#now back to drawing miss yae miko....
Idk how this even works properly so correct me if I did something wrong
14! Gn reader with Kenji, and Kyoka in Teyvat
If you were not alone
Part II
Self-Aware! BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Character: Self-Aware! Platonic! Kenji Miyazawa, Self-Aware! Platonic! Kyouka Izumi
Reader: 14! GN! Reader
Warning: English is my second language
🐄🐰 One moment you, Kyouka and Kenji were going back home from school.
The second moment you three were in a middle of Chinju Forest.
Kenji took the sudden trip better, than Kyouka and you. The sun was shining, wind was blowing, and, according to your knowledge about the game, Teyvat's people are more or less friendly, and there are travelers from another world.
So, after getting some rest, you three will go to the nearest city and search for dimensional travelers. Everything will be alright.
Besides, local tanukis are so cute, and Ioroi was fun to talk to.
Kenji's optimism was contagious. He does have a point. You aren't looking for troubles. Besides, Traveler and Alice are friendly. They won't hurt you three.
With your spirit up, you started your journey to Grand Narukami Shrine. In Guide, Alice mentioned, that she knew Yae Miko. And Yae did publish said Guide. Maybe, kitsune knew, how to reach Alice.
During your walk, you looked up. And a chill run down your spine. Celestia was gone. A clod, sticky horror squeeze your heart. You knew from somewhere, that it was wrong.
Something terrible has happened.
You decide to think about it when you reached Shrine. You will have time.
🐄🐰 You were lucky. Yae Miko was here, in the shrine. Everything looked normal. Kenji, with big smile on his face, walked towards her, asking for help. But then Yae Miko looked at you. Disbelief, horror, worry. Before someone could react, Yae dragged you three inside the shrine's building.
When the door closed behind you, Yae grabbed your cheeks, looking at your face at every angle. You notice, how Demon Snow appeared behind Kyuoka, drawing its sword.
Yae's voice was trembling.
"Don't waste your power on me, child. Soon you will need it to protect yourselves."
🐄🐰 During Yae's explanation, you felt, how Kyuoka and Kenji sat closer to you. Like they were afraid, that you will be attacked any moment now. Because of orders of 'Creator'.
Yae explained, that just few hours ago, that Creator preformed some sort of ritual. A ritual of finding sinners… People, who looked similar to Creator. Who looked similar to you. And if someone sees you, they would attack. Would try to capture you.
Yae secretly get you away from Narukami Shrine. You weren't safe in Inazuma. Still, Yae asked you to stay here. Until she gets answer from Alice and her whereabouts.
"Run, children. Alice the adventurer might help you. If you managed to get to her, she might find a way to return you home."
When you left, she sent a letter to Alice. The only thing that was left is wait.
🐄🐰At the end of the week, you three were still in Inazuma. And you have a bunch of people on your tail.
And you were worried. Mostly, about Kenji and Kyuoka. They were your friends/adopted siblings. And they were protecting you. Kenji was starving himself, afraid of not being able to help during attack. Kyuoka was constantly using Demon Snow to search for dangers. And it looked like, using their abilities, tried them.
You tried to help as much as you can. You took cooking and keeping camp warm and clean on yourself. You insisted on guarding the camp at night, letting Kyuoka and Kenji sleep.
Despite two of you having abilities, you were just three teens. And you three missed home and the rest of BSD's Cast.
🐄🐰 Second week were better. Thanks to Kenji's kindness, you now were hiding in Yoimiya's house. Who could think, that playing with local kids will let you find help?
Now you were more or less protected.
Kyuoka, Kenji and you even met Itto and Arataki's Gang. They were a loud, but friendly bunch.
🐄🐰 One day, Kuki brought a letter from Yae. Alice will wait for you in Fontaine. She even found a way for you to get here.
After tearful goodbye from Yoimiya and her father, you three, under protection of Itto and his gang, reached Ritou's Island.
Where Chiori was waiting for you.
"So, Creator want to capture three teens? How low Teyvat will sink, I wonder? Okay, kids, let's do some dress up."
🐄🐰 For the next few days, you, Kenji and Kyuoka, dressed in Fontaine clothes, were pissing as Chiori's workers, who were helping to get silk from Inazuma to Fontaine.
Trip were doing fine.
You were so close to getting home.
You just need to find Alice.
🐄🐰In her letter Alice mentioned, that she attends all performances in Opera House. Chiori managed to get tickets for three of you on one of it.
You three celebrated by going to the wilderness and having a picnic.
Unfortunately, Lyney and Lynette saw you three. And Demon Snow, who helped you to cut food. They knew what they must do. Father will be proud.
🐄🐰It happened one week ago. One week ago, when during the preference, Lyney and Lynette blew your cover. One week of captivity. One week of being separated from Kenji and Kyuoka. One week of Alice trying to get you out of captivity. One week of Chiori being under arrest.
You, tortured and bloodied, were standing before Ivory Throne. Lyney and Lynette were standing near Creator's throne. Gold medals were shining on their chests. Creator, your exact double, were grinning. They finally got you.
You heard the sounds of chains. You barely managed to make out Kyuoka's and Kenji's silhouettes.
Creator wanted to break them. Show your broken body.
Big mistake.
You heard screams. Sounds of stones crumbling.
Kenji's growling.
"I must help [Y/N]!"
Kyuoka's hissing.
"Demon Snow, destroy everyone, who hurt [Y/N]!"
You wanted home so bad. It was so wrong, to see Kyouka killing again. To see Kenji angry.
You wished, you three would be home.
Portal opened under your feet.
👘🗡️🌂 Fukuzawa Yukichi and Koyouou Ozaki weren't sleeping. They were discussing, what they should do next, trying to find your three.
👘🗡️🌂 Their train of thoughts was interrupted by a loud rumbling, coming from the barn. It was loud enough to woke everyone's up.
👘🗡️🌂 In the barn were you three, and two strange people. Kyouka was holding her knife above Lynette, while Kenji was trying to throw a bolder at Lyney.
And you were laying on the floor. Wounded, but alive.
👘🗡️🌂 It took Dazai's nullification, Fukuzawa 'turning off' Kyouka's and Kenji's abilities, Fukuchi's and Tetchou's strength to drag Kyouka and Kenji from Lyney and Lynette.
They will be dealt later. Now, you three are main priority.
👘🗡️🌂🐄🐰You three still were dealing with aftermath of Teyvat's events. You were guarding Kenji's and Kyouka's rooms at night. Kenji refused to eat. Kyouka was using Demon Snow to patrol the house. You three were now under Kunikida's watch. He was making sure, that you three were eating and sleeping. Fukuzawa and Koyouou were staying near. To console you, to protect you. They will make sure, that you will never need to be afraid of loosing your lives.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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Number 3 with Yae but the kicker is the reader just blurted it out after she helped them with a problem they’ve been struggling with all day (Also it’d be cool if the reader was close to immune to Yae’s teasing)
“Will you just marry me already?”
Characters: Yae Miko x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: I got three different messages requesting Yae with this one, so I guess I had no choice but to write her /hj
I hope this matches what you wanted, if you don't like it, just tell me and I'll try again once I have the time/motivation
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Yae Miko
Growing up with parents that liked teasing you as much as they liked to breathe air left you quite resistant to others trying to do the same. And while Yae was definitely on a whole new level, causing you to constantly struggle with trying not to lose your composure, with enough time you had gotten used to her methods to such a level that it took her quite some work to get a visible reaction out of you. Not like that would cause her to stop, instead serving as a challenge to her that she wouldn’t let pass by.
You couldn’t exactly remember how long you had spent on your little “pet project”, although you weren’t too sure anymore if you could even call it that anymore, the calming feeling it once provided having long been replaced by nothing but mild frustration at your inability to finish it, the only thing keeping you from just abandoning it being the idea of not actually finishing something. 
This all began a week ago when you thought it might be a great idea to build a small birdhouse, only for the project to increase in size with every stroke of your pencil you made while trying to draw a plan. And while the planning phase and most of the actual construction went pretty well, it just wouldn’t stand on its own, threatening to or just straight up collapsing when you let go of it. 
“Still working on it?”, Yae's voice cut off your trail of thought, forcing you back into the real world as you quickly turned your head to look up at her, your mood immediately improving as you finally weren’t alone with that damn thing. “Why don’t you let it be, seeing as all it does is cause you distress?”
“I can’t. I get the feeling that I’m really close to finally figuring out what was wrong, but I just can’t find my error”, you responded, sneaking one more look back at the not so finished birdhouse.
“Never took you for a person that likes inflicting pain onto yourself, but I guess even someone my age learns something new every day”, she joked only for you to let out a sarcastic laugh afterwards, watching her grab the plan you had made before glancing over both the paper and the actual construction.
“Now I’m not a professional, nor do I have any interest in becoming one, but don’t you miss this little thing here?”, she asked while pointing at a specific part of the plan, watching you as the cogs slowly started to turn in your brain, only for your eyes to widen in joy as you jumped up and threw your arms around Yae.
“You are a genius! Oh, will you just marry me already?”, you praised her before quickly trying to go back and finish your project so you wouldn’t forget anything, only to freeze up after a few seconds, your face turning slightly red as your brain backtracked to think of what you just said.
“No wait, that wasn’t a proposal or anything, I was just really happy”, you quickly tried to correct yourself, only for Yae’s smile to only increase in size.
“What? And here I was, thinking you actually loved me. How naive I was for actually thinking you meant it”, she recited in a dramatical voice only to let out a chuckle shortly afterwards.
Suddenly you felt like an idiot for even considering she might have misunderstood your comment as an actual proposal, your reaction only giving her an opening to finally tease you, the first one she got in weeks.
And by the gods, was she going to use it.
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cryoculus · 2 years
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— people pleaser ⟢
pairing: thoma x ex-assassin!reader
summary: it’s been three weeks since you left for yashiori island, and saying that thoma was stoked to have you back was an understatement. but as the days passed, he noticed something quite...distressing.
word count: 5.7k words
notable characters: thoma, kamisato ayaka, kamisato ayato, gorou, yae miko
tags: jealousy, misunderstandings, light angst, suggestive themes
notes: this is a guard dog side story that was written for thoma's birthday back in january 2022!
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“Miss Kira!”
Naturally, Thoma was the first to greet you by the gates once you and Ayato finally made it back. He took it upon himself to take the bag you brought off your hands, beaming at you like a puppy who just met its owner after being gone all day. Well, in hindsight, that’s not too far-off an analogy.
You shot him a tired smile, lacing your arms around his neck to peck him on the cheek. “Hey, pretty boy. Did you miss me?”
“You bet,” he replied with a chuckle before pulling away to turn to Ayato. “I’m glad to see you’re well, too, my lord. Any progress with the investigation?”
The Yashiro Commissioner heaved a long-winded sigh, handing his own luggage to the other guards. “Barely. Locating the wards was quite tricky. We had Doctor Shinya with us, too. He’s a learned gentleman from the Sumeru Academia, so if he can’t locate them even with the guidance of our Yashiori native, Miss Kira, then it’s best if we went back to the drawing board.”
Thoma nodded in understanding. “I see. No wonder you got back so early. But is it really alright to leave the Tatarigami unattended?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” you insisted, patting him on the shoulder. “‘Yato over here made good on the diplomatic interventions you and milady have been overseeing in his stead. He talked some former resistance soldiers into keeping an eye out for the situation. So it’s all good.”
…Alright, Thoma was more than glad to hear that Ayaka’s efforts to restore Narukami’s relationship with the Sangonomiya faction have borne fruit. But did you just call the head of the Kamisato House ‘Yato?
Ayato didn’t seem fazed by this, though—chuckling as you all headed inside. “It’s as the lady says. Sangonomiya Kokomi has agreed to cooperate with the ongoing investigation, since the Tatarigami also poses a threat to the safety of her own citizens.”
You snorted. “We nearly got kicked out of Sangonomiya Shrine when you criticized the way they prepared their sashimi, though. I know you’re a big shot and all, but you should seriously keep things to yourself sometimes.”
“I did no such thing. I simply suggested that it would be better if they served them fresh!”
“That’s not how the shrine maidens saw it…”
Thoma was no stranger to conversations that had nothing to do with him, and thus couldn’t relate to. It’s a staple for a chief retainer to stand on the sidelines and simply let his charge do all the talking. But the…familiar way in which you addressed Ayato was something entirely new to him. He didn’t think you’d ever spoken to someone else in the estate (someone that wasn’t Thoma, at least) in the same, animated manner you conversed with the Commissioner. Despite being officially hailed as a retainer of the house, you still had your reservations for the people that got close to you.
He used to pride himself for being one of the select few you’d fully put your faith in, but…
“Now that you mentioned it, I did come off as too forward for someone that’s already asking for a favor,” Ayato sighed. “This is why I let Ayaka handle all the formalities instead. Let’s send them an…apology package, shall we?”
“Sure. I’ll help you pick some stuff out in the city after I get a good night’s sleep,” you said. “Gods know it wasn’t exactly comfortable sharing a tent with you of all people.”
The moment the words left your lips, Thoma felt his brain short-circuit and jumpstart back into motion right after. You and Ayato shared a tent. For three weeks. His girlfriend slept in the same, close proximity as his lord. And they were acting completely casual about it!
This is probably just nothing, he assured himself—albeit poorly. Right…?
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Thoma took all of that in stride. Of course he did. He’s Thoma—the level-headed, even-tempered housekeeper of the Kamisato House! It’s in his job description to take things in stride. So when he decided to tail you and Ayato to your impromptu shopping trip to Inazuma City the next day, his actions didn’t bear any ill will at all!   
He was as discreet as a Mondstadter could be smack in the middle of Inazuma. Making himself scarce was something that Thoma has had trouble with for the longest time. Everything about him screamed outlander no matter how much he tried to dress himself up as a local. But you and Ayato didn’t seem privy to his advances—sampling dishes from Kiminami Restaurant without a care in the world. 
You weren’t really up to anything suspicious so far. But the fact that Ayato insisted that you two go out without any guards was already worth looking into. It didn’t help that you hadn’t spoken a word about this before heading to bed either. 
To Thoma’s relief, you still opted to sleep in his room last night like you always did before. The feel of you snuggling against his body underneath the sheets was a feeling he missed so much, he could almost cry. So even if he wanted to break the ice by asking how you and Ayato had suddenly grown closer, the chief retainer couldn’t stand the idea of ruining the cozy atmosphere that he hasn’t felt in weeks. Besides, he might just be reading into it too much. Thoma does that a lot these days. 
“Hm? Thoma? Is that you?”
He nearly jumped out of the bush he was hiding in at the sound of another voice, hiding the binoculars (that he definitely didn’t steal from your drawer) from view. However, when Thoma saw who exactly caught him stalking you from such a high vantage point like a psychopath, he could only crane his head in confusion.
“General Gorou?” he half-asked, half-greeted. “What brings you here?”
“Um,” he began awkwardly, ears perking up. “This is my hiding spot, too, so…”
Thoma didn’t even know where to begin asking about the general’s predicament, but he decided not to press the matter. This wasn’t the first time he’s spoken to Gorou—given the peace talks he was mandated to attend by Ayaka’s side. But this was definitely the first he’s seen him loitering around the city.
“Who are you…?” Gorou squinted from the cliff’s edge where Thoma decided to conduct his stakeout, following it up with a quick— “Oh.”
“...Don’t tell me you see them from all the way up here.”
“Don’t tell me you’re performing an espionage mission on your own charge!”
Oh, right. Of course Gorou would focus on Ayato; not you. 
“I’m not,” he explained. “I’m just…”
For a moment, Thoma considered unloading the troubles he’s been harboring since yesterday onto this not-so stranger. Gorou wasn’t someone who he saw on the regular, so surely it wouldn’t hurt to confide his girl-problems in the guy? Besides, from his contributions to the peace talks alone, Thoma could tell he was someone who gave top-tier advice. 
But before he could even speak a word, Gorou suddenly froze up—body reflexively easing into a defensive stance. “Tch… My apologies, but I’ll have to make an abrupt leave or else she’ll catch me.”
The general immediately bolted away from the shrubs, scampering back to the streets of Inazuma City and leaving Thoma more clueless than he was to begin with. 
When Thoma glanced back at Kiminami Restaurant through the binoculars, he realized that you and Ayato had already left in the midst of his chance meeting with Gorou. Great. Now he had no one to stake out for. 
“You there.”
Thoma jolted in surprise once again—immediately assuming that an officer from the Tenryou Commission was probably going to scold him for going over the fences. But when he whirled around, it wasn’t a bulky soldier that greeted his sight, but rather a familiar shrine maiden with a cunning air to her.
“Have you seen a little fox boy running around?” Yae Miko asked with a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. “We have a deadline coming up soon, and he just keeps slipping right underneath my nose. What a pain, that one.”
“Uhh…” Something told him Gorou was going to be very happy if Thoma did him a solid right here, right now. “Nope. I’m sorry to disappoint you, Lady Guuji.”
She sighed, crossing her arms with a resigned look. “Well, frankly, I can’t be bothered to chase after him now. How about you entertain me instead, Kamisato retainer?”
It took him a moment to realize that Yae Miko actually remembered who he was, and Thoma swallowed the lump in his throat before hopping back over the fence—leaving the binoculars hidden in the shrubs to retrieve later.
“How may I be of service?” he asked nervously.
Yae Miko gave him a single look that was enough to make any lesser man cower. It’s a good thing he regularly accompanied Ayaka to her meetings with the priestess at the shrine. Else, Thoma might’ve grovelled at her feet from the pressure of her gaze alone.
“Give me your palm, would you?” she requested softly. 
Thoma blinked. “Pardon?”
“Your palm, boy. I’d like to read it.”
He still didn’t fully understand what she was trying to make him do, but Thoma unfastened the harnesses on his right glove—flexing his fingers a bit before extending it to Yae Miko. The priestess took his hand in her much softer ones, and while the other men from the Yashiro Commission preferred women who were soft to the touch, he’d developed a fondness for your calloused palms. The same hands that he held in his own during colder nights or a simple stroll around Ritou. The same hands he wouldn’t mind holding for the rest of his life.
Wait. Why was he thinking about you when—
“You’re a fire elemental,” Yae Miko murmured, tracing the lines on his palm firmly. “That explains the Pyro Vision, yes. Hmm… Good vitality, strong mental constitution, relatively stable, and… Oh?”
Thoma felt his stomach drop. He did not like the sound of that.
“I-Is anything wrong, Lady Guuji?” he asked dryly.
The priestess continued running her finger along his palms, as if tracing a poem out of his skin. She had a hint of a smile playing on her lips, but Thoma knew better than to deduce a kitsune’s intentions from their facial expressions alone. 
“Your other lines are in order, but your heart line… Quite shallow,” Yae Miko sighed, shaking her head. “This means you’re more sensitive and vulnerable than the rest. For someone who’s stood by Kamisato Ayaka’s side all this time, this is quite the surprise. You’ve always come off as a level-headed person to me, but I suppose living here as an outlander makes your heart waver every so often. Am I right?”
…How on earth did she find all that out just by reading his palms?
“From the look on your face, I can tell that you’re going through something unpleasant as well,” she continued, letting go of his hand with a stern look. “I don’t know the specifics but it would be good to actually speak to the person or people involved. There’s no point in punishing yourself with uncertainty when their reassurance is readily attainable. Isn’t that right, Kamisato retainer?”
Now he knew why some of the shrine maidens at the estate spoke of Yae Miko with a hint of fear in their words. She was way too perceptive!
“It’s an honor to receive direct counsel from you, Lady Guuji,” Thoma said with a small bow. “Thank you very much. I’ll make sure to reflect on it.”
“Oh, reflection alone won’t get you anywhere, sweet boy,” she chuckled behind her hand. “Rather, you should act on it. Playing the people pleaser can only last you for so long in a place like this. I’m sure you know that well—being an outlander and all.”
That hit a little too close to home, but Thoma didn’t make it evident on his face. “I understand. Thank you again.”
That day, Thoma decided against searching the city for yours and Ayato’s whereabouts. Instead, he went straight home and leveled the hedges faster than the time it would take for three people to do the job. Yae Miko’s words repeated themselves like a mantra in his head, and all he could do to cope was keep himself busy.
Playing the people pleaser can only last you so long in a place like this.
You and the Commissioner didn’t return until nightfall, and Thoma didn’t voice out a single complaint—receiving you and his charge with bright smiles and a warm welcome as usual. During dinner, though, he felt Ayaka’s gaze trailing after him every now and again. That was a telltale sign that the princess was catching on to whatever was bothering him, but Thoma had a tad too much pride to let her in on the situation.
After all, this was probably just nothing.
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Things didn’t exactly get better in the next few days like he’d hoped.
You’ve been quite elusive as of late. You hadn’t slept in his room since the night you first came back, and while Thoma usually didn’t mind your independence, his…current predicament made going about this in a completely logical manner quite difficult. Your outings with Ayato have become more and more frequent than what he was accustomed to. The Commissioner had a penchant for holing himself in his room for days, and now he took public matters into his own hands?  
Another thing that startled him was the fact that you’re oh-so willing to tend to Ayato’s requests! Back then, you used to bemoan the workload and talked Thoma’s ear off about how much you wanted to quit despite the Kamisato clan’s good graces. Of course, you didn’t mean a single word. Both of you knew how attached you’ve gotten to this family, and peeling yourself away was more work than you’d otherwise expect.
But now, even when you weren’t busy, Thoma would catch you going up to Ayato’s study to do Archons-know-what. He wasn’t so terrible a person that he’d jump to conclusions about his lord doing unsightly things with his lover, but…
He sighed, casting a sidelong glance across the hall. “Yes, milady?”
Ayaka had that look on her face—the one that spelled you owe me an explanation for this—and Thoma wondered why he thought he could ever escape her scrutiny. This was Ayaka after all.
Wordlessly, he led her to the pavilion, where the fresh breeze wafted through the courtyard. They sat on the edge of the platform like they always did, since they were children. And as Thoma gazed out into the ocean below, Ayaka patiently waited for him to speak.
“Milady, what would you do if you thought your lover was…losing interest in you?” 
It’s not like Thoma never considered the possibility—in fact, he has. Multiple times. You used to be one of the underground’s renown assassins. Even if you’ve successfully adapted to your life as a retainer in such a short time, Thoma knew very well that you were still a lone wolf by heart. It wouldn’t come as a surprise to him if, one day, you decided that you didn’t need the Yashiro Commission—didn’t need him—anymore, and fled into the night. He didn’t like it when it felt like you were slipping out of his grasp. You already did once, and he feared that it was bound to happen again.
This definitely wasn’t a thought that occurred to Thoma on a daily basis. But whenever he did consider the idea of you leaving him behind…
Ayaka’s eyes widened slightly at his inquiry, and Thoma could almost hear the thought process occurring in that head of hers. What do you mean? Did you and Miss Kira have a fight? Is there anything I can do?
However, the reaction that he actually got was…far from what he imagined.
Ayaka pressed her lips together in an attempt to suppress a snort, startling when such an unbecoming noise came out of her before pressing a palm across her mouth. Thoma didn’t know whether he should be offended that she was laughing at his predicament or relieved because the Shirasagi Himegimi was finally letting herself express an extensive spectrum of emotions. Either way, Ayaka was quick to recover from that quick slip-up.
“And here I thought you might’ve been coming down with something,” she sighed, clearing her throat as she composed herself. “Thoma, what gave you the idea that Miss Kira was losing interest?”
“...You’re going to think I’m ridiculous.”
“I’m sure your reasons aren’t any more ridiculous than the list of complaints we receive from the citizens on the regular,” Ayaka reassured. “Now, go on. You’ve always heard me out when I have things I can’t get off my mind. It’s only proper for me to lend you an ear as well.”
Thoma closed his eyes. Yup. There was no escaping Kamisato Ayaka’s scrutiny. 
So, he told her. About how he noticed you and her brother have grown exponentially familiar with each other ever since your trip to Yashiori Island. How you’ve been avoiding him(?) as of late. He’s not very sure about that last one, since you still respond whenever Thoma calls out to you, but it’s as if you had more impending matters to attend to than paying attention to him. If he’d been any less understanding than he was, he would’ve sulked.
Ayaka listened to every word carefully, nodding every so often. And once Thoma was finished speaking, she breathed in deeply.
“I see. So that’s how things appeared on your end,” the princess lamented. “I’ll be the one to apologize on their behalf. Those two… You’re right about the fact that they have grown closer since Yashiori. But there's absolutely no reason for you to fret, Thoma.”
Thoma shot her a puzzled look. “What do you mean?”
“What I’m saying is, Brother and Miss Kira are two people who, when they put their backs into planning something, give it their all so it would be a success.” Ayaka grinned. “That kind of explains why she’s been hard to come by lately. Although, you should be seeing the fruit of their labor very soon.”
“...That doesn’t make you sound cryptic at all, milady.”
She giggled behind the guise of her fan, and Thoma ultimately resigned himself to the fact that he wasn’t going to get any answers out of her anytime soon. 
“You’ll see~”
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He hardly got a wink of sleep that night.
Thoma tossed and turned alone in his bed—wondering what in the seven nations you and Ayato had been cooking up to warrant this much of your time. Could it be pertaining to your investigations on Yashiori Island? Was it some sort of new and improved cure for the Tatarigami? He hadn’t the slightest clue, and he wasn’t getting anywhere near a logical explanation come morning either.
To his disappointment, Madarame had to get him out of bed because he’d overslept. This was something unusual for Thoma to experience because his circadian rhythm was as impeccable as Ayaka’s swordsmanship.  
(He humbly blames it on the lack of attention from his significant other.)
“Lord and Lady Kamisato have already gone out for the day,” Madarame explained as he and Thoma made their way to the courtyard. “But they did leave instructions for you to drop by Komore Teahouse once you’re able. It’s for an…urgent matter, so to speak.”
Thoma sighed. Great. Now there was another impending issue on his plate, when he hadn’t even sorted out his conflicted feelings about your recurring absence. Not that Madarame had to know about these tendencies of his. Nobody would believe it—the housekeeper of the Kamisato clan, craving the love and affection of his girlfriend like a kicked puppy.
“What of Miss Kira?” he asked, just in case. “Has she said anything?”
Madarame’s face scrunched up into an apologetic look. Thoma sighed.
“Thanks anyways,” he told him glumly. “I’ll head over to the city now. Hold down the fort while we’re gone, okay?”
“Of course.” Madarame bowed, but just as Thoma was about to turn on his heel to make his leave— “Oh, Master Thoma, one more thing.”
The chief glanced at the other man with one brow arched as he flashed him a sincere grin that only served to puzzle Thoma. “Yes?”
Then, earnestly, Madarame spoke: 
“Happy Birthday.”
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Things just got more depressing, if that was even possible.
Thoma made the trip to the capital in several states of distress. He’d been so caught up in trying to wrap his head around yours and Ayato’s antics that he forgot today was his birthday. 
It didn’t help that it seemed he was the only one left in the dark. Ayato knew. You knew. Hell, even Ayaka knew what was going on. During last night’s bout of senseless overthinking, he considered ditching common courtesy and just straight up asking the princess all the things he wanted to know about. As strong-willed as she was, Ayaka was still quite meek. Thoma knew he could pressure some answers out of her given the right conditions, but he never once tried to do so in any other situation. Being a people pleaser, and all that. 
But now, he was at his limit. His lover obviously thought another man’s time was worth her while compared to Thoma’s. Even if Ayato loved and raised him like they were blood brothers, he couldn’t help the unshakeable feeling of resentment. Just one trip to Yashiori made them all smitten like that? When Thoma has been by your side far longer?
In the back of his head, an ominous voice reminded him that you and him only became more honest with your feelings after retrieving that cure from Yashiori all those months ago. 
Who knew Miss Kira was that easy? It hissed. She ditched you for Ayato on your birthday.
Shut up. Shut up, she’s not like that. 
Okay, having an internal argument with himself in broad daylight was all sorts of weird. But that extensive contemplation made Thoma fail to realize that he’d already arrived. 
Komore Teahouse has been the Yashiro Commission’s stronghold in the capital since time immemorial. Both Ayaka and Ayato preferred having business dealings in the discreet rooms of the shop rather than back at the estate. Not only was it carefully guarded by the Shuumatsuban, but it was more accessible compared to the manor in Mount Yougou.
The first thing Thoma noticed, however, was that nobody was stationed outside. Not Kozue, not Heihachi. Even that pesky Snezhnayan Ramsay was nowhere to be seen. 
All of a sudden, a chill ran across the length of his spine. The grisly that thought the Teahouse had been under siege crossed his mind as quick as lightning. Kozue would never leave her post for just any reason, so that was the most sound explanation he could think of. Hurriedly, the chief retainer slid the door to the shop open; hoping that this wasn’t where Ayaka and Ayato were headed for the day—
Thoma could only stand by the doorway in stunned silence as a small blast of confetti hit him in the face. To his side, the Commissioner’s familiar face came to view—an unsuspecting party popper in his hands, before the rest of his company shouted:
“Happy Birthday!”
All around him, the familiar faces of friends, family, and comrades were present. Taroumaru was seated comfortably on his usual spot on the counter—holding up a sign that spelled Happy Birthday, Thoma! Ayaka was, surprisingly, in the company of none other than Yae Miko herself, a person he never thought he would see again so soon. She winked at him from behind the princess, as if telling him to keep a secret only they knew about. Yoimiya and Sayu have also joined the fray; with the former clapping her hands gleefully and the latter napping on top of the counter. 
And then there was you.
“Hey,” you greeted casually—holding a delectable-looking cake in your hands as Yoimiya took it upon herself to light the candles. “How’re you doing, guard dog?”
Thoma was at an utter loss for words. He gaped at you in silence, green eyes alight with surprise as he absentmindedly let you ease the cake into his hands.
“W-We’re both guard dogs,” he mumbled before promptly snapping out his trance. “Wait, what’s this? Don’t tell me…”
Ayaka chuckled from where she sat herself down in front of the counter. “Miss Kira and Brother have been putting together a surprise party for you, if that isn’t any more obvious than it already is.”
“We thought you’d appreciate the, ah, change in pace,” Ayato supplied, setting the party popper near the door as he crossed his arms. “You’ve been working so diligently these days, that you deserved as much.”
His lips quivered with the intent to speak, but no words were coming out. Thoma’s gaze darted around every person in the room, as if unable to get a grip on the reality before him—what the hell is Yae Miko doing here?!—until his emerald gaze landed on your form. 
You grinned. “What are you waiting for? The candles aren’t going to blow themselves y’know? Plus, we prepared an entire repertoire for your special day.”
The thought of you going out of your way just to prepare all this made a familiar warmth surge through his chest. Of course, he felt all the more guilty of thinking those nasty thoughts about what you were up to. But he supposed he could repent for that a bit later. The others looked on expectantly, and Thoma, who’d always been weak to the whims of others, heaved a sigh.
So he puckered his lips and blew out the candles.
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“I am so sorry.”
Those were the first words that came out of his mouth once Thoma pulled you into another room in the Teahouse. You gawked at him, confused as your lover sank to his knees and bowed before you.
“You know, I’m not really into this sort of S&M play, right?” you told him as you sat in front of his repentant form on the tatami. “But do I want to ask what this is about?”
Thoma sat upright with a sigh, maintaining a certain distance given that he felt like he didn’t deserve to be near you at all after everything he just assumed… “I thought you didn’t want me anymore. You’ve been so busy with the Commissioner these past few days that I assumed—”
“Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a sec,” you interjected, palms raised. “Are you saying you thought Ayato and I hit it off or something?”
If the small snort that Ayaka gave him yesterday was disrespectful, the reaction he gained from you was downright insolent. You laughed your heart out until you were a giggling mess on the floor, wiping the tears in your eyes at the prospect of Thoma getting jealous of Ayato over something that he completely had the wrong idea about. 
“Okay, for the record, ‘Yato and I are just tight as hell. Like bro-bros, y’know?” you explained, and Thoma didn’t really understand your verbiage. “He’s the one who dragged me back to fix things when shit hit the fan, so he’s kind of like my voice of reason for a lot of things now…”
“That includes how I’m going to handle...us.”
Now, that caught his attention. “Pardon?”
You sighed, pulling yourself upright before scooting a bit to lean your head on his shoulder. “I’ve never nurtured any sort of stable relationship in the past, y’know? Zero experience. I’m terrified of messing up somewhere so badly that you’ll leave me because of it. That’s why I asked for Ayato’s advice while we were in Yashiori.”
…Thoma had no idea that you carried such sentiments inside. He wanted to tell you that even if you slaughtered every person in this building right now, he would still love you. Though that’s stretching it a bit, it didn’t make it any less true.
He was so hopelessly in love with you. It was downright ridiculous! 
“He told me that one of the best ways to keep a relationship going is consistency,” you murmured, linking your hand with his. “I have to be consistent in letting you know how I feel. Always, without fail. I can’t just be a lone wolf forever, since I came to work at the estate on my own volition. It means I gotta be more open with you, too, yeah? That’s why I thought throwing you a birthday party was a good place to start.”
He couldn’t believe it. The woman he feared would leave him one day also harbored the same thoughts. That made him a hypocrite, now that he thought about it. Thoma had been so busy keeping the peace and making things easy for everyone in the present, that he hadn’t dedicated any time to addressing the future he’s bound to share with you.
He was yet to give you a proper reassurance. 
“I-It’s just—” You groaned, burying your face in your hands. “You’re just so amazing, you know that? Everyone trusts you, everyone looks up to you—even if you’re an outlander. I can barely talk to one of milady’s annoying socialite friends without saying something standoffish.” 
Thoma squeezed your hand with a fond smile. “And?”
“And I feel like, I— Ugh. You are so going to give me an earful for this, but… I still feel like I don’t deserve you.” 
The chief retainer exhaled loudly through his nose before pulling you closer to his chest. You visibly startled at the gesture, but followed his lead, no less.
“That’s something you can’t easily convince yourself of,” he acknowledged, remembering the times you told him about your childhood in Yashiori Island; about the years you spent as a wandering mercenary. “And I don’t blame you for it. But I hope that you’re willing to move forward to the next phase of your life, and not chain yourself to the sins you committed in the past. I’ll always be here, Miss Kira. Every step of the way.”
He felt your fingers tighten around his bicep and the sigh of relief that expelled from your chest. You turned around to face him with a teary look in your eyes. But just before he could panic and wipe them away—
“It’s been a while since you’ve called me by my real name,” you sulked, cupping his jaw in the curve of your palm. “That one’s reserved for you alone, remember? Don’t forget to use the privilege.”
Thoma let out an airy laugh, pressing his lips to yours in a firm kiss as he murmured the syllables of your name against your mouth. You sighed—hands moving to the back of his neck as you shifted on his lap. Both of you were well aware of the fact that the others were in the other room, playing a very interesting variation of mahjong that Ayato came up with, but you didn’t care. 
Your lover even let his tongue slip inside the cavern of your mouth, hands firmly planted on your hips as he—
“I was wondering where the celebrant was.”
Needless to say, the two of you sprang apart at the sound of Yae Miko’s voice. Red-faced, Thoma greeted her with a stuttered reply that has the priestess chuckling at the doorway.
“No need to explain yourselves. Young ones always have so much energy, after all,” she teased. “Lord Ayato was kind enough to invite me to this little get-together, but I must take my leave. There’s something I need to look into back at the shrine.”
“T-Thanks for coming Lady Guuji. It really is an honor,” you told her dryly, with whatever semblance of composure you could muster up.
Yae Miko flashed another one of those conspiratorial grins. “That reminds me, I left a matrimonial charm in Lady Ayaka’s care as your birthday present. If the two of you ever plan on tying the knot, just show that to one of my shrine maidens, and I’ll personally oversee the ceremony myself.”
…Wait a moment. Did Yae Miko, the Lady Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine, just give the two of you her blessing for marriage?
“Well, you can continue what it was you were doing,” she laughed, lifting one hand in a wave. “I hope to see you both soon~”
Then, there were two.
“We’re going to pretend that didn’t happen, right?” you asked.
Thoma nodded. “Definitely.”
As the two of you straightened yourselves out before rejoining the others at the party, you randomly asked, “Hey, this is a little out of the blue, but have you seen my binoculars anywhere? I put it in the drawer by your cabinets, but I can’t seem to find them anymore.”
He feigned a look of contemplation—wholly aware that he forgot to retrieve your special gadget from where he hid them in the bushes the last time he saw Yae Miko. Fuck. 
“Nope, no clue,” he replied swiftly. “We could ask around in Ritou if they’ve imported anything similar?”
“Ehh, that was just a hand-me-down from the Tenryou Commission anyways.” You shrugged. “Oh, by the way…”
Thoma paused as you leaned closer to his ear to whisper something. If he hadn’t been embarrassed when Yae Miko walked in on the two of you, he definitely was now. 
“I’m going to make up for the time we spent apart when we get home,” you whispered. “You’ll play along, right, pretty boy?”
The chief retainer could barely suppress the groan that reverberated in his chest as you tantalizingly ran your hand across it. Now that he’s fully recovered from his own emotional turmoils, the fact that he’s been wanting to get you alone all this time came crashing down. But it wasn’t as if he’s in any position to refuse.
He was the people pleaser after all. 
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© cryoculus | kaientai ✧ all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my work on other platforms.
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xinxiaogato · 2 years
— live to tell the tail
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summary. you unfortunately lived in a universe where general gorou had found out ms. hina was… himself. and just your luck: gorou’s first impression of you was a crazed devotee of the ms. hina fan club, but you had only been in the wrong place at the wrong time. will you live to tell the tail?
love interests. gn!reader x a watatsumi general, an inazuman vagrant, the balladeer, and the kreideprinz.
warnings. infinite pet puns, referenced character death, weapons, swearing, blood, alcohol, harassment, and mentions of war.
word count. 892
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chapter twenty-two ⌇ are you shih tzuing me
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yae miko was the bane of gorou’s existence…
…so he was a little irked to see you falling over yourself to admire her in front of netsuke no gen crafts.
“guuji yae, i never thought i would have the chance to meet you like this!” you bunched up your shoulders and entwined your fingers behind your back. gorou had only seen a crumb of this strange behavior whenever kazuha swung by, but now... it was in full force.
okay, gorou recognized that, as an editor, you would obviously be thrilled to shake hands with the editor-in-chief of inazuma’s publishing house, but this same editor-in-chief had subjected gorou to a legion of teasing, pet names, and schemes. if the multiverse existed, gorou doubted there was a universe in which he trusted yae miko because in every single one, she would have most definitely created ms. hina without his consent.
“what a cute disciple i have,” yae cooed, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up. “i actually have something i mean to discuss with you, reader, but there’s a more pressing matter i must tackle with your furry friend first.”
you slowly nodded. “oh… do you want me to leave and then come back?”
yae detected gorou squirming beside you. “...i think he would want you to stay,” she concurred, which only exacerbated your confusion.
“d-don’t waste reader’s time!” gorou yapped, getting more riled up than usual. every bone in his body was screaming for him to flee, but he didn’t want to show a cowardly side of him with you there. “what do you need to talk to them about?”
how strange. when did gorou and reader come to know each other? “well, if you insist. i’m certainly not short on time myself.” arms cradling her stomach, yae looked at you with a more solemn frame of mind. “reader, i assume you are out here because you saw a discrepancy between what you know and the report you received today.”
“yes…” you scratched your cheek. “...on the off chance, are you aware of what happened to the book that went missing?”
“...your author should be,” she returned, “but i suppose things were lost in communication. a year ago, mr. yamamoto had contacted an illustrator from abroad by letter to see if he’ll draw art for tickled pink.
“a copy of that book was sent along with the letter… but i have an inkling the illustrator couldn’t respond in time before the sakoku decree was put into effect.”
so this all happened before i arrived at inazuma, you confirmed, eyebrows springing upward. no wonder i was never told anything about this. “who’s the illustrator?”
a thoughtful pause later, yae answered, “hmm… you’ll chance upon him eventually, reader. the yae publishing house commissioned him for the irodori festival, so… we’ll see if he accommodates for mr. yamamoto’s commission as well.”
that response made your nose scrunch up. was it too much for yae to apprise you of this guy’s identity? especially if he was so reputable to the point that the publishing house called for his artistic expertise… you racked your brain for names hotaru dropped in the past, but, to your understanding, none of them were illustrators.
gorou studied your dismay, his tail swishing speedily behind him. this formed a disquieting smile on the kitsune's face.
“hehe… reader, care to see what sort of face gorou is making?”
with a gentle finger under your chin, yae redirected your attention to gorou’s cheeks that had blossomed into a rosy color once he realized this was another one of yae’s ploys.
“what… about his face…?” your voice grew faint.
it was that feeling again. caterpillars breaking out of their chrysalises in your stomach. nerves being set on fire. an acrobat performing a ropewalk.
and yae was getting a real kick out of watching you two act like students about to confess their crushes on each other behind the school building. it was time for her to play as the angel "cupid" (in her own devilish way). “fascinating. never would i have predicted for someone other than the traveler to get under your armor, dear gorou.”
“under my armor!?” gorou screeched.
yae lazily lolled her head toward him. “not literally, but i know you, general. you keep words lodged in your throat while letting other people vent to their heart’s content, but it’s a different story around the traveler, is it not?”
gorou rubbed a distressed hand over his face to suppress the urge to cry before wildly gesturing in your direction. “reader, don’t be fooled by her cunning words! there's nothing going on between the traveler and me!”
your eyes widened by the slightest bit. right, the traveler. why aren’t they the one in my shoes right now?
“um… oh,” you uttered absentmindedly.
yae and gorou stared at you.
…could you not care less about gorou and the traveler being an item?
yae pursed her lips, feeling a bit sorry.
and gorou willingly chose to speak with yae—his most formidable foe—to escape this painfully awkward conundrum. “s-so what was it that you had to tell me, yae miko?”
“...oh, yes. the publishing house declined in sales since the disappearance of its foremost columnist, so i need you dressed up as our precious ms. hina for a magazine signing event.”
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Genshin Actor AU; Pt. 2
pt.1 here!
-Xiao is actually very soft-spoken and gentle, but he is one hell of an actor
-He's often seen hanging out with Aether outside of production, or being enthusiastic with Bennett
-"I first saw Xiao while he was acting his role out and thought he was the serious types, when he came up to me and introduced himself with a big smile I nearly dropped my coffee cup!" -Venti
-Qiqi is a hyperactive but quiet child who doesn't really understand the concept of acting but does what she is told and has fun on set
-She keeps running away from poor Hu tao even off set
-She is also very attached to Baizhu off the set
-Childe probably auditioned for every other role except the one he got
-He has also starred in many other shows with Zhongli before and the two had been a ship long back
-To say the Chili fandom went wild when they saw their duo
-The fight against Childe scene also had a lot of retakes because Childe kept dropping his weapon...and his mask...and his other weapon
-Keqing is a big fan of Zhongli in real life as well
-Hu tao auditioned because one of her friends in college dared her to try out
-Chongyun and Xingqiu are youtuber besties popular for their ghost searches and horror stories
-Their fans decided they would be perfect for the role and encouraged them to try out
-Ningguang is actually quite humble and shy in real life, but still very, very rich
-She's usually seen taking the actors out to eat
-Beidou's social media account having enough Kazuha content to rival Albedo's Klee content
-Those two never even met before the show but Beidou adores Kazuha
-Kazuha and Heizou are idols from the same group
-Kazuha and Aether recreating that one spiderman meme that went super viral
-You'd think Childe was the one to drop spoilers the most but no, it's Itto and Lumine
-Itto usually says things by accident or posts selfies of him and there's almost always a spoiler in the background
-Shinobu is now in charge of keeping him in check both in real life and in the show
-Lumine just thinks it's funny
-She takes selfies with new characters and draws over them or makes them hide their faces to keep the fans guessing
-she now gets paid to shut up
-Popular actor Ayaka who convinced her brother to audition as well when she found out the role existed
-Ayato and Thoma are models from the same company and are often seen going out to get drinks together
-Yoimiya was properly taught how to use and make fireworks
-Kujou Sara who's also a long time fan of Ei and is quite excited to work with her
-"I've never played the role of such a serious character before but being devoted to Miss Ei is something I can do easily!" -Sara
-Gorou is scared of dogs lmao
-Cue shenanigans of Itto and Razor trying to help him get over his fear
-Sayu is actually a kid who's naturally talented at understanding roles and such
-She's usually seen taking naps on chairs or other character's arms though
-Cyno is super goofy and fun to be around in real life
-After his character was introduced in the show he posted stories of him making Tighnari laugh to prove to people he's actually funny
-Tighnari posted a story of him explaining that he was laughing out of pity, just to mess with Cyno
-Collei is a dedicated fan of the game and has probably played it the longest amongst everyone, her biggest competition is none other than Ganyu
-Al Haitham is often found reading around the set
-If he's not he's usually hanging out with the quieter ones such as Eula and Yae miko, or with the kids.
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kararisa · 10 months
Back after rereading Marigold Promises as soon as my holidays started haha. And I just adore Heizou and the Tighnari Kokomi interactions so much.
I hc that both Tighnari and Kokomi would buy these froggie bags and when they see each other with it, they'll just growl at each other from across the campus while everyone else just laughs at their predicament.
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Oh and Kokomi becoming friends with Collei on one of her random coffee runs, and when they're both just casually talking and getting to know each other, the big brother Tighnari comes in to pick Collei and they're both just 😱😱
I have a bunch of Kokomi Tighnari being best friends in high school brainrots thanks to you. I wish I could draw better so that I could draw these two just gossiping together by using big biology words.
Speaking of drawing, Albedo??? In the botanical garden??? With the sunlight highlighting his features and making him look like literal prince???? I need that as my phone background RIGHT NOW. (If only I could draw sobs).
And and it's ya boy Childe to the rescue! He's fr the big brother of all friend groups. I can't even see him as the playboy so many people make him look like. I have a feeling he either doesn't simp at all, or simps extremely hard. Other times he's just being the hot big brother the school girls are crazy over.
Oh oh and also, Childe and Gorou, comrades in gossip gossiping in labs? Yanfei and Heizou probably do the same. They probably go out for coffee together and gossip about anything and everything like the bombshell bros from the Fortress of Meropide.
I also really really REALLY like Yae Miko- Kokomi dynamic because I can see them acting all high and mighty together about their literature club and they're almost always in sync like??? The fish and fox magic box!!! lmao
Welp, that's all from me <3
(and now imma get back to studying bc fuck you chemistry you suck, why tf does chem have more weightage if you want to get into med school??? Shouldn't it be bio hello???? Out of all the subjects they could've chosen, they chose my weakest as their main hello???? Maths? Physics? Biology?? Economics?? PE??? Name the subject and I can do it but please why chemistry 😭😭😭 I might be better at chemistry if I had a tutor like Albedo though)
(On second thought, I'd be too busy admiring Albedo to listen to his chemistry lessons, so him being my tutor might not make things better for me 🫠)
(ok ignore that this is rly late mb,,,)
so many headcanons omg ily eli /p
tighnari and kokomi's friendship was honestly something i never planned but i'm glad you like how it turned out in the end
and the froggie bags??? oh my GOD that would actually be so funny like imagine they get the same bag, just in different colors 😭😭
(ALSO also imagine kokomi and yae miko making fun of tighnari)
AND OMG COLLEI??? missed opportunity on my part it would have been so cute if kokomi and collei met.
on childe, i never really saw him as a playboy. like bfrr he's the eldest in his family and his siblings LOVE him
but could you imagine a gossip session with childe gorou yanfei AND heizou?? that would just be CHAOS and i'm all for a bit of chaos
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resolutepath · 6 months
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The bubbling sea wakened sending ripples into the cave where the warrior has slumbered. The soft lull of waves, melodious and gentle, draws him from his sleep to take up arms and protect his nation once more. A hero of the people will always have cause for duty, they whisper. Fleet-footed one bring your spear, your people have forgotten you.
The tales of individuals of Ancient Remuria have mostly been lost to time but if you look closely in carvings, there may be sight of the fleet-footed hero of the people, the shining star who battled heartily for his nation, carved with spear in hand, vanquishing the foes that threatened his home. This was Achilles, son of one of the Lords of Remuria and a sea god who the lord sought. He was a fierce warrior who worked alongside The Golden Troupe protecting the nation from those who threatened it. He took part in the destruction of all those that Remus thought might bring the prophecy of Remuria's downfall to light. It was bloody work and depleting on the soul, given how secretive it was too, but he found solace in music and his lover.
However Remuria did, eventually, fall, destroyed and swept away into the Abyss. The grief that consumed the soldier was significant and he wandered the world seeking battle or cause that might lead him to follow his people on. Hoping the next would be the last. It was not to be. Instead, eventually, he took to wandering Fontaine's seabed and got himself trapped in one of the labyrinth like structures, sealed behind rock and depleted of will to fight. Unable to pass, due to his inherited divinity and the effect that may leave, he instead fell into a deep slumber, not unalike tales of ancient sea dragons. There he remained, waiting, until the flood shook Fontaine and he was called forth from his slumber. He emerges in the ruins of Fort Charybdis and remains there for some time as he comes to learn what he can of the state of the world. It is only once he is certain that he will venture into Fontaine.
Now Achilles, wanders Fontaine, doing his best to protect the lands and resolve disputes. He is steadily spending more time in the city, but always for short periods of time and usually only to get a copy of The Steambird (as well as back issues he's missed) and food supplies he's become partial to.
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Achilles uses the anemo element and is a polearm user formally. He also is skilled with bow and arrow but prefers the use of the former. He does not use a vision nor has he thought to get one for the disguise of it. They are after his time (but can be a talking point)
Achilles' lover that he believes is dead is of course Patroclus. I leave this open-ended in case Liri wants a g.enshin verse for pat (I'm biased).
Famous for his lyre playing as well as prowess on the battlefield, Achilles was able to enter the Capitolium and engage with the musicians there.
Easy interactions include pretty much all of the Fontaine cast + Traveller. I am also happy for older characters to know him from before e.g. Cloud Retainer, Xiao, Zhongli, Venti, Ei, Yae Miko, etc.
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My muses: Sedene, Mamere
tba. ( open for discussions )
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Foul Legacy resting his head on your stomach when you feel nauseous. carrying you to his nest of blankets and pillows so you have somewhere warm and comfy to rest. fetching you any painkillers you need and urging you to drink water and eat small portions of food. curling around you to help you stay warm and fall asleep faster and purring drowsily but refusing to doze off so he can watch over you. chirping and trilling happily when you wake up with a yawn, stretching your arms and looking more at ease than he’s seen you for several hours.
just Foul Legacy taking care of you when you feel nasty <33
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Thigh riding Yae Miko or Lisa? You can decide ! (:
What Happens After Hours... (Lisa x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗦𝗢𝗥𝗥𝗬 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗔𝗜𝗧. 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗶 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗮 𝗯𝗰 𝗶 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗿 + 𝗜'𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝘆𝗮𝗲 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘀𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁. 𝗼𝗸𝗮𝘆 𝗯𝘆𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗵𝗲
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 !!! 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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The library doors get locked at night ever since the increase in hilichurl activity outside of Mondstadt.
There were a few protests, of course. From the avid reader who wanted to spend their life away with their favorite stories. From late-night thinkers who get their ‘A-ha!’ moment when the city is quiet and still with sleep. And the occasional bored resident- hoping for something to lull away the slow crawl of the night. But all of their protests were weak at best. In the end, it was Miss Lisa’s decision. And what Miss Lisa says, goes. She knows best, after all. Besides, she needed a little time away from work too! 
But more than that, it was a decision to be cautious. A hilichurl would have a hard time making it to the library, sure. And there was not much one could do except take a book or two. Maybe even make a mess of such a carefully sorted place. Or maybe, someone or something with far worse intentions for such precious books might come along and ruin things for everyone. So why risk the mess? During the day people will be able to come and go as they please. No harm, no foul. And for a couple of hours after the sun sets and before it rises, it’ll be closed. Locked up tight. And with no one inside. Well…
“Lift up your skirt, sweetie.”
Almost no one. 
“Mm…” Your head feels just a little bit fuzzy. You’re fully aware of where you are and what you’re doing but the thought of it admitting it in your head makes your body warm with embarrassment. It takes all of your willpower to give up and give a submissive little nod at the request before following through like the good girl you are. The good girl you’ve always been. “O-okay…”
Your eyes flicker down to find the edge of your skirt. You don’t want to move your hands from their previous position. Wrapping your arms around her shoulders gave you the most support. The most stability. Just something to squeeze when things got rougher than expected. But she was looking at your expectantly and before you even know it, your fingers are closing in and squeezing the very fabric that hides any last shred of your decency left. You get a coo in response as your lift your bunched skirt up to your waist. 
“There we go, sweetheart.” It’s amazing how much Miss Lisa’s approval affects you. Right now, she’s pleased. You can tell by the way her fingers and strumming along your hips in an overly affectionate matter. But your attention is teetering and tottering on two different things right now. The way she keeps trying to meet your eyes with a purr and proud smile. And the shiny little mess your cunt is leaving on her plush thigh. “Now we can see all of you!”
You cry out softly as she rolls your hips, forcing your sensitive cunt to brush against her. She’s been at this for a while. Tonight there was no teasing. No drawing out the sexual tension that had been building all day with flirty touches and steaming glances. The minute she had walked back and sat down at her desk after locking up the library for the night and closing the binds, she was on you. She practically pulled your panties off with her teeth once she got the chance. And now you just can’t how long it’s been since she placed you on her thigh and told you that you couldn’t stop riding it until she said so. 
As if she’ll ever relent at this rate. 
You gave up on mercy a long time ago. You can’t remember how long it’s been since your legs started growing tired from this straddling position. Back and forth and back and forth. She rolls your hips to an unheard rhythm that she only knows, but you’re quick to match her movements when you can. Unfortunately, it’s left you chasing an orgasm that you’re not sure you’ll see tonight. The feeling is growing in your stomach sure, but what you’re getting right now isn’t enough. It’s far, far, far away from enough. And she knows how to satisfy you. She’s done it time and time again. Fucking you on practically every surface on sight in the process. Now today is just another day of mindless pleasure as she has her way with you for as long as she wants. Again. Again. Again.
The thought brings a whine to your throat. When it escapes, it travels around the room so loudly. So shamelessly. The embarrassment grows inside of you, but your prize for letting your body respond naturally to her is a kiss on the cheek and a fuzzy little compliment that fills your head with rainbow-colored clouds. It feels so weird being so vocal after a full day of hiding your moans and gasps and cries. A lip caught between your teeth, silencing you at this hour, is seen as the enemy for Miss Lisa. But as she holds you here, making your poor, twitching little pussy know nothing but the feeling of dragged-out pulses of pleasure, you can’t help but want to melt into this treatment. This touch, this woman. 
Anyone could have walked in right now. And she’s told you that. Whispered it in your ear as you’re cumming on a strap or her fingers. But the truth is, would you care at this point? Would you? That’s one thought you’re sure of as she takes the opportunity to grind your clit especially hard into the meat of her thigh at the moment. One question you know you could answer even if the sticky, wet feeling of your arousal making a mess of your and her legs. It’s that you don’t. You don’t care if someone found a way to unlock the doors and see you in this way. Let them. You don’t care. And it’s all because of her. 
The attention makes you feel special. The attention makes you know you’re special. Invincible. Important. 
You’re the reason she locks up the library at night now. It’s good timing with the hilichurls, sure. But you took the night shift with her not long before the attacks started happening. It was easy for her to feign concern when really, all she wanted to do was to get an extended taste of fingering you over your sorting cart. Another hour of throwing one of your legs over her shoulder as you lean against the shelves. And even no matter how long she wants you for. No matter when or what time or where she wants you for. You’ll do it. Because what Miss Lisa says, goes. 
And after all… Miss Lisa knows best, doesn’t she? 
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