#now i'm so attached to the idea i'm stuck with it forever!!!
wings-of-waffles · 6 months
character design is funny! so i gave nightwings fur under their scales that you can see on their underbelly, and then i decided to give farsight curly fur, and oops now nightwings have a rex gene like rats and cats do! and how the rex gene works (i think) is it's a dominant gene but if an animal gets two copies they're bald instead... and oops my hand slipped now morrowseer is bald and he's torturing people who have hair what did i do!?
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pankiebogs · 18 days
ii16 spoilers under cut
(Analysis of what the episode implies/means for Fan more specifically)
HELLO. SO. I kind of predicted this.
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These are specifically about Fan glitching in episode 14, and about PEOPLE OVERLOOKING IT!!! I always KNEW there was something more to it.
Fan glitching is both similar to Springy's glitching, but also the Shield and Tree Mephone made. So automatically I thought, Mephone generated Fan. He can generate things! But, I honestly did not expect this to be true. It felt too easy. (so i instead went with; when mephone regenerates the contestants they are "built" out of his code, so close at least....?) But. Well. You saw the episode. And I am a sucker for these tropes and I have been incredibly interested in what this means for Fan specifically, considering he was made SPECIFICALLY to be a fan of Inanimate Insanity.
Here's me talking about the idea about a month ago:
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As we all know, Fan's entire character is that he's a fan. That's the number 1 obvious thing. He was another "stereotype" as labeled by Mephone along with the other season 2 newbies. For almost every character it has been repeated that they are "more than what they are", which makes even more sense with the reveal. However, with this knowledge... What the Flip does this mean for Fan.
His entire arc has always been about his identity problems, and his extreme attachment to his identity as the #1 fan, which he STILL latches onto and puts so much of his confidence in. Almost like that... IS his purpose. Is everything he's ever known. All he had. But that was not only an emotional thing, he was quite literally created just to be the biggest Inanimate Insanity fan. That's his ACTUAL purpose. WHICH IS NOW MAKING ME CRAZY.
With this in mind, you realize how Fan being created is actually hidden in his arc. The writing doesn't make you consider the possibility, because the arc and personality work so well to hide it. This is shown most well once the prime shimmer asks him what he is beyond the show, to which he hesitates to respond to, saying he doesn't know. This whole scene is now in a completely new perspective to me. He ACTUALLY doesn't know. His identity literally IS built around the show, that's what he was made to be. That's all he's ever been.
I had mentioned Fan having parallels to Bot.
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Something along the lines of this. Your identity being One Thing but then realizing you can be more than that, that's the main parallel here. WHICH- IS EVEN MORE INSANE CONSIDERING THIS EPISODE NOW. Fan was ALSO made with a purpose to be ONE thing, Fan (and Test Tube) was quite literally repeating the same thing Mephone did- the same thing that happened to them, but even more so with Fan specifically.
The one thing I keep thinking about is how Inanimate Insanity is still a big part of Fan's life. That's still something he loves so much and ties to his identity even with his development of trying new things. How would he react when he realizes he's forever tied to the show he was made to love? That he's forever attached to Inanimate Insanity, no matter what?? HE WAS MADE BY MEPHONE, THE HOST OF HIS FAVOURITE SHOW THAT HIS ENTIRE EXISTANCE IS FOR?? THAT HIS LOVE IS GENERATED? Compared to other contestants, Fan is... even more stuck in the show. He literally surrounds himself with it even when outside of it. Honestly was Mephone projecting when he created Fan or something???
Fan describing him being eliminated as literally dying is kind of even more tragic now. sad!
His whole reality would be shattered if he found out. I don't think he'd have time to think: "wow I'm actually EXISTING for Inanimate Insanity and that actually IS my purpose? and I AM truly the number 1 fan because that's what my entire identity actually IS built on????" While that would validate him and help his insecurities, Fan would be. Well. When your entire person is created to be passionate and dedicated to the thing you were created FOR and you even made prior appearances JUST to serve as the fanbase and nothing more. I don't even know dude. He'd be in so much denial over it. He'd start to question the sincerity of his love, or, something. At least he's made with the things he loves: creative passion. Which he was also made to love . but whatever,
You'd probably think he'd at some point try to separate even more from Inanimate Insanity. Honestly I think the opposite. after his initial denial i believe he'd latch onto it even HARDER. I think he'd just start regressing to old coping mechanisms to deal with it.
The fact he was created FOR the purpose of being ONLY THE FAN Also makes me realize something about him and Test Tube. On one of his tumblr posts he mentions how Test Tube introduced him to so many new things and ideas he had no idea he could be so excited about, because he's always been just tied to Inanimate Insanity and nothing beyond that, as he felt there was nothing else to care about. Test Tube offers the support of opportunities, even as early as when they first met, and especially in Hatching the Plan once she made him realize there was more out there.
It just makes me go completely insane how most of Fan's arc is so built on the fact his entire existence is to serve as a fan, and that wasn't even just an emotional thing or whatever he quite literally felt like he was nothing but a fan. I need to sit down. or draw art inspired by this cause good god. Hey fan you're basically made from technology the thing you really love! haahaa... at least that love comes from a real place right? I mean. In short. Fan is just... made out of what he loves.
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beneathsilverstars · 4 months
The Traveler And The Pit
(748 words, major ISAT spoilers)
"Once, a long time ago, a Traveler jumped into a pit.
He tried to jump back out, but the pit was too high. He tried to climb out, but the dirt walls crumbled under his fingers.
'Oh no,' they lamented. 'Woe is me! I'm stuck in a blinding pit for some reason!'
But obviously he couldn't expect anything to change if he just sat there lamenting, so he tried climbing again. Digging at the walls, embedding dirt and rock and root under his nails until they chipped and broke. Forming handholds slick with sweat and blood. But he could only dig for so long each day before he collapsed at the bottom of the pit, and each morning when he awoke, his hands were pristine and the walls smooth and straight.
The Traveler dug for a long, long time. They dug until they couldn't remember anything else but the pit. They dug until they forgot that the leaves far above their head were attached to branches and trunks and roots. They dug until their pristine morning nails felt alien. They dug and dug and dug and every handful of dirt that they moved they dumped straight into their soul.
They didn't notice when they started crying. It could have been days or months or weeks or years, but they didn't notice the tears running down their cheeks until the evening that they realized: the pit had turned into mud so thick and wet that they couldn't dig at all anymore. Dirt and tears had mixed and now each scoop slid between their fingers, now the walls flowed to fill each indent, now the floor of the pit sunk under their feet.
They were being pulled in. They would soon drown. And yet, they couldn't stop crying.
'Please!' they cried, 'Someone, anyone, help me!'
The Universe frowned. A Traveler stuck in a pit, huh? That wouldn't do. It would have to send someone to help.
Someone who was an expert on pits, maybe.
The Universe reached down and scooped out the Traveler's insides. The poor thing was full of mud, of course, mud and only mud from head to toe. The Universe scooped all of it up, took the mass of dirt and tears and shaped it into a simulacrum of a person, and stuck a star on top.
'There!' it said. 'A Helper.' And it gently set its creation down in the pit, next to their old body.
Since the Traveler's body wasn't full of mud anymore, it had space for other things again. Things like memories and ideas and plans. The Traveller woke up and he knew what tree trunks were and he wasn't surprised by the cleanliness of his hands. He looked around with fresh eyes, and quickly realized that he was stuck in a pit. He even remembered jumping in.
They tried to jump back out, but the pit was too high. They tried to climb out, but the dirt walls crumbled under their fingers. 'Oh no,' they lamented. 'Woe is me! I'm-'
'Don't bother,' said the Helper. 'Digging doesn't work.'
'Oh,' said the Traveler. 'Hm. I suppose... I'll have to try something else, then?'
The Traveler inspected the pit, and the Helper warned him of the spot where worms would fall out of the dirt onto their head. The Traveler squinted up at the sky above, and the Helper assured him that the weather would never change. The Traveler patted down his pockets, and-
The Helper hadn't remembered that they had pockets.
'Thank you!' said the Traveler, smile wide, eye brimming with unshed tears, rope in hand. 'I never could have gotten out of here without your help!' And he tied a loop in the rope and threw it, and hooked it over a high-up root, and used it to climb up and out of the pit.
The Helper figured, well, they might as well climb the rope too. So they did! They climbed until they stood on solid ground, and they looked around at the tree trunks and the grass and the road that stretched from one horizon to the other. They were out of the pit, and now they could leave it behind forever!
But it didn't matter. No matter how far they traveled, they would still be made out of mud."
The bird chirped, "piou, piou." It pecked at the ground one final time and then flew off.
"Yeah," said Loop, "I didn't think it was a very good story, either."
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fictional-magic · 6 months
by the glue,
coquette!singer!reader x actor!sirius black
summary: after a long parting, he's finally stuck to you after a year.
you stand on the stage, adrenaline rushing, but not too much because it's habitual to you now. you're still happy about how many people stand and singalong to your feelings poured out as songs. you decided to wear a long white skirt with mid-ruffles, and a bubblegum pink top which had the name of your latest album (the one you will be singing in a few minutes) with bold dark pink letters. you have satin pink ribbons braided in your hair, tied like small bows near the ends of your hair.
your mic goes on and you start talking first, the princess-y smile comes naturally with your playful conversations with the fans. the first track is a sweet one, with light flirting and about being attached to someone like glue in love. you sit on the edge of the stage for this one, dangling your legs and occasionally pointing your mic at the fans who probably know the lyrics better than you.
don't forget to kiss me, or else you'll have to miss me i guess i'm stuck forever by the glue, aren't you?'
words flow out like sweetness from you, pouring until you're painted in smiles and rainbows. as you sing, you remember him. the one you wrote this song about. you both were practically inseparable in uni, and the high school sweethearts too. it feels wrong to reminisce like you're 50 when it's really only been two years since college, but it feels like a really long time since then. it's not a good feeling to have to be mature and all grown up suddenly. and he helped you through that transition.
you remember and miss a very very handsome, beautiful, cute, and every-word-under-that-umbrella man. you haven't met him since a year, and it's neither of your fault. he's busy, and you're busy. you text almost 3 times a week, and call each other on the weekends, but seeing his face and being able to touch and feel him was a long-lost dream of yours.
if he were here, maybe your smile would be more realistic and happier, maybe your days would be brighter, and nights more sleep-providing. but he's not, so you toss and turn in your bed, and panic the next morning about what to wear.
he's almost never done with his shootings, and your recording sessions seem endless to the both of you. when he's doing interviews, you're at home. when you're doing concerts, he's at home. it's exhausting and almost impossible to find timings where the both of you are unoccupied.
no, silly, focus on singing!
you come back to the matearilistic worls and start genuinely thinking about the soft notes you hit while you're humming. your earpiece tickles your ear a bit just then, while you're walking on the stage like frolicking through a huge field with daisies and peonies around. your manager's voice pops in through the small device, "black's here. he's standing backstage!" and even your manager sounds excited to know you won't be so sad anymore. the song ends with a last hum, and with an apologetic voice, you murmur into the mic,
"i'm so sorry everyone, i have to leave for just a moment, i'll be back in a few minutes, i promise!" and you do manage to hear a few groans and chants of your name while you run backstage after keeping the mic on a random stand.
you shout, "sirius? are you here?" you're still quite unsure if you're manager's saying the truth. she has been known to play a few mean pranks every now and then. "sirius?" you say again, hope laced around your voice.
"hi!" he whispers as he warps his arms around you from behind in the dark, dimly lit backstage. you can still figure out from his clothes' feel, that he's wearing something leather.
"sirius!" your voice hold a giddyness, and you smile bright enough to light up the entire place for sirius. you hug him tightly as tears run down your face, happy or sad you aren't sure.
"missed you so much siri, you have no idea."
"hey, you should really go back onstage." he says, with a light kiss on your forehead.
"we'll catch up after a while yeah? fuck, wanted to see you so bad, doll." he kisses you on the lips now, and you wrap your hands around his neck instinctively as he reaches for your waist. it feels oh so wonderful to explore the lips and mouth of the man you've been thinking about for a whole year. and, just like that, you're stuck together lke glue again, rest of the world be damned.
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bunnyjesters · 11 months
I'm like a few steps from being in funnybunny hell and your art has just got me thinking about a hypothetical happy ending where Jax and Pomni reunite in the real world and end up getting to know each other there too
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(you in funnybunny hell)
no thats so fucking cute and opens up another avenue that’s a little bit less happy and angsty but a more character exploration-y.
i think that when pomni and jax start veering their relationship towards a more romantic nature, (she) is very hesitant to foster any sort of feelings for jax. No matter what they do together she’s still distant and closed off, kind of jumpy especially after any sort of close emotional encounter.
Pomni still has hope that she’s able to escape, and is likely under the assumption that when she gets out, she will lose her memories as she did going in and the chances of never seeing her acquaintances is relatively high. She stays at arms length because she doesn’t want to get attached to something she could lose—while the others have pretty much accepted that there is no escape and they’re stuck there forever.
Jax i think feels the opposite, wherein he’s happy to have found someone that actually tolerates his company. He finds her interesting (and cute) and i think he gets confused and frustrated when pomni retreats at his implications of potentially taking things further, because again, he’s sort of accepted that he’s stuck, and now at least, he has someone to empathize with behind closed doors.
I think this causes a huge point of contention and i think them actually getting out and being able to meet eachother would be a really sweet outcome. the idea of them finding eachother and reuniting, being able to process their shared trauma together is just (muah)
anyways long rant over, tldr; that’s a good and cute idea thank you anon
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ratcandy · 7 months
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Now that I have some base designs for everyone here's a rough height comparison!
Not included: Sozo is somewhere between Shamura and Kallamar while Arylide (my yellow cat) is about the same height as Leshy if maybe a bit shorter.
Some other design notes,
The Lamb is extremely tiny because I think its funny. Also because way back in 2019 I made and got super attached to a personal OC who was also cult leader who was itty bitty tiny so now I'm attached to that idea
Technically if you stretched Leshy out all the way he would probably be taller than all of them. Except Kallamar, because if you stretched out Kallamar and counted the length of his tentacles, he'd be obnoxiously tall
Shamura can also prop themself up to be taller if they so choose but they do Not choose that often
Clothing-wise things are a mess. I'm not very good at designing clothing, always been a weak point of mine, but there are some small things I'm trying to go for specifically:
Leshy wears the cult symbol because, though he expressly denies it, he got comfortable the fastest of all his siblings. It helps that Aryl is here but even aside from that...... He's the deity of Chaos, even if formerly. He can adapt to whatever he wants to
Narinder is wearing a complete stand-out thing from everyone else. Nothing Bishop-like and nothing Lamb Cult related. He put together that hooded cloak himself because he misses his old one
Shamura is figuratively stuck between two worlds at the moment (having little to no memories of Anything prior to cult life but still having this lingering feeling) so they've got both cult attire and bishop-look going on at the same time.
Kallamar said FUCK your GROSS cult attire I am wearing FANCY ROBES. The rest of you can go die
Heket is #1 lamb hater in the entire world and utterly refuses to wear anything with the cult's symbols. She's going for more of a bishop look because heresy be DAMNED she hates it here and wants everything back how it was
"why are Narinder's eyes still like that" because it looks cool
I am thinking of Maybe giving Leshy arms. He might deserve some arms. Yes it will clash with the rest of the Centipede look but again he's Chaos he can do whatever he wants forever
Leshy also has antennae I just make them super thin lmao
Nari has whiskers but I just never draw whiskers . Always forget. In the same vein that Shamura is covered in setae but I am not drawing a ton of individual setae so you'll just have to trust me on that
If Heket's legs are not drawn massive that's not Heket she MUST have giant frog legs or I will riot. She could leap over the chapel and I will not have it any other way.
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twost3ps · 3 months
I'm sorry for my bad English!
What about the idea in which Lucifer, after the final battle, stands over the dying Adam and says "I curse you", as a result of which Adam becomes really cursed. To be with Lucifer forever as a spirit. Adam can manifest in full form thanks to Lucifer's wedding ring, to which he is now attached, but also after the words "I love you."
Imagine how Michael finds out about this and tries to steal the ring
//I love your work, you are wonderful!!//
What I'm getting at here is Adam is cursed to Lucifer's side by being stuck in his ring like a genie, only able to be summoned by the words I love you with the ring
In any case I'm eating this up I need more elaboration on this. Beautiful idea hcsbhsrvshsbs
Damn idk how Adam is dealing with this, being in the ring. Is he like, conscious in the ring? Can he see??? Is it pitch black till he gets out??? Dudes suffering and I don't think Lucifur would be kind enough to let him out daily after everything. For a while, Adam is probably punished by Lucifur to be stuck in the ring, let out if lucifur wants something, then sucked back in if Adam crosses him. Ouch.... :'(
Maybe with time things get better and heals, they learn to cope and stuff but the ring curse is equivalent to a contract still, better in some parts and worse in others. It hovers over Adam's head beacuse he downt have true freedom at all. Maybe Lucifur decides he wants to free him or keep him because he's fallen in love and has become possessive grrrrr
Mike stealing that ring though... I think he'd cut off Lucifer's finger for it LMAOOOOO
Now, I'm in a mood so this can go either two routes. A happy, healthy Micheal or a possessive evil one hhh
Like, we get Micheal stealing the ring and letting Adam stay out till he finds a solution to free him, either through Lucifur or Uriel and Gabriel (uriel is knowledge so finding a way to get him out and Gabriel is purity so maybe a soul cleansing???)
Or we can get evil possessive Micheal who is just as bad as Lucifur and wants Adam all to himself lmao
I'm down for everything ehvshshshs
Not a writer or the brightest so my mind is very limited to the possibilities of this but I'm def intrigued o3o
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enden-k · 27 days
I've been following you since before you started Genshin, back when you were doing Fate/Grand Order art. I've stuck with your art as you've jumped from fandom to fandom, and I love your style so much... BOTH old and new style. But I think the fact that you are just so nonchalant about deleting anything old you ever make to the point of encouraging others to like your own content JUST so you can delete it is just too much for me. I've seen you encourage that at least twice now. That is actually discouraging for people when it comes to engaging with content. Someone liking a piece and engaging with it increases it's chances of deletion? I can't understand.
Yes, sure, it's your work. You do it for free. At the end of the day it's your choice what happens to it. But it pains me to see you delete anything old, even works of yours I enjoy. I'm considering unfollowing, as much as I want to see you continue on your art journey even when it jumps to fandoms unfamiliar, because I can't get attached to your work when I have no idea when it's going to disappear from the internet forever at any point.
??? im not encouraging people to like my old stuff so i can delete it, and people liking my stuff doesnt increase its chance of deletion. i tend to joke to hide the fact that it actually DOES make me a bit nervous but there is STILL plenty of my old things on tumblr, twitter and pixiv. most of the stuff i deleted were old ass replies to make navigation easier. and most of the art pieces i deleted are ones i either made while in very bad mental space or because i connect unpleasant memories of certain people with it (im not vagueing anyone here, we go separate ways)
i also sometimes just forget about things i meant to delete later or find pieces that make me feel uncomfortable/embarrassed and i have every right to delete those. im still insecure about my art and i get uncomfortable when people compliment me too much bc it still feels undeserving. it always was like this. sometimes its so bad i just want to delete my entire blog and never pick up a pen again. its not often anymore that i react like this but sometimes i get this violent reaction when i see "faulty" old art of mine i feel very embarrassed about. perfection is bs ofc etcetc but when it comes to my own things i get embarrassed when people see my faults or rlly bad art and i dont want anyone to make fun of me again, to laugh at me for making a mistake or being bad at something ever fucking again.
you want to see my old art? here you go. its still here. its all here.
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if you want to unfollow me, please, go ahead. people can do whatever they want and im not forcing anyone here to stay. do whatever feels right and comfortable to you, thats the most important thing.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 4 months
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WIP Whenever on a Wednesday
I am terrible at keeping up with tags in general but I am aghast to see my oldest WIP Whenever tag was from nearly 8 weeks ago. I completed a couple of things since my last one, namely the sock garters and the boots, and added quite a few more projects to the list than I scratched off. 😩
Tagged by (and tagging back) @fly-amanitaa @streetkid-named-desire @ouroboros-hideout @aggravateddurian @luvwich
@ghostoffuturespast. Also tagging with the usual zero pressure @olath124 @dustymagpie @medtech-mara @corpo-cunt-couture
@merge-conflict @blackrevell @fereldanwench and YOU reading this! Share and tag me!
Shocking that it's still my main focus 🙄 but the first one is in support of a couple of VP project:
Presidential Props which include a variety of flags and the NUSA medal with box. The flags are part of the VP set below, though I didn't actually show them here.
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Featuring: five different flag varieties with five appearances each; medal box in multiple states, plus the medal itself; and the presidential coin, scalable and with multiple appearances.
SlutWear, a new line of clothing that will tell NC just how slutty your V is. It will be gender and (smaller) size inclusive. 😊
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Does Val really heart NC?
An update of my tee framework for dynamic AXL just in time for Pride, though there are no interesting pics to share. Sorry!
However, in support of the previous two items, a modder's tool: a CodePen to generate instances for the yaml. Both the SlutWear shirt(s) and the custom logo tees will require a lot of instances to get all of the color and logo combinations that are possible through dynamic AXL. There's still a little work to do, but it's already been of great use to me, as it wrote 220 lines of code for me. Let's not discuss how many lines of code I wrote to save those 220. 😂
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Me using the tool to generate instances for the custom tees yaml. This will remove the limit on colors available to the user, so they can have any color with any of the logos!
VP (and Writing)
A glimpse at a set I took last week for inspo in the presidential PWP that's been stalled out at 5.7k words. More on it in a minute...
Even though the pics are cropped, they're still on the risque side, so I'm sticking them and the rest about the PWP behind the cut.
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Not shown: Johnny both rolling his eyes at V and enjoying the show
I've been working on a PWP that was unrelated to the President's Merc AU for months now, but have been stuck because, well, I don't know how to wrap it up. I posted about it a little ways back and someone helpfully suggested that I just have to keep going until one of them passes out. Which, is what does happen, but I don't have that kind of patience to write it out and nearly 6k words is already well longer than my usual PWP, so I went in game to set the scene and possible prompt some ideas for a potenial ... climax to the scene.
It worked! I have a plan, and I think it won't take more than 500 words to reach the end, plus a few more touch-ups to help set up everything, then a rewrite or two for cleaning and polishing.
In the meantime, as I've been working through this version of Val and how she responds to Rosalind, it's the perfect prologue to The Tower story that I've been writing longhand. Val is going to leave this encounter fully loyal to Rosalind and will turn So Mi over with only a moment's hesitation. She doesn't have any attachments in this universe other than Misty and Vik, and after she wakes up to what Night City has become, it's easy for her to walk away from it forever. Especially when it puts her closer to Rosalind.
What about you? What are you working on? 👀
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matchibee · 1 year
Say My Name
short but I intend on adding more. this is more of an intro, if anything. an idea that's been stuck in my head and refusing to leave.
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"Hey! Wait up!"
Gojo's voice pierced your eardrums, invading every sense of reason permeating through your mind. It was meant to be a simple day, spending time training with your students, teaching them feats you'd wished you'd learned in your youth -- Gojo unfortunately one of your previous classmates, the pair of you attached to the hip following such trying times.
Well, he was attached to your hip. You simply carried forward, doing your best to break free of his infatuation, to push unprofessional thoughts aside in the pursuit of your career.
"Gojo." You spoke his surname with a huff of breath, closing your book shut, looking up at him with an impassive expression. "I didn't realize you'd be back so soon."
In truth you felt relief was over you, the impossible thoughts that plagued your mind in the dead of the night leaving you awake with anxiety. He had a tendency to forego contact when on a mission, entirely MIA despite any effort of reaching out. Eventually, you'd had to come to terms with the fact he wouldn't return your texts and calls until he'd concluded his task.
It only made your anxiety worse.
He embraced you around your shoulders, squeezing tightly. "You know it's impossible for me to stay away from you for long. How can I leave my darling friend to lie awake in our bed? I can only imagine the torment you must feel when I'm away!"
You roll your eyes at his words, pressing the hardcover of your book against his chest, creating a distance between the two of you. "Our rooms are separate."
"I can change that."
You pushed him away with an immense amount of force, his body fumbling beneath your touch.
He always allowed his infinity to falter around you, craving your touch. To feel you in your entirety, nothing to disrupt your warmth. It didn't matter how fleeting the touch; how long it remained was not a matter for him.
What mattered was that it was you.
"Gojo, I really can't talk right now." You huffed, looking down at your watch, cringing at the time. As it was you were already on track to be late, and with your friend's most recent interruption, it wouldn't be long until that was set in stone. "I promised the First-Years I'd train them, you know how Itadori gets when--"
"Why do you call me that?"
Gojo's lips were a pouty mess, shimmering with that gloss you knew for a fact he'd slather on his lips when nobody was looking.
"Call you what?"
"Gojo. Why do you call me Gojo?"
"That's your name."
By now he'd given you infinite permissions to forego his surname, to call him by that which was given. Satoru. Forever and always your Satoru, a fact he knew in his heart, even if memories previous to you would flood his mind in the dead of the night.
"Not to you." Gojo tutted, snatching your book from between your fingers, holding it high above his head. "You know what you have to say if you want this back."
You crossed your arms over your chest. "I don't have time for this."
"That's not what you said last night." He lifted his bandana, iceberg eye closing into a wink.
"Last night you weren't even here!"
There were moments where you couldn't help if Gojo's words made your heart skip a beat, if you imagined him with his arms wrapped around you in the late hours of the night, praying the mornings wouldn't strip him away from you for yet another mission. In such little time you'd lost so much, forced to grieve friends you believed would persist alongside you to this day.
Geto was supposed to be a teacher alongside you, but he'd lost his way, and in the process you lost everything you'd ever loved -- a friendship forged in admiration, undying love flowing from each and every one of you. Shoko had become distant, and you couldn't blame her, though you did your best to remind her through thick and thin you'd still remain.
Gojo was more complicated, more vocal in his efforts. For all he was worth you could only see what he lacked. What he lacked was the spark he had in Geto's presence, that affinity for life lost alongside his best friend.
It wasn't fair.
You couldn't lose him too, couldn't stand to watch another person you love lost to their mind, lost to death. You'd buried too many friends for one lifetime, that which remained would stay as it was in an effort to conserve its integrity.
"Y'know," Gojo's voice dipped into a whisper, book slowly faltering from its position above his head. "Everything I've ever said, all the things I've done..."
You snapped your fingers, clicking your tongue. "Gojo, stop."
"There can't be anything between us, not the way you want it to be."
"You always say this," You could tell Gojo was approaching a breaking point. Soon the force you pushed up against him, that impossible wall you built, would have to crumble or risk crumbling him. "But you've never given me a proper explanation as to why."
"You know why." In the midst of his vulnerability you'd taken the opportunity to snatch your book from between his fingers, holding it close to you as you tried to push the sensation of fingers brushing out of your mind.
You pushed away how badly you yearned for more.
"I know you're scared," Gojo's voice cracked as though his mind and body had fought for the right to speak, lost in his delusion. "You've made that much clear. But you don't have to be, not with me! I'm the strongest, you have nothing to fear."
You shook your head, brushing stray hairs from in front of your face, entirely exhausted from just a moment's interaction. "It's inappropriate for us to even dance the line of the idea that we could..." Your voice trailed off, Gojo quick to finish your sentence, to appear in front of you in his majesty, palms clasped around your wrists.
"That we could be together?"
You pulled away, shaking your head, the thoughts that ran rampant within them. Your heart was beating a million miles a second, threatening to burst within your chest, and your stomach burned with butterflies fluttering to their own beat.
"You're just a friend, Gojo. You've always been a friend, the best friend."
"That's not enough for me."
"There's nothing I can do to change that."
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possiblylando · 5 months
Some of my HTP theories
(Mostly about future plotpoints) 1. Big D looking so young is a plot point and not just a reference to TTS. You probably get what I'm going to say so let's just do some math. We know Markus is at least 30. We'll lowball and say he's 32 since birthday remarks make it sound like it wasn't recent. We know Door is older than Markus. Boy is 11 (as of current) and if we Lowball door's age again (35, 3 year age gap which I doubt is correct) he could've had boy when he was around 24. Then if we assume D had Door in this early 20s, We'll say 20 exactly as another lowball. That would place D at bare minimum 55 years old. My actual estimate is somewhere between 60-70. Yet he has no notable greying hair (ignoring lighting highlights) and is built like a brick shithouse who's able to manhandle brock of all people. As such it makes logical sense to assume there's some fuckery going on with how D ages (or doesn't). I doubt D is a vampire- or was a vampire I saw that theory awhile ago on reddit. What I think is more likely is that he gained immortality through mage fuckery. There's a character in Dorohedoro who's an old man but he got hit by age reduction magic so he's stuck being physically like 14. I think D has something similar going on. 2. Door is going to leave the family. I was thinking of saying "Door will betray the family" but that doesn't really fit. D's biggest flaw is that he's too secretive. There's currently no evidence that he's even told the rest of the family about Kevin being alive. Markus has some inkling of it because of the cop but I doubt he's put anything together. We all of course know Kevin is genuinely on D's side now, but Kevin can't be kept a secret forever. Eventually his existence is going to come out and when it does, I can not foresee a future where Door is happy about it. Door was willing to forgive D's secrets because they were to protect the family. But if he finds out D has been keeping a vampire alive and as an ALLY no less I can see that trust crumble down. Door has of course made his opinions on vampires VERY clear. As such if he finds out about Kevin not from D but from another incident he's going to have to make a choice. -Either stick to his morals and leave the family to hunt vampires on his own (maybe taking boy with him). -Or accept that his entire worldview on vampires is flawed and some of them can be saved. 3. Grimal is the ghoul, But she won't die. This kind of ties into the previous one as well. I went over a good chunk of the evidence surrounding Grimal being the ghoul in another post. I'll quickly summarize it here; -Grimal is known to crawl through the vents -She was in the security room when Occam was attack and the only way to get into the vault is through the door or air vents. -If she has vampire magic it could explain why brock's knives all broke when he tried to use them. -She has attachments to the people at the arcanum so wouldn't want to kill them. Which is why Occam didn't die. There's of course more evidence but this is all just summary. Now my actual theory is that Grimal is going to be found out and either D, Markus, or Kitten will go up to bat for her and this is when D will reveal he has a way to deal with ghouls. We know from Kevin that being a ghoul is similar to the blood pact where you're basically completely fucked and under control of your superior. Which is why I could see them trying to help her. Now think back to Guy Chapman, he hasn't actually served much purpose in the story being a ghoul. His existence is world building. It shows that ghouls can be anyone and anywhere. He also shows that ghouls can switch masters like he switched to Kevin. The idea is that Guy is set up so that when Grimal eventually undergoes the same thing it won't be an asspull/reveal it'll be an extension of pre-established mechanics. Door will of course NOT be happy about this.
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hell-drabbles · 7 months
I hope you're not bothered by this but what is Raon's relationship with the devils in Hell like in your embittered companion au? Is it the same as canon or is there some difference there? Will they make Raon worse or better or both? Because I would love the ideas of the devils despite being incredibly flawed, still have many good traits that Raon could learn from, you did say Raon would have character development at some point. The complexity in how Raon, an incel with victim entitlement and extremely bad social skills along with a good dose of attachment issues, learns to become better, not becoming perfect, but learning to stand on their own can be a very great storyline that I wish the canon delves into more.
Oh no need to worry, I'm not bothered at all. Oh, mind you, I'm typing this from my phone, so excuse the spelling and grammar errors.
Let's see, the devils are still pretty much their indulgent selves, that's for certain, and as such, they hold the same infatuation as they do in the original canon, though the difference here is that I'm treating it as that, infatuation. The devils, in the end, don't really know Ra-on, and Ra-on, with all his horrible social skills, kinda wants to keep it that way, preferring to sink into the delusion that there's just something special about him beyond his connections to Solomon. And, therefore he doesn't need to try and reach out to make it work. Because trying is scary and especially hurts when you're rejected in some big or small way.
And, well, as with all infatuation, it's going to fade. Mind you, they don't stop fucking Ra-on, they like fucking and rarely will any devil turn down a round, but ultimately they're not going to call Ra-on their lover. It'll eventually go down to just being friends. It's not really something the devils verbally say out loud, that their crush on Ra-on faded away, mostly because it really changes nothing about how they treat him and how Ra-on treats them. Since Ra-on didn't say anything about wanting anything deeper, surely this means he's not interested in anything beyond the general friends with benefits?
Because the devils aren't mind readers, and Ra-on would much rather keep everything inside himself until he dies or explodes. Never wants to act first lest he does something wrong and then it'll be all his fault. Real rejection sensitive, that guy. A mess!
So, in short, the relationship between the devils and Ra-on is unbalanced. Being fucked and treated as desirable eventually gets to his head. All the validation becomes the basis of his confidence, with the obstacle being the Embittered Companion because they see that confidence as the fragile thing it is.
Things are going to be worse before they will get better. Ra-on's been stuck in a hole for so long that he fears anything outside of it. The devils, temporarily, put themselves in that same hole Ra-on is in, but then eventually back away and go back to their normal lives, eyes clear of the infatuation they once had as they move on from Solomon. And that's going to do things to Ra-on. He's not going to handle this well, because now that he's tasted this little dose of heaven, he doesn't want to go back to living that lonely existence.
He doesn't put any effort into getting to know the devils, and now he's shocked that they're not romantically interested in him anymore. Like, buddy, sexual investment isn't the same as emotional investment. You just let the devils talk without putting anything into the conversation yourself. Of course they weren't going to crush on you forever!
And then, it's back into the hole he goes. Sinking ever deeper as he's forced to confront the fact that there's nothing truly unique about him. That just existing isn't enough to give him the special status. That, as long as he continues the way he is, all will leave him eventually, because he doesn't want to try. That, for years, he hasn't been trying to change anything.
He wasn't surviving like he convinced himself he was, he was just staying in place, doing nothing, hoping for a miracle to come and take care of his every problem, to reward him for being miserable.
Eventually, Ra-on gets a question stuck in his head while he's watching the devils around him: "Do devils hope for miracles?"
He observed the kings. Surely they'd be considered miraculous existences with the sheer amount of power they have. But no, their power is no mere miracle, it's the result of their own conviction fueled by a need to relieve others and themselves from suffering. He observes the devils serving directly under, surely it must be a miracle to be chosen and be where they are today. No. Perhaps they got their position because of circumstances, but they wouldn't have this position in their hold if not for their loyalty, loyalty that goes beyond just respecting a King's power.
No, devils do not hope for miracles. They never have. Never needed to. And who was Ra-on to pretend that they're his miracles to hold and possess? Like they're a collection for only him to have? To use like pets to feed his ego?
... The Companion has been seeing him for who he truly is, huh? Not once have they looked away from the sniveling thing he's become. Why didn't they? Why not let him rot? Because they care. They always have.
He's an idiot. It took him this long to see it. Had to take being dragged into Hell for him to see it.
Soooo, yeah. Internal change! It's gotta start from within before it transfers out, you know?
Fun stuff, fun stuff.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
So I'm about to ask something that might be personal ? And it deals with some personal baggage that you as someone on the internet might not be interested in hearing about ^^' so you might not want to talk about it as is your right obv !! So uh feel free to tell me to fuck off, but, how did you know you weren't cis?
Ya see, I've been questioning my gender for a while now, and I can't really come up with an answer. I'm a lesbian, that's a pretty big part of my identity, I'm not overly feminine but not masc either, when people refer to me as female I feel super uncomfortable, but I ain't too bothered by some of my body parts, ive daydreamed about switching to they/them pronouns online or masculine pronouns in my native language.... But all of that wouldn't fit with what people might expect of me ? And I'm scared if I actually went through those changes people might think I'm performing a form of queerness I shouldn't be privy to. And the worst part about this is, most of my friends are queer, non binary, trans... Wouldn't they think I'm trying to copy them ? Even though ive had those thoughts long before we met ?
Kinda feel like I'm stuck, and I don't know how to be myself, because myself might not align with how i act or how i seem to be on the outside. idk if you feel the same, but it's especially shitty living in a country with a heavily gendered language you can't escape adjectives forever lmaooo
listen to me. i am holding your face in my hands. nothing and i mean nothing you decide in regards to your gender and/or sexuality will ever be anyone's business but your own. the idea that you can "appropriate" someone else's experience with queerness is a gross bastardization of the discussion on CULTURAL appropriation, which is a false analogy and can devolve into gender essentialism fast.
you have no idea how many trans people (gay people too, but especially trans people) locked themselves in the closet because of that same feeling. of "not beeing privy to those experiences", especially for trans women. i promise, as long as you stop at establishing what a certain label means TO YOU and don't try to decide what it means for other people, then you will never hurt anyone. anyone who says otherwise is a cop.
there are trans men out there who lived as cis lesbians for a very long time, and because that was such a big part of their life, they still think of themselves as such, at least in part. for some it's out of kinship. for some it's out of genuine attachment to the word. same thing with gay men who grew on to become trans women. and trans people in general who still carry their younger selves right by their heart. genderqueers who ended up being cis after all, but who still feel like that period of exploration was crucial in shaping their identity. butch and femme alone, while particularly dear as lesbian identities, encompass all genders and sexualities. wanna know something funny? i throw terms around a lot in english, but if you asked me in italian what my gender identity is, i would say "bisexual". because almost every person in my life who's ever called me bisexual actually meant "nonbinary", or "whatever weird thing those transgendereds got going on lately" (some of them probably meant intersex as well, which just for the record i am not. as far as i know, at least). is it an outdated definition? sure. but unlike the literal italian word for nonbinary, bisexual is actually a neutral noun lol. and after all, my experience with gender does inform my sexuality, just as my sexuality informs my experience with gender. it's not wrong, technically. but if someone somehow assumes I'm a lesbian (which happens a lot lol) i don't usually correct them i just... go with it too, y'know?
anyway, what it sounds like to me is that you're obviously going through a period of questioning your gender and or presentation, which you took notice of, but you also feel some kind of peer pressure or societal expectation from other queer people that is denying you a safe, healthy form of self expression in this new period of your life that you obviously wish for yourself. please, try not to pay it too much mind. try out whatever label or description calls to you. change it without notice if you find something better. and if anyone gives you trouble for it, eat them. good luck buddy.
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candiid-caniine · 8 months
the saga of trigger anon <3
hope it's okay that i'm posting these all at once & responding to them in bulk--they're just all so fucking good and having them all in one place seemed right<3
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dear lord, trigger anon (that's what i'm calling you), these are some fucking amazing ideas.
imagining having my brain scrambled to this degree is incredible. i'd like to expand on your ideas with a potential fix for people with physical disabilities, like myself, for whom counting steps is either not possible or would take a long time; in all honesty, i'm not up on my feet very often if i can help it, and use a wheelchair part-time! i fucking love your ideas, but this was the best way i could think of to add to them, so here goes:
say you have a wheelchair user as your sub/trancee. surely there's a way to either rig a smartwatch or an arduino setup of some sort to count revolutions of the wheels instead of steps. or perhaps distance traveled?
for someone who's bedbound...they sell these stupid-fancy water bottles that have counters on the side i think. using that as your metric, instead of basing it on physical movement, might be a good stand-in as well (no pun intended >.>)
someone with a CGM or heart rate monitor could also be conditioned with triggers aligning w/ their medical equipment, only inasmuch as it's safe to do so, obviously; don't really know how i feel about that idea--but i have neither of those pieces of medical equipment so i'm not as familiar.
how about someone who stims? (obv not a physical disability, i'm now going wild with ideas in other ways lol) give them a clicky thing to stim with, maybe a people counter or whatever...they could try to keep from stimming, but eventually they'll want to...
or if they're like me and have flappy hands, attach a step counter to their wrist so that it counts "steps" when they stim >:) most of my stims aren't object-assisted, so that's how it would have to be for me ahah.
i have Thoughts on what you sent re: the "idle game" trancee situation i posted. here are some more ideas based on that:
love the idea of follower participation--that you all could send in words that make me do things <3 i saw a post once about hypnotizing someone to be a little pornbot, like, every tumblr notification they got made them hornier and happier and dumber, so they'd crave to post a lot of things that got them engagement, and it's lived in my brain ever since lol.
the best way it could work, i think, is to first condition me to avoid clicking a link that says certain words, and then to put my triggers under that link so that my followers know them, but i don't :) a person DMs me the word "trumpet" or some shit and i don't understand why im instantly moaning out loud...
that's another way of tracking "points" that doesn't rely on steps: different note numbers on my own posts = different effects on my body. for extra fuckery, make it different not numbers on any Tumblr post, and condition me to scroll tumblr anytime i get bored (wouldn't take much lol)
gosh, fuck yes to "cheat codes." the right words, actions, or sights in combination = secret level unlock ahahaha. see someone clap their hands together, on the train while seated, *and* be above 600 steps/stims/whatever? for the next week, suddenly there's an erogenous zone on my middle finger that feels exactly like my clit when it rubs against anything.
eaten an egg that day, have edged at least 12 times, *and* got a follower to cum? for an hour, i drool uncontrollably...fuck i could go on forever.
last one, since i said "egg." seen a stray cat that day, have ruined once, *and* have a song stuck in my head? i'm suddenly convinced that i'm full of an alien's eggs, and incredibly embarrassed about it.
stacking triggers this way is super fun. i think sometimes it's hard for my owner to visualize how conditioning/hypno works for my brain--still figuring it out myself--but visualization (for me) is the best mode of conditioning. imagining myself like an idle game, where the character (me) is encountering different combinations of gameplay (idle triggers), helps me be more receptive to conditioning.
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charlestrask · 10 months
alex g mclennon playlist now….
and the annotations which arent like. super informative but some vaguely chronological guidance and my thoughts on povs and such.
string: early john pov after meeting paul. particularly wrt johns feelings about jim and paul being too behaved and obedient towards him.
salt: also early john pov. im imagining in that tumultuous time post julias death as pauls managing to coax him back to the band.
cross the sea: either john or paul pov. vague early years and the exhilarating obsession with each other. "you see how i make you smile / you put your foot down and i run wild" especially them to me.
brite boy: early paul pov. similar to salt imagining the general feelings of paul in situations like trying to get back to john after julias death, but not necessarily that situation specifically. johns various down periods.
in my arms: more vague pre-beatles period john and paul. i dont have a lot specific to say on this one but the vibes.
harvey: we've entered fame period. ive gone back and forth on john or paul pov for this. i began thinking it was paul pov, john as harvey paul a bit more concerned about all the business of actually running the band. but now i think i prefer it as a john pov first of all "run my hands through his short black hair" but also the harvey verse im seeing johns idea that paul was somehow getting ahead of him, being better than him without even trying.
in love: touring fame years. no specific events just that period of time of truly being attached and solidly together.
near: THE JOHN AND PAUL OBSESSION SONG OF ALL TIME. all i want is to be near you you you you you you. for chronological playlist purposes this is touring years, imagining 65-66 but easily applicable to many many periods.
animals: ive kind of come to hate this song but thats another matter. "i get sick when i get stoned / everything we do, we do it alone". no specific pov here it can go both ways. either of them could be rosie. but im imagining this as late 65 as they're (especially john) entering heavier drug use
runner: PAUL POV ON JOHN. "i laugh when you say the wrong thing / mouthing off to everybody else but me / they hit you with the rolled up magazine / my runner, my runner, my man" NEED I SAY MORE.
so: we are entering post-touring years. john deep in the lsd kenwood depression.
break: paul dropping acid with john for the first time. "i think i'm feeling it now / just like you did" "taking hits for you / cause i wanna feel like im supposed to / i could disappear / if this is what makes me feel so real" "and i'm sick for you, baby / and it's never gonna go away" HEAD IN HANDS.
soaker: mostly john pov but one can imagine it both ways. imagining this 66-67 period where they were close but john was feeling that jealousy-depression around paul gallavanting around london while he's stuck in the suburbs. both so desperate to just be with each other all the time and yet! and yet. johns frustration over what he sees as paul not needing him as much.
proud: feel like i dont need to say much about this one. mostly john pov i think but that battling jealousy and utmost respect and love for paul.
black hair: black hair its swimming in my head black hair its bigger than death black hair dont leave me in the dirt black hair i'll show you what im worth ❤️❤️
people: yet another john in total acid stupor everyday alone in his big stupid house.
miracles: hard how to explain this one. still in 66-67. john pov. if you get it you get it.
walk away: YEP. late 67ish. you'll see. "someday i'm gonna walk away from you / not today, not today, not today / someday i'm gonna walk away from you (i don't want, i don't want, i don't want to)"
forever: paul pov on john post-brians death. "pull it together / we could love you / forever and ever" and then his taking over managerial duties after brians death because he feels like he has to, he needs to keep the band together or who knows what will happen now and the only way he knows how to do that is keep everybody working. "made up a game / no pain, no gain / until you break / make no mistake / i will pull it together / you can love me / forever and ever."
snot: we are entering india. john pov. beginning of him turning on paul. "i'm all in / and he's all out" this feeling of sinking lower and lower as paul seems to be continuing on like normal.
sugarhouse: still in india. paul pov. not sure how to explain this one it just makes sense to me.
brick: last india/the whole 68 business one. john pov of course. his uhh lets say very subjective idea of paul at the time. and whatever the hell happened there. but turning on paul and for some reason seeing him now as this manipulator.
change: interchangeably paul and john during get back sessions. "you're in my dream last week / i'd like to hear what you think"
sugar: john pov. imagining this as his pov on paul in that odd interstitial period between get back sessions and the official breakup. "you will be a bird / all of my life" combined with the sound of the song itself is very.. very something.
bobby: ok this one is very specific. john pov bobby is paul but the "you" in the song is yoko. "i'd leave him for you / if you want me to" "i'd burn them for you / if you want me to" etc. this and mis are ones i feel very strongly about.
boy: a kind of vague john pov in 69-70. is the other person yoko or paul? you decide. interesting things to think about both ways.
hollow: both john pov 69-70 AND paul pov 69-70 bur different implications for both readings. heroin is there. johns general uhhhh..... lost-ness. paul decaying stagnant on the farm. "swallow this- / you made a big / mistake / go away" "i know him / i know how much / he wants / to stay"
powerful man: PAUL ON THAT FARM. attempting to be butch to heal 💔 "maybe he was out of line / but he was still a pretty close friend of mine / maybe he had hurt me bad / but a brother is a brother and that is that" "had a dream about a promised land / walkin' round with a big gun in my hand / and when i look you in the eye / you're gonna tell me that you love me and hold me tight"
station: still paul pov 69-70 on the farm. imagine truly the peak of that depressive period. i cant even pick any specific lyrics its all so much.
mission: paul vaguely 70s wings period. his just-keep-working ethic. "hey, look in the mirror / ain't gonna right your wrong / with a stupid love song" :) i like being on the nose
sorry: both john & paul pov in their more reconciling yet bittersweet parts of 72-80. "i look at you / and feel the same / could you forgive me / for that pain?" "i look at you / and feel the same / could you forgive me / for that?"
judge: PAUL POV. his whole feelings around johns behavior toward him in the 70s. all those very very very painful quotes of him questioning why john felt like that what did he do to hurt john. the whole hunter davies phone call "maybe i just hurt people by default".
forgive: johns late 70s love for paul but also paul post-johns death. "forgive yesterday / i choose today". AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS.
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 5 months
Sir Pentious' Flatscreen
Chapter 1.
Warning: This has potential for some psychological horror aspects, it might not be a good story but this whole goal is for something fucked up so be on your toes.
Sir Pentious had conveyed why he was really at the hotel, but he had gotten attached to the crew, he then convince them to let him stage some photos and coax Vox to come alone to get a look of Alastor for himself.
The plan worked like a charm, Vox was too wrapped up in his disturbed excitement to see a corpse that he didn't see Pentious wrapping a bar towel round his fist. That punch was enough to shatter the screen, blinding Vox completely, before getting slammed down and having cheap rubber gloves over his hands to keep from getting electrocuted while cuffing his hands behind him.
Quickly taking the nearest item to smash Voxs legs until they were broken. The screaming and insults from Vox disturbed the crew who were hiding just in case. Eventually there was quiet and Charlie came out a bit nervously,
"Pentious?.. you okay?"
It took 8 minutes to find Pentious who was fetching a broom and had a sort of, blank expression.
"Pentious there you are! What happened??"
Charlie was relieved some but still on edge, the answer from Pentious only serving to send a shiver, not for the words but how he said it,
"Oh. I handled him. You wont have to see him Ever again. Hehe."
He just had the smile of someone who did something particularly bad, or had plans for it. He continued,
"Sorry for the mess, I'll clean it up now."
He went onto do so, and Charlie decided to ask Alastor to check on him in an hour.
And hour passes...
Alastor went knocking on Pentious' bedroom door before just opening it anyway, catching Pentious in the middle of mutilating Voxs body. All though Vox was machine mostly there was still some guts and muscle, the beating heart pulsed fast with fear.
Pentious was in the middle of taking out certain components that gave Vox his powers and cauterizing the wires to avoid fires. Pentious looked at Alastor for a minute and they simply nodded, before the door was shut and locked by Pentious.
Vox felt abject horror as it dawned on him he hadn't told anyone where he went, for all anyone knew he could have just locked himself away for work or anything really.
Would anyone even look for him.
Would they just..
Replace him.
Right now his main worry is his head being detached and mounted to a wall and having his body measured.
Eventually he was sewn shut, the pain was horrible and all he could do was curse and yell,
"When I get free I'm going to kill you, you fucking Loser peice of Shit!! You cant keep me here forever!"
He kept ranting even as his screen was replaced. Vox could see again and honestly he wished he'd stayed blind.
The gore and pile of parts on the ground were no different to him than seeing your kidney and liver on the floor. What made it worse was when Pentious started throwing the parts into random appliances, like a coffee maker and a toaster.
It was like the electronic version of taking skin and putting it on a lamp as a shade. If anything made him squirm it was that image that he'd be stuck with, and the idea of it being used.
As if knowing this Pentious took the two appliances and brought them to the hotel kitchen to hook them up and testing them.
The two appliances worked better than ever before.
Pentious took one cup of coffee, and returned to his room.
End of Chapter 1
Was it good?
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