#not to mention the ones with their birth name being adam
redpool · 1 year
There are way too many Adam's in wrestling.
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procyonloser · 22 days
(orc/elf Adamsapple mini. warning for mentions of childbirth and violence/bloodshed)
Adam was exhausted, his breathing was only now starting to even out, but he couldn't sleep yet. One of the taller elves handed him a round crying bundle, which he pulled up onto his breast.
The infant looked massive in comparison to the elven children that watched on from the entrance of the room - but it was minute compared to any orc children. His eldest child sat beside him on the birthing bed, sucking his thumb, not fully understanding what was going on, but he was just barely walking yet. Like his eldest, this infant had shorter pointed ears, somewhere between elf and orc, and a short tail, which the elven children found wildly hilarious. He knew his children would have a hard time growing up here, already being called names, like piglet. The alternative was impossible, his own village would kill them immediately.
Lucifer leaned in, pressing a kiss upon his brow, and then onto the newborn. A little girl, with a shock of blonde hair, showing she did take after him just as much as she did Adam.
"You've done beautifully, my love." Lucifer said, and Adam wanted to be happy, but the elven wet nurses looked at him with disdain at best, disgust at worst. They weren't supposed to allow orcs into their lands, and Lucifer was far from the most popular elf, even before he brought Adam home.
Maybe they'd find somewhere, someday, for their family - away from all the names and looks.
But how had he even gotten here? Well, it started two years back.
The orc village Adam was from was one of the largest, and Adam was the firstborn son of the current ruler. That, of course, didn't secure his position. He had to fight to keep it, and it was only a matter of time until someone challenged his father, or he was killed out on a raid. His sisters too seemed eager to get rid of him, but Adam wasn't about to let that happen. There were multiple ways to win favor within his village, but capturing an elf was always a big one.
They were fast, they could use magic, they had more advanced weaponry, and they had jewelry. They were always bedecked in things that glimmered, things that Adam's village had little of. Adam needed a wife to secure his own future as well, he needed heirs, and he needed gold to melt down and turn into a marriage dagger for the orc of his choosing. So, Adam needed an elf.
And, he'd just so happened to have spotted one in this area recently, an open glen within the woods. It was very far outside the line of their own territory, which meant the elf was either strong, or incredibly stupid - or as his mother Asherah, would say about Adam, a stunning mix of both.
Adam sat up on a high oak branch, one heavy enough to carry him, watching from above as his target made itself known. He couldn't tell if it was male or female, elves all looked the same to him, but it seemed short, even for their species. It walked around the glen, picking up sticks, bending them like it was testing the brittleness, before throwing them away. Elven bows were one of their worst weapons, the orcs had nothing so long distance besides throwing spears.
Adam waited until it was turned around, before he jumped down from his hiding spot, and swung his club hard into the elven figure with a cackle. It went flying, hitting a rocky outcrop, and collapsing as a cloud of dust rose around it. Adam grinned, resting his club on the ground, and waiting to see if the elf got back up.
"You shouldn't have come out so far, little one. You know, if you're not dead, all you need to do is give me all your jewelry and clothing, and I'll let you live." That was a lie. "You can go home." Adam wanted to see first if it was a male or female, then he'd probably trade them off to the humans.
The elf pushed up onto a hand, and Adam's grin spread. It was stronger than he'd thought. As the dust cleared, the elf got to it's feet, and made eye contact with Adam. Red eyes, that was uncommon.
"Somehow I doubt that," the elf said wryly, in a deeper voice than he'd expected. He had no weapons on him that he could see, not even a knife.
"Are you male?" Adam asked, and the elf gave a small nod. "Well, I have to admit that's less interesting."
Adam raised his club again, ready to finish the job. "Make your choice, elf."
The elf raised an eyebrow, dusting himself off, like he was entirely uninterested in Adam's threats.
Maybe because he was.
With a flick of his wrist, Adam went flying backwards, dropping his club, and falling down the side of a riverbank. Immediately, he knew something was wrong, he'd not expected such powerful magic out of an elf so small. Adam coughed, and coughed until it came up red as he landed, feeling a sharp pain begin to radiate from his center. Adam looked down, and felt cold. He'd landed on a downed tree, and a jagged broken branch had impaled him through his stomach.
The elf appeared at the edge of the riverbank, expression going from tired, to shocked. In an instant, he'd silently jumped down beside Adam, looking over the wound. "Oh no...I didn't mean for this to happen..." He whispered to himself, chewing on his lip.
Up close, Adam could see he was very pretty. A small heart shaped face, large eyes, long sharp pointed ears covered in dangling gold and gems. Adam's breathing got more haggard as he watched him move around, as though he was trying to find some angle where Adam wasn't going to die.
"Hey, what's your name?" Adam asked quietly, and the elf looked up, startled.
"I'm Adam. Could you do me a last favor? You elves have honor, right?" Lucifer paused, but nodded. "Could you give me one of your necklaces? When my people find my body, I want them to know I fought. I want my mother to have it."
Lucifer watched him, brows knit together as Adam spoke. He looked more pained than Adam felt, because, in truth, he'd started to not feel much of anything. He was cold, that's all he felt.
"This wasn't supposed to happen, why did you have to-" Lucifer shook his head, before he raised a hand, and Adam began to raise off the branch. Blood began to pour out of his open wound, as Lucifer lowered him onto river stones. A golden glow surrounded delicate fingers, and he pressed them against Adam's stomach.
"I'm not going to let you die, Adam. I'm going to heal you, then you can see your mother yourself." Lucifer said, meeting his eyes with resolution on his face. He raised a bloodied hand to Adam's cheek, caressing it just briefly, before returning it to start the healing work. Adam closed his eyes at the soft touch, and waited for death to take him, but it never came.
Adam woke up, who knew how much later, weak, but alive. They were in a cave, illuminated by a soft red glow, and he heard gentle singing, and felt a hand running through his hair. He leaned into the touch.
It was the beginning of their life together.
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thoughtsfromlayla · 6 months
My Dearest Defiance
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Summary:  Equal as an Endless, more than a human, yet less than a god. Where did you even belong? The question has haunted you since you first saw humanity rise into power. Now your brother has been kidnapped and you can't do anything to help him.
Notes: ~7.5k words, This fic is a follow-up to this post sent in by the lovely @kpopgirlbtssvt, thank you so much for the idea! I took a few liberties with the plot and I hope that's okay with you!
Warnings: Platonic! Big Brother x little sister! Reader, *side eyes* a lot of angst, violence, physical abuse, heavy mentions of cancer, implied alcohol consumption, minor Dreaming mind-fuckery, death of Reader (you come back...ish), death of characters, comfort in the end :)
Mother Night and Father Time, the first lovers, the everlasting lovers. And it was through their love that the Endless were born. Your eldest brother Destiny came first, birthed in dark cloaks and the book that was named after him. He is in charge of the fate of every being to live. 
Every being who has lived must follow the path of this fate and fate always ends in Death, your eldest sister. When Mother and Father realized that the humans must do something while waiting for Death, they birthed your favorite brother, Dream. He is hope, the one who gives the humans courage to stand up for themselves and make do with their lives. Soon, humans wanted more and in succession, the rest of your siblings were born: Destruction, Desire, Despair, and sweet Delight soon to be Delierum. 
While every Endless was busy tending to their own realms and their own duties, you were born. Endless in name but not in power. You were the runt of the family, with no realm to call your own, and no responsibilities of your own. Yet here you stood amongst the humans that soon called you Defiance, the human spirit, the resilience to continue despite all odds. 
You’re sure your siblings knew of you, certainly enough to be invited to family dinner once every 100 years. Yet you could never shake the feeling of inadequacy when you were sat at the far end, only to be over-talked by everyone. They were discussing important matters, after all, nothing that you had to concern yourself with. 
You only find solace in Dream, where no matter how difficult the days get, you may always find a home in his realm. While he is adamant about letting you stay in the castle, you find it more comfortable to live in a cottage at the edge of the realm where the forest meets with the vast unknown and you grow vegetables from the soil you tow. It also allows you to escape to the waking world without Dream knowing.
You love humans, their lives fascinate you to no end. They know of you, just as they know of all of your Endless siblings, but sometimes it just takes a little more for them to realize. You would never push them to admit to your existence and somewhere along the millions of years of existence, you have given up trying to be the center of attention. 
To understand humans is to live like them, talk like them, and love like them. Unfortunately, humans are more than that and often succumb to feelings of anger, depression, righteousness, and violence. You try not to associate yourself with those emotions, but it’s innate. 
It’s been a few weeks since you stepped foot in Dream’s castle, and who could blame you? The village in which you reside is much more fun than the dreary castle your brother tends to enjoy more. The thick castle wall blocks out the sunlight, it’s filled with dust and smells of wet stones and old books. Not to mention, when Dream was busy, there was no one to talk to. Lucienne was always busy, picking up after her King, and you don’t even want to get started on Mervin. 
He’s only nice to you cause you gave him his pumpkin head when his original turnip head started going out of style. Otherwise, it’s cigar smoke being blown into your face and sassy remarks. 
You’re out in the market square when you feel the presence of your Endless Sibling. You turn from the flower vendor with a big smile and wave at Dream as he makes his way towards you. The dreams that he created step to the side in the presence of their sovereign.
“Brother!” You exclaim when he gets close enough for you, wrapping one of your arms around his while the woven basket hangs in the other. 
The basket was filled with a few apples and a fresh loaf of bread. You were just about to buy a few glass snowdrop flowers before you were pleasantly surprised by Dream. 
“How do you do this afternoon, dear sister?” He speaks, leaning into your face to tease you. 
You giggle at him as the two of you walk the main road, passing dreams and nightmares alike, a few waving at you in greeting that you return.
“I’m doing great. I was thinking of going to the waking world later today and spending some time with Death, actually.” You respond, your arm leaves Dream’s as a different vendor catches your eyes. They were selling acrylic paints in colors that you haven’t seen since half a century ago. 
“Here, hold this,” You say as you hand off your basket to Dream. He does as he’s told and holds the basket, the white paint offputting to his otherwise completely black outfit. 
You grab a few jars of paint and can already think of the wonderful things to draw when you get back into your cottage. There was a specific lake nearby that you haven’t been able to do justice to, but you think you finally can with the new color. 
A brief conversation of exchange happens between you and the vendor before you turn around. You burst out laughing at the sight before you. Dream stood in the middle of the road where you had first told him to hold your basket and hadn’t moved an inch. His shoulders were stiff and taught as he held your basket as far away from his body as possible. 
“It’s not going to bite you, you know!” You practically cackle at him. Your giggles follow you as you carefully place the jars of paint into your basket. You think that you will paint some flowers and ivy onto your basket later tonight. 
You go to take the basket back from him but he’s quick to move it away from your grabby hands. 
“You specified that I should hold it, so hold it I shall,” He says and holds the basket higher, just out of your reach, when you go to grab at it again. 
You huff at his rather stubborn behavior, but he’s been like this since the beginning. He always looks after you and takes care of you. You’re always grateful for it, but you can carry your own basket. You resolve the conversation with a roll of your eyes but the smile on your face stays in place when you turn your back to him. 
Dream walks you home, basket now significantly heavier and full of things you didn’t really need. Well, except maybe the paint, it’s good to splurge every once in a while. Your cottage is basked in a warm light as the Dreaming’s sun slowly disappears beyond the horizon to rise in another universe. The pie you had baked this morning had long since cooled and you brought it inside with a hum, your brother still following you. 
He set the basket on the simple kitchen table before taking a seat and watching you slice up the pie with a smile. You set the pastry down in front of him and another plate for yourself. The savory apple flavoring takes over the senses when you take the first delicious bite. 
“I would like you to come back to the castle soon,” Your brother says as you take another bite. 
“Whatever for?” You question, a little bit of apple filling falling out of your mouth. “The cottage is my home.”
Dream sighs but answers anyway. “I will be gone for a moment, I need to take care of a rouge nightmare,  and would like you to be cared for while I am away from the Dreaming.”
“How long will you be gone for you to want me to live in that dreadful place?” You make a face as you think about the boring days ahead of you. Well, maybe you can escape to the castle garden if Mervin isn’t paying attention. 
“I cannot tell you for I do not know.” 
You purse your lips as you think about his request. “Fine,” You groan. 
“Best not see Sister Death today.” When you don’t bother with a response he speaks against “Farwell, sister. I will be back soon,” He promises you before standing. You didn’t get the chance to follow him to the door before he leaves, his apple pie still untouched. 
“Ugh, how wasteful.” You joke to yourself. 
You spend the rest of your evening painting your basket as you had wanted before packing up a few items for the castle. Your basket was a gift from your brother and had an infinite amount of storage. So you managed to shove an extensive amount of your wardrobe, the paints, and some of the freshly baked pastries into the small wooden thing. You set off when the moon was high in the sky and the stars came down from their afternoon nap and danced in the village square. 
Their stardust shoes clink like pure jade against the cobblestone road, illuminating the otherwise quiet and sleeping town. A few wave  at you, shimmering particles following their movements before they return to their waltz. You wave back to them before continuing on your journey, mindful of where you stepped. 
When stars come down to the Dreaming they become transparent and more gaseous than solid but that doesn’t stop them from burning hot. And unless you wanted to recounter that one time you stepped through one and started sneezing and coughing stardust for the next 10 years, you’ll keep your distance - only allowing for their natural light to guide your way out of the village and towards the castle. 
By the time you reach the castle, Dream is nowhere to be found and you assume he went out to do what he mentioned earlier that day. Your room was set up for you,  Dream obviously had some palace staff tidy up the room as you took a look around the clean environment. Otherwise, everything was in the same place you had left it since the last time you were at the castle. You yawn as you set your basket down by the door. First a good night’s rest, then you can go to the waking world to do your own things. 
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You sneak out of the castle a few minutes before dawn, the soft bed and good night’s rest giving you the energy you need to do so. You grimace when the door creaks loudly as you slowly open it, smelling the early morning dew on the grass and the warming dawn wind. 
“Where are you headed, my dear?” A voice stops you in your tracks. You suck your lips into your mouth as you soon recognize the voice. 
“Good morning, Lucienne,” You greet curtly, holding, or rather, hiding, your basket behind your black skirt. 
Lucienne gives you a pointed look. “Yes, good morning.” 
You give her a smile before stepping back out the door, only to be stopped when she purposefully clears her throat. 
“The question?” She presses.
You feign innocence and bat your eyelashes, not that it would work. “What question?”
“Lady Defiance, my Lord specifically states that I keep my eyes on you.” Lucienne holds her hands behind her back as she takes her stance. 
“By all means, keep your eyes - hey what’s that?!” You gawk as you point behind Lucienne. 
Lucienne snaps her head around to look at what you were so surprised by. She doesn’t see or sense anything when she does. It’s about two seconds of her searching before she realizes that she has been duped. When she turns around the door is swinging shut and you are nowhere to be seen. She slams the door open and only sees the last of your figure disappearing on the horizon.
You’re still giggling to yourself about pulling off that little trick when you reach the ocean of the Dreaming. The little wooden dock creaks under your weight as you skip across it. Having done this traveling before, you jump right in with a squeal, holding your nose close so you don’t get any water in. 
The water pushes and pulls but you don’t fight the current knowing that it will take you where you wanted to go. When you emerge, you cough once and the water falls off your body, leaving you dry in cloudy 1916 England. You wrap your blazer closer to your body as the wind picks up and leave the alleyway. The familiar smell of roasted peanuts from street vendors and car fumes tickles your nose when you turn the corner to walk into the hospital. 
“Hi, I’m here to visit Genny, uh, Geniveve, Geniveve Colemen,” You correct yourself to the receptionist. The woman nods and looks down at her computer. 
“She’s in the same room, 443. Here’s your visitor’s pass.” She hands you a laminated badge on a lanyard. 
You thank her before wearing the lanyard and going towards the nearest elevator. The elevator smelled of shoe polish and disinfectant spray and it made your nose crinkle. You just hope the smell doesn’t transfer onto your clothes. 
When you reach your destination, you knock on Genny’s door before entering. She wears her hospital gown and was reading a book when she looks up. A smile pasters onto her face when she sees you.
“Y/N!” She drops her book and sits up straighter. 
“Genny!” You exclaim back with the same amount of excitement. You place your basket by her bed before pulling out a fresh vase of flowers and setting it by her bedside table. 
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever, what have you been up to?” She asks.
“Yeah, my mother took me to some private tutor to help me study for my tests,” You lie through your teeth as you fluff the flowers to make them look more appealing. 
You tuck your school skirt underneath you when you sit down next to Genny and reach for your basket again. “I brought you some homebaked goods. I know this hospital’s food has got to be horrendous.” 
You bring out the baked loaf of bread you bought the day before and rip off a slice for her. She takes the loaf and inhales the scent. 
“Gosh, Y/N, I don’t know how you make such good baked goods. Your husband will be a lucky one if you stop trying to chase them off.” She giggles and muffles through her full mouth. 
You laugh with her, sparing her the details of your actual life. You bring forth the lie you had carefully planted yourself as instead. A straight-A student that goes to the same school as Genny before she was diagnosed with cancer, how you were her best friend that visited her when you got the chance, how you had gotten onto the school council and despite all of her poking and prodding, she would not get to know what the school formal’s dance theme is going to be unless she went with you tomorrow to the dance. You try not to think about how frail she has gotten since the first time you’ve met her. Her collarbones were poking out and you can see how hard it was for her to take even breaths. 
When she asks you again later in the visit about the school dance you rebuttal quickly. 
“Are you going to come to the dance with me?” You laugh. “Speaking of which, I got you a dress, too!” You go back to your basket, pulling out a formal dress, and setting it in front of Genny. 
“Wow! Look at the bead stitching,” She says, running a delicate finger over the beading and gems then over the lacing. 
“I’ve got a good eye, don’t I?” You sit back down with a smile and a tilt of the head. “It matches my dress, too.”
“What about your own date?”
“Oh, please, I don’t have time for boys!” You giggle again, hiding behind the lie that you don’t actually go to her school. 
“Oh alright, I suppose I must go to the dance with you so you won’t be lonely.” Genny surrenders. 
You smile at her, happy she finally agreed. “You’re a great friend.” 
Genny coughs after your compliment and you’re quick to reach for the water and hand it over to her. When she sits up to drink you go to fluff her pillow. Genny lays back down with a sigh and all of the warmth that was in the room leaves through the window. She looks like she’s aged when she looks at you again, another cough crawling its way past her throat. 
“I’ll leave you to rest,” You say, turning around to grab your things. 
“No,” Genny refuses. “Can you stay for a little bit longer?” She coughs again and holds your hand weakly. “I want to feel like a normal girl for a little while longer.”
“Okay,” You whisper and sit back down, feeling the chill of the hospital around your ankles. 
You watch over her as she falls asleep, the conversation taking the last of her energy. You begin to stare off into space, thinking about your life. You did your best with the gift of immortality, but as you stare at Genny’s tense face, you wish you could do more. Equal as an Endless, more than a human, yet less than a god. Where did you even belong? The question has haunted you since you first saw humanity rise into power. 
Your thoughts leave you when you feel the beating of wings and a flush of wind from the door. Your head snaps and you see your sister standing there in her black tank top and the same combats boots you wore. 
“Sister Death,” You greet with a small smile, previous thoughts disappearing. “What brings you here today?” 
Your sister only smiles at you. Your excitement of seeing your sister again is soon taken over by dread. You look between your sister and your friend and the dots connect. 
“Oh... what? No!” You stand abruptly between your sister and Genny. “No! She still has so much to do in life!” You try to reason with her. 
“You cannot bargain with me, Defiance. You know that,” She says in her soft voice. 
“I don’t care,” Your lips form into a line. “At least let her go to the dance with me?” You try one more time. 
Death sighs with exaggeration. “Fine, but not an hour more.” 
“Thanks…” You’re not entirely sure how you managed to pull that off, unbeknownst to you that your sister has a soft spot for you much like Dream. 
Your sister looks you up and down before she leans on the door. “So how are you doing, then?” 
You look off to the side when you answer. “Fine,” You grumble out. 
She lets out a huff, or perhaps a laugh, you can’t really tell. “Would you like to go on a walk with me?”
It was a tempting offer, after all, you haven’t spent time with your sister in a while. You thought about it for a little while longer. “No,” You end up refusing. 
“Genny asked me to stay a little while longer, so I shall.” You turn away from your sister and sit back down in the uncomfortable hospital chair. You keep your head straight, looking after Genny, and don’t take your eyes off her even when you hear your sister departing. 
When she does, a tremble runs over your body. You feel tears prick at your lashline as you come to terms with the fact that your friend will be dying soon. You did your best to prevent the inevitable, but with no powers of your own, it’s only a waiting game now. 
You leave when visiting hours are over, Genny has yet to wake up from her nap. You leave the rest of the loaf on her bedside table, and a slice of your apple pie. You decide to tidy up the room as quietly as you can and hang her dress on the hook that was nailed to the wall. With one final look at her, you leave, only hoping that your sister doesn’t go back on her word and take her before her allotted time. 
You spend the rest of the evening in the waking world, catching up on new things the humans have done with their time. You end your day on a park bench, illuminated only by a single street lamp. The park was quiet, you’re only accompanied by the sound of crickets and the wind along the trees. You take in a deep breath of fresh air. Oh, how you have missed this. If only it was closer to summer vacation, you would’ve taken Genny to the beach and had some sun time with her. 
When you are done relaxing you go to the pond at the center of the park, the fountain in the middle still squirting out water and creating magnificent shapes and splashes along the surface. You could see the stars' reflection rippling as you peer at the lake over a bridge. The wind blows and you close your eyes to savor the moment. 
“I wouldn’t jump if that’s what you’re thinking,” Someone says next to you. 
You open your eyes and turn to see a man standing next to you, no older than 20. He takes off his hat when you speak. 
“I wasn’t, but thank you,” You reply simply and go back to looking out towards the expanding city. He doesn’t leave your side despite your answer and it gets a bit awkward.
“Are you thinking of jumping? Because I would also not recommend that, sir,” You turn to him again and see him laughing. 
“No,” He says. “I am just here to think.”
“Just like me then. What bothers your mortal mind?” You ask. 
“Many things… I’m afraid I have let my family down.” 
“How so?”
“We came here on a boat from the motherland, nothing to our name but a few pennies. I was supposed to go to college and finally put our family on the map. But I failed and now here I am, talking to a stranger on a bridge in the middle of the night.”
You laugh along with him. You knew of him and saw his dreams a few times when you went out exploring in the Dreaming. He wanted to be a doctor, specifically an athletic injuries doctor but failed out of medical school before he even got the chance. You rack your brain to think of his name, and when it comes to you, you speak. 
“Do not worry, Albert Brocken, I’m sure there are many opportunities that will come alight in the near horizon. Perhaps you should take the entrance exam again, and see where it takes you.” You yawn and you realize that you should probably start heading home. 
“Yeah… maybe I should,” He concludes with a sigh. “I think I might go into somnology,” He says more to himself than you. 
“Somnology sounds fascinating,” You agree. “I must go home now, but best of luck to you!” You walk away, your shoes barely audible on the stone bridge over the gushing fountain. Albert doesn’t look your way when you depart, too focused on his new goal in life. 
You find yourself standing before an old winding cottonwood tree in the same park. It’s been here for years, growing into the magnificent tree it is today. It’s passed by thousands of England residents almost every day, yet none of them are willing to stare at it hard enough to realize that the bark of the tree isn’t real. 
You take one last look around the park to make sure no one else sees you before walking straight into the tree, the danging leaves caressing you like a gentle mother’s touch. The trunk of the tree turns into a curtain of falling sand and you pass through with no problems. When you emerge on the other side, the bright moon of the Dreaming greets you, illuminating and basking you in a soft welcome. When you come back into the castle, Lucienne is on top of you like a hot iron. 
“Thank the Gods you are well,” She panics as she holds your arms. After taking a good overall look at you, she wraps her arms around your body and brings you into a hug. 
“Lucienne?” Your question muffled against her crisp uniform. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, my dear, you hadn’t come back all day. I thought perhaps…” She trails off before she takes a breath. “Lord Morpheus hasn’t returned, and neither had you, so I presumed the worst.”
“Morpheus hasn’t returned?”
“No, but you are here. Tell me, did you see him while you were in the waking world today?” Lucienne holds hope in her eyes and you resent the next word you say.
“No,” Your thoughts trailed off. “Morpheus hasn’t returned?” You ask again.
“I am sure there is nothing to worry about. I may just be overthinking is all.” Lucienne reassures you. 
“Okay…” You don’t completely believe her, somewhere deep inside you you can feel that Morpheus is in danger. As the King of Dreams and Nightmares, a rouge nightmare shouldn’t be anything to be worried about. He should be home by now. 
Your eyes close as soon as your head hits the pillow, but thoughts consume you. After the dance tomorrow night with Genny, you will go searching for your brother. The following day came quickly and you paced back and forth in the castle hall, the formal dress you had on jingling with your movements. Your thoughts were in overdrive, there was Morpheus of course, but you also knew that tonight was going to be Genny’s last day. And knowing that puts a weight on your shoulders. You have to make sure that tonight is going to be the best night of her life. 
When the time came, you went to the waking world feeling dolled up and in an antique car with the roof down. Your hair had enough hairspray to survive a storm from Zeus himself. You pull up to the hospital in a screech, Genny already waiting for you in the lobby. You check your lipstick in the mirror one last time before Genny reaches your car. 
“You know how to drive?!” Genny says with a smile and excitement that you found contagious. 
You resecure the silk scarf that protected your hair from the wind and open a pair of sunglasses to put over your eyes. You look at her over the bridge of your nose, your eyes shining past the sunglasses before stepping on the gas pedal.
“I know how to do many things, sweet Genny!” You shout over the wind, pushing the glasses back to their original position. 
Each time you looked over at Genny, her smile still hadn’t faltered and the last bits of the sun’s rays caught on the embroidery of her dress. Her softness brings a smile to your face and for a moment you forget about your brother. 
You pull into the gravel driveway of the school formal’s destination. You had managed to weasel your way into the school council and they were able to get help from the local people. The theme for this year's dance was “A Magical Night” and a local citizen opened his manor to the students for the night. He called himself a mage, something that you rolled your eyes at as magic has been rare in this world since the faeries left it half a century ago. But you kept that to yourself, if he wanted to play make-believe, then so let him. 
Students were already lining up outside the decorated manor when the two of you arrived. You hand your keys off to a valet and walk towards the door, hand in hand with Genny. Her excitement buzzed through her like a shot of tequila. 
When you cross over the threshold of the manor you are genuinely surprised at the decorations of the place. The ballroom had been cleared out and a live band was playing music for students to dance to. There was a bar on the far end of the ballroom serving drinks and small snacks. A doorman takes your jacket away from you before you grab Genny’s hand and head to the dance floor. 
Many of Genny’s old friends soon recognize her and start to surround you two, the night is still young and the sound of laughter soon fills the air. You and Genny danced the night away until you both were sweaty and out of breath. Your make-up had gone a bit smudged but you didn’t mind. It was nearing midnight when most of the students started to leave and you pulled Genny away for one last surprise. 
Genny started to slow down a bit, the exercise of the dance sapping away her energy. She pulls through though and follows you to a winding staircase that leads to one of the roofs of the manor. The spring air chills you to your bone, but it is well received after the sweat you have built up. You help Genny sit down before you sit down next to her, the shingles of the roof poking through your dress in an uncomfortable way. 
A satisfied sigh leaves your lips when you look out to the vast countryside behind the manor. The stars twinkle as far as the eyes can see and from your advantage point, no trees are blocking the view either. Genny pants beside you as she calms herself down from the climb and leans her head against your shoulder. 
“I am so glad you made me come to this dance,” She whispers as she looks out to the stars. 
“Me too,” You agree, you begin the absentmindedly swing your legs back and forth. Your heels come loose and slip from your feet and both you and Genny laugh at it. 
“Gosh, I hope that didn’t hit anyone,” She continues to laugh as she cautiously peers over the side. 
“Or else they’d have to smell my stinky feet, ewww!” You continue her joke. 
Her laugh turns into a cough and your mood shifts to melancholy. 
A shift in the winds tells you that her time will soon be up. “Genny,” You start. “My sister is going to be here soon.”
“Oh, really? I didn’t know you had a sister.”
“Yes, I have a huge family actually.”
“Well, tell me about your sister,” She smiles, head feeling heavier as she puts her full weight on your shoulder. 
“She is really sweet, and a soft, kind-hearted soul. Just like you, I suppose.” You say. 
Genny doesn’t reply and tears prick your eyes. When you turn your head you see Genny standing up with a smile, yet her body still remains on your shoulder. Behind her stands your sister, a reassuring smile and a gentle hand rest around Genny in a side hug. 
“Your sister says that she’ll take great care of me,” She starts and looks at Death with a solemn smile. “Will she?” 
“Yeah, she’s one of the best…” Your voice dips into a murmur as you feel your lips tremble. 
Your answer is enough for her and she turns to leave. She seems to have remembered something as she turns back around and wraps her hands around your shoulders, her ghostly figure slightly falling through your physical form. 
“I’ll see you again, right?” Genny asks, hope lines her figure and you can’t bear to see it fade. 
“Yes,” You lie through your teeth. “Good-bye.” 
She turns to leave with your sister, blissfully unaware of your last farewell. The sound of Death’s beating wings was the last thing you heard before it was just the barren countryside again. Genny’s body grows cold by your side as you pet her hair for the last time. 
The manor staff came soon when you faked a scream and soon ambulances came and went with her body. You’re left in the aftermath of a romantic dream of confection and ribbons alone in the middle of the dance floor feeling numb. 
“Hey, lady, if you’re going to stand here moping you can at least help out,” A staff member calls out and you snap out of your thoughts. 
He hands you a few foldable chairs and tells you to put them up. You nodded along, not really having much else to do. You meander through the halls when you realize that he didn’t tell you where to put the chairs. It’s when you find yourself at a set of stairs that lead down towards the basement. And to you, it made all logical sense for humans to store their things in the basement. 
You open the heavy double doors and descend further into the musky basement. Candles were lit on the stairs and its melted wax coats the edges as it lightens the path. When you get to the bottom, you’re greeted by the host of the party that you met earlier in the night. 
“What are you doing here, girl!” He scolds. 
You hold up the chairs, unaware of his tone. “Hi, Mr. Burgess. I’m helping with clearing up after the dan…” Your final word trails off as your eyes wander past his figure. 
Behind him sits your brother and your jaw drops. Mr. Burgess tries to stand between you and him when he notices that your attention is no longer on him. Dream stands fully in his glass prison and you would have made fun of the fact that he was fully rocking out in his birthday suit if not for the situation at hand. 
“Oh, what the fuck,” You whisper, dropping the chairs.
You breeze past Mr. Burgess and stand before Morpheus. Golden runes that surround his prison stop you short as if there was some sort of invisible force field. Your head whips around and faces your host again. He stands tall as he stares back. 
“Why do you have my brother in a-a… fucking FISH BOWL!” Your words stumble out at the utter audacity of the situation, your hands moving around expressively. 
Realization dawns on him and you realize that you made a mistake. “So, you are one of his family. That man warned me about your kind. Which one are you.” He seethes as he walks towards you. 
“You face Defiance of the Endless,” You spit back at him.
You were in no mood to play, first, your friend dies in your arms and then you learn that Lucienne’s suspicions were right and that something did happen to your brother. This whole time he had been here under your feet while you were having fun. His clothes, tools, and dignity stripped from him as you drank enough sparkling cocktails to make Dionysus jealous. 
The man scoffs at you and spits at your feet. “Oh please, and I thought that it was going to be hard. I’ve heard of you, little girl. They told me that you are nothing, a nobody. You have no realm, no powers, you are barely a god.”
You stay silent as he speaks, rage flushes through your body and your muscles tremble. His words rang true, but here you shall stand for your brother. He advances on you and you find that you have nowhere to go. A sharp pain burns across your cheek as his pierced cane comes into contact with your skin. 
Your body follows the force as it throws you off balance. Your head cracks against the stone floor of the basement and a gasp leaves you. Your vision blurs from the hit and you feel warm blood sliding down your cheek like an unshed tear. In the distance of your mind, you hear Dream slamming his fist against his glass prison. You stand again, determined to not be bested by a mere mortal. 
His cane comes down again like a whip, hitting your shins and then once again on the back of your knees. The blow forces you to kneel before him, and your cries of pain echo in your head. The coarse floor scratches at your palm but you keep your breath as even as you can. 
“Is that all you got?” You sneer as you look up at him through your eyelashes. 
His foot comes towards your face and you squeeze your eyes shut right before the impact follows. Your body tumbles further away from Dream, but his slamming continues. You feel the wall behind you, its surface cooling down your heating body. 
“Stop, I command you to stop!” Morpheus shouts, command muffled.
“Dream of the Endless commands you to stop,” You repeat your brother's words. You use the wall to brace yourself to stand on wobbling legs.
Iron fills your mouth and you spit it out back at Burgess’ feet, much like he did to you before. You grin when you see him grimace at the act. You wipe your mouth clean with the back of your hand, very unladylike, but between the three of you, who is going to judge? 
A backhanded slap snaps your head to the side and another painful scream follows. 
“Stop! Cease yourself or face my wrath!” Dream continues to scream as your vision blurs again. 
“No, I can take it,” Your voice is coarse but the message is heard loud and clear. 
“Oh, you can take it, hmm?” Burgess taunts and his cane jabs into your abdomen. 
You feel like you couldn’t breathe, that no matter how much your mouth gaped open, oxygen didn’t fill in your lungs as you needed it to. 
“I can take it,” You wheeze out again, another hit forces you back down and this time you don’t have the strength to get up again. 
“I suppose one step higher than capturing an Endless is to kill one,” Burgess laughs on top of you. His heavy body straddles you and you feel his hands wrap around your neck. 
Black dots swarm your vision like the expanding universe. Your nails claw at his hands, drawing blood, as your body tries its best to fight back. Burgess picks you up by the neck and slams your back down, stars waltz behind your eyelids and a brief vision of home comforts you. A ragged breath crawls through your throat before another slam into the ground silences you. Despite your efforts, your hands grow limp and you feel your body start to break down. It flakes away like spring cherry blossom petals as you take your last breath. 
“No!” Dream’s scream is the last thing you hear. 
Your consciousness fades to black and it is quiet for once. It’s odd to think that an immortal being can die, but it’s true. The only thing that differentiates it is that you could be reborn. Immortality is a fickle thing. 
When you come back into consciousness, you can feel the Dreaming heal your soul. It wraps its warmth around you like a soft blanket and you finally feel safe enough to stop everything that ran through your mind. When you stretch out your limbs you realize that you weren’t in your human form anymore. 
Your perception spans further and you can see new angles you haven’t seen before through your eyes. You wiggle your toes, or what you thought were your toes and feel soft and fertilizing soil below you. When you look down you notice that your legs have turned into the soft bark of a willow tree. Your arms shake and the reaching leaves of the tree shake from the action. You sigh and your bark groans and creeks under your deflation. 
You soon become a welcomed resident in Fiddler’s Green, providing shade for the decreasing amount of dreamers that come to visit you. As the years pass, the Dreaming starts to die around you as Morpheus stays entrapped under the Burgess Manor. You stay as a tree, unable to move and help. Guilt eats you alive, leaving your core to rot from the inside out. 
Lucienne comes to visit now and then, but as the castle starts to fall apart, she can’t find the time to come by anymore. Your days grow lonelier as Fiddler’s Green decides to leave the Dreaming as well. You stand on dry soil in a barren wasteland. Your inaction keeping you hostage like a ladybug in a spiderweb. The more you struggled, the harder you found it to keep your human consciousness. 
So, you did the most human you could think of: you cried. Fitting, you thought to yourself, a weeping willow, well, weeping. Your tears came to fruition in the form of vibrant yellow blossoming flowers against the beige and cracking surroundings. 
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You stayed like that for the next 106 years. Your roots had grown so long that you could feel each corner of the dreaming, searching high and low for water to drink from. Soon, even that would run out. Another tear runs down your bark, your trunk growing deep grooves where the previous century of tears had carved. Despite all odds, your leaves were still vibrant and your flowers would change colors based on your mood. A trick that took you a few decades to learn. 
The moon rises higher and higher over the horizon. You follow its path, counting the fragments to keep your mind from boredom. It split in half 15 years after Dream’s capture and every five years or so, another fragment separates from the moon. You counted 18 fragments this time around, the same as the day before, and the week before that. You yawn, the bark shaking as you do so and close your eyes to rest.
You wake to a soft hand on your bark just as dawn cracks. Your leaves shake in surprise as someone touches you. It takes a moment to reorientate yourself and when you look down from your height your breath hitches. 
“Sister?” Dream calls out, his hand still on your bark. 
Relief floods your system just as a soft breeze runs its fingers through your thin leaves. Your catkin flowers caress his skin when he smiles at you. Just as fast as relief has found you, guilt consumes you again. Morpheus has escaped, it had taken him 106 years and all you have done is stand here and do nothing. Your branches groan again, more flowers blooming in its wake as you weep again, and the individual petals turn a deep blue color. 
Dream grabs one of your leaves gently as it tries to recede from his touch. “Y/N,” He calls out carefully. “I do not blame you for what happened 106 years ago.”
“I am touched by your sacrifice.” He pauses as he picks his next words carefully. “You were the only one who came to my side when I needed it.” 
You still stay quiet but your petals slowly start to return to their yellow colors. Morpheus takes this as a good sign and continues. 
“I love you, dear sister, I wish for you to never doubt that. If only I could give you a hug for all that you had done for me,” He prods and extends both of his hands outwards. 
You purse your non-existent lips in thought, a very tempting offer. Why not try one more time, to be by your brother’s side? Your bark groans again and you concentrate. You try to remember the details of your human body. How did your hair look? How did you hold yourself? Did you have a mole on this side of your face? 
Your leaves and branches start to shake and shrink in on themselves the more you think. You call in your roots and start to wiggle your toes. You think of your fingers and how they had done so much for you: the paintings you made, the pastries you baked. One last tear escapes down your raw skin and when you open your eyes again, you are looking at Dream through new eyes. 
Morpheus comes into your space and wraps his steadying arms around you. You sob into his jacket until it becomes uncomfortable. Your throat is raw when you’re finally reduced to hiccups. Through it all, Dream is holding onto you, gently caressing your hair the way you have liked since you were born. 
“I like this new hair of yours,” He comments as he pulls at a few strands of your hair. It’s longer this time around and kept the same emotional properties your flowers had. It changes from blue to green as your mood shifts. 
“Great, now I can’t hide my emotions anymore.” You mutter weakly to yourself as it changes to red at your slight annoyance. 
Dream chuckles above you and gives you one final tight squeeze. 
“Welcome home, sister,” He whispers. You take a deep breath, letting it fill your lungs thoroughly. 
“Yes, I am home.” 
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I did a surprising amount of research for this fic. Apparently, the first woman to attain a driver's license was like in 1900 so that's why Genny was so surprised you could drive. Also, I would not recommend driving in a 1916 vehicle? Looks like it could explode at any minute.
This was a request! And requests are open, just go to my page and hit that button to submit one.
If you do submit a request, it may take me a bit to get to them just because of the nature of it and my classes are starting to get ready for finals. (Your girl is graduating this semester woohoo!)
I will see you in the next fic!
♡ Yours, Layla
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rainforestakiie · 19 days
hi! i am back with part 03 of Promised Soul! so happy i got it posted! i will be writing your ask next @lilacwriter07 i do hope you've enjoyed this AU so far! everyone has been so nice!
this is an adamapple fic placed in the omegaverse. there is so much lucifer in this chapter, finally! lucifer was inspired by @inubaki's Naga lucifer!
Promised Soul (Omegaverse Mythology AU) = Part 01. Part 02. Part 03. Part 04.
The massive head of Quetzalcoatl loomed over the stairs; its stone visage larger than Adam’s entire body. It jutted out from the smooth side of the temple, surrounded by intricate feather-like carvings that framed the god's crocodilian face. Adam paused beside it, captivated by the beauty and craftsmanship. The details were far more exquisite than those he had seen on the walls below; each feather and scale was etched into the golden stone with a precision that seemed almost divine.
As Adam’s eyes drifted upward, he marvelled at the sudden surge of energy coursing through him. The moment he stepped onto the first stair, it was as if an unseen force was propelling him forward, allowing him to ascend each step effortlessly. It was maddening how he could keep going without breaking a sweat. Now, so high up that the entire layout of Pentagram City unfolded beneath him, Adam understood for the first time why the city bore its name—the streets and buildings formed a perfect pentagram.
He squinted towards the point that contained Eden and his family, spotting the eternal flames of the Phoenixs even from this great height. A pang of doubt gnawed at him as he wondered what his family would say if they knew what he was doing, defying the sacred temple in such a blasphemous way. If the Jorōgumo caught him, his life would be torn away in the most horrific manner. Would his clan even mourn his loss?
Shaking off the melancholy thoughts, Adam turned his gaze back to the carved face of Quetzalcoatl, releasing a soft sigh. The sides of the stairs were lined with emerald stones, reminiscent of the emerald bones Quetzalcoatl had used to create the first humans, animals, and gods according to their ancient lore. Adam reached out, brushing his fingers over the smooth surface of the emeralds. The story in their textbooks told of Quetzalcoatl’s journey to the underworld, where he gathered the emerald bones of men, women, and animals, but in his haste to return to the middle realm, he accidentally mixed them up, giving birth to their current world.
Tilting his head back, Adam stared up at the remaining steps. He still had a long way to go, and time was running out. He needed to reach the top before sunrise, or risk being spotted by the ever-watchful Jorōgumo. The thought of what might happen if he were caught flitted through his mind—would they devour him on the spot or hand him over to the Red Caps? The Red Caps were a gruesome breed, notorious for spilling blood just to keep their hats crimson. They were relentless killers, driven by the belief that the blood on their caps had to remain fresh at all costs. Lilith had once mentioned that if the Jorōgumo didn’t want to feast on a captured traitor, they would throw them to the Red Caps.
But the strange ache within him, the one that had been urging him onward, was growing stronger, pulling him up the steps with an almost magnetic force. His fragile body should have been aching, but he felt nothing but the burning need to reach the temple’s peak. He didn’t fully understand what he was feeling or why this overwhelming compulsion was driving him to such reckless heights, but he couldn’t stop himself. The closer he got to the sacred structure at the top, the more determined he became.
As the sky began to lighten and the first rays of the sun crept up behind him, Adam found himself nearing the summit. Pride swelled in his chest as he realized how far he had come. He pulled himself up what he thought was another step, only to find that he had reached the top.
Panting softly, Adam flipped himself over and let his legs dangle over the edge of the platform. He wiggled his feet, feeling an exhilarating mix of exhaustion and triumph. As the sun rose, casting a golden glow across Pentagram City, Adam’s breath caught in his throat. He had never seen anything so beautiful, so full of life. The city below, bathed in the light of dawn, seemed almost magical, as if the world had come alive just for him.
Adam lingered for a few moments, savouring the view despite the danger that might lurk below. He knew that staying in one place could make him an easy target for the Jorōgumo, but he hoped his altitude would keep him out of sight. Yet, the gnawing sensation deep in his chest returned, this time with a force that nearly took his breath away. A shiver ran through him, compelling him to sit up straight as an inexplicable urge drew him toward the temple.
It was as if the very force beckoning him knew he was idling just outside the door...
Adam wiped the back of his hand across his nose and forced himself to his feet, casting a final, wistful glance over Pentagram City before turning toward the temple's grand archway. The structure before him was breathtaking, a marvel of gold, red, and green. Emerald stones embedded in the temple walls glistened even more brilliantly as the sun crept higher in the sky. From this height, the temple's box-like structure appeared far more massive than it had from below, looming above him with an archway that resembled a gaping, cavernous mouth.
Adam trembled, his fingers knotting together in nervous anticipation. He had ventured farther than any creature from Pentagram City had dared. Slowly, he inched forward, the warmth of the temple’s stones seeping through his boots. He squinted against the sunlight as he approached the golden-framed archway, tentatively raising his hands to touch the gilded stones. Peering inside, he saw the sunlight flooding the temple, illuminating its exquisite murals—depictions of Quetzalcoatl himself. With nothing but the sparkling ruby pillars supporting the ceiling, Adam hesitated before stepping inside.
His gaze was immediately drawn to the paintings of Quetzalcoatl. His breath caught in his throat as he studied the mural, which dominated the main wall of the temple, a testament to the deity’s grandeur. Quetzalcoatl’s serpentine form was resplendent, his body adorned with emerald and gold scales, a stripe of lime green feathers running down his back like a soft plume. His underbelly shimmered with warmer hues of gold, orange, and red. The deity’s face, a blend of dragon and bird, was framed by a magnificent mane of rainbow feathers—blue, red, green, yellow, pink—every colour Adam had ever known. But what truly captivated him were the six glorious wings that stretched out from Quetzalcoatl’s long body, surrounding it in a halo of divine power.
And beneath Quetzalcoatl's body...were seven egg-like objects?
Adam tilted his head in curiosity, unconsciously stepping backward. Eggs? Why would Quetzalcoatl have eggs? Had the god consumed eggs during his time in the mortal realm? Just as the thought crossed his mind, Adam’s back brushed against something that was most certainly not stone.
It was warm. Very warm, but not unpleasant—quite the opposite, in fact. The warmth was comforting, inviting even, and Adam felt an almost irresistible urge to curl into it. As his back pressed against the solid form, his hands flew out to touch it, encountering softness and a series of feathery ridges beneath his fingers. But he resisted the urge to snuggle in, because whatever he was touching...was moving. The body beneath his hands was slowly breathing, its breaths shallow and rhythmic.
Adam’s eyes widened, his face draining of colour as fear wrapped its icy tendrils around his heart. He took a step forward, balancing on the balls of his feet, and slowly turned around. His body shuddered with dread, his eyes growing even wider, his jaw clenching in terror.
It wasn’t a wall at all. No, it was a massive, coiled body, its full-length filling nearly the entire temple chamber. Adam couldn’t see the creature’s head or tail, but the sheer size of the body made him feel as insignificant as an ant. What he had assumed to be wings were folded tightly against the creature’s serpentine form, draped over it like a protective blanket. Soft blue and white scales lined the top of the body, while crimson feathers adorned its back.
Adam swallowed hard, his body trembling as he tried to retreat without making a sound. But in his panic, he backed into a row of waist-high ruby pillars, each topped with an emerald stone. One of the stones toppled to the ground with a resounding clank. Breath hitching, Adam scrambled to retrieve the emerald, running his hands over it to check for damage before hurriedly placing it back.
The shallow breathing had ceased. Adam’s heart plummeted as he turned to face the once-slumbering serpent. The massive body twitched, then slowly began to unfurl. Huge wings stretched out wide, and a monstrous, dragon-like head rose from the coils of its own body. Glittering gold and red eyes narrowed down at Adam, the creature’s wings spreading with a deep, rumbling sound that sent shivers down his spine.
It was...it was...
“Q-Quetzalcoatl?” Adam stammered, trembling.
A deep, resonant voice rumbled from the serpent as Adam’s voice echoed through the temple, causing him to flinch.
“Not quite,” the serpent replied. “That’s my father.”
“F-Father?” Adam stuttered in disbelief. “Quetzalcoatl has children?”
The serpent let out a snort of amusement before twisting its massive body. It dove back into the nest of its own coils, but as it did so, the enormous form began to shrink. Adam watched in awe as the snake god’s body diminished in size until it was nearly as small as Adam himself. The creature’s form coiled tightly before a humanoid figure emerged in its place, pale arms crossing over its snake-like tail, chin propped on top.
"I believe I've mentioned that before, Adam," the man murmured, his voice laced with smug satisfaction, a sly grin curling on his cherry-red lips as he regarded the failed Phoenix Omega with an amused glint in his eyes.
Adam could only stare in disbelief, his mouth opening and closing like a fish pulled from the depths. The man before him bore familiar golden curls, crowned like a twisted halo atop his head, with two prominent tufts reminiscent of horns. His lips, lush and stained a deep, sultry red, contrasted strikingly against his mismatched eyes—one a molten gold, the other a burning crimson. From his wrists, black and green claws, framed by a cascade of crimson feathers. Further down, emerald and ruby feathers peeked seductively from his hips, forming a long, sinuous tail where his legs should have been. The tail was a mesmerizing tapestry of blue, red, and white scales, blending seamlessly into his serpentine form.
“You're real?!” Adam choked out, his voice a strained screech as he pointed a trembling finger at the ethereal being before him. “You weren’t just a figment of my imagination?!”
The man threw his head back, a rich, melodious laugh echoing through the chamber, deepening the flush of the crimson circles on his cheeks. “Sorry to shatter your illusions, but I am very much real.”
“You are?” Adam's voice wavered, barely more than a whisper. “You’re real, and...and you’re here? Here? You’re the—the what?”
The man tilted his head, an endearing gesture as he nestled deeper into the plush embrace of his tail. “Son of Quetzalcoatl. The youngest child, to be precise.”
“Y-Youngest child of…” Adam faltered, raising a hand to his temple as confusion swirled within him. “This can’t be real... Did I hit my head? Did the Jorōgumo catch me? Did Lilith kill me and I’m—I'm dead?”
A soft hum fluttered from the man's cherry-red lips as he tilted his head skyward, parting those tempting lips to release a sound so mesmerizing it could make the Sirens of the Black Lake envious. The man's eyes fluttered shut as an enchanting melody danced off his tongue, wrapping itself around Adam, binding him in its spell. The song was sweet and beguiling, twirling through the temple and causing the emerald stones to glow with an otherworldly light. The soft green and red feathers adorning the man's body shuddered, standing on end as he sang.
Adam found himself irresistibly drawn closer, his heart skipping a beat. As the man’s lullaby ended, Adam’s gaze was caught in the deep, entrancing pools of the man’s golden and crimson eyes.
"You sang that to me before..." Adam whispered, the memory stirring in his heart. "When I was a child."
"Indeed," the man replied tenderly. "You were crying. Do you remember me now?"
Adam nodded slowly, his legs giving way beneath him as he sank to his knees before the feathered serpent's beauty. "I thought you were a dream... Everyone told me there was no such thing as a feathered Naga. I searched for you, I never stopped looking, but..."
"I told you then, I had to return home," the man said softly, his long serpentine form beginning to unfurl from its nest-like coil. He raised himself, towering above Adam, and slithered closer, lowering his face to Adam's. "It seems you don't remember everything after all."
"I..." Adam bit his lip, uncertainty clouding his thoughts. "I was young and emotional. I convinced myself you were nothing more than a comforting dream."
A disappointed click of the man’s tongue cut through the air, though a fleeting look of regret passed through his pretty eyes. But it was quickly replaced by a determined gaze. He raised his black and green clawed hands, lightly cupping Adam’s cheeks, forcing the trembling Omega to meet his gaze once more.
"I wasn’t allowed to linger in the mortal realm for long. I could only stay until I had chosen my intended mate. Then I had to return to the higher realm, where I slumbered for five years, before descending to the underworld for the final years of my journey."
Adam swallowed thickly, feeling the heat of the man's touch seeping into his skin, his heart pounding in his chest. Mate... The word echoed in his mind, sparking a memory long buried.
"Now, tell me, Adam," the man’s voice slithered into his ears, sweet as honey yet tinged with a serpentine hiss. Adam’s eyes were drawn to the man’s forked tongue as it flickered out, teasing his cherry-red lips. "Do you remember my name? Even after I warned you never to forget?"
He couldn’t look away, the man’s face inching closer, his golden and ruby eyes hooded, pupils dilated, trapping Adam in a gaze that left him paralyzed.
"Say my name, Adam," the man whispered, his forked tongue brushing against Adam's lips, sending a shiver down his spine.
"...Lucifer..." Adam breathed out, his voice barely audible.
A sharp, wicked grin spread across Lucifer’s lips, his eyes crinkling at the corners in delight. The end of his feathered, rattling tail quivered with pleasure, his sharp clawed fingers stroking the soft curve of Adam's cheeks.
"Good boy," Lucifer cooed, nuzzling his face against Adam's. His hands held Adam's face still as he brought his lips dangerously close. "Now for your reward~"
"My reward?" Adam whimpered, his breath hitching.
Without another moment’s hesitation, Lucifer claimed Adam’s lips in a kiss. The soft, plumpness of those cherry-red lips sent a tingling sensation washing over Adam, making him quiver. Lucifer’s kiss was gentle at first, a sweet caress of lips, as he began to coil his serpentine body around Adam, not quite touching him but forming a coiling nest around him, leaving no escape should Adam try to flee.
Lucifer’s sharp fangs grazed Adam’s bottom lip, capturing it between his own lips and sucking softly, before slipping back to deepen the kiss. His forked tongue flickered against Adam's lips, a teasing request for entry, as the serpent's embrace tightened, holding Adam close within his seductive grasp.
Cradling Adam's flushed cheeks, Lucifer’s sinuous tongue persisted in its quest, licking insistently for entry until the tip of his tail slithered with serpentine grace behind Adam. It trailed along the nape of his neck, purposely brushing Adam’s Omega glands and sending a shiver racing down Adam’s spine. In that moment of unexpected contact, Adam jerked with a startled squeal. The sound was swiftly silenced as Lucifer’s tongue took advantage of the parted lips, slipping into the now open haven of Adam's mouth.
Adam shuddered violently, his back arching at the unfamiliar sensation of Lucifer’s forked tongue exploring him. The tongue traced the contours of Adam’s own, a possessive dance that claimed every inch of his mouth as its territory. Finally, Lucifer withdrew, pulling back just enough to leave a thick, glistening bridge of saliva connecting their rosy lips, a testament to the intimate invasion.
"You... y-you kissed me..." Adam panted, his voice trembling, his face an uncharacteristic shade of red.
Lucifer's grin widened with delight as he leaned in to steal another quick, playful kiss. "Mates kiss, Adam. They kiss all the time."
"Well, um, y-yeah, but I'm—not—why would you want to kiss me?" Adam stammered, his words stumbling over each other as an unexpected bashfulness crept over him. His mind was a whirl of confusion, and though he couldn’t see it, an instinctive sense of danger began to close in around him, tightening like a noose.
Lucifer's hands continued to cradle Adam’s cheeks, a soft rattle-purr emanating from his feathered tail. "Because you are my mate, Adam. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten that, too? You’ve been mine for ten years now, Addie~"
A shaky gasp escaped Adam's lips as Lucifer’s rattling tail continued its teasingly caress, sliding up and down his spine, brushing repeatedly against the Omega glands at the back of his neck—glands that had remained untouched for years, now throbbing with a newfound sensitivity.
Lucifer tugged Adam closer, pulling him into an embrace that forced the Phoenix Omega to rise onto the tips of his toes. Adam's hands instinctively shot up, grasping onto Lucifer’s wrists for balance, especially as Lucifer pressed their lips together once more, sealing their connection with another deep, intoxicating kiss.
It was nice. Maybe too good. Adam found himself melting into the kiss, sighing pleasantly and even beginning to try and kiss back. He stretched himself onto the tip of his toes further and push his lips back against Lucifer’s.
The sense of being wanted. The feeling that somebody out there wanted to mate with him, wanted Adam to be their Omega, had him warming up. A wetness formed between his thighs, making him rub them together.
Breaking the kiss, Adam was dazed and needy. He’s eyes were dilated and glassy, large and reflective. Lucifer purred, brushing his fingers over Adam’s cheeks with an even wider smirk. His long serpent body rattled, and he swiftly swirled himself around Adam’s body, caging the failed Omega against him. Lucifer’s clawed hands crossed over Adam’s chest, rubbing the hidden flesh through his sweater. His sharp claws pinching at the cotton fabric, slicing the threads little by little.
“Addie~” he sang teasingly, nuzzling his face into the Omega’s neck. His lips ghosted along the warm skin and soon his tongue licked across the exposed mating glands, making Adam gasp. “I can smell your slick~”
“My – my what?” Adam squawked, blinking his eyes furiously. His heart skipped a beat as he shakingly took in the sight of the feather and scaly snake body had coiled itself around him.
A hungry giggle escaped the feathered serpent Nephilim. Lucifer tilted his head, allowing his long fork-tongue to slither out. He ran it down Adam’s throat, tracing the macules and flickering at the collar of Adam’s sweater.
“Your slick. It’s strong.” Lucifer cooed, his right clawed hand crawling down Adam’s front and stroking his stomach. “It smells divine, it’s making my mouth water~”
Adam squirmed immediately as the wetness between his legs intensified. So that must be ‘slick’ and gosh, his face warmed up at the words. He quivered as Lucifer’s other hand continued to caress his chest through the fabrics, Adam’s eyes falling to watch the two hands anxiously. A knot began to form within his gut and his breath hitched further as Lucifer’s right hand sunk further down, sliding over his stomach fully and rest just above the area that contained Adam’s Omega-hood.
Releasing a range of rattle purrs, Lucifer continued to lick at Adam’s neck. His lips brushing repeatedly against the untouched Omega glands, enjoying the way his mate gasped and trembled from the actions. The clawed hand that was sneaking down Adam’s body finally reached the flimsy waistband of his mate’s black pyjama pants but instead of using inside like Lucifer originally aimed for, he immediately cupped Adam through his trousers.
A startled yelp escaped Adam, and he squirmed even more within the snake coiled grip, but Lucifer held tightly and secured. A wave of something new washed over Adam’s body as Lucifer abruptly began to rub his hand firmly between his legs, giggling as Adam reacted to the actions with delight.
Taking advantage of Adam’s reaction, Lucifer’s other hand slipped underneath Adam’s sweater. All the hairs upon Adam’s body stood up on end as Lucifer’s hand touched his chest somewhat aggressively.
“You’re so cute, Addie~” Lucifer hummed, resting his chin on Adam’s shoulder. “I’ve been dreaming of the day I get my hands on you~”
Adam’s breath hitched, making his throat burn and his eyes grow so wide that he feared they would pop out. His hips arched as Lucifer continued to caress him between his thighs, his legs trembled and the tingling knot deep inside his gut increased, growing tighter and tighter.
“You have? But why?” Adam gasped, his own mouth beginning to water with too much saliva. Where did it all come from?
A laugh bubbled from Lucifer, the pretty feathers of his body fluttering and scales glittering. Lucifer nuzzled his face into Adam’s throat again, pressing butterfly kisses along the soft flesh. “I don’t know what it is for you mortals, but for ones like myself, we mate for life. We can only court once in our lives. The moment I scented you, I committed my full soul, heart and body to you and you alone~”
“Oh…” Adam began quietly.
Smirking widely, Lucifer’s long fangs peeking out from his cherry-red lips, his hands continued to fondle his adorable mate. He pulled Adam’s sweater up, forcing his chest to be exposed and immediately grabbed the right breast. While his long-wet tongue extended over his shoulder and began to lick at the left breast. His eyes crinkled at the corners and became hooded with desire, the taste of Adam’s flesh was delicious. So much better than he could ever have imagined.
Licking his lips with a hiss, Lucifer twisted himself around Adam’s left side, slithering himself underneath Adam’s arm. His lips contacted the exposed skin and Adam released an embarrassing cry. He kissed softly the tender skin, rolling his tongue across the skin and even sucking a little.
Adam wheezed and clenched his teeth together, unsure of what to do. It felt good but it was all so overwhelming and making Adam feel rather lightheaded. It was just yesterday morning that Adam was depressed and heartbroken, thinking the only person who he could ever be with didn’t want him at all but now, hours later, he was tangled up and being touched by his apparent mate.
Lucifer gazed up at Adam’s face as he sucked upon the exposed flesh. A dark glint appeared within his gold and ruby eyes; the hand nested between Adam’s legs slid upward. He dipped his hand down his trousers and touching him again. Lucifer purred when Adam jumped in surprise and released a rather loud moan.
“You sound so pretty~” Lucifer purred, working Adam over tenderly and delicately. “You sound so nice, Addie. You really do.”
With another cry, Adam’s hips arched and everything inside him jolted. The tight knot unravelled vastly, leaving Adam out of breath and shaking. His vision blurred, stars shimmering across his sight.
With a devilish grin, Lucifer pressed closer to Adam's neck, his lips grazing the delicate Omega glands, sending shivers down Adam's spine. His grip softened, transforming into a tender embrace as he cradled the fallen Phoenix Omega in his arms. The serpent godling's sinuous form coiled around Adam, caressing his neck with gentle nuzzles that trailed upward, their cheeks brushing in an intimate dance. Lucifer’s intoxicating pheromones enveloped Adam, marking him as his own, a possessive and primal act of claim.
Adam’s vision blurred, his body a blend of numbness and warmth. As Lucifer captured his lips in a kiss, it was sweet, tender, and brimming with a gentleness that contrasted his usual cruel demeanour. When their lips parted, the sharp, predatory smirk that usually adorned Lucifer’s face melted into something softer, more affectionate—a loving smile that radiated from his captivating eyes. A low, purring rattle emanated from Lucifer, a sound akin to a contented serpent, as his golden curls shimmered with vibrant, iridescent feathers that fanned out like a hummingbird’s wings. Adam’s breath caught in his throat, utterly entranced by the ethereal beauty of the feathered serpent godling before him.
But then, a sudden gust of fresh air swept through the temple, dispelling the stifling heat and Lucifer's enchanting pheromones. Adam blinked, his senses slowly returning as the sacred stones were cleansed by the breeze. He squinted, glancing around in confusion as clarity and fear crept back into his mind.
Oh Quetzalcoatl... What had he done? What had he allowed himself to be swept into?
He had broken the sacred laws of Pentagram City, trespassed onto sacrificial grounds, and ascended the temple of Quetzalcoatl. He had committed treason, and the consequences would be severe—he would be torn apart if he descended. The Jorogumo warriors were likely already lying in wait, ready to capture him and exact their cruel retribution.
Worse still, he had desecrated the temple of Quetzalcoatl. He had allowed himself to indulge in something forbidden, something sacred. Lucifer could very well be the divine offspring of Quetzalcoatl himself, a holy being sent to deliver the next stage of destiny to Pentagram City. If Quetzalcoatl had not returned in his own form but sent his Nephilim son instead, it meant Lucifer was to fulfil this year's covenant with the people. And Adam... Adam had touched him, kissed him, allowed himself to be marked by him.
Holy gods. He was doomed. He had practically defiled Lucifer in the eyes of the elders! The punishment would be swift and merciless. They would deem him unworthy, a failed Phoenix, an unfit Omega, and he would be executed so Lucifer could find a more suitable mate.
Lucifer, who had been nuzzling into Adam with blissful contentment, barely had time to register Adam’s sudden panic. His golden and ruby eyes widened in surprise, round as an owl’s, as he tumbled to the temple floor in a dishevelled heap of serpentine coils and puffed-out feathers.
"Adam?" he called out, confusion lacing his voice as he pushed himself up from the stones, his sharp fangs glinting as they protruded from his lips. "Adam?"
The failed Phoenix stumbled to a halt in the archway, his gaze lingering on Lucifer as he bit his bottom lip. This was everything he had ever dreamed of— the boy who had promised to be his mate returning to fulfill that promise, a chosen mate who was more than he could have ever hoped for, a god himself. He yearned to return to Lucifer's warm embrace, but fear gripped him—fear of what Pentagram City would do to him once they discovered his transgression with Lucifer.
With a thick swallow, Adam turned and ran through the archway, his heart pounding with anxiety. The burning light of the sun blinded him, but he refused to look down at the walls, terrified of seeing the Jorōgumo warriors readying themselves to capture him. All he could think of was getting home, back to his flat where he could hide away, lick his wounds, and nurse his second broken heart. He would dream of the mate and the love he could have had if only he had been worthying.
Lucifer watched Adam flee, a disappointed growl rumbling deep in his throat. It took only moments for him to untangle his serpentine body, his clawed hands smoothing down his feathers as he straightened. His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of his right claw—the one he had used to caress Adam—and he brought his finger to his lips, licking it thoughtfully.
Adam had rejected him? Adam had run away from him? No. Absolutely not. That wasn’t allowed. Adam was his. Adam was his mate. He wasn’t allowed to change his mind. Lucifer’s blood and soul screamed for only one mate, and he had chosen Adam.
With a determined huff, Lucifer licked his fingers clean and slithered toward the archway, the bright sunlight barely fazing him as he poked his head out, gazing over the city his father had created.
“So, this is Pentagram City?” he clicked his tongue in distaste. “I expected something bigger.”
Lucifer's skin crackled and snapped, a sinister symphony echoing down the winding staircase as his eyes narrowed, sharp and unforgiving. His fork-tipped tongue slipped out like a serpent’s kiss, tasting the air, while the tip of his tail rattled with anticipation. Through the dim light, he glimpsed the silhouette of Adam, hastily descending the golden steps, his every movement betraying his desperation.
With a sudden, violent twitch, Lucifer's body surged, and from his back erupted six magnificent wings, their beauty both terrifying and divine. They stretched out along his spine, extending all the way to the base of his rattle-tailed form, a display of dark splendor. A low, rumbling purr escaped his lips as his clawed hands curled around the edge of the top step. Leaning forward, his shoulders rose, framing his face as his blood-red eyes flared with predatory hunger. The spider-like women clinging to the walls of his father’s domain caught his gaze, their presence only deepening his hunger.
"Ah," he murmured, arching his wings wide, feeling the power ripple through them as he tested their strength. It had been far too long since he had flown in this form, a form both glorious and deadly. "Adam’s about to stumble into a web of trouble, and I haven’t feasted in such a long time..."
With a graceful, effortless motion, Lucifer launched himself into the sky. His wings beat with a speed that outpaced a bullet, carrying him swiftly through the air, unseen and unstoppable. For whom could ever hope to spot the Nephilim coming? After all, Lucifer was the very child of the winds, an omen of doom that none could escape.
It was a strange sensation, one that Adam couldn’t quite explain. An inexplicable surge of energy pulsed through him, propelling his legs faster than they’d ever moved before. He leaped down the temple steps, his skin tingling with a sense of foreboding, as if unseen eyes were watching him from above. Yet, every time he glanced upward, he found nothing but darkness.
The failed Phoenix dashed across the sacrificial grounds, his heart pounding in his chest. He sprinted straight through the night sky's twinkling pathway, eyes fixed on the ancient wall of Quetzalcoatl. His throat burned, his nostrils flaring as if inhaling fire. Suddenly, a chill sliced through him when he glimpsed the silhouette of a Jorōgumo warrior near the wall. But as he drew closer, the shadowy figure vanished as though it had never been there. Had he looked more closely, he might have noticed the fresh blood staining the ground beneath his feet, but fear blinded him to the signs.
His heart raced, pounding a relentless rhythm in his chest, urging him not to stop. And so he didn’t. He skidded forward, dropping to his knees, scrambling across the cold stone. Unaware, he crawled beneath the statue of Quetzalcoatl, his hands outstretched, reaching for safety. Just as he pulled himself through, the waiting Jorōgumo warrior, hidden in the shadows, barely had time to scream before being snatched away by a blur in the sky. Adam blinked in confusion; his breath ragged as he glanced around.
"Where did all the Jorōgumo go?" he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck, wincing as his fingers brushed over his sensitive Omega glands. Startled, he jerked his hand away, stumbling to his feet, and began to speed walk toward the border of Pentagram City.
"Maybe they didn’t notice me," he whispered to himself, picking up his pace.
 His eyes brightened as he spotted other creatures of the city going about their daily business. It seemed no one had noticed him sneaking past the walls. Maybe he really was lucky! Perhaps Lilith herself had taken pity on him, distracting her clan just long enough for him to slip by unnoticed.
Unbeknownst to Adam, the Jorōgumo warriors were being silently picked off behind him, one by one, by a shadowy figure darting through the sky. Oblivious to the chaos, he zigzagged through Pentagram City, his legs burning as he jogged past the crowds. His ears rang with the echo of his own heartbeat, so heavy and fast that it made him dizzy. But still, Adam didn’t pause, driven by a desperate need to return to the safety of his rundown flat.
When his apartment building finally came into view, Adam nearly wept with relief. His eyes glistened with tears as he slowed to a walk, sweat trickling down his clammy skin. He leaned over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. But his relief was short-lived. A cold dread washed over him as he felt a hand on his backside.
Adam's eyes widened in horror as he shot upright and spun around, only to find himself face-to-face with the seedy Alpha Minotaur. The very same Alpha who delighted in stalking him, his eyes gleaming with sinister intent.
"Not today," Adam choked out, his chest still heaving as he tried to push past the brute. "I'm in no mood for your bullshit."
"That's a bit harsh," the Minotaur growled, his voice a smoky rumble that sent a shiver through Adam's spine. His massive, calloused hand clamped around Adam's arm, effortlessly pulling him closer. "Considering I'm your last shot at any kind of courtship, don’t you think you should be a little sweeter to me?"
Adam stared; disbelief plastered across his face. The audacity of this asshole. He struggled in vain to break free from the Minotaur’s iron grip. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I heard all about the Jorōgumo turning you down. I tried to warn you," the Alpha murmured with a smug smile, leaning in close to exhale a cloud of musky breath across Adam’s face. "A Jorōgumo would never go for something as weak and delicate as you."
Ignoring the sting of the insult, Adam glared at the Alpha Minotaur, his eyes dark with anger. "Let. Go. Of. Me."
"I’m offering you a chance—what every Omega dreams of. I’m a strong Alpha, I could take real good care of you!" The Minotaur’s grip tightened around Adam’s slender arm. "Better than that spider freak, anyway."
Adam swallowed the growl rising in his throat, still struggling to wrench his arm free. "Fuck off!"
"Oh, you’ve got spirit!" the Minotaur bellowed with laughter, finally releasing Adam and sending the Phoenix Omega stumbling backward. "You’ll come around eventually. They always do."
Disgust twisted Adam's features as he sneered. "I might be unwanted by nearly everyone in Pentagram City, but even I have standards. Even I, a failed Phoenix, deserve better than a fuckhead like you!"
Without giving the Minotaur a chance to respond, Adam spun on his heel and stormed away. His eyes began to sting with unshed tears, but he refused to cry in front of that asshole Alpha. His arm throbbed from the Minotaur’s grip, but Adam was damned if he’d let that assclown know he’d hurt him. No fucking way.
As he approached his apartment building, something slithered down from above, and in an instant, the Minotaur was yanked into the air by his horns. His startled scream was cut off before it could even begin.
Adam all but collapsed against the door, his chest heaving as he stared blankly at his dimly lit flat. The tension in his body began to unravel, and he slowly slid down the door until his backside hit the floor, his head resting heavily against the wood behind him. Safe at last, surrounded by the familiar shadows of his home, Adam found himself drawn irresistibly to his comfort nest.
He crawled across the floor, each movement more desperate than the last, until he reached the nest of tangled sheets and blankets. With a swift, almost frantic motion, he threw himself into it, cocooning his trembling body within the soft layers.
As he lay there, the tension slowly drained from his stiff muscles, and the whirlwind of emotions he'd been holding at bay finally surged forward. The memories of the past few hours crashed down on him, leaving him breathless. A childish squeal of disbelief escaped his lips as he covered his face with both hands, rolling onto his side and curling into a tight ball.
"Holy shit," he whispered, peeking through his fingers as if the darkness might somehow confirm the impossible. "Did that really happen?"
Had he truly ventured all the way to the temple? Had he really committed treason, defying every law he knew, and scaled the temple’s sacred crown? And more unbelievable still—had he stood before the Godling of Quetzalcoatl, the Nephilim himself? Was any of it real?
Had he really met Lucifer? And had Lucifer truly touched him like that?
Adam's breath hitched, his disbelief mounting with every question. Could the kind boy he’d met all those years ago have been the Nephilim of Quetzalcoatl?
His breath shook, a tremor of doubt seeping into his thoughts. There was no way it had all happened... right? It had to be in his head. Maybe he’d never left his nest, and all of it had just been some vivid, twisted dream. That seemed more likely, but then…there was wetness still between his legs. The evidence was still inside his pyjamas.
Adam groaned, squeezing his eyes shut, desperate to believe it had all been a dream. His heart pounded with worry because if it wasn’t… he had pushed Lucifer away and fled like a coward. Who knew what the Nephilim would do now?
As he nestled deeper into the comforting embrace of his nest, the exhaustion of being up all night finally caught up with him. His thoughts began to blur, his breathing gradually slowing as sleep claimed him. How long he slept, he couldn’t say, but when he awoke, the light outside his grimy windows was already fading into twilight.
Whining softly, Adam rubbed his tired eyes and sat up, his hair a tousled mess. Even after sleeping, he still felt drained, as if he could easily slip back into slumber. But something wasn’t right. What had woken him up? The flat looked as it always did, nothing out of place.
Shrugging off the unease, Adam lay back down, burrowing into his blankets once more. Just as he was about to drift off again, a faint tapping reached the edge of his consciousness. At first, he ignored it, thinking it was just the rain. But the sound persisted, almost rhythmic in nature.
His eyes snapped open, annoyance bubbling up as he sat up and listened more intently. The tapping was coming from his window? But even with the shoddy glass, Adam could tell there was nothing on the other side—not even a drop of rain. His brows furrowed in confusion as he crawled toward the wall, yawning and accidentally bumping his forehead against the cold surface.
Groaning, Adam rubbed his forehead before pulling himself to his feet. He grumbled under his breath as he repeated his usual morning ritual, tugging at the stiff, worn-out latch. The hinges creaked loudly in protest as he forced the window open.
He peered out into the darkening city, stretching out a hand to feel for rain, but there was nothing. His head lolled against the window frame, his eyelids growing heavy again. There was nothing out there, and he was so tired—he could just doze off like this and—
"Hi, Adam!"
Adam’s eyes flew open in shock, freezing in place as a face suddenly appeared inches from his own. Black and green claws gripped the top of the window, and a familiar, mischievous head hung upside down, grinning at him.
Adam stared into Lucifer’s ruby and golden eyes, his groggy mind struggling to catch up. Lucifer? It was Lucifer! The Nephilim of Quetzalcoatl! His supposed mate—the one Adam had shoved away and abandoned at the temple. A startled yelp escaped his throat as he stumbled backward, landing on his backside. Meanwhile, Lucifer, with impressive agility, wiggled through the small window, his grin never faltering. The Nephilim slipped inside, his long tail snaking in after him, rattling as it stretched all the way across the room, revealing just how unnervingly long it was.
"You have wings?!" Adam squawked in surprise, his voice breaking.
Lucifer hummed contentedly, his twinkling eyes surveying the room until they settled on Adam's nest. A wide grin spread across his face as he immediately slithered toward it, nuzzling himself into the makeshift walls of pillows, cushions, and sheets.
"Hmm?" Lucifer murmured, patting down the pillows as his six wings fluttered on either side of him. "Of course I do~ All my brothers and sisters have Father's wings~"
Adam crawled backward until his back hit the wall, his eyes wide with shock. "You… You didn’t have them before."
"I can retract them!" Lucifer replied cheerfully, his wings suddenly straightening before folding back into his body, disappearing seamlessly into the feathers and scales. "See~"
Adam opened his mouth to respond but clamped it shut, his gaze shifting awkwardly—until he noticed something alarming. Red liquid. Everywhere. His eyes widened as he followed the trail of crimson from the floor to the walls, and finally, to his nest.
"You’re covered in blood!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic.
Cuddling an emerald, green pillow close to his chest, Lucifer buried his face in it, inhaling deeply. He snuggled the pillow and peered at Adam with half-lidded eyes. "Don’t worry. It’s not my blood."
Resisting the urge to snatch back his favourite pillow, Adam frowned deeply. "Whose blood, is it?"
"Ah, those Jorōgumo. They were planning to ambush you, but don’t worry! I dealt with them!" Lucifer chirped, his feathers fluffing up and the tip of his tail rattling with satisfaction. "Oh, and that annoying Alpha Minotaur. He touched what’s mine, and I don’t like sharing. So, I dealt with him too!"
It was as if Adam’s brain short-circuited at Lucifer’s unnervingly gleeful response. He blinked a few times, his mouth opening to speak but then clamping shut again. His gaze remained locked on Lucifer, who stared back at him while clutching Adam's favorite green pillow. Did Lucifer know it was Adam's favorite? Was that why the Nephilim held it so tightly, pressing his cheek against it and—was he sniffing it repeatedly?
"When you say you dealt with them…" Adam’s voice wavered as he asked.
Lucifer’s smirk widened, almost unnervingly, until he seemed like an entirely different creature. His rattlesnake tail swayed lazily behind him. "I ate them. Yes."
"You—you ate them?!" Adam gasped. In hindsight, it shouldn’t have been such a revelation. Quetzalcoatl was a god of blood sacrifices and devouring flesh, so it made sense that his children would share the same… tastes.
"I was hungry," Lucifer shrugged, entirely unconcerned. "And they were there, so I figured why not? Killed two birds with one stone~"
Adam nodded slowly, trying to process the twisted logic. It made sense, he supposed, but still, a shudder of revulsion crept up his spine. "How did you find me?"
"It wasn’t hard~" Lucifer snorted, his eyes narrowing at Adam with a hint of judgment. "You’re my mate. I’ll always be able to sniff you out. No matter how far you run, I can pick up your scent anywhere. I just followed it to this building after I had my fill."
"Oh," Adam mumbled, glancing away, feeling weak. "Are you mad at me?"
"Absolutely!" Lucifer chirped, his smile unnervingly wide and cheerful. He didn’t look angry at all. "I’m fuming! I’m so upset with you! You ran away from me! And pushed me off! That hurt so much, you know!"
Adam flinched at the overly cheerful tone, his stomach knotting with anxiety. Lucifer’s voice was light, but when Adam finally met his eyes, he saw it—the pure, simmering anger lurking behind that deceptively happy expression.
"I’m sorry," Adam said, leaning forward without actually approaching the feathered serpent. "I’m sorry. I just panicked."
Lucifer grunted, tilting his head curiously. "Why would you panic? You’re my mate; I’d never hurt you."
"Okay, I—I know that. And I’d never hurt you either." Adam’s cheeks warmed as he spoke, feeling a bit bashful. He doubted he could ever actually harm Lucifer, but saying it seemed to make Lucifer relax slightly. "But you have to understand, you’re a Nephilim, the son of my god. How did you expect me to react? I’m nothing special. I’m not even a fully reformed Phoenix, and you’re telling me my mate is a Godling? It was just… too much."
Lucifer’s expression softened, his head tilting further as he seemed to digest Adam’s words. He hummed thoughtfully and let out a soft sigh. "Okay. I can understand that, so I’ll let it slide this time. But don’t ever do that to me again—I won’t be so forgiving."
"Right…" Adam nodded sheepishly. "I really am sorry."
"Hmm?" Lucifer purred, leaning forward with a playful glint in his eye, one clawed finger beckoning Adam closer. "If you’re really sorry and want to make it up to me, you’ll come over and snuggle with me~ I’ve always wanted to see your nest, Addie~"
Without thinking, Adam climbed to his feet, drawn to Lucifer like a moth to a flame. He found himself standing at the edge of his nest, staring down at Lucifer. But as he looked into those mischievous eyes, he narrowed his own and frowned.
Lucifer immediately pouted, raising both arms to Adam like a child wanting to be picked up. "Come on, Addie~ Let’s cuddle. I wanna snuggle you~"
"No," Adam said firmly, planting his hands on his hips. "Not when you’re covered in blood."
A sharp smirk returned to Lucifer’s lips, and his long, serpentine tongue flicked out playfully. "Well, then you better come clean me~"
"C-Clean you?" Adam stammered, his eyes widening. "You don’t mean…"
Lucifer’s grin widened, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he stretched out luxuriously in the nest, his voice dripping with suggestive mischief. "Oh, but I do~"
“…I’ll find a sponge or a flannel.” Adam muttered, beginning to turn his head away.  
“Why would you need those?” Lucifer questioned, catching Adam’s wrist with his snake-tail.
Adam blinked down at him. “To…clean you?”
“Oh no~” with one tug, Lucifer pulled Adam on top of him. “We don’t clean ourselves like that, Addie~”
“…and…how do you want me to clean you?”
Lucifer purred, sliding his arms around Adam’s middle. He rubbed them purposely up and down Adam’s back. His long tongue licked at Adam’s lips.
“You need to use your tongue~”
Lilith – Jorōgumo - Alpha
  Origin: Japan
  Description: A spider that can transform into a beautiful woman to lure and devour men. Jorōgumo is a blend of beauty and danger, often featured in ghost stories.
Lucifer – Quetzalcoatl's younglin – Omega
  Origin: Mesoamerica
  Description: A feathered serpent god associated with wind, air, and learning. Quetzalcoatl is one of the most important deities in Aztec culture.
Adam – Phoenix – Omega
  Origin: Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Persia
  Description: A magnificent bird that is cyclically reborn from its ashes, symbolizing immortality, renewal, and the sun.
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slvthrs · 1 year
STARBOY | vinnie hacker
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your dealer is the only constant in your life but that doesn’t mean he’s the best
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, use of drugs, degradation n praise kink, pet names, unprotected sex (use birth control idiots), car sex, choking, mentions of anxiety if you squint bit of grinding
word count: 2.6k
authors note: this is inspired by the weeknd song ‘starboy’
The sound of me and my friends rushing around inside my friends house is deafening, Max and Chloe are clearly drunk from pre-game drinking and lip-syncing Weeknd songs with the majority of the lyrics coming out as slurring. Ellie and Ross are in a corner trying to smoke without someone interrupting them whilst Bowie is making out with some random guy he found on the bus who clearly is on some sorta substance. 
We are supposed to be ready to go to a party at my friend Venus’ house but at this pace the only one ready is Alex who is always ready an hour before we go anywhere. I’ve finished my makeup already but I’m currently deciding between 2 outfits- a black leather skirt and a waistcoat top that shows too much cleavage to be modest (but modesty is never my goal) or denim flare pants and a cropped corset top. In the end I end up wearing the skirt but with ripped panty hose and the cropped corset top along with my favorite pair of chunky black boots and a considerable amount of silver jewelry to match with my earrings.
When I’m done changing I fluff up my hair and smudge up my eye makeup a little and put on my black mask to walk out of my room to hear Chloe wolf whistle at me who's clearly drunk out of her mind. We quickly grab our phones and ID’s and head out to find a cab. 
As my friends wail for a cab I’m busy texting my dealer- the same dealer I’ve had for years and the only one person who's never abandoned me.
Are you fucking drunk already?
srop being such a bitch
r u coming to venus’ house party 
Yeah I’ll be where I always am, come find me okay?
yeah yeah see u in a b it loseer
I smile and put my phone in my corset and step into the cab my friends found. We give the driver the location of the house and I put my headphones in and shuffle to some Tupac hoping that the drive will be quicker. 
We get out of the car and I immediately pull out my joint and a lighter and light it. We walk into the house to be met with booming music and my friends being pulled away from me as I instinctually walk to the back of the house and into a small room that only a few people know where it’s located- including Vinnie.
I walk in and find Vinnie sitting on a couch, manspreading, with his phone in one hand and bottle of beer in another and I find myself sitting right next to him waiting for him to acknowledge me.
“Hi princess,” He says while putting his phone back in his pocket and bringing the bottle to his lip and taking a swig. I wait and watch the way his arms flex and his Adam apple bob as he swallows the drink.
I flop my head to the side letting it rest on the back of the couch and let myself take in his outfit. It's a black Gorillaz shirt with black boyfriend jeans and some shoes that I can’t really tell in the dark, but my eyes drop to the rings on his fingers- a skull one, a cross (ironic) and a heart on with an eye in it, all silver. I locate the final piece of his outfit: a simple silver chain. 
He notices me staring, “You gonna say hi or keep checking me out sweetheart?” He raises his eyebrow and meets my gaze- fuck i’m not slick when I’m high.
“God you're so cocky- I was not checking you out Vinnie” I retorted trying to look as truthful as possible.
He pulls the joint from my hand and rolls over so his back is on the couch rather than his side and he takes a puff while throwing his hands that are closest to me behind my back, “I’m not cocky I just know when someones checking me out- and don’t call me Vinnie”
“Okay ‘Hacker’”, I try to say in the most condescending tone I can muster, “Hacker is such a dumb name to go by Vinnie it’s cooler than ‘Hacker’”
He chuckles, “It’s not meant to be cool I just don’t want random druggies to know my real name” he scrunches his nose- it’s kinda cute.
“But like why did you pick your last name that’s so fucking stupid and it reminds me of dumb fraternity guys” I pout
He moves his face so it's right in front of mine and his hot air is fanning over my face, “Whatever baby, ‘Hacker’ ‘Vinnie’, your still gonna be screaming one name by the end of the night” He says flashing his canines
I push against his chest, “That’s so fucking corny oh my lord, your such a loser” I say while his lips remain inches from mine
He cocks his eyebrow, “Yeah, I’m such a loser”, he stretches, “Wait, why are you here did you want something” 
“Oh uh yeah like 5 grams of coke or something like that” I ask, I don’t know why but asking for drugs is kinda embarrassing.
“Yeah sure come with me” He says, pulling my hands from our little room oasis to where the actual party is and I can hear ‘Starboy’ playing so instead of following Vinnie I pull him to the dance floor.
“What the fuck, what are we-” I cut him off by throwing my hands over his shoulder
“Shut up Vinnie, just listen to the song, it’s basically your life verbatim” I sway us to the beat of the song while he listens intently. 
“Huh it kinda is like my life- you were right” His hands end up on my waist as he sways us around the dance floor and adds a spin here and there.
We nearly forget what we need to do when Vinnie snaps me out of my trance, “Wait we have stuff to do” and he pulls me outside to his car.
It's some sort of black 4 seater. It looks expensive but then again I don’t know shit about cars, it has a red interior- his dealer job definitely pays off it looks like a car those sugar daddies drive.
We end up sitting in the back with our knees touching, and Vinnie is rummaging through a black duffle bag and comes out with a tiny bag of white powder.
I lean over and grab the bag and plant a kiss on his cheek ignoring the way it almost immediately gets dusted in a layer of pink. 
“Vinnie have I told you how much I love you”, I express while rummaging through my corset to find money, before he places his hand on mine and stops mine from moving.
“It’s on the house as long as you do a line with me” He says with a smirk.
I scoff and pull out the middle cup holder and grab my ID and open the tiny bag to make sure I don’t tear it and pour 2 lines and fix them with my ID and finger.
He snorts the first line closing one of his nostrils and dragging his nose along the line and inhaling. When he's done he makes a sound of exasperation and leans his head on the car seat. I copy his actions by snorting the line and leaning my head on the car seat, I close my eyes and just sit in silence for a bit- a comfortable silence letting the buzz of the coke settle in my head giving me a burst of adrenaline.
When I open my eyes I’m met with Vinnie checking me out, he does it alot but this time it’s a lot less subtle. His eyes dragged over my skin and stopped at my face. 
I close the divider between us and shuffle into his personal space, “Hey big man whatcha lookin at?”
“Your really pretty”, He says it a lot but I don’t know why he never says it sober, “I know idiot, you say it a lot” and his face leans closer to mine
I bite the inside of my cheek, he’s so close to kissing me but I’m so conflicted. If I kiss him, what if he hates it, what if I ruin our friendship, what if? But my stronger, reckless, impulsive side wins and I lean into kissing his lips with a haste peck.
And he doesn’t do anything.
Why isn’t he doing anything?
What's wrong?
Did I read the situation wrong?
Oh no I fucked up?
What if-
All my thoughts come to a halt when his hand lands under my chin grabbing it and pulling me to kiss him. I lean further into the kiss when he grabs my legs and throws them over his so I’m straddling his lap now. We keep making out as I grind onto his lap, but when I make a particular motion he throws his head back with a low groan.
This gives me the perfect moment to latch onto his neck and start sucking hickies while his hands flip up my skirt and start grabbing my ass. 
“Oh fuck that feels so good keep going” I keep sucking and roll my hips on his lap
With one last hickey I pull back and try to catch my breath, panting in heavy breaths. 
His hands return to waistband of my skirt and they start toying with the edge whilst he moves his head right next to my ear, “You sure you want this, tell me when to stop”
I just nod and he flips me onto the car seat while pulling my skirt down and he pulls his pants down so he’s just left in his boxer- thank the lord his windows are tinted.
“Wait Vinnie one sec” I sit up and I undo my corset letting it fall off me along with my phone, airpods, and lighter which were held in my corset. 
“Jesus how do you not end up so uncomfortable when having your entire purse in your shirt?”, He chuckles while I just laugh and shake my head
I pull him in for a kiss while pawing at his shirt, “Mmph Vinnieee take your shirt off” I pout
“You're so bossy” He rolls his eyes but pulls his shirt off so I can move my hand across his chest and let it run along his toned body.
His head dips down to my tits and he starts leaving love bites all over them whilst I play with his hair but I’m getting really impatient
“Vinnie” I whisper, 
“Yeah doll” He replies
“You can be rough if you want” And as I finish that breathy sentence it’s like a spark ignites in him
He takes his cock out of his boxers and he pumps it up a bit and lines it up with my hole,“Oh can I now” and as soon as he finishes his taunt he slams his cock into me and sets an unrelenting pace.
Every thrust hits my deepest spots and makes my entire body loosen up. He hovers over me and presses chaste kisses all along my body and he focuses on my collarbones and shoulders biting and licking them, it's bound to leave marks for days.
His fingers finally find my clit and a pool of heat starts to form in my belly, his hands move in synchronicity with his dick, they go in circles and they press on my clit causing me to moan loud enough for people outside to hear me.
And that’s when I remember that we’re outside and if anyone walked past the car they would hear me moaning and the car shaking. 
I quickly use my hand to cover my mouth to prevent me from any form of embarrassment. But I’m quickly met with a sound of disapproval from Vinnie.
“Nuh-uh I want everyone to hear how much of a whore you are for me, my little slut” That almost sends me over the edge, the words turning me into putty, smooth enough for him to mold however he wants me. I’ve given up full control of my body at this point, his pinning my hands above my head and I’m not going to do anything to stop him.
He keeps rucking into me, while one of his hands is pinning my hands, the other one is leaving feather touches all along my body making me feel like I’m on fire- I really hope he doesn’t notice I’m burning up.
As he keeps pounding into me I arch into him trying to chase my own release. I’m starting to squeeze around him more and I know he can tell because he’s let go of my hands and places both of them on my hips putting enough pressure on there so we both know it's going to leave bruises.
The mixture of pure ecstasy of sex and the high of cocaine sends a rush od addrenaline into me. I’ve had sex high before but never with Vinnie and never with someone as good as Vinnie.
One of his hands leaves my hip and ends up next to my head caging me in. I’ve always loved his hands, they’re bigger than mine and when they flex over his steering wheel and how they almost cover my entire face,
I wonder what it's like to have them on my neck…
I want them on my neck
I need them on my neck
So I tilt my head back and bat my eyelashes up at him hoping he’ll figure out what I want, but luck is never in my favor and he doesn’t realize what I want, so I grab his hand and place it on my neck looking back up at him,
“Are you sure baby?” He whispers
“Please” I try to come off as reassuring but it just comes out breathy
That’s all the reassuring he needs and he quickly squeezes my throat. It feels so fucking good, I roll my eyes to the back of my head and arch into his chest, I don’t see stars all I see is him hovering over me with a dumb smile and I think that if I were to die right now I wouldn’t be opposed to it.
After what seems like an eternity of no air he lets go and oxygen floods into my body as I tip my head back.
I can see him chuckling, “You're such a slut oh my lord”, while he keeps thrusting into me.
I don’t know why but he picks up my legs and throws them over my shoulder so when he thrusts into me he’s hitting deeper into me and he hit the back of my cervix
I stumble out a collection of swears and moans and I’m so close to reaching my peak and Vinnie knows it it because he’s picking up his pace and circling my clit like his life depends on it,
“C’mon doll cum for me scream out my name” and that’s what tips me over the edge my entire body comes undone and I cum screaming out his name for everyone in the parking lot to hear letting my head rest.
He come not far after with a few more thrusts, he doesn’t slip out we both the lay there on top of each other just letting the moment sink in
His weight is on top of me while I brush through his hair. I relax a bit if I were to spend my whole life with Vinnie, would that be so bad?
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rius-cave · 3 months
So I have an AU idea. Wanted to share it with the Adamsapple goddess /joke
Criminal AU. Tw mentions of abuse/SA
Lucifer is a serial killer who goes by the name “Devil” because of his brutal way of killing people + because there is always a pentagram drawn near his work. He hunts people who he thinks that weren’t punished enough by the law. Other than that, he’s the boss of a big company.
He had a wife before, Lilith. She was cool at the start, but then became more and more abusive, especially to Lu. They got divorced and Lilith demanded Lucifer’s money at a point he almost failed to give despite owning a huge company. And the worst part, she got away with what he did to him, not a single punishment.
Adam on the other hand, is a thief and assasin who lost most of his moralties a long time ago after everyone he knew turned against him. He’s working for Michael, he accepted his offer because he needed money for the medical treatment his daughter had to take.
Speaking of his daughter, Emily, let me tell you how she was born.
Adam was at his lowest, he had just lost his boys, his wife and his farm not so long ago. Eve went to a different country, Cain was in juvie and Abel was dead. He is a bartender and barely making enough money for himself.
Then he meets Lilith. The same Lilith who is still married to Lucifer. They start a relationship and Adam thinks he could finally move on from Eve. But NO! Lilith is an abusive piece of shit to him as well. Her abuse towards Adam grows more and more until one day… She does undescribable things to him and gets pregnant. And kind of leaves the diseased child and fades out of Adam’s life once the kid is born.
One day these traumatized boys meet. Adam is robbing the house of a rich man and Lucifer is there to kill the man. They see each other, then Lucifer attacks Adam. He has him on the floor ready to be killed but it clicks in him that this is also a criminal and wouldn’t dare report him. Then they go to their seperate ways.
Or so they think. They keep stumbling to each other and they slowly fall in love.
I love giving them trauma.
Is2g I'm going to ACTUALLY hold elections to choose the adamsapple captain just so I can say for sure THAT IT'S DEFINITELY NOT ME DSKFDSF!!!
Anyway. Wow. That sure is a lot. It's interesting how Lilith was first with Lucifer, and then with Adam. It mixes things up from the canon. Also Lilith being evil? Always a big fan of that.
You definitely not kid when you say you love giving them trauma LMAO BECAUSE THERE SURE IS A LOT OF THAT IN HERE!
I'm guessing Lucifer doesn't know about Lilith being with Adam, right? and that Emily is also Lilith's child??? How did Lilith give birth to Emily without Lucifer knowing? Maybe she left him right after she got pregnant? Hm. Either way imagine the absolute DRAMA when Lucifer finds out what she did to Adam. Oh boy, that woman is going to regret everything lol
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v3nusxsky · 6 months
Hi Mars! I hope your well!<3 I have a request, it's a larissa weems x fem reader where r and larissa do the nasty then r finds out she's pregnant and after r gives birth she struggles with postpartum depression and one day when larissa comes home from work she finds r holding the baby close to her chest and crying so r tells larissa everything and larissa comforts r and then like maybe years later r and larissa has the most stubborn but cute little girl who loves ice cream and teddy bears?. This might be a bit much but I hope you can do it❤️ thank you Mars!🙏I love your fics🙌
Breaking through the darkness
*Authors note~ another instalment of YAMW and the last in the series but honestly I’d love to write one shots for this universe so if you have any ideas on what you’d like to see hit my asks up. And I’ll see y’all in Sinful Souls*
Trigger warnings~ pregnancy giving birth mentions breast feeding an infant postpartum depression hurt and comfort etc Larissa being the most wonderfully loving wife possible
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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Larissa had a few more nightmares at the beginning of your pregnancy, most about failing you and your unborn child. Yet one thing that didn’t change was her insistence that the baby would be a girl. There is absolutely no doubt in the blondes mind on the child’s gender yet you were adamant that you should decide on a name for both genders. Just in case. Your stubborn nature got you to convince, so boy or girl you’d both decided on their name.
Alongside the debate over names and the insane cravings that often found Larissa fluttering from store to store, in and around Jericho, pregnancy only heightened your stubbornness and insistence that you were simply pregnant not disabled and Larissa’s dedication and truthfulness. However, despite all the new hormones and adjustments to your daily lives you were both committed to each other and overcoming every challenge as a pair.
Anticipation grew as you reached six months pregnant, your ability becoming hyper sensitive and uncontrollable. Deciding to wait to find out if you’d have a son or a daughter is what got you through the changes to your body. Nevermore’s students were abuzz with theories and suggestions about the child. A few of the staff members had thrown you and Larissa a baby shower that was modest and gender neutral but beautiful, the gifts being thoughtful and generous mixed with your new levels of hormones had you in tears at the love and care for your unborn child.
Around the last month of your pregnancy you began to fear you’d fail the baby. You obviously want the best for them, but your parents weren’t exactly the best role models and that led to your mind concocting the most distressing nightmares that often woke Larissa by your screams and sobs, to which Larissa would spend hours consoling you despite her long work hours.
By the end of your pregnancy, you were totally over the whole situation. Not only were you carrying the weight of a whole other human but your back hurt all the time, your ankles were the size of beach balls and the Braxton and Hicks contractions were borderline torture. Sleep being hard to come by all contributed to you wanting your baby earth side now. Larissa liked to suggest that perhaps the child was a perfect mix of your stubbornness and her determination was why your due date came and went with no signs of labour. No. In fact it was 8 days later that things got real, just in time for the end of semester holidays.
After twelve hours of relentless contractions, broken sobs and curses to your lover and little sleep did you bring your child into the world with a massive gasp of relief. Hearing their cry of protest brought tears to both of your eyes as the nurses took the child away to clean them off before bringing them back and placing them on your bare chest without revealing. The doctors and nurses fluttering round the room to ensure you and the baby got the best postpartum treatment before coming to congratulate both of the new mothers.
“You did so well sweet girl, so proud of my girl” Larissa murmured pressing sweet kisses to your forehead as you both gazed down lovingly at the content newborn. “Georgina Faye Weems” you murmured happily as your index finger came to trace her little cheek.
“I thought we decided on Ophelia darling” Larissa murmured just basking in her beauty and the knowledge that she was right all along, now she’d be able to hold her girls. “Georgina for your aunt Isa.”
“That’s beautiful sweetheart, Georgina Faye Weems, you are one beautiful little angel, your momma and mommy love you so much. Everyone at Nevermore is going to love her” Larissa pondered choking back the emotion of her daughters name honouring her long lost aunt.
Adjusting to motherhood isn’t as easy as everyone else makes it look, thankfully Larissa could take the time in the holidays to spend time with her perfect little family as you healed from the birth. Larissa happily woke up to settle Georgina using the milk you’d expressed to allow you some sleep. Being in your blissful bubble of love with her and Georgina was utterly perfect, until the start of school popped that bubble. Larissa had your cover arranged, you’d gone over and over the work they’d be teaching and ensured the teacher would have access to all the materials. What you weren’t expecting was for how hard you’d find the day with your newborn alone.
Larissa couldn’t help but notice how irritated you’d become with her when she’d leave her office for the day. The irritation could rival your stubbornness at the earlier days in your relationship with ease. The poor blonde didn’t know what to do to help you through this time. You were taking on the night shifts now but Larissa had no idea how much sleep you were losing just unable to sleep. Then you noticed that you’d lose concentration for simple tasks, household tasks piling up, being unable to calm your fussy daughter and a huge lack of appetite. You’d make something to eat only to feel physically sick when you managed to sit down to eat.
You were crouched down against the wall, your daughter clutched to your chest as she wailed alongside your sobs and pleas for her to quieten. At this point, you were almost ready to tear your hair out, she is a beautiful girl and there’s no denying that but it seems your brain could only convince you that you’d fail her. That you are failing her. She deserved more than you for a mother. If Larissa was here she’d know how to soothe the baby. Despite being the one to carry her for nine months, birth her and being with her all day every day for at least two weeks without the tall shifter, it was like you were a stranger to her.
Georgina’s little cheeks were bright red now as she wailed unhappily, little fists balled up, the louder her cries were the more tears you shed as you absentmindedly rocked back and forth at a loss for what would help. You’d fed changed and cuddled Georgina, yet nothing seemed to settle her. Until Larissa came in to save the day.
“Oh my little flower, what’s wrong sweet girl? What’s the tears for Gina?” Larissa murmured softly coming to take the baby from you, allowing you the chance to stand up and breathe. Only, you couldn’t. Georgina settled down as she snuggled into the blondes chest, seemingly tired herself out from all the crying. Meanwhile you only seemed to curl into a ball and sob harder. “I failed her” and “she hates me” were mumbled over and over again. Only then did all the symptoms make sense to the principal. Postpartum depression. She’d read about it in all the books but seemingly missed all the signs in you. Her lover.
Placing the now sleeping baby into her bassinet Larissa immediately came to wrap you in her arms like you are a precious china doll. “Oh my darling girl, I’m so sorry I failed you my love, how long has it been this way?” She whispered as her hand rubbed soothing circles on your back. “I’m a terrible mom, she hates me. She loves you, what do I do wrong?” You sobbed your heart out on her shoulder, now the feelings started to flow there was absolutely no stopping the flow. And Larissa, being your stable shoulder to cry on, she held you through it all, promising to take some more time off Nevermore, to help you through this every step of the way. With her love and support you managed to heal and feel more like yourself again.
As your daughter grew, her own little personality began to shine through, it is apparent that she is as stubborn as you yet as truthful and gentle as the Principal of Nevermore. Students of Nevermore adored little Gina more than life itself, Enid particularly loved to gift her soft plushy’s and even Wednesday gifted her a small black swan plush teddy to go alongside the white dove Enid had crocheted.
However, Georgina’s favoured teddy happened to be a soft blush pink bear that you had gifted her for her first birthday. That bear never left her side, a special connection for you and your daughter. At a year and a half Georgina discovered Ice cream for the first time. Smearing it all around her face as you giggled with your daughter, Larissa walking unsuspectingly into the ice cream covered one year old. Now covering the bottoms of her mamas work skirt in vanilla ice cream.
Her little aura seemed to grow daily, beautiful twists and twirls of orange, green, lavender and light blue seemed to brighten with every day of her life, a perfect little blend of you and Larissa Weems, who would’ve knew that Larissa had unknowingly grown your family on your anniversary night. Your daughter being three and incredibly beautiful and brilliant would be a brilliant big sister.
Word count ~ 1718
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tom-whore-dleston · 8 months
Bound to the Villain
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Pairing: villain!Adam Warlock x guardian!gn reader
Word Count: 995
This fic contains: some dark themes, abduction, reader is captive, corruption, evil arc, reader has some insecurities, unbeta'd writing
Summary: You are more than a guardian of the galaxy in Adam's eyes.
Notes: I said I missed writing for Adam so I said yolo and revisited a WIP I thought I had abandoned long ago. It's way different than what I originally planned but it'll do for now. Who knows I might write a part 2 with a little extra something something ;) This is my submission for @flashfictionfridayofficial, who I would like to shoutout for sparking inspiration back into my little brain :)
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Your eyes fluttered open to what looked like a dungeon cell. As you gained consciousness, you struggled to remember what happened before you blacked out. All you could recall was fighting alongside the guardians of the galaxy. The reason behind the mission was foggy, along with who exactly you were supposed to defeat. 
Upon realizing your friends were nowhere to be found, anxiety rushed through your system as you tried to stand and run. However, you failed to move further than a meter as the chains around your wrists sent you crashing to the floor. You winced in pain as the metal tugged your skin. 
An ominous chuckle echoed in the room, yet you could not locate the source of the eerie sound. Your head whipped around the room until footsteps against the cobble approached you. 
“Who’s there?” You yelled into the void. A tall man with pure golden skin and wispy blond hair emerged from the dark side of the room. You gasped as your eyes set upon a gem in the middle of his forehead. In fact, it was a stone. A stone you and your fellow guardians were awfully familiar with. 
The soul stone.
Almost as quick as the snap that blipped your friends away, you immediately realized who you were up against.
Adam Warlock. The perfect man from space created to destroy the guardians of the galaxy.  
“What am I doing here? Where are my friends?” You interrogated, masking your fear with an angry voice. 
“No need to worry, my little one,” Adam answered. “Those idiots you call your friends are where you and I last saw them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are on their way to find you. Some heroes they would be.”
Goosebumps pricked your skin at Adam’s pet name for you. Then, your stomach flipped as you worried about the safety of the other guardians. 
Were they really out there looking for you? The whole reason your team had been roaming the galaxy was in search of Gamora. Unlike you, Gamora was a stronger and more skilled fighter. Not to mention, Peter was still madly in love with her and refused to stop searching until she was found. You were intelligent, in fact, the most intelligent of the group. Hence, why you felt like an outcast most of the time, but maybe just this one time, you were wrong.
What really plagued your mind was what drove Adam Warlock to keep you of all the guardians as his prisoner.
“You kidnapped me? Why?”
The golden man laughed, kneeling to your level on the ground. “You know, I always pegged you as the smart one of the guardians.” 
You cocked a condescending smile. “Perhaps their stupidity rubbed off on me.”
Adam matched your snarky smile. “My main purpose may be to destroy you and your beloved friends, but I realized there is more to my being than death and destruction.” His gloved finger lifted your chin up so you were forced to gaze into his eyes. The gesture made your breath falter as his eyes pierced your soul.
“I may be powerful, but I am also lonely. I have desired a mate since my birth and when I was fighting you and those morons on Knowhere, I was instantly drawn to you.” 
You wanted to be infuriated, disgusted even, by his statement. Yet, your body betrayed you as your cheeks warmed up and you arched your back away from the wall. This made Adam’s grin grow wider.
“As smart as you are, you’re not very strong. It was very easy to use my powers against you and make you crumble to your knees. And there is no doubt why.” Adam leaned closer to you. 
“Your mind and heart are wounded. You loved and lost so many that you latched onto others who are as broken as you are. You hide your emotions to avoid getting hurt again. You’re just like me, little one. You’re lonely. But don’t mind that anymore, I can fix all that. Be my mate, and you will never have to be hurt or lonely again.” 
You conjured all of your strength to swing a punch at his face, yet the chains ricocheted your fist back. A frustrated huff escaped your nostrils as your muscles strained from the attempted attack. 
“You know, for someone who was born yesterday, you sure know how to woo a lady. But I’ll have you know, I am not broken.”
The same gloves hand smoothed over your face and down your neck, chills following his touch. 
“You can stop lying to yourself, little one. I may have been born yesterday, but even the dumbest creature to plague this galaxy can spot a broken soul.” Now, Adam’s face was only inches away from yours. His hot breath fanned over your lips as if hypnotizing you to close the space between you and him. 
All of a sudden, the shackles released from your wrists. Yet, you were unphased by your freedom. You should have knocked Adam to the ground and fled the scene before you could get killed. Instead, you gazed into Adam’s eyes, who extended his hand towards you.
“Take my hand. You will never have to experience pain ever again with me.” You found yourself succumbing to his touch, his voice, and his offer. Yet, at the back of your conscience, you thought about the guardians. How hurt they would be to learn that you chose to side with your enemy. All that time becoming a family with them just for it to go to waste. Your mind became fuzzy from this internal conflict.
“So, what’s it gonna be, little one?” 
Your once chained hand interlocked with Adam’s. It felt so natural, and you wondered if you were destined to be the villain. As his plush lips engulfed yours, the darkness clouded your judgment. 
If being bound to the villain was wrong, you never wanted to be right again.
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header credit: @saradika | divider credit: @firefly-in-darkness
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riverhawke · 3 months
Is there a connection between the Old Gods and the Forgotten Ones?
I can’t tell if this is obvious or a crackpot theory, but I’m replaying DA2 (like many of us) and Merrill tells the story of Fen’Harel. Merrill mentions two sects of gods fighting, the Creators and the Forgotten Ones. Little is known about them, but we do know the names of some.
When Fen’Harel tricked the gods by telling them there was a blade to end all war (wonder if that’s his dagger in the trailer, but I digress). He tells the Creators it’s in the heavens and the Forgotten Ones it’s in the abyss and locked them in both these places.
Solas has told us he created the Veil to keep out the Evanuris, the elven gods, but the ones mentioned as the elven gods are always the creators. But what about the Forgotten Ones? The abyss sounds very similar to the Deep Roads, and the Forgotten ones are seen as a mirror to the more benevolent Creators. What if these are the Old Gods that become Archdemons. If we assume that’s true, it makes sense with a lot of other aspects of the game. Why would Mythal/Flemmeth be so focused on sending Morrigan to birth an untainted version of an Old God? Maybe because it was one of her people once, which is why Kieran seems to have such an affinity for Mythal- following her through the Eluvian. This also explains why Solas seems to hate the Grey Wardens so much, even before Adamant. They are killing people that he thought he had safely restrained. While he likely does not think either of the sets of gods good, he also openly does not want to kill them. It would also explain why the Archdemon reaches out through dreams. If these Old Gods/Forgotten Ones were bound by the Veil it makes sense that they are tied to magic and dreams. They only became corrupted when their binds were cut by Corypheus and his other magisters in the first violation, thus corrupting these gods into the Archdemons. This also would explain why Solas thought Corypheus had enough power with the orb to tear the veil down.
Not to mention the Elves and Tevinter have often been at war. The Forgotten Ones and the Creators were warring groups. In the fallout of the Veil being created, it would make sense these pantheons would be worshipped by different peoples. If the Elves kept the worship of the Creators, it would not be out of place for the group warring against them to worship the gods that warred against theirs.
I’m so deep into this theory now. Has anyone else thought about this?
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The Hazbin Timeline
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I'm just making a timeline list of the Hazbin Hell residents biological and death ages. It's fun and interesting to see who is around who time period and such.
It might make help fanfic writers with backstories to know who existed at what time.
Im making the "current" date in the Hazbin universe 2019 as that's when The pilot aired.
Oldest: Lucifer. Existed before the dawn of mankind.
Adam: First man, existed since the dawn of mankind
Lilith: First woman, Existed since the dawn of mankind.
Eve: Second woman, Existed since the dawn of mankind, after Lilith.
Zestial: Information unknown beside oldest overlord, but going by his Shakespearean speech, death around the 1600's making him about 400 years old.
Possibly witness in his lifetime: Mary, Queen of Scots, executed for treason by order of Queen Elizabeth I, Galileo's experiments, Pilgrims from England arrive at Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the Mayflower.
Charlie: Appears to be in her 20s but
Despite her youthful appearance, it appears that Charlie's age is a matter of question. Although Vivziepop thinks that Charlie does celebrate birthdays with the standard kind of party, she is still unsure of how demon years and time work for someone like Charlie. In a later stream, Vivziepop stated that demons age in "hell years"] This may hint that Charlie's biological aging is different from how humans age, although it is unknown if hell years are similar in length to Earth years.
In one of the Hazbin Hotel pilot teasers, a portrait of the Magne family taken in the year 1871 hints that Charlie is decades older than she appears. Although this detail is omitted in the final version of the pilot, Faustisse has corroborated that Charlie is over 200 years old.
Rosie: Tricky, giving by her preferred time period, her death would be about 1890ish and her birth near 1850s-1860s making her 170 years old BUT Faustisse stated Rosie never died, suggesting that she was born in Hell. Which may subject to change as the show progress but if she's Hell born, they grow slower. So if we doing the same math as Charlie, she been around for 400 years. Which is similar to Zestial but not mention she on par with him in age so I think her being Hellborn not going to be finalized in canon. Rosie human age would be a little older if not similar to Alastor mother ages which is probably why he so easily bonds with her along with similar interest.
Sir Pentious: Biologically 40s, deceased 1888 making his soul 170is years old. His birth year is in the 1840s (This guy live through over 100 exterminations, and turf wars and challenging Alastor?)
Witness in his lifetime. The great famine in Ireland, the great Chicago fire, the pony express, the civil war, Lincoln assassinated, the statue of Liberty being dedicated,
Carmilia: Going with my headcanon that Carmilla was the lead ballerina in swan lake. Swan lake composed in 1877. Also, we have to consider her daughters to figure her death as I think they all died the same day. One of them goes by the name Clara...which is character in the nutcracker composed in 1892. So their deaths are after that date. Swan lake had a revival at 1895 so we just making their deaths at that time for sake of making it easy. Carmilla is vibing near 40 but I wouldn't push her past that as I think it be tough to be a 40 year old ballerina in the late 1800's. So her birth year is 1860s So I'm just going to guess her age be no older then 35 making her soul 160ish.
Her daughters being little after that. Being 150ish years old.
Witness in his lifetime. The civil war, Lincoln assassinated, the great Chicago fire, the statue of Liberty being dedicated,
Tom Trench: Biologically in his 40s, died 1910-1920s. Assumed during ww1 making his birth year late 1870s. His soul being around 150ish years old.
Alastor: Biologically 30-40's so for simplicity sake-35. So being born just smidge before the turn of 1900s. His death is 1933. Making his soul about 120 years old.
He witnessed 3 states included in the Us (up at 48 at his death) Wright brothers flight, Titanic sink, WW1, Great depression, Woman can vote, and prohibition.
Husk: Biologically 60-70, to make is simple 65. his death in the 1970s. Making his birth year about 1910's. About a decade after Alastors birth. Husker soul age about 110 years old. Husker has nearly the same timeline as Alastor and Angel except Husker lived an additional 40-50 years. Husk is about 10 year difference between both Alastor and Angel in either direction. So Husker being one the very few characters who lived a full life could at some point crossed paths with most of the characters in his living life, especially its been noted he was a world traveler to increase those odds. Alastor, Mimzy, Angel, Vox, Nifty, and Valentino. Husker is the unique character we get to witness that he an "old soul" because he lived the longest while alive, yet is in the same soul generation as Alastor, Angel and Vox, yet one of the youngest with his afterlife and still managed to be Overlord at one point. His overlords years being in the 1980-90s. As it takes time to become an overlord with the exception of Alastor. But I believe Husk did raise to Overlord fairly rapidly but lost it nearly as quickly as it seems Alastor had him under contract for a long while. Husk was in his 20s during Alastor death, in his 30s going on 40s for Angel Death, and 40's for Nifty and Nox death. Husk and Valentino share the same Hell afterlife timeline.
Angel Dust: Stated his age is in the 30s...and it most be very early 30's because I do not get the impression of him being 30 but more in the 20's. It so weird to know Angel meant to be a few years younger then Alastor biologically. Death year 1947. Making his birth year around 1917. His soul being just over 100 years. about 20 year difference from Alastor. Alastor hitting the age of adulthood while Husker not even a preteen at the time of Angel birth. Angel was in his mid teens when Alastor died.. Alastor possibly linked to is murders at this time of death and Angel would witness the news that would arise from it. Possibly heard some of Alastor broadcast. Angel is assumed gone by the name Anthony for a few decades in Hell before adopting his porn star name when he signed on with Valentino.
Vox: Biologically 30-40's so for simplicity sake-35. Died in the 1950's. Making his birth year about 1915 his soul just over 100 years old. He was a teen at the time of Alastor death. Alastor possibly linked to is murders at this time of death and Vox would witness the news that would arise from it. Angel and Vox lives and death are about in the same timeline, Angel died no more than a decade before Vox.
Witness in his lifetime: Great depression, prohibition start and end. all of WWII, holocaust, Hindenburg, Mount Rushmore finished first motion picture with sound The Jazz Singer.
Niffty: Biologically 22. Died in the 1950's making her birth year about 1930's. Her soul is about 90 years old. She possibly the youngest biological age character we seen. She as an infant when Alastor died. A preteen to late teen when Angel died. Possibly watched Voxs programs. (I headcanon that Vox is a tv game host). Died about the same time as Vox. Husk was in his 40s at her time of Death. Husk was in his 20 at the time of her birth.
Valentino: I'm placing him similar to Vox age so 35. He died in 1970's making his birth year about 1935. Just after Alastor death. Was in his late teens at the time of Vox death. Possibly watched Voxs programs growing up. (I headcanon that Vox is a tv game host). His soul is about 85 years old. Angel is older than Valentino even if Angel biological age might been slightly younger.
Angel been around longer than Valentino and its easy to forget that. Angel been uncontracted for a few decades before Valeninto became an overlord.
In his lifetime, the last two states was added to the US. Beatlemania, the space race, woodstock.
Katie Killjoy: in her 40's and died in 1992. Her birth year being late 1940-early 1950s. Making her soul little over 70 years old.
Zeezi: No information but giving her blatant 80's style she dies in the 80's and her personality seem of someone in early 20s...she was born in the 1960's Making her soul just about 70 years old. Same age as Katie, but Katie lived longer making Zeezi a citizen of Hell longer.
Cherri Bomb: Biologically in her 20s, and died in 1980s. Her birth year being 1960s. Living the same exact timeline as Zeezi. Cherri is possibly the youngest character we witness so far.
Velvette: No real information released but appears to be in the 20s. Her "age and death age" don't really match up to her character, but since maybe that's because she just good at updating and staying on trend. I headcanon it takes a minimum for a soul to become an overlord 10 years. So going by that, early 2000s since she not a brand spankin new overlord, she vibing she been overlord for a few years-close to a decade. ? Her birth year being in the 1980's which....doesn't seem to match. But giving the show timeline is 2019 subtract having years of experience as an overlord, and years to accomative the power and climb the ladder, and add her age...its near 1980s. Only way she can be an overlord with her birth being later in the 90's and death close to current year frame is that the other Vees saw potential and her and adopted her immediately and steamline her into being an overlord. But why would they do that if they just make a deal for her soul and use her potential that way?
That it for now. Hopefully someone enjoys this or could use the information I gathered, some venture a guess on the characters timeline and who may overlap who. I hope it wasn't terribly dull.
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dizzified · 1 month
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Eyeless, born without eyes, Red's strongest trait is her sense of smell and feeling, she discerns her surroundings via scent and head/muzzle bonking [Specifically her Taurolystris partner, Blue]
Meorlark's normally don't get attached to their young, they name them standard simple things, Red was named after her coat color. Red however broke this cycle of disregarding litters and gave her all to protecting and loving her own offspring as a result.
Red lost the majority of her first litter to a violent Venuella, she ended up snatching up the only surviving kit and fleeing with Blue to safety, the entire ordeal made her extremely protective of not only her surviving kit, but her future offspring.
Children: 2 unnamed kits [Died being crushed by a rampaging Venuella] Akeko [First Son - Alive - Lived to adulthood], Alabaster [Albino - Deceased - Died of disease from rotten food], Allum and Beru [Third Daughter and Son - Deceased - Stillborn], Karumi [Fourth Daughter - Stillborn], Azure [Fifth Son - Alive - Named After Blue - Survived To Adulthood], Carmine [Sixth Daughter - Deceased - Survived to adulthood], Yulum [Seventh Son - Deceased- Stillborn], Purple [Eighth Child - Nonbinary - Deceased - Murdered but also was questionably evil], Jabble [Ninth Son - Alive - Named after a friendly Jabblebashhe and survived to adulthood], Salmon [Tenth Son - Alive - Survied to Adulthood], Talu [Eleventh Daughter - Deceased - Birth Complications], Arulo [Twelvth Son - Alive - Survived To Adulthood], Kruma [Thirteenth Daughter - Alive - Final Child]
Wok [Adopted - Alive - Was a grown man when he was adopted but loved anyway], Caper [Grandchild - Carmine's daughter - Survived To Adulthood]
Fun facts: Red is dead set on the belief that Alabaster is still alive and often copes with her grief by saying so, she's adamant that her daughter is perfectly fine despite her obvious death.
Akeko contracted the same illness that killed his younger sister, but ended up surviving after a serious death scare, he was briefly paralyzed but recovered well.
Akeko was one of her most productive children.
Her daughter, Carmine, went off on her own at a young age despite Blue's attempts at keeping her close to the family, while she reached adulthood, she still ended up dying due to her own recklessness, a trait of which she picked up from her mother. She left behind a daughter who weaved back into the family via Blue bringing her home.
Purple was an odd child, the first thing they did when they were born was bite, and it didn't stop as they aged. I wasn't long before this aggressive habit got them killed, nobody in the family mentions Purple. They try to forget. Red and Blue are both happily living in their old age, while still adventuring, they've had enough of raising children for one lifetime and want some time to themselves, a trip around the islands could do them good.
Red had a habit of throwing herself into fights she shouldn't, due to her blindness, she's extremely defensive, and she's not above attacking anything that she thinks slights her or someone she cares about. This has led to multiple near-death experiences, the large scar on her chest is proof of that.
She absolutely despises her extended kin, her littermates aren't exactly the best individuals and after one visit, she'd decided she never wanted to see them again, which was probably for the best.
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kamisatomay018 · 11 months
My Saviour: Part 1
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Warnings: mentions of emotionally abusive parents, depressive thoughts, angst with comfort, fluff
Kamisato Ayato x female reader
First Ayato series! But you can read each part individually too. This will also be pretty long and set the background of the story a little, so I hope you Enjoy!:)
“It’s over Ayaka, my life, my freedom, my happiness…it’s all going to end..”
You were a member of the Hiragi clan, And Chisato’s cousin. An only child to your parents, you had been locked away inside your house and this wretched island of Ritou for as long as you could remember. Your parents never treated you like their daughter, rather you were a burden for them and they made sure to tell you that every single day. You had just turned 23 yesterday, and your parents were adamant on getting you married off to some rich noble, regardless of your wishes.
“We want the burden of your existence off our chests” your father had said, looking at you as if you were the worst thing to ever happen to them, which was indeed true. Your parents hated you for after your birth, your mother faced complications which rendered her infertile. They blamed you for it, calling you a devil child who stole the chance of them ever having a male heir. So, they decided to get rid of you once and for all by marrying you off to some other noble.
People barely knew about your existence, for you had never had the opportunity of leaving Ritou. You were absolutely beautiful, each feature so delicate yet perfectly sculpted. You had been raised to be a proper lady, having perfect etiquette in all the matters such as speech, tea ceremony, playing a musical instrument and everything else a noble lady should know. You had met Ayaka 5 years ago when she had travelled to Ritou, and you had looked after her because she was young and could get lost. That’s how you two became best friends.
She told you everything about her life, about her clan and her brother. You knew the Yashiro Commissioner only by his name and by his reputation of being extremely reliable, kind and hardworking. However you got to know a lot more about him through Ayaka, who loved her brother more than anything and would talk about him endlessly for hours. You felt happy that she had a brother like him, for she was so precious and kind to everyone.
Just when you had thought your life couldn’t get any worse, your parents had declared that they’d be putting up notices of your availability in marriage by tomorrow, and that you’d have no choice but to marry. All the noble men you were aware of were at least 10 or more years older than you, who treated women like a trophy and an heir producing machine. You knew that you were about to leave one prison for another, and you had accepted your doomed fate. You were always lonely, often crying in silence while growing up. Seeing other children with loving parents hurt you, and you often hated the fact that you were even born. What was your fault in all this? What had you done to deserve such a fate? You did not know, and you would never get the answers to these questions.
Coming back to the present moment, Ayaka had come to meet you as usual, and you broke the news of your marriage to her. She was absolutely heartbroken for two reasons. The first being that she felt so sad about the treatment you had always been getting, how you were forced into things you didn’t want, how you were trapped and locked away like a slave. The second reason being that this news was going to break her brother’s heart too.
Even though you and Ayato had never formally met or even spoken to one another, he liked you a lot. Ayaka would talk endlessly about you to him, and your gentle demeanour and kindness drew him towards you. He was absolutely enchanted by your beauty when Ayaka had shown a picture of you to him, and without even realising, he had developed feelings for you over these years, and had been searching for opportunities to travel to Ritou somehow, but his busy schedule and the recent crisis in Inazuma regarding the vision hunt decree kept him very busy.
Ayaka hugged you, promising to help you out in her heart. “Please have courage, things will be okay..Who knows, you might actually leave this prison for a palace..”
You chuckled softly, grateful for her words yet not fully believing them “No Ayaka, all the noble men are much, much older than me, controlling and orthodox…I’ll be treated as nothing but a trophy wife..you know, my parents burnt all my paintings yesterday, saying that they were..awful and a hindrance to my potential marriage because my future husband would not approve of my love for the arts..”
Ayaka felt devastated at this, because she knew that painting was the only way you could find peace and express your true self. But now your parents had burnt those too, just the way they had burnt all hope and determination from your life. She hugged you softly again, staying with you some more before she had to return to the Kamisato Estate. There was a lot she had to tell her brother.
Ayaka hurried through the streets of inazuma city to reach the Kamisato Estate; and once she reached she entered her brother’s office without knocking, being a little out of breath.
“Ayaka? What’s wrong sister? Has something happened?” Spoke a deep gentle voice, lavender eyes looking up at his dear sister with a worried gaze. She meant the world to him, and he was always willing to do anything for her.
“Brother…Y/N’s parents are forcing her into an arranged marriage! By tomorrow a list of all the noble men interested in marrying her will reach the Hiragi estate, and they’ll pick a suitor for her..”
Then quill Ayato was once holding dropped, spilling ink onto the parchment but he couldn’t care less. The only girl he was interested in and was dying to meet was about to get married? That too to a stranger? Ayato knew the noblemen of inazuma too well, they were cunning and manipulative, too proud and full of themselves. None of them deserved an angel like you. He took a moment to compose himself, then simply smiled as he reached out to get a new parchment.
“Worry not Ayaka, I will make sure nothing of that sort happens.
“What are you planning to do brother?”
Ayato smiles at her, his eyes twinkling with determination and excitement. “I will go to Ritou and seek Hiragi Y/N’s hand in marriage.”
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Hasan Piker | Dad headcanons
I’ve done it. I made them, it took so long. Enjoy.
Hasan and Skin on Skin in the hospital. He’s just this big man sipping on his juice, my man definitely passed out at least once during the birth, with his little baby boy sleeping on his chest. Hasan is also probably sleeping. Everyone in the hospital room has had a long day, but it’s a peaceful few minutes.
He’s so soft and gentle with the baby. It genuinely surprised him with how small the boy is. Like he’s seen newborns before, he even held them. But his own kid??? It has to be a Big Boy, I mean your stomach was so large when you were pregnant. So when he first held it, it blew his mind, and also unlocked the new fear of how easy it could be to harm him.
He likes to stare at you before, but now anytime he see you with the kid he actually just stops for two to three minutes to watch the two of you. It does not matter where you all are or what is going on, he’s just obsessed with his new little family.
It was decided that you would go on shifts with the kid, he’d take the day and you the night. His job makes it easy for him to be able to get up when he’s in the middle of something and take care of the kid, and it also makes sure that you're able to recover.
This leads to a lot of the baby being on stream, and Hasan has mixed feelings about that. Ultimately it’s decided that The kid can be on stream but everyone knows that his name is not to be said anywhere online. Insead the kid is called different pet names, a lot of Turkish ones.
Also when Hasan has guest on the stream, you can bet that they are holding that baby. Austen, Will, QT, Rae, everyone. He’s just a social little boy, and he loves being with people. Like he’ll babble at people when their holding him, not his father though he’s just so entranced with that man.
One of these bitches being in the streaming room, There will just be segments where he could be talking about some super serious political stuff and there is just a baby looming in the background.
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The chat constantly undermining him when he says the baby needs to do something. Like they be typing things like “Let him speak” anytime they baby is on stream or “Ask him first” when Has is getting ready to put him down for a nap.
One of the most notable changes to the stream format is that there is now a section where the kid gets to talk about something random for like 10 minutes. Sometimes it’s about things he’s learned, other times the kid is just like “Cows moo '' Hasan  gets so into it and loves encouraging it. Always asking for more.
Anytime this kid is on stream he’s offering his snacks to the people around him. Hasan is the only person who always takes the food, but most people take it most of the time.
Chat also freaks out everytime when He babbles into the microphone. They also lose their shit when he says his first on stream. Honestly no one’s ready.
Speaking of the baby talking, he is raised in a bilingual house. Hasan is adamant on the kid knowing turkish, you also take up learning it. The look he gives on you when you say anything in his first language. He just loves you so much.
Hasan is also obsessed with holding the kid. Like as a newborn, this kid is just in Has’s arms whenever possible. He’s holding this kid like a football all the time, it’s really one of the only holds the kid likes. He also is constantly wearing a baby carrier, he forgets that he’s wearing most of the time. He’ll go one stream and just see a chatter mentioning it and he's like ”Oh shit”.
As the kid gets a bit older the kid likes to mess with Hasan’s beard. He’s entranced with it. It’s a bit annoying at first but Hasan grows to love it, to the point of learning how to talk/rant while making faces.
I personally don’t think that the kid would have a favorite, but i do think that he would pick up on Hasan habits more than yours. Like the kid would start staring at you, he doesn’t like biting his fingernails but he does like putting his hands in his mouth.
Hasan is an arts and crafts dad.
Like he’s doing the finger painting, the macaroni noodle art,  He’s making matching bracelets for all three of you. When I was in kindergarten we made these Santa Ornaments out of clay. There is definitely at least one of them.
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More about those bracelets, the are from those bracelets kits that you make on you can buy at any store. They have little charms on them, one for each of you, and have little nicknames spelled on them. Hasan’s has “papa bear” , the kids says “lil bear” and so on.
Also Hasan loves putting the boy in jewelry, honestly is basically a love language at this point. He just finds so much joy in having his little baby decked out in his absurdly large necklaces. Same goes for his hats and clothes. They just drown the kid.
On the topic of clothes, Hasan loves matching his son. Its another love language of his. He’d wake up with the baby and let him out what shirt to wear, then he’d change the kid into something that matches. There are some days when all three of you are matching, not like you're all wearing the same shirt but like it's the same color scheme or shoes.
Hasan is also obviously a PTA parent, there is not a meeting he’s not at. He’d be there with his youngest attached to him, just verbally attacking others ``Valery, not only is your pie bad but your ideas are stupid. You aren't even considering the fact that there are people, children, who live outside of the district that your proposal will affect. Or did you not consider that.” and “You can’t cook worth shit” it’s a whole job in itself to get him to stop cursing when making a point.
I mentioned going to family owned/hole-in-the- wall places when dating, but when he y’all have a family? Museum trips all the time, The family owned restaurants? They know you three so well to the point of the owner treating you like family themselfs.
Everytime he walks past his kid, no matter what he’s doing, he could be on an important phone call, he’s saying to the kid. He makes it a point to always stop and say “hello” while waving. This is the main reason why his son's first steps are because he wasn't greeted when Hasan was walking past him to go back on stream. The kid obviously follows him, Hasan does see him once he’s sat down, he of course picks him up and starts to talk to him, it is then that he realizes that his kid went from one room to another without anyone helping him. He gets super excited.
It is at this point the kid becomes a little pest. He’s always interrupting everything, streams, videos, calls, whatever. He comes in shots ``Papa look” and hands him something random, leaves, rocks, cords, just random things he’s found in the house or in the backyard. He once brought him a bug that was alive, which made for a fun clip.
This kid also has this habit of running up to the microphone saying “Hi” and running off. Hasan will always run after to bring him back on stream, it's always a good laugh.
When the boy starts saying curse words, because he really is so much like his dad, you make it Hasan’s job to have the kid understand when the correct time to use those kinds of words are. It’s just Hasan getting on knees in the middle of a store to explain to his son why shouting “fuck” after dropping and breaking a container of pickles in the store is not the right time or place for that kind of language.
Big fan of mentioning the baby on podcast. He’ll be on Chadvice and say things like ”Chat you can trust me, I mean look, I’m a real man, I have family. You can trust me.” You could catch him on the Fear& podcast just holding the baby while Will keeps  asking the bay for his opinions.
He is a family man, you know that he is constantly taking pictures of both you and the kid. When the two of you are napping together? He takes like five. Making dinner together as a family, he gets so many pictures, anytime his hands aren't full he’s taking one. As do you, He has the kid and is entertaining him and doesn’t release that you're up? You have so many pictures of him playing with his son and the trucks. Hasan and his son are in the pool? you definitely have like a hundred photos of that.
Hasan takes the kid to basketball practice with him, always making sure that the kid gets at least one score each time. He holds the boy while the boy has a ball in his grasp, just walking up to the basket so the kid can score. Everyone who is there makes it a big deal.
The kid not wanting to go from his crib to a big boy bed? It’s decided that the thing to do is sleeping in the bed with the kid until he knows that it's safe to sleep there alone, and on nights when Hasan is the one to sleep with the boy, you bet all 6’5 of him is scrunched up on a twin bed, it makes for such a funny sight.
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tachibubu · 2 years
Never Good Enough (1/3) [SFW]
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∆ PAIRING ; (SoonYandere)Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader/OC/Self-Insert
∆ SUMMARY ; Being good friends was never enough. Two young children, Aemond & (Y/N), have known each other since they were a child. Their friendship leads to a conflict when a big accident happened that questions their loyalty to one another. Will they be able to preserve it?
∆ WARNINGS ; Incest obvs, mentions of death an spoilers of episode 6 & 7, angsty sht, no comfort as of yet(?), wrote this after years of hiatus so my writing aint as good and rusty as sht, kinda ooc? I tried mate, tried to give aemond character but it turns out mid, idk if yall will enjoy it or not.
Aemond never had the feeling of love or being loved. So when he had a grasp of it, he felt as if something was wrong with him.
You are the daughter of Laena Velaryon. Before she was bethroted to Daemon Targaryen, she had an affair with an unknown man during her many adventures with Vhagar when she was in her rebel phase. She hid you amongst the crowd in fear that you would be exiled, or worse, be punished for just being born.
So she kept you hidden until Daemon provided you with an escape, declaring you were his and her child before they got married, and no one questioned the veracity of the tale in front of the hungry Targaryen man.
You were raised among the children of Rhaenyra and Alicent.
You bore no dragon, as yours remained unhatched ever since. Having the council and its audience further whisper the legitimacy of your birth. Although Lucerys and Jacaerys might be bastards as well, they at least had a dragon to make the jeering masses stop once they saw them practicing with the wild monsters as they described.
Because of this, despite his mother's remarks and pleas for him to stay outside of your lane, you and Aemond connected over your differences.
Alicent could not have allowed her son to travel with a bastard who can't even support her blood claims with a single dragon. It's like going on a stroll with a commoner, although one with the last name of the prestigious Velaryons. It will defame the name of her own child.
Aemond was worried and somewhat acknowledged some of his mother's accusations. He kept talking to you even if he would not say it out; nevertheless, having someone to put up with the constant bullying of his brother regarding his lack of a dragon was less painful when he wasn't the only one subjected to it.
Jacaerys teases you just as much as Aemond, but unlike his naive younger sibling or his uncle Aegon, he won't torture you with jests regularly.
Jacaerys would frequently strike up a discussion with you after the boys pulled a trick on you and Aemond, which you had to tidy up after. Given that you were the oldest and the most academically inclined, and considering that you were born a year before Aegon, you graciously accepted their behavior, even though they were childish. This meant that your brain was mature at a young age, and you simply decided that their foolish pranks were merely ant jokes and should not be taken into consideration.
When you informed Aemond of this, he was perplexed. In addition to giving you a scathing response about the horror of meeting your alleged bully, Jacaerys, he also expressed confusion about your ability to never lose your cool in such situations.
This is what Aemond admired about you; the way you took in all the comments about your parents' alleged whoreness but also took in on being the laughingfool of the kingdom as having the Velaryon name with no snow white hair and a dragon.
He would not show his admiration for you; he was boyish about it and adamant about not having feelings for you when his emotions were displayed otherwise.
When he was still young, to his highness', the queen's, dismay, he would steal glances at you, bring you the loveliest flowers he could find in the gardens and set them on your seat before breakfast was called in, and ask the maids or his mother about your whereabouts. He regarded you as a close friend and harbored feelings for you, but kept them to himself.
You held onto his considerate actions and discovered yourself blushing at his newfound boldness. You responded by giving him a kind smile and glancing at him with your cheeks continuing to flush.
Since you selected the academic path and Kingslanding offered a wealth of opportunities, you had not seen your mother in years and had only exchanged letters instead. As a result, when Aemond suddenly disclosed your loss while you studied for a test you had created to review yourself, it was an episode you would never forget.
When your mother passed away, you experienced grief. You're in despair. The Blacks and Greens joined together to experience the burial of your mother. Aemond draped a bit of his cloak around your pinky in an attempt to conceal it from prying eyes as he held it.
For a bit, you talked about your grief for Aemond during the ceremony. He held your hand as the tears streamed across your face, then he tightened his hold, whispering gentle words of consolation.
You finally got to meet your sisters during the funeral. Well, step-sisters, but a sister nonetheless. They were obviously of pure blood, and you couldn't help but chuckle as you considered that, in her final moments, your mother might have realized that she was no longer a whore in the eyes of the community but rather a devoted member of her pride and family.
As he observed this, Aemond experienced some heartbreak over the fact that you were able to make more friends than he did and enjoy your own isolation, but he was also relieved that you were able to finally develop into a more social individual. He restrained himself from feeling more envy and soothed himself with the knowledge that you would always stand by him and support him. Why should he worry when you both know each other and have an awareness of what you both felt but didn't express?
But what Aemond doesn't realize is that you had a different perspective when you heard about the news of Aemond claiming Vhagar as well as hurting his eyes and his nephews in the process. You were outraged. You might as well add livid.
When Aemond demanded your comfort while being tended to publicly, you refused to look at him and instead chose to pay attention to the small pool of blood on the stone floor.
After the argument between the two families and their commotion over who was at fault, Aemond noticed that you had vanished like a newly born star beginning its first ever shine.
He started to consider all the negative possibilities and soon started to use childish logic. What does it matter if he took your mother's dragon after she was buried? You ought to be pleased that he has at last acquired a dragon. Despite lacking morality, he did earn it honestly.
The next day, when he was preparing for the departure, his mother, the queen, asked for him to call you back as they would be leaving soon. So he did, though he did pant a sweat after being clueless several times about where you'd been.
However, Aemond never loses sight of his objective once he sets his eyes on it. Finally, he saw you at the coast, still dressed in your previous nightgown despite it being sunrise.
"(Y/N), it is time to go." He began. "Mother ordered me to fetch you."
Aemond began to worry. Your eyes were still hazy. Once more clearing his throat, he added, "(Y/N) you know I did what I had to do. As a Targaryen man, we are required to bear a dra-"
"I thought I knew you well." You retorted, not letting him finish.
Aemond's reaction was a bewildered one. Out of all the replies he could get, this one hurt the most. He was very indifferent towards you, was he not? His nose flared while a sour emotion bubbled inside of him. "No, it was you who I thought I knew well!"
"Did we not yearn for each other's eggs to hatch and for the peeping eyes of people's expectations to soon be destroyed? I thought you would be delighted for me, happy that I finally have a dragon!" He added.
He received no reply but a whimper. He knew you to be strong and not weak. He anticipated that you would think about his argument rather carefully, given that you rely on logic rather than emotions, but he finally saw who you really were. You are insecure, he finalized.
"I expected you, as a friend, to be ecstatic about my gain and to greet me with open arms for my new ranking. I only wish for your warm embrace, nothing more. " He stepped forward, not minding the morning wind's coldness.
You took one last breath before confronting him. Aemond's breathing became labored. Right now, you most closely resemble rage if anger were a living entity. "And what? Why should I embrace the man who soiled my mother's grave just the day of her burial? Tell me why I should be cheerful, or why, in fact, should I parade myself as I boast for your claiming of my dead mother's dragon? "
You finally had the chance to gaze upon Aemond's expression. It is the look of someone who has been betrayed. If you knew better, you wouldn't have given in to the sudden want to hug him, to tell him that it was all fine, and you did knew better. What he did was far more heartbreaking and discorteous than whatever he felt about your actions.
"I thought you knew me well, but it seems our understanding is not mutual." Aemond replied with a pursed lip.
In return, you sneered at the younger boy, "Well, if you ask me, I thought I knew you well too. For some boy whom I used to love, my vision towards yours has changed drastically, as I have realized how drastically your actions happened this early morning."
What was love to him? He came to a halt. His mother instilled in him the idea that love is only an illusion and that he should place more emphasis on his duties. Love comes as a reward for a job well done. He passionately believes that.
But why must it come after? Why can't he take the treat now?
His lips and throat quivered, and his eyes started to moisten from the sunrise. He was forbidding himself not to cry. Once you recognized what was happening, you began to fumble with your gown's hem. You were drifting apart, you knew it. You parted your lips to muster up a continuation, but Aemond got there first.
"Apologies for the inconvenience, my lady. I would inform my mother, the queen, about your immediate departure. "
He then softly walked away, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
After many years, people—possibly even the maids—finally heard what you, the oldest Velaryon child, permanent residency withdrawal from the Red Keep and the decision to continue your scholarship privately at High Tide. As one of the best scholars in Kingslanding, they believed that the princess Rhaenyra was plotting something with a new strategy that included you. As soon as it was revealed that your stepfather, Daemon, was wed to the princess Rhaenyra, they began to believe the tale, even if it had not yet been shown how they would carry it out.
As he grew progressively older and older, Aemond clung to the term "love," hoping you would come back as his infatuation over you grew ever more intense. He was more aggressive and smug as he continued his training. Your remarks had a profound effect on his ego (in a taunting way), and he utilized them to continually elevate himself. He grew taller than Ser Criston this year and was able to counter the fighting prowess of the Kingsguard. He studied philosophy, history and the process of ruling a kingdom as well as the arts of war. He loved to pretend that he was doing this for himself, but in reality, he was hoping that after you two met, you would soon come to regret your words regarding his placement.
He had waited long enough to receive a message from the family dinner that you were soon to be wedded with Jacaerys and that the Blacks would be coming to manage both the succession to Driftmark and your marriage to the oldest stepchild on your stepmother's behalf.
The Greens were frightened and started formulating a strategy, but Aemond remained silent with a throbbing head.
Aemond's world turned red.
I wrote this at 12 am so forgive me for my mistakes and sht. My knowledge about the universe of song of ice and dragon is scarce so if there are any mistakes pls do tell me huhu. This was supposed to be a one shot but it was too long so I stopped at that point. Ill upload the last part whenever im ready. Also this is greatly inspired by @missglaskin writing style, their way of writing is unique and the use of headcanon format but still telling a full story is very unique and less time consuming for me if I copy their format so I hope they dont mind fjfjfjdkdm.
If the read more function doesnt work ill fix it tom sorry lmao.
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Heaven is not entirely on the wrong – a hazbin hotel theory #2 – Exterminations
Something that is often overlooked or sugarcoated a bit in Hazbin amidst all the goofy songs and trust exercises, is that Hell is terrible. There I said it. Hell is a blood terrible place to be. It’s a place of eternal torment, and a prison, a container if you will, for the most terrible of people that have walked on earth. (Let’s not forget that fan favorite Alastor was a psychotic serial killer when he was alive, and still is a master puppeteer, a manipulative, powerful owner of countless souls that is undoubtedly cruel.)
            Murder. Manipulation. Abuse. R*pe. They all exist in abundance down there. And for the average sinner down in the pride ring, things are tough. After being exposed to all that and worse even – as we glimpse with Angel, and Husk – your average sinner is left severely traumatized, if not also physically hurt (regenerative abilities, so idk). To put it simply, hell is a hellish place. And even our beloved princess of Optimism in all her naivete sees it and wants to help. Thus, the plan for rehabilitation and getting a postmortem chance at redemption. (Though how many of them can be redeemed? And does it count if they only do it in fear of punishment? What about metanoia? Is it sincere? What if someone breaks through that shouldn’t have?)
            Hell is overpopulated and here comes heaven with its plan of annual exterminations to keep the population on the down low. And Adam who does it purely for his own entertainment. And Sera who internally struggles with having given the okay for them. (We’ll get to her in a bit, though).
            Here comes the controversial part. If Hell is such a terrible place to be, and no one wants to be there, isn’t killing sinners a way of freeing them from their torment? (It sounds bad I know, and I don’t intend to turn this to an assisted – suicide / euthanasia debate). And if they are “worthy” see rehabilitated, aka have regretted what they’ve done, aka can be redeemed their souls are cleansed and free to ascend to heaven.      
We are not talking about exterminators, we are talking abt exorcists. And if you are familiar with at least horror movies – not necessarily history or religion – you know that exorcists vanquish restless or misguided souls and release them. It’s not a form of punishment, but historically an attempt to help the soul rest in peace. So, if the name choice is deliberate and we are talking exorcists and not exterminators, aka soul cleanses instead of forever death, things might not be as bad.
Keep in mind that I am saying this from an outsider’s perspective and the show is portrayed from the sinner’s perspective. Or at least the denizens of hell. The very traumatized denizens of hell that amongst all their other torment have to be worried abt being killed like cattle once a year. And they have no idea what happens once you die by angelic spear. So that births fear and paranoia Not to mention that Adam and Lute’s sadism and the general bloodthirsty tendencies of the exorcists don’t help the case.
The narrative perspective is meant to make us empathize with the sinners and the denizens of hell, not heaven not the angels, and certainly not Adam or Sera. In the shows narrative they are supposed to represent the corrupt order and oppressive powers we are supposed to resent, whether that is objectively the case, is an entirely different discussion.  So the perspective, and the narrative tools used express that particular POV, and the plot and characterization is meant to support that. Consequently, the questions abt narrator reliability arise, and what I have said above seems lackluster and completely opposite to what the show tells us.
Another point I wanted to bring up is that the way Charlie pitches the idea of the hotel, and a chance at redemption has a bit of a… big hole in it. Anyone can improve at any time yes. I agree. But people that are in hell, have already had the chance to improve for so long as they were alive. It is an arduous process, a mountain to climb yes, but if one truly desires to redeem themselves for what they have done, and become a better person they would have tried before. Perhaps tried and failed, but tried, nonetheless. Which sets those people up perfectly to be residents of the hotel.  But how many of them are there? How many ended up in hell? How many of those in hell actually want to redeem themselves, regret, change their ways and ask for forgiveness? So, the postmortem redemption is kinda fishy. And there is another reason for it as well. If you want to redeem yourself, just for the shake of avoiding punishment, and eternal suffering, is it really redemption? Do you really want to become a better person?  Or just avoid the consequences of your decisions in life?
And as we see none of the people in hell, apart from Vaggie, believe in Charlie’s plan. Most even ridicule her for it. Including Angel who just wants free food and a place to crash at night. And who while having showin signs of improvement, still is in hell. Would just sticking to Adam’s rules, make him go up in heaven? Would that balance out all that he has done in life? Hell, does Sir Pentious’ sacrifice balance out all he did in life? And earns him a place in heaven?
Alright though, Sir Pentious is a mostly harmless goofball. What about people Like Vox and Alastor, Valentine, Velvette, the overlords? Hell is populated and in part ruled by the worst that humanity has to offer. And what happens if one of them manages to break the system, manipulate Charlie, fool her and take advantage of her, and end up in heaven? What will that spell for all the innocent souls up there?
Could infiltration be the key to a new Hellish uprising? And war between heaven and hell? Would corruption sheep into all their hearts? Idk what would happen but it would spell disaster for all the innocent souls in heaven that remain ignorant of all that mess.
And lastly a big elephant in the room I’d like t o address. Is Pentious really the first denizen of hell to be redeemed? He gets blasted by holy light and ends up in heaven, because he dies in an act of self-sacrifice. Have there not been any sinners before him that just tried to get by in hell? That ended up there for a stupid reason, or sth that they didn’t quite have a choice about, and then tried to make the most of their life in that mess, regretting what they have done? And if so, if they were killed in exterminations, why would they not ascend to heaven instead of being cast away to oblivion? Like Sir Pentious?
What if there were souls that were worthy of heaven, and with their release – however violent – from the plane of hell they had the chance to ascend? If it is possible now, wouldn’t it have been possible before? Why would Pentious be the only one? Or the first one for that matter?  
 In all the history of hell, I m supposed to believe that the only time a soul was regretful and changed and could have been redeemed was Pentious, with that one act of self-sacrifice? No woman that might have killed her abuser, and regretted taking a life but never regretted gaining her freedom, no man stranded in a desert or struck by a great famine with nothing to eat, hunt or scavenge but the bodies of his dead comrades? People that genuinely were faced with an impossible choice and ended up in hell for making it.
In a way I feel that if redemption is possible now, it was also possible before. It just flew under the radar, because probably no one ended up face to face with Sera after their ascend. Otherwise, she would have known it’s possible. And perhaps taken other measures.
And yes my ridiculous last argument leads me to the third installment of this huge mess
#3 – SERA
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angelicadamposting · 7 months
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Evangeline - Adam’s Third Wife
Evangeline-Juliette Antoinette de France
first look at my oc (started as a s/i for my f/o but evolved okay)
art by @w0nderous !! (tysm again <3)
I really want to post some of my writing/fan fiction about her and Adam but I don’t know how embarrassing it would be. character sheet below tho :3
Additionally I do have two timelines for her ! This one & one where she falls and becomes a ‘sinner’ but I need to commission art of her sinner form !!
CW: d3ath mentioned, uhh historical fiction,
Basic Info
Name: Evangeline (Formerly Evangeline-Juliette Antionette de France) Species: Angel / Divine Soul (Formerly Human) Physical Age: 22 Birth Date: November 26, 1780 Death Year: 1802 Height: 4'11 ft or 150 cm MBTI: INFJ
Adam (Duh)
Ballroom Dancing
Helping/Supporting Others
Cooking (Despite Failing)
Music (Listening)
Being Kept in the Dark/Lied To
Senseless Violence
Being Alone
Spicy or even just Unfamiliar Foods
Being Belittled or Disrespected
‘Ugly people’ - adam
Overview/Backstory(before heaven)
Evangeline was born as a peasant in France, her parents each working beneath King Louis VXI and Queen Marie Antionette. At a young age, Evangeline and her elder sister were chosen to become Marie's daughter's playmates. A common practice for nobles of the ra to find a commoner to befriend their child to socialize with them, however, the Queen chose to do this to teach her daughter empathy. After several years of spending day after day at the side of the Princess, her mother passed away. Stricken with responsibility and a heart bigger than the public knew, Marie Antionette adopted Evangeline and her elder sister. Quickly moving the two into the Palace of Versailles and giving each of them new names based on her favorite books, Evangeline now being called Juliette by her adopted mother based on 'Les Lettres de Juliette Catesby (1759)' by Marie Jeanne Riccoboni.
Despite being treated with the same maternal care and affection as Marie's biological daughter, Evangeline nor her elder sister were ever granted titles. Instead, the two were often referred to by others in the palace as 'the girls who always accompany Princess Marie-Therese.' This never bothered Evangeline, the young girl only thankful for the affection and opportunity within the palace. Her new mother gave her access to literature, teaching her to read as soon as possible, and teaching her daughter how to love books just as she did. It was at this time that Evangeline began to read the bible and learn other languages.
When the political unrest within France grew and the royal family attempted to flee, Evangeline and her sister were sent to the countryside to live with their biological father until the family returned shortly after failing the attempt. The unrest only grew, however, resulting in the Queen instructing another member of the French Court to take Evangeline and her sister to safety. The two living with the Mackau family during the height of the revolution and during their adopted parent's executions, their biological father shortly following in their footsteps due to his association with the King.
It wasn't until age 17 that Evangeline was released from legal guardianship, and permission to use the pension from her deceased adoptive parents as she wished. For the first time, the young woman was on her own in the world, and her name had been changed back to match that of her biological parents instead of the royal family. She moved to Saint-Denis in Paris to live close to her sister, the only person she even knew anymore.
For years, the young woman lived alone, unsure of what direction her life was meant to go in. Everything had been set up for her, prepared for her since she had been adopted. Things were always taken care of for her, a future decided for her even when she was under legal guardianship by the Mackau family. Near overnight everything changed, her whole life flipped upside down and every adult with a parental role in her eyes was gone. She spent her days reading, visiting with her neighbors, and feeding the strays while her sister began a family, at least being married off. It wasn't until 1802 when a group of soldiers traveled through her city, ones she just had to run into on the street, unknowingly spread yellow fever throughout Saint-Denis.
Early winter that year, Evangeline passed away in her home with no one but her faith and sister at her side. Without even a good story to tell, the young woman went to sleep to never wake up in the mortal realm again. However, she instead awoke before the pearly gates. She was greeted by St. Peter, who quickly checked his book to find her name, and brought through the gates quickly. Passing through the gates, Evangeline's senses were overloaded by the bright aura that emitted off the grand, beautiful structures softly sat atop the clouds. Almost causing her to miss the other angels themselves, as her eyes danced from billboard to fountain and so on. (that ended up longer than intended, maybe 2 many details)
Notable Relationships
Adam: The First Man Evangeline initially wasn't the biggest fan of Adam when they first met, as crude and obnoxious as he was, although over time she began to notice herself laughing at his annoying comments instead of cringing. She was probably the one to fall for him first, much to her dismay; Although she wouldn't be the first to make a move. Internally and externally she denied the fact she'd grown to care for him, enjoyed his crass humor, and couldn't stand how quiet things were when he wasn't around. After several months of relentless seemingly one-sided flirting from Adam, Evangeline relented, eventually reciprocating his advances. Although, due to her embarrassment she attempted to keep their entanglement a secret, which did not last long, when Lute opened the door of Adam's office one evening and caught the two getting heated. After this, the two made their relationship official and it became known within heaven among both the angels of lower and higher status. Despite her initial uncertainty, after what felt like no time the couple engaged before being married in 'holy matrimony.' Due to Adam's history regarding Eve and Lilith, Evangeline vowed to always stay by his side as his wife and support him. She never wanted to turn out like the two who hurt the only man who ever made her laugh or feel loved since she died before ever finding someone in life. The biggest problem within their relationship arises 200 years after they marry, due to the fact Adam kept the exterminations a secret from her their entire marriage. Truthfully, the only reason she ever learned of them was by chance and staying up 'overnight' during the yearly extermination, a night she had always viewed as the one day Adam took work seriously. This was why she stayed up late, waiting for him to get back with Lute so she could see him and ask how it went, even if she didn't know truly what it was his 'job' was. While waiting, she heard the door open followed by the voices of Adam and Lute. The two were happily chatting about slaughtering hundreds of souls, sinners specifically, but still. The revelation that her husband and someone she'd considered her closest friend were capable of such acts horrified Evangeline and caused her to rush toward them with a million questions. Lute pretty quickly excused herself, claiming this was Adam's problem, and leaving the couple to argue in privacy. They went back and forth on the ethics of it, the purpose, and how it could possibly be justified. 'It's to protect us! To protect Heaven and all of us angels here! Those sinners and demons want to uprise, you don't even get it-' All of his excuses seemed to fall onto deaf ears, as Evangeline shook her head in denial and led the argument until daybreak. Eventually, she began to kind of understand his supposed perspective. Thinking of the revolution and uprising that caused what she had always known to be a loving family to be torn apart, she chose to trust Adam and the other angels who made the decisions regarding the exterminations.
Lute Evangeline met Lute at the same time she met Adam, in fact, she walked right past Adam to introduce herself to Lute with a warm smile and handshake. Lute was apprehensive at first, uneasy with what seemed like sickly sweet kindness that radiated off the new angel. However, once she viewed how she reacted to Adam and was nearly forced to spend time with her; Lute began to consider Evangeline a friend. The two often spend their free time away from Adam together, whether that be talking shit or shopping. The second of the two options was less of a favorite of the exorcist angel, although she seemed to enjoy the food portions of their shopping trips. Often times one will try to invest the other in one of their own hobbies, like Evangeline's singing or Lute's combat practice; Each resulting in humorous situations for the friends. When Evangeline learns of the exterminations, and about who/what Lute really is, she's initially hurt by the fact her only actual friend had kept such a secret from her. (even if it was ordered and literally a part of the rules.) A wedge nearly being thrown between them, until Lute finally explains the fact there are rules regarding the exterminations and how only the exorcist angels and seraphim really know. While this explanation makes sense, Evangeline accepts this and tries to move on. In the end, learning the truth caused the two women to become better friends now that Lute truly could open up to someone else and not have to rely on Adam as the only one who knew the truth. - Okay, this was way longer than intended !! if you actually read all the way to here, thank you for taking the time !!
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