#nothing on my insta is Not Safe For Work but no one needs to see my art and cosplay I post every four months
pekasairroc · 7 months
Screeching alone in the pits of iPage dot com while fending off the fall of small websites with my meager HTML knowledge
I will be the webmaster at the nitpicky whims of this professional organization chapter if only to prevent all the information from being posted only on Instagram that requires an account to access
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
We know JK is so bothered about a friend peeling perila leaf for his partner. He can't trust his partner even with that simple thing, so should we even talk about intimate choreography, living with producers, going for weeks long foreign trips ? You are saying a man who can't stand a simple perilla leaf peeling is cool with the above things?
No. He wasn't
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He wasn't okay with any of that anon. Like, not even a little bit. I think we have witnessed satellite Jeon for so long that we have forgotten what it actually means. JK always wanting to be next to Jimin, Jimin having a calming effect on JK, JK gravitating towards Jimin when sad, satellite Jeon means Jimin is JK's person. It means Jimin is more than just his boyfriend, he is his safe space. JK needs him. He doesn't just want him, he doesn't just love Jimin, he needs him.
Jikook live together, yeah? And this is after all members used to live in one house for years. So they've done nothing but be around eo for over 10 years. AND YET what happens when any content is released?
We have them backstage walking from point A to B together
We have them sitting and standing next to eo all the time
We have JK displacing members to be next to Jimin
We have JK following Jimin
We have them leaving premises together
We have them cheating to be on the same team
We have them staying up all night drinking alone together
We have them practising group choreos together
We have them hanging out at each other's rehearsals.
And all this happens after they left the same house and will go back to sleep in the same bed at the end of the day once they're done filming. When I call them interdependent... I mean they are interdependent.
Jimin is JK's safe space I'm pretty sure this has been established by how hard satellite Jeon works sometimes.
He failed. But he tried. Poor baby. 😪
What's my point you ask? My point is, JK has only known being with Jimin almost all the time. When they're good, of course. When they haven't fought and are giving eo space, JK only knows how to have Jimin with him at all times. And this has been the case for years. Then solo era comes along and Jimin moves out for a while, and even though I'm sure he made time for JK, it just wasn't enough.
JK went from waking up to Jimin, seeing him everyday, to seeing him what, thrice a week? Once a week? Who knows? Either way, his Jimin time had been cut considerably short and satellite Jeon was not handling it very well. Add that to the fact that they are supposed to lay low, can't be seen out together in public hanging out like they used to before.. and it was maybe a bit too much for JK.
So no anon, JK was not cool with any of the above things that you listed. We all saw it for ourselves. Coming live without permission and being unapologetic about it. First sign of defying the company. Coming live all the time coz he was bored and needed company. The drinking on every live even though he wasn't allowed to. Deleting insta and making the company lose money coz of it while most prolly not giving a shit. And then white day happened.
This couple holiday that JK has spent with Jimin every single year and once again his boyfriend is not just busy but out of the freaking country! So what happens? Mans breaks down. He's at his limit here, anon.
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I only wanna talk to Jikookers rn coz they're the only ones that truly understand how seriously Jikook take this couple shit. Be it matching rings on the same finger, or matching clothes on couple holidays, or matching clothes more often than with other members. And it happens even now, btw.
From JK ending up with Dior merch
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To Jikookers spoting that one red CK underwear that clearly didn't belong to JK
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And it couldn't be more clear they shop together. This one is neither here nor there but I'm throwing it in here anyway coz why not? 😂😂😂
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(They've always had very similar taste)
Then we have spending birthdays together, couple holidays, etc. They've done this forever. So for Jimin to be away on the last white day before they have to enlist and be away from eo for 2 years, I can imagine it kinda hit JK hard and may have been one of the things that got him emotional that day.
So no anon, JK was definitely not cool with any of the above things that you listed.
And we know this, because as soon as Jimin's promotions ended, not only did JK go MIA, but when he popped back up, mofo was fucking glowing
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He looked absolutely incredible. There was shine in his eyes and in his smile. It was so good to see him that way. And that has continued to be the case in the lives that he did after that. Sad JK was gone. JK that needed to drink when he came live, was gone.
So now i ask; Was this visible change that happened once Jimin was no longer as busy a coincidence?
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delfiore · 1 year
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pairing: natasha romanoff x android!reader
synopsis: a face-to-face with caesar confirms what you are already too afraid to admit, as your days as the mole are numbered.
word count: 2.1k
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Caesar’s new command kept you on edge, you barely had time to do anything else. It was in your program to obey the instructions you were given, so even if you didn’t want to, your brain—CPU—was calculating the best possible way to kill Natasha. You thought about poisoning her, stabbing her in her sleep, pushing her off a ledge to make it look like an accident. The thought of killing Nat was horrifying, but it was even more horrifying to know that you were perfectly capable of doing it, or that you would not be able to stop yourself once the command has been entered.
You wiped the tears that had been running freely down your cheeks. Looking in the mirror, you saw no flaw, no imperfection, just a hollow shell of your face model staring back at you. You wondered whether whomever your face was modeled after lived a normal life, if they knew of your existence, or were they just trying to get home after a long week of work.
“Ibuprofen,” Nat called from the bedroom, “could you grab it from the cabinet, please?”
The last mission she went on left her with a dislocated shoulder. It had since been reset, but she needed painkillers to help with the ache.
“Uh, yeah,” you sniffled and grabbed what she needed. When you returned to the bedroom, she was already looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.
She was silent when you handed her the pill bottle, and when you climbed into bed wordlessly.
“Y/N, I didn’t wanna say anything because I wanted you to feel ready to talk to me about whatever it is, but I’m worried, my love.”
You let out a slow breath, and mustered up the best smile you were able to.
“I’m okay. It’s just, work has been a bit stressful.”
“Really? Has Tony been overworking you? I can tell him to—“
“No, no, Nat, please,” you exhaled sharply, “just let it go. Please.”
A beat of silence passed and you thought she might have decided to drop it when she said. “You’re hurting, and I don’t know how to help you. It hurts me to see you like this.”
You felt the guilt gnawing at the back of your throat, threatening to spill out of your mouth. It was a surprising thing to learn that you could feel guilt (you have been feeling it a lot lately). Caesar must have installed it to make you second-guess disobeying him; another failsafe in case you desert.
“I don’t know if I’m deserving of all this, Nat.”
“What do you mean?”
“This, being Tony’s assistant, this life here, you.” You cried quietly. “I don’t know i-if I deserve all this.”
“Of course you do,” Natasha cooed. She probably thought you were going insane.
Natasha was never one for words, and the repeated opening and closing of her mouth was enough to tell you that she didn’t know what to say. She brought you into her arms, and let you cry quietly against her chest.
You never let her see you cry. There was an unspoken shame that you felt whenever you felt the tears coming, like you didn’t deserve to cry, like it was a privilege reserved only for those with real emotions. But if what you were feeling then, that warm sensation spread across your chest, the safeness of being enveloped in Nat’s embrace as she whispered repeated I love you’s in your ears, if that wasn’t real, nothing else on Earth was. Everything would cease to exist, and life would have no meaning.
Maybe that way you would finally deserve her.
You would learn later that Caesar had managed to get on the Avengers’ radar. It wasn’t hard to tell why; VULCAN is one of the only organizations in the world that manufactured artificial intelligence smart enough to blend into society without compromise.
“Jeez,” Clint laughed, “wonder how many of those are walking around Time Square right now.”
“If I had to guess, it'd be a lot." Tony opened a computer screen. "Which is why I've installed scanners in our metal detectors, looking for abnormally high levels of iron in a body. Could be an indication of synthetic blood. Everyone coming into the Compound will be scanned.”
“People with heart diseases and diabetes could also have high levels of iron,” Vision chimed in.
“Sounds like our accuracy could be off,” Sam noted.
“We don’t know what we’re dealing with yet, or how human-like these things are. This is our best bet right now,” Tony shook his head.
“One thing for sure, though,” Nat said, “we have to find who’s behind this. And when we do, we have to shut those androids down to prevent a national security risk.”
You weren’t in the room when the conversation happened, but you were able to hack into F.R.I.D.A.Y’s memory drive to access the recording of the meeting anyway. You needed to know what they said, even when hearing what Nat suggested broke your heart.
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It is believed that the sense of smell is closely tied to memory. It is because the olfactory bulb is directly connected to the hippocampus, the section of the limbic system that processes and stores memory. You remembered the smell of the Factory as soon as you set foot in it. It was your first ever memory since before you opened your eyes; it was a sterilized, and clean smell, too much as if to hide another smell. But once you got to Caesar’s office, though, it was replaced by a softer smell of wood, and lavender.
“FD700-16.” He smiled and beckoned you over to embrace you.
“Hello, Caesar.” You let him wrap his arms around you. “I do believe this is the first time we’ve met.”
Caesar was a man of tall stature, even for his age. Lines like rivers adorned his face, and he sported a mid-length head of grey hair. There was a glint in his blue eyes that you couldn't quite decipher; at first glance, he looked like a gentle older man. You tried to scan your database for his identity, because there was no way his real name was Caesar, but your records were blank.
“But oh, is it? I’ve always been here, even before you were born.” Caesar smiled, a wicked grin. “I’ve always been there, watching over you. You were always meant for greatness, there’s no denying that.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat. “About my new objective—“
“Ah, come, we’ll talk about that later. Come, sit. You are the best model I have created so far.”
“I’ve learned a lot, sire.” You said with a small smile. “Your program has allowed me to learn things, experience emotions. I feel . . . almost human.”
“What have you learned of the files, 16?” You could tell he was growing impatient. “The one you were tasked with retrieving?”
You blinked a few times, surprised he had brushed off your comments so easily. “I’m working on it, sire.”
Caesar let out a low sigh. “Do you know why I started VULCAN? At this point, I had worked for the CIA for years. Espionage was what I excelled at, but I’ve seen how emotion clouded many of my colleague’s judgments. But I couldn’t blame them; our intellect is humanity’s greatest gift, but also our biggest downfall. And in my line of work, it could get you killed, or worse, jeopardize the mission.
I know what you’re thinking, 16. How could jeopardizing a mission be worse than dying? When you believe in something, really believe in something, it becomes bigger than you. It affects everyone involved in it, it’s not just you anymore. That is how humans have become the apex predator; we work as one.”
You took a moment to digest everything Caesar told you. It wasn’t how you saw it, but surprisingly it made sense. “So you founded VULCAN to . . . eliminate human error?”
“Now you’re getting it,” he smiled, but it looked more like a grin, him baring his teeth. “The Red Room had the same idea, but slightly flawed as it relied on human assassins. I want to take that formula and modify it, make it perfect.”
“Perfect,” you mumbled, looking up at him. “Is that what you intended for me?”
Caesar leaned back against his chair. “Perfection is never what we are, 16, but who we have the potential to be.”
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You had been in the lab for hours by the time you decided to check the time. You had been working on the same model for a few days, just like Tony wanted you to; a new algorithm to deploy his rockets faster, one that he can do so manually should F.R.I.D.A.Y. had been disconnected from taking damage—a failsafe of a sort. Instead of him having to push a button or speak a command, it would run the program using the synapses in his brain as the command.
You thought you’d do your job properly, as you wouldn’t have a job tomorrow if tonight goes accordingly.
It felt easy listening to Caesar, to heed his command. It went against your program to pretend to live in this fantasy you had with Natasha, that would never come to be anyway.
Happy endings are for humans, not androids.
Caesar was right, and he was all along. He was your maker after all.
Natasha came by to pick you up. You were supposed to go to the rooftop for a picnic with her. After that you’d go back to her room and watch a movie before calling it night, except there would be no movie because by the time you leave the rooftop, Natasha would have been dead.
You had opted for an odorless and tasteless poison that would put her to sleep first so that she wouldn’t feel anything; it would simply cause her heart to go into arrhythmia and stop beating.
Nat brought you flowers when she came into the lab.
New York at night was no less beautiful than a meadow at night; the light of the city resembled a field of fireflies in the dark of the sky. Natasha made sandwiches to share between you, you prepared some strawberries, grapes, and cheese, much easier to slip the poison into—fluid mixing with the juices of the fruit.
You brought a small lantern to light up the space where you would set up your date; it seemed almost beautiful and peaceful.
She gave you a kiss as soon as she sat down. “I love this, babe.”
You flashed a smile back. “Only the best for my best girl.”
There was a hint of a blush on her rosy cheeks. Please don’t eat the strawberries.
“Yelena says she’ll be in town next week, says she misses you. Almost like she only came to visit you.” Nat smiled with a roll of her eyes. “She mentioned something about wanting to go to an art museum. Maybe you guys should go to the Met together.”
“I’d like that,” you said, watching the way she put her chin on her fold knee. “How long is she staying?”
“A week, but she always overstays her welcome anyway.”
“Don’t eat the strawberries.”
“Hm? Why?”
“Cause they’re kinda going bad,” you grimaced. “I’m sorry, I was in the lab all day. Forgot to go pick up fresh ones.”
“Really? We bought these like two days ago.”
“Well, they are from Trader Joe’s.”
Your skin jumped when she picked up the fruit, bringing it up to smell it, before taking a small nibble from it.
“You didn’t think it’d be that easy, would you?”
“What?” You blinked.
She spat out the piece she had in her mouth, and set the strawberry down.
“How did you know?” You sighed.
“When you stopped using the main entrance to the Compound, and only used the entrance from the living quarters.” Natasha clenched her jaw. “I should have guessed sooner, but I guess I was too afraid to admit it.”
The loud bang of the door blowing off its hinges left you completely on edge. FBI agents shouting with their guns pointed at you, and soon enough you were entirely surrounded.
Your eyes filled with tears as you looked back at Nat, seeing her without emotion. But you knew her; she was trying really hard.
“I’m sorry, for everything,” you said before deploying a smoke bomb and jumping off the building to your escape.
Natasha sat, slumped on the picnic cloth still with food and her affection spread out. “I know,” she whispered, hoping the night’s wind would carry her words to you.
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
trip to jersey | nico hischier x photographer!reader
request: jennie x nico
ynoffical just posted !
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liked by sooyaaa__, roses_are_rosie, and others
ynoffical very excited for this next work trip ! exciting things are coming very soonnnn📸🛫💗
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sooyaaa__ have a safe flight !
ynoffical i will ! thank you
fan01 where are you going??
ynoffical new jersey!
fan02 love your photography💗💗
nicohischier just posted !
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liked by ynoffical, jackhughes, dawson1417, and others
nicohischier game day 🏒😈
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tysmith_6 looking good
lalalalisa_m ynoffical is this who... ?
ynoffical no comment.
njdevil00 CAP🫡
hockeyfan01 when he finally posts on insta😩🙏
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liked by nicohischier, sooyaaa__, and others
ynoffical some behind the scenes...🏒💗
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njdevil00 happy to have you here tonight🏒
fan03 she's at a hockey game??🤔
fan04 yeah i think she's taking photos of the players!
fan03 oh okay thxx!!
jackhughes nicohischer looking good on the 3rd🫡🔥
liked by ynoffical and nicohischier
roses_are_rosie best friend is growing up🥲💗
sooyaaa__ i miss her already she needs to come back home
dawson1417 👀👀🔥
ynoffical just posted !
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes, sooyaaa__, and others
ynoffical just a casual night in jersey...
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fan05 the devils?
fan06 the hockey players she took pictures of?
fan05 OHHH OMG???
nicohischier come back soon!♥️
ynoffical booking my plane ticket as we speak🫡
jackhughes nicohischier just friends aye? who's that beauty on the 2nd slide?
nicohischier i'm going to tell Lindy to bench you.
njdevils just posted !
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like by ynoffical, nicohischier, jackhughes, and others
njdevils guest photographer ynoffical joined us at prudential tonight to take some pictures of our boys!
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jackhughes 🔥🔥
ynoffical thank you for having me! i loved jersey💗
jackhughes i think you loved something or someone else too...
ynoffical yes miles.wood44 was great ! very photogenic and nice
jackhughes i thought you said i was the most photogenic😐
ynoffical i lied.
miles.wood44 jackhughes i don't even have to try for these angles!
jackhughes miles.wood44 i don't have to try for angles either what
dawson1417 lets not lie here we all heard you ask for posing tips *liked by ynoffical, nicohischier, miles.wood44, and njdevil00
hockeyfan02 great photos! the boys are looking good😈🔥
ynoffical just posted !
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liked by nicohischier, miles.wood44, sooyaaa__, and others
ynoffical back home💐💗
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nicohischier glad you had a safe flight!♥️
ynoffical yes i did! thank you for everything in jersey and afterwards<3
nicohischier of course! come visit again soon
dawson1417 interesting...👀
ynoffical what🤨
jackhughes everybody knows.
ynoffical 🧍‍♀️
liked by ynoffical
ynofficial just posted !
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes, miles.wood44, and others
ynoffical off season reunion ;)
tagged: nicohischier
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fan09 what who's that?
fan08 hes one of the hockey players she photographed when she went to jersey!
sooyaaa__ i love yn
sooyaaa__ 's pictures
ynoffical surprise? 🤭
nicohischier please never leave
ynoffical we've got a few more weeks! 💗 liked by nicohischier
jackhughes I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT.
jackhughes dawson1417 miles.wood44 tysmith_6
dawson1417 OH LETS GOOO🔥🔥
miles.wood44 jackhughes why're u tagging me i didn't even say anything
jackhughes miles.wood44 you know what you did.
tysmith_6 jackhughes okay sure but what did I do?
jackhughes tysmith_6 oh! you did nothing i just wanted you to see this🥰
nicohischier just posted !
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liked by ynoffical, jackhughes, lalalalisa_m, and others
nicohischier my love♥️
tagged: ynoffical
comments on this post are limited
ynoffical my love🥲💗
ynoffical i have the best times with you💗
nicohischier i miss you already my love♥️
jackhughes very confused by the weather situation
nicohischier cold one day hot the next👍
fan10 they're so cute i'm cryingggg😭😭
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wolvieispunk · 2 months
I'm probably opening a can of worms here but fuck, like 8 people are gonna see this anyway.
I haven't been here for 15 years to get harassed by literal children who should go back to the toxicity they clearly prefer on Twitter and insta. It has no place here, on mental health holiday island.
I'm 35. I'm a federal employee who works in HR. I have a spouse and child and house and cats. We do all the normal boring adult things.
No one in my life knows I participate as deeply in fandom as I do. It's my safe haven. This is where I go and what I do when I'm needing a break from the rest of it.
If you are an ageist little twat who thinks no one over 25 should have a life, hobbies, or interests, then you're at the very least incredibly self centered and stupid, and at worst you are ableist and cruel. I am sorry that your life, experiences, parents, pastor, whatever taught you that anyone after "college age" is a capitalistic expressionless void for The Man, but most of us are literally just older versions of the weird teenagers we were, trying to find nuggets of enjoyment. With more life experiences. And better writing skills.
If I wanted to read the unedited 14 year old middle school drama, second- grade reading level, corny shitsmear you consider fic, I'd go back to the fucking Supernatural fandom.
Ageing does nothing but make you better at art, because art draws from our experiences, both internal and external. You'll find that out when and if you finally do age. Assuming you aren't zoinked out on behavioral meds by then and have no brainwaves left that aren't over- medicated because you're such a vapid cunt you can't grasp the concept of someone's life outside your own and taking too much meds makes you either finally feel something or finally feel nothing.
But all of you little Sephora-caked bullies with daddy's child support- laden credit card feel like the kind of girlie pops who will do one too many poppers and fenta-Molly and end up a miserable trad wife or dead, or you'll hit a massive regrowth phase and figure your shit out.
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batboyblog · 2 years
Things I like about Tumblr, 2022
first off, Tumblr isn't perfect, it's full of people, and people in general and on-line can be pretty crap, but in a rare move for me I'm looking at the good.
you are not expected to post under your own name/face. In fact people would think you were pretty freaking weird if you did. To the Best of my knowledge only one person posts under their own name with their face as a profile pic, Hi Neil Gaiman! If we keep this up Tumblr will not become a semi-work space like twitter
No one knows your follower count (and honestly you shouldn't know it either) The level of brain rot I see on twitter around having a big follower count is so embarrassing, "help me get to X million!" is so very cringe, much like blue checks its a meaningless thing and we're all better off not knowing who's "popular" there are popular posts not people.
I have a very popular post about the long term nature of Tumblr so I won't go too much into it other than to say that it's nice that we can have long term jokes and memes on here, because we're able to reblog things from the past without any shame and judgement and so a culture and in jokes and yearly (or weekly) events happen here in a way I don't see on more "now! now! now!" social media.
You can do whatever, linking to #1 because we're not a semi-professional webpage where people are selling their "brand" etc there's little to no pressure (outside of yourself) to stay on topic or theme, you can and should reblog that gif set of a funny show from 10 years ago, that moody art shot of a field before a storm, and that short video of puppies falling over, wild out.
You decide if people see your likes. How many times did people get busted for having porn in their Twitter likes, where here no one can judge you, again we're not a work space so if you like that picture of a man in jock strap, go for it reblog that shit, but if you're shy don't worry you can enjoy what you enjoy without having to share with the class.
We hate crypto, we hate NFT, we always have we always will and thats very sexy of us
you can (still) say what you like. The need to make platforms safe for advisors and influencers has lead to "unalive" and other ways to try to get around using bad words. On Tumblr I can say that Elon Musk sucks a whole bucket of monkey shit and I hope he's pushed down the stairs at Twitter HQ.
Tags my beloved, tags are funny, lovely cool little notes, a way to add a joke, say something heart felt etc without worrying "is this needed?" and guess what if the answer was "yes it was" someone will screen shot them and add them to the post for you, win win.
Long form thought, I know this is a semi-jokey list but like no joking I think having all our politicians, journalists and "thought leaders" spending all day on and mainly communicating through a webpage with a very small character limit was/is very bad for our society. Tumblr (as you can see) you can write an essay (I don't think those people should come here, but I never run out of characters)
there's nowhere better for formatting gifs or picture sets, I honestly can't imagine trying to post a series of gifs or pictures on Insta or Twitter and having them all folded up rather than laid out in order all visible at once (and not cropped down, well most of the time)
There's no algorithm, everyone says it but it needs to be on the list, there's no real hand holding pushing you to this or that, there's nothing boosting or hiding your post, you pick what you like and follow it, and then those blogs do something weird and different and thats chill and you keep on.
we're the gay trans sex website, pretty much no where else on-line can you find this much dumb, non sequitur queer humor or as supportive of the trans experience, yes there are TERFs but they are more fringe here than basically any where else.
we just don't matter, back to #1 we are not a place where you can market yourself or your brand or whatever, as such things are just not that serious, this is a social media website made for fun, to enjoy TV, books, and movies mainly but really whatever you do enjoy.
negative I'd like to address before I go, the on-going porn ban, I'm not in favor of porn itself on here, I don't think we need gif sets of studio porn or whatever. But once Tumblr was a safe space for a lot of queer performers to spread their self made work. It also was a safe space for Queer art, both photographic and drawn, to express sensuality and sexuality. And a safe space for Queer artists to draw art of characters totally fucking the shit out of each other. It was a place where enjoyment of the human form and sexuality could be mixed with all the other parts of life as normal. There were for sure problems, however in an ever more censored and sex negative world I think a freed Tumblr is more needed than ever, so I hope we figure that out soon.
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i-am-still-bb · 1 year
I never would have thought
that I’d be putting this much though and effort into dying Easter eggs. 
I wasn’t planning on doing dying any this year because Æ is still so little. We’re not even doing a basket, because the stocking at Christmas didn’t mean much to him. He did hunt eggs last Saturday and he’ll hunt some more on actual Easter (some containing the little things that would have been in his basket if we had done that). But then I saw a video tutorial on Insta/Facebook/interwebs showing a way to safely dye Easter eggs with a toddler. And it seemed like fun for him that had a nice result. You put the dye in cool whip and roll the eggs around in it. Let them rest in the fidge for a few hours. Rinse the whipping cream off and voila you are left with beautiful eggs.
This is the tutorial I used. (I could not find the video I originally saw, but as far as I can tell everything was the same.)
So the process was fine. One of the eggs cracked. No biggie.
I did the vinegar bath. It was diluted maybe half-and-half with water because that’s A LOT of vinegar. And I don’t think that they sat for quite 5 minutes. When drying the eggs a thin layer of shell came off leaving the eggs a slightly lighter color.
So after the eggs are safely in the fridge to set I decide to show Æ what is inside the things he was just playing with. I finish cracked the egg. It’s still 85% raw. I did do two batches in my pressure cooker. I have guesses as to what went wrong. But one batch was cooked and one was not cooked (positive, the batch that was cooked peeled beautifully.) But I don’t learn that until after the eggs have sat in their colored cool whip for a few hours in the fridge. 
I start rinsing the eggs. VERY little color is on the eggs. I did use brown eggs, and I know that that will make the colors more muted, but they should still be visible.
The color is actually stronger in the areas where that thin layer of shell did not come off following the vinegar bath.
I try and fail to figure out which ones need cooked more by spinning them. I resort to peeling them and having my husband buy more eggs so we can try again tomorowing instead of re-dying these eggs. 
In some places the dye seeped through the shell and onto the egg white itself (the reason behind using cool whip rather than shaving cream for this). In some of those spots there was a bit of color on the shell, but in others there was NOTHING on the shell.
Tutorial said gel dye (as did others), but the pictures had the liquid food dye. I used the liquid dye. Tried one eggs with gel dye and cool whip. It sat in the fridge covered in cool whip and dye for 20+ minutes (more than double the instructed amount of  time). Nothing. No color on the shell.
In interest of finding a toddler friendly way my mother suggested just gel dye in a ziplok bag and then squish the egg around. I am currently making a test egg to see if that even works. I’m testing it on one of the hardboiled eggs that had the vinegar bath and on a raw egg that has neither been hardboiled or bathed in vinegar to see if the vinegar stripping that layer from the egg actually decreased color adhesion rather than increasing it. 
will try to remember to update
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annikuh · 5 months
lil vent abt writing man lol
why tf did I say I was gonna share this fuckin story man, I was just gonna give it a quick overview but now I’ve been hacking away at it all day and I feel like it sucks and I can do so much better. I’d love to fucking ask my partner to just let me talk thru the things I’m struggling with with him bc he knows these characters and he’s right next to me, but he straight up refuses to engage with anything about Panathir bc he upsets him for reasons completely lost on me, so I’m like…ripping things with my teeth.
the cross between “everyone look at the great work I’ve done with creating these characters” and “nobody fucking look at them bc you’re gonna misconstrue them and if you hate them I’ll murder/suicide” is fucking brutal LMAO
I hate not having control over who exactly sees it and what judgments people are making. I posted abt it being almost done on my art insta and seeing so many people like the post, and then hearing other people mention it…I’m getting scared like…I don’t feel safe with all of these ppl reading my shit. I have a reputation and this shit’s personal. I had some friends the other night say sumn like “what should we do if we don’t like it”—it was as a joke but I was like “please don’t tell me‼️” like I can’t handle more than my few little Jax stans who I know are safe and will like it seeing it. they already know I’m fucking weird—you guys already know I’m fucking weird—I can’t handle the vulnerability of everyone else knowing I’m fucking weird too.
& again I mean my fuckin bf already hates it so much he can’t bear to hear abt it so that doesn’t make me feel great either.
sry I’m just so stressed, its so dramatic but it feels like my life is on the line with this and idk what to do. it’s just so personal, which I know nobody really needs to know but still, I feel like I fucked up. & I feel stupid going back on it now bc that’ll make me look worse. oooogh I hate this, it feels like public humiliation, and it’s made even worse knowing that it’s not that serious, but to me it is serious which is even MORE embarrassing. I’m so fucking mad I can’t handle this I’m going to start ripping my skin off and killing people.
whatever. I’m still gonna post it. I’ll push it back a little, which is still very embarrassing (for nothing—allow the spiral to continue), but I’ll give myself more time so I can actually feel confident in it.
maybe I just send it to a few ppl or just get some fuckin hype going or sumn. hate that I need to ask for external validation—also very embarrassing—but whatever. I’ve got some safe people I can ask. had one of my best friends call me their successful little writer yesterday and it made me kick my feet, and my girl Andy always goes fuckin wild for OC content, amongst many other sweet vocal friends. So I am loved and supported. & it means a lot 🥲
ok it ended nice, thanx for letting me talk, I’ll have an edible and keep the violence to myself for now
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Social Media Couple
Social media couples. We've all seen them. They post all those amazing things that they do online for all the world to see. And while there is nothing wrong with that, often times it is not real. I started thinking about this when a coworker asked me if my marriage was as good as it looked on FaceBook. The truth is it's not. It's actually much better. I just post the things that I want to celebrate. But there are lots of intimate moments that are reserved for just the wife and I. The point I am making is, we only get to see what the poster wants us to see.
I have literally worked with dozens of couples over the years. And on social media, it would appear as though they discovered love. In my office...getting them to be civil towards each other was a rarity. And that's life. People only let you see what they want you to see. Some people {myself included} are pretty transparent about what is going on in their lives. But many are not. They wear mask. Why? Could be they're hiding pain, disease or trauma. Or maybe, they just want attention. They want to be "Insta" famous. It doesn't matter why they do it, but know they do. Our job is not to judge it. And we should never compare our lives to theirs. 
This is not about calling people out. This is about you writing a story that makes sense to you, for you. So many people are trying to go viral, that they lose themselves in the illusion. It's an addiction. Reminds me of a great line from the movie The Social Network. They were talking about the growth of FaceBook before it really took off. They were discussing their initial evaluation. The line was, "A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? A billion dollars". Get it? 100 Likes is great. You know what is better? 10,000 Likes. Many have become so obsessed with attention or needing validation, that they go through great lengths to get it. And that is dangerous. 
The quality of your life will greatly improve when you take off your mask. And part of taking off that mask, is doing things just for you. I like to share on social media. And while I share a lot to help others, the goal is not to go viral. The goal is to create a safe place. Paul McCartney once was asked how does he want to be remembered. He said that I made people smile. What I like about that, was he didn't say that my music changed the world, which it most certainly has. He just wants people to feel good. 
We all post for different reasons. I too, post to help elevate. But I will not dissolve myself to get more likes. There are things that I keep private. And I will never lose myself in chasing the "Like". As for me and my wife... we will dance though eternity and allow intimacy to lead. And for the other social media couples out there...may you chase each other as much as you chase the "Like". No need to compare. Dance as though no one is watching. 10 "Likes" or 10,000 "Likes". It matters not. Focus on your relationship. Chase that. 
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bangtanficsforyou · 2 years
Crushed- Ch (02)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Au: Friends to idk what
Genre: Angst, some fluff.
Ratings: 18+
Words: 2.3K
Warnings: mentioned in each chapter
Summary: Your coworker and best friend Jimin is everyone's favourite and for good reason. He's sweet, charming, caring, kind, humble, polite, ha– well shit. There you go making it obvious yet once again, that you're in love with him. But it's all good as long as he remains oblivious right? Wrong. After overthinking for a whole month, you decide to confess and things take an unexpected turn.
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Dear Diary,
I don't know what to do. Tomorrow, I'll be meeting Jimin again and I just don't know how to behave around him, anymore. I thought three days of not seeing him would help me figure out what to do about the situation but unfortunately, that's not the case.
In the three days' time, all I have done is to stalk Jimin's Instagram but when staring at him became too painful, I moved to Rachel's insta. Another stupid move, might I say. Her recent insta updates let me know that she and Jimin spent their Sunday with each other. I assume it was their first date but even then, one could see how bright her smile was, and how happy she looked around him. If that wasn't enough, Jimin was laughing and giggling with his eyes crinkling in the corners.
Those pictures and clips made me wonder what it would feel like to be in her place, to be on the receiving end of Jimin's fond giggle, for him to smile like that because of me and at me because even though he has no idea, he makes me smile like that, like a fool, as if nothing else matters but him.
Perhaps, I was too much of a fool. That's exactly why I feel so pathetic now. I feel so stupid for ever entertaining the thought of him liking me back. It possibly wouldn't hurt so much had I not expected him to return my feelings. But it is what is. It's no one's fault. Jimin can like whoever he wishes to and the same goes for me. I chose him. He chose someone else. That's the difference.
Despite that, I need to keep my emotions at bay. I can't let him know of the pain I have been in, in recent days. I need to be the Y/N he knows, the one who is his best friend, which would admittedly require a whole lot of acting. Because every time I think of him, I just feel this longing and heartbreak. I can only imagine, what it would be like to be seeing him and to be in his presence. Nevertheless, thank you for being my safe place where I can rant without any worry because the other person who used to be my safe space, is the one I'm currently ranting about lol.
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"You have not replied to my texts and have not answered my calls." Monday is here and so is Jimin. After your failed attempt at confessing, you had taken a few days off so that you don't have to face him. But alas, your day-offs were gone and here you are.
You do not bother looking up from your computer. To anyone, it would seem like you're being nonchalant but that's far from the truth. Only you can tell the way your heart shrinks and your stomach churns having Jimin sit right next to you but feeling as if he's far, far away.
"I'm sorry, I haven't had the time, was busy with work." You chew on your lower lip to give the faux impression that you're concentrating really hard on the numbers on your screen.
Jimin, either is just plain rude or doesn't buy your act, for he places a hand under your seat and swirls the chair such that you're now facing him.
Fucking wheels. You curse in your brain not even caring about how absurd it is to get mad at wheels and that to of those of a chair's.
When your eyes meet Jimin's, you immediately notice the seriousness in his orbs. Well, shit.
"Care to explain?" He asks again, his brows furrowed in a stern expression.
"I told you, I was–"
"I don't buy that bullshit." He cuts you off, vehemently shaking his head. "You've never done this before, you've always replied to my texts no matter how busy work has gotten. Do you even know how worried I was?"
It sure didn't seem so. The petty voice in your head mutters.
"Nothing, I was just tired, trust me." Trying to make him believe that you're being genuine, you also smile at him, hoping he somehow buys it.
Jimin does not buy it.
After you had left lunch abruptly, he had his suspicions about something being wrong. However, he had not paid much attention to it, for he entertained the thought that it might really have been some important duty call. You had an important meeting that day, which although you were done with, there can always be extra documents that one needs to go through or sometimes needs to mail them to some higher authorities. Jimin had shrugged off his concerns for he thought he was just overthinking or over observing.
His concerns however returned, when you did not answer his calls and texts. Because heck, in the span of three years that he has known you, you had never done that before. To say that he was worried would be an understatement.
On the second day that you had gone without any contact, he was ready to go to your place. He however didn't, when he found that you had checked his stories. That was some sort of reassurance that you are okay and probably haven't fainted in your apartment or any of the terrible scenarios that his mind had come up with.
Which had finally made him come to the conclusion that there was something up with you. Even if he had any doubts about it, they were now gone because your whole body language is stiff and closed off. Why, he has no idea.
The side of your face burns from how intensely Jimin keeps staring. Feeling your hands get clammy, you blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind, in hopes of getting rid of the awkward silence. "How did your date with Rach go?"
You instantly regret the question. It must be because of how a sadistic part of you wanted to know the details. A sadistic part, which wants to know it from him, in his words.
Your question however, has the desired effect as it seems to deflect his attention. The frown on his features soften and his lips quirk up. "It was great, might as well have been the best date I have been on."
You shoot him another smile, another attempt at making him believe that you are being genuine. "You were not nervous?"
This time, Jimin does buy it. "I was surprisingly not, because it wasn't supposed to be a date." Noticing the questioning look on your face, he elaborates further. "I was just telling her about how you have not been replying to my texts and how worried I was. I had probably ranted so much that she ended up advising that I needed to be out and breathe in some fresh air. Which somehow ended up with us going out and having dinner together."
You hum, biting the inside of your cheek as you look at him and try your best to maintain your smile.
"You know the best part? There was no awkward silence." Jimin continues and you can sense that this is going to turn into a ramble.
You can only imagine, how long Jimin has been waiting, to tell you all this. A part of you thinks it would have been better had you been in touch with him via texts, because you know for sure, that he would have hit you with long texts describing every single detail and in that way, you at least wouldn't have to force yourself to smile even when you feel your heart silently break for the nth time in the span of five days.
"There's something very soothing about her. Her company just makes you kind of forget all about your worries. Unlike, how most first dates are, it was very relaxing and chill."
"So, it made you forget about me?" You chuckle but when you notice Jimin's smile fade, you realise that it might not have been the right thing to say. "I was joking, relax."
Jimin's frown remains in place and you feel scared of him easily reading you. Thankfully, a voice calling for Jimin's name is what makes him move his eyes from you.
"Can you update these numbers? I've checked them and they just need to be uploaded." Taehyung, says as he approaches where the two of you're sitting.
Jimin nods absentmindedly. "Yeah, sure." With that, he steals one last glance at you and leaves.
The moment he leaves, you feel like you can finally breathe. Fuck, acting is kind of difficult.
You look up to meet eyes with Tae only to find him winking at you and he mutters a small thank me later before he leaves as well.
The interaction has you contemplating if you were being that obvious with how uncomfortable and congested you were feeling. If that's the case then you think Jimin also might have noticed it. Which can explain his reaction to those stupid words that you had muttered.
So, it made you forget about me.
What were you thinking before you made that comment?
You'd be honest, you had not given much thought before you had said those words but now that you think of it, you wished for Jimin to have not enjoyed his date. It's selfish you know. Despite that, a part of you desperately wanted for the scenario to be different. You wished that even in her soothing presence, Jimin was worrying about you. That he did not just forget about you because he was with her.
You know he did not exactly mean that but the cynical part of you believes that the amount of fondness he feels for her is greater than the amount of worry he has for you.
It's pathetic to think that way, you know but maybe you just needed some sort of reassurance from Jimin. You know he does not owe it to you but his words did more damage than good.
"That was intense." A voice quips, causing you to blink back to reality.
"Huh?" You ask, the words not registering in your brain.
"I said, that was intense." Yoongi repeats from where he stands on the other side of your cubicle with his head resting on top of the partition.
"What was?" Genuinely confused, you frown.
He scoffs. "You and Jimin. I could feel the tension through the partition."
Your eyes go wide. "You were eavesdropping?"
He shrugs casually. "More like it was unavoidable."
You were being obvious.
"Damn, I made it obvious didn't I?" Hating the idea of it, you hope Jimin does not come to conclusions.
"Just as obvious as the day."
"You don't even try to sugarcoat it." Grumbling, you lean back into your chair.
"I don't sugarcoat it but I can sugacoat it." He retorts with a serious expression.
"You're hanging too much with Jin aren't you?" You squint your eyes and move the mouse cursor haphazardly all over the screen.
"I'd have you know my jokes are way better than Jin's, so, in case you're implying that his company has affected my humour, you're very wrong." He huffs, clearly offended by your words.
"Debatable." You reply in a beat.
"Yesterday, he went to the grocery store and asked the counter lady why eggs don't make jokes." He begins in order to prove his point.
"Because they'll crack?" You ask in a questioning tone.
"The lady did not bat an eyelash." He deadpans.
".....and Jin was too busy laughing to notice that?"
Yoongi sighs, as if concerned but not surprised by his beloved friend, Jin's behaviour. "The lady looked at me as if asking whether he's okay or not."
The whole scene plays inside your head and you laugh for the first time in what seems like ages. This has happened far too many times for you to find it funny but somehow it never gets old.
Yoongi's lips quirk up when he sees you laugh.
Anyone with eyes could see the love you had for Jimin. Thus, today, when he saw Jimin chatting with this one girl (he has no idea what her name is) while he was coming back from the tea room, he knew something was wrong. It wasn't the chatting, in particular, it was the shy glances, the fond smiles and the subtle touches. His very first thought was that of you and his immediate reaction was that of worry. He wondered if you knew about it or if it would be a heartbreaking surprise for you when you come to work.
The conversation he overhead between you and Jimin answered a few of his queries for sure but it also only caused him to worry more.
Nevertheless, seeing you laugh puts him slightly at ease.
From across the aisle, another pair of eyes watch you. Jimin notices you laugh and sees that your body language is no longer stiff, no longer guarded.
Did Yoongi say something funny? Is that what had gotten you to ease up? Because it can't be that you're all guarded and stiff around him in particular, right? He did not do anything to make you mad. At least nothing that he can think of.
But whatever it is, he needs to figure it out.
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Permenent taglist:
@mwitsmejk @hopestastic
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lovelykei · 4 years
Haikyuu boyfriends on insta pt. 4‼️
These are pretty fun to make even tho it takes me a hot minute 🥵
I’m really glad to see you guys enjoying these! So here’s part 4!
(I’m currently working on the flower shop requests and another boyf on insta request so have these crumbs while I get my shit together 😀)
The bois: Kuroo, Tsukishima, Kenma
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I think it’s pretty canon that Kuroo wears the big boy pants in any relationship really
So today you had decided to steal the big boy pants and wear them yourself 😤
Holding the door open to let him walk first
Keeping him on the safe side of the road
Today you were a ✨gentleman✨
You guys were on your way to hang out with some friends that you hadn’t seen in a while
Being 3rd years truly drained you both
Ngl at first Kuroo was probably like ??????wtf
And there were probably a lot of times when he just ripped the big boy pants off of you unconsciously
“Babe be careful here hold on to my arm”
“O okay🥺🥺”
Cue 3 seconds later
“😳no no you’re holding on to my arm and being careful testu😤”
“Babe you can’t reach” listen those little handles on the train??? They’re way too far up
N e ways exceptions had to be made and you had to hold on to your big boi Kuroo 😔
But only for a while because a few stations later people had started to get off and there was more room to move
Your friends had gotten on the train by now and you guys were heading to ‼️the final destination ‼️
Your friends quickly caught on that you were acting like Kuroo and that’s when one of them came up with the brilliant idea
“You should do the whole kissing thing u know? The one where one leans back and you lean forward” (idk what it’s called this is my best attempt at explaining 😔)
You immediately agreed and got excited to show just how big the big boy pants were
Ofc Kuroo agreed bc wbk you’re /both/ crackheads
What you didn’t account for, was his weight in your boiled spaghetti arms 😔
The picture you see up there is one of “10 pictures taken before disaster”
The second after this picture you were both tumbling down to the cold hard ground on the train😔
Kuroos ass? Broke. Your knees? Broke. Your friends? Laughing so hard they broke.
Maybe the big boy pants were too big on you after all 😔
But we love dom daddy Kuroo so it’s okay 🥺💓
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Remeber the insta post about Ushijima?? Where he’s bent all weird to hug you??
Yeah that won’t happen with our boy skinny penis Tsukishima
Which is why you had to find some way to reach his lips if you wanted a kiss
And that’s why we’re here 😔
You guys had been at the cinema with the other first years and we’re now walking around just chatting
You were holding Keis hand swinging it back and forth as you talked animatedly with Yachi.
One thing led to another and to be completely honest you weren’t sure how you ended up in this situation-
But now you were jumping trying to reach Keis face to give him a smooch
Yachi was laughing saying how she told you so
Tsukishima was smirking bc he’s a ******* ***** ** **** 😇
So you simply did what you had to do
Parkour’ing moving your way forward untill you found what you were looking for 😤
A bench 😃
So anyone else might’ve just walked over there calmly and stood on it but nO
You dragged that noodles lookin ass with you as you zoomED🏃🏻‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃
And that’s the story of how it took you a good 20 minutes to get a boyfriend from your kiss a kiss from your boyfriend
Luckily Yachi took a picture and now you have a new lock screen 🥺✨
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Listen,, you aren’t an outdoorsy person
In fact you generally prefer to stay inside in your room with Kenma
But you and Kenma hadn’t gone on a date in so long 🥺
A gaming date would be fun but it wouldn’t be a date bc you always do that
Neither would a cooking date be one
Or a movie date
Basically at home there’s nothing to do that you guys don’t already regularly do
SO you wanted to go camping bc why not 😀
“Y/n there was a bug in the living room 1 week ago and you weren’t able to step a foot there until yesterday”
“But we’ll be in a tent”
“You’re allergic to pollen and grass”
“B bu-“
“Not to mention you wouldn’t survive without the ac bc you overhear”
“Alright alright I get it” 😔
So- there goes your hopes and dream
Or so you thought ✨
Kenma is the best boyfriend tbh.. he’s always thinking ahead and somehow always finds a way to do things you want to do but in a way that ensures both of you 100% enjoyment
So when you got home after a long day you were confused
Why is there a tent? In the living room?? Decorated with fairy lights????
“We’re going camping, without bugs and allergies.. and with WiFi and a comfortable sleeping place”
You didn’t know what to say, or what to do so you just kinda stood there 😲~shook~😲
“I also got snacks”
That’s all you needed to run into your shared room, get into kenmas comfortable clothes, bring some plushies and zoom back out to the living room.
Kenma just chuckled and patted the spot infront of the laptop but before you went and kissed the **** out of him you had one last important business.
Turn the aircon on high😤 bc you’ll be damned if you don’t end up getting cuddles bc you’re overheating 😤
And well that’s how you spent your weekend, in your little living room tent with your boyfriend. Cuddling, laughing, kissing and all that good stuff 🥺
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spider-boy1989 · 4 years
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Roy was a intelligent, educated man. At least, that’s what he would never stop bragging about whenever he met someone new. It’s all he talked about around the water cooler too. He wanted everyone else to know how dumb they were in comparison to him. One day, I had enough and decided I needed to take him down a few pegs. I will say I also could gain a lot from him being out of the way, as I was his competition for a promotion.
Anyway, back to the main event! See, Roy was hot, and I had always considered asking him on a date, but his pompous attitude and need to be the smartest man in the room always stopped me. We both are gay, so I figured...why not make him more my type? I was 34, and as hot as Roy was, my usual type was a young himbo. If I could build my perfect man AND get the promotion ive fought years for in one go??? Amazing.
The company we work at was working on a lot of new technology. I’ll spare you the details on all of them, but in order to tell you this story, I need to tell you about at least two. The first one is a new kind of subliminal message. See, the old way didn’t work as well as advertisers had previously thought. So they needed a better option to get people to buy, buy, buy. It was the same idea-messages just below the surface of a commercial, but this time it was changed to be an adaptable frequency that targeted specific parts of the brain. I switched out all his music from his music library(...he didn’t stream his music, he bought all of it...such a boomer.). I waited patiently for results as I programmed him to act dumber, more immature, and to care less about what people thought of him. I wasn’t sure it was working until one day I walked in on him taking a selfie. He wasn’t dressed in his usual sharp manner- he looked like a frat boy.
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“Hey Roy. Whatcha doing?” I smirked as he was completely unphased at being caught taking a selfie when he had left a meeting to ‘go to the bathroom’
He smirked right back.
“I’m just takin some pics for Insta... I’m trying to hookup tonight and I figure maybe a thirst trap will do the trick.”
I laughed. “When did you start an Instagram??”
“Like, last night, dude. I dunno. I’ve been feeling myself lately and I just wanted a place to show off this sexy body!”
“I mean it is pretty sexy. Not gonna lie. You’re still not quite my type, but I love the new energy.”
“What new energy bro?? I’m just bein myself!”
“Of course! Why don’t we head back to the meeting...dude?” I guided the dumber Roy back to the meeting. It was his turn to propose something for the new campaign, and he completely didn’t give a shit. He hadnt prepared. He cursed, he talked about how he didn’t wanna be here. Of course, they put him on leave, assuming he was having a mental breakdown. That’s what brings me to the second thing. I guess our company doesn’t technically make it- we’re ad men, not scientists.
Anyway, one of the companies we work for was working on a drug that would completely change a persons body. It didn’t just make you younger, it changed your dna. It made you permanently younger. As you can imagine, it wasn’t too difficult to convince the newly dumb Roy to take it. He didn’t even ask questions once I told him I’d have sex with him. So now Roy was being programmed to be dumber, and boy, is he a dumb himbo now, and being turned into a much younger man who looks nothing like Roy. So it was easy for me to convince him he wasn’t Roy.
“What do you mean dude?? I think I’d remember my own name haha”
“That’s not your name, Ronny! I’m telling you. You know you’re my cute little himbo boyfriend, right?”
He nodded his head obediently.
“Good boy...well, I think since I’m the smartest one in the room I can safely say, your name is Ronny.”
“You’re right daddy hahaha. Sorry for the mixup. I guess I just had a brain fart.” After saying fart, he started to laugh way harder than any smart person would at the word fart. I smirked “it’s okay, boy. We all make mistakes. I’m glad to have you to help around the house and it helps you have a big...” I smirked and rubbed the front of his pants, causing him to moan.
“Please more...” he begged.
I can’t say no to him, so I reached around and played with his hole a bit. “Such a nice hole, too, Ronny boy.” I had complete control of him, just by getting him aroused now.
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So, that’s how I got Ronny here. He works as my intern now. I think everyone knows how he got the job, but Ronny doesn’t mind that. All Ronny wants is to make me happy, work out, and have sex. And sometimes get me coffee, and occasionally get me off at work. He calls me daddy at work and I’m not sure the other interns know he’s not calling me daddy cause I’m his father. I got the promotion, I got the guy, I guess a gay man in his 30s really can have it all. Cant say the same for annoying loud 50 year olds who cross me, though!
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cadaceus · 3 years
Hello, everyone, and welcome to my liveblogs/emotional breakdown over Campaign 2, Episode 140 of Critical Role. This was genuinely an emotional rollercoaster, and I feel so much and yet so empty at the same time? These are genuinely my longest liveblogs ever (I had a lot of emotional reactions and things to say!) so feel free to grab some snacks or water before diving into this one. Spoilers ahead, of course, so pretty please proceed with caution!
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- I’m emotional thinking about this very possibly being the Mighty Nein’s last Initiative ever...
- Essek tied for first in Initiative let’s go babeyyyyy I’m so proud
- The Eyes get their turn??? Oh my god
- Ashley’s aggressive “don’t you fcking dare” when the eyes point at Beau me too, me too
- Whoaaa Caleb’s Glaive method was so interesting, I can’t believe that worked!
- “Veth keep your clothes on... I will cast Marine Layer” FJORD LMAOOO
- I will turn into the “leave Brittany alone” person but make it “leave Essek alone” WHY ARE YOU BEING MEAN TO HIM
- six attacks versus Veth... ruh roh raggy
- Yasha attacking Zuala makes me so saddd 
- NOOO Cad... idk why that is the one that made me tear up, but just the image of his family beckoning for him in this city of terror is making me emotional 😭
- “That’s my child’s mother...” LMAO TRAVIS
- I genuinely just copied their “shaking weights” motion in real life adhjkdlf let’s goooo Essek!! 
- “He’s gone... let him go...” oof okay that one hurt me
- Jester was so close to getting that Divine Intervention... that was almost so clutch aahhh
- why is fjord’s method of persuasion to molly just flirting with them LMAO okay king...
- “’Remember the fruit salad?’” Fjord/Travis looks so embarrassed, WHAT IS FRUIT SALAD SIR PLEASE SHARE WITH THE CLASS
- Essek actually succeeding on a Strength check to get Caleb free despite being a weak ass wizard, and then Caleb pressing his forehead against Essek’s in thanks... yes I’m soft I can’t do this, my emotions are kaput
- Jester being insta dead. I am not doing okay. Like literally about to start crying, I was not expecting it to happen that quickly or at all, she’s just so full of life and if Cad doesn’t save her.... I’m just so upset by this 😭
- One of the “Happy Thoughts” on Sam’s flask being “Luc all grown up” is so precious to me personally
- Did Molly just scratch Lucien’s face??? Oh my god...  😭
- Both clerics at 1 hit point.... everything is fine :) (scared version)
- Jester clutch healer, not even joking, I’m so grateful for her
- I can’t believe that it’s been three hours with no break, I need to make a mug brownie to calm myself down, free us Matt Mercer (mostly /j)
- Essek using his eighth level spell on Lucien after he sees Caleb go down...... MY LOVE (also I wonder what he had been saving his eighth level for, since Matt said he was saving it?)
- okay. just got my answer. i am not doing fine.
- Break? What do you mean BREAK? time to make that emotional support mug brownie though.....
- Caleb’s alive! He’s safe! Thank all of the gods!
- Yasha kissing each spot on Beau’s body where the eyes were... I love them so much.
- Uh oh, Caleb is going to try to revivify Lucien/Molly isn’t he? I know it... I know he is... but sometimes you have to let people go :(
- “Once you’re a member of the Mighty Nein, you’re in” oh no I’m going to cry then.... aahh
- Jester rolling a Natural 20 because she has such a good imagination is so fitting! I love her so dearly
- Beau’s appeal is going to get to me... I know it already.
- THAT NATURAL ONE HURT ME... I didn’t want Molly to come back (because sometimes it is time and they died saving the people they loved) but it still hurts, you know? To not get Molly back.
- ASHLEY;S VOICE BROKE ME... damn I was holding in my tears, but her voice when she said “there’s nothing else to do?” really got to me
- Molly being laid to rest at the Blooming Grove is so poetic, I love that
- Essek’s voice is going to get to me.... also Fjord’s “use your anger and let it fuel you” makes me think that he is speaking to his own younger self... GOD Fjord is going to make me cry
- When he said “Caleb Widogast, have you ever accepted defeat?” I was unironically waiting for a love confession
- Marisha talking about the “emotional whiplash” no LITERALLY Ms Ray I understand you
- Matt turning to Taliesin and saying “Your eyes open for the first time in a long time” oh my god.......
- Empty. Love.
- Molly turning to Yasha and saying “Love” is so precious, I love and missed their friendship so so much
- I know I wasn’t sold on Molly coming back, but honestly this is very fitting and I love it a lot. It makes me so emotional, dear god... all of the Mighty Nein together for the first time literally ever. 😭
- “Long May He Reign” is trending on Twitter right now. I think you all know why.
- Wow, I genuinely didn’t cry this entire episode but the second is ended something in me just broke. I feel a bit speechless right now and my emotions are all over the place, but if you read all of these liveblogs please know that you are loved and valued more than you could possibly know. I love you, I love you, I love you; and is it Thursday yet? 
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Social Media Anon Here!
Firstly, never change Grumpy ;) you are probably the only person on Tumblr to LISTEN to another view and let it change a prejudice.
Secondly, the Padagram/Social Media change bus continues. Don't be fooled people will be looking at positive and negative reactions to that change on social media.
So here goes!
1. They are starting to market season 2 of Walker in Hiatus. That really doesn't happen. That means they know they need to target new viewers. They are acknowledging they have a problem. The main problem is Jared either didn't learn enough about production quality on SPN (Jensen/Misha were both more interested in behind the camera's) or that he thought he could stick a Stetson on and we all had such sh1t for brains we'd watch anything. So they need a viewer boost DESPARATELY and are going all out to (a) persuade Walkers remaining viewer(s) that it's worth sticking around and (b) get back old viewers or convert 1m+ viewers to season 2. So now we see all the cast (and Keegan has more followers than Jared and Lindsay has a VERY engaged following) trying to persuade their followers how fabulous Walker is. Expect this scrabbling to continue if they want their COVID paychecks.
2. Connected to 1, Jared has started trying to break out of the fandom bubble. I don't think he's trying for power couple (the clue in a power couple is that two FAMOUS people get together and create a super brand, here we have one niche C famous guy and a hanger on wife), I think we are in Jared profile raising and trying to raise his recognition score, which is probably a little low having half assed it in the last year and a half. He's doing it by scatter-gunning so I'm not sure it's going to stick.
3. Connected to 2,
(i) if I run my algorithm clean laptop with a "Jared Padalecki" news search, I get (a) a daily mail article on Jared "clarifying the rift" (b) a "hello" magazine saying he's been "inundated with support after death of "family member"" (c) the new york times article on Walker and Supernatural. It then goes into a variety of articles about Jared raising money for Holly's family (fucking atrocious in my view to use her death for publicity) and a series of derivative articles on his mantrum and later explanation. ONLY THE NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE MENTIONS WALKER other than as a throw away, all of the others link to Supernatural only. Walker isn't on the main radar of anyone as a show. It's not mainstream enough to mention. it has ZERO buzz.
(ii) if I run the same search on my compromised tablet, I get a SEA of fluff articles "jared padalecki goes to venice", "jared padalecki's wife wishes him a happy birthday" "jared padalecki goes to watch soccer" "jared padalecki goes to the wrestling". I'm expecting "Jared Padalecki defecates regularly" tomorrow.
At the end of that I get the same articles as in (i) but the majority of his publicity is still going through the fandom and the, not very viewed, endless zine type websites that update on every episode of every geek show every day.
So we are seeing, and I expect it to continue, a break out Padalecki, (who knows he and his forehead may wish to have a final crack at films), and a fluff Padalecki, trying to stay relevant a year after SPN relevance ended, because he hasn't got the same push for season 2 of Walker as he had for season 1 and Walker has zero presence. No one, not even the fans are talking about Walker.
Will it work? I don't think so. Keegan has 7m followers on Insta and that's because he's a photographer and writer and it's interesting. I would follow his account (I don't), but certainly it isn't a Walker instagram.
Jared is a clever guy, but he's boring on social media. He has a limited appeal. He does family snaps, hunk snaps, flogs orange pee and flogs his show. He says "family" and "mantra" a lot but that's really it. The clue is, if you didn't know who he was and came across his instagram you wouldn't follow him. Why would you? For a video of a guy running up steps? A smug picture of two middle aged men trying to flog you something?... (oh and lots of "brother" comments on Keegan's social media, which is irritating. It's like he thinks that is his repeatable formula and it isn't).
His media approach won't work because advertising and exposure pushes a product. In TV's case, it's not a one off product and there is a lot of competition. Product Jared needs to be more interesting (his mantrum's are the only exciting thing about him - and that is tragic) and his TV show just needs to be BETTER, well, a LOT BETTER.
Soooo, expect the Padapush to continue, but it's not about a couple, it's about individual marketing and for Jared breaking out of SPN bubble. For Gen, it's her tag along profile that she'll never break out of. She'll have to be satisfied with her superpower of being able to persuade people to buy toothbrush's and dog food (if she can).
Expect though the couple's bit to die off a little. Jared is getting over exposed. His engagement rating is plummeting (nearly 3% is a plummet) because of the repetitive photo content. He'll have to back off or people will switch off (I have already). What makes me laugh is.... from the dawn of time when cavemen took their wives 2 miles away for a new cave weekend.... NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN INTERESTED IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOLIDAY SNAPS.... Gen and Jared apparently need to learn that lesson...
I might stop these posts now because, well, it's gotta be a bit boring for you and I write LONG. :)
Stay safe and wear your masks ;) xxx
I don’t want you to ever ever change, lovely! Also, I’m NEVER bored by your messages! You put so much effort into the research you do and the messages you send and it’s appreciated! <3 
I started following Lindsey on IG because she seems pretty genuine, and her cat is way too cute! Plus, I like her attitude. I haven’t followed her for the whole Walker season, but even she doesn’t post a lot about it. She posts interviews and then posts about that night’s episode, but other than that, nothing.  Can’t speak for Keegan, but how are fans and non-fans supposed to be excited about a show when the people STARRING in the show can’t be bothered? Maybe they’re all aware of how shitty it is or maybe they’re lazy, but it doesn’t make sense. 
I’m always interested to see the difference in an “algorithm-free” setting and one that has an algorithm. I always figured Google was the same for everyone, but seeing the difference in articles you’ve outlined is insane. It really just goes to show that Jared isn’t the star that his stans think he is. He’s not as important as they think he is, he’s just an actor.  It’s even more jarring to see just how little Walker is talked about at all. All of my devices probably have been “contaminated” when it comes to algorithm so I can’t really speak personally about the public and fans talking about Walker or not talking about it. I can say that on the posts about Walker from the Supernatural Facebook page, a good chunk of the comments are people saying they stopped watching, never got into it, or thought it was trash. There are only a handful of comments talking about how they enjoy the show. 
I think it was disgusting for him to use a fan’s passing for publicity. And no, I don’t think it was anything other than a PR stunt. Her family had a GFM going that was promoted by plenty of the case INCLUDING GEN, so you know he knew about it. But for him to make his own special one and then have articles posted everywhere about how charitable he is? That’s gross PR bullshit and I hope it backfires. 
I still follow a few Supernatural fans, Jared fans, Jensen fans, etc. on Tumblr and even they aren’t mentioning it. I think maybe the hardcore Jared stans post gifsets or whatever, but I don’t see much praise for the show itself, just Jared’s looks. Even the fans aren’t biting and that would make me reevaluate everything if I was Jared. 
I'm expecting "Jared Padalecki defecates regularly" tomorrow. This made me laugh way too hard!
who knows he and his forehead may wish to have a final crack at films You are on a ROLL!  Maybe I’ve become biased, but I can’t see Jared doing films. I mean, I could see him doing like a side character role or something small, but I can’t see him having a big part of a movie. Like I said, maybe that’s me being biased but I see him staying in TV. I could be proven wrong, but I don’t know. 
I agree about Jared being boring on SM. I used to get some giggles from his Twitter posts and even some of his early IG posts because they were goofy, clever, and candid. It showed his humor and was more personable. Now it’s just all fake and comes off as someone whose only motivation to engage with fans is money and that’s a big turn off. 
For me personally, I think that if instead of the “couple goals” bullshit that they try to push for their lavish trips, if they just posted cool pictures they took of different locations, activities, food or whatever, that would be more palatable than all the “Look at my hubster and I! We’re in Italy! Look at how in love we are!” But maybe that’s because I’ve become a bit of a photography nerd? 
I guess time will tell whether or not Jared will make positive changes and if Walker can be saved, but I’m not really optimistic about it. 
I AM optimistic about your takes on things so keep them coming! Long posts or not, I love them! <3
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Kazuichi Souda, Mikan Tsumiki, Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, and Makoto Naegi with a simplistic S/O (PART 2)
ANON: “s/o, who doesn't really want to come home because having their basic needs satisfied without working for it is really just enough for them to be happy (unlike celestia, huh) & ranraro, nekomaru, nagito, teruteru, soda, mikan, sayaka, celestia and makoto. i guess, they will worry about apathiness of s/o when someone talks about past life or reasons to return, and think what they has problems in their live, but actually s/o just has so simple needs and philosophy. ...i hope it makes sense, eheheh”
Anyways this is so off topic but my friend makes music and he has a new music video out so if you’re bored or want to listen to music made by some lame chicago kid (hehe) you can go check out Bite My Lip by Teen Blush!!!!! He just got verified on Insta too it’s so rad.
-Mod Souda
Tumblr media
Kazuichi Souda
You finished the project in a few days, a day after it was due.
During that time, you would rap at Kazuichi’s window at night. He would unlock it, open it, and grab ahold of your hand to help you through. In a box under his bed is where you fit the supplies.
Both of you, with the moon in the sky, work together on your solo project.
There are many distractions, of course, as there always is when you are with him. 
You always greet him with a smile. There’s something about how content you are with spending nights with him that ends up worrying him a bit. 
“Why don’t you do it at your house?” He asked you on the last day. The question had been bottled, and sizzled in his mind. Surely, it’s nothing bad. Maybe you just like seeing him.
“Meh. I like being here.”
You answered simply. He waited for a second. Wanting to see if you would continue. If you would elaborate more.
But you don’t.
“I guess I don’t feel the need to go home. It’s just whatever to me. Plus, you’re here, aren’t you?”
A blush forms on his cheeks before the words even settle in. 
By the seconds, you can see the worry clear from his eyes. Your cheeks even heat up a bit.
“Y-Yeah, I am here! You’re right.”
Mikan Tsumiki
Mikan looked at the piano with a hurried eye, slowly walking past the music room and near her classroom.
The echo of a string of notes calls to her, unhappy with her sudden shadow walking away.
You walk past me every morning. Your words ring through her head. 
She was surprised when you approached her, romantically even, always spending your time with her and never hesitating to listen to her when she spoke. 
And she did not complain about it in the slightest. She was very grateful for every second you spent with her. You are kind.
“A-Are you in here,” she asks after pushing the door open and looking inside. “Or have you already went to class.”
“I’m here to play you a song.”
“Really?” She says to you before you can play out the first triad. The muscles in your fingers relax, dancing over the notes with a touch as soft as a cloud, and playing from memory.
She sucks in a breathe, sitting next to you on the seat, loosely smiling.
“I recognize it. I used to hear it a lot when I was a kid.” It was a whisper. A small confession.
You both sit in the music room for another moment while the notes draw out. And you release your fingers, a short halt, and a quick silence.
Mikan cries out almost immediately, “I’m sorry!”
“What?” You say to her before turning to face her completely. “What are you apologizing for?”
At that, small tears form in her eyes. “I shouldn’t have said anything - I made you sad!”
I made you sad.
“Class starts soon,” you pull your sleeve back a bit to show her your watch, “that’s it. Why are you worried?”
She looks down, unwilling to meet your eyes. Jumping to conclusions, as always. Why must she overthink everything?
Sayaka Maizono
For the first time, she thought back to what you had been like when you both first met.
A lot more energetic. A lot more happy to be around her.
Maybe it’s the slow descent outside of the honeymoon phase. You became more... relaxed?
But it doesn’t seem like being relaxed. Maybe contentment?
Is that really such a bad thing?
In the moment, she feels like saying something. You are there - reading on the couch backstage, while she sits on the other side and watches her shows on the laptop. 
She scoots over. It’s not a hesitant process. Her blue hair piles up on your lap and works as a pillow for her head.
You stayed like that for a while before you look at each other, in unison.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask. “Is there anything?”
“You come to all of my concerts.”
Her voice was drawn-out, thinking as she spoke. You place your fingers on the page, though not closing the book.
She continues, “And you travel with me, too.”
It wasn’t a strange thing to you. Was it to her? You love the way she dances - the cute outfits she wears and the way they style her hair.
“Do you miss going home?”
Your gaze falls back to your book, where you close it and peer at the cover. Ordered straight from the library by your house. You never even checked when the due date was.
“No.” You answer. “I have no use, it’s fine, I can live my life anywhere I want.”
There is never a silent moment. Just the sound of the music playing as the audience pulls in.
A laugh escapes her lips. “That’s a good answer. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Celestia Ludenberg
You find a comfort in the hotel bed as you plop down on it. Celes grins at the childish nature. In her hand is one bag, a makeup one, while you were the one to drag the rest. You stare around the room. It’s very pretty. And you didn’t even have to pay for it. People were offering to have her travel for her little gambling. 
“It’s very pretty.” You say to her. “Feels very safe. Very comfortable.”
She smiles back to you. “Then I’m glad I took you with me.”
“And here I was thinking it was so I could be your personal butler.” You laugh softly, staring at her back in some sort of awe, and the butterflies fly back into your stomach. All you can do is smile quietly to yourself while she examines herself in the mirror.
You got to eat dinner alone with her that night. You drink water out of fancy wine glasses, feeling almost like royalty. She wanted to sleep early, though, as if she had to wake up early.
“How long will you stay up?” She asks. Her tired eyes glance up at you.
“No longer. Here, scoot over, I’ll crawl in with you.”
Her skin looks pale in the darkness. Like a doll. Thin and content. Reminds you of when she would cuddle into your chest, listening to your breathes. She’s not as cuddly anymore. 
“It makes me happy to know you like the room.” She whispers, her red nails running up your arm. “I wanted something... pleasant for you.”
Something pleasant. How calming.
“I appreciate it, Celestia.” 
Makoto Naegi
There was no huge party. No balloons tied to your desk and no presents lining down the hall.
No one even knew it was your birthday. 
And that was no accident.
You didn’t tell anyone.
The day was like any other. Maybe a little better than most days. Everyone seemed happier. More filled with joy and more content with being at school. It’s like the universe was giving you a treat. 
Makoto remembered your birthday, of course he did, but waited until after school to take you to a bakery. All day he was waiting for someone to bring it up. 
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” He asks on the way, scratching the back of his neck. Was it an intrusive question? He’s positive that if it was - you would correct him.
You answered simply, however. “I don’t need a big celebration, Makoto. This is fine. This is all I want.”
The door rings while you push it open, and the smell of treats overtakes your senses.
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
French homework and a Dream - Fd!au ( 2 / 2)
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Techno and Dream did the fatal mistake of choosing French over Spanish and now they have to suffer the consequences together ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<----first part Enjoy~
“Please tell me that’s all of that…” Techno faceplanted into the book in front of him, Dream took his diary out of his backpack and started flipping through the pages, “Hold on… the text of Monday and the highlighted texts from page fifty to sixty-three- WE DID IT!” He exclaimed, Techno sighed in relief.
They had finished the reading and memorizing part of the homework, it was now ten pm and the others would come back soon, so Techno proposed a small break before getting back to do the second half of the test prep, yes there were small exercises on the textbook, but it was two or three of them for eleven pages, and after three hours of speaking and memorizing french words, Techno needed a break or he would have exploded.
“Some fresh air would be nice… “ Dream stretched his arms above his head, Techno got off his stool and grabbed two glasses, “we can go to the roof, there is a vent that shoots out hot air in a corner” he poured some water and gave one of the glasses to Dream, “We can go sit there for a while”.
They both gulped down the water in one shot, “Sounds good, lead the way”, and so he did, getting their shoes back on and almost forgetting the door keys, they walked up to the last floor and exited one to the roof.
Techno was at home here, he and his brothers passed lots of time on this roof: Phil came here for the peace and silence (not having a room made this his safe space), Wilbur to sing and play the guitar, Tommy came here to unwind while Techno to simply look at the stars, but all of them came up here to think, to organize their thoughts.
“Wow…” Dream jumped on one of the big metal pipes and looked at the scenery, “It’s so… pretty… “ Techno smiled.
The tall buildings that surrounded them emanated little to no light so you could see how bright the stars were tonight, it wasn’t a full moon, but that small slice of light in the sky was enough to see the outline of objects in the dark. ”Yeah…” Techno sat down, hugging his jacket a bit tighter.  
Dream sat down next to him and yawned, Techno smiled again, “You’re pulling all-nighters too?” The other boy stared at him, blinking a few times, “Don’t think I didn’t notice the bags under your eyes deepening” Dream mouthed an “Oh” and turned the other way in embarrassment, “N-no no, no all-nighters, I just got back into speedrunning and the only time I do so is at night” he rubbed his hands together to warm them up and placed them into his pocket.
Techno knew how cold it was up there, but Dream didn’t, his green hoodie wasn’t enough, not that Techno was much warmer than him even with the jacket on.
“It’s getting kinda cold… follow me” Techno got up and walked on the metal vents until he reached a corner of the roof, the noise of a fan had gotten louder now, and Dream understood why when the pink-haired boy jumped in front of a grate and his hair and clothing started moving.
“We can stay here for a while” Techno brought up the cap of his hoodie and sat down, “It can be annoying if we stay in front of it for too long, but for a bit, it will do”
Dream mimicked the other boy and pulled his hoodie on before jumping into the stream of hot air.
Techno took off his glasses and looked up at the sky, without the lenses everything was pretty blurry, but that feeling of not being able to focus on anything made him relaxed: he didn’t have to worry about the world like this.
“Thank you for inviting me here, apart from the French homework everything is going great” Techno smirked, “Technically you came here for the homework, so that’s not good to hear” they laughed at the stupid joke and chatted a bit more until Dream sneezed. To avoid getting a cold, they went back.
They caught the other Pandel brothers on the stairs, so when they entered home Techno and Dream moved their school work in Techno’s room, being that they only needed to do the exercises in the textbook, Techno didn’t need to shove everything on his desk to the floor since Dream was comfortable enough on Techno’s bed, but as time went by, Techno joined him.
It was around midnight now and they were laughing their asses off, looking at Minecraft and Among us memes. Their focus had left the room a long time ago and they both weren’t sure how Phil hadn’t woken up and checked up on them.  
“Oh come on… we have five more exercises Techno” Dream pushed the other boy who was scrolling through Twitter, “I’m done with this language, I’ll do them tomorrow before the test” Dream laughed at how done Techno actually looked, “Fine fine… wanna play something?”
At the word “Play” Techno’s eyes light up, “Oh! Wait here, I’m grabbing something” he gestured at the other boy to stay silent before opening the door, Dream carefully closed both of their textbooks and placed the pens back into their respective pencil case.
When Techno came back, Dream excitement met his as he saw what he was holding, “I forgot Tommy had a switch!” Techno held up the Nintendo Switch like it was the holy grail to make the other boy laugh, “You know how to play Smash Bros right?” Dream nodded meanwhile Techno proceeded to set up the Switch on his monitor. “Phil bought us Steve, wanna bully nerds with the power of Minecraft?” Dream could do nothing but agree.
“So here is the plan” he started while they insta-locked Steve and searching for an opponent, “We protect each other while we mine, and we build, we just build, build until the limit and then drop on them with an anvil” Dream snickered at the powerful but toxic strat, “We could also stunt-minecart” Techno nodded as he was taking the thing seriously, “Yup… Oh! We can build to the side and camp them with the lava bucket!” Dream laughed at how toxic Techno’s strats were, but where is the fun if you can’t bully them?
After two hours of bullying, tea-pot laughs from Dream, and countless rage quits from the opponent they decided to stop and go to bed.  
“Oh my god… that was too funny” Dream held his belly as he was still giggling at the bullying that they just committed, it was two in the morning and they had a test in five-six hours. Hopefully, the studying they did previously would be enough to carry them through the tiredness.
“We need to do that again someday” Techno placed his glasses down and turned the lights off, “Yeah, we do…” Dream was interrupted by a yawn to which Techno smiled and wished him a good night.
“So? How did the test go?” Skeppy asked as the two friends sat down at the same table of the previous day, the two looked like walking corpses and their constant yawning and deep bags under their eyes didn’t help, “I feel like I passed, and that’s all I care about” Dream explained and Techno nodded before placing his arms in front of him and letting his head rest, “You guys look like you fought a hoard of zombies last night jeez” Skeppy sipped on his juice.
“If Smash Bros nerds count as zombies, then yeah, we did” Dream smiled at the reference while Skeppy looked at them in confusion.
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