#now i'm thinking about them slow-dancing to it in the kitchen
radioactive-cloud · 7 months
idk why i decided to become sappy on a random monday evening but i remembered about the existence of can't help falling in love and thought about it in the context of jan and nace and now i'm smiling like a loon
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jdeclerc · 7 months
happy birthday, shadowsinger
pairing: azriel x reader
summary: it's the night before azriel's birthday and he can't help but want you all to himself, politeness and decorum be damned
author's note: i'm a self-proclaimed cassian girlie but az does something to me, i wanted my first fic featuring him to be a happy one...enjoy :)
warnings: smut
word count: 5,728
“Even you can’t slip out unnoticed during your own party, Azriel.”
Azriel can hear the smile in your voice from where he stands facing the kitchen window overlooking the ocean. He wordlessly sends his shadows away, commanding them to ensure the two of you are left alone.
“Who’s to say my plan was to go unnoticed?”
He turns, drinking in your form from where you stand in the kitchen’s doorway.
He had almost been brought to his knees when you exited your shared dressing room hours earlier. Azriel had gone with you too many times not to recognize the pieces you wear as being custom-made by your favourite designer in the rainbow.
The top is made of the most beautiful lace Azriel has every seen, a band of black underneath is the only solid piece. The neckline raises high enough to circle your throat, he had found himself picturing his hand replacing that particular part more times that he cares to admit.
The high-waisted black pants flow down your form like water over rock, two slits running up both sides until they stop near the tops of your thighs. Throughout the night his hands had used every opportunity to slip themselves beneath the fabric, your skin against his own being a feeling he will chase for eternity.
But it is the vision of you now that has him thinking himself the luckiest male in all of Prythian.
You had removed your shoes at some point throughout the night, the intricate style of your hair had been replaced by a beautifully messy knot at the top of your head, and your jewellery had been abandoned in various places, the only piece remaining being the band he had placed on your finger two centuries ago.
You embody everything he deems to mean home, to mean comfort and safety.
“What if my plan was this? To have you all to myself?”
The kitchen is empty save for the two of you, the only noise being the music filtering in from the sitting room.
“You have me Azriel…any way you wish, any time you desire, I am yours.”
He can’t help his smile as he extends his right hand out toward you, a silent invitation for you to approach.
“Dance with me?”
Your eyes don’t stray from his as you close the distance, your left hand meeting his right. He takes your right hand and places both around his neck. His arms come to circle your waist, drawing you in as close as he is able. His wings follow suit, framing the two of you where you stand.
Azriel begins slow movements as he rests his head atop where yours is tucked under his jaw, brushing his lips across your forehead. A song he recognizes as one from your mating ceremony begins playing in the other room. After a moment he begins singing for only you to hear.
Azriel has let only those in his immediate family hear him sing, them being the only fae in existence aware that the ‘singer’ portion of his title rings true. He has only sung for them a handful of times, usually only doing so when faerie wine has gotten the best of him.
It was the expression on your face after the first time you heard him sing that erased any fear he held about your reaction. From that moment he never once denied your requests to hear him sing. You know him too well to ask in front of the other members of the Inner Circle, asking him only in the sacred space of your shared home. He will never get used to the waves of love and adoration you send down the bond when he sings for you.
As the song ends, Azriel begins quietly humming along with the one that follows, pulling both of you further into a moment meant only for the two of you. Neither of you dare to break the cocoon of quiet that surrounds you, moments such as these happening not nearly often enough.
Azriel isn’t sure how much time passes before you break the silence.
“I’m sorry if the party is too much, Cas and Rhys insisted on a night of revelry and debauchery…a gathering, at our house, with just our family, was the best I could get them down to.”
Your voice comes out hushed, like speaking at a regular volume would break the spell of the moment.
“I’m not even sure I want to know what it took to change their minds.” Amusement laces Azriel’s response. “And for it to be on the night before my birthday rather than the day of? You must be a sorceress.”
“It wasn’t quite that dramatic…I simply began telling them how I plan for the two of us to not leave our bed on your birthday, and of all the things we would be getting up to. That seemed to lessen their resolve.”
You can feel Azriel’s hands tighten where they rest on your waist, his head lowering until you feel the brush if his lips against your ear.
“I imagine it would…care to let me in on the details of what you told them?”
“I only got to tell them that I would be too sore for training the following day and that my voice would be strained from screaming your name before they feigned retching and begged me to stop.”
Azriel’s laugh is impossibly deep, the tone causing an involuntary wave of desire to shoot from your end of the bond. The air almost instantly changes, the scents of your respective arousals twisting and twining in the air around you as your gazes lock.
Azriel’s hands move to the backs of your thighs, lifting you into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist. He moves forward until he can set you down on the closest counter, positioning himself between you and the doorway leading out of the kitchen. His look is nothing short of predatory as he stares down at you.
His right hand comes to rest on your jaw, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. His left moves from your waist and begins toying with the base of your top, the small, black buttons being the only thing that stands between him and your bare skin beneath his hands.
Your hands tighten their grip on either side of his neck as you bring your lips against the base of his ear.
“Damage even one button and I will cut you down…the Night Court will be in need of a new spymaster.”
Azriel leans far enough back to meet your eye and gives you a scandalized look in return. Despite his look his hands retreat to either side of your waist, his thumbs brushing beneath the hem of your top.
“So very violent…I would never dare to do such a thing, my love. Do you think so little of me?”
You respond with a raised eyebrow, both of you knowing his accounts list numerous trips throughout Velaris to replace the articles of clothing he had been too impatient to remove without ripping them.
“Shall I start counting how many pairs of undergarments I’ve lost to your impatience?” You stare up at him through your lashes, choosing your next words knowing exactly what they would do to your mate.
“Or is there something else you’d prefer my mouth to be doing?”
“Fuck me.” He says it so low that you know he’s saying it more to himself then you. His hunger is evident in the way he searches your eyes.
Azriel’s grip tightens around your waist. He moves forward spreading your thighs further to accommodate his form towering over your own.
Wordlessly you begin undoing the buttons of his shirt, reaching halfway before running your hands over his chest. You trace his tattoos, taking in and appreciating the beauty of your mate. You can feel him tense under your touch as your hands move under the collar of his shirt, stopping at the base of his neck to toy with the hair that had grown longer than normal after his last mission.
You look up at him through your lashes and it’s as though his world stops.
Nothing exists outside of this moment for Azriel as his lips meet yours. His right hand moves to the base of your neck, tightening his grip to tilt your head back, allowing him the angle he needs to devour you.
The kiss is the exact opposite of his outward, quiet demeanor. It’s demanding, he is a male with a singular focus, a hunger that only you can satiate. His hands move to your thighs, holding them with a bruising grip as he pulls them higher and tighter around his waist. Every part of him meeting every part of you.
It’s when you reach and beginning running your hand along the length of him over his pants that he pulls back, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth as he does. He rests his forehead against yours, both of your breaths laboured.
“Here or our bedroom?”
“Wha –”
“I plan to be inside you before the clock strikes midnight Y/N.” Azriel’s tone is severe, determination lacing every word. “It can be here, with our family in the next room, or I can spread you out beneath me as you grip the satin of our sheets…tell me where and tell me quickly.”
A mischievous grin spreads across your lips before you respond, and it takes everything in Azriel not to capture your lips with his once more. Your words come out as a whisper.
“Your birthday, your choice.”
Azriel emits a low groan at your words. With a practised ease he lifts you from the counter, keeping your body tucked close to his. He turns and carries you through the doorway of the kitchen, toward the stairs leading to the second floor of your shared home.
Only Amren notices the two of you as you pass by the sitting room. She gives Azriel a knowing smile and it’s the slight bow of her head that tells him she won’t alert the rest of the Inner Circle to your joined absence.
As he reaches the second floor, he carries you through the double doors that sit directly opposite the stairs. He removes a single hand from you only long enough to close both doors, sealing the two of you away from the world once more.
It takes you no more than a moment to know where your mate has taken you.
“The library? Interesting choice.” Amusement is mixed into your loving tone.
“My birthday, my choice, remember?” He moves forward, your back meeting the closest bookshelf. “I bolted these shelves to the floor for a reason, my love.”
Your eyes widen, your mate having left that particular piece of information out when explaining to you how he planned to make changes to the library when the two of you had moved in.
“Azriel…you did not!”
“Oh, but I did, my dear. Do you not remember what happened the first day we moved into this house?”
You both can’t help laughing at the memory. What started as a simple kiss ended with the two of you surrounded by a broken shelf and books scattered every which way. It had been your favourite room in the house ever since.
The library holds such peace and tranquility for both of you. Your respective offices both have doors leading into the room. Azriel can’t count how many nights you both have fallen asleep in front of the fireplace, still holding your books. He also can’t count the number of heated moments that passed between you within the walls of this room, your books, in particular, being the starting point to more than a few of those moments.
Azriel lowers you to the floor and takes your hips in his hands, turning you around. He moves both your hands to rest on the shelf just above your head.
“Keep them there.” His tone leaves no room for discussion or argument.
His hands move to either side your neck, his thumbs brushing the base of your jaw before moving to the first of the buttons that rest there. He undoes each one with painful precision, your arousal growing with each that comes loose.
It seems as though an eternity has passed before the last button comes free. He lowers your hands and pushes the top past your shoulders and down your arms. He sets the top on the empty portion of shelf behind him. As he turns back to face you, he moves your hands to rest on the shelf once more.
He presses a kiss to your left shoulder, leaving a path of searing skin in his wake as he settles his lips at the base of your ear. His fingertips brush across your skin from your hips until both hands come to rest beneath your breasts.
The tightening of your grip where it rests and the shiver that runs through you as he brushes his scarred thumbs across your nipples doesn’t go unnoticed by the spymaster. The cool air of the empty room has formed them into sensitive peaks, and he relishes in the stuttering breaths you let out as he continues the movements of his thumbs.
Azriel’s right hand comes to rest between your breasts as his left moves down your stomach, stopping just short of where he knows you want his hands most.
Your words come out weak, pleading.
His hand undoes the buttons of your pants with expert precision. You can’t help the whimper that escapes as both of his hands leave your body to slide the garment down your legs. He repeats his earlier actions, your pants now resting with your top.
Azriel’s hands find their place once more as he presses your bare form into his fully clothed one, the friction causing another shiver to rake over your body.
His left hand continues its previous path downward until his fingers brush against the most sensitive part of you. It’s his turn to let out an involuntary groan at what his hand is met with.
“So wet for me already Y/N. I’ve barely touched you…are you that desperate for me?”
Rather than give him a response, your body does its best to grind against his hand, searching for some form of friction. His right hand tightens where it rests on your sternum, halting your movements.
“You’ll have to do better than that Y/N. Use your words…tell me exactly what you need.”
His lips are pressed to your ear, his voice so deep it is the accelerant to the fire raging within you.
It takes a moment for you to respond, your words coming out broken.
“I need you…I need you inside me, Az. Now.”
Your words pull him from the haze of his arousal. Very rarely do the two of you move forward without some form of preparation to make the experience more enjoyable for you. Azriel isn’t ignorant to his size, he is acutely aware of the discomfort he has unintentionally caused you in the past. Very rarely does your need outweigh the pain you feel as you adjust to him.
“Be sure Y/N. Please.” His words are desperate, the need to have your intention clear necessary for him to move forward.
You turn in his grip, bringing your hands to rest on his chest as you meet his eye. Your left hand raises to rest against his jaw, your next words giving him the reassurance you know he needs.
“I’m sure Az…I want every inch you have to give me.”
Your hands become desperate, reaching to undo the buttons beneath each of his wings. Azriel can’t help but let out a low laugh as you struggle to pull his shirt from his body. He grasps your wrists and places them on his waist before reaching overhead and pulling the garment off himself. He tosses it to the side, all the care he showed your clothes has been thrown into the Sidra.
He looks down and watches as you pull his zipper down, his breath hitching as you sink to your knees before him, the sight never failing to bring out his base desires. He steps out of his pants when they reach his ankles. His hands move to cover yours where they grip at his thighs when they start to move.
“You’re not the only one that needs me inside you, Y/N.” His voice is gravel, almost pained as he pulls you to stand once more. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth in the beginning of a pout.
“It’s your birthday Az, this is about you.”
His hands encase either side of your neck with a firm grip, ensuring you hear every word he has to say.
“If it’s about me then it’s about you.” His voice goes impossibly deep with his next words. “You should know by now that nothing gets me off quite like the sounds you make as you cum around my cock.”
He says nothing more before he captures your lips with his own and lifts you into his arms. He parts from you just long enough to brush his cock through your folds, lining himself up. You both let out a low groan as he pushes into you, your head falling back against the bookshelf and his coming to rest against your chest.
Azriel doesn’t dare move, savouring the moment. Your hands brush back the hair that has fallen over his forehead, tilting his face up to meet yours. You both refuse to break the eye contact as he draws his hips back and moves them forward once more, working himself deeper.
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, and he can see your eyes begin to water as he bottoms out inside you. His heart breaks at the sight, but you don’t give him a single second to fall into self-deprecation as you pull his lips to meet yours.
The kiss is different than the last, it’s fueled by care and adoration. A love so deep neither of you can quite comprehend it most days.
Azriel tucks his head against your neck as you tighten your arms around his shoulders, his lips paying special attention to the spot just beneath your ear that has you clutching him, your nails surely leaving marks.
His first movements are slow, measured. He plays you like a song that he has practiced his entire life, knowing just what you need. It’s when you bring your forehead to rest against his that he knows you need more, knows you want him to give you everything he can.
His pace becomes burning, pulling sounds from you that would have him offering up whatever he needed in order to hear them just one more time.
“That’s it Y/N/N.” He pulls out to the tip before beginning to push back in, painfully slow. His pace quickening again as he snaps his hips into yours. “I want to hear you take every inch like the good girl that you are.”
It’s his words that send you barreling into an orgasm that has you seeing stars. His right hand moves to circle your clit, causing you to cry out as he carries you through your release. Your left hand grips his forearm, attempting and failing to halt his movements.
“Az, please…”
Your words are more desperate than he knows you wish them to be. Azriel gradually slows his movements, and he can feel your body coming back from the over-stimulation. He doesn’t give you time to fully recover as he moves to lay you down on the couch that is centred in front of the dormant fireplace.
Azriel takes a moment to admire the sinful beauty of you beneath him, it’s a sight that he commits to memory each time he is graced by it.
Your hands grip his biceps as he lowers himself to hover above you, his arms resting on either side of your head. His lips meet yours in a kiss that is nothing short of devastating. He pushes every bit of need he has for you down the bond, ensuring you know he is worshipping before his chosen altar.
He hooks his left arm under your knee, raising your leg and pushing himself even deeper inside you. He relishes in the expression that passes over your features at the new angle. Your body is pliant under his, ready to take whatever he gives you.
Azriel doesn’t have many words to say but he wishes he could give every last one to you in this moment.  Wishes he could find the words to properly describe the effect you have on him, his feelings so consuming it terrifies him.
A squeeze on his forearm pulls him from his thoughts, he glances up to meet your questioning expression.
“Care to tell me what has that beautiful mind of yours thinking so hard?” Your words are gentle, barely coming out above a whisper.
Azriel brushes his thumb along your jaw.
“Nothing you don’t already know.” He smiles to himself. “Just that I am hopelessly, endlessly, devastatingly in love with you.”
“Keep talking like that, Shadowsinger and I won’t even need you to move. Your voice is all I need.”
“Then maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.” He pulls out to the tip and pushes back in, hitting every last spot that has you clenching around him and arching your chest into his. “Or this.” He leans down, closing his mouth on your pulse point, leaving his mark on you. “And I really shouldn’t be doing this either.” His mouth resumes its position, and his fingers start moving over your clit in the way only he knows how.
“But we both know it doesn’t matter what I do when I’m the only that can have you like this, the only one that can give you what we both know you’d beg for.” His fingers stop their movements, leaving you to clench around him, wordlessly begging for him to do something, anything. The sound that comes from you at the loss is nothing short of primal, so involuntary Azriel can’t stop the pride that washes over him.  
He starts moving again, varying his pace until he finds the one that has your head falling back onto the couch and the nails of your left hand digging into his back, just below where his wing meets his skin. Azriel can’t help the moan that leaves him, the scrape of your nails only heightening the euphoria beginning to consume him.
Your right hand blindly grabs for the hand he has anchored next to your head. He interlaces his fingers with your own, your knuckles turning white with the force of your grip, desperate to maintain your hold on him.
“Fuck, Az…don’t stop.” He can barely hear the words as you choke them out, each sounding more strained than the last. “Plea...please.”
You’re close; he can hear it in your breathing and feels it in the way your body tenses, as though you’re a rope about to snap.
He doesn’t let up in his pace, even though he can feel himself barreling toward his own release. Azriel is determined to hold out long enough for you to fall over the edge first.
“Such good manners.” Azriel grips the back of you neck with his right hand, forcing your eyes to open and meet his. The expression across his face has you letting out a whimper, the fire in his eyes unmistakeable. “But what did I say about telling me exactly what you want Y/N? Use your words.”
He can see you struggle to form the words, so lost in your pleasure it takes more than one try for them to cross your lips.
“Please, Az, I want to…need to cum on your cock.”
Your words break the last of his resolve. His hand moves from your neck to resume its movements on your clit, moving against it slowly, in such stark contrast to the burning pace set by his hips.
The dual sensations have you crying out and Azriel responds in turn, with a needy groan falling from his own lips.
He leans down and places his lips against your ear, his voice sinful as he whispers the exact words you need.
“Then do that for me, love…cum for me.” His fingers quickening their pace only slightly.
That all it takes for your vision to flash white, your orgasm ripping through you with such delicious ferocity. You can’t help the trembling of your thighs as Azriel’s pace doesn’t slow, drawing sounds from you that only he’s ever been able to do.
His release quickly follows your own as he bites down on your neck, pushing his hips harshly into yours as he cums. You can feel him tremble under your touch as you cling to him, the reaction a direct contrast to the deep moans coming from him.
Azriel’s thrusts slow, anchoring you both as you come down from your respective highs. The sound of your combined releases nearly sending you into a third orgasm.
Azriel isn’t sure how long it takes for your respective breaths to even out. All he knows as he stares down at the look of pure bliss on your face is that he will never get used to this, will never stop wanting to be the one that gets to see you like this.
He waits a few more moments before slowly pulling out of you, a small gasp leaving your lips at the loss. Azriel rests his head on your chest, giving himself a moment to truly come down from his high.
Your hand brushes the sweat-soaked hair from his forehead, a truly contented smile forming as he lifts his head and closes his eyes with the movement of your hand.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence for a few moments before the clock that sits on the fireplace mantel gives out an almost silent chime.
“It’s midnight…Happy Birthday Azriel.” You whisper the words, sending every bit of love you can down the bond. “Hopefully you’re not disappointed with how your day is beginning.”
He leans down to kiss you rather than respond, exploring your mouth with slow precision. When he breaks it his forehead rests against your own.
“When I say this is better than anything I could dream, please believe every word. I thank the cauldron every day for gifting me with you as a mate.” You can tell his next words are said to himself as his eyes search your face. “I will never deserve you.”
“You wish for me to believe your words…believe mine in return.” Your hands grasp either side of his face. “You deserve everything you have, my love. The life you have built, your family, me, all of it.”
He lets out a low hum of acknowledgment, leaning down to kiss you. It’s slow, patient – allowing the both of you to bask in the feeling of each other.
You break from the kiss suddenly, unable to stifle the yawn you let out.
“You’re tired Y/N.”
“No, I’m here, I’m –” Another yawn interrupts your words.
Azriel lets out a low chuckle, shifting so he rests on his side facing you. His wings relax over the edge of the couch, and he allows them to brush the ground rather than devote the concentration to keeping them raised. He reaches over you and pulls the blanket folded over the back of the couch to cover your entwined bodies.
He wraps his arms around your waist and rests your head against his chest.
“Sleep Y/N, you’ll need rest if you’d like us to live out the day you scarred Rhys and Cas with as you described it.”
You smile and let out an amused hum as your eyes begin to close.
“It would be a perfect day, Cas and Rhys be damned.” The words come out in a whisper, and it doesn’t take long for Azriel to hear your breathing leveling out.
He waits long enough to ensure you’re truly asleep before gently untangling himself from you. He looks down as he stands and finds his shadows have returned. They skirt around the bottom of the couch, holding true to their need to keep you safe at every turn.
He silently thanks them, only now realizing just how long your shared family had gone without interrupting the two of you.
Azriel crosses the short space to the bookshelves, retrieving his pants and pulling them on, not bothering to button them as he knows they’ll be on his bedroom floor in a matter of minutes.
He faces the couch once more and pulls the blanket tighter around your form before lifting you into his arms. Even in sleep, you burrow further into his hold, tucking your head tight to his chest.
Azriel can’t help the smile plastered to his lips as he exits the library, vowing to himself that the two of you would be back in this room later in the day, continuing this evening’s activities.
“Where did they go Rhysie?”
Rhysand can hear the pout in Cassian’s voice as he asks the question.
“They didn’t leave the house so I’m sure they haven’t gone far Cas. Don’t worry, we’ll find them.”
He tightens his grip on Cassian’s arm as his massive form sways during their ascent up the stairs.
“We better, they’re too important to me to lose.” His eyes are taking on a glossy glint as he continues. “What if something terrible’s happened?! I’ll kill anyone who dares lay a hand on them!”
It’s in that moment that Rhysand thanks the Mother he insisted they all come unarmed tonight. A drunk Cassian is one matter…an armed drunk Cassian could end in catastrophe.
Rhysand can hear a slight shift from down the hall as they finally reach the top of the stairs. He looks ahead and spots two of the few fae who permanently reside within his heart.
Cassian moves before Rhysand can pull him back. His massive form taking the most ungraceful of steps to reach his friends.
“Thank the gods you’re okay!” Azriel quickly hushes the General, his tone having crossed from its previous whisper to the beginning of his normally boisterous, energetic tone. “I was so afraid something terrible had happened when neither of you came back!”
Azriel eyes dart to Rhysand’s, his eyebrows raising in question. Rhysand shrugs in response, slipping into Azriel’s mind after he lowers his shields.
“He refused to leave until he laid eyes on the two of you, his concern so great he turned down every reassurance I tried to give him.”
“Just how much did he drink?” Azriel’s amusement is evident, no anger imposes on his tone.
“Please don’t make me answer that, he winnowed to the wine cellar before I could stop him. Feyre’s in similar shape but Amren was able to get her home, I clearly haven’t had such luck.”
Azriel nods at his High Lord in understanding and turns his attention to Cas once more.
The stretch of silence has given the General an opportunity to move even closer to the two, his eyebrows furrowed in worry as he looks down at Y/N.
“She’s not hurt Cas, she simply sleeps. You wouldn’t want to wake her, would you?”
Cassian shakes his head.
“Can you do me a favour, brother?” Cassian nods in response.
Rhysand can see from where he stands that the expression Cassian gives Azriel is nothing short of one filled with utter love.
“Y/N had a headache earlier today and she misplaced the tonic Majda gave her in the House of Wind after our meeting. Can I trust you to find it for her? It would make her so happy to have it back.”
“For Y/N? Consider it done, brother.” Cassian’s tone is as serious as it is when he walks into battle. The two of you had been close since the moment you met, the General declaring himself your protector.
He stares at Azriel for a moment longer before taking his face in his hands and kissing both of his cheeks. And it’s as he leans down to give Y/N the same treatment that Rhysand finally takes in the scene before him.
He observes Azriel’s half-clothed state and his quick adjustment to the blanket covering you, pulling your body in closer to his own.
Rhys realizes just what he and Cassian have interrupted and curses his less than sober state for not realizing earlier the most obvious reason two mates would slip away at one of their respective birthday celebrations.
“Cas, let’s go find that tonic. We wouldn’t want Y/N to wait any longer than she has to.” Rhysand crosses the short distance and moves to turn Cassina away from the mated pair.
Azriel shoots him a grateful look, his thanks clearly evident.
Cassian allows Rhys to lead him away but abruptly turns back just as they move to descend the stairs.
“Yeah, Cas?”
“Tell Y/N Happy Birthday from me when she wakes up, I want to be the first one to say it.” His smile is beaming at the thought.
“The second she wakes, she will know.” Azriel’s words are filled with amusement, letting out a low laugh at the General’s words.
Cassian gives him a triumphant smile, turning back toward the stairs without another word.
Rhysand gives Azriel one last apologetic look before leading the General down the stairs and past the wards that guard the home.
“Y/N must’ve gotten hot before she fell asleep.”
Cassian’s words have Rhysand pausing.
“What makes you say that, Cas?”
The General’s words fall to a whisper, as though somebody may be listening.
“She didn’t have any clothes on under that blanket. She was in front of a fire and got too warm, Azriel didn’t want us to see so he put the blanket on her, I’m certain of it.”
He speaks like he’s privy to confidential information and has finally chosen to let Rhysand in on it.
Rhysand grips his brother’s arm, giving him an endearing smile as he begins to winnow them to the House of Wind. Cassian’s face conveying unending pride at Rhys' reply.
“You must be right Cas…there’s absolutely no other possible explanation.”
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chatsukimi · 22 days
featuring: jujutsusorcerer!nanami, curse!reader, angst, breaking up. synopsis: life is too short to hold yourself back. you force a certain uptight sorcerer to learn the hard way. masterlist
nanami likes to think he has no regrets. he tells the students that he'd never had a lover, not one that lasted very long anyway. he tells anyone who asked that he is too busy in his job to date.
too busy to date a normal person outside his job, he means.
in other words, nanami likes to forget he likes a curse.
you're sitting on his couch, folding his shirts fresh from the laundry. "kento-kun!"
nanami likes to think he turns away. likes to think he goes to the kitchen to prepare his dull blade to kill you, but, recently, he's learnt that he's a liar.
you tiptoe over, examining how he runs his knife under tap water to clean off the curse residue. you had reacted better than he thought you would when you learnt he exorcised curses, probably because you were a mediocre curse yourself, not involved in the grand scheme of things.
you peer curiously over his shoulder. "that's your weapon?"
he lifts it up purposefully close to show you, but instead of shrinking away, your hands attach to its sides, gracing the cloth gently.
he stills. when he begins chopping up the vegetables, you're right by his side, helping him cook with rapid skill.
"careful. don't add too much salt in," he says, an uneasy monotone gracing your ears.
he doesn't look at you.
you pause on the salt, staring at him. "is something wrong?"
a flashback zips through his head, of a dying colleague, of a growing curse. mostly holding himself back, nanami lets out a long exhale. he shakes his head.
"no. i'm alright."
the atmosphere is tense under your scrutiny, probably because, for you, he would taste better than any human dish might. truthfully speaking, you only eat his food out of politesse.
'liar,' you whisper into his ear, glaring at him with an infinite amount of human hurt. "don't lie to me."
you know as well as he does.
nanami likes to think his heart doesn't clench when you reach out to hold his hand, your skin that reminiscent of that terrifying rubber feel he's constantly associated with death. you pause when he flinches away.
kill them. that's your job, it's what you must do. kill them.
he murmurs lowly, "i think it's time for you to leave."
you take a step back. he doesn't move. you wait for him to chase after you while receding from him, two steps at a time.
nanami likes to think he's a serious man. likes to think he knows what's right for him and others at the most important incidences. but strip away the guise of having it all together and he realises what's most human about him is slipping through between his fingers: you.
watching you, nanami cannot think.
he's stalking towards you towards the exit. you've turned your back on him. his heartbeat tremors.
your voice is empty when you respond- is this what he'll remember you by?
"what, nanami?"
would nanami force you to stay? he's always been selfish in keeping you at his place, treasuring the heartfelt words, midnight slow dances, pretending the outside world didn't exist. the world which draws a distinct line between humans and curses. good and evil. but now, now nanami has to choose.
"don't go." he croaks. pathetic.
you stand there, head lowered. "why? what even am i to you?"
curse or human?
the words taste bitter in his mouth, crawling to the tip of his tongue. speak! kento, what are you doing?! speak! and in the ideal world, he says them, right there, held in your molten gaze. those three words would have you rushing back into his arms, ready to start anew. it would read like a fairy-tale.
he would be happy.
yet earth is a hell that confines him. he cannot force himself to take another step forward. you cannot force yourself to take another step back.
this is what would've always happened.
in a split second decision, you put on your shoes.
"forget me, kento," you breathe. let's pretend this never happened. "i know you hate curses getting stronger."
you cross the threshold of his door. the fantasy dissipates.
when he opens the door again, nanami looks down the corridor of his apartment complex and sees no one.
not even the curse of regret.
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taevbears · 5 months
To Be Loved - 04
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There may be something there that wasn't there before.
⤑ pairing: namjoon x reader (a bit of reader x ot7) ⤑ genre: hybrid au, romance, hurt/comfort ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 6.7k ⤑ warnings: the boys are still kinda mean and very guarded around the reader, slow burn, very brief mentions of toxic relationships and bullying, mentions of physical abuse, implied violence, Epik High name drop lol, cliffhanger ending ⤑ note: first post of 2024! hope you guys had a great start to the new year. this story is just about wrapping up now, but i'm also ready to move onto new projects that i want to release this year. hope you guys enjoy, and comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated! :)
Chapters 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 (End)
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When it rains, your life is at a standstill. Time moves so slowly, so seamlessly, the days start to blur together. The grey skies, the endless rain, the muddy roads, and the thick fog that surrounds the gloomy forest. They are a constant that you can’t escape from.
The old manor, tucked away in the deep forest – far from any traveling paths and roads – appears to be stuck in time. And you feel like you’re stuck with it.
How long has it been since you arrived at the manor? A few days? A week? Two weeks?
With a sigh, you look away from the water gently knocking against your window and muster the courage to get out of bed. Cold air strikes you once you’ve come out of your blanket cocoon, and you try not to shudder as you walk barefoot around your bedroom.
By now, you’ve memorized what parts of the floor creak loudly, and you’re careful to avoid those areas, only crossing them slowly and quietly if necessary. Still, even if you’ve successfully finished your morning routine without a sound, he waits by your door.
“Little human, are you sure you’re not afraid of us?”
You catch your breath, but only for a second. Every morning, the bear hybrid waits in front of your bedroom as you’re waking up with a grumpy but determined look on his face. As if he absolutely refuses to go to bed until you answer his question.
“Good morning,” you start, blinking at him as you calm yourself down. He arches an eyebrow at you. “No, I’m not afraid of you.”
Taehyung holds your gaze, reading your face, looking for any subtle tell that you’re not being honest with him. You steel yourself as best as you can under the intensity of his stare, focusing on one of the moles on his pretty face.
Then, when satisfied, he nods his head. His mouth forms into a straight line, making his cheeks rise a bit in what you think might be a smile. Then, he saunters off down the hallway without another word.
You release the breath you’ve been holding.
The first time Taehyung did this was the morning after Namjoon showed you his private garden in the greenhouse. He scared the shit out of you, leaning against the doorframe as soon as you opened the door, just like when you had first met him. And he seemed to doubt you when you had stuttered out that you, in fact, don’t find him to be terrifying.
“I should get used to this,” you mumble to yourself, closing the door behind you.
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Breakfast seems to depend on who is awake to make it. Sometimes, Seokjin is up in the early morning and has already started cooking by the time you and the other hybrids come down the stairs. Sometimes, Yoongi already has it prepared before his nocturnal instincts kick in and makes him want to sleep all day. Sometimes, it’s Hoseok and Jimin in the kitchen together, but one of them dances and entertains the other, riling up contagious giggles and distractions from the task at hand.
“Can I help with anything?” you offer when you see the two together.
Hoseok visibly flinches when he hears your voice, still a bit nervous when you’re around. But at least he doesn’t avoid you anymore. It’s as if he’s accepted that you’re inevitably stuck with each other. At least, until the storm passes.
“No, no, you’re a guest,” Jimin reminds you, flapping his black wing to shoo you away. “Just pull up a chair and relax. We’ll have this ready shortly.”
With that said, the two turn back to their tasks. Jimin tends to the fish he’s frying over a pan and Hoseok diligently cuts some vegetables. No resumed laughter or conversations while you awkwardly linger with uncertainty.
You know they mean well. You know that Namjoon had talked to them about treating you nicely while you’re staying with them. But you’re starting to feel like a burden. Restless. Useless. They don’t let you lift a finger with any of the house chores, even if you want to help out to show your consideration and appreciation.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind,” you try again.
Jimin’s shoulders tense a bit. You think he’s starting to get irritated. He doesn’t look at you as he repeats, “It’s fine. You’re a guest.”
It’s not until after you leave the kitchen when you hear their voices chatting again.
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If anyone were to look for you, they’d find you in the old manor’s library.
There, they’d see you uncovering the written secrets and adventures within its vast collections of stories. You spend most of your day there, wrestling with a blanket as you switch from one comfortable position to another on the large sofa, so engulfed with your book that you don’t pay attention to anything else.
Not the way that time fleetingly drifts from morning to the late afternoon.
Not the way the sound of rain and the rumble of thunder begin to lull you to sleep.
Not the pair of glowing eyes that catches you napping mid-story, blanket slipping off you and onto the floor.
The next thing you know, you wake up to find that the book you’ve been reading has been placed on the table, the corner of the page turned to hold your place. The blanket that was partially covering you is now completely pulled over you, snuggly tucking you in beneath its warmth.
Someone was taking care of you while you were asleep. But as you look around, you see no one else in the room.
Sometimes, Jungkook drags you out of the library and brings you into the gaming room instead. There are a variety of board games, puzzles, and video games to play together, and all of them are addictively fun. No doubt, this is easily one of Jungkook’s favorite parts of the manor.
It also happens to be Seokjin’s favorite spot as well.
You see the wolf hybrid sitting straight on the couch, face stoic as he mutters under his breath, thick eyebrows drawn together in concentration as his fingers rapidly fidgets with the buttons and joysticks of the controller. His pointy ears twitch slightly when he hears you and Jungkook come in, but he doesn’t look away from the screen, too focused on what his character is doing.
Jungkook pulls out a puzzle for you two to do together, dumping all the tiny pieces onto the table. The two of you work in relative silence to put it together, but a question keeps lingering in your mind.
“Hey Jungkook, have you been tucking me in when I nap?”
From your peripheral vision, Seokjin’s ear swivels toward you. The movement of his hands still as a red flush starts to color the back of his neck.
“No,” he replies, a bit surprised. “Why?”
You frown a little. If not Jungkook, then who?
“No reason.”
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On the rare occasion you’re not in the library or with Jungkook, you find yourself wanting to stretch out your legs and wander around the old manor.
There’s a timeless charm about it all. You imagine the previous owners lived like kings and queens here, throwing extravagant and lavish parties and banquets. An orchestra of music lively plays from the grand ballroom, and an incredible feast is on display with the finest plates and utensils. You imagine the guests dressed in their best suits and ball gowns, a variety of rich colors filling into the manor to dance the night away.
As you explore bits of the manor, you feel a pair of eyes watch you from the shadows. The same pair of resentful, glowing eyes that have been quietly observing you ever since you found yourself here.
You can always tell when he’s nearby. The room gets quieter. You become self-aware of each breath you take, the way your body tenses under the penetrating gaze, of the nervous flutter in your heart as every fiber of your being tells you to run.
And usually, you would. The moment you feel the discomfort crawling beneath your skin, you listen to your instincts and walk right back out of the room you entered.
But today, you face the shadows of the room. The panther hybrid that silently eyes you in the darkness.
You told Taehyung this morning that you weren’t afraid of them, right? And cutting through this room is the fastest way to get to where you want to go.
With a brave face, you lower your gaze from the panther and bow slightly in greeting. “Hello, Yoongi. I’m just passing through.”
In the darkness, the pair of eyes widens a bit. It’s the first time you’ve talked to him since you arrived at the manor. The first time you even acknowledged him.
Had your gaze lingered a little longer, perhaps you would’ve seen it. But you briskly walk across the room to exit, muttering an apology beneath your breath for disturbing him.
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By evening, after leisure activities and daily housework around the manor are done, everyone is gathered for dinner. Each night is something a little different: hot stews and soups, rice bowls and stir-fry with vegetables and protein, marinated meat and seafood. There’s always plenty of side dishes as well, and always something to satiate each of the hybrid's cravings for certain food.
For the first few nights, there’s still an awkward tension in the air as you and Jungkook sit with the pack. Everyone's a little quieter, shifting glances with each other in wordless conversations. You feel like the elephant in the room, hard to be unnoticed and yet something no one really wants to address.
Except Namjoon.
Across the table, Namjoon would ask you how your day was, looking at you as if you’re the only person in the room with him. He’d ask about the books you read that day, what your favorite parts are, if you’ve seen the movie adaptation. And one of the hybrids – namely Jimin, Taehyung, or Jungkook – would comment how they didn’t realize there was a book version and ask about the differences from the original.
If you mentioned a game with Jungkook that you played that day, Namjoon would proudly state that he’s quite good at puzzles and riddles, and challenges you to a round next time. And the other hybrids – Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok this time – would roll their eyes and grumble about how he is undefeated.
Even if you tell him that you slept most of the day and did absolutely nothing productive, Namjoon would still smile and tell you that rest is important. That he’s happy you feel comfortable sleeping well in the manor. He’d ask you if you had any good dreams, and listen to them even if it’s just the most mundane thing you could barely remember.
And you can’t help but think about how Kangdae never asks you questions like this.
Kangdae never bothered to ask about your day, how you’ve been, what you’re up to. So much of your relationship with him revolved around what he wants, what his plans are. It didn’t matter how you felt about them, as long as he got his way.
Yet, Namjoon seems to want to know everything about you. Your hobbies, your interests, what you like to do throughout the day, what you dream of.
It’s… different from what you’re used to. But it’s not entirely unwelcome either.
Like Taehyung, Namjoon has a question to ask you. Every night after dinner, as the other hybrids begin to clear away their plates and put their leftovers away, Namjoon comes up to you and inquires, “Would you like to spend the evening with me?”
Shyly, as your heart seems to flutter each time he does, you answer, “Of course.”
Stuck in the manor, and with the ongoing storm still strong, your options are rather limited. 
Sometimes, he takes you to his greenhouse again where you can see the slow progress of his little garden. Sometimes, you’d take him up on his challenge and try to beat him in a puzzle or game. Sometimes, it’s a quiet evening where the two of you are reading books side by side, or watching a movie until you end up falling asleep, and you’d wake to find his arm protectively around you, holding you close. Sometimes, the night is full of laughter and chatter as the two of you share a bottle of wine by the fireplace and talk for hours about life, music, art, and whatever comes to mind, and realizing that he’s such an easy person to talk to.
Despite the circumstances, you enjoy hanging out with him. A lot more than you ever thought you would.
There’s something sweet and kind about Namjoon. He’s incredibly smart and humble, his down-to-earth personality helps him see the beauty of life, art, and passion in ways that are almost philosophical. He has very admirable traits that unveils the more you get to know him, yet he still keeps his certain secrets close to his heart about what creature he is and where he goes when he isn’t in the manor. Admittedly, he has many physical traits that you find attractive as well, from the deep dimples on his cheeks whenever he smiles to the bulge of muscles in his arms and chest.
It feels strange and new, a feeling you’ve never felt with anyone before. A feeling that you can’t quite place whenever you feel Namjoon’s pretty eyes on you or when he’d accidentally brush his hand against yours.
While the days seem to move slowly, almost in a standstill, time flies quickly when you’re with Namjoon. Before you know it, hours passed, and he is already escorting you to your room in the east wing.
“Good night, Namjoon,” you tell him once you’re inside the room, leaning against the doorway as you face him.
“Sweet dreams,” he replies, smiling at you in a way that makes his eyes form crescents and the dimples stretch along his cheek with his grin.
There’s a moment that lingers. One that feels like the night has ended too soon, and this is a chance for either of you to say something more. To not let the moment pass.
Just as he’s beginning to walk away, you call out to him. “Namjoon?”
Would you like to spend the evening with me?
The bold question nearly comes out of your mouth, and you feel your face heat up when you realize what you’re about to ask him. Instead, you merely say, “Thank you. I had a nice time with you.”
His face softens a bit as he tells you, “Me too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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Another day rises, gloomy as always. But for once, you don’t let the constant rain damper your spirits.
Perhaps it’s because you’ve been here a little while now. Perhaps it’s also because you have no idea when the rain will let you go. Perhaps it’s because you simply want to change things up from the dark and dreary. But if you’re going to be stuck in a manor with a bunch of hybrids, you might as well make the most of it. Right?
“Good morning, Taehyung,” you greet him the moment you open your bedroom door. He looks taken aback, as if you wouldn’t suspect he’d come to your door like he does every morning. “How’ve you been?”
“Fine.” He blinks at you, still confused. Maybe even a bit suspicious. The sleepiness that’s usually on his face isn’t present this time. “Are you all right?”
“I am,” you reply easily, giving him a polite, friendly smile. You’re about to head down for breakfast when you turn to face the bear hybrid again. “Thanks for always checking on me, by the way.”
Taehyung smiles a little to himself. He’s still a bit guarded around you, just as all the other hybrids. But to both of you, it’s a small start to change. “Sure. No problem.”
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In the kitchen, you hear Hoseok and Jimin before you even see them. The two of them are in charge of breakfast again, singing a song they both know and shaking their hips as they stir and cut.
“Need any help?” you offer again, still in a good mood after talking to Taehyung.
Jimin barely glances at you. “We got it. Don’t worry.”
“Are you sure?” you try again. “I can make a decent kimchi fried rice.”
“It’s true,” your number one supporter – Jungkook – pipes up, seemingly summoned by the chance to readily defend your honor and your cooking. “I tried it. It’s so good.”
You smile fondly at the bunny hybrid, and without thinking, you begin to pet his back affectionately. A mistake you instantly regret.
At your touch, Jungkook immediately tenses. His eyes are scared wide as he stares back at you, and you quickly draw your hand back.
Stupid, you scold yourself. His owner was physically abusive. Of course he wouldn’t feel comfortable with you just touching him. “I-I’m so sorry, Jungkook. I didn’t— I should’ve realized—”
“No, no, it’s okay,” he insists, his voice soft. “It feels nice. I’m just… not used to it.”
Hoseok and Jimin are quiet as they watch the exchange between you two. All three hybrids note the guilt and distress on your face, and sense that you genuinely feel bad. Even as Jungkook takes your hands and brings them to his face and chest, trying to cheer you up, claiming that he knows that you won’t ever hurt him.
You’d never hurt any of them.
In fact, in the days that you and Jungkook have been in the manor, it’s clear that the two of you at least care about each other. From the little things like when you ask him how he slept the night before, or when Jungkook shares some of his food with you. To the obvious things like when Jungkook’s eyes would sparkle with fondness whenever he talks about you, or how you’re always looking out for him even when you seem busy reading a book.
Perhaps there’s some truth in Jungkook’s story from the first dinner together. Perhaps you aren’t like the other humans after all.
It makes you rather odd, peculiar to the rest of the hybrids. A beauty, but a funny girl.
Jimin ruffles his feathers a bit, as if he seems a bit confused about something. Then, after a bit of hesitation, he asks, “You said you can cook kimchi fried rice? What else can you make?”
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It isn’t long until the kitchen fills with the aromas of your meal. You’ve been here long enough to know what each of them prefer as well, and with the three hybrids helping you finish making breakfast, you can’t help but feel proud of the abundance set on the table before you.
“Enjoy the meal, guys. I’ll see if the others want to join us,” you decide as the three hybrids already take their seats around the table. They nod their heads and express their appreciation, but the hunger in their eyes makes them impatient as they start to fill their plates with food.
By that time, Taehyung is probably fast asleep and you don’t want to bother him. You’re trusting that Jimin or Hoseok would save some food for him later. You also don’t have any idea where Namjoon would be, but you suspect that Seokjin would be in the gaming room like he usually is.
Just as you’re crossing the threshold leading to the gaming room, you feel him.
Eyes watching you from the shadows.
Normally, this is when you run. When your fight-or-flight instincts kick in and you turn back from the room as quickly as you entered. When you’d flee to another room as if he’d chase you out.
This time, you try to address the guarded presence in the room.
There’s no answer. But if you were to see him, you’d see his ear twitch at the sound of his name. The gaze feels more intense, making your skin crawl, but you don’t let it scare you.
“I helped Hoseok and Jimin with breakfast today,” you continue and wait to see if he’d respond back. He doesn’t. Still, you meekly add on, “I wasn’t sure what you like. We saved some for you and the others. If you try it, I hope you like it.”
You take the following silence as your cue to leave, scurrying across to get into the game room. You feel uncertain if engaging in small talk with the leopard hybrid will change his impression of you at all.
Until later on, when you return to the kitchen, you see that his share is missing from their refrigerator. And Taehyung and Seokjin are sitting together eating their shares.
“Jimin told me that you made this,” the bear hybrid says when he sees you. “It’s good, right Seokjin-hyung?”
The wolf hybrid chokes a little in surprise, as if he’s just finding out now that the food he’s eating was made by you. It’s nearly devoured, but Seokjin coolly replies, “It’s not bad.”
You smile a little at this, feeling a bit proud of yourself. “Then, I’ll make something more delicious for you guys next time.”
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“It’s nice what you did for everyone,” Namjoon tells you later that day, after dinner and during another evening date with him. He pours you a glass of whiskey, and you smile and take it from him. Congratulations are in order for finally getting the other hybrids to warm up to you.
“It’s the least I could do,” you tell him honestly, taking a sip and letting the liquor burn your throat a little. You grimace a bit, swirling the golden liquid in your glass. “You’ve all been nothing but kind to me.”
Your eyes are fixed on the alcohol, but you can see Namjoon staring at you from your peripheral vision. It’s such a softened look, almost endeared. You try to tell yourself the warmth on your face is from the whiskey and nothing else.
“I hope this means you’ll consider staying after the rain,” he nearly whispers. He doesn’t hide that you’re more than welcomed to. That, for whatever reason, he wants you to stay with him for a long time.
Perhaps a few days ago, you’d easily decline. You didn’t want to burden any of them for overstaying. You didn’t think it was even possible to be amicable with them.
But today proved you wrong. Today felt like a change to something new. Something that just wasn’t there before.
You take another sip of the whiskey and state, “I’ll think about it.”
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Staying in the manor has been on your mind lately.
Day by day, it feels like time continues to move too slowly. The rain seems to come and go now, but it’s still too dangerous for you to leave the old manor on the chance that the storm will pick up again soon. Or that you might end up getting lost in the dense woods. Or any other excuse that seems like a bad idea to leave.
So, you stay.
You stay until Taehyung no longer questions if you’re afraid of them every morning.
It’s become a routine at this point.
Every day, the sleepy, handsome face of the bear hybrid is the first thing you see when you open the door to your bedroom. “Good morning, little human. How did you sleep?”
And you smile back at him, genuinely happy to see him. “Morning, Taehyung. I slept fine, thanks for asking.”
“That’s good,” he responds, nodding a bit to himself before he starts to head to his room. You’re not sure how long he waits for you to wake up, or why he still insists on checking on you before he turns in for bed, but you appreciate the gesture nonetheless.
“I hope you sleep well,” you tell him before he goes. And Taehyung just looks back at you and smiles.
You stay until Jimin no longer sees you as a guest in his home.
To your insistence, Jimin starts to see you helping around the manor more. Without anyone asking, he sees that you’d fix snacks for everyone in the afternoon, cutting up fruits or spreading tuna mix on crackers. He sees you dusting around the east corridor on days when it rains, tending to Namjoon’s flowers as they begin to bloom and grow, and folding laundry with Jungkook.
You’re really starting to make yourself at home here.
Jimin preens his black feathers, neatly fixing his wing as you’re sweeping around with a broom and dustpan. He doesn’t think you’re even paying attention to him until he hears you murmur, “They’re so pretty.”
“What is?”
“Your feathers,” you tell him with a shy smile. “They’re a really unique color.”
“Oh.” He feels his chest puff up a bit, swelling with happiness. In the shelter he ran away from, and even the lake where he was born, he was always the odd one out – the ugly duckling of the group. Hearing you compliment him makes his heart stir as he quietly mutters, “Thank you.”
You stay as Hoseok begins to realize you’re not a threat to them.
It takes a while, but slowly, eventually, Hoseok no longer flinches or looks at you with terror when you’re near him. Where he even tries to make small talk with you at the dinner table, or when he’s with another hybrid. Seeing how gentle you are with Jungkook – and these days, to the others – seems to assure him that you’re not an enemy to him or his pack.
At the library, Hoseok sees you and Jungkook together. It isn’t unusual to find you here, but Jungkook must’ve wanted to spend time with you.
In his bunny form, Jungkook falls asleep on your lap. His little body is comfortably stretched out as you absently scratch his head and behind his ears, and then massage his back. He’s practically melting at your touch, whiskers twitching with content.
Jungkook is completely safe with you. Despite his past with his previous owner and the horrors he had to face before he met you, he’s let his guard down with you.
Perhaps that’s why Hoseok finally musters up the courage to approach you. “I saw the movie for this, but I think I like the book better so far.”
You look up at him and smile. “Oh, that’s a good one! I like the book better too.”
He returns your smile, still a bit nervous, but eventually, he sits next to you. Neither of you say a word as you quietly read your books together. But the implication of it all, the wordless comfort of being around each other’s presence, is more than enough.
You stay as Yoongi starts to respond back to you.
Shortly after you and Hoseok spend the afternoon reading together, the leopard hybrid jumps down and reveals himself before you. He regards you with cautious eyes still, and you’re frozen in your spot, not sure what to expect.
Then, as if he’s the nervous one, he breaks eye contact with you. “I didn’t know you listened to Epik High.”
You blink at him, but then remember you’re wearing their merch shirt. “Oh, I do! I went to their concert a couple years ago!”
He looks surprised. “I didn’t take you as the type to listen to hip-hop.”
You smirk a little at his reaction. “Namjoon didn’t tell you? I met him when he was still an underground rapper.”
You stay as Seokjin shows you a different side to him.
On the day when it was so cold that the rain turned into snow, you and Jungkook decided to have a snowball fight in the courtyard. The other hybrids could hear you screaming and laughing from inside the manor as the bunny hybrid chases you around, cackling like a madman as he carries mounds of snow in his hand. 
When you see Jimin and Taehyung, you run to them for help, trying to hide behind them. The two look a little unsure of what to do until you peek out from behind Taehyung and hurl a snowball at Jungkook’s shoulder.
Hoseok laughs at the three of you split up with Jimin and Taehyung catching on quick. Yoongi and Namjoon watch by the doorway with amusement as you play with the youngest hybrids.
But as Seokjin watches, his tail is wagging and his pointed ears are perked with interest. His big eyes follow the snowballs being thrown, and his body lunges a bit, as if ready to catch them before he forcibly stops himself.
Hoseok notices and bends down to gather the snow on the ground, forming them into a ball. “Hyung, let’s show these kids how it’s done.”
You’re a bit startled when you come face to face with the wolf hybrid, not expecting him to join the fight. He’s in his wolf form, bigger than any dog you’ve encountered, and much more intimidating had it not been for the playful way Seokjin stretches out his front paws and raises his butt, wagging his tail as he eyes the ball of snow in your hands. When you throw it, Seokjin immediately takes off and bites the snow in midair, ruining your surprise attack.
Jungkook laughs when he sees this. “Wow, Jin-hyung, you’re so mean!”
And then gets hit in the face with a snowball by Hoseok.
You stay because Namjoon asks you to.
An awful flu has you bedridden for a couple weeks after the big snowball fight. Despite how many extra blankets are over your body, you’re still shivering beneath them. You’re coughing and sneezing until your chest and throat aches and you can’t breathe properly through your nose. All you can eat are liquids because solid food makes you nauseous.
Jungkook is so worried about you, he’s standing by your bedside with tears in his eyes, telling you not to die on him.
And you, a blob beneath several blankets – voice hoarse and completely congested, feeling like this illness has you fighting through hell and back – try to assure him as best as you can that you’ll be fine.
Surprisingly, all the hybrids step up to take care of you.
Seokjin cooks you chicken noodle soup, Yoongi brews you ginger tea with honey and lemon, Taehyung leaves plenty of water by your nightstand to keep you hydrated, Hoseok often places a cool, damp washcloth on your burning forehead to reduce your fever, Jungkook makes sure your bed is comfortable by adding on more blankets and pillows from his bed to yours, and Jimin shoos away the other hybrids when they want to check on you so you could rest properly.
At some point, Namjoon must have gone into your room as well.
After dozing off, you open your eyes to see a smerlado flower on your nightstand, resting on top of a book and a note. In Namjoon’s handwriting, he writes that he just finished reading the book and thought you’d like it. And as you flip open the pages, you see sticky notes and tabs of Namjoon’s thoughts and comments as he was reading through it.
Your mood instantly lifts as you read through them, smiling and laughing at some, itching to add your own thoughts into others. You keep hoping to turn the page and see another comment from him, even if it’s just a note that says to remind him about a particular paragraph later since he has more to say than what he could write. And only part-way through the story, you ask Jimin to get you a pen and some paper so you could write Namjoon back.
For a little while, it goes on like this. Little handwritten letters shared between you and Namjoon, especially when it still hurts to talk and you keep sleeping on and off all day. It becomes one of the things you look forward to the most, receiving a letter from him, even more so than the book he pairs with it to keep you entertained while you’re in bed.
The rain has stopped. The snow has stopped. And honestly, once you recover from this flu, you could technically leave the manor and the hybrids behind. Night falls and the moon is so bright. The stars look beautiful without the clouds masking their lights.
“What are you thinking about?” Namjoon quietly asks, visiting you for the evening as he always does. Even when you’re sick in bed, he’s adamant about courting you. He reads your notes, and you watch the dimples on his cheeks form when he comes across something funny or endearing. He brings you tea, flowers, more books, and puzzles, but spends most of his evenings just talking to you. Even as you doze off, he watches over you, comfortable with your presence as you feel his fingers linger by your face and lips.
Tonight, as you look at him, you think he looks handsome under the moonlight. Tall, strong, and the indigo colors of his eyes look magical as his gaze falls on you.
“The storm stopped, but…” you trail off, a wave of emotion hitting you so suddenly. You think about how the hybrids are just starting to warm up to you, how Jungkook is right at home here, how this was your goal from the very start and you can’t imagine parting ways from any of them now.
Namjoon doesn’t need you to finish your sentence. His hand finds yours, warm and big, yet it holds yours so gently. “Then stay. This is your home now, too.”
You decide to stay because you want to.
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Six months have passed since you and Jungkook first arrived at the old manor. Dinners have been livelier after the snowball fight. The hybrids have gotten used to you being around, regarding you with warm smiles whenever they see you. 
And you feel safe when you’re with them. You feel at home.
On a clear and starry night, after Yoongi casually mentions that the old owners of the manor seemed to have hosted balls and parties long ago, you and the hybrids decide to dress up and throw your own party for fun. Remnants of this are found in the attic, the servant quarters, and even the grand ballroom itself.
It’s in a closet where you find a beautiful ball gown. It feels like it’s been made for you the way it perfectly fits your body, the shade of yellow complimenting your skin tone, and the exquisite details that make the dress sparkle. There’s a giddiness in you as you go all out, fixing your hair and makeup for the first time in ages.
When Jungkook first sees you, his mouth falls open in surprise.
You start to feel a bit self-conscious when he doesn’t say anything. “I look silly, don’t I?”
“No! Not at all!” he quickly assures you with a laugh. “You look beautiful.”
As you wait in the east wing, Jungkook hops off ahead to inform the others that you’re ready. Music begins to play from the ballroom, and you take a deep breath in.
Tonight, you feel nervous, and you’re not entirely sure why. Every night, for the past six months, you’ve spent your evenings after dinner with Namjoon.
This time, it shouldn’t feel any different, except it does.
Careful of the steps, you slowly make your descent down the stairs. Once you’re at the middle landing, that’s when you see him.
Namjoon is also dressed up tonight, but he looks like a prince straight out of a fairytale story. As he steps down the stairs from the west wing to meet you, he stares at you in awe. Then, with a charming smile, he extends his arm toward you and asks, “Shall we?”
You smile back shyly and wrap your arm around his. Then, together, the two of you walk down the rest of the steps that lead to the ballroom.
It’s enchanting, the way the chandeliers glow and sparkle above you. Yoongi is on the piano and Taehyung on the violin. Seokjin and Jungkook are dancing together, giggling and goofing around, and Hoseok and Jimin are sitting together with an open bottle of champagne shared between them. 
You feel their gazes on you and Namjoon the moment you two enter. Even Yoongi and Taehyung momentarily stop playing as they look at you.
“Don’t mind them,” Namjoon whispers when he sees that you’re getting a little anxious from the attention. He takes one of your hands in his as his other hand holds your waist. “Just keep your eyes on me.”
Hoseok waves for the music to start again, and a romantic tune fills the ballroom. You and Namjoon start to dance together. It’s a bit clumsy at first. Namjoon winces every time he nearly steps on your feet and mumbles embarrassed apologies. But you smile and assure him that it’s okay, almost feeling like no one else is in the room except you and him.
After a while, Yoongi changes it from live music to songs from his playlist, still keeping the romantic atmosphere as Taehyung and Jimin dance together, and Hoseok stares at the leopard hybrid with eyes begging for a dance as well. You’d think Jungkook would want to cut in to dance with you at one point, but he still seems to be having fun with Seokjin and they copy each other’s silly dance moves.
“I’m going to step out for some fresh air,” you tell Namjoon, and he nods his head, saying he’ll go with you.
While the party continues inside, the two of you enter the balcony where the cold, night air hits your skin and makes you shiver. You feel his hand on the small of your back, rubbing you gently to keep you warm. And it works. You feel the heat on your face as the peaceful, beautiful night surrounds you two.
There’s a serious look in his eyes, as if he’s contemplating something, before he asks you, “Are you happy here? With me?”
“I am,” you reply honestly. You can’t thank Namjoon enough for taking you and Jungkook in that night of the storm, despite almost hurting one of his packmates. You can imagine a life without him and the other hybrids now either.
“Do you ever think about going back?”
“Sometimes,” you admit. You miss your family, and every now and then, you wonder how they’re doing. How much has changed in that small, provincial town since you left. You even think about Kangdae sometimes, though you’re certain he must be with another girl. They must all think you’re long gone by now. “I don’t think I will, though. I like being with you. And the others, of course.”
Namjoon smiles gently. “Then, I’m glad you stayed.”
“Me too.” You mean it, too. Your eyes meet Namjoon’s, and you can’t help but think of how pretty they are. How attractive he is. How you’re so tempted to just move a little closer and just—
“I have a confession to make.”
You feel your heart race. “What is it?”
“I think – I knew – from the moment I met you,” Namjoon begins, his voice soft. The strokes of his thumb on your back feel more intimate as his gaze falls on your lips. “You’re the one. You’re my—”
A commotion interrupts from below.
You hear Seokjin barking and snarling angrily, followed by the deep, rumbling growls from Taehyung and Yoongi. Voices are shouting. People you don’t recognize.
Everything seems to move in slow motion as you and Namjoon look over the balcony to see flashlights waving in the premise of the manor. Some of the hybrids are out there in their animal forms, warning the group of intruders to back away.
“Namjoon,” Hoseok interrupts, coming to the balcony with urgency in his eyes. “It’s the humans. They’re—”
A gunshot fires.
Your blood runs cold as the deadly sound rings in your ear.
And, to your horror, you hear a voice that you do recognize, shouting your name.
“Babe, I know you’re there!” Kangdae yells, looking up at you from where he stands. “Come down here and say hello! Or I’ll shoot your darling pets one by one.”
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated!
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ghouljams · 6 months
It's my birthday so I've been in that mood where I imagine the cod boys celebrating their b-day, and as I am absolutely obsessed with fae!Keegan Angel and their baby, I've just been thinking about the little monster asking Angel about if their daddy has a birthday since both of them have ones they celebrate, and since Angel has no fucking idea how fae birthdays work or how fae even get born in the first place I imagine she and the baby would just choose a day and throw Keegan a surprise party just because (he would tear up, but will never admit to it)
I love that it has just been decided she's called Angel, I have had no hand in this. This idea though... so cute, absolutely divine, I'm eating it up. Sorry this is a day late, Tumblr stopped letting me edit :)
"Ah ah!" You yell, racing to push Keegan away from the fridge. He freezes, startled by your sudden exclamation, and lets you move him away from the fridge. "Let me get it for you," you offer casually, barely cracking the door to fish around for a soda water. Keegan watches you struggle with a raised brow, unwilling to help after your little outburst. You grab one of the cans and hand it to him triumphantly.
He pops the tab and eyes you with clear suspicion. "Somethin' you wanna share angel?" He asks when you don't come right out with it. You shake your head and he shrugs. "I'll just ask the little monster," he tells you, turning to go find your child.
"Don't!" You grab his arm to try and keep him in the kitchen, he looks at you again with more concern, "Please," you beg, "They're- you know they can't keep secrets from you and they're so excited."
Keegan smiles, his eyes soft. He pulls his hand from your grip and cups your face. "Fine," he relents, "but you can't keep me outta the fridge forever."
"Not forever," you promise him, "you can have it back tomorrow." You think for a second, "tomorrow afternoon."
"You're making breakfast then?" You nod, Keegan gives your cheek a light, affectionate, pat. "Alright then, tomorrow afternoon."
You wake him up with a kiss in the morning, gentle and imploring. He's always slow to wake up, but you find this method works best for these sort of slow mornings. Keegan stirs enough to wrap an arm around you and attempt to drag you back into bed, something that makes you laugh and push at his hold until he rolls over to check his phone.
"Fuck me," he groans, "s'that late already? Thought you'd be at work by now."
You shake your head, "Took the day off." He hums, rubbing some sleep from his eyes.
"What's the occasion? I'm not missin' an anniversary am I?"
Another shake of your head. "I will let your monster answer that."
"My monster," Keegan grumbles, pushing himself to sit up against the headboard, "thought they were our monster." You laugh and tug the bedroom door open. You child strikes a pose, their fingers tightly gripping the strings on a handful of balloons. Keegan snorts and they shoot like a bullet towards him, clamoring onto the beg with a loud,
"Happy birthday!"
"Birthday!" Keegan grabs the kid around their tummy and pulls them close to kiss their cheek as the shriek and squirm, "Thank you buddy." You can almost see the little golden glow between their chests, the excited plucking of your child's fingers at the air between them pulling new warmth into the room. Keegan holds a hand out to you, and you walk over to let him pull you against his side. "I didn't know it was my birthday," he smiles up at you, mischief dancing in his eyes.
"They asked," you glance down at where your child is gleefully attempting to pull a crumpled card out of their pocket, "and I figured we're far enough into the season-"
"Season?" Keegan squeezes your hip and looks back at your child, "what a clever thing your mommy is now that she's got all the pieces to the puzzle."
"It is Spring, right?" You pluck nervously at the cotton tee he's wearing. You child chatters away on his lap, pointing out who is who on their card.
"Baby season," he agrees, taking the card from the kid to look over the hand drawn illustrations, "about time to start trying for another."
"Is there a time for that, for you?" You joke, and Keegan gives you such a serious look you can't help the spare giggles that slip out before he smiles and shakes his head.
"You got me all year baby," He tugs you down to kiss him, his head tipped back as you lean down, "but I want a whole team of these things." He tells you when you pull away. A tiny hand pushes at your face and you grab you kid's hand and kiss their fingers with a smile.
"Probably a good time to start trying then," You lift your child off of Keegan's lap and up into your arms to rest against your hip. Keegan hums, his fingers dragging against your hip as you bounce the kid. You'll save the positive test you took for later, when you can properly celebrate without your first born interrupting.
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FOR THINGS DONE WHILE DANCING *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
that thing you just stepped on? yeah, that was my foot.
you've never danced like this before, have you? i can tell.
you're rather good at this.
where did you learn to dance like this?
i'm sure i'm not the only one you've danced with.
i don't know what i'm doing.
just follow my lead and i'll help you.
you're a lousy dance partner.
is that your perfume i smell?
i'll be with you the whole time. follow me.
it's an honor to dance with you.
i could kiss you right now.
i never thought i'd get the chance to dance with you again.
i like to keep things spontaneous.
mind if we dance?
you clean up nice.
figured it was time i stepped in.
what were you doing, dancing with them?
i've waited my whole life for a moment like this.
if you dip me, i'll kill you.
i think the song's over.
well... that was nice.
you look lovely in that dress, by the way.
can we go again?
just put your hand on my shoulder.
i didn't know you could dance!
do you remember the last time we danced like this?
you're doing wonderfully. you look like an expert.
when's the last time i danced with you?
you deserve this, you know.
everyone's watching us.
what would you do if i kissed you?
just keep your eyes fixed on me.
ignore the staring. they'll get over it.
take hold of my hand and let me guide you.
may i have this dance?
i was hoping i'd meet you out here on the dance floor.
dance with me. don't make me go out there alone.
is this the part where we kiss?
[ cut in ] sender interrupts receiver as they dance with someone else and requests to dance with receiver, instead
[ dip ] sender dips receiver at the end of the song
[ guide ] sender places receiver's hands in the correct position for a formal dance
[ slide ] sender's hand slips down to receiver's hip as they dance
[ stumble ] sender and receiver make a mistake in their dancing and stumble over each other
[ laugh ] sender and receiver attempt to dance, but can't help themselves from crumbling into a laughing fit
[ private ] sender encourages receiver to dance with them in the privacy of their own home with no one around
[ silence ] sender and receiver start dancing without any music
[ groove ] sender and receiver perform funky, silly dances together, overexaggerating to make each other laugh
[ oops ] sender keeps stepping on receiver's feet and apologizing each time
[ almost ] sender and receiver finish their dance and stare into each other's eyes, transfixed, nearly about to kiss
[ teach ] sender gives receiver a proper lesson on how to dance
[ classes ] sender and receiver meet at a dance class
[ slow ] sender and receiver slow dance together
[ tender ] in the middle of a dance, sender reaches out to fix receiver's hair/clothes
[ interrupt ] someone tries to interrupt sender and receiver as they dance
[ forbidden ] sender and receiver are not supposed to be seen together... but they end up dancing together anyway
[ sensual ] sender and receiver participate in a sensual, romantic dance
[ cooking ] while cooking with music on, sender and receiver humorously dance around the kitchen (using utensils as microphones in the process)
[ first dance ] sender and receiver share their first dance at their wedding
[ first kiss ] in the midst of dancing together, sender and receiver finally have their first kiss
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seoafin · 1 year
shoko x f!reader (main pairing); gojo satoru x f!reader x geto suguru 1.2k words; no warnings just general high school clownery!!! part of the summertime record series
There's an unsettling feeling that creeps over you as you approach the door to your classroom. It's so potent that you pause for a second, hand lingering in the air before you slide the door open.
You take in the scene before you.
It’s an unusual sight, but you’ve come to realize that unusual has become the norm when it comes to your new classmates. Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru, two powerful jujutsu sorcerers who had taken to each other immediately, for better and for worse.
Geto is gripping Gojo’s wrist, pinning the white haired boy’s outstretched right arm to the desk, the weight of his body hunched over and leveled against Gojo's own to ensure he stays put. Gojo is struggling to use his remaining hand to pull his other one away, but it’s futile against Geto’s ironclad grip.
There is a knife in Shoko’s hand. A regular knife for food preparation that must have been swiped from the kitchen.
The knife is poised right above Gojo’s wrist.
"Let’s just—” Gojo’s voice pitches high, “wait wait wait wait—"
You stare.
Three gazes turn to you. Gojo’s sunglasses are askew on his face, face feverish with a rising panic.
"Ah, perfect timing." Shoko smiles pleasantly. You stare some more. Then in a perfectly amicable tone she gestures to the katana slung over your shoulder. “We're testing Gojo’s limitless. Can I borrow your katana?"
You wordlessly slide the sheath off your shoulder and hand it to her.
"Sell out!" Gojo condemns, squirming and floundering underneath Geto’s body. You observe that he looks like a miserable fish gasping for air on dry land.
Shoko turns to you, straight faced. "This is for science."
Despite the arduous task of restraining the aforementioned male, Geto only looks slightly winded as his lips curl into another perfectly pleasant smile matching Shoko’s own. “Please,” he says congenially, in a tone that would suggest anything but the cold blooded torture about the ensue. He nods at an empty seat in front of a spare desk. “Enjoy the show.”
“This is my hand we’re talking about—!”
A particularly bony elbow slams into Geto’s chest as you take a seat. Geto remains unfazed. You sit with a wide yawn in an attempt to chase away the last stubborn dredges of sleep.
"I can reattach it." Ieiri says. You can sense the flow of reverse cursed energy in her fingertips as she flexes them. She shrugs. "I think."
Gojo balks, whiter than a ghost. "O-kay. I'm sorry. Hear that Suguru? I said I'm sorry! I won't do it again!”
Even to your ears, it doesn’t sound particularly sincere.
Geto must come to the same conclusion, because he pretends not to hear.
The apologies take a sharp turn. “It’s not my fault you tripped like an idiot into that curse’s mouth—” 
“Let’s get started, shall we?” Geto interrupts. 
He turns to Shoko who holds your unsheathed katana with steady hands. Light dances over the blade, sharp enough that a stray finger on the flat edge could easily draw blood. It’s a beautiful blade, on loan to you from the Kamo family. Your favorite one out of the many that have passed your hands. Most katana users you’ve come to find, are particularly possessive over their blades, like they would a lover, but you think this one looks right at home in Shoko’s elegant hands.
Gojo eyes the prized blade as if it’s the evilest thing to have graced his presence. You know this because it’s an even worse, beadier look than the one he used to give you. Now he only looks at you as if he doesn’t quite know what to say to you now that the two of you have settled into a tentative kind of relationship-not-friendship. You don't miss his antagonism. It's a welcome change.
Shoko levels the sharp blade of your katana against Gojo’s long index finger, above the knuckle. In response, as a last resort, the fingers curl against the desk, ensuring a messy cut.
"Hm,” a slow smile spreads over her face. “A finger? Or the wrist?"
Geto's smile is merciless. It comes easier to him than you would have originally expected. "All of it.”
There’s a yelp. Something utterly incomprehensible leaves Gojo’s mouth. You think it could be his spirit ejecting itself from his body, floating into the air.
There’s a glint in Shoko’s eyes. "Roger that."
A rush of cursed energy fills the katana, imbuing it with malicious intentions.
There is no clear indication of the infinity shrouding Gojo’s body other than the presence of his cursed energy, but you know it has to be in effect because as Shoko furiously saws at the appendage, the blade never sinks into flesh. Sweat forms on Gojo’s brow as he stares intently at the portion of invisible space right above his wrist.
With bated breaths, the three of you stare.
The sawing stops. “Huh, it really doesn’t go through.” Shoko remarks flippantly, stepping away with a shrug. “A shame.”
Geto sighs, loosening his grip.
Gojo springs away with a shaky bark of laughter, too far away from Geto and Shoko and you to be anything but the intention to maintain a distance.
“Of course it wouldn’t have gone through,” he snaps. The relief is evident on his face as he straightens his wrinkled uniform. He waves an accusatory finger at the three of you. “Now you’ve all had your fun!”
Geto and Shoko look too disappointed, without any hint of remorse on their faces.
It slips from your mouth before you can help it. Your lips wobble despite your attempt to stifle the laughter growing in your stomach by firmly pressing your lips shut.
Your loud laughter envelopes the room as Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko stare at you, slack mouthed.
“I’m…” the remnants of laughter wrack your body, “sorry…” 
You hadn’t meant to laugh. You think it’s been a long time since you last laughed. 
Gojo’s usual black sunglasses have slid down the bridge of his nose, revealing the wide blue expanse of his eyes. “You laugh?”
“I do,” you answer seriously.
Then you smile widely. The motion is still unfamiliar to your lips but you find it’s a bit easier now. There are things to smile about now. The friendly shrine cats, the warmth of the sun on your skin when you settle down to take a nap, Shoko’s laughter. There’s a raised empty bed of soil in front of the dorms. No flowers or plants. Yaga-sensei had told you that the contractors had been recalled before anything could begin. Then he handed you a book on horticulture.
You don’t know much about plants or flowers or gardening, but you’d like to start.
“You’re dumb,” Shoko directs towards him as she takes the seat next to you. “And you,” Shoko says to Geto. “You’ll catch flies.”
Geto’s mouth snaps shut. You find that he doesn’t meet your eyes, but Shoko easily leans her head against your shoulder and you don’t think much of anything but the weight of her and how good she smells.
In the next second, Yaga-sensei steps into the class, and levels the four of you with a suspicious look.
“Class is starting,” he says, raising an eyebrow when he sees Shoko pressed close to you. Before he turns to the blackboard, you catch a glimpse of a smile. “The four of you in your seats.”
For the first time in a long time, you stay awake through a lesson.
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gweninred · 4 months
OMFG HEAR ME OUT I've been thinking about this for a while now and I'm going insane.
Reader organizes a very romantic dinner (candlelight, ambient music and all that), making Melissa's favorite dish, getting her flowers..
. and THEN reader gets on Mel's lap and end up giving her lap dance and just makes Melissa feel good and fucking her silly till she's absolutely spent..
ok im gonna go hide now..
Taking care of
I love this request! I’m not comfortable writing smut, so I won’t be writing that part, I’m sorry. Just leave the last part to your imaginations 😭 I hope you like it anyway and thank you for requesting!
You placed the flowers you had bought for your favourite redhead in a vase. White tulips. You set them on the middle of the dining table, then starting to make dinner, gnocchi. Once again Melissa’s favourite. She had thought you how to made some of her famous Italian dishes. Following her family recipe you had saved in your notes app to make the dish. You noticed your girlfriend was quite stressed lately, ever since she had to teach two grades, she would come home extremely stressed and exhausted from her day at work. But the oh-so good girlfriend you are, will always be there for her to comfort her and help her relax.
By the time you had finished dinner you had placed it in the oven to keep it warm until the redhead will be coming home. You made sure to light up some scented candles, switch the big lights off and turn on some slow romantic music.
“Baby?” Melissa shouted after banging the front door close. You could hear her bag drop on the floor. “I’m upstairs!” Stroking your hands down your sides you looked at the dress through the mirror. A hum of approval came from the teacher as she peaked her head through the opening of the doorway. “Looks good on ya.” You smiled. “There you are, honey.” You wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling her close. Her arms found its way around your waist, kissing the side of your face. “I missed you.” She murmured against your neck.
“Come with me.” You pulled away to grab her hand, leading her downstairs. You made her sit down at the table.
“I called your mom to get the recipe. I know you’ve thought me how to make it but I kind of forgot.” You giggled, placing the redhead’s favourite dish in front of her.
“This is so thoughtful and sweet, honey.” Melissa grabbed your hand from across the table, she kissed your knuckles. “And you got me my favourite flowers.” Another kiss was placed on your hand.
“I hope it’s good, I don’t want you to break up with me for making the sauce wrong.” You joked, Melissa’s gaze softened.
“Of course not.” She was in a sweet mood, you cooking her favourite dish and getting her flowers clearly did something to her. “Well, I’m not sure nonna is going to let you marry me actually.”
“Oh, hush now, eat.” You popped open a bottle of red wine, pouring two glasses. “Barolo.” You took a sip, humming at the taste. You had bought the bottle of wine on your vacation in Italy, saving it for a special occasion to open the bottle. “And? Would Nonna approve?” Melissa chuckled, her mouth stuffed.
“I think she would, you nailed that.” Proud of yourself you take a bite, nodding in approval.
After dinner Melissa insisted to do the dishes, her filling the dishwasher while you cleaned the rest of the kitchen. “I made dessert for us too, but we can eat that later tonight, I’m full.” The redhead pinned you against the kitchen counter. “Me too.” Her voice was raspy, one hand resting on the side of your face her other hand leaning on the counter, keeping you trapped. Her hand moved in your hair, brushing it through her fingers. Your eyes lingered down to her lips. Closing the gap between you, the teacher kissing you. You caressed her curves.
“I missed the taste of your lips.” You murmured against her lips, kissing her again.
Then Melissa pulled away, to sit down again. “Hey! Get back here.” You whined. A chuckle was heard from your girlfriend. You followed the other woman, taking a seat on her lap. “I’m so lucky to have you, you’re so good to me, honey.” She placed her hands on your thighs kissing you. The kiss was heated and became sloppy.
“No, I’m so lucky to have you!” You pulled away to push your pointer finger against her chest, the redhead giggling. “Just let me make you feel good.” You whispered in her ear, then biting it slightly. Melissa had to drawn back a groan. You got up from her lap and went to stand behind her. Your hands placed on her shoulders, you glide your hands over her breast down to her waist. Melissa placed her hands over your guiding them over her body. Your head was next to hers, kissing her neck.
“You have no idea what you are doing to me.” She rasped out, leaning back into your touch. “What am I doing to you?” You walked around her, taking a seat on her lap again, Melissa’s hands immediately grasping your butt. “You are driving me wild.” She went to kiss you again.
“Have me just like this.”
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tranquil-ivy · 2 months
I think I genuinely found the perfect song for Leon and his wife as like "their song".
(Yes ik it's the song from Twilight but it's fitting!!!)
Now, when I think about them getting married I don't think they did a big wedding. They got married on a whim because Leon had vacation time coming up. They got married by a justice of the peace at a courthouse in front of everyone they cared about and rented a party room at a nice restaurant they really love just to have a good meal and be with everyone who matters.
They didn't have a cake, no flower toss, no first dance. But you did get to dress up, everyone did. Just shared their happiness with everyone. You had a honeymoon for sure though. 2 blissful weeks in Italy together, the vacation they'd planned on taking together. Just to have a romantic get away.
You promised each other that you'd do something special for your first anniversary but you got pregnant and Violet was barely 3 months old on your wedding anniversary that the thought slipped both your minds.
But one afternoon Leon's heading home from a particularly grueling case. Everything that could have gone wrong almost did. And of course he's sitting in traffic when all he wants is to go home an see his wife and daughter. The only thing sounds are the engine and occasional honks from idiot drivers. So he turns on the radio to fill the silence. He catches the ending of some other song. The radio dj coming on and talking for a bit, he reaches for the dial when piano keys fill the car. He just goes back to waiting, sitting back in his seat as he does so.
And my God does he get emotional... He doesn't know if it's the stress he's under or if it's that he can't stop thinking about how relevant everything feels.
He knows his life is hard, It's been hard since that night in Raccoon City and everything that's happened to him. All the people he's seen suffer and the awful things he's seen. But once he met you he finally had something good. Something that gave him hope.
His life changed so much in the past 5 years of being together. You loved him. You married him. You gave him the family he's always wanted and his life is barely over a quarter of the way through. He gets to come home to you and the beautiful baby girl he loves so much.
How could he not finally be thankful for being alive?
Because he gets to live not to just be a weapon anymore. He's got something to look forward to.
Your anniversary rolls around. It's almost midnight and you're prepping your lunch for the next day at work. As Leon walks into the kitchen. Doing his usual schtick of wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck. Giving you the usual kisses with a tight squeeze so you can't escape his love as you squeal for mercy. He eventually stops his torturing affection and looks at the stove clock as you zip you're lunchbox closed.
Soon you're lifted from the floor being carried by the waist out of the kitchen.
"Leon! I'm not done yet!"
"It's our anniversary now so I get to do what I please."
"That's not how this works!"
He sets you on the floor, standing as you playfully glare at him. He hustles over to the stereo, plugging his phone in and turning it up, not loud enough to wake the baby.
"What're you doing?" You question, hearing the piano fill the living room as he hustles around the couch.
"What we should of done last year. Our first dance. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close.
"Leon, we've danced since we got married."
"Yes, but we never picked a song! So just, dance with me and listen. Please? Pleeeease?" He bounces on place till you sigh and wrap your arms around him.
You just stare into each other's eyes while you slow dance. Swaying gently to the music as you listen. Both of you getting emotional by the end of the song. Tears streaming down both your faces. Still smiling as you hug him tight.
"Being with you was one of the best choices I've ever made. I love you so much."
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kumimi3 · 10 months
so I've recently stumbled upon one of your works that has been on my mind ever since, And i checked your profile to find taht the requests were open.. so don't mind if i do!
please could you write more Poly gun and goo x reader? If possible Could it be sfw & nsfw?
anyways thank you sm i love your blog!! Take care <3
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❪ LOOKISM BOYS <3333333 ❫ ❮   a cutie with two ferocious dogs ⟡ gaming number 2! ↳ gun and goo ii
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https:strating.com! (sfw & nsfw)
Oh, they're dominant alright...
Dominant enough to make you feel submissive. The type of men to lead you, attentive and is protective of you
The thing is, they know how capable you are despite you're feminine self, but they remain stubborn and still protect you
not because they see you as "weak" no, no, anything but that! They do it because you're THEIR woman, their babygirl!!!! <3
It's as if both of their minds think alike when it comes to you despite how different they are as a person, if you look closely, you can almost see a more different side of them
The more human side
You actually have a lot of privilege than you think
Gun and Goo both have walls so high no one could achieve it for so many years, until you appeared in their lives, and you broke it down inch by inch until you finally saw them for who they truly are
Corny, i know
Gun is a dedicated man, has a reputation to uphold, stoic and emotionless--Wait! Wait! Is that Gun? With his sweetheart? Watching Barbie? And him wearing pink!? And makeup?!?!
He teaches you Japanese!
Often times he takes advantage of your lack of knowledge with Japanese by speaking to you in his language, secretly using it as a way to be more sentimental and romantic with you
"I love you... Y/n." "Can you repeat what you said? I'll translate it--" "It's nothing." *Kisses you on the forehead before leaving*
Gun is the type to read novels in his free time, HE MUST BE!
Has definitely annotated a book before and slipped it under your bed as a gift while you were sleeping, showing his comments, qoutes highlighted--Ugh, he'd definitely do it for you
Very attentive!!! When you lean down, he puts his hand on the corner of the table so it wouldn't hit you! When you sneeze, he's quick to pull a tissue and hand it to you while talking to someone in front of him
Now, Goo... He's definitely easygoing towards the relationship
Anything you both want, he's game, fr fr
He's the one who cooks for the three of you most of the time, once called you his "Cute little chef" when you decided to help him at the kitchen
If you're the type of sweetheart to vape or smoke--Nope! Now you're not! He'll throw your cigs away the moment he sees it and gives you a scolding while coddling you in his strong arms
"Sugarbunch! You shouldn't be smoking, it's bad for you!" *Pouts as he whines about how bad it'll affect you*
A teaser at it's finest!
Will tease you until the end, but if someone else does it, he's already readying his knuckles for charging, plus with his menacing glare
has slow danced to you at least once when he was feeling romantic at the time, where he's surprisingly quiet as he merely basks in the soft melody from the tv, and your warm presence
money, money, money
Gun and Goo have many love languages, but I suppose one thing in common is: GIFT GIVING!
You look, they pay. You touch, they pay. You smile, they pay.
That's it. They don't think too much about how much money of theirs you spend, they can make twice the amount in a week.
Besides, how could they say no to you?
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nsfw part (not very detailed, but do be cautious, ps: I'm still new at writing smut sorry jehrbferfe)
They're big. That's it.
Gun and Goo have tremendous amount of work, so at the end of the day, you'd expect rounds of sex the moment they open the door surprisingly quiet
They've fucked you separately most of the time, but gets horny at the thought of fucking you at the same time (which does happen actually)
Sex with Gun is intimate and passionately rough
He holds you possessively as he ruts into you once again for the umpteenth time, eyeing your luscious curves while you whimper at the sensitivity inside of you
"I've fucked you many times... Yet, you still don't seem to get used to it."
His cock is big, who could blame you?
Gun's a genius at making you feel good, wether it's the words he use, or just from his actions--He'd lower his lips close to your ears and speaks to you in a breathy manner, seemingly unfazed at the way you clutch on to his arms for dear life
Hidden praises and faux degradation, you couldn't tell what he would be using, but both styles have definitely made you sigh in pleasure
"Can't you see how much of a slut you look like right now? Heh, keep whining and see where that gets you." "Just like that, hah... Attagirl."
Goo's open to explore new kinks and positions, so expect a box of toys in front of you the moment he locks the bedroom door
Might be into voyeurism... He's a risky guy, after all
Leans more into praises, yet degrades you for a minute just for fun
He's fucked you most of the time through bdsm, but Goo is still a romantic, he'd like rose petals on the floor, low music, and just have a good time
Quite vocal unlike Gun--Who mostly groans--and begins to get louder the more close he gets to his high
"Fuck, you're such a good girl for me, yeah? You're close aren't ya? I know you are, I can feel you down there--Agh~" "'Wonder what Gun thinks if I send him a pic of you looking like a complete whore, ugh baby you're so fucking cute like this!"
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I don’t know if anybody reads these anymore 😭 but this is a Klaus imagine. I’m also on Wattpad I’ve written one shots about Jeremiah fisher and Klaus on there. My name is unknown_writ_er if you wanna check it out. I have a few stories I won’t post on here cause they’re fluff but you can check them out if you’d like. Also I’m open to request so just send me them! Also I can write fluff on here but I don’t see a lot of it.
Summary: Klaus was busy and you were bored so you thought you’d dance with someone? A dance never hurt anyone…
I spent the whole night sitting down at the party. The whole thing was just for him to make plans and talk to people. I haven't seen Klaus the whole night. Everyone was just dancing and having fun. Klaus invited me as his plus one. He always does that because he always needed me by his side as his last hybird. We weren't dating or anything special. He gets mad though when I talk to other people especially boys because I can get 'attached' to them and spill all his secrets but I honestly didn't care too much about this rule because I honestly liked Klaus. I seen the good out of him through all the bad but at times like this I do get bored.
Damon Salvatore. He walked up to me with his fit and tall figure, Black hair, and blue eyes staring at me. He walked up to me and asked to dance.  Dancing wouldn't hurt anybody. I wouldn't catch feelings for Damon he's an ass and he's in-love with Elena. He's probably just tryna to use me to get closer to Klaus but I didn't care I was so bored. I grab his hand and get up a slows song turns on. We dance he his hands on my waist I had my hands on his shoulders and he was smirking at me. I would be lying if I said Damon wasn't hot but I just wasn't attracted to him like that.   He kisses my hand then sends me off to go to my next dance partner is was this random guy. I've never seen before. He was just a random new guy.
Then Klaus came and compelled the dude to go away. Then started dancing with me. "Now what did I say Y/N" he says. "It was just a dance" I say rolling my eyes. He grips on my hips harshly. "You still disobeyed me." He says. "It was only once just get over yourself" I say as I walk away. He grabs my hand "go get in the car I will deal with you in a second don't disobey that order" he says sarcastically. I decide to ignore him. I go to the kitchen and get a glass of wine. I then hear Klaus say his goodbyes then leave. I knew he'd be in here in a matter of seconds as he realizes I'm not out in the car. As I expected Klaus was in there in the matter of seconds he grabbed my arm and ran back to the car he threw me in the back seat.
He closed the sliding window that connects the drivers to the passenger. He got in. "Why do you not listen to anything I say" he yells. "Because I was bored and I just wanted to dance I'm not inlove with Damon." I yell back. I've never yelled at him the shock look on his face turned to anger. He pinned me against the seat "DONT ever yell at me again Y/N and I'll make you regret it." He says. "And do exactly what I'm your last hybird you won't kill me since you can't make anymore" I say. "There's things worse than death, love" he says. "But I don't think I'd ever be capable to do those things to you" he mumbles. My hearing going in and out for his low tone. "What did you say." I said. "Nothing" he says. "You know whatever I'm walking home" I say as I get out. "Fine walk home dont be surprised if I don't let you in" he says.
It was cold but it obviously didn't matter I was a vampire. I walked home instead of using my vamp speed because I didn't wanna see Klaus and he probably didn't wanna see me now. I soon get home after 2 hours it was like 11 by time I got home. I sigh as I knock on the door. It was locked of course it was. I just yell "Fine I'll just go to the Salvatore's boarding house" I say as I start to walk away. Before I got to the stairs of the porch I heard the door open and someone grab my arm, slam the door, and pin me against it. It was Klaus with messy hair, eyes bags, his sweatpants hanging low so that can I see his v-line, and his shirt off. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him right now.
His hands were on the side of my head his body wasn't that close but his face was. I smirked. "Why don't u want me at the Salvatore house so bad" I said. "I already told you" he says. "That can't be the reason you let me in the house after you told me you wouldn't." I say. "You know I could protect myself but you just like to have control over me" I say. He Just stares at me without saying anything. I didn't think I was right so the shock on my face when he didn't disagree or deny it. " oh so that's what it is. You like how you know you could do anything to me at the snap of your finger." I say smirking. I put my hand on his torso. Tracing his abs. His face still staring straight but I could still tell by his eyes I was affecting him. I rubbed my hand further down to dick. He let out a gasp and I could see him get hard. He backed up from me and then kept walking back and forth.
"Y/N stop messing with me" he says staring at me. "Who says I messing with you" I say smirking. "You better lose that attitude you know you're defenseless against me" he says. "Yeah I think you like that. You can control everything I do. You like that I have to listen to you" I say getting closer to him and I push him on the back of the couch and climb on top of him. "I barely touched you and you got hard" I say smirking. He flips us over "you just had a whole thing how I'm in control and now you want to try and be. Not happening love" he says as he holds my wrist in one hand and tears my dress with the other one. He sits up with his legs on either side of my hips and kissy sits admiring me. My arms were still pinned. I managed to get out of it as he wasn't holding that long and I flipped us over. He was just smirking at me amused. I started leaving hickeys down his neck and torso.
(IK that vampires heal quick but just imagine hickeys stay‼️)
As I got to the waistband of his sweatpants. I pulled them down along with his boxers. His dick hit his stomach. I bring my hand to it and start stroking it. He threw his head back. I bring his tip to my mouth and start licking it. I started taking him in my mouth. I took us much as I could then stroked the rest. I kept bobbing my head and Klaus soon grabbed my hair pushing me down more and more. He then pulled me off. I could tell he was about to finish. "Y/n you drive me crazy" he says breathlessly while flipping us back over. He started kissing my neck leaving hickeys all down me. "Now I'm about to fuck you better than anybody can especially Damon." He says as he kisses down to my breasts and unclips my bra. And starts sucking on my nipple. One of his hands slide up to my neck. The other slides down to my panties and slides his hand in. I let out a gasp as he rubbed my clit.
He inserted 2 fingers in me while rubbing my clit. I was moaning. He moved his mouth to my other nipple. When he found my G-spot I screamed his name. He looked up at me and smirked. Then kept going at a fast pace there. He then stopped attacking my breast then kissed me. He took my moaning to slip his tongue in my mouth. "Klaus I'm about-" I was cut off by a moan as he went faster then I finished all over his fingers. He pulled them out then licked the juices off his fingers. He then slid my panties off. Then aligned himself against my entrance. "Is this okay" he whispered in my ear. My breath hitched feeling him so close to my core. "Yes Klaus" I said breathlessly. He slowly pushed into me.   He leaned onto my shoulder then slowly starts going in out.
"Faster" I said with a moan. He starts going faster hitting my g-spot. I was scratching his back. He started leaving hickeys on my neck. As he kept going faster he started rubbing my clit as I finished all over his dick. I was sensitive now. He kept going and my legs were shaking. I was squeezing against him he looked like he was about to come undone. He went at a faster pace and I finished for a third time all over his dick then he finished deep inside me then rode out both our highs. He planted a kiss on my forehead then he left I thought he was just gonna leave me here. Was I just a random fuck? He came back with a blanket, a tshirt, and towel. He had put some boxers on. He cleaned me up then threw the tshirt on me then threw the blanket over me then got next to me wrapped his hand around my waist and laid his head on my neck and we fell asleep.
This is more soft version but I could make another story kinda like this and make it rougher if y’all liked.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
and what about tiny boys in the omegaverse?? (waka, mikey, izana, fuyu)
Good Things Come In Small Packages: Manjiro Sano/ Wakasa Imaushi/ Izana Kurokawa/Chifuyu Matsuno x Fem!Reader 
wc: 1.8k
tw: smut & fluff
Manjiro Sano - Alpha (smut)
Mikey is mean when he's in a rut. Mean like grabbing your hips and jerking them against his.
"Hips up for me, baby."
He's dirty. Like... finger in your ass dirty.
"Got you all worked up now, huh?"
You look up at the black-haired man and allow yourself a moment of pleasure before pretending to hate it again. "Mikey, you're so rough..."
Mikey chuckles, twisting the finger in your ass a little. "You're so submissive for me, though. Want me to ease up and go slow?" You shake your head no, then bury it in the covers. "Ah, ah, ah." The blanket is snatched off of your head, and Mikey pulls you up to meet him thrust for thrust.
"What, princess?" Mikey wonders, shoving his full length, knot and all, into your waiting pussy. "You don't want me to stop, do you?" Your entire body yearns for him. You shake your head no again, and Mikey runs a hand down to your clit before biting your earlobe.
"You're gonna let the whole pack know whose pussy this is before the night's over." You cry out a little, stars dancing in your vision as he picks up his speed again. Mikey holds you against him and doesn't let up, even for a second, but when you almost go limp from overstimulation, he lays you across the bed.
His hands roam around your flesh as he drills his cock into you ruthlessly. "This pussy is mine," he growls ferally. "All mine."
Wakasa Imaushi - Alpha (smut)
"It's for the good of the pack."
You're laying on your back underneath a long-haired alpha, his features smoothed into a half-bored, half-asleep expression with fully lidded eyes and soft grunts reminding you of snores. But they're not snores, and he's fully awake. His hips remind you of that.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way," he said before undressing and folding his clothes neatly. You watched as he placed them on the end of the bed and then motioned toward you. Lay on the bed.
You return to the sensations building between the two of you, the feeling of his knot swelling and your heart beating ever-so-fast. It's common for an omega to be mated with an alpha of a different pack, but this differs from how you imagined a courtship. It had been a middle-of-the-night thing with hurried rituals and rushed ceremonies. All of them left you breathless and unsure, especially this one.
The red stains of your former virginity are on a sheet tossed to the floor, but you can't think about your former ways now. You're fully engaged in sex with your... husband.
"Ah," you groan, the knot at the base of Wakasa's dick swelling even more.
"Mmm," the man murmurs, burying his head in your neck. "I'm gonna cum."
Your slick - produced by a false method to prepare you for this - makes a sound you can't quite place, but Waka doesn't seem to mind. In fact, it seems this makes his thrusts sloppier and more hurried, each one rocking you against the sheets.
"Oh, god," he whines, squeezing his eyes shut and cumming long and hard into you. You gasp as his cock pulses inside you, and the knot sinks in a little deeper - further than you thought possible. When all is said and done, Wakasa moves you so you're lying on your side and facing him. "My knot will go down soon," he huffs. "Are you okay?"
"'M fine," you grumble, tucking your face into his chest. Waka places an arm around you and kisses your forehead tenderly.
"Just rest." Those two words ease your transition into sleep. When you awaken, Waka isn't there. The sheets at the foot of the bed are gone, and you can smell the coffee being prepared from the kitchen downstairs.
Just as you shift up from the bed, the door opens slightly, and Waka walks in, his hands holding orange juice, fruit, and eggs. "You're up," he mentions, barely smiling. You don't reply, but you watch him carefully place things on the night table beside you. "Thought you'd like something to eat."
"Where's the coffee?" you wonder, and Waka snaps his fingers.
"That's what I forgot." He disappears only to reappear with a steaming mug filled with coffee. When it's cooled, you take a sip and taste the familiar flavors of your usual homemade brew. "Two sugars, three creams." You peer at him over the mug, and he smiles sheepishly. "Your parents told me. How are you feeling?"
"Fine," you reply, noting the sticky feeling between your legs. "A little sticky."
"That can be fixed with a shower." Before Waka can walk off, however, you reach out for him instinctively.
"You should eat." Waka blinks, but you offer him a slice of apple. He grabs your wrist and feeds himself by your hand, his tongue swirling around your fingers lasciviously. You shudder in pleasure, and Waka grins.
"You're right," he begins. "I should eat."
Izana Kurokawa - Alpha (fluff)
You're lost. You're horribly lost in the dark. In the dark and on one of the emptiest streets in a town you don't know.
“This is not a place for a tiny Omega to be this late at night.” You leap out of your skin, holding tightly onto your sweater. You turn around and spot the white-haired man lingering in the alleyway with his arms crossed.
"I... I..." The scent of the man in the alley is strong and heady, and you begin to feel fearful in the presence of an Alpha. You're an unmated Omega wandering around in a city you have no clue about; you're prime real estate by all accounts.
The alpha shifts off the brick wall and smirks at you, his purple eyes flashing as if he was prepared to play a game with you. "Are you going to run?" Your feet don't move even though your common sense tells you to take off. You're... stuck.
The man stops in front of you, reaching out to stroke your cheek before twirling a strand of your hair around his finger. "You smell incredible."
"Please," you murmur, feeling your stomach quiver. "I--"
"Where did you plan on going from here? I can get you there, sweetheart." You suddenly can't remember as his scent envelopes you. All of your senses calm to a slow crawl as his musky, warm, spiced scent eases you into a dream-like state. "Let me get you there," he murmurs gently, tilting his head.
You reach out to him and take his hand as if you were in a dream, holding onto him with only a shred of sanity left. When the man gets you to his car, you find your tongue to ask him his name. He replies, "Izana," so casually as if you'd asked him what color his shoes were. You can't imagine being anywhere but in his car, in his presence, and saying his name back to him like a transfixed siren.
"I'll protect you," Izana states, turning the key to start the car. As it rumbles to life, you reach for the buckle, but Izana is already leaning over you, his hands making quick work of the device. He takes his time to lean back into his seat, his eyes lingering on your lips, and then wandering up to your eyes once more.
"What?" you wonder, your voice barely a whisper as Izana settles in his seat.
"Nothing. Are you visiting from out of town, or..."
"Yeah," you quickly chime in. "I'm staying in a hotel but was hungry and didn't have a car, so..." Izana puts the car in drive and coasts out of his parking spot.
"We have food at the pack house," Izana begins, flicking on his turn signal. "Or we can get McDonald's if you'd like. That's the closest thing to us."
"McDonald's is okay." You settle into silence as the car makes a few turns before merging onto the highway. You know you should be frightened by an unknown man chauffeuring you around a city you don't know, but there's something so soothing about him that makes you feel warm and--
"You have a pack?"
"A pack of what?" you shoot back, but when you look away from the window, a frown has settled onto Izana's face.
"A pack," he states again. The meaning settles into you, and you look away nervously. "You don't smell like..."
"I don't," you admit. "I've just been wandering for a while."
A ghost of a sad smile crosses Izana's face. "I know what you mean." He clears his throat suddenly and murmurs, "My pack is full of those who don't have a biological family. For... whatever reason."
The bright lights of a McDonald's cross your vision, and you grip the edges of your jacket. "Maybe we can eat there, then."
"At the house?" Izana wonders, and you nod. He smiles gently, reaches over to squeeze your thigh, and then chuckles. "Not unheard of. McDonald's is kind of trash anyways. I'll introduce you to the boys. We'll be happy to have you."
Chifuyu Matsuno - Beta (fluff)
“You don’t happen to have any heat suppressants on you, do you?”
The shocked beta stands in the doorway, his eyes glazing over as your scent hits him. "I, uh..." The pause is enough for you to stare at him for a moment, then he scrambles into his dorm, leaving the door ajar for you.
After slipping past it, you walk into the somewhat messy area and watch while your close friend looks around for something he probably doesn't have.
"Y/n," he mumbles, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. "I don't have any. But I..." As you prepare to leave, he stands akimbo in the room but then offers his hand. "I could help if you wanted."
"How?" you wonder, and Chifuyu smiles shyly.
"Baji taught me a thing or two a few years ago."
It's uncommon for betas to want to help with a heat or encourage anything other than sex - however casual it may be - with an Alpha. But seeing as Baji was nowhere to be found and Chifuyu felt up to the task, you lay on the surprisingly comfortable bed and cuddled by the warm and inviting beta.
"Baji taught me that I could hold an Omega close and turn the heat into something less... uh..." Chifuyu fumbles for the word, but you nod, understanding it. "Just let me know if you start to feel uncomfortable."
"This is nice," you hum, snuggling into Chifuyu's soft shirt. His scent lulls you into a gentle desire to be held and never let go. "This is really nice."
"Yeah," Chifuyu whispers, resting his chin on your head. "He said he would do this all the time with his mate. She'd be intensely in heat, too. I'm surprised he made it through all of that without..."
The silence is enough for the both of you to settle in, and your eyes flutter shut as Chifuyu begins to talk again, his voice soothing you to sleep.
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peachhcs · 2 months
for the celly prompt 12 is so samy and will now that the season is over and it’s getting closer to the semester ending i think that sam would drag will into the kitchen and they would just dance and soak up life with eachother
dancing like nobody's watching
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will blurb)
finals always makes everyone stressed, so samy drags some of her friends to the lake house for a weekend getaway.
0.9k words
i'm beginning to write all of the requests sent in for the 700 followers celly, so thank you again for everyone requesting things! i may be a little slow with getting them out, so bare with me. please feel free to keep requesting as i roll the fics out for everyone you wanted to see though! it means a lot to me :)
700 celly masterlist | au masterlist
there were perks about having older brothers who owned their own lake house that loved their little sister so much that they let her crash in it for the weekend. classes were winding down, but that meant finals were quickly approaching. what better way to take some time off studying other than driving an hour north for the weekend? 
when samy went to jack with the proposal he told her two things: “no parties and no having sex with your boyfriend anywhere but your room.” once they agreed on those two things, he placed the keys to the house in her hand with a smile. he enjoyed seeing his little sister do things he wished he could’ve done when he was her age, so agreeing to let her stay in the lake house for the weekend wasn’t a hard decision. 
“i can’t believe we’re already done with freshman year,” hannah commented as she helped samy unpack some food in the kitchen. the boys already rushed towards the dock, wanting to get the first dip in. 
“me neither. feels like yesterday we just started. i’m excited for summer though, i think it’s gonna be a good ome,” the brunette smiled when she saw will, moldy, and luca running back towards the house, soaking wet from the lake. 
the door burst open and will went straight for samy. he trapped her in his arms, shaking his wet hair out on her like a dog. “will!” samy exclaimed, trying to escape his grasp. 
nick and luca did the same to hannah leaving both girls struggling to run away from the boys. “you love me anyway,” will hummed with a kiss against samy’s temple. 
“maybe not anymore. go shower off or something, you smell like the lake,” the girl ducked out of his arms earning a playful eye roll from the blonde. 
“come with me?” will dared to say in front of everyone else. luca and nick whistled while samy’s own face flushed. 
“been here for twenty minutes and the couple’s already going at each other,” nick teased, roughing up will’s shoulder. he had a mix of pride and embarrassment washed into his features. 
“you’re so annoying. go get clean. all of you,” the brunette eyed all three boys, her harsher tone finally settling them down. nick saluted. 
“yes, ma’am.” 
the three of them disappeared into different bathrooms. samy rolled her eyes, spinning back to hannah who was a fit of giggles. “god, i can’t wait for summer when everyone’s here,” the girl hummed. 
later that night, will helped samy in the kitchen making dinner. soft hums of the speaker drifted through the room along with luca, nick, and hannah trying to play a game of uno in the other room. the couple worked in comfortable silence beside one another—will cutting up the vegetables that samy added to the soup she was trying to make. 
he’d steal glances at her every so often when she wasn’t looking just to look at her. her curls fell down her back, frizzing at the ends from the spring heat. one of his boston college t-shirts hung loosely at her hips, probably one she stole from him when she visited last. somehow, he lost more shirts every time she came to visit, so he knew she most likely had a collection of them back in her dorm. 
“you should’ve come to boston with how many shirts of mine you have,” will teased a bit, poking her side. 
“don’t worry, i have about twenty more back at umich,” the girl giggled. she dumped the last of the cut up veggies into the pot and placed the lid on so the soup could cook for a bit. will watched as she rinsed the dishes off before plopping them into the dishwasher. his eyes never left her figure, so when samy found his gaze again, she was surprised when he was already looking at her. 
“what? do i look bad or something?” samy raised her eyebrow. 
the blonde quickly shook his head, moving to snake his hands around samy’s waist, “no, not at all. just admiring you.” 
his words earned a blush across samy’s cheeks as she pressed her cheek into his chest. they stood like that for a second until the song changed and sounds of the backseat lovers’ voices drifted through the speakers singing kirby girl. samy’s eyes lit up hearing her favorite summer song playing. 
“i overhead that she was 19. got a fake a id and a nose ring. those kind of girls tend to know things better than i do,” samy and will quickly sung along. 
as the beat picked up, will spun samy around before pulling her back into his chest. they swayed to the song, singing along to the lyrics together with big smiles on their faces. hearing these songs along with the warmer days meant summer was so soon and so was being able to spend an entire three months together. freshman year was fun, but the two couldn’t wait until they weren’t separated by states and nightly facetime calls turned into falling asleep in each other’s arms. 
the next song was another one of samy’s favorites that she played nonstop during the summer. declan mckenna always knew how to make the best summer songs. the guitar riff got the two excited as samy spun will around the kitchen. 
“i heard you sold the amazon to show the country that you’re from,” the brunette began. 
her and will started jumping when the chorus started. their commotion caused the other three to go investigate and samy quickly urged them to join. soon all five of them were jumping around the kitchen—the idea of finals and the end of the school year far from their minds while screaming declan’s song at the top of their lungs because that was the only thing that mattered in the moment. 
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gibuckaroo · 3 months
i'm just thinking about buck and eddie at chim and maddie's wedding. the role buck is going to play, how weddings bring romantic feelings up to the surface, how sometimes eyes meet in the middle of the aisle while the bride walks down or when they're saying the vows, and how buck and eddie seemingly just has been a couple of magnets gravitating towards each other this whole time.
how til death do us part seems to be a recurring theme in their friendship, how they don't need rings and papers and signatures to promise in sickness and in health to each other (how liberating it would probably feel) (just to say what they feel), how buck would be at the front, how he'll also walk down the aisle, how eddie has had this before but not really quite like this.
how the reception will come and the drinks will overflow and the music will numb any thought, but somehow someone's pushing the both of them in the middle of the dance floor and there's nothing else to do but to hold on each other and dance and it's sweet and it's slow and it's soft and has eddie always looked that way at buck? and has buck always smiled at eddie like this? and of course they have because this is nothing new, but the hands on the waist, on the shoulder, barely allowing space, that's not entirely new either if they were being honest, but the swaying to the music is.
how many times has buck wanted this in the middle of the kitchen?
how many times has eddie wanted to tuck his head under his chin?
how come they're only doing this now when it feels like it should have been done when they first met? when it seems so natural? when it seems like they have done this a thousand times before?
and when maddie throws the bouquet and they're at different sides of the reception hall and none of them catch the flowers, they share this new, but familiar understanding whether they're aware of it or not
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multifandoms27-blog · 11 months
Bucky Barnes Relationship HC's
It was my birthday this past weekend, and this is my birthday gift to myself. Hope y'all enjoy!
Content: (mostly) Post CW Bucky x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Talk about PTSD, (minimal) couple fights, cheesy Bucky lol
Notes: Bucky is working with the Avengers in this
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Something everybody seems to agree on, is that Bucky is clingy.
When he's away on missions, he tries to call you every night so he can hear you before bed. When you're away on missions, he can't sleep until you call him. You forget one night? Oh well, he's not sleeping. He's worried about you but he won't mention it to anyone else. He'll silently freak out by himself until you call.
He has nightmares, he likely always will. This makes him kind of a bad bedmate, but he doesn't mean to move so much. I would suggest taking melatonin so you can get some actual sleep.
Speaking of his nightmares, when he wakes up from them, he never wants to wake you. 9/10 times though, you've been awake for a little bit before him. He feels bad, and sometimes he'll run from you, or he'll seek out comfort.
If he runs from you, it's because he can't handle human interaction in that moment. PTSD reactions or waking up from nightmares make people feel very vulnerable, and some don't like feeling that way, and run somewhere they know is safe for them to hide until they calm down. Think of a turtle hiding in it's shell.
If he seeks out comfort, it'll go something like this;
Bucky yells as he shoots up, eyes wide and glossy. His body feels too cold despite being under the blanket with you, like he's overexposed. He looks around the room as he breathes heavily, trying to slow his heart rate. Nobody else is in here. Nobody but him and you. That's right, he...he got away.
His gaze shoots over to you as you stir and look up at him. You two stare at each other for a moment before you speak. "Nightmare?"
Bucky swallows his spit and nods. You adjust a little before lifting up the blanket. "Want some cuddles, Bucky?"
Bucky nods wordlessly, quickly settling next to you. He can feel your warm arms sliding around his body, encasing it with a certain weight that comforts him. He's here, next to you, safe and sound. No injuries. No fighting. No more being cold.
"Wanna talk about it?" You mumble against his skin.
"Don' feel like it right now, doll." Bucky wraps his arms around you, pulling you impossibly closer. "But...thank you."
"Yeah, of course." You nod, yawning. "Love you, Buck."
"Love you too, (Y/n)."
Normally, Bucky is pretty playful with you. He'll be flirty with you, share jokes, tell you anything and everything that's on his mind, and sometimes will just take your hand and start dancing around with you. He'll teach you how to waltz if you don't know how already.
He likes to learn about newer century stuff with you, but be patient with him if he doesn't understand something.
Although sometimes, he likes to learn different pieces of media and surprise you with his knowledge later (like in FATWS when he knows about the Hobbit)
It's also no secret that he's such a romantic. You cannot tell me this man wouldn't keep track of your anniversaries and birthdays every year.
You were making yourself a snack in the kitchen when Bucky walked in with a smirk. You looked up and gave him a smile. "Hey handsome, how you doing today?"
"Very well, now that I've seen you." Bucky strides to you.
"Oh? You weren't doing well before?"
"I'm at my best when my best girl is here." Bucky gently brings your hand to his lips, giving it a kiss.
You feel your face heat up, and Bucky chuckles. He loves when your face gets all rosy. He then turns your body to face him fully, your left hand going on his shoulder and your right hand staying in his own. His free hand goes to your waist, and he opens his mouth to speak again. "FRIDAY, play A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square by Glenn Miller."
FRIDAY made a small beep before answering, "Certainly."
You heard the old 40's crackle in the song as the man sang, and Bucky led the waltz around the kitchen island. No matter how many times you two have waltzed, neither of you can pry your eyes away from each other. As the song ended, Bucky stopped your movement, and just swayed in place. You moved your arms up to his neck, and his other hand went to your waist. Bucky gave you a soft, sweet kiss as the last musical note ended.
"Happy anniversary, doll."
"Oh Buck, you romantic." You grinned. "Happy anniversary, my love."
He'll also write you love letters if he's away on a mission for a while. He's not quite the poet, but he tries, lol. It's one of the only things left of him you have after the snap. That also means on birthday cards and stuff, you'll find his love notes for your eyes only, detailing how you make him feel, his favorite things you did that day, how you illuminate his life, it's all very cheesy. I love him.
Gets you bouquets of flowers because he saw them and thought of you (cause the flowers were pretty).
If you're into LOTR/Hobbit and show him the movies, he'd be ecstatic. He really liked the Hobbit when it came out, and to see it in movie form with you makes it so much better.
He'd want to be into your interests too. He wants to watch your favorite movies, see your favorite shows, know/read your favorite books, etc. He wants to connect with you on every level. He's stuck to you like glue.
Fights with him rarely happen, but it happens if he's already in a bad mood or is tired from a mission. The arguments can turn nasty, and he really doesn't mean to, but the person he loves and trusts the most is angry at him right now - so it's only fair he's the same way, right? Wrong, that's just the PTSD talking.
You two don't tend to stay mad at each other for very long. The most he has managed to stay mad at you was two days, before he was trying to find a way to apologize, unless you apologized first (depending on the situation). He likes being able to talk through the problem with you, it makes him smile the brightest smile after the issue is resolved, no matter how small. Not even Tony could break his stride.
He's not too fond of extreme PDA, but he'll keep his arm around your shoulders and give you a peck on the cheek here and there. Although, to annoy Tony or Sam, he might just grab you and give you a big, wet, passionate kiss on the lips. But what he'll never do is smack your ass or make any sexual remark or gesture in front of the others. He wants to keep your dignity and whatever is left of his.
Also expect random compliments here and there. Even if you're doing the most menial tasks, or on your lazier days.
You were texting Wanda while waiting for your toast to be done, yawning. You were in baggy lounge wear, and you hadn't done your morning routine yet. Bucky walked in, his hair already brushed and clearly ready for the day. He stops and looks you up and down before leaning against the doorframe, letting out a whistle.
The whistle makes you look up and give him a smile. "Morning, Buck."
"Morning sweetheart." Bucky flashed you a grin.
You just chuckled, then turned to grab your toast as it popped out. Bucky came up behind you and put his hands on your hips, leaning down to kiss your shoulder. "Why're you so cute, huh?"
"I'm not a mirror, Buck."
"Oh, you're mistaken. I'm very clearly looking at my wonderful girlfriend." Bucky laid his head on your shoulder, giggling at his own remark.
Your face heats up, even though he's said this to you multiple times before. "Aw, Buck..."
He kisses your shoulder again, moving his arms so they fully wrap around you. You take a bite of your toast, then move it to him to offer a bite. He bites into the toast and hums, satisfied.
When you guys go to bed, he's almost always big spoon. He likes holding you and protecting you. What better way to do that than holding you close while you both sleep? It's also a soothing way to get him to sleep. He feels your body move as you breathe - it's like the calmest sleep asmr for him, haha.
But that means if you get up to go to the bathroom or get a glass of water, he's waking up too. In his dreams he can feel something moving against him, and that causes him to wake up and make sure you're okay. Sometimes he'll wait for you to get back and pretend he was asleep, other times he'll follow cause he doesn't want to be alone.
If he has a nightmare though, he moves in his sleep. So his body will pry himself away from you, but it gives him a better chance to run and recover by himself if he needs to.
Definitely feels like you're the girl he's gonna settle down with. He just hopes you like the ring he picked out.
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oonajaeadira · 6 months
For the Love of Fic: December 9
I'm doing my best to get through my massive reading list by the end of the year, so buckle up, fam, you're about to get served a buffet of fic. There's so many tasty morsels here, even Mama Flores has to appreciate this feast.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation Fics!
Sheer Desire by @the-blind-assassin-12 Okay so imagine you're Frankie's +1 to a Millerboy wedding. And there's dancing and yearning and flirting involved. And the knowledge that after the reception, you're going to have him all to yourself. Now add in black thigh-high nylons. And the desire to see them in his hands. And his desire to have those lacy tops pressed against his ears.... IT'S HOT LIKE FIRE. DID YOU THINK IT WOULD NOT BE. GO GET IT.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #2: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Hammock by @something-tofightfor I mean, who doesn't want to be cuddled up in a hammock with Frankie? Who doesn't want those soft curls and soft lips and warm arms all pressed up against you?
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #12: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Dark / Break Up Kiss by @something-tofightfor A little angst and a lot of love are on display here. Frankie's here to show his responsible and protective side, and while there's plenty of hurt, he does it oh so softly and I'm just glad we are left with hope.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #14: Frankie Morales - “I miss you” Kiss / Angry Kiss by @something-tofightfor So remember that hope I just mentioned up there? Same pairing here, and the hope pays off. It's not without some real talk, but perhaps that's what makes the love even more deliciously sincere.
The day Frankie both loves and loathes the kitchen counter by @undercoverpena This is such a wonderful domestic Frankie POV piece. The way he wants to be better for reader, to provide more, to keep promises...the way he adores everything about her, including how she loves to bundle up in his clothes... Getting a peek inside a man who is sweet and loving and seeing the motivations there is such a treat. I really got swept up in this one.
The Thing About Second Chances by @artemiseamoon 🪐 This is exquisite. The pain of walking away really hurt. But then, when they met again it is so masterfully done...there are all these little impulses of his, wanting to do everything for her that could easily be overbearing except that he's just so damn loveable and it's hard to watch two people who clearly live each other be denied. I'm not sure he can really change all that much, but I am really pulling for them. Sometimes a little time apart can really drive home how much you can miss someone. Beautiful.
The Moon in May - Full Moon by @hopeamarsu Alpha Marcus. and. sitting on lap. purring and. teasing and soft and spreading you open but requiring go slow. is a tasty treat. brain mush. purring chest at my back. yes please.
Something Wild and Unruly by @ezrasbirdie Okay, remember when I said that there was a fic that was so beautiful it made me want to quit writing? This is it, and I mean that as a high compliment. Like, I finished it and just put my head in my hands and stared out the window with a big smile on my face. It's outlaw!Joel and old west sex worker!reader with a heart of gold and a good attitude about what she does. It's got so so so much feels and yearning and softness and bathing and the ending is beautiful and full of hope...this fic is up all of my alleys and making all of my jams and is my entire life mood. It is my new official Fave Birdie Fic™️ and I need to sing that to the world.
Small Joys: Wheelbug by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 The whole point of Lyr's Small Joys series is just that--joys. So it seems antithetical for Ellie to have found a bug that's big and bitey and for Joel to freak out about and try to bat it away. But the joy part of it comes from reader's reaction--to the wonder at finding a wheelbug in nature where it wasn't expected--and Ellie's, who of course will always find wonder in something new. Simple and beautifully done.
Small Joys: Leaf Pile by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Yes, the joy here is jumping in a leaf pile, but the joy I got from it was being able to hear Joel and Ellie perfectly in this. I also love the process Ellie gets to have in collecting the leaves and talking to a neighbor. It's really delightful.
The Sun Will Shine Again by @foli-vora I can't imagine dealing with crippling depression during the years after the outbreak, how hard and crippling it would be. And yet, I think I'd be able to manage if Joel was on my side, telling me he'd carry me as long as he could just to make sure I made it through. This is just such a beautiful piece. I want to curl up in it like a blanket.
Tangled Triumphs by @planet-marz1 I think my blood sugar levels hit an all-time high with this one and I ascended into the heavens. Joel learns to do Sarah's hair and it's so sweet and precious and I love them. Please read this. I need other people to share my squeals.
Cast Iron Sunshine part 1: Think I'll Call You Sunshine and part 2: Daisy by @blueeyesatnight Color me intrigued. We got ourselves a cocky cowboy in the wild west and a female doctor reader with some determination, sass, and willingness to sport a revolver, and I want more of that push and pull I'm sure is coming. The first meeting is just enough tingle to rub my hands together with glee. HE'S SUCH A SHIT. But then comes Daisy and she's here to lay some hearts open...
What Happens in Vegas.., ...Never Really Ends in Vegas, and Forever by @wildemaven A beautiful drabble trio that encompasses the realization that you've accidentally-in-Vegas married Jack, trying to quit him, and being unable to do so. Do yourself a favor, don't think about it too hard, and give into your cowboy.
Remember Me by @toomanystoriessolittletime This twisted my little heart and melted me in so many ways. When Jack is brought back and can't remember his girlfriend? Can I just cry a river? No worries though, the ending's a happy, hopeful one.
Thought That I Was Dreaming by @haylzcyon Salty, spicy, and sweet all at once...this may just be my dream Dieter smut. I very much love a "did he really say???" but then the reason for her not asking was perfect. How does Haylz make the very filthiest filth the sweetest sweet?
Sleazy Santa by @morallyinept This what happens when Dieter's not an actor, just a tremendous sleezebag working as a mall Santa (he's respectful to the kids) and you can't stop wanting that scummy D and go bang dirty in the Grotto. There's candy cane action. It's real nasty. And written like a fkn gourmet meal. The sweatier Jett writes this slimeball, the more I want. I don't know how. It's like Christmas magic. Delicious.
Crawling Back to You by @prolix-yuy This fic is a feast and all of my favorite dishes are on the table. Monsterfkn. Demons. Blasphemy. Sexy contracts. Dieter being a menace. And softness????? This is smut and it is hot hot hot, but there's enough here that's sweetness and fondness that it's going straight to my forever faves list. HE RUINS HER SO NICELY. UGH!
Rendezvous in Reno by @theywhowriteandknowthings A Dieter with small-dick insecurities? Please and thank you, this is super cute. I'd love to get called out for describing his junk wrong in my fics and get a personal correction.
It's Never Over by @pennyserenade We don't get enough exes-to-friends fic around here, and this one is really nice. As much as I hope for them to connect again, I respect their love for each other and their need to just let themselves be special to each other. There were moments here that were bittersweet, but I really loved that about it.
Birfday--Din by @writeforfandoms Listen. Is it so wrong that I want to cook a nice breakyfast to show Din how much he's loved? Is that too much to ask? Thanks, Jen, for something soft and sweet.
Then We'll Find Out Together by @missredherring A lovely little drabble about settling down in a new home with Din, getting used to the slowness and softness and niceness of everything. And when reader can't sleep, the one thing that's familiar--Din himself--is what calms her down. A lovely little drabble that I would like to live in.
Bounty and Hunter by @never--doubt 🪐 A soulmate fic wherein soulmates can't hurt each other. How interesting then that one of you is being hunted...and makes quite a game out of it?
Significant by @softlyspector He's been calling you riduur for months and you still don't know what it means. Once you find out, that's when the fireworks start. I don't know that I've read dialogue for Din and his sweetheart that affected me the way the last two lines of this fic did...... *swoons*
Watercolor by @iamskyereads I mean, give a sellsword a bath and you may be in for trouble. But not this man. This man just needs a little care, and while he may not say much, he make good on all kindnesses. I would do anything to give this man a bath and have him speak kindly to me.
Date or Inseminate by @sirowsky Now listen. You're gonna have to read the warnings on this, because I for one get really squicked by dub-con mixed with medical malpractice. I didn't read the warnings and it came out of nowhere....but I'm telling you my eyebrows shot up and then I just giggled through the whole thing like WHAT IS HAPPENING. Sometimes fic is just there to be fun and slap you silly. IRL? No please. But this? Go in with the right mood and it's just strangely and shockingly delightful smut.
Formula 101: December to Remember Part 2: Take What Comes by @littlemisspascal There's a lot to love about Rae's F1 media fic. Even outside of the easter eggs in the worldbuilding and the lovely way Javi and Oddball's relationship develops, there are the delightful media interludes--emails, texts, instagram posts complete with character comments--that use pictures and dialogue to move the plot along in a unique way. I love how a short text chain not only sets up a later story locale, but illustrates a history and relationship between two characters so fluidly. Every chapter is a delight to see how the media enhances the storyline...a storyline that is moving in a very interesting direction...
Hiding Away from the Galaxy by @ghostofskywalker 🪐 I love a good reunion story. Here, you're an ex-Jedi who has a past with Bo and come to find her when all the wars are done. I'd agree that it's worth the wait when she takes you in her arms....
My Knight in White by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 Jey's been doing a year of protectiveness, and you know I don't mind that AT ALL. I would love nothing more than to have Marc follow me home and protect me. And then, yeah, if he let me follow him home...and into his bedroom....I wouldn't complain..... *swoon*
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