#now i am very late with posting this due to *drumroll*
silhouettecrow · 1 year
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 152
Adjective: Infinite
Noun: Eye
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Infinite: limitless or endless in space, extent, or size, or impossible to measure or calculate; very great in amount or degree; (mathematics) greater than any assignable quantity or countable number; (mathematics) (of a series) able to be continued indefinitely; (grammar) another term for nonfinite
Eye: each of a pair of globular organs in the head through which people and vertebrate animals see, the visible part typically appearing almond-shaped in animals with eyelids; the corresponding visual or light-detecting organ of many invertebrate animals; the region of the face surrounding the eyes; used to refer to someone's power of vision and in descriptions of the manner or direction of someone's gaze; used to refer to someone's opinion or attitude toward something; a thing resembling an eye in appearance, shape, or relative position; a rounded eye-like marking on an animal, such as those on the tail of a peacock, or an eyespot; a round, dark spot on a potato from which a new shoot can grow; (US) a center cut of meat; the center of a flower, especially when distinctively colored; the calm region at the center of a storm or hurricane; (nautical) the extreme forward part of a ship; the small hole in a needle through which the thread is passed; a small metal loop into which a hook is fitted as a fastener on a garment; (nautical) a loop at the end of a rope, especially one at the top end of a shroud or stay
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Tip #7
Okay, sorry for the late posting I had this all ready to go up on Wednesday but then something happened that COMPLETELY changed what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. 
Today’s topic of advice is *drumroll.....* SCHOLARSHIPS!!!! (or just free money)
Now, you may be thinking, what in the world. Scholarships are impossible, so many people apply, and not enough people win what is this girl on about. Well, I will inform you that my private university education would have cost around 160K. I have only had to pay 12k, and on Wednesday I got notice that I got a scholarship that will cover the rest of my college education. Meaning I will not have to pay anything else. Does that mean I'm going to stop applying to scholarships? No, because I have 12k in loans to pay. The goal right now is to win scholarships to pay for my student loans. Because crippling debt is not something I want.  
SO I will bestow you my knowledge and methodology to how I managed to wrangle 148k of free money. 
Before we even begin. Scholarship applications are not for the faint of heart. The amount of scholarships I apply to per year is insane, and you have to not get discouraged from not winning. You just have to accept that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose and keep applying until you win. Plus after applying to so many scholarships, I am convinced that they make these applications long so that you give up halfway through.
First things first. You obviously have to have good grades. Like, common guys, its called a scholarship. they are not going to give money to someone that is NOT a scholar. Now I'm not saying that you have to be the class valedictorian or that you have to be Suma Cum Laude. Just have good grades. Not perfect, just good. 
Secondly, volunteer hours. Just because you are no longer in high school does not mean that you can stop volunteering places. First of all, you should already be volunteering anyways for resume purposes. But also, scholarship committees are LOOKING for things that make you look like upstanding citizens. If you want extra brownie points volunteer someplace consistently or someplace healthcare-related. (be careful volunteering at hospitals because sometimes they are very demanding) I used to volunteer (before the world ended) at the Ronald Mcdonald house in the medical center. They had reasonable hours, were medically related, and I volunteered on a consistent basis (proving responsibility). 
Thirdly, befriend your professors, tutors, counselors in your nursing school. Make yourself stand out in some way and show your dedication to your future career. They are the people that will write your letters of recommendation. 
Fourthly, this one sounds stupid, but I almost had a stroke when I realized this. SAVE YOUR NURSING SCHOOL ACCEPTANCE LETTER. I was very careless with mine and just shoved it in a folder and forgot about it and when one scholarship asked for a copy of it I COULD NOT FIND IT FOR THE LIFE OF ME. 
Fifthly, keep a binder with any dean’s list certificate, acceptance, letters, award letters, resumes old and new, Etc. This will make it easier for you to keep track when everything is due and when you have to ask for it. 
Lastly, this one goes out to more organization because I am ever so anal particular about how things need to be. Start a google doc with your friends with all the scholarships that you have to apply to within the year. Under each scholarship name, you will have the date applications open, the website, the date applications are due, and any outside resources (rec letters, transcripts, etc.) needed. 
Tumblr media
Now for actual places to apply for scholarships:
I don't care if you want to do it or not, this is free money or loans with almost zero % interest. You fill this form out regardless. If you are concerned about your parent's income lemme give you a tip. If your parents are not paying anything for your schooling and you aren’t eligible for any money because your parent's income is very high then get yourself emancipated. (did not do this because it is not true and I don’t need it but my friends have) You will then be recognized as an independent and because your income is so low your government aid goes up. 
2. University Scholarships 
Make sure to apply to all the scholarships that your school offers you just for existing and having a decent GPA. 
3. University website
The financial aid office will help you if you pester them enough. Now my school compiles a list of outside scholarships for students to apply to. This is a great way to find opportunities in your city, community, and even major-specific. 
4. Scholarships with companies
One of the scholarships that I received was through the company that my dad worked in. I know that several other companies offer this opportunity to the children their workers. I know that some companies like Target and CFA also offer scholarships to current employees. 
5. Church Scholarships
Churches are really nice places to also find scholarships. I know that at some schools the schools match the amount that the church awards you. 
6. Major specific scholarships
With one quick google search, you can find several nonprofits and corporations that seek to give out scholarships to specific majors 
7. NSNA Scholarship  
If I’ve said it once I've probably said it three other times at some point. With your memberships, you can apply to a HUGE scholarship. I have not won this but my classmates have. Amazing opportunity. 
Now I have equipped you with a ton of information. All I have to say now is good luck. Do not get discouraged by the applications (it’s all a scam to make you give up).  If you ever need any help with any applications ever, Let me know. I’ll help you hustle. 
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fandoms-equal-life · 6 years
Rewriting Their Stars Once Again - The Greatest Showman Fanfiction
Chapter 3: News for All
Originally Posted on Ao3: 
Anne and Phillip are having some struggles during this pregnancy, especially considering they are still in early stages. Therefore, they search for answers
I am so sorry I have been away for so long. My life has been so crazy lately, but it has calmed down and I am ready to finish this story. I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Three: News for All
It is the end of her third month and Anne is already huge.
Phillip and Anne had decided to tell the circus as soon as possible about the baby, as they would be suspicious of Anne no longer working. Which was a good idea now that she looks back, there is no way to hide this bump in any of her dresses. They gathered their makeshift family around them, including P.T. and the girls (which Phillip ensured would be at the circus that night) and stated they had big news to share. They had decided it would be Anne who would share their big news, but she was so filled with nerves about this. Sharing this news with the circus would make it real, and Anne did not think she was ready for that. However, when she looked over at Charity’s knowing, but kind smile, Anne gained the confidence she needed to share this incredible news. After Phillip made the circus’s drummers play a dramatic drumroll, Anne shouted, “We’re having a baby!” and everyone cheered. Helen and Caroline were bouncing up and down, WD was going over to hug his sister, P.T. shook Phillip’s hand, while Lettie, Tom, and the rest of the oddities shouted and cheered. In that moment, Anne and Phillip were filled with so much love, they felt like they could do anything.
Now, a month after the announcement, Anne did not know how she was going to make it to nine months. At first, Anne would join Phillip to work, watch the circus every night and stuff her face with the greasy food that did not upset her stomach, but then she started to deteriorate. Charity said by the end of her third month the morning sickness would end, but instead its worsened. She constantly has to pee and is always hungry and craving different kinds of food. Also, her emotions are out of sorts. One minute she is happy, the next she wants to throw the vase of flowers in their living room at Phillip’s head, and the next she is on the floor crying. While Phillip has not complained once, Anne can see she is wearing him out. Not only will he not accept any help with the circus, but he is always there for Anne when she needs him. Anne has him running all over New York for different kinds of foods she is craving at all hours of the day and comforting her during her mood swings. Also, Anne has not been sleeping; therefore, Phillip has not been sleeping. This has made it almost impossible to leave the house now. There has been no preparations for the baby’s arrival. They have received little gifts from the circus, but nothing like a crib or diapers.
Charity, the pregnancy expert in Anne’s mind, was worried by all these symptoms. She knows every pregnancy is different for every woman, but she can see that this is harder on Anne than pregnancy ever was for her.
Now, with difficultly, Charity and Phillip are taking Anne to the doctor to see if he has any answers. P.T. is filling in for Phillip while he is at the doctor, and while Phillip is very concerned for Anne, he is also concerned his secret will get out. Attempting to push that out of his mind, he leads Anne into the waiting room and sits her down. While Charity goes to check her in, Anne looks around at all the other patients in the room. There are several pregnant women in the room, some with other children at their hips, and in Anne’s mind, none of them looked as sick and tired as Anne felt. She thought that she could see the “glow” that is supposed to come with pregnancy on them, while Anne was just trying to make it through this doctor’s visit without vomiting.
After her contemplation, she turns to Phillip and says softly, “If this doctor does not have any answers for me, I do not know how I’m going to make it.”
Phillip turns towards Anne and sees tears in her eyes. Phillip knew this was not due to any hormone change, he saw how worn out Anne was. Sure, Phillip was tired, but he was not carrying a life inside him. So, he grabbed her hand and told her the truth, “Anne, I know this hard, I cannot even imagine, but I love you so much and I believe wholeheartedly that you will make it and that we will have an absolutely beautiful family. You, me, and this little one will live the happiest life once this is over, you just have to make it to the end, and I will be there every step of the way.”
Phillip thought she might be mad at his words, but instead she softly kissed him in thanks. At that moment the doctor, Dr. Turner, a white man who thankfully cared more about the money he was receiving than the color of anyone’s skin, had called them in. When Anne and Phillip started to walk towards the door, the doctor stopped Phillip and said “I do not allow the father to be present in the room during the examination. It is not proper. You can come in when it is over.”
When Phillip went to sit down, Anne turned towards Dr. Turner and said, “He has been my rock through this entire journey and I want him in the room with me. Besides Dr. Turner, if you have not noticed, were not exactly a traditional family.”
With that, he allowed Phillip to join.
In the room, Anne got on the table, with help from Charity, while Dr. Turner and Phillip waited for her to be ready outside the door. Charity places a blanket over Anne’s legs after she lifted her dress to expose her stomach and called the doctor and Phillip back into the room. Phillip stood by Anne’s side and held her hand, while Charity sat in the corner of the room. While Dr. Turner was asking questions, he gave Anne a quick physical. Dr. Turner was not the doctor that revealed she was pregnant; therefore, he asked Anne “How far along are you? Six months?”
Anne looked at him blankly and answered, “No, I just started my fourth month.”
Dr. Turner looked very confused. There was no way this woman was only starting her fourth month. She was much larger than expected. He thought back to his many years as a doctor to explain why she was this large so early on in her pregnancy. That is when he pulled out his tool to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. Dr. Turner placed the tool on Anne’s stomach and easily found the baby’s heartbeat, which sounded perfectly healthy. To confirm or deny his initial thought, he moved the tool to the left and heard a second heartbeat. Finally, just to make sure, the doctor went to right side of her stomach and her one last heartbeat. Dr. Turner could not believe his ears.
This entire time, Charity was very worried. She thought he could not find a heartbeat, which is why the doctor was searching different parts of her stomach. When Charity was about to demand to know what was happening, Dr. Turner stood up straight and turned towards the couple.
“Miss Wheeler, as you know, childbirth is a hard and painful with just one baby, but yours will be even worse. You are having triplets Miss Wheeler, which explains why you are having accelerated symptoms. While it is a miracle that they are developing healthy, the chance of a healthy childbirth has significantly decreased. You will need to be put on bedrest when you reach six months at least. I also advise not to do anything too hard and strenuous now. This is going to be a long and hard battle for you Miss Wheeler and I hope you’re ready to fight it, as there is a chance you will not make it out alive.”
Chapters 1 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11
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twobrokewriters · 7 years
Hey guys!
Marie here. I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything or, for the matter of fact, been here lately; it's just, due to hurricane season I'm in quite a spot. I'm fine, and didn't lose anything thankfully, but officials are saying our country won't have electricity for months since it really caused horrible disasters in some parts, so that by default means I won't have any internet. Right now I get internet from random fast food places that weren't destroyed, so my posting will be very scarce and limited. Don't get me wrong, I'm oh so very thankful everyone I know is doing okay and luckily so am I, but it's just this whole situation bums me out a bit, especially with the mess that University will be now without electricity... - Anyways, with that said, I do have an idea for when I get officially back, so, drumroll please: *drumroll noises* I'm going to write a fanfiction for every Tumblr Soulmate AU out there. That's right. Every. Single. One. Now this might seem silly or kinda hard, but it is a journey I am very willing to take. It be it with Hetalia, Yuri!!! On Ice, or any other anime you guys suggest, (and I am so willing to take suggestions) I will do this. I just love Tumblr Soulmate AU's so much? Their just so cute, heartwarming, and heartbreaking sometimes, I'm kinda pathetically obsessed with them. I only know like 20ish Soulmate AU's, but I know there's more so I will be searching for them, but if you guys could send me the one's you know/prefer/like/love that'd be amazing! I will be taking submissions! they being about pairings, Soulmate AU's, or a pairing with a Soulmate AU, they are all warmly welcomed. While I'm on this quest, I don't think I'll write stories without Soulmate AU's unless requested. So I really hope you guys like this and join me in my little adventure. Hope to see ya soon, take care y'all.
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earsontaylor · 6 years
Long Time, No See
Hey howdy hey! It’s been a long time since I updated this blog, and honestly, it feels sad to be doing so. I think I took for granted what this blog meant at the time, but now that I’m where I am now, I almost wish I could go back to the start. 
Let’s start at the end of the story. On July 25, 2018, I worked my last shift as a Walt Disney Company employee. I know there’s a lot of time that passed between my last shift and the last time I wrote a post for this blog. I think I want to give you a short recap, but it might be more for me than for you. 
I left off by writing about how I had just gotten into a car accident right at the beginning of my first college program. I did recover! I also went through a lot that year. I had issues with leaders, I gained friends and they did things to cause me to lose trust in them, and I broke up with my long-time boyfriend (not long after I wrote the previous post). There were parts of that program that I absolutely would never want to go through again, but all in all, I look at it fondly. 
Here are some highlights:
Had lots of fun (and spats) with my roommates
Had Dole Whips at the Polynesian Resort with all of my roommates (it was Elizabeth’s first time having one)
Met my best friend in the entire world, and he’s still my best friend, two years later. I see him every single day now!
Went on many road trips to St. Petersburg, Tampa, and Dunedin
Went to Magic Kingdom for its 45th anniversary celebration
Went to two Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween parties and one Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party
Ate at Be Our Guest for the first time
Went to a cast preview for Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM, a new Christmas nighttime show that debuted at Hollywood Studios just before the Christmas season 
Picked up a shift at Super Hero Headquarters at Disney Springs
Vended on Christmas while wearing Christmas light necklaces on every single appendage (arms, legs, neck, waist, etc.) and with absolutely no voice while aforementioned Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM went off
Danced next to Frozen Fractal with my friend Anne-Marie while also wearing Christmas light necklaces from every appendage as the fireworks went off
Graduated from the Fall Advantage 2016 program successfully and left with a whole pizza and a box of cookie brownies from Domino’s
And that’s just a very, very small snippet of the entire seven months I was on my first college program. 
In January of 2017, I packed up my stuff and moved out of Patterson Court, back to Lawrence. As I mentioned, I took a semester off and took some online classes in order to do my college program, so when I returned home, I still had one final semester left of college. I started that semester off with a bang, however; after syllabus day, I found out that I had contracted mono. I spent the first two and a half weeks of my last senior semester at home, slowly dying. This isn’t really related to this blog’s purpose, but it was awful. While I was home with mono, I decided to apply for another college program and was accepted halfway through the semester!
Despite the mono, I was able to finish out the semester strong and graduated on May 17, 2017, with Bachelor of Art degrees in Art History and Religious Studies, a minor in Journalism, and a certificate in Global Awareness.
I was accepted for the Fall 2018 program, so I moved back to Orlando yet again in August. My check-in date was August 7th, but this time I decided to opt out of housing since I planned to live in Orlando on a longer term basis this time around. This time, I was placed in...
Drumroll please!
Hollywood Studios, Animation Courtyard Merchandise!
Yes, that’s right. For my second program, I was placed in Hollywood Studios yet again! I love working in Hollywood Studios so much, so I was extremely excited to be going back to my home park after just a few months. 
I loved this location so much -- so much that I even extended my program TWICE, once from January until May and then from May until July, so I ended up actually doing a year long program instead of eight months like my first program. This time, I worked in Star Wars Launch Bay, In Character and Studio Store, Toy Story Department, and park-wide vending. Eventually, Toy Story Department closed and we gained Toy Story Land! I was so lucky to be part of the Toy Story Land opening team and worked all three days of the land’s opening weekend (which was definitely both a marathon AND a sprint all at once). I even was part of an internal promotional video for the land on the Hub.
Along with opening Toy Story Land, some highlights from my second program include:
Doing the “Courtyard Pokey” (and, later, the “Backyard Pokey” in Toy Story Land) with my friends and having Guests laugh and video tape it
Having so many potlucks and parties
Going to the parks with Mckayla, my in-room roommate from my first program, who ended up moving back to Florida too to do a professional internship in Guest Relations at Magic Kingdom
Dancing to Fantasmic while nighttime vending
Playing with lots of little Jedi-in-training in Launch Bay and giving them personalized name tags (and sometimes lightsabers...)
Gaining some new (and true) lifelong friends whom I cherish so much
Gaining a whole new set of leaders who made the not so great ones seem unimportant
Received a quarterly award from the Cast Experience team for having amazing Four Keys Cards
Got lots of #CastCompliments on Twitter
Having late night talks with my favorite leader (whom I am privileged to also call my friend) until 1:30 AM
Having my birthday brunch at Crystal Palace with some of my favorite friends 
Having brunch at Boma at Animal Kingdom Lodge with some more of my favorite CP friends from the first part of this program who came back to visit
Finally went to my first Dapper Day (Spring 2018 at Epcot)
Laying in the Hub Grass at Magic Kingdom and laughing with my friends
Cry-laughing in Toy Story Land at 2 AM with my friends who also worked all three days of crazy opening weekend hours because of how ridiculous it all was
Dancing joyously in the middle of the Courtyard with one of my friends when my last Courtyard shift ended while A Star is Born played loudly throughout the park, telling the Guests the park was closed
Making so many magical moments for Guests, and crying with them when they were really, REALLY good magical moments
Graduated from my program TWICE times, one for the fall and one for my spring/summer extensions
And now for the present. After my second program ended at the end of July, I made the hard decision not to apply for part-time or full-time. I finally had an almost perfect college program experience my second time around, and I knew that it would be better for me to leave the company at a high point. 
So, almost a month after Toy Story Land opened - my last final, amazing hoorah as a cast member - I left. Amazingly, I didn’t cry. I was definitely emotional, but it was bittersweet. This is probably due to the fact that I actually...still live in Orlando, and still work on Disney property! I am now a third party cast member (or an operating participant) at Kate Spade at Disney Springs. I love it SO much. I can’t think of a better way to pass the time while waiting to get into graduate school!
There aren’t words for how grateful I am for my time with the Walt Disney Company and for my two college programs. There were some really low lows, especially during my first program, but there have also been so many incredible highs that I would honestly trade the world to have again. My programs weren’t perfect, but magic doesn’t have to be. 
I think this is a good place to leave off, mostly because I’m starting to get emotional. I would really like to do a Q&A with you guys that have stuck around AND with any new CPs about to start their Spring/Spring Advantage programs in the coming weeks. Feel free to drop any and all questions you might have about being a CP, or about my program experiences specifically, in my asks and I will make one long masterpost with all of my answers.
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.“
-- Walt Disney
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underbananamoon · 5 years
It’s still Women’s History Month (I write this on the last day of March) although every day is a good day to remember women. I think of my mother, a gentle laughing spirit and her mother, a fragile sprite of a woman with a mischievous aura about her. I think of my birth mother too, who I met a few times before she passed and found out later she loved to tell stories about faeries and little people. My biological grandma who I met twice, an artist who grabbed my cheeks gently, the first time we met and said “I love you already.” I think of Starr, who has had to face way too much havoc and to whom I send love healing intention every day- she deserves happiness. I am often drawn to autobiographical accounts of women in particular although my fave author Augusten Burroughs has a new book due out and I am very happy to have that on pre-order. Some interesting women’s stories (artists, writers, leaders…) a few that stay with me, of the very many I’ve read:
Her beau: the well-known-died-too-young-Jackson Pollock gets the attention but Lee is fascinating!
It stays with you. As tragedy and remembrance does.
While books like this are rarely “juicy,” and words are carefully chosen, it is a fabulous insight into what shaped and directed the Obama trajectory.
What can I say? I just didn’t know autism is a broad spectrum. I didn’t know stereotypes I’d been fed were largely untrue. I was always picking up memoir in my 30s, as I still do, in an attempt to know how people tick, so to speak, to get a grasp on my own different brain. I saw the title Nobody Nowhere on a Caldor store shelf and I thought, “Sounds interesting. I don’t have autism, I mean I don’t bang my head all day…but it should be an interesting read.” This is the first book I read from an autistic POV. Page one, I said, “So that’s what I’ve got.” Epiphany. The rest is history. Errr….. herstory.
Speaking of herstory, I’m going to recommend my own book to you and while I can’t say I am a leader or a mover-shaker, I can say that it is from the heart and that the late author of Nobody Nowhere became a sister at heart friend and wrote my forward free of charge, because she offered and I was honored. Every single human being has a story. I have a mountain of books at my bedside that I step around when I rise in the morning, to prove that. And for a long time I didn’t think I even had a voice. While my voice and what I have to say is unconventional, I do have one and this little book I wrote proves that:
Oh, someone give me a kick in the writer-ass to get going on my next book! Art is something I am immersed in however. I’m planning a series of women-inspired paintings/collages of women (real, bumpy, curvy, diverse, empowered) and as such, I was looking at the extraordinary work of Goya’s women and witches, of which I’m sharing a little here…
  Awestruck by olden images/sketches of woman, I had a specific search engine that brought up image drawings. I entered the search words “Old Woman” so I could inspire my own art creations with images that came up in the search results. Here’s what happened:
Bags! Bags came up when I searched old women? A derogatory outdated term for women? Interesting, because that’s the opposite of empowerment isn’t it? LOL as they say.
So, Women’s History Month has Marched by and the next theme-designated-month is….drumroll….Autism Awareness! It’s a month many dread. Fact is, we are all going to see news, TV, docu-features, articles, etc. and community happenings and all manner of things in April related to what many of us live with EVERY day of the year. Walks. Stunts. Blue lights.
I’ve read that blue was chosen for Autism Awareness Month because autism supposedly disproportionately affects males (…actually girls hide it better and fall under the radar, so is that really true?…) and we all know blue is the assigned color for males… Really though? In a 1918 Ladies Home Journal article, the following was said: “The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.” Hmmm I’m digressing. That in itself is disempowering in itself. Girls: dainty. Boys: Strong. It’s like that old Betty White quote I adore.
But I digress. While some feel that designating a month for autism awareness is a great soapbox from which to express autism related topics, others absolutely despise it and are triggered by it. Autism is no “walk in the park” for those affected, says Kim Stagliano, Washington Post.
According to the Autism Society, the initiative was created “to promote autism awareness, inclusion and self-determination for all, and assure that each person with [Autism Spectrum Disorder] is provided the opportunity to achieve the highest possible quality of life.”
On that note, here is what I’ve been up to…in part, as an instrinsically actually autistic woman: Truth is, I’m up to a lot.
Wednesday Al and I went to Manhattan with my son Silas and gf Kat to be filmed for our part in the anthology docu-film Desire, which Keri Bowers is directing on a shoestring. I destroyed a cuticle or two along the way. My nerves. They sing too loudly.
My now-son Silas had top surgery and used to be my daughter Kerry Annie and if you’ve read my book you recall a little girl who loved classical music, daredevil activities, kitties and motorcycles…. Now I have three sons. Silas and Kat bravely talk about their love story, in this film. I’m proud to be a small part of a big thing. Maybe it was easier to talk about other people’s sexuality than my own?
When we arrived (early) at the highrise where filming was taking place I saw these marvelous doors.
Al and I took a seat in the library room to wait our turn, as filming was running late. Al can get curmudgeonly when things go unexpectedly and while I am not happy with unexpected change, I often try to take the stance that it’s an adventure after all and meant this way. Al did hold it together patiently, to his credit! Our unruly dog has taught him patience!
So, waiting in the library for our turn, Al settled in to an iPhone game and I picked up Neurotribes and skimmed through for an hour. Someone had put a Post-it note inside. Steve’s book reminds me of me when I was “shiny” which is my term for newly diagnosed, and in that awestruck and happy period of newly-diagnosed-revelation. At least that was my experience. At the time I was diagnosed (1990s), I got library books (much of what is in Steve’s book) and copied and copied info that I recognize in Neurotribes as part of what I researched, into a red binder which I still have, handwritten. Truly, Steve’s book is a go-to, a culmination of autism knowledge that is a gathered place for invaluable information. Inspired! (This library had jarringly noisy glass doors…for a library one doesn’t expect to grit teeth every few minutes while someone enters through said noisy doors…)
  While Keri got great shots of Al and I walking, and even kissing on the busy street, it should be noted, alas, that filming is not my forte. I have RestingFrownFace. I suppose to focus on communication (selective mutism sucks) AND my facial expression is not cohesive, one always suffers. Plus side? I got to meet members of my tribe, Keri’s assistants Mark and Michelle. Here is lovely Michelle who had a very sore foot (and a trans child in common with me). My foot wasn’t sore. 🙂
Keri wanted footage of my hometown and planned a trip to visit us on Saturday by train,(yesterday) … Unfortunately Keri and Mark got lost on the way and we are rescheduling the trip for the future. She had a rose for me but never got to deliver it. Here are she and Mark who is delightfully shiny 🙂 mugging with my rose. At least I got to see it!
Had planned to take them to one of my favorite trees when they got in by train, but Al and I decided to go to the tree anyway even if Mark and Keri weren’t there to see it in person. Here we are:
  Here is a shot of the filming of my son (left) and his gf Katerina. They held hands the whole time.
I have probably shared these before, but here is a “before” of Silas and a shot of ‘she’ and I miming.
  It’s warming up here in the east. 60 degrees! woohoo. I plan to get a lowBattery-refill from nature as often as I can. My low power light is blinking. I’ll leave you with some art I’ve made, old and new- most collage, some acrylic, a lot of them unfinished. Poor quality quick iPhone photos.
  See Alex Trebek in her calf muscle? These collages and paintings are more vibrant in person. They came out rather dark here. Images copyright me of course.
Go see your favorite tree. If you don’t have one, find one. Find your tribe, whoever it is. Make art. Catch Pokemon. Life is short. Maybe you’ll catch a shiny like me! Did you know Pokemon Go was created by someone with Aspergers? Of course you did.
  CNN article about dreading autism awareness month.
  Gender, Desire, Art, Journey (not in any particular order) It's still Women's History Month (I write this on the last day of March) although every day is a good day to remember women.
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