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gay gay homosexual gay
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delulluart · 6 months
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a little something; idk blame @writingjourney maybe?
actually stayed within the 30 minutes for this sketch, its incredible how much the extra 15 minutes that i gave myself for the last few helped; the no eraser rule is still very annoying
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flareboi · 21 days
so like. you guys liked my post about victim bodypillow.,
[waist-up nudity]
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76 notes · View notes
I'm ✨️completely fucking exhausted✨️ but decided I needed to do something for pride month anyway, so... take it. Take it and feast.
#:,) #im.so tired
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🐍 xviper-the-fagx
#pride #pride moon
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🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Since it's that time of year (pride moon <3 the second moon of greenleaf is my favorite for a reason...) my brother and I decided to make a bisexual colors flower chain... which reminded me, I've never officially come out, have I?
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Well, there you have it. My brother (left) and I (right) found out we were bisexual at about the same time. I'm glad I live in a safe environment where I get to share that part of myself with all of my friends and my family.
#pride #pride moon #bisexual #queer #bi pride
40 notes
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
>:3 so excited for pride moon, aka the one time I get to make all of my friends and family be extra nice to me because i'm intersex and therefore deserving of much love and appreciation for being queer.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
Intersex isn't lgbt... intersex is a physical deformity. I hate when cats say things like this and just completely ignore the real implications... like, you don't get to be lgbt just because your body is fucked up
🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
Anyway, intersex is queer no matter what exclusionists say !! What do you think the "i" in "lgbtqia+" standa for?
To my intersex followers, I <3 you and we are all sharing tongues in a queer little circle.
#i just blocked her fyi #i advise my followers to do the same #idiots get blocked #intersex
3,073 notes
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🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
In honor of pride, I took some selfies with the trans flag painted on with crushed flowers and herbs! ^^
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🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Since posting this, I have recieved multiple asks stating that they would have known I was trans even if I didn't say because I don't pass very well/my face shape is too tom-like? I have also recieved several asks accusing me of faking being trans because I look too feminine and "calicos can't be amab" (I'm a chimera, fucking mouse-brains).
So yeah. Transphobes really will just say anything.
#trans #transfem #trans she-cat #trans issues #transgender
234 notes
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🥬 rxttencatmint
So, it's pride moon... and I'm unable to be out to almost anyone irl except my mentor. And. It sucks. I hate not being able to be loud and proud like I feel like I'm supposed to be... but I'm looking forward to a time when I'll be able to. Someday.
#transgender #trans #pride moon #queer pride #pride
3 notes
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🍲 ex-thunderclan-kipper Follow
My housefolk are setting up for pride moon... so here's a photo of my mate and I sitting underneath their decor :3
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#gay #gay pride #kittypet life #lgbt #queer pride #collar tw #collars #queer #id in alt text
10,045 notes
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🔆 the-post-maker
Hope you enjoyed this post :)) likes/reblogs appreciated, and here's the discord server to talk about this world and the world within this world if you find it interesting enough.
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grooviestsadpapaya · 4 months
My Monhun woman HRRRRRAAAAAA her name is Kassan and she’s a dweeb
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toodyfriedrice · 14 days
21 notes · View notes
happystarzarchive · 8 months
asked grandparents 2 get the plushie 4 me . wish me luck on that one brothas 🫡🫡🫡🫡
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hiddenmoodz · 11 months
Creator Clash
The email arrived, confirming your commitments for the next year. As you read through it, your heart filled with excitement and anticipation. For the next year, you would be dedicating yourself to intense training, five days a week, preparing for your upcoming boxing match. You couldn't believe you were approved and chosen as a candidate for the upcoming Creator Clash. Then reality sank in, and your stomach filled with butterflies as you wondered who your opponent would be. You hoped for someone who matched your skill, which wasn't very much. You knew you couldn't keep this news to yourself; you had to share it with your friends. Leaving your setup and the email unattended, you rushed down the stairs of your shared house, eager to tell your roommates the exciting news. However, just as you were about to round the corner, a thought struck you— your roommates weren't the best at keeping secrets. If you told them now, there was a high chance the news would spread before the event officially announced the competitors. Laughter from the living room caught your attention, where Leslie, Yvonne, and Rae were enjoying each other's company. A smile crept onto your face, cherishing these rare moments when everyone was together. But a slight frown replaced the smile when you realized that in the coming year, your time with them would be limited due to the intense training. You turned back to the stairs and started making your way back to your room. However, as you turned into your room, you roughly bumped into Miyoung, who appeared to be in a rush. "Miyoung? Are you okay?" you asked with concern. "Ouch, that hurt. Hey, you should be a boxer," she joked, realizing that she had inadvertently exposed herself for snooping on your computer. You sighed and pulled her back into your room for privacy. "Please, Miyoung, you have to promise me that you won't say anything to anyone. And I mean ANYONE," you pleaded. Miyoung made a zipping motion with her mouth and tossed away an imaginary key, assuring you that she would keep the secret. You breathed a sigh of relief, knowing you could trust her with this important information. "Thank you," you said gratefully. Then, remembering that Miyoung had come into your room for something, you smirked and asked, "Um, did you need something? Or was snooping around all you wanted?" "Okay, first of all, I wasn't snooping on purpose. I was looking for you because we're getting food," Miyoung explained. You thought for a moment and realized that today might be your last day to feast on whatever you wanted before you start training. "I could eat," you agreed. To ensure that your secret was safe, you shut down your computer to prevent anyone else from stumbling upon the email. Then, motioning for the door, you invited Miyoung to join you. As you both headed downstairs, Miyoung stopped in front of you with a serious expression. "You know how she's going to feel about this, right?" she raised a brow. You sighed, fully aware of Rae's potential reaction. Part of you wished you'd get rejected from the event just to avoid the confrontation with her. "I know… which is why you're gonna help me tell her," you stated. "WHAT?! No wayyy," Miyoung exclaimed in disbelief. "Oh, come on. Besides, I think you kinda owe me," you teased, knowing how close Miyoung and Rae were. She rolled her eyes but eventually relented, "Fine, I'll help you. Besides, what's she gonna do? Kill us? You smile. " Nah. Besides you're her best friend and I'm her-" "Yeah? What are you?" She smirked, cutting you off to mess with you. "Also... a... close friend." You hesitated. She giggled at your words. "Fine I'll help you." -------------------------
"Nope. No. Absolutely not." Rae's firm response echoed in the living room, and you exchanged a glance with Miyoung, knowing this might be the end of your dreams. The roomies thought it was a great idea to have a few friends over to catch up. It was nice. Everyone was enjoying each others company along with having a few drinks. Then that lead to a talk about to the upcoming Creator Clash. "But Rae... everyone is gonna be there," Leslie tried to reason, but Rae remained resolute. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to watch my friends getting hurt. I can't do it," Rae said, her concern for her friends' safety evident in her voice. Lily chimed in with a lighthearted joke, attempting to lighten the mood. "I agree. But since it's Toast, I don't mind." That's right. Toast revealed he was going to be one of the boxers. You were surprised he even applied. "It's fine Rae. I understand." Toast sighed. "But I would like one of you to come to the gym with me." He looked around the room, hoping to find someone to accompany him to the gym. However, everyone avoided eye contact, not wanting to do anything physical. "I'll go with you," you volunteered, raising your hand. Everyone's heads turned in disbelief, especially Rae's. She had tried to get you to go to the gym with her before, but you had always declined. Now, you were willingly offering to go to the gym with Toast. "Y/N?" Rae gasped, puzzled by your sudden change of heart. You shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant. "Yeah, why not? I think it's time I give it a shot. And I guess I could take some boxing lessons." Rae furrowed her eyebrows, not quite convinced. "Boxing? Are you sure? I think you should just stick to cardio. Don't want you ending up with a concussion." You waved her off, "Please, Rae. I won't get hurt. Toast will be there, and he'll look out for me." After some hesitation, Rae relented, saying, "Fine, but promise me you'll be careful." You smiled in victory, but Miyoung subtly gestured towards Rae, urging you to come clean about your true reason for wanting to go to the gym. To tell her about the Creator Clash. But you couldn't bring yourself to do it just yet. Not with everyone around. So you shook your head slightly and finished off your drink, trying to divert the conversation. "Imma need a refill. Anyone else?" As expected, everyone raised their empty glasses, and the topic shifted to lighter subjects for the rest of the day. But deep down, you knew that the time to confess your secret to Rae was drawing near. After the get-together ended, you decided to stay downstairs and clean up since your roommates were tired and tipsy. You assured them that you would take care of it. As you gathered the empty bottles, a familiar voice startled you. "So the gym, huh? That's unexpected." You turned to see the woman with glistening eyes, and you shrugged in response. "Yeah. I thought, 'why not?'" She leaned on the counter across from you, her expression curious. "You never accepted my invitations." You smirked playfully. "That's because I know you'd push me over my limits." The air became still as you both locked eyes, the silence filled with unspoken words. Until she spoke again, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I'm a little jealous." Your heart skipped a beat at her confession, and you couldn't help but lean in closer. "Why would you be jealous?" She looked down at her hands, seeming almost shy. "I don't know. It's dumb, I guess. I just wanted to spend more time with you." Feeling a connection that went beyond friendship, you intertwined your fingers with hers, cherishing the newfound closeness. "We can hang out anywhere else but the gym." "Fine," she agreed, but her concern for your safety was evident. "But if I hear anything about you getting hurt—" You rolled your eyes, gently letting go of her hand. "I won't. You 're worrying too much about me." She fell silent again, lost in her thoughts, and you could tell there was something she wanted to say. "Anything else you want to talk about?" you asked, giving her the space to share her feelings. "No, I think I'm alright," she replied, finally looking at you again. "I'm just glad you're here." You smiled warmly. "Anytime. That's what friends are for, right?" She echoed softly, "Right. Friends." In that moment, the air seemed charged with unspoken feelings and possibilities. Maybe it was the drinks you both had. The connection between you two deepened, and you realized that this was more than just friendship. There was a special bond growing between you, one that held the potential for something beautiful. As the night continued, the two of you finished cleaning up together, sharing laughs and heart-to-heart conversations. The intimacy of the moment felt intoxicating, and you couldn't help but wonder where this newfound understanding would lead. As you bid her goodnight, you both lingered a little longer, feeling the magnetic pull between you. It was a delicate dance of emotions, and you knew that whatever happened next, it would be worth exploring. And as you lay in bed, the image of her glistening eyes and the sound of her laughter lingered in your mind, filling your heart with hope and joy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the sixth month of training with Toast, you found yourself thoroughly enjoying the experience. It was a mystery  to you why you hadn't started this sooner—the progress you made together with Toast made the entire journey feel almost relaxing. However, amidst the fun and training, you occasionally found yourself lost in daydreams, which sometimes led to moments of distraction during sparring sessions. "OUCH!" you exclaimed as Toast's punch caught you off guard. It knocked you to the ground since you weren't wearing head gear. Immediately concerned, Toast knelt beside you. "Oh shit! Are you okay?" You assured him with a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's my fault for getting caught up in my head." Toast offered you a hand, and you accepted it gratefully. It was time for a break. As you both sat on the bench, Toast noticed that you were quieter than usual. "Alright, what's up? I didn't hit you too hard, did I?" His eyes widened. "Oh god, Rae's gonna kill me." You chuckled softly. "No, I'm alright. You still hit like a little girl." But just mentioning Rae's name caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach, and not the sweet kind. You couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for not telling her—or anyone else—that you were participating in the Creator Clash. "Rae's gonna kill me too," you confessed to Toast. Perplexed, Toast asked, "Why would she do that?" "I'm going to tell you something," you said, locking eyes with him. "But you have to promise not to tell a single soul." "I promise," he said, gulping nervously. Taking a deep breath, you revealed, "I'm fighting in the Creator Clash." Toast's eyes widened with surprise. "Are you serious? The Creator Clash? That's awesome! Wait, why haven't you told anyone?" Looking away, you felt a mix of nervousness and vulnerability. "I don't know. I'm excited to tell people, but... it's Rae." "Rae?" he repeated, trying to understand. "I'm one of her closest friends. Even closer than the both of you. No offence," you explained, "But you saw how she reacted with you. She's gonna flip even more when I tell her." Toast just nodded not knowing how to respond. You sighed. " That's not all." Confusion washed over Toast yet he stayed quiet so you could continued. "I think I might have some feelings for her." In truth, "some feelings" was an understatement. After that night of the get-together, the two of you have been spending so much time together. When you weren't busy training you with her. Playing games on and off stream, cooking, shopping, and watching tv. Your heart raced every time she was near, and the thought of her finding out about the Creator Clash filled you with anxiety. Toast raised his brows, understanding dawning on him. "Oh." "Yeah, 'Oh,'" you huffed, feeling a mixture of emotions. "She's totally going to kill me." In that moment, Toast's supportive presence became even more meaningful. He patted your shoulder reassuringly. "Hey, don't worry too much. You never know how she might feel about it until you actually tell her." "I know," you said, sighing. "I just can't shake these nerves." "Take your time," Toast advised. "When the moment feels right, you'll know." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm going to kill him. Literally going to murder him in his sleep." You tried to brush it off with a smile, not wanting to make a fuss. "It's just a little bruise, no big deal," you said, attempting to downplay the pain. But Rae wasn't fooled. She gently took your hand and led you to the couch, urging you to sit down. "Let me take a look," she insisted, her caring gaze locking with yours. You sighed, realizing that Rae wouldn't let it go until she had made sure you were okay. So, you relented and allowed her to inspect your bruised cheek. She gently touched it with her fingers, her touch feather-light and soothing, as if trying to heal the pain with her tender care. "It's not too bad. Just needs to be iced." You smiled gratefully, touched by her concern. "You always know what to do," you said, a hint of admiration in your voice. "Well, I've had my share of bumps and bruises from the gym," she admitted, a playful glint in her eyes. "I guess it comes with the territory." You laughed, the tension in your shoulders easing as her light-heartedness washed over you. "I'm lucky to live with a personal trainer and nurse all in one," you teased, earning a playful shove from Rae. "Oh, stop it," she said, trying to hide her smile but failing miserably. "But seriously, take it easy for a bit. We can watch a movie or something, and I'll get you some ice." The idea of spending time together, just the two of you, brought a warm feeling to your heart. "That sounds perfect," you said, genuinely looking forward to the relaxing moment with her. Rae disappeared into the kitchen and returned with an ice pack, handing it to you with a gentle smile. "Thanks," you said, appreciating her thoughtfulness. She sat beside you on the couch, her presence comforting and reassuring. As you held the ice pack against your bruise, Rae put on a movie, and you both settled in, shoulders touching, creating a comfortable intimacy that filled the room. It was when the movie was over when she turned toward you. "Let me have another look at your bruise." You lower the ice pack as she tilts her head for a better look. "It looks like its getting better," she said softly, her eyes never leaving your face. You smiled at her caring gesture, feeling a warmth in your heart at the way she was tending to you. "All thanks to your expert care," you replied playfully. Rae chuckled, her fingers gently brushing against your cheek as she inspected the fading bruise. "I guess I do have some healing powers," she teased, her touch sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. Then you both lock eyes. She was still holding your face. For a moment, the air around you seemed to hold an unspoken truth, a connection that went beyond words. This was the right moment. Taking a deep breath, you mustered the courage to finally speak up. "Rae, there's something I need to tell you," you said, your voice soft yet determined. Her eyes turned curious and attentive. "What is it?" she asked, her gaze searching yours. "I... I have feelings for you," you confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. Rae's eyes widened, surprise evident in her expression. "You have feelings for me?" she repeated, her voice a mix of shock and uncertainty. You pull your face back fidgeting nervously, your heart pounding in your chest. This was a moment you had been dreading and longing for at the same time. Her silence slowly making you lose hope. Her gaze met yours, and you saw a mixture of emotions in her eyes—confusion, curiosity, and perhaps a glimmer of something more. "Wow. I don't know what to say," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "You don't need to say anything," you said, your heart feeling heavy. "I didn't expect you to feel the same. I just needed you to know how I feel." There was a moment of silence between you, the weight of your confession hanging in the air. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. I should go to my room." You begin to get up from the couch. But then, to your surprise, Rae's hand found yours, her pull gentle yet firm. "Don't go," she said, her voice barely audible, but her eyes spoke volumes. Your brows crease in confusion. Yet you stay. She pulls her hands together. Truth was she felt exactly how you felt. "I feel the same way. For you." Your heart skipped a beat at her admission, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of hope and excitement. "You do?" you asked, your voice filled with surprise. She nodded, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I didn't want to complicate things, but I can't deny how I feel about you." She confessed. Rae reached for your hand again. "Maybe we can take a chance on something more," she said, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. "I would love that." You both leaned in a little closer, your hearts beating in sync as the unspoken truth between you blossomed into a new chapter of possibilities. But before your lips could meet you remembered something. Something even more serious. "Wait... there's one more thing." You pulled back. She opened her eyes that held a bit of disappointment. "What is it?" You fidgeted nervously, your heart pounding in your chest. "There's something else I haven't been completely honest with you. You see, the reason I started going to the gym is because I'm participating in something big." Her brow furrowed with concern. "What is it?" she asked, her eyes searching yours for an answer. You held her gaze, mustering the courage to reveal the truth. "I'm fighting in the Creator Clash," you admitted, hoping she would understand. Rae's eyes widened with shock and disbelief. "No. You're kidding, right?" She chuckled nervously, hoping it was all just a joke. "I wish I was kidding, but I'm serious. I fight in a couple of months," you explained, your voice steady despite the anxiety welling up inside you. "But...it's dangerous." She stood up." And you know that!" she exclaimed, her concern evident in her voice. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "I know it's risky, Rae, but I couldn't resist the opportunity." Her concern turned into frustration as she shook her head. "But why didn't you tell me? We share everything with each other, and you kept this from me? For half a year?!" "I'm sorry," you said, feeling guilt gnaw at your conscience. "I was afraid you'd react like this, that you'd try to talk me out of it." "Damn right I would've tried to talk you out of it!" Rae exclaimed, her emotions raw and unfiltered. "I care about you, and I don't want to see you get hurt. The Creator Clash is no joke, and I can't believe you're taking such a risk without even talking to me about it." You begin to feel a bit defensive. "I didn't want to worry you, Rae. I can handle a bit of competition on my own. I mean I really enjoy it. It's fun." "Fun?! Are you crazy? Some people end up with permanent damage." You actually couldn't believe she was acting this way. You would've hoped she would be more supportive. You stood from the couch. "Okay, you're overreacting now. I should've known this was how you'd be." "Of course, I'd react! It's a dangerous sport. I can't believe you kept such a big secret from me!" she retorted, her voice rising. "We're just friends. I didn't think I needed your permission for this!" You yelled back in defense. But as soon as you said it you regretted it, immediately. "Well, I'm sorry I care about you," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I thought you were better than that, and now I don't know if I can trust you." Your heart sank at her words, and you felt a sense of regret for not being honest with her from the start. "Rae, please. I never wanted to hurt you," you said, your voice breaking. "But this is something I want to do. No one, not even you, can talk me out of it." The weight of the unspoken truth now hung heavily in the room, overshadowing the once cozy atmosphere. The hurt and anger were palpable, and you both needed time to process the emotions that had surfaced. "Then I don't think I can watch you. I won't be able to handle seeing you get hurt." Rae wiped away tears from her eyes, trying to compose herself. You could hear the shattering of your heart. You didn't think this was how this talk was going to go. Maybe you should've told her from the beginning. Before either of your feelings got in the way. "I need some time to think," she said softly, her gaze avoiding yours. You nodded, understanding the need for space and reflection. "Okay," you replied, feeling the pain of the consequences of your actions. As Rae left the room, the weight of guilt of threatened to overwhelm you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the day of the Creator Clash approached, nerves and excitement intertwined within you. The arena buzzed with anticipation as fans filled the seats, eager to witness the intense battles that would unfold. In the locker room, as you were getting ready for the big fight, Miyoung approached you with a concerned expression. She could sense that something was bothering you, and she wanted to talk. "Hey, you doing okay?" she asked gently, sitting down beside you on the bench. You took a deep breath, trying to shake off the disappointment. "Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous, I guess." Miyoung gave you a knowing look. "It's about Rae, isn't it?" You let out a sigh. "I don't know, Miyoung. It's just that this fight is a big deal for me, and I really thought she'd be here." "I understand," Miyoung said, her voice soothing. "It's just hard not to feel disappointed," you admitted. Miyoung gave you a reassuring smile. "I get it. But remember, you're not alone out there. You have all of us cheering you on, including me." You appreciated Miyoung's support, and it reminded you that you had friends who cared about you, even if Rae wasn't there in that moment. "Thanks, Miyoung," you said, gratitude evident in your eyes. "I'm really lucky to have you as a friend." Miyoung chuckled softly. "The feeling is mutual. Now go out there and show them what you're made of. I know you'll do great!" Her words bolstered your confidence, and you stood up with renewed determination. "Thanks, I'll definitely give it my all." After Miyoung bid her goodbyes, you took this moment alone to gather your thoughts. It's time to focus and forget everything. "Hey, you ready?" your coach comes into the room with your gloves. It's time to put what you've trained so hard for to the test. Your walk out was was full of electric energy, and you could feel the weight of the moment as you stepped into the ring to face your opponent. As you looked them in the eyes, you could tell they were determined to claim victory just as much as you were. The air was charged with tension, and the crowd roared in anticipation, their cheers echoing in your ears. The referee signaled for the match to begin, and with a deep breath, you focused on your opponent. The first few rounds were a dance of strategy and skill, both of you testing each other's defenses, searching for an opening. The punches were precise, but neither of you managed to land a significant blow just yet. As the match progressed, the intensity escalated. You could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins, heightening your senses and sharpening your reflexes. The crowd's cheers were like fuel, pushing you to give it your all. In a moment of opportunity, you managed to connect a powerful punch, landing it squarely on your opponent's jaw. The crowd erupted in cheers, and for a moment, you felt a surge of confidence. But your opponent proved to be just as resilient, counter attacking with a flurry of strikes that forced you to defend and regain your footing. The back-and-forth continued, both of you giving your best in this hard-fought battle. Sweat poured down your face as you dodged, weaved, and threw punches with calculated precision. Each movement, each punch was a testament to the countless hours of training and determination you had poured into preparing for this moment. As the rounds passed, fatigue began to set in, and your muscles felt heavy. But you pushed through, knowing that every punch, every move, could make the difference between victory and defeat. Then your eyes met hers. She was there, watching you, despite the previous misunderstandings and arguments. For a brief instant, all the noise and chaos around you faded away, and it was as if you were the only two people in the entire arena. In her eyes, you saw a mix of emotions. Concern, worry, and maybe even regret. But there was something else there too—a glimmer of pride and admiration, as if she was finally realizing the extent of your determination and passion for the sport. But unfortunately that moment was cut when you felt a hand connect with your jaw sending you in a daze. Then the bell rang, signaling the end of the round, you staggered back, feeling dazed from the unexpected blow. It had caught you off guard, breaking the brief moment of connection you had with Rae. In the corner of the ring, your coach rushed to your side, concerned about your well-being. "Are you alright?" They asked,eyes filled with worry. You nodded, trying to shake off the effects of the punch. "I'm fine. Just got caught off guard." You wiped your mouth with the back of your arm and your eyes widened at the sight of red. Great your mouth was bleeding. But surely it wasn't the only thing that had blood seeping out. After your team cleaned you up, they gave you a reassuring pat on the back, and offered some advice on how to defend against that particular punch. You knew you had to stay focused, as every second counted in the ring. As you prepared for the next round, you stole a glance at Rae in the crowd. Her concern was evident on her face, and you couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking. You wished you could talk to her, to understand what was going on in her mind, but now was not the time. The fight was still on, and you had to give it your all. The next few rounds were a test of endurance and skill, as you both continued to exchange powerful blows. Each punch landed with force, and the arena filled with cheers and excitement from the crowd. Despite the setback from the earlier punch, you refused to let it deter you. Your determination and passion for the sport pushed you to keep going, to keep fighting with everything you had. Throughout the match, you could feel Rae's presence, her eyes never leaving you. It was both comforting and unnerving, knowing that she was witnessing every moment of the fight, including your moments of vulnerability. As the final rounds approached, exhaustion weighed heavily on your shoulders, but you refused to back down. The cheers from the crowd seemed to blend into the background as you focused solely on your opponent. Your heart pounded in your chest, adrenaline rushing through your veins, as you pushed yourself beyond your limits. As the final bell rang, the crowd erupted into applause, acknowledging the fierce battle they had just witnessed. As you made your way out of the ring, sweat-soaked and exhausted, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Despite the intense fight, you were proud of your performance, knowing you had given it your best. And deep down, you hoped that Rae had seen that too, that she had witnessed your determination and passion for the sport. Time seemed to stretch as the judges tallied their scores, and the crowd held its breath in suspense. When the announcement finally came, the roar of the crowd confirmed your victory. You had won the match, the Creator Clash was yours. Despite the fierce competition, a sense of sportsmanship and respect washed over you as you shook hands with your opponent. Both of you had given it your all, and you had earned each other's admiration for the tenacity and passion displayed in the ring. As the referee raised your hand in triumph, you looked back to where Rae had been standing. She was clapping, her eyes still locked on yours, and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. It was a smile of pride and perhaps even a touch of apology for not fully supporting you earlier. The crowd erupted in cheers, celebrating your hard-fought victory. But in that moment, all that mattered to you was that connection you shared with Rae. As you made your way out of the ring to the backstage, you couldn't wait to talk to her, to share this victory with her, and to finally have that long-overdue conversation about your feelings and the misunderstandings between you. You hurriedly made your way to the back area, where Rae was waiting. She had a concerned look on her face, and you could see the mix of emotions still lingering in her eyes. As you approached her, the adrenaline from the fight began to fade, leaving you feeling vulnerable and nervous. Rae opened her mouth to speak, but you didn't want any more misunderstandings. This was the moment to be honest, to clear the air once and for all. You took a deep breath and started speaking before she could. "I know I messed up, Rae. I should've told you about the Creator Clash from the beginning. I was just scared and unsure of how you'd react. But you have to understand this was something I really wanted to do." She listened, her expression softening slightly. "I was hurt and angry, Y/N. It felt like you didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth. But I also know that I haven't been the best at expressing my feelings either. I know that I overreacted a bit too much. And for that I'm sorry." "I'm sorry for not telling you in the beginning," you replied sincerely. For a moment, neither of you spoke. The weight of your confessions hung in the air, and you felt a mix of nervousness and relief. Relief because you both are finally talking again. And nervousness because of your shared feelings which you both haven't talked about yet. But before you could say anything else, Rae closed the distance between you, gently cupping your face in her hands. "I care about you so much, Y/N," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. "And I'm sorry for not being more supportive of your passion for boxing. I was just scared of seeing you get hurt." You placed your hand over hers, feeling the warmth of her touch. "I understand, and I promise I'll be careful. I won't take unnecessary risks, especially now that I have you in my corner?" A small smile graced her lips, and without another word, she leaned in, closing the distance between you with a gentle kiss. It was soft and sweet, filled with all the unspoken emotions that had been lingering between you for far too long. "Of course I'll be in your corner." She smiled, after pulling away for some air. As the world faded away around you, you felt an overwhelming sense of rightness. The tension that had been building between you had finally been released, and in that moment, it was just the two of you, sharing a tender moment of connection and understanding.
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bronx-aro · 11 days
I had a dream last time where i was Welsknight and i was on hermitcraft (not playing the game, the world *was* minecraft).
So i kept trying to help Joe Hills build his montain base with a statue on the outside wich opened up in ik a mountain face. There was this huge dungeon outside too. And i was SO exited to help and do things. But the other hermits kept getting more and more annoyed with me when i just wanted to have fun. At some point everyone was just walking around the builds (mostly still joe's base) and i felt so bad i was just lagging behind, purposefully phasing trough the ground spectator mode style (i was able to do that and flying all along, something that nobody else did but it's not that unusual for me to have some awarness in dreams and therefore more or less lucidly do things). I was hoping to hear them say nice things about me or even apologise so that i could reassure myself i wasnt hated. They didnt.
It all came to an end when we ended up at joe's base again, on a side of the dungeon that was opened up to the air near a river. And an hermit (i am pretty sure it was hypno; he was for sure one of the people that talked then) pointed at another hermit and sayed a small, nice descriptive about them. The hermit he sayed this too (i think it was stress, but i was a bit far because i didnt want to get close. Might have been another girl) started to do the same to someone.
At that point i was laying on the ground in the position i had gotten out of phasing moden and i realised it was only a matter of time before it came to me, or they noticed i was there if they hadnt before. But before i could phase back into the ground the person stress had pointed to had already taken two steps towards me, pointed at me and just said "Vile Friend".
And then i WOKE UP.
I am messed up right now HOLY SHIT. It took me a while to get myslef back together properly before i would leave my bed. When i saw my shelf with all my hermitcraft cards when getting up i was filled with as much anger and dread as when you look at some merch from a youtubeur that was cancelled. It's fine now but WOW.
ANYWAY hermitblr if someone wants to take that and make it into a hurt/no comfort fanfic feel free because holy shit. Actually no bonus points if you include Helsknight showing up and taking care of Wels while hating on the other hermits.
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slick-devon · 1 year
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More in the misty wood
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pantoneyoongi · 2 years
in love with love (with you) || all for you
series ; in love with love (with you)  description ; you’re a romantic. jungkook? jungkook is not. 
title ; all for you 
word count ; 1.2k
notes ; 
a drabble for the in love with love (with you) series! in which jungkook tries (and fails) to take you on romantic dates - picnic version this time :)
tags ; surprise! hehe, fluff, that’s it really, pls go to main masterlist for more / general tags 
“for the record, i still think this is stupid,” jungkook says it like he’s not fully the one who came up with and planned the whole date in the first place. anybody else and you would take his words to heart but you know jungkook just likes to start shit for the fun of it. 
“stupid cute,” you retort instead, helping him lay out the picnic blanket. you can tell he’s pleased by the response because his lips are twitching, fighting a smile. he’s happy you like his idea even when he’s pretending to be a grump about it. 
there’s a basket of food and a small cooler of drinks. he’s taken you out to the park on a gorgeous day, even brought along a tiny speaker to play music quietly in the background. the two of you set up and settle in, snacking on the carefully prepared sandwiches jungkook had made, packed neatly into bento boxes. 
when you’re content and full, you lay your head on jungkook’s lap. it’s been only a little over two months since he kissed you at seokjin’s gala, so a part of you is still a little nervous when you settle in, in spite of the years of history you already share with him. you try to act as casually as you can, even if your breath is caught in your throat and your body is a little tense. it’s weird being in a relationship with jungkook sometimes. it’s weird liking him this much. 
he peers down at you, head tilted curiously like he’s also confounded that he ended up here with you. the rosy blush on his cheeks gives him away, though. he likes that you laid down in his lap. 
“you gonna start reading a book or something?” he smirks, eyes arched. “o’ fair maiden, lying in the shade of the tree, on her lover’s lap.” 
“shut up,” you lazily smack him in the chest with the back of your hand. “at least i read. unlike someone.” 
“you know, i could solve that problem by having you actually live out the experiences instead,” he mutters, and you roll your eyes, getting comfortable. jungkook is 90% muscle but you’re fairly convinced you could fall asleep like this, his fingers gently brushing against your arm. you don’t think he’s even conscious of the fact that he’s lightly tracing patterns against your skin. in the two months you’ve been together, you’ve learned jungkook doesn’t quite know how to keep his hands off you now that he has free reign of it. always an arm thrown over your shoulder, or a teasing hand messing up your hair. when you’re being especially mouthy back at him (he starts it, and you were sure he did it on purpose before, but you definitely know that he does it on purpose now) - he kisses you quiet. 
so yeah, maybe you let him start it. and maybe you continue the petty debates. if he’s gonna keep kissing you like that, who are you to complain? 
you sigh serenely, eyes fluttering shut, enjoying the warmth of the sun against your skin. it’s a surprise it’s so warm today - the early days of march usually still cling to the cold of winter. but it’s nice out, and jungkook’s comforting presence against you only makes it better. 
with a hesitant hand, jungkook threads his fingers through your hair. “is this weird?” he whispers, like it’s a secret. 
“it’s only weird if you say it like that,” you crack open an eye. “i like it, though.” 
jungkook says nothing in return, trying to hide a smile. he continues to gently run his hands through your hair, a soothing action that leaves you sleepy. he seems satisfied to hover over you, watching your expression slowly relax as you get closer and closer to falling asleep. 
until you feel it. 
your eyes blink open. jungkook blinks back. you squint at him. “did you feel that?” 
jungkook tilts his head, confused. “feel what-” 
then he feels it. 
he narrows his eyes. “no. there’s no way. i definitely checked the weather today-” 
you shriek a little when you feel the rain start to pour down, getting heavier and heavier as the seconds pass. jungkook curses, pulling to your feet and trying to tug the jacket he brought with him over your head, but you push it away, leaving him dumbfounded because one, why, and two, you’re just laughing, the sound so jubilant he forgets that he’s even getting rained on in the first place, too busy staring at the wide grin he’s pretty sure he’s in love with, not that you have to know that just yet. while the other park-goers are hurrying out, trying to find shelter, you’re twirling under the sunshower, eyes lit up like getting caught in the rain is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. 
“y/n!” he calls. “get back here, you’re gonna get sick!” 
you run back to him, suddenly so close jungkook forgets to breathe. you lean up to him, bright and childlike, eyes shining, hair plastered to your forehead. “c’mon, jungkook,” you beam. “haven’t you ever heard of dancing in the rain?” 
you spin away from him again, his lungs filling back up with the air you stole from him. he sighs heavily, a little exasperated but he lets you go, watching you tilt your head back and let the rain soak you through without a single care. 
“you’re insane,” he reminds you. “certifiably insane, princess.” 
when you glance over your shoulder at him, full of mischief and adoration, he tongues his cheek. with a click of his tongue, he mutters, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em,” and barrels towards you, sweeping you clean off your feet while you scream, laughing and clinging to him so you don’t get dropped. 
“we’re gonna get sick,” he warns, but he doesn’t make any move to put you back down and clean up the things you brought with you. with the adrenaline you still have from running around in the rain, you move to brush his wet hair away from his forehead, grinning at him. 
“i’ll take care of you, jeon,” you tease. 
“will you now,” he says, bemused, but doesn’t give you a chance to answer, kissing you hard, both of you laughing through it. 
“sorry,” he murmurs hours later, when you’re both toweling off in his apartment, jungkook casting a shy look at you from his peripheral. you so rarely see him like this, a side of him that’s emerged because he wants to impress you, wants to make you happy. “i really did mean to take you on a nice picnic.” 
“it was nice,” you rebut, dropping the towel to hang around your shoulders. “dancing in the rain is on my bucket list.” 
this catches his attention, eyebrows arching. with a tug, he pulls you onto his lap, and this time you’re the one blushing, unsure where to leave your hands and settling for his shoulders. “bucket list,” he muses, tilting his head thoughtfully. his eyes find yours again. “care to share?” 
he grins stupidly at the way you immediately forget your embarrassment of being in his lap to run through your mental list that he’s pretty sure was generated from every movie you’ve ever seen, but he doesn’t care. it’s you. he set up a silly picnic for you, ran around in the rain for you, will put up with the cold he’s inevitably getting later - all for you. 
he’d do just about anything, really. as long as it’s with you.  
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series masterlist ; in love with love (with you) 
taglist ; @ahundredtimesover​ @nadzzzblog @apollukee @codeinebelle​ @yoongimentita7​ @libra04​ @welconme-notreally​ 
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agoodpairofsocks · 3 months
im so hungry i could set a government building on fire
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sagesandlotus · 1 year
Ok but hear me out, this isn't real a fan cast but more of a what if:
Adam Scott as Jan Van Eyck
and I'm using Ben Wyatt and Trevor memes to prove my point yes:
Old Jan flirting with Alys:
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Jan being Jan:
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And the actor is 50 so it kinda works :
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idk I just think it's funny, and I haven't been able to get it off my mind for a while so...
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wetterschneider · 2 years
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Vintage cyberpunk matte paintings from 1960′s sci-fi movies.
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Woah... something different?
What if. And hear me out. Lions had Tumblr...
#do you see the vision.?? #got a bit tired of clanblr #shall return to it shortly once I get this out of my system #also #i really just feel like i need to remind myself that i'm allowed to make shorter dash sims #y'know?? #ive been pushing myself to use all available space when like... #i don't have to do that. lmao #forgot i was doing this for fun
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🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
I love my big lesbian pride... we are 7 lionesses and we are happy <3
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Everyone who said "wait aren't you technically just a big polycule since you aren't an official pride without a male and aren't having cubs" stfu we call ourselves a pride.
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Also yes we are a big polycule but we are ALSO a pride. We reeeally need to change everyone's opinion on what "technically" constitutes a pride. Yes 1 male, 3+ females and their cubs is the typical pride structure, but it isn't the only valid one (and the idea that it is can be very harmful to gay & trans lions).
There are endless ways to have a pride and thinking the typical structure is the only "correct" one is trying to label others' relationships for them.
☀️ sunnfire Follow
Yeah! As long as you have more than 3 lions (gender neutral) total and at least one lioness it's a pride!
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Did you even read my post 😐
It's a pride because the lions in it say it's a pride... not because they checked some imaginary boxes such as "correct number of lionesses" or "having cubs" or "having at least one male" (all examples of things I have been told are required for a pride). Prides don't even have to have romance or sex at all, and I feel like lions forget that...
#relationship anarchy #pride anarchy #all prides are valid #prides ≠ romance #queerplatonic prides are valid
3,057 notes
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💛 0trad-lioness0 Follow
The bond of sisterhood I feel with the other lionesses in my pride is unmatched. It truly disturbs me that there are some lionesses who are attracted to the others in their pride...
#a pride is a male and his lionesses #trad lioness #traditional pride #traditional beliefs #anti-woke
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☁️ clouu-maned Follow
I think we need to be normal about trans lionesses who like their manes please.
If you're a trans lioness you are allowed to love having a mane. You are allowed to love the way it makes you feel. You do not have to go through the process of removing your mane to make others more comfortable with your existence.
Sincerely, a maned trans lioness <3
#trans #transgender #trans lioness #transfem #maned lioness #maned trans lioness
730 notes
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🔆 these-posts-arent-real
Hope you enjoy the slight change from usual content. Warriors sim will be back shortly!
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stoicmike · 10 months
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Really funny people are quite rare, and that is good, because they can make you pee yourself. -- Michael Lipsey
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