naradreamscape · 2 months
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I found this openly anti-zionist book of essays from 1954 at a Little Free Library near my old shul. Here are some bangers from it
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sliimehag · 7 months
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p21gallery · 6 months
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Bringing Voices of Palestine to London
Thursday, 2nd May 2024 | 18:30 - 20:30 (Doors open 18:00)
P21 welcomes you to the opening ceremony for the Palestinian exhibition, We Are Not Numbers (WANN)
Please join us for an evening where you will hear from founder of WANN, Ahmed Alnaouq, along WANN writers in Gaza, and WANN international mentors. You will also have the opportunity to experience the exhibition through a tour with the curators and immerse yourself in the stories of over 350 Palestinian writers.
Complimentary refreshments and pastries provided.
Ahmed Alnaouq - Speaker - We Are Not Numbers | Co-founder
Nick Appleyard - Speaker - We Are Not Numbers | Mentor
Catherine Baker - Speaker - We Are Not Numbers | Mentor
Artists - We Are Not Numbers
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/we-are-not-numbers-exhibition-opening-night-tickets-878019749707?aff=oddtdtcreator
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jadeseadragon · 8 months
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#Repost @jvpny
"Hundreds of anti-Zionist Jews blockading President Biden’s motorcade route as he travels to a campaign fundraiser on the Upper East Side, calling on the President — in his first New York City appearance since the crisis in Gaza began — to stop funding and arming the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinians and ensure an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
As U.S. Jews and anti-Zionists, we want to make it crystal clear that President Biden is not welcome in our city while he continues to push additional funding and weapons for a genocide. Biden says he is doing this forJewish safety, but we call his bluff. The President is advancing the US’s own imperial interests. The price has been the lives of almost 30,000 Palestinians. Hundreds of thousands more are on the brink of famine.
There is no single person with more decision-making power over the US's funding, arming and backing of Israel's cataclysmic bombardment of Gaza than President Biden. Under his leadership, the United States has expedited $150 million of weapons sales to the Israeli military, ignored the World Court’s determination that Israel is plausibly committing genocide, suspended U.S. funding to UNRWA (the UN agency providing essential food and aid to Palestinians), and refused for months to call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire.
This is the first time President Biden has been in NYC since October 7th. And instead of answering to the majority of his base that has been imploring him for a ceasefire, he is pushing a deal for an additional $14.3 billion in military funding to Israel.
We refuse to just stand by while President Biden funds and arms a genocide. Today, thousands of New Yorkers took off work to demonstrate against him. And right now, hundreds of Jewish New Yorkers are getting arrested for blockading Fifth Avenue outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art, disrupting the Presidential motorcade route as it attempts to travel from one private fundraiser to another.
President Biden, answer to your constituents. Stop funding and arming the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza."
#CeasefireNow #LetGazaLive #NotInOurName
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drsonnet · 8 months
#NeverAgain and #NotInOurName The only way to mark #HolocaustMemorialDay is to stop #Gazagenocide . Otherwise, you are hypocrite. #Holocaust الطريقة الوحيدة لتذكر يوم الهولوكوست بأن تمنع الهولوكوست الحالي في #غزة (توقف الإبادة في #غزة). و إلا فأنت منافق لو احتفلت فقط.
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phoenix-has-risen · 9 months
▶️ Watch this reel
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xulingkelley · 11 months
Over 10,000 showed up in Boston in solidarity with Palestine to demand end all US aid to Israel, cease fire now, and end the occupation & genocide of Palestine.
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truthaholics · 2 years
#WarCrimes Cui Bono? BP Extracted £15 Billion of Iraqi Oil After British Invasion! #BP #Shell #ExxonMobil #NotInOurNames!
BP Extracted £15 Billion of Iraqi Oil After British Invasion | MATT KENNARD | Declassified U.K. | 22 Mar 2023 Despite UK ministers denying the war was about oil, the flagship British company reaped a bonanza upon its return to Iraq after the 2003 invasion, Declassified has found. A British soldier patrols the Rumaila oil field in southern Iraq, 1 February 2005. BP was awarded the contract to be…
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balfyoddlyeager · 7 years
Old Article of Outspoken Cait...
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Article about Cait in Irish America Magazine April/May 2003
This article came out soon after the US, under President George W. Bush , invaded Iraq in March, 2003. 
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Other models wearing her shirt…
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jarnocan · 5 years
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‪#Lights4LibertyRaleigh #LightsforLibertyRaleigh #lightsforliberty I would rather be depressed about REALITY than be an ignorant airhead! So much of the truth is painful but people who care keep our hope alive. We must inspire & lift each other up.‬ #ChildAbuse #NotinOurName #HumanRights #PatrioticPeopleCARE! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2xIrhHQSj/?igshid=nypx8hlp22cp
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naradreamscape · 5 days
I've always been a huge critic of others in the Western Judaic community pulling victim cards whenever one of them gets rightfully criticized, but it is getting supremely on my nerves how many people are doing that when they're criticized for enabling the colony's genocide and terrorism
Every time Bisan calls out the colony's offensive force for starting shit within neighbouring territories, she's rightfully called it terrorism and criminal behaviour...but then America's Next Top Reacher will show up and go "OMG.....SHE'S SAYING JEWS ARE TERRORISTS AND CRIMINALS!!" You think intercepting pagers and loading them with malware and incendiary materials so they fucking explode regardless of where or who they may be around is inherently Jewish? Do you seriously want this behaviour to be associated with Jewish identity? Detach yourself and your self-worth from the colony and embrace criticizing them too, or don't you dare ever say "Never Again" ever again
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kiskeacity · 7 years
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#NoHillaryatMedgar #blacklivesmatter #notinourname #hillaryclinton #rudycrew #medgarevers #blackmisleadershipclass #haiti #NotOURrolemodel #fucktheClintons (at Medgar Evers College, CUNY)
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calliegarp · 8 years
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Watching the livestream from SFO and crying and raging. I signed up for recurring monthly donations to ACLU because I don't know what else to do right now. So horrified, so angry, so heart broken.⠀ Repost from @bettyreads :⠀ Been following what's happening at JFK and airports around the US for hours. Important to be aware and continue to share what's happening with the #MuslimBan Donate to the ACLU, if you can't: go protest, if not: just amplify the voices. Continue to speak out against what is happening. We must oppose this hate at all times. If too much, take time to rest and research and keep it up. Immigrants and refugees are being attacked right now and if you don't think this affects you, you're wrong. (Photo by mariacfrantz on twitter) ⠀ #resist #letthelawyersin #letthefamiliesout #sanctuaryforall #NotInOurName, #NeverAgain #MuslimBan #NoBanNoWall #muslimrights #peoplearenotillegal
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luciopicca · 3 years
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#NOTINOURNAMES Siamo un gruppo di giovani ebree ed ebrei italiani. In questo momento drammatico e di escalation della violenza sentiamo il bisogno di prendere la parola e dire #NotInOurNames, unendoci ai nostri compagni e compagne attivisti in Israele e Palestina e al resto delle comunità ebraiche della diaspora che stanno facendo lo stesso. Abbiamo già preso posizione come gruppo quest'estate condannando il piano di annessione dei territori della Cisgiordania da parte del governo israeliano e il nostro percorso prosegue nella sua formazione e autodefinizione. Diciamo #NotInOurNames: https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3I5ibrf0E/?igshid=eq8azo6xl1m0
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corallorosso · 3 years
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“Siamo un gruppo di giovani ebree ed ebrei italiani. In questo momento drammatico e di escalation della violenza sentiamo il bisogno di prendere la parola e dire #NotInOurNames (...) Diciamo Not In OurNames: -gli sfratti a Sheikh Jarrah e la conseguente repressione della polizia -gli ultimi episodi repressivi sulla Spianata delle Moschee -il governo israeliano che pretende di parlare a nome di tutti gli ebrei, in Israele e nella diaspora -i giochi di potere (di Netanyahu, Hamas, Abu Mazen) che non tengono conto delle vite umane -i linciaggi e gli atti violenti che si stanno verificando in molte città israeliane -il bombardamento su Gaza -il lancio di razzi indiscriminato da parte di Hamas -la riduzione del dibattito a tifo da stadio -l’utilizzo strumentale della Shoah sia per criticare che per sostenere Israele -le posizioni unilaterali e acritiche degli organi comunitari ebraici italiani -gli eventi di piazza organizzati dalle comunità ebraiche con il sostegno della classe politica italiana, compresi personaggi di estrema destra e razzisti -la narrazione mediatica degli eventi in Medio Oriente che non tiene conto di una dinamica tra oppressi e oppressori -qualunque iniziativa e discorso che veicoli rappresentazioni islamofobe e antisemite La situazione attuale rappresenta l'apice di un sistema di disuguaglianze e ingiustizie che va avanti da troppi anni: l’occupazione israeliana dei Territori Palestinesi e l’embargo contro Gaza incarnano l'intollerabile violenza strutturale che il popolo palestinese subisce quotidianamente. Condanniamo le politiche razziste e di discriminazione nei confronti dei palestinesi. (...) Pur coscienti che antisionismo non sia sinonimo di antisemitismo, osserviamo come un antisemitismo non elaborato, che si riversa più o meno consciamente in alcune delle giuste e legittime critiche alle politiche di Israele, rende alcuni spazi di solidarietà difficili da attraversare. Si tratta di una impasse dalla quale vogliamo uscire, per combattere efficacemente ogni tipo di oppressione.” La campagna anti Israele dei giovani ebrei italiani.
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