#now that the hype has died down I can't stand it
umbane · 4 months
the more I listen to paranoia, the more disappointed I am tbh
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starry-blue-echoes · 6 months
Star Swap is so hyped for me!!!  cuz Jotaro just has to go through his trauma! Jotaro gets to uncover what happened! Protect his past self! He has to inform his past self that things are going to go well In the past his mom was going to be okay and nobody (Important Dio get fucked) dies. But also things are going to go bad because that brat that past him is currently inhabiting right now. Will make everyone in the past freak out so bad because he didn't write down a single thing explaining anything. 
SO RUDE JOSUKE! and low-key life-ruining.
I know you said in general that Jotaro Is going to have a thing with electricity and Loud Noises (which I think are Kira's bombs I'm pretty sure) I also think *Click is just going to Immediately alert him. But I would also like to add RATS.
 Because I can't get over the fact that two Jotaros with their same Stands are going to be facing off with two rats with their same stands and our two Jotaros are going to get CLAPPED.  Those rats were INSANE.
Anytime Adult man Jotaro nearly gets killed
The teenager Jotaro’s brain: FREAKS OUT
I think the main issue here is that Jotaro has no actual context so Jotaro looks at a radio tower “I have emotions towards this And have no idea why and that's a problem.” I also feel like he's probably going to be Vigilant toward any unexplainable feelings that seem to emanate from that memory Gap so those Feelings just kind of get Amplified until he gets an explanation.
Having said that, I do believe that it is quite possible for our adult man Jotaro to ping Yoshikage Kira  Before he does anything in front of anyone.  Passing each other on the road but only once.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS yesyesyesyesyesyes
GOD this is all so delicious I barely know where to start
I didn't even think about just how much the mystery of Jotaro's "past" is going to tie into all this. Part 4 really is just a mass of mysteries and uncovering so many decade old secrets, and now some of the secrets have become personal
(Also uh. Before we get into things, clarifying nicknames are likely in order <3 let's just keep it simple and easy, Jojo is the teen and Jotaro is the adult)
but just. Gods can you imagine the pure chaos when Jotaro and Jojo meet for the first time. Jojo of course realized what was going on first, after all Jotaro's style.... really hasn't changed much. Not to mention the subtle shift in the air when the other man used his Stand
and of course, when Jotaro realizes he gets thrown for a loop. He came here to check up on his father's illegitimate child and do some poking around for the arrows. Now he's suddenly being nailed in the face with the past that's eluded him for years
it's going to be a MASSIVE relief for Jojo to hear, even if he doesn't express it fully. That mom is safe, that everything turns out okay.
He is however, equally as frustrated by Jotaro's lack of clarity in his memories and starts planning out a very aggressive note to leave behind when they finally switch back
and YESSSSSSSSSS with the clicking noise and rat thing, that's absolutely perfect. Especially with the rat thing since well. They move :)
and the worst part of it all, the electricity and explosions and clicks and rats, is Jotaro doesn't know why. All he knows is that this is a danger to him, that it is life threatening and pain causing and he needs to get away
(and speaking of Bug Eaten, Tonio is going to be getting a L O T more visits than in canon on account of the whole..... Being The Only Healer In This Entire Stand Ridden Town)
I LOVE the concept of Jotaro getting vague feelings of events to come. Because his memories aren't fully gone per say, they exist and are present but they're hazy and muddled and unclear. And yet, with every day he spends in Morioh, every adventure he hears the kids have gone through and every adventure he gets roped into as well, they become clear
But rarely do the warning systems help. At least, not in any way that truly helps. After all, Fate and the Future has already been decided. every action has already been taken, every fate known, every thing unavoidable. This is not a second chance at the life Jotaro had lived, it was Jojo's first chance
that's the most taunting part of these feelings. How vague and muddled and fuzzy they are. A feeling of deja vu can mean a new ally or a hated enemy and he can't differentiate the two
when he eventually realises this, Jotaro shifts his energy to something he can do, and that's training the kids. He came back to his own time a competent fighter and with the ability to stop time, so dammit he knows he can at least try
...........wait a moment I had
a FUN idea to play with regarding the time stop
so. Given the fact Jotaro learned it essentially via a slight paradox, there would be no relation to Dio at all. There wouldn't be any baggage or trauma attached to it at all
at least...... not with Jotaro that is :)
the other Crusaders? Who fought and nearly died against such an ability? That's an entirely different ball park :)))
plus, it could also lead to some fun angst in terms of "Theories Of Where Jotaro Was" now including captured and possibly trained by Dio which wasn't a fun thought for anybody involved
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son1c · 1 year
Now I really wanna know what Windthrow and Mangey would be like together. I'm aware Windthrow is technically on Boscage!Eggman's side, but I'm dying of cuteness thinking of him and Mangey forming their own little pack because Puppies™.
well, i was thinking that, after watching windthrow thru the leaves for however long, the Treetop Crew(TM) becomes well and truly afraid of his darkened and threatening silhouette. and then mangey ends up falling off one of the canopy platforms somehow. and since he doesn't know that he can use his tails to fly, yeah, it's gonna be long drop.
but luckily, windthrow is there! and he catches him. and even though it's not what he was supposed to bring back, well... he's already got him, so, why not, right? and windthrow ends up taking mangey back to the ""egg base"" where the last of earth's surviving population is set up.
the Treetop Crew(TM), of course, sees mangey get carried away by the Big Scary Monster they've been hyping up for weeks with make-believe, grandiose tales of terror and... well, they Freak Out, to put it lightly. like, oh, he's dead for sure. but then after they calm down a little bit, they all decide they gotta go rescue him. they've already lost one friend, after all, and can't go with losing another.
(prim isn't happy about throwing herself into danger, but... she doesn't want the kid to die either, so she sucks it up.)
obviously, mangey is fine. windthrow didn't and wouldn't hurt him. he is, however, extremely scared and confused because holy hydrangeas, what even is this place? there's weird fleshy creatures walking around and so many new smells he's never smelled before... including... edible smells.
he looks toward the table on the other side of the room and-- oh, geez, that's a lot of food. more food than he's probably ever seen in his entire life.
the only problem is that big fluffy monster is standing in between him and the food. and he's scared. but... and now the gears start to turn in his head... should he be scared? mangey sizes the monster up. really looks at him for the first time.
and while he's doing that, windthrow--who rarely talks--asks him this: "you hungry, little buddy?"
and bro it is alllllllllll over. they are INSTANT friends. and mangey has never been happier to have almost died falling out of a tree LMAO
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We can't have you bored. Or lonely. It will not do! <3
So, since you prompted to ask you stuff, I'd like to know what your least favourite book was, that you read? I remember reading 'catcher in the rye' in english classes in school and I never got the hype about it. There are a few german authors that I despise, but I'd assume you don't know them.
Hope you day (or night?) improved! *muah*
LEAST favorite?? That's a tough one. There are plenty that didn't make it past the first thirty pages (I'm picky as heck). But, I think the one that stands out in my mind is The Grapes of Wrath. However, I do think everyone should still read it - especially the bit at the end of Chapter 25 - as it is relevant (perhaps even moreso) today.
The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.
Look, this is just my opinion. I don't really do politics a lot, and I barely can run two thoughts together these days without getting winded, so take this with a grain of salt, but... since you asked...
I mean... it's the most beautiful, gut-wrenching, straightforward two paragraphs I've ever seen in my whole life. I'll never be able to write something half as good nor half as important. It's too damn bad it's stuck in the most boring novel known to man that no teenager has read or ever will read (sarcasm, but kinda not). The message is essential! That's what we need to be talking about. It's all right there.
We never lost Eden! We're in it, right now. Oranges do grow on trees. Deer and fish live in our forests and rivers, and for all of the PIlgrims' complaints that they couldn't hunt game on the Royal lands, all they did was come over here and create exclusivity where there was relative freedom.
In no way am I saying that the indigenous peoples of America pre-colonialism lived in relative peace, nor am I suggesting that there was ever a possibility for peaceful colonization; colonization should always be contested and constantly so. But, what I am saying is that we have created a consumer market so profoundly broken that we are now purchasing things that are not, have not, and will never be real.
And I find that to be the last nail in the coffin of humanity, really.
Those "gems" on your cell phone game are nothing. They'll never be anything. You are paying for happiness, which you still did not receive. You received, perhaps, a simulacra of it. Some sort of mannequin where there should have been a real person. But, they have made you want it.
When you are force fed ads of people with Body Type A or Body Type B and yours appears in reality as neither, and theirs ALSO appears in reality as neither because they have altered it before selling it to you, they have now made you want to buy a whole industry's worth of products because they have sold you on a lie. A picture of an orange where there was none to begin with.
When Character A or Superstar A or Popstar A wears Tee Shirt A and its matching handbag, we are meant to want to emulate her because we are SUPPOSED to equate her wealth with resources. Oranges, perhaps. Real oranges. We know that, out of all of us, Taylor Swift can have the most oranges, if she so chose to have them. That is what freedom is. Freedom is not needing to guard or gather resources to survive. Resource guarding perpetuates racism, poverty, violence, and fuels the fire of an economy of non-fungible oranges.
Download my orange app today and get 500 orange gems totally free! Is your time free? No. In fact, in America (almost), we have decided that your time must be paid for (unless you are incarcerated (wrongfully or not!)), no matter what. As an employee at Target, every hour that belongs to you that you give to them is worth $15 (except half of that is the government's for, I guess, allowing you to breathe its air).
So, now, I want you to add up all of the 5 minute adds you've watched on YouTube this year and multiply 30 of those by $15. At any rate, I bet the amount you end up with isn't fucking $0. But, guess who got that time for free!? Every company who decided to take your most valuable resource from you and not once did they pay YOU for it. That money went to someone else. And no transactions were made. And you are still never going to get your five minutes, or the orange you could have bought for it, back.
And so, now, of all times, I think Steinbeck should probably be in everyone's hands. You know that the oranges (or minutes of your time) are being destroyed (or stolen) in order to further fuel a profit in a certain direction, and while there are plenty of things that you (I'm using a general "you" here) could do to stop it, there are very few things that you are willing to do. Are you gonna get a stick? Who do you plan to beat? Do you even know the name of the person who took your minutes from you? They have made damn sure that you don't.
So, yeah. For that reason, I hate The Grapes of Wrath. Way to couch the most important two paragraphs in the history of fucking literature in that boring manifesto, dude. ffs. lol.
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walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
DS9 4x15 Bar Association thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [5 July ‘23]
So hype for episode. I love Rom to bits.
"Mister Worf, you're in love. With the Defiant." "You exaggerate, as usual." But he huffed in amusement and that was almost a smile, he doesn't do that with anyone else
Julian is so disgruntled about this outfit, aww :3
Leeta is awesome, advocating for Rom like that <3 I look forward to seeing more of her!
"It's all part of our generous employee compensation package. No sick days, no vacations, no paid overtime." Such sarcasm, Rom, I wasn't expecting that!
"I don't think Julian would approve." "We could ask him." ...I do actually like Rom, Leeta and Julian as a ship tbh
"Isn't this your tooth sharpener?" xD how proud was Worf of that purchase, that Jadzia knows what it is?
"They did not happen on the Enterprise." "Really?" Odo's grin - he's been waiting for an opportunity to reel off the Enterprise's biggest security breaches, right? XD
"We're going to form a... a..." Oh Rom, you're being super brave, I believe you can say it!
Miles perking up at the mention of Rom's union and being super supportive... And then telling Rom about how his ancestor died
It's always fun seeing iconic lines in action. "He was more than a hero, he was a union man."
"After that, it'll work like a charm." "Until the next time it breaks down." "That's the problem when you combine Cardassian, Bajoran and Federation technology." Love Miles being sarcastic at Worf, and Worf being so put out at the idea of things breaking down - poor guy, it's a good job he's not an engineer!
"It's a lot easier than working on the Enterprise." Worf's so confused by this XD
Quark's laughter before realising Rom actually means it
Hologram Quark!
Quark trying to call the cops on the strikers is so very him :/
And Odo agreeing! - never has he felt more police-like.
"But I have strict orders from Captain Sisko not to impinge on your employees' freedom of expression," he sighs, disdainfully. COP
"Wait a minute. I can't believe it! He's an enter." "Not for long!" I'm so here for O'Brien going after Worf
The three of them disgruntled in a holding cell is hilarious
Julian looks like a nervous school boy
"Captain? Can we leave now?" "I'll tell Constable Odo to let you go... in the morning." I love Sisko's "sense of humour".
Quark does not understand Rom's position at *all*, expecting an offer of private Latinum to sway him.
"Workers of the world, unite!" ❤❤
Oh Brunt's looking forward to this, isn't he? UGH
Love seeing the other ferengi getting involved and speaking up
"Spare me. I'm old, I'm fragile. I'll push the rest of them off myself." Classic.
"Don't let him intimidate you." ROM <3
The venom with which Brunt looks at Leeta, as he says "living on this station has... corrupted you."
"Standing tall like Sean O'Brien!" it's so cute how that story has inspired Rom
O'Brien's little thumbs up at Rom :3
"But you'll be living out there all by yourself!" "I know." Oh, Worf. smh
"What you were trying to do was make yourself feel important. Making me feel dumb made you feel smart. But I'm not dumb and you're not half as smart as you think you are." YES ROM
"If brunt gets rid of me, all your problems will be solved." This has really been the making of Rom
"You're here to help me, right?" "Wrong." Hah! Really, Quark?
"Let's see. Who else does Rom care about...?" Quark.
"If Odo hadn't come along when he did... "
"You have to dissolve the union... At least officially..." Yeah, an idea's coming
"Six months!" "It's the best I can do." "No, it's not. All you have to do is make up one of your fake business ledgers for the FCA. They'll never know the difference." "Shush! All right, you'll get your raises by the end of the week." End of the week?! Good negotiation, Rom, I love how well you know your brother - but also Quark was uncharacteristically generous with that haggling?
I'm sad the union couldn't last
"Better?" Hehe, Worf is so annoyed that even here, someone has found him to interrupt his peace XD At least it's Jadzia, am I right?
"Sooner or later, you're going to have to adapt." I guess he does when he moves in with Jadzia? I can't imagine she moves to the Defiant...
"You're quitting?" "Effective immediately." "I gave you everything you wanted." "I know. But if the strike taught me anything, it's that I do a lot better when you're not around." Quark is so nonplussed XD But I love this for Rom
"Think about it from my point of view. If I keep working for you, all I have to look forward to is waiting for you to die so I can inherit the bar." Yep, that's sure a take to have
"Now get me my snail juice! ...Brother." Aww, he's so pleased with himself - and well he should be!
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formulaorange · 1 year
Winter 2023 Anime Review
This has got to be the longest season ever. I swear I stopped watching anime for a good few months and came back and the season's still going. I definitely cut down the amount of shows I watched this season since I burnt out but the upcoming Spring season should be a banger. My top 3 for this season: Buddy Daddies Sugar Apple Fairy Tail The Vampire Dies in No Time Season 2 Here's this seasons final reviews:
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Giant Beasts of Ars - 12 Episodes Definitely one of the better anime originals I've seen in a while. This is a new sci-fi fantasy concept that felt a little reminiscent of Ghibli content. I was satisfied with the story but was a little disappointed they didn't end it off with 1 season. 8/10- Very Good
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Trigun Stampede - 12 Episodes I honestly loved this. Studio Orange killed it with the 3d animations (they did Beastars) and the story is well rounded. I think the series is definitely underated and many people skipped it due to the animation style but it's 100% worth a watch. 8/10 - Very Good
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Vinland Saga Season 2 - (Still airing - 12/24 Episodes) Who knew we'd see Facebook's farmville be animated in such detail. But honestly, the first half of this season is absolutely brutal. I know they're keeping it real and the slow pace makes the rest of the season stand out all that much more but damn. Doesn't pick up until episode 9 but somehow I still have high hopes for the rest of the season. (Side note - Mappa is killing it as usual with this take-over) 7/10 - Good
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Blue Lock - Part 2 (Episodes 13-24) This is definitely still one of the best sports anime I've seen in the last few years. All the characters are unique and enjoyable to watch, the art style is solid and well executed and the story progresses at a decent rate. I honestly don't have many complaints about this series. (of course other than the usual butchering of english in the last 2 episodes) If you like sports anime, soccer or just want to watcha battle royal, this is one to check out. 8/10 - Very Good Endo and Kobayashi Live! - 12 Episodes This honestly didn't feel like a novel concept but I had a lot of fun. It's 2 romance stories in 1 but with all the fun of shitty otome game intervention animes. (I can't believe this is a genre now). Just overall wholesome fun. 7/10 - Good Revenger - 12 Episodes I really thought this series could've been better. While I did enjoy it to some extent, the story ended up feeling very superficial and didn't feel like it really went in depth on any of the characters and just floated along the surface story for the whole season. 5/10 - Average Tomo-Chan is a Girl - 13 Episodes I nearly stopped at the first episode. I'm still not 100% sold on the concept where this strong girl just wants to be seen as a romantic interest and a lot of the gender stuff was really on the edge but I think they managed to walk around it. The story did end up being cute without it stepping all over tomboys. Was fun to watch but not as good as the hype behind the manga. 6/10 - Fine Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill - 12 Episodes I really enjoyed the manga for this series and I was stoked that Mappa picked it up. I found that as long as you don't try to look for a serious story from this series it's a fun lighthearted watch. Definitely made me hungry while watching. 7/10 - Good The Eminence In Shadow - Second Half I think this show was actually pretty fun. Definitely more of a fantasy than isekai since it has nothing to do with his previous life. I had fun with Shadow's character but found that it got boring for a few episodes until the end. If it continues I'll likely still check it out. 7/10 - Good
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague - 12 Episodes This was really cute and I liked the change of pace from other romance series where they're all workforce adults, like in Wotakoi. Still felt that it didn't really go anywhere. Enjoyed it but likely won't continue to watch if there's a second season. 6/10 - Fine
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Stardust Crusaders Ep. 34-39 Thoughts
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Under the cut
Ep. 34-35 (D'Arby)
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These episodes were pretty solid! Good setup and pay-offs.
The opening scene is so funny to me, they are all synced... wow
D'Arby is entertaining, his Japanese VA really does a lot ot he work, despite the dodgy English. I'd say his stand ability is a bit too obvious, taking people's soulds by gambling. I feel like something more interesting could have been done but it's fine as is, the stand's design makes up for it.
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Also, this episode implies people in JJBA have souls? I'm saying implied because it's a real possibility that those are not actual souls, just a part of stands ability.
I love how fucking pissed Advol is this episode. I can't blame him.
I initially thought this was gonna be a Joseph episode since he is a natural gambler. I did like the direction they took. It's showing us that even someone like Joseph can't out cheat D'arby, getting rid of that as an option.
It's a bit weird that Joseph doesn't use hamon to keep the drink from spilling. Hamon would make too much noise, I guess?
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The confortation between D'Arby and Jotaro was the best part, I think. It's entirely non-combat but the show utilizes a lot of the tactics it uses for fight scenes. With the lines and the colors and the music.
Jotaro is secretly the funniest character in part 3 and nothing will change my mind. He has Star Platinum bring him a drink and light his cig while betting his and his friends' souls. He could have done all these thing without being so extra about it.
D'Arby fucked up by letting Jotaro bet people's souls with a contract. I sure he thought there is no way he would go for it. He doesn't even flinch when betting Kakyoin's soul which is so funny to me. If the group is going down I'm taking him with us too. He doesn't get a pass just because he is away in the hospital.
Then he bets his own mother's soul. I was sort of expecting that to happen since if he dies, Holly will die too anyway.
I think he should have bet Iggy's soul too while D'Arby was panicking just to get the point across lol
Yeah these episodes were fun. The mechanics around the contracts gets a bit confusing if you think about it but who cares.
Ep. 36-37
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I did say before that I would kill to see Hol Horse and DIO interact and guess what?? It was so worth it. I liked this way more than the DIO scenes before.
Otherwise? I struggle to find anything to talk about. I feel like this was just here just because of the set up from earlier, in the Justice episode. It would be worse if they never acknowledged Hol Horse at all.
My question is that, Is the scene with DIO earlier the reason Hol Horse's watch is wrong? I already know DIO's power is stopping time cuz everyone who has heard of JoJo knows. Let's be real. It doesn't make that much sense when I think about it but I assumed that was what they intended while watching.
Ep. 38-39 (Pet Shop)
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I was really mixed on it initially but I think I like it a lot now. A fight scene between a superpowered bird and a dog have no right to be this well done.
The most notable thing I don't like about it is a personal preference. I don't like when animals in a show are anthropomorphized. Because part of the fun of an animal companion is that they don't think like us. The most amount of it I don't mind is Missile from Ghost Trick, as an example. Even the way he is drawn now anthropomorphizes him.
I did love the fight scenes. I love that whenever Iggy thinks he has escaped he gets found again.
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The shows stops in it's tracks sometimes to tell us how COOL and FEROCIOUS hawks are, just really hyping up Pet Shop.
Speaking of Pet Shop, I really like him. I've found the Engrish names in JJBA charming, It gives a completely different vibe to those who know English compared to Japanese people who do not. It's not intended but it is either really funny or really bold. Pet Shop's name shows that well.
His design is strangely cute. Intimidating but also cute :) It's funny to think how DIO recruited him. Did DIO gave that outfit to him??
When Iggy started having flashbacks I thought "Holy shit is he gonna actually die??" You know how jjba is, if we learn a character's backstory it means death for them. The show knows this. It waits for the last possible second to save him, to make you think he was gonna die for real.
It was really sad seeing Iggy struggle to walk. I said I don't like tiny dogs but what I dislike even more is how much jjba loves torturing dogs.
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So, Kakyoin is back. With sick shades too. I don't know why he has them, maybe his eyes are sensitive to light after treatment? They are a bit extra, sure, but they also fit his character really well for some reason. I appreciate this costume change and that he has scars left from the incident.
I love that everyone rushes towards him, sort of hugging and and then Jotaro is just like 😐. I know he is emo but he could at least pretend to be a bit more excited.
The translator of the manga I was reading even left a little note on top going "MY BRO MY BRO IS BACK".
They have found DIO's hideout so... we are reaching the end. I am excited but also a little bit scared.
People wouldn't be praising this part ao much if it had a horrible ending, so I'm not really worried about it being bad, at least.
Praying for my lads to make it out alive lol
I will try to watch the last 9 episodes as soon as possible.
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voidthewanderer · 1 year
4 6 and 7 for all three? (Lyric asks)
This was so hard to do! It’s even harder when you find one song that has lyrics that are like “oh yeah, definitely” but then you find another one and go “wait this one’s better!” And that’s just one of the reasons why it took me so long to do this. Not just the fact that I have like 1000 songs on my phone alone and I wanted to stick with music I actually owned. Also, I did not realize how many songs I listen to that can actually qualify as “romantic”. Since this is a little length heavy with it being three characters each, I’m gonna put it under a cut.
4. a song lyric to describe their personality
(Arsenic was the hardest one to find a song that encompassed the majority of his personality instead of just one facet.)
So many bright lights, they cast a shadow, but can I speak?
Well, is it hard understanding, I'm incomplete?
A life that's so demanding; I get so weak
A love that's so demanding; I can't speak
~ Famous Last Words (My Chemical Romance)
Don't you know I'm still standin' better than I ever did?
Lookin' like a true survivor, feelin' like a little kid
And I'm still standin' after all this time
Pickin' up the pieces of my life without you on my mind
~ I’m Still Standing (Taron Egerton cover)
Love is a beautiful language
I wanna know what you're sayin'
We're lost in conversation even when the night ends
Resta ancora, non posso fare a meno del tuo sguardo
Somethin' in the way you move, it's almost like the music follows you
Somethin' in the way your body doesn't need a beat to find the groove
So I'm askin' you; Give me your tempo
~ Tempo (Matteo Bocelli)
6. a song lyric to describe their personal style
(Not gonna lie, I interpreted this as their clothing style, how they dress to make themselves feel like themselves.)
No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh
I'll just strut in my birthday suit; And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
~ The Lazy Song (Bruno Mars)
There was a drifter passing through that little valley
See he had promised he was coming back to town (coming back to town)
They didn't know him by his face, or by the gun around his waist (ooh)
But he come back to burn that town to the ground
~ Hell’s Coming With Me (Poor Man’s Poison)
It doesn't matter; ‘Bout the car I drive or what I wear around my neck
All that matters; Is that you recognize that it's just about respect
It doesn't matter; 'Bout the clothes I wear, and where I go, and why
All that matters; Is that you get hyped and we'll do it to you every time
~ Pop (*NSYNC)
7. a song lyric that would comfort them when they’re sad
(Once again, Arsenic was the hardest because he bottles up sadness. He’s very particular, so if he were caught listening to certain things, people would know he wasn’t happy. And he absolutely detests letting down his personal walls for anyone besides Crow.)
That was when I saw my family with my eyes shut real tight
Would they know how much I loved them if this was how I died?
No, I vowed I'd not be murdered by a monster in the sky that night
But if I went home to heaven, at least that's where I'd belong
Yeah, I tried to tell myself, it's always darkest before the dawn
So I kept hanging on; I kept hanging on
~ The Tornado (Owl City)
I'll live now 'cause the bad die last
Dodging bullets with your broken past
Well, I can't hear you, I don't fear you now
Wrapped in your regret; What a waste of blood and sweat
~ Could Have Been Me (Halsey cover)
Let us piss from the vine
Let us claw in the mud
Let us swing with both fists
As we writhe in the blood
Let us walk on stained glass
Sinners one, Sinners all
It's always prettiest after the Fall
~ After The Fall (Terrance Zdunich)
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kevinwillpkgd · 2 months
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Enrollment down from 17000 to 600? (U of Orleans.)
Universities=(elite clubbing) A chill just went down my spine. V.S. com colleges (student loans took care of those degrees)
ed has died?
Pellet gun shooting on local bus: local radio silent. News from national paper. unco-op female, immigra, loon? (pick one.)
Started rewrite. feels great. most of the other stuff is "science experiment" stage. now in clean-up
open source AI is getting hyped; because corps can't make them work? hallucinations, Nazis and unable to play chess. paying models need a license. Open works? 500 billion size., woo.
hanfu, models, actresses, amine, magna, chesty actions.
I actually signed up for a subscription on youtube. (first ever. I feel dirty now) doll-girl deserved it; and trying to make a living outta google is worse than standing on the street.
a dancer got copies out of tumblr today; (Odd. not a sword dance, mona, VR suits or cosplay)
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pomoapple · 2 years
Now that Dane Cook has finally turned his child girlfriend into his child bride I can confirm without a doubt that I'm not impressed with age gap relationships at all.
Im not impressed with the men who "found love" at the age of 50 with a teenage girl. There's nothing about the happiness of a senior citizen that should come before the well being of a girl. Alienating her from the men her age out of jealousy, purposefully making her family and friends feel uncomfortable, robbing her of her youth by pushing her towards masking her girlhood so she can "keep up" with the rest of his elderly friends, using his life experience to manipulate and coerce, forcing her to be financially dependent on him, and the fucking ego decrepit men get by "conquering" all of a woman's first. It's all endgame for these old men. They can't stand the thought of "dating down" by dating their equal so they'd rather marry their "goals" instead of starting a life with a woman who fits perfectly with their lifestyle.
But on the flip side I'm also unimpressed with the couples who "made their age gap relationship work". Never will I ever be blown away by people who feel like they're in a happy relationship. Having a happy relationship is the STANDARD. You won't get roses from me for the bare minimum. A man finding a woman with HIS interests, a woman "putting up" with people asking why her partner couldn't find someone his age, a man joking about keeping up with his school kids at 60, a woman feeling flustered every time someone asks her if her husband is her dad, and any sort of age gap related embarrassment or elation will never get a sympathy nod or polite chuckle from me. I'm not interested in being your couples therapist. Keep it.
Young women and girls growing up in this male podcaster/pick up artist/alpha man influencer culture are all under siege. Social media addicts are being fed the lie that their manliness and money will make up for their mileage and Medicare, and now you got these half dead losers believing the hype and have "opened up" their dating pool to include teenagers and 20 year olds when statistically and socially these women have almost NEVER opened up their dating pool to include grandfathers.
I'm sure when Kelsi Taylor walked down the aisle, heart fluttering, excited to marry the only man she's ever been with, thinking back on how lucky she felt meeting her celebrity husband at 15 when he was in his 40's, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world. And I want her to keep believing that. And hopefully when he dies of old age and she's glowing in her prime she can meet someone who is her perfect match in every way and FINALLY get her happily ever after ❤️
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
Lone Star Hate Watch - 3x03
Disclaimer: As always - I hate this show, you love it! Please don't read this and have a wonderful day
Eddie Diaz to bless us with his beautifulness before we descend into misery:
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Let's suffer together:
Okay I can barely remember what happened in the last episode but here we go
The snow makes this show looks awful
What are the chances that Marjan crashed right where Owen is with all the migrants
Wow the ol' bait and switch, did they teach Owen those fighting skills on the mean streets of Manhattan
Oh great TK's in a coma and now we have to suffer through his subconscious just fucking kill me now
Lisa Edelstein, you deserve better than this show
She also deserves an acting partner who can, you know, act
Like he actually can't act. It's embarrassing
Oh maybe he's dying?! Please? Fingers crossed?
Why is Carlos keeping vigil, like honestly Carlos, you deserve so much better than fucking TK
"It's pretty clear where this is headed?" – do they all think TK is going to die?
Why is this show getting my hopes up
Also I'm just going to point out that at no point did Nancy or Tommy do anything to warm TK up after he nearly froze to death so like… yeah.
"Because of me someone's kid is dying" – babe yeah you should've warmed him up just saying
"How am I supposed to face Owen" – this is assuming Owen will actually care that TK is dying
You know, if it's not to do with his hair or his skin routine does it even matter
I'm really sick of this snow storyline
This guy taking off on his own is going to die
Oh I forgot Paul nearly froze to death as well
I love Judd so much
I was just like "who the fuck are these people visiting Paul?" and it's Lindsay's parents and 100% they're rich
So this is how they get the firehouse back huh
"Would you like a Maserati?" fucking calm down bro
The special effects are sometimes laughably bad
Oh just like I called it, the guy is going to get killed – and I think the police are IN ON IT
And now Marjan is here?
Now the bad cop is chasing Marjan who is in a very easily camouflaged pink outfit, doesn't stand out at all in the snow
Oh great now we're back to TK fucking kill me
You can buy toffee in a jar in the US? What kind of sorcery
"I always be that little boy mom, I still am" TK says in a monotone
"You are surrounded by love" – this fucking reminds me of Taylor saying to Buck that his life is nothing but meaningful relationships
I can't believe Tim is focusing on this show rather than the OG, it's SO BAD.
This toffee in a jar thing… I'm stuck on that. Oh is it like caramel pieces? Do Americans call caramel "toffee"? you guys honestly I am side-eyeing this
"Can we please have a little more time Mom?" can he not go and visit her in New York
I'm so glad they didn't do this for Eddie, my god, it's so dumb
It's so fucking dumb
This Sheriff dude is bad news. You know people talk a lot of smack about Billy but at least he's not a people smuggler, like he could be worse
Julie Benz has gotten herself into a real fucking mess hanging out with Owen Strand let me tell you
Oh dispatch throwing Grace a baby shower
Oh she's definitely going into labour in the middle of the snow storm right
Somehow I'm only 22 minutes in
Owen has let the bad cop into his house
Maybe he kills Owen? Fingers crossed!
Marjan should steal the police car
Look I'm just going to say that Owen's hair is looking fucking terrible right now
God I hope this storyline doesn't drag into another episode
Don't you fucking hurt Julie Benz YOU MONSTER
Isn't enough that she died in Buffy, Angel and Dexter HASN'T SHE HAD ENOUGH
This bad cop is such an asshole let me just say
I know this is meant to be tense but I'm so bored
I'm so sick of the ugly snow effect
God damn them for using good music in this show fuck you Lone Star
You know it's funny, I watched Rob Lowe do Hot Ones and he didn't talk about Lone Star once
He's happy to star in it but he doesn't hype it up
Oh it's Billy
My favourite 😍
This is how Grace goes into labour, Billy is going to antagonise her into it
Billy wants Judd to be a captain but we all know he won't take that job even though it totally makes fucking sense
Because he's going to go back to the 126 and be second to fucking Owen Strand and that doesn't make sense
And also – like, I know this show is pushing Billy as the villain here BUT he's really not? If you think about it, what he's doing makes total sense? The 126 burned down, it doesn't make sense to rebuild it if they have enough fire stations to cover the city, he's offering Judd a fucking promotion like… ?????? I'm sorry but you will never convince me he's a villain. He's opportunistic, sure, but like, I love him. So I'm fine with it.
I have loved Billy Burke for SO LONG, I will NEVER STOP LOVING HIM
Judd and Billy were BEST FRIENDS? When? Did I know that? Wtf
"The Department would've gone bankrupt trying to rebuild it" – I'm sorry but he's just talking a lot of sense and I think they're all being salty little bitches
Oh was Billy at the 126 with Judd before the place was decimated in Season 1? Okay okay that makes sense
God I love Grace even though I think her anger is misplaced
Oh shit her water broke but thank god she didn't fall off the ladder right
Billy is trying to do the right thing here, like I'm sorry
Five minutes to go come on we can do this
"The universe is shouting in your ear and you can't hear a thing" bitch you are just fucking STEALING LINES FROM THE OG AT THIS POINT
Ugh seriously this fucking annoys me so much
It's lazy fucking writing
Oh fuckkkk now they're fucking singing
I fast forwarded it I'm sorry guys I can't
TK could die! Fingers crossed!
There's an awful lot of praying in this show which I think is one of the reasons I don't like it
One of the many reasons I don't like it
Billy and Grace are definitely going to end up in a car crash aren't they
Oh no they're stuck in the snow or something? How does she have an SUV with no four wheel drive, I thought that was the whole point
Is Billy going to deliver Grace's baby? Fuck that would be hilarious
Also it's finished thank god
In summation - Judd and Grace (and Billy) continue to be the best parts of the show, I cared for literally nothing else
Eddie Diaz for cleansing energy:
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Lone Star needs to get some new fucking material is all I'm saying
Bonus Billy Burke!
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How can you hate this man, I love him? I don't get it
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Down The Rabbit Hole, Chapter 1
Word Count:  2.3k
Warnings:  none really
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"Hello, teaching assistants and teachers of Greendale Community College," Dean Pelton stated in a wildly excited tone. He was addressing us in the cafeteria, dressed in a lab coat, 1950's style pin up style blonde wig, and holding a beaker in one hand and ruler in another, "I'm your amazing Dean, Craig Pelton, and I'm happy to announce that our 2009 Fall and Winter classes will start tomorrow. Now, I've got the lists posted of which teaching assistant will be paired up with which professors. I've-"
"Let us deal with this Craig," the theater professor called from the back. An English teacher agreed from the other corner, and I saw him deflate. He'd gotten really excited about whatever kind of party or social this was.
Professor Slater shooed him off the stage, and she told the dozen of us to go look at the lists and to enjoy the spread. Me, not being excited about having to double up on professors since I was an education major, sat back as the other co-eds looked to see who they got.
"Miss. Michaels?" she said, coming over to me, "aren't you going to see who you got?  It’s an exciting moment to be a T.A.  Your careers start here.  I’d be fighting my way to the front!"
“There’s no need to fight a crowd,” I sighed.  I shook my head, "at least, I’m not willing enough to fight that crowd. I’ll give it a few moments and check once the hype has died down.  I swear everyone is fighting over you guys."
"Well, I'll tell you then," she smirked, "You have Professor Duncan and I."
"Aren't you guys separated across campus."
She shrugged, "sorry about that. I can't help they left Duncan in the wrong wing when they built onto the campus.  Social science guys got stuck with the English teachers."  
I shrugged, "alright so what's my schedule?  Who do I work for and when?"
"You won't really have a set one," she said, sitting down at the booth I'd been seated at. She raised a hand and haphazardly waved, "IAN. Ian, come over here."
A moment later, a Psychology professor known as Ian Duncan sat next to her, "Miss Michaels, I presume!"
I nodded, "yeah.  That’s me."
"Well, it's jolly good to meet you," He smiled.  I couldn’t help but return it.  I could see that he meant well, "I'm assuming Professor Slater has told you that you are our teaching assistant."
I nodded, not entirely sure what to add to the conversation.
“Excellent.  I’m right on excited to have you join us!” he smiled, nudging professor Slater, “isn’t that right?”
“Don’t touch me, Ian.”
I bit my lip as the man frowned.  It was obvious that he was awkward at best, but excitable over his position.  And I found myself wondering what exactly I had signed myself up for as he tried to conversate.
"Now, since you have 2 professors that you are assisting, you're going to get both of our classes as credits. That also means, however, that you will have twice the work. We may ask you to grade papers, hunt down students who are saying they are turning assignments in late, and even run some errands for us. Okay?"
I nodded once more, "Okay.  That sounds easy enough.”
"Well, that's pretty much it," she said, standing up from the booth, "did you get registered for all of your classes?"
"Yeah," I replied, “I’ll email you each a copy of my schedule when I get back to the dorm.”
"Great," Duncan smiled. He stood up and put a hand out to me. I nervously took it, as he helped me out of the booth, "Take the first few days and get settled in. Then come and see me about halfway through the week."
"And see me on Friday. I'll have some work for you by then."
I agreed to their days, and we walked out onto the quad together. Slater started heading off to her office, and as I walked to the parking lot, I was left with Duncan.
"Well, here we are," he said with a smile. I looked around to the lot and saw that my car was still further off.
"Okay," I laughed awkwardly. I kept moving as he tried to hint at something I clearly wasn't interested in, "Bye Professor Duncan. See you in a few days."
"Oh, goodbye Tawney."
The first few days went by quickly. I had gone to all of my classes and gotten the standard syllabus. Nothing fancy. By Wednesday, I felt like I'd spent more than just a few days here at Greendale.  From the quad, I could see Dean Pelton with a microphone. He wasn't wearing anything nearly as outlandish as he was during the TA social.
"Uh, good morning," he started shakily, "Many of you are halfway through your first week here at Greendale, and as your dean, I thought I would share a few thoughts of wisdom and inspiration. "
I looked at the still sleepy campus. While there were a few new people such as myself starting to gather around his small attempt at a stage, there wasn't a whole lot of action around the campus.
"What is community college?" he asked, "Well you've heard all kinds of things. You've heard it's a loser college for remedial teens, 20 something dropouts, middle age divorcees, and old people keeping their minds active as they circle the drain of eternity. That's what you've heard! However, I WISH YOU LUCK."
My jaw dropped. I looked around and quite a few other people looked shocked as well. Pelton's eyes widened as he realized that he clearly didn't mean to say that. He began shuffling his note cards, before lifting the microphone to his lips again, "Okay, uh, you know, there's more to this speech. There is a middle card that is missing. Can we look around our immediate areas. Because, I, well, I actually wanted to-uhm."
"Can you believe this guy?"
I turned to the guy beside me. He gave me a soft smile, "I mean, he's trying right?"
He laughed and held out his hand, shrugging more to himself, "I guess.  I'm Troy."
He smiled, "Tawney. Where you from? I used to go to Riverside High. Was the star quarterback and prom king. Just graduated. "
"I just moved here from BC."
"DC?” he asked.  His eyes went wide, “WOW!  That’s wild! Hey, do you know the president?"
I laughed, "No, BC, like British Columbia.  I'm from Canada."
"Oh," he sighed, immediately deflating a little bit, "hey aren't you in my Spanish class? I could have sworn I saw you in there this morning?"
"I just transferred in," I admitted, "needed a language credit."
"Me too," he smiled, "Well hey, I gotta go to my next class, but maybe I'll see you around?"
And just like that, before I could answer he was disappearing down towards the Math wing. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 11:17.
I have to meet up with Professor Duncan at 11:30. I gave a sympathetic look to Dean Pelton who was trying to save his speech, before heading towards where Professor Duncan's office was.
By the time I got to his door and could hear someone arguing with him. I went to knock, but the door opened, "and if I wanted to learn something I wouldn't have come to community college."
The mysterious man turned towards me, and I dropped my hand, and my jaw. He was gorgeous.  I stood there, unable to say anything as I looked at the men. 
He looked between me and Professor Duncan.
"Tawney, Come in," he smiled warmly, "Mr. Winger was just leaving, wasn't he?"
"I was just joking," the guy said, trying to backtrack, "I mean we who wouldn't come to learn here?"
" I mean who wouldn't come here to learn?"
"Right," I said slowly, slowly moving my gaze between the two men, "If I'm interrupting something I can come back Professor Duncan."
"No, no, no," he said, motioning Mr. Winger to leave, "Jeff, this is my teaching assistant Tawney, and we have an appointment set up for right about now. We can talk about your issues later."
"You take appointments," Jeff said with a gross smirk, "how do I make one?"
I felt my stomach squirm and I cringed, the man quickly becoming less than attractive in my eyes as his cockiness rose, "I'm here to learn, Mr. Winger. I'd appreciate if you closed the door on your way out."
The guy didn't seem to know how to take my rejection as I brushed past him and sat on the upholstered chair in front of Professor Duncan's desk. He did a double take before finally closing the door.
"Wowwee," Duncan laughed as he left, "That was amazing Tawney."
"What was amazing?"
"I've never seen anyone leave Jeff Winger speechless."
"That's my lawyer," he laughed, "my oh my you won't believe why he's here."
"Well, do tell?"
He smirked, "He's been disbarred. Turns out his bachelors from Columbia wasn't real. Someone turned him in. Now he's trying to get me to give him all the answers for every test in all of his classes."
I raised my brow, suddenly curious, "is he blackmailing you?"
He chuckled, "hardly. He just thinks that because we're "friends" I'll pass over all the answers to every test. It's laziness at best."
I laughed, "you've got to be kidding me."
He shook his head, "not in the slightest. So here's your first project from me. We're going to teach Mr. Winger a lesson. We've got to make it seem legit. Get me a large manilla envelope, 200 pieces of paper, blank of course, a black marker, and some duct-tape."
"What are you thinking Professor Duncan?"
"Well, he's going to give me his car," he laughed, "and in return we are going to give him what he wants."
He laughed, "it won't be the real answers. Anyways he won't even open the packet until right before the test. He's the ultimate procrastinator."
"If he's going to procrastinate, why won't we just give him blank pages. All except one."
"And we write Boo-Yah on it."
He nodded, "yeah, like in your face Jeff Winger!"
"We could do something like that," I admitted, not entirely getting the point of him writing boo-yah, “or we could do something…else.”
"Yeah, Boo-yah," he smirked again, glazing over the fact that I thought it was stupid. His attention turned back to me, "Alright Miss. Michaels. Time to prove your worth. Get that all put together by 3:30 P.M today and have it ready on my desk."
"Okay," I said, standing up, "is that all?"
"Ohh, no," he said pulling his own stack of papers from behind his desk, "I gave out a surprise pop quiz on the first lesson I did yesterday. I need you to grade these by tomorrow's class at 9. Here's the answer key."
I took the stack of tests and answer key and put them into a folder in my messenger bag, "Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning then?"
"Yes, 9 AM sharp. And can you bring me a tea from the café? Light cream and sugar."
He smiled and waved me off as I headed off to Senor Changs classroom. He was just finishing up with his Spanish 2 class.
"HASTA LUEGO!" I heard the class respond.
"Excellente," Senor Chang exclaimed, "read the next chapter and we'll have a quiz on Friday."
The class began to file out and I watched Senor Chang sit in his desk, "ENTER!"
I walked in and he smiled. I stood in front of his desk, "hola Senor Chang."
"Hola. What do you want from El Tigre Chino?"
"I uhm, just transferred into your class this morning," I reminded him, "you told me to come get the syllabus and papers that I missed from the first few days of class."
"Oh yeah," he laughed, reaching into his desk. He fumbled around for a few papers and tossed them to me, "Read all of it and have it completed by Friday when you come to class."
I nodded and put it in my folder, "Okay. Thank you."
"Don't forget about the test!"
"Si, senor Chang."
"Excellente," he smiled, "you may go now."
I left the classroom and headed towards the bookstore to get everything Professor Duncan had told me about. The bookstore was as sleepy as the campus. For being 2 PM I thought it'd be at least somewhat alive.  But I was sadly mistaken.
"Hi I'm Abed!"
I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned around. I was clutching my chest, "you scared the heck out of me."
"You're in my Spanish class, right?"
I nodded, trying to regain my breath, "Just transferred in. Why are you going around like Michael Meyers trying to scare people?"
"I'm not going around like Michael Meyers. Michael Meyers would chase people down slowly with knives. I'm not doing that to you.  Am I?  Do I secretly have a knife hidden on my person?  Oh and one of those masks?"
I laughed, "I guess you are right there. "
"So, what's your name?" he asked with a smile.
"Tawney. Tawney Michaels. "
"I'm Abed. Abed Nadir," he said, copying me. He held out his hand and I shook it. I couldn't help but smile, "so Tawney Michaels what are you doing?"
"Getting some supplies for a project," I admitted, telling a half-truth, “Though, it’s more like a hijinx and less like a project.  I have to hurry though, because I have to complete this and study for our Spanish test and I'm super nervous about that."
"I can help with one of those," he said, his smile never faltering, "We are having a study group at 4 in the library. You should come."
I smiled, feeling completely at home around the new friend I’d made, "Okay.  That sounds awesome...I'll be there."
“Bye Tawney…I’ll see you at the study group, later.”
“I’ll see you later, Abed!”
Chapter 2
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terminaxshowtime · 2 years
ok here is my jojoposting masterpost part1! already seen everything in the manga but it was a while ago (like 1 and a half years) so i might've forgotten stuff, i'm noting other things as well! i get really hyped so i might lose my sanity and act more hyper and childish than usual so yeah. so cringe warning i guess :/
part 1 i guess, featuring episodes 13-14
araki you really gonna make ur florida prison guards look like that huh...
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FOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'i feel like others don't accept me here' girl you are plankton. BUT ALSO JOLYNE DEFENDING HER BESTIE... SLAY...
foof i love you so much but this is NOT how you do things girl. eating rice and eating food with your left hand even tho your body is right handed and wants bread is NOT going to help you fit in with society.
omg foof loving salmon because she's plankton... I CAN'T I LOVE HER...
jolyne sounds so offended at the fact that ermes is stalking a man. like girl are you jealous. you fucking lesbian
oh my god yes ermes backstory! i remember this! man.
man ermes really out there tryina go to college...
oh i hope this fucker burns in hell
dude the photos... thats so fucking creepy but also a good tactic...
holy shit ermes on full genocide mode
oh shit.
oh shit she fucked up
oh shit
i forgot about this stand jesus fucking christ i hate it.
girlie this is a two parter this ain't over yet
oh shit it ate mickey mouse
dude this is so fucking creepy. invisible corpses attacking you? like what the fuck
i love how when most people lose their leg it's like oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ough!!!!! uauhgughuh!!!!!!! but since foof is plankton she's like damn. why did you have to do that >:T
no yeah she's 100% doing that pose with jotaro
jolyne's smart as her father as always...
'an invisible corpse has no concept of up or down' YEAH UH NO SHIT. DID YOU THINK INVISIBLE CORPSES WOULD OBEY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS???
dude foof is such a great medic. like imagine being glued back together by plankton. that's so fucking awesome
no that's so funny this bitch doesn't realise this guy is unconscious and being controlled by an invisible ghost... damn...
oh this man is fucked up. ough he really is a zombie. fucking eating brains
i literally DO NOT remember this WHAT
dude he's dead of course he can bite the shit out of someone without consequence
oh that stand catch is epic
ermes let your bestie help. come ON
'revenge is the way to settle the score with my fate' my god. she's so awesome
WHERE did your medic go. like maybe i lost track but where tf is foof
oh i LOVE how the copied head doesn't follow the real heda's facial features... oh god...
speechless im just watching this battle in awe of ermes. holy shit what a girlboss
korebo might as well be her stand cry now /j
im clapping. you cant tell but im clapping
jolyne just sat there the whole time like What the Fuck did I just watch
why do they show the to be continued AFTER the credits. man
leaving it at here because i have too much to say and there are too many episodes and i don't have time to watch any more tonight but holy Shit AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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syubub · 4 years
I know I've been MIA (wow that's never happened before, said no one ever) but things got crazy. With the state of the world I'm sure you can understand why. I've been writing and re writing this for a whole week, trying to get my thoughts out nice and pretty but I can't. Take this as a rant or what ever but please listen.
I want to talk a little about black lives matter rn because its an issue that is 1. Really fucking important and 2. Near and dear to my heart.
Incase you've been living under a rock and have no clue what is happening in America, last week George Floyd, a black man, was murdered by police. This is not new, this is not shocking but its the last fucking straw. To see a man robbed of his life with zero remorse from the bastards that took it? Shit needed to stop so long ago. The system is broken and now because the people in America are finally waking up and speaking out, we have been threatened with what is essentially a step toward Martial Law. And the dipshit in charge of the country also shot flash bangs, tear gas and rubber bullets into a peaceful crowd, hit reporters, journalists, protesters and cameramen with batons and riot shields just so he could hold a Bible he's never held infront of a church he's never been to for a fucking photo op. I cannot explain the horror and hurt that I have in my heart. I've spent the last week glued to Twitter, to the news, saving videos, evidence, of police instigating violence on peaceful protesters. This is not to discredit or take away from the opportunists that take it as an excuse to loot or from the good police officers that took off their riot gear and marched and listened to what we've been saying for years. The media focuses on the looting despite that being "a few bad apples" and are painting all of the protesters as trouble makers, rioters and a spoiled bunch but when "a few bad apples" kill innocent people its only a few bad apples.
I am mixed. My dad is black and my mom is white. My brother and I are white passing if we try to be. Sometimes I am so fucking thankful that I can pass because honestly, that can be life or death but I am so fucking disgusted at myself for ever fucking thinking like that too. Knowing as a child there is a chance my dad could be murdered for being black either by police or by the fucking KKK. I'm not going to pretend that I fully understand what it's like to be targeted because being mixed, I don't struggle the same way black kids do, but being called a "house n*gg*r" isn't awesome.
Now I have to explain to my racist grandparents and family members that I'm so fucking disappointed and outraged that they could ever say the things they say, do the things they do when their daughter is married to a black man, when there grandchildren are half black. I have to tell grown ass adults that being a fucking racist is bad.
I wish I could be out protesting, helping and fucking screaming but I can't risk being out in a group of people so closely packed. My mom has a compromised immune system and if she get the virus she would most likely die from it within a week of showing symptoms so we need to be careful.
If you are at a protest in a big city: stay safe, be kind, bring water, try not to wear anything with oils on your body incase of pepper spray or tear gas. Have goggles. Bring an umbrella. Wear cardboard under your clothes. Cover identifying marks,, Turn of location services incase they try to track you to arrest you later but DO NOT TURN ON AIRPLANE MODE. You need to be able to be reached and to reach others. If you want to be super safe, use an encrypted messaging app. expect the best but prepare for the worst just to be safe. Have the number of a local lawyer that can help bail you out if you get arrested on your body incase you lose your phone. Also research for yourself, hear other tips and seek advice from emts or watch videos to get basic first aid knowledge. Be informed.
For those of you in the kpop community. Send love to your fellow black fans and SPEAK UP. Spam the white lives matter hashing with fancams on Twitter. Use your platforms to give info. Uplift black voices and let them be heard. This is reality and kpop will still be here even if you take a break to inform your followers and speak up. This issue is a human issue because all lives will matter when black lives matter.
To ARMY: Let's do what we do best and unite. We are powerful and we can make change. We have the ability to come together and have our voices be heard so let's take that energy and put it into this movement. This is the message of BTS, to stand against injustice and fight for what is right. We don't need to hear it from their mouths because we fucking know. This isn't about what they have or have not done. This is about us and what we are going to do. And we will raise our voices for good because that is the message we carry and the people we are! You don't need to have your idols permission to be a good person.
Stay safe. Stay sane. Be good to yourself and others. DON'T STAND FOR INJUSTICE. NO JUSTICE NO PEACE.
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ladycelestite · 4 years
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(Author note: I imagine this being in the same universe as @loveyou-x3000 “the scars we carry” fanfic. I really really really hope this lived up to everyone’s expectations. I hadn’t expected the hype of the preview I posted and now I’m terrified I’m about to let everyone down. But this truly was one of the most creative short story fan fictions I’ve ever written...if you want me to expand on this let me know but either way I sincerely hope liked it!)
(P.P.S: with the release of reflections that @heavenin--hell was a part of making i can't help but squeal at the scenes with Tenseiga in them!!! I know that my story has no relations with the same universe but think of it as a fanfiction inside a fanfiction. I love what the inuyasha fandom is doing to me lately!!! Toga is legit life right now!!!!! )
“Are you sure about this... sayuri?” Toga voice radiated with sorrow, craddling the thin delicate priestess to him. blood from her wounds covering his chest and arms. Her long black hair dissolved and sprawled out like water along with her tattered priestess robes. A knowing smiling graced her lips as she brought her bloody hand up to his check. Her body shivering from the intense chills that settled into her bones. She was withering away, she was becoming nothing.....
“If....if I wasn’t sure toga...I wouldn’t have a-agreed” she struggled to find the words to make him understand that this was what she wanted. Her powers were overwhelming her system. Her spirit far too bright for this small human body. Her spiritual magic failing to heal her. Her luck running out. How many times had she been saved? Had she outlived her supposibily short existence?
“I don’t want....” she stopped, clenching her teeth together, her sorrow and fear from him possibly denying her too much to bare. She didn’t want to be forgotten, she didn’t want to be cast aside. She wanted a purpose...she wanted to serve this brave, strong, and kind demon lord. She wanted to bind her very essence to him in some way. It didn’t matter if it wasn’t the love she wanted from him. It didn’t matter that he didn’t love her back. Just to be with him in some way would be better then existing in a realm without him.
“Sayuri....you have nothing to fear” he stated, so matter of fact. She could see in his golden eyes that he understood what she wanted. But she had to voice it. She had to get it off her chest before if was too late.
“When I pass...take my soul and use it as you please. Create a weapon out of it....use it to heal. To save. To resurrect. I have the power to save a 100 souls in a single use...I know it...probably isn’t the power you were looking for....but this is the gift I offer to you.” She slide her hand behind his ear, gripping the back of his neck. Her fingertips curling at the base of his skull. Tears gathering at the corners of her pale grey eyes. She knew this was the last time she would be able to touch him in human form. To feel his warmth, to inhale his scent. To gaze into his soft golden eyes...she loved this demon. With all her soul...and she wanted to give him whatever he needed to protect himself. Even if it meant her very soul.
“But also know that...even tho I can’t physically kill the living....I can cut down the most powerful creatures of the netherworld-“
“Sayuri” he interrupted her tightening his hold on her dying body
“I’m well aware of the spiritual powers you posses...but you must know the consequences of you binding your soul to me.” He stopped for a moment. letting her disgust the seriousness of what he was saying before going on.
“You won’t ever be able to rest peacefully...your soul will forever be trapped inside the sword I plan on making...so...I ask again. Are you certain this is what you want?” His voice was soft yet firm. His golden eyes bore into hers, trying to make her understand. To let her fully decide on this choice she can’t turn back from if she decided to go along with it.
She met his gaze with her own determined one. Understanding and accepting that she would rather be with him, then be somewhere else...even when he died one day...she would never regret the time of service she was about to give him.
“Use me as you will my lord” she spoke softly, drawling his lips down to met hers. Giving all her love in one kiss. All her desire in a fleeting moment. Her heart dying in her chest as she broke away from the contact she shared with him. Her body going suddenly limp soon after disconnect. Her hand falling away from him. Togas expression fell, red filling his once golden eyes as sorrow erupted into a mass of demonic energy. The satisfaction he once felt from killing her torturers gone and replaced with a rage he wished to Exercise.
“Your death and sacrifice won’t be in vain....sayuri Tenseiga...” he whispered to her, lightly kissing her temple before cradling her in his arms. Standing with grace and determination, he started his long journey towards Tōtōsai’s cave. The soul of the priestess hovered around him, twisting and turning within his own demonic aura. Accepting her fate and new duty as protector of the great inu no taisho.
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Gorillaz: Song Machine, Season 1: "Strange Timez"
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2The final frontier...until the next frontier as indicated by the album's title. A lot of guests showed up to help out Gorillaz on this album, ranging from indie acts to freaking legends. You thought Humanz was overpacked? You don't know the shit that Kong Studios was filled with when the Spacemonkeyz left. A good amount of my playlist is filled with songs from this album so let's just shut up and get on with it so I can gush about an awesome album.
1. Strange Timez
Heh, they start the album off with the titular track. That's pretty coo---HOLY SHIT, IS THAT ROBERT SMITH?! When you got the fucking frontman of The Cure singing with you about what an utter shitshow of a year it was a while ago, you know that Gorillaz has thrown away any semblance of fucking around. Everyone sounds like they're on the verge of panicking and I'm all for it. What a KO punch out the gate.
2. The Valley of the Pagans
Beck decides to team up with Gorillaz, making it his third most important collaboration since his team-ups with The Lonely Island and Bender. This track is something that needs to be shouted out loud with the windows rolled down on a road trip and that's mostly due to the energy Damon brings to the track. Beck does a servicable job but something is missing that would put this on the level of Ultimate Beck Songs. Still, awesome track.
3. The Lost Chord
This track makes me feel things. Things that I've got no right feeling. Both Damon and Leee manages to make this one of the most depressing tracks on the album even without the context of the album. Some days all you can do go harder, go harder.
4. Pac-Man
Okay, gonna say something that even I don't like saying. This song is great...until Schoolboy Q starts rapping. I dunno what it is about the rap that turns me off. It just feels loose, all over the place and building up to something that has no payoff. It's a shame the song relies on that part so strongly. Noodle had an interesting outfit in the video though.
5. Chalk Tablet Towers
Another club anthem from Gorillaz! Nowhere near as good as "Strobelite" but definitely much more relatable (I wanna go home indeed.) St. Vincent is a great back-up on this track that's good enough to dance to, do drugs to or stare at your drink as you wonder if this is the state you're going to spend the rest of your life in...to.
6. The Pink Phantom
Pretty good tone to this song. Somber, nice crooning from Damon, 6lack's part is a bit superfluous but it doesn't detract from the rest of the son---HOLY SHIT, IS THAT ELTON JOHN?! AND IS HE THE BEST PART OF THE SONG?! I can't believe the blind old bastard still had it in you. To this day, I find myself singing "I tried to say I love you/But you wouldn't listen." to myself out of nowhere. This song elevates this album to a classier stand than anything Murdoc touched has any right being.
7. Aries
Really nice chill-out song. Good instrumentation from Peter Hook and Georgia. I'm really underselling it but it is impossible to be in a bad mood when this song comes on. Kind makes you want to go out and, you know, actually do shit. (With a mask on though.)
8. Friday 13th
Finally some good rap. Geez, that was mean. Well, if it makes you feel any better, this song becomes a bummer if you know the context behind it. Octavian manages to fuel the nihilistic vibe behind the song that makes you wish for beautiful days to take your mind off...well, life. Bonus point for James Baldwin quote.
9. Dead Butterflies
Yes! More songs to make me feel stuff! Kano and Roxani overshadow Damon as they sing about how nothing matters but...nah, that's it. Nothing matters. We're dead bugs. We got nothing left. Let's just speak Spanish or something.
10. Desole
Man, Fatoumata Diawara is such a good singer, she can make a man tolerate the French. Second single from the album and they show that are willing to go back to songs in different languages and I am all for it. Fuck yes. Sorry for swearing. Putain Ouais.
11. Momentary Bliss
First single off the album and it is special, so fucking special. Slowthai grabs your attention by the throat with his heavy rhymes and holds you long enough for Slaves to slam themselves down on you with the increasingly-punk-by-the-second climax they crash in on. Damon can barely keep up as he makes sure that enough hype is gathered for this album through one of its best tracks.
12. Opium
I only heard this song when I listened to the album for the first time and I immediately put it on my playlist afterwards. EarthGang kicks so much fucking ass on this track that Eddie Murphy experiences sympathy pains every time he hears the word "Georgia". These guys need more cred and they are half of the reason why you should shell out for the deluxe edition.
13. Simplicity
The title is accurate. The song is simple. Pretty calming though. And nothing offensively wrong with it. I dunno, it must feel like a let down after Opium's haze of awesomeness.
14. Severed Head
Goldlink and UMO are the bravest fuckers on the planet to bring attention to the serious problem of decapitation. With nice keys backing up their sermon, maybe people will take having all of their major organ functions operable more seriously now. I know I will.
15. With Love To An Ex
As an African-American who experiences misfortune in love myself, something about this song speaks to me. Ex-niggas may not be texting me...might actually need ex-niggas for that...but shit, your past following you does speak to me in the worst way possible. Man, fuck people.
16. MLS
Hey, it's these guys again! I'm not going to tell you where I know them from. That's for further down the road. Still, glad to know these two are able to create something beautiful that can be mistakenly picked up by a parent who mistakes it for something from the Craig of the Creek soundtrack.
17. How Far?
We lost a treasure of a percussionist when Tony Allen died. This track is proof he was one of the best in the business. Skepta doesn't let any slack fall down on his side either. Dissing the listeners while Tony backs him up with one of the best beats I've ever heard. RIP sir.
Album Score: 494/10
And that concludes the Gorillaz retrospective. Next week, we start on my second favorite band, Ween:
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We will covering all their studio albums, starting with the punk masterpiece, GodWeenSatan: The Oneness. That'll take me a couple of days to write up. See you then.
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