#(and “some things are meant to be”?? delicious. love it. 10/10)
radioactive-cloud · 11 months
idk why i decided to become sappy on a random monday evening but i remembered about the existence of can't help falling in love and thought about it in the context of jan and nace and now i'm smiling like a loon
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mountttmase · 1 year
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Damage Is Done
Note - a bit of Sunday evening pain for you all inspired by this TikTok. I really hope you enjoy this and I would really appreciate some feedback as I need some motivation 😭. Thank you my loves 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 10K
Warnings - Angst and fluff
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Here we go
Never had those words had so much meaning before. You felt sick to your stomach as soon as you’d seen them and the waves of uneasiness were rolling through you until you felt suffocated.
You knew it was a possibility but you also knew it wasn’t 100% what your boyfriend of 10 months wanted so you were holding out hope things would change. After every rejected offer a little bit of hope filled your heart that he would be sticking around but this had hit you like a truck as you knew what it meant for the pair of you.
Stupidly enough, you and Mason hadn’t spoken about the possible move. You wanted to be his safe place and whilst you knew what was going on, you kept that topic at the back of your minds but as the months had passed you were wondering if he was keeping you away on purpose. Maybe if once his life changed that meant you no longer were a part of it and the thought was eating you up inside.
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There wasn’t much to do but you made sure to tidy the place up a little as a distraction. You knew this was about to be a hard conversation and before you had time to even think about it anymore your buzzer was ringing.
You opened the entrance for him without a word before going to open your door and he was rounding the corner into view. You couldn’t tell what expression he was wearing and you were hoping yours was neutral and when he wrapped you up in his arms on your doorstep and you held onto him as tightly as you could.
You both didn’t move for a while, just held each other and you could feel him relaxing in your arms as your eyes filled with tears. He smelt more like Mason than he ever had and you breathed in his delicious scent before he pulled back slightly so he could drop a kiss on your forehead.
It was clear to see how much lighter he looked, the dark clouds that had been following him around for the last few months had finally made way for the sunshine and you could see the relief sparking in his warm eyes.
‘I take it you’ve seen it’ he whispered, rubbing up and down your back soothingly as you nodded whilst trying to keep your face blank.
‘Let’s go sit’ you whispered, nodding over to your sofa and you let him wonder over so you could shut the door before joining him. He sat down with a thump, his hoodie thrown on the arm of the chair next to him before he opened his arms for you. You knew it wasn’t a good idea but you let yourself melt into him, tucking yourself into his body as you held each other again but his thumb that was slowly stroking across your cheek made you look up at him.
You let him kiss you, gripping onto his shoulders for dear life, trying to memorise the feel of his lips against yours as you weren’t sure how things were about to play out. You wanted the feel of them tattooed on your brain as he softly brushed his tongue against yours but the playful bite of your bottom lip made you smile. It didn’t feel like a goodbye kiss but in your mind all the signs seemed to be pointing that way.
‘How are you feeling?’ You asked him a few moments after, trying to change the subject as your hands rested on his chest whilst his circled around your waist and you could tell even though he was happy he was still a little conflicted
‘I’m not sure, a mix of stuff really. Exhausted but relived. Sad things are over but excited to start over somewhere new. What about you?’
You didn’t know how to answer, burying your head into his neck as he just held you. His words confused you as you weren’t sure why he wanted you to know he was excited to start over without you.
‘It’s okay bubs. You don’t have to worry about anything’ he whispered, kissing your temple lightly. ‘I know it’s a lot and I don’t expect you to drop everything just for me’
There it was, the moment you’d been waiting for. Mason confining had had no intentions of taking you with him or even asking you what you wanted. he was quite happy for you to stay here and be without him. It stung to hear the words finally coming from him though and you gulped down the upset feeling rising in your tummy at that fact he’d made his mind up for the both of you.
‘I should of known this was coming’ you laughed, pulling away from him
‘Wait what?’ He whispered, his brows furrowing as he cocked his head to the side. ‘What’s going on?’
‘I take it you only came to get your stuff? There’s no need for a big goodbye you can just go’ you told him, wanting him out so you could be in your own.
‘What the fuck are you talking about?’
‘You’re leaving, so go’
‘Why are you being like this? I thought-‘
‘Whatever you thought, you thought wrong. You haven’t spoken to me at all about this whole thing and now you’re just moving on. It’s fine I saw it coming a mile off’ you told him, standing up as you knew you were getting angry and upset. You knew you were being a little unreasonable but the fact he hadn’t involved you in any of his transfer or move hurt and you didn’t want to hear him out.
You’d been his distraction throughout all these hard months, but now you were wondering if that’s all you were to him. Now he was through it he was off to start his new life without you and it stung more than you ever thought it could.
‘I can’t believe you. After everything we’ve been through your just gonna chuck me out like this. Without even talking about it?’
‘What’s to talk about? You’ve made your mind up. You wanna leave so leave’
‘I don’t have a choice’ he shouted, standing up to face you but you refused to back down. You didn’t have a reply, unsure as to why he was so upset as he’d said himself he didn’t expect you to follow him so you continued watching him, wondering if you’d get anymore sense out but the small shake of his head made you realise you wouldn’t.
‘I’m going’ he suddenly snapped, walking towards the door without a second look back at you, flinching as you heard the door slam behind him.
This wasn’t how you were expecting things to go, unsure as to why Mason so upset as he’d gotten what he wanted but his reaction had left you feeling a little uneasy so you sat yourself back down in your sofa to take some breaths and clear your mind.
To say Mason was confused would be an understatement.
He’d arrived at your house for the comfort only you could give him but you’d been cold and dismissive as soon as he’d bought the move up and he couldn’t figure out why.
He was ready to reassure you that the pair of you would be fine. That he knew you couldn’t leave right away but he’d make sure the pair of you were looked after and he’d have things ready for you when you could join him but he hadn’t got the chance to tell you. You were too quick to jump in and blame him for something he wasn’t quite sure of right this second.
He didn’t waste any time getting out of the car park though and racing back home, his mind replaying the conversation to try and figure out what had changed. Had he missed something? Did he say something unintentionally? The last few weeks had been a blur and he’d only felt his mind stop racing when he was in your arms so the interaction you’d just had confused the hell out of him.
Thankfully Woody was the only one at his house when he got there, the rest of his family still on the way up, but Woody knew something was wrong immediately.
‘I think she’s just ended things with me, mate’ Mason told him, recounting the whole conversation as Woody listened and tried to see things from your side but he was just as confused as Mason was.
‘Maybe have a day to cool down and message her tomorrow or something?’ He reasoned and mason agreed. Hoping tomorrow he could clear the air slightly and maybe get to the bottom of everything.
The next morning after a fairly awful nights sleep he got to crafting a message for you. He was still hurt and angry and also feeling a little petty about the whole thing so against his better judgment he said somethings he didn’t mean. Hoping to grab your attention and make you want to talk things through but as soon as he hit sent he wondered if he should consulted Woody first.
You were just putting your washing up away when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, fishing it out to reveal Masons name and your heart thudded in your chest at what me might have to say to you. Hoping it would be an apology but you weren’t prepared for what was written.
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Was he joking?
You couldn’t even think of a reply, anger filling your mind at how he was making himself out to be the victim, saying his love wasn’t enough for you and to have a nice life. You were still furious with him for leaving you here so you replied in the most childish way you knew before switching your phone off.
Was she joking?
‘Woody, remind me to never take your advice again’
‘What you on about’ he laughed, catching Masons phone that he threw at him so he could read over the message.
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‘Not the thumbs up. Damn, that girls cold’
‘That’s one fucking word for it’
‘Look at it this way, at least you know what she’s like now yeah?’
‘Well it’s a bit late now, I wished you would of warned me what she was like before you introduced me to her’ he huffed.
‘She’s never been like this before I swear’
‘I can’t believe I wanted her to move away with me’ Mason mumbled, taking his phone back so he could quickly block your number before throwing it to to the side of him.
This was so unlike you, so unlike what he thought you were and it had him looking back over your whole relationship to try and figure out if he’s missed something in your personality or been blinded by love to overlook all your awful qualities but he couldn’t think of anything. He knew you inside out and this wasn’t you.
You were always so warm and caring, one look from you always made his whole day better and it was breaking his heart that everything seemed to be tainted. His heart felt heavy in his chest as he tried to hold his emotions in and for the most part he had but the realisation that the person he’d placed all his bets on wasn’t who he thought they were made his eyes fill with tears so he face planted the sofa in hopes Woody wouldn’t notice.
The next night he wondered if he’d been too hasty, quickly unblocking your number so if you wanted to reach out to him you could but it seemed as though there was no need for it.
Two months passed and he didn’t hear from you.
He’d settled in up north pretty quickly, moving into a new house after he’d made it back from pre season tour and whilst he tried to make it into a home, it didn’t feel that way without you in it. He felt like a stranger rattling around in a huge house with no one to share it with but you were still silent on your end and he didn’t have the heart to reach out to try and speak to you to be shot down again.
He had no idea you were craving the same thing as he was though. You just wanted to speak to him but you were hurt at the way he’d moved on so quickly and your pride was keeping you away from him.
You couldn’t help but look out for him and how he was doing now, the bright smile on his face breaking your heart as he seemed so much happier without you and even though you were angry with him for not including you in his new life, you were yearning to be back in his presence. The hoodie he left the night you sent him away a constant reminder of what you once had and even though you’d hidden it away in the beginning, you found yourself wearing it more often than not in hopes you could feel close to him and hopefully it would heal your broken heart.
Nothing worked though, even popping to the local cafe where you and Mason would get breakfast as often as you could made you feel awful. You sat in the booth you always liked to go in to make yourself feel a bit closer to him but you just felt sad and even more alone. You were so stuck in a daze though you didn’t feel anyone come up and stand in front of you until they let out a little cough to snap you out of your trance.
‘Woody? What are you doing here?’
‘Could ask you the same question’ he replied, sitting himself opposite you. ‘You’ve been avoiding me’
‘Is that a question or a statement?’
‘It’s a fact’
He was right, you had been avoiding him. You’d known Woody for a few years and he’d introduced to you Mason in the first place but you didn’t have the heart to see him right now. He’d been your biggest supporter and you felt like you’d let him down with the way everything had ended. You knew he’d tried reaching out a few times but you didn’t have the energy or heart speak to him as he was too close to Mason.
‘I probably shouldn’t say this, but you were cold as fuck with that whole thumbs up thing’ he laughed and you felt your face heat up as he recounted the last bit of contact you and Mason had. ‘Like it was shit of you but I was impressed’
‘Shit of me? He’s the one that wanted to start a new life without me, it’s not like I’m gonna be polite to him after that am I?’
‘What are you on about?’ He asked, brows furrowed as he looked at you like you were speaking another language but you were tired of Woody thinking you were the bad guy.
‘Dont play dumb Woody. He had the whole move figured out and I was never a part of it, he basically said so himself’
‘What did he say exactly?’
‘That he doesn’t expect me to go with him. That he’s fine with me staying here’ you told him, watching his face fall into his hands before looking up at you with a bewildered expression.
‘You really are stupid sometimes you know that?’
‘What the hell? I know you’ve known him longer but I thought you’d at least sympathise with me’
‘Not when you’ve got the complete wrong end of the stick you doughnut. Sure, he didn’t expect you to drop your whole life and move with him then and there but when you were ready to join him he was making sure you’d have everything you need’
‘He didn’t want you to worry about any of that stuff, he was taking care of it so he could make sure you weren’t stressed. He knew moving would be a big deal for but he wanted you there with him so that’s why tried to take it on himself. When they were asking what sort of things he needed for his new place he said the only two things would be somewhere with an office so that when you came up after you’d sorted yourself out you’d have a place to work and somewhere close to the station so you could get to the office on the days you needed to’
‘But he never said that’ you whispered, a sinking feeling rushing through you that maybe you’d jumped the gun too quick, your bottom lip wobbling seemingly on its own and you thought back to that last conversation with him.
‘He never said it or you never gave him a chance to?’ He questioned and your body felt cold. ‘I know he probably wasn’t very forthcoming with it but I think he liked that he could forget all that stuff around you. You were like his little safe island where none of that mattered and I think he just presumed you’d go with him’
‘Oh god’ you breathed, reality now hitting you that you’d messed up ‘oh fuck no’ you whispered, grabbing your phone and heading straight to his number so you could call him but it didn’t even ring or give you the chance to leave a message. ‘He’s blocked me’
‘Can you blame him? You kinda went in on him a bit’ he smiled before reaching for your forearm. ‘Look, I’ll try and speak to him yeah? Let him know you got confused’
‘No it doesn’t matter’ you told him, shaking your head. ‘Damage is done now. I uh, I need to head off’ you told him, scrambling up from your seat but he was quick to get up too and pull you into a hug. You managed to hold it together with him but as soon as you were home you broke down.
You felt awful, this whole thing could of been fixed if you would if you would of just listened to him for a little longer but you didn’t let him and blew everything you had into pieces.
Woodys words were playing on your mind and had been for a whole week. Looking back, you now understood why he was he was so angry with you that night, you didn’t give him a chance to say his piece and made your mind up for yourself that he didn’t want you there. The dust had settled but there was no way of talking to him and no way resolution right now but all you could think about what what you would say to him if you got the chance.
It was Friday, you’d just got in from work and you felt like curling up into a ball and crying. Nothing had gone right all day and you were craving one of those hug only Mason could give you.
He was always so warm and welcoming, his hugs like no one else’s as they seemed to warm you from the inside and it’s like you could still feel him wrapped around you as you thought about him. Everything about him was perfect and you’d let him slip through your fingers with no real way of getting in contact with him as your number was blocked. All you could think about was him and holding him to the point where you couldn’t take it anymore.
It was like something inside you snapped. You were in your room in a flash to quickly pull a bag of clothes together before making your way to the train station. You didn’t think about any of it, just booked yourself a ticket and got on a train. The only thought in your head was going to find Mason so you could apologise and make him see sense but you were 20 minutes in when you realised you had no idea where he lived or where he’d be.
You tried calling Woody but he didn’t answer, feeling hopeless that you’d dropped a load of money on a train ticket and a last minute hotel room for nothing when the perfect person sprung to mind.
To say Luke was surprised to hear from you would be an understatement, you’d met him a couple of times at games or when Mason played for England and he was initially a bit cautious but once you turned the waterworks on you felt his resolve crumble. He let you know there was a big party they were all going to tonight for a mutual friends birthday and to text him when you were there so he could come and get you and you couldn’t be more thankful. A sick, excited feeling in the pit of your tummy as you knew you’d finally be able to see him.
By the time you’d made it to your hotel and make yourself look semi presentable it was around 11pm and it was another half hour from there so you were hoping Mason was still in a relatively sensible state but you’d take him however he came at this point. You just needed to see him.
‘Where are you going?’ Mason called, watching Luke try to slip through the crowds but he held up his phone as if he was telling him he was off to take a call.
‘I won’t be long yeah? Just stay there’ like called before he was quickly out of sight. Where is he expecting me to go? He thought, eyes flittering around the group he was in and even though he was happy to be there, the sadness in his tummy was still dragging him down and times like this made it even worse.
‘Mason?’ he suddenly heard a voice say to his left and his head snapped round to meet it. Eyes lighting up at the sight in front of him as he held his arms out for the much smaller frame to fit into with a huge smile on his face.
As promised, Luke came and met you by the door and after a big hug of reassurance he lead you over to hopefully where Mason would be.
‘Mason’ you heard Luke call over the music, fighting your way through the bodies at the perimeter of the table until your eyes landed directly on his. You wished you could of looked away though as the sight in front of you made you feel sick.
There he stood, his arm around another girls waist as her lips trialed across his jaw. The smile on his face was the one that was usually reserved for you but you watched it drop at the sight of you and it was like you could feel your heart shatter in your chest.
‘What is she doing here?’ Mason growled, body swaying as he’d had more than enough to drink. His anger was directed towards Luke for now but his furious eyes were on you before he had a chance to reply. ‘I don’t fucking want you here’
You couldn’t handle another second even though you’d just got there but you were hurt and embarrassed enough so you turned on your heel and headed out the way you came. You could hear Luke’s voice booming over the music but you didn’t listen to what he was saying, just trying to get out as quickly as you could and as the cold air hit you, you felt your eyes finally start to sting.
You didn’t know what to do or where to go but you fished your phone out of your bag so you could call yourself a taxi through your tears whilst walking down the side of the building to get out of everyone’s way.
The sound of a door slamming behind you made you jump, looking round to see the last person you thought would of followed you out but Mason was looking back at you. Eyes hard and jaw set and he made his way over but he stopped before he got too close.
‘Why are you here, y/n?’
‘I don’t know’
‘Don’t give me that bullshit’ he snarled, his words slightly slurred as he balled his hands into fists. ‘Tell me why you’re here’
‘You blocked me and-‘
‘Are you joking?’ He laughed but you knew there was no humour in it. ‘Why the hell would I want to talk to you?’
‘Mase I-‘
‘Do you not remember the last bit of contact we had? I tried reaching out to leave things on good terms even though you’d been completely unreasonable and you send me fucking thumbs up? Ten months together and that’s all I deserve? a thumbs up?’
‘I didn’t-‘
‘No you fucking abandoned me’ he growled. ‘I needed you and you let me come here on my own’
‘But you said-‘
‘I know what I said but I didn’t fucking mean it like that’ he snapped.
‘I’m so sorry’ you breathed. ‘I didn’t even know if you want me to come with you’
‘Why would I not want you to come? You’re my everything. Were my everything sorry’
‘Mase please-‘
‘You wanna know what I’ve found most difficult about all of this? you never even let me speak, you made your mind up for the both of us and that’s not what I wanted. I wanted you to choose me and you didn’t’ he breathed. His eyes full of tears and you couldn’t help but feel like the worst person in the world as he swayed slightly before regaining his balance.
‘You told me you didn’t want me to come’
‘No I never. I said I didn’t expect you to join me right then and there cause you had your own shit to sort but I never for one second said I didn’t want you here. You just jumped down my throat and told me what you thought I meant before I had a chance to say anything. I really saw a future with you but you obviously didn’t see one with me’ he sniffed.
You wanted to tell him he was wrong. That the only future you saw was with him and life had been hell without him but you knew it probably wouldn’t make a difference at this point so you kept silent, the only sound you could hear were his ragged breathing as he tried to calm himself. You expected him to be surprised to see you but nothing could of prepared you for this and when he looked up to meet your eyes again you felt your insides shatter at how vulnerable he seemed.
‘Sometimes I wish you would of just done the honourable thing and cheated on me’ he confessed quietly. ‘like I wish you would of made me hate you but I can’t’ he whimpered and it took everything in you not to reach for him and comfort him. ‘I’ve painted you out to be the villain to everyone to try and make it easier on myself and I know you’re not but all of this is so fucking hard. I just wanna move on and I can’t and you showing up here doesn’t make it any easier’
‘It didn’t look like you were finding it difficult to move on in there’ you muttered under your breath and you hadn’t meant for the words to slip out but your ego was still bruised from seeing him with someone else.
‘Don’t you dare turn this around on me’ he growled, becoming furious again at what you’d said and you knew it was a low blow so you shook yourself off try and apologise and bring him back around.
‘Mase can we please just talk. I’ve come all this way, please just listen to me’ you pleaded, stepping towards him and even though he didn’t move away from you, keeping completely still, you felt your heart sink even further.
‘I don’t want to’
‘Please Mase. Come on, it’s me. You know me and you know how awful I feel about all of it’
‘Do I know you?’ He questioned. ‘My y/n would of never let me come here on my own. My y/n would of stuck by me like I always did for her’
‘I’m still yours Mase, please’ you cried, reaching for him so you could cup his jaw and your heart thudded in your chest as his head melted into your hands but he was snapped out of it almost instantly, his hands grabbing your wrists gently so he could pull you off and you couldn’t help but sob as he let go of you.
‘I need you to listen to me yeah?’ He swallowed, his eyes looking directly into yours and you could see how hard they were even in the dark. ‘You broke my heart, y/n’ he said tearfully, his voice raw like he’d been screaming for hours. He words hitting you like a tone of bricks and even though you knew it already, it hurt ten times worse to hear it coming from his lips. ‘Stamped all over it and I’ll never be able to forget how you made me feel’
‘I made a mistake, Mason. I’m here to fix it. To fix us’
‘You can’t’ he told you flatly and it was only then you let you first tears fall.
It may have been your blurred vision but you thought you saw his facade crack ever so slightly, wondering you were finally getting through to him but his stoney exterior was back in the blink of an eye and you knew there was no point talking to him in this state but you still desperately tried.
‘Mason please, I’ll do anything-‘
‘Look, I think you should go. I want you to go’ he gulped, reaching for his phone. ‘I’ll get you an Uber yeah, just put in where you’re staying’
‘You’re not giving me a chance’
‘You never gave us a chance in the first place’ he whimpered, ‘please I can’t do this right now y/n I just need you to go’ he told you, handing you his phone and you realised there was no point in arguing.
‘It’s fine I’ll get it myself’ you sighed, quickly opening the app but before you could confirm the booking you looked back up to him. If this was it and you were done then you couldn’t leave without a proper goodbye. Everything inside of you was telling you to stop but you didn’t listen, you let your heart speak for you even though you knew you’d be crushed. ‘I know I don’t really have a right to ask but please can I kiss you? Just one more time so I can say goodbye properly’ you asked and just as you were expecting, he shook his head to say no. ‘Okay. I’ll go’ you whispered, turning to walk back onto the street to find your taxi, the sinking feeling threatening to drown you but his hand on your wrist stopped you in your tracks.
His lips were on yours on a flash, snapping you out of your upset trance as you shivered at his touch. It wasn’t the soft goodbye kiss you were hoping for, he was rough and holding your waist in a tight grip as you tried to kiss him back with as much force but he was pulling away soon after.
‘Fuck, I shouldn’t of done that’ he whispered, turning around to walk back inside and you thought better than to reach for him again but your brain was still trying to fight for him.
‘Please, Mason. I can’t loose you’ you called, voice thick with tears as he stopped at the door. You watched as his turned ever so slightly, eyes downcast before sticking the final knife in.
‘You already have’
He didn’t turn back, slamming the door on the way inside and you let him go, biting your lip to keep your emotions at bay as you stumbled back onto the main Street. Your Uber was only a few moments away and you were soon heading off, eyes looking up as you passed the main entrance but you wished you would of looked away sooner.
He had his head down and his hood up, but you knew it was him. The girl who was draped over him inside now had her hand clasped in his as she followed behind him into a taxi and you felt like throwing up all over the back seat. You felt at blame for the whole misunderstanding and watching him take another girl home was the least you felt you deserved.
Woody eventually returned your call just as you got to your room. You managed to hold it together but you could tell he knew you were upset as you told him you’d come to speak to Mason and it didn’t end well. He tried convincing you to let him speak to Mason tomorrow before you left but you told him there was no point and you promised you’d give him a call when you were back home the next day.
That wasn’t the end of Woody’s calls that night though, with Mason calling him about an hour after to let him know he’d seen you and the huff that Woody let out let him know Woody wasn’t happy with him.
‘First of all mate, it’s 2am. I know you live a few hours away now but that doesn’t mean we’re living in different time zones like could this not of waited?’
‘Sorry mate, I just didn’t know who to talk to’ Mason said sadly and Woody felt bad instantly but between you and Mason crying on the phone to him about each other he wanted to bang your heads together.
‘Look I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but I saw y/n last week. She was in that cafe you used to go to for breakfast and she looked miserable as fuck like I’ve never seen her that sad. She tried calling you but you’ve blocked her number again haven’t you?’
‘She’s got no reason to be sad, she threw me out’ Mason replied, ignoring his comment about blocking your number as he’d only done it a few days ago and he still felt weird about it.
‘Cause she thought you were ending things mate. She got the wrong end of the stick and she jumped the gun’ he explained, stopping Mason in his tracks immediately. ‘I’ve just had her on the phone in tears cause you’ve basically done the same. Didn’t give her a chance to talk and apologise and then left with some girl’
‘How does she know that?’
‘She saw you get in the car with her, she’s in bits mate. Like nothing I said would calm her down or make her listen to me. What the fuck did you say to her man?’
It was true, you’d cried all night as the vision of him with someone else stung and all you could think about was what they might be doing together at this very second. You hadn’t been able to look at someone else let alone do what he was doing and no matter what you did the vision of the pair of them wouldn’t go.
You thought he would of been upset or shocked to see you but the anger rolling off of him had been a surprise and you knew now that there was no going back. He was done with you, trying his hardest to move on and you told yourself that when you got back home you’d do the same so you quickly went to his number in your phone and blocked it just like he’d done with you.
You woke up early the end morning, checking the train times to see the next one was in an hour so you quickly packed up and let reception know you needed a taxi to the station. It hurt knowing your trip here had been in vein but you told yourself at least you’d tried. He just hadn’t wanted to hear and that was fine.
As soon as the lift pinged open you could hear Masons voice and the sound of it shocked you. He sounded desperate and you followed it to the reception where he appeared to be arguing with the receptionist.
‘Look, I know she’s here, you know she’s here so just let me know what room she’s in-‘
‘Sir I’ve already explained I’m not allowed to do that’
‘Well then call her room’
‘You’re not listening to me’
‘Mason?’ You questioned, coming to a stop a few meters behind him and you watched him whip round at the sound of you voice. A look of relief washing over him at the sight of you before he took a few frantic steps towards you.
‘Y/n thank god, I thought I’d missed you’
‘Why are you here?’ You asked but he was cut off from answering by the doorman.
‘Miss y/l/n, your taxi should be here in about five minutes’
‘No, don’t go. Please don’t go not yet’ he panicked, turning to the doorman so he could speak to him next. ‘It’s okay you can cancel that she doesn’t need it’
‘Mason, what’s going on?’
‘I don’t want you to leave like this. You came here for a reason and I know I’ve fucked it but please’ he whispered, holding your jaw as he looked into your eyes. ‘Please don’t go yet. Come back to mine and we’ll talk yeah? Properly talk and figure things out’
‘Please. Please bubs I’ll do anything you want-‘
‘Okay it’s okay’ you interrupted, holding his wrists as he still cradled your face in his hands. His eyes switching from frantic to relieved in an instant at your words as he let out a breath. ‘Shhhh, it’s okay. I’m coming yeah?’ You told him, heart threatening to jump from your body at the old pet name he used to call you but this is what you came here for. To talk properly and even if things were over you wanted nothing unsaid.
‘Okay’ he nodded shyly, suddenly aware of the scene he’d caused in the hotel reception so he grabbed the handle of your case with one hand whilst the other lead you outside by the small of your back. ‘I’m just round here’ he mumbled when you were close and you let him pop your case in the boot as you got settled in the passenger seat.
The drive was silent, Mason focused on the road as you looked out onto the unfamiliar Manchester streets but you couldn’t take anything in. Too focused on what you were going to say to him when you got to his and you could still feel his hands on your jaw as he’d pleaded with you to stay.
You were shocked when he suddenly pulled into the drive of an impressive house, a similar style to his Cobham home but a little more cozy looking and you retuned his shy smile as he turned the engine off before you both got out. He lead you inside and into the living room where you took a seat on one of the sofas and he sat opposite you whilst he played with his fingers.
‘Can I get you anything?’
‘I’m okay thanks’
‘Do you have a train you need to get?’
‘The one I booked leaves in ten minutes but it’s fine I’ll get another one’
‘Sorry I didn’t even think’
‘No it’s fine, I’d rather us talk’ you reassured him and even thought he sent you a smile he still looked troubled as his eyes flickered over you but you were settled by the tiny smile that appeared.
‘Nice hoodie’ he commented, you face burning as you knew he’d recognised it as his own. The same one he’d left at yours that fateful night and the one you’d been wearing for comfort so you dipped your head out of embarrassment. ‘You wanna go first? I don’t even know where to start’ he chuckled.
‘I sort of do’ you murmured before gulping nervously. This was probably the last thing you should be saying but you had to know before you carried on as the thought had been eating you alive. ‘About last night, I know I don’t have a right to ask but, that girl? Did um-‘
‘Nothing happened’ he breathed, head falling into his hands. ‘We went back to hers but I didn’t even get out of the taxi. I only met her for the first time last night, we’ve been texting for a few days but nothing more. She was just a distraction from… well you know’ he told you, eyes never meeting yours but you knew he’d seen you nod. ‘And that’s the problem, all I’ve been doing is trying to distract myself cause it hurts too much to think about anything else but I realised last night I can’t carry on like this’
‘I’m so sorry, Mason’ you whispered tearfully, watching his head drop into his hands even further as he clearly didn’t want you to see how upset he was but all you could think about was comforting him so against your better judgement you stood up and made your way over to him. He hadn’t moved a muscle so you knelt down in between his knees and placed your hands on his thighs in hopes he would look at you but his eyes stayed stuck shut. You weren’t ready to give up yet though, squeezing his thighs gently as you tapped your head against his arm. ‘Mase? Look at me’ you whispered before he swallowed heavily, head moving ever so slightly and the sadness in his eyes broke you.
You didn’t say a word, just knelt up and snaked your arms around his shoulders so you could pull him into a hug and to your surprise he let you, his head finding home in your neck just like it used to as he held you to him and it was as if all the stress in his body left him as he melted into you.
‘I’ve missed you so much’ he confessed quietly into your neck, the feel of his lips on your skin sending shivers down your spine as your heart thudded in your chest. You couldn’t describe how it felt to be back in his arms but you wished it was under different circumstances.
‘I’ve missed you too’ you told him. ‘But that doesn’t make what I did okay. I know that’
‘I really needed you. This has all been so hard’
‘I’m so sorry’ you choked, squeezing him even harder as he did the same. ‘Will you let me explain?’
‘Okay’ he gulped, pulling back from you but helping you taking a seat next to him. You felt a little awkward and unsure of yourself but when he threaded his fingers through yours and kept them in his lap you relaxed ever so slightly. The feel of him giving you the strength to speak.
‘In all honesty, I wasn’t sure you wanted me to come here. I get the deal was up in the air and you weren’t even sure if it would happen but we didn’t talk about any possibility of me coming with you and I just assumed you wanted to go on your own at first. Or maybe it was your way of letting me know you didn’t want me there at all but when you said I didn’t have to worry about coming here I thought you were giving me an out and ending things. I only took it because I believed that’s what you wanted and I thought you were breaking up with me’
‘That’s not what I wanted at all, I just assumed you were coming’ he laughed, rubbing his eyes with the heal of his hand. ‘I know we didn’t speak about it but I had a million things on my mind and the possibility of you not coming with me wasn’t one of them’ he whispered ‘everything was changing you know? But you were the one certain thing I had, I didn’t even think I had to ask. Remember you told me, wherever I go, that’s where you’ll be’
‘I know and I’m so sorry’ you sobbed, head bowed as the tears fell from your eyes. ‘You had so much going on in those months and all I did was think about myself’
‘Come on love, you don’t have to beat yourself up about it’ he told you softly, pulling you into his grasp again so you could calm down to speak again properly but all you wanted was to hear his side. You’d spent the last two months being annoyed at him for no reason and you were desperate know how he was feeling.
‘I think it might be good if we just get things out in the open, you know? Let’s not leave anything unsaid’ you told him and he nodded lightly.
‘You sure?’ He asked and you nodded with a gulp.
‘I just wanna know how you were feeling’
‘Well I was pissed for a long time. I didn’t understand anything it’s like you’d just changed in a nano second. And then when I got here and I was settled I was more sad you know? just waiting for you to reach out to tell me you missed me too but the longer it took the more mad I got again. That’s why I went off on one last night like I think it’s just all built up. But I’m sorry for how I spoke to you and I’m sorry for kissing you and walking away that wasn’t fair of me no matter how drunk I was. Being close to you again just bought all these feelings up a I lost it a bit. I’m sorry you had to see me with that girl too but I’ve spoken to her this morning and said I don’t want to see her anymore’
‘Do you really wish I’d of cheated on you?’ You asked, voice barely above a whisper but you knew he’d heard as he shuffled over to you a touch.
‘A little bit’ he laughed. ‘I mean not now obviously but it would of made not wanting you a lot easier. Cause that’s never gone away you know? I’ve wanted you this whole time, loved you this whole time, no matter how mad I got’
You were overwhelmed by how nice he was being, a stark contrast from how he’d spoken to you yesterday but you were still unsure as to how things would end. Was this just a polite goodbye before you made your way home? Mason had never been that hard to read a whilst he was saying all the right things you knew you’d pushed him to the edge and getting him back wouldn’t be easy.
‘Hey come on’ he whispered, pulling you into his body before leaning back a bit. You felt like you didn’t have right to cry, you were the one who blew up first and wouldn’t listen to him but the fact you’d gotten it so wrong made your heart hurt and wished you could go back in time and hear him out.
His arms around you were more comforting than you ever thought they could be, his smell hitting you like a slap in the face as the soft skin of his neck was pressed up against your face but you felt your heart beat slow down as he grounded you. His hands rubbing over your back and arms to comfort you and even though everything was up in the air, you finally felt like you were home again.
‘I didn’t talk to you about that stuff because I just wanted one person who didn’t look at me like I was the worst person on the planet’ he explained, your mind thinking back to the awful way he’d been spoken about with only a few people in his corner. ‘Chelsea was all I knew, and to have them want to just toss me aside like that hurt more than I could ever tell you but with you I never felt bad. You were my little escape you know?’ He chuckled, kissing your temple lightly which made you squeeze him even harder. ‘I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere for so long, but I always did with you’
‘I feel so dumb’ you laughed tearfully. ‘I think I was just being defensive like trying to hurt you before you hurt me’
‘I wasn’t trying to hurt you’ he told you gently. ‘In my head, I was gonna move up here, go on the tour and stuff whilst a house was being sorted and then when I was back you’d join me. Looking back I guess I should of said something sooner, you don’t live in my head so you’ve got not way of knowing what I’m thinking’
‘But I should of given you a chance to explain’ you mumbled, finally moving out of his neck so you could look at him properly and you were happy to see the sadness in his eyes had somewhat lifted but he was still looking to you concerned. ‘I was just butt hurt that you might be leaving and you hadn’t taken me into consideration but I should of let you explain. I’ve been so mad at you so that’s why I haven’t tried to reach out but it’s because I didn’t understand and now I do I just feel like the worst person in the world’ you cried, choking backs sobs at the end but his lips on your forehead settled you down again.
‘If I would of known then I would of stopped everything to follow you here. You were right, where you go I go and I’m so angry at myself for not thinking straight and being there for you when you needed me most. I can only imagine what you must of been going through leading up to it and for me to then just blow up at you like that wasn’t fair and I’m so sorry’
‘Come on sweetheart, don’t get upset’
‘I’ve ruined everything’ you sobbed, head in your hands agin before he pulled you even closer.
‘Shhhh baby no, you haven’t okay’ he reassured you. ‘You’re here now yeah? And we’re on the same page so there’s no need for all these tears’ he laughed, trying to make light of the situation so you forced yourself to calm down, wiping your eyes on the sleeves off his hoodie before looking up into his soft face.
‘Are you happy here?’
‘I am’ he told you sincerely. ‘Like yeah it’s been a bit weird just leaving everything behind but I’m really happy here’
You nodded, a weird feeling in your tummy at how settled he was and whilst you were anything but back home it eased your mind to know you didn’t have to worry about him being here.
‘I’d be happier if you were here with me’ he suddenly whispered, nose bumping yours before he pressed a kiss to the crease in between your brows.
‘Will you come with me?’ He asked, seeming ignoring your question but you nodded your head and let him lead you by the hand upstairs towards the back of the house, opening a door up to a random room but the sight inside took your breath away.
It was a light and airy room, a large desk set up against the wall with two monitors and your favourite chair from Masons Cobham home that you stole whenever you worked from there was perched under the desk. There were plants and cute pictures all over the walls and a little mini fridge off the other side but it was the patio doors that lead out to a balcony that overlooked the huge garden made you smile.
‘What’s this?’ You laughed, your heart racing as he settled his hands on your hips and popped his chin in your head.
‘Your home office. I had it set up for you just in case you came to your senses in the first few weeks but I haven’t been able to come back in here since’ he laughed. ‘Sorry about the dust’
‘Mase’ you breathed, turning to face him so you could wrap your arms around his body as he caged you against himself. You could feel the tears coming but for a whole different reason this time.
‘It’s still yours if you want it’
‘You don’t think I made a fool out of myself in that hotel and made you come here just for the fun of it did you?’ He laughed, thumb stroking your cheek as you gazed up at him lovingly. ‘It’s up to you, but I know I’ve been miserable without you and all I’ve thought about is having you here. Not just in this house but everywhere. I’ve found places we can go eat that I know you’ll love, there’s a park not too far away with a big lake so we can go feed the ducks like we used to’
‘Got it all figured out huh?’ You laughed, your body filling with warmth with his words.
‘I’d like to think so’ he winked ‘We can take it slowly you know? I’m not asking you to move in with me straight away but when you’re ready maybe I can take you out on a date? You know like catch up a bit and if it’s something we both realise we still want we can go from there’
‘Even after everything I said to you?’
‘It was a misunderstanding bubs, It happens’ he whispered, kissing your cheeky gently ‘we both could of probably done better but we live and we learn’ he carried on, pressing delicate kisses across your cheek and over your nose before making his way down to your lips. ‘I think we’re both sorry and regret what happened right?
‘So the only thing to do is accept it and try to move forward’ he continued, his kisses getting closer to your lips and you felt like you were in some sort of trance.
‘Y/n’ he whispered, pressing a final kiss to the corner of your mouth and the feel of it made you knees weak.
‘Can I kiss you now?’
You couldn’t answer him with words, just nodding before his hands came up to cup your jaw so he couldn’t tilt your head back. You couldn’t stop looking at him, he was so beautiful up close and you’d missed looking at all the features that made him special. But you couldn’t look for too much longer, his eyes on your lips and face leaning closer to yours as he finally gave you what you both wanted.
You both sighed into each others mouths as you finally kissed, relief filling your body at finally feeling his lips on yours. Your body felt as light as air as the pain from the last few months disappeared from your body and he mended you back together with his lips. It was a stark contrast from the way he’d kissed you last night and you were desperately trying not to smile and ruin the moment but you couldn’t help yourself. You were happy and whole again and the feel of Masons smile on your lips made you chuckle.
The pair of you pulled back, eyes shining as you got lost in each other for a second. Feeling the joy radiate from him as he smiled down at you and you hoped your expression was telling the same to him.
‘If you want, we can sack that date off and I’ll just move in right now’ you winked, watching his eyes sparkle as he laughed. You’d meant it as a joke but after a few seconds you realised the thought of going back home right now was the last thing you wanted.
‘Oh yeah?’ He laughed. ‘What about all your stuff? And work?’
‘Stop being the voice of reason’ you laughed, pulling away every so slightly but he was quick to cage you back in.
‘You don’t have to move here now. It’s a lot to ask and I know that’
‘But I want to. I’ve wanted to this whole time and I don’t want to waste another second without you. I don’t need a date to realise if this is what I want cause it’s what I’ve wanted since you came here’ you told him, you face resting his hand as his soft eyes flickered over you. ‘But I suppose you’re right. I really should run stuff passed work and get stuff sorted at home’
‘We’ve got time’ he smiled before placing a light kiss to your forehead. ‘What do you think of the place? I haven’t been here that long and we can change whatever you like about it’
‘No i love it, it’s very you’ you laughed as he took your hand to lead you outside.
‘Well, soon it will be very us’ he winked, walking you back through so he could give you a tour and you were impressed by all of it. The kitchen was your favourite though and you let him sit you up on the counter as he stood between your legs. You fingers lost in the back of his hair as he smiled up at you and all you wanted to to lean down and kiss him.
‘Why the change of heart Mase?’ You asked quietly, watching the blush take over his cheeks. ‘Last night you couldn’t stand the sight of me’
‘I may of called Woody after I got home. Let’s just say he wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear from me at that time but I told him what happened and he let me know he’d seen you earlier in the week and spoken to you last night. Said that you’d got the wrong end of the stick and you were upset about it and I just thought if you left then there was no going back, you know? I don’t want us to be done yet’
‘Me either’ you smiled, eyes filling with tears again as you looked over his perfect face. ‘So I didn’t loose you then?’
‘No even for a second’ he whispered, pressing his lips to yours gently. ‘We kind of owe Woody a lot huh?’
‘We do’ you smiled. ‘He’s put up with a lot of our shit’
‘Well he won’t have to anymore, we’re back where we belong. With each other’ he smiled before melting his head in your neck to you could hold him and all you could think about was not wanting to belong anywhere else but here ever again.
‘Where you go, that’s where I’ll be right?’
‘Where you go, that’s where I’ll be’ he repeated softly, a gentle smile taking over his lips as he looked at you lovingly.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Thank you so much for reading 🩷 I would really appreciate some feedback on this so please feel free to drop me an ask or a comment or whatever you feel comfortable doing. I’d just love to hear from you 😌
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy pride!!
Fem MXY WWX pls!!!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
They're back to riding, only a couple hours away from Jin Tower, and Wei Wuxian is happy to be off his feet, but he can't even focus on that.
He's too busy feeling desperately sad for Mo Xuanyu.
She lived as a pauper in a family that despised her, had a father that ignored her, was so lonely that she named her sword Friend, and killed herself rather than marry Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan would have been nice to her. It took him a while to warm up, but he's trying now, to do his duty as a proper husband. Which is inconvenient for Wei Wuxian, but probably would have meant the world to Mo Xuanyu.
She didn't have to die. If she'd been able to hold onto hope for just a few more days, instead of giving in to revenge and despair, then she could have lived out her life out from underneath the thumb of other people.
"Are you okay?"
He startles out of his thoughts, looking up to see Sizhui has pulled his mare up beside his and is peering at him in concern.
He forces a smile, because he's put Sizhui through enough today, and he's a good boy that doesn't deserve to be involved in any of this. The worst part about dying again is going to be leaving behind Sizhui. He's such a sweet boy who loves him so easily and he just knows that it's going to break his heart when either the cultivation or the curse mark has run its course. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just thinking."
Sizhui looks unconvinced, but nods before looking up towards the front of the procession, where Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan are talking about something while Jin Guangyao pretends to be interested. He reaches into his sleeve. "I found some of these in town when I went looking for you."
He pulls out a small bag of the sweet, spicy pepper candy that Wei Wuxian likes so much and hold it out.
"You're the best!" he says, taking the bag and also pausing to squeeze his arm in thanks, only not pulling him into a hug because he's not sure how tolerant the horses will be about it.
The food in Cloud Recesses is ass and he can't cover everything with chilli oil because the only person he'd met who liked food as spicy as he did was - well, no one. So having Mo Xuanyu like spicy food had seemed like edging a little too close to obvious.
He'd been so happy when Sizhui had brought pepper candy back for him for the first time and had sworn him to secrecy to how how much he loved them.
Wei Wuxian pops one of the candies in his mouth, sucking on it to more quickly get to the firey pops of pepper, which is his favorite.
There's about five seconds of deliciousness and then his stomach rolls with nausea. He tightens his grip, trying to ride it out, but the taste of the candy he loved turns sour and he's seriously worried he's going to hurl, which Lan Zhan would never let him hear the end of.
He spits the candy out onto the ground, rubbing at his mouth.
"Lady Xuanyu?" Sizhui asks startled. "Is - sorry, did I get the wrong one?"
"No, no, it's perfect," he assures, internally sighing in relief as his stomach starts to settle. "I guess I shouldn't eat them on an empty stomach! It ruins the flavor. Who knew?"
He's eaten them on an empty stomach a dozen times before and never had an issue.
"Okay," Sizhui says slowly. 'Are you sure you're alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine, Sizhui, don't worry," he says, and means it, even though he sort of wants to cry.
The pepper candies were one of the only things he could get his hands on that he enjoyed eating, and now even that's gone?
At least the Jin go all out on the banquets.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 1 month
rating things my classmates said/did after my dad died! (feat. class 1-a)
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cw: mentions of death obviously, you're a member of class 1-a, crack, hurt/comfort, reader is religiously ambiguous, implied depression ig, some angst but mostly crack
note: guys i swear it's okay to laugh at this! i did!! some may say it's too soon but humor is how i cope and i missed writing so when this little idea invaded my brain while i was rewatching bhna (it's my comfort show) i couldn't resist
blog navigation | bhna masterlist
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ochako: “if you believe in heaven i would offer to use my quirk on you so you could float up to heaven and visit your dad but i doubt they'd let you in anyways”
low key made me giggle
iida overheard and was horrified.
izuku: “i'm so sorry for your loss. if you ever need to talk i’m here. i know it’s not the same at all but my dad wasn’t around while i was growing up so i can kinda understand. not that i’m saying you have to talk to me because of that or that i understand or that we should make a dead/missing dad club oh my god i need to stop talking i’m so sorry i’ll leave you alone now bye please tell me if you need anything!” *scurries away*
sweet cinnamon roll 🥹
we should fs make a dead/missing dads club
todoroki: “i’m so sorry for your loss. if i could make my father trade places with yours i would do it in a heartbeat. unrelated, i heard you and midoriya are starting a dead/missing dads club. may i join? mine is dead to me.”
right idea i guess 😭😭
it was going so well during the first sentence too…
ps ofc you can join our club
bakugou: stormed into my room and violently ripped me from my depression burrito and dragged me downstairs to force feed me a warm home cooked meal bc he knew i hadn’t left my bed or eaten in the last 24 hours
i always knew you cared abt me us blasty 🥹🥰
the food was delicious but plz be more gentle abt it next time king 🙏
mineta: “yo your mom is a total milf.”
numbers don’t go low enough to express my feelings towards this one
like at my father’s funeral?? the AUDACITY
jirou: spent hours searching for a very specific song my dad sang to me when i was little and actually found it bc she found m crying bc i couldn’t find it and i wanted to hear it again
i actually love you so much
you have no idea how much this meant to me ❤️
aoyama: stuffed cheese into my mouth while i was crying in my depression burrito
wtf man that was actually more traumatizing
it wasn’t even parmesan or brie
tokoyami: went on a long spiel about how we are all destined for the Great Darkness then abruptly ended by saying he was sorry for my father’s early departure and disappearing back into his room
i think you were trying to make me feel better so i appreciate the effort. i am a little confused tho
kiri: ask me if i wanted a hug. when i started crying he started tearing up too then gave me one of the best bear hugs i’ve ever gotten
super manly dude. i really needed it at the moment and appreciated it ❤️
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gonna end this here. i had a few more but i felt like these were the best ones. not tagging anyone since this is like a personal self comfort one lol
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aduh0308 · 8 days
2 questions!
Who is your favourite mootie?
Who is your favourite writer?
I don't have a fav mootie but all my new mooties are amazing !! @liverspaghett @thetxtdevil @binniesbooks @inkigayocamman @beomiracles @blueberrybeomgyu @tyunzonlystar @leeminhosairfryer @biteyoubiteme @chyuuiung @niningtori love yall tysm for staying through my craziness <3 (and then my old mooties... esp @beomzzznn ANGIE ILY)
i'll do top 5 fav writers !! (these are the people that always manage to make me get that good tingly feeling ykyk)
@hyewka rana is fucking insane she knows this already but about a week after i joined tumblr i stumbled across her perv gyu fic and i printed that shit OUT it's annotated and everything sitting in my 2 inch binder <3
@miupow DUDE LIAS WORKS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD i just read crave and i fucking died like you dont even know
@agustdiv1ne yall... dont ever underestimate ashlee bc she will fucking serve EVERY TIME her fics are always so scrumptious i eat everything UP
@koqabear kq... somehow manages to do three things at the some time: write INSANELY well, think of intricate unique plots, and manage to make every word of her insane word counts DELICIOUS
@taegimood mj!! writes everything with so much care like every single word is where its meant to be, i will NEVER forget how she answered my soob ask LIKE
honorable mentions !! @fairyofshampgyu @thetxtdevil @binniesbooks @beomiracles @wolfytae-exe if i did top 10 youd all easily be up there
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bump1nthen1ght · 1 year
A Very Monstrous Kinktober: Day 10 (Praise Kink)
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Kink: Praise Kink
Pairing: Fem!Harpy x Fem!Reader
Other Kinks: Cunnilingus, Body Worship
Warnings: N/A
Word Counts: 1213 words
Kinktober Masterlist
“I love it!” Illane squeals, hitting a pitch usually reserved for her hunting calls. “By the goddesses, you did amazing!”
You let the compliment roll down your body like a syrup, sticky and sweet.
It had taken you many weeks to collect all the decorations for the new nest. Not only was the dense forest you and your new wife called home generally bereft of shiny things, you're lack of wings meant it was far more difficult to maneuver. Not to mention keeping it secret from Illane, who was far more observant than her playful nature would suggest.
But it was all worth it, seeing the smile on her face.
“Well, know we must celebrate.” Illane cheers, hitting her two claws together in a delighted clap. “It would be such a shame to not consummate our new home, hmm?”
With all the subtlety of a big wheel truck, Illane lifts you by under the arms and throws you on the bed. After several years together you’ve gotten used to her fits of passion, letting you body go limp as she tosses you around. It helped with Illane’s excess strength to do so, her excitement often meaning she’d throw you a little too hard. You found it charming,
Illane quickly moved to straddle your hips, thick thighs easily covering most of your lower half. She leaves a towering shadow over you, her wingtips just reaching the ends of the bed as she lays over you. There's that special glint in her eye, pupils blown wide as she peers down at you, as if you're the most valuable gem in her collection.
“You’re so cute.” Illane whispers, the feathers down the side of face twitching as she smiles wide. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Illane.”
“Yes but you’re just so-”
Illane hums, trying to find the words.
“-lovely, you’re absolutely lovely.” She pecks you on the cheek, lingering with her lips. “Every part of you.” Illane kisses your jaw, then your neck. She stops and gives another to the same spot, then licks up the sides of it. A shiver runs down your spine. “Absolutely…delectable.”
Illane nuzzles her face in your clavicle, moving her wing to pull up your shirt. You think you see where this is going, and you quite like it.
Illane kisses down your sternum, then stops and admires you bare breasts.
“I could spend days just here.” Illane moans, quickly latching onto a nipple and sucking, wasting no time. You throw your head back with a soft whine, hands grasping to hold onto one of her wings, to finger through the reddish-brown feathers. Illane pops her lips off the nipple, a depraved smile in her face.” Such delicious tits, all for me.” Illane turns to sucks in the other teet, wiggling her tongue until it pebbles in her mouth. Your fingers dig through her feathers, feeling the thin bone.
Illane gently bites on the fat of your breast, absolutely loving the shapes of bruises on your skin. She always laps at it afterwards, some harpy ritual of cleaning and mating.
She directs her mouth down your abdomen, rubbing her face against the plush skin. “So soft.” She moans to herself. But as much as she can usually spend complimenting your stomach, she is eager to get to the best part.
“And what a pussy.” You feel your face get flushed, looking down at how Illane looks at your clothed lips, pulling down the waistband of your skirt with her teeth and throwing it to the side. She immediately nuzzles her face into your thigh, taking a big sniff. “I think a death between these thighs would he most blissful.”
Even after all these years, her blessed devotion, her unapologetic sweet talk still sets a fire underneath your skin. Looking into her eyes, you can tell she means every word.
“I must have a taste.” Illane remarks, licking a stripe up the crotch of your panties. Your thighs clench, feeling the tickling brush of her feathers against you. Illane’s eyes roll back into her head, the sound of her smacking her lips as she notices your slickness. “Exquisite.”
Illane jumps back in, hungrily sucking on your clit through the fabric. The excess sensation is enough to have your hips jerk, humping towards her face. She accepts it with a moan, sucking some more before licking at your lips once more. You can hear her trying to push away the fabric from your bare cunt with her nose, and you help her by pulling it aside.
She’s quick to dive right, her long tongue curling against your innermost walls. You squeak, Illane’s chuckles reverberating through the insides.
She quickly begins thrusting her tongue, in and out, occasionally stopping to have it lap at your walls. A sizeable portion presses against your g-spot, which Illane finds with ease.
Electricity seems to dance across your skin, another hand goes to card your fingers through the auburn hair on her scalp, which curls beautifully before transitioning into her feathers. Your hips feel as if they move on their own, humping against Illane’s face with desperation. Illane doesn’t seem to mind, in fact she occasionally singles and presses her face harder against your cunt, as if trying to get deeper and deeper inside you than possible.
You spasm around her tongue, feeling your climax get closer and closer. Illane is a master of pleasuring you, able to make you cum embossing fast with just some words and her mouth. It's why you whine she slides her tongue out, detaching herself from your sopping cunt.
“Look at me, love.”
Lazy eyes slide towards her and you’re sure you're a sight; face flushed, hair disheveled, and mouth open like a proper whore.
“Goddesses, how gorgeous.” Illane easily shuffles up your body, chin dripping with your juices, and gives you a hot kiss. Her tongue mixes with yours, tasting yourself on her palate. You feel your eyes rolling back as she defiled your mouth with same fervor as your sex, whining as she pulls away once again.
“I need toy to cum on my tongue, love.” Illane whispers in your ear. “Will you do that? Cum for me?”
You shake your head rapidly, Illane just giving you a wide smile as she shuffles back down and resumes her work. Thoroughly teased, your pussy is quickly back where it was, chasing that orgasms as she thrusts in and out.
Your clit pushes against her nose, hips canting as Illane pried your thighs apart with her wings, shuffling her shoulders in between. It allows her to reach even deeper inside you, unexplored areas extra reactive.
Fingers tugging at her hair, the shaking fire bursts inside of you, hips spasming a couple times as your orgasms washes all over her face. Illane’s moans are muffled as she soaks up the taste, tongue still playing with your overstimulated pussy as she laps up the cum.
Your whole body feels like static, still reeling from the crash of your orgasm.
Illane snuggles up to your side, throwing a wing over your nude form. The feathers are warm, protecting you from the oncoming chill, and you nuzzle into her breasts.
“I love you, wife.” Illane whispers, kissing the top of your head.
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sofoulandfairaday · 9 months
Please share all of your Sirius and Bellatrix thoughts ♥️
I have way too many, darling.
The TLDR is it is our choices that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities. The long version is under the cut.
When reading about them I usually prefer stories where their original 8-9 year gap is preserved (it annoys me to no end when people write the Order and the Death Eaters as entirely made up of people in the same couple of years in Hogwarts —really? Was the conflict exclusively waged by child soldiers? Were Dumbledore and Voldemort just chilling before 1977, when they decided to start recruiting?). With that being said, I can also enjoy fics where - for shipping purposes - their ages are more compatible, to make them share time in Hogwarts or during the First Wizarding War.
I think they are very, very alike personality-wise. The narrative draws some delicious writing parallels between them, both physically and in their expressions, vices and virtues, and choices. Directly between them, might I add. The author underlines the difference between Bella and Narcissa more than once, we're meant to see it, and similarly we're meant to see the similarities between Bella & Sirius.
They are haughty, passionate, powerful, competent, arrogant, bright, much more intelligent than the fandom thinks they are. In general, they suffer from the stigmatization that many characters - but some people in real life do too - that someone who is intense and impulsive cannot possibly be as intelligent as people who are meek, soft-spoken, generally more controlled. Think what the fandom does to Sirius vs Remus and Bella vs her sisters, when every arrow points to the fact that they are actually the cleverest in these pairings.
They are both some shade of mentally ill, and not because of the curse of the Blacks - half the Blacks went mad didn't they? What's the saying? Every time a Black is born the gods flip a coin. god the Targaryen-Black parallels are gold - Sirius is very likely horribly depressed in OOTP, something no one around him seems to understand, infuriatingly. The only one that seems to get it is Harry, who has the literal Dark Lord living in his brain (= bigger problems to deal with). Bella is... I don't know what she is, ask me after my psychiatry module next year, but my money is on PTSD after Azkaban - after all, she didn't have the escape of an Animagus form behind bars. She would also very likely be victim-blamed for these different feelings, which would lend itself to a delicious nobody else in the world understands us but us type of post-Azkaban dark!fic which I would love to read.
They are both skilled at magic, and while they might despise each other for their respective political views, they respect each other because of this. Bella is probably above him in terms of magical power and skill, because she's 9 years older and because of Voldemort's training, but Sirius seemed to be keeping up quite well with her during their fight in the DoM.
Speaking of which, I am sure that Bellatrix's scream of triumph was due to her winning their duel, not because she thought she had killed him and that is probably the single thing I love the most about HBC's interpretation of her in the movies. That look. 10/10.
I am of the opinion that Bella is all bark and no bite when it comes to certain members of her family, especially her sisters. Sure, she might say that she wants to prune her family tree but 30 years later in the beginning of DH, she still calls Andromeda sister. I'm sure she would want nothing more than to put him under lock and key for the rest of his life and never let him escape, not kill him. And, to me, the way Sirius speaks of his family is very interesting. I'm sure he firmly believes that he hates them, but his actual feelings are more complex than that. You can hate someone and still desire their love, their respect. You can hate that they are the only people in the world who understand you - and hate yourself more in turn, for it.
Sirius seems to me like someone haunted by his own darkness. He, much like Harry, would be constantly worried that he's becoming like them. I'm sure it's a weak spot for him and I wish we had heard more bickering, or at least a full interaction between Bella and Sirius (I feel like she would claim him as hers, underline how much he cannot escape his own blood, even just to mock him/unsettle him in battle). But what Dumbledore says to Harry is true: it doesn't matter how alike they are, it's their choices that matter much more. And I feel like this is why the two of them would never reconcile in canon. They stand for different things.
I also think there might be some - and I know Freud is controversial nowadays, but bear with me - penis envy, on her part. Because Sirius was born the heir - something she would have given her left hand to be: to be born and die a Black instead of being expected to marry into another family - and he squandered it all away by consorting with werewolves and mudbloods. But no. He got everything and pissed on it, and it's just not fair. And by choosing not to come back, even in the two years after Regulus' death, he made sure that the Black Family name will die with him- and I think that is just something she can never ever forgive him.
Now. Everybody knows I don't like TCC and my preferred view of Bella is someone with fertility issues, even to the point of being sterile.
[I read an amazing fanfic once and a line from it stuck in my brain - "If I can't be life, then I'll be death"]
But. If we do see it as canon. This is also the reason why - despite being overjoyed at Delphi's birth - I am convinced that she wished for a boy when she was pregnant. If she had a boy with the Dark Lord, who couldn't possibly give them his name, the House of Black would have an heir. This is also the reason why I don't thing she was necessarily opposed to having children with Rodolphus - the "spare" would have been her heir.
Bellatrix would say that Regulus was her favourite cousin, but truth be told, it was really Sirius whom she respected more - at her core, in my opinion, Bellatrix is really only someone who respects power. Sirius is like her that way.
But Bellatrix is clearly a cruel person, which Sirius is not (or at least, he tries not to be: Kreacher and Snape are two very particular cases of people who are mean to him back). Also, Sirius' view of the world is much more egalitarian - If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. Bellatrix is clearly someone who sees the world in terms of hierarchies, and lives within them (see: how she acts around Voldemort and what is implied of her treatment of house-elves who obey their masters: there is a scale and some serve others, and as long as they do so well they have certain rights; disobey, you get punished).
(Bellatrix is somewhat a feminist character but let's be real- she's not a revolutionary. She went to the Dark Lord and showed him just how powerful she was - aka my wand is bigger than all these male DEs' - and he said "okay, fair, I'll give you the Mark", thereby freeing herself. She is not a "equal representation for women inside terrorist organizations!!" type of girlie)
I also love how her death parallels Sirius'. It's thematically beautiful and it excuses her death coming at the hands of one Molly Weasley (who could never ever in a million years have beaten her on skill alone). She dies because she is arrogant. It's one of her traits. Overconfidence. She was always meant to die like that.
[coincidentally one of the reasons why she would not be a hufflepuff like some suggest: this woman is not humble]
I could go on, but I think I've rambled enough.
P.S. Let's not sleep on the fact that the two of them together would be hot.
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anadiasmount · 1 year
hugs and fireworks - christian pulisic x reader
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hello everyone! i hope you are all okay and doing well! happy fourth to those who celebrate! in honor of it being the fourth I couldn't stop thinking of dad! christian. so here's a small blurb of how i'd think your holiday would be spent with him! i enjoyed writing this, so I hope you enjoy 🥰🥰
here's my masterlist!
wc: 1.6k
“Do you remember when we met back in Austin?” Christian asked softly. You hummed and felt him cuddle closer to you. His head was on your chest while you stroked his bareback. “How could I forget? I saw you on the pitch and immediately fell over heels for you.” 19-year-old you would be gushing over excitement.
While growing up, you and your family didn't go out at all for the 4th of July. Sure you had a small backyard cookout and some fireworks but that was it. A USA shirt, or a red white, and blue to keep the “tradition”. You vividly remember the summer when you traveled down with your girlfriends to Texas for the 4th of July. A random trip that ended up changing your life in the most unexpected way. A flight booked from home, to your girlfriends and you pitching in to take a road trip from the tip of Texas to the south where you explored different beaches.
During your last night in Austin, you attended a USA soccer match, being fortunate to receive front-row seats. A certain brunette caught your eye, but the feeling of being embarrassed and rejected made you overthink plus, this guy was a pro, right? A sleeve of tattoos, sweat running down their body, the white jersey clinging onto their fit body for dear life. You were in a daze, mesmerized, noticing the #10 and PULISIC in the back.Of course, nothing would ever happen, so you and your girlfriends decided to go to a bar nearby and celebrate before heading off south.
While coming back from the restroom, you accidentally stumbled against someone, “I am so sorry, I did not see you coming,” you touched their shoulder apologetically but when you looked up and met a pair of brown orbs you blushed profusely. “It's okay darling, I didn't see you coming either,” it was him.
“Im Y/n,” you extended your hand making the first move, he smirked and shook your palm, “Im Christian, a pleasure to meet to meet you.”
Who knew sharing a couple of beers, small talk of his life and yours included would have you holding onto hope? Christian paid attention, he didn't just nod or hum then and there, he made sure to make you feel safe and comfortable, never overstepping by asking unsuitable questions. You didn’t do this, you were always shy and rather would sit and watch people than make the effort and meet someone, but with him, it felt right.
Christian didn't hide anything, explaining how he grew up in Hershey, his move to Europe, his parents being his biggest support to this day, attending state fairs meant the world to him, and that sometimes you have to take a risk if you want great things to happen. His words, not yours. You had not realized you sat in the bar ignoring the blaring music, loud cheers, and drunk people behind you, till the bartender gave you a ten-minute warning before closing.
“If I'm being honest… I don’t want to go back to my hotel right now… Would you care to join me for some late-night tacos? I know just the place here,” Christian spoke shyly, rubbing the back of his neck afraid you’d say no. “Who can turn down some tacos? Just hope you won’t disappoint me, Chris…” you said without thinking. Christian loved when you called him Chris, it just sounded like heaven to him. True to his word, you had enjoyed eating the delicious tacos in the taqueria. Later taking a walk to observe the Austin skyline, where your fings delicately brushed his. You shared your first official kiss there, his hands holding you by your waist, as you rested on his broad chest.
“We were just kids then… Now look at us now,” he replied looking up to you where you placed the softest gentle kiss on his forehead. “We’ve come a long way to be here today. All the sacrifices and distance but we made it work. And I can’t be more grateful to have the most gorgeous stunning wife and mother to my kids…” he kissed over your wedding ring and the small bump. You had surprised him after putting your almost two-year-old to sleep. Christian was overjoyed and crying happy tears, immediately sinking to his knees and promising the baby he’d do everything in his will to protect them and you. His little family.
“I'm so fortunate to have a man like you, Chris. We fell in love at such an early age and I would’ve thought you’d get rid of me, but you've never stopped loving me. You're the best dad to Axel, to me, and to those around you. There’s not a day that goes by where I sit down and think of the what if’s, but you're always there to get rid of the overthinking. I feel safe and at home with you,” you let out the smallest tear and Christian giggled.
“Oh stop it! It’s the pregnancy hormones,” you gushed as he continued his teasing. A sound from the baby monitor had Christian up on his feet going to pick up Axel from his room. When your boys came back, Axel was rubbing his eyes with his chubby hands while Christian brushed back the small coils of curls. He was the spitting image of him, anything Christian did, Axel was doing so already. Despite following his dad, at the end of the day, he was a momma's boy.
“How about we spend the 4th by the beach, take some food, small fireworks, and just spend time watching the fireworks at the end of the night?” Christian asked to which you clapped your hands excitedly. “Your family is still coming right?” you asked while prepping some hamburgers for Christian to grill. He came back inside holding Axel by his hip, “Yes they should be here soon!”
The doorbell rang and you greeted his family with a small hug, urging them to come inside while you continued to finish cutting the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Christian, his dad, brother, and brother-in-law spent their time outside grilling while you, his mom, and sister, and now Axel stayed inside until it was time to leave. His sister explained how excited she was to begin riding after her pregnancy, and his mom talked about the upcoming vacation you all took.
After setting the table you all ate and shared stories over the years, Christian sitting next to you holding your hand or from time to time grabbing your thigh, feeling his nails rake up and down against your skin. Once the sun started to die down, you all took the shortcut walking down to the shore, “Careful baby,” Christian spoke to where only you and he could hear. Christian always was cautious but now that you were pregnant again, he had to make sure you weren’t overworking yourself.
You sat on the sand, feeling the cool breeze and sand beneath you. You watched and heard your son Axel let out waves of giggles when the waves crashed against his little chubby feet. Christian spun him around from time to time and held him close. You took a small photo, relishing the moment before your family turned into four. Of course, Axel followed him when they began to play a small game of football there. They pulled out the small fireworks or sparklers, Christian was being protective again, holding his son and showing him how the sparkle was, it was generally safe so you weren't worried. Your son just clapped his small chubby hands and made happy noises that brought Christian to smile.
You helped his mom set up some chairs after the tide began to rise just a bit, and changed into a knitted sweater. “Look at you two,” you laughed when you saw Christian come up to you with your son. You gave Christian a towel and some change of clothes, while Axel cuddled against your chest. You covered him with a towel and a blanket protecting him from the cool air. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep, especially after the day he had.
When Christian returned he sat next to you, but it wasn't long before he asked you to lay your back against his chest. He peppered small kisses along your bare shoulder due to your top, and kissed your temple, just giving you love and affection. That’s one thing he won't ever hide, his love and adoration for you.
Christian chatted with you quietly about tomorrow's plans which included a boat ride for the entire day, promising to watch Pride and Prejudice for the hundredth time with you after coming back home. His fingers drew small shapes on your bump, while you rested your head gently below his chin. “Boy or girl?” you asked knowing the answer right away. “Girl. I want to dress her up in small cute dresses and learn to do her hair. But I’d be equally as happy if we had another boy. Just hope we won't drive too crazy,” he joked.
You heard the chime of the fireworks as they began. You saw a small streak of light before it burst into a pit of different colors. Christian watched as your eyes glowed as you observed the different fireworks. He’d rather watch you because you were the only person to make his chest feel like it had fireworks lighting inside. “Kiss me,” he said abruptly. You blushed but did as he told, brushing your lips into a small but passionate and intense kiss. “Won’t ever get enough of these soft lips,” he said smiling across your lips. He rested back, humming when your hand reached up and played with the hair in the nap of his neck, “I love you, princess.”
“I love you, Christian.”
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crownedghostprince · 8 months
"Please, rest your eyes with me.."
Loki x Stressed!Reader
Fandom: Marvel
(Y/N) had been working very long hours after being given a co-worker's workload for the week on top of her own work. Presentations, emails to important clients and sponsors, meetings, reports and all of that again, but for her sick co-worker. It's been a couple of days. No sleep, small and nutritious meals, and too many phone calls. Loki grew concerned with his lover and decided to make sure they finally rested for the night.
Requests: Closed. Requested: no.
Warning(s): Overly sweet. Pure fluff, no smut. There's a bathing together scene, but it's fluff. I repeat: fluff <3
Note: Reader is a woman :)
Word Count: 1,509
[Third Person Perspective]
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(I couldn't find a source for this on Pinterest. But his expression is fantastic <3)
The sound of tapping and clicking was Loki's usual ambiance for the past couple of days now. Well, to be more specific, it was the sound of keyboard typing. His beautiful girlfriend had been working hard with no sleep and terrible take-out meals for a couple of days and Loki had been too busy to fully realize until now. The hard-work his significant other was putting in had simply been background ambiance as he darted back and forth between rooms trying to help Stark organize another party whilst Stark was actively fighting with Rogers.
So Loki being the newest Avenger was forced to run back and forth, helping the two to plan the party without a huge argument. This also meant that Loki had to keep the peace, write lists of different things both 'manchilds' wanted at the party, do some decoration planning with Natasha and keep his promise to Thor by spending an afternoon in town together. The past two days had been hectic, but Loki managed to survive - albeit very tiredly. Now he finally had a chance to settle down and enjoy a nice rest day. Except...he couldn't relax.
He had hoped his lover would take a few ten minute breaks here and there. Maybe take a break whilst eating. Perhaps not take her phone to the bathroom to continue working. Not only to have a small minute break, but for hygienic reasons as well. Loki made a mental note to carefully wipe over her phone later. Sadly, (Y/N) continued to work hard at her laptop, typing up presentations and then jumping to answer emails and then jumping back to the presentation. Yesterday, Stark said she had done a very long report on the many benefits of a small coffee shop that connects to the office.
Something as ridiculous as that seemed unbelievable to Loki. But considering how some midguardians loved their useless work and fancy little reports, he eventually believed Stark wasn't lying. To Loki it was simple: if a major corporation wanted a tiny, cheap, coffee shop? Then they would just build it with their vast amounts of money and make that quick profit. But according to Stark those mortals loved making sponsors pay for it instead. Millionaires that kept the business from using their own money on literally anything.
Millionaires that needed to be persuaded into putting a couple thousand dollars into a small project by fancy looking graphs, reports and who knows what else. Gosh, just sitting there thinking about all that had given him a headache. He checked the time and decided that 10:00pm was far too late for (Y/N) to be working. Loki stood up, stretched his aching arms a bit and headed straight to the kitchen. If his darling angel wasn't going to finish work and rest on her own, he would make her.
Loki made two very sweet, hot cups of tea, grabbed an advil and sat in front of (Y/N). "Here you go, my love. You've been working for so many hours you missed dinner tonight." He spoke softly.
"Oh, wow. The time sure went by fast." (Y/N) sighed out, stretching her arms a bit and accepting the much needed cup of tea. "Thank-you, Loki. This is delicious." She smiled and visibly relaxed from the soothing sweetness.
"I'm delighted to hear that. I was going to play some music and enjoy a nice bath. Would you please join me? I dearly miss your company." Loki did his best to sound suave and inviting in hopes (Y/N) would accept rather than work more. He just needed to get her away from the laptop for some rest for at least one night. At her current rate, she'd just faint from exhaustion and run herself into the ground and Loki wanted desperately to avoid that.
"Oh, Loki. You know I would love to join you, but I've got so much work right now...I don't know if I can afford to spend time away from these slides." She strained her eyes to look back at the blaring screen. She didn't even have a blue light filter on...or dark mode...she could be so silly sometimes. But Loki smiled fondly.
"Just for a few minutes, darling? Please? For me?" He tucked some strands of hair out of her face and met her gaze with a pout she couldn't say 'no' to.
"Oh...alright, you and your adorable face..." She sighed in defeat, "Just let me fix this up and save this and I'll join you." She returned to the screen one more time and Loki watched the clock with a mental timer of five minutes. He moved quickly and got the bath ready with warm water, a sleepy scented candle, he changed the bathroom light to a soft orange and grabbed the softest cloth he could find in the bathroom. Finally, he turned on (Y/N)'s favourite, calm songs and played them on low from a speaker in the bathroom.
Next, he went to her room and pulled out her most comfortable t-shirt and pants, grabbing her towel as well and then headed back to the bathroom after grabbing his own things. He returned after five minutes of setting up the bath and tapped her on the shoulder. "It's been five minutes, please finish that last graph and save, darling. The bath is ready and warm."
"Oh, already? Alright, I'll finish this and save." She promised. She worked on the graph for another minute and once it was finished Loki quickly intervened before she could move onto another unfinished graph. He gently placed his hand over hers, gaining back her attention, and he slowly dragged the cursor to the save icon before minimizing the screen.
"Come, darling. Let's get you into some nice clean clothes that will hopefully be more comfortable than your work attire." (Y/N) stared up at him before slowly registering what he said and finally looking down at her clothing. She had completely forgotten she was even in her work clothes still. She simply nodded and followed Loki to the bathroom for what she thought would be a quick bath and then back to work. But Loki had other plans: making sure she slept.
His plan went exactly as he had expected. The soft, orange light would help her brain wind down from the constant blue light that definitely disrupted her brain's sleeping pattern. The soft music she would play to fall asleep with, the sweet tea settling in her stomach, the warm bath water and the sweet scented candle. He made sure to scrub the soap in gently and take his time.
She leaned back against him and sighed against his chest, feeling sore from sitting hunched over, but overall she was relaxed. Her eyes grew heavy and harder to keep open until they slowly drifted shut. Loki carefully carried her out of the water and wrapped her up in her fluffy towel whilst he drained the bath water and made sure to tidy everything up. She was still awake, desperately fighting sleep so she could get back to work. But her body wouldn't cooperate. She was exhausted.
Loki finished drying her and helped her dress. He brushed her hair back into a neat plait and made sure she brushed her teeth. He washed up as well and then lead her to the bedroom for a good night's rest. At this point, she was too tired to fight back. But she still attempted. "No....Loki..." She whined. "I have to get back to work now..." She groaned.
"Please, rest your eyes with me..." Loki hushed her stubbornness. "...Just for a few minutes, love. For me?"
"Fine...like...five minutes.." She groaned and stumbled into bed, almost falling asleep immediately.
"Thank-you, love. I've missed your company." Loki laid down beside her and pulled the covers up, turning on some rainy ambiance and pulling her into a cuddle - spooning her with an arm draped across her waist.
Hearing a soft groan and sigh, he smiled and kissed the top of her head. His plan was successful and he felt very proud of his lover for being such a hard-worker. He also felt very proud of himself for remembering how to help a mortal unwind after a long day. The orange light and soft music was all Stark's advice when Loki had first started dating (Y/N). Apparently midguardians brains worked slightly differently to Asgardians, and needed help to slow down to sleep.
Once soft snores and little bits of strange sleep talk drifted from his lover, he knew she was fast asleep. He finally allowed himself to sleep for the night as well. "Goodnight, love." He whispered, half asleep. "I love you."
"...Love you...too..." She spoke back - still dead asleep. Talking in one's sleep was still an interesting phenomenon to Loki, but he'll have to ask about that at some other time. For now, he was quite content to just cuddle his lover and drift off into sweet dreams.
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
Spring 2024 Anime Overview: Train to the End of the World and Tonari no Yokai-san
Who knows if poor Whisper Me a Love Song (a cute yuri anime about a girl band... with dire animation conditions so it's currently stuck on episode 10 with the last two episodes delayed indefinitely) is ever going to finish, but here’s some my first post reviewing the rest of what I watched.
Delicious in Dungeon continued to kill it with the second half of the season, kicking into high gear and introducing cranky catgirls, but you can see my general thoughts on the show here.
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Train to the End of the World
I love bizarre anime, especially bizarre anime starring loveable weird girls, and Train absolutely delivers.
 A teenage girl named Yoka is bullied by a slimy businessman into pushing a button that activates the 7G cellular network across Japan, but said network warps and changes Japan completely, having bizarre effects on the citizens. For example, all the adults in Yoka's hometown have been transformed into animals and are starting to act like animals.
Shizuru is Yoka's best friend, and she said some seriously nasty things to Yoka before her friend left town. Yoka's been missing ever since the 7G incident and Shizuru is desperate to find her and apologize. So when she sees a picture showing Yoka in Ikebukuro, she decides to drive a train to find her, and her friends Reimi, Akira, Nadeshiko, and also her dog come along. As they travel across the warped Japan, they face many weird encounters and obstacles.
Train to the End of the World is greatly entertaining, as we see the girls encounter nihiists with mushrooms growing out of their heads, screaming goatmen that ram into the train and even zombies on their journey. The dialogue is snappy, and the girls all have a fun personalities. As a lover of girls doing silly violence, I also adored how everyone besides Akira (who is the smart one) has ridiculous combat skills, with Shizuru having her own form of martial art, Reimi being physically unstoppable when she's mad, and Nadeshiko might come off as the ladylike bow and error wielder...but actually she also can beat the shit out of people with said bow as a blunt object. It's fun to watch them go wild.
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An example of how ridiculous the show can get is the encounter with the zombies--the absolutely bizarre logic is that since zombies are supposed to be dead to all sensation, arousal will make them blow up. Instead of the girls acting sexy to arouse them like most anime would do, they just say dirty words, and Akira recites a whole paragraph from Lady Chatterley's Lover that she apparently memorized, and they sing a hilariously bawdy folk song. This episode DOES contain the show's biggest moment of sexualizing the teenage girls though- a hyper detailed panty shot that was super jarring considering the show avoided fanservice before then.
And the next episode had Nadeshiko forced to don a somewhat skimpy outfit. Those are the only two instances of fanservice, but that episode also had a joke where this character in this children's cartoon come to life's entire gimmick was that she was suicidal. It was probably meant to be "lol look how inappropriate this would be for children" but it still felt fairly mean spirited at times.
Despite those hiccups to watch out for, the anime works because it never forgets it's core theme or friendship--the relationships between the girls are developed at a good pace, and Shizuru's guilt over what she did to Yoka is explored well too. It's not just a ridiculous anime, it has a heart too. So if an anime where a girl punches a bear in the face and arms herself with vegetables appeals to you…check it out!
Tonari No Yokai-san
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Tonari no Yokai-san takes place in a world where yokai have integrated into human society. The central characters are Buchio, a cat who became a nekomata after living to twenty, and Jiro, a crow tengu who is close friends with a little girl he calls Mu-chan.
This is a very sweet, gentle series that has some heartwrenching and dark undertones occasionally.  Mu’s father has been lost to an eerie void, and a lot of the stories focus on grief. The immediate comparison tone and content-wise is Natsume’s Book of Friends, but it distinguishes itself by presenting a world where yokai are very much part of society, to the point where they have to do paperwork  and pay taxes. (There was also a confirmation that one character is bisexual when his backstory involves dating a guy yokai, so that was nice, especially since he's currently in a relationship with a car yokai that's probably meant to be romantic? Yes I said car yokai it is his car.)
There’s also some sci-fi elements mixed in with alternate timelines and what not. I think these elements could be integrated more smoothly, but they are pretty novel. It’s a really solid series.
I do love stories about yokai and I thought it was enjoyable and touching, but it didn’t rock my world the way I wanted it to…it might be that it followed too many characters at once so I couldn’t dig into any of them the way I really wanted to. Still, it’s a sweet, tender and pleasant watch, I definitely rec it.
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natashasnoodle · 1 year
any chance of a fic where y/n has been sneezing and sniffling all day and Nat realises shes coming down with a bad cold so decides to look after her 😊☺️
Sniffles and Sneezes | Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
Words: 2.3k
Thank you for the very sweet request &lt;3
The first thing that you could think of that day was how it felt that you had been hit by a truck. Your eyes hadn’t even opened yet, but your throat felt scratchy, your head felt like it was being pumped full of helium, and your body ached as though you’d had a tough day at the gym, despite not having worked out for a few days thanks to meetings and reports. With a groan you lifted your arm and weakly flopped it forward, trying to search for Natasha. Usually, you would have been more gentle, but you had truly lost a decent chunk of your motor skills.
Disappointment ebbed through you with shock waves when you felt empty sheets. They were cold, so she had been gone for a while. With a great amount of effort, you rolled onto your other side and finally allowed your eyes to open, groaning even harder as the bright lights from the gap in your curtains struck your eyeballs.
Squinting thanks to the blurriness, you looked at your alarm clock. 10:37.
You were running late on starting your tasks for the day, and Nat would be finishing up training soon. It was Monday, which meant that it was Nat’s most intense training session of the week. She liked to start off incredibly strong on Mondays so that the rest of the week seemed a bit better and she would get on with it without complaining. Whatever worked for her, you guessed. You just preferred doing it consistently each day, with shorter training sessions, Natasha’s were more erratic with longer days to make up for shorter days.
Due to it being her most intense training session, you always liked to prepare breakfasts for her on Mondays, so… if you were to do that for your lovely girlfriend, you would have to get a move on. Fast.
Grunting when heaving yourself off of the bed, swaying initially, you made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and tie your hair up, before getting into some day clothes. You had too much to do today to continue slacking all morning, so you got into some presentable clothes and tidied yourself up.
Fake it ‘til you make it.
With a newfound (fake) pep in your step, you made your way through the compound and over to the kitchen. No one was there as they had already started their day hours ago, and you were glad that you didn’t have to make small talk whilst it felt like your head was being hit by a sledgehammer.
With the oven turned on, the coffee pot brewing, and you standing bent over with your forehead pressed into the cool counters, you thought that the morning was now on the right track. Even though it looked like you were going delusional from an outside view.
The smells from the bacon, eggs, and toast were delicious. Though unfortunately, the new smells hitting your olfactory system seemed to awaken a hoard of sneezes that came out, meaning you had to lift your head away from the soothing counter for your body to get them out of your system. Yet another groan escaped your lips after the sneezing fit, and you washed your hands to plate up Nat’s meal.
And like clockwork, Nat strolled in at 11 in her workout gear, cheeks flushed from exertion, and a big grin on her face. That was until she saw you. You thought you were being slick with hiding how you felt like crap, but it was clear. You were paler than normal, with a sticky sheen on your forehead, and your nose red from sniffing. Her smile faltered for a second but it soon came back, happy to see you.
“Hey, honey. How are you?”, she walked up to you and placed a kiss on your cheek, looking at you with concern, “You don’t look too good, you okay?”.
“I’m fine”, you dismissed her with a flick of the wrist and plated up her breakfast up with a tired grin, “Bon appetite!”, you spoke proudly and pushed the plate in front of where she was now sitting at the table. Nat didn’t believe that you were really ‘fine’, but she was hungry, she’d just trained for four hours, so she told herself she’d ask you again once she’d finished the breakfast.
Just as she picked up her cutlery and was about to happily dig into her food, you launched into another sneezing fit into your elbow across the room. Her face scrunched up slightly as she looked between you and the food, now not trusting that this plate hadn’t been sneezed on at some point. Unintentionally obviously. It hadn’t been, but Natasha didn’t know that.
So as to not offend you by throwing your food away in front of you, Nat shouted over and suggested you sit in the living room whilst she finished up and get comfy and ready for them to write their reports together. Once you agreed and left, Nat threw the food in the bin immediately, placing some kitchen roll over it so you wouldn’t see it. With haste, she ate a few granola bars to satiate her hunger and waited a few minutes so that it wouldn’t look suspicious.
The granola bars were not as satisfying as a cooked breakfast, but she wasn’t annoyed at all. You had tried your best even when clearly not feeling well, even though your pride wouldn’t admit it. Natasha expected to walk into the living room and make sure you were okay whilst the both of you got on with work, making sure you were staying hydrated and taking breaks, after all, you only looked to have a small cold.
Though when she walked in she saw you curled up on the sofa with your laptop in your lap, with you being a bright red, sweaty mess, suddenly congested and with constant sneezing. You clearly looked to be running a fever. Her eyes widened in shock at how much of a difference five minutes could make, and she rushed over to you, sitting down by your feet. “Sweetheart… are you sure you’re fine, you really are looking a little rough today, and you’re sneezing”, she looked at you with a small pout.
“I’m fine, I promise”, you spoke with a nasally voice followed by a bout of sneezing, making Nat cringe slightly as she reached for the box of tissues on the coffee table and handed it over to you. “No… no you’re not. You’re not doing any work today”, she decided for you and lifted your laptop off of your lap. If your muscles weren’t yelling at you then you would have tried to fight back.
Instead, a pathetic whine left your lips as your arms weakly lifted up to try and reach. But you failed. “Nuh uh. No arguing with me”, she looked at you with a stern look, an eyebrow raised. You wanted to protest, you really did, but your mind and body were just too worn down, and so you flopped back into the corner of the sofa with a groan. You were so out of it and felt so so ill that you didn’t even realise Natasha had gotten up from the sofa and came back moments later, you just felt your mouth being manually opened by her and a thermometer being shoved under your tongue.
You gagged slightly at the intrusion and Nat’s eyes widened as she quickly removed it, “Sorry honey, I did warn you I was about to put the thermometer in, boy you really are out of it aren’t you?”, she spoke with concern and squeezed your shoulder whilst you hummed in agreement before she placed it back in again. It was silent for about thirty seconds before the beeping sounded out and she checked the temperature and frowned. “Aw bub, yeah you’re really burning up”, she looked at you with a sad look and kissed your forehead, before lifting you to sit up and wrapping her arms around you, rubbing soothing circles onto your back as you flopped into her.
“I brought some water and cold medicine tablets, okay? I want you to take them now so that you can relax. We’re both taking the day off”. You wanted to complain, you didn't like taking a day off, and you knew that Natasha didn’t either, so that suggestion made you feel like a huge burden. But, when she sternly, yet softly said “No, no arguments on this”, you immediately folded, not having the strength to fight back harder.
With a whine of acceptance, she gently placed you back down so that you were curled up in the corner of the sofa, this time with a cushion supporting your back to keep you more upright. “Thank you”, she spoke gently and placed a kiss to your forehead, handing you the tablets and the water so that you could take them.
After swallowing the medicine you reached your arms out for her to come and cuddle you, wanting nothing more than to be snuggled up whilst feeling this ill, but when another sneeze attack came around she shook her head, “In a little bit, okay? I’m gonna make you your favourite pasta bake whilst you try and nap, and then we can snuggle and watch some TV, how’s that sound?”, she finished with a slightly more optimistic tone, almost the tone in which one would speak to a child, in order to get you to comply in your defiant sleepy state.
But you ate that shit up and nodded with tired eyes as Nat smiled and placed another kiss to your forehead before moving to the kitchen. The pasta bake would take about forty minutes, which would hopefully be enough time for you to be able to get a small nap in and regain a bit of energy.
You lay there pouting on the sofa watching your girlfriend walk away from you and teared up when realising just how much this fever was kicking your ass. Your throat felt like it had been scratched over and over again with sandpaper, and you couldn’t seem to keep at a nice temperature.
Uncomfortable was an understatement.
You needed more water, but it was on a coaster on the coffee table. With a grunt, you sat more upright and leaned towards the coffee table, but with your weak energy, you just slid right off the sofa and onto the floor. A small whimper left your mouth at how uncomfortable the position was, but you managed to reach up and grab onto the fallen cushion that was on the edge of the sofa.
It took a lot of effort, but you moved the cushion under your head and just admitted defeat. There was no way in hell you would be able to hoist yourself back up, so you lay there uncomfortably and let sleep take over.
The next thing you know, your face was being prodded by a worried Natasha. “Oh thank God, I’ve been trying to wake you up for five minutes, you were dead to the world”, she sighed out in relief and helped you back up onto the sofa. You were no help, your body had just flopped and made itself heavy, but Nat was strong so it was easy to get you back up and comfortable. She smiled at you and cupped your cheek, “You okay?”. A weak nod signalled that you were, mostly because you had no idea what was going on, but then you smelt the tomato sauce that Nat was a master at making, and the tiniest of smiles appeared on your lips.
“Yeah, dinner’s done. Came in to wake you and saw your sorry ass crumpled on the floor, I didn’t know if you’d hit your head or not, scared me to death”, she said with a small frown as she grabbed a blanket and wrapped you up in it, making sure your arms were free to be able to eat the pasta.
“Sorry”, you said with a yawn, “Just slipped and gave up”. Nat snorted as you shrugged and then placed the pasta bake into your lap and handed you the fork, before putting on Killing Eve, making you smile again before you made the dreaded ‘pre-sneeze face’. With wide eyes, Nat quickly placed a piece of kitchen roll over your food before you had the chance to sneeze all over it and ruin it. And she was glad she did, it was the biggest sneeze attack of the day.
Wearily, you laid your head back and pouted, and Nat moved the kitchen roll away. “Come on, eat up”. Her eyes were soft as she looked at you, she hated seeing you ill, and she just wanted you to be better, so she pressed play on the TV watching as your eyes lit up and you started eating, staring at the show like you were a toddler watching cocomelon. It made her chuckle slightly, not that you heard. But she was just glad to see you distracted, allowing you to momentarily forget that your immune system was at war.
After you slowly munched your way through the pasta bake, finishing about half an hour after Nat finished hers, you looked sad again. Nat cooed at you as you looked a little lost, suddenly remembering that you felt as though you were dying. “Aw come here”, she said sweetly whilst wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into her, allowing you to just drape yourself across her.
“Now we can be snuggled up for the rest of the day, yeah?”, when your response was a sneeze she grimaced slightly, realising that she was most certainly going to get sick too, but you were worth it. 
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist <3
Taglist:@fxckmiup @itsdoni @rob1nbuckl3ys
Natasha Romanoff Taglist:@diaryoflife @unlady-like-12-25-36 @doveromanoff
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they-reap-what-we-sow · 3 months
20 questions for writers
thank you for the tag @fanfictiongreenirises I finally managed to finish a tag game!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
168- with 44 podfics and the rest are regular fics!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
346,848. unfathomable number who is she where did she come from
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Batman (Batfam) my love my life, but 9-1-1 is a close second with one-offs for a lot of my other passing interests.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Floppy Bird - crack fic that was meant to be an angst fic that I never understood why people liked so much asfhjs
cocoa on a cold night - a classic timby holiday fic that I wrote in the middle of summer, talk about environmental storytelling
secrets un(revealed) - the only purposeful long fic I've ever written, and also the most trope mashing I've ever done with reverse robins, magical realism au, and delicious delicious miscommunications (in my head the only fic that deserves to be in the top five :wheeze: )
Eggshells - vent fic alert !! very embarrassing that people like this I try not to think about it ":)
taking the blade (for you and yours) - a round robin fic written with the server and CHOCK full of Damian suffering.
5. Do you respond to comments?
no jk jk I really really try to but once I start getting behind it's just a whole spiral. these days I have a better chance of replying to a comment on an old fic than a brand new one because I dont want leave them half replied
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
any of my death fics probably? I think with DC a death is a little more inconsequential than other fandoms just because of how often it's unpermanent, so as a concrete answer, I'll say for you (i would cross the line). nothing quite like parental grief.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
happy ending wink-wonk or XD
probably Who The Hell Is Red Hood? - I've done things there with growth and healing that DC HQ would shudder to imagine
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not regularly, thank everything, but the one controversial three-some I posted needed comment regulation lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes and uh, the kinky kind? idk take a look for yourselves I guess
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes, and they're ALWAYS unserious- Buck from 9-1-1 dating Emma from Friends (yes Ross and Rachel's kid) anyone?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Uh, not by a person? as far as I know? but I have found my fic on those like, document websites??? which is weird lmao just read them on your phones guys not everything needs to be uploaded
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
weee yes! round robin my beloved, and also every fic @canonicallyshort and I have written in our threads. those count. to me. emotionally.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I WILL GO DOWN WITH MY MULTISHIP (which really means I'm never going down at all) but really I dont think I will ever get over Merthur... or Buddie... or- you see what I mean?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
oh god I have so many wip that I am holding out hope for but my biggest WIP is an unpublished hellhole affectionately entitled "Death Pit" by everyone who is working on it- most notably because it features a literal Death Pit, every horror, angst, whump, and trauma trope you can think of, and a cast of characters and a plot thread so long we have 20+ page outline documents that aren't even fully updated... I shudder to think what will become of it one day, I imagine sentience isn't very far off
16. What are your writing strengths?
why is this an interview question. I dont know my strengths really?? um. I have good ideas, that one I'll say. execution is a different story (likely one that will never get told. like the rest of my good ideas)
I also think I do fairly well with scene descriptors. I really like to set a scene because I'm seeing a movie in my head and you all should too!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm down to clown globally! I dont like to use google translate though, so if im writing in another language it's only because SOMEONE on the server is a native speaker and can vouch for my text.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh god one direction. head in hands. it was an 'adopted by 1d' fic that I made my mom beta, and turned it in to my 6th grade English teacher as my creative writing assignment. then I made a poem about it. then I wrote a song about it. thankfully it never got published and is trapped in the cursed purple file folder it was 'hidden' in since 7th grade. my first published fic was almost 7 years later with a Gomens fic!
20. Favourite fic you've written?
AHh um. favorite child scene here, but top contenders include: lithium + 5 for its graphic design and medical accuracy, fiery veins on speechless days for its emotional whump that makes me hurt every time I reread it, [PODFIC] wither on the shore which is not a fic I wrote but one of my favorite podfics of @silk-scarlet-ribbons 's works.
tagging (if you wish to participate!) @canonicallyshort @silverandsunflowers @selkienight60 @crows-murder
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mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎  。:*• ─ WEREWOLF SENTENCE STARTERS.     ›   ( a compilation of werewolf-themed quotes from various media & some original ones. feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses ! )
1.     ❝ I didn't choose to become a werewolf. ❞ 2.     ❝ Have you seen a lot of werewolves ? ❞ 3.     ❝ You were bitten, you're already changing. ❞ 4.     ❝ I’d take a silver bullet for you, you know ? ❞ 5.     ❝ We were attacked by a lycanthrope, a werewolf ! ❞ 6.     ❝ Am I a victim of your carnivorous lunar activities ? ❞ 7.     ❝ Isn't there any way that I can become human again ? ❞ 8.     ❝ Whether you’re a vampire or werewolf, love is still love. ❞ 9.     ❝ The last remaining werewolf must be destroyed. It's you ! ❞ 10.   ❝ You’re one of them !  I've hunted these creatures for years ! ❞ 11.   ❝ I may be upset or screwed up right now, but I'm not a wolf ! ❞ 12.   ❝ Did you just whistle at me ?  I’m a wolf, not a dog, you know ? ❞ 13.   ❝ You don't scare me. Underneath all that hair, you're still a dork. ❞ 14.   ❝ Am I a werewolf ?  I don't know, I'll let you know by the next full moon. ❞ 15.   ❝ Yeah, be rational, sure. You’re a fucking werewolf, for Christ's sake ! ❞ 16.   ❝ Wait... you’ve always known about me being a werewolf all along ? ❞ 17.   ❝ The full moon is rising. Would you rather I remained out here with you ? ❞ 18.   ❝ The three “F”s of being a werewolf — feeding, fighting, and… reproduction. ❞ 19.   ❝ I'm torn between feeling very scared of you and finding you terribly attractive. ❞ 20.   ❝ I was always meant to be a werewolf, I just know it !  How do I get one to attack me ? ❞ 21.   ❝ You're real, lycanthropy is real, so the solution must be real. We’ll find it together. ❞ 22.   ❝ There's gotta be a cure, right ?  Otherwise, there'd be a hell of a lot more of them ! ❞ 23.   ❝ Tomorrow night's the full moon. You're gonna change. You'll become... a werewolf ! ❞ 24.   ❝ If they were to send a werewolf to the moon, would he be a werewolf permanently ? ❞ 25.   ❝ I didn’t see. I was chased by a big thing, uh-- some kind of wild animal. A wolf maybe ? ❞ 26.   ❝ I am a fucking werewolf !  Do you think I want to go back to being a nobody ?  No thanks ! ❞ 27.   ❝ Maybe he's like you, and it's not in his nature to kill, and he secretly wants to mate with me... ❞ 28.   ❝ If you survived an attack by a werewolf, wouldn't you become a werewolf yourself at the next full moon ? ❞ 29.   ❝ Just the other night, half-man, half-beast got shot down !  They took 'em to the hospital... was it you ? ❞ 30.   ❝ Do you really believe that tomorrow night, under the full moon, I'll sprout hair and fangs and eat people ? Bullshit ! ❞ 31.   ❝ Haven’t you heard ?  There was a disturbance in our neighborhood involving some sort of mad dog... or was it a wolf ? ❞ 32.   ❝ Soo... you guys are werewolves too, huh ?  Super glad to know you, I thought I was the only one around here. ❞ 33.   ❝ You’re telling me you were bitten on a full moon, and now you’re getting hairy... could you be turning into a werewolf ? ❞ 34.   ❝ I woke up thinking about wolves and realized that wolf packs function as families. I’ve never had a family before, I’m happy we met. ❞ 35.   ❝ I googled “what to do when your future werewolf mate courts you and brings you a dead rabbit.” There was a lot of porn, then I found a recipe for stew. It was delicious !  The stew, not the porn. The porn was weird. ❞
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Love Comes Quietly Ch 10
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Alex Blake x reader warnings: language, alcohol, smut.
You’d taken Alex’s go bag, dumping laundry from both it and yours into the washing machine before dropping hers in her room and retreating back to your own room to refill toiletries and repack clothes to make sure you were ready when the next case hit. As you were pulling out socks your eyes landed on the swimsuit collection in your drawer and Emily’s words floated back into your brain. It was Thursday, normally a night like tonight would mean a glass of wine followed by bed but considering Emily had the team working rather late she’d made the call to come into work for noon. Which meant you had a little bit of leeway with how the rest of your night went.
You could hear Alex puttering around out in the kitchen, you figured she was either putting a drink together or making lunch for tomorrow considering you’d already eaten. You tugged your lip into your mouth, fingers flitting through the swim suits until you revealed the red one. Emily was right, it did make your tits look fantastic and you hadn’t worn it since moving to DC since it was one of the more revealing suits. You had to admit, your body was rather stiff after sleeping in the hotel bed, a soak could help, what was the harm if you just happened to stroll past Alex on your way out?
Alex had pulled out a couple of containers of frozen stir fry, placing them in the fridge for lunch on Friday when she noticed a container of strawberries that looked like they were about to go bad. For some reason her first thought was to toss them in with some wine, liquor and juice for sangria and she figured why the hell not. She’d just finished the jug of it, filling a cup with ice to pour one out for herself when she heard your footsteps coming down the hallway from behind her.
“You don’t mind if I use the hot tub do you?” You asked, “my back’s a bit of a mess from that bed.”
“I might join you; those beds were terrible.” She replied with a soft groan, the ache in her lower back seeming to sink in now that she was thinking about it, “sangria?” She asked, finally turning to face you and she all about choked on her drink as she took a sip, her eyes raking up your body and she knew her cheeks were red. “That’s… a new suit.”
“Haven’t worn it in a while.” You shrugged, “and yeah, that looks great.” You walked up to the island, leaning against it and Alex had to tear her eyes away from your chest, perky and pressed even higher by the way you had your arms crossed, “did you make this? I didn’t see a bottle in the fridge.”
“Yeah.” She shot you a half smile, desperately attempting to hold eye contact and not look elsewhere, “easy way to use fruit that’s about to turn.” She slid you a glass and you picked it up, taking a sip.
“Mmm. Delicious.” You pushed off the island, “well, you know where to find me.” With a soft grin you turned, sauntering your way out to the back yard and Alex caught herself staring at your ass, the heat shifting from her cheeks to between her legs.
“Jesus…” she muttered to herself, shaking her head as she tried to get the image of you in that suit out of her brain.
She heard the soft splash of the water from outside and was starting to wonder if maybe a cold shower was a better idea than joining you. She could still feel your lips on hers, taste you on her tongue, her body burning where your hands had trailed across her skin. She nearly jumped when her phone went off, buzzing on the counter and she swiped open a text from Emily.
‘Good work tonight Blake. Added benefit, maybe that kiss helped sort some things out?’
‘If by sorted things out you mean I feel like a horny teenager, then yeah, completely sorted.’
‘It’s a nice night out, go soak in the hot tub and clear your mind.’
Alex rolled her eyes and let out a huff. On any other night that’s likely exactly what she would have done, she often spent evenings out there watching the stars to help sort out her thoughts but Emily had no idea what was going on at the house. She glanced out into the yard for a moment before downing her sangria, if she was going to make a choice, she had to make it now.
You glanced up at the sound of the screen door sliding open, smiling up at Alex who almost audibly swore and the sight of your skin glistening in the moonlight, just enough of your chest exposed above the surface. She tossed her towel onto one of the loungers, placing her drink down by the edge of the tub, letting out a satisfied groan as she slipped under the water.
“See, right choice.” You greeted with a chuckle and she nodded.
“You think that for even just one trip they’d book us in at a hotel that didn’t have bricks for beds.”
“They gave us a jet.” You laughed, “I don’t think we’ll be getting much of anything else for the foreseeable future.”
Alex laughed, relaxing back into the seat as she let the water swirl around her, breaking down the stiffness of her muscles and the heat calmed her. It was quiet for a bit, just a playlist echoing from your phone as the two of you wound down from your week, your double case day, trying to think of anything but the feeling of the other’s lips on your skin. There was some small talk, comments on work, thinking about plans for the upcoming weekend, if Emily was dragging you off on any insane adventures or not. You finished your sangria, letting out a little huff, your lips briefly pouting as you put the empty glass down on the ground. Alex was almost done her second one and she sighed softly,
“I should have brought the pitcher out.” Her lips pursed as she glanced back to the screen door.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll grab it, I’ve been in longer.”
Before she cold protest you were climbing out of the hot tub, briefly patting at yourself with a towel to avoid getting the kitchen floor too wet. If Alex thought the red bikini was a look from heaven she truly wasn’t prepared for the sight of it now. She could barely tear her eyes away from the way the suit was clinging to your body for dear life, nipples hard in the cool night air, peaking through the fabric and all she could think about was wrapping her lips around them. The brief seconds you were in the house she downed the rest of her drink, trying not to watch as you walked back to the tub, refilling both of your glasses before you slipped back under the water. It didn’t go unnoticed that you were significantly closer to her this time. She chose to distract herself by bringing up work,
“You really do a lot of undercover work in your last unit?” She asked and you shrugged.
“On and off. I was one of the younger ones and one of the only girls, it just kinda slid into my lap.”
“You enjoy it?”
“It’s always hit or miss.” You shot her a grin, “though I’d say tonight was a hit.”
“Really?” She felt her cheeks heat slightly, but the sangria was lowering her inhibitions as she grinned back at you.
“Yeah.” You laughed, glancing your gaze as you felt your own cheeks heat, “you know, I won’t lie... that kiss? Easily top three.”
“Oh c’mon.” It was her turn to laugh, “you don’t have to bullshit me.”
“I’m not. I kinda forgot how to breathe for a minute there. You’ve got skill Blake.”
She blushed at the compliment, letting it sink in as she took another sip of her sangria, “well thank you.” She smiled softly across at you, watching the way you were looking at her, “I can think of one complaint though.”
“Hmm?” Your brow furrowed, head tilting in the adorable way she loved so much.
“It’s a shame we were interrupted.” She figured she was already here, she may as well go ahead and take the plunge, there was basically no risk left at this point.
“Yeah.. it was.” You could practically hear your heart thundering in your ears, occupying yourself with your drink as Alex laughed softly, mirroring your movements before she spoke again.
“Well…there is one benefit of being home, no one here to cut in.”
You cocked a brow at her, wondering how much she really meant was she was saying, or if it was just the heightened sensuality of the entire evening, the alcohol making neither of you really care about anything else. But before you could really even consider thinking about it you were gravitating towards her and her arms were tugging you into her lap. There was only a moment of hesitancy before your hands were cupping her cheeks and your lips were on hers again.
A mutual sigh of relief came from both of you as you relaxed even further into her embrace, her arms slipping around you. One of her hands slid up your back, tangling gently into the loose hairs from your messy updo. You would gladly stay just like this for the rest of the night, lips moving with ease and a familiar rhythm together, kissing Alex was all you needed, wrapped in her arms knowing you were exactly where you were meant to be. Her arm wound tighter around you, pulling you closer to her and her lips parted, eagerly accepting your tongue into her mouth. She let out a soft groan at the fruity taste from your shared drinks, the flavour adding to what she was already familiar with of you. It was almost like she had been waiting for this moment her whole life, that whatever had pulled her to you back in that bookstore all those months ago had ultimately been leading to this.
Feeling the freedom of being in private Alex began to let her hands wander, running down your back, returning under the water, drawing patterns onto your skin while she continued to kiss you like her life depended on it. Her hands slowly trailed up your sides, thumbs ghosting up your stomach until they reached the fabric of your bikini. You rocked ever so lightly toward her and she took that as the go ahead, her thumbs brushing over your nipples and you broke the kiss with a small gasp, your eyes fluttering open, gazing across at her as she did it again. Her nose nudged against yours, kissing you again, softly this time as she cupped at your chest and you groaned into the kiss. Her lips kissed the side of your jaw, her nose bumping your chin to the side so she could press tender kisses into the side of your neck, teeth scraping against your skin. Her hands groped at you again and you let out a soft sigh, your eyes falling shut, nearly grinding down against her. She bit into the crook of your neck, tongue lapping out to soothe the burn before she sucked at your skin, her fingers pinching at your nipples through your suit and you whined.
“Christ...” She muttered, feeling herself flutter around nothing at the noises she was pulling from you already. She nipped at your earlobe, breath hot on your even hotter skin when she spoke, “you’re going to be good for mommy, right?” Your eyes shot open as your head tilted back to look at her, your lips parted and eyes wide at the slight smirk on her lips, the brow raised in your direction.
“Yes.” You nodded, already breathless.
“Good.” She smiled, pinching at your side, “up.”
She nudged at your arm and you immediately obliged, letting her guide you from the hot tub, her arms snaking around your waist again as her lips found yours. She carefully backed you to the lounger, gently laying you down on it as she settled half over you, her hands exploring every inch of your body that she could. Out of the water you began to take advantage of having Alex not trapped against the seat, your hands roaming over her warm skin, ghosting up her front, softly groping at her chest. She moaned into the kiss, mirroring your actions on your body as your legs tangled together, gently rocking towards each other. There wasn’t a care in the world from either of you, you were utterly intoxicated with each other.
Alex craved more, needing to really feel you, her arms wound around you, grabbing your ass, urging you to roll your hips toward her and your breath caught in your throat. A hand slipped between your bodies, cupping you through your bikini, you sighed happily into the kiss and Alex eagerly swallowed it down. Your hips ground down against her hand as she rubbed you a few more times before her fingers toyed with the hem of your bottoms. You nipped at her lip, urging her to keep going and her hand found its way underneath, ghosting over your clit and you whined.
You didn’t want her to have the upper hand, not yet, and as desperate as you were for her to touch you, you were absolutely aching to feel her. So you copied her movements, a hand sliding her bottoms to the side to give you access to her pussy. As your fingers slid through her folds she broke the kiss with a gasp, hips rutting towards the touch and you giggled softly, the grin staying on your lips as your eyes cracked open to watch her. Her thumb flicked at your clit and you whimpered,
“More… please.” It was just over a whisper, but the neediness in your eyes was enough to make Alex smirk, her finger tips spreading your wetness around before two fingers sunk into you and you let out a moan, your eyes falling shut once again.
The world ceased to exist as you toyed with each other, fingers plunging into wetness, curling and pumping with ease, lips searching out one another for messy breathless kisses. All you felt was Alex and all she craved was you, free hands tangling into hair, pulling the other closer, as tight as they could to plunge a tongue into their mouth. Whimpers, whines and moans getting louder with each roll of your hips, fire shooting through your bodies as you began to reach your peaks. Wetness dripping from pussies, thighs clenching together in an attempt for some form of relief, bodies rocking in tandem until you were practically panting into each other’s mouths, the ultimate bliss and pleasure settling over you as Alex kissed you softly. Her hand slipped from beneath your suit, gently smoothing back a piece of your mussed up hair and you tugged her closer to you as she kissed you. Her tongue lazily sneaking into your mouth, surging against yours until she broke the kiss, the fire prevalent in her eyes as she looked down at you.
“I need to really see you, let’s get you inside, hmm?”
All you could do was nod, catching her hand in yours as she tugged you up from the lounger and inside the house. Once the patio door was shut behind you it was a flurry of movement and kisses to get you into her room, hands swiftly undoing knots, pushing swimsuit parts off to reveal more skin. Alex snuck into the bedside table and before you knew it she was strapped before you and it was a sight that made you weak in the knees.
She dropped onto the bed, settling on her back, pulling you to her, “oh you sweet girl,” she purred, “how about you come ride mommy’s cock? I want to see those gorgeous tits bounce.”
There was absolutely no hesitation as you climbed onto the bed, leaning over her to kiss her again, tongues nearly battling for dominance as you lined up the toy with your cunt. Sitting up you slipped Alex’s cock into you, sinking down until your hips met hers and you let out a satisfied moan, taking in the feeling of being stretched and so full by her before you began to move. Braced on your knees you raised yourself up until just the tip was left inside you and you started to bounce in her lap, sinking all the way down with each thrust.
The sight of you blissed out combined with the way the base of the toy was pressing on her clit was more than enough to start to bring Alex to her peak yet again. She watched the way your tits swayed, the way your eyes fluttered shut at the sensations, how your hands danced around your body, sliding over your bare skin, pinching at your nipples, grazing across your throat and felt herself pulse. You were an absolute dream and the noises you were making were only urging her on further. She couldn’t resist touching you, her hands sliding up your waist, aching to get her mouth on your tits she sat up, wrapping an arm around your waist as she surged forward. You gasped at the angle, her cock now reaching even deeper inside of you and you could feel the ridges dragging across every inch you desired. Her hips continued to thrust up into you, pulling gasps and moans from you while her lips latched onto your chest, sucking and biting at the tender flesh.
“Oh god Alex…”
“Feel good darling?” She murmured, her words hot on your skin and you let out a whimper.
“Ye- yes mommy…oh fuck!” You let out a yelp when she bit into your skin, your arms tightening around her as heat coursed through your body, pleasure building tighter and tighter. You’d never felt like this before, your skin prickling, body nearly trembling in her arms as Alex fucked you deeper with each push of her hips.
Her lips kissed up your chest, nipping at your collarbone before she made home in the same crook of your neck as earlier, biting you again before her tongue lapped across the spot. She latched on, sucking at your neck as you moaned, louder with each thrust of her cock. She could feel you vibrating in her arms, feel how fast your pulse was going under her mouth, hear how your words were becoming more broken by moans, gasps and breathless whines. She pinched at your nipple, pulling a whimper from you,
“Come for mommy. I know you’re close sweetheart.” She husked into your ear and you felt yourself pulse around her.
“Oh god…oh.. fuck.. fuck!”
Your thighs clenched and you cried out as you felt your juices dribble out around her cock and Alex slowed her thrusts until she sunk into you one last time, her own breathing laboured as she held you to her. You buried your face into the crook of her neck, your breath hot on her skin as your body trembled with pleasure in her arms. Her hands soothed up and down your back slowly, calming you as you came down from your high, her lips softly pressing kisses to your skin.
“Holy shit.” You muttered, a giggle on your lips as you finally pulled your face up, a hand cupping her cheek as you smiled at her, a small laugh etched across her features.
“Worth the wait?” She asked with a smirk and you laughed again, pulling another one from her as you leant down to kiss her gently.
“Fucking absolutely.”
@svulife-rl @clarawatson @hbkpop @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @itisdoctortoyousir @temilyrights @alexxavicry @evilregal2002 @alcabots @ladysc @dextur @disneyfan624 @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @lex13cm @prentiss-theorem @happenstnces @whiteberryx @heidss @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @emobabeyy @1974-sp @theclassicgaycousin @kalixxa @leftoverenvy @bigolgay @daddy-heather-dunbar r @regalmilfs4me @scorpsik @riveramorylunar @h-doodles @maybe-a-humanbean
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ryuichirou · 1 month
Some replies!
Anonymous asked:
Hehe thank you!!
I am happy I managed to figure out how to draw the fishies… Azul is one thicc boy
Anonymous asked:
What do you think of Silver x Kalim? Cater x Leona? LMC + Rook x Idia?
Kalim/Silver is cute but unfortunately too cute to click with us; their interactions are sweet and wholesome, but they don’t really give us anything we look for in ships.
Cater/Leona is hmmm nothing against it, but we’re not invested enough in either of them to ship them, plus we haven’t seen anything from their interactions that would grab our attention yet.
Love Rook/Idia though! We have a tag for them and just posted them a week ago, and I’ll write a hc post about them soon… well, at some point…
Anonymous asked:
🐩 anon has arrived once more to thank you for your absolutely delicious art. I had to come out of twst burnout, it's so hard to enjoy the fandom when it's all self righteous antis trying to police the game as if it's not catered to basically young adults and older. These kids have me baffled, it's as if they believe pixels are real people.
I can hardly stand to look at TWST Tumblr anymore either, they're all so white knighted that you'd think they were paid to be piss babies in circles they don't belong in. It's one of those "Why put yourself in that position to see it, if you didn't want to be there in the first place".
Hi 🐩 anon, long time no see! Thank you for being around and still enjoying my art.
I feel you, it really is difficult when you keep seeing people saying the same type of antis bullshit over and over and over again; even if you become apathetic about it, it’s still very annoying. Mostly because it’s impossible to ignore completely – they love to invite themselves to spaces that aren’t meant for them. That’s like the whole idea. No one is forcing anyone to see anything, every ship and triggering trope is always tagged in some way or another, but instead of avoiding this type of stuff they use the tagging system to shit on certain characters and ships directly, just so you couldn’t look for your favourite thing without seeing their outbursts of unsolicited opinions.
It really is very annoying.
Anonymous asked:
🐩 anon again, but now with one that's more funny and teehee haha random info that I thought you'd think it'd be interesting or funny
On that note, I came here because I started a DND campaign with a group over a twst based campaign. It reminded me of you, which made me invested in the campaign. Now I have a whore serving with 18th century fashion, giving Vil a run for his money. So far, 10/10. He has major Edmund and Idia vibes, wants no part of it, gets shit luck anyways and so far, has slept with Bird Man for Ramshackle funds on a bad roll. Mans is a survivor and we are barely halfway into chapter 1 😭
It’s so sweet that you got reminded of us and got invested… I am very glad you’re having fun! “Rewriting” your negative fandom experience with a positive one and good associations is so important.
Major Edmund and Idia vibes + a 18th century fashion whore??? SLEEPING WITH BIRD MAN??? An icon and a hustler. I don’t know him but I love him already…
Anonymous asked:
Good lord. I had randomly followed a twst blog but then I saw them posting about how even though there is a two year age difference between the third-years and first-years, it’s wrong to ship them because the first-years treat them, especially the housewardens, like idols and apparently that’s grooming. Like, no, that’s you in Delululand and I’m about to unfollow and block. #staytoxicbestie
Yeah they seem to have discovered this idea and now put it everywhere, harassing JackVil shippers and such. It’s one of those moments when I genuinely hope that they deliberately lie and reach because I am scared of the idea of anyone being this dumb.
It does suck that there seems to be more people like that lately, and they don’t even tag their accs with “proship dni” anymore either. Gee I wonder why.
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theroseceleste · 3 months
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Pilot Miguel - Part 10 - An Unexpected Visitor
In this short, but fluffy chapter, you reminisce about your stay in London and snuggle with your man in his penthouse. This is until someone unexpected turns up...
Word count - 1619
Contains : A little bit of fluff and a confrontation conversation via text.
Enjoy! xx
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
If you enjoy this fic, please consider liking, commenting or re-blogging. Many thanks xx
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London was great, you definitely want to go back again. There’s so much there to see and do. England itself has a lot to offer, along with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which make up the United Kingdom. So much history happened all around the country, and there’s too much to fit into just two days of staying over between flights.
You never enjoyed history at school. It was boring learning about it in a dull classroom. But, walking around in the streets the history took place makes it all the more interesting.
Naturally, you wanted to see Buckingham Palace. Many pictures were taken outside of the iron gates in front of the grand building.
You took romantic walks with Miguel around St James’s Park and Hyde Park and then you went shopping in the famous shop called Harrods in Knightsbridge.
The Tower of London was another point of interest. A castle with effectively a small town concealed within its fortress walls.
Connecting all of these places in the city, is the London Underground network. Locally nicknamed ‘the tube’ as the tunnels that the trains snake through on a daily basis are round, exactly like a tube.
It amazed you to learn that the tube stations were used as bomb shelters during World War II. Helping residents of London take cover from the air raids that took place at night.
During your stay, some tube lines were busier than others, particularly during the rush hours. You found yourself pushed right up against Miguel as the train was crammed full of commuters.
The weather gods had been kind to you during your visit. Typically, it rains a lot in England - that’s why it’s so green. But the English summers can be stunning when the sun does finally come out and say hello.
You’re back in Nueva York now, sitting in Miguel’s penthouse, curled up on the sofa with him. His big arms wrap around you as you both flick through the pictures on your phone. The latest cute couple picture is the one of you both standing in a pod on the London Eye. The sights of the historically-rich city below you with your loved up, slightly jet lagged faces being the main focus.
Every now and then you feel kisses on the back of your head as he holds you close. His nose pressed against your recently washed hair, taking in the scent of your favourite shampoo.
This is the first time you’ve visited his apartment, and you can see why he didn’t bat an eyelid when booking your stay in Versailles. You’re certain he’s paid exceedingly well, but that doesn’t matter to you.
Everything in his apartment is expensive, or the latest model or whatever. You’re not interested in what his smart screen, 4K, ultra HD, thingy-ma-whatsit TV does. So long as you can snuggle with your man and watch a film on it, you don’t care.
It’s evening and you’ve not long had dinner together. He cooked and it was surprisingly scrumptious.
“I never had you down as skilled in the culinary arts,” you say to him as he nuzzles against your neck.
“I had to help my mother around the house, which meant doing stuff in the kitchen.”
You ponder for a moment as you think about the delicious food that’s now in your stomach.
“Your mother must be a good cook if you learned from her.”
“Yes, she certainly knows how to throw together a few things and prepare a tasty meal.”
He shifts uncomfortably in the seat, like he doesn't like where the conversation is going.
“You like the penthouse?” Miguel finally asks after deciding to change the subject.
“You have a beautiful home, very techy too, no surprise there…”
He chuckles at your comment before leaning in closer slightly.
“I’d love it if you—“ his whisper in your ear gets interrupted by a knock on his front door.
“That should be a delivery I’m expecting, could you grab it? I need the bathroom real quick.”
You both get up from the couch, you watch him stride off to his en-suite in his grey sweatpants and black t-shirt - for some reason, he looks incredibly sexy in that outfit.
There’s another knock at the door, reminding you to open it before Miguel misses his delivery.
The door creaks as you open it to reveal a woman, not dressed as a delivery driver. She has mid-length black hair and blue eyes. She seems surprised to see you.
Her shock intrigues you.
“Can I help you?” you ask her.
“Oh, no - it’s okay, I didn’t know Miguel was… um… entertaining…”
She begins to turn away, but you open your mouth to speak again.
“Who shall I say came to the door? I can ask him to get back to you.”
The woman considers your offer for a moment.
“That would be great, thank you. Tell him Xina tried to visit, but will try some other time.”
You nod and smile.
“Thanks,” Xina replies and hangs her handbag over her shoulder before turning around to walk back to the elevator.
After closing the door, you return to the couch and begin to wonder why a woman would be calling around Miguel’s so late in the day.
Miguel returns from the ensuite and joins you on the sofa again.
“Where did you put the package?” he asks, looking around for a box.
“It wasn’t a delivery,” you reply.
He looks back at you and raises an eyebrow.
“Who was it?”
“Someone named Xina? She said she’d try again some other time.”
Miguel’s smile drops the instant he hears Xina's name. What could she possibly want with him? A sinking feeling in his stomach means he suspects that whatever it is she wants, it’s not going to be good news.
“Mhmm… thanks.”
He lays you down with him on the couch and puts a film on for the both of you to watch. An uncomfortable thump in his chest pounds against his ribs as his mind wanders over what Xina wants. He kisses your head as he pulls his phone out while the movie starts. Calling up Xina’s contact on his screen, he begins to type a message to his ex-wife.
“What do you want?”
It doesn’t take long for Xina to reply. He suspects she’s sitting in her car outside the apartment block.
“You’ve moved on quickly…”
Miguel’s lips press into a thin line as his heart thumps harder in his chest.
“What’s it to you?” he replies, trying to not jab at the screen with frustration and jog you too much.
His message is left on read for a moment, like Xina is thinking about what to say next. A nauseous feeling develops when he sees that she eventually starts typing again.
“I feel like perhaps I was too hasty in wanting a divorce.”
Another text comes in shortly after.
“I miss you. And I miss what we had, the good times we did share together.”
The urge to launch the phone across the living room is almost too tempting. She wants to come back into his life after pushing and fighting for a divorce? He didn’t think he’d get a shot at happiness again, especially so soon after the end of his marriage. Now that he has you, he’s not giving what he has up for someone who can’t make up their mind and seems to think they’re at liberty to mess people around. As far as he’s concerned, Xina can find her happiness elsewhere, because he gave up fighting for her when he was pushed to sign the papers.
He types out another reply.
“You made your bed, now you go lie in it.”
Xina starts to type back almost instantly.
“Are things serious between you two?”
Miguel does everything he can to not growl with annoyance. To make himself better, he snuggles into you more and kisses the back of your head again, sniffing your scent.
Taking in a deep breath to calm himself, he starts to type again.
“None of your business.”
His response is left on read once more for a moment, he can feel her frustration through the screen with her lack of a reply. She’s probably resting her head against the steering wheel of her car, seething - good.
Spending time with you, making plans with you, dating you, he feels has done him the world of good. Some might say he moved on too quickly, that he was on the rebound, but you were too good of a person to let pass by.
He has defence walls for a reason, and you are one of the select few who sees who he really is. You are his and he is yours. You bring out such happiness in him. He doesn’t want to lose you and he’ll do anything in his power to make sure that doesn’t happen.
He finds himself surprised that Xina doesn’t reply, but he suspects that this is not the last he’ll hear from her.
A gentle snore suggests you have fallen asleep. He smiles as he tenderly nuzzles into you again. His hand strokes your hair before he subtly turns you on your back so he can see his perfect chiquita sleeping. You look so peaceful. It’d be rude to wake you and he wants this moment to last a little while longer. Strong arms wrap around you after he tosses his phone onto another sofa and he settles down, hoping his pounding heart will relax soon. Listening to your deep breaths is already having a calming effect on him. You’re so much better for him than Xina ever was.
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I hope you enjoyed Part 9!
Next Chapter >
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