#now he'll fix any problem (he's a fixer)
fazcinatingblog · 1 year
i've always said that daisy would make a great dentist
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sailorkamino · 1 year
Hi! Could you write some headcannons for tbb x body insecure or plus sized reader?
body insecurities [bad batch]
relationships: gn!reader x bad batch
warnings: weight insecurities, echo has body dysmorphia, diet culture, an older sibling being a parental figure, autistic tech struggling w/ emotions, past body shaming
a/n: i love writing for tech but i struggle with his dialogue, if you're a bad batch writer pls send me some tips to making him sound in character <3
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• great at reading body language so he can tell when you need comfort even if you don't verbalize it
• he might seem annoyed but that's just his rbf, if he didn't care he wouldn't ask
• the type to be angry when he's worried
• it's eaiser to threaten you then admit he cares
• he'll say stuff like "take a risk like that again and i'll shoot you" or "drink some water dumb ass, i'm not your baby sitter"
• his first reaction is to fight the problem
• "did someone tell you that shit?"
• once he realizes he doesn't need to commit murder he's not leaving you along until you talk
• cross is the best listener and i will die on this hill
• he can seem dismissive of your insecurities but he does care, he just thinks you're wrong lmao
• brutally honest so any praise from him means a lot
• the most empathetic boyfriend part 1
• def has suffered from body dysmorphia so he understands
• but also baffled cuz you're perfect to him
• he's very serious about your mental health so he wants to his a conversation about this
• the most genleman to ever gentleman, he will shower you in love!!
• lots of cuddling and sweet words
• hope you don't have any plans cuz you're not allowed to leave his arms until you feel better
• if you want to eat better that's great! but none of these unhealthy diets you see on the holonet
• no he'll research the best diet/exercise plan for you personally to make sure you're safe <3
• you've helped so much with his confidence he's determined to return the favor
• instantly knows when something's bothering you
• as the oldest he was forced into a parental role at a young age so he has a lot of expierence with comforting
• will give you a worried dad look until you tell him what's wrong
• he might get a little pushy if you aren't opening up
• he doesn't mean to but worrying about his loved ones is like his default setting
• [protective mode activated] did someone say something? cross will probably help get rid of a body if he asks-
• blames himself for your doubt
• secretly reads/watches romance stories so he'll probably drop some cheesy lines from them
• shows your tummy lots of love, like using it as a pillow while you stroke his hair or sneaking a hand under your top, lulled by your breaths
• cuddles with skin to skin contact are very intimate to hunter cuz of his higtened senses so this is very special privilege
• if it'll give you confidence he offers to work out with you, using the holonet he tries to find 'fun' exercises you can both enjoy (yoga, zumba, etc.)
• he'll get frustrated because he doesn't understand your pov
• he's told you that you're attractive and healthy, why are you still upset?
• hunter has always told him "you can't make others see things the way you do" and it's infuriating for him
• tech is a fixer so he feels helpless when he can't just fix your insecurities
• he'll encourage you to talk to one of his more emotionally intelligent brothers which you take as rejection
• when your eyes fill with tears he panics even more
• "perhaps i should get hunter-" "i don't want your brothers, i want you tech"
• he's quiet for a moment before awkwardly opening his arms, "physical touch causes the brain to release oxytocin, a bonding hormone that strengthens social bonds in mammals. would you like a hug?"
• he's always found you attractive but never voiced it, now he makes sure to tell you every time
• get ready for blunt but 100% genuine compliments like "your chest is distracting in that shirt"
• the most empathetic boyfriend part 2
• king of emotional intelligence
• will pick you up and hold you like you're a doll, laughs if you call yourself 'heavy'
• everyone is kind of small to wrecker (even his brothers) so to him you're practically a baby tooka
• but still he takes your feelings seriously
• cadet wrecker was definitely body shamed by regs so he knows how it feels
• showers you with affection 24/7 so it's hard to feel insecure around this guy
• will fight anyone who makes you feel bad >:(
• like hunter, he also offers to work out with you (not just cuz he loves showing off-)
• loves active games, like just dance or wii sports
• is up for any activity has long as you're involved tbh
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Im... Sorry for asking but... Ive had a rough time lately (dad in hospital, posting drama, fanfic troubles,etc.)
And i just wanted to ask if you could do how eric (K-Project) and Hayato (KHR) would try to comfort or cheer up a frind/significant other that is having a really hard time that they can not do anything about.
Please don't be sorry for asking! I'm so, so sorry to hear you've been having a tough time lately and if I can help at all with these headcanons, I consider it a privilege to be able to do so. I hope things get better for you soon!
Okay, but while I can definitely see Eric not being at all happy about you being stressed out, I don't think he'd get as worked up about it as say, Hayato. Eric's a little bit more accepting of the fact that there are things out there that he just can't fix. He has a little bit of an easier job accepting his limitations, especially since he was so often forced to face the limits of what he could do and what he could control growing up, and that helps him in this situation.
Plain out and out, Eric logically realizes that he can do jack shit about all your troubles. None of them are things he can fix with violence, which is his usual go-to to fix issues. He can't just stab someone and make you happy…come to think of it, he doesn't recall there ever being a time, with you, where he could just stab someone and solve any of your issues and make you happy, so he really should stop defaulting to that solution. Is he actually going to stop making that his go-to, though? No.
I do think Eric does sort of associate gift-giving and doing stuff for people with helping though. That's what makes people happy, right? It's just how his mind works, so I can see him buying you gifts, hoping to put a smile on your face. He stops and gets your favourite take out or snack every time he's out and about. Like, by the end of day two or three of being sad, you are almost drowning in gifts and food because it's all Eric can think of to make you smile.
He'll count each smile he gets out of you as a victory but honestly, the longer you remain stressed, the more on edge he gets and the more he beats himself up, in his head only though, trying his best not to let you realize it, that he can't fix the issues.
He's very likely, when it comes to the fanfic issues and the posting drama, to really not take those as seriously. He'll plain out tell you to fuck other people and their opinions, that other people can fuck off, that fics can wait or bad reviews are bullshit. Eric is very much of the opinion that you rock, you're amazing, and anyone who pisses you off or makes you upset or sad for even a second - they're pieces of shit to him and not even worth the time you're allowing them in your head and he's going to clearly communicate that to you, probably in the crassest possible language he can.
It's going to be your father that gets to Eric the most. He's going to think of that as the biggest issue and though he can't solve it, he's definitely encouraging you to spend as much time with your father as you possibly can. Eric knows he'll never get another second with his parents in this lifetime again, and he knows how hard that knowledge and reality is. He's always asking if you want him to take you over to the hospital, to go visit your father with you, to wait for you while you do.
In the end, Eric's just going to do his best and while he knows he can't fix it for you, he's just content to make you smile or give you a positive experience through the day.
Now, as hinted at during the start of Eric's headcanons, this isn't a situation that Gokudera handles really well. Gokudera is, by his very nature, a 'fixer'. He sees people he loves and cares about facing problems or tough situations and every instinct he has is centered around getting rid of those situations or fixing those problems for them. It's not only just his base nature but a lot more complicated - helping and fixing things for people is a huge part of how he shows his love and care to people, because he's not good at verbally or physically expressing it, but it's also part of what helps Gokudera feel needed, wanted, valuable, and of use to those he cares about and that being needed and of use is essential to his mental wellness, even though it is a very mentally unhealthy way to view things.
Unfortunately, every single thing troubling you cannot just be easily fixed. Some of them can't be fixed at all, like your father's health. Gokudera could show up at the hospital, threaten the doctor's and nurse's into ensuring your father got only the best of care (and definitely wanted to and might have done so) but it doesn't fix your father's actual health problems or take those away. Despite being brilliant, Gokudera isn't a doctor and can't miraculously heal your father. He can't control what people say on the internet, he can't control if there's issues with your fic or if you experience writer's block. And all of that makes him so incredibly pissed off because it makes him feel like he's failing you, like he's worthless.
And as much as I would like to say that Gokudera handles that amazingly, that he knows how he's feeling is on him, that those are his own issues to struggle with and not something you had any part of, that he doesn't even remotely take it out on you, I think pretty strongly that I would be lying by doing so.
Gokudera struggles with his emotions. He feels things really deeply and intensely and he can't always communicate or even understand his own emotions and I do think the emotional stress that comes with that not being able to fix it all for you might sometimes come out in him being snippy or impatient with you. He doesn't mean to be. He doesn't want to be. It's just that sometimes he can't stop himself from doing it because he is feeling everything so intensely and struggles to regulate that rather awful and much too quick temper of his.
He knows he can't do anything about your father and the situation there is so serious that he might actually try to avoid it a little. Unless you bring it up, he doesn't mention it but he will listen to you whenever you need to talk about it. He makes sure flowers and whatever else will bring comfort to your father are brought to his hospital room regularly, and he would go visit your father with you if he knew it would comfort you.
But overall, I do think it's the smaller things he allows his mind to focus on. Where they are issues related to hobbies you have, he might actually pressure you to maybe take a break from, or even give up, those hobbies. He reminds you that hobbies are supposed to make you happy, not stress you out, and if things are making you upset, you can just stop doing them or putting any of your time towards them. It's probably where most of his grumpiness and snippiness would come from, if you didn't do so because you know, in the long run, even with the stressful moments, these are things you love, because Gokudera would see that as you ignoring the best advice he could give you.
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roobylavender · 2 years
your favourite things about skybloom? also if you're interested in their relationship, @peek-a-bloom on tumblr has some wonderful metas on them and other characters and is also of my favourite tumblrs!
honestly the funny thing is while i am newly obsessed with abbey and danny's relationship i don't know that i have much to say about sky and bloom's. i feel like it's very one-sided in depth in the sense that most of the development pretty much happens on sky's end. which i am content with for the time being, to be clear, given he's become my meow meow of choice from the show. but i do hope we get more development on bloom's end bc i don't really get the impression that the depth there goes beyond sky being nice and caring about her and supporting her in her every endeavor, and her reciprocating in kind, bc i mean, who wouldn't! i want to really know what draws her to him and why the position he maintains in her life is special and different from the one that everyone else has. for sky, bloom is akin to something like a lighthouse. he spends so much of his time rooted in the necessity of being a fixer and helping other people with their problems, but bloom is someone who refuses to be fixed and does as she pleases. with bloom, sky can just be. he still worries himself to death over her, but he knows that he can't do anything about it, and that's something he has to come to terms with, esp now that she's left for the shadow realm. i'm really excited by that prospect in the following season. it would be easy to have sky simply wallow in the despair of losing her, but i want to know that he can come to his senses and get back up on his feet knowing that's what she would want him to do. bloom sees kindness and courage abound in sky and knows he's capable of embracing it to the degree that he can finally prioritize himself and his needs. he can't rely on the necessity of being useful to other people forever. so when they reunite, i want her to see that he's finally come into that role, and maybe then, that's when sky will be most useful to her. that's when he'll really be able help her, bc he wouldn't be relying on her as a crutch any longer, he'd be a partner and a support
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magalidragon · 3 years
Okay drabble #2 for @lalacristina18 ‘s ask! Hope you like this one! It’s a little silly and kind of Fixer Upper Fanfiction ( @nlights37 is that a thing? I’m doing it) meets my drabble “wet paint.”
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haunted house | 30. “You better watch yourself”
It was the dumbest thing she had ever done.
Except she felt like she had to do it.
How else was she going to get the cute handyman to ask her out?
"Just ask him out!" her best friend shouted, as she took a crowbar to the siding on her house, prying up the nails. Missandei was used to most of her antics, but she knew this was going too far. She watched, amazed, slightly terrified, and in awe, muttering, "You have gone mental Daenerys."
Maybe she had gone mental, but she was also put off by how attractive the handyman was. He was incredibly sweet. A little goofy; he apologized one day when he showed up in thick black glasses, saying he'd forgotten to put his contacts in before he left the house. She had wondered why someone would apologize for that, but she soon learned that Jon Snow, Handyman Extraordinaire, apologized for quite a few things that were in no way his fault or under his control.
Like when he couldn't get a part in time to fix her hot water tank, because it was a weekend and the store was closed. "No problem, guess I'll see you Monday," she had simply said with a smile and a cheerful glee, because she knew they were closed on the weekend and he'd have to come back Monday.
Or when she had purposefully yanked out some sort of fuse in her car so it wouldn't start and he had apologized that it had gone missing. "Not your fault at all!" Because it's totally my fault and then she'd pretended to find the fuse on the ground. "Will this fix it?"
He frowned at the tiny piece of place and wire. "Um, aye, that's so weird..."
Today she was going to claim there was something wrong with her siding and it needed to be replaced. She dropped the crowbar, wiping sweat off her forehead, and placed her hands on her hips, glancing at Missandei, who was shaking her head side-to-side. "What?"
"Just bloody ask him out! I'll do it for you. You're destroying your house just to get him to come over." She smirked. "He has to know what you're doing. He's just taking your money and knowing you're using him which is wrong, or he's really bloody stupid and that's not great either."
"You haven't met him yet."
"What guy could be so attractive and cute and sweet and all that for you to resort to this!?" Missandei waved her hands at the splintered wood at her feet. She sighed, closing her eyes. "Dany, love, you are my best friend but..."
"Good morning!"
Dany threw the crowbar into the bushes, spinning on her heels and beaming at the man who had poked his head around the open fence to her back garden. She waved. "Hello Jon! Good morning to you!" She rounded on Missandei, who stared at him and smirked knowingly. "You're a little early."
He turned pink, coming around the corner holding onto his toolbox. "Aye, sorry about that, I thought I might get you a coffee..." he trailed off and politely smiled at Missandei. "Oh I am sorry, I would have gotten another....here, you can have mine if you want."
To her best friend's stunned silence, he removed one of the two takeout coffee cups from the tray in his other hand and passed it to her. Missandei swallowed hard, clearing her throat. "Thank you, that's...so nice of you."
He smiled again in his shy, half-smile way that Dany absolutely bloody adored, and turned his face to her. "You called last night and said that your bathroom pipes were leaking again? I don't know what is going on, I mean..." He scratched his hair, brow furrowing, and gazed up at the old-as-shit house she had purchased with intent to completely renovate. "I swear I just fixed those..."
"Oh you did, I'm sure this place is cursed."
"By a Valyrian dragon," Missandei mumbled under her breath.
Dany stepped on her foot and crossed her arms, grinning. "And would you look at this? This siding is rotten, I think we'll need to replace it."
"Um, yes of course." He knelt and picked up some of the wood, shaking his head. "You must have an angry ghost Dany, this looks like someone took a crowbar to it." He was immediately concerned, jumping to his feet. "You should file a police report, someone could be vandalizing your property!"
Missandei sipped her free coffee and mumbled again, not so quietly, "Hmm, someone with silver hair I think."
"What?" Jon asked.
"Ignore her, she's mad." She forced another smile. "It's fine. I...thank you Jon, perhaps look at those pipes first and then we can look at the siding."
"I have wood," he blurted out.
Missandei choked. Dany flushed bright red. "Oh?"
"Hmm, in the truck. Be right back." He turned on his heel and walked away. Dany elbowed her best friend, who stared now at his retreating back.
"Oh my."
"It's beautiful. I just like to look at it."
Missandei patted her arm. "Daenerys you are my best friend, but if you don't ask him out by the end of the day, I'm going to tell him everything you've been doing and only because I'm scared you might set your house on fire just to watch him come running in with the fire hose."
Dany hummed. The idea was appealing, but arson was certainly not an option.
It was the end of the day; she'd tried her damndest to get him to ask her out. Missandei had left, becaus she claimed she couldn't watch it any longer, proclaiming them both "stupid idiots" and Dany had to agree. She was a stupid idiot, trying to get him to look at her as something other than the crazy lady in the haunted house. She'd worn her bikini top while gardening, she'd broken her siding, and stuffed leaves in her gutters.
And Jon Snow still didn't bloody get it.
Maybe he was stupid, she thought, and watched him bent over some exposed pipes in the hallway leading to the master bedroom. A himbo or something. Except she knew he wasn't, because she'd seen that he had a stack of books in his truck to return to the library, one of which happened to be her brother's boring ass tome on Targaryen History, and he'd eagerly chatted with her about it.
"So why are you a contractor?" she asked. She kept referring to him as a handyman, but reminded herself he was more than that. He ran his own business and lumber yard up in Winterfell. "Do you just like fixing things?"
He shrugged, reaching his arm down into the pipes. "I do like fixing things, but when I got out of the military, nothing really appealed to me. Didn't want a boss again and I like building things. Working on my own terms."
"I like that too." It was why she moved up North, a freelance journalist, and needing a safe quiet space to recharge and focus between assignments. She got up and cleared her throat. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." She was halfway down the stairs when she heard a strange sound. It was a yowl.
It sounded like Drogon, she thought, turning towards the wall. "Drogon?" she called.
He meowed again, pitiful. She moved closer towards the wall and knocked. Her voice trembled, calling once more. "Drogon?"
A light scratching and more yowling.
She screamed, realizing with horror that Drogon was inside the bloody wall. "DROGON!" She banged on the wall, running up the stairs, crying out. "Jon! Drogon's in the wall!"
"I think he must have crawled in when we were talking and not looking, oh my gods, Drogon!"
Jon frowned at her, still not moving. He narrowed his eyes. "Drogon's in the wall, huh?"
"I think so."
He cocked his head and got to his feet, sighing hard. "Dany, I...I think I know what's going on and..." He turned bright pink. "I really have to confess something..." He shifted on his feet and blurted out, really fast, his Northern burr thick. "I...I know that not everything here is breaking and...and I'm fixing it and stuff, but...well...the store was open and I didn't get hte part because I wanted to come see you and...and I may not have cleaned the gutters all the way so I could come back and...oh gods, I haven't charged you at all because I'm just...I like you!"
Her eyes widened, too terrified for her cat to process what he'd just admitted to her. "But...I...I'm sorry, but he's really in the wall! Listen!"
They both were quiet and after a second, heard the pathetic howling of a trapped cat.
Jon moaned, mortified, shoving his face into his palms. "Oh my gods! I'm so sorry! I thought...oh fuck, forget what I said!"
"No I can't forget it because I like you too!" They could have this conversation after they saved her damn cat.
It took awhile, of her trying to coax the damn cat out from the opening in the floor, to Jon carefully searching and finding a space in the wall to knock through with a sledgehammer so he wouldn't hit Drogon or anything unsafe. Bits of drywall and debris scattered, "You better watch yourself," she warned him, when Drogon began to hiss and pant, terrified as they drew closer to him. "He might attack!"
"He's just scared, he'll be alright."
A couple hours later, her entire hallway and stairwell covered in broken bits of drywall, plaster, wood, and insulation, her very dirty and ashy cat enveloped in a blanket in her arms, Dany finally looked up at JOn. He hadn't said a word to her about his confession of not really fixing anything because he liked her and wanted ot keep seeing her.
She ducked her head, whispering, "I know it was wrong of me too, to keep breaking things...I just really liked you too."
"I'm not good with women," he admitted.
"Clearly, I was walking around in my bikini and you didnt say a word."
"I was trying to be professional!"
She giggled. Drogon whined in her arms. She scowled. "Hey! You didn't think I was serious that my cat got stuck in the wall!"
"I thought it was another thing like when you called me to say that your pipes were clogged at ten at night." He arched his brows. "Come on Dany."
"Alright, that was a ruse...but he really did get stuck!" She let go of Drogon, who raced into her bedroom to hide under the bed and lick his wounds-- more like his pride at having to be rescued by humans of all things. She looked up at Jon, sitting on the step just above her and grinned. "Can we agree to just...kind of start over?"
he nodded and licked his lips; she shivered. "Start over at dinner tonight?"
"Yes, dinner is perfect."
"And I'll be the first thing in the morning to start working on..." he gazed around at the chaos surrounding them, sighing. "This."
"Sounds good."
Turned out he didn't have to show up early at all the next morning, because he was already there, fast asleep in her bed, both of them exhausted. Dinner had been merely an afterthought.
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wickedcriminal · 4 years
We seem to only talk about Steven's number going up. What lessons on the train do you think will cause Steven's number to go down?
It took Steven five seasons just to understand and practice self-love... now he needs to focus on self-care.
In future, we see hes got an unhealthy obsession with making other people happy. He'll try his best to fix any problems they have at the cost of his own health and happiness; and of course, he's been doing this ever since early su. This is making him miserable, but he thinks it's the only thing he's good for.
If he's doing things that make him miserable, especially on the train, his number will go up.
In order for Steven's number to go down, he needs to start focusing on himself and what makes him happy. He needs to dissect himself as a person, and finally figure out who Steven Universe is. Hes not just a problem solver, he's a person. Hes not just a fixer upper, hes a human being with interests and hobbies.
And it's okay for others to help him for a change.
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Nancy & Ava
Nancy: okay, so now the Seychelles makes even more sense... Nancy: you could've told me, you know Ava: ? Ava: Expand, please Nancy: I'm just saying, like, whatever relationship drama you were going through at the time Ava: I wasn't in a relationship when we were in the Seychelles though Nancy: exactly Nancy: so I'm glad you sorted it out with whoever you were obviously missing Ava: Well, thanks Ava: it wasn't as simple as that though really Ava: isn't, whatever Nancy: it rarely is Nancy: do you want to talk about it now, it's not suddenly too late or anything Ava: Yeah, okay Ava: now's as good a time as any for me Ava: if you've got the time Nancy: I do Ava: Alright Ava: so it's not a straightforward, conventional kind of deal Ava: there's multiple factors that make it, hmm Ava: not problematic for me but problematic in being open about it, telling certain people especially Nancy: I'm listening & trying not to be a judgey bitch Nancy: how unconventional are we talking about? Ava: He's not in prison or in a cult or anything before you get carried away with possibilities Nancy: That's a good start, he's not a teacher either is he, because you know, for obvious reasons I can't support that Ava: As if Ava: If you saw my teachers, you wouldn't ask that Nancy: I will have, they can't all have retired or died since I was there Ava: Do you remember Buster was friends with a boy called James? Nancy: Yeah Nancy: he has a brother your age-ish, right? is that who you're dating? Ava: No Nancy: What about James then? Nancy: Why do I need to remember him? Ava: Nancy Ava: come on Nancy: No, you come on, that's not funny, Av Ava: I'm not joking Ava: that would be such a strange angle to take Nancy: he's married to...he's married Ava: They're getting a divorce Ava: it isn't out there yet but it's happening Nancy: because of you!? Oh my god Ava: No, not because of me Ava: their relationship was a mess, she's awful Nancy: No shit, Ava! Nancy: why would you do this? how could you even, like...I know Chelsea is cliquey but Jesus Christ, where would you even find him? Ava: At King's open day Ava: I did some summer courses, he was there too Nancy: does she know about you? Ava: She's gone Ava: to her parent's villa or something Nancy: okay, good Nancy: she can't find out Ava: Well she's going to Nancy: No Ava: Um, yeah Ava: I highly doubt she's deleting her socials any time soon Nancy: you need to be serious Ava: I am Ava: you mean I need to be scared of her Ava: I'm not and I'm not going to be Nancy: I don't know what you expect me to say Ava: Then don't say anything Ava: you asked Nancy: I can't just Ava: I'm already planning to tell mum and dad today so you don't need to do anything Nancy: I want to do something though Ava: Are you really going to tell them before I get a chance? Ava: Tell Buster as well if you fancy it then Nancy: That's not what I mean, I want to help you Nancy: it's going to be so bad when she finds out Nancy: Forget mum & dad for a second, forget Buster Ava: No it won't Ava: what's she gonna do Ava: it's her marriage over, her kids she doesn't wanna see Ava: she's got bigger issues Nancy: she made my life hell every day for 5 years & I didn't even do anything to her, she's clearly got issues Ava: Yeah well that's not gonna happen to me Ava: she's made James' life hell for 6 years Nancy: how many kids do they have? Ava: Two Ava: the one she had back then and a baby, about a year Nancy: a year... Nancy: she's not just going away then, is she? Ava: Yeah, she must've been trying to have a fixer baby Ava: it had fallen apart before then Nancy: Gross, I can't think about that Ava: Now who's not being serious Nancy: I'm serious, I can't Ava: Who's asking you to Ava: just drop it Nancy: okay Nancy: I just mean, his life, I can't imagine what's happened and what it must have been like for all those years Ava: You can't Ava: no one can Nancy: you said you met him at that open day, it hasn't been that long, can you? Ava: I didn't say I could Nancy: I'm just trying to process this Nancy: how serious you two are Ava: It's not really a situation to dip into casually Ava: not fun from my perspective or fair on his side Nancy: Obviously not Ava: There you go then Nancy: I'm doing my best here Nancy: to me, James, how I remember him, it's weird Ava: That's nearly a decade ago though Ava: of course he's changed Nancy: yeah, we all have Ava: Exactly Nancy: except her by the sounds of it, unless it's for worse Ava: I think so Ava: she's actually ill, I think Ava: but what can you do? you can't force someone to get better Nancy: how long has she been gone? Ava: Only a couple of weeks Ava: but she didn't tell James she was going, and hasn't been in contact at all since Ava: just with her parents when they threaten to fly out, basically Nancy: she didn't take the kids with her? Ava: Nope Ava: she's said she doesn't love them, didn't want them Ava: and I've not heard or seen anything to the contrary Nancy: Wow Ava: I know Nancy: Like, I know she was young when she had the first one but she wasn't that young Nancy: she had choices, not like Nan or something Ava: Choice is just a matter of perception Ava: she clearly didn't think so Nancy: Mum & dad are going to go ballistic, you know that, yeah? Ava: Undoubtedly Ava: there's nothing they can do though Nancy: except make it harder for you than it's already going to be Ava: That would require being here Ava: which they're not going to do Nancy: Dad might Nancy: if he's angry enough Ava: For how long Ava: he'll get bored Nancy: you can come & stay if you need to Ava: I have school soon so Nancy: I know, but I'm making the offer anyway Ava: Thanks Ava: but I'm good Nancy: I'm not good at this, I know that, but I care about you, okay? Ava: Then why do you want me to leave Nancy: all I want is for you to have somewhere to go if you need it Nancy: no, more than one somewhere actually, as many as possible Ava: I don't want to go anywhere Ava: I want to be here Nancy: I'm not dragging you onto a plane Ava: If I have problems, I deal with them Nancy: okay Ava: Okay? Ava: Good Nancy: I don't appreciate the drag but we're not going to fight about it now Ava: Sure, another time Nancy: yeah Ava: Yeah, well done, Nance Ava: later Nancy: Ava, come on Ava: You've got to be kidding me Nancy: don't do this Ava: No, you don't Ava: don't offer your faux support, it's worse than you not being there Nancy: I'm genuinely trying Ava: Then just don't Ava: I don't need it Nancy: what do you need? Ava: Honestly, just go Ava: and don't tell anyone before I do Nancy: I wouldn't do that, it's not about me Nancy: you have to tell them Ava: I know, I'm going to Ava: I have places to be right now though Nancy: can we just not leave it like this though Ava: Fine Ava: thank you for trying Nancy: whatever I did wrong, I'm sorry, you know Ava: If you don't know, it means nothing to me Nancy: you're gonna have to tell me, one day, when you don't have places to be or whatever else Ava: No, that's the thing Ava: I don't have to Nancy: you don't want to, you mean Nancy: cos I don't understand I can't just figure it out Ava: Why would I want to? Ava: It doesn't affect me Nancy: fine, forget it Ava: Sounds good Nancy: Yeah well, I won't keep you any longer then Ava: Uhuh put the blame on me Nancy: oh my god Nancy: you either want to forget this or you don't Ava: I want you to not victimize yourself every five seconds Nancy: yeah? I'd love not to Ava: Bullshit Ava: if you aren't complaining you have nothing to talk about Nancy: that's really constructive criticism, thanks, like Ava: You can't help yourself can you, Christ Nancy: No, my life's mostly a mess & clearly nothing I'm doing is helping Ava: So just fucking think, will you Ava: nothing I said indicated I would want to leave Nancy: I'm not telling you to leave, I'm telling you I'm here Nancy: because I can't come back Nancy: but that doesn't mean I'm not here Ava: Well it does Ava: You haven't been here period so let's not act like that's revelatory to either of us Nancy: I don't need to be in Chelsea to be supportive Ava: Anything you have to say, any advice, is so far removed from my reality Ava: you don't know me, it's insulting Ava: you don't get to offer support and then be offended when it's not wanted or needed Nancy: I'm not offended, upset for sure, but that's because you're right Nancy: I don't know you, so what? Now I just never get to know you ever? That's upsetting Ava: You don't get to dole out advice or act the big sister Ava: especially when that's the last thing I would want Nancy: okay, I'm sorry Nancy: I shouldn't have reacted how I have for basically this entire conversation, but it was a lot Ava: It's fine Ava: it just proves how little you've changed Ava: your first reaction will always be to run and hide and I don't need that in my life Nancy: I had to leave, Ava Nancy: I wouldn't be in your life at all right now if I hadn't done that Ava: You did what you had to for you Ava: it doesn't change that it happened Ava: doesn't mean we can force a relationship now 'cos it weren't your fault Ava: that time's gone Nancy: it's not gone for me Nancy: it affects everything Ava: and I'm sorry for you Nancy: yeah, I know Ava: I can't be expected to fix that for you, no one can Nancy: I know that too Ava: There's nothing more to say Ava: we both got fucked over Ava: it is what it is Nancy: there's just one more thing I wanna say, even though you don't want or need my advice, don't let her ruin anything, whether she comes back or it's just the damage she's already done to that poor fucking lad, like Ava: I can't control her Ava: I can just be there for him now Nancy: Yeah, don't let anyone stop you then Ava: I won't Nancy: Good Nancy: I hope you're both happy, I mean that Ava: Thanks Ava: that's the goal Nancy: It's all mum & dad actually want, they'll calm down eventually Nancy: Buster too, he's a lot calmer these days Ava: They'll have to Ava: he's not doing anything wrong Nancy: it's not me you need to convince Ava: I should probably go do that then Nancy: Right, why waste time Ava: All good fun Nancy: C'est la vie Nancy: if there's a NYC equivalent of that I can't remember it Ava: even New Yorkers don't have culture Ava: still American Nancy: Gays are the only ones who have culture Ava: Bold statement to make about plaid and dysfunction but okay Nancy: what else have I got? might as well Ava: Sure Nancy: she didn't manage to straighten me out even if she took everything else Ava: Any small victory Nancy: Go then, you're shamelessly stalling now Ava: I'm walking Ava: going to the park, I told you I had things to do Nancy: try not to get run over again please Ava: 🙄 Ava: that's nice isn't it Nancy: I'm serious, I was worried Ava: James came and looked after me Nancy: I'm glad, it's shit being alone when things like that happen Ava: They wouldn't have been able to discharge me so yeah Ava: it was good Nancy: he always did seem like less of a prick than the rest Ava: A glowing review Ava: almost sounded like a compliment Nancy: he never joined in with any of it, so yeah, I guess it is Ava: He's a nice person now, that's all I know Nancy: that's all that matters now anyway Ava: Yeah but I'm glad he didn't Ava: obviously Nancy: I wouldn't let him near you if he had, whatever you say or however many flights I'd have to get to keep you apart Ava: Okay, drama queen Nancy: shut up, that one's not my fault, actually genetic Ava: 😂 True Nancy: dad's such a 👑, good lord Nancy: I wonder if they met James when he was friends with Buster Nancy: probably not Ava: He says he doesn't really remember them but I remember Buster's friends being around so Ava: guess saying thank you when you run out the front door isn't really meeting Nancy: Yeah, they always were Nancy: but like you said, mum & dad really aren't so Ava: they were more back then Ava: when I was little Nancy: Sure, they aren't going to rival James' wife in the parenting stakes Ava: It's not even funny Nancy: she never has been Nancy: how she ever thought I could fancy her when she's not no sense of humour Ava: Maybe she is gay Ava: something's making her seriously unhappy and fucked Nancy: She was definitely into Buster too though, I remember that from way before I left Ava: I think she slept with everyone, like Nancy: not him though, his 😍 for Ri were in place before we moved from Cambs Ava: Yeah but I mean, she obvs didn't know that Ava: 'til everyone did Nancy: that whole group were always swapping, it was so gross & weird Nancy: but I was the weird one, okay bitch Ava: Yeah Ava: lots of people still roll like that Nancy: there's a whole gay scene here that's entirely that Ava: A box is a box wherever it is Ava: even if you roll it in glitter and call it culture 🤷 Nancy: & lesbians are ridiculous wherever you find them Ava: we'll leave that at a self-drag Ava: I'm not getting involved Nancy: I'm just saying, I don't wanna be friends with someone who broke my heart, why does that make me weird? Ava: Who's broke your heart this week then Nancy: Unlike you, I was heartbroken in the Seychelles Ava: Duh, you wouldn't have come otherwise Ava: so go on, what happened Nancy: you've pointed out enough of my flaws for one conversation, cheers Nancy: I'm not dissecting my breakup with you Ava: I am busy so ⌚ Nancy: goodbye then Ava: 😂 Ava: I'm not dying Ava: laters Nancy: until you get run over again, yeah? Nancy: seriously, stop walking & annoying me, like Nancy: it's an actual safety hazard Ava: Not to brag but my coordination is great, tah Nancy: being rude to the dyslexic now Nancy: yeah, you can go Ava: 👋
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