#now i know for sure she wasnt a very nice or helpful person. all i needed was a way to go
useful-boy · 11 months
Oh yeah uh, final update on the hospital stuff for now that actually has nothing to do with my health, but instead how the nurse I had today treated me
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I did fuck up here I will admit, but the whole thing would've been over a lot faster if she'd actually helped me at all.
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jellysxtarr · 2 months
Hi! May I request the neighbors having a sleepover with y/n who’s scared of thunderstorms and they comfort y/n?
This turned out longer than expected, do forgive for the long reading you have to do!
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Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm, go away! | Neighbor who's afraid of thunder
Warnings: //
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ʚ — It was a nice day in the neighborhood, spring was around the corner, the sun was shining and nothing was disturbing anybody! So, the best thing to do today was to hang out with your lovely neighbors for today and even have a picnic!
ʚ — It wasnt until you struck up the idea on having a sleepover with them all! Seeing that the day was doing perfectly fine so far, a sleepover was the cherry on top!
ʚ — Now, you must have a really big house to fit all of them in, considering on how tall Poppy and Barnaby are. But hey! You made it work! It wouldn't be very neighborly of you to exclude either of them since they would take up most of the space.
ʚ — The evening went by quick, having played board games with them, acting out a random script Sally came up with, painting with Wally (thats if you know how to paint!), cracking silly jokes with none other than Barnaby and even baking something sweet and delicious with Poppy!
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ʚ — Now that it was finally time to get some sweet sleep with your neighbors (which, ended up being silly stories told instead of actually getting rest), it didn't really got noticed by you, or anybody, that the weather was getting rather worse each hour.
ʚ — What started with light slowly turned into heavy rain, thunder emerging from the dark clouds that coverved the dark blue sky, it made you feel more anxious and uneasy rather than comforted by the weather.
ʚ — That, of course, didn't go unnoticed from your fellow neighbors, hearing it right outside in the comforts of your house.
ʚ — Poppy Partridge was the first person to ask if you're alright and commenting something about the bad weather, putting her wing gently on your shoulder with a face of care. Of course, even she was being a bit jumpy herself, but you were the first priority to see if you're doing fine.
ʚ — Julie Joyful joined in next, sitting next to you while seeming concerned for you, too. Soon enough, the other neighbors were coming over to help you out with the awful feeling of fear the weather has given you.
ʚ — Barnaby was making silly jokes, making sure it made you feel better rather than worse (even Howdy who remembered a few jokes), Poppy tried to ease you with simple words of comfort, Eddie...he did forget at first that you had a fear of thunderstorms, who also was trying to comfort you in the same way Poppy has.
ʚ — Frank might not have been the best in comforting people, only telling you that "the weather will soon go away", or "that it'll calm down in a few hours or so". Sally tried, she really did! But not being entirely sure on how to handle the situation was making it rather hard than simple.
ʚ — Julie on the other hand was telling you stories to keep your mind away from the thunder, having a lot of them in store! Even if it happened days ago, or even months!
ʚ — Wally was taking it on a more calmer approach, listening to his neighbors trying their best to comfort you while staring at you. He would try to say something to ease you, comforting you in the best way he could and even hearing you out if you had something to say.
ʚ — Eventually, you all had to go to sleep, nobody wants to walk around feeling cranky all day with the lack of sleep! But, also seeing that the weather wasn't going to get better any time soon, Julie decided it was the best to sleep close to each other! Just in case the weather (somehow) gets worse and with you getting more uneasy.
ʚ — Now with your neighbors sleeping close to you (and Wally's repetitive of "I'm sleeping, I'm sleeping"), you felt better! They tried their best, which was enough for you. Somehow (managing) to ignore the thunderstorm outside, you went to sleep, enjoying the peace and not so quiet sleepover with your neighbors.
ʚ — The day didn't go upside down, even with the horrendous weather that happened. The sleepover was truly the cherry on top!
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ᜊ. TAGS: @robotoast03
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huskyweebo · 4 months
Yesterday is Valentine’s Day ! well, i meant to post it On the day but I passed out before I finished proof Reading-
Anyways, well what does a single person do with his free time on that day ? Write fanfic of course!
Here is some RadioApple !!
Valentine's Day Surprise !
Today was Valentines Day and All around the hotel People gave gifts to their lovers, or to their Crushes.
Husker had Finally confessed to Angel and it was a nice sight. Almost everyone had gotten a gift with the intent of Romantic Love, and Boy was lucifer depressed. Of course Charlie had given a Gift but that was different. He had hoped for somone else to give one.
A couple days prior he had Asked the Radio Demon his thoughts on Valentines Day, for Lucifer, he Personally wasnt fond of it since Lilith had Left him. He also remembered the Day Cupid Was created for the Holiday. But now he was curious, what did his crush Think about the Holiday? 
“ Its Scandilous. “ 
“ Im sorry what? “ he blurted out. Alastor Looked At lucifer With an Odd Expression, 
“ The only Reason I Dont dissapear On this day to get away from all this lovey Dovey Nonesense, Is that Rosie Gives me The hottest gossip she has, for mostly break up, “ he suddenly appeared sadistic as if thinking about Previous Valentines. 
“ Oh! Oh, Right, Yes, “ Lucifer luaghed nervously, “ I mean, I dont either phht- i mean i Was There when they made Valentines Day and My first thought was; ‘ Hey, now thats STUPID ‘ “ He luaghed more awkwardly, and then turned feeling severely disappointed. Alastor Raised an Eyebrow. 
Cbsck to present day, he was waving away Charlie And Vaggie, they were going to a fancy restaurant and Lucifer volunteered to Watch over the Hotel
“ Are you Reallyyyy Sure that you dont want to hand over the Responsibitly over to Al? Dont you think you should have fun too? “ She said with Sad eyes, Lucifer shook his head.
“ Nope! Bitch you know i prefer Ruling Hell than get a date for this holiday, HA! “ He said very awkwardly. Charlie nodded, after a brief connection of eyes with Vaggie she turned to leave with His Duaghter. He sighed,
“ they grow up so fast, “ He went back in. He looked around, the hotel was closed for guests today so that leaves only Nifty and he to be present. he Assumed that Alastor was with The cannibal Overlord due to his comment a couple days ago. 
Today it was the most quietest hes heard the Hotel,
it felt like Being in the royal Castel again… All alone. Lucifer groans, he leaned against a wall and put his face on his Hands. He never realized how sofficating Silence was. 
After he moved into the hotel to Help his daughter he was too busy to feel Depression, but now, with nothing to do and no one to talk to, he could feel it settling in like a dark cloud.
He was alone, Again, on Valentines day,
it reminded him about how much more Lilth is happier without him..
He heard a squeak,  “ Ultamte Bad Boy! Come here!!  “ Nifty giggled, he put his hands down. She was very jittery Her bouncing, 
“ What is it Nifty? “ He said softly, she ran up to him and Grabbed his hand, 
“ Come on ! i have to take you somewhere! “ she said excitedly. 
“ Wha- Where?! “ He stammered, for someone as tiny as Her she was surprisingly Strong. she pulled him up to the elevator to go to the very top. She didnt say much during the ride but she persistently keep his hand in hers and she was muttering words he could not understand. 
The Elevator Opened and she started pulling him to the left. She stopped at the door that led to the patio. 
“ Go, Go, go! “ She said pushing him a little, then rushed away, luaghing. 
“ Weirddd “ Lucifer Said to himself.
what on earth was that? He thought. Why would she want him to be here? Maybe to see a new collection of dead insects, or alive. he pulled out the bug spray he had in his pocket preparing for what would be behind the doors.
He pushed it open,
Lucifer dropped the can and his eyes widened. In front of him was a small table. Alastor, with a wide smile, was sitting on one of the seats. He got up,
Lucifer shut the door immediately and leaned against. He could hear his heart beating, 
“ Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, “ He muttered repeatedly under his breath, Lucifer felt His Face heat up and His legs threatened to Give in. he did not expect this, he wished for something but he didnt think it would actually be answered.
He wasnt ready, all he was ready for is to go to his room and be alone with his depressing thoughts.
In front of him the shadow morphed and Alastor appeared, 
“ Your Duaghter Acts much like you, “ He stated, titling his head. Lucifer was stunned, all he could do was smile slightly, He couldnt speak. The Radio Demon saw that and took advantage.
“ I must say I prepared this for you and it was quite rude for you to slam the Door on such a thing, “ He put his hands behind his back and waited for the others response. 
Lucifer blinked, suddenly he was able to move. He cleared his throat, 
“ um, yes sorry about that- “ he forced out. The silence was ackward as Alastor seemed to be thinking, 
“ Well my dear I think we should start this over, “ He Held out his hand. “ May you join me for dinner, “ Lucifer stared at it, 
the thoughts of being alone for valentines day for the 10th year in a row dawned on him.
He didnt want that again, he wanted to be happy, he didnt want to keep deppressing over someone that didnt like him.
He should be looking forward to the one who does.. And he was right in front of him. 
A sudden burst of courage came to him, he gave his hand To alastor, which made him chuckle a little, 
“ good, thank you, “ Lucifers heart skipped a beat.
He led him by the hand and pulled a seat back. as Lucifer sat down Alastor kept his hand on his, once he was settled, he leaned forward and kissed Lucifer’s hand.
“ My highness “ he spoke, “ oh my Me, he said ‘ My ‘ instead of you, MY HIGHNESS “ Lucifer screamed in his head like a teenage girl.
“ in front we have a fantastic meal of deer that I picked and killed myself, I hope it is to your liking, “ he said while opening the cloche to reveal a fantastical meal.
“ why thank you Alastor, “ Lucifer said hiding his blushing face, he wondered why he was doing this, he never thought Alastor thoughtful.
“ may I ask why you are doing this? I thought you didn’t like Valentine’s Day “ he blurted out, As Alastor served both of them he looked up,
“ well a couple days ago you asked me about Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t help but notice your expression when i responded. “ Lucifer looked guilty, “ so I asked my mo- Rosie what I should do and she cheerfully helped me exert this wonderful dinner. “ he gestured around. Lucifer smiled helplessly,
“ oh, t-thank you Alastor, I’ve never saw you as a type to be romantic, “ Alastor smiled more genuinely,
“ well anything for my dear highness, “ he kissed Lucifer’s hand again, giving him butterflies.
It was a splendid meal, and the night was a dinner he won’t ever forget, he has never felt this alive in years.
They chatted all dinner, they laughed and even Alastor told him how it was like on earth, and the good things about. It made Lucifer relieved, that did not only sprout evil on earth, but buetiful things aswell.
Once they finished, Alastor spoke,
“ well, I must say, I now understand why people celebrate this vile holiday, if you find the right one.. it’s quite enjoyable, “ He looked deeply into Lucifer’s eyes, whose widened.
“ Right.. one ? “ Alastor nodded. It was a confession, Lucifer felt like he was about to faint,
“ Yes! “ he exclaimed getting up, he cleared his throat, blushed embarrassingly. “ I mean, I also agree, and this was wonderful, thank you Alastor. Tonight’s has been wonderful “ The Radio Demon got up aswell, he held out his hand, and Lucifer took it.
“ We aren’t done yet. I think we also have a reservation in your quarters.
“ Wait what? “ he said curiously, as they walked towards his room Alastor turned and winked,
“ Oh. “ Lucifer got the hint, he blushed then giggled,
“ oh Alastor, this has been my favorite Valentine’s Day for the first time in Eons “ Alastors eyes sparkles
“ that’s saying something if you were here before the birth of earth, “ Alastor said, Lucifer kissed the side of his chin. The walked in Lucifer’s quarters and closed the door
A couple hours later they were both laying on Lucifer’s bed. Alastor stared at Lucifer as he slept, he immediately passed out after he put one Pj clothes. The short king face was passive, he was like a kitten when he slept, he was adorable.
He has only called people adorable to spite people, but now he knew it was a genuine thought. He has never felt this way before, not even when he was alive.
“ Dad, Dad? “ Charlie knocked on the door. Alastor opened it with a flick of a hand, he did not want her to disturb his highness.
“ Dad? I was just wondering how you were doing. Nifty was acting weird but she said that you went u- “ she stopped immediately when she saw Alastor holding her dad defensively.
“ oh. Um well, ha I didn’t mean to disturb you, sorry! “ she stammered scooting back,
“ say a word to anyone and I will make love to your father again. “ he said roughly, narrowing his eyes. Her face cringed,
“ I did not need to know you did, to begin with, “ she shut the door quietly. Alastor Rolled his eyes,
Alastor felt Lucifer cuddle deeper in his chest, he sighed peacefully. Alastor leaned to kiss his head, which Lucifer unconsciously leaned toward it. Alastor laid his head on top of the blonde-haired and went to sleep.
The End.
The Make Love thing was inspired by a post I saw [ I don't remember where tho ]
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miyhhowrites · 3 months
can i request an akito fic where reader is a new member and quite shy so she dosent interact much? so akito would think they’re useless ? but they actually have a really soft voice and cute personality >.<
Akito shinonome x shy!gn! Reader
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✮A/N: HIHI so sorry i took long to finish your request😭 im very inactive on all my platforms cause im focusing on my life rn and exams are coming up, nevertheless hope you enjoy<33
✮Synopsis: you, a shy new member, impress akito with the song you made!
✮Contains: slight ooc?, Not proofread,akito here is slightly judgmental?
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Akito wasnt... That fond of you,not that he hated you or anything, he wasnt.. used to you, you could tell, when he made music, he'd give you the most simplest lines, or the shortest.. not that youre complaining, you just wanted more!
nevertheless, the group would still care and try to make you feel at home, they would call you by your first name or a nickname, tell some jokes, tease you, and anything as long as you feel happy around them
all changed until you decided to make music, all on your own, ofcourse with the help of friends but it was mostly you! And after weeks of making, you wanted to let the group have a listen!
the group was astonished when they heard the beat.. it was strong and intense, they were surprised when you were the one making the beats and tunes, you were so shy that its unlikely of someone to make music as intense as this
"y-you made this..? Oh wow! I wouldnt have expected that you could make songs like this.." Kohane smiled, An happily listened, while Toya and akito listened close
"This could work for this new gig... I remember Kotaro saying that the people who were attending had hardcore-ish vibes.. not that i know what he meant" Toya spoke up, an and kohane nodded in agreement. "This sounds.. pleasant.. right, lets use this.." he says, now looking at you.
weeks passed and you were finally able to make the lyrics with the help of Kohane, now was to split the lyrics
"hm.. y/n, can you try singing this part? Im confused if you or Kohane should sing this.." an asked, looking awkward.. "oh, nono, y/n can take this part.. they made the music, ofcourse they should have more lines" she says playfully, making you giggle
"hm.. okay" An nodded, now looking at you, she gave you a small nod, indicating that you could start singing... Honestly, the way an and akito practices feels like having to audition to be in an idol band..
you cleared your throat and started singing, that when Akito finally took you seriously, he puts his things down and listened.. you voice was.. adorable.. soothing..nice? He couldnt tell, after all, your voice is amazing and that he had a hard time describing it, once you were finished, all of them gave you a big round of applause, including akito, which made you feel.. fuzzy after all, it wasnt always that he'd cheer for you.
Once the sun was setting, the environment got darker, kohane left first, then toya, then an, it was just you and akito both..
Before you could keave, akito stopped you, grabbing you lightly by the shoulder. "Hey.. uh.. just wanted to say that.. your voice sounds nice.. please, keep up the good work y/n" he gave you a genuine smile, you nodded to reply "o-ofcourse.! I'll keep practicing til i physically cant!" You blurted out "oh? Haha, please dont.." he replied, sounding concerened, but quickly hiding it. "Wanna walk home with me? My House isnt that far from here" he asked you nodded and followed him through the exit. "Sure, i'd love too..!"
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 7 months
Say your response about snape reacting to hinny, honestly it IS one of my guilty pleasures in fics. I hate when people say that jily and hinny are similar therefore harry has an oedipus complex, he is NOT. He cant have it bc he wasnt raised by his parents so he couldnt have it. I like the pararell simply bc it fixes the "what could have been", idk i think its a bittersweet sentiment. And like ginny is similar to lily NOT in appearances. They dont look alike, the most is just an anecdote for 'Potters and redheads' but I do like how theyre girls' girls you know? Despite being athletic ginny is girly and so was lily, they are fierce and protective of their friends, they are smart but not bookish smart and know it all like hermione, theyre popular not only bc theyre pretty but bc theyre so nice and friendly. I think its sweet that these are the good qualities Potter boys seem to have fallen in love with. Its a cute history pararell that is not at all creepy and people trying to use it to invalidate hinny are just dumb (im looking at you harmony shippers)
As I said in that post, I do think that Snape certainly saw parallels between James and Lily and Harry and Ginny: Harry's suspicion that Snape keeps him more in detention to keep him away from Ginny is never narratively disproven. And while that could only be due to Snape's intense dislike for Harry, what he find out in DH (including Snape's obsession with the past) points in the direction of him seeing James and Lily in Harry and Ginny, even simply because Harry looks like James and Ginny is a redhead.
Though, as you said, Ginny and Lily look nothing alike and if people knew how the oedipus complex works, they would know that if Harry had one, he would fall for someone similar to Petunia.
Now, let's look at Ginny and Lily's differences in appearance.
Ginny is short, Lily should be of average height. 
Ginny is athletic, Lily is not. 
Ginny has freckles (even if not many, at least on her face), Lily doesn't. 
Ginny has flaming red hair, Lily has dark red hair. 
Ginny has bright brown eyes, Lily has green eyes. 
Also, from these traits, we can deduce Ginny has a warm undertone, while Lily has a cold one.
Of course, if jily fan artists stopped drawing Ginny with green contacts where Lily should be, it would help reminding people they are not long lost twins.
That said, there are some personality similarities between Ginny and Lily (and I also think the concept of Potter men falling for redheads is lovely). 
We found out Lily was popular with the boys through an interview in which Rowling, to explain that particular point, directly used Ginny as reference.
They are also both great with a wand 
They are both cheeky with professors, and for sure the fact that Slughorn likes both very much is telling. 
They are both smart. 
They both have a strong sense of justice. 
They are both brave. 
They both know what it means to lose a very close friend.
In general some similarities between the two are sort of inevitable considering that Lily is Harry's mother and Harry and Ginny are quite similar.
But there are also a lot of differences between them.
Ginny grew up poor, and while Lily didn't grow up rich, she was not Weasley type of poor. 
Ginny grew up in the countryside in the open air, Lily grew up in the suburbs (I apologize to all the Brits if this is not the correct term). 
Ginny is the younger of seven siblings and the only girl, Lily is the younger of two sisters. 
Ginny is part of a close-knit family, Lily isn't. 
Ginny is a pureblood, Lily is a muggleborn. 
Ginny is an athlete, Lily isn't. 
Ginny is popular with boys like Lily, but Ginny is also in general a very charismatic person who can keep the attention of a room, there's no proof of Lily being popular in that sense. 
Ginny has a thing for taking emarginate/fragile people under her wing, we don't know if that's the case with Lily, the only person we see her defend is her best friend (also, we can be sure Ginny would have been considerably more angry about the Mary MacDonald episode). 
Ginny has a stand-up comedian sense of humor, and while Lily seems to have a sense of humor it's not really on that level. 
Ginny can be quite feminine, we really don't know if that's the case for Lily, though I would suspect a teenage girl in a boarding school in the 70s who grew up in a female-dominated house would be. 
Lily's dominant trait seems to be kindness, and while I do consider Ginny generally kind, it definitely is not her dominant trait.
And of course they grew up in very different political circumstances, Lily had an overall normal teenagehood, Ginny was touched by darkness extremely young.
And I really could go on for hours in explaining why they are different, but it really wouldn't be fair. Ginny is a three dimensional character with light and dark sides, various interests, and fully developed narrative arcs that go on for seven books, while Lily simply covers the role of the angel woman and is therefore quite aetherial as a figure.
Regardless of this, as you pointed out, there's an element when it comes to jily and hinny of "fixing history", it's something Rowling has quite an obsession for throughout the seven books, the idea of the next generation doing better than the previous one. It is the reason why, for example, we see Draco in the epilogue, to show that Harry learned from the people before him to not hold hatred for years.
Harry and Ginny's story kind of reproduces James and Lily's one in a way. With one partner that falls first, and years of misinterpretation and refusal to admit attraction from the other. But this brings me to my next point, which is that if anything Ginny is James not Lily in terms of personality and the role she covers in her romantic endgame relationship, and it makes sense considering Harry is more like Lily: if the combination of James and Lily's personalities works, and Harry is more like Lily, it is only reasonable to assume Ginny will be somewhat similar to James. There's a foundation of truth in the idea that people usually end up marrying someone similar to one of their parents, and it's not the oedipus complex.
James and Ginny both have a tendency to surround themselves with "fragile" people. 
They are both excellent Quidditch players, they both are chasers with a talent for snitches. 
They are both bold and a bit arrogant. 
Even if for different reasons, they both grew up a bit isolated. 
They both do not have much of a problem with hexing someone they consider an idiot. 
They are both really funny. 
They are both smart and great with a wand. 
They are both charismatic.
They are both dorks at their core. 
They are both purebloods. 
They both have a fascination for stories and heroes and in general have a romantic streak. 
They both had to go through a journey of maturation to show their true selves to the object of their affection.
In general, I have to say that while there are parallels between the characters of the two different generations, I find it very limiting to connect a character to only another of the other group.
As written above, Harry and Ginny –in spirit if you will– are respectively Lily and James and inevitably therefore they assume those roles in their romantic stories. But there are points of view in which Harry is James and Ginny is Lily.
Harry, like James, is sort of the leader of his friend group, and Ginny as Lily is more or less the external element that eventually enters the group. In this idea Ron would be Sirius, the best mate of the leader. Though of course, the connection between Ginny and Ron is much stronger than the one between Lily and Sirius. And always in this perspective, Hermione is Remus, and not only in the role of the other friend. Hermione's loyalty to Harry seems often unjustified, sometimes it seems she would have been friends with Harry and Ron regardless of who they were simply because they accepted her as a friend and she didn't have any. This is a behavior that is reminiscent of Remus' inability to truly critique James and Sirius' questionable behaviors because they accepted him despite his werewolf condition. But then who is Peter? I've seen people say it would be Neville because they are both the losers, and always following the concept of the next generation being better, Neville does better then Peter because he doesn't let his fears turn him into a bad person. It's not even wrong as a concept but Neville is way closer to Ginny than he is to Harry. And then there's Luna. I've seen the people supporting this perspective of the generational parallels claim she would be Snape. Because they are both marginalized weirdos, and Luna does better than Snape because she does not turn into a death eater because of her isolation. Frankly, I'm not particularly convinced by the idea of defining Snape as an emarginate weirdo.
So as you can see, while some parallels can make sense, they always have their limits.
Another relatively popular idea is Ron and Hermione being like James and Lily. I've always found it very weak despite having some valid points. Yes, they are a pureblood and a muggleborn, Ron and Hermione are both prefects like James and Lily are both headstudents, and romione tends to cover quite often the role of surrogate parents for Harry. There's also an element of contrast between the partners. But fundamentally the dynamics are very different. Ron and Hermione have been best friends since age 11, that's definitely not the case for James and Lily. Then of course when you look at the relationship between Harry and the Weasleys, Harry is Sirius and Ron is James.
And to circle back to hinny: while I do not want to encourage the prongsfoot shippers, if you look at Harry and Ginny in terms of chemistry and attitude towards each other, they are James and Sirius, from the non-verbal communication to the banter. If you have ever read the short story Rowling wrote about James and Sirius, you can attest to the fact that those two could have easily been Harry and Ginny.
I think I might have gone quite out of the borders of your ask, but what I wanted to explain is that there are a lot of parallels that could be made between a lot of different characters, and they could be interesting to discuss without turning them into weird bashing theories.
I find that it is also important to distinguish between actual parallels the story makes, and dynamics that are similar simply because they are all written by the same author who, as authors do, has her themes and fixations.
The parallels between hinny and jily certainly exist, some are on purpose, and some are the consequence of how similar Harry and Ginny are. But one thing is for sure, if Harry married one of his parents, he married his father (lol).
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Into:No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked (Poly!Billy loomis and Stu macher x reader)
Word count:921
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Chapter 2 -keeping her is a bad idea
^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^
Casey had told me that the Baskin-Robbins in Woodsboro was amazing and that the workers were very nice.
Me and the group walked in and as soon as we did a sweet, fruity smell hit me like a brick to the face. My mouth watered slightly at the scent.
Soon we all had our ice creams and were all seated at a table. Me, Sidney, and Tatum all sat on one side of the table while the boys sat on the other side.
“So..Y/n..are you enjoying Woodsboro so far?” Billy asked as his eyes moved up to meet mine. Billy's voice was dark and deep. He pronounced my name with sharp precision, the words strung from his lips and swirled around my head.
“Um..Yeah other than the kids swarming me I like it” I said as I ate my ice cream.
“Ugh yeah that's so annoying! No wonder you always look so miserable!” Tatum exclaimed. Tatum talked like she knew what being swarmed was like.
I looked over at Tatum and looked at her closely. 
Her shoulder length honey blond hair framed her face perfectly, her lips had a perfect fullness to them, and her golden green and brown eyes had a siren shape to them..she was pretty…very pretty..then it hit me. Tatum was a popular pretty girl..but she wasnt mean like the other pretty girls you would see around town or in every high school movie.
“Y/nnnnnnnn you okayyyyyyyyy?” Stu said in a sing-song voice, drawing me from my thoughts. “Oh! Um yeah!” I said with a chuckle. “You were totally just zoned out right now” He said with a snarky laugh before looking over at Billy, who just gave a small sided smirk.
As the night carried on, I became good friends with Stu, Randy, and Tatum. Sidney and Billy seemed to keep to each other or themselves when i'm around, yet Billy was always eyeing me, like he was observing my every move and if I messed up..it wouldn't be good.
Him doing that made me slightly paranoid but I kept pushing the feeling to the deepest darkest part of my overflowing mind.
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
Billy watched Y/n closely…he needed to make sure that her coming into the friend group wouldn't hurt his plans to get revenge on Sidney and her family.
Billy already knew that Randy wouldn't get in his way. Randy was always too high to do anything or at the video store working. Tatum never posed a threat, but Billy made a deal with Stu, his best friend and the person who would help him carry out his plans, that if Tatum ever got in the way, they would kill her. 
Now… Billy had you to worry about. You seemed to be a smart, clever girl, with the ability to think quickly, you seemed like someone who, if attacked, you could put up a fight and have a good chance to win…you seemed like a final girl in his eyes. You remind him of Laurie Strode from Halloween. And that ment…you might mess up his plans…
^^^3 Weeks later^^^
^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^
I rushed down the street, feeling a smile form on my face. I used to hate going to school, but now, thanks to Tatum, Stu, Sidney, Randy, and Billy, I started to love going to school, just to see them and hang out with them.
“Hi guys!” I chirped out as I walked up to the group.
“Hey Final girl,” Billy said. Everyone else said hi and Tatum even hugged me, But, what loomed in my mind was how Billy started calling me, ‘Final girl’ a week after I met him. He didn't sound like he meant it in a nice way, but more of a way to… intimidate me, to warn me away even. His tone didn't sit right with me.
“Guys! It's the start of September and I was thinking since it's a month before Halloween…why don't we start a horror movie marathon?” Randy suggested as he chewed on something.
“Oh..i'd like that” Billy muttered. “Hell yeah! You can get the movie Randy..girls you down?” Stu asked as he pointed at Sidney, then Tatum.
“Yeah I'm down” “ Me too” Sidney and Tatum said. I stayed quiet, biting the inside of my cheek. “What about you Y/n?” Randy asked, moving closer to me. 
“Oh I don't know..when will it be?” I asked. “We will start it tonight and continue it every other Monday till Halloween” Randy answered.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I'll see if I can come” I said as my eyes fluttered open only to meet Randys. I saw Randy's face break out into a smile at my answer that wasn't a direct no. 
I already knew where Randy's house was due to me and the group having gone over there on the nights when Randy's parents were not around and sometimes… I'd sneak out of my house and just go to Randys, due to his house being close to mine. I'd rather say and get high with Randy rather than stay at home.
“Well you know where my house is so stop by if you can..this time doll face, don't sneak through my window” Randy said with a chuckle and with that… Everyone looked at me with a look of confusion contorted on their faces. “I wont” I muttered....
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razzmothazz · 5 months
rambling more abt nightcord and their theme because i just NEED to get it out if my system
i think nightcord is such beautifully constructed with its theme of healing because every character has someone specific helping them out most within the unit
idk how to explain it in general terms but basically
kanade struggles with overworking and not taking proper care of herself, her main help with this comes from mizuki! sure, others help out too but mizuki is the one who points out those self destructive behaviours the most [or at least from ehat i remeber] and this dynamic is so so beautifully shown specifically in carnation recollection
mizuki is the one telling kanade to take a break, but kanade is set on making another song for mafuyu despite being absolutely stuck. i think mizuki is the most clever out of the 4 specifically because of this event, since they knew kanade wont give up on it ever and decided to use a different approach to give her the deserved break and would also help her out in this situation. kanade would never have some time off if it wasnt for mizuki. thats how mizuki cares for her, by "tricking" her into taking one while also getting to spend nice time together and end up reminiscing.
this is such an important story because thanks to mizuki, a part of kanade got to heal.
mafuyu very obviously is mostly helped by kanade, who tries her very best and gives it literally her all to help mafuyu find herself, but she always gives mafuyu space when she needs it as well. i think since this one is most obvious i dont have to dwell on it too much but the love and care kanade has for mafuyu makes me soooo fucking insane like omg. kanade is the whole reason mafuyu even tries. shes the sole reason why mafuyu could get where she is now and didnt give up.
ena is a bit tricky, but surprisingly i think her helper is... mafuyu. i have honestly no clue how to explain what i mean at all, but seeing someone with so much talent and the "perfect" life be completely empty was so important to enas character. mafuyu makes painfully slow progress on her situation yet ena notices it, and she might not fully realize it but its helping ena take things easier with her art as well, which i think is shown very well in hope will someday go beyond the morning. mafuyu makes just a slightly different expression but ena still notices it, paralleled by enas art teacher noticing enas intent and emotion behind her art project. despite so many mistakes in the work on a technical level, it had soul. not to mention mafuyu indirectly helps ena be more understanding of others, which is very obvious when you compare how she was with mafuyu at first vs their current dynamic. mafuyu doesnt even know it but she inspires ena so so much not only in her art but to be better as a person.
and for mizuki, its also very obvious with main help coming from ena. pretty much every mizuki focus [<- exaggeration warning] will have ena trying her best to help mizuki out, and thanks to enas growth she can understand mizuki better and better and know how to deal with their issue. she thinks she needs to know the secret to know mizuki, but she learns that its not actually important, and she wants to show mizuki that as well. she constantly shows mizuki support and care weather they are willing to tell their secret or not, and in her own way wants to reassure mizuki that no matter what she wants to be there for them. ena helps mizuki so much that they even finally consider telling ena their secret, after like a year in canon if not longer!! which is such a huge deal because mizuki was convinced that telling ena someday they will tell what it is was completely a lie. they never had any intention to actually say what it is. but they grew so much and feel so safe around ena that the fact they even CONSIDERED IT implies so much healing, growth and trust. it makes me SOB. i am INSANE about mizuena. ena loves them SO MUCH its just so JSHSHDHYSHEIRUDHXHJSNB
okay im gonna stop here cause the tired is getting to me and i feel like i cant explain myself at all now but you get the point n25 care about eachother so much it makes me cry and punch walls and scream and drop to my knees on the floor in a dramatic way and explode and-
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davejade-daily · 6 months
3 - massive fail 2 electric boogaloo
As soon as he steps foot through the door, he is totally regretting his life’s decisions. Scanning the room, it is as he feared: The Girl is there, laughing with Karkat and, surprisingly, John. Dave does a double take. John and Karkat in the same room together? He’s surprised the place is still standing. Dave hopes that she - Jade, right? - has forgotten all about him and his massive uncool failure, but Karkat turns his head to see who’s at the door, and shit, the jig is up. It’s all over. He can pinpoint the exact moment Karkat realizes the power he has to turn around and ruin Dave’s life. He does not disappoint, nudging Jade and saying something barely audible to her. John perks up, looking over as well. Take a picture losers, it’ll last longer, Dave thinks sourly as John begins to wave.
JOHN: dave!!! it’s me, john!! 
DAVE: wow really i hadnt noticed
He makes his way up to the counter, Rose in tow. He knows she’s watching all this go down with sharp amusement, feeling her beady little eyes on his back. John is sitting on the counter (to compensate for his shortness), and Karkat moves up to the register in front of them. Jade is nowhere to be seen.
He gives Dave a shit-eating grin. 
DAVE: no no i definitely havent she doesnt have a very memorable face no siree 
DAVE: who is this person to have been deemed worthy of my acquaintance
DAVE: im a very busy guy karkat
DAVE: not a lot of time for trivial matters like consorting with coffee-making damsels
The lady in question pokes her head out of the pantry, tilting it quizzically.
JADE: wait karkat are you talking to me
JADE: i mean uhh
JADE: yes?
DAVE: sup 
DAVE: nice to meet you
DAVE: definitely for the first time
JADE: uhhh yeah! likewise
Dave holds his hand out to shake, and Jade awkwardly slaps it like a high five. This is going great. Karkat looks ready to pass away from holding in hysterical laughter. In the background, John looks confused. This is not an unusual occurance, as John is often confused. It’s a fact of life at this point. Rose has ambled over to the display case and appears to be intently scrutinizing the goods. 
DAVE: so uh
DAVE: john
DAVE: whatre you doing here
DAVE: are you a coffee connoisseur
DAVE: now are you fancy bitch or starbucks junkie
DAVE: i dont see you as either honestly but then again i didnt know you liked coffee at all
JOHN: no, i’m visiting my sister! jade.
JOHN: do you really not remember me ever talking about her?
JOHN: we’ve known eachother for what, 6 years?
JOHN: i even said something about it a couple days ago! i told you i would be busy because i would be helping her here.
DAVE: i have no recollection of this 
DAVE: wheres the evidence egbert
DAVE: surprise surprise
DAVE: im shocked
DAVE: flabbergasted even
DAVE: if i wasnt so young youd need to call life alert because i just had a heart attack
JADE: i know cpr!!
DAVE: impressive
DAVE: a woman of many talents 
DAVE: i respect that 
ROSE: So very feminist of you, Dave.
ROSE: Your progress is astounding.
JOHN: dave’s a feminist now?
JOHN: i think the lack of sun exposure on his eyes has somehow warped his brain.
DAVE: whats the problem guys theres nothing wrong with feminism 
DAVE: i love feminism. i. love women?
ROSE: Did something change in the last few minutes that I wasn’t aware of?
JOHN: i like women too. 
John nods in a very serious manner. Dave can’t tell whether he’s actually serious or doing it for the bit. He doesn’t think he wants to know the answer
DAVE: im glad
DAVE: women really need to be liked and treasured
DAVE: anyway
DAVE: can i get a uhh
DAVE: latte
Karkat resumes his place at the register and ringing him up. Jade turns and starts making the espresso, and Dave steps back to let Rose order. He finds himself a seat at the bar counter next to John, resting his arms on it and talking about nothing in particular. He’s only half paying attention, watching Jade work from the relative privacy his shades offer.
A short while later, a latte is pushed across the counter to him. The frothy milk jiggles a bit as it stops, and he observes the expertly poured heart shape in the foam. When he looks up, Jade has already moved on to the next customer, laughing over her shoulder at something he can’t see.
hey there quick authors note ig
thank you (especially you!! you know who you are. you can absolutely be crowned our number one fan) for the support on our silly little self-indulgent writing
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redundantz · 1 year
What are your thoughts on how the characters were written for stampede? You sounded kind of :/ about Meryl at one point.
Hello! Yeah it was a bit of a rollercoaster for me personally. ⚠ STAMPEDE SPOILERS ⚠ BUT they really pulled it together in the end i think (for the most part) Since we now know for sure this is a prequel and where its now going after the finale it puts more perspective on things. I have OG Trigun brain so take my own opinions with a grain of salt. I think if people enjoy this new series on its own merits thats wonderful. HOWEVER I still think the series has severe pacing issues and we miss a ton of important character moments imo. And I wish we got to see more interaction with uhh actual humans. After the first 3 eps and then the one with Rollo we basically dont interact with any other humans who live on the planet and its so weird. (also my god we need more fun time in this show was a depression speedrun istg) Have a graph of my emotional journey:
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Vash: oh man haha this one is tough. now that the season is over and we got a HUGE payoff with him so I am very happy now but yeahhh. Some parts I was like wow this is Vash he's perfect. But then as the episodes went on I was getting so frustrated. Because he just would stand there giving everyone UwU eyes and not do anything. Especially for his flashback with Knives. Which I understand it was "shock" but he basically stood there with a blank expression the whole time and it was so...??? Being a pacifist didn't mean he is a limp noodle and doesn't take action. Like don't get me wrong he did have a few moments where he fought Livio and the Badlads but that was about it. I think a lot of my frustration might be because he kept using hand to hand combat compared to using his gun which I am used to. again though, they really brought it back in the end 10000% and brought it into perspective so I can forgive some of the previous stuff. Meryl: She was made more cutesy and naïve. Which definitely got on my nerves here and there. But I was okay with it for the most part ( im not immune to cute lol) They got the most important part of her character where she is touched by Vash's convictions, and his love for humanity. She didn't start off jaded and roughened by the planet this time so I think it has a bit less impact in that regard. But I think the best thing they did for her is she is basically the stand in ambassador for humanity and its strength of character. Wolfwood: I don't have to much to say for him personally. but dude needs to have some fun. First ep with him was pretty great but after that was just a lot of angry yelling and nasty looks. Like...for awhile I couldnt even see how him and Vash are friends besides the fact that Vash is nice to him. Him and Meryl almost had more nice moments than both of them. I LOVED finally getting to see more of his backstory though esp with Livio that was so great. But I really wish we got to see how much he cares about kids and him interacting with them. All we would get is NOT THE ORPHANAGE!! but we never get to see it in action really. Besides him giving Zazie a lollypop that one time and the flashbacks but those only included Livio for the most part. Roberto: NGL I loved him he was cynical and grumpy LOL I was pretty offput at first because it felt like he was replacing Milly. I dont think he wasnt really utilized to his full potential though. Especially because he dies later. I feel like we didnt get enough time with him or character moments. I think it could have made his death hit harder. Also just a shame that he was just there to further Meryls arc. But i think he was meant to mirror Meryls drive to help against his pessimism. Milly: millyseason2millyseason2millyseason2!! That's the main group anyway. Thank you for the ask!
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zatannaroth · 10 months
Angels like you
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"it's has been two months since Raven has been kidnapped by brother blood...and she still hasn't fully healed."
"I wouldn't blame her, she's pregnant with the enemy child."
"You know...you're the only one who could help her go through this."
"Me? I thought you and her were-" "Tim it's always has been you."
"I see."
As Tim left the private room, he notice that outside was dark. Before he decided to got out on patrol just for a little while. He went straight to Raven room. "Rave..it's me Timmy." He knocks gently. He softened his voice and make sure his presence were calming. The door soon slide open and there she was...laying on the bed with all the darkness. Her body turn to the face to the window and out to the city lights. She had the best view out of the whole tower. Tim slowly came over to lay on the edge of her bed. "Hey...are sleep well?" As he gently lay hand on her ankle.
Usually everyone knew that Raven hated being touched but to everybody shocked that Tim was the only person who can carry her whenever she was injured. "I'm still having trouble sleeping to be honest." She replied as she kept her eyes closed. She started to feel uncomfortable in her own bed. She didn't know either it was the memories or the just the pregnancy. Tim thought for a second and had an idea "would you like to sleep in my bed?...it's bigger and you would have more space." Raven didn't even hesitate, she lifted herself a bit and nodded. She was very tired and could wait to used a different bed.
Tim let out a small chuckle "Come on Angel, let's get you some nice rest." He pick her up and head to his room which wasnt far from her. Raven noticed that he was in his uniform as she lay on his chest. "You're going out on patrol?" Tim hums in response. "yes but it'll be few hours."
They head into his room and he immediately lays Raven onto his bed. Raven felt completely now relaxed and her back was hurting anymore. She closed her eyes and let the smell of Tim's room absorb her. But then felt a something onto of her stomach. She open her eyes and look down. Tim's hand...were on her stomach. Tim's was her safe place, she layed her hand on top of his and said "You know...you were the only one, who made me think on having this baby." Tim looked surprised "Really?..why is that?" He asked. Raven couldn't help but to let out small laugh, she looked over to her shoulder. While Staring at a random thing that Tim had kept at the wall.
"Because you saw that there was good in me. Before the team had ever thought..you saw a sparkle in me that my mother never did. Yes my father wasn't Good man...but you never once blame me for it. You have never seen me as daughter of a devil but as a Angel." Tim knew it was true. He knew what she had been through for a long. He has always been there since they first met. He remember the woman that he has never met before, wanted to save innocent lives from her evil father. "And I know that this child will have sparks too. And I'll see her, like you see me." She let a tear run down her cheek. And Tim was there to rub it away. "You are going to be an wonderful mother Raven. I've seen the you handle child as if their were your own. And I know that you will sometimes you might be alone but your not. You'll have me and the team. Hell I'll will make a crib here if you ever need to rest." He told her cause her to laugh. "You would do that?" "I would a million things for you and this baby."
"Tim." She sat up so she could face him. As now Tim had a arm next to her side and her's was now on his shoulder for balance. She was hesitant at her first but decided to give a shot. "I know you been helping me throughout my pregnancy going to the doctor, making sure I'm being cared while your out with the team, helping me with my cravings and evening lifting my hair when I'm throwing up...but what I'm trying to say that..I would love to put you as the father of my children in birth certificate and take her in, case of anything would happens to me." She look directly to his eyes. And what she didn't expect was the next. He kissed her like saying in a million things in one action. She held his cheek and returned the kiss. She felt alive again and it was better than ever. She was going to be alright again. That what he had promised her when held her after she was kidnapped. Two moths ago she thought she was never going to see the lights again. But then came in her Angel to save her and her child. She was safe, her daughter was safe. She knew that Tim Drake was the only men she ever love for the rest of her life.
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burnedwriter · 1 year
‘’i need to tell you something’’
warning:a little bit of angst but nothing major,fluff,mention of death,!gender neutral reader,confession
A/n:might be my second to last fic before i take a small break,dont worry i wont stop writng just taking some rest.
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You were all sitting at the table waiting for Charlie and Erin to come back for dinner as they were trying to find a pack of cigarets for him,as he nearly turned the whole hotel upsidedown bc he couldnt find them.
‘‘you have to telll him’‘kate spoke looking at you
‘‘this is one of the few times i agree with kate but she’s right’‘Jamie jumped in the conversation
‘‘see even Jamie agrees with me’‘she said
You felt your heart beating faster just by thinking about the idea of confessing your feeling to charlie,let alone actually go along with it.You were the shyest member in the crew even more than Erin,you will usually listen to music while reaserching for the next person that the docu-series would focus on and have a minimal interaction with the rest of the crew.
‘‘i dont think he even likes me at all ,i mean have yall seen how much he cares about his job!,he might as well be married to it’‘you exclamed disappointed,
‘‘bullshit,you are the only person that he has been nice to and that for sure says something’‘Jamie insisted,lifting her hands in the air
‘‘What are we talking about exactly?’‘Mark asked confused by listening to the whole conversation
‘‘nothing!’‘you replied nervously trying not to look suspicious.
The three of you continued to gossip before Charlie and Erin walked in the dining room,cutting your conversation short as they sit down at their assigned seats
‘‘there was a pack of cigarets in the bar but just like anything in this place is ancient’‘Charlie complained
‘‘im sure you will find some cigarettes Charlie’‘you reasured him not wanting to hear more of his complains.
‘’i like your optimish’’he complimented,making you turn your head away as a small blush started to creep up.
All of you continued to talk to eachother waiting for mr Du’met to arrive but as some time passed he never showed up.Charlie took this opportunity as a means to start filming behind his back,sending the crew on their way
‘‘Y/n,i want you to stay here for a bit i need to tell you something’‘Charlie commanded you,seeing you as you were about to  leave.Now with the crew gone you were left alone with charlie at the dining table.
‘‘i wanted to say thank you for you amazing contribution to the team,without you and your reshearch we would probably wouldnt be here where we are right now,cheers’‘he said taking a sip from his glass
‘‘I should be thanking you charlie without you i would probably be still unemployed and who knows what else what could have happened ‘‘you thanked him taking a sip from your own glass of wine
‘’there is one other thing that wanted to tell y...’‘he sounded hesitant but before he could finish his sentence Jamie burst  into the room,interapting him.
‘‘sorry that im interapting you two but Kate  needs you right now Y/n’‘Jamie called out to you asking you to help them
‘‘im sorry,i have to go help them for a bit’‘you said dissapointed ,getting up from your chair and went towards jamie
‘’its fine,i will talk to you later’‘he said dissapointed leaking through his voice.Seeing the doors closing leaving him all alone at the dining room.
That was the last time you ever saw him ever again before all hell broke loose.You tried to convince yourself he wasnt dead and that was an illusion from du’met to break everyones spirits but the more you thought of the scene that you saw unfold infront of you,the more it made your heart cramble into pieces realizing that the person you love got killed right infront of your very own eyes.
After what felt like an eternity and escaping many traps,you made it out alive.Now you and Erin were close to the light house,hoping that Kate and Jamie survived since you two got seperated from them,when all of a sudden you see Mark trying to climb up the little hill asking for your help but who you didnt expect was Charlie who was right behind him.
‘‘oh my god Charlie you are still alive’‘running towards him,taking him into a tight hug
‘‘you are crashing me’‘Charlie said in pain as you squeezed him
‘‘i think we should leave these two alone,right erin’‘Mark hinted nugging her with his elbow
‘’oh! right’’Erin responded as she walked away with him
Now the both of you were left alone once again,you thought it was the perfect time to confess your feeling,you didnt know if you were going to die so you had to get it off your chest before that happens.
‘‘i know its probably the wrong time to say it but.....i....love you’‘you confessed looking up at him,tip toeing as you went in to kiss him,expecting him to pull away from you instead he wrapped your waist closing the distance between the two of you,deepening the kiss before pulling away for air.
‘‘im so s-sorry,i didnt know what i was thinking’‘stumbling over your own words too embarassed by your own actions.
‘‘no need to apologise when i feel the same about you’‘holding your hands gently,as he confessed his own feelings.
"Really!?"you said shocked,your heart beating fast from tge anticipation as you didnt expect this type of answer
‘’i wished we would have some proper time but the others are probably waiting for us,let’s get out of here and have a proper date when we get back home,hows that sounds?’’He whispered his face inches away from yours
‘‘it sounds amazing,now lets get out of here together’‘you said holding eachothers hands as you headed for the light house as you hoped to make it out safely not knowing what horrors still awaits you
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motherofkittens94 · 11 months
Ah gee I went to see hozier yesterday and yeah I enjoyed it the music was good but I had such a strange experience right first off this lady pulled me out the queue and put me to the front im used to this part happening and I'm usually kinda glad like yes that’s the one single disability perk right, queue jumping
but also this lady was making me hold her hand which was a bit much like you dont need to do that I can walk but yeah my disability is noticeable i guess and people think theyre doing good but anyway she let me go in ahead and yeah that was great but then I guess she was telling the whole staff about me or something because like literally every other ten minutes some new staff member would corner me ask if I was okay or why I was alone or if was I lost or if I needed help I would say I'm okay not lost im by myself I can manage but then some other person would come later and ask me again if i was okay and if I wanted help and Its like again??
eventually they moved me to the raised platform which is not what i booked ok but fine it is a better view there from thanks but I dont see why people felt the need to be checking me so much i wasnt drunk i wasnt injured i wasn't upset i was not doing anything out of the ordinary nothing that anybody else wasn't also or less even i mean there were very drunk people there and they weren't being asked if they were okay
I mean asking once fine nice even
twice ?understandable but like seven /eight times? Frickin weird leave me alone already I can manage
Like I feel I should be grateful they were helping me and it sort of was and you may think oh but everyone wanted to assist you wouldnt you perfer that? surely worse things could've happened instead you got better treatment thats good right?
Yeah maybe but you know it was going on so often it made me feel self conscious like clearly I was coming off as not normal and /or vulnerable somehow or maybe they didnt believe i was as old as i said i was or idk but i didn't ask for help and didn't really need it either I just wanted to have fun listen to music relax be a regular person like everybody else there
It would've been fine- if i had asked for help - I didn't
Also afterwards they didn't even let me leave until it was nearly empty and then they all waving at me like goodbye sweetie goodbye _like embarrassing how am i ever gonna come back here now after this
and then they made two guys walk with me all down the street because i was going home by myself ive done this same journey a billion times i know what im doing
so anyway thats not even the end of it because next I take the train back and get off my stop someone in the train gets off to ask I'm okay and if I know where to go like yes I'm going home then as I go up the hill this lady is following me annnd then she asks im okay and if i need help as well!
what do you think I'm doing!
like what the hell is wrong with me tonight that nobody thinks I'm okay? I don't know what you think is wrong whats the matter with me huh? I can't work out what I did that made everyone so concerned except just being there
I was by myself fair- i guess if someone was with me all this wouldn't have happened and yeah im a loser and i go to events by myself sometimes so what? its not illegal though is it im twenty eight not bloody five i literally live there I don't need help walking around im not lost I dont need you to pretend to befriend me I did not need help
Maybe i took this all the wrong way because yeah they wanted to help but it felt like every single person was singling me out and letting me know they think I'm strange and that I cant cope
This is what i get for trying to do normal gal activities I guess
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resolution is such a nice last portrait of how 13′s relationship with the fam works well before theyre all put in a situation where its pitfalls become super clear 
we see 13 use “it’s personal” to convince yaz (especially) to go back to the tardis with the others and take care of lin. the next time we see her use that is in fugitive when graham asks what the master’s message for her said. graham’s reaction then is very similar i think to yaz’s reaction to the same line in resolution. it’s a very clear boundary that they all seem to be very familiar with. the doctor knows how and where to stop them, the fam knows when they have to back down. their relationship works. for now.
and we see the ways and situations 13 demands their trust AND how she fails that trust:
when the dalek has aaron and demands to be taken to the fleet:
RYAN: Doctor, do something. DOCTOR: Fine. YASMIN: Doctor, seriously? DOCTOR: My decision.
“my decision.” i like your input but when push comes to shove, when the stakes are high, when theres great risk to your life, i take the final decision and you accept that. (why i want yaz to take that decision from her in the finale) (”i will not let you die because of decisions ive taken”)
and when she opens the door to try and make the dalek fall into the supernova but it wouldve taken aaron with it if not for ryan:
RYAN: Help him. DOCTOR: Trust me?
their relationship works. it works very well the way it’s designed. the way the doctor has set it up. it’s just not designed for the circumstances that they find themselves in in s12 bc,,, the doctor didnt set it up for those circumstances. i think what she had in terms of companionship in s11 was... maybe not what she wanted necessarily, at least not at first, but what she needed a little bit. or at least better than having been left on her own. what she really needed was i think maybe like, donna, but having three superficial friendships was better than like a snowmen kind of situation. but having three, or any, really deep vulnerable friendships was not,, possible. and im not sure it’s what she needed either. not that soon. like if she actually managed to get another friendship that deep so soon after the doctor falls it would be another clara situation i think. but worse. like a worse clara situation. can you imagine.
anyway point is ive been mean to 13 a lot about how shes treated the fam i think shes been unfair to them a lot of the time but rewatching resolution really made me feel like oh, she did that well actually. she makes sure her relationships are exactly what she wants or needs or can handle and she communicates her boundaries well and she has friends who respect them and would even be able to give her what she needed on a less superficial level which is maybe less to her credit and more just luck but it wasnt really her fault that after s11 those relationships kinda snapped under pressure she didnt mean to put them in. i think.
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Kanaya Maryam, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 7777-7782
KANAYA: Thank You
ROXY: no problem!
KANAYA: I Didnt Think
KANAYA: It Would Be This Easy
KANAYA: Not That It Was Easy For You By The Sound Of It
KANAYA: What I Mean Is I Thought It Was Going To Involve An Arduous And Lengthy Process For Myself To Undertake In Order To Figure Out How It Was Even Possible To Reconstruct The Orb Let Alone Actually Do It
ROXY: nah
ROXY: nope!
KANAYA: So Instead Of All That
KANAYA: Its Just
KANAYA: Handed To Me
KANAYA: Like A Nice Present
ROXY: yes
KANAYA: I Dont Know What To Say
KANAYA: This Changes So Much
KANAYA: About Everything I Thought I Had To Do
ROXY: does it?
ROXY: the way i see it is you shouldnt have needed to worry about makin the thing
ROXY: i think it will be challenging enough like...
ROXY: hatching it??
ROXY: and tending to all the stuff that comes next
ROXY: isnt that basically being responsible for the preservation of an entire race of people?
ROXY: like not even a simple kinda people that all go about havin their own babies by themselves n such
ROXY: u have to set up and deal with this huge creature that does it all herself right?
KANAYA: Thats How It Works
KANAYA: And Yes That Will Be
KANAYA: Probably Very Challenging
ROXY: yeah so just focus on that!
ROXY: im sure you will have help if you need it
ROXY: i mean... after all this shit is over obviously
ROXY: hey speaking of which
ROXY: howd it go here? did you do the thing?
KANAYA: Yes I Think We Did The Thing
KANAYA: Our Frog Should Be Good To Go
ROXY: we?
ROXY: oh yeah karkat came too didnt he
ROXY: where did he go?
KANAYA: Hes Still In The Cave
KANAYA: Meditating
ROXY: meditating huh
KANAYA: It Was A Very Spiritually Uplifting Encounter With The Denizen
KANAYA: It Really Uh
KANAYA: Blitzed Our Chakras
KANAYA: He Needs Some Time To Clear His Head
ROXY: heheh ok
ROXY: so you are roses girlfriend right?
KANAYA: I Dont Know
KANAYA: Is That What Humans Call A Matesprit When The Matesprit Is A Girl
ROXY: umm
ROXY: i dunno
ROXY: is a matesprit the thing trolls call each other when they are girlfriends or boyfriends with each other?
ROXY: ah ha!
ROXY: then uh
ROXY: the answer is yes?
ROXY: lmao
ROXY: ok it was kind of obvious i was just makin sure
ROXY: anyway thats cool!
ROXY: did you meet on ur fancy meteor vessel
KANAYA: In Person We Met There Yes
KANAYA: Originally We First Spoke While She Was Still In Her Session
KANAYA: I Assisted Somewhat
KANAYA: But I Think I Bugged Her Mostly
KANAYA: That Seems Like A Lifetime Ago Now
ROXY: so i guess you mustve gotten to know each other a lot better during the trip
KANAYA: A Lot Of Free Time
ROXY: i bet :)
ROXY: man... three years was it?
ROXY: thats crazy!
ROXY: for a whole bunch of people who only just met including humans AND aliens
ROXY: or i mean trolls whoops sorry if thats rude
KANAYA: We Call Each Other Aliens All The Time
ROXY: haha
ROXY: but then you all IMMEDIATELY have to hunker down together for three years
KANAYA: That Is Very Much What Happened And What We Had To Do
ROXY: it sounds fun!
ROXY: kinda wish i could have been there
ROXY: i guess i had my own less long stint with people in my session
ROXY: only like half a year tho
ROXY: which was cool in its own way but it wasnt nearly as... social as your scene sounded?
KANAYA: It Was Pretty Social Yes
KANAYA: But We Also Had Little Groups Who Generally Convened With Each Other More Often Than The Entire Ensemble Crowded Together For A Singular Noisy Affair
KANAYA: Such Events Were Pretty Rare So Maybe Not As Social As You Are Picturing
KANAYA: In Fact It Was Quite A Subdued Situation Compared To The Crowd I Was Formerly Accustomed To Congregating With
KANAYA: There Were Twelve Of Us Back Then
ROXY: yeah WOW!!!
ROXY: i remember hearing about that from a friend
ROXY: who...
ROXY: never even existed from this frame of reference :(
ROXY: i guess thats another weird thing about my lil sojourn to get to this point...
ROXY: it is all made of memories now that didnt even happen for other people
KANAYA: That Does Sound Like A Lonely Predicament In Its Own Particular Way
KANAYA: A Sort Of Sacrifice Youve Had To Make Yes
ROXY: yeah
KANAYA: Sacrifice Abounds It Would Seem
KANAYA: I Dont Know Of Anyone Presently Alive Who Hasnt Had To Trade Something Very Important To Them In Exchange For Continuing To Be A Material Seeker In This Endeavor
KANAYA: You Were Forced To Trade Something Too But In Return Youve Been Able To Do Something
KANAYA: Something So Wonderful That
KANAYA: I Guess Im Judging Your Accomplishment From An Especially Personal Vantage
KANAYA: But No Matter What Else You Have Been Through
KANAYA: I Believe You Can Say Youve Done Something As Important As Anyone Could Ever Hope To Do
ROXY: aw yeas 8)
ROXY: i hope so!
ROXY: i really hope it all works out and you make a super successful trollworld 2
KANAYA: I Want It To Be A Good Place
KANAYA: Not So Much Like Where Im From
KANAYA: It All Sounds
KANAYA: Really Daunting Actually
KANAYA: Not Even Just The Propagation Of My Kind But Managing To Do It Responsibly
KANAYA: Just Causing Millions Of Beings To Exist For The Sake Of Doing So
KANAYA: And Dismissing Responsibility For What Sort Of People They Become
KANAYA: That Isnt Good Enough For Me
KANAYA: I Think Echidna Was Right
KANAYA: Ill Need Him
ROXY: who
KANAYA: Nobody
KANAYA: Lets Say It Was A Figure Of Speech
KANAYA: Ill Need Everyone
KANAYA: Whoever Is Good And Wishes To Have A Hand In The Way Our World Is Shaped
ROXY: count me in! :D
KANAYA: As Of The Immediate Point In Time
KANAYA: I Dont Know What To Do Anymore
ROXY: hm??
KANAYA: Before You Came
KANAYA: I Was On My Way To Join You And Rose And John
KANAYA: Feeling Quite Sure I Was About To Get Ready To Fight
KANAYA: But Then You Gave Me This
KANAYA: And Now Im Unsure Of Everything To Which I Just Imminently Committed Myself
ROXY: how so
KANAYA: I Want To Help Us Win
KANAYA: But I Also Have A Lot Of Responsibility Now
KANAYA: In A Way That Is Much More Tangible And Also Spiky And Round And Sharp Than Just A Few Minutes Ago
KANAYA: And I Feel I Have To Consider Risk To Myself Is Now Also The Same As Risk To The Future Of My People
KANAYA: Does That Make Sense
ROXY: ooh i see
ROXY: yeah!
ROXY: it is like.....
ROXY: like say a mother wolf being all ready to stand up to some other asshole of nature
ROXY: like a nasty bear
ROXY: and shes ready to fight and all but also shes got to think about what happens to her pups if she gets hurt yeah?
KANAYA: Something Like That
KANAYA: Except Id Relate More To An Analogy That Didnt Involve Weird Alien Creatures
ROXY: oh sure
ROXY: just imagine instead of a wolf its like
ROXY: a mother uhhhh
ROXY: help me out here
KANAYA: Musclebeast
ROXY: a beautiful mother musclebeast
ROXY: and instead of a bear
ROXY: its um
ROXY: a metroid
KANAYA: Lets Say Good Enough
ROXY: damn straight
ROXY: be fuckin fight of the year right there
ROXY: but yes that concern is completely understandable
ROXY: you dont gotta fight if you dont want!
ROXY: but im sure we could really use the help
KANAYA: Would I Actually Be Of Much Use
ROXY: i think so!
ROXY: id look at it this way
ROXY: none of this next gen troll stuff is even going to matter if we dont win this fight
ROXY: so we have to prioritize beating all these goddamn villains
ROXY: specially the witch!
ROXY: any extra edge is going to help
ROXY: and tho i admit i dont know much about you i am feeling prrrettyyy confident in my assessment that u are probably some sort of sick deadly bitch
KANAYA: Who Told You My Secret
ROXY: i knews it ;)
ROXY: in fact i would BET
ROXY: that you could USE your concern for all ur future space pups to be WAY extra deadlier in this fray
ROXY: maybe youd make the whole difference??
ROXY: the point is we need you now just as much as anyone in the future will
ROXY: and we are ALL riskin stuff and ALL in this together and if youre with me and rose and john, dont worry we aint gonna let anything happen to you
ROXY: i promise!!!!!
ROXY: dang?
KANAYA: That Was Really Motivational And I Feel Very Inspired Now
ROXY: for real?!
KANAYA: A Little Corny But Definitely Genuine And Moving
KANAYA: And Now Im Suddenly Psyched Again To Go Dunk A Narcissistic Fish Woman Into A Sea Dumpster
KANAYA: Not To Project Myself As Someone Fickle Or Lightly Swayed On Big Decisions
KANAYA: Maybe It Was Just A Roughly Thirty Second Spell Of Cold Feet And I Just Snapped Out Of It I Dont Know
KANAYA: But You Really Do Seem To Have A Way With Motivational Words
KANAYA: You Must Be A Natural Leader
KANAYA: I Think Your Group Was Lucky To Have You
ROXY: me?? nuhhh
ROXY: im not naturally good at that at all
ROXY: i mostly just yelled at my friends cause they were such a gaggle of frustrating bozos
ROXY: i guess im just feeling way inspired by the fact everyone is here together and we are all about to try and do something huge and important
ROXY: ive also watched john in action a bit and he is VERY good at that stuff
ROXY: hes actually so good at being inspiring hes inspired me to try and be... more inspiring? that sounds dumb as hell but is true as shit
ROXY: i also love how hes got NO IDEA how good he is at leadery stuff, its
ROXY: it
ROXY: it is so inspirationally friggin adorable
KANAYA: Shall We Go Then
ROXY: we hella shall
2 notes · View notes
violetkatgrove · 1 year
BumbleClan: 2 years in
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After like. A Month long break..... i have good news and also some Really Bad News. but we'll get into that
CW: Kitten Death, Fires(the fires was save-scummed into a dream dw)
Thoughts before the New Moon:
Gracklegorse wonders what it would be like to be leader. 1) Sunstar still has nine lives. 2) that is your WIFE. please do not get any ideas bbgrl
Stoatskip is hoping StarClan will protect his loved ones,,,,okay so explodes
Hazelbloom is building up a fellow Clanmates confidence in battle :3 so niceys
Howlkit tries to open up her eyes, but it's all blurry. goo gaga momence
Moon 19:
While I thought I changed the apprentice graduating, Sunstar seems to think Brokenpaw is ready to become a warrior, and delcares she will now be known as Brokenspots. Also she caught whitecough sorry sweetpea.
Hazelbloom realizes he judged Yewkit too harshly. bro what were you judging him ON he is just a fucking babey.
Gracklegorse is scolding Plumshine :( BumbleClan's first fail enby
"Golddawn had a spat with Mudfur over a piece of prey" THE GIRLS ARE FIGHITNGGGG
Kokichi, Brokenspots, and Gracklegorse have a nice chat over their food :3
Speaking of Kokichi, him and Squirrelface are free from their fleas at last!
Plumshine thinks Buzzardpoppy is very helpful and wants to spend time with him! Friendship is blossoming in BumbleClan...
Quarter travels to HushClan to resolve some recent personal disputes. stay safe bbgrl ilu
Yewkit shared an embarrassing story about Runnelkit he wasnt supposed to share...baby drama
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Yewkit,,,,a boy with homophobia in his eyes....
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Runnelkit wonders who their mentor will be. I'll tell you what none of you are going to greedy Staotskip thats for sure
Gracklegorse & Kokichi wish to speak to Quarter about something, while she contemplates teaching the Clan communication skills.
The two medicine cats were able to gather mullein and raspberries this moon. Squirrelface eavesdrops on Brokenspots, who wonders how the medicine cat's mate is doing.
Haventail eavesdrops on Golddawn, who wishes to get to know the young warrior better.
Yewkit hopes Mudfur will tell him another story :3
Howlkit wishes cats would stop babying her. little ma'am you literally have the babyiest kit sprite idk what to tell you. you're baby.
Stoatskip wonders if StarClan can hear him, from the stars, Fawnroot is looking to visit him in a dream.
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Quarter continues trying to meditate the strained relationship of the two medicine cats. Her work is starting to pay off, as while the two mollys still have a dislike for each other, their trust towards one another outweighs that dislike.
Kokichi decides to take charge on border patrol, and brings along Plumshine, Hazelbloom, and Stoatskip. Hazelbloom finds a loner, who offers their healing skills in exchange for shelter. The new medicine cat is welcomed to the clan.
Squirrelface and Stoatstalk decide to take Featherfoot with them herb gathering, Golddawn also decides to tag along. As the Mullein towers impressively over the other plants, it's a good time to harvest it. Squirrelface could swear there's usually mullein around here- but not this time.
Gracklegorse takes Haventail and Buzzardpoppy training, suggesting its a good time to practice some techniques. Unfortunately, no one steps up to teach. It's a little awkward, but the patrol disbands to attend to other duties.
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Thoughts before the New Moon:
Sunstar thinks she's been hearing the voices of StarClan cats... what they saying bestie.
Quarter is eavesdropping on Kokichi, who's been a little hard on himself recently :(
Plumshine has been lazing around in their nest, and doesn't seem to want to change that anytime soon.
Stoatstalk carefully curates his appearance to be dazzling, but not too dazzling. Clan's apparent heartthrob gotta keep up those good looks
Haventail is being followed around camp by Sunstar's kits. awwwhhh
Mudfur is trying to tell the kits a tall tale, but Yewkit is busy playing with a stick, while his sister, Runnelkit, pesters Mudfur to play with her
From StarClan, Fawnroon has been following the growth of Gracklegorse
Fromt StarClan. Moonthistle has seen Haventail's future demise? excuse me? huh? h?
and thats only the Begining of worrisome thoughts from StarClan. its all downhill from here/hj
Moon 20:
Squirrelface wants to spend more time with Stoatstalk!!! YIPPIIIII
Sunstar feels like she can tell Stoatstalk anything... fambily...
Kokichi and Quarter bicker about something trivial. sadge
Yewkit had a disagreement with Featherfoot. bro why you beefing with a baby.
Gracklegorse settles near Sunstar to eat his fresh killlll oooooo they are wife and wiiiiiiiiife
Brokenspots has recovered from whitecough! yahoo!
Quarter, meanwhile. as a runny nose :(
Featherfoot also had a disagreement with Brokenspots bro WHAT is ur deal.
Quarter wants to explore the whole territory with Kokichi,,,,wowie,,,,
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
With three cats working now, the medicine cats gathered a hefty amount of herbs this moon. Squirrelface gathered oak leaves and tansy, while Golddawn and Featherfoot gathered daisy and thyme respectively. Mudfur is given juniper to help treat her frostbite.
Sunstar has a crazed look in her eyes. girl? you good? did the kits not let you sleep or something??
Plumshine is watching over the kits <:3 thank u so nice
Gracklegorse begins assigning cats to a border patrol as Squirrelfaces checks up on all the warriors.
Stoatstalk feels happy knowing he's someone cats seek out to talk to :3 my little boy mr popular
Haventail needs a bit of time alone today…. and Sunstar's crazed look… girlies did Moonthistle talk to either of you in a dream recently-
Brokenspots wants to be chosen as the new deputy. girl you've been here 2 moons and Sunstar hasn't even lost ONE life yet. slow down
Runnelkit continues to pester older cats to play with her. Meanwhile, Howlkit seems to be cross with Yewkit about something. The sole son of the litter is too busy chasing his tail to notice.
From StarClan, Moonthistle is hoping to meet with a medicine cat soon buddy buddy whats going on
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Quarter is quick to work on Squirrelface and Golddawn's relationship with the newest medicine cat. The last thing BumbleClan needs is all 3 medicine cats being cross with one another
With Brokenspots recovered from her whitecough, Buzzardpoppy and Haventail take her out to train together. Haventail suggests they practice hunting techniques. Everyone has a nice session and new tricks under their paw to try out next hunting patrol.
The medicine cats head out together to gather herbs. The gaggle of cats stroll through BumbleClan's territory, chatting amicably amongst themselves. It's a rare opportunity, for them to all be out like this together, and though the weather is poor and not really ideal for herb-gathering, each cat plans to make the most of it. It starts pouring while they're out, and even Golddawn has to admit defeat and lead them home.
Stoatskip, Kokichi, and Stoatstalk head out for the first border patrol. They hear the sound of barking and cautiously go to investigate. Near the border, they spot a dog chasing something. A cat! The patrol jumps to action to chase the dog off, a group of cats is much more powerful than one, and they convince the dog to flee with little difficulty. They go to check on the feline, but in their adrenaline haze take a swipe at Stoatstalk before running away.
The final patrol of the moon is lead by Gracklegorse, taking Plumshine and Hazelbloom with them. The patrol catches scent of a mouse nearby. Plumshine pinpoints the location of the prey and begins creeping forward. They're almost within pouncing distance when the mouse suddenly bolts. With a lash of their tail, Plumshine leaps forward, barely snagging it before it enters it's burrow.
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Thoughts before the New Moon:
Fawnroot wants to warn Stoatskip. what that his brother saw his impending doom??
Gracklegorse feels a sense of dread. BESTIES what is going ON
Stoatskip is growing fond of Runnelkit :3 they're a fisty little one. that doesnt mean im letting u take on another apprentice SIR
SPEAKING OF RUNNELKIT shes pretending to be medicine cat ohhhhh ohhhhhhh
endless pspspsppss for Whisker to come join us. cmoooonn you know you wannnaaaa. also this is just my opinion. but i think featherfoot is just a bit of a dick. he needs to chill out
Moon 21: Leaf-bare begins
Stoatstalk itches uncomfortably, wishing his wound would just close up and heal already, but it seems to only be getting worse.
Mudfur's tail is finally gone. It was more of a relief than anything. The frostbitten flesh was already dead, so she had no issue taking it off before it fell off on it's own.
Runnelkit has gotten kittencough.
Squirrelface wishes she was as pretty as Haventail. ur bootiful to me and Stoatstalk its ok
Haventail awakes with a start. Fire. Fire was all she could remember. She rushes out of the warriors den with a start to find Buzzardpoppy and Hazelbloom at the fresh kill pile, asking what's wrong. Just a dream, the camp is safe, she's alive. Her mother and brother comfort her, and assure her that it's too cold of a season for fires.
Howlkit has a wonderful time discussing Clan happenings with Brokenspots :3
Featherfoot and Squirrelface spar in the clearing, Plumshine tries to get Golddawn to join in.
Buzzardpoppy and his sister are distracted from Mudfur's story, upsetting the elder. Haventail voices her anxieties in a way that puts off Squirrelface.
Quarter, now free of her running nose, tells Brokenspots of her old kittypet life, meaning for it to stay private. Brokenspots ends up telling another cat regardless.
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
In the medicine den, Mudfur was given juniper. Her frostbite has healed, but she will always carry evidence of the incident on her pelt. The medicine cats also refresh their moss stock.
Golddawn applies more cobwed to Stoatstalk's injury, it will hopefully heal sooner.
Squirrelface could not find any herbs, but the older cats were able to gather some goldenrod and dandelion.
Quarter and Brokenspots eavesdrops on Gracklegorse talking to his sick kit. Runnelkit is asking who their mentor will be.
Stoatstalk leaves fresh-kill at Moonthistle's grave.
Plumshine, Kokichi, and Hazelbloom try to set a good example for the kits.
Mudfur is being grumped at by the kits for no longer having a tail to play with. sadge
Buzzardpoppy spars with some Clanmates while his sister helps escort the medicine cats.
From StarClan... Fawnroot has forseen Plumeshines demise. okay guys thats 3 cats now can we STOP IT youre SCARING ME
bonus pictures that made me weep
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Golddawn watching over the healthy kits while Sunstar and Gracklegorse spend time with their sick one 🥺
Also: the fire dream was written entirely by me, this is because i had to restart the game because the first instance of moon 21 had Haventail burned alive saving Stoatstalk from a fire. there was an extra thing of her brother reacting to her death and everything. litcherally traumatizing idc how much it makes sense with these demises prophecies that shit SUCKED
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Brokenspots confindes in Quarter, asking the older cat to help keep up the warrior's good relationship with Howlkit, hoping to be chosen for the kit's mentor when the time comes. Quarter happily agrees.
The medicine cats head out to gather herbs, Haventail goes with them as an escort. BumbleClan can never had enough cobwebs, Squirrelface instructs the patrol, and leads them on a search for some, hoping to get more to treat her wounded mate. The medicine cat mrrps with laughter, watching Golddawn parade around with such a big bundle that her former mentor keeps colliding with things in her path she can't see. The entire patrol has gotten a wonderful haul, and it's a very pleased Squirrelface that leads them back to camp.
Gracklegrose leads border patrol, taking Plumshine, Kokichi, and Brokenspots with them. Kokichi finds a loner who offers their healing skills in exchange for shelter. She happily explains Bumbleclan, but after learning more, the loner politely declines.
Stoatskip takes Hazelbloom and Buzzardpoppy out to practice. His mate and the younger cat get into a disagreement regarding what Haventail's dream could have meant. Unable to come to a understanding, they look to Stoatskip to settle this. Stoatskip nods sympathetically, and is able to calm the cats down, convincing them to agree to disagree.
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he couldve joined us and been named razzle dazzle....missed opportunity
Thoughts before the New Moon:
Outside of BumbleClan, Whiskers sniffs around OatClan territory curiously.
Sunstar wonders if Golddawn has gotten any prophecies from StarClan, well she fucking NEEDS to with all these demise visions theyve been having.
Featherfoot is interpreting a prophecy. whatd they say, lad
Haventail is worried about Yewkit :( Haventail i literally love you so much if anything happens to you(again) ill die and go to hell
Howlkit and Runnelkit are asking how kittens are made.......sighs
MOONTHISTLE IS DISAPPOINTED IN HAVENTAIL?????? what bc she didnt scream everyone run away theres a fire after that nightmare fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you f (edited)
And now the part where everything goes Wrong!
Moon 22:
Runnelkit was unable to fight off her kittencough. BumbleClan mourns their loss. Her last moments were spent sunbathing with Quarter and Buzzardpoppy. Gracklegorse takes her to be buried.
Shortly after Runnelkit's funeral, Plumshine brings a single kit into camp, they refuse to talk about it's origins, they name them Flowerkit.
Sunstar has healed from the strain of giving birth, but the hole Runnelkit left in her heart remains.
Stoatskip finds the way Haventail acts extremely uncomfrotable. Why is everyone suddenly mean to her. be nice to her right fucking now.
Featherfoot notices Gracklegorse hasn't been taking their health all too seriously. hmm idk maybe its the MOURNING his DAUGHTER
Hazelbloom tripped on a rabbit hole :( hurt him foot
Haventail wants to spend more time with Staotstalk! friendship :3
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Stoatstalk is given poppy and goldenrod to treat his infected injury.
The herb stores are inspected, and the medicine cats notice some of the ragwort gone bad, and make a note to look for some. Squirrelface had gathered some lungwort, but Featherfoot and Golddawn were unable to find anything.
Kokichi eavesdrops on Haventail, and notices her daughter is a bit gloomy today.
Despite his sprain, Hazelbloom tries to set a good example for the new kit.
Outside of BumbleClan. Whiskers was almost eaten by a monster- jesus christ thank god hes ok.
From the safety of his kittypet home, Razzle watches the clouds roll by.
From StarClan, Moonthistle hopes to meet with one of the medicine cats soon.
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Quarter speaks with Haventail and Buzzardpoppy at their father's request, keeping an eye that the siblings stay close in these trying times.
Sunstar accompanies the medicine cats for an herb gathering run. With the motley assortment of Clanmates behind her, Golddawn heads out on patrol, searching for the ever-green, ever-reliable horsetail to harvest. But her work is once again effected by her distracted mind, and the patrol returns home empty-handed and snappy with each other.
Gracklegorse leads the patrol, taking Stoatskip, Haventail, and Plumshine with him. While walking along the border, they notice an OatClan patrol renewing their scent marks up ahead. The patrol leads give a quick nod of acknowledgement when they pass.
Kokichi leads the final patrol for the moon, going hunting with her son and Brokenspots. The patrol hears distant howls and goes to investigate, the sound leads them to a coyote, scavenging from a carcass. It notices the patrol before they are able to run and lunges forward, making it clear that this food has been claimed. Brokenspots' tail is momentarily caught between the coyote's teeth before Buzzardpoppy and Kokichi retaliate and drive it off their Clanmate.
Thoughts before the New Moon:
Featherfoot wonders how Howlkit is doing :(
Stoatskip is sparring with Clanmates, he also no longer has romantic ticks for Hazelbloom but still has one for Gracklegorse. Uh Oh.
Plumshine has been roped into play mossball with the kits :3
Outside of BumbleClan territory, Whisker stays in a Twoleg den for a couple of days for food and warmth. Meanwhile. Razzle exits his den to scratch at a tree he's been eyeing.
From StarClan, Runnelkit is sad to watch her family grow up without her :( throws up
and thats that on worlds most Depressing Moon. literally my favorite number and they do this to me. fucking hate it here
Moon 23:
Stoatstalk has recovered from his infection.
Mudfur and Stoatskip think about how reliable Haventail is :3 thank god Haventail love return
Hazelbloom hatches a plan with Squirrelface to sneak out of camp 🤨 what u two doin
Gracklegorse takes group sunbaths with on two different days, the first day is with Quarter and Flowerkit, the second Haventail and Brokenspots.
Howlkit and Yewkit get into a fight over a feather, and end up breaking the feather in the process. It's ok bc they swap favorite prey later :3
Flowerkit got Quarter in trouble. SAD
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Gracklegorse thinks about Moonthistle. Sunstar stares off into space. ok break my heart at the start why dontcha
Golddawn rethinks their life choices. you're 12 years old ma'am whats up :( u ok? In the medicine cat den, Stoatstalk's wound is treated with oak leaves and burdock. Hazelbloom is given elder leaves for his sprain. Brokenspots is given oak leaves for her mangled tail. Squirrelface and Golddawn gather cobwebs and plantain, Featherfoot is unable to find any herbs.
Squirrelface wonders how Mudfurs doing. the elder wishes to get to know her better :3
Plumshine announces they are heading to the dirtplace... ok bestie have a good shit dont fall in <3
Stoatstalk is a bit cross with Howlkit. She's nervous for her apprentice ceremony next moon.
From StarClan, Runnelkit is looking to visit her brother in a dream soon 🥺
Outside of Clan territory, Whiskers gets invited to spend the night with a group of friendly loners. Razzle wanders around his neighborhood.
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Mudfur privately requests a meditating session with Squirrelface to Quater, she happily agrees and helps the cat respect each other a bit more.
Sunstar and Gracklegorse go hunting with Plumshine. i reset the game bc gracklegorse died the same way moonthistle did. Plumshine encounters a porcupine and narrowly avoids it whipping it's tail towards them. The patrol gives the porcupine a wide berth.
Stoatskip takes Kokichi and Buzzardpoppy with him for border patrol. They track the scent of a large dog along the edge of BumbleClan territory. Stoatskip selflessly leads the lion's share of the run they lead the dog on, exhausting himself a dangerous amount, but leading the dog far away from BumbleClan borders. His Clanmates support him on the long walk home once it's all over, their purrs mixing with Stoatskip's exhausted pants.
Haventail follows the medicine cats with them to gather herbs. As Featherfoot pads through the territory, he senses a presence join them. The connection goes away as soon as it appears god DAMN IT YALL--
Thoughts before the New Moon:
Howlkit snuggles up to her worried mother, Sunstar watching over the kit cautiously.
Featherfoot checks in on the warriors, Squirrelface is grateful for the fellow medicine cat's help. Plumshine wonders if the she-cat has gotten any prophecies.
Brokenspots eavesdrops on her former mentor, who is setting a positive example for the soon-to-be apprentices alongside Hazelbloom and Kokichi.
From StarClan, Fawnroot plans to send a message, while Runnelkit is thinking of advice to give a medicine cat. oh baby :(
its at this point the hyperempathy started kicking in and my motivation for the game started to die down, so like 80 years later i finally get back to the next moon. thats just what happens when u get a game abt cat death while cat death is one of the most upsetting things u can experience
and then i took a near month-long break so sorry about that runnelkit really got to me ANYWAYS
Moon 24: New leaf begins anew
As Howlpaw touches noses with her mother and now mentor, she hopes she'll get to do something great for the Clan. Like chase off a fox! That'll show the Clan she's the best apprentice ever! Her brother, Yewpaw, can't sit still as he touches noses with Kokichi, swearing to become the best warrior the Clan has ever seen.
While his original sprain has healed, Haventail as gotten a stomachache, alongside Buzzardpoppy, after sharing an old fresh kill together. Yewpaw has also gotten whitecough. Yewpaw. look at me. Don't You Dare
Stoatstalk and Squirrelface took a moonlit stroll together ooooooooo
Mudfur finds a bit of fluff that reminds her of Yewpaw, she considers gifting it to him.
Sunstar and Howlpaw heckle at other Clan cats at the gathering together. mother-daughter bonding... She also jokes with Brokenspots abt another Clan being stinky hold on as leader shouldnt you be a bit nicer-
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
The medicine cats were able to find a good amount of herbs the start of this moon, Squirrelface finding mullein, and the older cats gathering moss, cobwebs, goldenrod, and rosemary. Brokenspots tail is rapped up with more cobwebs, and Stoatstalk's claw-wound is treated with ragwort.
Sunstar thinks about forming an alliance. well you called at most two other Clans stinky and heckled at them so good luck w that bbgrl
Gracklegorse is unsure of what the rest of the Clan thinks of him as deputy :( naur not the old insecurities returning
Featherfoot interprets an omen.....girl what do you see
Buzzardpoppy visits Stoatstalk in the medicine den, the older tom always manages to turn the mood into a light one :)
Outside of the clan, Whisker is almost hit by ANOTHER monster bestie be CAREFUL
From Starclan Fawnroot has seen Yewpaw's future- i cant TAKE IT ANYMORE STOP IT!!!!!! SUNSTAR CANT LOSE TWO KIDS NO!!!!!!!!!!!
After some careful thought, Quarter decided to given herself the full warrior name of Quartermoon, happily accepting that she will likely spend the rest of her life with BumbleClan.
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Sunstar and Howlpaw go with the medicine cats to gather herbs. As newleaf brings green back to the world, Squirrelface has been anticipating the unfurling of new leaf buds on elder trees. The patrol goes to find a particular tree in a dip along the stream. Elder leaves being used to soothe sprains, while gathering them in a way that risks sprains, is truly one of StarClan's little ironies. Squirrelface shares a joke with the patrol, who all murrp in amusement, but also take it as a reminder for everyone to be careful as they strip leaves from the tree.
This precious little moment was also caught when I went back to look at camp. family...
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Kokichi takes his kids out for a hunting trip. A rabbit startles the patrol while bursting out of it's cover, they rally almost instantly, and manage to corner and successfully capture the rabbit!
Gracklegorse takes the remaining warriors out to secure the border. While on their way, Staotskip notices some suspicious pawprints in the mud under the canopy. The tracks lead to a tresspassing rogue. Hazelbloom throws himself at the cat, hissing furiously, and with his partner they drive the rogue off BumbleClan territory. Gracklegorse gives them a nod of approval.
Howlpaw informs Quartermoon of Sunstar and Mudfur's argument earlier this moon, and the molly works quick to meditate the issue. The elder and leader are on stable terms once again.
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Final Thoughts:
Sunstar dreads a meeting she must call later today. bbgrl whats up :(
Golddawn wonders how Stoatstalk is doing. The answer: He feels a sense of dread.
Haventail is feeling under appreciated... girl i appreciate u so fucking much
Brokenspots wonders how Howlpaw is doing. im sorry you didnt get to mentor her i know u were looking forward to it 😔
Howlpaw is having a hard day also. naur :(((
Plumshine tries to get their kit to take a nap, but Flowerkit adamantly refuses. goo gaga moments
From StarClan, Fawnroot is looking to send a message to Quartermoon :0c
and after a loooong break, thats year 2 complete! I'm probably gonna change up my profile updates, so that way i dont reach the max amount of images per post so fast like i did this update lmao-
Probably gonna do some doodles in between now and next update, so see you guys soon!
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an-droid-girl · 11 months
hi i just got back from a weekend at my partners and help i’m having some Thoughts. references to NSFW within.
so we have been recently talking about like. marriage. The General Future. in the very abstract. like the “if you were ever to get married what’s your ideal wedding” but never “if WE were to get married” or “WHEN you get married,” all very very abstract until suddENLY IT WASNT A S ABSTRACT THE OTHER DAY but that’s beside the point
this weekend i, like. idek what in particular was said or done to make me realize this. i think it was maybe just a bunch of little things. but like. i! okay. so two things. one, i think like my partner has internalized the “for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health” mentality ??? like??? not mentality. idk what else to call it. but like. through thick and thin w me. They’re In It. which brings me to two, i think this is the first time i’ve felt unconditional romantic love. which, haha, WOW, THATS A HELL OF A REVELATION!!!!
and i’m trying not to let these two things have me run scared just because they’re things i don’t know. like. i also love my partner very much, i hesitate to say it’s unconditional love not because there are plausible conditions i would not love them, but because the last person i loved unconditionally cheated on me and lied and schemed and manipulated me and did extreme damage that now my current partner is paying for. this is one such way theyre paying for it. i’m just. i can’t let myself classify it as unconditional love even if it’s basically that in everything but the name.
but like. comparing this love to the way cat loved me is like. the difference is so fucking stark. i don’t doubt she loved me but it had never felt like this. this is different, it is intense but easy. its so— it’s a love that builds me up instead of shackles me to one place. Like— this is so stupid, but i have always been intensely ashamed of my own pleasure. it was taught to me in my christian upbringing and then not reinforced by cat explicitly but like, not. addressed or dismantled in any way surely, but my partner is like. they will not let me hide my face while they’re teasing me, they make me say out loud what i want, what feels good, what doesn’t.
And in that i have found SO MUCH confidence, and it’s confidence i keep finding and building, and it’s one that makes me communicate better in bed, what’s working and what isn’t, which, SHOCKER! MAKES THAT SHIT MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE!!! and they do the same!!! which is GREAT for me because i want to know what i’m doing right and what i could be doing better!!!!
Like that’s just one example, it’s the one i have the most to say abt but like, there’s also that i’m a very jealous person and they’re aware of it and i’m working on it even though it’s hard and it sucks so bad, but like, on this trip it was mentioned and they said how much better i’d been about it and that it’s something we’d work though together and i’m just. HAHAHA WOW im tearing up writing about it hahahahaha okay
so like. yeah. so im trying not to let this level of intense, fierce but gentle, armor-penetrating love scare the absolute shit out of me because it’s NICE. it’s GOOD. it’s just so unfamiliar and foreign that my brain immediately assumes it’s either a trap or it’s something i can’t live up to
anyway. thanks for coming to my ted talk
coming back to say it’s literally just so insane to me that someone might actually want to love me, and take care of me, forever. not because i don’t feel the same, but because it’s Me. and because that kind of thing has never felt like it could ever happen to me before.
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