… dead” she said. His hands were off his throat, and he fell back leaning on his feet. He looked visibly shaken. Tiffany took the chance to kick him in the gut and knock him back so she could get up. Glen came over and helped her up. Andy grabbed the top of the end table to pull himself up. He leaned against the wall for support and grabbed his head with one of his hands, squinting with pain. Before Tiffany could even think about what to do next. Andy had pulled the knife back out and was pointing it at her. 
“Talk! Now,” he demanded. Tiffany was unfazed, Glen could see that. She went to the couch and sat down. Her knee seemingly recovered. 
“She’s not dead, don’t know how she survived, but she’s alive, she’s off with Nica and Glenda,” Tiffany said. Glen walked over to Andy. They were trying to get him to sit down, but he wouldn’t budge. 
“How do you know this?” he asked. 
“I called Glenda from a payphone and I overheard her on the other end,” she said. 
“You could be lying,” he said. 
“I could. But you and I both know I’m not,” she responded. Andy looked away from both of them. 
“Kyle’s alive,” he said. He was smiling, Glen never saw him smile that big. It only lasted a second before the same consistent terror in his eyes came back stronger than ever. 
“This is good news right, your sister’s alive, she can help you,” Glen said in a panic, trying to support Andy and get him to sit down. 
“You knew, didn’t you?” he asked. Glen really was a shit liar. 
“I managed to steal my phone back and call Glenda for a second, and they told me,” they said. 
“Must have been after me, because they didn’t seem to know about Andy’s predicament,” Tiffany said. Glen glared at her for a second before looking away.. “I didn’t get a chance to tell them, Dad broke my phone before I could,” Glen said. 
“Did you tell them?” Andy asked, Tiffany chuckled. 
“Of course not, that bitch stole my girlfriend, why would I give her help?” Tiffany said. Glen expected anger, or fear, but all of a sudden, Andy stood taller than before. He took a deep breath.
“Glen, do you remember what I told you?” he asked. After finding dad’s spare keys. He had told them how to get to the nearest gas station and told them he had a plan and how he’d tell them he was enacting it. Glen nodded. 
“I’m gonna need you to run now,” Andy said. Before Glen could react, Andy was in dad’s bedroom. They heard the door lock and a key fall down the sink drain. 
“C’mon Barclay, you got one shot here,” he said under his breath. Glen stood there. Once they heard their dad again, they could run. They’d borrow a phone at the gas station and call Glenda. Their mom was smiling. 
Then they heard their father screaming.
“HE SLIT MY FUCKING WRISTS!” Glen’s face blanched. Tiffany grabbed their hand and tried to pull them to the door.
“C’mon Glen, let’s get out of here,” Tiffany said with a warm smile. Glen could hear their father looking under the floorboards for the spare key and screaming in horror when he didn’t find them. Glen reached into their pocket where they had all the keys. 
“Glen, champ, I need you to open the door,” he sounded desperate. 
“Glen, we need to leave,” Tiffany said. 
“Glen, open the door!” he demanded.
“Ignore him Glen, he can’t hurt you now,” Tiffany said, petting Glen’s hair and trying to guide their head to make them look at her and not at the bedroom door. 
“But… he’ll die,” Glen said. 
“Your father has tried to kill us before, there’s no reason to protect him, plus he’s got other pieces of him, so it’s not even really death,” Tiffany said, trying again to pull them out the door. 
“GLEN OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!”  he was begging
“What about Andy?” Glen asked, concerned.
“What about Andy?” Tiffany asked, confused. 
“Andy’s dying,” Glen said. 
“And…” Tiffany said, before noticing Glen’s concern. 
“He’s my friend,” Glen said, they sounded small. 
“Look, Andy Barclay, is an annoying pest with little to live for who wants nothing more than to kill your parents. He’s made his choice. This doesn’t have to be our problem anymore,” Tiffany said, she held both of Glen’s hands. Glen finally looked their mother in the eyes. 
“You knew he’d do this, didn’t you?” Glen asked. Tiffany looked away for a second. Before looking back in Glen’s burning eyes.
“He threw himself off a cliff when he thought she was dead, it was fair to assume he’d die to keep her safe,” Tiffany said. Glen pulled their hands away. 
“Glen, I’m sorry, I know I’ve been shitty. I’ll be better. Please… I don’t want to die,” he was begging. 
“I think you should leave,” Glen said to their mother. They opened the bedroom door. Their father was trying to press down on his wounds with white washcloths that had been soaked red.
“What do you need me to do,” Glen asked their father. He gave them a small smile. “Get the first aid kit from the cabinet next to the kitchen. I’ll walk you through stitching up my wrists,” he said. Glen nodded. They went to grab the kit. Tiffany just stared at them in disbelief. When they got back, their dad started talking.
“Thank you kiddo. I meant what I was saying, I’m going to be kinder, more patient. We’re going to fix this, all of it,” he said. 
“Okay dad,” Glen said with a nod. 
“I love you kiddo,” he said. 
“I love you too dad,” they responded. Chucky pulled them in for a hug, dripping blood down their back. As Tiffany watched, Chucky flipped her off behind Glen. 
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
Make It Go Away
Some Teen/Young Adults Chiffany like 17-18
He felt numb. That was the most genuine answer he could respond with. He simply felt nothing. It had been about a week after his mom's passing, and he couldn't face reality yet. He'd walk into the kitchen, asking how her day was going or what she was making for dinner tonight....only to receive dead silence. He couldn't stop crying for the first few days, so he confined himself to his room, sobbing. Hiding away in self-isolation, he hadn't slept or eaten anything, he just lay sunken in his bed. Though he hated to admit it he held Mr. Fuzz tightly in his grasp squeezing the teddy bear, praying she'd come back....and that it was all a bad dream, that he could wake up from.
He felt lost and hopeless....bringing back the memories of his twin....and his grandfather. Now his mom....all buried in the ground...never to be seen again. It was the little things that hurt the most, whenever he went through the closet and the scent of her perfume lingered, in the mailbox where her magazines would he dropped off, and whenever the phone rang, having the sound of her voice echo in his ears.
"Hi this is Mary! Sorry I'm not at the phone right now, so please leave a message after the beep!"
That one was always the hardest, it always made his heart ache and made a piece of him die inside.
After sulking he went to go see Tiffany it had been a while since they talked...due to his self-wallowing and grieving.
He couldn't sleep, so at 2:33 in the morning he forced himself out of the house and walked over to Tiffany's. He had climbed up a tree and knocked on her window three times like he always did when they were kids.
"H---Hi Tiff"
She gave him a sorrowful look and helped pull him inside, still hazy and tired from being abruptly woken up.
"Are you ok? How you've been? I'm so sorry about your mom Sweetface"
"......fine.....fine.........me too..."
Tiffany pulled him in for a warm comforting embracing, sealing her eyes shut as she hugged him. Letting a single tear escape her eye. Tiffany's hand pulled him into her bed, allowing him to rest there. Chucky didn't think it was appropriate, but he gave in too tired to put up much of a fight. The blonde coiled her arms arm his waist noticing it had been much thinner, realizing he hadn't been eating all too much. She hugged him a bit tighter, only to loosen her grip feeling him begin to turn over. He wrapped a single arm around her and began to drift off to sleep for the first time in a while.
Tiffany awoke in the middle of the night, to her boyfriend trembling, making small, panicked gasps in his sleep. It appeared as if he was weeping in his slumber.
"Chucky...come on Sweetface"
Chucky only clutched the pillow beside him tighter scrunching his face, continuing to cry.
"Hey I'm right here......It's ok......you're ok....."
He shot up with a gasp clinging onto Tiffany still partially asleep.
"Make it go away...please! MAKE IT GO AWAY....No no NO...."
Tiffany tried her best to calm him down and gently hush him, but it proved to be of no use.
"She face it's ok.....hey......"
She lightly combed her fingers through his hair, holding him against her chest.
"It's ok......I---I'm sorry Sweetface.....I wish I could make it go away.....I would do anything.....but....I can't.....and I'm so sorry.....but she's resting now.....and in a better place."
Chucky only held onto her tightly and slowly began drifting off to bed, his trembling beginning to cease.
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cullen-by-choice · 2 years
A Twilight Visitor
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Carlisle Cullen x Fem!WitchOc (Elise DuMont)
Warnings and Tags: Language, Apologies, Stressful Phone Calls and the Sweater is ruined forever
Elise was still scrubbing out the stain a week later.
She sighed. It had been twenty minutes over the blistering, soapy sink. The mark of light roast coffee rested on the fabric, triumphant as ever. She wiped her cheek with her shoulder, observing the ruined garment before her.
“Well,” she said to no one in particular, “Fuck. That sucks.”
She dried off her hands after wringing out the soiled sweater. It saddened her that it was going into retirement as one of her bedtime clothes.
Elise considered sending Edward some sort of dry cleaning bill. She wouldn’t expect him to pay it, but it would’ve been lovely to see the vein pop in his head.
The town had been much too focused on the sibling tiff in the parking lot to even remember the coffee fiasco. Elise found herself grateful for that.
The least amount of attention she got, the better.
Twilight had begun outside her little cottage. The light of the dying day kissing the tips of the peaks made for a holy sort of show. Elise stared into it, letting her thoughts run freely for the first time in a while.
Jacob was sick.
She felt it coming from miles off. The fever that broke out of shifters was infamous, but she had gotten her first full taste with it in the flesh now. Jacob had looked absolutely miserable the first time she visited. Billy had said it was only going to get worse, when his son was out of earshot.
The memories of those fresh cries to agony made her blood chill.
Vampires. They were the cause of this.
She had tried to do research the best she could. The blood sucking creatures existed in the realms of mythology to the general population. That made it difficult to try to search through the internet for anything real.
She had wanted to ask Billy for more. Obvious circumstances made that impossible even if she wanted to.
A knock at the front of her door took her out of her reverie.
Elise glanced over toward the noise, eyebrows furrowed. She lived on the very edge of town- the same home she was raised in. The Dumonts chose this place for seclusion.
So who was willingly interrupting it, unannounced?
She rolled up her baggy pants to her calves before heading to answer the call.
Carlisle stood on her porch, looking out to the scenery behind him. Once he heard the door open, his eyes found her.
Calmer than last time she had seen him.
The Cullens hadn’t entered town for a week since Edward’s fit. It might’ve been to save face- she hadn’t known for sure if the doctor was still attending his practice. Surely he was. He didn’t seem like the kind of man to cower and seclude himself.
The corner of his mouth quirked up, “Miss Dumont.”
“It’s Elise,” she insisted once again, leaning against the door. She crossed her arms, clearing her throat.
He sighed, the smile fading a tad, “I… I know I just dropped by unannounced. I’m sorry.”
“Why should you be sorry?”
“I’m afraid both me and my family have made utter fools of ourselves towards you.”
Him? What did he do? Sure, Edward was a Dick with a capital letter. Carlisle hadn’t done a single thing besides care about her…
… as her doctor. As her doctor.
“What Edward did was abhorrent and downright embarrassing. He was acting like a tosspot.”
Yet another odd term.
“I can’t disagree,” she shrugged, “Ed seems real uptight.”
“He is. I can’t entirely blame him, but he’s also somewhat of a nightmare.”
“He accused me of stalking you guys.”
Carlisle looked away. She was surprised he didn’t have a sort of blush on his cheeks to go with the sheepish expression. He brought his amber eyes back to her, “I can’t apologize for that enough.”
Elise shrugged, “Good thing you don’t have to.”
“I’m afraid I have to. I lost my temper… in public.”
“Well, everybody does now and again.”
Carlisle stared at her. She wondered how long he could go without blinking. He then finally shook his head, “Our fights have gotten… ugly in the past. I would be mortified if that ever happened again. I just can’t excuse the slightest mess up in that regard.”
“You hold yourself to some pretty noble standards,” she thought out loud.
His eyes glinted. He cleared his throat, “I try to be, at least. Which… brings me to why I’m here talking to you tonight. Beyond apologizing in person.”
She raised an eyebrow.
Carlisle cleared his throat, “I would like to donate some books to your bookshop.”
El blinked. “I’m sorry… you what?”
“My family has an extensive library. It’s been in the family for centuries now. I’m sure I could find a few books fine enough to be sold at your leisure.”
She wanted to laugh. Not to mock, not out of humor. Just pure shock at the statement. The man standing at her doorstep had no reason to feel obligated.
“That… would be extremely generous of you,” she spoke, her voice soft, “but I hope you don’t feel like you have to apologize for anything.”
“I’m sure we can agree to disagree.”
She huffed out a laugh now. Out of humor. Partly out of exhaustion.
He kept his eyes on her as she did so. A smile of his own graced his mouth.
“You… are so odd,” she shook her head.
“What makes you think so? The crazy brother part, or the fact I’m offering you books?”
“You just… I don’t know.”
“I just what?”
His tone was probing. It danced along her skin and veins, begging her to open up.
Why did she feel compelled to?
“You carry yourself with this sort of class. Like you were raised right. It’s shocking to see someone in this modern day act with that type of grace anymore.”
Crap. Did she just overshare?
Her cheeks felt slapped-red as Carlisle studied her for a moment. Probably finding a specific rhyme and reason for why what she said was way out of line. Too intimate and comfortable.
Elise had been known to be too introspective with strangers. It was the witch in her, trying to find some form of connection behind the surface. Finding metaphors in her interactions was a hobby and pastime. And boy, did it put people off-
“You speak so passionately.”
She blinked. If she was red before, she was now diving into true, heated crimson. Her mouth opened. Then shut. Elise was floundering for words. She was flustered- downright robbed of speech.
“Don’t worry, I like it,” he smiled.
She could’ve died on the spot. Unnamed emotions were rooting their way into her arms and thighs. She swallowed, nodding without being able to do much more than look stupid.
Before she could speak again properly, her phone began ringing in her pocket. She reached in, seeing Billy’s name illuminating its way onto her screen.
Her panic shifted into another kind, her eyes widening as she looked up, “Sorry. I gotta—“ she gestured down.
Carlisle nodded, even being as polite as to take a few steps away to let her have her conversation.
She answered, and wasn’t even to get a word out.
“Elise?” Billy’s voice spoke.
His voice was ragged, high pitched and worried.
“Billy? What’s up?”
“He… oh god. He did it. He just did it.”
Her stomach dropped.
The static of the phone call was her only answer.
“O-okay. Is he safe?”
“I don’t know- he just ran off and….”
Crap. She sighed, her stomach dropping past her knees and into the ground. Time for feelings could be had later. For now, she had to follow through and help the Black family.
“Okay. Okay. I’m coming. Don’t worry.”
They both knew there was reason to.
They both knew it was useless to vocalize that. Not when an emotionally volatile wolf was roaming these North Pacific forests.
They said brief goodbyes. When she turned to face her visitor, he was convienently looking the other way.
“I’m sorry, I gotta…”
“It seemed important. Don’t worry. We can always discuss things later.”
Later. That word would’ve comforted her, had her mind not been racing through hell.
“Thank you, Dr. Cullen.”
“Until next time, Elise.”
Tag List: @not-ellie
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