#novel progress updates
joncronshawauthor · 8 months
Jon's author diary - February 9, 2024 #amwriting
📝 “Punks Versus Zombies” Update:Exciting news for fans of the series! I’ve completed writing episodes 20 and 21 of “Punks Versus Zombies.” It’s been a thrilling ride developing these episodes, and I can’t wait to share them with you. ✍️ Rewriting “The Wolf and the Wyvern”:This week also involved a deep dive into rewriting the final scenes of “The Wolf and the Wyvern,” book 2 of the Ravenglass…
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morbethgames · 2 months
New Update Is Out!
First and foremost, new update is out! It's kind of a small one, but it's a scene with Hawks where they are debriefing the PC on the case. Lots of variation in those 10k or so words, so you'll probably only see about 2k of it per playthrough.
Well everybody, I had been taking a bit of time. Admittedly, and a bit… embarrassingly… coding like, 30 different variations of Lance's happy-fun-time burnt me out. But, it gave me time to really think about things for the game and scenes that should be in there and where their place in the story is. As well as a scene or two I could probably cut so the game doesn't take another year. It's all about that balance of whether or not you can say a scene happened, versus which scenes need to be shown happening. Maybe it can be added in later, but right now, the priority is definitely the time skip scenes and the main story.
But one thing that is refreshing, and a little scary, is seeing the fact that the first scene for chapter 5 is now set up in the game to start being written in. Chapter 5. The final chapter of the game. It's been 3 years. Now, it's gonna be another few months (few as in upper few) until it's finished because Chapter 5 is going to be the chapter with the most variations yet. Multiple TBI's to code. Multiple endings. Multiple paths. It's gonna be a huge chapter. But I'm gonna be starting it (in between finishing up the time skip scenes of course). It's absolutely wild to think about.
There are gonna be some scenes in the final game that aren't going to be in the demo, so the incentive to purchase the game is still gonna be there, but as of right now, the plan is to fully beta test this game. Including the ending. Because what's important to me is making sure I get it right, and in order to do that, I need people to help test it. Whether or not I'll do that publicly through to the ending here or not is yet to be seen. I may ask a couple people to beta test it in private. I'm honestly not sure yet. Maybe it'll be a patreon thing; who knows?
What I do know is this game has been, and will be until it's finished, a great lesson. I have a habit of starting things and not finishing them. Obviously I wasn't gonna say that before because then people wouldn't be invested in the game. But I think it's quite obvious at this point that I'm absolutely going to finish this project, and that is a huge accomplishment for me. It's proof that I can do something like this and see it through to the end.
But yeah, thanks everyone for continuing to come back and check out the game. Now that the current version of the demo is finished, I'll be posting a bit more on Patreon as well. Snippets and whatnot. I figured since I released the little mini-extra scenes game on there I could take another week or two to focus on finishing this up.
As always, stay brilliant.
🛡️Patreon | Forum Page | Demo Link🛡️
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thewrothode-if · 2 months
This is just a little progress update. I've been writing daily and my work has paid off since we are close to 100k words total (both prologue and chapter 1)!! Yayyyy!!
But, my oh my, I am so tired of seeing the word count grow. I want to be done with this chapter already, but I feel as though I am not even close to finishing it.
And I get the feeling that I made this way too replayable. There are just so many different ways you can go down for just one chapter. I need to stop. 😭
I am also struggling with solidifying the MC. I feel like I have made them either too stoic or too angry in most scenes and even though writing them as a goofy or compassionate person is fun, it's so hard to think of responses for them.
I will finish this chapter, even if it kills me. Pinky promise!
With all that said, here is a little snippet of Ingmar, the new minor romance!
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patientn401 · 9 months
Updates from this side of the pond
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hello hello! it's been a while since i've updated around here (i suck at it, a thousand apologies). I've had some issues in my personal life that have slowed things down a bit, but I wasn't going to put myself on hiatus for long, I'm back on track! I took advantage of the time to update the sprites and other design stuff! the truth is that it was something I had wanted to do for a long time, but had not had time jsjs just hope that if it is to everyone's liking (this already had commented on twitter!)
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i know some of you could already notice it with the last illustration of n401 jsjjs it's not that i didn't like his previous design but there were some things that didn't convince me at all jsjjs besides, i like the eyelashes 👀🖤
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I really appreciate your support even though it is not constant, if I could give you a huge hug believe me I would! I'm going slow but sure! I really like the idea of delivering something I'm happy with, so your patience is a lot for me!
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I don't know what else to say! If you have any questions, leave them below and I will try to answer as soon as possible! ❤️❤️❤️
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thebarontheabyss · 3 months
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"You know why life and art are the same? Irony. It's the brush life uses to paint its cruel pictures. I ended my life because I wanted it all to stop. But the joke was on me, because life, it seems, goes on even after death. That's irony for you, the highest form of art—something I could never hope to achieve when I was alive. — Peisinoe
Hello, Patrons! Here are some news:
The writing process for the Hell update is 75% complete. I just have a final part to write involving a certain Devil, and then I can officially roll it out. I don't want to fully commit to next week, but... that's a good estimation 👀
I have a bunch of great writing prompts waiting in my inbox. If you've sent any, THANK YOU! Feel free to send as many as you want. I'm currently prioritizing the update but will answer them as soon as possible! ♥
See you soon :)
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ivanwm-05 · 1 year
The Thousand Of Us
Genre: Superpowers/Post-Apocalyptic/ Sci-fi
Story plot:
Your story begins at what everyone largely saw as the end of the world. There was a bright flash that illuminated the night sky so brightly, it was identical to day as thousands of missiles in a last-ditch effort to save mankind collided with a ginormous asteroid entering our atmosphere.
You wake up two years later and find out that the crisis was averted, but a new crisis of similar proportions was created. The asteroid was carrying a never-before-seen element, mixed with the radiation that bathed the earth. It created a chain of genetic mutations that wiped out nearly the entire population of the planet and put every other living being in hibernation for two years.
For starters all adults are dead, only a thousand people 18 years of age and below around the globe survived, and the thousand of you that survived, wake up to discover that you each now have unique powers. The only problem is that you’re not the only ones that same phenomenon gave powers, also mutated every other living organism on the planet to varying degrees and they were also in hibernation for as long as you are, so they have about 2 years worth of hunger to satiate.
Would you focus on Survival and Rebuilding? or would you try to Unite or Conquer other groups of teenagers to form a more powerful force against the threats you face? Would you try to Find a Cure or Solution by striving to find a way to reverse the mutations in animals and restore the planet to its former state? or would you struggle in Navigating Moral Choices? You could Uncover Hidden Powers or struggle to Establish a Safe Haven for you and your group.
Play as Male/Female/non-binary and customize your appearance and personality.
You can select one out of a long list of abilities, ranging from just flight to insane regenerative abilities to even earth-shaking strength or even necromancy.
Struggle to stay alive as you do not just have to watch out for mutated plants, animals, and even crazy weather conditions, but also have to watch out for other humans who seek to conquer and lead the rest of the survivors with their terrifying abilities.
You get to choose your MC’s demeanor and how you react to situations. You can be cold and calculative or you could be shy and reserved.
Most involved characters are up to 18 & older including the MC.
Hidden pathways will be made available based on certain choices made within the book that will reveal new endings and shape the LIs future just try to explore this new world.
There might be some explicit scenes but if there are you’ll have the option to fade to black. Mild gore might be unavoidable and there would definitely (depending on your choices though) be death scenes.
Every different power is a different route to explore.
Romantic Interest:
I’m gonna try to make this relatable so no definite number yet but nearly every person you encounter, depending on your interaction and relationship with them can be romanced by your MC.
MC can romance male/female/non-binary characters.
I would also create LIs that exist outside of the MC to showcase that the MC’s involvement in their life created a change within them.
Polyamory possible.
Also ace/aro routes possible.
Current Word count: 202,095 (without code) and 1,187,537 (with code)
😂Code is pretty beefed up because I want to branch this out as much as possible so you have the liberty to make whatever choice you desire and live with the consequences.
To play the demo, go here: Play Demo 
To join the discussion at the forum: Forum
This is the link to the New Patreon: NEW Patron
This is the link to the new Discord server: Discord
Patreons get releases ahead of the public and also I'm starting the side stories soon and they get to vote for the characters that I release first.
Any and all feedback and suggestions would be appreciated.
Note: no current notes.
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florencetypemaniacs · 7 months
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Thank you to everyone who sent me words of encouragement via asks. I would like to have a very sincere thank you to @albywritesfiction who has helped me with coding.
There are now saved slots, so you are able to save your progress, and I have changed that you will now not have a set personality, but now you are going to be building your personality, which will affect certain situations. Please, if you find any mistakes in coding or grammar, please message me via Tumblr to fix the problem. I want to make this the best possible interactive fiction and story that I can, so I will be very grateful for your help. I also have changed some names around so if you see a few things different then do not fret to much or just feel free to ask about it.
Word Count:
Chapter 3: roughly 108579 words
Total: roughly 133111 words
get to meet the rest of the ROs
maybe learn about some family secrets
have the option to make things right with Jezebel
Learn more about the Cam's family
Grow you connection with the ROs
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shai-manahan · 8 months
Hollowed Minds Progress Update 1/21/2024
Hi! It's probably odd to start this with a question, but how do you all feel about the way content/trigger warnings are implemented in IFs? I'm asking this because I'm doing bits of additional coding for accessibility. In the next update, for example, you'll get to choose if you want lore-related text to be displayed on the stats page or for it to simply display stat changes + relationship trackers.
Would you want the content warnings to have the same treatment (i.e. having the choice to have it displayed before every chapter)? Or is there something else you prefer? And do you find it better if warnings for the unreleased content are also displayed? I didn't make a poll because I'd like to get actual responses for this that's more than just numbers.
While I won't be writing anything that's too explicitly violent, HM can still get very heavy and I wish to take into account the thoughts of everyone who would read the entire thing. So do feel free to send an ask :)
Anyway, fixing game-breaking bugs was mostly what I did the last few weeks lmfao. I did write a few thousand words but nothing I can share yet, except maybe for a fact that MC's personality traits (depending on your config -- though the current setup isn't applied in the current demo yet) have a lot more flavor texts involved, and characters will be showing more reactions related to them. And I don't know if I've already mentioned this yet, but I made it so you could refer to Wesley using their surname 👀 (I probably mentioned that already but eh.)
Meanwhile on Ch 2's Part 2: Alonzo's driving skills vs MC's level of patience :'))))
See you next weekend!
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d3f3n3str4t10n · 4 months
Progress Update #6 babyyyyy
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NONSENSE Alright, pretty big news right off the bat! The game's getting another chapter... sort of!
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The wording is a tad confusing. I think what they mean by "released as two major content updates separately" is that, part of what would've been Chapter3(s) is being cut off and expanded a bit to become Chapter 4. Both of Chapter 3's routes will release at the same time, but Chapter 4 will release after. I'm glad they went this route instead of cutting the chapters down just to reach a deadline. It's clear that there's quite a lot of story left to tell, and I'm glad we'll be seeing all of it! Very nice that the updates will be free, too. There is a small worry in the back of my mind that the chapters will be a tad... bloated? But I have faith that Nemlei and her team will be able to handle the task :)
In any case, WOW this update's preview video says a LOT.
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The cutscene being from Mrs. Graves' perspective is VERY interesting. Not only will we see things from her POV, but we might even get to play as her! Learning her name is Renee is also weird because that's ALSO the name of a family member of mine LMAO.
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Hooooo boy~ So, I don't think that they actually did anything here like Renee suspects. That just wouldn't line up with what we've seen so far, especially with the lustful ending of Chapter 2. MAYBE they like... kissed a bit? At minimum? Or something? His arm being around Ashley doesn't give off a good sign, though~ Also, Andrew just being labelled "Disappointment" is fucking amazing LMAO. No subtlety at all, Renee doesn't give a shit about her kids. What a bitch.
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And of course she goes digging through their trash to find a condom, then gets interrupted by her embarrassment.
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Look at how they scowl at each other. My goodness... I doubt this is the first time she's had these suspicions. Andrew and Ashley are in their modern clothes, so this couldn't have taken place more than a year or two before the game begins, I'd wager. Remember that Andrew was SUPPOSED to be in college, but had to stay in their apartment when the "outbreak" occurred.
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And before I forget, this! Andrew's in the same outfit he wore in the High School segment with him and Julia, so this probably takes place not long after that scene. Perhaps the "Good News" is them getting together~? He just knows his dear little sister is gonna flip when she hears it. Poor Andrew...
That's about all the interesting stuff for this update. What do y'all think about it?? I think it's one of the best one's we've seen so far lmao. Gives us a lot of info but leaves us with more questions than answers, which I think is best, lest too much gets spoiled.
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Progress Update (March 2023)
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Hey guys 👋 I'm here with a progress update! 😁
First of all, Chapter 6 update will be divided into two parts because once again, this chapter will be a big one, probably similar to Chapter 3 and 2 in size.
So far, I've written around 15.6K words (excluding commands/codes). I' also have two sneak peeks up in both my Patreon and Ko-Fi, so please check out the pages if you're interested 😀
Part 1 of Chapter 6 will be a more talk-focused part of the chapter because it'll be here that the gang will truly meet each other for the first time. So, for those whose MCs have been flirting with all four ROs or just more than one RO (unless Ash and Rin, I guess), things might feel a bit awkward this time with all four ROs present 😂.
It'll also be the time for MC to catch the rest of the gang on what they learnt so far and there'll be a bit more time to spend with your chosen RO(s) 😊 I'm actually excited but also nervous to start writing interactions between the four ROs, which is happening real soon for me 😆 
Also, I'm just going to use this opportunity to share a little additional information about the sequel spin-off coming after Vendetta. It is set in the same universe, but with a new MC and it's set quite far into the future, maybe around two decades after the event of this book. 
Right now, my plan is that the MC will be Luka’s and Jackal’s adopted child. They’re also a haemokinetic like Jackal and trained by him to follow in his footsteps. This is of course the main reason why I had to reverse the ages back a bit for this story to the way I first planned them, so the characters right now that might make some cameo appearances can still do so and so Luka won’t be a really old man by the time this spin-off rolls around 😭
I still have a lot of other ideas on stories set in this universe too and I’m also thinking of even making some sort of shorter interactive stories with the current Vendetta MC set after the story in the future too 😁 Kinda like DLCs, like little stories with their own separate arcs.
Well, that's all the news I have for now! Hope you guys have a nice weekend! 💖
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joncronshawauthor · 8 months
Jon's author diary, February 2, 2024 #amwriting
🖋️ Progress on “Punks Versus Zombies”This week, I focused on developing “Punks Versus Zombies.” Despite the challenges of feeling unwell, I managed to make some headway with this exciting project. I’m eager to share more about the developments. 🤒 Battling a ColdUnfortunately, I caught a cold, which meant I had to slow down and prioritise rest. This week has been a reminder of the importance of…
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morbethgames · 7 months
February 14th, 2024 Update!
Hey all, I'm gonna be trying to do this weekly now. So, quick update on things, first and foremost the book as that's what most of you come here for! I am 11k words in and about a little halfway done with the path that lets you participate in the next part with Lance and Alvarez. There is going to be quite a bit of variation in how a PC can choose to approach this scene; those Combat Stats exist for a reason!
As for things going on with Patreon, I have decided on a schedule!
Patreon content will release on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
I am going to attempt to stick to that schedule as consistently as possible, and I'm off to a good start on that! Part 1 of The Bureau Audiobook went up today and part 2 is going up on Thursday. Not to mention the small short story introducing the character Buck Marcellis went up last Thursday! The story is around 2.5k words long, if I remember correctly. An extra little thing going up today as well is the Poll to see what Interactive Fiction I will be reading as an audiobook next. That's right:
You will get to pick the next audiobook reading!
I've gotten a bunch of different author's consent to make audiobooks of their work, so anyone who is a subscriber to the Patreon, you will have a direct say in what Audiobook goes up alongside the one for The Bureau! Options include things like:
Kingdoms and Empires
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart
When Life Gives You Lemons
Honor Amongst Thieves
The Operative: Fires of Revolution
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian
Along with a couple of others that are on the list for possibilities!
Over the next few months, I will be more active for sure, and you can expect the update for The Bureau to come out before the end of March (I hope). Thank you all so much for sticking with me, and I hope to see you over on the Patreon, which, thanks to hyperlinks, you can conveniently find
The Forum Page for "The Bureau"
The demo for the game itself!
Thank you all so much for reading this update and for sticking with me and continuing to do so for the future! You are all awesome! Also big shoutouts to @when-life-gives-you-lemonssss, @kingdoms-and-empires, @theoperativeif, @leoneliterary, @doriana-gray-games, @defiledheartsblog for giving me permission to read their work on my silly little attempt at Patreon content; you guys are awesome!
Stay Brilliant,
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
How far are you in on the dating game??? Just curious lol
For now I have the title screen, one of at least 8 backgrounds, Leo and Donnie as sprites with different lighting and expressions and 4 playlists in progress for each boy which will have relation to the plot as well.
I am currently focusing on the script and plot for the story which has a finished prologue and about the equivalent of two chapters of writing finished for the stories of Leo and Donnie.
I also have 4 icons for each turtle that were made by @yanteetle , the design for the current title screen was sketched by @mariusroyale and they will be helping me with CG's of the boys that will appear through the game!.
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patientn401 · 9 months
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" 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎. 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 ... "
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Happy New Year! (overdue)
I come to make an appearance after so much absence. I had some little mishaps in the month of December so I was very absent, but now that summer is here I want to catch up again! So I'll start drawing as much as I can :D
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thebarontheabyss · 10 months
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Hello patrons! Over the past few days, I've addressed several bugs and incorporated your valuable suggestions (immensely grateful for these!) And with that done (well, mostly. Will go back to it) I can officially start the work on Chapter 4!
AND there's a good chance for a weekend update too!
Now, here's a spoilery peek at what Chapter 4 has in store:
Traverse through dreams of the past.
Babysit an immortal's offspring.
Help Shelly in gathering courage for a date proposal.
Explore the graveyard of dead deities.
Join Yaga on a Hell-bound shopping excursion.
Learn the rules of magic (spoiler: it doesn't go well).
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Hastur will make you a milkshake!
See you in the abyss!
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ivanwm-05 · 1 year
The Thousand Of Us (WIP)(Updated@82K words)
Name: The Thousand Of Us
Genre: Superpowers/Post-Apocalyptic/ Sci-fi
Story plot:
Your story begins at what everyone largely saw as the end of the world. There was a bright flash that illuminated the night sky so brightly, it was identical to day as thousands of missiles in a last-ditch effort to save mankind collided with a ginormous asteroid entering our atmosphere.
You wake up two years later and find out that the crisis was averted, but a new crisis of similar proportions was created. The asteroid was carrying a never before seen element, mixed with the radiation that bathed the earth. It created a chain of genetic mutations that wiped out nearly the entire population of the planet and put every other living being in hibernation for two years.
For starters all adults are dead, only a thousand people 18 years of age and below around the globe survived, and the thousand of you that survived, wake up to discover that you each now have unique powers. The only problem is that you’re not the only ones that same phenomenon gave powers, also mutated every other living organism on the planet to varying degrees and they were also in hibernation for as long as you are, so they have about 2 years worth of hunger to satiate.
Would you focus on Survival and Rebuilding? or would you try to Unite or Conquer other groups of teenagers to form a more powerful force against the threats you face? Would you try to Find a Cure or Solution by striving to find a way to reverse the mutations in animals and restore the planet to its former state? or would you struggle in Navigating Moral Choices? You could Uncover Hidden Powers or struggle to Establish a Safe Haven for you and your group.
You can select one out of a long list of abilities, ranging from just flight to insane regenerative abilities to even earth-shaking strength or even necromancy.
Struggle to stay alive as you do not just have to watch out for mutated plants, animals, and even crazy weather conditions, but also have to watch out for other humans who seek to conquer and lead the rest of the survivors with their terrifying abilities.
You get to choose your MC’s demeanour and how you react to situations. You can be cold and calculative or you could be shy and reserved.
Most involved characters are up to 18 & older including the MC.
Hidden pathways will be made available based on certain choices made within the book that will reveal new endings and shape the LIs future just try to explore this new world.
There might be some explicit scenes but if there are you’ll have the option to fade to black. Mild gore might be unavoidable and there would definitely (depending on your choices though) be death scenes.
Romantic Interest:
I’m gonna try to make this relatable so no definite number yet but nearly every person you encounter, depending on your interaction and relationship with them can be romanced by your MC.
MC can romance male/female/non-binary characters.
I would also create LIs that exist outside of the MC to showcase that the MC’s involvement in their life created a change within them.
Polyamory possible.
Current Word count: 81,679(without code) and 492,008 (with code)
Code is pretty beefed up because I want to branch this out as much as possible so you have the liberty to make whatever choice you desire and live with the consequences.
Updates would come in a format of 100k words per update and patrons get +30k word access ahead of the general public.
To play the demo, go here: Play Demo 
My Tumblr page: Tumblr 
Support me on Patron
Any and all feedback and suggestions would be appreciated.
And also, I would really appreciate if you could take some time to screenshot your final stats after the Demo. It'll really guide me in the next updates.
Oh and if your good in art, you can help me in making the Cover of this game, just send in whatever you have. Thank you☺
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