#notice me heimdall
glouris · 2 years
never let them know your next move
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ladylovesloki · 16 days
The Fated Apple: Part Three
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Language
Summary: You have questions. Loki has feelings. You have questions about Loki’s feelings…
A/N: I am overwhelmed by everyone’s responses. Thank you again for reading, I’m having so much fun with this one. Part four was almost done but then I did some editing and rewrites to part three and it changed a few things. I’m hoping by tonight or tomorrow I will also have part four ready to go. Thank you all again! Enjoy💚
Part One
Part Two
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The following morning you go to breakfast in the main hall. You see Jane already sitting with the royal family and see and empty chair next to her. Once she sees you she waves you down.
“Y/n! Come sit!”, Jane says happily.
You smile and walk up to the empty chair. Before you sit you politely greet everyone at the table. Loki just gives you a slight nod. It’s almost like he’s refusing to look you in the eye.
“What are your plans today y/n? Thor is taking me to the observatory so Heimdall can show me a few constellations I have not seen yet.”
“I’m actually meeting a friend.”
She looks at you suspiciously, “a friend, who?”
You nod as you start filling your plate, “I met a wonderful lady yesterday. She taught me how to paint some flowers.”
Jane’s eyebrows raise, “you?…you painted something?”
You roll your eyes, “I didn’t say it was a great painting. But it was peaceful and she was very nice and easy to talk to. I enjoyed my time with her very much.”
Unbeknownst to you, Loki was smiling into his goblet. He places it down after taking a long sip. “And what is this mystery lady teaching you today?”
You look over to Loki to respond but again he is not actually looking at you, “umm…I’m not sure actually. Maybe some more painting, I really had a great time yesterday.”
Loki takes note, nods and moves on with eating his meal.
“I’m glad you’re keeping busy. If you want to come with Thor and I to the observatory you’re more than welcome.”, Jane offers.
Once again, Loki listens closely but does not look toward you having your conversation with Jane. He doesn’t move his gaze off the plate in front of him.
You notice his body language and can’t help but feel he is purposefully trying to avoid your gaze. “Thanks but I’m looking forward to meeting up with Ana.”
Jane smiles.
So does Loki.
Frigga being Frigga is watching her son like a hawk. She has seen his every reaction to your conversation with Jane and knowing her son he is definitely up to something.
When you’re done with your breakfast you leave to make your way to meet Ana. When you get there you see her standing in the middle of the empty room.
Loki, disguised as Ana greets you, “hello y/n. How are you today?”
You smile at Ana, “I’m great thank you. How are you?”
Ana smiles, “I’m well. What would you like to do today?”
“I would like to paint again if you wouldn’t mind. I had such a great time yesterday.”
“Of course, anything in particular you would like to paint?”
You shake your head, you honestly had no idea. You never bothered painting at home so you never really thought about it.
Ana smiles brightly, “how about….Yddrasil?”
“Yddrasil, the world tree?”
“Yes. The great tree of life.”, she confirms.
“I’ve read about it, it’s the connection between all of the realms…Asgard…Midgard…Vanaheim…Jotunheim…Nilfheim…Muspelheim…Helheim and…umm…dang what was that last one? Don’t tell me! Don’t tell me!”
Loki is amused by your attempt to recall a history you had only learned of because of your visits to Asgard. He found it endearing that you would try to learn the history, you were under no obligation to but you clearly enjoyed learning new things. Something that you and Loki have in common.
Ana giggles, “well done!”
Loki couldn’t help but feel a little pride, he was proud…of you.
You nod, “thank you my lady! So how do we paint this amazing tree?”
Ana smiles at you, “I’ll show you.”
“Well? What do you think?”, you show Ana your attempt. It looked kind of like a tree. Definitely nothing like Yddrasil though.
Loki is trying his hardest not to laugh. He’s afraid if he starts he won’t be able to stop and it will break his illusion of Ana. So he collects himself and responds.
“It’s…definitely a tree…”
“It’s awful.”, you say with a bark of laughter.
“It’s not awful…it’s just not…”
“Oh come on! It looks like a child painted this.”
“Don’t insult children. It’s unbecoming of a future princess.”, Ana says jokingly.
You respond with a bark of laughter. “Yea sure a princess. I doubt that.”
“Why such doubt? The Norns have deemed your union so yes?”
You nod, “yes but…how can I spend eternity with someone I don’t even know.”
“Well. What do you wish to know about him?”
You take a second and think about her question and the answer is simple, “everything. I want to know what he likes to eat, what he likes to do during his spare time. What type of books he likes to read. I already know his favorite color, the man wears it enough.”
Loki almost lost himself to start defending his choice of color for his clothing but he caught himself before he can give himself away.
“I’m a sure you can learn all of those things by simply asking him yes?”
“Sure, if he would actually talk to me. I almost died of shock when he asked me about what I was going to be doing with you today. Keep in mind he won’t even look at me while he’s talking to me so..”
“Do you want him to talk more to you?”
You take a moment to answer and Loki isn’t sure why he’s nervous to hear what your answer is.
“I think so. I mean, from what everyone keeps telling me there’s no getting out of this so I might as well try right?”
Loki takes a deep breath, getting ready to be vulnerable for the first time in a very long time.
Ana takes your hand, “as long as I have been here Prince Loki has kept to himself. Usually skulking somewhere in the palace getting into mischief. But always alone. Whenever I would see him with his brother, Sif and the Warriors Three he always looked like he was looking for a way to escape. Usually to go find a book in the library or perhaps learn a new spell from the Queen. Besides her, I truly don’t believe he has had anyone in his life that understands him.”
“That’s so sad.”
Loki needs to reign in his emotions or you’re certainly going to figure out Ana is not who she says she is.
“Yes. That is really all I know about the prince and all of it I learned from afar.”
You nod, “Jane says I should try. Maybe he just hasn’t had anyone in his life that has actually tried for him.”
Loki looks deep into your eyes, “no. No I don’t believe anyone truly has.”
You and Ana lock eyes, the green in her eyes and the emotion behind them holding your gaze hostage. Why would someone who has never met Loki have such a strong emotion about him?
You got so lost in thought you don’t notice Frigga walking through the door.
“Here you are Lady y/n.”
You and Ana rise and both curtsy to the queen.
“And this is your friend, Ana? Is that right?”
Your brow furrows in confusion, “yes. I thought you two would have met since Ana uses this place so often.”
Frigga looks over at Ana again, “of course! Forgive me Lady Ana! There is so much going on lately I can’t keep my head on straight.”
Loki knew he was caught in that moment.
“It’s lovely to see you again your majesty.”
“Yes it is.” Frigga turns her attention back to you. “Lady y/n, I have the royal seamstress waiting for you in your chambers. I hope you are planning on extending your visit under the circumstances.”
Your eyes widen, “I hadn’t thought of that actually. I’ll have to figure out how to tell my job I’m not going to be back for a little while longer.”
“I believe Heimdall can help you with that. I will send word to him and he will let you know what he can arrange.”
You smile, “thank you my Queen.”
“Call me Frigga my dear. Now I hate to cut your visit short but Lady Tayla is waiting for you.”
“It’s ok I’m sure Ana is done being tortured by my art work for one day.”
Ana smiles at you, “we’ll practice more tomorrow.”
You nod and head out the door.
Loki, still in his illusion tries to make a swift exit himself. “Well your majesty, I must be off as well. It was an honor to see you again.”
Before he can step foot out the door, “a moment….Lady Ana….”
Loki turns around, “yes, your majesty?”
Frigga walks closer, using her seidr to close the door and force Loki’s illusion to drop.
She looks at him with a disappointed stare, “Loki..explain yourself.”
“I truly did not mean to trick her mother. She stumbled across this room while I was getting ready to paint in peace. I had already cast the illusion so when someone came looking for me they wouldn’t know it was me.”
“Why didn’t you tell her the truth then? Why drag this out? To embarrass her?”
“No mother, I promise you that was not my intention.”
“Then what is you intention?”
“To get to know her. The real her.”
“You could’ve gotten to know her as yourself my son.”
He closes his eyes, “I know…I just…I was..”
“You were what?”
“I was afraid she wouldn’t want to get to know me. Yesterday when she walked in, I had a true conversation with her…I watched her learn and have fun while doing so…saw her smile. Mother it made me feel things I have told myself countless times I would never feel. And today? Today was…. wonderful.”
Frigga looks at Loki sadly.
“My son. You cannot continue this lie. I cannot allow you to deceive her so. You must tell her the truth. Tell her the way you told me, surely she will understand.”
“She will be angry with me for taking away her friend. Angry with me for deceiving her.”
“She might be angry at first yes but my son you cannot build the foundation of your relationship with a lie. She deserves better.”
Loki nods, “you’re right mother. I will tell her. Tomorrow when she comes here to meet with Ana.”
“Alright.” She pulls Loki into her arms for a tight hug. “I love you Loki.”
“I love you too mother.”
Lady Tayla showed you a few designs she had in mind for gowns. You told her that you were only planning on staying for about 2 weeks. Even if you decide to try and work something out with Loki you still have responsibilities back on Earth.
For tonight’s feast Lady Tayla put you in a gown that was light and flowy. A pretty yellow this time with matching hair adornments and your makeup was done subtlety. Just the way you like it.
Jane walks into your room going on and on about what Heimdall showed her. You were happy your sister wasn’t so depressed about her relationship ending with Thor that she couldn’t enjoy the rest of her time here.
“Have you talked to Loki at all today?”, Jane asks you.
“Just this morning at breakfast.”
“Maybe he’ll talk to you tonight.”
“Or maybe he'll ignore me like he usually does.” You take a deep breath, “I don’t know Jane. I talked to Ana today and she made it seem like Loki is lonely, but from what I can tell it’s self inflicted.”
Jane nods, “well he is very different from Thor and everyone else. Maybe he just hasn’t found anyone he can truly connect with.”
“That’s what I was saying to Ana. Maybe I should..I don’t know…try just being his friend first and then…see where it goes?”
“Baby steps sis. There’s no need to rush things when realistically you have like 5,000 years.”
You nod knowing she’s right.
You both walk arm in arm to the feast hall where it is already loud from chatter and music. You and Jane spot Thor and Sif sitting with the Warriors Three.
“Hello everyone!”, Jane greets. You wave at the group.
“Ah Lady Jane, Lady y/n! Please, join us!”, Fandral requests boisterously.
You sit down next to Fandral while Jane sits next to Sif.
“So, Lady y/n. Tell us. How are things going with our gloomy second prince?”, Fandral asks clearly drunk.
“Um. Nothing new to report honestly. We haven’t spoken much since the ritual.”
“Ah yes, he does keep to himself doesn’t he? I am truly sorry the Norns chose someone so surly for you.”
“I don’t know if I would call Loki surly.”, your feeling of needing to defend Loki growing since your conversation with Ana.
“Oh? And how would you describe him then?”, Fandral asks.
You take a moment to think before you answer, “I’m not sure honestly, I don’t know him that well. A loner maybe?”
“A loner?”, Fandral asks confused.
“Yes, a person that prefers their own company.”, you explain.
“Yes, well that does sound like Loki. I on the other hand love company. Would you like to accompany me for a walk my lady?”, Fandral asks you.
“Um. Yea sure.”, he offers you his hand to help you stand and you both make your way to one of the balcony’s.
Loki sees you from afar and feels the hot feeling of jealousy rip through his body. He decides to follow you both outside, covering himself in an illusion obviously.
You lean against the banister when you and Fandral get outside. You’re taken aback by how beautiful the garden is at night you almost forget someone was there with you.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Fandral asks.
You nod, “it really is.”
“Tell me my lady. What is it you plan on doing with your situation?”
“Well..I’m probably going to try and get to know Loki a little bit better before I make my decision.”
“Yes of course. I must say my lady you are…stunning.”
You step slightly away from Fandral, “thank you, that’s very kind.”
“You are most welcome. I doubt Loki will say such things to you.”
“I beg your pardon?”, feeling the irritation with this man rise and rise.
“I only mean that Loki does not say kind things to anyone. Well, maybe Frigga but honestly I have never seen or heard him pay a kind word to anyone else. You deserve someone who will treat you with care and kindness.”
Upon hearing Fandral, Loki decided he didn’t want to stay to hear the rest. He didn’t need to hear you say you knew how little affection he would show you as his wife. What a failure he would be. So before he could hear those words fall from your mouth he left.
“Fandral, I appreciate your concern and your advice but I think I’ll decide for myself what kind of person Loki is.”
“Then I wish you good luck my lady. You’re going to need it.” Fandral walks back into the feast, so drunk he can barely walk in a straight line.
“You know as drunk as he is. He’s right.”
You look over and see an older man staring out into the garden.
“I’m sorry. Who are you?”
“I am Lord Alarian. One of the Allfather’s high councilmen.”
“Well Lord Alarian, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but I prefer to learn what type of person Loki is myself and to be honest I’m getting really sick of people trying to convince me he’s a bad one.”
You turn to leave but the councilman is quick to grab your wrist, “you know as well as I do this union is a mistake.”
You rip your arm from his grip, “I thought the Norns didn’t make mistakes.”
“Oh they make plenty of them. One of the biggest was bringing that boy into this world. Even with all of his flaws another realm was willing to give one of their daughters to him as a match. To make Asgard stronger. And then this damned ritual ruined it all.”
“Well I’m sorry I ruined your plans for world domination. Now if you don’t mind, I believe my sister and Prince Thor are expecting me.”
You don’t give the creep the opportunity to approach you again. You make a mad dash for your seat next to Jane but Loki stops you in your tracks.
“Had enough male suitors for the evening my lady?”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh you are excused indeed, it would be a terrible shame if I kept you from all of your admirers.”
“Spying on me were you?”, you ask. You grab your wrist, feeling a bit of discomfort from where the councilman grabbed you.
“Not spying…just…observing..”, Loki sees you grab at your wrist. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine Loki. It’s not like you care for my wellbeing anyway.”, you immediately feel guilty after you said it. Here you are telling everyone that asks about your feelings towards Loki you want to give him a chance and get to know him but one of the few times you interact with him you say horrible things.
“I care if someone has hurt you, let me see.” He doesn’t give you the opportunity to deny him, he takes your hand in his and inspects your wrist.
It’s starting to swell slightly and you can already see the beginning of a bruise forming.
“Who did this? Was in Fandral? I’ll gut him like the pig he is.”
Loki turns to go and find Fandral but you stop him, “Fandral didn’t do this Loki. Don’t worry about it it’s fine.”
“It is not fine.”
“I just need to ice it. It will be better by morning.”
Loki looks down at you, your hand still in his. “Come.”
He gently pulls on your arm so you can walk with him out of the feast hall. He then leads you to a place you have never been before since your started visiting Asgard. His rooms.
He opens the doors and it is as grand as you thought it would be. Green and gold everywhere of course.
He takes you over to the massive sitting area and walks you over to his enormous couch. You sit down and he sits down next to you, your wrist still in his hand.
“Loki really I’m fine, all I need is some ice.”
You suddenly feel a cold sensation on your wrist. When you look down at it you see Loki’s hand has turned a beautiful shade of blue.
“Does that feel better?”, he asks softly.
You nod, “a little yea. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He suddenly stands and walks over to a different room. When he comes back he has a small vial in his hand.
He sits next to you again and motions for you to give your hand back to him. He opens the vial and pours a drop of its contents on your wrist. He rubs it in gently, his hand turning blue again.
“That will help with the bruising. The cold will help with most of the pain and swelling, I cannot imagine you want me to hold on to your hand longer than what I already have.”, his skin starts to change and he releases your hand as soon as the icy blue was completely gone.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
“Of course I did. The Goddess Idunn said it herself, you are mine to protect and care for. No matter what any of us feel about our situation, nothing will change that.”
You stare into each others eyes for a moment until Loki breaks the connection.
“Well, I imagine you want to get back to the feast. Your wrist should be completely healed by tomorrow morning, just in time for your painting lessons.”, he smiles. A genuine, adorably shy smile.
He knows he should come clean now but he is enjoying this moment of closeness with you. He doesn’t want to ruin it.
“I think I’ve plateaued when it comes to my artistic abilities.”, you laugh thinking about your time earlier with Ana.
Loki pats your knee, “don’t be too hard on yourself.”
You look at him again and you can’t help but stare in his eyes. They are so…green…they look so…familiar. Then it hits you…Ana has the same color eyes..
“What are your plans tomorrow?”, you ask him suddenly.
“Umm. Nothing of importance. A council meeting in the morning and then I will be available for the rest of the day.”
“You should come by Ana’s workshop after your meeting!”, you say excitedly. If your suspicions were correct, Ana and Loki being in the same room might clear up some things.
Loki feels sudden panic. He could always cast a double of himself but that type magic was incredibly draining. It seems like you were not going to take no for an answer and to be honest he wasn’t sure he even wanted to deny you. You looked so excited about the prospect of him meeting your new friend. He felt terrible that tomorrow he was going to take her away from you.
“I would like that very much.”, he smiles at you.
You can tell you caught him off guard and you can’t help but feel a little proud at yourself for throwing him off a little. You just had a feeling and you had to be sure before you go accusing him of anything.
“Are you going back to the feast?”, you ask him as you stand to leave.
He shakes his head, “no I think I will retire for the evening.”
He walks you to the door and instructs the guard on the other side to escort you back to the feast hall.
Before you leave, Loki takes your hand and gives you a light kiss on your knuckles. “Goodnight Lady y/n. I shall see you tomorrow.”
You nod, “tomorrow.”
You get back to the feast hall and Frigga immediately rushes over to you. “There you are! Your sister and I were about to send out a search party.”
“I’m sorry Frigga, Loki and I were talking. He’s going to come to Ana’s workshop with me tomorrow.”
Frigga’s eyebrows shot up, “is he now? Well that’s…exciting.”
You can tell from Frigga’s reaction that she wasn’t expecting that and you sense a bit of concern from her. Frigga unknowingly confirms your suspicion that something else was going on. But now you know the Queen knew what that something was.
“Is everything alright My Queen?”, you ask sweetly.
She nods and smiles, “yes dear, everything is fine. I’m happy you and Loki are going to be spending some time together.”
You nod, “may I ask you something Frigga?”
She smiles, “of course.”
“I had a slight incident with one of Odin’s councilmen, Lord Alarian. He said that Idunn’s ritual ruined a betrothal between Loki and a princess from another realm. Is that true?”
Frigga rolls her eyes, “that man will be the death of me. It is true and it is also not true. There were talks with Vanaheim about arranging a marriage between one of their princesses and Loki. It was meant to strengthen our already strong bond with that realm and…honestly, I did not want Loki to be alone any longer. His heritage has become a a bit of a roadblock for him.”
“You know Loki is adopted.”
You nod, “yes, but I don’t understand why that would cause issues. There are plenty of adopted children on Earth.”
“Loki is from the realm of Jotunheim, they are hated by most beings. Especially here on Asgard.”
“Oh. Is that why his hand turns blue?”
Frigga looks at you in shock, “he showed you his true form?”
“Not entirely, it was just his hand. When Lord Alarian approached me, he grabbed me by the wrist to stop me from leaving.” You lift your wrist to show Frigga your now healing wrist, still slightly red but the swelling was gone and the bruising that was developing had disappeared as well. “I don’t believe he did it on purpose but the swelling and the bruising started to develop quickly. Loki saw me on my way back into the feast hall, he saw my wrist and took me to his chambers to help. He used his hand to ice my wrist.”
Frigga smiles, “I’m sorry you were injured by that awful man but I must confess I am elated that Loki took care of you as any good mate should.”
“So no one else can turn blue here?”, you ask.
Frigga laughs, “not unless we have another hidden Jotun heir somewhere in Asgard, no. No one else can change to that form.”
You nod, another piece to the puzzle that is Loki. No wonder he feels so alone. He’s literally the only one of his kind here and on top of that he’s surrounded by people that hate his kind. Why wouldn’t he feel alone? Or want to be for that matter.
“Well, it is time for me to retire I believe. I hope You have a wonderful visit with Loki tomorrow. I just ask that you remain as open minded as you have been. Loki is a complex being and he sometimes makes rash decisions when he feels like he has no other options. He will make mistakes y/n, but with a little patience I promise you, the love and the devotion you will receive from him will be worth all of the trials you face.”
You smile at Frigga, “I will try Frigga, thank you for explaining those things to me.”
“Of course.”, she gives you one final smile and turns to leave with her ladies.
You watch her leave feeling a combination of comfort and confusion. Something is definitely going on and you were pretty sure Frigga knew what it was.
Tomorrow. You have a feeling everything will reveal itself tomorrow.
To be continued….
Tag List: Tagging works sometimes and then decides to not work other times. So I hope this works 😁
@mintfrostflower @lotrefcp @mostlymarvelgirl @tekutiger @missingdadneto @rcailleachcola @fire-in-her-veinz @glitterylokislut @yelkmelk @talesofadragon @multifandom-world8 @firedrakegirl @enchanteddreameruniverse @skittslackoffilter
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luxthestrange · 5 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#166 BET
You know how Odin and Hermes started ....weird musical entrance..., Man image Theater/Drama Y/n going "BET"...and wanting to OUTDO...them, while also bringing the other gods down and the humans up to the clear hypocrisy of the gods in condemning humans, And bringing out their Truths...With the human fighters behind you supporting the musical-
As Heimdall was speaking a giant explosion from the human side arena appeared...inside there was a dark room...and music started to play as you started to sing...Both Humans and Gods were in shock at the song as you started to straight up...CURSE THE GODS TO THEIR FACES WITH LIGHTERS, EXPLOSIONS-THE WHOLE SHEBANG-
-We have taken shit (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Been crushed under your heel (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) We have suffered for Offerings and suckered for faith (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Made a fortunes you all could steal (Ooh-ooh)
I've had enough, I've hit the wall I'm tired of taking your calls It ends today, now there's just one last thing to say-ay-ay
Some gods even laugh at the imagery of You being crushed under the heal of them as You and known humans who were faithful to the gods but god "punished" for petty thinking,bets...and such
Fuck you! I wish I'd said it sooner, fuck you Cut you off, just like a tumor Hope you all die, kiss my ass goodbye, you cucks, fuck you!
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Drama!Y/n*Appearing all of sudden with the humans belachers...and even on the with some lower gods/demigods smiling and patting their backs*
(Eeugh—) Have you ever felt sick and tired of doing the same shit everyday with your anger brewin'? Eatin' shit for a boss that you're sick of obeyin'? If you ever felt the same, let me hear ya say it!
Drama!Y/n + Humans/Demigods:
Did you really think I was gonna stay? Spending life bent over with your fist in my a— Slander me, say We are Sinners now If I stick around, I'll be six more feet under the ground
Fuck you! (Woah-oh-oh!) Here's my two minutes notice, fuck you (Suck it, greedy bastards) (You're a fucking, ass clowns) Time to quit and smell the roses Say goodbye, too late to apologize! So this is it Zeus, you sad sack of shit, fuck you!
(Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you) You bitch! Yeah!
Never go against a bard,poet, or theater kid...
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gettinshiggywithit · 5 months
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Summary: In which you find out loki’s secret and he fears your reaction.
Pairing: loki x reader
Genre: fluff ,maybe a hintt of angst
W/c: 928
A/N: saw someone talking abt jotun loki and my brain went brrrrr.Wrote this at 5/6 in the morning on 0 sleep so apologies in advance!If yall liked it id love to hear your thoughts
Marvel MasterList
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A frost giant.unbelievable.
Loki stood in odin’s vault,hands firmly gripping the handles of the casket. He watched as his skin changed to an icy blue,an equally icy chill running down his spine. The all father had conveniently fallen into the odin-sleep.
“Leaving me when i need him…typical” he said to himself. It wasn’t like he had an audience and with him being the acting ruler,and his mother being in his ‘father’s’ chambers, he needn’t fear intrusion.
The only person aware of his little secret,who was awake anyway, was his mother and he intended to keep it that way.for as long as he could.
Eliminating thor would guarantee him the throne and by destroying jotunheim,he’d garner enough of the public’s love to hopefully keep his throne,should his secret come to light.
‘Does heimdall know?’ He wondered to himself.
‘No matter,He can be dealt with if necessary”
Loki was so lost in thought that he missed the,
“There you are!” You huffed out.
You marched on upto him and noticed he wasnt…himself.
At this sudden revalation, you started taking quieter,more measured steps towards the boyfriend-shaped figure in front of you.
You let out a tentative “loki?” To which he jolted, his hands immediately letting go of the casket and his now-red eyes staring at you with both surprise and slight fear. Not fear of you,but the fear of being discovered.
“Y/n, dont…dont do that.” He said letting out a breath he didn't know he’d been holding in. And when you didn’t reply, instead merely staring at him in bewilderment, he suddenly remembered how he looked. He stumbled backwards, his hands flying to brace himself against the stand of the artefact behind him.
His finger gently brushed against the casket and the fading blue returned once again.
Noticing this, he pulled his hands to his front.clasping them and lookin on at you,awaiting your reaction.
What would you do? Yell at him? Leave him? Threaten to tell the rest of asgard?
All the worst possibilities ran around his head and he began to tear up.
He was broken out of his turbulant thoughts by your hand brushing against his cheek.
He was shocked, to say the least.
Of all the reactions he’d thought up,this wasnt one.
He leaned into your touch,fearing this would be the last time he would feel it,your soft cold hand against his wretched skin.
“What is this loki?” You ask in a whisper,staring at him with not fear,not anger,but wonder and curiosity.
You were now stood quite close to eachother not impossibly so, but quite.
“Were you cursed?”
“In a manner of speaking…y-”
“Does it hurt?”
You knew what he was,you’d seen frost giants before so it wasn’t illiteracy that made you disregard his current state.
You really were asking him if he was okay as he stood before you, a blue monster,kin to those you’d fantasised about killing in your youth…
Was this real?
He needed to know it was,so he spelled it out for you,
“Y/N,im a Frost giant.”
He let out in a voice laden with melancholy,regret and was that fear you heard?
“I know” you merely replied as you traced the patterns on his skin.
At this he pulled your hand away and held it.
“What do you mean you know?! Y/N im a monster! Dont you understand!”
Your expression shifted to one of annoyance,another unforseen reaction.
“I understand quite clearly loki.”
“Then why haven’t you-”
“Why haven’t i run out screaming? Cursing you? Why havent i tried to kill you?”
His silence told you that was exactly what he was about to ask, more or less.
You sighed before stepping towards him and placing his hand on your shoulder,he flinched but didn't move otherwise.
You took this as your go-ahead and wrapped him in a hug.
You stayed there for a good three minutes in silence before saying,
“Loki,i dont give a single ratatosk whisker if you’re a jotun.i love you.”
You pulled away at that to look him in the eyes and saw the tears forming there.
As they fell from his eyes,you caught them with your thumb and placed in on tongue.
Now it was his turn to look at you in confusion.
You waited a beat before saying, “for a jotun you cry asgardian tears.”
He smiled at that,scoffing at your antics.
“You’re ridiculous”
“Yeah well im also yours so get used to it” you said as you went in for another hug and this time he hugged back holding you like you were the most precious thing in all the nine realms,and to him,you were.
“Are you sure?” He whispered out,almost like he hoped you wouldnt hear.
“Always.And never forget it” you said,pressing a soft kiss to his lips which had him chasing yours as you pulled away.
“Why did you come down here anyway?” He asked finally realising it was rather odd for you to have come to the artefacts vault;unless there was a purpose for your visit that is.
“Ah yes, Frigga was calling you.” You said pulling away and pulling him by the arm towards the exit.
“Alright then” he said as he let you drag him out of the chamber that held his secrets. You really were something else,and he’d never been more grateful for anyone in his entire life.
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wheredafandomat · 7 months
In my solitude
Thor x reader x Loki - Asgard AU
18+ | same warnings and stuff throughout smut angst
Chapter 4 | prev | next
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“Heimdall, I have a favour to ask”
“I know what you seek but I am afraid— ”
“Please refrain from disobeying your queen”
“Lady y/n, you are not yet—”
“I have sworn an oath have I not? I have sighed my name have I not?”
“Once Odin succumbs to the Odinsleep, Frigga will be demoted to Queen Dowager and I will be crowned queen, not just acting, in which case you’ll answer to me”
“And I can assure you that I will be indebted to you. You see all, do you not?”
“I do”
“I am asking that when the time comes, you do not see me”
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You felt nauseous. Bile threatened to rise as you swallowed thickly, willing yourself not to throw up. You tried to distract yourself by reading but it was too loud. There was something about hearing your husband fucking another woman that simply made you want to disappear. Despite what Loki had said, your marriage to Thor was loveless, that was evident now. It was made clear everytime Thor professed his love to Sif in the next room, driving into her as she no doubt lay spread in his bed, docile.
When you heard that they were done, you sighed and managed to focus on your book again before you heard the headboard banging against the wall. Fed up, you flung your book against the wall in a fit of rage before storming off aimlessly around the palace. You ignored the guards that greeted you as you wandered down the familiar corridors before ending up in front of Loki’s door. So much for aimlessly you huffed inwardly as you raised your hand to knock it before it opened.
“Can you just sense when I’m near or something?” You asked, stepping inside.
“Yes” he answered, looking up at you from where he sat at his dressing table.
Walking further inside, the door shut behind you as you made your way to Loki’s bed.
“Have you been crying?” He asked, noticing your crestfallen expression.
“Can I sleep here tonight?” You asked, not answering his question as you sat on his bed.
“I’ll stay here, make sure you’re safe” Loki nodded, gesturing to his chair.
“I’m in the palace” you smiled, pulling his duvet back “I’m safe, don’t stay over there on my accord” you insisted, settling into his bed before closing your eyes, thankful that you were no longer accompanied by Thor and Sif.
Loki waited for your breaths to even out before eventually joining you in the bed. He faced you from the edge of the bed, almost frightened to get closer, to touch you. The sound of your voice startled him to say the least.
“Does the problem reside in me?” You asked quietly, feeling Loki finally lay down.
“Y/n, whatever do you mean?” He replied questioningly “you’re faultless” he added causing a small smile to spread across your lips as you moved back against him.
You both stayed like that for a while, content in one another’s spaces. You knew he wasn’t asleep and neither were you. You felt a nervous arm drape around you causing you to relax back further against Loki until you both did eventually fall asleep.
The following morning, you woke up first with the feeling of Loki’s arm still around you. It was comforting. Remembering Thor’s previous words, his threats, all feelings of comfort dissipated as you lifted it off of you before slipping out of his bed and out of his room wordlessly.
The sound of his door creaking closed caused Loki to stir as he woke up and realised that you had left. A feeling of guilt consumed him as he wondered if he had taken things too far last night by having his arm around you and whether or not you regretted even going to his room in the first place. He was anxious, a feeling that began to fade as he smelt you against his sheets.
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“Where were you last night?” Thor demanded, sitting on the bed as you walked into your room.
“Not having loud sex, don’t worry,” you replied harshly.
“My apologies” Thor cleared his throat, his hard exterior shifting for a moment as he realised what you were inferring.
“Whatever” you rolled your eyes.
“In other news, I am needed elsewhere tonight” Thor announced, standing up.
“Elsewhere?” You practically gasped “but you said—”
“I know what I said” he dismissed you “you’ll have to go with the knave” he remidied.
“Knave?” You queried.
“Loki” he elaborated.
You tried to hide your elation at the fact that Loki would once again be joining you to the ball as you nodded to Thor before he left you. Alone, you allowed your smile to show freely as you thought about spending the night with Loki. You stood up, wrapping your arms around yourself as you imagined him holding you as you both danced. You closed your eyes, picturing it. Images of Loki in the garden with the chambermaid began to flood your system as you tried to ignore them before the image distorted, the chambermaid replaced by you. You took a shaky breath as Loki’s lips met your cheek in a light kiss before he began kissing your exposed shoulder. You ran your hands against your body, smoothing over your contours as you imagined they were Loki’s hands. It was wrong, you knew it was wrong, but the thought of Loki touching you so tenderly, intimately, stirred feelings in you, lecherous one’s. You knew nothing could ever happen despite your growing crush on the prince but it didn’t stop you from laying against the bed and pleasuring yourself as you thought about it. You wondered how Loki would fuck until you realised he wouldn’t, he’d make love. There’d be no rushing, just slow, leisurely strokes. He’d rock his hips against yours steadily before you both orgasmed.
Nothing could happen, you knew nothing could happen but you wished it would.
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“Brother” Loki greeted Thor with a faux kindness they were both aware of.
“I unfortunately cannot make the ball meaning you’ll be accompanying y/n in my place” Thor spoke, looking around Loki’s room as he walked in “why hasn’t your bed been made? Must I personally retire your chambermaids?” Thor asked, noting Loki’s disheveled bed.
“No” he insisted “I have asked them to leave it, I’ll make it myself”
“Very well” Thor shrugged his shoulders before leaving Loki’s room.
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Tags 🖤
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch @beautyb1ade @angelilacsworld @lokidokieokie @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @asgards-princess-of-mischief @anundyingfidelity
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infinitystoner · 1 year
Don’t Give In
Summary: Tonight, Loki has just one request: Deny him. Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Word Count: 5.8k Content/Warnings: Established Relationship, switch!Loki vibes, Teasing, Bratty Behavior, Fluff, Smut, Biting/Marking, Edging/Orgasm Delay, Face-Sitting, Oral, P-in-V, Second Person POV, No Y/N Rating: Explicit; 18+ (minors DNI)
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“Are you awake, dove?” 
Loki settled next to you, the mattress dipping under his weight as a shiver ran down your spine – was it because of the cool touch of his fingers caressing your back or the low, rumbling timbre of his voice? Perhaps both. 
You had been on the cusp of sleep, lingering somewhere between reality and a dreamworld – not quite exhausted from the evening’s grueling mission but tired enough after a celebratory shower with the insatiable god that you’d subsequently crawled into bed while Loki had retired to the corner of the room to finish his debrief report for Rogers. 
Well, that didn’t take long, you thought as the last vestiges of sleep dissipated into darkness, the intoxicating scent of damp earth and mint enveloping your senses as Loki gracefully sidled closer, pressing his body flush against yours. 
Humming in response, you turned to face him, tangling yourself in the crisp cotton sheets and smiling as the mere thought of his intentions sent ripples of tingling warmth through your body. After a few slow blinks, Loki’s features began to sharpen, and you gazed at his sombre face, ethereally lit by the streaks of moonlight creeping in through your bedroom window. 
“Loki, what–” you began, frantically searching his eyes for a clue of what might be troubling him as your heart skipped a beat. And then another. 
“There’s something I need to talk to you about,” Loki said, his words slow and deliberate as his eyes raked across your body. Your mind raced with possibilities: Had he uncovered something in his post-mission assessment? What if he’d intercepted another cryptic message from Heimdall? It couldn’t be– 
“What is it?” You swallowed thickly, panic rising in your chest as Loki stroked your skin with his nimble fingers, deftly grazing your exposed nipple with the calloused pad of his thumb as he took a deep breath. He must have finally noticed the worry etched on your face because he huffed out a low laugh as he ran his fingers soothingly through your hair. 
“Oh, darling,” he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to your temple as one large hand cupped your face, his thumb now tracing along your cheekbone. “It’s nothing serious. I didn’t mean to cause you distress.” 
A wave of relief washed over you, your tensed muscles relaxing into his embrace as your heartbeat slowly returned to a steady rhythm. “Gods above, Loki,” you quipped, playfully nipping at his wrist. “Must you always be so dramatic?” 
“Dramatic? Me? Impossible,” he responded, feigning offense as he rolled on top of you, caging you between his arms. You giggled beneath him as he ran the cool tip of his regal nose along the column of your neck before lightly peppering kisses along your jaw.
Your hands lingered on his chest before finding their way into his mess of soft black curls, still slightly damp from your earlier shower. For a brief moment, you wondered why he hadn’t used his seidr to dry himself as he was wont to do, but then Loki’s mouth was on yours, his tongue languidly swiping at your lips – your curiosity replaced with unadulterated lust. You tugged at his hair, pulling him closer as you deepened the kiss, reveling in the way his eyes went half-lidded even as desire flickered to life in them. 
After a few moments, Loki pulled away, and the yearning in his darkened eyes, combined with the sensation of his hot breath fanning across your face, filled you with the overwhelming urge to give yourself to him. Completely. 
“Loki…” you spoke his name like a sacred incantation.
He was so stunningly beautiful that sometimes you couldn’t believe he was actually real – actually yours – to care for, to worship, to adore. Biting your lip, you ran your hands under the lapels of Loki’s robe, pushing it off his body and lightly scratching your nails down his back as he rid himself of the garment. 
You observed the subtle way his muscles flexed under alabaster skin, highlighted by the moonglow cast across your bed, and how the rise and fall of his chest mimicked your own unsteady breaths. Positively sinful, you thought as your fingertips explored every dip and curve along the wide expanse of his shoulders. 
“Ah,” he tutted when you tried to recapture his lips, withdrawing from your advances and placing his palm firmly against your clavicle. “This–” he paused, trailing his forefinger between the valley of your breasts “–is exactly what I wanted to discuss.”
“Mm. Not in the mood for your games tonight, Loki,” you replied, hands skimming along his toned abs as you opened your hips, inviting him to settle between your thighs. You were already incredibly aroused, and you smirked in satisfaction as your fingertips finally made contact with his semi-erect cock. “Just need you.”
“And what about my needs, love?” he replied, pulling the sheets off your body before snatching your wandering hands and pinning them above your head. “Perhaps it is time for you to be the gamemaster, hmm?”
The hell? A snort escaped you, and the exasperated look on Loki’s face only propelled your fit of laughter. 
“Game- gamemaster?” you chuckled, attempting to squirm out of his grasp. “You’ve been spending too much time around Scott and the rest of those dungeon nerds.” 
Loki’s eyes narrowed, his grip on your wrists tightening as he leaned over you, raven hair falling in a curtain around your face. 
“You’re missing the point, silly little bird,” he rasped, sensually rolling his hips and causing your giggles to turn into gasps.
Your breath caught in the back of your throat as you stared up at Loki wide-eyed. His brows were drawn together in concentration, his lower lip pulled between his teeth as he teased you with each carefully calculated thrust. You choked out a sob as the head of his cock rubbed against your swollen clit, sending a flood of warmth through your writhing body and igniting every nerve ending like a thousand fireworks bursting in the night sky. 
Loki clenched his jaw, the muscle underneath his chiseled cheekbone twitching in that tell-tale way, letting you know he was fighting back the primal urge to fuck you senseless. 
“Ah. J- just tell me what you want, Loki,” you stammered, bucking your hips and chasing the sweet friction as your frazzled mind reeled with salacious possibility.
Gasping, you dug your nails into your palms as Loki continued slowly grinding his hips into yours, sending jolt after jolt of adrenaline through you. The need to be consumed by him was overwhelming, and if you just angled your hips a bit more…
“I want all of you,” he confessed breathlessly as his body moved in fervent rhythm against yours. 
Fuck. That silver tongue never did fail him. 
“But not yet.” Loki hummed, a satisfied smile creeping onto his face as he lifted off your body, finally releasing your wrists. You whined at the sudden loss of contact, but Loki’s hands never wavered as he cupped your face in his palms, your mouths melding together as he voraciously kissed you.
You were panting now, and the sight of him hovering above you, flushed and aroused, took all your willpower not to throw him onto his back and ride him until you were both begging for release.
“Loki, please. I need you,” you said softly, your unhindered hands descending the planes of his back until your fingers found solace in the firm swell of his ass. 
“Temptress,” he chuckled, deftly tracing along your collarbone to your shoulders and down along the curve of your breast. 
“You give yourself to me so freely.” Loki’s words were muffled as he nuzzled your neck, undoubtedly feeling your erratic pulse pounding against his cheek. “Every part of you.” 
It wasn’t a question, and yet you felt compelled to answer.
“I- I do,” you stammered, tucking a stray curl behind his ear and watching with a mixture of apprehension and wonder as he slowly rolled off you. 
Where exactly was he going with this? Propping yourself up on your elbow, you marveled at the confounding god beside you. His brow was creased, the expression on his face equal parts adoring and ravenous. You gulped, sensing a shift in the air. 
“And deny me nothing, correct?” 
You nodded slowly, your mouth suddenly dry. The playful banter was gone, replaced by a raw intensity that made your skin tingle, your cunt clenching with need.   
“Yes, I mean… I would never deny you anything, Loki,” you whispered, your gaze locking onto his as anticipation coiled in your belly like a serpent, ready to strike. His eyes were wide with earnest longing, conveying a vulnerability he only dared share with you. 
“But that is my request, love. I want you to.”
“To deny you?” you asked, unable to hide the uncertainty in your voice.
He nodded, lips quirking into that damned mischievous grin as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“Yes. Tease me, make me beg for you.” Each syllable was deliberately enunciated, fervency pouring from his lips like honey from the comb. His hands traveled down your body, his fingers dancing across the curves of your hips. “I am yours to command. My body, my heart, my mind.”
Your heart rate skyrocketed at his words, and you hesitated momentarily. You rarely took control in the bedroom, but Loki’s request made your inner goddess roar to life as you realized you possessed a piece of him that no one else ever had. Slowly, you trailed your fingertips along his torso, stopping just above his midriff. You leaned in close, your lips almost touching his.
“Are you sure?” Your voice was reverent, barely more than a breath. Loki responded with a low growl that rumbled through his chest, spreading warmth through your core like molten lava, each searing ember threatening to consume every inch of you.
“I’m positive, pet,” he said, his green eyes smoldering as he gripped your hips and pulled you closer to him. “I want to be at your mercy,” he continued, his voice low, pleading.
His words lit a fire within you, your own arousal building with each passing moment. Your fingers dipped lower, teasing the sensitive skin just below his navel, delighting in the way his eyelashes fanned across his cheekbones as he sharply inhaled. 
“At my mercy, hmm?” you purred, fisting your other hand in his hair and tugging roughly, your shift into dominance making him gasp as you placed wet, hot kisses along Loki’s collarbone.
“Norns, yes,” he moaned as you released his hair and slid your hand down his chest, feeling the rippling muscles quiver beneath your touch. You hummed, tracing the lines of his abs and marveling at the perfection of his body, before wrapping your fingers loosely around his thick cock. Loki’s eyes closed and a whimper fell from his lips as you teasingly stroked him, sliding his foreskin back with a gentle tug and running your thumb over the slit of his cock, gathering his pre-cum on your fingertips.
“Fu- f-faen,” he hissed as you tightened your grip, increasing the pressure with each pass. He pushed against you, frantic for more, his hips thrusting in time with each stroke of your hand, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. 
“That’s it, my love,” you cooed quietly in his ear, relishing the heady sensation of having such absolute power over him. You watched in quiet fascination as Loki’s body responded to your every touch, his mouth opening in a silent cry, his hands gripping sheets. Suddenly, Loki tensed, his eyes fluttering open as he stared at you, his face twisted in a mix of gratification and agony.
“Wait… wait,” he pleaded, his voice strained as he grabbed your wrist, making you immediately pause your movements. You gently removed your fingers from around Loki’s throbbing cock as he let out an unsteady breath. A single tear ran down his cheek, and your stomach lurched as anxiety coursed through your body, your mind racing. 
Had you fucked this up somehow?
His grip on your wrist loosened, his hands falling heavily at his sides, his eyes gentle and understanding as he looked at you.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he said as if reading your mind. Relief flooded you as you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, running your hand over his chest and feeling his heartbeat thud beneath your palm. He tilted his chin up, the veins in his neck bulging beneath smooth skin. 
“But this– fuck, darling– this doesn’t work if you give in to me so easily,” he rasped, gently bucking his hips in the air while casting you a fervid glance. You could see the hunger in his eyes, feel the tension radiating off his body. It was as if the air was vibrating with electric energy, the pure erotic tension building with each passing moment.
A tingle shot up your spine as you realized how much he needed this — this denial. 
“Oh, love,” you said softly as you straddled his waist. “You want to take things slow?”    
“Y-yes,” he whispered roughly, his hands clenching into fists as you ran a finger down his stomach, the taut muscles flexing under your touch.
“As you wish, my prince.”
Your hands roamed over every inch of Loki’s body spread wantonly beneath you, his cool skin shivering beneath the heat of your touch. Your fingers mapped the sculpted lines of every muscle and tendon – along his tensing biceps, across his smooth chest, and down the hard plane of his abdomen. A deep ache pulsed in your core as your hardened nipples grazed against his own as you leaned over him, a soft moan escaping him as he trembled in response. 
Smirking, you nibbled and sucked along his neck, delighting in how easily his pale skin flushed and bruised. It took every ounce of self-control not to shift your hips back and mount him as you continued your tantalizing torture. Your cunt throbbed as he whimpered beneath you, the thought of riding him into oblivion causing slick arousal to pool between your thighs as your ass rocked against his cock. 
“I adore how– how easily I can persuade you, my stubborn little thing,” he managed to choke out between strangled sobs of ecstasy.
“I would do anything for you, Loki,” you said, staring down at the god beneath you. His eyes were glazed over, pupils blown wide with unabated lust. God, he was gorgeous like this: raven curls fanning across the pillow, chin tilted towards the heavens, the muscles of his strong jaw straining, nostrils flaring as his chiseled chest heaved with each ragged breath.
The raw need pulsing through him was palpable. You leaned down, lips brushing against his jawline. “So teach me. Tell me what to do.” 
You nipped at his earlobe but pulled away as the familiar flash of his seidr filled the space between you, leaving a pair of cuffs in its wake. You looked at him wide-eyed, your heart hammering in your chest. 
“Restrain me,” Loki commanded, the sudden majestic gravitas in his voice shocking you. 
“I don’t–” you began, furrowing your brow as your fingers caressed the leather bindings. A sly grin spread across his face as he observed your hesitation, and his wicked tongue darted out to wet his lips as he reveled in the way you squirmed under his gaze. You would do anything for this man, this god. And he knew it.  
He’s enjoying this, you thought. All of it. 
“Come on, don’t get shy now, pet,” he purred, his voice dripping with charm. “You know you want to.”
You rolled your eyes, but the corners of your mouth curled up in amusement. “You’re insufferable, you know that, right?” you sighed, your fingers still tracing the intricate patterns embossed on the cuffs. He chuckled in response, his deep laughter rumbling through his chest and making his entire body vibrate with amusement. It was one of your favorite sounds, filled with a melodic mischievousness that always made your heart race.
As you crawled off of him, your eyes lingered on his flushed cock resting against his stomach. You let go of the restraints, the leather slipping from your hands as you trailed them down his body instead. Loki watched you with rapt attention, his eyes burning with a fiery fervor that only made you more determined to tease him. 
Two could certainly play this game. 
You leaned in closer, fingertips hovering just above his cock before settling on his hip bones instead. 
“You’re aching to be touched, aren’t you?” you drawled, a sly smirk playing at the corners of your lips as you watched his cock twitch at your words.
“Darling,” he growled, a hint of warning in his voice as he bucked up in search of your hand. You merely chuckled, your fingers moving lower until they skimmed over the base of his cock. Loki shuddered at the contact, his knuckles turning white as he fisted the sheets in blissful agony.
“And so sensitive,” you teased, wrapping your fingers around his hot, pulsing cock, eliciting a loud cry from his lips. You savored the way his body arched and trembled beneath your touch. He was desperate, moaning like a whore as you taunted him with slow, gentle strokes. 
“I am yours to command. My body, my heart, my mind.”
Loki’s words echoed in your mind, and you knew that you shouldn’t give in just yet. That, whatever his reason for asking you for this tonight, he needed you to make it last just a bit longer. 
You pulled away, leaving a frustrated Loki in your wake. His chest heaved, his expression settling somewhere between anguish and amazement.
“You’re a tease,” he hissed through clenched teeth, a thin sheen of sweat forming on his brow.
“And you asked for it,” you reminded him, a smug smile tugging at the corners of your mouth as you leaned in and pressed your lips against his. Loki snarled in response, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth as his hands gripped your ass, tugging you back on top of him. 
“Ah, ah,” you remarked, grabbing his wrists and pulling them away from your body. “We need to do something about those wandering hands of yours, love.”
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It didn’t take long to get Loki into position, but even when restrained, he remained unwaveringly regal. But really, what else did you expect?  
He elegantly leaned back against the pillows, his arms stretched out, the sinewy muscles of his forearms rippling as you cuffed him to the bed posts. 
“Is that tight enough?” you asked, fingers deftly threading the straps around his left wrist. 
Loki arched a brow, the corner of his mouth curling into a flirtatious smirk as he watched you settle between his open thighs.
“Perfect,” he remarked, his eyes locked onto yours, his tendons flexing against the soft leather restraints as he tested the bindings. “Now, tell me. What’s next–”
He groaned as you licked a stripe along the underside of his cock, your tongue exploring each ridge and vein with agonizing precision before you wrapped your lips around the tip, lazily bobbing your head up and down. Loki tasted of musky sweetness, a sacred ambiance you had only ever encountered in the pages of stories filling your senses. 
You heard the headboard creak, your eyes snapping open to witness Loki, his chest flushed pink and head tossed back, the sharp edge of his jaw accentuated in the dim light from the bedside lamp as the guttural noises from his throat echoed around your room in a shameless symphony. 
His hips rose eagerly to meet your every movement as you lost yourself in the moment. Your tongue rapturously worked its magic as saliva dripped from the corners of your mouth and his sounds of pleasure intensified, a wild urgency taking over as your ministrations continued.
Just as his entire body began to judder, you released him with a wet pop, the rhythmic vibrations of your phone rattling across the nightstand commanding your attention. 
“I should probably take that,” you said breathlessly, wiping the back of your hand across your mouth. 
“Now, hang on just a minute,” Loki pleaded, the muscles in his arms and chest coiling tightly as he pulled against his restraints, a desperate attempt to hold onto the moment before it was taken away. It only made you want to deny him more.
“Pepper! How’s Mabilu?” you chirped, ignoring the utter disbelief on Loki’s face as you sat on the edge of the bed. 
“Oh, no. You’re not interrupting anything. What’s up?” you said as you reached behind you, fingers gliding up Loki’s inner thigh. Your warm hand found his cock, and you unhurriedly stroked him for a few seconds before standing and stepping away from the bed. Hesitantly, you glanced back at Loki, hearing him exhale. Surprise flickered over his features, but in a blink it was gone as a frustrated scowl darkened his perfect face.
“Mm. Remind me, who’s going to be at this one?” you asked, settling into one of the wingback chairs in the corner of your room, half-listening to Pepper drone on about the upcoming fundraising gala as Loki shifted on the bed behind you. 
You peered over your shoulder. He was watching you, eyes dark and hooded, and you could see the desire burning hot in them. Leaning back, you trailed your fingernails across the armrest of the chair as you studied the intricate carvings on Loki’s wardrobe — trying to focus on anything but the sound of him testing the restraints, grunting as he pulled hard enough to make the headboard rattle against the wall. 
“Uh-huh. Yeah, sounds like a good time,” you muttered, your voice betraying your lack of interest in the conversation. 
Every few minutes, you’d hear Loki release an exaggerated sigh as Pepper’s voice spilled from the speaker, her words losing all meaning. You could feel his eyes boring into you from across the room, the rustle of him continually straining against the binds giving your accelerating heartbeat little reprieve.
It’s just another one of his tricks, you reminded yourself. Just part of the game. Because you knew that, if he wanted to, he could break free and be on you in less than two seconds. Claiming you against his ancient armoire, making you come on his cock over and—
As tempted as you were to surrender and fuck him until you were both screaming to the heavens in synchronous rapture, you wouldn’t give in. Not yet, at least. 
Because right now, he was completely at your mercy.
You squirmed in the chair, clenching your thighs together in a futile attempt to lessen your own insatiable need. Finally, after what felt like an eternity — but in reality, you noted as you glanced at the clock on your nightstand, was only fifteen minutes — you said your goodbyes. 
As soon as you ended the call, Loki’s voice rumbled through the darkened bedroom.
“That wasn’t very nice, pet.”
God, you were in for it later. But right now? Right now you craved the slow burn, relishing the newfound sense of control coursing through your veins that threatened to consume you. 
“You’ve been so good for me, Loki,” you said, padding across the hardwood floor. “But I would choose my next words wisely if I were you.” 
Whatever cheeky retort he had planned died on his tongue, his mouth snapping shut. Loki’s breath hitched in anticipation as you closed the distance between you with purpose, feeling a thrill at the fervid need radiating off him as he looked at you with wild eyes. 
You carefully climbed onto the bed, straddling one of his firm thighs and planting your palms flat against his chest. His muscles tensed beneath your cautious touch, his breath coming in shallow pants. Loki was completely helpless under your spell, every muscle straining with effort as he fought against the same impulse as you.
His leg jerked beneath you as you lazily drew circles around his navel with your forefinger, and when you dragged your nails through the path of fine, dark hair trailing down to his cock, he let out a ragged whimper. 
You explored every inch of his exposed skin with your mouth, smiling against his cool, pebbled flesh as you traced a slow path up his inner thigh with your warm tongue, teasing him with the promise of what was to come. His breath caught in his throat as you nipped at his sensitive flesh, your fingertips sinking into his hips as you marked his flawless skin with love bites. 
“Darling, please,” Loki begged as you flicked your tongue over his balls, your breath ghosting over where he wanted to be touched most. 
You glanced up at the god, his brows knitting together, mouth hanging agape as that wicked tongue darted out to wet his lips. You finally moved to reward him for his patience, laving attention upon the sensitive head of his aching cock. His body arched off the bed, pleading with you to give him what he craved as you explored every ridge and crevice with your tongue. 
Loki cried out, his body shuddering as his cock hit the back of your throat, your tongue worshipping every inch of his salty-sweet skin with a delicate respect that made him tremble beneath you. Time seemed to stand still, his breath coming in shallow gasps as his hips continuously rocked into your face. The obscene noises tumbling from his lips had your cunt clenching around nothing, and your hand intuitively found its way between your legs. You slowly rolled your clit between your fingers, rocking against Loki’s thigh as you chased your own pleasure. Hollowing your cheeks and flattening your tongue, you quickened your movements, licking and sucking as you drove both of you nearer and nearer to the edge.
“Oh my fuck,” you groaned, pulling your hand away from your cunt as your thighs began to shake under your own touch. You couldn’t come now, not like this.
“F-faen,” Loki rasped, arching his back. “I need to taste you. Let me taste you.”
“Do you think you deserve it?” you asked, gathering your slick essence on your fingertips and pressing them to Loki’s lips before he could respond — allowing him only the briefest taste before pulling your hand away. The strangled whimper that tumbled from his throat pushed every rational thought from your mind, and only a swirl of power and lust remained. 
“Please,” he begged, his voice hoarse with need as he licked the glistening remnants of your arousal from his lips. “I want- I need to make you come.” 
How could you deny him that? You succumbed to his eager plea, moving from his thigh to straddle his face, carefully lowering your dripping cunt onto Loki’s face. A deep moan rumbled from his throat as you braced your hands on the headboard. His skilled tongue lapped at all the sensitive places you so desperately wanted him to touch, the lewd sound sending a shock wave through your entire body.
You looked down at him, drinking in the sight of his flushed face. His eyes were closed in lustful bliss as his lips instinctively wrapped around your pulsing clit.
“Yes- yes, you feel so f-fucking good, Loki,” you praised as you frantically jerked your hips, fingernails digging into the soft pine board. Loki’s tongue felt like fire against your heated skin, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. You sobbed as the tapered bridge of his nose rubbed against your clit, the sound making his eyes fly open, locking with yours. He wanted to watch you come undone. 
Loki hummed in satisfaction before sucking your clit one final time, his entire body trembling beneath you as stars exploded behind your eyelids. He expertly pulled the last bit of pleasure from your body, an intense orgasm ripping through you as you screamed his name. Loki kissed along your thigh as you came down from your high until you rolled off of him with a shaky breath. You curled into his side, your head nestling under his outstretched arm. 
“I love you.” His voice seemed to come from far away, muffled by the sound of your own heartbeat pounding in your ears.
You lifted your head, nudging his cheek with your nose as you returned the sentiment. 
“And I love you, my king.” 
You and Loki weren’t shy when it came to openly using terms of endearment around the rest of the team, ‘darlings’ and ‘my loves’ falling easily from your lips while in mixed company. But this — this was a phrase so sacred that it was reserved for his ears only. 
“My goddess. My queen.” His voice was rough — raw, even — and sent shivers across your skin. The sincere emotion in his words reignited something within you, setting your body aflame. You gracefully mounted him, groaning in sensuous unison as his cock finally made contact with your overstimulated cunt, his hard length dragging along your wet slit. 
You lowered yourself onto him slowly feeling each vein and ridge of his throbbing cock as he breached your tight cunt inch by godly inch. Your mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ as you glanced down at Loki beneath you, his eyes glazed over as he watched his cock fill you to the hilt. 
The sound he made was positively sinful, and he chanted your name as you rolled your hips against his, your body adjusting to his size — the sensation of feeling so full turning you into a whimpering mess. 
Loki’s restraints melted away in a spark of glowing seidr, his hands grasping your hips, blunt nails digging into your flesh as he guided your movements. He lunged forward, unbound, digging his heels into the bed and making you yelp as your chest made contact with his.
He looked absolutely feral as you clenched tightly around him, feeling the tension from the hour of denial evaporating from his body.
You wanted him to destroy you. 
“F- fuck, Loki!” you shouted as he pulled one of your peaked nipples between his teeth, biting it ever so gently. The stimulation was too much, and you leaned back, but the new position had the blunt tip of Loki’s cock gliding against your g-spot with each gentle thrust. You clenched around him as you cried out again, a rush of electricity erupting through your bloodstream. 
Loki threw his head back against the pillow, forcing out a string of old Norse curses through gritted teeth. 
“Enough!” he grunted, flipping you onto your back, thrusting himself deeper inside of you until his hips were flush with yours. It was too much. You screamed out, gripping his shoulders tightly as he rhythmically fucked you, your body convulsing beneath him. 
Loki sucked at the tender flesh of your neck as he swirled his hips, the drag of his pelvis tugging at your clit, sending shockwaves through your entire being. You whimpered, growing dizzy as his cock swelled inside you, every ridge dragging against your walls as he filled you, no longer sure where one of you ended and the other began.
You heard him say your name, his voice barely audible against your skin as he languidly rocked into you, drawing out your pleasure as he approached his own climax. The sheer intensity of the moment began to overwhelm you as he increased his pace, and you felt yourself spiraling ever closer to the edge. Digging your fingernails into his back, you said his name with a strangled gasp – an unholy prayer to any god who would listen — as Loki’s moans reverberated across the room, growing louder until the final howling crescendo tore the heavens down around you. He shuddered in ecstasy, and the force of his orgasm wracked both your bodies. The sensation coursed through you like a live wire, setting every nerve ending ablaze. Euphoria swirled in waves around you, intensifying with each passing second, your very soul igniting with roiling flames as Loki’s fingers dug into the flesh of your hips.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you came even harder than before, your walls spasming around his cock as he spent himself inside you, your cunt milking every last drop of his hot come. Your rapturous moans melded with Loki’s before your world dissolved into nothingness, aftershocks coursing through your body. 
“Loki,” you said softly, your orgasm fading as he rode through his high with shallow thrusts. The heady scent of sex filled the room as the sweat from your bodies mingled into little rivulets across your flesh. Loki’s large hands grazed your body, reverence radiating from him in a way you’d never experienced before. He pressed his forehead to yours, his breath cool against your burning skin as he whispered words of praise and peppered feather-light kisses up your neck and along your jaw.
“Are you alright?” Loki murmured after a few minutes of tranquil silence, slowly pulling out and rolling onto his side. 
“Mm, amazing,” you replied, softly kissing him before untangling yourself from the sheets. “Just going to clean up a bit.”
As you rose from the bed, the god tried to grab hold of your hand and pull you back, scrunching his nose as you shuffled out of his grasp.
“Loki!” you giggled, scooping his robe from the floor — the Asgardian silk gliding across your skin in a gentle caress, the rich aroma of sandalwood and fresh mint coating every sinew of your body in warm familiarity. A smile pulled at your lips, and you found yourself momentarily entranced by a sense of ancient veneration as you wrapped it tightly around you. Loki’s eyes ignited as he admired you in his garb, the corners of his mouth curling into a smirk. 
“What?” he replied innocently as he settled back against the pillows, folding his hands behind his head. “That was unbelievable, my love. You can’t fault me for wanting more.”
“Impressed, darling? I did have a fantastic instructor,” you replied coyly as you made your way to the en suite. Pausing in the doorway, you glanced over your shoulder at him. He looked positively fucked-out: curls plastered to his forehead, chest heaving with each ragged breath, long legs tangled in the sheets. And yet, that infuriatingly mischievous glint in his eye remained. 
Damn him. 
“Although I think I might need another lesson or two.” 
“Oh. Is that so?” Loki’s gravelly voice enveloped you, his hands back around your waist within seconds. Your heartbeat quickened as you turned in his embrace, knowing that if you dared speak your next words, sleep would not come for you tonight. 
“Because if that,” you teased, running your fingers through his smattering of chest hair still damp with sweat, “is what happens after I deny you for an hour, I can’t imagine what days would be like.” 
Loki licked his lips, darkened eyes examining you with a sense of wonder as you stepped back, letting the robe fall from your body and onto the tiled floor before you closed the bathroom door in his face.
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Author’s note: Leaving this one a little open-ended in case I’m inspired to write a part two. And shout-out to @sarahscribbles + @currish-rosewolfe for all the inspiration! 😈
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slipperzipper · 5 months
Rescue (Heimdall x Reader)
| Pairing: Heimdall x Reader
| angst turned to comfort/fluff? Reader saving Heimdall from his canon ending, established relationship, Could be seen as romantic or platonic, Let me know if I need to add other things to this as well!
| wrds: 4.1k!
| Disclaimer!: Descriptions of Injuries and Blood (burns, missing limbs, etc), minor Grammar and Spelling mistakes so apologies, Kind of weird start
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You wouldn’t have expected to be here, but yet here you were. 
Kratos and Freya venturing to Vanaheim to retrieve her brother was the goal, as long as stopping Heimdall from potentially killing Atreus. Gjallarhorn was the only thing needed from the Aesir. You thought you could come and help in case anything else had gone wrong.
But when Kratos turned back from his promise and started strangling the weakened god, you followed them just in time to hear Mimir shout out pleas for the god killer to stop and think. Fortunately you barrelled straight into Kratos, sending him tumbling before turning around and traversing to the side where his arm was missing.
You fell on your knees. Wrapping an arm behind his shoulders, forcing him to sit up, while you grabbed his free hand and grasped it as a sense of comfort in his near death state. His blood started to stain your clothing but that did not bother you right now, right now the only concern you had was Heimdall. 
You didn’t fail to notice how Heimdall’s left hand came to his throat, as if to feel how bruised and put a barrier between him and anyone else that might try to strangle him. His harsh breathing could be heard through short wheezes and gasps. 
You could see Kratos grabbing Mimir’s head before standing tall. You heard Mimir quip about how if you weren’t here it would’ve been a lot worse, you couldn’t help but agree.
You rip a spare sheet of cloth off of your own outfit, using it to clear the blood of the golden god’s face, now his eyes didn’t seem as pink as they were. His face wasn’t perfectly cleaned but it would have to do. 
“Do you plan to come with us to retrieve Freyr and his camp?” Kratos’ voice rumbled out from his chest. 
“Do you mind if we do?” You reply with a much quieter tone, only for him to ‘Hm’ out before he stepped away. Only to wait for you when he finished busting a wall of various spears and long logs of wood. 
You redirected your attention to Heimdall, he was staring up at you. “Are.. are you really going to make.. me go with you?” His voice was slowly gaining back its usual tone and sound, but not as quickly as you liked. 
“We’re going to make things better. Better for the both of us, and if we don’t start now..” You trailed off, trying to think of the right thing to say but everything you thought would result in him being less than pleased with you, but you had to do the right thing.
“Heimdall, your father has made everything miserable for everyone. He makes you miserable. The sooner you realize that, the quicker we can make our lives better. We can make Asgard better” Brushing a strand of hair from his face, you looked at all his features.
His eyes were definitely the first thing people would notice about him, if not his intricately done hair, and how messy it was from normal. His hand was gripped towards yours like it was his lifeline and you couldn’t help but feel how textured his hands were. Not as rough as a warrior’s usually was around the nine realms but detailed enough to know the difference.
You soon tore a strip of fabric off yourself and wrapped his stub, to prevent any more blood loss. It wouldn’t do much but for now it’s all you could do. All he did was stare, stare at you with beautiful magenta eyes. After ‘fixing’ up his arm, you could only stare back. 
Heimdall was slow to respond but he eventually replied in a way you didn’t expect. 
“You should’ve let me die.”
It took you moments until Kratos grunted again to let you know it was time to go. You sighed before getting and pulling Heimdall up with you. 
He stumbled when he stood up but with little stability in his legs, he decided to tough it out. You wanted to argue that it wouldn’t do him any good, but he only insisted. 
You held his shoulders with an arm as the two of you ventured forward, only being a few short feet behind. The natural flora and forestry did not help distract from both Heimdall’s injuries and the burning building that only burned brighter the more time passed. 
Once you found Kratos standing near a ledge, you parted from Heimdall for a short moment to see what the god of war saw. You saw Atreus, the sweet young boy you’ve grown to know through various interactions, letting Hildisvini lead the way as Freya helped Freyr escape.
It reminded you of Heimdall’s condition, but you couldn’t help when Atreus waved at you, you waved back. 
“Hey, a little help?” The young god proclaimed before following after the three more experienced warriors alongside him. “At least the rescues going well” Mimir’s accent was heard, following that up was Kratos’s grunt.
You looked back to Heimdall and fortunately he was still standing and he was right behind you. Grabbing his shoulders again as you followed Kratos more under flora and alternate paths that ultimately lead to the same place. You heard the voices of the rescue team explain how Freyr was hurt in the wreckage, you heard Heimdall wheeze a little bit at it. The two of you continued to venture
You noticed how much strength he was losing by the second. His steps were getting slower and slower and you knew if he were to continue like this then he wouldn’t get anywhere. 
“Heimdall, you and I know you can’t continue like this.” You speak out, stopping Heimdall in his tracks by walking in front of him and planting your hands on his shoulders. Making him look at you. 
“I can continue- now let me.” The golden god spoke before trying to step to the side of you. You didn’t let that happen, instead you forced him to piggyback on you. Getting comfortable while grumbling quietly, Heimdall sat his chin on your head and locked his arm around your neck for security. 
You started walking with the newfound weight on your back. Venturing further, You heard Heimdall small moans of hurt every few times you stepped. Eventually you heard the god of war shout ‘TO ME! FOLLOW!’ and the constant quips of the Vanir God or “Sizzles” as Heimdall liked to call him.
You immediately picked up your pace and started running towards them. You demanded that Heimdall hang tight as you started to move your legs faster and quicker to try and reach them. You can hear the sounds of the wild Gulons chasing after them, You were only a few feet above them, you could easily hop off the terrain but the wild dogs were in the way. 
You noticed that Kratos was swinging his axe with one hand and holding Freyr with the other. Once Kratos slashed the last Gulon you’ll hop down. 
“Oh, hey up there!” Atreus called out your name, effectively letting everyone know that you were ,in fact, here and carrying the injured Aesir god on your back. 
“What are you doing with Heimdall?” Freya shouted as she shot an Einherjar in between its eyes, effectively putting down the reanimated corpse. You explained that Kratos spared him and that he was coming back with them. Only to hear a groan from Freyr.
The wild dogs were eventually cleared out of the way and you jumped off the ledge, almost breaking your ankles in the process but that would be a problem for later. You joined the group and were right behind Kratos.
“Well looky here! The famous Heimdall on the back of a ‘commoner’, who would’ve thought?” Freyr jokes after he glanced up at both you and the mentioned god.
“yet here you are, on the shoulders of a brute.” 
“The brute that kicked your ass. Ha!” 
“Then let’s see you challenge him, hm?”
“Can you two quit talking?” Freya asked, but it was more of a demand than anything else. You couldn’t help but agree. Atreus then pointed out the Archer Towers in which the boy’s father quickly disposed of them. Heimdall did a small eye roll at how quickly the action was taken.
Atreus eventually ran ahead of his father to take out the further Einherjar. 
“Hi! I’m Atreus, are you okay?” As the two weaved in between each other, Frey responded with a ‘Hi! No!’ 
“Hi Heimdall!” Atreus greeted as he struck a couple of Odin’s army with arrows. Heimdall couldn’t help but mutter under his breath and reply with a dry ‘Hello’ after you weakly elbowed him.  
“How much farther do we have?” You shouted before readjusting your hold on Heimdall’s legs, soon stomping on the head of an Einherjar and heard a sickening crunch. You heard Heimdall give a curt pat as a small ‘good’ 
“That’s what I’m asking!” Freyr quipped with a small laugh. You saw Kratos slam his body and crushed a wild Gulon into a tree and effectively murdered it. The blood stained the tree but there was no time to look further at it as you saw Hildisvini ahead.
Freya as her hawk form came flying by as vines wrapped around the surrounding trees. The dark elf known as Beyla came zipping past you and Kratos, her husband was nowhere to be found. 
“Watch your right!” Heimdall yelled in your ear as he directed his body mass to the left. He was trying to help you redirect yourself out of harm's way. You merely dodged the incoming tree thanks to the partner on your back. 
“Just a bit farther!” Freyr gleefully announced with a raised fist. He seemed the only one to be happy right now.
“Finally, we’re almost there.” Heimdall spoke only to you since you were the only one to hear him. You couldn’t help but agree with him. 
“Hang on just a little longer-” You say but unfortunately luck was not on your side. The extra trees Freya managed to knock down blocked your way, the first tree that slammed down in front of you was twice your size with just the width alone.
“Father!” Atreus then called out your name, catching the attention of the aforementioned god. Panic started to bubble up, your eyes frantically searching for another possible exit. The only way out seemed to run through the wild woods. 
“Go on without me! I’ll find another way!” You informed them with a raspy voice. The air pumping through your lungs made your throat dry, but that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was getting out of this damn place alive. 
You turned your body so quickly you almost gave yourself whiplash. Sprinting through the trees as angry Einherjar follow so closely, their loud yells of speech and the arrows whipping past you and hitting into trees
The trees were blending together, the wildlife seemed the same. The once (somewhat) familiar area was now unknown as you ran in an unpredictable pattern. Your feet crushed anything that dared to be under it. Whether it be snapped twigs, tiny animals that you failed to avoid, or failed arrows that tried to impale you. 
One of the arrows managed to scathe your leg. Causing a gash to start bleeding as soon as it made contact with your skin. Another arrow made a nice slice into your other leg as well, nearly giving them matching marks. Now your legs were burning even worse from all the running and now the incoming scars. 
“Keep going! There’s a river up ahead!” Heimdall ordered in your ear. His legs wrapped tighter around your waist while you readjusted your grip on his legs. Getting him up higher so that your legs had more room to move. 
As you tried to hurry yourself forward like what Heimdall instructed, you felt a blast of Bifrost explode near your feet. You panicked and quickly swerved, fumbling your feet before you corrected yourself. Only to be shot at again and again. This time it was at your back and arm. 
You cursed to yourself while you tried to move unpredictably. The Bifrost blasts that had missed and hit the surrounding environment were actually proved in your favor when they slowed down the Einherjar with fallen trees and plants uprooting and causing a tripping hazard. 
At the end of the tree line you saw it, the river. You would have to jump the rushing, turgid currents and then you have to continue running until you found a safe haven or somewhere the undead army couldn’t get you and Heimdall.
“Watch out-!”
The previous plan was thrown out when at the river’s bank, your leg was suddenly in the blast of Bifrost, causing it to shake in an untrained way and make you fall forward. Falling into the water and not too long after you and Heimdall were trying to swim, Your arms climbed upward in the water before breaking through it and gasping for sweet, sweet air.
You soon found Heimdall gasping like you. Although with less buoyancy due to a missing body part. You managed to grab hold of him as the rushing river took you down faster than you realized.
What made the situation worse, was that there was a dip in the  water. It was a damn waterfall. As soon as you felt your body slip down you started to scream, your grip tightening on Heimdall as you fell to your inevitable death. 
The first thing you felt was sand. 
You flexed your fingers along the sand, soon pushing your head up to see that you had washed up on a shore. The river was just at the edge of your feet, and your clothes were soaked beyond drying soon. You also happened to notice that the leg closest to the bifrost blast that caused this predicament was almost entirely exposed and very much damaged, you internally groaned at having to deal with this.
You picked yourself up with a slight wobble in your legs, your legs felt like bloody, poorly, bundled twigs as you took your first steps. You felt alarmed as Heimdall was nowhere to be seen. You started calling out his name before deciding to look around.
Based on the setting, you were still in Vanaheim and luckily weren’t kidnapped and/or murdered by the Einherjar. You were just fortunate that you didn’t drown in the initial waters. As you ventured, you soon heard a groan. 
You soon hustled to see who it was, avoiding some of the random items that float onto shore. Weapons, shields, parts of barrels, and body parts. Carefully avoiding the dismembered parts and debris, you managed to get to your person.
Heimdall face down into the sand just like you were and a small blood pool under his ‘arm’. Hustling over to him you help him up. 
“Do you happen to know where we are?” Heimdall asked with a cough, previously covering his mouth. 
“I have no clue, I was hoping you had an idea.” You admit. You slipped your hand around his and gripped. You felt a grip back, and it gave you a little smile on your face.
“But first, I think we need to stop your bleeding.” You mentioned, you can see a small scowl on Heimdall’s face before continuing to follow you. 
“I can heal it with Bifrost. Don’t insist on collecting miniscule plants to help me.” 
“Then how come it hasn’t stopped bleeding yet?” You ask curiously, you didn’t want to sound sarcastic but some of that unwanted tone slipped out. 
“Because it requires my full attention and concentration.” You released an audible ‘oh’ at the very simple explanation, Heimdall only rolled his eyes in what you hoped was a playful way. 
“How come your bleeding hasn’t?” Heimdall sarcastically countered. You had almost forgotten about it, if it weren’t for the pain every time you stepped. 
“I don’t have any bifrost powers like you do, nor do I have anything on hand to heal myself.” Heimdall was uncharacteristically quiet after that.
You sighed before trying to think of something. How were you possibly going to reach Freyr’s camp? 
It was at least multiple days of walking, and that was without break. Maybe there was a sign of Freyr’s camp somewhere? Some old structures to help you have an idea of where you were. 
Freyr’s camp was in the direction the sun set. The sun was already setting and traveling at night was not the best idea. So the best idea was to set up your own, albeit small, camp. First thing you did was gather stones, placing them in a circular pattern. 
You had set the stones on a dry, grassy patch just shy of the beach. It would be better instead of sitting on the grainy sand. 
Then you ventured towards the nearby woods, Heimdall didn’t seem to mind as he observed more of his surroundings, copying what you did previously. 
The woods were packed. Thick trees every couple feet apart from each other, the wild flora captivating your eyes while you collected specific plants and organisms for your injuries and small pieces of wood for a fire. Although one flower caught your eye. 
A bright purple one with glowing spores. It was much like the bright red ones you have seen exploring Vanaheim but this was so clearly different. It called out to you. You figured it could be a decent gift for Heimdall to maybe brighten his mood. 
Pulling your knife out, you quickly snipped the flower’s stem. You had dropped the bundle of wood in your arms just for it, and having no other place to put it, you slid it comfortably behind your ear before returning to the camp. 
“There you are, I was starting to worry you got eaten by something.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the assumption, it was possibly one of the more funnier things Heimdall has said to you. 
“I wouldn’t die that easily, or at least I hope so.” Your hands worked in order to prepare the fire. You searched yourself for anything to make starting a fire easier, but with no luck, you decided to start hand drilling.
It took a while and your hands were sore but there was fire going and you and Heimdall were warm. 
“What is that behind your ear?” Heimdall’s voice curiously asked. The question reminded you of the original intent. Sitting somewhat next to each other, you sat while you nervously prepared yourself.
“Oh!” You removed the flower before gesturing for him to take it. “It’s for you, it reminded me of you anyway so I thought-” You stammered your way through the conversation, flirting with the infamous golden god was extremely harder than you thought. 
Instead of flat out rejecting you like you kind of expected, he gently took it from you. He quietly observed the pretty petals you gazed upon earlier. The pistil still glowed brightly as it did before. You were still glad the flower looked as pretty as it did earlier. 
Heimdall slowly rolled the stem in between his fingers, looking at the pretty plant plainly with what seemed to be little care. 
“So you thought to give me a mutated flower?” He inquired, and your heart had immediately dropped. Of course he wouldn’t like the flower, of course he’d think it was a weak attempt to flirt with him. Of course-
“It’s a beautiful gift, thank you.” His tone was tender and it made your tender heart stutter. Soon silence comfortably blanketed over the two of you. The environment provides a comfortable background echo throughout the spot from the crackling fire to the sound of calm waters. 
You couldn’t help but stare at Heimdall’s once-arm, (the god had his eyes closed so he could probably still read your thoughts but you hadn’t remembered that) the mostly reddened stump with only the top of his tricep and upwards remaining. 
You wanted to so desperately help the healing process. You also noticed the long cut on his cheek, he was just a mess in general. 
His hair was also not in his preferred style, some strands coming loose while some braids remained surprisingly. His hair was still beautiful, and the flower behind his ear accentuated that fact. You can’t just linger around while Heimdall had to slowly recover. It didn’t feel right. 
“Heimdall, please, let me help you.”
Heimdall had broken his concentration to look at you, he was silent until he shook his head. “I told you that you do not need to help, I can heal it on my own-”
“But wouldn’t it heal faster if I added a remedy or two in it?” Quickly interrupting the god, Heimdall sighed
“It would but it wouldn’t be necessary, and no, just because you have the means doesn’t mean you can” 
“Heimdall, let me help please, it's only fair after you saved me from getting crushed and blown up by Bifrost!” 
Heimdall could only rub his eyes with his hand before replying a meager ‘Fine’, You got up as quickly as you could without hurting yourself to find something that could resemble a bowl. It didn’t take long before you found something.
An Einherjar helmet, the eye holes were fortunately before the helmet formed instead of just being holes in the strong metal. You washed it in the shore’s bank thoroughly before returning to Heimdall. 
Sitting cross-legged, you start mixing flora such as Lamb’s Cress and Red root. Mixing it with two of your fingers so that you could carefully apply it, you wouldn’t want to miss a spot. So the helmet glowed on the inside, a bright yellow one to be exact.
“I’m going to lift your sleeve, you ready?” With a quick nod, you lifted his posh sleeve and quickly got to work. Slathering the medicine on the trauma, you could hear Heimdall hissing and groaning and trying not to move in place, you definitely knew how awful it was. 
It was over before both of you knew it. You slipped his sleeve back down and set the Einherjar helmet down, “Now you can concentrate on using Bifrost.” You smile before moving yourself further so you could have room.
Heimdall only rolled his eyes and reciprocated the smile. 
You soon pulled your pant legs high up to tend to your wounds. Heimdall was quietly watching as you analyzed your injuries. 
The first thing you noticed was the Bifrost burn on your mid calf and downwards. The flesh there was stingy and hurt to touch or even look at. It spanned out in sharp points and then round points, it still bled every time you flexed your leg as well. The cuts you had gotten from the arrows were deep, they tore the skin there with ease.
Maybe you could borrow some of the Aesir arrows sometime, they were mighty harmful. The gashes were still relatively okay, you wouldn’t be getting an infection anytime soon. 
You released an annoyed sigh as you prepared the ingredients to help mend the burn. Adding more of Lamb’s Cress and Red root to the concoction. “I could hold the helmet for you if it would make this,” He nonchalantly gestured to your burn ”easier.”
You thanked him by handing him said helmet. The golden god merely held it as you worked your ‘magic’. Gracefully dumping some of the product on your wounds, wanting to jump away from it while you applied it with either a hiss or curse. 
As soon as you were done with the helmet, you threw it far. Or at least as far as you could from your position. Finally, you could rest without worrying about anything right now. Worrying was for tomorrow. Laying down on your back you started to relax.
The sun had set and night could be fully seen. The stars above twinkled like they never have before, maybe you should come to Vanaheim more often. The fire crackled every few seconds just to add onto the effect and you loved it, despite the situation you could still see the beauty in it.  
The sound of shuffling and you found that a new weight was on your right. The watchman of the Aesir had lain beside you. You could feel his fingers ghosting yours as if he wanted to hold your hand. You decided to take the initiative and interlock fingers with him.
“Any particular reason why you decided to lay with me?” You ask, tilting your head to look at Heimdall. The Aesir man only turned to you, stared you in the eyes, then turned his back to staring upwards.
“I like your company, that is all.” 
The response made your heart grow warmer, so you weren’t all too bad in his eyes. (Ignoring the fact you saved his life of course) You whispered a goodnight to him before shutting your eyes, you hadn’t realized how heavy they felt until you’ve closed.
The last thing you remember was Heimdall gently squeezing your hand before you drifted asleep. 
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hazelchooseme · 8 months
How to train your dragon | Hazel Callahan
AU set in the world of How to Train Your Dragon.
English is not my first language.
Song recommendation: 1950 by King Princess.
Enjoy 🐉
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"Whether you like it or not, at some point we are going to have to leave." You said looking down at your dragon.
Magna was a beautiful Night Light, she had black fur covered with white spots, a large white spot around her left eye making her green eyes stand out. She grunted while still lying on her back in the grass. You sighed as you sat next to her.
You looked around observing the stone walls that your dragon refused to climb since she was too busy resting. You couldn't complain though, the vines hugging the walls, the small lake in the center sparkling with the sun, the silence, everything was relaxing and perfect.
A monstrous belly sound brought you out of your trance. You and Magna made eye contact.
"That wasn't me, buddy" With what seemed like an embarrassed smile she began to roll on the floor with no intention of standing up. "C'mon" You clapped your hands as you stood up to grab her paw, trying to make her stop but failing. "Magnaaaa, help with something ball of scales!" You rested your entire body on the corner of her right abdomen, now trying to turn her over. It was enough for her to move a little and you would end up eating dirt. And so she did. You raised your head, spitting out the grass that entered your mouth. "Thank you for nothing, mutant fish. I should have adopted a male." Magna's laugh/grunt brought a smile to your face. As you stood up cleaning the dirt from your clothes you heard another laugh, a human one.
Turning around you could see that it was no one else but Hazel. Fantastic. She saw you being humiliated by the animal.
Hazel was on top of some rocks riding her dragon Heimdall, a gorgeous Hobblegrunt, who now looked yellow showing his happiness.
"Need some help?" She asked with a mocking smile as she landed with Heimdall next to you and got off.
"Hi, Hazel!" You responded with a voice that was high-pitched with nerves."No thanks, we're pretty busy here."
She turned to see how Magna was still rolling on the floor. "Are you sure?"
"Yes... Because she is really focused right now, so if you don't mind—" Before you could finish speaking Magna jumped up and ran straight to Heimdall who was drinking water. That was it, you were going to give her up for adoption as soon as you arrived in the village.
"You need something?" You asked before there was an awkward silence.
"Aaah, right. Emmm.... PJ was looking for you"
"Why? Did something happen to her?" PJ was your best friend and although you loved her very much, she used to do pretty stupid things.
"I don't know, no one could find you so I went looking for you."
Should you thank? Was it a good thing that she had come to look for you? Did they force her? Is she hating you right now for wasting her precious time on a Sunday afternoon? It wasn't your fault, Magna was the one who wanted to go exploring and since she didn't dare go alone you accompanied her. You never thought that the lazy dragon was going to get tired and rest for hours in the pit of the world. Shit, you were so hungry.
"Are you, like, dating?" Hazel asked suddenly.
"What? Who?"
"You and..." She looked anxious as she spoke. "You and PJ"
"What?! Nonono, she's like my twin, like if I had a stupid sister it would definitly be PJ. You know, like, same blood. Her and I dating. Incest." You spat hastily, wanting to make it clear to her.
"Well, that's a relief then."
"What? Wh—"
"What happened to your arm?" Hazel asked, completely changing the topic, worriedly as she approached, taking off her helmet. Her brown waves bounced off her forehead making her eyes look bluer than they were. You noticed that in this light her eyes looked brighter than when the light of a campfire shined on her, you noted that fact mentally.
You were brought out of your thoughts when Hazel grabbed your arm, you jumped away, trying not to make the move too obvious you started looking at your arm that was bleeding at the elbow and mumbling.
"I probably scratched myself on Magna’s mount when I fell,” you laughed a little, another scratch to remember.
"It looks bad, we need to clean it."
Taking your good elbow she guided you towards the lake. Once on the shore she made you kneel, taking a piece of cloth out of one of her pockets and sinking it in the water. Sitting there together you were able to observe her better, her somewhat messy hair that moved slowly with the wind, her frowning brow, her lips pressed together in concentration, on her leather pants you could see some yellow scales that Heimdall must have dropped on the trip, she had grass stuck in the seams of her leather jacket. You honestly wondered if it would be too rude to clean it up for her. The sound of a splash made you turn to look at the lake where both dragons were playing.
"This is not the most hygienic but it will do" Hazel said looking at you with a smile, then with a nod of her head she silently asked you for your elbow. She began to clean carefully, her fingers moved gently over your skin, every few seconds she looked up to give you a tiny smile. Was it your idea or were his hands shaking a little? Or was it you? When your eyes met again, neither of you looked away.
When she made the move to get a little closer she accidentally pressed the cloth on your wound making you hiss in pain. In less than a second your dragon was between you and Hazel. Magna began to growl threateningly at the blue-eyed, causing Heimdall to also become overprotective of his owner. In the blink of an eye both dragons were in attack position.
"Hey, hey! Magna is okay, I'm fine" Standing in front of her you grabbed her by the snout so she could look at you. "She's my friend, I like her, okay? Nothing bad happened, calm down" You began to caress between her eyes, knowing that it would calm her down . You could hear Hazel doing the same thing. After a few minutes both dragons calmed down noticeably. Looking over your shoulder you turned to see Hazel, watching as she rested her forehead on Heimdall's head. When she noticed your gaze she smiled at you.
"We better go"
Nodding your head you climbed onto Magna. Following Heimdall and Hazel you began to fly.
Up here in the clouds with Magna you felt like you could do anything, you could travel every corner of the planet and more. The blow of the wind, the cold, the altitude, everything felt right. Looking to your right you saw Hazel beautiful blue eyes, she was the most beautiful while she was flying, or when she was walking, or when she smiled at you that way. Her hair moving in the wind made you notice that she didn't have her helmet, your stomach twisted, maybe this was your chance.
"How about a race?" Before you could answer, Heimdall began to fly faster, losing him in the clouds. Magna moved excitedly, waiting for you to give her the order.
"Come on, show them what you're made of."
Without thinking for a second, Magna launched herself after the Hobblegrunt.
When you reached them, Magna began to fly in circles around them, then dive to the ground and almost instantly propel herself upwards, surpassing them. She was showing off just like you taught her.
"That's my girl!" You shouted in celebration.
"Nice" Hazel was flying upside down. Among the clouds her blue eyes took on a more grayish tone, you also noted that mentally. She was so close that because of the speed her hair hit your face, if you leaned down you could kiss her forehead. "But not so fast" Saying that she disappeared again.
You sighed. "I'm screwed"
After what seemed like hours of flying and chasing each other you decided to return to the village.
"I'm fucking hungry" You complained as soon as you landed. You turned to check on Hazel but you couldn't help but laugh at her messy hair.
"What?" She asked as if she didn't know what was happening.
"Nothing" You managed to articulate between laughs.
"What? My hair is funny?" She questioned you as she got dangerously close. "It's very messy, does that make you laugh? Let me fix yours." Without anticipation she launched herself at you, her hands ruffling your mop of hair while you laughed and tried to get rid of her. "C'mon baby, let's match"
"Get off of me" You said laughing.
Slowly sliding her hands through your hair she took a step back and walked away.
"Today was fun" She said with a smile "Thank you"
"Thank you for looking for me" You could see in her eyes the internal debate of whether to stay or go so you decided this was the time. "I have something to give you"
You walked towards your house laughing with both dragons following you.
Once you were at home, you went to your room to look for the gift while Hazel waited in the living room. With the box in your hand and trembling with nerves, you cheered yourself up.
"Come on, you just flew through the clouds, this is nothing" But it was all. Hazel was everything. You were pretty sure you loved her, a long time ago. And today she tried to kiss you, you weren't crazy, it had to mean something.
"Here" You handed her the brown box which she immediately began to unpack. "It's...Ummm Consider it a belated birthday present... 3 months late" You were already regretting it.
"Oh my god" Hazel took a helmet out of the box, you had decorated it with metal-tipped studs, which you knew she liked so much. Although the top was black both sides had Heimdall drawing and hand painting by you, the glasses were automatically retroactive if she pressed a button on the back.
When you noticed that she didn't react or say anything, you started to ramble. "I drew Heimdall yellow because I know he's happy to have you. Emmm... Maybe it doesn't combine with he's mount, but I can make you a new one... You know, this is what I do" You laughed uncomfortably. But you still didn't get a response. "Hazel?"
She slowly began to move the helmet between her hands. "It's... It's beautiful, I... I have no idea what to do or say"
"Nothing! You don't have to do or say anything, it's just a gift"
"It's not just a gift" She looked up at you, you had never seen her so serious. "This is the most precious thing for me from now on"
You swallowed hard, unable to break eye contact.
"I'm glad you liked it" You blurted out stupidly.
"I better go" She said as she walked towards the door, before opening it she turned again. "Thank you so much"
When the door closed you were able to breathe normally again but your heart did not stop beating strongly.
"That was—" But before you could finish the door opened again with a loud bang.
Hazel came back in, this time she walked straight towards you. When she arrived in front of you she began to open and close her mouth, searching for the right words. . "I'm not good with words but... I know you feel the same way I do, tell me I haven't misinterpreted everything, please" Nothing else was necessary, you knew perfectly well what she was referring to.
"Yes, I do, I-I feel the same"
Without saying anything else she grabbed you by the waist and brought you closer. Her hand rested on your cheek, she didn't have to ask, you just nodded in response. The first touch of lips was calm, just enjoying the moment, you could notice her soft lips, almost as if they were made of silk. You don't remember if it was you or her but someone started kissing harder. You remembered the moment at the lake, the way she touched you so delicately, here it was the complete opposite. She slid her hand behind your neck in a way that made your entire body tingle with excitement, desire. Her other hand was still resting on your waist, grabbing the fabric of your shirt as if she wanted to tear it off. Your hands were tangled in her hair, pulling from time to time causing a sound in her that you never wanted to forget. While her lips continued exploring yours, her tongue ran over your lower lip, you opened your lips slowly allowing her to lick the corner of your lips. The electricity that felt all over your body reminded you of the feeling of flying over the clouds, exciting and at the same time reassuring, as if you belonged there, on each other's lips. Your hands stopped on her chest, feeling how hard her heart was beating. Sucking the tip of her tongue you slid your hand inside her shirt, her moan sent shivers down your spine. The kiss began to calm down, ending with Hazel placing small kisses on your lips and then on your nose and then all over your face. She kissed your neck and then leaned on you.
"I was dying to do that." She laughed.
Still with your hands shaking you explored her back feeling her chills. "We have a lot to talk" Just at that moment, both Magna and Heimdall ran into the place, throwing you on the floor and licking you as if they knew what had just happened.
As you tried to get Magna off you, you were grateful to have such a lazy dragon.
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gamergoddess003 · 8 months
Loki Falls In Love
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Summary: Loki came with Thor to Midgard to get Jane for a New Year’s ball on Asgard. When Loki meets Jane’s roommate, he unexpectedly falls in love. (Y/n has lived with Jane for a few months)
Warnings: Adults only! 18+. Fluff with a smutty ending then a little more fluff.
-This is my first story so bare with me. I could’ve made it into 2 parts.
I lost the password to my OG account (gamergoddess98) and this is my new one.
On Christmas Eve, Jane and y/n were in the living room of their apartment talking about what they wished for Christmas. Jane would talk about how she missed Thor and how she longed to see him again. Looking into Jane’s eyes, y/n confessed that she has never felt real love and how she envies her relationship with Thor.
In the middle of y/n talking, a loud sound appeared outside. The sound was a familiar sound to Jane but y/n has no clue what is to come next.
Jane and y/n run outside, to see two men standing in the snow. Jane runs to Thor and hugs him tightly.. but who’s that with Thor? It was his brother, Loki. He stepped aside as he rolled his eyes at Thor and Jane.
Y/n noticed the dark prince and how handsome he was. She had never felt anything like this before. Her heart fluttered and her face got warm. She didn’t know what to do when Loki’s eyes met hers for just a moment.
“It’s cold, let’s go inside!” Jane suggested.
Once all inside, Thor explained that there was going to be a New Year’s ball at the castle in Asgard. He was here to ask Jane to come with him to the ball, which she excitedly said yes. Thor and Loki would then stay a couple nights on Midgard, leading up to New Year’s Eve.
Over the days, Loki and y/n have gotten to know each other and y/n has yet to confess her feelings for Loki, even though they met only days ago. Loki asked y/n if she would like to come to Asgard with them so she wouldn’t be alone on the holiday.
It was the morning of New Year’s Eve, and it was time to go to Asgard for the ball. They all stood together as a rainbow tunnel beamed down from the sky.
“Welcome to Asgard.” Says Heimdall. “Guards, please escort these two beautiful ladies to be prepared for the ball.
Walking through the corridors, y/n and Jane went into separate rooms for them to get dressed.
After a moment of being in the room alone, a few women enter to dress you and do your hair and makeup. After it was all done, you turn to look in the mirror at the girl you didn’t recognize yourself to be. You were dressed in a beautiful gown, colored in white, gold, and beige. Your hair loosely braided and the ends slightly curled. You had small small white flowers weaved in your hair. The makeup on your face wasn’t too much but just enough to make your eyes pop and your lips kissable.
Later that night, at the time of the ball, standing at the end of the stairs leading to the ball room were Thor, Jane, and Loki. Loki pulled Thor aside.
“I must confess something to you, brother.” Thor looked confused yet also interested. “Ever since we landed on Midgard at Jane’s and I laid eyes upon y/n, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her.” Looking at Loki with an eyebrow raised, “Ask her to dance.” “But what if she-“ “Ask her to dance! The worst she could say is no. Besides, she’s gotten to know you over the past few days so-“
Jane interrupts Thor and Loki’s conversation, “She’s so pretty!”
They both turn to look and see y/n walking down from the top of the stairs. She smiles as she sees them. She then makes eye contact with Loki and they both felt their hearts about to burst from their chests.
Thor and Jane notice the two of them locking eyes and not looking away. Thor then patting on Loki’s shoulder before offering Jane his arm as an excuse to walk away and leave the two alone.
Now alone, Loki clears his throat and says “y/n” as he does a slight bow. All y/n could do was smile. So many feelings of butterflies in her stomach and no words to say. They break eye contact as they look away in slight nervousness.
Thinking of what Thor said about asking y/n to dance, it was hard to. He wanted to. He was nervous. He then has an idea.
“Would you like to see the view from the garden? It’s just right through these doors.”
Y/n looked at Loki and shyly nodded yes with a smile that made Loki smile.
Walking outside, y/n’s face lit up to see a beautiful garden with flowers of plenty and paths to walk upon. Loki led y/n to the spot he mentioned and from there, you could see the whole garden, and the clear night-time sky.
As y/n was looking into the Asgardian night sky, she says “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.” Loki then looks at her (y/n still looking into the distance) and pauses. He’s mind racing about his feelings for her. He turns to y/n and says “I’ve seen this sky over a thousand times and yes it is indeed beautiful….but not as beautiful as you.”
Y/n’s heart sake to her stomach and her eyes widened as she looks away from the sky and looked into Loki’s eyes. For a moment, y/n was excited but then she looked away with a slightly saddened look upon her face. Loki, noticing her expression, he is concerned so he asks what’s wrong.
“You’re a prince. You’ve been here thousands of years. I know you’ve been with many woman in the past and I don’t want you to see me as one of them.”
Loki turns to look y/n in the eyes. “Those women meant nothing to me. Ever since I laid my eyes upon you in Midgard, I’ve had this.. feeing..” Loki pauses and looks away, “and I’ve never felt like this before.”
Y/n looks at Loki with a welcoming smile. “I feel the same way.”
Thor and Jane walk out the doors that lead to the garden and see Loki and y/n standing together in the garden, too far away to hear what they are talking about. Jane tugs Thor’s arm as they both see Loki hold out his hand to y/n and bring her hand to his lips to lay a soft kiss upon her knuckles. Excited for the two love birds, Thor and Jane decide to stay and watch from afar.
Loki, holding y/n’s hand, asked “Would you care to have this dance?” for they can hear the slow music lingering from the castle. Y/n smiled and nodded yes.
Loki adjusted her hand in his and placed his other hand on her hip. Dancing to the music, all they could do was stare into each other eyes and smile from the happiness they’re sharing together. After a short while, suddenly, Loki twirled y/n in a circle then pulled her in close. The next thing y/n knows, her body was pressed against his and his face was inches from hers. He looked y/n in the eyes then slowly lowers his face down to plant a kiss on her lips.
Drowning in her first kiss with Loki, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her in his arms as their kiss was still, yet long. Once the kiss broke, he rested his forehead on hers and said softly “I wish I found you centuries ago.” At loss for words, y/n smiles and lays her head on his chest.
Holding each other, both looking off into the distance, moments went by before Loki said the most unexpected thing.
“If only you could.. if you could stay here, and live thousands of years, I would ask you to marry me.” He blushed as y/n looked up at him. “I would love to spend the rest of my life with you… a hundred years or a thousand, I could look into your eyes forever.”
Loki then knelt down on one knee and used his magic to conjure up a ring. Holding the gold and emerald ring, he takes y/n by the hand and says “I know we’ve only known each other for a few days but it feels like I’ve known you much longer. Will you marry me?” Y/n grew a big smile on her face and happily said yes. He slipped the ring on her finger and stood up to hug her tight.
The clock strikes midnight and Loki kisses his princess to be. Thor then acts as if he and Jane weren’t standing there, watching nearly the whole time and calls Loki. The two break the kiss and look up at Thor in embarrassment then step away from each other. Loki holds out his arm and it is taken by y/n and they walk back to the castle to meet with Thor and Jane.
Thor looks to Loki and says “Father would like to speak with you.” Thor and Loki then make their way to speak with the King, leaving Jane and y/n by themselves. With the night getting late, Jane and y/n make their way back to their rooms. Instead of Jane leaving y/n at her room and going on to hers, she walked in behind y/n and looked at her with a big smile on her face.
“What?” Y/n says to Jane.
“How was your walk with Loki?”
“It was a dream come true! I don’t know what to make of it! He…” y/n looks down at the ring on her finger. “He asked me to marry him.” She holds up her hand to show the ring to Jane. “I don’t know what to do. My life is only but a small moment in time when compared to his life. He wants me to be his forever but my forever isn’t his forever.”
All Jane could do was smile in excitement. She seemed to know things that y/n didn’t. Y/n was still unaware that Thor and Jane were watching her and Loki in the garden.
(Cut to Loki and Odin)
“Loki! You offered your hand to a mortal! Her life is not worth the time. You need to be seeking a maiden here on Asgard.” Odin sternly said at Loki.
“Father, I feel great love for this woman and I want to spend every moment with her! I- I don’t care how short her life is compared to mine! I love her!”
Odin knowing his son Loki and knowing he doesn’t just feel love for someone, stops to think. He then shares an old spell that is forbidden to use. This spell doesn’t give eternal life but it makes the person live the lifespan of a god or goddess.
“Father, are you saying that you accept y/n to be here? To be a part of the family? To live long here with us?” Loki asks.
“Yes, my son. You seem happy. More happy than ever.”
A guard escorts y/n into the room where Loki and Odin were. Odin and Loki then proceed to explain the spell to y/n and she becomes so happy knowing that she’ll be able to be with Loki for thousands of years.
Weeks go by after the spell had been cast and the day of their wedding had arrived. The throne room was filled with many people. Odin sat in the throne as Loki stood just feet away from him at the end of a clear aisle.
The room fell silent when Odin stood up. Wedding music started to play and everyone turned their heads towards the door. Loki froze at the sight of his bride in her wedding dress. He was both excited and nervous. Y/n approaches and stands in front of Loki. The two say their vows and seal their marriage with a kiss. Loki and y/n, hand in hand, walk down the aisle and off to their honeymoon.
Loki and y/n wanted to be traditional and save themselves until after the wedding. They have yet to enter each others room or do anything more than a kiss. And for the first time, they both enter Loki’s bedroom.
Y/n walks in and takes a look around. Colors of black and green with hints of gold fill his room. She steps towards the bed and reaches out to feel the silky emerald blanket spread neatly across the soft mattress.
*Click* You turn to see that Loki has locked the bedroom door. He starts walking towards y/n with a devious smirk on his face. He walks up to y/n, grabs her waist, and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. Y/n closes her eyes, taking in the kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck and he takes her veil and tosses it on a chair.
Loki pulls away from the kiss slowly to gaze into her eyes. While keeping eye contact, he slowly glides his hands to her lower back, tugging at the strings that laced up her dress. Y/n started to undo the buttons on his shirt. Within moments, Loki had finished unlacing her dress. He goes in for another kiss as he slides the dress off her shoulders and it falls to the floor, along with his shirt. Now they are both free to move around more.
Passionately kissing y/n, Loki slides his large hands down her back and onto her ass. He then pulls her up onto him and she wraps her legs around him. Still holding her and kissing her, he sits on the bed. Hands now free as she sits on his lap, he unclips her bra and tosses it aside. Feeling his way up her bare back, he untangles his fingers in her hair and lightly pulls to the side. He lays a hot kiss on her neck. Y/n feels a wave of warmth and tingles throughout her body and starts to slightly grind on him. He lets out a soft moan before gently biting her neck.
Holding her, he stands up and turns around, laying y/n on the bed. She sits up on her elbows and watches as he unbuckles his belt and pulls down his pants. Y/n can see how big and hard he is through his underwear. He leans over her on the bed and goes in for a romantic kiss, his hand investigating her chest. Loki starts to kiss her down her jawline and onto her neck. His hands continue to investigate her and she lets out a slight gasp once his fingertips found their way to her panty line.
He stops kissing her neck and looks at her with a hungry smile. He kissed down her neck and across her breast and stomach. Even though he could use magic, he used his teeth to grab her underwear and pulls them off. Y/n sits her head up to look at him when suddenly she throws her head back onto the bed.
“Ohhhh Lokiii” she moans softly. He pressed his lips on her clit, giving it a sweet kiss before slowly sliding his tongue into her folds. He got a good taste and then dove back in. He was hungry for her juices and he loved how wet she already was for him. The movements of his silver tongue made her go wild.
“I’m about to cum, Loki!” She moans. He stops and she looks up at him smiling at her, knowing it was torture that he didn’t let her finish.
“Not yet. You’re mine. You cum when I want you to.”
It slightly frustrated y/n but what else would you expect from the God Of Mischief.
He stood up and pulls his underwear down. Completely exposed, y/n gets a chill down her spine and she mentally prepares to take in every inch of him. Loki leans over y/n, his face close to hers, and places his tip right on her entrance. He begins to tease her by rubbing his tip around in her wetness and she starts to squirm.
“Please, Loki, please! I can’t take it any longer. I want you. I want all of you!” Y/n whines.
There it was again. That devious look in his eyes. And without words, he slowly starts to slide himself inside her. She gasps and her eyes widen as she takes in the god. Tears start to form in her eyes after realizing that he was much bigger than expected.
Loki whispers into y/n’s ear, “That’s the face I wanted to see.” He puts a hand over her mouth and said “shh” for he knew he was about to make her want to scream. He started to thrust slowing into her, making her moan, until he suddenly started going faster. He got rough with her. Tears fall from her eyes as she tries to scream into his hand covering her mouth. The pain was a good pain.
“Please let me cum!” She begged. He then started to pound into her wet hole harder and faster.
“LOKI!!!!” Y/n screamed her prince’s name as she reached her climax. He quickly pulled out and came into a bin next to his bed.
He conjured up a towel with his magic and began to clean the mess of y/n’s bodily fluids off of him and her. As he wiped her off with the towel, she thought of how much of a gentlemen Loki was for cleaning her up for her instead of doing it herself.
After he tossed the towel aside, he crawled in bed next to y/n. He pulled the blanket over them both and wrapped his arms around her. He held her and they both relaxed. She melted into her husbands arms. He kisses her on the forehead, then leans his cheek on the top of her head. He was so happy he could finally hold her. She soon falls asleep to the sound of his heart beat.
“I love you, y/n. I will love you forever.”
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grievedeeply · 3 months
the less time the better. pt 9.
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pairing: heimdall x gn!reader
summary: you make a trip to midgard and try to cope with brok's death.
notes: again not a lot of heimdall this chapter but...... y/n needs a moment (or multiple) LOL enjoy everyone and thanks for all of the support! probably 2-3 more chapters depending on how long i make them. decided to add more recent people to the taglists, but if you want to be removed let me know at any time! tws: a VERY dead brok. a lot of angst, probably an ooc sindri but i just wanted a nice scene where reader gets to open up to someone about faye and how hard it was for them to deal with her death. this felt like a good time to do it with a comforting moment between them and sindri.
the silence was deafening.
usually the branches of the yggdrasil felt like nothing. they weren't affected by the weather of the 9 realms, as they were the things literally holding them up. but now, you felt strangely cold as you stood on sindri's doorstep.
10 minutes ago, brok was alive. he was making jokes as he always did, but now... he was gone. he was gone forever, and there was nothing you or anyone else could do to bring him back.
"father," your brother's voice cut you out of your thoughts, "where are we going?" he asked, taking his place by your side. you subconsciously wrapped your arm around his shoulder. you knew atreus far too well and you knew that he would blame himself for brok's death. he was the one who wanted to find tyr, but he wasn't the only one who was fooled by odin's ruse, either.
how didn't you notice it? you had never met the real týr before, but you could only assume that he was a god who put the needs of others before himself. could he still be alive? if he was, could you ever think of him as týr, and not the man odin portrayed him as? he was a god with an incredible reputation and an even better legacy— a god of war who advocated for peace. you could only imagine how he would feel, knowing his image was used for something as cruel as deception.
"home." your father responded. he lifted the key to the mystic gateway, and the door opened. you followed after him wordlessly, and atreus matched your step. he still hadn't moved out of your grip yet and a part of you didn't want him to at all.
your feet touched the branches once again, and your thumb pressed into atreus's shoulder, running circles against his armor. he had gotten so big. where had the time gone?
"father, can we.. i.. i wanna go hunting," he said.
"i will follow."
"we're with you, atreus."
the door to midgard opened, and you stepped through silently. you were met by the cool breeze and light snow hitting you face. the last time you were here was because you were going back to asgard. heimdall wouldn't be with you now if you hadn't went back. you wondered how he was doing back at the house. it was probably just as quiet there. brok was usually the one keeping the place lively.
"which way we headed, lad?" mimir asked.
"in.. the direction of deer." he responded simply. you let go of him, but didn't move to follow him. your father turned to look at you. his eyes were filled with a sadness that you had only seen a few times in your life. when your mother died.. when atreus was ill.. and now, at the death of a friend. "go on," you said. "i'll catch up. there's just.. something i want to do here first." you told him.
"i understand." he murmured in response. you put on a smile, the smallest on you could muster, as a way to reassure him. atreus needed this alone time with him. you would have your moment some other day. he needed this.
"be careful," he said to you. you nodded. he turned, following after atreus. he was probably already visiting with speki and svanna by now. those wolves of his were far too intelligent for their own good. you were sure they knew something was wrong. you doubted he would even notice you were gone right away, and you couldn't blame him for it either.
you looked away from your father's back as he walked away from you and instead turned to look at your house. it was a tiny thing, practically built with sticks and prayers, but it held strong and always did what it was supposed to do. it kept you safe. it kept you safe from baldur all of those years ago, and again with thor and odin. you remembered thor breaking the ceiling as he threw your father and his hammer through it, but even then you knew he would be alright. he always was.
you pushed open the door, and it creaked on it's hinges as it always did. you kicked the snow off of your boots before you stepped inside. it was something your mother did every winter before she died, and you picked up on it at a young age. you closed it behind you and took in a deep breath. in a way, it still smelt like her. your mother's presence was all over the home. no matter how long she was gone, you would always feel her here in midgard.
you ran your fingers across the wood of the walls, and closed your eyes. what would you say to her now, if she were here? what would she say to you?
you thought of the dream you had with her in it, where she told you about the importance of making your own decisions. you could only hope she would be proud. you did exactly what you thought was best, without anyone else's input. if you hadn't gone back to asgard, heimdall wouldn't be on your side. he fought beside your father. he fought for you.
you breathed deep, letting the smell of the wet wood fill your nose. heimdall had changed so much since the first time you met. he was arrogant back then, selfish and cruel. now.. he felt like someone else entirely. was that because of you? if you hadn't shown up— dodged his attacks like they were nothing— would he still be loyal to odin? yes, you supposed. he would be. the thought of changing him made you feel good, like you had finally done something right. going back to asgard was worth it because you helped him see the truth. he hadn't spoken about it, really.. but you hadn't asked about it, either. you figured that he needed the time alone to think, but you would be sure to talk to him whenever you got back to sindri's house.
sindri.. the thought of him filled your heart with sadness. before, he never slipped into the realm between realms in plain sight like that. he always went behind something. you always guessed it was the polite thing to do.. but he had done it directly in front of everyone that time. you had to see him, soon. let him know that you were there for him. you'd been through loss too. losing anyone was hard, but family even harder. you couldn't ever imagine losing atreus. you didn't want to think about it.
you sat down on your old bed— a bed that you haven't slept in in weeks— and sighed. things had changed so much since the day you departed to spread your mother's ashes. you never would've met brok and sindri if it wasn't for that journey. or mimir.. or freya. you met almost everyone you cared about because of her. even heimdall, now. it was weird, saying you cared about him. but you did. you couldn't change that now.
you lied down. your head touched the pillows, and you took in another breath. you had spent so much time here with your mother. this was the place she died, too. at home and warm. at least you could give that to her.
it felt like hours before you got up again, but in reality, it was just a few minutes. everything here reminded of her, and you were glad for it. just thinking of her kept her with you. you never wanted that to change.
you thought back to your dream once again, and pushed yourself to your feet. the river you fished in so many times with her wasn't too far from the house. before she got sick, the two of you would venture out further downstream. in one of those places on the river.. that was where your dream took place. it was the peak of her life with you. but as her illness progressed, she became too tired to fish. she would go out less and less, staying closer to home. you would fish for her, but you were never as good as she was. still, you would come home with a pail full, and she would praise you for it.
you would do anything to hear her voice again.
you opened the door once more and stepped back out into the cold. you had spent so much time in midgard during fimbulwinter, but you swore you would never get used to the weather. you made your way into the woods, and you were met with the river once again. it hadn't changed much over the years, even though it had been some time since you had visited. after her death, you came less and less. the memory of her was too painful, and all fishing did was remind her of her and how she was gone.
you took in a quick breath through your nose and stepped into the water. she had told you once that you would get used to the cool temperatures of the water, and she was right. you didn't shiver or flinch at the cold. instead, you welcomed it like a warm blanket that washed over you.
"i miss you." you whispered. somehow, you knew she was listening. the world was unfair for taking her away so soon. "i love you." you told her. you swallowed the lump in your throat. would she be able to meet brok again? you could only hope so. the thought of it put a smile on your face. at least he wouldn't be alone in the afterlife. he would be with a friend.
you closed your eyes and took in the scenery. the sound of the breeze rushing through the trees, the chirping of birds and cracking of twigs under the weight of an animal somewhere.
it would be okay, you told yourself.
just one more minute.
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you hadn't been to týr's temple in a long time.
you hadn't needed to, after all. with all of the towers closed in every realm and no way for travel, you never needed to go back. and now, it was still unable for use. no matter how many times you passed by it while hunting, you never stopped inside until now.
you knew this is where sindri would be though. this is the place where he made up with brok. this is where he would be, and you were sure atreus knew that too. you were sure that he and your father had already paid him a visit themselves, but you wanted to on your own. you needed to let him know you were there for him, even if he pretended he didn't need it.
it was a long walk from home, which meant you had plenty of time to think. plenty of time to blame yourself for brok's death in the first place. how could no one have noticed? you tried not to think about it too much. he wouldn't want blame being passed around. you knew that.
you sighed as you pulled yourself up the stairs. now covered in ice, you remembered when the lake was water. atreus was much younger then— much smaller. once again, you thought of the good young man he was becoming. it hadn't truly been that long since that journey and yet.. it felt like lifetimes ago.
you stared up at the doorway and pushed it open with little struggle, only a grunt escaping your lips as you did so. the inside was much warmer, and you welcomed the feeling. the familiar sound of hammering filled your ears, and as you looked, you were greeted by sindri's back. brok's body lay on the table to his side, and you blinked away your emotions. this wasn't about you.
"go away," he said without even turning to look at you.
you cleared your throat, taking an awkward step closer to him. sindri was different. his clothing was covered in blood and dirt, and so were his arms. he hadn't cleaned since brok died. how much of that was his blood? you bit at the inside of your cheek, trying your best to shove the thought out of your head.
"sindri.." you started. what was there to even say? you didn't know. instead, you stood there. after a few moments of agonizingly long silence, he turned to face you. he sat the hammer down with a thud on the table, and you felt small under his gaze.
"what?" he snapped. now that his face was in the light, you could see how red his eyes were. he had been crying. you wished there was something more you could do, but.. there was nothing you could do to bring brok back, and that was what sindri wanted.
"i just.. wanted to let you know that i'm here." you told him.
you swore you saw his gaze soften.
"i know you probably don't want company right now or.. or anything like that," you swallowed, "but i just.. had to tell you that." you murmured.
sindri remained silent. he looked away from you and towards the ceiling. you only wished you could read his thoughts. he had become someone completely different. yesterday he was happy. despite the fact of ragnarok looming over him, he was happy because he had his brother there.
"i can't imagine.." you whispered out to him, lips pursed together. "i couldn't ever imagine losing atreus. i'm.. so sorry." you told him. by now, you were standing on opposite sides of the table he had spent so much time working at.
"that's what he said." he said. "atreus." he can barely force himself to say his name.
"i figured he would come."
silence fell over the room again and suddenly, sindri shook his head.
"you don't.. you don't get to be sorry." he said. "you still have your brother. because of him and because of you— i will never have mine back." sindri laid his hand on brok's chest. you felt a pang shoot through your chest at his words, but you didn't argue. you couldn't do that to him. you looked down at brok's body. you had to look at him. that was the least you could do.
"i know." you muttered.
"he brought him into my home." he whispered. "and he.."
"i know."
he looked back up at you, gaze narrowed. you could practically see the whirlwind of emotions going through his mind just by looking at is eyes.
"what do you know?" sindri asked quietly.
"i know what loss feels like." you said simply. "when my mother died, i was.. i was inconsolable. i needed her with me to.. to function, to live." you took in a breath, heavy through your lungs.
"my father.. none of us ever told you what happened to her, did we?"
at his silence, you took it as your que to continue.
"she got sick."
his brow furrowed.
"sick? faye?" he asked quietly. you nodded.
"i thought.. how could a woman as strong as her get sick like this? how could she be healthy one day and then in her deathbed a few weeks later? i didn't understand it. i still don't. but i.. i know what it's like to grieve, sindri. i understand."
he only looked at you.
"i know my apologies won't bring brok back." you murmured. "but i.. just need you to know that i'm here for you."
he swallowed. his took a deep, shaky breath. you knew your words meant very little, but if they provided any sort of comfort to him, your trip out here would be worth it. sindri squeezed brok's hand.
"it's all my fault." you heard sindri murmur under his breath. "what?" you asked, head tilted to the side in confusion. "brok.. he died. before." he told you.
"when he.. when he died, i couldn't handle it. i went to the lake of souls and i jumped in. i.. found pieces of his soul. all of them except for one." he whispered, unable to tear his eyes off of his brother. "and now he.. doesn't have them all. he can't go anywhere. he's ceased to exist."
"that's not your fault." you told him without missing a beat. "brok.. what he said before.." you cleared your throat as sindri's gaze finally shifted up to you. "he said he forgave you. this.. that's not on you. he understood." you muttered softly. he blinked a few times, running his thumb across the back of brok's hand. tears filled his eyes, and you forced yourself to give him a comforting smile.
he said nothing in response.
"can i.. say a prayer?" you asked, your gaze shifting from brok's body to sindri's eyes. he could only nod as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
you breathed deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. while you didn't have the items you had when you were mourning your mother.. you didn't mind. you doubted brok would've wanted something fancy like that anyway.
"lo, there do i see my mother," you whispered.
"lo, there do i see my father.." you continued, falling onto one knee next to the table. "and my sisters and my brothers. lo, there do i see the line of my people. back to the beginning. lo, there do they call to me. they bid me take my place among them in the halls of valhalla."
"where the brave may live forever."
you finished, pressing your forehead against brok's arm. he was cold. stiff. the last time you did this, it was for your mother. it was the exact prayer you and atreus had said before her funeral. you swallowed, feeling pressure build up in your throat. you stayed there for a moment, and sindri watched you wordlessly.
you knew there was no valhalla for brok. but he was brave. and he would live forever within you, within everyone who loved him.
you pushed yourself to your feet, turning your attention back to sindri. "thank you." you said to him, and he nodded once again. "i'll.. be at the house." you muttered, turning on your heel to leave him to his thoughts. you swore you could feel him watching as you left.
you pushed the heavy doors open and stepped back into the cold of midgard.
lo, there do they call to me. you repeated to yourself.
lo, there do they call to me.
tags: @ic-yourface @alisblackgf @engardeitsme @venfia @dijanur @s1mpss @gorepitt @callalillie15 @bluehorizon987 @vanserrar @trippingoverstars @mysiax @beaniebear152 @rei64bit @neverendingdumptser @a-bunny13 @lei-leigha @candy4bonez @yyourmotherr @blobdrake-theory @zarizee @rainygamingstreamingturtle @kise-kae @aesthetic-of-a-director @unodostrescuatrolove @nixeustheclamity @aiciteaa @multifand0m-gal0re @chibi668 @wonderkive @lentillo @luffysoctopus @elizabeth-hatake @black-star1472 @lacm-ac @sxmirae @maggot-baggage @emc2beans @suzumi-hiddenmistclan @white-lyra @lmorg149 @iamverydreamy @giornos-curls @reinabxitch @ourchampionofthesun @paintmekala @the-eternal-sunflower @alextric-overload @lynn-haitani @prettysurethatsakidney @justsomereaderwholikesanime @emmbny @kukungi @sweetdayme4427 @mimiissia
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ladylovesloki · 4 days
The Fated Apple: Part Six
Pairings: Loki X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of torture
Summary: You’re getting worse, tough decisions need to be made.
A/N: Thank you so much for all of the comments, reblogs and likes! Enjoy💚
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
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Jane continues to sit by your bedside. Frigga came to join her after she learned her husband and sons had already left for Muspelheim . 
Jane hasn’t let go of your hand. Not even when Eir had to administer more of the antidote. 
You woke for just a moment. But you were in so much pain that Frigga placed a sleeping spell on you. The purple veins now remain on your face, even after healers give you more of the antidote. 
You’re dying. 
“There has to be something else we can do…”, Jane looks to Frigga miserably. 
“The healers have done everything that they can. We have to hope Alarian knows where to poison came from. We must have faith.”
A silent tear falls down Jane’s face. 
As she’s looking down at you she sees signs of discomfort on your face. 
“I think she’s in pain..”
Frigga calls Eir over who looks above your body to the soul forge. She shakes her head, “she is going to need another antidote soon. I am trying to hold off, we are almost through with what we have.”
“Can you make more?”, Jane asks. 
Eir nods, “I already have my healers brewing another batch. But to what end?..”
“What are you saying Eir?”, Frigga asks.
“We have the solution. The Apple. She only needs a small amount. We can brew it into a tonic and give it to her just as we have been giving her the antidote.”
Jane shook her head, “no, Loki is right. It needs to be her decision. On her terms.”
“She is dying my lady. If Alarian does not know where the poison originated from then…we may not have a choice.”
Jane looks to Frigga for an answer but as soon as Frigga opens her mouth to speak the doors to the healing wing open. Odin and Thor walking through. No sign of Loki. 
Frigga immediately notices her absent son, “where is Loki?”
Odin walks to Frigga, “Surtr betrayed us. He demanded a trade. I was not inclined to acquiesce.”
“Where is my son Odin?”
Odin looks down to the floor, “I called for Heimdall to bring us back to Asgard but Loki used his seidr and forced himself away from the pull of the Bifrost.”
“You left him there?, she says quietly. 
“I had no choice.”
“There was a choice father. We should have turned around immediately.”, Thor says from over Odin’s shoulder. 
“And what would that have accomplished?”
“We would have Loki here instead of leaving him on a realm that could very well kill him! You know just as well as I do that their forces would not stand a chance against us.”, Thor moves around his father to stand next to his mother. 
“What was the trade Surtr wanted?, Frigga asked. “Tell me Odin, what was it that you couldn’t give up?”
“It doesn’t matter. He will not have it.”
“What else was he trading? Surely Loki would not go to such extremes for revenge against Alarian? There had to have been something else.”, Frigga challenges.
Thor looks at Odin, “tell her father. Tell her what else Surtr was offering.”
“An antidote for Lady y/n.”
“What?!”, Jane shoots up from her seat. 
“He informed us that the poison Alarian had used against Lady y/n was made in his realm. He offered the antidote along with Alarian.”
“And you said no to this? Why?!”, Frigga asks breathlessly. 
“He will not have it! I forbid it!”
“Have what father? What could he possibly want that you would deny it of him when y/n’s life…your sons life is at risk?”
Odin walks to a chair and plops down in it, showing how exhausted he was by all of this. “Centuries ago…before Surtr’s kingdom fell to ruin…he had a most powerful weapon. A weapon that could bring Asgard to its knees. Loganda.”
Thor’s eyes widen, “the flaming sword?”
Odin nods, “yes. The very thing that could cut through our shields like they were made of parchment. He would destroy Asgard…the nine… everything if it were back in his possession.”
Jane stands, “so we don’t give it to him…”
Everyone turns to her in shock. 
“I mean…we know where the poison came from right?”, Jane turns her attention to Eir. “What would you need from Muspelheim?”
“Sulfur. We need the sulfur from that realm. Everything else I have here.”
“Ok so…we go get Loki. Get some sulfur while we’re there and we come back to Asgard.”
Odin stands back up, “it’s not that simple. I’m afraid now that Loki is in his possession, Surtr will not just hand him over. And as much as I agree with Thor about the ability of our armies, I have no interest in starting a war with Muspelheim.”
Everyone stops and looks at you on the bed. You have one eye open, which is bloodshot red. Like every vessel in your eye has ruptured. 
“Y/n?!”, Jane rushes back to your side and takes your hand. 
“We…have to get….Loki….back”, you struggle to say. 
Frigga comes to your side, “we are my dear. Save your strength.”
“Apple…give me the apple…”
“Y/n….are…are you sure?”, Jane asks. 
You nod, “we need to get him back..Surtr…he’ll kill…him even…even if you…bring him the…sword.”
Odin nods, “she is right. Even if I were willing to return the sword to Surtr, he would just kill Loki as soon as we hand it over.”
“Y/n..we can still get the sulfur. Eir will make you the antidote and you’ll have more time to decide about the apple. We can come up with a plan to save Loki after..”, Jane tries to explain her plan to you since no one else seemed to agree with it. 
You shake your head, “I…made…my decision…Jane…this is what…Idunn…warned us about…we tried to…delay…Norns…plan…”
Jane looks to Frigga not sure what to do next. 
Frigga looks to one of her ladies, “will you send for the Goddess Idunn please?”
Her lady curtsy’s and leaves to summon the goddess. Frigga takes your hand in hers and gives you a kind smile. “It’s going to be alright child. Soon you will feel no more pain.”
You nod, thankful that she’s not trying to talk you out of your decision. 
“You’re looking mighty uncomfortable there Prince Loki..what’s wrong? Too warm for your liking?”, Alarian taunts Loki from his own cell. 
Loki doesn’t bother to respond. Mostly because the heat has weakened him so much he’s sure whatever words he would throw back wouldn’t make much sense. 
He should’ve listened to Thor. 
He should’ve known that Surtr would not have just given up Alarian without something in return. He was just so focused on revenge and then he had to reveal that damned antidote. He wasn’t thinking clearly. How could he? Knowing that you were back on Asgard suffering. He would’ve done anything for that antidote. 
“Come on Loki…nothing to say?”
Loki finally looks towards Alarian, “just wait…wait until I get you back on Asgard. This is going to feel like a play date in comparison to what I have planned for you.”
“Come now Prince Loki. What would your lady think?..” Surtr’s voice pours out of the darkness. 
Loki looks towards where the voice had come from but the next thing he knew he was flying against the wall behind him. His bones cracking from the force of it. 
Surtr steps out of the darkness inside Loki’s cell and kneels before the broken prince. 
“Do you think your father will save you boy?”
Loki shakes his head, “I believe Odin will do what he always does. He will put Asgard first. As he should.”
“Then you will never return to your lady. How will it make her feel knowing something could have been done to save you? But instead you were left here to rot. Or burn in your case.”
“She is strong. She will move on from all of this. From me. She will be the only good thing I have ever given to my people.”
“We will see. In the meantime…I have always wanted to have a Jotun on my realm. So many devices I have been wanting to try.”
As the words leave his mouth Loki’s cell door swings open and more of Surtr’s guards walk in and pull him to his feet. 
Surtr grabs Loki by his face, which is covered in sweat and blood. “I look forward to hearing you scream.”
They drag him out of the cell. 
“Frigga?”, Idunn calls for the Queen when she arrives at the healing wing. 
“Idunn, thank you so much for getting here so quickly.”
“Of course. What do you require of me?”
Frigga looks toward you on the bed. You’re now sitting up, your face and chest completely covered in purple veins. Both of your eyes are now open, both as red as Loki’s eyes when he is in his Jotun form. 
“I’m ready.”, you say shakily. 
Idunn looks at Frigga and then walks over to you. She sits on the edge of the bed and takes your hand. “Are you certain?”
You nod, “yes. Loki…went to a realm…of fire for…me. I need to…do this for…him.”
“There is still a chance we can make the antidote y/n”, Jane argues gently. 
You shake your head, “we are just…fighting against…the inevitable…I’m ready.”
Jane nods and smiles at you, Idunn does the same. 
Idunn stands and holds out her hands, the box holding the golden apple appears in them. “Ready?”, she asks you. 
You nod, “ready.”
Idunn gives the apple to Eir who takes it over to one of her tables on the opposite side of the room. Within moments a vial was in Idunn’s hand. 
Jane helps you sit up a little more and holds the back of your head. Idunn uncorks the vial and holds it to your lips. She tilts it slightly and you can taste the sweetness hit your tongue. 
You feel a tingle throughout your body but Jane’s reaction was what really confirmed to you it was working.
“Amazing.”, Jane whispers. 
The veins on your face and chest disappear and your eyes are no longer red. You look completely healthy. Better even. After a few moments you start to feel incredible and you go to move out of your bed. But before your foot can even hit the floor Eir stops you.
“Hold on there My Lady. Give yourself some time to adjust. You still might feel a little unsteady.”
You nod and take a moment to just sit there at the edge of the bed. Your legs hanging off the side. You take a deep breath and look at Odin. “What now?”
“Now..we attempt to reach an agreement with Surtr.”
“And what if he doesn’t come to an agreement?”
“Then I will take Loki back by force.”, Odin leaves the room. Thor gives an apologetic smile to Jane and quickly follows him out. 
You look to Frigga, “we can’t leave him there….”
“We won’t. We will think of something.”
“Do not disappoint me Prince Loki. I told you I was looking forward to your screams and I have yet to hear one.”
Loki is chained to a table, his body involuntarily shifting to his Jotun form. He assumes it’s his body’s reaction to the continuous heat, an attempt to regulate his temperature. 
He looks to Surtr and smiles, “I was tortured by a mad titan Surtr. This is nothing in comparison to the horrors of the Chitauri.”
“I heard about that. Thanos? Yes?.. the mad titan coming for all of the nine. A fools errand. After Odin brings me my sword I’ll cut him down just like everything else.”
“Odin will never bring you that weapon.”
“Then you will die here.”
“If that is the Norns will.”
“Bah! The Norns…look at where your Norns have left you. What they have allowed to happen to you already and you still look to them? Foolishness. Odin will bring me my sword, and do you know why?”
Loki doesn’t bother answering knowing Surtr loved his monologues and would continue even in his silence. 
“Frigga. Your dear mother would never let her baby boy suffer to death. She will be the one to convince Odin to bring me what is mine. And when he does I will kill you..your brother and your father. Then I will go to Asgard and destroy everything you hold dear. Starting with your mother and then…your precious mortal.”
Loki pulls against his chains but to no avail. The very mention of Surtr’s threat to you makes his blood boil hotter than the realm itself. 
“You will not touch her.”
Surtr smiles, “maybe I’ll keep you alive..I’m curious to see if fated mates feel it when their other half is snuffed out. Maybe then I will hear you scream.”
Surtr looks to his chosen torturer, “continue. I need him weakened to the point of death.”
Surtr leaves without even a second glance and Loki. As soon as he closes the door behind him two of his guards come rushing in. 
“Majesty..the Allfather has returned.”
Surtr felt a jolt of surprise. 
“Hm. I underestimated how much the Jotun bastard means to him. Or maybe I was right…Queen Frigga must’ve convinced him…no matter.”
Surtr walks to his throne room to see Odin and Thor surrounded by their guards. 
“Allfather…have you come to trade?”, Surtr can feel the power of Loganda calling to him.
“I have. But you will bring me Loki first. I will see my son is alive with my own eye.”
Surtr smiles, “very well.”
He nods to the guards behind him and they leave to go and retrieve Loki. “Bring the traitor as well.”
The sound of chains and footsteps fill the hall and the guards appear with Alarian and a very beaten..very blue Loki. 
“You dare harm my son?!”, Odin steps forward furiously. 
“Oh come now Odin, it is no secret of your feelings towards the boy. You should be thanking me for weakening him. Maybe you will finally have the chance to be rid of him, you can tell your Queen he died from the inhospitable elements of my realm.”
Thor gets Surtr’s attention, “enough of this! Do you want your bloody sword or not?”
Surtr’s gaze hardens on Thor, “be careful how you speak to me boy.”
“You wanted a trade, you will have what you desire.”, Odin interrupts before Thor’s temper gets out of control and ruins their plan.
“And yet my hand is empty. Let me see what you have brought me.”
Odin looks to a guard behind him and nods, the guard removes the sword from under their robes. Surtr couldn't hide his surprise.
“Bring it forward.”, he demands.
“Give me my son first.”
Surtr gives Odin a hard look and then he looks over to his guards and nods. The guards move Loki forward but then Surtr holds out his arm to stop them. Loki is not able to stand on his own and Thor can’t stop himself from moving towards his broken brother. Before he can take two steps Odin places his hand on Thor’s chest. He then looks behind him, to the guard holding the sword and nods. The guard moves forward slowly until Odin holds up his hand for them to stop. 
Surtr lost in his excitement looks to the guards holding Alarian, “release him to them.”
The guards do as he says and release the chains, pushing Alarian into the waiting arms of Odin’s guards. 
“My son?”, Odin reminds Surtr.
“The sword?”, Surtr responds back.
Odin looks over to the guard and nods his head again for them to move forward. He then removes his hand from Thor’s chest so he can follow to guard holding Surtr’s prize.
The guard nods back and continues walking until they are standing in front of Surtr, Thor a step behind them. Surtr reaches out for the sword and as soon as he has his hand on the hilt he holds it up to inspect it. Satisfied he looks to his guards holding Loki, “release the Jotun.” He looks to the small guard who handed him the sword, still standing in front of him. “I suppose you will want this as well.” Surtr tosses them the antidote.
The sound of Loki’s chains being removed fill the hall. Surtr sees Loki crumble to the ground before anyone could reach him. Surtr smiles, “it is truly a shame..all of this for a mortal he will never see again.”
Before anyone can react, Surtr brings his great sword down aiming straight for Loki’s neck. When the sword comes down and makes contact the blade disintegrates.
Surtr in his shock looks down at his hand that was now holding on to just a hilt of the sword that he was just swinging down for a killing blow. “What?…”
The guard standing in front of Surtr rips their helmet off, revealing you underneath.
“Keep your fucking antidote.”, you sneer at Surtr, throwing the antidote at his feet. 
You throw yourself on top of Loki, remembering the plan that you had gone over with Odin and Thor before you all left Asgard to go to Muspelheim. And before Surtr knew it, Thor was already swinging the true sword towards his head, successfully doing what he could not do to Loki. Thor took Surtr’s head clean off his body. Before Surtr’s guards could process what was happening, Odin’s guards had already surrounded them.
You look down to Loki who is still passed out underneath you.
“Loki..”, you run your hand through his filthy hair. You use your new strength to turn him over and you start to feel panic rise in you. He looks dead. Or close to it.
Thor kneels down beside you, “y/n. We must get him back to Asgard, he needs Eir.”
You nod and move out of the way so the guards can pick him up, you follow closely and you hear Odin tell Thor that he would be staying on Muspelheim until it’s decided who would be ruling the fire realm now that Surtr has been dethroned.
Thor calls for the Bifrost and the next thing you know you are in Heimdall’s observatory. He must’ve informed Eir that she and her healers would be needed as soon as you arrived because she’s there with a few of her healers, Frigga and Idunn. 
You look to Eir with tears in your eyes, “Eir…please…he..he needs help.”
“I know child, we’re here. Come. We need to get him to the healing wing.”
The guards holding Loki move forward and Frigga shakily creates a portal straight to the healers wing. 
When they walk through, the guards place Loki gently down on the same bed you were once occupying not long ago. Eir immediately gets to work giving orders to her healers. 
“We need to bring down his temperature before we do anything.”, she instructs. 
All of the healers including Frigga and Idunn hold their hands above Loki and you see a blue light shine from each of their hands. You assume some sort of cooling enchantment. 
Eir waves her hand to activate the soul forge and you can see Loki’s temperature slowly start to come down. When Eir determines it is safe to address his wounds she instructs two of her healers to continue cooling his body and the other two she instructs to bring her certain potions from her cabinet so start healing his wounds. 
As they work you can see Loki’s skin revert back to his usual shade and you feel a small bit of relief before you see how pale he is. You look to Frigga who sees your slight panic in your eyes. 
“He has lost a lot of blood and the seidr he used to keep his body cool has significantly slowed down his healing ability.” She grabs your shaking hands, “he will be well.”
You nod, thankful that she is confident that Loki will be fine. Idunn comes to you next, “your fated is strong Lady y/n. He will return to you.”
You almost forgot Thor was in the room until his meaty hand comes to your shoulder. You turn your head slightly and look up to his face, giving him a small watery smile. 
Jane arrives shortly after and throws her arms around you, “thank god.” She looks over to where the healers are actively working on Loki. “Is he going to be ok?”
Frigga nods, “it will take him some time but yes, he will heal.”
Jane nods, “good. Just so you know I’m taking his side when he wakes up and finds out you went there to save him. He’s gonna be furious.”
You shrug, “he’ll get over it.”
The healers work for a little bit longer until all of his wounds have been tended to and his body temperature was back to normal. As soon as they said it was ok you ran to his bedside and took his hand in yours. 
A few tears fall down your face when you look down at his still very pale one, “don’t think I’m letting you off the hook. You still owe me one big apology when you wake up.”
To be continued…
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@mintfrostflower @lotrefcp @mostlymarvelgirl @tekutiger @missingdadneto @rcailleachcola @fire-in-her-veinz @glitterylokislut @yelkmelk @talesofadragon @multifandom-world8 @firedrakegirl @enchanteddreameruniverse @skittslackoffilter @babygirl-panda19 @daydream-believer19 @planets-and-stars @star-maker-rain-dancer
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iliketangerines · 11 days
I’m back tehehe- So I’ve got two ideas😍 idk if you’ve ever played god of war- but imagine a reader who’s like Heimdall. Cocky, arrogant, annoying, sassy, powerful, incredibly rude, and untouchable but also imagine like one day lord Raiden or mk11 Hanzo- possibly even mk11 kuai liang- get so pissed and end up hitting reader. Like actually landing a hit and reader gets all pity and bratty. Then it leads to them “teaching” reader some manners- ((spanking, rope tying, hair yanking, choking, possibly inappropriately use of ice for kuai liang??))
My second idea
Reader who like is a giant with Oni powers. Shes also really buff- but she tries to be girly. It’s hard for her because she’s so tall and strong. She tries to not eat a lot and be as girly as she can be but people sorta make fun of her and bully her for it. Maybe it’s Tomas x reader or perhaps Sareena- maybe Kitana
That’s all- I love you Pookie-
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lovely as a flower
pairing: kitana x amab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), cowgirl, praise kink
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you sit in Kitana’s throne room, staring at yourself in the mirror as you apply some color to your lips and staining it red, and you admire your work
it was well-done, or at least you hoped you looked well-done as you started cleaning up the brushes and closing the lids to all the make-up
standing up from your seat, you flatten down your dress, hoping it didn’t look too out of place on your body, and you hum happily at the sight
you looked gorgeous, you knew you did, and you give yourself a little spin to admire how the dress flows about you
unbefitting, odd, strange, the thoughts fill your head, and you close your eyes and take a deep breath
no time to doubt yourself tonight
walking over to the door, you take a deep breath and walk out, trying not to psych yourself out as you pass by the guards and maids to the banquet hall
you enter the hall, and all eyes turn to you
Kitana waves at you excitedly, standing and almost running over to you with a large smile on her face, and she runs into your arms and gets up on her toes to give you a kiss
she says you look beautiful tonight, and you beam at her, thanking her for her compliment before hooking your arm with hers and walking to your seats
you’re not sure how you scored Kitana as a simple guard, but you weren’t going to complain
you suppose you’re tall, buff, strong, and perhaps a little charming and that’s what drew the princess in
you’re drawn out of your thoughts as Mileena and Tanya greet you from their own seats, and Kitana pulls your seat out for you and gestures for you to sit
you give her a grateful smile and sit down, flattening out invisible crinkles on your dress as you turn to face the Earthrealmers that had come to the tournament
there was their champion, Raiden, and then the other three there to help morally support Raiden and also represent Earthrealm
they greet you cordially and give you their names, and you do the same, slightly bowing your head to show your respect before turning back to Kitana
she grabs your hand from under the table and squeezes it as she talks to Johnny Cage, and you pick at your food with a fork with your free hand
Kitana notices how you pick at the little food on your plate, and she lets go of your hand to pile some more food onto your plate, all your favorites
she urges you to eat with a glance over to you, and you give a weak smile, only thinking about how all the protein would add onto your muscle mass
you liked being strong, you really did, and the muscles were a proud achievement of yours
but lately, they felt more like a curse whenever you walked anymore in the palace as Kitana’s consort
it had never been a problem to be strong before because you didn’t have the money to buy all the pretty things that you wanted, so you just plain shirts and pants
but then Kitana had taken an interest you and bought you every single thing you even glanced at in the market, and suddenly your closet was filled with all things you had wanted since childhood
you still took time at the training grounds to hone your powers and your fighting skills, but you heard the whispers
how a monster could have possibly captured the attention of their beloved princess, and why someone that looked like you dressed in such feminine clothing
eventually, the training grounds became a place you avoided, and you tried to slim down and seem more like what you dressed as, more like Kitana
the sound of a scraping chair snaps you out of your thoughts as Shao Kahn angrily shouts something about the Earthrealm champion
Kitana grips onto your hand tightly as she listens, clearly irritated with the general, and Empress Sindel dismisses the general, telling him to meet with her later
the room has suddenly become much more tense, and you no longer have an appetite
excusing yourself from the table and bowing to Empress Sindel and Mileena before you leave, you take the familiar path to your bedroom and shut the door
a grand night of celebration and drinks and food, and you can’t stop thinking about how you feel like you don’t belong in this dress and this make-up
there’s a knock on your door and the familiar call of your lover sounds from behind the intricately carved doors, and you take a deep breath
getting off the doors, you turn around and open them with Kitana standing there, a concerned look on her face
she reaches for your hand, asking what was wrong, and you just wave off her concerns and give an excuse that you didn’t feel very well
frowning at that statement, she reaches up with her arm and presses the back of her hand on your forehead to feel for any abnormal heat
she purses her lips and walks into your room, and you’re left to shut the door behind her
you watch as she sits down on the bed, slightly bouncing up and down, and she pats the spot next to her
you listen and sit down next to her, and she grabs onto your hand, rubbing her thumb over the back of it, and asks what’s wrong and to not lie, she knows when you lie
the room becomes much too warm and cold at the same time, and your skin feels like all types of clammy as your mouth dries up and your tongue weighs down heavy
Kitana doesn’t stop running her thumb over the back of your thumb, and it manages to calm you down just a bit to say you didn’t feel great in the dress
she turns to you in surprise and counters your statement saying that you looked amazing, beautiful, ravishing
there’s a small pause, and then she asks why you feel this way, eyes peering into yours and imploring you for the truth
sweat runs down your back, and an ugly feeling bubbles up in your stomach as a million whispery voices howl in your head with everything you’ve been feeling
you force a smile and say that you really just felt a bit sick tonight, nothing else
she frowns, and in a quick motion, she settles herself in your lap and pushes you down by your chest so your back flops onto the soft sheets
her thighs squeeze your waist, and she says that she’s heard the maids and the other soldiers talking and that she knows that they spread rumors about you
a cold feeling grips onto your stomach, shame, it’s shame, shame that you let silly school rumors get to your head and that you let them spread and infect your mind
you close your eyes and press your lips together, and you hear Kitana’s voice grow angrier as she says that they’re ridiculous, what right do they have to judge you, and how when she had first heard the rumors she had gotten so angry-
but she stops after a moment, taking in a deep breath, and she rests a hand on your chest and says that this isn’t about her, this is about you
your crack your eyes open just a bit at the statement, and she traces a hand down your chest, over the smooth silk material before tracing it down your stomach
she picks at the seam with her manicured nails and asks if you were okay, and you let out a sigh and turn your head to the side
the rumors did affect you, and you had let them get to your head and well you suppose you didn’t really fit the description someone who wore a dress and you just wanted to lose a bit of muscle mass-
a strangled gasp comes out of you as she slaps the side of your thigh with her hand, and your hands fly to her hips at the feeling
she stops and raises an eyebrow at you, telling you to continue but without any of that self-deprecating nonsense, and you nod and continue with a shaky breath
right, you shouldn’t lose muscle mass just because of a few narrow-minded people, and you know you look gorgeous in your clothing
you like dressing in pretty clothing, and it looks great on you and no one had the right to judge you
Kitana looks down at you approvingly and grinds her hips into your clothed cock as a reward, a slight whine leaving your lips at the feeling
she continues to just do that for a while, moving her hips against yours, and she tells you that you are gorgeous, absolutely beautiful in that dress of yours
her hands start to grab at your clothing and pull it up, raising her hips to properly bunch it up at your waist, and she sits right back down
it feels so much more intense and warm without the layers of clothing, and you can’t help but whine as she grinds on you, the material of your underwear rubbing against your sensitive cock
she says she’ll buy you every pretty dress you want, that you deserve it, that you are important to her and that she loves you
you moan out her name, adding on a please to the end as your hips buck up, desperate for more friction than just her grinding down on you
Kitana just smiles softly down at you and gets up off your lap to fully undress herself, and you sit up, reaching around your back to unzip it
she tells you to stop, and you do, looking at her with a dazed expression as you watch her strip herself down
pulling your lacy panties down to mid thigh, she gets back up on your lap and pushes you back down to lie flat on your back, and she grinds her pussy into your bare cock, relishing in the small little whimpers and gasps you let out
the princess tells you that she wants to ride her pretty little lover in their dress, wants to show her appreciation for it
it makes you flush and warm, and you close your eyes in pleasure as she continues to move her hips down on you
there’s no rush, just her grinding along your cock and your desperate little cries as you beg for her to please please ride you
after a while of just watching how you moan and whimper, she stands on her knees and lines you up with her pussy
she whispers that you’re so beautiful like this as she sinks down, and it draws a loud long keen out of you, tears slipping from the corners of your eyes as she grinds her clit into your pelvis
it ruins your make-up, and you’re sure the lipstick is smudged from how much you’ve been biting your lip
but she keeps complimenting you as she rides you slowly, rising up slowly before slamming her hips down, and you gasp her name in pleasure, hips trying to buck up further into her
Kitana doesn’t quicken or slow down her pace, riding you steadily as she tells you that you look so beautiful, her beautiful lover, the prettiest
she tells you she’ll spoil you with the finest jewelry and cloth her money and status can buy and that you are so important to her
her soft and sweet words quell something within you, and there is the feeling of something warm and honeyed filling your nerves
it’s all-consuming, filling your every sense, and you moan out her name as your hips buck up into her and cum inside of her
she’s in no rush and lets you ride out your orgasm as you blubber out thank yous over and over again, hands holding onto her hips and kneading at the flesh
finally, your whimpers of pleasure die down as she coos at you, rising up off of you and urging you to properly lay on the bed
you just sit up and whine that she didn’t get to finish, and she just cradles your face in her hands and tells you that it’s okay, she could always draw her orgasm out of you later
memories past of her fill your head and make you bite your lip, and Kitana just rubs her thumb over your cheek before moving away to help clean you up
she’s gentle as she wipes the make-up from your face, and her hands are soft and slow as she unzips the dress and throws it onto a nearby chair
finally, the two of you lay on the bed, your head in her chest, and she rubs your scalp as you slowly fall asleep
your problems wouldn’t disappear like this, but knowing Kitana was by your side made the journey that much easier
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samieree · 10 months
Jealous Heimdall x Reader (Request)
I'm sorry you had to wait so long 😣🙈 But I hope that you're gonna like it! 💗
Request: Can you do a smut one where heimdall gets jealous and decides to breed you?
“Who was it?”
You had barely time to sit back in the armchair after a hard, busy day, when Heimdall came into the room with a clear grudge in his voice. You sighed heavily, turning in your chair to look at him.
“You mean the nice boy who gave me a seat in the mead hall, or the one who went to refill my tea?”
“I didn't know about the second one, but now I know, thanks.” You rolled your eyes. There, before you stood Heimdall, with his usual envy. It doesn't matter that you're married, he acts the same as when you weren't even together. “So?” He moved closer and leaned over you. “Who was it?”
“How do I know? I don't ask the name of every person who looks at me.” You shrugged, resting your head against the back of the chair and closing your eyes. But not for long.
“You should.” You opened your eyes as you felt him tap you on the shoulder.
“Why? So you can stalk them later?”
You already knew how it would end. Once one of the dwarves made you sad, and not even on purpose, later it turned out that you misunderstood his words... But it was enough that you felt sad for a moment, a few tears fell, soaked into your beloved's shirt, and that he knew exactly by whom you felt like that...
Now the dwarves don’t speak to you anymore, except honorifics. You didn't know what he did or said to them, but something that shut them up forever.
A similar situation happened with a certain Asgardian. He accidentally bumped into you and you dropped your coat in the mud. You didn't make a big deal out of it because all you had to do was wash it. You even refused that boy when he offered to wash it himself. You were surprised when you put your coat away for a while at home to take care of it later, and when you came back, it was gone. And the next day that boy knocked on your door, clearly very stressed, and handed you a cleaned coat.
Okay, this is where Heimdall might have gotten a little nervous because the coat was a gift from him, but come on, it was just a mud stain.
“I'm not stalking anyone.” You raised an eyebrow, looking at him carefully. His expression remained the same, questioning. He was still waiting for you to give him a name.
“Dwarves don't talk to me anymore. Only with Thor and Baldur I can talk freely, although it happens that you peek from the side anyway. Yes, I have eyes and I can see it.” He wasn't too surprised that you knew he was following you from time to time. But only sometimes! At least that's what he says. “And I have enough of your jealousy.”
“I'm not jealous!” He stopped leaning over you. He straightened up completely, folded his arms over his chest, and his face was filled with the typical expression of an 'offended' boy.
You had to fight with yourself not to laugh at your husband's attitude. He was a master at playing a pissed-off  teenager. In fact, he played this role brilliantly throughout his whole life.
“Then how do you explain?” You asked with a slight smile on your face. The situation was slowly starting to amuse you, not to annoy you.
“I just…” He paused. He didn't know how else to explain it. He was silent for a few moments, looking at you out of the corner of his eye before continuing. “I don't like to see anyone thinking they can get close to you. Too close.”
“So you're jealous.” You replied, barely holding back a laugh, which he noticed.
Suddenly he leaned over you again, but this time your faces were very close and he was studying you intensely. His purple eyes stared into yours and you immediately stopped laughing, now you just stared at each other and you wondered what he had come up with.
“Maybe I should make it clear to everyone that you're mine?” You felt a blush spread across your face as you heard those words. Spoken softly, in a gentle tone, coupled with the touch of a hand on your thigh. “Would you like this…?” His lips brushed yours, clearly teasing you. “Walking around with my baby in your belly so everyone knows they have no chance…?” He placed his free hand under your chin and lifted it up slightly, kissing you.
You didn't have to answer with words, just returned the kiss, deepening it.
Would you like to have a child with him? You never thought much about it, because neither of you brought up the subject. But the child, being part of you and part of him... Maybe even with his shining eyes... You'd like to see that. You would like to see how he holds your child in his arms, how he braids its hair when it grows up a bit...
You let yourself be lifted from the chair and moved to the bed for comfort. You felt his hands at the bottom of your shirt, lifting the clothes up and finally over your head and landing somewhere on the floor. You felt warm kisses on your lips and elsewhere on your face as he quickly stripped you of your clothes.
He was thrilled by the thought that you wanted to have a child with him. He was thrilled with every kiss you gave back. He was excited by every touch he felt, first through his clothes and then on his bare skin. No matter how many times your hands are on his body, he enjoys it just as much each time.
He loves kissing your perfect lips, being naked in bed with you, watching and feeling your body respond to his touch. He loves to hear the moans that escape your mouth as he kisses and licks your breasts as he does now.
Teasing you is one of his favourite pastimes, as he often waits for the moment when you start asking him for more so he can finally touch you where you want it most.
On the other hand, he struggles with himself, feeling your hands in his hair or nails digging into his arms or back.
“That's what you want?” He whispered the question in your ear, playing at your entrance.
You nodded, moving your hips, wanting to touch him harder, to feel him against your womanhood. You waited for a while, hoping that he would take pity on you. But no, you had to say it. Beg him.
“Please…” You moaned underneath him, turning to his face by your ear and kissing him. You had to wait a while for the answer, when you were kissing deeply, with tongues. 
“How could I refuse such a beautiful woman who needs my help?” You finally felt it. You felt him inside you and a shiver ran through your body.
It was a wonderful feeling of the perfectly fitting bodies. When your movements synchronized, when each thrust released a moan of pleasure. Every moment that passed in this state was filled with pleasure and completely unique. Every kiss, every touch, every single element that made up the whole was significant and pleasant.
When you both felt that you were close to the end and it was getting harder and harder to endure, but at the same time there was even more motivation to see it through. The movements were faster and stronger, the breaths shorter and shallower, until all the tension gathering in the bodies found a way out, flooding you with a wave of pleasure.
Breathing heavily, Heimdall rolled onto his side, one arm behind his head.
“You scratched me again.” He said as he caught his breath, looking at you meaningfully.
“Your clothes cover your entire back, so I don't see any problem.” You replied with a slight smile, moving closer to him and resting your head on his chest. You closed your eyes, remembering the fresh moments you had with him.
“You don't think it's over, do you?” He put his finger under your chin to make you look at him. “I won't stop until I'm sure you're carrying my child.”
Oh, you had no doubts about that.
~Author's note~
I don't know what to think about all those smuts I have written 🙈 I feel like I'm still not brave enough to use strong words 🤷‍♂️ But what do you think?
-> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
@izzy-star1223 It was for you If I remember correctly 💖
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ravenloop · 1 year
-In Time-
Pairing: Yandere!Heimdall X Female!reader
Request (in summary [requested by @oyasumimosura]): Reader is the daughter of Kratos and sister of Atreus. She goes to Asgard with Atreus and is very protective of him. While she's there, she catches the eyes of Heimdall and finds out his feelings for her are far more deeper and darker than she thought. (So sorry this took so long! Also was worried about making Heimdall too OOC so I changed it a bit, hope you don't mind :))
Warnings: Just normal Yandere stuff, Heimdall being creepy and possessive (more towards the end), bit of swearing, some violence.
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AN: YALL IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN SO LONG 😭 I was busy and honestly didn't even know how long I didn't post in :') so have this request! Trying to clear out my inbox lol. I hope y'all like it cause I Def stressed trying to make it good sjnsj enjoy <3
There was something so creepy about him.
The way he looked at you. Stared at you. He didn't even think about looking away when your gazes crossed. It was like he wanted things to be awkward between you both.
Not like you wanted any sort of relationship with Heimdall, but it would be nice if he tried to be a little hospitable, would be far better than whatever he was currently doing. Which was—not so shockingly—staring.
You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, trying to act like you couldn't see him. Though, by now he probably read your mind and knew how you felt. Maybe that's why he kept doing it, he wanted you to feel extremely unwelcomed.
It wasn't like you wanted to come to Asgard in the first place. Your brother, Atreus, did. After a very heated argument back at Sindri's tree home, he ran off and sought out Asgard in spite. Of course he wasn't happy when you tracked him down, your father wouldn't be happy either—considering you went without his permission.
All you wanted was for Atreus to be safe. You'll be damned if you let your little brother get hurt by a bunch of piss-faced gods who think they're above everyone else.
With a sigh, you turned and walked away from the open area where Heimdall and a few other Aesir stood. Still, you could feel those eyes piercing through you like a spear.
"He's a weirdo, right?" You jolted, not expecting someone to talk to you. Turning towards the voice, you noticed Thor's daughter, "Um..."
She snorted at your awkward demeanor, "Relax. Everyone here thinks Heimdall is a jerk." You chuckled slightly at that, at least you knew you weren't alone.
"Im... glad to hear. Thrúd, is it?" She nodded. You've seen her talking to Atreus before leaving back at the lodge. Maybe she didn't have enough time to talk to you then, so she's doing it now. That or her parents didn't want her to.
"And you're Loki's sister, Huh?" She put her hand out, "Nice to meet ya!" Slowly you reached out and grabbed her hand, she shook it roughly. Seems like she's excited.
"He's told me a lot about you. Must be fun having a big sister. I've only had brothers." Oh, right. You remember her brothers, Magni and Modi—the ones father killed.
"Right." Suddenly the situation turned awkward.
"Always have to make newcomers feel threatened or uncomfortable, do you?" A hand landed on your shoulder, making you flinch and turn.
It was Heimdall again.
Good gods, how long was he standing there—was he watching you the entire time?!
This time he wasn't looking at you though, he was staring at Thrúd. She stared back, a frown on her face, "I don't always make people uncomfortable. Right?" She looked at you, making Heimdall do the same.
Both pair of eyes pinned you to your spot. Licking your teeth, you responded, "No, I don't think you do." This was literally your first time talking to her so you didn't know if what you said was even true. Hopefully it was.
Heimdall rolled his eyes, "Lies. Lies. But I will leave you to be her personal toy if that's what you'd like. Nine realms know she hasn't made a single friend since being pushed out." Stepping back, he bowed mockingly before walking off with a laugh. But you didn't miss the way his eyes lingered on you a little longer.
Thrúd scowl, "Don't worry about him. He's just being an ass as always. It's nothing new." You nodded. That was strangely relieving. Maybe he'd soon realise you weren't worth it and would leave you alone. Maybe.
He didn't stop.
Those purple eyes never left your form. They tracked your everywhere. It felt like not even walls could stop him, like he'd just burn holes through them.
Even now, as people talked and murmured amongst themselves in the dining hall, he didn't focus on them. He only focused on one person. You.
The only reason you were even there was because Atreus was. It was late, the moon was high, and he had only just gotten back from a mission Odin sent him on a few minutes ago. It frustrated you how much Odin kept you and your brother separate, and Atreus was too oblivious to notice it.
I need to speak to him privately. We can't stay here any longer, You thought, staring at Atreus as he munched on a piece of bread. It was probably cold.
Opening your mouth, you were about to call his name, but he cut you off by yawning. "I think that mission tired me..." He laughed sheepishly, rubbing his neck, "I'm gonna go sleep."
Atreus stood quickly, moving to leave the hall. "Wait-" You grabbed his shoulder, making him turn, "Atreus, I need to speak to you... In private."
He stared at you. His eyes swiftly glanced over your shoulder before returning to you, "Could... It wait until morning? I'm really tired..." Your brows furrowed. Why was he acting like this? "I- alright..." You let go of him, watching as he smiled at you, saying goodnight before disappearing down the stairs.
It bothered you that he clearly knew it was important, yet decided it could wait, but the look in his eyes told you something was off. And the way he looked past you—at what? At who?
Turning around, your eyes scanned the hall. And you noticed one person—one god—who wasn't there. Heimdall.
That bastard.
The large doors of the lodge swayed the tiniest bit, indicating someone just left, forgetting to close them properly maybe.
You weaved past a few servants in your way, not caring about what they whispered to their fellow acquaintances. You shouldered open the door more aggressively than intended, but you didn't care. Right now you had your mind set on confronting a certain Aesir.
It didn't even cross your mind that whoever left the lodge could have just been a random Aesir that likely didn't even know your name. But to your eyes only one person was missing from that room, and you would have noticed if he went down the stairs in the lodge, right?
Just in case, you kept one hand on the dagger attached to your hip. The one your mother gave you, since your father was far more detached from you when you were a child than he was with Atreus.
You shook the thought from your head. Now wasn't the time to reflect on your childhood. Things have changed. For better and for worse.
Slowly, you stalked through a smaller, narrower path connected to a larger one. It made you less likely to be seen by others, and right now you didn't need people being suspicious of you—far more than they already are—you'd add.
"Looking for me? I feel honoured." You turned around, finding Heimdall emerging from a gap between houses. It was just big enough for a person to make themselves comfortable between.
Not wasting any time, you asked, "What did you tell my brother?" You saw his lips turn upwards ever so slightly, but it was hard to make out his expressions when he was standing so far, in the shadows of the houses, caused by the moon's light.
"You caught onto that quick. Though," His arms raised, extending outwards, "I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. You're one of the smarter... Half-giants I've met. I mean it, really!" Could he answer your question any slower?
"I didn't ask if you think I'm smart. I asked you what the hel you told my brother." You saw his eyes roll. They were the only things that the darkness couldn't hide from you. Every second they glowed brightly.
"I only instructed him one thing..." Heimdall moved closer to you, stepping out of the dark and into the moonlight. Instinctively you pulled out your dagger, aiming it at him. He stopped moving, but by the look on his face, you doubted he was intimidated. "...that he stay away from you, or I'd hurt you in ways that he'd never imagine possible."
That didn't scare you, it may have you feeling a bit uneasy, but not scared. "Is that what you're here to do now? Hurt me?" "No. Something quite the opposite, actually. That is... If you comply." The hand holding your weapon to him didn't falter, not even as he took a step closer.
"You don't scare me, Heimdall." He took another step closer, you stood your ground, "That's exactly what draws me to you."
You scoffed, "My lack of fear for you?"
"That and the lack of consideration you put behind your actions. I mean, how many other people would put a weapon  between themselves and I?" The tone of his voice grew more playful, as if the current situation didn't stress him, "When they know damn well it cannot stop me." It was clear it did not.
And to you It became increasingly more clear that you were in a secluded area. Hidden from any and all eyes expect Heimdall's. No one was around. No one could help you. No one would hear you.
He led you here. So you were with him and him only.
You gripped your dagger harder, the muscles in your arm straining, your breathing growing heavier when he stepped even closer, "Try anything and I'll kill you." He stared at you, a frown on his face. And you silently regretted saying that when he didn't speak.
It was tense. Quiet. All Heimdall did was stare into your eyes. You didn't dare tear your gaze away from his.
After a moment, he scoffed, before breaking out into laughter. Moonlight bounced off his golden teeth as he continued laughing, making them shine. "Do you..." He calmed himself down, still smiling widely, "Really think... That you can kill me?" He tutted, eyebrows furrowing in a way that made him look like he was staring at you with pity. "Oh, sunshine... That will never, never happen."
You dashed toward him.
As soon as the last syllable rolled off his tongue, you moved forward. The muscles in your arm burned at the movement, but it was a relief. They were finally able to move after being suspended in the air for so long.
You aimed for his throat. Your mission was to kill him. He gripped your wrist, yanking you towards him before throwing you into a nearby building. Your head banged against the wall and you hissed in pain. Weapon long forgotten, lost somewhere on the ground when Heimdall threw you. Everything became blurry and you closed your eyes for a moment.
When you opened them, Heimdall was kneeling in front of you. "Have we learnt our lesson yet?" His head tilted to the side, eyes staring into your half-opened ones.
Clear your mind. The words of your father echoed through your head. Do not let your enemy know your thoughts.
"No." Your left hand reached up to grip his braids, your right hand punching his face.
He stumbled back, groaning, his hand reaching up to his now bleeding face. You took your chance and ran, heading for the lodge. You needed to find Atreus.
The path seemed a lot more confusing on the way back, or maybe it was your racing mind making it seem like that.
You could hear Heimdall's rushing footsteps growing louder and closer. They were far more quiet than yours, but you could still pick up on them.
Finally, you saw the lodge come into view, the lights on it glowing brightly—but there was one thing that worried you.
Heimdall's footsteps stopped.
But yours didn't. Your legs kept moving. They went even faster now. Just as you were in a meter or two of the lodge, a hand gripped your arm, pulling you behind a house and back into the darkness as a hand covered your mouth.
You squirmed in Heimdall's grip, biting, kicking and doing whatever to try and escape.
Your teeth bit deep into his palm and he gritted his own teeth. The hand around your midsection, holding your back to Heimdall's chest, squeezed tight until there was little air in your lungs.
This caused you to stop moving, your head spinning once more. You heard Heimdall 'tsk', "Now now... Is this any way to treat your lover?" He finally released his hand from your mouth, trusting and knowing you wouldn't scream.
"You're a deranged fuck if you think anyone could ever love you," Venom dripped from your words, "Especially... when you do... stupid shit like this..." The little air in your body slowly disappeared with each word.
Heimdall noticed your struggles, and despite your words, he loosened the grip on your waist. You took in large gasps of air while Heimdall began speaking.
"True. Though being loved is a hard thing to do or come across now." His hand on your torso moved further up until it reached your throat. It didn't do anything, it just lingered there. "So sometimes, you just need to do things like this."
"I wonder why it's so hard for you..." He didn't like your tone. "Don't worry, you'll have plenty time to find out. It's not like you're ever leaving."
Your eyes narrowed, staring at the wooden wall in front of you. Before you could speak, Heimdall did, "And you will be staying here, sunshine. Unless you wanted your brother to have a... Painful death."
"Touch him and I'll-" you choked on your words when he squeezed your throat, stopping your breathing again.
"I won't touch him if you agree to what I'm proposing." His hand let go so you could breath, "And we both know you can't defeat me. So your best option would be complying." Not even the slightest bit did you agree to what he wanted you to. You hated him. This only expanded that feeling.
But your brother...
You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if he died.
"I'll make your life a living nightmare." It wasn't a yes or a no, as much as you wanted to say the latter.
There was a warm feeling on your neck and you recognized it as Heimdall's breath, "Even better. I love a good challenge. Hard to find one when you're a god of my capabilities."
Everything he said made you want to roll your eyes or curl you lips in anger. The hate you had for him was unmatched. The anger that filled your body when near him made you feel like exploding.
"I hate you."
He chuckled and it sounded like what a snowstorm felt like. Cold.
"I know. But don't worry... in time, you'll learn to love me."
No. No, you definitely would not.
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wrr000 · 1 year
"made of gold"
- Heimdall short about braiding his hair, this idea has been in fandom for a quite time
Summary: gender neutral reader, reader is simping, Heimdall is chilling
Warnings: very short, bad English
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"It wasn't a request. I'm telling that you will do it", Heimdall said, not even looking at you.
He took a chair and moved it, sitting with his back to you. It doesn't seem like he would take a "no" as an answer.
You were standing right behind him, still in a little shock.
"Wha- But, you really want me to do this?", it sounded stupid, but you had to be sure.
"Don't make me repeat myself..." he spat, visibly irritated.
That felt weird. Really weird. You even suspected a some kind of trick, but no, you knew he was serious. Besides, if he was really planning something, he would done it openly. This guy would announce that you're going to die.
Yet you couldn't help, but just felt embarrassment coming from him. A cocky God like him asking you, someone far below for braiding his hair? But he just did and it got you surprisingly excited.
"Aren't you scared that I will.. Do something. My hands will be close to your eyes...", you chuckle, taking a step forward.
He tilted his head slightly back to look at you, messy strand of hair fell on his face, "Try your luck, sunshine, but I will feed to Gulltoppr".
So cold. You sighed deeply. He sure struggled at this moment. Always ready to insult you in the most savage, but fancy way thinking that he is so funny, yet couldn't take a little tease at this very moment. What a shame.
It got you even more excited. You giggle in mind. You find something cute in this situation. Maybe it was him trying to act so unphased or that from all people from Asgard he chose you.
Wait. Did you just thought he was cute? And you actually wanted to do him a favor? Damn. Even in moment of his weakness he's catching you off guard.
But let's be honest, his hair were always so perfect and well-groomed. Blond and shiny like gold. Always out of your reach. You were so curious about them. No wonder you felt like a child in candy store.
"Fine, I will do it", you tried to hide your enthusiasm. "You are in good hands".
"Be useful for once", he shut down your positivity.
Without reply you got right into your task. You touched his hair. So soft! And thick, and healthy, and woah! You were amazed. Those were really a God's hair. You could touch them all day!
You started to braid them and you lost yourself in thoughts. This morning you saw him without his usual hairstyle. Heimdall walked into your place with loose hair. He didn't tied them in a ponytail, he just let them fell on his face. He... Screw this, yes, this idiot looked quite handsome.
You realized that you didn't ask him why he came to you. This was his hairstyle for years, why he needs you to do it today? Did his usual person couldn't? You thought about Sif, but you wasn't sure if she'd really wanted to have something to do with this guy besides work for Odin.
You slap yourself in mind. Thinking too much in presence of Heimdall wasn't the best idea. But then it hits you. He hasn't said a word.
You focused so much that you didn't notice how quiet he was. No comment about your hand slipping a few times, nothing about you messed up two braids. Complete silence.
You looked at his shoulders. They seem'd to be pretty relaxed. Were he... sleeping?! You wanted to take a quick look at his face, bo you didn't dare. You enjoyed your peace. But he had to be asleep! You smirked. For some reason it felt good knowing that he is so relaxed and chill around you (at least for now).
Time flies and in a blink of an eye you had finished your work. You smiled, hot red on your face. You were proud of yourself beacuse it looked good. Fine piece of work.
"Aaaaand done!", you laugh, placing your both hands on your hips.
After a moment Heimdall get up, looking straight into your bright eyes. You knew he wanted to immediately read your mind, but you had nothing to hide besides the truth!
"Don't flatter yourself", he said as his face turned a little red. You knew he read it all. He carefuly touched his hair, checking up your work.
"I must say, you finally did something good, I'm happy for your progress", you could feel the irony in his voice, but you didn't care. You were still smiling, admiring your own work... or maybe him too. He looked as good as always.
"And don't count on any payment", you didn't at all. Hard to admit, but you did it with pleasure. And he knew that for sure, "Maybe I will treat you a fine drink tonight, but only if I will be in a good mood".
You shake your head. Your heart was beating faster than usual. What was happening to you? Stay calm, please.
He turned and started walking towards the door. You had to admit-- it was quite-
"-enjoyable", Heimdall thought, starting his daily patrol on the wall.
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livingmydreamlife5555 · 2 months
MCU dr: Daughter of Heimdall
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Name: Astrid Heimdalldittir
Birthday: January 24
Height: 5'8"
Appearance: I have natural white hair like above, but it will be short like in the second picture. I have orange-brown like eyes like Heimdall, my dad. It also glows like his too.
Backstory: So long story short, I was born in Asgard to my father and my mom (who was a Valkyrie. We all know what happens to them. I might script she also survived). But anyways, Hela had been targeting me because of my powers that I got from my mom's side. It skipped a generation and got to me. Because of that, my dad teleported me to Earth, where I was taken to an orphanage. I grew up there, all the way until I was 15.
One day when I was 15 and walking through New York, the avengers were fighting a villain and a big piece of debris was flying my way. And me not knowing I had powers, I put my hands out to defend myself (my dumb ass would've died anyways) and my powers activated without me knowing. I had froze the debris to save myself. Me, being the scared teenager, ran back to the orphanage to hide from attention. But most of them noticed who I was. Next day before I knew it, I was getting adopted by the avengers and living with them 💪🏾
Powers: I will be able to control all the elements (more like tech, metal and others) but I first start off with Ice, Fire, Water, and Lightning. I also have super strength, super speed, y'know all the Asgardian stuff since I'm Asgardian. I also scripted to have the same Omni-senses like my father. My fighting will be like how the elemental benders fight in the Avatar ☺️. In the future I will learn how to use Asgardian magic too. I have like two pages for powers 💪🏾🙄
Extra info:
Kinda funny how I had this script for a long time and the official name of Heimdall's first child in the canon MCU is also named Astrid. He's a boy though 💀
I'm gonna be the Norse Goddess of Nature.
I can play multiple instruments, just like in my other realities. It's the one thing that I always keep
I scripted that Asgard isn't destroyed (duh) and that Loki doesn't die. So he will also be there with the avengers (I'm so excited to see him)
I based off my mom's appearance from the marvel hero Storm (she's so pretty please-)
I'm still going to school with Peter, and we'll be out own hero duo (like ladybug and cat noir. Love myself for scripting this).
I can talk to animals 🤭
I am able to control all the elements, including electricity, technology, and I can also do Energy Absorption, Solar manipulation, moon energy manipulation, water bending, earth bending, fire bending, airbending, blood bending, metal bending, lava bending, i can also control plants, techno manipulation, flora and fauna manipulation, matter manipulation, crystal manipulation, allspeak
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This was one of my first scripts lol. Still glad I'm shifting here. It was also where I first shifted. I had scripted to have one of the children to wake me up, and I saw her. She was wearing a pink dress too 🩷🩷
-Honey out 🍯🍯🍯
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