#now i have to wait until the next saga comes out and hold my hands out
thunderjackal · 9 months
no art for a little bit as I'm still working on christmas stuff for my friends also going feral about the new epic the musical saga takes priority
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updownlately · 1 year
i'm tired of lovin' from afar (and never being where you are)
| alessia russo x reader
The incessant buzzing coming from your phone beside you rudely jolts you out of your daydreaming.
Groaning into your pillow, you sluggishly reach over, hand flailing around until you make contact with the device.
Blinking, trying to bring yourself back into reality, you take a deep breath before taking a look at the caller ID.
You smile softly to yourself at the name you see, amused at the timing of the call, how the one running in your mind was the also one calling you.
Tapping the answer button, you move to hold the phone in front of you.
"Hi Lessi," you answer, the smile on your face becoming brighter as your girlfriend materializes on the screen in your hands.
"Hey love."
Running through the pleasantries, you ask her how she's doing and listen to the striker tell you about her past twenty-four hours, letting her familiarly distinct accent calm you. The time difference between you both resulted in her day nearly being finished whilst yours had barely made it halfway through, paving the way for tons of stories from training ready to be shared by the Englishwoman.
It's only when she finishes retelling the latest saga of how Georgia somehow managed to prank Leah and Kiera into eating a pie of shaving cream that Alessia notices the lack of bags under your eyes and the sleepy look on your face, nap lines running across your cheek.
"Were you asleep?" she asks, eyes full of amusement.
You nod shyly in response, head ducking down so that your reddening cheeks are hidden behind the pillow in your arms.
Audibly awing, Alessia can't help but just slightly be worried for you, aware that you had a tendency to nap when you were stressed or sad (or both).
"Is everything okay though love? I hope camp isn't too stressful or tiring?"
The barely dying down blush comes back in full force on your face, heart bursting at how attentive your girlfriend was, at how well she knew you.
You hum in response, composing yourself for a second before answering. "Everything's great. Camp's been fun so far. Tiring but just perfectly enough."
"And yet you look like you've spent the last few weeks hibernating?" the blonde teases.
"Oh..." You let your voice trail off, hoping that Alessia doesn't push further, embarrassed at the reason you'd been napping more recently.
"You wanna tell me why my girlfriend's suddenly turned into a tiny panda? Just constantly napping on top of being a cute goofball?"
Her question has you smiling, something you seemed to do a lot (almost never not smiling) when she was in the vicinity.
"It's embarrassing..."
"Oh come on, I think that's more the reason for me to know then," Alessia says cheekily, the excitement in her voice increasing.
Taking a deep breath in, you prepare yourself for the inevitable teasing that was headed your way once you shared your reasoning.
Pulling your pillow closer to your chin, you mumbled out the basis behind your constantly sleep state, Alessia only catching a few words along the lines of 'miss', 'dreams', and 'here'.
"Baby, you gotta get your face out of the pillow and repeat yourself. I'm not letting you get out of this one now," Alessia grinned.
Sighing again, you move the pillow underneath your chin, your eyes going everywhere but your phone screen.
"I nap when I miss you. When I sleep, you're in my dreams and it kinda feels like you’re here next to me," you admit sheepishly, the rose tint now taking permanent residence on your face.
Alessia can't help the pout that makes its way on her face, her heart feeling ever so full at your admission.
"Aww, love...you're so adorable it's not even funny." Taking in your shyness, she continues. "I can't wait to have you back in my arms, back home. We only have a few days left and then I'll have you here, in our bed, and we can nap together...how does that sound?"
Curling into yourself, you feel the warmth of her love spread through your body. Nodding in agreement, you sink into your sheets again.
"Can you tell me more about your day? Your voice is pretty..." you request, head falling onto your pillow as you reposition yourself to lay on your side, almost making it so that Alessia seemed here beside you, instead of over six thousand miles away.
"As long as you promise not to fall asleep on me," Alessia jested, a smile resting on her face.
You shook your head in response. "Never. Wouldn't dream of it."
And as Alessia launched into another tale of the English team at camp and you listened intently, eyes admiring the other girl, scanning her face, trying to commit every freckle, every little laugh line, every wrinkle into memory.
Missing your girlfriend terribly, you knew that if she couldn't be here with you, then the thought of her would have to do. And if that's what you had to make do with, then you were going to make sure that the image of her that visited you in your dreams was just as perfect as the girl patiently waiting for you an ocean away.
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zaceouiswriting · 7 days
Fairy Prince - Hearts of Leviathans - Ch.33
Character: Sky x male reader, Riven x male reader, Brandon x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Winx Club/Saga
Warnings: None
It doesn't take long for the girl to return, interrupting my thoughts about throwing rocks at my best friend until he speaks to me again. As I hear her come closer, I quickly remove the mischievous smirk off my face. 
She comes running and almost trips over something, but manages to catch herself just in time, and without a word, she puts a few leaves on my dirt blanket.
"These are cartilion leaves. They are used for medicinal potions and tinctures. It is said that their roots can heal an entire forest as they grow."
When her words finally sink in, I wonder why she put leaves on me instead of their roots. Her shining eyes confuse me, as this seems utterly pointless. My gaze wandered back and forth between the leaves and the ground. There is silence between us for a minute. Until it clicks in my head.
“You’re a genius!” I quickly soften the soil under the leaves and pull them into it.
She looks as happy as I feel and even blushes at the compliment I gave her. Seeing her so happy, I can't help but smile even though my chest hurts, knowing that I'm one of the few people who actually speaks kindly to her. At least, that's my conclusion from what I have witnessed thus far. She is always reserved in the company of others, but when we are alone, she seems free, sometimes even lively. Despite it all, I still don't know her name, but that is a problem for another time.
She kneels next to me for the second time. Carefully, she moves her hands over the leaves and uses her magic, but I can immediately feel how unstable it is. I can only sigh in exhaustion. Although I thought I had helped her with this problem, she seemed to have forgotten everything already.
“Breathe!” I order her sternly. She looks at me in shock and stops breathing completely for a moment. "Breathe in," I tell her and wait until she actually takes air into her lungs. As she is holding her breath, I wait a few seconds. “Now, breathe out.” I order her to do this a few more times, and each time I see her chest move a little more normally. The pulsation of her magic and her heartbeat soften in unison.
The magic slowly begins to form, but it is still significantly unstable. I don't know what kind of spell she is trying to cast, as she is only whispering, which I can barely hear. A soft green glow appears around the leaves, but nothing happens.
"Close your eyes and concentrate on the node of your inner magic," I explain to her. "A core should have formed there by now, but that's something for another time," I mumble, not wanting to upset her.
She does as she is told, and I feel her magic stabilizing, making the bright green glow richer, darker, and larger. The leaves take root in the soil and quickly dig into my skin. Just as she said, something in those roots helps my body heal faster than before. In combination with my magic, the healing happens much faster. At first, I don't think anything of it, but then I feel pain all over my body. The roots that had previously only dug into me a little now seem to want to form an entire system in my body. Suddenly, a scream erupts from my throat, a high-pitched one that you would normally hear from a woman, but at this moment, I don't care; it just hurts like a bitch.
I grit my teeth and endure the pain, sure that it won't last too long. But as the minutes go by, I become more and more unsure. Until, out of nowhere, the pain slowly fades away, leaving only the warm feeling of healing. A half-sigh escapes my lips as the lower part of my body heals while the upper half still hurts. It will probably still take a while, but thanks to the girl's magic, it won't take as long as it would with mine alone.
In the middle of the night, everything was finally done, but I was so damn exhausted, and the girl next to me could barely keep her eyes open.
After hours, I let the earth fall around me. My body feels stiff. I can still clearly feel every bone that was healed, and it seemed like nothing ever happened, one of the good things about magic.
I'm so exhausted that I can't move, but lying there sounds like a good idea. The girl quickly falls next to me, breathing heavily as if she had just run a marathon. It's pretty impressive how quickly her chest rises and falls.
"Thank you," I murmur. She didn't respond, so I continued, "Not only for helping me but most of all because you didn't run and stayed away."
She finally turns her head towards me, a small smile on her lips. She gently pets my chest, then turns her head upwards and clasps her hands on her stomach. Afterward, we lie there for a while, recovering.
“Can you stand up?” My voice is quiet, as exhausted as the rest of my body.
She started giggling: “No way!”
I could only giggle with her. But deep down, I hope this is a special situation in a fairy's everyday school life.
“But we have to go back inside!” I laugh quite loudly, “It’s getting fucking cold.”
She could only laugh with me, probably because I am always decent, serious, and dignified in front of everyone. But I admit it feels good to show a part of my personality finally.
“I know,” she replies, still laughing. “But I can’t move properly anymore; my magic is completely exhausted!”
We laugh for a while until it dies down on its own. It feels quite pleasant. Even though I don't know her name yet, I believe we could get along pretty well.
But just then, an idea comes to me. "Would you mind if I tried something?" Curious, she turns her head back towards me, one of her eyebrows raising questioningly. "Don't worry," I giggle again. "It would just be a bit rocky."
She became even more confused, but I take her silence as agreement. My magic bubbles in my veins, making my body glow with a grayish shine. "Soldiers of the Deep Rock!"
The ground around us rumbles, and suddenly, something emerges from underground without leaving a hole like my magic would have done before because I've finally learned how to use my fairy magic properly. Maybe I knew it all along and simply couldn't do it, but since the other two cores are out of me, my mind feels strangely clear, too.
Two heads emerge from the ground, followed by strangely detailed bodies in armor, until two stone people who look like soldiers stand before us. Their armor consists of heavy plate mail like that of the ancient soldiers of my homeworld; their helmets completely cover their faces. The back of their helmets faces upwards, and at the top is a small spike where normally feathers hang from. Slightly behind these spikes is a ring that ends on either side of the helmet, making it look almost like a sun or moon.
“What are they?” the girl asks in a frightened tone.
"It's a spell I've always wanted to try. I read about it in an old family grimoire. They're called the Deep Rock Legion, people from the past that sacrificed themselves to become immortal soldiers who could be summoned infinitely." I tell her in a deep, mysterious voice. "Or so the legend goes. They haven't been summoned in a long time. I didn't even know they really existed or still do."
“Then why did you summon them?”
Both stone soldiers immediately obey the command and stretch their right arms out to the sides until their hands are at chest height. They don't stay there long before they slam their clenched fists against their breastplates, which echo like real metal through the pitch-black night.
The soldiers lower their heads, get down on one knee, and gently place their hands underneath us, lifting us off the ground and standing up again. We are both carried like princesses, and it feels incredible; now I know why girls love to be carried like that, especially by such big, strong men. Both soldiers are the same height, over two meters tall, which is pretty impressive.
The night takes over; none of us says a word and only the clattering of the soldiers' metal armor echoes through the night until a gentle voice breaks the strange silence. "I once heard of a family that could create human-like beings. Are these stone men like them?"
"You mean golems?" I couldn't but laugh, but not to mock her. "No. If the legends are to be believed, they are stone soldiers who follow orders but have a certain intelligence, whereas golems have either no intelligence or, ideally, their own soul."
"How do you know all of this?"
I look around conspiratorially as if I'm afraid someone might hear me, but in reality, I only want to freak her out. "Can you keep secrets?" I finally ask her in a whispering tone.
She looks at me suspiciously—truly, nothing new or overly questionable in this situation—and yet she agrees.
"A small part of my family can become golemancers, able to create golems to which they can bind souls. They made them so people-like that they could even bleed and reproduce." The girl hangs on my every word as if it were a legendary story, like the war with the three ancient witches. "However, as our world slowly began to die, these golems disappeared along with 90% of the habitable space when one of our moons fell on our world, nearly tearing it to pieces if my family hadn't pulled the planet back together, but three generations of my family died, and only my branch of the family remained. I don’t have any cousins or any other than my immediate family.”
“I had no idea,” she gasps, shocked.
I could only shrug. "Almost no one does because we never made it public. Since then, it's been difficult to enter our planet to ensure no one tries to destroy it because there's a hole that leads directly to the core of our world."
“Then why are you telling me this?”
I shrug my shoulders once more. I look her in the eyes. "Because I trust you." She smiled broadly, and yet I could see a small tear in her eyes. "Don't cry; I'm sure everything will be fine. But I have one more question."
"What is that?"
"What's your name?"
She looks stunned at my question. Although I'm embarrassed, I hide it perfectly. At least, I like to believe so.
She must have realized how serious I was about my question because she burst out laughing loudly, which I'm sure woke someone up. After all, it's a hearty laugh straight from her belly. It even makes me smile despite my embarrassment.
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iggydabirdkid · 1 year
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And then there were four! The Fernweh Saga was amazing. A game that popped up on the Hosted Games app and I thought, ‘Small town, eerie feeling, vivd nightmares and the feeling that something is not quite right? Sign me up!’ Cannot wait for the next installment! :D This is a little something I did my Returning Visitor, Valerie ‘Val’ Brand and the lovely Becca Warrick.
We’ll Get Through This
Neither of you speak as you sit on the tarmac in the shade your car provides. What is there to say when you’re trapped in the town you grew up in? Something is wrong here. Something is extremely wrong. You look up from trying to pick the blood out from under your nails and turn your head towards Becca. She’s sat with her back towards you, looking out at the town border that neither of you can pass. Well, technically she can. But she just comes right back. As if in a loop so similar to the symbol of the Ouroboros painted in black on the wooden sign recently erected. 
You keep on staring at the back of her head, at the waves of light brown hair that fall just below her shoulders and you want to say something. The silence between you is tense and it’s never been like this before now and you have no idea how to fix any of it. She came here because of you, for you, and although she replied in the negative when you asked before whether or not she regretted following you on this journey, you feel as if you asked her now her answer would change. Which is why you don’t.
“I don’t understand.” Becca’s voice brings you back to the present, her words sound thick and heavy and you have the sneaking suspicion that she’s been crying, “I don’t understand how this is happening.” She turns to you then and you blink soundlessly as she fixes you with an accusing look. You raise your arms with your palms facing outwards.
“I don’t either,” you reply, your voice surprisingly steady despite your predicament, “But I’m sure-“ you stop as you see Becca’s expression change to one of alarm as she looks at your face, “What?” you ask with a frown.
“You had a nose bleed?” She scoots closer to you and you wipe at your face.
“Yeah,” you reply, “I thought I got it all off though.”
“You didn’t say anything?”
“What? And let you worry more than you already are?” You give her a wry smile, “It’s fine. It was just a small one.”
“Still Val…” Becca trails off, “Hold on.” You watch as she rises to her feet and dusts herself off before pulling the back door to your car open and leaning in. You don’t have to wonder for to long about what she is up to when soon enough she emerges holding a packet of wet wipes, “Knew these were here somewhere.” She gives you a smile, closing the door and returning to sit in front of you with her legs crossed. You lean forwards as she brings a wipe to your face, closing your eyes against her scrutiny, “When did it start?” You knew she was bound to ask sooner or later.
“When I tried to follow you out of town.” You hear her gasp softly and her hands fall away and you still don’t open your eyes, “Started getting a headache, got worse the longer I kept walking. Made it a few steps past the boundary sign and then I… I just couldn’t go any further.” You curl your fingers into your palms, “Didn’t realize my nose was bleeding until I got back to the car.”
“And I ran straight past you.”
“And then you ran straight past me.” You open your eyes as Becca’s efforts to wipe away the dried blood continue. You both fall silent again and you keep yourself busy by watching the flecks of gold in her eyes as they dance in front of a pale green forest. Eyes that flit to yours as she finally pulls away.
“Done!” The smile she gives you wavers at the edges and neither of you move.
The sun is high overhead and the rays it casts down upon you feel sticky and far too warm and neither of you move.
The wind blows through the trees at the edge of the road and you swear you hear something call your name and neither of you move.
You clear your throat and get to your feet, “Right!” you say, trying to muster up your usual energetic personality, “We can’t stay out here Bee, and I don’t know about you but I have a hankering for some waffles.” You point a thumb behind you in the direction of town, “Lets take a walk. Maybe we can get some answers from the others.”
“It’s not like we have much of a choice.” You watch Becca shrug before she rounds the car and grabs her belongings from the passenger seat, “I just hope you know you’re the one who’ll be doing the talking.”
“You know me, can’t keep my mouth shut,” you grin in her direction and when she pops back up she gives you a small and real smile. A nervousness that you weren’t aware of holding seeps from your shoulders and you slump into yourself a touch. She comes to stand next to you and reaches for your hand so you grasp it and give it a small squeeze, “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for all this,” you rationalize as you start walking though you don’t believe those words yourself, so how could she?
Your tension comes back the closer you draw to Fernweh. So much so that Becca lets go of your hand and you realize you had been clenching them hard enough to draw blood. You stop and hiss in pain as you uncurl your fingers and watch the red droplets well in the tiny crescent moon cuts on your skin. You can’t stop staring at your hands even as you vision begins to waver and you feel droplets of another kind drip onto your hands.
“Val?” You look up to where Becca has continued on a few paces ahead of you and you wipe your eyes with the back of your hands.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” you laugh as you wipe your hands down your pants, “I’m just tired.” You give a smile yet you don’t continue walking as your gaze slides past Becca and towards the town and as your heart clenches in your chest your mood takes a sudden dip. You grit your teeth, “I fucking hate this place. Why did I even come back here for a man I barely knew?” this time your laugh is completely devoid of any mirth, “We could have died in that forest Bee.” You finally look at Becca as she walks closer, “You could have died and it’s my fault you’re here. And now we’re fucking stuck in this shitty town with no way out and I don’t know what to do!” Your raised voice is whisked away by the wind that streams past and as Becca stops before you she takes your hands.
“Valeria, I don’t blame you for anything.” She rubs her thumbs over the back of your fingers, “I chose to come along with you because I care, because I know how hard it can be to lose someone. It doesn’t matter if you had drifted apart, he was still family.”
“I just…” you close your eyes, “I have such a strong gut feeling of dread Bee. Like I’m never going to leave this town. As if just like the rest of my family I’ll d-“
“Stop that.” The fierceness in her tone surprises you and you open your eyes as Becca moves one hand to lay it upon your upper arm, “Don’t think like that. Nothing will happen to you here.”
“You don’t-“
Her other arm moves to wrap around your waist and pull you closer and your hands fly to her shoulders, “I won’t let anything happen to you. Do you hear me?” She looks so determined and you can’t help but chuckle.
“I hear you loud and clear.”
“Good.” You watch her close her eyes and stand up on her tippy toes to lean in. You hunch over and lean in all the same as you move a hand to lay on the side of her face. The soft peck between your brows has you melting against her and when she pulls away you sigh as you savor the look of bliss on her face, “Now!” She grabs your hand gently in hers and moves to stand at your side, “We need some answers. But first! Waffles!”
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bro-atz · 7 months
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word count: 2.7k
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Thanks to Bora and all of her bullshit, the guys hadn’t had a GNO for while, which meant that the one they were at tonight at their favorite KBBQ place was the first one in what felt like decades. Truth be told, San did not want to go for this GNO because he really didn’t want to have to see Seonghwa. Yet, as his luck would have it, San was sitting right next to Seonghwa at dinner. In fact, out of all the guys in the group, he was sitting in between the two boys who still did not know about his relationship with Gyuri.
So, San made a promise to himself that he would not drink that night. He seriously had to watch what he said around those two until Gyuri figured out a way to tell Seonghwa about them. That, and right as they got to the restaurant, Seonghwa drowned himself in soju and beer to the point where he was drunk even before all the food came out. Determined to not let the guy die of alcohol poisoning, San focused on feeding Seonghwa, which meant there was no way he could drink with his hands full with the grown toddler; and because San was feeding Seonghwa, Wooyoung fed San, the three of them in the weirdest food chain San had ever been in.
When the meat came out, all the boys focused on stuffing their faces— it was almost as if they’d been starved for years based off the way the meat was disappearing off the grill. The staff at the restaurant were pretty much running back and forth from the kitchen just for them. Finally, after they had satisfied a majority of their hunger, the boys eased off and ate the meat calmly while maintaining conversations within themselves.
San unfortunately still had his hands full with Seonghwa, who was fully relying on San’s shoulder to keep him upright and awake. He guzzled water as his anxiety continued to torture him when Seonghwa buried his nose in the nook of his neck and threw his arms around him.
“Sannie…” Seonghwa whispered— well, the drunk boy thought he was whispering, but everyone in the group could definitely hear him. “I miss Gyuri.”
Silence fell over the group as they all froze, the only noise in their vicinity coming from the sizzling meat on the grill. Seven pairs of eyes landed on Seonghwa as he continued to drunkly babble, “I miss her so much…”
“But you see her every day,” San told him.
“Yes… But… I still miss her. I’m so mad that that bitch, uh, Bora got in my… Uh…”
“Head?” Someone finished the sentence for him.
“Yeah! That.”
Several of the friends rolled their eyes or smacked their forehead with their palm. San couldn’t do anything but continue to hold Seonghwa up.
“You know, she kept saying all this nasty shit about Gyu and San…”
The whole group froze once again, almost as if Seonghwa were Medusa and petrified them to stone.
“And Joong and Woo and…” Seonghwa continued, allowing the boys to ease up again.
In attempt to make Seonghwa feel better— and also shut the fuck up— San hugged Seonghwa and patted his back softly like Seonghwa was a crying baby. Seonghwa hugged back and nuzzled his nose into San further, making San feel like he were being assaulted by a bear. It took everything in him ot not yeet Seonghwa across the restaurant purely because of how uncomfortable he was.
Seonghwa was apparently not done talking. He continued his saga by stating what everyone already knew, “I’ve known Gyu since high school!”
“Yes, Hwa, we know,” someone else answered.
“I’ve loved her since high school!”
Every single boy at the table choked on either their food, drink, or spit. San stopped breathing in attempt to keep from coughing— he was one of the boys who choked on his spit. He stared at Seonghwa in complete and utter shock. Drunk Seonghwa was now officially a nightmare.
“She’s the only one who ever really understood me, you know? Like she’s just…” Seonghwa trailed off.
Everyone waited in anticipation for his next words.
“She just…”
Stools scratched along the floor as they all leaned in.
“She’s just everything. She’s everything to me.”
A deep wound opened in San’s heart. He felt completely and utterly horrible in that moment, and Seonghwa pretty much squeezing him to death was definitely not helping. His lips pulled into a tight frown as Seonghwa placed his chin on the boy’s shoulder and continued to talk in a register that was definitely not a whisper.
“She’s so perfect and so nice and kind and—”
“You said some really mean things to her when you were dating Bora, Hwa,” Mingi interrupted.
“Yeah, you said she has anger issues… That hurt her, bro,” Yeosang added.
San felt something wet fall on his shoulder. He craned his neck to see that Seonghwa was now crying on his shoulder. Great.
“I didn’t mean it!” Seonghwa sobbed. “It was all Bora. I swear. I love Gyu…”
“We know it was Bora’s fault, Hwa, but you still said those things,” Hongjoong sighed as he set his chopsticks down. “I don’t think Gyu will ever recover from that.”
“I feel so bad… I just want to like… Hug her… Tell her how sorry I am… That I will always be sorry…”
Seonghwa continued to squeeze San, making him feel like he owned the trademark for the word “uncomfortable”. He looked around the table and locked eyes with every person who knew about him and Gyuri, and they all looked as terrified as he felt. A couple more of Seonghwa’s tears fell on San’s shoulder as he and Yunho had a silent conversation with their eyes trying to figure out how the hell to get San out of Seonghwa’s grip.
Meanwhile, while keeping one arm around San, Seonghwa reached for a stray, brand new bottle of soju on the table. With his quick reflexes, Jongho snatched the bottle and passed it to Yunho. Yunho pretended to use the bottle to pour Seonghwa a shot, the glass actually filled with water. He pushed the shot to Seonghwa, who downed it in an instant and giggled, “Woo! That shot was smooth!”
San couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Seonghwa continue talking after finishing the shot, more of his body weight transferring onto San with every passing second.
“I can’t imagine my life without her… Not again… Everything was horrible without her…”
Seonghwa fell forward completely, his nose now buried in San’s chest the same way Gyuri’s face usually was. He was still crying. San felt like he was about to cry too. He could feel tears well up in his eyes, only for them to disappear when he felt Seonghwa’s weight lift off him. Hongjoong pulled Seonghwa off San and nodded his head to his seat, the two of them switching seats and taking-care-of-Seonghwa-duty.
San felt all of his energy completely deplete when he sat on the stool Hongjoong previously sat on. He felt a hand on his back and turned to see Yunho, concern plastered to his face. He held out the bottle of soju that Jongho had whisked away from Seonghwa, urging him to drink it. San happily obliged and chugged as much soju as he could without feeling the burn.
“For Valentine’s day, I waited outside for her after class… With flowers and chocolates, right? All the girls in the class were so jealous of her… I want to make all the girls jealous of her all the time,” Seonghwa slurred out.
He turned in Hongjoong’s arms and stuck his face in Wooyoung’s ear while attempting to whisper, “One girl even said, “I wonder who’s lucky enough to land him,” and I showed her who!”
Realization slowly sunk into San— he’s heard this story before. Was Seonghwa going to narrate the whole thing? Panicking, he looked to Yunho to figure out what to do, only to see all of the color from Yunho’s face fade. God fucking dammit, what the hell was this situation?
“Before I started dating Bora, Gyu told me about this exhibit she wanted to see… I got tickets for that while I was dating Bora, but I got the tickets for me and Gyu…”
San felt everyone’s eyes land on him. He couldn’t even keep his eyes in focus— his eyes were wide as he was completely transfixed by Seonghwa— this was not the story he expected him to say. This story was definitely much worse.
“Is he going to…” Yunho started, his voice quiet and right next to San.
“I think he is…”
“Should we stop him?” Jongho asked.
“I don’t think we can…” Yunho sounded defeated.
Yeosang, however, attempted. “Hwa, I think you need to eat more. You’re really far gone—”
“Shh, shh, shh. Lemme talk,” Seonghwa cut Yeosang off.
All San could do was chant “fuck” in his head over and over again.
“When we went to the, uh, exhibit thing… All I wanted to do was hug her from behind… But! I kept my distance. Then, we went to a cafe—”
“Ze Cafe?” Wooyoung interjected.
“No, a fancier one on the other side of town.”
There was a resounding snap as Hongjoong flicked Seonghwa on the forehead.
“Ow… Sorry, Joong. I just wanted it to be a date…”
With that, San felt his blood run cold. What Seonghwa did with Gyuri was in fact a date in his eyes. He could feel himself falling off the stool. He was either about to pass out or start crying. Thanks to their quick reflexes Yunho and Jongho immediately caught San before his butt could completely leave the stool. He ended up sitting between the two boys who physically supported him through this immense shock that rippled through the group. He saw that Mingi had fully turned around and was not facing the table anymore, and Yeosang and Wooyoung were clinging to each other and trembling like chihuahuas.
“She was so pretty that day... I mean, she’s pretty all the time, but that day…” Seonghwa drunkenly continued.
Everyone was frozen. They all held their breaths in complete and utter fear of what Seonghwa was going to say next— no one bothered trying to stop him at this point because they knew he would just plow ahead regardless.
“Then we went to the park… Walked through the trees… And I grabbed her arm.”
Next thing they knew, Seonghwa had caught a hold of Wooyoung’s arm. He was no longer relying on anyone for support as he was fully sitting on the stool all by himself. For a split second, San thought that maybe Seonghwa had sobered up in literally two seconds.
“I pulled her in…”
Seonghwa pulled Wooyoung closer to him. Wooyoung started flailing in the drunken boy’s grasp, his voice coming out in squeaks as he desperately tried to get away.
“And I kissed her.”
All hell broke loose. Hongjoong fell off his stool and hit the ground with a hard thud, his eyes wide in shock. Mingi, with his back still turned, was praying loudly to some immortal entity. Wooyoung, who was still in Seonghwa’s grasp, narrowly avoided his kiss with tears streaming down his face while Yeosang worked hard on prying Seonghwa’s fingers off of Wooyoung’s arm. San, meanwhile, felt himself error out and start a hard reset. His eyes were open, and he was conscious, but he was unable to move a single muscle. Yunho and Jongho were slapping San’s face, arms, and thighs lightly, attempting to reboot San to his last original settings. Through this chaos, Seonghwa continued his epic.
“But... The entire date… I kept thinking about the lies Bora told me… That Gyu would never like me back… That she was the only one there for me because Gyu wouldn’t be… Not if she’s seeing someone…”
The group immediately calmed down and paid full attention to Seonghwa as this was information that none of them had ever received. They all leaned towards Seonghwa, expecting him to continue.
Biting his lower lip with tears in his eyes, Seonghwa cried quietly, “She lied and told me that Gyu was sleeping with San.”
The best way to describe the table at that point was Seonghwa was a car with bright headlights, and the other seven boys were deer standing in the middle of the road. San seriously could not believe his ears. How the fuck did Bora find out about that?
“She said that she saw the two of them go into Gyu’s apartment… That they were kissing… That San’s hand was up her shirt…”
San was both as pale as a ghost as well as red in the face upon hearing this. He ran his trembling fingers through his hair, a shaky breath leaving his body. He felt Yunho put a hand on his back, giving San the tiniest bit of strength to stay alive in that moment.
“I didn’t want to believe her, but she kept telling me that if Gyu wasn’t interested, then I should be with someone who is… Someone like her…”
Everyone else in the group had yet to say anything; they were all stunned.
“But then she kept lying and lying and lying, so I thought… Gyu definitely isn’t sleeping with San… And it doesn’t seem like they are… Which means I still… Have… A… Chance…”
Then and only then did Seonghwa pass out, his head nearly hitting the table with a thud if it weren’t for Hongjoong catching his head in time. Still, no one else in the group had uttered a single word. Everyone was processing all the information Seonghwa threw at them. Usually, their GNOs were dramatic, but more in a fun way than anything, so this kind of drama really took a toll on everyone’s energy. Quietly, they paid the bill and left the restaurant.
On the way back to 1024UB, San and Jongho took turns carrying the passed out boy. Wooyoung was sniffling to Yeosang all the way home. Hongjoong, Mingi, and Yunho all walked like zombies. Still, not a single word had been uttered.
When they got back to the building, Hongjoong took Seonghwa up to their apartment. The remaining six boys went to San and Yunho’s place. They all looked dead serious, like they were about to go into a world war or something. Wooyoung held his head in his hands as he sat on the couch. Yeosang sat at the dining table with Yunho and Mingi. Jongho was busy passing out water to everyone while San paced the living room so much that he was about to wear a hole into the carpet.
“San, you need to tell Seonghwa as soon as possible,” Yeosang broke the silence.
“But, Gyu has to be the one to tell him,” Wooyoung mumbled, his head still in his hands.
“Yeah, Gyu wants to be the one to tell him…” San sighed.
“Wait, does Joong still not know?” Mingi asked.
“No…?” Yunho said uncertainly; he shot a look to San, who shook his head. Confidently, Yunho continued, “No. He doesn’t.”
“Okay, so here’s what needs to happen: San, you tell Joong tomorrow, and tell Gyu to tell Hwa tomorrow,” Jongho came up with a plan of action.
“It has to be tomorrow,” Yeosang emphasized.
San wasn’t going to argue with his friends because they were right. He was just scared shitless to do so. He wasn’t scared of Hongjoong, but he was scared of how Seonghwa might react to Gyuri telling him the whole unfiltered truth.
“You need to go tell Gyuri right now,” Jongho instructed. “Otherwise this will get delayed further and have a worse outcome.”
“Are they even home yet? They went out for a GNO, too,” San suddenly remembered.
“They kept their GNO in their apartment, but they could be asleep… Let me call Iseul,” Yunho said.
While Yunho made the call, San continued to pace. Yunho remained at the dining room table while the other boys accompanied San in the living room and gave him quiet words of encouragement or pats on the back.
“They’re home and still up,” Yunho informed after getting off the phone with Iseul.
“Okay, I’ll go now,” San announced.
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Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 17
Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 17
Characters: Dean x doctor!Reader, Sam Winchester
This story is Act 7 of a saga.
New to the story? Get caught up on the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
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All your favorite Winchesters are alive, in spite of the curse that nearly took them from you. After coming so close to losing the only family you have left in this world, you’re taking matters into your own hands. There’s a witch to hunt.
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Series Warnings:
Character injuries/sickness - Take note that no one is excluded from this.
Canon-typical violence and language.
Lots of whump.
Lots of caring for hurt characters.
Smut (18 Only. NSFW. You were warned.)
Medical talk. Is that even a warning
Image Credit: bing image search, google image search
Wordcount: 2007
Author's Note: Merry Christmas! ;)
Chapter  17
Your return home had been everything you'd hoped it would be. The day passed quickly, as time often does when things are pleasant. After dinner, Addie announced she'd be flying out the next day. It was written all over her face that she hated to leave Sam, but she had work to get back to.
"I'm sure Jim and Cheryl will be happy to have you back," Dean said to her.
"We can't thank you enough for your help," you told her, giving her a hug. "We'll miss you. But we'll plan a visit down to see you soon."
"You'd better," she said with a smile.
Sam was putting on a pretty brave face, considering he was probably pretty tore up about her leaving. It broke your heart a little for him, and you weren't surprised when he and Addie decided to turn in early to enjoy their last night together.
You gave Jonah a bottle while Dean took a shower. Then you and Dean bathed him together and read him books in the nursery until he fell asleep in your arms. Once he was settled in his crib, it was your turn for a shower.
Spending so much time in the bunker throughout your pregnancy and since Jonah had been born had spoiled you, and your brief stint in a dingy motel room had been just enough to make you appreciate a nice, long, hot shower at home once again.
When you walked back into the bedroom wrapped in an oversized towel, you found that Dean had brought some things from the infirmary to help you get fresh bandages put on.
"You be thinking about where I can take you for that fancy dinner I still owe you," Dean said as he helped you tape a clean gauze square in place on your side.
You considered him for a moment. "You know, I may just let you surprise me."
Dean quirked an eyebrow and his tongue peeked through his teeth a little. "I can make that happen."
He helped you put a new bandage around your thigh next, and then you leaned back against the headboard. "Do we have to wait till I'm all healed up to celebrate in other ways?" you said coyly, sliding your fingers beneath the bottom of his t-shirt to graze along his abdomen.
Dean bit his bottom lip and looked you up and down. You hadn't had sex since Jonah was born, and even though the recommended time had passed since then, you'd been too busy trying to keep your family intact to do much else.
"God, that's tempting," Dean said, his voice a little wrecked. "Are we okay to do that now? With you wounded?"
"Well, I was going to let you do most of the work, Winchester, but if you're not up to it … " You slid your hand south to cup him through his jeans.
"Hey, hold on now. I never said that," Dean argued. "Besides, there is nothing about having my hands on your body that qualifies as work."
You cupped him tighter, earning a sharp little gasp. Then you opened your towel, letting it fall backward.
He moaned, a deep rumble in his throat, and ducked down to cover your mouth with his.
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Your heart did a wonderful flip. You loved that Dean could still do that to you. Make your heart swell and heat flush in your cheeks. He continued to kiss the everloving hell out of you, releasing your mouth only briefly to gently coax you down flat on the bed.
You closed your eyes shut tight for a second to enjoy the feel of his lips on your skin as he trailed a path from your lips down along your throat and collar bone.
“It’s been so long,” you whimpered. It wasn’t like you to sound so needy, desperate. And while he didn’t answer with words, it was obvious Dean needed this as much as you did. The two of you had been through so much together recently.
You wanted to be as close to him as possible right then. To have his hands remind you how well he knew every inch of your body. To have his lips worship you like you were something to be cherished. You just needed him.
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His fingers brushed along your skin, going around the bandage on your side and pausing to rest at the dressing covering the bullet wound on your thigh.
"I'm going to be proud of those scars," you said to him, the corner of your mouth tugging up in a smile.
He sat up a little, resting his weight on one elbow as he leaned over you to gaze at your face adoringly. "Not as proud as I am. And sweetheart, you've never looked so damn beautiful.”
And just like that Dean made you feel comfortable and sexy in your own skin, despite the fact that your body was still softer than you were used to. Every touch made it clear that he appreciated what you'd been through, both in carrying the baby and in your recent battle with the witch and demons to protect your family.
Dean quickly shed his own clothes. Propped up on one elbow, he stretched out next to you on the bed. With one hand between your legs, he kissed your mouth while his fingers mercilessly teased you into oblivion.
Dean always had this way of knowing exactly when to pull back long enough for you to suck down a breath of oxygen, but not so long that you had a chance to miss the taste of him on your tongue.
He slipped a finger inside you then, moving slowly but deliberately before adding a second finger. He continued to kiss you while massaging you from the inside out from every angle imaginable. He took his time, and the moments stretched out, languid, hot, torturous in the best ways.
When he added his thumb to the mix, caressing that bundle of nerves in your center, you felt your thighs tremble with anticipation.
"Dean … " you breathed as he swallowed up his own name from your lips.
"Just," he whispered before he sucked your bottom lip between his teeth. "Let … " He kissed the little V in your top lip. "Go…." His tongue flicked gently along the roof of your mouth while his fingers pistoned in and out of you across the ridge of your G-spot, causing pleasure to burst behind your eyes as your muscles clamped down powerfully around him with the force of it.
He leaned back just far enough to let you breathe through your orgasm, fingers gently working you through it.
Your head was light, your tongue heavy. You couldn't have formed words if you'd tried. But Dean didn't require words to know exactly what you needed.
He tucked his head down to nuzzle at your breast, tongue swirling around your nipple, teeth gently flicking over the tip and causing heat to quickly pool in your center again.
Your hand went to the back of his head, nails teasing at his scalp while you encouraged him to continue the assault with that glorious mouth of his.
His fingers began curling and stroking inside of you again as her continued to wake and soothe all the little nerve endings that might have been traumatized during the delivery, and before you knew it he was drawing more wetness from you than you'd have thought possible.
When he covered your mouth with his own again, you realized he was only just getting started.
He scissored you open with two fingers, working in a complete circle so as not to neglect any part of you. When he was satisfied with that, he lightly nibbled on your bottom lip while adding a third finger inside you.
He continued to massage you with his fingers, stroking, pumping, flicking, grazing. Your eyes were shut tight as you tried to take in all the sensations at once.
Dean gently nudged you onto your left side to protect the injury in your right thigh and your waist on the same side. He settled himself directly behind you, easing your legs apart and resting one over his hip.
As he eased himself into you from behind, he was gentle and attentive, lighting your nerves up in ways that made you feel alive like nothing else could. He took his time, letting you wiggle back onto him slowly so as not to do too much too fast.
You were grateful he'd done so much to prepare you for him, and after a moment he was fully seated within you. The two of you lie there for a few seconds, just breathing together and enjoying the feeling of being so inextricably connected.
"I've missed having you inside me, Winchester," you breathed.
His lips tickled the tender skin on the back of your neck as he pressed a kiss there. "Feels like home, sweetheart."
His palm cupped your breast, gently kneading your flesh, fingers plucking at your nipple. When his hips starting rocking gently, the pleasant drag of him along your core had your breath catching in your throat.
"God, you feel so good," he groaned. His teeth dragged languidly across your shoulder blade, lips kissing your skin like he couldn't stand to keep his mouth off of you for more than a second.
He recognized the change in your breathing as a sign that you were getting close again. He continued the pattern, using his hips to angle a little deeper as he continued to drag along your nerve endings, lighting you up from the inside.
When you began to tremble he nuzzled your neck, whispering, "Come for me. I've got you."
Three strokes later and you found yourself clenching around him as your body tried impossibly to pull him closer, further inside you while waves of pleasure rushed over you.
"That's my girl," Dean said, thrusting slowly as you rode out the pleasure. "Damn, sweetheart. You feel incredible."
A light sheen of sweat now covered your skin, and your heart thrummed beneath your ribcage like a little bird trying to escape.
Dean continued moving in and out of you, the head of his cock dragging pleasantly right where he knew you liked best. He knew every inch of your body, having made it his life's goal to continue finding new ways to open you up, set you on fire. Tonight was no different.
His hand slid down between your legs again, finding just how wet you still were; evidence of just how receptive your body was to him. He gently rubbed at your clit, and you jerked a little in surprise at the feel of him there again, but you breathed into the sensation and relaxed against him as he continued to stroke you.
Dean's fingers, along with the way he was pleasantly dragging in and out of you with practiced precision, were the perfect combination. He stoked another fire in you that wouldn't be satiated. Your breath caught in your throat as the orgasm tore through you with such force it made the others seem like ripples before a tsunami.
You were still clenching rhythmically around Dean when he curled around you from behind, muscles bunching with the intensity of his own release.
He pulled out afterward and nudged you onto your back again, resting his head on your chest, ear pressed where he could hear your heart beating frantically after your orgasm. He cherished the sound as it slowed.
You casually ran your fingers through his hair, floating in blissful content.
After a moment, his gruff voice broke the silence. "Doc?"
"Thank you."
You looked down at him in surprise, but couldn't see his expression with the way he was nuzzled into your chest. "For what?"
"For coming back to us."
Your throat was suddenly tight with emotion at the sentiment. You pressed your palm to his stubbled cheek and kissed the top of his head fervently.
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Act VII Masterlist.
You can find the Masterlist for the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
Please consider supporting my writing by buying me a coffee. In my case, it’s Dr. Pepper, but a little caffeine goes a long way when it comes to writing and posting this labor of love.
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Alright, this is my piece on the situation. I waited until the votes were over today because I only want to focus on this once because it’s sad (and frustrating for a lot of reasons…) After this I’ll go back to fluffy, distracting pieces and think ahead until the state visit a week from today (where we better get fluffy fluff! - and I don’t just mean his hair ha ha). Hope everyone enjoys. Sending everyone hugs, because I feel like we all need them right now. 🤗
She left out a huge sigh of relief when she saw the final vote count for the second motion on the screen. It was over. The government had survived, the law was passed. This nightmare was finally, finally coming to an end. She hoped. She couldn’t do this again, and she knows he couldn’t either.
She looked over to her husband who was standing beside her in front of the TV in the office, his body stock still, rigid, and full of anxiety. She softened as she took in the sight, the obvious effects of this whole saga on him.
He told her last night, after spending all day looking for allies, "I feel as alone as all the papers are saying, Brigitte."
"As long as I am breathing, you’re never alone," she vowed in reply, which is how she found herself with him in his office for the votes, something she normally doesn’t do, knowing she couldn’t leave him to watch this alone. Looking at him now, she saw how alone he looked, how alone he felt, anyway.
She got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder, hoping to provide some gentle support, seeing how clearly he needed it. ‘You and me, it’s just you and me,’ she thought to herself as she squeezed him a little tighter.
It took a minute, but she slowly felt him start to breathe a little deeper, a little easier under her hands, felt the shoulder under her head drop a little below his ears, felt him sag a little more of his weight onto her to hold, his pillar. A few more minutes went by and she felt his hands come up to cover hers which were still crossed around his torso, absentmindedly rubbing his thumbs along her hand in that self-soothing gesture she knows he is so fond of in moments like these.
"It’s over, mon cœur," she whispered when she thought it was safe to speak without risk of further upsetting him. "It’s over, and you’re still standing."
"But for how long?" He asked her quietly, voicing a fear, an uncertainty out loud that had been plaguing him for days. Did he win the battle to lose the war? Was he going to be a "lame duck" for the next four years like everyone said?
She pressed a kiss to the closest part of him she could reach as she thought through her response. "You know, I’ve heard you ask that a couple of times before - with the gillet jaunes movement, during Covid, at a particularly dark point during the last election - and where are we standing right now?"
"In my office?" He replied confused.
"In your office where?" She stressed, trying to get his brilliant mind to connect the dots on its own.
"In my office at the Élysée," he answered as it started to click, smiling slightly. "Where I’m still standing."
"I seem to remember a young man who was never daunted in the face of extreme adversity, who was very persuasive in getting what he wanted. I seem to remember him being very successful too."
"You were different, though. We are different."
"Oh? How so?"
"I couldn’t live without you, I can’t live without you," he told her, almost desperately.
"I can’t live without you either," she whispered, moved. "And you have me. No matter what comes next. Always and forever."
"Promise?" He asked turning around at that, needing the reassurance of seeing it in her eyes.
"’Until death do us part,’ mon cœur."
He leaned forward to kiss her, desperate for her. She responded, pressing herself ever closer to him.
They broke away, startled and panting for breath when they heard a sharp knock on his office door.
Resting his forehead against hers, eyes closed savouring this one last moment where he was all hers, he called out, “one minute!”
“I’ll go,” she told him when she had gathered enough air into her lungs to respond, gently disentangling from his embrace.
“I’ll see you at dinner,” he smiled at her sadly as she headed towards the door.
“I’ll be looking forward to it.” She paused in the doorway for a minute before she turned back to him, “I love you.”
“Not nearly as much as I love you.”
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
Yes, I think we definitely need some fluffiness and hugs...
Oh Brigitte, honey, it’s so far from over ☹️ But as long as they have each other, everything will be better and they will survive.
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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s-creations · 2 years
The Forgotten - Chapter 10 'In Which, In Someway, An Ending Is Met'
The BeanBean Kingdom has lived peacefully for centuries, due to the wild ocean and towering mountains that surround them. No one being able to get in or out. Which makes it strange when a stranger enters the kingdom, but not in an expected way.
Close to death and with little memories about his previous life, Peasley has to uncover where this 'L' came from. As well as who would want to hurt this confused human.
Fandom: Super Mario & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Luigi & Mario (Nintendo), Luigi/Prince Peasley Warnings/Additional Tags: Luigi don't remember who he is, AU to Super Star Saga, There will be mentions of torture, PTSD, Bowser's gonna be intense in this, At least far more than in comparison to the games, Mario's a worried older brother, It's a dangerous game of cat and mouse
“Where is he.” Mario’s voice held an underlying tone of absolute fury. Blue eyes glaring at the towering creature as Bowser descended the throne. 
“He who?” Bowser replied. His smirk grew upon seeing Mario’s clenched fists.
“Where is Luigi, where is my brother!”
“Oh him! Finally worried yourself enough to come running? Honestly, it really took you long enough to get here.”
Peasley tensed as Bowser stood before them fully. Reaching for his sword. Only to pause when Kamek raised his wand in a silent warning. 
“I thought you would rush in so much faster. Seems you do so when Peach is in danger. Perhaps your own flesh and blood just doesn’t hold that much weight. I guess being a ‘great hero’ is a better title  than a ‘good brother’.”
“Where. Is. He.” Mario growled out. 
“He was so sure you were going to break down the doors when he arrived here. At any moment you’d come charging in. I’m impressed with how much spirit Greenie has. It took awhile to break that first wall,” Bowser leaned closer to the glaring face of Mario. 
“But it was worth the wait. Because it was such a joy to watch that light fade from his eyes upon realizing you weren’t right behind him. How long it had been since I had taken him. I truly do think he believes you just left him at one point.”
“And why would he not think that?” Bowser stood straight, starting to pace around the duo now. Peasley doing his best to follow the other’s movement without having to turn. “Always left behind, always forgotten, no one remembering his name-”
“It’s Luigi.” Even Peasley was surprised when his own voice was heard. Training his face straight as Bowser turned to him with a warning growl. 
“I don’t believe I was addressing you, your pea-sized highness.”
“You have a lot of nerve claiming that Luigi’s ‘forgotten’ against Mario when you won’t even say his name. Why should we even listen to a being who finds such pleasure in hurting someone, as if it’s a game. Someone as cold-hearted as you has no right to speak to Mario in such a way.”
It took everything for Peasley to not flinch away as a large fist collided into the ground right next to him. Keeping his glare strong as Bowser leaned dangerously close. The smell of smoke and brimstone suffocating as intense heat hit his face. 
“You are playing a dangerous game, pea prince. I know of your kingdom. Cowards, the lot of you. The moment the outside world becomes too hard, you hide away.”
“I won’t be doing such a thing.”
Bowser laughed, “Then you’ll be the last to hold a backbone. I’ll remove that free of charge.”
“Bowser,” Yellow eyes snapped back to Mario, “Where is Luigi.”
The Koopa King pulled away from Peasley. Without a word, he waves a hand to Kamek, who gives a silent swish with his wand. The air near the magic user seemed to waver until a cage came into view. Peasley felt his heart seeing Luigi resting inside, freely bleeding, broken, and eyes closed. There was a moment of panic thinking that the human was gone. Just barely noticing the small movements of Luigi’s chest rising and falling in staggered breathing. 
“I will admit… It was more enjoyable breaking him the second time.”
Peasley flinched back as Mario’s movement caused a large blast of air to push him to the side. Absolutely shocked by the speed the human displayed. Bowser was apparently ready for this. Able to block the incoming attack with his arm with ease. Pushing back hard enough that Mario was sent flying past Peasley once more, the wind pushing him to the other directly. 
The hero had just barely touched the ground before Bowser was on him. Mario pushed off to the side, avoiding the fist that was now slamming into the ground. Yellow eyes follow close as the human puts more distance between them. Mario’s hand was suddenly holding a large fireball, launching it at the large Koopa. It unfortunately didn’t seem to affect Bowser. But it did provide a distraction to allow Mario to land a solid hit. Able to get enough height to smash both feet onto the top of Bowser’s head. It was shocking that the Koopa appeared more aggravated than hurt after that. 
Peasley’s attention was quickly pulled to his own situation when he was suddenly lifted off the ground. A small yelp of surprise escaped as he was flung to the side. Grunting in pain when his back hit a rock pillar. 
“Keep your awareness around you, your highness,” Kamek cackled, floating above Peasley, “You’re not training anymore.”
The prince didn’t offer a verbal response. Pealey pulled out his sword as his reply, taking a stance. Kamek was less than impressed. 
“Oh, how cute. What do you plan to do with that?” He was not prepared for Peasley to gain elevation by quickly kicking off the same rock pillar. Letting out a yelp of his own, as he swerved to avoid the incoming attack.
The prince rolled to a stop as Kamek scrambled to right himself back onto his broom. Peasley took the opportunity to rush towards the cage. 
“Luigi-” Peasley received a sharp shock when he tried to open the cage. Barely touching the cage before a burn appeared on his gloves. 
“I don’t think so, little prince.” Kamek hissed.
It was the only warning Peasley received before a large, blue-colored orb of energy knocked him to the side. It was his turn to stumble as he seemed to trip over his own feet, causing him to fall back and thankfully avoid another attack. Crawling back a little further as another orb was launched at him, the ground cracking with small chunks of debris flying. Peasley barely felt the cuts appearing on his cheeks and arms.  
“You’re playing a dangerous game.” Kamek growled as a wave of smaller orbs were launched out. Pealsey getting on his feet and quickly darting behind the closest pillar. The ground shook once more from the dodged attack. “Do you really think an unaware primed flower has the ability to stand up against me?”
Taking a deep breath, Peasley darted out from behind his protection. Which unfortunately resulted in running right into another attack. The prince slammed into the ground, holding back a scream of pain as it felt like his skin was melting. When the energy finally dissipated, Peasley tried to sit himself up. 
Only for a leg to be trapped in magic. Peasley clawed at the ground as he was forcefully dragged out of the crater. There was, admittedly, a stupid attempt to hit Kamek with the sword. Which was nothing more than a frantic swiping at the air with the weapon. Kamek practically cackled at this. 
“How pathetic you look. Out of tricks already?”
“Shut up and face me!” Peasley winced as he was swung into the same pillar he’d just used as a barrier. 
“I’m honestly getting secondhand embarrassment from this,” Kamek casually commented. Leaning on the handle of his broom as he watched Peasley struggled to be back up. 
“Get…Get down here…or are you too afraid…” Peasley panted as he took a shaky stance. 
The magic-user cackled again. “Oh, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to accommodate your limited fighting style. Chalk this up to a harsh learning experience. Nothing is better than hands-on training!”
Peasley’s attention was pulled to the ground beneath his feet when it began to glow. His mind quickly shouting at him to move, jumping back. Barely avoiding the sudden wave of jagged spikes. 
“First hard lesson to learn. Magic trumps physical attacks every time!”
The next dodge was slow, Peasley unable to hold back a cry of pain as his left arm was cut. His sword clattering to the ground, the prince holding a hand over the weeping sap that flowed through his fingers. 
Peasley wasn’t fully sure what happened next. There was a sudden burning sensation coming from his hands. One not related to the pain he was just inflicted. As Kamek wound up for another attack, Peasley raised his arms in a rather feeble attempt to provide some form of protection. Unprepared for a wall of thick, heavily throned videos emerging from the rocky ground. Offering the only lively source of green among the black and red. Kamek let out what could only be described as a squeak of surprise. Barley avoiding the newly created vines. 
“What are these! What did you do!” Kamek raged. 
Peasley didn’t respond, eyes still on the swaying vines that seemed to be alive. With all the pressure, fear, and darkness surrounding him, Peasley found warmth. Not of the heat from the lava, but from a source of strength he wasn’t aware he held. A sensation that started from his chest and spread out. 
“...I did what my father taught me!” Peasley shouted back with a wide smile.
The pain forgotten, the prince caught the sword knocked his way by a vine. Swishing it with gusto before jumping onto one of the thicker vines and riding it up. Even with how unprepared Peasley was, the fight was now on an even playing field. Kamek had speed and battle knowledge. Peasley had physical strength, a wild new ability, and a determination not to lose. 
The vines provided the needed coverage when Kamek tried to launch more attacks. Becoming more frantic with each one. Only getting a few more hits in before Peasley was finally getting a leg up. He honestly couldn’t tell if he was getting better or if Kamek was just slipping. But the magic-user eventually tried to teleport away, only to land himself right into one of the newly created vines. Pealsey, more reactive than thinking about what he was doing, moved his hand to have vine wrap around the other. 
Kamek instantly began to struggle as he was drawn closer to Peasley. Only to still when the sword was pointed directly at his throat.
Kamek’s shock soon melted into a smirk. “Well little prince… What do you plan to do now?  Torture me? Kill me?”
Peasley paused, faltered as his eyes traveled over to the small cage. While he couldn’t see Luigi, he knew the human was in there, waiting for him. “No…I’m not going to be like you. I’m going to be better than you. Starting with this piece of friendly advice.”
The prince pulled Kamek closer. Getting a small bump of pride as his glare seemed to cause the magic-user fear. “Never come near Luigi, ever again.”
With a casual flick of the wrist, Kamek was sent flying. Hitting the wall hard, eventually sliding down, crumpling on the floor. Peasley waited for a few seconds to make sure Kamek wouldn’t get back up before going back to Luigi. Stumbling slightly as he jumped down from the vine and onto solid ground, rushing over to the cage. His vines make quick work of the metal bar. Uncaring of the spell that had been placed over it. 
The prince fell to his knees, pulling Luigi closer. Panic rising as the human’s head landed onto his shoulder weakly. 
“Luigi? …If you can hear me, I want you to know you’re going to be okay. I’m here, your brother’s here! …Let’s get you back to the castle-”
Peasley instinctually shielded his body around Luigi when the ground shook. Drawing his sword once more, Pealsey turned, expecting to find Kamek had gotten back up. Only for his bravado to drop as he found that Bowser was now towering over him. The spiked Koopa chuckled at Peasley’s look of fear.
“I believe you have something that belongs to me, little prince.” Bowser growled out. 
Focused on the prince, Bowser wasn’t prepared for the on coming attack. Mario delivers a double kick directly to the side of the Koopa’s face. Sending him spiraling a good distance away. Pealsey was frozen with absolute shock as Mario landed easily beside him. 
Carrying heavy signs of battle damage, Mario turned to Peasley and panted out, “Run.”
Both flinched as an enormous roar sounded from Bowser as the Koopa started to stand. 
“I said run!” Mario shouted as he raced head long into confronting Bowser once more. 
Finding what must be his forth wind, Peasley cradled Luigi close and made for the door. Ignoring the sounds of battle and destruction. Avoiding pieces of debris, no matter how small or large. Pushing past his burning lungs and exhausted body. Claiming a small victory when he passed the double door and into the view of a red sky.
Even then, Peasley didn’t stop running.
He more or less collapsed onto his flying steed, who had already been waiting for him. Which was good, because Peasley doubted he could call out for any reason at this point. Arms shaking, still holding Luigi close, they slowly descended. Past the black clouds, over the large battle field. 
Against Peasley’s better judgment, he drew his eyes down to the fight below them. Even with the lower numbers, it appeared the BeanBean Kingdom was holding their own well. Able to push back, but not without a few casualties of their own. At the front, still leading strong, was Queen Bean. Her strength and power seemed to have no end as she knocked enemies away with such ease.
Peasley jerked back to awareness upon realizing he’d been close to falling off. His vision became blurry as the castle finally came into view. A stinging sensation alerted Peasley to his still bleeding arm. There should have been a spike of worry upon seeing the cuts outlined in deep purple. The sap’s color had become a sickly looking green instead of its golden amber. Peasley unhelpfully remembers that’s where Kamek’s spikes had hit him. 
“Huh…that’s not good…” Peasley commented weakly.
The ground was suddenly a lot closer than he remembered. Unable to keep his strength and released Luigi. Both sprawling out onto the ground at the castle entrance. With the last moments of clarity, Peasley turned back to his flying stead. Who had started fluttering around nervously.
“Go back… Go get…Mario…” The stead gave a short bounce, a nod in understanding, before darting back into the sky. Back to where the fortress was. 
Peasley was out before Dr. Pinto and the rest of the medical team came running out. Both he and Luigi were unresponsive as they were carried in. Both were unaware when Bowser’s fortress started to crack and crumble, a terrible sound echoing through the sky as parts started falling away. Both were unaware when the BeanBean Kingdom cheers were deafening as the invading army started to flee.
Mario couldn’t help but feel absolutely relieved when Peaslsey was able to make it out. Luigi in his arms. The drop in attention allowed Bowser to land a sucker punch. Mario scrambled to stop himself quickly.
“Do you really think this is it?” Bowser growled out, “That it’ll just end here? You’re playing all your cards right now and it’s working out perfectly for me…”
Dodging out of the way of another punch, Mario only had a few seconds to take cover behind a large chunk of debris. The hero wincing Bowser’s claws scraped against it. Taking a chance, Mario vaulted over his coverage. Landing a hard kick to the Koopa’s already bruised jaw. That didn’t stop Bowser from spewing a heavy steam of fire. 
Mario held back a yell of pain as his left arm took the full hit of the attack. Ducking behind another pillar and quickly pulled out a Super Mushroom. Taking a small bite to recover from the heavy damage. Stepping out once he felt slightly better, Mario stepped back out, holding a defense position as Bowser stared him down
“Do you know how pathetic that coward sounded?” Both parties took a pause to glare at the other. Bowser smirked seeing the rage and frustration fully open on Mario’s face. “He cried, begged, for you every night. But did you come? No, the poor fellow had to get himself out. Because you just weren’t good enough.” 
Bowser quickly raised his arms to block the fireballs. Doubling over when a kick landed on his stomach. Swiping out, stratified when his claws landed on Mario’s back. Mentally touting that the brothers would have scars to share now. 
“He remembers me,” Bowser choked out a weak laugh, “He remembers everything I did to him. I’m sure you were told… I did so much damage, he’d actually forgotten. A few blissful months of confusion as he recovered. I am the nightmares that I’m sure he never wants to remember, but he does!”
Mario held a hand over his side that the claws had reached. Glaring as Bowser’s laugh grew to a triumphant sound.
“He remembers me, but he doesn’t remember you.”
That felt like a knife of ice had been plunged into his heart. Mario’s eyes widened in disbelief, in pain, as Bowser continued to laugh.
“How does it feel? Greenie’s going to give his last breath knowing the pain and suffering he had to live through. Know my name, face, and voice. Know that he was abandoned. But he won’t remember you.”
It wasn’t rage that took over. As Mario stood to fully face the still laughing Bowser, the sour feeling in his gut was fear. Heart thudding painfully, the sound soon drowning out the taunting laughter. Fist clenched tightly, Mario’s eyes narrowed on the Koopa, who was now knelt over. Still laughing. Seeming to be uncaring as the hero stalked closer. 
Bowser uncaring as he was forcefully pulled further down. Finally acknowledging the pale faced Mario. 
“Don’t you dare come near Luigi, ever again. Or I will-”
“What, kill me?” Bowser smirk grew, “I thought Princess Peach would have trained her lap dog better. Besides…you don’t have to worry about your brother anymore.”
The punch that was delivered was the final. The Koopa flew across the room, landing hard and he didn’t get back up. Coming down from the swirling emotions, Mario was first aware that his fist was throbbing in pain. Possibly broken with how hard it was to move. But he couldn’t worry about that right now. The next thing he noticed was that he was crying. Cheeks were cooled slightly as they ran down. The final part was deciding to bring the place down.
Reaching into the bag that was still surprisingly intact, Mario pulled out a blue and white flower. Crushing it and shivering weakly at the chilling sensation that traveled through his body. Walking to the nearest crack in the foundation, Mario aimed and casted a blast of ice downwards. The fortress immediately began to sound its protest. A few pieces start to shatter and fall away from the sudden chill. Cracks spread as the pouring lava hardened. 
Mario only stopped when the power ran out. The crack he was standing over now outlined with a thick layer of ice. He didn’t allow the ice to settle for long before activating his firehand. Landing a few fireballs before the fortress started to break apart, he headed for the exit. He paid no mind to the part that seemed to explode around him. Uncaring as the ground became uneven, stumbling slightly as he was greeted with a fading red sky. The blue starting to return. 
The heavy smoke started to dissipate. Allowing Mario to see how high he truly was. The BeanBean citizens were cheering as Bowser’s army fled. No doubt seeing their king’s castle crumbling as a call of loss. Deciding to retreat as an easy end. 
The hero let out a sigh as his focus tilted back up to the sky, which had fully cleared. He really didn’t have a plan for getting down. He should. But he didn’t. Mario didn’t panic as the wind started to howl in his ears. Or when his feet lost the feeling of solid ground. He knew he should be panicking. But at that moment, Mario just felt…numb.
So he was more than a little surprised when something soft collided into his back. Causing Mario to wave his arms to panic balance at the sudden change in directions. Being pushed up into the sky once more. Gathering his bearings in understanding that he needed to sit up, the hero realized he was sitting on a familiar flying bean. Said creature now makes a direct line to the castle.
It still felt like Mario was falling.
Mario stumbled when he eventually climbed off the creature. Not really taking anything in as the BeanBean citizens rushed past him.  Mario having no drive or focus on the moment. So there he stood as the world moved around him.
He became grounded when someone placed a hand on his shoulder. A little surprised to find Queen Bean standing next to him. She was carrying her own battle scars, looked exhausted, and had her shoulders drooped down with unseen burden.
“They’re in the infirmary.” Was all she said.
But Mario knew who she was talking about. Peasley and Luigi. He merely nodded in acknowledgement, allowing Queen Bean to steer him into the castle proper. He paid no mind to the destroyed splendor or the many beings inside that lined the halls. He heard none of the conversations, the cries of loss, the panic of what was to happen next.
It was only as they entered the medical wing did Mario feel something. His dry eyes immediately landed on Luigi. Asleep, unmoving, both legs already placed in casts, covered with a few blankets.
The fear returned. 
He’s aware that he’s pushing past a number of people. A few even called out ‘Sir, we need to check you over!’, but he didn’t stop. Mario’s hand claimed Luigi’s uninjured one the moment the sleeping form was in reach. The other hand came up to gently cup the younger brother’s cheek. There was a bit of relief felt when there wasn’t the chill as Mario had been fearing.
It didn’t erase the weight of failure that rested on his back. He’d almost lost his brother, twice, because he was too slow. Luigi was suffering. Luigi didn’t remember him. Had Mario failed that severely?
“He’ll be fine.” Eyes quickly darted up to Dr. Pinto standing on the other side of the bed.
“...H-He’ll live?” Mario choked out.
Dr. Pinto smiled and nodded. “He’ll live. You got him back just in time.”
And the last barrier crumbled away.
Mario was staring the doctor down when the tears started to fall. The next second he was sobbing, wailing, releasing the pent up fear, anger, and exhaustion that had built up this entire time. Pressing Luigi’s hand to his cheek as he choked out words from a language none in the room understood.
Queen Bean allowed her own tears to fall silently as she stood over her son. Her eyes on his peaceful face that contrasted so severely to his blackened arm. 
The hall was filled with Mario’s begs for forgiveness he knew he didn’t deserve.
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hypaalicious · 2 years
What's your IS team Hypaa? I just had my ass beat severely before Lucien even got to make his move 🥲
Apparently Passenger and the Hand of Diffusion item are a good option to deal with... literally everyone in that stage, only that every time I try, Passenger's TRASH dp cost ruins the entire strategy 🙄 at one point little Kroos and Cardigan started clearing the maps on their own before I even got to deploy him lmfaooo they were rly like "fuck it I'll do it myself" 😭
It's so dangerous that it costs not sanity and the rewards are pretty good too (hi Shalem 🥺) Who is Real was also super entertaining, mainly because of clowns Saga and Mr Nothing 😭 Arknights is feeding us so well this month!!!
Me after every Crimson Solitare run that ends up with Lucien fucking murking my whole party:
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I mean, at least I can get to the last stage fairly reasonably now as long as RNG don’t fuck me over. But man… this crazy cat is TRYING ME!! I’MA LEAVE YO ASS IN THIS CASTLEVANIA/ELDEN RING LOOKIN ASS CASTLE PHANTOM, DON’T FUCK WITH ME 😤
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Phantom: … I’m not myself when I’m hungry, I’m sorry, can I has a Snickers? 🥲
Anyway last night, I thought I had him since I had BOMB relics. My medics had 100% ASPD. I got chalter, eyja and suzuran maxed out. I got a temp recruit Archetto murking crowds. I was ready.
TELL ME WHY LUCIEN STILL FACE TANKED ALL THAT DPS??? I hit Suzu’s s3 and Eyja’s s3 at the same time and phantom just strolled through anyway. FUCKIN BULLSHIT ima need to recruit SilverAsh too next time, idk. This man has too much hp, attack, Crownslayer warping and stealth to be doing all this!!!
Overall tho, I try to get a cornerstone to start off with; Mountain is the best, he can tank the first two floors with minimal support. You can get Thorns cause he’ll also clear but he needs E2 to do it and you can’t always rely on the recruit voucher RNG to hold you. 😔 Other than that, stay saving up Hope for heavy hitters like Chalter, Eyja, and SilverAsh. Surtr is a luxury if you get her, I wouldn’t waste Hope on her tho cause she’s situational despite her God mode in regular gameplay.
You don’t need to promote medics and most defenders (unless it’s Saria). Just focus on DPS cause that’s what’s gone clear it. Passenger IS god with that relic but he’s fucking squishy as hell so you have to have him locked in a bunch of Medics and pray he don’t fold in order to spam lightning LOL Steward and Kroos are still GOATed for no cost team building while you wait for the good shit to come through, so i totally can see you clearing with them over Passenger 😂
Always get the portable supply unit in the merchant shop. I stuck that behind Eyja and she supercharges her s3 to clear mobs, super helpful. Also great for mudrock or other self-heal units to keep their skills charged so they can hold a lane.
Other than that? Just luck and prayer 😭 I played Ceobe’s Fungimist so much I recognized most stages recycled in Crimson Solitaire (I cannot believe they brought back Barren’s Cadet only now it’s called sumn else BUT THE WORST FUCKIN STAGE EVER WITH ALL THEM SARKAZ LANCERS). But I was still struggling until I got a good spread to carry me. It’s gonna be a work in progress LOL
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - The Fourth Year (Part I) - Chapter 04
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Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies.
Chapter Words:  9.832K
Authors note: In this one I start to explore more of the magical bond between reader and wanda, and well, it will be very much about that from this one on. I need to know if you all prefer longer (and more detailed) chapters about the reader's years at hogwarts like this one (which has been divided into three parts) or if you prefer the pace of the first three chapters (with only the relevant events of the whole year). Enjoy your reading.
//-// x //-// //-// x //-//
It's very different having Nebula and Gamora at home. 
You were used to having only Tony and Jarvis, and occasionally your father, but now that you have your friends sleeping in the next two rooms, you always have someone your own age to talk to and laugh about the same things.
It took a while for things to normalize, especially the first week. Thanos was furious about the letter that Gamora sent him, saying that they would live with you now. He showed up in the yard of your house the next day, and you have never seen your father so enraged.
They talked for many minutes, and then Thanos demanded to speak to his daughters. Nebula was trembling as she walked out the door, but your father stayed by their side during the entire conversation.
When they went back inside, Thanos left. Two days later, your father signed the adoption papers.
You were surprised when you discovered that Nebula was as passionate about magical mechanics as Tony, so it didn't take long for it to become commonplace for her to disappear into the basement of the house along with your brother, both of them wrapped up in some strange invention. You and Gamora usually spent most of your time in the backyard, she reading some Arithmanian stuff you didn't understand, while you played quidditch, or the two of you tended the garden. Mantis also came to visit you in the summer, and Groot was the size of a small dog now.
You exchanged many letters with Wanda during the vacations. And when Iron brought another one of them a little after dinner, on the antepenultimate week of vacation while you and Gamora were in your room talking about the coming year, she acquired a mischievous look on her face.
"What do you guys talk about so much?" She teased as you took the letter from Iron's beak. You shrugged, feeling your face heat up, and thought it better to look at the paper in your hands than Gamora's face.
“I don’t know,. Everything i think”. You answer.
Gamora is silent as you read the letter. You smile, because it is as if you hear Wanda's voice in the words you read. 
"Can I ask you something?" Gamora speaks next, you make a noise with the little one in agreement, without taking your eyes off the paper. "Have you ever kissed anyone?
"What?" you ask in surprise, raising your eyes to her. "N-no."
Gamora's arms are crossed and she's sitting on the bed, and she raises her eyebrow in disbelief.
"Is that so?" She asks and you swallow dryly, confirming. Her expression softens. "I'm only saying that because a lot of people start dating in third grade."
You close the letter in your hands, placing it on the shelf beside you. Ignoring how the subject makes your stomach flip with nervousness, you rest your hands on your knee.
"Do you think we'll start dating too?" You ask shyly, and Gamora smiles, shrugging.
"Who knows?" She retorts. "I never thought about that either. But I do know that Pietro kissed Monica on the mouth after our leave vacation inside a cabin on the Hogwarts express."
"Are you for real?" You asked in surprise. "How did you find out about that?"
"Quill wrote to me last night." She says. "I forgot to tell you."
"Wow." You say. 
"Yeah." She agrees. "Peter told me that Pietro turned red as a tomato, but kept smiling. I thought Wanda would tell you that."
You bit your tongue to avoid mentioning that you and Wanda don't talk about such things, and cleared your throat before shrugging.
"Maybe Pietro didn't say anything to her." You say. "I probably won't tell Tony when I have my first kiss."
"You're probably right." Gamora said casually. "But you're going to tell me, right? When you kiss someone, you need to tell me how to do it."
You laughed, walking over to Gamora.
"I promise I will." You say extending your pinky to her. She looks at you confused, "It's a pinky promise, haven't you ever sworn like that?"
"That's muggles' stuff." She comments with a smile, and you laugh.
"Yeah, my dad probably learned it from my mom." You say using your other hand to take Gamora's hand. "Come on, you put your finger like this, and then we swear."
Gamora laughed as she followed your commands, and then you repeated the promise. After you yawned, she bade you goodnight and went to her room.
You fought the urge to reread Wanda's letter, and threw yourself on the bed, not understanding why your brain was replaying Gamora's questions in your mind and you kept thinking of Wanda afterwards.
The Quidditch World Cup is happening this year, and you can hardly contain yourself with excitement.
You had been to the event a few times when you were younger, but now that you actually played quidditch it was a very different feeling.
Your favorite team was the Guardians of the Galaxy, who had played for England for many years, and were also your father's favorite team. Tony stopped liking them the first year, saying that they were losing too many games, but you knew it was because Steve Rogers was rooting for the Brooklyn Soldiers team and Tony was trying to impress him.
All your friends will be at the event, including many thousands of other witches from all over the world. 
You have to wake up at dawn in order not to miss the time of the portal keys that have been scattered around the country by the Ministry of Magic, to prevent wizards from being seen disappearing into inappropriate places that could expose the magical world.
When you came down to the kitchen, everyone was already having breakfast. Your father kissed your forehead as he walked past you, a mug of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other.
"Finally awake, sleepyhead." Teased Tony when he saw you, you just yawned. 
"Are we leaving already?" You asked sleepily, grabbing some toast.
"Yes, dear." Her father replied looking at his watch. "Get ready soon, or we'll miss the schedule."
You grumble in agreement, hurrying to get back to your room and take a shower. 
When you are ready, and stretching as you walk to the outside of the house, Gamora joins you, a backpack on her back resembling yours.
"I can't wait to see the foreign wizards." She comments excitedly making you smile. Gamora didn't like the sport, and was far more excited to see the witches from the rest of the world than to watch the match.
"I bet there's going to be some Ilvermorny people's stall." You say as you catch up with your father, who was waiting next to Tony and Nebula. Jarvis waves goodbye to you from the doorway, and you begin walking toward the trail beyond the mansion grounds. "They are so show-offy."
Gamora laughs.
"I've never met anyone from the United States." She counters. "But some witches from Japan have been to my house."
You know that the mention of home or Thanos makes Gamora very uncomfortable, so you try to skirt around the subject.
"I guess Nurse Cho was from Mahoutokoro, huh?" You comment, and Gamora shrugs. "Thor had mentioned that during a class, I think."
"I wonder if the other schools are cool like Hogwarts?" She asks, and you smile.
"No place is like Hogwarts."
Gamora laughs, but agrees. You walk in silence for a few more minutes, and it is only when you reach an empty area that you stop.
"Here we are, people." Your father says next, slightly tired from the exercise. He waves for everyone to form a circle as he checks his watch. "Two minutes to go, children. Stand in position please."
There is a small cloth boot in the center of the circle, and you are not the least bit surprised because you know that portal keys are usually the most mundane things you can think of.
You all reach down and touch the boot with your fingertips. You smile at Tony who looks up at you. Two minutes later, you feel a tug, and everything spins around you. Taking a deep breath, you focus on controlling yourself as you are falling into the portal key. And then you land on the ground.
"Here we are." Your father says smiling beside you. You look to the side to see Gamora helping Nebula to stand up properly, as she had remarked that she gets a little queasy with this kind of magic. Tony throws an arm around your shoulders next.
"Ready to see the guardians lose, kid?" He teases causing you to let out a humorless laugh.
"You wish." You grumble pushing Tony lightly, who lets go as he laughs.
And then you start walking again, until you come to a place considerably noisier than where you were before.
The ministry seemed to have bypassed an area with low chains, and you notice the magical aura around the metal, signaling that everything was magically hidden.
There is a wizard in uniform at the entrance, and he collects the tickets before letting you pass into the hut area. 
There are many tents of the most varied characteristics. You laugh in surprise when your gaze catches a conjuration exactly like a vacation castle, but much smaller in size. As you walk through the crowd, your father asks everyone to hold hands so as not to get lost as he guides you to the area where you would be staying.
Your father has rented a tent in a more private area of the place, and there are hardly any witches where you are. You like the silence, but you miss how much more fun the other place seems.
"The Rogers and the Barnes should be here by now I imagine." Your father comments as he waves his wand to open the cabin. You enter the room next, it is like a small winter home inside, very cozy.
"Yes, dad." Tony replies throwing his backpack on one of the couches. "I wrote Steve last night."
Howard grumbles in agreement, walking to the kitchen. You place your backpack on the floor next.
"Daddy, can I go look for Wanda and Pietro?" You ask and your father laughs, denying it.
"You didn't eat anything before you left, honey." He says turning around. "Eat something and then you can go look for them."
You grumble, but agree. While you are making some eggs, Steve's family arrives.
"Howard, you outdo yourself every year, my friend." Joseph Rogers comments as he enters the cabin. Your father smiles cheerfully as he hugs him in greeting, then greets Sarah, Steve's mother, with a kiss on the cheek. He ruffles Steve's hair and pats his arm, repeating the same gesture to Bucky, who follows behind.
" Is your father not here, James?" Howard asks next, and Bucky clears his throat.
"No, sir." He replies. "Since my sisters can't come, he took them to a music event in the muggle world. If you want my opinion, rock concerts are as cool as quidditch."
The comment makes Howard laugh in agreement, but Steve's family doesn't seem to understand very well.
Soon they were all around the room, talking animatedly about the most varied subjects. You exchanged a complicit look with Gamora and Nebula, and you took advantage of your father being involved in a conversation with Joseph to leave the cabin.
"Do you have any idea where Professor Lehnsherr has placed the tents?" Gamora asks you once you are outside and you look around.
"No." You reply. "Wanda just wrote that she and Pietro were going to be here too, but I don't even know if it's Magneto that's bringing them."
"We're just left to look then." Nebula concludes and you nod in agreement, starting to walk.
You walk back to the common tent area, looking around.
Gamora and Nebula are easily distracted by the amount of interesting things to see, and almost lose track of you when some witches from the Salem Institute hand them some exchange pamphlets. 
It is only at the food stall that you finally find who you were looking for.
"My god, is that...?" You hear Gamora exclaim next to you in surprise. You know she was talking about Professor Lehnsherr, who is wearing jeans and a T-shirt and sunglasses and looks very well, and has a completely different posture than he usually has in class, but you are not looking at him anymore. 
Your stomach is restless because you are looking at Wanda, wearing a black skirt with knee socks and boots, and a red jacket. She looks beautiful, and you are blushing.
Gamora waves to them from a distance, and it is Pietro who notices you guys first, waving back cheerfully while nudging Wanda on the shoulder. She blinks in confusion and then smiles when she sees you.
You think your legs have turned to jelly, but you continue walking toward her. 
"It's so good to see you girls" Pietro exclaims happily as he hugs Gamora. 
"Hi, Wanda." You greet with a half-hearted smile, but Wanda's face lights up and she jumps at you, hugging you tight, and making your heart soar. "It's good to see you too." You whisper humorously against her hair, and Wanda releases you with a reddened face, smiling widely.
"I missed you." She says to you shyly making you look away clumsily, but before you can add anything else, Pietro is greeting you as well, and Wanda does the same with your sisters.
"Hello everyone." Said a male voice next, and you stared at Professor Erik awkwardly. He didn't seem bothered by being approached by any of you, however, a hot dog in his hands. 
"Hello, Professor Lehnsherr." You and your sisters said in unison, but the man had an almost friendly expression. 
"Don't worry about being formal while we're here, girls." He says. "We're just sorcerers in here, looking for a little cheap entertainment."
You and Gamora exchange a look, not knowing exactly what to say next. Professor Erik sighs, and then looks at his children.
"You can go spend some time with the Starks, twins." He says making his kids let out excited exclamations. "Be back by the start time of the match, please. I don't want to lose sight of you in a place with so many people of unreliable origin."
You don't quite understand what "unreliable origin" means, but you don't question it, excited to spend some time with the Maximoffs.
After Erik gives them a few galleons to buy whatever snacks they want, you walk back to the cabin.
You spent the whole afternoon with all your friends in the cabin, playing magical games, practicing simple spells, and trying to guess the outcome of the match. When the first warning alarm sounded, you all let out a chorus of excitement.
You ran to your room, looking for the cheerleader accessories you had obtained, while ignoring the teasing Tony was throwing at you about the opponent team's sure victory.
He and the Rogers were all wearing blue and white scarves, bracelets and hats, which represented the colors of the Brooklyn Soldiers.
Your father was wearing a big red jacket with the symbol of a gold star, the team's mark. You gave him one of the buttons you brought.
Pietro was also rooting for the Soldiers, along with Nebula and Bucky, so you didn't try to lend any of your accessories to them.
Wanda was in the room when you put a blue scarf with gold accents around her neck.
"For you to support the team." You commented excitedly, without any idea that Wanda's flushed face was because the scarf smelled like you.
"Thanks." She said shyly, and you just nodded, holding some bottons on her shirt.
Gamora borrowed one of the hats you brought.
When you walked towards the stadium area, all the other spectators were leaving their tents and tents and going in the same direction, so the crowd was even bigger. You did your best not to get lost.
Once inside the iron structure, you felt someone nudge your shoulder.
"Pietro and I need to find Dad." Wanda said and you waved, but then frowned, nodding back.
"I think he found you first." You comment while watching Erik look at you as he enters the same iron corridor. He looks at your family and friends next for a moment, his expression serious. "See you after the game, right?"
"Of course." Wanda smiles before touching your arm lightly. You still feel the touch many moments later.
The match is absolutely incredible. It is even better because the guardians win with a remarkable difference when catcher Jean Gray captures the Snitch after the second half, the stadium vibrating in celebration.
It's a complete mess after that. There are fireworks, and a lot of noise. Even though they lost the match, all the Brooklyn Soldiers fans are so impressed with the incredible match that they join the celebrations.
You stumble out of the stadium between laughter, Gamora's arm around your shoulders as she laughs at the dance that your father and Joseph are doing on the way back.
Fans of the Guardians continued to light the celebratory fireworks, and there was a huge fireworks scarlet dragon streaking through the skies above your heads.
Your dad and the Rogers family go back to the cabin while you stay outside with Bucky and your friends, wanting to enjoy the rest of the fireworks display. You also want to see Wanda again.
"The Guardians are very excited, aren't they?" Bucky comments with a laugh, noticing an increase in the volume of the crowd's screams. You laugh and you look at the sky again.
When you blink, there is an explosion noise in the distance, so muffled by the other sounds that it makes you confused. Your friends don't seem to have heard, and you step forward, watching the crowd closely.
You see a lot of people laughing, and dancing, and it takes a minute for you to also notice those who are running.
"Guys." You call in confusion, and Gamora who was closest to you turns around with curiosity. "I think there is something wrong."
Another explosion occurs and this time everyone listens. The crowd in front seems to gradually realize that there is something wrong going on. And then the firework dragon in the sky is fading, considerably dimming the lighting.
Your father came out of the hut the next moment, a concerned look on his face, and the wand in his hands.
You feel a panic rising in the pit of your stomach when people start running and screaming, and you notice spells being cast from a distance. You were thinking it might be some kind of cheering team fight, but the possibility is completely ruled out when you notice the masked men in the crowd.
"Get your things now." Order your father out loud and then you are all moving back to the cabin, picking up all your belongings quickly. You hold the backpack tightly against your shoulders when you go out again, complete chaos around you. Your father, Joseph and Sarah lead you among the people, shouting that you need to get back to the portkey. You gasp in surprise when you feel a twinge behind your eyes, and you are struck by a vision of a forest. This little delay is enough to make you stay behind and lose sight of your family.
But you are not looking for them anyway. Your feet are spinning in the opposite position, and you are pushing people to run. You need to find Wanda.
You end up at the end of the camp, the tents far behind you. The sound of confusion drowned out by the distance. Feeling a new stab of pain in the head, your knees give way and your body lowers, while you raise your hands to your face, immediately being hit by a vision. This time you see a shadow of a tall figure, perhaps a man, standing in front of you. There is a metallic taste of blood in your mouth, and you want to get away, but there is something holding you back. When you blink, you're back the end of the camp.
You don't understand what's going on, and there is a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness in your chest, but you keep walking, crossing the magical chain and moving into the forest. You fall to the ground on your knees a moment later, intense pain all over your body. Gasping, you look up, only to see a green light form in the sky.
At first you thought it might be fireworks, but it was magic. The symbol of a hydra conjured in the clouds was beginning to move, and your entire body weighed.
You looked down, and your eyes caught a figure in the woods. It was a man, but he was too far away and you couldn't see his face. He had his wand raised to the sky, clearly being responsible for conjuring it up. Your head started to spin in pain, and you rested your hands on the ground to try to normalize your breathing, and then the man looked at you.
You felt your heart race when he started walking towards you, but then there were screams and footsteps, and he ran. A moment later, your father was kneeling beside you.
"Darling! Are you okay?" He asked worriedly raising his hands to your face looking for bruises. You sighed, still in pain. Only when the aurors of the ministry of magic raised their wands to the sky and made the mark disappear,  you feel your body relieve immediately.
"I saw a man." You confessed breathlessly, and your father looked at you with confusion. But the wizards of the ministries seemed quite interested.
"Where, child?" Asked one of the aurors, you gasped slightly, feeling your body tremble a little.
"He went in that direction." You say pointing. "He was the one who conjured."
The woman nodded in understanding, and left after whistling for the rest of the Aurors to follow her. Your father helped you to stand.
"Honey, listen to me carefully." He said in a mixture of concern and seriousness. "Don't tell anyone about this."
“What, daddy? I don't.."
"Honey, please." He interrupts by stroking your cheeks with his thumb. “I will explain everything to you, I promise. But this needs to stay between us. You can't tell anyone what you saw in the sky.”
You swallow dry, but agree. Your dad doesn't let go of your hand all the way back to the portkey, and when you rejoin your friends again, you lie and say you just got lost in the food stall area after he gives a little grip on your fingers.
Your father doesn't explain anything to you.
When you return home, he receives urgent howlers from the ministry, and then he returns to the ministry of magic.
You are walking around the kitchen, outraged that you were prevented from looking for Wanda on your way out of the stadium and you have no idea if she is okay.
"What if the Maximoffs have a phone?" You grumble to yourself, but then you remember that you don't even have the number. You press your hands to your face, trying to calm yourself down. Wanda was fine. She had to be.
Gamora and Nebula are sitting on the couch, discussing something with each other, looking concerned. Tony locked himself in the room after Howard refused to tell him what was going on.
You don't understand why you have this horrible feeling in your chest, and you can't stop wondering if Wanda is okay, and then you support your hands on the table, trying to normalize your breathing and stop yourself from crying.
"Hey, breathe." You are almost startled by the voice at your side. Gamora touches your back tenderly, and you shake your head, feeling the tears flow. "She's fine, you need to breathe."
"You don't know that." You snap out of breath, and then Gamora puts her hand on your shoulder, asking you to look at her.
“We met Erik on the way out while you got lost. They left before you came back. ” She tells and you blink confused. “Wanda is safe. Breathe."
You gasp, and then your body relaxes as if a weight has been lifted off your back. Gamora looks at you with a mixture of concern and confusion, but you sigh, hugging her in appreciation.
"Thank you." You whisper against her hair. "I should have asked."
When you let go, she still looks at you with concern.
"Yeah, I know." She says assessing her face. "You should have asked how anyone else would do it."
You frown, not understanding what she is saying. But she still looks at you, suspicious.
“It looks like you were barely listening to us when your dad brought you back. And then I find you like that, and one word is enough to get you back to normal. ”
"What do you mean, Gamora?"
"I'm worried about you." She says. "I don't know what it is, but there is something strange about the way Wanda affects you."
You change the weight of your feet, uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation.
"What are you talking about?"
"She's talking about you not being able to bewitch Wanda." Nebula adds by getting up and walking over to you. You blink confused, ready to say that story was too old, but the girl is not intimidated. "She's talking about the way you behave around her."
"I don `t…"
"It's not just about liking someone." Nebula interrupts and you feel your cheeks heat up. "Gamora thought it was because you are in love, but that seems like something else."
Something in your stomach falls. You gasp in surprise.
"I'm not i-in love!" You exclaim with a racing heart. "I'm not…"
Gamora sighs impatiently, messing with hair. And trying to calm you down, she puts her hands on your shoulders next.
"Listen to me, okay?" She asks. "There's something weird about the way you care about Wanda. We don't know what it is, but you need to admit that you can see that too."
Facing your friend back, it takes a moment while you think of your words, for you to speak again.
"I saw a mark in the sky." You confess, deciding to disobey your father. Gamora blinks in confusion, and you clear your throat before you clear up everything that happened. Her hands fall off your shoulders when she opens her eyes wide for your confessions.
"Are you sure it was a hydra?" Nebula asks seriously and you wave.
"Do you know what that means?" You ask, and the girls exchange a look, but before they say it, you hear another voice.
"It is the Mephisto mark."
You get scared of Tony coming down the stairs, his gaze on you as he walks over to where you are. He folds his arms when he reaches you.
"Which means death walkers are back."
"Tony ..."
"You said you saw a wizard." He interrupts seriously. "Do you have any idea who it is?"
"No." You embarrassingly deny it, feeling your stomach sink with the look Tony is giving you. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You are the one who's been weird." He replies. "I'm just trying to understand what's going on."
"What did you mean by that?"
"What did you see in your head?" He counters with another question and you start to get angry at the way he is behaving, but tell him anyway. Tony sighs impatiently, turning in the opposite direction. He circles the room for a few moments before speaking again. “Daddy is never going to let us get involved in this. Especially now that you are having visions in your head. ”
"I still haven't told him about it." You grumble and Tony looks at you in surprise.
"Then don't say anything."
"What?" You exclaim with a frown in confusion. "What you mean? I need to say. I have to find out what it is. ”
Tony laughed incredulously.
"You still don't get it, do you?" he retorted. "Dad won't tell us anything. He didn't tell us about being an Auror, or about being friends with Professor Lehnsherr. He didn't even bother to try to understand why you can't bewitch Wanda!" Tony squirms angrily, and you shrink your body to the pitch of his voice. But he sighs, running his hands through his hair, and softening his expression. "I'm sorry, I'm not angry with you. It's just... I don't like being lied to."
You looked away, feeling tired. All this talk was making your head hurt, and the previous events had affected you more than you would like to admit.
"I don't know what we can do about this." You say. "I don't understand what's going on, and Dad would be the first person I would ask something, but he's not willing to help us. I feel like I'm at a dead end."
Tony lifts his arm to your shoulder, trying to reassure you.
"Hey, don't be so concerned about it." He says. "I'll find out what I can, and well, we're going back to Hogwarts next week. You and Wanda can try to figure out what this connection is about, while I try to figure out what's going on at the ministry."
You nod in agreement and Tony smiles, hugging you briefly. You hope that despite everything, you will have a quiet year at Hogwarts.
The Maximoffs are not on board the Hogwarts express.
You are in the same cabin as your friends, squeezed in because not everyone can fit in there, and you take several turns with Peter and Darcy in turn to sit down, while you are spread out in the corridor. 
"No sign of Wanda, huh?" Gamora asked as she saw you looking around the hallway for the tenth time while you were standing outside the cabin, listening to Mantis tell you about her summer from inside.
"No." You reply. "I talked to her Slytherin colleagues, but none of them were very happy to tell me anything. Wanda didn't say anything in her last letter."
"Maybe she will arrive in a flying car, I hear they are popular." She jokes, making you laugh briefly. You can't ignore the nervous feeling in your stomach, and you sigh. Gamora places her hands on your shoulders. "Let's find something to distract you, okay? How about some explosive snap?"
Laughing at Quill's joke about the last statement in the Daily Prophet, as you walked off the train with the rest of your friends toward the castle.
A chorus of excitement coming from some students ahead of you caught your and your friends' attention, who looked in the direction curiously.
"Is that a ship?" You heard someone ask as they pointed in the direction of the lake.
There was a large old ship, right in the center, coming toward the castle. Everyone looked on excitedly.
"Students, please continue toward the castle!" Drax loudly commanded the crowd, and the students exchanged nervous whispers, all extremely curious to know who was coming to the castle. You swapped a glance with Gamora before following the crowd.
Already seated at the Hufflepuff table, you startled slightly when Mantis touched your hand.
"Calm down, you're making it snow." She asked gently. You shook your head, realizing the cloud you had accidentally conjured up above you. You had been so nervous the last few minutes, which only got worse when your gaze failed to find Wanda at the Slytherin table, and to no avail was the look of reassurance Gamora threw at you when she said she would ask her colleagues about her over dinner. As soon as you sat down at the Hufflepuff table, you played with your wand between your fingers, and before you knew it, it was snowing.
"Sorry about that." You mumble clumsily, putting your wand back away. Mantis is not angry, her look is one of concern.
"I'm sure everything is fine with Wanda." Mantis says to you, and you sigh, running your hand through your hair.
"I think so too." You say. "I just don't know why I can't stop thinking about it."
You lost your attention completely on Mantis as your gaze reached the door of the hall just as you noticed the figures entering. Wanda and Pietro, walking hurriedly to the Slytherin table, being two of the last students to enter the hall before the door closed. You made mention of getting up, but Mantis held you by the shoulders. 
You were about to complain, but she pointed in the direction of the teachers' table, and you rolled your eyes, because the welcoming speech was about to begin. Your gaze remained on Wanda, but she was looking straight ahead. The only good thing was that the feeling of worry in you diminished considerably now that you were seeing her.
"[...] and I am proud to tell you that a very special event will take place at Hogwarts this year: the Triwizard Tournament!"
You are startled slightly when Headmistress Harkness' words reach your ears at the same moment that the main hall explodes in hubbub. You lose sight of Wanda because people are moving excitedly, and Mantis is nudging you to look forward.
It is only now that you notice the large stone globet and the blue flame displayed in front of the bench. You blink in surprise, feeling your face flush because you spent all the minutes of the speech staring at Wanda without realizing it.
Then the principal speaks again.
"Of course, the ministry has determined rules for the safety of the students." She recounts. "No student under the age of seventeen will be allowed to participate in the tournament, in addition to the dueling rules..."
The principal's speech was drowned out by the chorus of protests from the younger students, especially those in the fifth and sixth grades. You raised your eyebrow slightly, because you noticed that your brother was one of the boys who was shouting in annoyance. 
Agatha then made a stern expression, clearly annoyed at having been interrupted, and it took only a few moments for the hall to become completely silent, and for her to smile again.
"Note that the other participating schools will be staying with us this year." She continues her speech. "Please welcome the students from Durmstrang Institute."
The doors to the main hall opened again, and a small crowd of students wearing thick winter coats entered. A tall, shabby-looking man with a scar over his right eye was at the front, guiding the students.
"Agatha!" Greeted the man with open arms as he reached the headmistress. Agatha smiled as she hugged him, and you tried to get a look at the new folks, as did the rest of the school, who were looking excitedly at the crowd. You let out a surprised exclamation when you recognized one of the faces. Your classmates also seemed to realize who it was, because many whistles and comments were heard. 
"That's Jean Grey, isn't it?" Peter Parker asked sitting next to you. When you confirmed it, he widened his eyes. "Wow, I didn't know she was still in school."
"She's the youngest catcher of the century, Parker." You commented with a smile. 
"She's very pretty, isn't she?" He retorted, and you made a noise of agreement.
The students reached the front of the hall next.
"It's good to have you here, Yondu." Said the headmistress. "How was the trip?"
"Wet and noisy, woman!" Rebutted the man humorously. He didn't seem too excited to greet any other teachers, focused only on the woman in front of him. Agatha looked at the students next.
"Please feel free to join any of the empty seats, all the houses were honored to accommodate you." She warned the students, but they only moved after Yondu waved lightly at them.
You bit the inside of your cheek, noting that almost everyone sat down at the Slytherin table. Yondu joined the students next, not failing to take a good look at the goblet before sitting down.
Agatha looked down the hall again.
"Let us also welcome our honored guests from Beauxbatons."
The students at Beauxbatons' institute seemed nicer the first moment you saw them, but as soon as you noticed the way their cloaks were bewitched to land gracefully on the floor as they moved, you figured they must be the kind of people who wouldn't be happy with Hogwarts' cleaning schedule.
The principal of Beauxbatons was a tall, stout woman, very beautiful. She had a crown on her head, and you wondered if the people of Beauxbatons were royalty in some way. 
"Ovette, it is an honor to have you with us." She greeted Principal Agatha, but unlike before, her smile was cold, almost fake. The other woman didn't seem happy to be there either, but returned the greeting in the same formality.
The Beauxbatons students sat down at Gryffindor's table, and you giggled when Quill grimaced at you from his table as one of the boys sat down next to him.
Suddenly you felt very hungry. And dinner didn't disappoint. 
"I think you'd better wait to talk to Wanda tomorrow," Mantis remarked next to you as soon as you finished eating. You frowned, looking at her.
"Professor Lehnsherr has been staring at the Slytherin table like he's going to cast a good behavior spell at them the entire dinner." She counters as she looks at the teachers' table. You look just in time to catch Erik with a stern look toward the students who were talking loudly on the end before he went back to eating his potato salad. 
"Maybe he just expects better behavior while we have guests here." You comments, glancing back to the Slytherin table. Wanda's gaze has not searched for yours all dinner, and you are starting to get annoyed by this.
"If you're going to risk it, I suggest you do it before curfew." Mantis quips as she looks down at her own lap. Groot is trying to steal her piece of chicken, and she smiles as she hands him a loaf of bread.
You look around. All the students are sitting at their respective house tables, and despite the loud buzz of conversation, no one is standing. You know that if you stood up, and walked to the other side of the room, everyone would look at you. Sighing in annoyance, you rest your face on your hand and your elbow on the table, giving up on talking to Wanda during dinner.
When dessert arrives, you become distracted.
Your best idea is to catch up with Wanda at the end of dinner, but you frown when she doesn't get up from the table along with the other students. The next moment, Professor Erik is joining her, and the crowd of Hufflepuff students pushing you out makes you lose sight of her.
You mumble softly to yourself when you have to go back to the dormitory, and Mantis gives you a short smile, equally annoyed by your nervousness.
You tried to sleep. Maybe at some point you did.
After you went back to the dorm with everyone else, put on your pajamas and turned off the lights, you think you fell asleep almost immediately. But there was no rest.
The minute you fell asleep, you were somewhere else, fully conscious.
It looked like a graveyard, and there was a lot of smog. You turned over, feeling breathless, and saw a red light, maybe it was a spell. The next moment you woke up, panting, opening your eyes and immediately sitting up in bed. Surprised at the amount of sweat on your shirt, you frowned.
The dormitory was completely dark, and everyone was sleeping around you. You felt thirsty, and as you tried to understand exactly what you had dreamed, you left the room.
The rest of the common room was also empty, and you sighed as an idea crossed your mind. Biting your lips, you shook your head. No, you were not going to sneak through the dormitory into the Slytherin hall, because that was absolutely against all the rules, and more importantly, it would be weird.
Ignoring the sudden urgency you felt to follow your idea, you forced yourself back to your dormitory, hoping that you would be able to sleep again.
The next day, you had no need to look for Wanda, because she found you first.
As soon as you left for breakfast, accompanied by Mantis, you gasped in surprise as you felt some jump on you just before the entrance to the main hall.
"I missed you." Wanda sighed as she wrapped her arms around your neck. Some students looked at you curiously, but you didn't mind, circling Wanda's waist to return the hug. 
"I missed you too." You retorted by hiding your face in her neck, feeling your whole body relax with the scent of her perfume.
But a sound of someone clearing their throat broke the moment, and Wanda turned away from you, her cheeks flushed.
"You saw each other last week." Pietro teased with a slight frown on his forehead. He didn't press the matter, however, greeting you afterwards.
You made your way to the Slytherin table, your newly awakened friends looking sleepy as they lazily enjoyed their breakfast.
After greeting everyone, you sat down next to Gamora, who was looking at the daily prophet.
"Not a word about what happened in the Quidditch world cup" She commented indignantly. The group shared the same reaction. "All the news is about the triwizard tournament being held at Hogwarts."
"Maybe they don't want to cause a panic." Quill then reasoned. You knew that he, as well as Mantis, only knew about what happened in the cup because of the letters you and Gamora sent. 
"It just seems like they are hiding the truth." Gamora retorts without taking her gaze off the paper. You glance at the figures moving around before turning your attention back to your coffee.
"Clearly corrupt wizarding ministry matters aside, is anyone here going to try to sign up for the tournament?" Quill asked next, causing you to frown as Nebula and Gamora gave a giggle.
"No one here is of age." You comment with confusion, but Quill gives a wry chuckle.
"You Hufflepuff people are adorable." He teases making you laugh. He stretches his arms out to Pietro and Monica's shoulders next as he is sitting between them. "My Gryffindor buddies have found the perfect solution to solve this problem."
You look at the three of them curiously. Gamora rolls her eyes, and turns her attention back to the cereal.
"Let me guess, aging potion?" Nebula then suggests, and Quill lets out an impressed exclamation.
"Look at you Nebula, who would have guessed?  I'll make a troublemaker out of you yet." He jokes, but Nebula just raises her middle finger at him, making the rest of the table laugh.
You are slightly distracted because Wanda asked you to pass the jelly to her and your fingers brushed against each other, and you had to keep it together, unaware because the sensation spread a tingle across your skin, so you are startled when Quill lets out an excited exclamation next.
"I just remembered!" He says. "I didn't complain enough about the cancellation of the Quidditch cup between the houses. I was sure Gryffindor would win this year."
Wanda lets out a wry chuckle, and Quill makes a mocking face at her, tossing a piece of bread in her direction. 
You like to see your friends like that, playing with each other. The next moment, Mantis asks how Quill intends to get past the goblet spells to put his name on it, and the boy spends the next few minutes arguing that the aging spell is enough to break the enchantment, and your friends seem happy to argue with him about it.
You're not sure how you're going to tell Wanda that you need to talk to her about the events of the vacations, and the cup, and well, your connection to her, so you ignore the suggestive look Gamora throws at you after coffee and decide to put it off for as long as you can.
Your classes seem to have gotten even harder and more boring, but you struggle. It's even trickier to pay attention when the whole school is excited about the triwizard tournament, and there' a lot of noise between and during the classes, after a while, the teachers give up on calming the moods.
Without Quidditch, you have free periods, and you use this time to spend with your friends, either playing witch chess or explosive snap, or even getting some practice with your broom.
The foreign students get more comfortable as time goes on. You would think that they would be sleeping in one of the dormitories, but they are staying on the ships and in the carriages that they have come on.
The only times you got a glimpse of Beauxbatons' carriages was on the way to the class on the Tract of Magical Creatures, and you weren't the only one trying to get a better look, but the guardian Drax was quick to scare off any curious people who got too close.
With three weeks of classes, the atmosphere at Hogwarts had changed a lot. You knew it was because the date for choosing champions was approaching, and everyone seemed to be holding their breath about it. 
Pietro and Quill actually proceeded with the idea of trying to fool the goblet with an aging potion. You and the girls joined them in the room where the magic object had been placed, and witnessed them try. And fail miserably. Wanda was worried that Pietro had been hurt when he was thrown across the room trying to get through the protective circle, but as soon as she saw his aged face, she laughed, and all the girls followed her.
Pietro and Quill were annoyed for three seconds before they began to laugh as well.
You fell silent the next moment, however, because Jean Grey entered the room accompanied by Headmaster Youndu, both of whom looked at you all reproachfully.
Jean placed a piece of parchment in the flame, and you all watched with some admiration as the goblet accepted her inscription.
The small admiring smile you had on your lip completely disappeared when Jean looked at Wanda on her way out, her gaze flashing in a way that made your stomach turn the wrong way.
When Pietro started talking about how amazing it was to have a famous player at school, you didn't feel excited about the idea anymore.
After your double period of potions on Thursday the last week of September, you could practically catch the anxious tension of your classmates in the air.
At dinner that night, the school champions would be chosen and even you, who were more concerned about the lack of news from home and the way Tony was clearly avoiding your presence, were curious to know who would be chosen.
The Goblet of Fire had been moved to the center of the main hall and you joined the Hufflepuff table with Mantis, noticing the warning look that Headmistress Okoye cast at anyone who was not behaving in the most chivalrous manner possible, but you didn't remark on it, noticing the wizards wearing formal attire at the teachers' table, probably being employees of the Ministry of Magic and reporters for the Daily Prophet.
A characteristic buzz was going on among the students, but the room fell silent as the students from the other schools entered the hall together with their principals.
When Headmistress Agatha began the selection ceremony, everyone seemed to hold their breath.
"[...] Tonight the goblet will choose the one who is worthy to represent their schools in the triwizard tournament. The ceremony of choice begins now." She gracefully presents, wand in hand. Agatha touches the tip of the goblet next, and the flame on the top changes to red briefly, expelling a piece of parchment through the air. Agatha catches the item between her fingers. "The champion of Durmstrang is Jean Grey."
The room erupts in applause and tears of celebration. You clap happily too, completely forgetting about that day in the hall. You knew that Jean had become quite popular among the Hogwarts gossips, especially since she is already a celebrity, so the reaction of your classmates was not a surprise to you.
You and the rest of the students watched as she accepted the parchment from Agatha before greeting the ministry wizards, and then walked into the small door behind the teachers' desk. As she left, everyone was silent again.
Principal Harkness repeated the wand movement on the goblet, and the flames turned blue again. She paused briefly before announcing the next champion.
"Beauxbatons' champion is Maria Hill!" 
You watch a very elegant girl get up from one of the front seats and walk in the same direction as Jean amidst the applause. The commotion is a little less than Grey's, but you know that it is only because Grey was famous.
A moment later it is the turn of the Hogwarts champion, and you are much more excited for this.
Agatha also seems more excited about this, a small smile escaping her lips before she repeats the wand movement.
When the parchment falls into her hands, she reads it aloud.
"The champion of Hogwarts..." She begins and her expression falls, her frown frowning. The brief suspense only makes everyone even more anxious. "Wanda Maximoff."
The crowd's reaction is remarkably different from the other champions; the hall explodes into a buzz of accusations of cheating, pointing out that Wanda was underage, and even snide remarks about a Slytherin representing the school, but you were barely listening. A wave of preoccupation takes over your body completely, and you look around the table for Wanda, but she is already standing up, her chin held high despite all the negative comments. She accepts the parchment Agatha hands her and heads in the same direction as the other champions. 
Harkness makes another movement with her wand and the flame from the goblet goes out. In the next second she is leaving the room, being escorted by the other directors and the ministry officials to the Hall of Champions. As soon as the door closes, the hall explodes in agitated hubbub, and many people stand up.
As the teachers call for calm, especially for the Gryffindor students who accuse the Slytherin of cheating, you and Mantis stand up and join your friends.
"I can't believe that just happened." Gamora comments as soon as you reach her, as impressed as she is concerned.
Your gaze searches for Pietro however, and he looks upset.
"Comrade, your sister is the champion of Hogwarts! She managed to do what we were trying to! Why the long face?" Quill asked his friend excited and confused, but when he went to hug Pietro, he pulled away, an angry grimace on his face.
"I can't believe Wanda kept this from me." He grumbled, you and your friends looked at him in surprise. 
"Come on Pietro, maybe she didn't think it would work and didn't want to say anything." Quill suggested but the boy shook his head.
"No you don't get it." He retorts. "She absolutely could not have risked doing something like that."
And then he turns away, and heads for the teachers' table. You and your friends are left with puzzled expressions, but upon noticing that he looked like he was going to be talking to his father for quite some time, you return to your conversation.
"I can't believe Wanda didn't tell anyone about putting in the name on the goblet, that's incredible." Quill adds. Nebula begins to argue how dangerous it was for someone without enough magical acquaintance to be in such an ordeal, and your stomach does a turn. You walk away from the conversation, heading toward the group of Tony's friends who were standing a few feet away from you.
"Hey, your friend just caused a stir around here." Tony jokes as soon as you reach him.
"I noticed it." You retort as you spot Professor Strange separating with a spell a student who jumped on top of another. "Everyone is talking about how dangerous it is for her to participate, can you tell me anything good about it?"
Tony laughs at the desperation in your voice. 
"I figure eternal glory and the thousand-gallon prize is the good part." He teases, and you run your hands through your hair, trying to ignore the urge to go into that little room and find out if Wanda is okay. Tony assumes a serious expression next, and lowers his tone, not that it was necessary, since everyone seems wrapped up in their own conversations. "You also find it strange that this happens after what happened at the cup, don't you?" He asks and you nod. Tony sighs. "Maybe this is a good time for you to talk to Wanda, little sis. About how you feel about her. And well, maybe as you help her practice for the tournament, you guys can figure out what that connection means."
You nod, feeling your cheeks warm. It was still strange how all your friends knew about the way you cared for Wanda.
You wanted to ask Tony if he had found out anything since you last talked properly, but Professor Strange ordered everyone back to their dormitories the next moment, and after Tony messed up your hair, you turned and headed toward the Hufflepuff students who were leaving the hall.
There was no way you could sleep without talking to Wanda, so you risked an detention by sneaking out of the dorm after curfew. Mantis grumbled at you to be careful before turning over in her sleepy state, making you laugh softly.
You used a simple invisibility spell on yourself, not so strong that you were completely invisible, but enough to blend into the shadows of the castle as you descended back into the dungeons. Hogwarts was, yes, very scary at that time.
The board at the entrance was sleeping, and after removing the invisibility spell, you poked it with your wand to wake it up.
"What, what is that?" Complained the irritated painting, looking around and acquiring an angry expression when he noticed you.
"I'm sorry. Keep your voice down please." You asked. "I need to get inside."
The painting looked at you suspiciously.
"I have seen you here before, but you are not from the honorable house of Slytherin."
"That is not your problem, Mr. Talos." You retort impatiently. "Just let me in. The password is Polyjuice Potion."
"Your friends will get in trouble if they keep sharing their password with you." Warned the painting before moving, giving you passage to enter.
"Thank you, Mr.Talos." You said with slight irony, walking into the dormitory.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked around at the empty environment. You were used to the place, but it was still creepy when poorly lit like this.
"We don't like intruders." Spoke a voice in the corner of the room, making you jump in fright.
"Damn, Nat, you scared the hell out of me." You complained, putting your hand to your chest and feeling your heart racing. The girl giggled, closing the book in her hand and standing up in your direction.
"Why are you here?" she asked with her arms crossed.
You gave her a lopsided smile.
"I came to check on Wanda, of course."
Nat narrowed her eyes at you.
"Why?" you retort after a short laugh. "Because she has just been chosen for the deadliest competition in the wizarding world, and everyone in this place wants to remind me of it!" You exclaim, and can't stop yourself. "I heard a girl say in the hallway that the tournament was banned for the number of deaths! Did you know that? Yeah, neither did I. And well, I can't sleep, because I keep thinking that something like that might happen to Wanda. And when I think about it, I can't breathe and I..."
"Stark, breathe!" Natasha interrupts you with concern, placing her hands on your shoulders. You gasp slightly, realizing that your eyes are filled with tears as you notice your vision blurring. You sigh, trying to normalize your breathing as you force a smile and wipe your face. "God, what was that all about?"
"It was nothing." You grumble. "I'm just worried."
Natasha doesn't buy your excuse, though.
"Tony told me about what happened in the cup." She says as she lowers her arms. You look at her in surprise. "He also told me about how connected to Wanda you have been feeling. I just didn't imagine that you would almost have a little tantrum at the possibility of her getting hurt."
You feel your cheeks flush, looking away to your shoes.
"I didn't have a tantrum."
"Nearly." She teases, but you don't laugh, feeling your stomach churn. Nat looks at you seriously next. "Wanda's not here."
You raise your head in surprise.
"What? Why?"
"I don't know." She replies. "Believe me, you weren't the only one who tried to talk to her. The whole dorm was wanting to know how she tricked the goblet, but no one has seen her since the selection."
You feel your heart soar, and seeing the way you react, Nat raises a hand to your arm again.
"Hey, try not to think about it so much." She says. "Maybe she's with her father. I imagine it's been quite a commotion that a minor has swindled the goblet, and the ministry must be trying to decide what to do. She must be in the teachers' dormitory, she is still a child after all."
"Wanda is already fifteen." You grumble.
"Yes, and I'm sixteen. We're all kids, Y/N." She retorts. "I don't think Professor Lehnsherr was going to leave his daughter alone at such a time."
You sigh, nodding in agreement.
"Try to get some sleep, will you?" Nat asks next. "I'm sure Wanda will talk to you tomorrow. And well, I think she's going to need her best friend to not sleep through the conversation."
"Wanda said I'm her best friend?" 
Nat laughs at the way you talk, probably sounding like a lovesick puppy. 
"God, you two are a disaster." She comments before waving you toward the exit. You bid her goodnight and thank her before walking back to your dorm.
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
i don't know if you getting requests but can you write something like the reader (a slytherin if it makes a difference but don't really matter) gets jealous about Draco with Pansy and give him the silent treatment, at some point he lose his patience and fuck the brattyness out of her
pairing: draco malfoy x reader 
warning(s): 18+, dom!draco, orgasm control/denial, edging, choking, degradation
word count: 1.7k
a/n: as a self proclaimed brat, this will be my fantasy of the week. this one goes out to all my bratty draco lovers - enjoy!
“What the fuck is your issue Y/N?” Draco asked, storming into your room. 
The day had been a never ending saga of you giving Draco the silent treatment and him growing increasingly more frustrated with you. But really, it wasn’t your fault. It was his own. 
It started last night at the party. Draco, your fucking boyfriend, decided it would be a wise choice to spend his night hanging out with Pansy instead of you. Sure, you were having a good time with Theo and Daphne, but he was more than welcome to join. What he wasn’t welcome to do was schmooze with his ex-girlfriend where everyone could see. 
And then it continued at breakfast. And although he took his normal spot at the table beside you, he kept whispering in hushed tones with Pansy all throughout. 
So you decided to give him the silent treatment all day, much to your friends dismay. 
But now here he was, in your room, boiling with anger, and he expecting you to talk. 
Not going to happen. 
You simply looked back down at the book you had been flipping through to kill time, not even sparing him a second glance. 
“What the fuck am I missing? Because the last time I checked I didn’t do anything to warrant you acting like a fucking brat,” he said, walking quickly through your room to stop at the end of your bed, leaning against the footrest. 
You only looked up at him and raised a brow, internally applauding yourself when you saw how utterly confused he looked.
“I’ll give you one last chance before I take matters into my own hands, and you’re not going to like that. So. What. Is. The. Issue?” He asked slowly, emphasizing every word. 
You had to give it to him. If it had been anyone but you, his little display would have been intimidating. If it had been anyone but you, they would have spilled all of their secrets right then. But you saw right through the act. And honestly, you were quite intrigued by what he meant by ‘taking matters into his own hands.’ 
So once again, you said nothing, just turned back to your book and ignored him. 
You weren’t even sure how he got over to you so quickly and silently, but the next thing you knew the book was getting thrown across the room and you were getting flipped onto your stomach, your legs dangling off the side of the bed. 
“I gave you so many chances today, Y/N,” he said, a faux sympathy in his voice that was dangerous and arousing all at once. “But if you’re going to be a brat, you’ll get fucked like one.” 
With that, his hands were ripping your pants and underwear down your legs in one go just before you heard the noise of his belt coming off. You were growing wetter by the second, completely caught off guard by his behavior, a fact he was all too aware of due to the fact that you were displayed in front of him. 
“And you’re already fucking soaked,” he commented, a finger coming up to run through your slit. “A bratty little whore. Is this what you wanted? Wanted to get punished like a little slut?” He asked, but you both knew he wasn’t getting a response. 
His finger left only to be replaced by the tip of his cock, which shocked you at first. Normally, no matter what mood he was in, he’d make sure you were stretched enough to take him painlessly. Clearly, that care had flown out the window today. He did say you were going to get fucked like a brat after all. 
You did your best to relax your body as he pushed inside of you, his cock filling and stretching you more than it ever had before. But your efforts were futile, a whine coming from your throat as he continued to fuck into you without letting you adjust. 
“Aww, does it hurt?” He asked, mockingly. “Maybe you should have thought about that before acting like a dumb fucking brat all day.” 
He fucked you harshly, not holding back a single bit. You did your best to stay quiet just to toy with him some more, but his efforts didn’t go unappreciated. A few moans had slipped through, only egging him on. But the moment he pounded against your g-spot, you completely lost it. 
“Draco, please,” you gasped, needing him to do that a million more times and then some. 
“So she fucking speaks,” he said harshly, coming down to drape his chest along your back, his face aligned with yours. His thrusts never faltered as one hand left your hip and creeped around your neck, pressing down just enough to make you dizzy. “You love getting fucked like this, don’t you? Love when I treat you like a fucking whore?” 
“Yes,” you hissed out, trying to control your breathing even as he fucked all the air out of your body. 
“Well that’s lovely because you’re not cumming until you tell me what the fuck is wrong,” he told you, not even out of breath. 
Your heart jolted at his words, not wanting to give up the act yet. But you desperately wanted to cum. He was pushing you closer and closer with every thrust, so you knew you’d have to make a choice soon. 
“I don’t want to tell you,” you argued, but even you knew it sounded pathetic at this point. 
You heard him scoff behind you, but your words only made his double down, practically forcing you to the brink of an orgasm. 
“That’s not going to work. Tell me,” he said, his grip tightening threateningly on your neck. 
When you didn’t even make a sound, he completely stopped moving inside of you, planning on waiting you out until you calmed down. You let out a whine and tried to fuck yourself back onto him, but his hand on your hip immediately forced you back down on to the bed, your plan now useless. 
And you knew you were fucked now. He was in full control of your entire body and the entire situation, leaving you no other option but to tell him. 
“There’s such an easy fix to this, Y/N. You tell me why you’ve been acting like this all day and you get to cum. Don’t think I won’t leave you aching,” he told you, his hips beginning to roll into yours again slowly. 
“You’re a dick,” you bit out, enraged that he had you trapped. But you couldn’t deny his plan was utterly fucking genuis. The man knew what he was doing. 
“And you’re a brat. I wouldn’t have to be like this with you otherwise.” 
That only made you roll your eyes, but it didn’t stop the moan from leaving your lips as the tip of his cock moved directly over your g-spot over and over again, bringing you right back to the brink. 
“Tell me,” he demanded, squeezing your throat before loosening up, the raspiness in his voice letting you know he was close to his own orgasm. Not that that would stop him from torturing you. He’d edge himself for hours if it meant getting what he wanted out of you. 
So you gave in. 
“You were flirting with Pansy all last night and this morning,” you gasped out in one breath, hoping he knew you were being truthful. 
“We’ll talk about that later,” he said, giving up the mean dom act and staying true to his promise of letting you cum. 
The hand that had been on your hip snuck in between your body and the bed, going directly for your clit. The second his hand was on you, you let out a loud moan and felt your walls constrict around his cock. He barely had to move his finger until you were cumming around him with a scream, him following you right over the edge. 
You both laid breathless for a moment, his body still draped over yours, as you both silently came back to reality. He rearranged you easily until you were lying back on the pillows before coming down to lay beside you, facing you on his side. 
“Is that really what all that was about today? You were jealous of Pansy?” He asked, his voice soft now, as he brushed some hair out of your face. 
“Yeah,” you said, too tired to defend yourself. 
“Darling, you do realize how ridiculous that is, right? One - you shouldn’t be jealous of anyone. You’re it for me. And two - there was nothing to even be jealous about,” he told you reassuringly, making you feel a bit better but you still had a bone to pick. 
“What do you mean there was nothing to be jealous about? You were with her practically all of last night and this morning at breakfast the two of you were whispering and I was right there,” you said, growing more defensive the longer this conversation went on. 
He sighed but looked at you carefully, deciding if he wanted to say what he had to say. He must have seen something because finally, he opened his mouth to explain himself. 
“It was meant to be a surprise, but she was helping me plan something for you. Her father knows a guy who owns a hotel in London and I was thinking about getting us out of here for a weekend,” he explained and suddenly you felt so foolish for the whole thing. 
“Oh,” was all you had to say, no longer willing to make eye contact with him. 
“See how easy this could have been fixed if you just told me what was wrong when I first asked?” He asked, and you could hear the smirk in his voice before you even looked up to see it. 
“I guess,” you agreed with a shrug, not warning to admit total defeat. 
“But no, my girl had to go and act like a brat just to drive me fucking crazy,” he said with a chuckle, pulling you into his chest with ease. 
“It’s fun being a brat sometimes. I got great sex out of it,” you finally said, your eyes twinkling with mischief when you looked back up at him. 
“What am I going to do with you?” He asked, rolling his eyes, before connecting his lips to yours. 
Little did he know, you had a lot of suggestions for what he could do with you next time.
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novawrts · 4 years
Riven x Specialist Reader
Summary: One-on-one training sessions have many benefits. Especially with Riven.
A/N: This is my first Fate: The Winx Saga and Riven imagine! I hope you will like it! Also, English isn’t my first language so I apologize in advance for any grammar/spelling mistakes.
Warning: Slight implied sexual content.
“Looking good,” Riven couldn’t take his greyish green eyes off the sports bra and yoga pants you were wearing. They were not your usual Alfea training sessions outfit but he liked that one way more, as you could tell by the tip of his tongue licking the lip that he pressed against his upper one. “Don’t flirt with me. I’m here to train,” you told him firmly, throwing the wooden dual swords his way before grabbing yours. You had the same weapon of choice. It was actually what made you bond in the first place given that it was a fairly rare combo among the Specialists. “So authoritative. I like it.” You gave your boyfriend a warning look, you were enjoying the view as well—for sure, but you were indeed here to train.
On guard, you were the first to advance and the first to throw a thrust which forced Riven to move backwards while fighting to maintain his defence. Wooden swords clashing against each other were all you could hear on the training ground until Riven rotated on himself and blocked your attack. “And so aggressive,” he added in a smirk, referring to the honest shots you had given.
However, he didn’t give you the chance to answer his another flirtatious comment as he pushed your own dual swords away from his face, making you retreat to the centre of the mat while throwing more fierce thrusts. Your attacks, as Silva said, were impeccable. Your defence, on the other hand, not so much and despite your reactivity to counter your boyfriend forward motions they left you off balance. On your knees, the wooden blade extremities of Riven’s weapons were pointing to your heart. “You know I like you in this position babe but I thought you wanted to train?”
“Don’t be cocky,” you grumbled before you quickly stuck your swords under your arms to capture his own weapons. You pulled them briskly towards you while extending one of your legs and in a 180° turn, you kicked Riven off his feet, making him grunt when he hit the mat. “Alright…” He tilted his head when you circled him, waited until he could forcefully hold your leg who made him fall in his. You weren’t long to join him on the mat after that, but not without a fight. “That, it’s because I know you like it rough,” Riven said after rolling on top of you. It was his turn to be on his knees but with one of your arms kept against his torso and your face flat on the ground held by his free hand.
You were competitive—very competitive and if there was one thing you didn’t like; it was losing. Something that, oddly enough, Riven truly liked about you. You were determined, he thought that made you a good Specialist and I quote “very sexy” too. So, it wasn’t a surprise for him that once free from his grip, you were immediately picking up your wooden dual swords for another round.
In a way, Riven had managed to piece you off. Not that it was the first time but when it came to training it was actually making you feral, and oh, he could so clearly see it in your eyes. He was holding his stance, ready for you to attack. Or so he thought, at least. Your advance was as fast and precise as the thrusts you threw his way. You were a force. The only time he had seen you like this was when Silva chose you to fight him during one of his intensive trainning sessions. If you had been a Fire Fairy the all training ground would probably be into flames right now. You had even pushed Riven out of the mat.
Your little fight known no limits, it was one of the many reasons you liked to train with your boyfriend. All was fair. You had made him retreat towards one of the elevated training stands and pushed him against it with a kick. Riven was trapped and defeated. A silent laugh escaped his thin lips, the impact of your foot on his chest had made him drop his weapons while you held yours crossed near his throat.
“I told you not to flirt with me,” you teased him. Yours eyes were locked with his, you could cut the tension with a knife, and so you did. You laid down your swords and cupped Riven’s face to urgently come pressing your lips against his. You felt the pressure of his palms against your neck and jawline while you gripped his hair in-between your fingers as the kiss went one. Shivers along your spine followed when he retraced that exposed part of your body, heading his hand straight towards your butt. When things started to get more steamier you pulled away, leaving the two of you out of breath while you took a few steps back.
Riven was bewildered. He watched you walked silently in the direction of the Specialist Hall, if it wasn’t for the heat he was still feeling within him he would have wondered if that moment truly happened. “Are you coming?” At your words, he looked around his surroundings and nodded before hastily pushing himself off from the side of the elevated training stand, a mischievous grin on his lips. Quick in his steps to reduce the distance between you, Riven literally run towards the building once he had grabbed your hand in his.
Next time you actually wanted to train seriously perhaps you should ask Sky.
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intoanothermind · 4 years
Flying Solo - Reggie
Tumblr media
Word Count: 2.1k
- Reggie x reader
Synopsis: ever since you died, all you do is walk around the city and watch people going through their lives in restaurants, pubs and other establishments. That is until you meet another ghost in one of these places.
(This is based on a request I asked a few days ago. I’ve tried putting a gif instead of a picture, but tumblr doesn’t let me do it, but I’ll keep tryind. Don’t forget to check out my other Reggie fic and the one I wrote for Luke!)
Stand Tall - Reggie // Akai Ito - Reggie (soulmate au) // Bright - Luke
Since I died, I have enjoyed spending time watching the lifers. I walked the streets of Los Angeles and spent hours and hours sitting in restaurants, coffee shops, pubs and other establishments. Many people spent their time on their cell phones or typing on their laptops, but I liked to watch other people interact. I would like it even more if I could eat, but the smell of coffee and pie always calmed me down. And sometimes I would discover some other ghost in those places.
Especially if he moved a customer's food and the person looked around confusedly. I paid more attention when the woman took her eyes off her cell phone, picked up her plate and changed tables, without noticing the two boys sitting at the table. A third boy, who had previously been in front of the counter, sat in the empty seat. They talked for a while - unfortunately I couldn't hear from where I was several tables behind - before the blonde walked out the door and the third boy shortly after. I got up quickly before the cute boy who was making a prank on the client disappeared too.
"Hi." I said, taking the vacant seat for the blonde. "What's your name?"
His blue eyes widened and looked back before turning back to me and pointing at his chest.
"Me?" he asked, confused, and he just seemed even cuter.
"Yes, you." I laughed. "My name is Y/N, what’s yours?"
“Reggie. I'm Reggie.” he smiled and shifted in his chair, looking excited. "How can you see me?"
I shook my head, still smiling. He clearly didn't understand.
"I'm a ghost too." I replied, extending my hand to the side just as a girl passed and my arm went through her.
His smile widened even further, making his eyes narrow.
"Cool!" he opened his eyes wide. "I mean, it's not cool that you died, or anything..."
But my smile has not diminished.
"It’s okay, I had a year to get used to it."
"What did you die of?"
“Car accident last year. I was with my mom coming back from a performance. She crossed over to the other side, I didn't.” my smile became a little sad. "But what about you? How long have you been a ghost?”
"Well..." he made a funny face. "About 25 years ago we ate some bad hot dogs."
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. "Really?"
"I know." he made a face of suffering. "It was not our best moment."
"Me and my bandmates."
"Those who were here with you."
"Yes! Luke and Alex. We died together.”
"So you must have seen a lot of things together in the past 25 years." I commented excitedly, leaning on the table.
"Not exactly." he made another funny face. "After we left the ambulance, we were in this dark room where Alex was crying and the next thing we remember is falling into a girl's garage a few days ago."
"So that means I have more ghost time than you do!"
“Oh, but we’ve already discovered some really cool things! We managed to play in front of people when we played with Julie!”
My heart sank when I heard that name and I opened my mouth to comment, but I felt a shiver go through my body when someone sat in the chair where I was. I got up quickly, because the worse thing than passing through people was staying in the exact spot where she was. I looked at Reggie and he too had stood up when another girl sat down where he was.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
"For sure." said Reggie, holding my hand and whooshing us to a beach where I have never been.
It was not as crowded as the most famous beaches in Los Angeles, but it had some movement.
"Where are we?" I asked when I noticed Reggie kicking some sand and sitting with his back to the sea and facing a bike shack.
"I used to live here." he replied while I sat next to him. “This bike shack used to be my home. Every now and then I come here and wonder what happened to my parents. ”
"I'm sorry." I murmured, lying my head on his shoulder and just watching the movement in the store.
"Okay. I'm sorry I spoiled the mood.”
"It's all right. I think about my family as well.”
"But you've only been a ghost for a year." he said, turning his head slightly towards me. "Didn't you ever see how they're doing?"
"Once, two weeks after we died." I whispered. “My family was destroyed. I couldn't see them like that without being able to do anything, so I only come back once every few months to see if they were okay.”
"I'm sorry." he murmured, resting his head on mine.
We stayed there for a few minutes in that position, not saying anything, just watching people coming and going in front of the store that used to be his home.
"Did they really kill Han Solo?" the question was asked so unexpectedly, I could only lift my head from his shoulder and look at him a little confused.
"Do you know Star Wars?" he said quickly. "We went to a club the other day and Luke and I were trying to catch up on what we missed and a couple of the living told us that they made about eight more Star Wars movies and that they killed Han Solo!"
"Whoa, easy!" I laughed. "I do know the movies. And yes, they did. His son killed him.”
"What?!" he looked shocked at me. "I think I would rather never know about the continuation of the series."
"I’m sorry." I said, but I couldn't help but laugh at the expression on his face. “It certainly wasn't the best moments in the saga. This latest trilogy disappointed a little.”
"I was hoping you would tell me it was a lie." he grimaced before letting out a breath and getting up. “Y/N, I need to go. We have a band rehearsal. We are playing tonight at the pub we met, you should go.”
I stood up as well and smiled at him a little, but I denied it.
“Sorry, Reg. I had a really big connection to music and my family when I was alive. It still hurts to think about it, so I always avoid it. But I promise that one day I will see you playing. ”
"Okay." he gave a big smile. "See you around then."
And disappeared.
  As the days went by, Reggie and I got closer and closer. We met several times and went to different places. Especially places where I could update him on the things he lost in the last 25 years. But then he stopped appearing beside me with that wide smile and dork way. For several days I didn’t see him, wondering if anything had happened. I heard stories about ghosts who were trapped by contracts, others who ceased to exist, and I was afraid that he had crossed over or was in trouble - and I couldn't do anything to help.
The next time he showed up I was on the beach again, in front of the bike shack, waiting for him to show up at some point. When he appeared, I barely gave him time to pull himself together before jumping into his arms and hugging him tight.
“Reggie! What happened? You went MIA, are you okay? I got worried!"
He didn't answer, just pulled away from the hug, held my face in his hands and kissed me. I reacted instantly, kissing him back in the same intensity.
"It hurt to think that maybe I didn't have the opportunity to do that." he murmured when we leaned away.
"What do you mean by that?"
He then set out to tell me about the Hollywood Ghost Club, the stamp, the shocks, the threats, the Orpheum show and how they managed to touch Julie afterwards.
"Julie?" I asked, feeling my throat tighten. “The girl who can see you and make you visible? Is her name Julie Molina? ”
"How did you know?" he asked, confused, and I had to take a deep breath to keep from crying.
"She is my little sister."
Reggie's eyes widened in surprise. "You are the Y/N who died with Julie's mother."
I just nodded.
“So did she play again? Is she fine?"
He gave me a knowing smile.
“Why don't we go back to the house and you can see for yourself? I think you've gone too long without seeing her. ”
I agreed, still a little stunned.
"Hey Hey." he caught my eye until I looked him straight in the eye. He stroked one of my cheeks and smiled when I blushed. "It's gonna be okay. I was really going to invite you to meet the band. ”
"So let's go." I smiled at his excitement.
He hugged me around the waist and we teleported directly to mom’s studio. It was different from how I remembered. The piano was uncovered, the lights were on, and instruments were scattered on the other side. I think they were the instruments that the boys used. But they were not there.
"Yeah, I think the boys haven't arrived yet." Reggie commented, scratching the back of his neck.
"It's all right." I mumbled, moving towards the piano and sitting on the stool.
Reggie sat next to me.
"Do you play?"
"I used to play with mom and Julie." I said, concentrating my energy on my fingers and starting to strum one of mom's favourite songs. I looked at Reggie and he was smiling at me. I continued to play, feeling the music flowing through me like when I was alive. It was great to know that I could play even now.
"Boys, I already said that you can't play while I'm not ... here."
I stopped playing abruptly when I looked at the garage door and Julie was there looking at me as if she had seen a ghost. Well, had had. I got up from the stool quickly and went towards my sister.
"Julie..." I sobbed, trying to reach her at the same time as she held her hand out to me. But my hand went through hers and I started to cry.
"Y/N." she was crying too. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, Jules." I laughed.
"I thought you crossed over, I never saw you here."
“I came here a few times, but you never saw me. I couldn't stand to stay long. I spent most of my time walking around the city. ”
"What about mom?" she asked hopefully.
I shook my head. “I never saw her. She crossed right away.”
Julie tried to dry the tears, but they just kept coming down.
"Please, don’t go." she pleaded in a voice so low it broke my heart. “You can stay here with the boys. Just please don't go.”
I looked at Reggie in exasperation, but he came over to me and rested a hand on my back and I managed to take a deep breath.
"Okay." I smiled at my younger sister. "I’ll stay here."
"Yes!" I heard Reggie murmuring and Julie and I laughed, slowly composing ourselves.
“Julie? Is everything alright here?" I heard a third voice and turned to see the two boys who were in the pub with Reggie when I met him.
"Alex, Luke, this is Y/N, my sister."
Luke, the one with the brown hair, raised his eyebrows in surprise. "The sister you said that died?"
Julie made a face, but I just laughed and confirmed it.
Alex, the blonde, observed my closeness to Reggie and smirked. "I imagine this is also the same Y/N that Reggie kept talking about."
"Eh... Well... It wasn't like that..." Reggie gasped trying to brush it off, but I just laughed as I grabbed his chin and pulled him in for a quick kiss.
I barely noticed the boys' laughter and Julie's comment on how weird it was to see her sister kissing someone. I was too busy drinking on Reggie's expression, who had his eyes closed and an ecstatic smile on his lips.
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sprnklersplashes · 3 years
fic based on the theory that sarah fier was the one to bring ziggy back, not nick/the devil (I thought this was gonna be much shorter than it is oops)
“Just let my sister live.” 
The voice comes to her, faded, far away, but she hears it. Hears it because someone called out to her, which no-one has done in centuries, except to make fun of her. To mock her, smear her as the with they call think she is. But not this one. This one doesn’t mock her. She begs her.
“Just let my sister live!”
The picture comes into focus in front of Sarah’s eyes, as if it’s the first thing she sees waking up. Two girls, one small with flame coloured hair, one taller and covered in dirt, clutching Sarah’s own hand. Her throat is raw from screaming, her legs weak from running. Sarah can feel it in her spirit, the girl’s hand on the bone sharing her feelings with her. Weak, exhausted, and so, so scared. Not for her, but for the girl beside her, who turns helplessly in all directions.
It’s then Sarah realises the girls aren’t alone. Coming at them from all sides are... them. The people the Goodes have cursed. Cold skin, lifeless eyes, blackened hearts. Her own heart breaks when she sees them, her stomach twisting at the injustice.
William. Harry. Ruby. And now Thomas, the latest soul to be stolen by the Goodes. 
She tried. It’s been so long since someone found her hand. She tried to show them what Solomon had done those years ago, her promise bound to her bones, but it was for nothing. Her hand is small, her body incomplete, and so whatever powers she’s managed to gain here are feeble, and no match for the Goodes and their deals. They’re ahead of her, again, and she can’t do anything to stop them. Can’t stop as the older girl, Cindy, her sister calls her, runs towards what was Thomas Slater, can’t save the red-haired girl from the knife that pierces her gut. She watches, forces herself to watch, as their respective killers hit them again and again. Knife in the side, axe in the chest. The picture grows stronger as the girls’ breaths grow weaker, the veil between this life and theirs growing thinner. Sarah feels grass beneath her bare feet, the sound of the young girl’s scream attacking her ears. Of course. Life. Death. They’re such strange concepts, and soon the girls will be making the same journey she did. At the hands of the Goodes.
And she will welcome them, and is prepared they will hate her.
The young girl moans, and Sarah can feel her life ebbing away. She may be the first to go. So young, both so young. Her sister’s body shakes of its own accord as the axe hits her again, scarlet blood spurting from her mouth, staining her pretty face.
No, she screams, but her words are a mere breeze. She runs at Thomas, runs at Harry, to try to hold them back, but she is nothing. If they feel anything, they feel a slight chill, and it does nothing to them. She falls to the ground, her limbs aching from this one attempt, and failure creeps up on her again. She can’t save them. She can’t save anyone.
“Nothing will pull us apart,” Cindy promises her sister just before the axe hits her chest again.
“Never...” The young girl gasps. “Again.” The knife hits her side once more, then a final time. Her chest stammers, flutters, and Sarah watches the life flee her body.
It’s over. They’re over.
The killers disappear, vanishing back to the underground cave, their souls trapped until they’re needed again. And the girls lie on the grass, their hands reaching out to each other, never to touch in this life. 
Sarah sits and waits to greet them.
Until someone else comes running in. He runs right through her, and she feels the darkness in his blood immediately. A Goode. One who has already taken on his family’s legacy. She retches at the sight of him, although nothing comes out. This is the boy, the man, who sold Thomas Slater. Whose hands are stained with the blood of all those innocents. And who now, leans over the corpse of his victim, and begs her not to die.
The irony is enough to make Sarah smile.
“Ziggy? Ziggy don’t die on me, okay?” he begs, clutching her cold face in his hands. Sarah’s jaw clenches. She knows love when she hears it. The Goodes are monsters, but they are human, and humans love. But this love isn’t pure, not like her and Hannah. There’s a sting to it, in his desire
“What’s going on?”
Sarah turns, her blood cold at the sound of the voice. The smaller girl, Ziggy, stands before her, blinking blearily as if half asleep. It’s common for those who just crossed over, especially if it was before their time. Sarah’s experienced far more of that then she’d have liked to. It will take minutes, hours for young Ziggy to fully cross over.
Let my sister live! Cindy’s voice echoes in Sarah’s mind, her plea to her. She turns back around, sees Nick still desperately trying to save her, sending out a plea of his own, not to God. Somewhere, wherever he is, the Devil is no doubt pondering his wish, whether he will let Ziggy go or keep her blood for himself.
“No.” Her voice is small, rusty from disuse, but it’s strong, and she shouts again “No!”. She tilts her head to the sky and screams at it, screams at the Goodes and the Devil, “You will not have her! You will not have her!”
The sky opens up, rain falling right through her. If it is the Devil’s reply, she laughs at it, and she grabs young Ziggy by the arm. Her eyes still flutter, her gaze unfocussed, her form not fully here, as if sketched in in pencil. There is still time, if she acts fast.
“They will not have you,” she tells Ziggy, even if she can’t hear her. “Your sister begged for you to live, and live you shall.”
She pulls her towards her body, where Nick Goode still tries to breathe life into her. It’s just steps away, but it feels like miles, her legs shaking with each move she makes. The Devi holds her back, unwilling to let go of his prize. Another dead Shadysider to add to his collection. Another innocent soul, demed unworthy by those in power. He wraps his arms around her, pulls them both away from her body, refusing to let his prize go.
“Not... today,” she pants. Her hand tightens around Ziggy, who blinks in confusion. She’s still not here, she still has time. Cindy’s begging rings in her ears, rings all around them. 
Just let my sister live!
“Not. Today.” She pulls herself and Ziggy the last few steps, drags her until she is beside her body. Her own will pulls the two of them forward, the centuries of hurt burning like a furnace, but it’s something else, one key ingredient that pushes her over the edge. A sister’s love, so pure and steadfast, that it holds the veil back just those seconds more. She can’t see the Devil, but she knows he is here, and she snarls at him. “Not. Her!”
She turns to Ziggy, watches the girl’s eyes open and close slowly, her lips trying clumsily to speak. She won’t remember this at all, and Sarah is glad of it. God only knows what will become of her for now, but she’s fulfilled her promise to her sister.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, and she pushes her back across.
Just before she disappears again, she sees her eyes open, her pained gasps for air. She can’t be sure if she did the right thing, saving her. Some say surviving a tragedy is worse than dying in it. She wouldn’t know. All she knows is the Devil has one less person’s blood to feed on now, but the curse remains still.
A half-victory.
“Where am I?” Sarah turns, slowly, and isn’t surprised to see Cindy behind her. She wears the same clothes she died in, but now free from blood and, whatever it was she was covered in. Sarah suspects she doesn’t want to know. She looks up at her, eyes wide and terrified, like an animal cornered by a hunter. “Who are you?”
“My name is Sarah,” she begins, but the words stick in her throat. She’s had enough of explaining herself, and only being believed half the time. Had enough of people sapping her, screaming at her, cursing her, for something she never did. “Sarah Miller.”
“Oh. Um, hi.” The young girl looks at herself, looks at the limbo surrounding them. Realisation dawns on her face, memory after memory coming back to her, and she drops to the floor, her hands pressed to her mouth to hold back her scream.
“Am I... dead?” she asks, finally. Sarah only nods and kneels beside her. She listens to Cindy’s muffled sobs, the slowly building shrieks of agony, and she lets her do what she needs before showing her where to go. It’s easy to see where this girl will end up, and at least she’ll have some peace.
“My... my sister?” she asks. “Where-where’s my sister?”
“She’s alive,” Sarah tells her. Cindy goes weak with relief, falling into Sarah’s arms and sobbing, muttering “Ziggy’s alive” under her breath. 
Sarah wishes she can do more. Wishes she could say Ziggy will be okay, that Shayside will be okay, that this whole horrible saga is finally over. But she can’t. Because the Goodes were too powerful, again, and even as her hand tightens on them, theirs does on Shadyside. All Sarah can do is hold Cindy until they go to where they need to go, and hopes that the next time someone finds her, she can do more.
Hopes that one day, she can show them what was done.
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Pairing: Bakugou x reader x Kirishima
Warnings: Like, two sex jokes? Nothing that crazy. Once again, gay, bi and poly as fuck. Oh and language too.
Author’s note:
So uh, I guess this ends the saga of Little Secret. I’m still doing Kiribaku fics, but I guess I just had a bit of a theme going here in this trilogy. I tried to focus more on Eijirou in this one since he kind of got pushed to the side a bit in the other two stories. Little Secret had more of y/n’s omniscience, while Big Secret was more Bakugou driven (big brain hehe).
You can probably ignore the ending of this since it’s really really cheesy and it was the only thing I could think of at the time I wrote it (I think this is another one of my fics that I finished at 3 am or something).
Anyhow, I’d say this is my favorite part of the trilogy in some ways! It’s super soft and fluffy, and I really like how I wrote it out. I seriously hope you enjoy it!
I love you guys!
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As much as Kirishima loved being a hero, honestly, he loved his days off more.
He watched from in front of the counter as you amicably bickered with Bakugou, bustling around the kitchen still in your respective pajamas.
"I'm just saying we could have something other than cinnamon rolls for breakfast," the blond man pouted, tailing you as you walked from the fridge to the oven.
"It'll be fun," you said. "Geez, we don't have to keep up with that hero diet you set up every day. It's our day off, let me have my sugar and carbs."
Bakugou began to grumble something about the amount of chemicals that were probably in the pre-made pastry dough, but you paid him no heed. The little cheerful beeping tones of the oven sounded through the room as you set the temperature.
"How long is that going to take?" Kirishima asked.
"Like half an hour," you said. "Need a snack 'til then? We need to eat these oranges before they go bad."
"Sure, I'll take one." You tossed the orange fruit to him, which he caught easily and began to peel.
"You want one, 'Tsuki?"
Bakugou grumbled a "Fine" and you handed him his, taking a third for yourself.
Normally, you may have been able to wait until the sweet pastry rolls were done, but instead you'd spent the last two hours very slowly waking up and cuddling in bed.
As per usual, Katsuki had woken up first, letting his eyes adjust to the warm tones the room had taken on with the rising of the sun. He remembered today was his day off, and a final bout of tension left his shoulders. His back had previously been pressed against Eijirou's, but now he decided to turn himself over to face him. Peeking through scarcely opened lids, Bakugou glimpsed your form on the other side of Kirishima, scarcely visible as you snuggled into his chest. Bakugou allowed himself something he only saved in silent, private moments like this: a smile. Just a small one, barely even lifting the side of his mouth. But he couldn't help it. The sight of his perfect boyfriend and girlfriend fast asleep in each others' arms brought him such an overwhelming feeling of compersion, he simply couldn't help himself.
Bakugou draped an arm over Kirishima's side, rubbing at your forearm with gentle strokes of his fingers. You hummed in your sleep, pushing yourself even closer into the red-haired man holding you. The blond breathed in Eijirou's heavy, musky scent, letting it flood his nose and instill a sense of unparalleled calm over himself.
The shifting motions on either side of him caused Eijirou to begin to blink his own eyes open, shedding the foggy haze of sleep from his mind. Dreams from his previous night's rest danced and fleeted at the edges of his memory, before they were ultimately discarded and lost to the unrelenting abyss that is abandoned remembrance. He felt warm. Warm, and comfortable, and happy, and perfect.
Eijirou noticed the steady movement of the arm placed over him, signaling that Bakugou was awake. You, on the other hand, slept on; eyes lightly closed, lips parted with breath, gently clasping the front of his shirt. Kirishima slowly pressed a kiss to your forehead, followed by another and then another.
His soft lips combined with the soothing motions of Katsuki's hand finally brought you smoothly out of your slumber, groaning a bit in your consciousness.
"You two awake yet?" Bakugou's voice sounded from over Kirishima's broad shoulders. It was a little gruffer than usual from sleep and it made you smile.
"Yeah," Kirishima answered for you, meeting your (E/C) orbs with his own.
You pulled your arm from under Bakugou's hand, moving it until your fingers were able to intertwine and lock with his over Eijirou's side. He felt safe under your loving union, tying yourselves together over him so the three of you became one unit.
That was how your morning had started. For a long time, the three of you laid there, chatting in low tones as you and Katsuki snuggled into either side of Eijirou, who later turned to lie on his back to tuck each of you under an arm. The experience was nothing other than peaceful, the three of you content to simply lay in each others' presence.
Ever since that one fateful afternoon nearly two years ago, your lives could scarcely have improved more. Inviting Bakugou into your relationship was the best decision you'd made, and now here you were. The three of you had graduated from UA and begun your lives as heroes; Eijirou still worked as an indispensable sidekick under Fatgum, while Bakugou was still in the process of getting a hero agency of his own off the ground. But today was a day you had settled on to spend completely together, and it was all going just wonderfully.
Somehow, the idea had gotten into your head that you'd make cinnamon rolls for breakfast, so once you and your boyfriends eventually crawled out of bed, you set about fulfilling the urge.
Kirishima popped another orange slice into his mouth, watching you absentmindedly as you pulled out everything you would need. Which, to say, wasn't much, seeing as you were simply baking them from a can. As you pulled out the pan and cooking spray, Eijirou's red eyes flicked over to Bakugou, who had removed the cardboard tube from the fridge again. The redhead fought back a smirk as he watched his shared boyfriend scowl at the ingredients, thinking back to his almost monthly 'your body is a temple and you should treat it as such' lectures he'd give the two of you.
You caught sight of him as well, striding towards him and plucking the container from his hands. Bakugou started grumbling again, turning and exiting the kitchen to presumably go get dressed or something.
Kirishima took the opportunity to come up behind you as you popped the cardboard cylinder open, letting the preformed dough puff up as it met the air. His arm wrapped loosely around your waist as he bent a little to place his head on your shoulder. "Need help with anything?" he asked.
"No, thanks," you said, taking the unbaked rolls and filling your pre-sprayed pan.
He hummed and straightened, moving so he could lean against the counter. He noticed your orange next to him, partially peeled and abandoned. Taking one of the remaining slices from his own, he held it out towards you. "Hey, babe."
You turned and caught sight of it, smiling as you took the little slice between your teeth. You pulled it into your mouth as he pushed from his end, and you began to chew. "Mmm, that one's good."
Eijirou grinned back in agreement and ate the last slice. He reached for your abandoned one, working his nails beneath the pliable peel. "So what made you buy cinnamon rolls? Other than the fact that they're delicious, that is."
"Cold nostalgia," you said, tweaking the dough in the filled pan so it looked right. "I saw them at the store and thought to myself, 'Hey, I remember eating those. I could totally make them myself. Tasty.' Also I thought you might like them. We can all share." You picked up the pan in one hand and carried it to the oven, checking that it was the right temperature and sliding them in.
"I'm not sure about Katsuki," Eijirou said, picking some of the white fibers off another orange slice. "He didn't seem too thrilled."
"Meh," you said, fingers tapping out twenty-seven minutes on the oven timer, bringing more happy beeps to your ears. "If he doesn't eat any of them, there's just more for us, I guess. But you know how he is. You think he'll crack in front of us or wait until we leave?"
Eijirou smiled as you walked back to him, running your hands up his sides affectionately as you grinned up at him. "I'll bet one of us will find him having one in the middle of the night," he wagered.
"You're on," you giggled, swiping another orange slice from him.
"Hey! I would have given you some if you had asked, you know."
"Oops." You slid the slice slowly into your mouth, keeping your eyes on his own. A burst of sweet citric juice filled your mouth as you bit down, and you shut your eyes for a second just to fully enjoy it.
The sensation of a finger poking at your nose caused your lids to flutter open. Your eyes crossed to look at the offending digit, rolling back up and focusing on Eijirou's face.
"Bep," he said, the note accompanying his action.
You booped his nose in unhostile revenge, beginning to giggle as a mini-war began. Eijirou used the pad of his pointer finger to jab lightly at your face, making a new sound effect with each one. You had the advantage since both of your hands were free; tapping both your index fingers on his torso, face, and shoulders.
Bakugou shuffled back into the kitchen and watched your cheerful assaults on one another, both his cheeks and his heart warming at the sound of your giggles. "What the hell are you two doing?"
"Being in love," Eijirou said, proceeding to poke at your cheek. "Get over here, Katsu."
Bakugou just tched and wandered over to the oven to look at the baking rolls. "Dumbasses."
"Better hurry up, 'Tsuki," you said, stepping closer to Eijirou. "Or else you're going to miss out on the kisses."
"Oooooh-," Kirishima drew out for a second before your lips met his. He reciprocated, noting how you both shared the same orange-citrus taste. Out of curiosity, he peeked his eyes open to meet Bakugou's.
The blond man scowled, finally stomping over to you. "Fine. But I'm going in the middle." He wedged himself between you two.
"Yay!" Your arms wound around his slim waist, resting just above his hips. Your lips attached themselves to the base of Bakugou's neck, while Kirishima smooched at his mouth. It was quiet and sweet for a moment, each partaking in another's lips until you were satisfied, swapping positions when necessary.
You separated from Bakugou, running your thumb over his cheekbone for a moment as you looked into his eyes. He'd gotten better about asking for and receiving affection over the years you'd been dating, but it still brought warmth crashing through your system every time.
"Eiji Baby?" you asked, keeping your eyes on Bakugou.
"How much time is left on the oven?"
Kirishima glanced up at the glowing digits. "Eighteen minutes."
You hummed. "I'll get started on the icing for my rolls."
"Our rolls," Eijirou corrected, grinning at your over-the-shoulder eye roll you gave him as you made your way to the pantry to grab some powdered sugar.
Bakugou had the same reaction as you, tsking under his breath and moving to lean against the counter next to Kirishima. His position wasn't held long however, since you soon returned with your bag of sugar and the carton of milk, shooing them away so you could use the space. You pulled down a bowl and poured in some sugar and milk, beginning to mix it into a thick liquid with a spoon.
"Need a taste tester?" Kirishima asked hopefully.
"Eiji, this is pure sugar."
He glanced back at the ingredients. "Yeah."
There was something undeniably satisfying about watching the powder mix with the milk, going from fine and crumbly and turning into a sweet liquid mixture to later be drizzled over your pastries.
Maybe it was the motions of your hand as you manipulated the spoon. Maybe it was the ambiance of the room, surrounded by the two men you loved and planned to spend the rest of your life with. Either way, the song that had quietly been thrumming at the back of your mind wandered to the front, and the next thing you knew, you were humming.
Bakugou and Kirishima looked up at the sound of your voice, small smiles spreading their lips. Eijirou recognized the tune you were quietly singing to yourself, quickly adding his voice to your own. Your cheeks heated when you met his eyes, yet you continued to hum along with him. For a moment, you were both content with hitting the notes (or at least, trying to in some people's cases) wordlessly. But then you came upon the chorus, and it was as though you simultaneously reached a shared agreement that it should be belted out properly.
Bakugou watched you with an expression of general disgust and confusion. This was an act, of course, for the most part. He could never quite get used to the spontaneous concerts you both would occasionally throw, singing whatever obnoxious song that came to your minds. You probably only had one brain cell between you two, and it was a tossup of who got it for the day. But there was something about it that made his heart stir and his neck prickle. Maybe it was the absolute glow about Kirishima as he threw back his head to belt out lyrics. Maybe it was the way you had taken the spoon out of the icing bowl, singing at it as if it were a microphone. Bakugou would die before he ever joined in, but he never objected to watching.
The moment the song finished, you started on another. Kirishima turned to you as a new idea struck you. You lifted your hands to a sort of air guitar, playing a bit of the intro to the song in your head before beginning to sing again:
"We're no strangers to love. You know the rules, and so do I~"
Kirishima smiled, liking the way you thought. He admired your sense of humor and how well you went along with goofing off with him. The redhead let you sing the first verse, dancing around the kitchen space from him to Bakugou, looking at each of them as you sang some of the lyrics and wiggling your eyebrows.
It wasn't long before Eijirou jumped in again, joining you as you sang to Katsuki. "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and, desert you~"
Eijirou took your spoon as you rocked out on your personal invisible guitar, going to town on chords that didn't exist.
Bakugou fought down the butterflies swarming in his stomach at the sight of you two having fun. You would lean against him and grin up into his face from one side, while Kirishima draped an arm over his shoulders and passionately sang into your spoon. Katsuki noticed that some of the icing had dripped down onto his hand, but the redhead seemed to not have noticed.
You paused to giggle at Kirishima, who started taking the song as seriously as he could. His eyes were squeezed shut, fist curled into a ball as he drew out some of the lyrics as though it were so much more than an old-timey memed love song. You let your voice fade as he did his own thing, only offering it as further back up vocals. Eventually, he reached the final reiteration of the chorus, and let himself riff on the final lines as a finisher. When he was done, he opened his eyes, finding that he had even kneeled down on the floor a little in his passion. He stood and grinned, and you enthusiastically applauded his performance.
"That was for you, babes!" he said, pointing at his small audience of two.
Bakugou scoffed, but you could hear how it was a little choked from how cute he had found it. The liar. Both you and Eijirou could see how his cheeks had changed a few shades darker right in front of you.
Kirishima strolled confidently back up to you, swooping each of you into an arm and kissing Katsuki full on the lips without warning. Bakugou's eyes widened at the contact, cheeks burning even more than before. Eijirou pulled back with a satisfying smack of his lips, diving in to give you the same treatment. As per usual, you were more receptive to the kiss, more than happy to throw your arms around his neck and partake in his lips.
"Enjoy the song, there?" you teased once you pulled back, tracing your fingers under his jawline.
"Hell yeah!" Eijirou flashed those perfect sharp little teeth of his in yet another heart-stopping grin. Did he have any idea what that smile did to both Bakugou and you? He had to know it turned your hearts to pure hot chocolate, right?
"Got a song rec, Bakubabe?" you asked, turning to your blond boyfriend. "You mustn't be excluded from our concert on this fine morning."
Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Doesn't matter anyway because your shit rolls are almost done."
You glanced at the oven timer, which was, in fact, counting down the seconds until it went off. "Ha ha ha! My children!"
You slid out of Eijirou's hold to grab your oven mitt out of its drawer. The oven went off with a drawn-out beep the moment you stepped up to it, cracking the door open and taking a peek inside. A wonderful smell hit you in the face along with a gust of hot air, and the sight of six perfectly golden cinnamon rolls greeted you.
"Look at them!" you said as you pulled them out with your mitted hand. You turned off the oven and canceled the timer before walking back to the counter to let the pan cool.
"Can I ice them?" Eijirou asked, coming up behind you to get a good look.
"Not yet. They have to cool first."
"Aww, man."
You pulled out a new spoon to use for frosting, since the previous one had been breathed all over. Next you began to clear off the counter, picking up any pieces of orange peel abandoned from breakfast.
Kirishima leaned against the counter again, taking a deep breath of the cinnamon roll smell that had flooded the kitchen. "I love it when you bake, (Y/N)," he said. "It's so much fun. The kitchen smells great, everything always tastes great—"
"Always?" you asked skeptically with a smirk.
"I guess there was that one time," he admitted. "That was—that was probably not a very good idea."
"If it weren't for me," Bakugou cut in, "you would have burned the whole house down."
"An artist must experiment with her craft." You flipped your hair a bit, turning back to your kitchen maintenance. There wasn't much to do. Between both yours and Bakugou's preference for a neat house, your counters usually stayed pretty clear.
Eijirou glanced at the bowl of icing, dipping the tip of his finger into the white mixture. "You know what this looks like?"
"No," you and Bakugou said at the same time firmly, understanding what he meant immediately.
"Shot down," Eijirou said. "You're right, that wasn't that good."
You putzed for another minute, finally hovering your hand over the cooling pan. "That should be good enough."
You had Eijirou harden the tips of his fingers to hold the pan as you began moving the rolls out onto a plate. He started humming again as you drove the spatula under the baked goods.
"Seriously?" Bakugou asked, having inched closer to watch. "Again with the singing?"
"I've got a song in my manly, chivalrous heart," Kirishima said, turning to grin at him. "Can't help it. I'm in the zone."
"I'm liking this zone," you said. "It's fun."
You pushed the icing bowl to Eijirou and took out another spoon for yourself, dipping it in and allowing the sugary liquid to drizzle over the golden brown confections. Kirishima did the same on his own, still humming the tune of Be A Man from Mulan and nodding his head to the individual notes. You danced along with him, moving your hips to his favorite Disney song.
Kirishima's eyes wandered down to your swaying movements. You really did wear those shorts nicely.
You jumped at the sensation of a large hand gently grabbing at your butt. Turning, you saw Eijirou's slight smile on his lips. "Eiji?"
"Didn't you get enough last night?"
Kirishima shrugged, finally removing his hand. "Can't a man admire his woman's perfect body?"
You rolled your eyes, tapping the sugar-coated spoon to his nose.
He blinked at the cold sticky sensation, going cross-eyed in an attempt to look at the drop of icing. "Yeah, I probably deserved that."
You smirked and rolled your eyes as you went back to icing your cinnamon rolls, watching Eijirou out of the corner of your eye. He was trying to figure out if his tongue was long enough to lick it off the tip of his nose, but so far, of course, he was having difficulties.
"Idiot," Bakugou said, taking Kirishima's chin and turning his face to his. He captured the sweet white droplet between his lips and swiped his tongue over it.
Kirishima's eyes widened at the gesture. "Katsuki?"
"What?" Bakugou shot him a teasing grin. "You had something on your face."
You chuckled at the two of them, tearing off a roll from the bunch. Eijirou noticed your action and took one for himself, cheeks a little pinker than usual. Bakugou watched as you both bit down.
Eijirou bounced a little on his toes as he chewed the sweet bread. "So good!"
You smiled and nodded in agreement. "Mhm!"
Bakugou looked from you to Kirishima, then to the plate of warm rolls.
"Sure you don't want one, Katsuki?" you asked. "They're pretty good."
The blond sighed, finally grabbing a roll for himself. "It's too late to be cooking breakfast now."
"He cracked!" you said, turning your gaze to Kirishima.
"Did not." Bakugou aggressively took a large bite out of his cinnamon roll.
"You said you weren't going to have any." You cocked your head at him, taking another bite of your own.
"Did I?" Bakugou smirked at you and licked a bit of frosting off his lip.
You thought back for a moment. Maybe he hadn't. He'd certainly acted like it though. 
"Well, do you like it?" you prodded.
"Sure." Bakugou shrugged and examined the cross-section of his roll. "Probably would have been better if you'd actually made it yourself."
You folded your arms. "Too much work. I wanted a cinnamon roll and they had them in the store. Simple as throwing them in the oven."
"But the preservatives," he argued.
"But my lacking baking skills. Besides, now I'll live forever."
"Hah? That's not how that works, dumbass."
"Well, I think they're perfect." Eijirou cut in. He put an arm around you and Katsuki and pulled you into either side of him. "You've got the spice—" he kissed Katsuki on his cheek, "—and you've got the sugar." He kissed your cheek.
"What the fuck, Shitty Hair."
"I'm not always sugar," you half-heartedly protested, snorting a little at his cheesiness and ignoring Bakugou.
Eijirou paused for a second, considering. "Yeah, okay. But . . . my metaphor."
"Your metaphor is stupid."
You swatted at Katsuki. "Oh, shut up. What are you in this situation, Eiji?"
He thought for a moment, then shrugged. "I'm not sure."
"Hmm . . . maybe you tie us together," you said, beginning to run your fingertips over his forearm. "Roll us up tight in your arms."
Both Kirishima and Bakugou blinked at you for a moment, cheeks dusted a shade darker than normal.
"So we're a cinnamon roll?" Kirishima asked.
"I AM NOT A CINNAMON ROLL!" Katsuki shuffled against Eijirou's arm without really trying to get away.
"I think you are," you said. "What do you say, Eiji? He's an adorable smol bean—"
"—too precious for this world—"
"—protecc at all costs—"
Bakugou threw the remaining third of his cinnamon roll at you, and it bounced off your head onto the floor.
He slipped out of Kirishima's arm for real this time, making an advance towards you. You ducked out of the redhead's hold too, running off to the living room.
Eijirou listened to the sounds of his partners chasing each other through the house. Finishing off his morning treat, he smiled, thinking about how lucky he was to have the two of you. You no longer hid anything from each other, and everything was laid out in the open. Your futures were bright, and Kirishima knew in his heart that you'd forever be happy as long as you were together. From now on, your feelings would remain disclosed.
[Big Secret]
[Little Secret]
Taglist: @loxbbg @runrabbitrun3 @basicaegyo @iiminibattlehero @katsugay @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @sendhelpimstupid @sokkasangel @xoxopam4
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader) Chapter 6 pt2
Here you have it peeps. Part 2 of chapter 6! I’m really enjoying writing this story and if anyone has watched the original Winx cartoon you’ll recognise some bits in this chapter. Also, wanted to let you know that if you've watched Fate: the winx saga, my fic is mostly based off that timeline, however, I won't be following it exactly if you’re wondering why certain events haven't happened already etc... 
Warnings: Swearing/bullying?
Word count: 2.3k
Oh god. You didn’t want to turn toward the voice, scared of what you were about to encounter. Saul visibly stiffened and not in the good way. If he was a cat the hair would be standing up on the back of his neck and he’d be poised to attack. His eyes looked at you quickly, it was a pleading look, one that you weren’t sure you like the look of. 
“I thought It was your handsome face I saw from over there, fancy seeing you here.” The girl was still walking towards the booth and hadn’t seen you yet, you were on the side with your back facing her so were shielded still, until she got closer. You turned your head and instantly were hit with a wave of unexplained anxiety. It was like for a moment you had gone straight back to being that small, un wanted shell of a girl Saul had found months ago cowering on the forrest floor. 
She was tall, slim, blonde and gorgeous, a lot of things you weren’t, you were total opposites. Where she wore a tight fitting figure hugging dress that showed off all her assets, and you meant ALL, you wore more of a muted outfit, sticking to your traditional fashion sense of white and black. Granted it was a date, you had made an effort to look nicer, no ripped skinny jeans this time, just normal black ones with platform Vans and a white sequinned top you’d borrowed from Stella, your leather biker jacket slung over the booth next to you. You noticed she was a lot older than you too, if you had to guess she was probably around 28, a lot closer to the age of your man sitting across from you. Her lips were a bold red, pearly white teeth shinning as she grinned at Saul.. until she noticed you sitting across from him. 
“Oh you have company?” She said it more like a question rather than a statement, like she was surprised he was here with anyone. The woman crossed her arms rather matter of factly and didn’t hesitate in looking you up and down, subtly not her forte. The grin she was giving you made you a little nervous, gone was the one she wore for Silva, now this one was different, something crazy behind the woman’s eyes, almost predatory. 
“And you are?” She looked straight at you, cocking her head, who the hell did she think she was. Saul was still quiet, you think shocked was the better word for it. Then he seemed to snap right out of it when he heard how you were being talked to. 
“Glamour, this is my girlfriend Y/N.” Her whole face changed from a wicked smile to a look of disgust. 
“You can’t be serious.” God if she was trying to make you feel any smaller she was surly succeeding. Now this, is what you called a Queen B, grade A Biatch! She would even give Stella a run for her money. “This, is what you left me for?” She shook her head in disgust and then even had the audacity to laugh. Sauls fists tightened, you slipped your foot back to his leg and moved it slightly, a reassuring touch.
“You know, I thought it was just a temporary thing, it’s only been two and a bit months after all, I thought it was just you getting stressed about going back to Alfea, but obviously you had ulterior motives.” What, wait, did she just say two and a bit months.. that means.. he was still dating this bitch when you had moved into Alfea and he was training you. In that moment you felt like an idiot. God, how could you have been so stupid, of course he would be going out with someone like her, she was perfect, everything a man could want, then there was you, a broken outcast who had no where to call home. What if you were just his charity case? The negatives thoughts came creeping in but you tried to push them down, you hadn’t felt this insecure in a long time. The booth seemed to crackle with energy, then you realised thin black clouds of fog hovering around you. Your powers were out of whack, it tended to happen when you were so emotional you couldn’t contain them. The woman looked a little rattled and Saul looked even more pissed. 
“Glamour, that was in the past, we weren’t anything but a fling, you didn’t mean anything to me and I didn’t mean anything to you, whereas, Y/N, means everything to me. Now if you don’t mind, me and my girl are trying to enjoy our date. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Obviously she wasn’t used to being talked to the way Saul had because she let out an almighty screech of annoyance and stormed off, her heels clacking away on the tiled floor. 
“When you get bored with your pet project and want a real woman you know where to find me.” Was her last comment before she made her dramatic exit. You let out the breath you’d been holding, unable to look Saul in the eyes, willing the tears of embarrassment to magically disappear from your face, that was one thing your magic wasn’t good for. 
“Darling look at me.” You clenched your jaw as Saul hooked a finger under your face, lifting your chin, your glossy eyes meeting his. “She was nothing to me, nothing I promise you.. As soon as I knew I had feelings for you I cut all ties baby please believe me, you’re the only one I want, the only one.” You wiped the stray tear from your face hurriedly, Sauls face falling into a frown, he stood and slid into the same booth as you wrapping you in his big arms. You felt yourself calm. You felt safe again and you could tell he was telling the truth. Insecurities was a thing you’d struggled with forever, so you weren’t that surprised that they had creeped in, if there was one thing you did know, it’s that you trusted Saul with every fibre of your being.
He was right, the coffee in Magix was a billion times better than the coffee on earth. Heck, it didn’t even compare, you left the little place feeling buzzed and full of yummy goodness. Saul grabbed your hand, incasing it in his, the softness of you skin contrasting with his calloused fingers. It felt right. 
“You ready to head home baby or do you want to check out a couple of shops first?” He had pulled you into his side, your head just meeting the top part of his chest, you snuggled into him, the warmth of his body radiating towards you. You should have been a little tired, it had been a fun filled morning, but the coffee was something you would need to adjust to, you were wide awake and felt like you could run a marathon. 
“I saw a book shop on the way to the ice rink that I wanted to check out, and a clothes store that looked like it was kind of my thing, do you think we could stay a bit longer?” You craned your neck to look up at him, his grey eyes peering back at you, his mouth turned up into a charming smile. 
“Sure sweetheart, do you remember how to get to the book store? While you’re there, there’s someone I need to talk to quickly about guard business..” He stroked his hand over your hair as you nodded your head, giving you a sweet peck on your forehead. “Just text me the name of the clothes shop you go to and i’ll meet you there okay? No wondering off..” He looked more serious at that part and you stood on your tiptoes to give him a reassuring kiss. 
“Sure thing Sir.” With a wink you turned around, Saul slapping your ass playfully before you were out of reach which earned a giggle from you, gosh, that man. 
It hadn’t taken long for you to retrace your steps to the wonderful looking bookshop you’d seen earlier that morning. The doors were heavy when you pushed them open and stepped into the most beautiful place you’d ever seen. You had always been a sucker for books, the nerd side of you squealed in delight. It was one of the things on earth that helped you escape reality, reading and imagining running away to different worlds, wether it was Wonderland, Forks or Hogwarts. What surprised you most about the shop was it was a lot bigger than you thought it would be, like stepping into a Tardis, reasonably sized on the outside, enormous on the inside. 
You stepped forward tentatively, taking in your surroundings and the book smell that seemed to linger in the air. A woman with half moon shaped glassed that were perched on the end of her nose was sitting at the front desk, to you it seemed more like a library, maybe it was a bit of both. She looked up when she heard your footsteps, greeting you with a kind, grandmotherly like smile.
“Hello dear, can I help you with anything today?” That’s when you proceeded to tell her it was your first time in Magix and she talked you through everything. In the end you were lead to a space in the middle of the books, a round circle shape carved out in the middle of the stalls with an alter in the middle. 
“This is the book alter, you ask the alter for the name of book you’re searching for, a subject or anything you can think of, and the shop will do the rest.” Of course it was magic too, you had to get used to the idea that everything would be now. A magic search browser, you could get used to that. The lady moved on, returning to her perch behind her desk. 
“Okay okay, lets try…” You were thinking about what to ask for when the dream you’d had that day in the hospital came back to you.
“Find me anything on the ‘Dragon Soul.” the mystical voice had mentioned in in your hazy state and you naturally wanted to know more about where you’d maybe come from and what your powers were. A couple of books floated forward, one was a fictional book that was about mystical creatures, not what you were looking for, the other was labeled, “A brief history of the realms.” That one didn’t have a price, it had a coloured sticker, which meant you could take it out for a certain amount of time, just like a library, the different colours represent the time you can take it for. You sighed thinking that was all the place had to offer, millions of books and only one worth your time? Then you heard it. The creaking and slamming of iron. The gates opposite you held the restricted area, only accessible for teachers and higher people of power. A few books were battering themselves against the bars, trying to make their way towards you. Just before a shocked voice rounded the corner, a couple of the smaller books managed to squeeze through the bars and fly into your awaiting arms. Books had started flying all about you, something wrong with the altar. You ducked behind it for cover, almost knocked out by a fairy dictionary thicker than a brick. 
“Stop!” You were relieved when the elderly librarian had arrived, making the books cease in mid air, the attack halted. “Sorry my dear, I don’t know what happened, the altar doesn’t normally behave like this.” She looked at you worriedly. Before she noticed you had the books under your top, you thanked her and made your way to the front doors, only checking out the book that had come to you first, while the other two remained hidden.  
Saul had done exactly what he said he’d do, you had text him as soon as you’d cleared the book store, luckily the ones you wanted to keep hidden managed to fit inside the small shoulder bag you’d brought along. It didn’t take long for your man to come walking around the corner, a spring in his step and smile on his face when his eyes set upon you standing at the boutique. 
“Did you find what you were looking for princess?” He pulled you into him, as if you’d been away for ages when it had only been 20 minutes. 
“Yup, the books went crazy in there and almost took me out but I got what I went for, I think.” With that you both walked into the boutique, you weren’t planning on buying anything really, just wanted to have a look about, it had been months since you’d had a look around stores, it was nice to have a bit of normalcy. While Saul sat in the designated boyfriend seat, it didn’t take long for something to catch your eye. A black lacy dress that would be perfect for your birthday next week. You’d also snuck over to the lingerie section, looking for something more on the risqué side, it was as much a treat for you as it would be for Saul, but he wasn’t to know that yet. You’d managed to try on and pay for your items before he’d realised anything. 
“That was quick what did you get?” He stood, stretching his arms above his head, his tight t-shirt rising slightly revealing the trail of hair from his belly button all the way down to…. your head shot up when you heard Saul clear his throat, he was smirking at you, one eyebrow raised. Cocky bastard. You playfully shoved him and rolled your eyes, making your way back into the street.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out Mr Silva.”
As always I hope you liked this chapter, if you did please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG AND FOLLOWWWW <3
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