#now that i don't have to spend the entire season worrying when he's going to inevitably betray everyone i can shift into full thirst mode
fightmewiatch · 13 days
The emotion behind the way Edwin uses fuck is so heavy, because outside of the pilot episode and the scene on the stairs, he doesn't swear. He's a proper boy, repressed and focused and he bottles everything up.
In the Pilot, "The police don't know what to do with a fucking witch", he isn't swearing about the witch. He's angry, and he's upset, and he's frustrated. He's trying to focus on solving this case, saving the girl, doing the right thing, fixing things. Edwin spent seventy years in Hell, fighting for a way out (the detail in his journal, he didn't get out on the first try, he spent those 70s years trying over and over and over to find a way out - but that is a story for a whole other time), torture and pain and heartbreak, only to get out and fall into the school to find out no one cared that he died. "An act of God." The school wrote him off, everyone wrote it off and that was it, that was the end of it, no one cared that a 16 year old boy went to bed and was never seen or heard from again, poof, gone. He spent Charles' last moments with him to keep him company, and calm, and not scared, the two of them knowing what had happened only for the school to once again cover up the death of a 16 year old boy and pretend that whatever happened didn't. Edwin spent the next 30 years connecting with Charles, trying to help ghosts so they don't spend their entire afterlives in a state of absolute sorrow and heartbreak like has. We get such a bare taste of the ghosts they've saved and helped move on, who knows how much good they've truly done, how many they've saved from going to Hell on technicalities like Edwin had done. He's frustrated with Crystal, because he's spent 30 years working with Charles and only with Charles, he knows his friend, he knows how he behaves and how he works and how he acts, those two are connected on a level some people only dream about, and here she comes, she latches on, and she joins them to help but she's so hyper focused on herself and David (understandably so), that she isn't giving the same attention to the case that Edwin and Charles have always done, and he's angry, and he feels like it's going to happen to this girl, he is worried that her focus on David, is going to cause them to fail. Crystal has every right to be upset and scared and everything else that she is, but she doesn't consider, until that moment, that Edwin has a right to be upset about how it seems to be interfering with the case. The way that she reacts when he says "The police don't know what to do with a fucking witch," she realizes it then just how important this case is. Edwin was dragged to hell, the boys around him obliterated - leaving behind the idea that maybe he was, too - so to the school, maybe Edwin just disappeared, like Becky, like all the other little girls over the years in Port Townsend. Solving Becky's case is so damn important to Edwin that he is taking it personally. And while it's subtle, Charles reacts to him swearing, too, as though Edwin does not swear. And based on the rest of the season, it's clear he really doesn't. The way he swears in the pilot is from a place of complete and utter sorrow and anger.
In ep 7, it's different. He's spent the whole season struggling with who is he, trying to come to terms with a feeling he'd repressed for at least a century, and he's had to do it while dealing with the Cat King and Monty and watching Charles flirt with Crystal and struggle through his own rage, he's done it as quietly as he could, as if bringing it up out loud might ruin everything that he's worked so hard for. But now he's in Hell, again, now he's trying to get out, again. Edwin encountered the reason he was sent there in the first place, and found out what really happened. Edwin spent all those years thinking it was purely malice that got him sacrificed, only to find out it was just because Simon had a crush on him, and did an absurdly stupid thing thinking it was harmless. I think in that moment, Edwin realized how easy it is to misunderstand something - because clearly, Edwin had absolutely no idea that Simon liked him at all, until the moment he admitted it in Hell. And then Charles shows up. Charles came to save him, armed with a bomb, a Molotov cocktail, and Edwin's notebook with a map of hell on it. Charles came down, he listened to Edwin's directions, he ran behind him most of the time to make sure Edwin was going to get out. Charles was with him, saving him from one of the rooms, following him to the stairs and up. He stopped with him, even when they needed to keep going, Charles let him have a moment on the steps. Edwin is in shock, he cannot believe it. All these years, all these write offs, all these moments where Edwin genuinely didn't think he'd ever get out of Hell if he were to go back, believed that if they ever got caught by Death or anyone from the afterlife, he would be damned forever because who gives a shit about a technicality, who cares about the poor boy that was sacrificed and written off by the rest of the living. Edwin didn't know what else to do or say, the emotions he'd kept bottled up while he tried to figure them out were coming out one way or the other. "It's so fucking stupid, it's unbelievable." Edwin didn't think he deserved it, thought it was stupid to come down and save him, because who would do such a thing. Charles risked himself to come down to Hell to save Edwin. Edwin never thought he'd be worth it. And when Charles just shrugs it off a bit, reminds him that he was gonna do it, and he's so easy about it that Edwin just. Confesses. And corrects him, when Charles misunderstands for a second. Charles didn't think twice about "Great. Love you too. Can we go?" And he really didn't even hesitate to reassure Edwin when Edwin clarified what he meant, that they had forever to figure things out.
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pablitogavii · 3 months
i miss ur weekly uploads 🫶🫶😭😭
I'm sorry :/ I'm trying to get back to writing more <3 This is just for you ❤️
His special woman
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"I'm so sorry I can't be with you tonight mi amor..but you know that you're the most important woman in my life" Pablo said on face time while you smiled blushing and nodding your head.
He was traveling to show support to his team that is experiencing a really hard season since Xavi announced he's leaving. You of course understood that Gavi was the heart of the team, but seeing other women with their partners made you sad that he's not here with you.
The bell rang and you ran to open with Pablo still on your phone screen smirking to himself. You were shocked to see a big bouquet of flowers standing in front of your door with a little letter attached.
"Amor..these are so beautiful" you say showing it to him and he nods telling you to bring them inside and open the note.
"Read it to me guapa.." he said and you blushed placing the basket on the kitchen counter before opening little pink envelope.
"Happy international women's day to mi amor precioso. I love you with all my heart and you're my special woman." you read with red cheeks smiling at him and sending him kisses he pretended to catch on the other side.
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amore mio❤️
pablogavihater: he's not even with his woman for march 8th..so much love 😂😂
y.n.fake.account: she's getting flowers but not his attention cause he prob with other girls!
lola.bb: yeah with me ;))
y.n.queen: keep dreaming! 😂
y.n.pablo.gavi: people are so mean 🥺 pablo bought her flowers! leave them alone!!
gavi.pablo: all players were with their women today but Pablo didn't even go to see her after training lololol
You read comments sadly looking at the flowers hating the fact that they made you doubt your relationship. It was just so hard...when everyone hates..and then that girl saying Pablo is with her..you were guilty enough to check her profile.
Pablo was seeing the same comments and knowing what an over thinker his girl is, he immediately changed his plans with the boys.
"I'm sorry, míster. But something important came up..I will travel tomorrow and be there for the game? Bueno?" he said and the man understood already having other players do the same in order to spend the day with their wives. Xavi admired Gavi for treating his girlfriend like so.
You were just about ready to make yourself some dinner when a loud knock startled you. You opened shocked to see Pablo standing there in his suit...this man owns your heart!
"P..Pablo? Pero how are you here?" you mumble and he grabbed your face kissing your lips passionately.
"Get ready, and let's shut them all up amor" he said and you smiled knowing what he was talking about. He wanted to prove them all wrong and stick besides you.
"Pero..your trip?" you say unsure if this was a smart thing to do.
"I'll travel tomorrow morning..but tonight I'm with my special woman" he said and those words had your heart melting..how could anyone say no to that!?
"Don't worry, I'll get changed fast" you say and he smiled nodding and walking in to wait for you dolling up just for him. He smiled at the big bouquet of flowers you organized all around your shared apartment.
"Amor! Can you zip me up please?" you call from the bedroom and he smirked walking in and gasping at how breathtaking you looked right now..he was the luckiest man on eart!
"Ready to go princesa mia?" he said and you smile nodding and grabbing his hand. You went to one of your favorite restaurants in Barcelona, obviously "having reservation" because of who he is. He was Barca golden boy after all and that had it's perks.
"All of this because you wanted to shut up the haters.." you say holding his hands while waiting for desert really having enjoyed the entire night.
"No..to be with my special woman..and yeah to shut them all up because I love you more than anyone in this world..and nobody should questions that!" he said and you smiled brining your hands closer together and kissing his which made him blush.
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Tonight is reserved for my special woman. Happy March 8th mi vida!
y.n.bebe: mi bebé preciosooo❤️❤️❤️
fcbarcelona: happy barça ladies 😍
ferminlopez_: she stole you from me hermano🥺
fermin.gavi.fans: jealous fermin!!!
gavifans: THE BEST at shutting up HATERS!
y.n.princesa: she's the luckiest girl on eart!
pablogavi: I'm the luckiest guy
y.n.princesa: OMG😳😳😳👀
"Te amo muchisimo mi chico" you say in bed while the two of you cuddled ready to fall asleep.
"Yo te amo mas mi vida. You will always be my special woman" he said kissing your head and you smile nodding your head and holding your on top of his heart feeling it beat fast knowing he was speaking only the truth.
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imarealnugget · 5 months
Megumi Fushiguro taking you to shopping
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Feat. Megumi Fushiguro
TW. fluff, stress, some eating problems
Words Count: 1.2k+
You and Megumi have been dating for a few months now, but he has always been shy around you, especially in public. Not because he doesn't want to spend time with you, nor because he gets embarrassed when people see him with you; he's just naturally very timid. But that's one of the reasons you fell in love with him, right?
"Meg, what do you think about going to the mall tomorrow?" you asked Fushiguro while scrolling through Instagram on your phone, visibly bored. The new season was approaching, and you were in need of new clothes, especially with the ongoing sales. You needed to go to the mall at all costs! Megumi slowly raised his head, looking at you with a strangely unreadable expression – was he confused, sad, or perhaps disappointed? "To the... mall, you say?" he asked, confirming in a low voice. "Yes, why?" you inquired. "I don't know... tomorrow is Sunday, won't there be too many people?" he questioned. "Well, there might be. But the sales end next Saturday, and this week will be busy for us with lots of school quizzes. Professor Gojo also wants us to practice curses." You heard a slight sigh from Megumi, followed by silence from both of you, soon interrupted by your boyfriend. "Okay, I guess..." You smiled and thanked him for his generosity, then turned off your phone and covered yourself with the blankets on your bed, falling asleep after about ten minutes. Megumi went to the kitchen to prepare a herbal tea, but surprisingly, his breath was shaky, his steps were slow, and his mind was filled with paranoia. However, he decided to let it go, attributing it to stress from the intense school period. A few hours later, he silently slipped into bed with you, hugging you from behind, stroking your back, and giving you a kiss on the cheek. But you already knew how you would wake up the next morning: with his head resting on your chest and his arms around your waist. He's just so cute, isn't he?
When you woke up, you found him as expected, cuddled up to you. You smiled; when he sleeps, he looks so calm, carefree, without a worry in the world. One of your dreams is to see him always happy, with a big smile on his face, because his smile is so beautiful that it could infect an entire city. "Meg, it's time to get up," you whispered, ensuring his awakening was gentle and tranquil. He yawned, and after opening his eyes, his gaze hesitated before giving you a kiss on the lips. Blushing, he kissed you. Shortly after getting out of bed, you had breakfast. You weren't very sure about eating, so when you opened the fridge, you only grabbed a yogurt. However, Megumi wasn't okay with that. Fushiguro cares about you more than anyone else, perhaps not explicitly saying it, but showing it with small gestures that carry a significant meaning. Your health is the most important thing in the world for him. So, silently, he took the yogurt from your hands, put it back in the fridge, grabbed some bread and Nutella, and then prepared a delicious cappuccino for you. "Eat, breakfast is very important for the body, and you should know that," he said in a low voice. Your heart seemed to melt at the sound of his words, and Megumi could understand it thanks to your now reddened face. After finally eating, you both got ready to go to the mall. "Are you... really sure you want to go today?" he asked. "Yes, why?" "Mh... no, it was just a question." There was clearly something bothering Megumi that morning, but you decided to let it go, thinking it might be general stress, just like he thought.
They arrived at the mall, and immediately the bright lights and vibrant colors of the shops caught their eyes. The crowd was already there, but you couldn't hide your excitement. "Look, Meg, how many fantastic shops! It'll be fun; you'll see." Megumi nodded, trying to hide his anxiety behind a tense smile. They started wandering through various stores, you with sparkling eyes and Megumi following with cautious steps. Occasionally, he stopped to observe something with interest, but often he seemed more concerned than he wanted to admit. "Look at these clothes, they're adorable! What do you think?" you exclaimed, holding a brightly colored dress. Megumi looked at the dress, trying to formulate a response that wouldn't embarrass him too much. "Yes, it's nice. Maybe it would look good on you." You smiled, appreciating his effort to participate in your shopping experience. "Come on, try to imagine it on me. What do you say?" you teased. Megumi blushed slightly but made an effort to visualize you in the dress. "Yes, I think it would suit you really well." Your laughter filled the air, loosening some of the tension Megumi carried with him. They continued to browse through various departments, trying on clothes and comparing tastes. Occasionally, Megumi allowed himself to choose something he thought you might like, demonstrating his sweetness and attention. At one point, while at the checkout of an accessories store, Megumi approached you, a bit hesitant. "I saw this necklace; I thought you might like it." He pulled out a delicate necklace with a small flower pendant. Your eyes sparkled with surprise and happiness. "It's beautiful, Meg! Thank you so much, it's perfect." Megumi's face tinged with a slight blush, but his shy smile was evident. "You're welcome. I just wanted to see you happy."
After finishing the tour of the clothing stores, you decided to take a break in a café. Sitting at the table, sipping your drinks, the conversation became more intimate. "Megumi, are you sure you're okay today? You seem a bit nervous." He lowered his gaze, playing with the edge of the cup. "It's just that... I'm not used to being around so many people. It makes me feel a bit out of place, but I want you to be happy." You approached and placed a hand on his. "Megumi, you don't have to worry. There's nothing to feel out of place about. We're here together, and that's all that matters to me." His gaze met yours, and in the silence, it seemed like his anxieties were melting away. You looked at each other for a moment, an unspoken understanding between lovers that surpassed words. The day continued more peacefully. They visited other stores, exchanged sweet words and laughter, and in the end, Megumi opened up more and more. His shyness, although still present, faded, and he began to enjoy the day. When they returned home, you looked at Megumi affectionately. "Thank you for coming today, Meg. I know it can be challenging for you, but I really appreciate your effort." He smiled sweetly. "Well, actually... with you, even the most challenging situations are enjoyable." Embraced, you understood that the day had been a success, not just for the clothes and accessories, but for the growth of your relationship. Over time, Megumi's shyness gradually softened, and you were happy because you, in your heart, knew that you had contributed to making your boyfriend feel more comfortable, creating a special memory that you would both cherish. Megumi, with time, learned to manage his shyness in public, but in the meantime, you would be there by his side, ready to support him in every step of the way.
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aduck8myshoes · 18 days
I know the writers won't give us an endgame wlw sibling, but think about the bridgerton family comedy they could milk out of that! Imagine:
In either a cold open cut-off or a cliffhanger, Cressida impulsively kisses Eloise and runs away, leaving Eloise completely blue screened. Eloise has no idea that lesbibabs exist, bc regency, and she is having lots of feelings she doesn't understand. She needs knowledge which to her means books, but where would one even find such a publication?
Cue Eloise trying to casually ask her two most worldly brothers where to find books about girl kissing. B and C spend a good 20 seconds looking back and forth from her to each other and going on just incredible face journeys. She's like, I just overheard some stuff and was curious this is not about me at all ahahaha, and they all suddenly have very important things to attend to that are not this conversation.
(Read more because this got long lol)
Colin has seen women have sex with each other in brothels, but he is an oblivious mfer that just discovered complex emotions last season, and probably had no idea there could be romantic feelings involved. So of course he goes to his wife about it.
Penelope is like, wtf, where is this coming from?, and Colin manages to not blurt out that it's about Eloise for a whole 10 seconds. Pen, who actually has a modicum of emotional intelligence, has heard her recently reconciled best friend complain for years that she doesn't understand why women want husbands, and is like, oh, some things suddenly make sense. She tells Colin to not worry about it and go to sleep.
Bi-nedict, who does know what a lesbian is, has heard his darling sister complain for years that she doesn't understand why women want husbands, and is like, oh, some things suddenly make sense.
Being the selfless brother he is, he heads over to the nearest artist orgy and asks around for some literature. They're like, oh yeah for sure, we have a zine club! (And then gets dicked down/pegged like he deserves.)
A few days later he gets a discreet delivery of underground pamphlets with names like "A Treatise on Human Sexuality" and "Like Yearns for Like: Observations on Attraction" as well as some he will NOT be giving to Eloise. (Zine club is very educational)
The less salacious pamphlets get awkwardly passed off to Eloise before bed and she spends all night in a montage of reading, recalling memories of Cressida (or possibly just women in general) being attractive, and working her way though her mini identity crisis.
At breakfast Violet sees her be like "Thank you for your... help. It was very... helpful" while not making eye contact with B, and mentally steels herself for whatever nonsense her kids are up to now.
For the next several episodes we watch them stumble upon Eloise as she attempts to get Cressida alone to talk (and then "talk") and have to try to keep anyone from finding out about the gal pals.
(Benedict going to duck around a corner only to see his sister sucking face and ducking right back out: Hey Colin and Penelope why don't we spend this entire ball standing right here blocking the entrance to this side hallway for no reason.
Penelope, who hasn't seen E in like an hour, putting 2 and 2 together: Ah yes, what an excellent idea brother-in-law! The view of everything in the opposite direction of that hallway is most splendid from this exact spot.
Colin, looking around, probably still oblivious: did Eloise go home?)
Anthony and Kate could be dragged into the effort as well at some point when they see something they shouldn't while looking for their own make-out spot.
And then when the drama hits and the relationship is revealed, they all put on their best shocked Pikachu faces while Colin finally gets it and is like, "oh wait is that why she was asking about-" before Pen stomps on his foot.
Violet lets herself give up for a full minute and just bang her head on a table.
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ghouljams · 10 months
as a fetch superfan, is she want konig needs?
like is there fetch angst or is she just a sex doll for konig
Fetch is what König needs! There's not exactly angst with them, but König sort of realizes she's not just a weapon/sex toy after a while. What König needs is a rock in the storm, and a light at the end of the tunnel. Despite her nature, Fetch is incredibly stable, she's a very good fit for him.
Unlike in the Cowboy AU in this one König sort of knows he's never getting out, Fetch is proof that he's too far gone, but that doesn't stop him from wanting some normalcy. I think König is looking for escape when he's not in the field, and instead of his old methods of drugs, alcohol, women, now he has Fetch. Who is waaaaay healthier and also more than happy to play house with him, which some buried part of him desperately wants.
Anyway, here's the "Oh my god I think I'm in love with her" moment.
You pet your fingers through König's hair, scratch at his scalp idly, he's gotten cuddly recently. You think it's because you've been on leave so long. It's weird to think there's a season for hiring mercenaries, but you guess there's highs and lows in every business. König's arms tighten around your waist, his face pressed against your stomach, half in your lap, half stretched out over the bed. He's gotten more comfortable with you seeing his face. Which is fantastic for you, because it means you don't have to feel bad about sneaking peaks of it.
It's been sort of nice to be on leave. You rented a little furnished apartment, month to month of course, and spent most of your time watching shitty television and going grocery shopping. You'd never been grocery shopping before. It was fun, it's fun just existing with König. It's weird, you sort of thought you'd be spending more time having sex, but things have been surprisingly tame. You're starting to get a little worried he can only get going if he's killed someone recently.
König has never been so comfortable, never been so relaxed. He'd been worried, leave is always interminable, always leaves him restless and wandering; looking for something, anything to take some of the edge off. He isn't made to exist outside the battlefield anymore. Too many soft edges filed to sharp points. He can take the edge off, but it always comes back, never stays quiet for long. It's never as good as the first time.
How was it that you only got better? Your excitement was almost infectious, thrilled to do something as simple as going to the shop. His hand clasped tightly in yours as you dragged him down the aisles. He wasn't used to seeing you out in broad daylight, but it was nice, it felt natural. It felt soft.
That was weeks ago, you should've worn off by now. So why does he find himself clinging to you, hoping you don't? Why do you spend more time talking, more time just holding each other, than fucking? Little bags of white powder abandoned on the coffee table, liquor bottles barely touched, he doesn't know where the edge stopped. When he stopped being scared of what would happen if he crashed. He already did, and you were there to catch him.
"Say my name," König asks you, voice muffled against the shirt you're wearing. That's another thing he's discovered recently. You know him. Know him in a way so thoroughly redacted by even the most highly classified documents that it could only come from being bound to his very being.
You rattle it off like it's nothing, first middle last. It might be nothing to you, but it's not nothing to König. He hasn't heard his name in years, his operator's name is the only one anyone living should know. His mother is long gone, family all but forgotten, but you hum his name and stroke his hair and he is overwhelmed with feeling. It chokes in his chest, big and nameless. Although that's not entirely true, he knows its name the same way you know his.
"You have so many thoughts running through you," You whisper. You've started speaking German when you're alone together, you must know he likes it. The familiar tones and grammar lull him in a way König thought must be lost to him. "What are you thinking about?" He knows you only ask for his comfort, that if you really wanted you could peal back the layers of him and hear them yourself. When did he come to trust you so wholly?
"You," He says plainly. You hum, a wordless ask to keep talking if he wants. Your fingers scratch at the base of his scalp, every comfort in the world laid out to him. "I love you," The words feel like peanut butter in his mouth, thick, sticky. They don't want to move past his teeth. He feels your fingers still.
If it were anyone else maybe he would've been scared to say it. Worried you wouldn't feel the same. But you've loved him since day one, devoted, obsessed, König has never worried about your feelings for him. Not when they're so clear.
"I love you too," You resume your petting. König smiles against you, buries himself further into your comfort. He's never heard you say it aloud before.
"Say it again."
"I love you."
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mncxbe · 1 year
can i request dazai x reader where the two end up getting side tracked on a mission and end up kissing and stuff the entire time . and reader is nervous because they know kunikida will KILL them if he found out but dazais just chill
oh my I absolutely loved writing this. Also I imagined dazai in that pretty suit he wore at the end of season 3. I hope it's what you were looking for♡ Enjoy
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡/ passionate kisses?
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It was usual for Dazai to skip work or do the bare minimum. He's good at reading people and he can solve any case in only a few minutes so why bother putting in some extra effort when he can spend time with you instead?
That being said, when the time came for you two to go on a mission, he was more than prepared to slack off.
"Don't worry darling" he said in a playful tone "Let's just enjoy ourselves. After all we finally have privacy"
You were currently sitting at a table at the far end of the dim lit room. The beautifully ornated lampshades were casting dark shadows on the walls; the smell of tobacco filling the room. The restaurant was chic, quite elegant but secluded, exactly the place criminals choose to meet to discuss business.
A few days ago Kunikida received a tip from one of his informants: two underground organizations were planning to join forces in order to rob a bank and they would meet at that certain restaurant to discuss the details. Naturally, your job was to eavesdrop on their conversation and report everything back to Kunikida. Your superior even made a reservation for the table next to their and allowed you to buy a bottle of expensive wine to set the scene.
That said wine was now being poured in your glass by your boyfriend. "I really can't believe that Kunikida was this generous" he chuckled
"Well, it would be suspicious if we just stood here and did nothing"
"Good point darling"
The two of you clinked glasses just as your targets entered the room.
"Osamu, they're here" you spoke lowly. Your boyfriend nonchalantly looked over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of the two men through the wooden shade that separated your tables.
"And now the party starts" He took another sip of his drink, resting his arm over your shoulders.
The targets ordered something and immediately began discussing their plan, not minding the fact that there were people around them; so it was quite easy for you to hear what they were saying. However, only a few minutes later, Dazai's fingers started ghosting over your thigh.
"Tell me, dear. Are you enjoying the wine?"
"Sshhh" you snapped at him "I'm trying to listen"
Your sudden outburst amused him, a sly smile making its way to his lips. "Why so serious, hon? Just relax a bit." He leaned in, cold lips leaving a trail of soft kisses along your neck.
You tried to protest again but he wouldn't buy it. He could tell by the way your pulse incresed that you were as eager as him. You slowly batted your lashes as he tilted your chin to the side, exposing your neck even further. Dazai's lips were warm and wet against your skin, his occasional needy moans driving you crazy. You snapped out of it when his hand slid up your thigh. Your fingers instinctively wrapped around his wrist, pushing his hand away.
"Dazai, can we please focus? Kunikida is going to kill us if we mess this up and~"
He suddenly pressed his lips against yours, earning a muffled moan from you. His arms snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer, teeth nibbling at your lower lip. You felt your body get hotter with each second that passed; the taste of red wine on his lips shutting down your senses. Dazai's kisses always had this effect on you. As soon as his lips pressed against yours, all sounds became distorted, as if you were underwater and all you could do was melt into his embrace.
You kissed for a good number of minutes until you heard the men behind you yell.
"Oi, you two. Get a room for fuck's sake" they cursed. You suddenly became aware of the position you were in, your cheeks taking on a red tint.
"We're so sorry, sirs I~"
"Just shut it, woman" they spoke again before returning to their conversation.
"Assholes" you mumbled under your breath as you turned to face your boyfriend, who was grinning at you.
"See now, bella. Maybe you should be more quiet next time." You didn't find his remark amusing in the slightest, but all you did was pout as you tried to focus on what the targets were saying.
Unfortunately, the two men asked the waitress for the bill, threw a stack of money on the table and left. A sudden wave of despair took over you and you started panicking.
"Shit I didn't catch the time and place. I'm done, I'm so done. I'm gonna get fired"
"Bella, it's alright" Dazai said in a soothing voice, placing a hand on your shoulder "You're lucky you have such an amazing partner, you know? I have all the information we need here" he continued, gently patting his head with a finger.
You exhaled deeply and allowed yourself to rest in his comforting embrace. "Thanks, Osamu. You're amazing. But please, next time don't distract me like that"
"How about you don't let yourself be distracted, pretty girl?"
A scoff left your lips as you rolled your eyes. Your boyfriend chuckled and downed the last sips of wine. "And what now? The mission is done and we still have half a bottle left. It'd be a shame if it went to waste." His slender fingers caressed your thigh again, making you shiver in anticipation "How about we finish the rest at home?"
"Sounds wonderful, dear" you replied in a honeyed voice "But we have to write the report first"
He kissed you one more time, a soft peck that melted your heart "I believe that can wait 'till tomorrow morning, darling"
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daughterofcain-67 · 11 months
🅦hαt 🅞ncє 🅦αs 🅜ínє
(Dean Winchester x Reader)
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(Part 2) (Part 3)
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You and Dean have been close for the past couple of years but you have hunting with them for the past few. You notice that he has seemed off when he came back from Purgatory and all you wanted to do was help. After an argument breaks out- you leave for about a year with a secret you can’t afford to tell.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: some spoilers - some may be MAJOR spoilers, read at your own risk (seasons 6-8, I believe: MAY NOT BE ACCURATE), a brief mention of a night of intimacy but no graphic detail. This story does not follow along with any specific episode
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Your heart raced with adrenaline from the last hunt you were on with the Winchester brothers. It was a tough one too and it didn't help that you had been worried about Dean the entire time. You had been with the Winchesters for the past three years. However, there was a shift between the two of you ever since he came back from Purgatory.
You noticed that he had become lost in a way - especially since Cass was gone. You knew that Purgatory was almost like a Hell for Dean since he seemed to feel a sort of guilt. But he wouldn't talk to you about it and you couldn't read his mind. You felt like you were drifting apart.
You remembered the night that Dean finally came back. You knew that Sam had moved on and tried to make a life for himself. But you couldn't move on so easily. You knew at the time he had just moved on from Lisa, then the job got busier and busier with the Leviathan. Then the next thing you knew he was in Purgatory for so long and you never got to tell him how you truly felt.
At least, not until the night that he finally came back.
You remembered the way he looked all roughed up after he came back. How handsome he was, but maybe it was just because you were just so glad that he was back. One thing lead to another and you ended up spending a passionate night together and it was a night you could never forget.
Even if at this moment you were trying so hard not to, especially considering the current circumstances you were in personally. For the past several weeks you were carrying Dean's child. You didn't know how to tell him and a part of you knew he couldn't handle it with everything going on.
"Dean, what the hell is going on with you? I know you went through a lot of crap in Purgatory, and I know you must be missing Cass a hell of a lot right now. We all do! But if you can't get your head on straight or at least talk to somebody, you might end up getting yourself killed one day because you can't focus!" You tried your best to explain.
"Don't act like you know how the hell I handle what's in my head, Y/N." He stated with a growl. "You don't know half the shit I've been through. You weren't there when I was in Hell. You weren't there when Lucifer took over Sam's mind. I know what I'm doing so why don't you stay the hell out of it!?"
"I can't stay out of it because I care about you! Sam cares about you! You know if Cass were here, he'd-"
"Don't you dare bring him up. You know, I should have just listened to Sam when you first came onto the scene." He said and rolled his eyes before he poured himself another glass of whisky.
"Listened to Sam? What was it that he said? Dean, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying you're nothing but a liability! You do nothing but get in the way! We should have never brought you on that very first hunt!" His words broke you to pieces. How long had he felt this way towards you? And everything you went through, did all of this mean nothing to him? You had done your best to be there for him and he just thought you were in the way the whole time?
You saw the instant regret on Dean's face after he said what he did but it was too late. You looked away from him and your eyes started to burn with tears that were starting to form
"Y/N, wait, I didn't mean-"
"Forget it, Dean. You want me gone, then I'll leave. I won't be in your way. You want to self destruct, fine. You have Sam to worry about you."
Then you packed your bags and left.
All of that happened about a year ago.
For a year you went through a pregnancy and a birth alone. You didn't have all of the answers. You didn't know how the hell you were supposed to take care of your little girl on your own. But you were doing everything you could by taking it one day at a time. That was all you could really do at this point.
Throughout the pregnancy you were working at a Walgreen's and you were living in a small apartment and trying your best to get by. You were doing well for the most part though. Better than living on the road and hopping from one hotel room to another.
Luckily, tonight you were able to have your day off. So you spent your time with your beloved daughter, Y/C/N. She had Dean's forest-green eyes and your hair color. She was only about three months old but you wanted to protect her from everything that was out there, especially since you knew what dangers were out there. If any demon, angel or monster found out there was a little Winchester- who knew what kind of horror would be after the last piece of Dean you had.
Once you had finished giving your baby girl her bath and gotten her dress on, you noticed some lights flickering in the room. That was instantly a red flag in your mind. Of course you knew all the ins and outs of hunting and keeping your home safe because of your experience with the Winchesters. And there were some occasions when it really was just a blown fuse and there was no sulfur left behind. But you were always cautious, and understandably so.
You held the baby close as you went to your room and you watched as the lights started to flicker again. You took the can of salt on your dresser and used your free hand to open it up and you put it on your windowsills, beneath the door, anywhere to prevent demons from coming in. And even if they did, you had a rug in front of your bedroom door that had a devil's trap beneath it so it wouldn't get to you or your daughter.
Suddenly, you hear your apartment door bust open and you start hearing all kinds of commotion like a fight was happening only for a demonic cry to be heard. You covered Y/C/N's ears and held onto her and you wondered what the hell was happening out there. Soon, though, you started hearing voices.
"I think that's all of them. Let's get back so I can be ready for work at the station by Monday." Was that Jodi? What are was she doing all the way out here.
"We have to see if she's here though. Who knows what can be out there looking for her." That sounded like Castiel. When did he come back? How did he come back!? Your mind was swirling with so many questions.
You slowly got out of the bed and walked over to the door. When you opened it you saw Cass and Jodi look towards your direction and you watched Jodi's eyes light up and a smile showed on her face.
"Y/N! You're safe! It's so good to see you." She said as she walked over and that was when she saw your little bundle of joy in your arms, "And who's this precious thing?"
"Jodi, Cass! It's really good to see you guys! This is Y/C/N. She's mu daughter." You introduced.
"Daughter? When did that happen? Do you have a boyfriend here?" Jodi began to ask and you shook your head at the last question.
"No boyfriend, and I found out about a year ago, and Half Pint here is three months. I've just been here trying to lay low so nothing finds us." You explained and you could feel the angel's gaze. When you glanced over, you knew he could tell what happened. And who knew what Dean told him when he came back. If he even went to Dean that is.
"Does Dean know?" It was an inevitable, and reasonable, question that you knew was bound to come up from Castiel. He knew of your feelings for the older brother, and he knew there seemed to be something unspoken between you two for a while before he went to Purgatory. Other than that, you didn't know if Dean filled him in on anything else.
"I didn't get the chance to tell him. I left after a fight we had. Something about how he shouldn't have let me tag along on the first hunt." You felt a soft hand on your shoulder and knew that it was Jodi.
"Why don't you both come and stay with me? It'll be a lot safer that way and at least you won't be on your own. Plus you wouldn't have to worry so much about monsters coming in without backup." The sheriff said and motioned to the salt on the windowsills.
You thought about it for a few moments and looked down at your daughter who was rubbing her eyes like she was tired. You had to think of what was best for her. You knew she didn't need a mom who was stretched thin with work then having to worry about hunting. It would be great to have the help. No one said that being a single mom was easy.
"Yeah, that would be great, Jodi. I appreciate it." You nodded
So much had been going on since you've left and it was like Sam and Dean couldn't get a rest. After Kevin took a Word of God from Crowley and have him translate the tablets to Sam having to complete certain trials that Dean knew he shouldn't be doing anyway. And that was the current thing on the Winchesters' agenda.
Too much has been going on and Dean was already getting so tired of all of it. There seemed to be no end to it but he knew he had to stay determined through all of it at least for his brother's sake. He's pretty much left behind the idea of retiring from this gig. He tried that once and of course the Apple Pie life fell through for him.
What sucks about it is that Dean didn't have you in his back corner anymore. You weren't there to be his 'new eyes' on a situation or bring some kind of positive to a situation. You weren't there to have little drinking competitions with him, remark on crappy television with him, you weren't there to take his mind off this job he was raised in.
And pushing you away was another item on his never-ending list of regret.
But of course, with all of the things he had on his plate and having to save the world yet again, he couldn't exactly showed just how much he had been thinking about you even if you've never left Dean's mind. And Sam knew it too.
Dean was sitting at one of the tables in the Bunker since that's where he and Sam have been living. He knew if you were here you'd probably make it a little more home-y. Lately he had been focusing on the trials that Sam had to face. He passed the first one but he knew this was going to take a toll on Sam. If he could trade places than he would, but Sam could be just as stubborn as Dean sometimes.
Dean looked over at the bottle of whisky before he picked it up and poured himself another glass before he opened up his laptop to do some research outside of these books. The first trial that Sam completes was bathe in hell hound blood. The next one was saving a soul from Hell. The final was to cure a demon and that would be a whole other ball game when the time came up. One thing at a time. He wasn't sure how his brother was supposed to do the next trial but he knew that Cass said Sam's health would decrease almost at a subatomic level.
While Dean was deep in his thoughts of this trial business, his phone started to ring unexpectedly.
Dean glanced over at his phone and saw Jodi's name and picture show up on his screen. An odd surprise since it's been a while since he had heard from her but he picked up the phone wondering if something was wrong and she needed some kind of help.
"Jodi? What's up?" He asked and took a sip of his whisky before setting the glass down on the table.
"Dean? It's Y/N... we need to talk."
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Thank you all for reading!
This is my 1st mini series for Dean Winchester so thank you for taking am interest in reading this! If you liked this little story please feel free to comment or like it! Especially if you’d like to see a second part to this story to see if the reader will tell Dean about their daughter in the midst of what’s going on. 🖤
Tag List:
@chriszgirl92 @wildernessflora
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forever-rogue · 9 months
maybe i’ll summon a demon so i can hang out with someone. + what I want to be for Halloween is loved
with Eddie, bc he can be so dramatic those two fit so well 🥰 maybe some best friends to lovers where you were going on a date for Halloween but finding out Eddie was going to spend the night alone you cancel and go visit him and feelings happen?
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AN | We’ve got some friends to lovers and Halloween goodness! Enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.6k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Guess what!" You walked into Eddie's apartment without bothering to knock, knowing it would be unlocked for you, "Edward!"
You beamed when you spotted your best friend in the kitchen, stirring what looked like a pot of macaroni. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at you, his features softening when he realized it was you. You bounced over to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek that made his entire face flush.
"Hey," he playfully swatted your hand away as you tried to get a spoonful of the pasta, "it's almost finished! Hold your horses. What's the big news then?"
"Oh!" You paused for a moment before going into the fridge and pulling out a couple of beers, "oh. I was at work this afternoon, you know as one does, and the new guy I told you about - Seth - he asked if I wanted to go to this big Halloween party with him!"
His face fell almost comically fast as your words washed over him. He tried to keep his cool as you passed him a beer and took a big swig of your own, "l-like a date?"
"Like a date," you confirmed, sighing wistfully, "he's so dreamy. I'm so excited!"
"Wow, that's…umm…great," he clinked the neck of his bottle against yours as he quickly busied himself with finishing dinner. It was your weekly movie and junk food night, but now it seemed like the last thing he wanted to do.
"Did you make any plans yet?" You grabbed some dishes to help him but he pointedly kept his gaze turned away, "I know we usually do something together…maybe you can come with us?"
"I don't want to be a third-wheel!" He snapped louder than you had expected, causing you to recoil, "I-I'm sorry. It's just that…I'm not looking to third wheel all night to you and some guy I've never met."
You gnawed on the inside of your cheek before slowly nodding. Really, you would have rather spent the night with him, but you weren't exactly in a place to be turning down dates. You rarely got asked out on them and you couldn't wait around for Eddie forever. You'd made peace with the fact that you were sure he only viewed you as a friend. And with that, you decided to put in more effort to go on dates and try to find someone. Anything that would hopefully help you to move on and get over Eddie. 
If that was even possible.
"Sorry," you mumbled under your breath as you busied yourself with getting plates and utensils ready. You felt the back of your eyes start to prick with tears, blinking rapidly to make the stinging to go away, "u-umm, what are you thinking about doing for Halloween then?"
"I don't know," his voice dropped to an almost whisper as he started to plate everything up, "maybe I'll summon a demon so I can hang out with someone."
"Hey," he turned to you with a little half smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. This time his voice was soft but it just sounded so…off, "its alright - seriously. I'll figure out something to do. Don't worry about it."
"Okay," your skin felt electric as his fingers brushed yours when he handed you the plate. You wanted to say something, something more but when you noticed how he was pointedly avoiding your eyes you didn't push it, "okay."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie might have told you not to worry about it. But…you worried about it. There was a nagging feeling of guilt in the pit of your stomach that you couldn't shake. And it didn't help that Eddie seems to be pulling away from you little by little. Any time you asked him about it, he pretended like it was all fine. The fact that you knew he was lying made it even worse.
It wasn't until Halloween came around that things came to a head.
You were finishing getting ready for Seth to pick you up to go to the big Halloween party. You were dressed as a pirate, cute and flirty, and ready for some fun. But…something still felt off. You knew what it was but didn't know how to go about it.
Once you finished getting ready, you grabbed the phone and dialed Eddie's number, pacing around as you waited for him to answer. Just before you were sure it would go to the answering machine, he answered.
"Hello?" He didn't sound anything like his normal self and that made your heart constrict.
"Hi Ed," your voice sounded small and his sharp inhale wasn't lost on you, "I just wanted to say hi before I left. You're going to hang out with Robin and Nancy, right?"
"Umm…no. Not anymore," he sounded tense mixed with a hint of sadness. It felt like it made your heart crack. Halloween was Eddie's favorite holiday and the idea that he was spending it alone? Absolutely unacceptable. 
"What happened, Eddie?"
"They're going to a drive-in movie instead and then dinner. Basically a date," you held in your sigh, "they said I could go with them still but obviously…I really don't want to be tagging along on their date either."
"That's awful," you looked at the alarm on your nightstand and contemplated your actions. You had about twenty minutes before Seth was due to pick you up. Suddenly that sounded like the last thing you wanted to do, "listen, I could-"
"No. No. Its fine," his tone suggested that it was anything but fine, "I'll just…figure out something. Probably just stay home and order a pizza or something."
"I know you gotta go," he sounded so small and defeated. You hated it, "I'll talk to you later."
"Wait, listen, I-"
Before you could say anything else, Eddie had hung up the phone and you were left listening to the dial tone. That had just made up your mind. 
You picked up the phone again and dialed Seth's number, hoping he hadn't left yet. It was like, all along, you'd secretly been hoping for this to happen. To have an excuse to cancel and go to Eddie.
Oh Eddie. It really always came back to him.
Maybe it was time to tell him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie groaned at the sound of knocking on his door. It was loud and incessant; he'd just ordered a pizza for fucks' sake. It shouldn’t have been a trick or treater either - he'd put out a giant bowl of candy and he doubted it was empty by now.
He grumbled under his breath as he wrenched open the door, ready to yell at whoever was on the other side. 
"What do you -" his breath caught in his throat when he realized it was you. Big brown eyes looked you up and down as he opened and closed his mouth a few times, "oh."
"Hi Eddie," you didn't wait for him to say or do anything else before throwing your arms around him and wrapping him in a tight hug. You could feel him relax almost immediately as he closed his eyes and sighed softly, "you're not dressed up!"
"Didn't really have a reason to," he exhaled slowly as he buried his face in your neck. The smell of your shampoo and perfume were enough to calm him, "what are you doing here? I thought -"
"I canceled on him," you shrugged it off as he pulled out of your arms, confusion maring his features, "he didn't seem phased really, just kind of went with it. I think I made the right decision."
A small, hopeful smile crossed his features as he stared at his feet. He nodded, mind reeling with possibilities, "why are you here?"
"You know why," before you let your nerves get the better of you, you reached for his hand and took it gently in yours. You could see the way his cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink as he looked at your entwined hands. You couldn't help the nervous giggle that bubbled up as he laced your fingers together, "can I come in?"
"Oh! Right," he pulled you inside and quickly shut the door before leaning against to try and slow down the wild beating of his heart. He studied your pirate costume, "you look cute."
"Thank you," you twirled around to give him a full look, "you're just missing a costume now! The night is young and we can get something together for you and then go out - we can try and go trick or treating! What do you want to be?"
"I…it's stupid. Even as a joke it sounds dumb," he shook his head and avoided your eyes, "forget it."
"I will not," you insisted softly as you reached you over and tenderly put your hand on his cheek, "tell me."
"You won't laugh?"
"I won't laugh," your whispered promise made him feel okay and he swallowed thickly.
"For Halloween….I just want to be loved," he closed his eyes, trying to blink back tears as you looked at him. When he allowed himself to take a peek at you, he saw nothing short of adoration on your face. You weren’t ridiculing him or ready to laugh or make fun of him. 
“I hate to break it to you, but you’re already loved,” and just like that, it all came out and came to light. And it didn’t feel scary or hard at all…it felt so natural and so right. You anxiously rocked back and forth on your heels, “very loved. By a lot of people…but a whole lot by me.”
His eyes opened almost comically wide as he checked to make sure that you weren’t joking and weren’t going to throw a just kidding in there. When he saw that you were dead serious, he stepped closer to you, leaving only a small gap between your bodies. It was the last barrier to cross and once it was, everything would change between the two of you. You knew that it would change everything, but at the same time…you knew things really wouldn’t have been that different at all. It was just the natural progression of things - of your lives.
You knew that Eddie was leaving the last bit up to you - you almost threw yourself into his arms, hugging onto him as tightly as possible without squeezing him to death. He responded in kind, his body melding into yours as you closed your eyes and tried to remind yourself that this was actually happening. This was real.
After a few moments, he pulled back and gently took your face in his large, warm hands. You were beaming at him and if he thought he was in love with you before, it had nothing on this. 
“You’re so pretty,” he brushed his thumb over your cheek, trying to soak in every detail of this moment, “beautiful. I…umm, you are very loved too. I adore you.”
“I know,” you turned your face slightly, pressing a kiss to his palm, “I adore you.”
“I love you,” he had to say it out loud - had to get it out there. Those three words that held so much weight. Words you’d known to be true for so long finally verbalized.
“I love you, Eddie,” you vowed then and there that you would remind him of that little fact each and every day, because it was true of course but also to see that expression on his face. It was beautiful. 
“May I kiss you?” The fact that he was still asking was so Eddie and made your heart so happy. You’d pictured this exact scenario dozens if not hundreds of times by now, and yet this was better than you could have ever imagined. 
“Yes,” you felt a wave of emotions wash over you as he leaned in, “please.”
He pressed his lips to yours, gentle and hesitant. When you didn’t recoil or tell him to stop, he kissed you a little more, a little deeper, his hands settling on your waist. You looped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, with just as much hunger and passion. It felt so right and so natural to be kissing him; you wanted to do it forever, you wanted to learn him in every possible way.
Eddie only pulled back when he was getting dizzy from kissing you; he didn’t want to stop. You made a small sound when he pressed his forehead against yours, “that was…wow.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, leaning and stealing a few kisses from him, “something like that.”
Eddie took a step back, shaking his head causing his curls to bounce as he touched his lips and cheek where your lips had blessed his skin. He almost couldn’t believe that this had happened and he needed to make sure it wasn’t some sort of dream. 
“So…you wanna dress up and go out tonight? We can either find a party to crash or try to get away with trick-or-treating-”
“Nah,” he shook his head as you raised an eyebrow at him, “I wanna stay in tonight - with you.”
“Yeah?” That honestly sounded like the best idea of all. You hadn’t wanted him to feel like he had to stay in, but you were definitely excited to spend time with just him. Especially now that any remaining boundaries between the two of you had been taken away. 
“Yeah,” he’d leaned in again and was so close to brushing his lips against yours…but was promptly interrupted by another knock at the door. He groaned as you quickly kissed his cheek, “it better be the damn pizza this time.”
“Oh?” you crossed your arms over your chest as you tried to give him a serious expression, “is the pizza a more welcome guest than me?”
“Of course not, sweetheart,” suddenly the nickname held so much more weight, “but I think you and pizza might be the best thing ever.”
“That I can allow,” you snorted in amusement as he answered the door and paid the delivery person, “what kind did you get?”
“A half and half…your favorite and mine,” he admitted sheepishly as you looked at him in awe, “w-what’s wrong?”
“You got both of our favorites?” your voice almost cracked as he nodded, “even though you thought I wasn’t going to be here?”
“I guess I just held onto some hope,” he tried to shrug it off like it was no big deal but to you it was everything, “w-what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason,” you took the pizza from his hand and set it on the counter, “I just…I really love you, Eddie. For so long now.”
“Funny,” he reached for you again, pulling you as close as possible, “I really love you too, and have for a very long time.”
“I definitely think you should kiss me about it,” the two of you grinned at each other like fools, shy and electric with all these new revelations, “if you want to.”
“I want to,” he was already kissing you again, soft and gentle but with a promise of more, “I really, really want to.”
“Happy Halloween Eddie.”
“Happy Halloween sweetheart,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “best Halloween ever!”
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abiiors · 6 months
we went to winter wonderland 🎄// matty healy x reader
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twelve days of christmas - day 2
a/n: i've been slightly sad about...everything and writing is hard atm but i also don't want to abandon 12doc so have something that's loosely based on my irl relationship. it's really short, sorry :( cw: none, just fluff wc: 1k
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the last ever winter they spend apart is quite shit to put it bluntly. 
matty’s a million kilometres away in LA where winter’s only a concept while she’s in their bed, alone and begrudgingly cuddling his hoodie in lieu of him and cussing out her boss and her boss’ boss and so on all the way to the top until she’s googled the ceo of the parent company that owns her firm and cussed him out too. matty laughs shamelessly the whole time. one, because she looks as threatening as a baby penguin all angry and swaddled in blankets, and two, because it’s her. 
she’s never failed to make him laugh. ever. 
“baby…” he tries to pacify, “it’s alright.”
“no it’s not!” her tone is firm. "i should be with you in LA! not rotting here in our bed because work got in the way."
her nose is slightly red from being out in the cold (it was the first snow of the season after all, matty knew she would be out) but he tells her to get tea regardless. and now, armed with a steaming mug of herbal tea and the saddest pout a girl could have, she looks all the more cuddly. 
“okay how about this,” he suggests, “you have your switch don’t you? go get it.” 
her face contorts in confusion. “you don’t have yours.”
“i’ll just steal hann’s.”
but she gets up regardless, even if it’s after a few grumbles of “ugh, i just got cosy!”
matty, through their facetime call, wanders through the house with her. he has to admit—it’s lonely and quiet without him there. their home—perfect for two and too big for just her. he can’t wait to get back though. even sunny LA is a touch too cold without her there. 
“what do you wanna play?” she asks once she settles in bed again and matty’s ready with the answer. 
“animal crossing.”
“babe… we haven’t played that in ages, it’s gonna be so shit!”
he frowns at her stubbornness. “just turn it on will you? it will have snowed on there. you always love making those anatomically challenged snowmen!”
there’s a small giggle that follows. she’s well aware of what he’s referring to—they almost have a competition of sorts about who can make the most deranged-looking animal crossing snowman. 
as predicted, it’s weeds and more weeds everywhere the minute the game turns on. her little avatar exits her house, looking dishevelled and still in curated summer clothes. oh well… 
matty grins. “so i was thinking…”
“we won’t get to go to a winter wonderland this year!”
“yeah,” she pouts again. 
“i was thinking we could make one.”
“in animal crossing?”
“in animal crossing!”
for a moment she’s quiet and matty worries that it’s a stupid idea. it is a little lame if he’s honest but there’s not much they can do with an entire ocean between them. but just as he feels his grin slipping, hers widens on her face. 
“matty! you are brilliant! i love you.”
“what was that?” he teases, laughing when she pokes her tongue out. 
“last to finish is the loser,” she declares. and before he’s even had a chance to plan a heist for adam’s switch, she’s shouting “go!” amidst protests from him and maniacal laughter from her. 
matty doesn’t care though—this is almost a complete 180 turnaround in her mood in quite a few days. 
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two hours and a worrying amount of bickering later, they’re ready for the grand reveal. 
“mine is so much better!” she declares as soon as matty’s little avatar lands on her island. even her fucking avatar looks adorable, all bundled up in a big coat and matty’s ready to declare her the winner right there. still, he indulges her. 
he already knows it—hers is so much better! she’s always had an eye for all things cute (him included) but he stays and he listens. 
soft snow falls behind her on the facetime call and it’s clearly visible through the giant windows and the switch almost casts a perfect glow on her. not that matty’s entirely focussing on her tour of her animal crossing winter wonderland; he’d much rather stare at her while she’s talking but it’s over far too soon and before he knows it, her avatar is on his (hann’s) island and she’s laughing hysterically at his attempt of a wonderland. 
“matty!” she shrieks. “baby, this is so bad”
“what? how dare you, take that back!”
“there are weeds in the middle of your ‘skating rink’.” 
“uhhhh…” matty ends up shrugging much to her amusement. 
“yours is so shit!” she teases. “we agree that i’m the winner, right?”
“got you out of your grumpy mood though, didn’t i? so who’s the real winner here?”
“still me!”
and so he relents. two hours and a shit in game winter wonderland is a fantastic trade to make in exchange for her laugh. 
ten more minutes and she gets a little emotional again because of course she does. matty watches some of the joy in her eyes drain away, replaced by a tinge of the same sadness from before. 
“i hate being without you, especially during winters! it gets so cold.” the corners of her mouth turn down and a soft ache fills his chest. 
“i know, darling… i hate missing christmas but you’ll be with me next month, yeah?”
much to his relief she doesn’t let it get her down this time, she tries to change the topic and talk about everything she’s been up to and all the plans she has with her friends. matty’s mind is made up though—this is the last winter he's willing to spend without her. come january, the ring hidden in his suitcase will find its place on her finger. 
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lemme know what you think <33
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Does Alastor actually care about the hotel or it's residents?
I think maybe.
So I JUST got done writing a collage essay of a theory on the Lilith/Alastor thing, so what am I going to do?? WRITE ANOTHER ONE!!
Okay, so I'm gonna start of with the fact that I wholeheartedly believe Alastor was only there because Lilith sent him. The hotel doesn't have any of what he seems to prefer as entertainment (murder, cannibalism, it his friends), so to go there and then do pretty much nothing to actually bring in any guests sorta brings that into questions. He was there because he had to be, not because he cared.
Things can change.
In the pilot, Alastor tried to make a deal with Charlie. I believe he did this entirely for leverage to get his soul back, and when it didn't work, decided to either never bother again or try it again when he'd gained a bit of trust. The thing is, he hasn't done that again. By now, he should now he can EASILY trick Charlie into making a deal with him, but he hasn't. Why is that? Well, unless he's just simply not willing to risk it or forgot about that idea, there's the idea that he cares about her, even a little bit.
Episode 5 rambles, yey. I don't think he sent Mimzy away because if the damage to the hotel, I think it was because if her antics got Charlie killed, he'd face punishment for it, but it's definitely possible that he may have been a bit worried for his friends too.
Now onto my big point, Alastor spite-dadding. Most of us know that it was likely to be manipulative or to piss off Lucifer, but I do think there was some genuineness behind it. Alastor's expressions during his song change quite a bit. Every time he says anything along the lines of her being like a daughter to him, he glared at Lucifer. In one line, though, 'You're like the child that I wish that I had', he looked genuine until he said the word 'child', then finished the sentence looking genuine again, then continued to glare at Lucifer.
This leads me to believe that even thought he's likely VERY MUCH exaggerating their relationship to spite Lucifer, he does care for her, even if just a bit.
He interupted Lucifer's song and then proceeded to tell him to butt out (lol). He clearly didn't like him since the moment he walked in the door and was very much trying to piss him off, but in the end, I think he mostly just wants Charlie to be happy.
In the song at the end of the episode, Alastor is shown watching, and doesn't interrupt. He can see she's happy and her dad is actually trying, so he stays out of it, whereas the song at the beginning was entirely Lucifer trying to get rid of Al (until he interrupted).
I wouldn't say he looks necessarily happy, but he sees she's having a moment and puts his ego aside and doesn't butt in this time. He definitely cares enough to let her sing an entire song with her dad, who he hates. He put her feelings above his spite here, and I think that says a lot.
Another note; The pacing really hurts the judgment on this. It's not Viv's fault, as she was halfway through season 1, and was under the impression that there would only be 8 episodes, but it makes everything so much more difficult. There was a 5 MONTH time skip. 5 MONTHS. Literally ANYTHING could have happened. in his song, Al pointed out that he made her laugh with puns, seemed to have a history with being rather useful, and has likely had casual interactions with her, but because of how little time there was, we weren't able to see that. We couldn't see anything aside from plot point after plot point because Viv needed to get the story out, and there was no time for her to show some of the more casual interactions with the characters. Maybe Alastor DOES spend time with Charlie and care for her. Maybe he HASN'T. We'll never know because there wasn't enough time to show it, and that makes it so much harder to judge.
I will say, however, that Charlie is naive, but not to the level of seeing some guy who she spoke to maybe 10 times claim to be her father figure and agree with it. She 100% thought (whether he's lying or not), that Alastor cared for her like a dad would, and it made sense to her. That says something at the very least, I think.
What we really need is Alastor regretting his wording when Charlie calls him dad.
TLDR; Alastor cares, but dad might be a stretch. The pacing definitely made it hard to just.
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gyu-dloml · 1 year
Sweet Thing ❤️‍🩹
Summary : After a tiring exam season, your boyfriend is here to comfort you even when you forget about your plans together.
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Pairing : Kwon Soonyoung/ Hoshi x Gn! reader
Genre : Established relationship, fluff
Word count : 594
Warnings : Kissing, self doubt (a lil), implied smut at the end
A/n : I wrote this very specific plot for my bestie @scoupsshii I hope you like it <3
It's over. It's finally over. Your exams are over and you couldn't be more happy and tired right now. Now you have a month to catch up on the sleep you've missed. You feel like you could pass out right now. And that's what you do, fall asleep so quick when you get home.
You're woken up by your apartment door opening. You're still in a haze but panic sets in when you look out of the window and its already dark. You were supposed to go on an extravagant date that your boyfriend has been preparing, you made him wait until your exams were over, not that he minded. But as days went you could tell he was very excited to spend an entire day with you.
"Y/n? Babe, are you still sleeping?" Soonyoung comes in with a bag full of things and with face full of worry.
As soon as you see him you start apologizing, "Soonie I'm so sorry, I slept and forgot to set up an alarm but I'm sure you called-"
Soonyoung leaves the bag on the floor and comes running to your side of the bed and kisses you to stop you from talking. "Don't apologize love." He breaks away to say that and starts kissing you again.
After a while when you guys pull apart, he can see that you're still feeling guilty.
"I figured you were tired, so I called your roommate and she told me you were sleeping."
"But our date-"
He chuckles, "Babe we have a whole month to do whatever we want, don't stress yourself cute thing."
"So, will you stay the night." You look up at him with the most puppy-like look you can muster up.
"Ofcourse" He smiles and it pushed his cheeks upward, you really want to bite him right then.
He climbs the bed and makes you lay on top of him.
"I'm so happy now" You hum into his chest.
"I brought fried chicken and the snacks you like, I'm sure you woke up hungry."
"You're so perfect baby." You kiss his chest as you praise him.
A few minutes go by while you guys cuddle and slowly all your worries fade away.
"Sweet thing I can hear you thinking, what's up?" Your Soonie knows you so well.
"What if I messed up?"
"On your exams?"
"Yeah, I feel like I'll miss for a little, like what if I fail to get in just for a few marks?"
"My baby, come here." He pulls you up so now you're completely laying on him with a hand above each of his shoulders and looking in his eyes.
"I've seen you work your ass off, you studied day and night and I'm sure you're very much deserving of passing. And whatever happens please know everybody, especially me are so incredibly proud of you."
"Thank you Soonie." You say as you give him a small smile because suddenly he's making you feel emotional.
You were preparing for one of the toughest entrance exam, and while you did give your best, you still had your doubts. But when you're in the presence of your beloved, he made you feel nothing but happy.
"Anytime, love." He says as he starts turning you around and now he's on top of you.
"I hate to see you cry, unless it's because I make you feel good. Let me love you and make you forget about everything but me." He says as he starts going down on you.
And make you forget, he absolutely did.
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weasleytwinwheezes · 2 years
Steve Harrington x HopperDaughter!Reader
Summary: After Hoppers 'death' in season 3, Y/N moves out of state to live with her mother. She spends the next 8 months healing herself of the trauma of seeing her father die. Spring Break of 1986 she moves back to Hawkins, but seems to be too late for the love of her life (Hopper is legit dead in this ok)
Warnings: angst lol, cussing, unrequited love (kinda?), miscommunication (kinda??), feelings of being replaced/replaceable, minor mention of panic attack, happy ending bc im not a monster
Authors note: I adore Steve and I couldn’t let this end with him being hurt lol
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When you knelt by my mattress, and asked for my hand But I was sad you asked it, as I laid in a black dress With my father in a casket, I had no plans
“Marry me Y/N? I’ll take care of you. I have the money and I couldn’t stand it if you left me,” Steve begged, tears streaming down his handsome face. 
“This is unfair Steve,” you sighed towards the blank ceiling. 
“How? Why? We could be good together!” he pleaded.
“Because my father just died. Because the entire world is shit right now. Because you're only asking me because I'm alone now. I have no family here and you know that. Because I don’t know what I want anymore,” you sobbed, unable to look at him.
"You're not alone Y/N! You have me! I know this is a nightmare and you're scared. But don't you dare say you're alone when I'm sitting right here!" Steve yelled with a cracking voice.
Turning your head, you stared at him. Standing before you was the love of your life. The same boy who had been there to pull you out of that mall, the boy who brought a smile to your face, and butterflies to your stomach. But right now he was just the boy who reminded you of that terrible night and you didn't know what was worse. Pretending that you were going to be okay or pretending that you were still in love with him.
"Steve, I can't do this. I can't handle this right now. I don't know what's happening. This is too much," you choked out, chest tightening with the familiar feeling of a panic attack.
Pushing up from the mattress, you saw his face crumble. But the need to be alone overpowered the breaking of your heart, so you rushed from the room and never looked back.
And I left the footprints, the mud stain on the carpet And it hardened like my heart did when you left town
"Y/N Honey? Are you still there?" your mothers voice questioned, riddled with static from the payphone.
"Yes mom, I'm still here! Just double checking the map. It looks like I should get to Grandmas in about an hour or so," you responded, tucking the worn map into your jeans.
"Oh she's just going to love having you there. Give her my love will you? And be careful! You know how worried I am about you!," she babbled on.
"I know, I know! I'll be careful and I'll be sure to let Grandma know you're thinking of her! Now get off the phone! Aerobics starts in an hour and you know how busy the interstate is this time of day! You don't want to miss it!" you rushed out, itching to hit the road again.
After quickly saying goodbye, you filled up with gas and headed towards your hometown. The entire trip home had been stressful. The last time you were here was a nightmare. All you could think about was the events at Starcourt Mall and walking away from Steve.
Oh Steve. He was the only part of Hawkins you were apprehensive about. After months of therapy, you understood that you could have gone about the entire situation differently. But grief can often make you do irrational things. Even if it makes you pack up all your things and move 500 miles to Richmond, Virginia.
You had loved him the only way you knew how, by leaving before you caused him more pain. Your father had loved your mother the same way, so it was no surprise that the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Steve had already suffered too much at your hands. It was you who pulled him into everything with the upside down and you were the reason he got tortured by the Russians. Walking away from him was the only good thing you had ever done for him.
But I must admit it, that I would marry you in an instant Damn your wife, I'd be your mistress just to have you around
Frankly, it shouldn't have shocked you so badly to see Nancy Wheeler hanging off of his arm like she did so many years ago. But it did, it made you feel like you were that same naive girl who watched the boy she loved fall for someone else. Maybe it hurt because the pain of seeing them together felt like it had the first time. Or maybe it was because he had replaced you again.
You didn't expect him to be alone and miserable like you were. But you also didn't expect him to be back with her. At least now you and Nancy Wheeler had something in common.
You had both broken his heart.
But I was late for this, late for that, late for the love of my life And when I die alone, when I die alone, die I'll be on time
The days in Hawkins quickly turned into weeks, then months. Soon enough it was time for graduation. You tried to tell yourself that you were going to support your old friends, which wasn't wrong. You had reconnected with Robin Buckley after moving back. So you at least had a reason to be at Hawkins football field. But you knew deep down, that you were going to see if they were still together.
Robin had practically begged you to tell you what went down between Steve and you. Repeating the same sentences, 'He never told us why you left. He just smiled and said it was for the best. Then Nancy started coming around.' 'You know he never said that you two split?' 'I don't even know what they are to be honest, he's never really said. But these days he isn't exactly Mr. Gossip.'
A part of you was happy he had found someone to be happy with but you wished deep down it was you.
As you stood there below the bleachers, hot sun beating down on you, you watched as families filled in to watch their loved ones graduate. Your own heart clenching at the memory of you dad yelling as loud as possible when your name was called. He was so proud of you and you hoped that he still was. Wherever he was.
So absorbed in your thoughts, you didn't notice the person walk up next to you.
"Y/N Hopper? Is it really you?" a voice startled you.
Turning to your right you were greeted with the face of the man you loved. He looked good, if that could even describe it. His face was plagued with worry and it was bruise free.
"Steve Harrington, to what do I owe the pleasure?" you responded softly.
"Oh nothing the pleasure is free but you could only imagine my surprise when I found out that love of my life has been in Hawkins for months and not once reached out to me," Steve spoke hotly, eyes boring into yours.
You could feel your mouth opening and closing, trying to form a sarcastic comment or just a response at all. But your tongue and heart stumbled on the word 'love'.
"And before you try to justify it, I understand. But do you know how embarrassing it is to have Dustin fucking Henderson tell me that you're back and have been since spring break?! I thought I was being pranked! I told him 'Y/N would let me know! She wouldn't hide', but it looks like I was wrong. You did hide. You didn't even try to see what would happen if you visited. You didn't even try to-"
"I did try Steve! I came to your house after days of trying to work of the courage! I came to apologize, to tell you about everything I've done, to tell you how much better I was. I came to see if there was any chance that you could possibly still want me. But I saw you with Nancy and I couldn't handle it. It felt like senior year all over again, so I walked away. I wasn't going to be the reason your heart was broken again, I couldn't do that." you forced out, fighting back the tears threatening to fall.
"Y/N Hopper, you're a lot of things. But I never took you for an idiot," Steve snapped.
"What ?! You ridiculous ass! I'm over here bearing my heart to you and you have the utter audacity to call me an idiot-" you were cut off by the familiar feeling of his lips on yours.
Suddenly it felt as though the weight of the last year fell off your shoulders. You knew you were missing something. You just didn't know it was this. The kiss was soft and you couldn't stop the tears from slipping down your cheeks.
Feeling Steve start to pull away, you reluctantly untangled yourself from him. Stepping away from each other, you both held your breath unsure of how to unpack what just happened.
"Look Y/N, don't you dare interrupt me. I'm not with Nancy. I haven't been with anyone since you left. Hell, as far as I'm concerned-we never broke up. I'm not even sure when you saw us together, but it was during spring break then I can explain. She's been helping me with my college admittance essays. I took a year off after everything that happened and I needed someone who was good at writing to make sure it was legible. I swear to you that's all it was. She is still happily dating Byers. I haven’t gotten over you. I can’t get over you,” he spoke wholeheartedly, staring deep into your eyes.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest. He hasn’t moved on with Nancy. Steve didn’t go back to her. He had just admitted to wanting you still.
“I’m so sorry Steve. I was so scared to see you already and I guess I was I figured it was easier if you did move on. Even if I didn’t,” you replied softly.
Reaching to gently pull you towards him, Steve pressed a small kiss to your forehead and spoke, “Y/N, I never gave up on us. I know that I shouldn’t have asked then but I was so afraid you run away and leave us all behind. That’s wasn’t the answer though. I never stopped loving you because I think deep down I knew you would be back. I’m not angry with you, I never was. Just please don’t run away again baby. I couldn’t take that.”
As you opened your mouth to respond you were interrupted by the whine of feedback from a microphone with a quick reminder of “Please find your seats! The Hawkins High graduating class of 1986s ceremony will begin momentarily!”
Grabbing Steve by the hand you pulled him towards the bleachers, matching smiles on both your faces. As you settled in beside the Wheelers you squeezed his hand. Leaning in you whispered, “I’m not going anywhere Steve and the answer is yes this time. It was always supposed to be yes.”
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amuseoffyre · 7 months
Collating a list of Stede's flashbacks/trauma-hallucinations across the seasons (so far). Hallucinations will be italicised. I hadn't realised just how many there were.
"this is what a man's work looks like" - Father Bonnet killing the goose, then verbally abusing Stede
"left your comfortable life" - family portrait, the family discussion of horses with Stede isolated at one end of the table.
"this is my home now" - the same scene, only this time Stede is sitting with them instead of isolated from them.
Ghost Nigel beside the Revenge
Flashback to dead Nigel on the deck
"They'll never see papa again" - during the trial in the village.
"This is all coming from you" - Stede thinking about his departure and whispering goodbye to his children.
Life flashing before his eyes when he's hanged - Mary and the children at a distance
Department of Backstory - unhappy betrothal, marriage, children and "we were just playing pirates"
Anniversary presents going wrong - he and Mary at odds
"I was a coward" - Mary's appeal for him to try and his departure
Fever Gravy Basket incident when he manifests his family to tear him a new one and then he's killed by the fantasy version of piracy
1x05 and 1x06 have Ed's flashbacks. 1x07 has Jim's flashbacks. 1x08 has none.
"Mr Bonnet. Welcome" - sees Nigel instead of Chauncey
"weak-hearted lily-livered little rich boy" returns
"I stole his sword and jabbed it through his head" - dead Nigel on the deck
"wife, Mary Bonnet" - flash of Mary's disapproving face
Repeat of the happy families flashback from episode 1, with all of them sitting together and laughing" mismatched with the "which is your favourite pig" passive aggression
Beach flashback including "playing pirates", "I don't hate our lives" and Stede's arrival on the Revenge
Post-kiss flashback to Mary's "we have to try, don't we?"
"You defile beautiful things" flashbacks to dead Nigel, unhappy family portrait and Ed
"God's perfect little rich boy" - goose-killing and flower-picking flashbacks
"Death is an unavoidable part of the pirate lifestyle" - dead Nigel on deck, dead Chauncey in the forest and Stede screaming
"His name is Ed" - Stede's romance flashbacks
None in 2x01 but a full fantasy dream sequence that references a lot of the stuff he's worrying about.
"You wear fine things well" - Stede's POV
2x03 is only Ed flashback/trauma/coma hallucinations. 2x04 & 2x05 have none.
back-to-back flashbacks of flower-picking and goose-killing, immediately after Ned's death
Technically no flashbacks in 2x07, but since Stede spends his entire day being cheered on and praised by a man in a blood-stained leather apron (like this father in the goose-killing incident) after doing 'man's work', don't think he really needs to be flashing back 😬
And 2x08 really didn't have time for any, despite the fact that Stede ended up in the same uniform of the first two people who's deaths he was involved with.
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page-matcha · 7 months
Under The Mistletoe
Yeonjun x gn!reader
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Warnings - established relationship, mentions of food, drinking alcohol, kissing, use of pet names, reader is a little bit of a jerk when stressed out!
Genre - Fluff, a little bit of angst...?
Notes - this is just a little Christmas drabble/one shot. ^^
Christmas shopping. The bane of your existence. Usually, during the holiday season you've only ever had to worry about close friends or a few select family members. But this year, your stupid self had decided to throw an entire party.
♥️-A week ago-💚
"You know ___, we haven't seen you in so long, it's shame that our reunion has to be at such a shabby place like this." Your mom says while reaching across the table for the last bottle of soju.
She was right, drinking soju at diner late at night wasn't where people usually thought to meet up when planning a family reunion. But as your parents visit was so last minute, this would have to do.
"Mn." You mumble in agreement, to drunk to form actual words. You didn't usually drink this much but you decided to let your parents spoil you as they haven't seen you in what feels like forever.
"Christmas is coming up, why don't you visit us for the holidays?" Your father suggests. "We could build snowmen in the yard, just like when you were little."
"Traveling is too expensive. Plus Yeonjun gets sick from both long car rides and plane rides." As much as you want to go, your boyfriend always comes first. You won't go on a trip like that without him. Especially during the holiday season.
"Yeonjun can take care of himself for a week or two can he not?" Your mom seems a little annoyed now, your boyfriend always seems to get in the way of things.
"Mom, I'm not about to leave Yeonjun here during the best month of the year. Yeonjun and I have been so excited to finally spend some time off together." You look at your mom apologetically. "Maybe some other time."
Your dad gives you an understanding look. "Yes, maybe some other time then."
Suddenly your mom's face lights up with excitement. "Or maybe we could visit you instead!"
Your father lets out an exasperated sigh. "Don't push it honey. She already said no."
"Just think about it! I mean, we're already here so why not celebrate Christmas a little early?"
That actually isn't a bad idea... it isn't a bad idea at all.
You eagerly nod your head, too drunk to actually think this through. All you know is that you want to spend time with your beloved parents.
So here you are now, anxiously making your way through the many shops in the mall, Yeonjun running to catch up with you.
"What's left on the list?" You turn around to face Yeonjun. "We have candles, streamers, baking supplies, and table cloth...." You look stressed, rummaging through your plastic shopping bags to make sure you have everything.
"Babe calm down. We can always come back tomorrow too if we forget anything." Yeonjun rubs your arm gently, reassuring you.
"But tomorrow is decorating day! And then the day after that is when we start prepping food for the next day, which is when they come over!"
"Hey, it's just your parents. They're not going to care if this party is a little messy."
"Yeah AND whatever friends they decide to bring!" You start speed walking down to the next store. A tiny shop selling cute little pieces of Christmas decor.
Suddenly, the scent of cinnamon invades your senses, calming you down slightly. You always loved the smell of cinnamon. A scent you'd often run into around this time of year. A sign signifying that Christmas is just right around the corner. "This place is nice, less people too. You think this shop sells ornaments?" You mumble to yourself, lost in your own little word as you scan over the place for what you need.
"Hey ___, check this out." Yeonjun holds up a small mistletoe.
You don't bother turning around to look at him. "If its not an ornament then I don't really care right now."
Yeonjun pouts sadly. "Ok...."
What you don't see though, is Yeonjun quietly slipping the piece of mistletoe to the cashier.
"Yeah, just this. My partner is still looking around."
A few hours later you find yourself carrying at least ten bags filled to the brim with party supplies.
"Ugh so heavy......" you grunt, trying to fit as much as you can into the car trunk. "Yeonjun, help me out will you? You haven't been doing anything all day, the least you could do is help me fit this stuff in the car."
"But I have..... nevermind." Yeonjun's too tired to protest, helping you run these errands all day wore him out.
Shoving the rest of your stuff into the back seat, you turn to Yeonjun, a look of guilt in your eyes. "Could you drive...? I'm really tired..."
Yeonjun sighs. "Yeah, sure."
Once home, you immideantly got to work.
"Where would be a good place for these paper snowflakes...." You contemplate while staring at your yet to be decorated living room wall.
"___, I thought you said we would start the party setup tomorrow...?" Yeonjun looks at you with tired eyes.
"Yeah, but why not be efficient and start now? We have time." You walk over towards your boyfriend. "Here, why don't you hang up these?" You hand Yeonjun a pile of dark blue streamers and ribbons.
"Yeah whatever you want, I'm gonna go rest for a bit first though. The mall took a lot out of me."
"Come on... don't be so lazy! It's just putting up a couple of things." Yeonjun knew your words were light hearted and not meant to be taken so seriously, but at that moment, something in him just.... snapped.
"I've been helping you literally all day. I need sleep, so please leave me be."
You give him a confused look.
He was joking.
"Helping me? You haven't done anything other then carry the shopping bags all day! Yes, I appreciated that, but we were supposed to be looking around TOGETHER. It felt like I was doing everything!" What Yeonjun said was just a simple 'let me rest', but at those words all the past events and stress you were holding inside you just seemed to come bursting out again. "Honestly, all of this would have been so much easier if we had just went on the trip to my parents."
"You know I can't go on planes ___. I can't control my fear."
"Exactly, we're always stuck here while other people actually go out and do stuff! Enjoying their holiday break!"
"do you not.... enjoy spending the holidays with me?"
"God, Yeonjun that's not the point. I should have just gone on the trip without you."
"....what?" Yeonjun looks at you, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
The effect of your words finally dawns on you.
"Shit, Yeonjun I-"
"I need to get some air."
You had fucked up. Big time. Yeonjun had done nothing but support you through this whole party mess and now he had just walked out the front door due to your stupidity .
You try calling him multiple times but he never picks up. None of your friends have seen him either. You end up staying up on the living room couch to wait for him, but decide to give up and head to bed at around midnight.
Sure you and Yeonjun have had arguments in the past before, but none of them ever got this bad.
You're sure he'll be back by the morning.
You're sure of it.
He indeed does come back before morning. You wake up to Yeonjun pacing around the house, finishing touching up the last of the decorations.
"....Yeonjun" You speak, but he just brushes past you, not even sparing you a glance. "...ok then."
He probably just needs some space, which you understand. You were incredibly rude to him yesterday.
Yes, you want to respect his boundaries and give him the time he needs before you guys talk. But... you didn't expect for him to need this long.
He ignores you again the next day, silently making food beside you but not with you.
He ignores you again the day after that, greeting guests by the door, smiling as he tells them to enjoy the party.
That was enough.
You cant host a party together without actually being together.
"Yeonjun." You grab him by the wrist, catching him before he can escape. "We need to talk."
He finally looks at you. It feels like an eternity ago when you last saw his beautiful dark brown eyes. "Does it have to be now? We have people over."
"Well if you hadn't been ignoring me, maybe this whole thing would already be resolved."
"There you go again. Blaming me over something as stupid as this."
"Excuse me?" Your once guilty look immideantly turns into a glare, staring daggers at Yeonjun. "Just.... let me say something before we start arguing again." You close your eyes. You may now be a little bit angry, but you're still in the wrong. Apologizing is the right thing to do. "I'm sorry.... What I said the other day... That was fucked up. I was stressed and shouldn't have taken it out on you. And Yeonjun, I do enjoy spending the holidays with you. I enjoy spending every day with you. Please forgive me." You look up at him, pleading eyes begging for forgiveness.
"___ I-"
"Mistletoe!" Someone shouts
You look to see one of your friends pointing above your head. "....What?" You glance back at Yeonjun to see a sheepish look on his face.
"Shit I forgot about that..."
Finally, you tilt your head up, finding that same piece of mistletoe from the mall dangling from your living room ceiling.
"When did we...?"
"I bought it. Thought we'd have a romantic moment and kiss or something."
"Then let's kiss."
"I.... huh?" Yeonjun"s eyes grow wide with surprise.
"We're under the mistletoe. Isn't that the rule? We have to kiss." You lean forward, a smile on your face.
"Yeah... I mean I guess..." Yeonjun's usual flirtatious behavior is long gone. Caught off guard by your comment, he stands there not knowing what to say.
You grow impatient and just go for it.
Suddenly it's like the whole party has been forgotten. Your lips connect with his, melting into the sweet kiss. You wrap your arms around Yeonjun's neck, encouraging him to do something. He finally kisses you back, giving you one last peck after before he pulls away from you.
"So.... You forgive me?"
"I don't know... is kissing me your way of saying sorry?"
"uhm.... yes.......?"
"If getting into arguments means getting a kiss as nice as this after, we should fight more often." Your roll your eyes at his comment.
"Ok, but all jokes aside... I'm truly sorry. I love you so so much. Please don't ever forget that."
Yeonjun pulls you into a hug.
"Love you too."
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probablynot-john · 7 months
Oki doki, after the last season of lower decks just ended, I feel like this is a good time to point out some things.
If you think that they're " just friends" still, yeah, i get it. But in case you've forgot, here is a chronological list of everything they have done for eachother:
1. Rutherford spent the entire day looking for a job in a different department, when he already loves his job more than anything, just so he could spend time with her (S1:E2).
2. Rutherford shows her Badgy to help her train for a test (the moon walking scene is so cute). And then when Badgy tries to kill them, he admits "I was just trying to impress Tendi! She's so cute!" As he tries to sacrifices himself for her (S1:E6).
3. She is devastated when he went on the packled ship to save the crew. And when he had his implant ripped out she sat next to his bed every day and read to him every day until he woke up. And then he didn't remember her, she was on the verge if tears, but instead she just says "now we can be best friends all over again!" (S1:E10).
4. When his personality shifts by slightest degree, (he suddenly likes pears) she notices and tries to help. Violently. She was scared that he would forget her again. And rather than be mad that she ruined his date and chased him through a hallway, he gives her understanding, compassion and a hug! "Also don't date Barns" (S2:E1).
5. They built the same model ship over and over again together just so they could spend time alone together. He was so upset that he was "a year behind in being your friend" and that he couldn't remember what he did last year. To make him feel better, she got them a new model they could do together (S2:E6).
6. She thought he was dead and that it was her fault for asking him to step out of his comfort zone and try engineering on a different ship. She refuses to accept that he's gone and searches the other ship for him. He's completely fine when she finds him but she's still traumatized by the end of the episode (S2:E7).
7. They incorrectly suspect that Tendi is going to be transferred off the Cerritos so they spend the day together doing everything they loved on the ship, including the jefferies tube where they watched the stellar anomaly from S1:E2. Of course, she actually gets a promotion and he gives her a hug (S2:E10).
8. When he forgot her, he started saving 3 copies of every moment that he spent with her in his memory banks so he wouldn't forget. He spent so much time with her that it filled his brain and was causing malfunctions (S2:E10).
9. When they were grounded on earth for the trial they spent the entire time sightseeing together until they had to go do plot stuff (S3:E1).
10. Ruthorford loses control of his body to an "evil" version of himself and his first thought is "I need to contact Tendi, she'll know what to do!" And then he's so scared for her when his evil self goes to find her. This episode broke me(S3:E5).
11. Tendi is frustrated dealing with another Orian in starfleet. Honestly I didn't love Ruthorford in this episode, but "it was nice to meet another Orian, but I'd rather just spend time with you!" She's worried that he'll think less of her when he finds out she was a pirate. But he tells her that it's a part of her and he already likes her for who she is, and encourages her to embrace her heritage (S3:E6)
12. She's upset when he doesn't take her roll in a holosimulation seriously. But when she explains why she's upset, she admits out loud for the first time that she wants to be a captian. And he becomes her biggest supporter (S3:E8).
13. "It's gonna be weird not sleeping 5ft away from you, not having your muttering to lull me to sleep" she encourages him to speak up for himself so he can get the recognition he deserves so he can be promoted along side her. Also he's been declining promotions all year just so he can stay the same rank as her (S4:E2).
14. I don't want to spoil the rest of season 4, but oh my gosh, Ferangi Hearth Place. Everything about this episode is amazing. They have to pretend to be a married couple to go on a vacation."Why can't a symbol of love be gorgeous green eyes?" Or "I can't wait to walk around our shared room in nothing but a pair of your boxers completely topless. " Come on! This might be my favorite episode of the series. Not even just for the ships, Self Sealing Stembolts! *Chants Rom and Leeta to the theme of Bob The Builder* (S4:E6).
15. I don't want to spoil the season final, but oh my gosh, he was devastated, and so was I! (S4:E10).
Okay, I know Star Trek has a horrible history of ships falling apart. But romantic ships and actual ships. I would have been perfectly happy with them being best friends, but after rewatching the series, I would be quite disappointed if they didn't at least kiss.
So what do you think, are they still just friends?
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mncxbe · 11 months
Just an Ango thingy I decided to write because I miss Paris !! season 2 spoilers
𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒐 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: slight angst/ happy ending
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The rattle of the rails reverberated through the entire tunnel, announcing the arrival of the midnight subway. It was a chilly autumn night and you were heading home from work. Just like every night, you were going to take line 14 from Châtelet to Saint-Lazare, then switch to line 13 to get to Saint-Denis, a total of 12 stops. This half hour trip to your crappy apartment was usually spent listening to music or reading the awfully long book you started the day you arrived in Paris two months ago; but not today.
As soon as the automatic doors of the subway closed behind you, your eyes landed on the poster glued to the tube's metal wall. It was a picture of the Ookagawa river in Yokohama, its banks lined with blossomed cherry trees. A sudden wave of nostalgia took over you and the memories came flooding in, echoes of the life you left behind.
You usually avoided thinking about your hometown and the people there; the memories were so fresh, the pain so vivid.
Only four months prior you were sitting on one of the high, rotating chairs at Lupin, celebrating Dazai's birthday with Oda and Ango, the people you considered your closest friends; your family. The drinks came one after another and except for Ango, who had his usual tomato juice, you were all tipsy.
"Ey Dazai. You've got enough to cover the bill, right?" you half laughed as you heard Dazai whine.
"But it's my birthday. Why should I be the one to pay?"
"Don't worry, birthday boy. I got you." said Oda in his usual calm voice.
You gently nudged Ango's arm, causing him to tense "You sure you don't want anything to drink?"
"No. Someone has to drive you home anyway." he replied without taking his eyes off of the glass in front of him.
Ango was the newest addition to your group; quite a reserved and stoic guy but you still liked him. He would often give you a lift after you had a few glasses at the bar.
"Alright. Suit yourself then."
That evening you parted ways, promising eachother to meet more often. Dazai left with Oda and you with Ango; the latter opening the passenger door for you.
"Angoo" you whined as you dropped onto the cushioned seat "My head hurts"
"Of course it hurts. You've had a lot to drink" he said in a slightly amused voice.
You noticed a few weeks prior that Ango would often let his guard down when it was only the two of you. It was a subtle change but you still noticed it: his shoulders were less tense, the line between his eyebrows would almost completely fade and he'd laugh more often.
During the ride home you looked at his profile. You were mesmerized by the way the city lights reflected in his glasses.
Without thinking, you reached for his glasses and snatched them, causing the man to almost crash into a nearby car. He managed to pull over in an empty parking space.
"Jesus, Y/N. I almost hit someone what are you doing?" he questioned in a harsh voice; but all his anger dissipated when he saw you propped against the door, adjusting his glasses on your face.
"Looook Ango. I'm pretty just like you now" you blurted out while smiling from ear to ear. A slight blush tinted his cheeks as he seized his glasses, earning another whine from you.
You were both quiet for the rest of the ride and by the time he pulled into the parking lot of your building you were almost asleep.
"Wake up, we're here" he spoke, gently shaking your shoulder but you only shurgged.
"Don't wanna go"
Ango looked at you for a few minutes, debating his next actions. He could let you sleep in his car, but that meant he'd have to spend the night in the parking lot. Or he could carry you to your apartment, which is exactly what he ended up doing.
Luckily the building had a functional elevator so he needn't walk you up the stairs to the 16th floor. He unlocked your door and walked inside your flat, placing you on the bed. Even in this drunked state you were pretty; laying on your side, your flushed cheeks like ripe apricots.
Just as he was about to leave you opened your eyes, calling out his name.
"Stay Ango please. Need to tell you s'mthing" you uttered while patting the bed. He cautiously took a seat and you pulled him down next to you, your arms wrapping around his torso.
He tried to protest but to no avail; you wouldn't let him go. Instead, you shifted closer to him, your face finding its way to the crook of his neck as you whispered a soft "I like you Ango" before drifting to sleep.
From then on you started seeing the man more and more often, the relationship between you growing by the day. It was still complicated; Ango was secretive and distant but you compensated with patience and trust. He eventually gave in and in three weeks time you started dating. It was one of the happiest months of your life; the usual missions were followed not by lonely nights, but by wonderful evenings spent in the comforting embrace of your boyfriend. "You did great today", "I'm really proud of you" he'd praise you, his fingers tracing random shapes along your thigh.
You'd often go on small dates: walks in the rain, late night talks under the starry sky on the top of his apartment building, a glass of wine in your hand, quick runs to the bookstore and occasional visits to different art museums; other times you'd simply join Dazai and Oda for drinks at Lupin.
But regardless of what you did in your free time, you did it together, your lives and routines slowly bleeding into eachother.
Your relationship ended abruptly on the day Oda died. When you found out about his involvement in your friend's death you fell to pieces. Although Ango begged you to stay, claiming that he never knew what would happen, that he didn't mean to hurt anyone, you couldn't be with him any longer. At least not now. No, you didn't blame him for Oda's death but he still lied to you and you felt betrayed.
The decisive factor in your resolve to flee the country was Dazai's disappearance. When you received his note saying that he'd left the Mafia and was going under the radar for a while, you booked a one-way flight to Paris, packed your few belongings and left.
Your recollection was interrupted by a loud chime that echoed through the subway, followed by the familiar mechanic voice that announced your arrival at the last station.
You quickly stepped out of the tube and navigated through the maze of tunnels until you reached the surface. A light drizzle had started while you were underground so you hurried home, eager to be confined in the comfort of your apartment.
When you opened the front door, the unopened envelope that lay on the ground caught your eyes. You picked it up and immediately recognized the handwriting. Without wasting a minute you tore the cover and procured the letter inside, your eyes scanning the paper.
Dear Y/N
I thought about whether I should reach out to you or not but I think it's time I did. Since you haven't been returning my calls I decided to write you a letter. It's been two months since Oda died and things are rough here; I just want to know if you're okay and safe. Please come home soon, I miss you.
You stared at the written piece of papern, tears forming at the corners of your eyes, clouding your vision. A few minutes later you neatly folded the letter, placing it on the countertop.
Maybe you were going to answer him, maybe you were going to go back to Yokohama, to him, but maybe you should think about these things tomorrow. But...
By the time you fell asleep, the night sky was already giving way to the rosy colours of the sunrise. The warm rays that entered the room through your large window fell onto your sleeping figure, illuminating the screen of your phone.
Suddenly, its display lit up and a blip announced that you had a new message:
I see my letter got to you, thanks for texting me. I'm really glad you're doing okay. Whenever you decide to come back I'll be here for you. ~Ango
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