#now we’re all queer and tired
luna-rigain · 2 years
I love having witnessed the okami fanbase age in real time. I remember when ffn was nothing but ammywaka, high school aus, and ammywaka high school aus
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So.. I'm confused about something. If your beliefs in radical feminism say that trans people aren't valid in their feelings of being trans, what's stopping you from making bisexual people not part of the LGB? B stands for bisexual. What if their sexuality is just a phase? What if they are *actually* just heterosexual? For that matter what's stopping you from excluding YOURSELF from the community? At some point, you can't exclude any more people from a space that wasn't supposed to be gatekept to begin with! -Vero of CFC
You people always use that word “valid”. It’s absolutely meaningless post modern nonsense. Trans people feel that despite having a male or female body, their feelings about it change reality. I’m not telling trans people how they feel. Because you’re right, I can’t know that. What I’m telling them is that their feelings don’t change their bio sex. I’m telling them their feelings don’t supersede the rights and dignity of women. That’s not at all the same thing as being same sex attracted.
If I tell you that I am attracted to both men and women you can believe me or not. It doesn’t change my sexuality. You can’t know how I personally experience sexual attraction. But if I tell you I’m an Olympic Figure Skater, that’s something external and material. That’s something that either is or isn’t. And it doesn’t matter how true I want it to be.
This isn’t about people being invalid or valid. It isn’t about telling others I know better than them how they feel. It’s me telling them that their feelings don’t change material reality.
And we don’t get to sidestep reality because language is limited and imprecise. We create words to express ideas and categorize things so we don’t have to start every conversation from the ground up. Think of the quote “a rose by any other name”. The word ‘rose’ is made up but the flower it refers to exists in the material world. And you and everyone on earth could declare a rose a tulip but as long as people needed to specify they’d find a way to invent the word rose again. It’s why every 3 years your movement declares old terms verboten. MtF and FtM got used until people got mad it didn’t erase the reality of bio sex and people just used those terms in place of “male and female”. Then the same thing happened with AFAB and AMAB. Now we’re onto TME and no one knows what anyone is talking about because at the end of the day, people are male or female and no amount of “validation” or the right words erases that reality.
I am bisexual because I am attracted to both men and women. Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Gay men are men exclusively attracted to men. Straight people are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex. The LGB community formed because the thing we had in common- same sex attraction- is punished in most societies. It absolutely was designed to gatekeep. It was a civil rights movement- not a secret club house. The LGB have no more moral responsibility to admit opposite sex attracted people than black activists have to include white or Asian people.
“Queer” has nothing to do with it. Demi flux genderoo aroallo fox kin have nothing to do with it. A group of men that believe their internal state of mind makes them literally a woman has nothing to do with it. You people overran a movement for same sex attracted people, convinced everyone to call our community a slur, and demand that we center heterosexual teens too immature for a relationship thinking that makes them the same as a Gay man.
I’m tired of arguing with 19 year olds that read too much mlm fanfiction that having short hair and wearing hoodies from the boys section doesn’t mean they’re gay men. I’m tired of arguing with those same girls that the 45 year old man with pigtails and a pink pinafore sucking his thumb and holding a dolly on social media isn’t a brave woman defying The Man. He’s just a pervert.
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funnylittlelad · 1 year
Trailer Park Blues - Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader
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summary: You don't think much when you start letting Hellfire use your trailer for their meetings. Dustin asked and you caved, as per usual. What you weren't expecting was the rollercoaster ride that becomes your relationship with your little brother's best friend, Eddie Munson.
wordcount: 15.8k
tags/notes: SMUT (MDNI), gn!reader (nonbinary coded if you squint), reader is Dustin's older sibling, name-calling, degradation, hate fucking i'm ngl it's hate fucking, unprotected sex, power play, mentions of bad past relationships, queer eddie munson, talks about dead parents being dead
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You might kill Dustin. The windows of your trailer are illuminated. He told you they’d all be gone by the time you got home from work. As you get closer to the door and hear the excited shouts you know that they’re all still here. You’re tired, you smell, and the last thing you want to do is look at a bunch of high schoolers playing some table top bullshit. 
“Dustin,” you shout as you swing the front door open.
 Everyone at the dining table jumps and snaps to look at you. When you enter your trailer you’re immediately met with a view of the living room to your right and the small kitchen to your left. Your table is in the middle, creating a makeshift dining area turned D&D area. 
The normal crew is there, Mike, Lucas, and Will. There are some new, and semi-new faces. The semi-new face is one you’ve seen, but never spoken to. Eddie Munson, four trailers down, and originally part of your graduating class. 
“Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of us!” Dustin exclaims, holding his heaving chest.
“You’re not supposed to be here for me to scare the shit out of,” you remind him, the annoyance evident. 
“I know, I’m sorry. We’re almost done, I promise. Can we please just finish?” he pleads with big eyes and a quivering lip. 
This fucking kid knows he has everyone in his life around his damn finger. You’d like to smack him.
“Fine, but you’re explaining to mom why you're not home yet,” you point at him as you speak. 
His face breaks into a smile. 
“You’re the best!”
“Call, now,” you order.
 When Dustin goes to the phone on the wall next to your fridge, you exit to the short hall. The company isn't going to stop you from showering. Eddie is frozen. His eyes follow you as you leave the room, mouth parted slightly. You barged in a little angry and it knocked him through a loop. His poor little bisexual heart felt ready to explode. You must get more shit than he does looking like that. Doesn't matter that you’re stunning, being the picture of androgyny in Hawkins can't be easy. He wants so badly to examine that picture up close and in detail. Dustin was right about one thing. Jesus Christ.
When the kid told Eddie they could use his sibling’s trailer Eddie was surprised to find he lived so close to a Henderson without realizing. Now, he really can't believe it. 
“Okay, let’s finish before I get my ass kicked,” Dustin says as he comes back to the table. 
Eddie snaps out of the trance he fell into.
“Uh-we can call it here,” Eddie says, sounding far away.
 The rest of the table balks at him.
“You’re calling the campaign early?” Dustin questions.
“When I asked if we could cut last week's campaign short you said you would strangle me with your bare hands,” Mike adds in disbelief. 
“We’re in the middle of a fight,” Will protests. 
The rest of the table starts voicing their own arguments creating a cacophony of disgruntled nerds. 
“Okay, okay,” Eddie gets loud to quiet down the table, “Dustin’s next in initiative.” 
The boys cheer triumphantly causing Eddie to smile. If his eyes keep darting to where you disappeared down the hall… Well, that’s his business. Your trailer is close to his in layout, but it’s much more well-kempt and put together. Makes sense since you live here alone and two grown men live in Eddie’s. 
When you reappear, toweling off your hair, they’re wrapping up. Your sweatpants that sit just below your belly button and short cropped shirt don't go unnoticed by Eddie. His eyes glide over your midriff and the soft dark hair that it's home to. It seems no matter what you’re in you remain more androgynous than Boy George.
 A trait that absolutely entices the queer disaster that is Eddie Munson. Dustin only ever uses sibling to talk about you. He doesn't use any language that would give any more away than your appearance does. It doesn't matter anyways, Eddie is infatuated regardless. Maybe even partially because of. 
The boys all throw you a goodbye as they exit until only Dustin and Eddie are left. Dustin is cleaning up any dishes or garbage left behind while Eddie packs up all the D&D materials. You didn't realize how much goes into this table top bullshit. Eddie has books, binders, and notebooks worth of information and ideas. There's stats and prices of various items on the screen he puts up so no one can peek at his notes. Then there's the velvet drawstring bag of different shaped dice. Shapes you’ve never even seen dice come in before. 
“How long were you guys playing for?” you ask the two of them from where you lean against the counter. 
You don't know what time they got started, just that they were supposed to be gone when you got home.
“Six hours,” Dustin says sheepishly.
“Six hours?” 
“It took longer than expected,” he shrugs with an apologetic smile.
You chuckle and shake your head. Your eyes flicker over to Eddie, catching him staring at you with wide dark eyes. Once your gaze meets his he looks down and hurries to finish packing up. You choose to disregard it. Eddie Munson can eat dirt if he thinks he's in any position to judge you. If only you knew he wasn't judging you, he was admiring you.
“It’s getting late. Do you want to just spend the night? I don't like the idea of you biking home when it's this dark out,” you say to Dustin softly. 
You don't have a car of your own to drive him. Since everything that happened with Will… Yeah, he’s definitely not biking home alone at night. 
“I can bring him,” Eddie offers as he zips up his bag.
“You can bring him?” You question thinking about the death trap of a van you’ve seen him drive. 
Somehow, that feels even worse. 
“Yeah, I can bring him,” he repeats and finally meets your eyes again.
 He sees the distrust, the anxiety. It hits him in the gut. 
“That’s okay, he can just spend the night,” you refuse him politely. 
“How d’you think he got here in the first place?” Eddie asks with raised eyebrows and an amused smile.
 Your nostrils flare a little at the smugness.
“Then I should consider myself lucky he’s still in one piece,” you shoot back. 
Eddie dramatically grabs his stomach and doubles over with a grunt as if he has just been punched.
“You hurt me, Henderson,” he huffs as he looks up at you from his bent state. 
A smile grows on his face when he sees you fighting off your own. 
“Hello, I’m right here, y’know,” Dustin looks between the two of you exasperatedly, “I can go with Eddie.”
“I can go with Eddie,” he cuts you off to repeat himself. 
You exhale sharply through your nose. The two of you glare at each other for a moment. You still lean against the counter while Dustin stands beside the table. Eddie watches from where he stands on the opposite side of the table. Then your smoldering gaze turns to Eddie, stopping his breathing.
“Do the speed limit,” your voice is even, but so stern that all Eddie can do is nod. 
He swallows the lump that forms in his throat as a result.
“Cross my heart,” he uses his pointer finger to draw an X over his heart. 
Dustin hugs you goodbye. You make him promise to call tomorrow. Eddie gives you one last wide eyed look, a small smile plays on his lips. Then you’re finally alone. You love having Dustin over, but you’re also glad to have peace and quiet. 
You moved out a few short months after graduation. Your overbearing mother proved too much to continue living with. Dustin was pissed at first. He came around when he realized it meant having a space to escape to and be himself. Something you're more than happy to provide for him. 
He was thrilled to learn that Eddie lives only four trailers away from you. When Dustin asked if Hellfire could meet at your place to continue a campaign they had started you agreed for this one time. Even when you said it, you had a feeling Dustin will end up begging for 
more and you’ll end up caving. The kid really does have everyone wrapped around his finger. Eddie included it seems.
“So, are they always so…,” Eddie struggles to finish his question as he drives through Hawkins. 
Hot, breathtaking, pulse pounding, awestriking. He can't really say any of that to Dustin. 
“Protective?” Dustin offers.
“Protective works,” Eddie nods. 
Not exactly what he was thinking, but that applies too.
“Pretty much.” 
“How long have they lived in Forest Hills?” He tries to keep his tone casual, but ends up sounding just a little too interested. 
He can feel Dustin’s eyes burning into the side of his head. 
“Year and a half,” Dustin answers.
“So they're… nineteen?”
Eddie glances over at Dustin. He looks one part irritated and two parts suspicious. Eddie adjusts his grip on the steering wheel. 
“Wait, we were in the same grade?” Eddie asks, surprised.
“You were supposed to be,” Dustin ribs. 
“You wanna walk from here, Henderson?”
“You wanna get murdered?” 
Eddie shoots him a glare knowing he’s right. His threat is hollow with you around. If you found out he let Dustin walk halfway home he’s sure he wouldn't see morning. 
“Why are you asking?” Dustin inquired after a moment of silence. Eddie shrugs.
“Just curious.”
“Uh-huh,” Dustin sounds entirely unconvinced.
“Whatever,” Eddie mutters to himself. He pushes you out of his mind and focuses on driving. 
He can feel Dustin’s occasional glances. The younger Henderson has clocked his strange demeanor, he knows it. It’s not hard. He isn't as goofy or teasing. He’s more lost in thought than he'd like. He just doesn't know how he's never noticed you before. How has he never noticed the one person in Hawkins that seems to tick every single fucking box he could possibly have? 
The next time Eddie sees you it’s raining. The weather is only noteable because he sees you walking home with no umbrella. He catches you as you make it under the awning of the movie theater. It gives you temporary shelter from the pounding of the rain. Eddie pulls over to the curb in front of you. He had been going to the store to grab some munchies, but that’s something he can do later. 
You eye his van curiously. He doesn’t bother with his hazards. Cars go around him without issue. He leans over and cranks the window down.
“You need a ride?” he calls out.
“I’m good, thanks,” you call back.
“Seriously? You’ll catch your death walking all the way to Forest Hills in this. Just get in.”
You sigh, but do as he says. It's not like you want to walk in the rain. Keeping a distance from Eddie just felt like the right thing to do. He gives you a feeling in your gut you can't quite place. He always has. Is it possible to admire someone and not like them?
“Thanks,” you say as you close the door. 
You’re shivering as you drip on his seat.
“Yeah, no problem,” Eddie says as he blasts the heat. 
His typically loud music is soft as he drives. Something you appreciate. Work was a headache. Having to walk home in the rain was a pain in the ass. A pain in the ass Eddie has luckily saved you from.
“Where d’you work, anyways?” he asks after a few minutes.
“I’m a manager over at the general store.”
“Shit, really? I steal-I mean I-uh go there all the time,” Eddie doesn’t course correct quite fast enough. 
To his surprise, you laugh. It’s a nice sound. Calming like the rain is when you aren't stranded in it.
“I’ll remember that next time I see you in there.”
There’s a comfortable silence after that. Eddie is actually a better driver than you assumed. It makes you feel a little better about Dustin driving around with him. You don't even notice you've stopped shivering. The van is warming you up, but you’re still soaked. 
“Sorry about your seats, by the way,” you say.
“Eh, it’s just some water. These seats have seen worse,” he shrugs.
You grimace in disgust.
“Like what?” 
Eddie lets out a hearty laugh.
“Probably better you don’t know.”
“Jesus, you’re nasty, Munson,” your laughter betrays you. 
“Oh, you have no idea, Henderson.”
Another round of comfortable silence as Forest Hills comes into view. You expect Eddie to park at his trailer. You don't mind walking the short distance to your own. Instead he pulls right up to your door. 
“Seriously thank you, Eddie,” you give him a smile.
“Don’t worry about it. If- y'know, if you need a ride again you can give me a call.”
“Sounds like you’re just looking for an excuse to give me your phone number,” you tease.
Eddie chuckles.
“Two birds, one stone,” he smiles.
“You’ll need to try harder than that, Munson. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” You flash him a smile and then you’re gone.
Only the wet imprint of your ass lets him know you were ever really there in the first place.
“Please,” Dustin pleads over the phone. You sigh.
“Dustin, it’s my day off. I don't want to sit here and listen to you guys for six hours,” you tell him.
“We’ll only be an hour, two tops.”
“I can stay over after and we can hang out. We’ll watch E.T.,” he sweetens the pot. 
He knows that's your favorite movie and he knows you’re a sucker for quality time with him. Little asshole.
“Fine, but you only get two hours before I kick everyone out.”
“Two and a half.”
“Thank you, you're the best, bye!” he hangs up before you have a chance to change your mind. You chuckle and shake your head.
Two and a half hours stuck in your room isn't too bad. Besides, you’re not really stuck. You just don't want to get in the way, or listen on in utter confusion. You know a little about D&D from Dustin talking about it, but not enough to follow. Sure you’ll pop out to grab a drink, maybe something to eat, but overall you intend to stay removed. 
Part of you wants to stay away from Eddie. You know he’ll just start flirting and you'll be too weak to stop it. Too weak to resist giving it right back to him. It shouldn't surprise you when Eddie is the first to show an hour later, but it does. He gives a quick rhythmic knock on your door. 
“I'm surprised you made it so early. I know the commute is killer,” you quip when you see him standing outside the screen door. 
With a grin, Eddie braces his lower back beneath his old bookbag and leans into his hands a bit to dramatize discomfort.
“Yeah, my back is killing me from the long drive over,” he makes a face as he jokes to drive it home. 
You chuckle and push the screen door open to let him in.
“Dustin isn't here yet,” you tell him as he enters.
 He pauses just inside the doorway leaving him so close to you his body heat reaches the skin of your arms.
“I can come back,” he says and begins to turn.
“No, it's alright. He should be here soon. I’m assuming you need to get set up or something?” you tilt your head toward the cleared off dining table. He nods and you hold your arm out to tell him he’s welcome to continue inside. 
You watch him make his way to the table. Something about the way he’s joking back with you makes you wonder if you had things wrong. Maybe he wasn't flirting in the van the other day. Maybe it was just friendly banter. 
“Thanks for letting us play here. We usually use the drama room, but they’ve needed it more with that stupid musical coming up,” Eddie says as he opens his bag and begins to pull things out.
“Let me guess, Grease?” you shut the door and find your place on the couch.
 Eddie glances at you with an amused smirk.
“Sure is.”
“Figures. Thank God Dustin isn't a theater kid. I don't think I could sit through that every year,” you chuckle.
 Eddie’s smile is curious, maybe even a bit nervous. You're watching him and it makes his movements just a little less sure. 
“Instead you get a bunch'a freaks playing D&D at your table.”
“You calling my brother a freak, Munson?” There’s an edge to your words. 
Eddie’s eyes get wide.
“Uh- no, I-”
“I’m just kidding, calm down,” you laugh, “it’s okay, he is a freak. Besides, I don't think you’d ever be mean to Dustin.”
“Why’s that?”
“He worships the ground you walk on. If you were ever mean to him your uncle would need to pull dental records to identify you,” you say it light heartedly with a smile.
 Your voice and expression don't match the vicious threat. Eddie’s heart thumps hard as he spreads out the battle map.
“You’re a little scary, y’know that?”
“How else am I supposed to keep you in line?” 
Heat crawls up Eddie’s neck. His throat dries and he clumsily knocks into his DM screen. It clatters flat onto the table. You watch on in amusement as he fumbles with it. He’s flustered. A fact that goes straight to your ego. Eddie is Dustin’s friend so you had no plans to actually be mean or rude to him. Admittedly, your brother is pretty good at picking people. Even if others don't see what he does in those people. 
Is flustering Eddie by accident mean or rude? Is continuing to do it because you like that you can? 
“How is it I’ve never seen you around before?” Eddie asks once the DM screen is back up the way he wants it. 
“You have, you just never noticed,” you shrug.
“Trust me, I would have noticed you,” he glances at you as he says it. 
When he sees your attention is already on him, he quickly moves on to digging out the miniatures he brought. 
“Trust me, you wouldn't have. I haven't always been this comfortable dressing and existing how I want. Not everyone can be Eddie Munson,” you give him a small smile.
“What's that supposed to mean?” he pauses setting up to look at you. 
He half expects insults to start being hurled at him.
“You’ve always been yourself. Even when it would be easier to be someone else. I’ve always admired that about you. It took me a long time to be that brave,” you answer genuinely. 
His face reddens and his eyes nearly strike you down where you sit. They’re big, as always, and the distinct brown of them swims in an emotion you can't place. Eddie’s heart is in his throat. He knows he’s attracted to you physically, but you might have just sunk a hook in him emotionally. Whether you meant to or not, you nearly destroyed him with your words. He can't remember the last time someone has said such nice things to his face. 
“Always, huh? You been watching me, Henderson?” he bounces back, diffusing his own feelings with the joke. 
You shrug with an innocent smile.
“You make it hard not to.”
Eddie’s face somehow gets even hotter. He might need to peel off his jacket if this keeps up. As he struggles to come up with a response to that, Dustin bursts in. The large smile on his face drops when he sees the flustered state of Eddie. His eyes travel back and forth between the two of you.
“What’s happening?” he asks
“Just getting to know your friend,” you shrug casually. 
Traces of that smile can still be found on your face. That's when Eddie knows you’re doing it on purpose. You saw how flustered you made him and decided to keep going. He’s not sure if he hates you or just fell in love with you. 
“Right,” Dustin says, completely unconvinced. 
“Okay, well, I’ll make myself scarce before the rest of the nerds get here. Remember, two and a half hours, Dustin,” you point at him as you rise from the couch. 
“I know, I know.”
Eddie watches you disappear down the hall. His eyes stay on the beginning of the hallway until he hears your bedroom door click shut. Then he finally looks at the boy in front of him. Dustin has narrowed eyes on Eddie.
“What?” Eddie asks defensively and continues emptying his bag. 
“You tell me,” Dustin crosses his arms.
“I don't know what you mean,” Eddie lies as he spreads out his reference materials and notes behind the screen.
“We were just talking.”
Before Dustin can pry further the rest of the boys start piling in. Mike, Lucas, and Will are confident just walking in like they live there. Jeff and Gareth follow with more hesitation. Eddie happily dives in once everyone is settled at the table. Happy to continue the campaign and happy to avoid talking about you further with Dustin. He’s not sure how the younger Henderson will take his burgeoning crush. 
Around thirty minutes into their gameplay you appear for a drink. You notice immediately that Eddie becomes distracted when you pop into the kitchen. Eddie’s eyes track you the entire way as the others discuss their next move. You catch his gaze when you turn around from the fridge. Before he can try to act like he wasn't staring, you smirk. Then you’re taking a nice long drink from your can of coke. Eddie swallows, watching you, Adam's apple bobbing as he tries to regain the ability to speak. 
“Eddie,” Dustin waves his hand in front of Eddie’s eyes.
 Eddie blinks back into the game, feeling like he traveled a million light years and back. Dustin glances over his shoulder to where Eddie had been zoned off staring. You give your brother a small wave when he sees you. His eyebrows furrowed as he looks back to Eddie who is trying desperately to get back on track. Eddie hazards one more quick look at you. You throw him a wink as you make your exit. On their way back to the table in front of him, his eyes meet Dustin’s.
“What the hell was that?” Dustin questions.
“That was Mike getting knocked prone,” Eddie answers and reaches over his screen to knock Mike’s miniature on its side. 
“You’re deflecting,” Mike says smugly, happy to have some retribution for the hit Eddie’s NPC made on his character. 
“Uh, no, I’m DM-ing,” he makes a sweeping gesture to the layout in front of him.
“Holy shit, Eddie has a crush,” Lucas realizes out loud. 
Dustin groans.
“Are we gonna have to stop playing here?” Will asks genuinely.
 Will is the only one Eddie can consider innocent here. The rest of them earn a glare. 
“I don't know, Eddie, will we?” Dustin sasses with a pointed look at Eddie.
“No, we won't. We only have a couple hours here, can we get back to the fucking game?” Eddie snaps them back into focus. 
An hour goes by and you’re back. This time Eddie is able to drag his gaze away from where you’re digging around in a cabinet. You have to reach up in a way that exposes the skin of your stomach. A silky stripe of skin and some tufts of dark hair between your too small shirt and sweatpants. 
Instead of allowing himself to get distracted by you again, he starts putting on more of a show. His movements become more dramatic, he throws himself more fully into the voices he’s doing, and overall amping up the theatrics. He figures if you admire him always being himself, he'll dial himself up to ten. 
You find yourself leaning against the counter with a bag of chips in your hand watching. No one else seems to have noticed your arrival. They’re too taken in by the narrative Eddie is weaving. You can't blame them. Eddie puts his full body into it. After a couple minutes he lets the group deliberate their next move. His eyes flicker over to you again, a smirk on his face. The eye contact jolts you from whatever weird fog you’d fallen into watching him. As you make your leave you see the quick wink Eddie tosses your way. 
Your heart is loud in your ears when you shut your door. Oh, it’s on, Munson, you think to yourself. If there's one thing you are, it's competitive. It’s clear you fluster Eddie, which means there’s some type of attraction there. Truthfully, you’re attracted to him too. You always have been. His authenticity and ability to stay true to himself have always drawn you in. Now that you can tell he’s into this too, you’re ready to have fun with it. The two of you have officially entered a little game and you refuse to lose.
 An old pair of shorts is your next move. They’re Hawkins High green with white trim and stripes up the side of each leg. They’re long enough to cover everything, but short enough to draw attention. You give it another fifteen minutes before re-emerging. When you do so you fan yourself with your hand to pretend your room is hot. Without looking to see if Eddie has noticed you bend at the hips to start peering in the fridge. You look innocuous enough searching for a water bottle to cool down. Then you hear a clattering, a few shouts, and fumbling.
“Shit,” Eddie hisses. 
You turn around with a water bottle pressed to your forehead. Everyone, but Eddie, is frantically looking for something on the floor. A small red pointy looking die sits in front of you on the linoleum, a black number twenty facing up. You pluck it off the floor and hold it up lazily. 
“You guys looking for this?” you ask. A couple of them hit their heads on the table on their way up. 
When they see the D20 between your fingers they swarm you. Suddenly you’re trapped against the fridge by several manic nerds. Dustin grabs the sides of your upper arms. 
“Did you see what it landed on?” He all but demands. 
You shove him off and push through them. Eddie remains seated at the table watching with huge eyes. 
“First off, whose is it?” you ask.
“Mine,” Eddie’s voice wavers just a bit on the single syllable. 
With a bright smile you walk it over to him. He looks up at you when you’re next to the table, face getting more and more red. You place the D20 down in front of him, black twenty still up. His mouth parts slightly as if to say something, but nothing comes out. You have him all lined up where you want him. Now, you just have to make the goal by brandishing some of the only D&D knowledge Dustin has imparted on you.
“Natural twenty,” you say, your smile curling into something more mischievous, “Congrats on the crit.”
Eddie continues blinking his wide dark eyes at you. The rest of the boys groan behind you. Whatever Eddie just rolled for clearly isn't good for them. They all take their seats again. 
“You couldn't have lied?” Dustin huffs comically.
“And rob your DM of his roll? Never,” you chuckle. 
You lift his hat, ruffle his hair, and walk off. Eddie gapes after you, heart absolutely pounding. He won't be able to stand the rest of the game. His jeans got a little tighter when he saw you bent over in those fucking shorts, distracting him mid roll. It only got worse when you walked over his D20, looked down at him like you know the hold you have, and congratulated him on his nat twenty.  
“I think he’s drooling,” Mike’s voice pulls Eddie back to the table.
“He’s speechless,” Gareth adds.
“I’m not speechless. I'm contemplating.”
“Contemplating what?” Lucas questions unconvinced.
“How exactly I want this nat twenty to fuck up your day.”
You don't make another appearance until their time is up. By the time you make it out there it's just Dustin and Eddie. Dustin is on his knees in the living room looking through the different VHS tapes you have in a milk crate. Eddie is packing away all his stuff neatly. 
“How’d it go?” you ask them as you plop down onto your couch. 
Dustin launches into an excited and detailed account of the game. Eddie expects you to tell him to calm down, that you don't need a play by play of every second. You don't. Instead you listen encouragingly, ask questions for clarification, and let Dustin rattle on. 
“Sounds like you did a good job with this one, Dungeon Master,” you say to Eddie with a smile. 
His heart skips. 
“Even I have my days,” he shoots you a smile in return as he zips up his bag. 
“Yeah? Maybe one of these days you’ll be able to keep your dice on the table,” you tease. 
Dustin watches the two of you and it clicks. At first he thought Eddie was just taking a morbid interest. You’ve had plenty of that. Guys in Hawkins like experimenting, toeing the line you ride between genders, and then denying anything ever happened when they come to their senses. He didn't want to think Eddie would be like that, but as protective as you are of Dustin he is of you. The way you prop your chin on your hand and lean on the arm of the couch toward Eddie finally clues Dustin in. You're into Eddie too. 
“Eddie, you should stay and watch E.T. with us,” Dustin interjects. 
Your eyes dart to him curiously. 
“I promised Wayne I'd be home by eight. Next time, alright?” Eddie swings his bag over his shoulder. 
Dustin is disappointed, but doesn't put up a fight. Eddie knew he wouldn't last through a movie with you. Not if earlier was any indication of what you’re capable of doing to him. Not with Dustin around. As disappointed as you might be, you’re also relieved. If Eddie sat next to you the movie would have been forgotten immediately. You and Dustin bid Eddie farewell and start the movie.
Dustin is knocked out on the couch by the end of it. You throw the soft blanket you keep in the living room over him. It’s too early for you to be tired. You take to cleaning up a little, grabbing what Dustin missed when cleaning up after the campaign. When you go to toss the little bits of trash in the garbage can you find it full. You roll your eyes knowing full well Dustin left it like this for you when he could have taken it out. 
The outside air nips at your exposed legs. It’s a short walk to the dumpster, but in the dark it can be creepy. Forest Hills isn't the most lit up place at night. You hurry to toss the bag into the dumpster.
“Come here often?”
The voice startles you. You whip around with a small yelp. Eddie stands before you with a garbage bag in his hand and a teasing smirk on his face. When you realize it's him you recover quickly.
“Only when I’m hoping to see you,” you tease as you step out of his way. He tosses his own bag in the dumpster and turns to face you.
“You callin’ me trash, Henderson?” He raises his eyebrows.
“I didn't say that, but if that's what you took from it…” you smile playfully. 
He shakes his head chuckling.
“You're kinda mean,” Eddie points at you as he says it. 
“Am I?” You ask, taking a step forward. 
There's a foot of space between you and Eddie. You can see his breathing stutter in his chest. 
“Yeah, but I like it,” he admits quietly, heart pounding. 
You smile and take another step forward. You’re fully in Eddie’s space now. He can't even tell if he’s still breathing. You’re still in those fucking shorts, you're openly flirting with him, and you’re so god damn close. He might just die on the spot.
“Do you?” You're torturing him now.
 He knows it. You know it.
“Now you’re just tryna get me to say nice things about you,” he teases with a smirk. 
How he’s maintaining any amount of composure is beyond him. Maybe God is real and right now Eddie is His favorite little soldier.
“Is that so hard?”
“No, not when you're wearing those.”
He nods down to your shorts. You laugh, placing a hand on the breast of his jean vest over his leather jacket. 
“I thought you’d like’em.”
“You were right.”
“I’m glad I dug them out for you then,” you smirk, toying with one of the many pins on his vest. 
“You- for me?” Eddie sputters not expecting the bold statement.
 Light teasing and flirting, sure, but not that.
“You’re really surprised?” you chuckle.
“I mean, yeah,” he shrugs lamely. His composure is quickly slipping.
“Then you haven't been paying attention very well,” you chide playfully. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie breathes. 
Before you can say another word, Eddie breaks. He grabs the sides of your face and crashes his lips into yours. You grasp onto the denim of his vest as you melt into it. His lips are warm, urgent, and a little sloppy with desperation. The kiss sends a thrill through your entire body. It’s only when he pulls away that you remember where you are. Outside at night kissing Eddie Munson next to the fucking dumpster. Are you sixteen again? 
You just look into each other's eyes for a second. Eddie’s face is still just inches away from yours. His pupils are blown to shit and you're sure yours are too. You drag him forward again by the grip on his vest. This time your other hand finds a home in his coarse wavy to curly hair. He moans into your mouth as your hold on his hair tightens. You give a surprised groan when his hand grabs your ass. He rides the shorts up just enough for him to brush against the skin they once covered. 
It takes an extreme amount of effort to pull away. Somehow, you manage. Both of you are breathing heavily. After a second of just studying each other's face, you shake your head with a smile.
“I better get going before I try to jump your bones in the dumpster,” you say, but don't move. 
“Maybe you can jump my bones another time,” Eddie suggests with a smile. 
You chuckle.
“I think that can be arranged.”
“Aren't you eager,” you tease.
“Can you blame me?”
“No, I guess not.”
He gives you an expectant stare. You pretend to think his offer over. 
“Okay, tomorrow. Dustin should be gone by one,” you nod. 
Eddie fights off a groan. He forgot about the Dustin of it all. Maybe this isn't a good idea. Maybe he should call the whole thing off. 
“See you tomorrow,” he says instead. 
“I look forward to it,” you smile and leave him.
 He watches you walk back to your trailer. Without you pressed against him, he’s suddenly cold. He jogs back to his own trailer still in disbelief. His thoughts are spinning. One thing is for sure, his dreams are going to be full of you tonight.
Eddie’s fist hovers by the door for a second. This is his last chance to back out. It’s his last chance to turn around and avoid any awkward confrontation with Dustin later. Eddie cares about that kid’s opinion of him far too much. Once he has the thought to leave, he gives a quick rhythmic knock. 
“Eddie?” Dustin questions when he opens the door, “What are you doing here?” 
Eddie struggles for something to say. Dustin is supposed to be gone. 
“Oh, Eddie left his dice. I gave him a call last night,” your voice calls from deeper in the trailer. 
The lie is easy and smooth.
“So, you gonna let me in or what?” Eddie jerks his chin up at Dustin. 
His hands are shoved into the pockets of his vest. The left one is wrapped around the condom he brought just in case you didn't have any. He’s almost afraid if he lets go it’ll fall out and Dustin will have more questions. 
Dustin pushes the screen door open to let Eddie in. When he enters he sees you standing over the kitchen sink. You shoot him an apologetic look over your shoulder. He returns it with a small understanding smile. Clearly, you hadn't planned on Dustin still being here either. You turn off the water, dry your hands on a nearby towel, and face him from the kitchen.
“I have the dice in my room,” you tilt your head toward the hallway. 
You lead Eddie to your bedroom. It’s at the end of the short hall, similar to his own. An unmade full bed is pushed into the far corner under the singular window. A dresser sits in the opposite corner with a couple framed pictures on top and what looks like a small silver urn. The wall behind your bed is adorned with an intricate forest green tapestry with the tree of life on it. 
“I’m so sorry,” you begin in a hushed voice.
“S’alright,” Eddie assures you.
“He decided to stay and I couldn't exactly tell him no,” you explain anxiously.
“It’s really alright, Henderson,” he gives you a reassuring smile. 
Your heart skips a beat. Part of you feared he’d be pissed. There have been plenty of guys in the past whose tempers were as short as their sexuality was confusing. Eddie notices the way you relax when you accept his words.
“Well, you’re welcome to hang out as long as you’d like,” you tell him.
“Maybe I should go. This probably wasn't a good idea anyway,” he says with a quick look over his shoulder. 
Dustin is still in the living room, Eddie can hear the tv. When his eyes turn back to you, your whole demeanor has changed. Your face is suddenly unreadable. Your stance is closed off. 
“Yeah, maybe you're right,” your voice is cold.
 Eddie starts internally panicking. Clearly he said the wrong thing, but he doesn't know what. 
“It’s not you,” he rushes to explain, “it’s Dustin.”
You roll your eyes.
“Don't use my brother as an excuse for whatever sexuality struggle you're having,” you whisper harshly.
Eddie’s hands find either side of his head. His fingers sink into his hair as he tries to understand how this situation turned on him. 
“I’m not having a sexuality struggle,” he argues, frustration beginning to bubble up.
“Whatever, Eddie. I’ve been through this too many times.”
“Through what? You're not actually fucking talking to me. Just talk to me,” he gestured wildly in the air, shaking his hands in a pleading motion. 
“Through assholes chatting me up, making me feel special, like maybe someone actually fucking likes me. Only to find out I was nothing but a novelty. I don't know why I thought you could be any different,” you explain bitterly with a shake of your head.
Eddie runs a hand over his face as he processes. Your words sting. They burn tiny lacerations into his skin. I don't know why I thought you could be any different. He never thought he'd be compared to the rest of Hawkins, always an outlier. You’re grouping him in with probably the worst Hawkins has to offer. Now that really fucking hurts.
“I do actually fucking like you. Why can't you get it's more complicated than that?” 
“Oh, I get it. You can't figure out what you’re feeling and you’re afraid it’ll make you gay. So, test it out with me and then move the fuck on like nothing ever happened,” you say while crossing your arms. You fold in on yourself, becoming smaller and smaller before Eddie’s eyes.
“I am gay-I mean not gay gay but-fuck,” Eddie struggles. 
The heels of his hands dig into his eyes as he tries to collect his racing thoughts.
“Just go, Eddie. We can pretend this never happened,” your voice is low, almost a rumble. 
“Will you just listen to me?” he demands frustratedly, voice raised. 
“Is everything alright?” Dustin appears in the open doorway. 
His face is full of concern and confusion. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine, Dust. Eddie was just leaving.”
Eddie gives you a desperate look. He pleads with those big brown eyes. When it's clear you’re done and this conversation isn't going any further he sighs.
“See you later, Henderson,” he mumbles as he pushes past Dustin. 
You’re not really sure which one of you it's directed at. Eddie isn't either.
You actively avoid Eddie the following week. It’s painfully obvious. He wants a chance to grab you. To talk to you and explain the misunderstanding. He's beginning to think you can sense that and that's why you’ve been so slippery as of late. The only time he really could is when you’re on your way to work, but he doesn't want to do that. He doesn't want to make you late or upset you before a shift. 
Dustin opens the door the next time Eddie knocks. You’re still letting them play in your trailer, but you haven't been home the last couple sessions. He does his best not to let it bother him. It's fucking hard when Dustin keeps giving him these watchful, curious looks. Almost like he’s trying to decipher what happened just by studying Eddie’s face. These looks are peppered throughout the entire campaign, exhausting Eddie.
It feels like fate when you come home as he’s packing up. He gives you an unsure smile. You return it and go into your room. That’s something. That’s progress. At the end of the day, Eddie doesn't want you thinking so low of him. He hates knowing you think he'd use you as an experiment. He’s an asshole, but he’s not a piece of shit. 
“Dustin, if you need a ride home Steve is stopping by in a few minutes,” you call out from your bedroom.
When you walk back out you’re in a pair of dark blue shorts that fall to your mid-thigh, and a baggy white muscle shirt. You catch the expression Eddie was making before he managed to wipe it off his face. You pause between the kitchen and the front door. 
“What?” you question a little aggressively.
Eddie holds his hands up to his chest in surrender. The unwarranted attitude automatically sets him off.
“Put the gun away, jeez. I didn't know you’re friends with Harrington is all,” Eddie snaps back defensively. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on between you guys? I thought you liked each other,  but now you’re acting like you hate each other,” Dustin interrupts exasperated. 
“Shut up,” the two of you say in unison.
Your head snaps to Eddie.
“Did you just tell my brother to shut up, Munson?” you demand. 
“You did too!”
“Because he’s my brother. Who the fuck are you to talk to him that way?” 
“Will you calm down?” Dustin demands.
“No, this is so stupid. What happened?”
You grit your teeth. A sharp exhale exits your flared nostrils. Your eyes flicker to Eddie for a second. His face is red with frustration, his eyebrows are set, and his mouth is a thin line. You look back to Dustin's confused face.
“Jason,” you state flatly.
“Jason?” Eddie questions, absolutely bewildered.
Dustin’s face drops. His eyes squeeze shut as he sighs. You watch him slowly turn to look at Eddie. Eddie’s stomach sinks when he sees Dustin’s broken expression.
“Eddie, you didn't,” he pleads softly. 
Eddie’s eyes fly furiously between you and Dustin. He’s trying to grasp what the fuck is happening. Why did you bring up Jason? Why is Dustin looking at him like that?
“Didn’t what? What’s going on?” he asks, absolutely lost.
“You should go,” Dustin answers solemnly. 
“Jesus Christ, you fucking Hendersons don't know how to have a conversation to save your lives,” Eddie grumbles as he continues packing up his stuff.
“What’s that, Munson?” You demand, stepping forward.
“C’mon, don’t-” Dustin starts.
“Dustin, go wait outside,” you order without looking at him.
Your glare remains firmly on Eddie. Eddie who is glaring firmly back, only the battle map left on the table. 
“I’m not gonna wa-”
“Outside, now.”
Dustin huffs, but ultimately listens. Once the door is slammed shut behind him you march up to Eddie. Eddie backs up, but you don't stop. Soon his back hits the wall and there’s nowhere else to go. You stop directly in front of him and start aggressively poking his chest.
“Let’s get something fucking straight, Munson. If you’re going to be using my home for your stupid fucking childish fantasy game you're not going to talk about Dustin or me that way, got it?” you spat.
“Oh, now it's a stupid fucking childish fantasy game. That’s rich. You didn’t seem to think that when you were drooling over me DMing.” Eddie counters, still holding up his facade of confidence despite being cornered. 
“Please, don’t flatter yourself,” you scoff.
“I’m not. It’s pretty fucking clear you’re into me, sweetheart.”
“Yeah? And what are you? Completely indifferent? You get a hard on just from seeing me in shorts. You're pathetic.”
Eddie wants to be hurt. He wants to be hurt so fucking bad. His body has other plans in response to your words, though. Fire spreads to every limb. He has half a mind to bend you over the table right now and show you just how pathetic he is. He’s ready to make you an incoherent mewling mess so he can lean down and whisper who’s pathetic now? into your ear. 
“And you’re a fucking tease,” he snaps instead. 
“Holy shit,” you laugh sarcastically, “You’re getting turned on right now, aren't you?”
“Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn't you?”
“Me? Munson, you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
The front door slams open. You whip around and Eddie’s eyes snap up to the door. Steve is standing there with his hands on his hips, looking completely unimpressed. 
“Alright, kids, what seems to be the problem here?” Steve asks.
He steps into the trailer with Dustin at his heels. Both you and Eddie are red, breathing heavily, and still standing within an inch of each other. 
“Steve, can you just bring Dustin home, please?” you try to sound less irritated, but it doesn't work very well.
“Okay, well, one, you said I could borrow your blue jacket. And two, I’m not going anywhere until you two explain what the fuck is going on.”
“Nothing, I’m just dealing with Jason Junior over here,” you answer, crossing your arms. 
Steve’s head lolls back briefly in exasperation.
“God, Eddie, not you too,” he groans. 
“Not me too, what? Can you guys stop being so fucking cryptic and tell me what you mean?” Eddie demands.
He’s absolutely over being compared to Jason out of everyone. You huff and walk away. The three of them watch you wander into your room and then back out. You throw the blue bomber jacket at Steve. He catches it with a frown.
“Everyone just get the fuck out of my house,” you grumble and stomp back to your room.
The door slams with such force Eddie is surprised he doesn't hear the wood splinter. All three boys flinch at the sound. Eddie scoffs to himself and starts to barge out. Steve stands in front of the door, blocking Eddie’s way.
“Move, Harrington,” Eddie orders.
“Not until you tell me what all that was about, Munson.”
“Can we do this outside?” Dustin interjects.
The three of them leave the trailer. You’re left alone in your room with nothing, but endless silence. Endless silence and that heavy feeling you get in your stomach whenever you just get done ruining everything. 
“Okay, can someone please tell me what the fuck all this Jason bullshit is about?” Eddie turns on Dustin and Steve once they’re a good few feet from the trailer.
Steve and Dustin exchange a look that Eddie doesn't like. They’re both privy to something about you that Eddie isn't. It’s not surprising, but it's surely irritating. Especially when everyone is talking about it like he knows too. 
“You remember that black eye Jason had inexplicably about four months ago?” Steve sighs.
“Yeah, it was a helluva shiner.”
“I gave him that.”
Eddie spends a moment just blinking. How is this relevant?
“Okay…” Eddie trails off, shaking his head to tell Steve to continue. 
“I gave him that because he’s a little prick that really fucked’em over,” Steve continued with a gesture over his shoulder at your trailer. 
“Wait… Jason? They were with Jason?” Eddie questions in disbelief. 
“Yeah, behind locked doors. Until Jason was done playing queer and got with Chrissy without saying anything,” Dustin says bitterly.
Hearing queer from Dustin’s mouth kinda stung Eddie, he won't lie. He knows Dustin meant it in a sexuality way, not derogatory. Something he likely picked up from you. Still, there’s something about someone decidedly straight saying it. 
“When they confronted him about it he… He said some not very nice things. It really fucked with them. Like really fucked with them. I mean he wasn't the first one to do something like that, but he was the worst one,” Steve explained, sounding irritated at the memory.
“I still don't get what that has to do with me,” Eddie rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands.
“You tell us,” Dustin crosses his arms.
“I don't fucking know.”
“Just tell us what happened between the two of you,” Steve rubs the bridge of his nose, a hand in his hip.
Eddie tucks his hands in his armpits. He spends too long looking between Dustin and Steve. He really doesn't want to do this. He really really doesn't want to do this, but he also doesn't want to be put in the same league as fucking Jason. Frustrated that he’s backed into a corner for the second time today, Eddie wets his lips with his tongue.
“Fine, fine. We’ve been flirting. Last week we made out a little- the night you guys watched E.T.. I was supposed to come over the next day after you were gone so we could… y’know,” Eddie gestures awkwardly with his hands.
Both Dustin and Steve let out an ew.
“Yeah, anyway. You were still there. When we were talking in their room I said that maybe it's for the better that we didn't do anything. After that… I dunno what happened exactly. They started going on about me having a sexuality crisis, which isn't what was happening. I was just worried you would be pissed at me if we did do something,” Eddie finishes explaining. 
Dustin and Steve exchange a look again. Eddie hates this. He hates feeling put under a microscope. He hates that you’ve turned on him so quickly. 
“You sure you weren’t… experimenting?” Steve asks, jerking his chin up at Eddie.
Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I got experimenting out of my system a long time ago, alright? I know who and what I like.”
Steve nods and rubs his jaw in contemplation. He glances once more at Dustin who wears a troubled expression. That troubled expression is aimed directly at Eddie.
“You're both pussies,” Dustin states.
“Excuse me?” Steve scoffs.
“Not you,” Dustin rolls his eyes.
“I’m not a pussy. I tried, alright? Whenever we talk now it’s just a fucking fight,” Eddie says heatedly. 
“You used me as an excuse. That’s why they think you’re full of shit. You flirt and make out then all the sudden you get concerned with what I think? It’s bullshit, Eddie. You just got scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“Of the possibility you could have feelings!”
Eddie’s jaw sets. His hands tuck back into his armpits, now his arms apply more pressure. Acid rises in his throat. The kid is right. It’s not that he has any crazy feelings right now, but he can feel them coming. Like a sneeze building up, he can sense the oncoming rush. The way you carry yourself, the way you speak to others, the way you speak to him. Eddie knows he could catch feelings fast if given the chance. When an out was presented, he took it. It’s the feelings that make this feel messy, not your relation to Dustin.
“Can we just fucking agree that I’m not Jason?” Eddie sounds more desperate than he’d like. 
“You’re not Jason, but you gotta get them to realize that,” Steve tells him.
Eddie sighs.
“I’m going inside. I’ll see you later,” he mumbles, turning on his heel. 
This conversation has him exhausted. You have him exhausted. He knows he has to find a way to talk to you. Talk, not argue. Not fall down a rabbit hole of aggressive sexual tension. Right now, though, he needs to take a fucking nap.
The short rap on the front door startles you. You wait for a beat where you lay on the couch. Another set of three knocks. Curiously, you answer the door. When you see Eddie standing with the screen door open you go to close it again. His hand flies out and stops the door from shutting.
“Will you just let me talk?” He huffs.
“Fine,” you sigh and go back to the couch.
You don't bother checking if he’s following. The screen door creaking shut followed by the front door lets you know. He sits delicately next to you. There's a few inches of space left between your legs. Eddie fiddles with the rings that have become a permanent fixture on his left hand. 
“So, talk,” you order.
“I’m not Jason, alright?”
“Cool, that it? You can see yourself out.”
“What the fuck is your problem?” Eddie snaps. 
He tries to believe he made a valiant effort to stay calm. Your attitude irritates him more each time you show it. Eddie is a lot of things, patient in the face of unwarranted malice is not one of them. 
“You, you’re my fucking problem.”
“Me? Henderson, you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid,” Eddie turns your own words against you.
Your head snaps to look at him. Nostrils flaring, face red, and eyes full of contempt. 
“Please, Munson, you’re beneath me. You’re pathetic,” you sneer.
Jesus Christ, there's no reason your words went straight to Eddie’s dick the way they did. How are you able to play him with more skill than he does his guitar? 
“I wasn't pathetic when you were sucking my face off by the dumpster,” he counters.
“You act like I sucked your dick. It was a stupid kiss.”
“I remember you wanting to jump my bones after that stupid kiss,” Eddie mocks you.
Your fists clench in your lap. You’re about a second away from grabbing Eddie by his hair and showing him just how pathetic he is. 
“Yeah, then unfortunately for you, you kept running your fucking mouth.”
“Unfortunately for me? Trust me, sweetheart, you’re the one missing out. I woulda rocked your world, anyone else woulda been ruined for you,” Eddie’s voice is condescending with a challenging edge. 
You lean in slightly with narrowed eyes.
“I really doubt that.”
Eddie leans in some.
“Do you?”
You lean in even further.
“Yeah, I do.”
Eddie’s eyes flash down to your mouth before quickly moving back to your eyes. 
“Maybe I should prove it to you then.”
“Now who wants to fuck so bad they look stupid?” You smirk. 
“Fuck it, me,” Eddie breathes and closes the space between you.
His hands are on your face. His mouth moves furiously against yours sending shockwaves down your body. One of your hands takes hold of the back of Eddie’s hair. The other runs along his jaw until it’s circled around his neck. You force him away by tugging back on his hair and pushing forward on his throat. He looks so pretty like this with his big eyes wide as can be, all pupils. His face is flushed and his breathing is ragged. Eddie is pliant in your grasp.
“Look at you. Just as pathetic as I thought,” you coo teasingly.
“I’ll show you pathetic,” he grumbles.
In a blink, you’re flat on your back, wrists pinned above your head with one of Eddie’s strong calloused hands. He hovers over you. The heat radiating from his body soaks into your skin. The tip of his nose brushes against yours.
“You’re a real fucking brat, y’know that? Go on, admit it. Tell me you're a brat,” he hisses in your face, warm breath hitting your lips.
Your heart is pounding. Your body is heating up. Every part of you wants this so bad no matter how much you hate it. 
“You’re an asshole,” you hiss back.
Eddie’s rings are cold against your jaw. His grip is punishing as he manhandles your face. He presses his forehead to yours. Those huge brown eyes are commandeering as they lock onto yours.
“Am I gonna have to fuck that attitude out of you?”
You manage to let out a taunting laugh.
“You don’t have what it takes to fuck anything out of me,” you bite.
His grip tightens making talking impossible. Eddie's mouth brushes against your ear and his hair tickles your nose.
“I’m going to fuck you until the only words you know are Eddie, please, and more,” he whispers. 
You hate the shiver that runs down your spine. You hate how much he just turned you on, how much you want what he’s threatening you with. Every nerve ending is on fire. Eddie’s lips begin an assault on the soft bit of skin just below your ear. The sensation makes you squirm in delight. Eddie smiles against your neck.
“There you go, now you’re behaving. Now that you’ve finally shut the fuck up,” he taunts.
You glare at him, still unable to speak with his hand holding your face. That’s it. He’s been on you long enough. You’ve let him have control for long enough. Confusion flashes across his face when you smile. You lock your legs around Eddie’s waist. With a grunt, you launch your hips and legs up and over. 
Eddie lands with an annoyed noise on his back on the carpeted floor. You straddle him, wrists free. Now you grip both his wrists next to his head. You brandish a wicked smile as he looks up at you in surprise. Clearly he wasn't expecting to be bested at that moment. Your knees dig into the carpet uncomfortably around his hips, but you ignore it. Eddie’s slightly nervous expression takes your attention off of it. You lean in to brush the tips of your noses together like he did before. 
“What, big boy? Not feeling very confident anymore? You got no more to say?” you mock him quietly.
“I already said everything I need to say,” he mumbles back.
“What’s that, bitch? I didn't hear you,” your voice drips with venom. 
Something in Eddie completely snaps. He swears he hears the sound of it. A deafening CRACK SNAP POP. Then whatever wild animal that has been scratching at his insides bursts free. 
“Alright, I’m real fuckin’ tired of this attitude, sweetheart. Guess I’m gonna have to do somethin’ about it.”
You open your mouth to challenge him further. To berate him, degrade him. He can feel it. While it would only egg him on, only contribute to the growing erection in his pants, he won't allow it. He won't let you win control over this situation. Not this time. You’re already far too smug.
Eddie manages to rip his hands away from yours. In a blink, he’s sitting up. You place your hands flat on his chest to shove him back down, but he moves too fast. His hands are under your ass, scooping you up as he stands in a second. Instinctively, you wrap yourself around him to avoid falling. He has a firm steady grip on you, though.
“You won't be able to walk right when I’m done with you,” he growls, setting off for your bedroom.
“I just don't believe you’re good enough at sex for that,” you whisper into his ear with a smirk.
“Oh, I’ll make a believer out of you. My dick will have you meeting God and calling him by my name.”
He throws you onto your bed. The rough manhandling is something you never knew you wanted. It’s riling you up even more. 
“You got condoms or are we doing this raw?” Eddie questions.
“I have condoms, but we’re doing this raw anyway,” you answer smugly.
“Is that what you think?” he taunts.
He rummages around your bedside table. There’s a decent sized box of condoms that’s about three quarters of the way empty. Admittedly, you haven't touched the box in a while. It’s from another life that ended months ago. However, when Eddie teases you about them, you find yourself lying.
“Jesus Christ, you’re more of a fucking whore than I took you for,” he holds up the box, shaking it to emphasize how empty it is.
“I like sex, and I like cumming even more. Too bad only one of those things will be happening tonight.”
Eddie takes out a condom and throws the box back in the drawer. He unbuttons his pants and kicks them off unceremoniously. You can see the imprint of his dick hardening in his tight boxers. He looks down at you with hooded lustful eyes. Soon you’re staring at his bare dick, his underwear abandoned on the floor. It bobs throbbing and red, glistening with precum. 
“Get on your hands and knees. M’gonna use that big mouth of yours since you like havin’ it open so fuckin’ much,” he snaps.
You don’t know why, but you listen. Now that you’re on your bed with Eddie’s dick right there, all fight is gone. Eddie's hand grabs a fistful of your hair and pushes into your mouth. 
“Shit,” he moans as you welcome him in with a twirl of your tongue. 
He starts fucking your face slowly. You look up at him through your lashes. Eddie is watching you take him into your mouth like it's nothing. The eye contact makes you moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he brushes the back of your throat. 
“Never thought I’d get you to shut the fuck up,” Eddie grunts as he picks up his pace. 
You try to remove your mouth. A scalding remark on the tip of your tongue. His grip on your hair tightens until it burns. His thrusts don't break.
“Not so fast, sweetheart. I plan on cumming down your throat before that loud mouth of yours starts up again.”
And fuck if that doesn't send you on a mission. Eddie doesn't even need to guide you after that, but it doesn't stop him. He refuses to relinquish control. He refuses to give you an opportunity to flip this on him. Finally, his hips stutter. Then he’s holding your head, calling out a resounding FUCK, and buries your nose in the dark hair at the base of his dick. You moan as Eddie shoots hot streams of cum down your throat. You take every last drop.
Once he’s finished, his grip on your hair loosens. You sit back on your heels. While making eye contact, you use the back of your hand to wipe your mouth. It’s a move that makes Eddie’s softening dick twitch.
“You had something to say?” Eddie's voice is raspy, but still condescending.
You narrow your eyes at him. As if he wasn't just using your mouth to get off, you cross your arms petulantly. 
“No, it’s okay. I don't think your fragile ego can handle it,” you shrug.
Eddie huff in disbelief.
“I just fucked my cum down your throat and your gonna call my ego fragile?”
“Seems so.”
“Just tell me what you were gonna fuckin’ say,” he orders, climbing into the bed over you.
Eddie crowding you causes you to lay back. Even in the compromising position, you smirk smugly. Eddie’s hair tickles your cheeks as he hovers over you. He raises his eyebrows expectantly.
“It was nothing really… Just that Jason’s dick always managed to shut me up way faster than yours did,” you say casually, almost bored. 
“Jason’s di- are you seriously bringing him up right now?”
“Why, that bother you?”
“Considering I’m about to make you meet God like we talked about, yeah a little,” Eddie’s voice is breathy. 
He actually sounds a bit irritated.
“Never took you for the religious type.”
Eddie gets a wicked smile.
“‘M not, but you’re already in bed with the Devil, baby. Only one other Big Man to meet.”
“Big? Is that what you think of yourself?”
“Do you need a reminder? I’ll be happy to fuck that pretty mouth of yours again.”
Eddie leans down closer. Fuck, you want to kiss him. You don't. You won't let him know just how much you’re enjoying this. Instead you smile teasingly.
“You think my mouth is pretty?” You bat your eyelashes at him.
“Fuck, I hate to admit it, but… Not gonna lie, I think every part of you is unreal. Y’know, until you start talking.” 
You snake your hands up Eddie’s chest. Slowly and sensually, you make your way up his shoulders. Then you skirt up and around to the back of his neck until your fingers tangle in his hair. Eddie really likes when you play with his hair. You can tell by the way his eyelids droop a little more at the contact. He almost looks like he’s about to lean down and kiss you. So, you take your chance.
Your grip tightens tenfold. Eddie’s eyes widen as you pull him back, sitting up in the process. He hisses, but doesn't complain otherwise. You glide the tip of your nose up the side of his neck until you reach his earlobe. With a smirk, you angle your head up so you can speak into his ear. 
“I’m gonna use that big mouth of yours since you like having it open so fucking much,” you whisper, using his own words against him.
You swear you hear him breathe a curse. You let go of his hair, knowing he’ll follow you wherever you lead. Eddie is sure you could lead him into Mordor, up Mount Doom, and down into the lava like Sméagol. He’s sure that whatever painful obsession the ring of power imposed on Frodo, you just imposed on him. For better or worse. Eddie Munson is officially and completely captivated by you. You’re his precious.
That’s why he doesn't hesitate. He doesn't argue. He doesn't talk back. Instead he watches, waits patiently for you to settle into your pillows and peel off your shorts and underwear. Eddie happily, even eagerly, let’s you fuck his face like he did yours. You swear his tongue is magic. It’s hitting all the right spots, deft movements eliciting loud moans from you. 
“Look at you. Just as pathetic as I thought,” you say as your thighs clench around Eddie’s head, your fingers digging into his scalp.
All Eddie can manage is a moan as you fill his mouth. You don't take as long as Eddie did to finish. Him using you and cumming down your throat had gotten you close enough, closer than you care to admit. You cum with a loud moan, no actual words coming out. With your fingers tangled in his hair, you pull him up. He looks dazed, drunk on your taste. 
“At least your mouth is good for something,” you tell him with a slick grin. 
Christ, Eddie is a goner. He’s an absolute goner. This is so so bad.
“Look at you, you’re already all fucked out and we haven't even gotten to actually fucking yet. You’re really making me miss Jason…” you sigh dramatically. 
The mention of Jason again wakes Eddie up. A growl rumbles through his chest. His hand finds your wrist, applying enough pressure to get you to let go of his hair. He clambers over you, face real close to yours. There’s something hungry in his dark eyes. Something carnivorous.
“I’m gonna make sure you forget about fucking Jason,” he hisses.
“Fucking Jason is the one thing I like to remember,” you tease.
Eddie silently curses his own poorly placed fuck that gave you that opening. Hearing Jason’s name in the middle of this is seriously starting to grate his nerves.
“That’s it,” Eddie grumbles.
Before you can question him, he grabs onto your waist. With little effort he flips you onto your stomach. Your face is held sideways against your pillows. Eddie forces your hips in the air. You can feel the tip of his dick tease your entrance, causing you to twitch. 
“What happened to the condom, prude?” you spit at him from your compromised position.
“The whore wanted it raw, the whore will get it raw,” he growls back. 
It’s in that submissive state, Eddie’s rings digging into your scalp as he holds you down, him degrading you that you realize you’re a goner. You’re an absolute goner. This is so, so bad.
“What’re you waitin’ for then?” you question.
A loud SLAP rings out and a burning sensation spreads across your ass cheek. You gasp at the feeling. 
“This is for my pleasure, whore. This isn't about you. I’ll go as fast or slow as I like.”
On the last word Eddie pushes into you. He doesn't go too fast at first. Sure, he wants to fuck you until you can't walk, but he doesn't want to hurt you. The foreplay was minimal, slow is better for now. You whine as he bottoms out. Completely stretched out and full you can do nothing but grip the sheets on either side of your head. 
Slowly, Eddie begins to move. He’s so lost in the feel of you around him and his own mutterings of Jesus Christ that he doesn't register you speaking at first.
“What?” He breathes.
You cackle.
“Christ, Munson, you’re pathetic.”
There’s that word again. That fucking word. Eddie leans down, both of your damp shirts still on and sticking to each other. 
“Remember what I said earlier?” he whispers into your ear.
“I remember you saying you think I’m unreal,” you mock him.
He straightens back up.
“Yeah, yeah, keep talkin’ while you still can. Soon you’ll only be able to say Eddie,” he gives a single powerful thrust earning a moan from you, “please,” another powerful thrust, “more.”
Eddie sets off on a wild chase of his second orgasm and your delirium. Admittedly, that delirium was setting in very fast. His movements are quick, strong, and fluid. You can't think of anyone else who has fucked you like this. In a way you didn't realize you’ve been craving. In a way that doesn't make you feel like an object, a subject to be studied, or a novelty. Eddie makes you feel a person who is desired, even in spite of the animosity ripe between you. He makes you feel like a whore in the best way possible.
“Shit, you feel so fucking good,” Eddie groans as you tighten around him. 
He’s giving you so much already, but he was right. There are only three words you can think of right now. Only three words you think you’re capable of uttering.
“Eddie,” you moan.
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
“Come again?”
“Not sure I heard you right,” he says smugly, never breaking pace.
“Eddie, please, more,” you moan.
“Thought so.”
Eddie’s thrusts become animalistic. All the anger, frustration, name calling, and overall emotion from the rollercoaster that your relationship has been are being taken out on you. You start saying it like a mantra. Eddie, please, more. It’s a white flag, a surrender. It’s you telling him he’s won. Boy, oh, boy is it a sweet fucking sound. A sound that turns into a scream of a moan with your body tensing around him. He spills into you, hips flush against your ass. His own moans mingle with yours in the air. 
You collapse onto your stomach, Eddie close behind. He stays on top of you. After a minute of catching his breath he rolls off of you. You stay on your stomach as you come back to your senses. 
“You alright, Henderson?” Eddie’s voice is much softer than you’re expecting. 
You turn your head to face him. He’s watching you with wide eyes. How does he manage to look so innocent after everything he just did to you?
“Yeah, Munson, I’m peachy. You good?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
He nods, eyes never leaving you. Your eyes don't leave him. What’s the point in trying to hide staring after all that? You don't care that he is and he doesn't care that you are. 
“So, you still miss fucking Jason?” Eddie asks playfully.
“Good,” he smiles, looking awfully pleased with himself. 
“Do we still hate each other? I can't remember anymore,” you knit your eyebrows to feign confusion. 
Eddie laughs. It’s a low sound that rumbled through his chest. His eyes take on a gooey quality that you fear you may get stuck in.
“I think we might like each other now. I’ll keep you posted.”
“Sounds good to me.”
The scent of sex is thick and heavy in the air when you wake up. Golden light streaks across your face as the sun lowers beneath the horizon. When you shift to turn over and check the time on your alarm clock, a warm weight stops you. Eddie’s arms are around you loosely, holding you against his chest. Both of you are still in only your shirts. 
Carefully, you extract yourself. Eddie groans, but doesn't wake. You only bother with a new pair of underwear. Your stomach lets out a loud grumble and the hunger hits you. You take another look at Eddie’s sleeping form. The annoyance doesn't creep up at the sight of him anymore. Something else does in its place. Something you decide not to dwell on. All you know is if you’re this hungry, he’ll wake up hungry too.
Eddie wakes up to the smell of sex, bacon, eggs, and melted butter. It takes a second to get his bearings. The smell makes him think morning, but the position of the sun tells him it's evening. He crawls out of your bed and pulls his bottom layers back on. When he makes his way out to the main living area he finds you in the kitchen. You’re humming God Only Knows and pushing eggs around in a sizzling pan. Beside you is a plate of bacon and a plate of pancakes. 
There’s a moment where the only thing Eddie can do is watch you. You’re bathed in the last golden rays of the evening, nothing but that baggy white muscle tank and a fresh pair of black underwear. The song isn't one he goes out of his way to listen to, but Wayne has thrown it on a few times. Enough for Eddie to recognize the Beach Boys’ tune. 
“All that for you?” Eddie finally alerts you to his presence. 
You jolt a little in surprise and whip around to look at Eddie. A coy smile crawls upon your face.
“Uh- no. I woke up starving and figured you would too,” you shrug.
As if on cue, Eddie’s stomach lets out a loud growl. You laugh and gesture for him to sit at the table. The whole scene feels so… domestic. If something in Eddie snapped earlier, something else is connecting now. There’s a satisfying click in his head as the sensation of things finally being on the right track sets in. 
“Y’know, I didn’t peg you for a Beach Boys fan,” Eddie comments after a moment of only the sound of you scraping eggs around the pan.
You don't look at him, but Eddie swears he sees color rise to your cheeks.
“I’m not really. It… my dad used to sing that song all the time,” you explain, something close to troubled taking over your voice.
Eddie’s eyebrows raise. He’s never heard mention of Father Henderson before. Dustin only ever has complaints about your mom. Neither of you have mentioned a father until now.
“Dustin’s never mentioned-”
“He wasn't Dustin’s dad.”
You slide the scrambled eggs onto the last empty plate. Eddie watches you bring them over before grabbing a couple more plates for the two of you to eat from. Then some cutlery.
“I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject,” he apologizes with big eyes as you sit across from him.
You begin shoveling food onto your plate.
“You didn't. I actually love talking about him, but my mom and Dustin have never really felt the same. So, I just don’t.”
“Do you want to talk about him now?” 
You finally look at Eddie. Eyebrows slightly raised, eyes a tad wider than normal, and a soft smile on your lips. He wonders if it's okay to reach over and kiss you. 
“His favorite song was God Only Knows by the Beach Boys, but I guess you probably figured that out.”
“Not a bad choice.”
You chuckle.
“I can't imagine you listening to the Beach Boys.”
“I don't, but Wayne does sometimes. God Only Knows is one of the only ones that doesn't make me want to rip my hair out,” he flashes you a playful smile.
“My dad would sing it whenever he was doing something boring. Laundry, dishes, but especially cooking.”
Eddie nods as he fills his own plate. There’s a couple minutes where the two of you eat in silence. Occasional voices could be heard outside, some cats, and the clinking of bottles as recycling goes out. The average soundtrack of Forest Hills.
“Can I ask what happened or is that not cool?” Eddie asks genuinely. 
He really doesn't know how to navigate this conversation. He doesn't want to piss you off or upset you in general. All he knows is how he would want to be asked and, honestly, he simply wouldn't. You don’t seem as closed off on that front as he is, though.
“Pancreatic cancer. My mom ended the marriage before the cancer did, though. Said it was too much for her to handle.”
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Eddie suddenly felt very guilty for asking.
You just shrug. 
“Where’s Dustin’s dad?”
“Who knows,” you snort, “he ran off with some woman from his job.”
“Jeez, your mom really has-”
“Poor choice in men? Yeah.”
“I was gonna say piss poor luck.”
You laugh, which loosens some of the tension that's built around the conversation. Eddie chuckles along, scarfing some food down in the process. 
“We would fly kites when it was nice out. Sometimes he’d bring me to the lake where we’d fish and swim. He liked going to the library a lot, too. I basically grew up in the mystery section. A lot of that was lost when the cancer got bad, though. All of it, really. All of it except that song. No matter how bad it got, he always sang that song,” you rattle on sadly, but with a smile.
It’s been so long since you've talked about him. It feels good. Like visiting him after a long time away. Memories are nice, but there’s something special about sharing them. It’s easier to relive them. Easier to enjoy them when you get to do it with someone else. Maybe it’s just because that someone else is Eddie. You think if anyone will understand, or at the very least respect, how it feels it'd be him. 
“What was his name?”
“Jack. Jack Coleman.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow. He narrows his eyes and leans in, pointing his fork in an accusatory fashion. 
“Wait, so, you’re not a Henderson? You’re a Coleman?” He questions.
You break out in a smile. 
Eddie looks like he was struck by lightning. Like the heavens just opened up and revealed the meaning of life to him. 
“Shit, wait… I do remember you!”
“No, you don't,” you shake your head, attempting to hide how mortified that sentence makes you.
“Yes, I totally do! All your friends called you Cole. You had those sick green vans,” he wears a goofy smile.
You feel heat crawl up your neck.
“You remember my vans?”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to flush bright red.
“Yeah, like I said, they were sick.”
“I still have’em somewhere. Maybe I’ll break’em out one day,” you smile.
Both of you clear your plates after that. You really were hungry. It’s an amicable silence. One that grows more uncomfortable in your chest because you know another hard conversation has to be had.
“I know you’re not Jason, by the way. I mean, I know now. Sorry I jumped to conclusions. I've been through a lot of Jasons,” you tell him softly.
Eddie offers a soft smile.
“S’alright. Would you tell me what happened there? I can't imagine you with fuckin’ Jason.”
You chuckle.
“Yeah, he asked me for help at work and then started saying all the right things. The dating pool for me in Hawkins is small. So, when he said he didn't want anyone to know I said okay. When he pretended not to know me in public I said okay. Then, one day, he was just…,” you frown at the memory of them walking down the street holding hands, “with Chrissy Cunningham. I asked him about it, but he was pissed I called his house. Called me about every derogatory name you can think of.”
Eddie could actually kill Jason. He already hated him, but now he’s actively cursing the ground the asshole walks on. How could he treat you so shitty? How could he not feel grateful he gets to be in your presence in this capacity? 
“Well, I’d like to keep doing this. As public as possible. I want everyone to know I’m with someone this unreal,” he keeps his tone playful, but you can see the sincerity in his eyes. 
Your heart starts pounding against your chest. Eddie is sitting across from you offering you everything you’ve ever wanted in a relationship. Someone who not only wants to be with you, but is proud to be with you. It’s almost too much. 
“So, you're with me now, huh?” you tease.
“I sure am,” Eddie teases back with a wolfish grin.
“Maybe let's start with an actual date.”
“You asking me out, Hen-Coleman,” he places emphasis on getting the last name right. 
A smile forms on your lips. You don't have an issue with being called a Henderson. The different last name is why so many people don't know you and Dustin are related. So, you don't correct people anymore when they call you Henderson. The reminder that you're technically only half siblings has always upset Dustin.
“Yeah, I think I am, Munson.”
“Then I expect to be picked up at seven sharp. You better have flowers and chocolates. I’m expensive to date.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Eddie helps you clean without you asking. He takes over the dishes, scooting you out of the way and instructing you to dry and put them away. 
“I dunno where anything goes,” is his excuse.
Really, he just wanted to take on the more arduous task for you. A sort of repayment for making him food. The effortless kindness you've met him with after the sex you had. The angry, heated sex. Eddie finds it kinda funny how the two of you have fallen into this little exchange of kindness and good will considering how the day began. 
When the dishes are all done and put away, Eddie begins awkwardly fiddling with his rings. It feels like his time with you is coming to an end. He doesn't want to overstay his welcome, but fuck does he want to stay. Just hanging out with you like this makes him feel… normal. He doesn't feel like the Freak, the drug dealer, or the fuck up. He just feels like Eddie and, for the first time, he feels like maybe that's enough. 
“Is it really dumb to ask you to stay?” you ask him suddenly.
You’re standing across the small kitchen, having just put the last of the plates away. Eddie looks at you with wide, excited eyes.
“Awe, you wanna spend more time with me, Coleman?” Eddie coos teasingly. 
“Alright, forget I said anything,” you roll your eyes with a smile.
Eddie lets out a laugh.
“I’ll stay until you kick me out,” he smiles back. 
You don't kick him out until you have to go to work the next afternoon.
The next time Dustin calls to beg for permission for Hellfire to meet at your place, you agree without hesitation. The day before you work, but only until five. Eddie is waiting in his van in front of the store when you exit, a lit cigarette between his lips. You smile and hop in. 
“I wasn't expecting you to pick me up,” you say as you buckle your seatbelt.
You know he had work at the record store today. Eddie takes one last drag of his cigarette and puts it out in the cup holder on his side. He’s been doing that ever since you yelled at him for flicking his butts out the window. 
“Got out at four. I’m not gonna let my precious Coleman walk home if I can help it,” he shows off a goofy smile and starts to drive. 
“You think I’m precious,” you coo.
“More precious than the One Ring,” he coos back.
“Okay, you've lost me.”
Eddie glances at you in disbelief.
“You have Henderson as a brother and you don't know Lord of the Rings?” 
“Oh, that’s those books that read like textbooks, right?”
“Read like- Jesus Christ, I might have to rethink this whole situation,” he says to himself.
“Sorry,” you laugh, “I don’t have much time for reading. So, when I do, if it's not simple and to the point, I can't get into it.”
“Lord of the Rings is art. It’s a painting on paper.”
“Aren’t all paintings on paper?”
“Canvas,” he corrects, “you’re makin’ me feel real smart today.”
“Glad I can be of service,” you say sarcastically. 
“Seriously, though. That’s like… my favorite thing other than D&D and music,” his voice is more tender, more serious.
And you, he thinks. It’s far too early to admit that. Doesn't mean he doesn't feel that way, though.
“Maybe I can give it another go,” you shrug.
Eddie throws a soft smile your way. You hold onto the warmth it fills you with for as long as you can. Eddie ends up staying the night, which isn't much of a surprise. It was clear he was expecting it because he brought his D&D bag with him. It did make setting up the next day easier since he was already there. 
By the time Dustin shows up Eddie is all set up. You’re laying on the couch, Eddie is crouched beside you. His face is close to yours, a sly smile present. You’re busy giggling like a maniac at whatever he must have said. Dustin lets the screen door fall shut behind him. The sound of it slamming startles you and Eddie. 
“What’s going on?” Dustin asks suspiciously. 
Eddie smiles widely.
“Just telling Coleman here what’s in store for you guys today,” he says easily. 
Dustin visibly stiffens. He doesn't find this situation as amusing as the two of you seem to.
“Coleman,” Dustin states, eyes set on you.
You can see the hurt. It’s been so long since you've corrected someone on your last name. You didn't think about how the sudden change might make Dustin feel rejected.
“Yeah, y’know, their last name,” Eddie eggs the conversation on, unaware of the ugly feelings bubbling up.
“I know their last name, Eddie,” Dustin snaps. 
That clues Eddie into the sore nature of the subject. He glances apologetically between you and Dustin. 
“Dustin, don’t be rude,” you chide.
“You two were at each other’s throats the last time I saw you together and you’re telling me not to be rude?” 
“Well, we’re not at each other’s throats now. So, yeah, I am,” you begin catching Dustin’s own attitude. 
You sit up, causing Eddie to stand. 
“Whatever, it’s bullshit and you know it,” he rolls his eyes and throws his bag down next to the chair he usually occupies. 
“Excuse me, what’s bullshit?” You question and stand up.
Eddie is watching helplessly. He can't help but feel like he incited this situation. Dustin gestures widely at the air around you and Eddie.
“You telling me what to do. You guys are friends today, but tomorrow you’ll probably be fighting again. Isn't that how it goes with you?”
Any emotion falls from your face. Your hands shake a bit. You won't let them see you break. You won't derail their night. Besides, Dustin is right. You and Eddie are good now, but you like to blow up all the good things in your life. Ever since your father died, the idea that anything good may be permanent feels more like a pipe dream. It’s easier to discard good things before good things discard you.
“Yeah, it is. I’m going to be in my room. Have fun with your campaign,” you mumble and storm past him to your room.
The door doesn't slam. It clicks shut calmly, which is scarier. Eddie rounds on Dustin. 
“What the fuck is your problem, Henderson?” he demands.
“I don't have a problem.”
“You wanna talk about bullshit? What is it? Am I not good enough-”
“Eddie, you know that’s not it.”
“Then what is it?”
Dustin takes a second. He sighs, closing his eyes, and then opening them once more.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” 
The waver in Dustin’s voice throws Eddie off. His features soften as he looks at Dustin. Guilt washes over him. Sure, Dustin might be younger and Eddie might see him as a protege, or a younger brother, but he’s still one of Eddie’s best friends. Fuck, this was really shitty of him. He should have told Dustin he’s into you, regardless of how obvious it was. He should have told him you two have hooked up and are seeing where things go. Maybe not official, but exclusive. Instead, he acted like it didn't matter. Like it didn't matter that he’s seeing his best friend’s older sibling. Eddie runs an anxious hand over his face, stopping at his chin to hold it in thought.
“I’m really sorry, Dustin,” is all he can say in the end.
“I don't want an apology. I want an answer. I asked you so many times, Eddie. Every time you just dismissed me. I’m not stupid! And I don’t care! I’m happy for you, for both of you. I just… I just really wish you told me.”
Eddie takes a shaky breath. Dustin's words fall heavy on his shoulders. They're a weight he can tell he’ll be carrying for a while. 
“I should’ve. I was afraid of what you'd think. What you’d say. It’s not an excuse, I know, but… I dunno I think this is real, man. It feels real.”
Dustin does what Eddie thought he may never do again. He hugs him. It takes Eddie a second to register, but once he does he hugs back tight. He’s hopeful when they separate. 
“I think it’s great. Seriously, you both look really happy. But if you hurt them, Eddie, I’ll get Steve to beat you up.”
Eddie nods with wide eyes.
“Okay, I have to go apologize,” Dustin sighs. 
Eddie watches him disappear to your room. Mike and Will come strolling in. Eddie thanks whatever is out there that they showed after all that. 
“So, we’ve been doin’ this a while now,” Eddie says, head lolling over to look at you.
You’re in your bed, fully clothed. These nights are Eddie’s favorite. Together in bed for the sake of being together in bed and nothing else. Eddie’s hair is splayed out behind him. The singular telephone pole light outside exposes the blush on his cheeks. It makes you smile. You like that you do that to him. 
“I s’pose we have,” your voice is soft and quiet.
“D’you maybe wanna make this an official thing?” 
He looks shy, nervous. It’s adorable. 
“I’d love to be an official thing with you.”
“Metal,” he breathes with a smile.
You chuckle and press a joyful kiss on his lips. When you pull away Eddie can tell you have an idea. Your smile gets this funny little quirk when you get an idea.
“Since we’re an official thing, I guess you should formally meet my father,” you try to sound serious.
Pure confusion crosses Eddie’s face. You gesture to the set up on your dresser. A small urn and some photos. Understanding and then mischief lights up his face. He hops out of bed and stands before the dresser. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Eddie says and bows as if addressing a king. 
You let out a little laugh. Then he’s staring tenderly at the photos. One from your third birthday. You're on your father’s lap covered in cake. Another is from one of the times he took you fishing. You’re around six in that particular photo. The final photo shows you at eight. Your father looks so much older despite it only being a few years. He’s paler, thinner, and more tired looking. You’re tucked into bed with him, asleep. Eddie can only assume it's the last photo you took with him. 
“You were a cute kid,” he comments adoringly and jumps back into bed.
“What, I’m not cute now?” you tease.
“No, you're unreal now, remember,” he smiles.
You chuckle.
“You’re unreal too, Munson.”
One thing’s for sure, Eddie was right. This official thing is definitely real and it’s definitely it for both of you. 
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seths-rogens · 11 months
82 and steddie for the ANGST
i wrote this ENTIRELY ON THE CLOCK i feel both powerful and insane anyway here u go bestie, some lovely steddie angst <33
word count: 1.1k
82. “This is a one time thing.”
He should’ve known.
Should’ve known when Eddie’s eyes fell hooded. Should’ve known when his back was pressed hard against the wall of his hallway. When Eddie’s tongue was down his throat. Should’ve known when Eddie pressed in slow and his head fell back against the pillow.
It should’ve been obvious. He should’ve known.
But now, lying bare, covered only by the thin top sheet, Steve frowns as he watches Eddie sit up and start searching for his clothes.
“What’re you doing?” He fiddles with the covers, pinching and twisting them between his fingers.
Eddie barely spares a glance over his shoulder.
“What does it look like?” He reaches down, shuffles as he pulls on his boxers. The low light casts shadows over the curve of his back, illuminates the Gauth tattoo he got a week last Friday. “This was a one time thing, Harrington. Did you expect me to stay and cuddle?”
Steve’s stomach drops like he’s falling from a height. He feels sick, anxiety rolling through his stomach.
Is this all he’s good for? A quick fuck and nothing more?
Does he not deserve more than just this?
Spiralling is never a nice feeling.
He laughs, cold and harsh, plastering on that old ‘King Steve’ persona and crossing his arms tight over his chest. Nothing can break through that tough exterior. “Course not. Why would I expect anything from you?”
Eddie has his shirt on now. He’s stood, searching the floor for where he tossed his jeans. He meets Steve’s eye at his stern tone.
“Woah, whats your deal man?”
“My deal? There’s no deal.” Steve shakes his head, a glare settled on his face.
“I mean, clearly there is. You were fine like five minutes ago and now, what? You’re acting all bitchy for some reason?”
“Fucking rich coming from you, Munson.”
Eddie’s eyes widen in shock. “The fuck?” He mutters under his breath. “What’s gotten into you? You haven’t called me Munson in months!”
Steve glowers, tosses the covers back and strides, naked as the day he was born, into the bathroom. “You can see yourself out.”
A clean break will be easier. He can lose it in private once Eddie’s gone.
He goes to shut the door but a palm slams down, holding it open. Steve flinches, eyes flicking up to meet Eddie’s.
“Wait a goddamn minute, man. What did I do?” Eddie looks desperate now, where before he seemed apathetic. Steve can’t help but be confused at the shift.
“Why do you care? I thought this was a one time thing?”
“It is! That’s what you wanted!”
Steve let’s out a short breath, ducks his head and punches the bridge of his nose. He can’t help the tears stinging at the corners of his eyes. “You didn’t even ask me.” He chokes out.
“You didn’t ask me what I want.”
A crease appears between Eddie’s eyebrows, confusion swimming in his eyes. “You’re not a queer, Steve. You just wanted to get off, right? It’s okay. I’m not mad that that’s all you want.”
Steve laughs, letting go of the door and running a hand down his face. A couple tears spill over. “And you were just there, right?”
“Exactly. We’re friends. It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
Steve’s voice breaks. “You think I would use you like that? That’s how little you think of me?”
“What? Stevie, sunshine, no. I think the world of you.”
“Then why is it a one time thing! Why can’t I be more? Am I not good enough? Don’t I deserve it?”
“No.” He puts his foot down. “You don’t get to call me that if you’re just gonna fuck me and toss me to the side.”
Eddie flinches as if struck. “I—“
“I’m so tired, Eddie. I’m so tired of being this person everyone thinks is only good for sex. I don’t even care about sex that much!” Steve runs a hand through his hair, before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his hips. He’s too exposed. “Like yeah, sure, it’s fun. But I want more than that! I like the hand holding and the dates and the inside jokes. I don’t want just sex. I want to be loved.”
Eddie’s expression softens, his eyes a little wet. “You are so loved, Steve Harrington. Robin and Dustin and the rest of the kids love you so much. Hell, they would die for you.”
Steve shakes his head, staring at the floor. Eddie’s holy socks next to his bare feet. “That’s not what I mean. That’s different.”
“You want to be in love.”
Steve nods. “Yeah.”
“Well, I—“ Eddie starts. Steve looks up at him, a glimmer of hope lighting in his chest. “No. Never mind, I don’t even know what I was going to say.”
He takes a step back, steps into his jeans and pulls them up. He’s fiddling with the belt buckle when he says, “I should get going. I’m sorry I upset you.”
He makes for the door but doesn’t get far before Steve stops him. “Eds?”
Eddie stops but doesn’t turn around. “Yeah?”
“What were you going to say?”
Eddie shakes his head, croaks out an answer. “Nothing, Stevie. Promise.”
“No.” Steve squeezes his eyes shut as he whispers the plea. “Please say it.”
Eddie turns around.
His eyes are closed. His fists clenched so tightly his skin is pulled white. “You could never want me. So why ask for more when I could have you for one night?”
Steve makes a pained noise but says nothing, sensing Eddie isn’t finish. Eddie let’s out a shaky sigh.
“I thought I was protecting myself. Limiting it to one night, one time. I thought we could just move on. Just be friends who had sex that one time.” He laughs, soft and self deprecating. “But it’s never that easy with you, Stevie. I knew as soon as we finished that if I let myself stay, if I held you for even a moment, that I’d never recover.”
Steve steps towards him, hapless to resist.
“So I acted like it meant nothing. And I’m sorry I did, truly. If I knew you felt like that, I wouldn’t have.”
“How do I feel, Eddie?”
Eddie’s face scrunches up, pained or maybe nervous. “You… you love me? Right?”
Steve nods. Takes another step forward. “And?”
“And I love you.”
For the first time all night, Steve smiles. The full, gleaming one he doesn’t let slip often. It lightens his eyes, bares his teeth.
He steps closer still until they’re almost chest to chest.
Steve wraps his fingers around the handcuffs that make up Eddie’s belt buckle. He tugs and Eddie stumbles forward until they’re flush.
With his other hand, Steve loosens his towel. Lets it fall.
He cups Eddie’s jaw in his hands, leans in until there’s only a whisper of space between their lips.
“Well then, maybe this doesn’t have to be a one time thing.”
send me a prompt!
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mlmarint · 25 days
so here’s my thoughts about the “daddy issues” thing with the whole anti tommy shit
you guys are such fucking hypocrites
i would be totally on board with someone bringing that it’s not okay to sexualize someone’s trauma if that was the case. but guess whaaaaaaat???? THATS NOT THE CASE. and it’s not “terrible dialogue” either, there’s so many scenes with terrible dialogue in this show, but some of you should really stop and ask yourselfs WHY you didn’t like this one.
if eddie was the one to make a comment like that some of you’d be OVER THE MOON. i’ve NEVER seen ANYONE in this fandom talk about how a LOT of the buddie explicit fanfics have a daddy kink on it. and before any more comments, i REALLY HATE buddie fics with daddy kink because it always reminds me of christopher and do NOT want to think about christopher in that moment.
“that’s not the problem. the problem is that once again buck it’s with someone who doesn’t care about his trauma” oh grow the fuck up.
tommy LITERALLY decided to not date buck because he thought buck wasn’t ready for it, he gave buck his space, he at first didn’t want to go to maddie and chimney wedding with buck because he thought buck was acting on impulse and wanted him to take his time to be okay with who he is, and after he was sure he tried his best to be on time to his date.
and also!!!! buck is a little “freak” in bed guys, he was a literal sex addict in season 1. every now and then the show reminds us this (like the ring cutter scene), also this is the second buck’s relationship with someone who’s like older than him. i wouldn’t be surprised if buck has a canon daddy kink because GUESS WHAAAAAT some people who have daddy issues??? THEY HAVE DADDY KINKS!!!!!
but you guys wanna know what i truly think?
i think that some of you (these tommy antis) are only here for buddie. you’re not here for the show, you’re here for buck and eddie. you’re not here for all these amazing characters!!! you’re not here for the fact that buck being a bisexual man discovering that side of him in his 30s its one of the most important things that happened in this show when we’re talking about lgbt+ characters and the importance of having something like that to be on media.
you’re not here for bi buck, you’re only here if this means that eddie will be with him. you’ll won’t be here if they decide to give a eddie queer discover story non related to buck on season 8 (and i truly think we’re going that way).
you only liked buck and tommy when you could sexualize two man kissing.
if you want to talk about something that is not okay that tommy did why don’t you rewatch the older episodes he’s in? he wasn’t a nice person back then and honestly i would like for them to bring that up!!! for them to show how a person can change and grow out of their prejudice and realize that they don’t need to be an ass and be okay with who they truly are. in fact why don’t we talk about how they hinted the fact that tommy didn’t like who he was when he was working with gerard? that he doesn’t like gerard and that he was a toxic person and that tommy grow up with a racist, homophobic and sexist dad???? that’s why he wasn’t a nice person back than but he’s different now and he’s a proud gay man and that once again that’s a nice thing to have on media because it shows how it’s NEVER too late to come in terms with who you are and change the way your are for better????
tommy isn’t perfect (and no one that he hurt before seems to actually care about it cause he did truly changed), but that doesn’t mean you need to cancel the guy FOR ONE SINGLE comment!!!! part of the 911 team made fun of buck for being sexually assaulted by his therapist but no one canceled them for it, did they?
honestly i am so fucking tired with fandoms in general.
at this point i hope we don’t get buddie being canon FOR A LONG TIME cause i want you guys to suffer with tommy and buck being in a happy relationship.
just remember: eddies it’s not canonical queer yet, there’s hints of it and they probably are going on that road with the whole thing they’re saying on interviews, BUT buck IS BISEXUAL and HE IS dating TOMMY you like it or not and it’s by far the most healthy relationship he EVER had in this show, can’t you be happy for him????
you can be a buddie shipper and still enjoy bucktommy because what we should truly want more than anything it’s buck and eddie to be happy with who they are.
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sissa-arrows · 1 month
French Israeli piece of shit: Wanna know why the Arabs don’t protest and break and burn shit in Israel like they do in France? First Arab who walks by gets beaten up. Even the nice Arabs. The peaceful ones with nice corner shops. We beat them up, broke everything did a carnage. It’s the only language the Arabs understand, they think that as long as you’re not in the streets to kill them you’re weak and they can do whatever they want. The war, what we’re doing in Gaza hasn’t been done in a long time. What we’re doing in Gaza… you know what we’re doing. Not a single Arab in Israel is moving not even their ear unlike 2021. Not a single burned tire. Nothing because they know that Israelis, including the leftists, if they do anything we will catch them and hang them to a traffic light.
People in the conversation: That’s good!!!
The same piece of shit: I can send you pictures of Arabs taped from head to feet. Their face, their eyes everything.
Mila a piece of shit: I absolutely want to see this.
A third piece of shit: If you want Mika I have really nice ones from the army.
Mila the piece of shit: I want to see it.
The two pieces of shit who have pictures: Sending you the pics in DM.
Mila: *laughing*
Come again and tell us how “Israel” is nice and how the “Israeli Arabs” are not mistreated. The thing is the three people who were talking are easily identifiable. We all know who they are know their names and faces. Mila is even invited on TV regularly to pretend to be a victim. But none of them was arrested. Let’s pretend a group with white supremacists and Muslims who can easily be identified because they are known and use their picture and full name on social media was calling for the murder of Jews? Do you think for one second it wouldn’t be all over the news and the piece of shit would be in police custody already? But hey it’s just anti Arab racism so nothing to see here. They are just celebrating the death of Palestinians. Fuck Zionism. Fuck every single person who stand with “Israel” in any form or shape even the “neutral” ones and both siders. You’re a piece of shit and I have absolutely zero respect for you or even any empathy.
(The two guys in the conversation are Zionist Jews the girl Mila is a white supremacist. A couple years ago when she was 17 and nobody knew her she insulted Muslims during a live video, idiots answered by insulting her cause she is queer. And she became a symbole in France they started using her to show how the Arabs are savages and saying that blasphemy is a right in France. They didn’t listen to us when we were like “Nah she didn’t insult Islam she insulted Muslims that’s not blasphemy that’s racism” and now years later after being told her behavior was perfectly okay multiple times including by politicians and the medias, she is casually calling for the murder or Arabs and asking for pictures of dead Palestinians.)
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celestialtarot11 · 8 months
PAC~ What exciting things are coming in your future?
Hi everyone! Here’s a new PAC reading for you all. Just close your eyes and choose what you feel called to. Today we’re featuring the lovely spirit quartz, opalite and labradorite!
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Pile 1~ 🌃✨
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Hi there lovely pile 1’s! I see you made it over here. For exciting things in your future, I am picking up deep healing. A deep rejuvenation that you have control over, and this is such an empowering experience. If you are on this journey already, it must be tiring and overwhelming. Your feelings are valid and real. This part of your journey is helping you to empower yourself through the choices you make, and in doing so, you attract abundance and balance. In all areas of your life, you will find stability, peace, and joy within yourself. This tough part is almost over! Releasing the past is making room for the new. If you have been manifesting, you will be receiving them soon! For those who have not begun this part of their journey, you have all the resources you need to work through this. This is an important time for you to awaken to the deeper parts of your self that need healing, and love. Take care pile 1’s!
Pile 2~ 🤎✨
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Similar to pile 1, there’s a lot of rest and nurturing energy surrounding you or will be surrounding you soon. I see you going on vacation, or traveling to your favorite spot to feel happy. I see a time of friends coming together, and maybe romantic partners for some of you. This is a sweet reunion time, and a time for reconnection within yourself, and others. If you have been resting and slowing down, good job. The cards are highlighting what amazing progress you’ve made. Walking away from what does not serve you has done you well, now you can celebrate how far you’ve come. Writing down what it is you want in your future is important. Manifest all you desire, its time to listen to your heart space. What’s coming for you, is all your dreams you’ve ever wanted. They are all here for you to experience. It is not a dream anymore, or a desire. It’s now reality. Time to receive it all. You are blessed, guided, and supported. I saw 222 when typing this, so that may be a significant number for you all. It has to do with reunions, soulmates, divine counterpart energy and balance. See you again pile 2’s!
Pile 3’s ✈️✨
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Hi there lovely pile 3’s! What’s coming for your future is a time for rest. A time to slow down, and breathe. This is very much needed since in the cards, I see you are overwhelmed. Scared even. It’s all going to be okay. If there is a decision you’ve been pondering about, or felt scared to make the choice, it’s okay to slow it down. You don’t have to rush this, or make it right away. Take the time you need for yourself to breathe. Factor in what benefits you, and how you’ll feel about this choice in the long run. If things have been chaotic, they will slow down and even itself out. Taking a walk may benefit you a lot, you may even find answers. Your intuition is strong in nature I’m hearing. Spirit/god/universe, or whatever you believe in, is creating an opportunity for you to rest and slow down! Take care pile 3’s! Stay hydrated and remember to take your time.
🌸Cards featured: 🌸
Queer Tarot by Ash and Chess
Work Your Light Oracle Cards by Rebecca Campbell
Thank you all for reading, if it resonates feel free to comment, like and reblog! I am still taking personal paid readings as well. Thank you for the support.
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sugarcubetikki · 5 days
Okay. I am annoyed by the everything so I’m gonna go ahead and debunk all the arguments against the Francesca X Michaela storyline.
In case you weren’t aware of all the complaints going around, here they are:
they’ve completely changed the storyline from the books! francesca’s infertility storyline was sooo important and now it won’t happen!
eloise would’ve made more sense as the queer bridgerton, her and cressida or some other female character would’ve been great over francesca.
by immediately making francesca attracted to michaela they downplayed john and her’s relationship that was built up this season, they cheapened the book storyline into a cliche love triangle!
michael was the best book hero ever! I can’t believe they’ve changed him to michaela.
I am taking all these criticisms/complaints at face value and ignoring any lesbophobia undertones (for now) just to prove how flawed they still are on their own.
Firstly, saying that Francesca’s infertility storyline has been ruined is far from the truth. Instead it can be done in a different way. Think about Francesca in a queer relationship and wanting kids in the kind of society she lives in. It basically mirrors the infertility storyline from the books except her struggles would become representative of the struggles that queer people who want kids face. If they went for this storyline in her season, I think it would be really really nice, we’ve seen a straight infertility storyline play out so many times, this would be great.
Secondly, I am so tired of hearing that it should’ve been Eloise over Francesca. I don’t think Eloise would’ve made more or less sense as a queer women. I think any and every character has the potential to be written as queer or straight. Being an outspoken women with little interest on marriage shouldn’t make Eloise more queer. I also really liked the idea of a potential Eloise X Cressida romance but that does not mean Francesca cannot be queer. In fact, I’m excited to see this introverted autistic queer girl rep! Francesca, go prove we exist.
Thirdly, Francesca’s season hasn’t even happened yet! Getting mad over one scene of Michaela, saying that John and Francesca’s relationship has been downplayed and that we’re in for a cheapened love triangle story is so unreasonable. It was a single scene and people are choosing to get mad over something that hasn’t even happened yet? Besides, if this storyline plays out, it wouldn’t mean that Francesca shouldn’t have been made queer but simply that the writers didn’t write the storyline to your liking. The fact that there’s this much outrage over this is so ridiculous to me. Wait till her season. We have no idea how they’re going to play out the storyline just yet so stop hating already (there may be some lesbophobia implications to this claim which I have spoken about below).
Fourthly, I know it’s not a nice feeling to not get the chance to see a beloved book character onscreen due to this gender swap. It may feel unfair but I mean but…give Michaela a chance? We haven’t seen her personality yet and we don’t know how Masali will bring her character to life. If your qualms are that the love interest is no longer a guy you can fetishise and fawn over, then well…log out of the internet, rant to a friend and stick to the books. Let the sapphics have their wlw romance that we rarely get these days because we keep getting cancelled since streaming services hate gay women. And no that is not an exaggeration but our plain reality. So let us have this.
Finally, to end things off, let us address the lesbophobia aspect to this separately because it is 100% worth mentioning.
The treatment towards queer women onscreen is hardly the same as the hype around queer men.
We can see it in the way streaming services and the internet hype up gay romances whilst sapphic romances are largely ignored and cast to the side (just to make it clear I have nothing against people enjoying mlm romance I enjoy mlm romance all I’m saying that it’s a real shame that wlw romance doesn’t get the same amount of appreciation).
The response to Francesca X Michaela has been largely negative and it’s frustrating. Outside of the cosy gay rabbit hole that tumblr is, there’s just outrage over this storyline/pairing for a number of different reasons that well…all feel ridiculous.
Bridgerton has gone off the books many times yet there’s more outrage than before when it comes to Francesca X Michaela?
Fans are getting a lot more defensive of John and Francesca’s relationship despite knowing he was never going to be endgame all because of Michaela? I’m sorry but I’m sure that if Michaela was Michael and we got the exact same scene with Francesca, do you think there would be as much outrage over John and Francesca’s relationship being downplayed? No. Let’s be honest. People wouldn’t be as mad because there’d be an attractive man involved.
I think the sapphics deserve so much more and better treatment from fellow non-sapphics. Instead of a show of appreciation, we keep getting unreasonable amounts of fire onto this storyline that hasn’t even happened.
What’s worse is that I know that Francesca X Michaela’s romance could follow the story beats of previous seasons that were eaten up by fans and still be bad to people because sapphic romances are just judged more harshly as straight audiences refuse to connect with them. If their romance isn’t phenomenal and just good, then it won’t be enough which is just frustrating.
So yeah, the hate towards Francesca and Michaela is unwarranted and unjust. People need to calm down and realise that their claims are contributing to lesbophobia whether they realise it or not.
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theinternetarchivist · 2 months
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OKAY but in all honesty I find the theme of happiness and simplicity to be SO interesting in this story because it’s a topic almost everyone deals with
For Frankenstein well- we’re seeing it play out. She never got to be happy, her experiment ended with everyone she held close dead. So when she sees people like her thrive, she can’t help but feel jealous which is a COMPLETELY human experience and is something I’m sure everyone can relate to, to a degree
Jekyll also grapples with something similar, but not as a scientist, but in relation to his queerness for the most part. The theme of simplicity is STRONG with him, like how he said “why can’t I want anything simple. I want to want what they want” or even when he tells Jasper that Rachel will leave him for something simpler, he wants to be happy, he wants life to be simple, but it’s impossible for him so he expresses jealousy similar to Frankenstein- albeit in more passive ways
Hyde also kind of fits into this, but on the topic of his identity. He doesn’t know what his identity is, he’s a part of Jekyll yes but in a way he’s also his own being. His life crashed around him when Lucy basically called him out (AS SHE SHOULD TBH) as a fraud essentially- he doesn’t know what it *means* to be happy, or like what it would mean to him
I would go more in depth with other characters but I’m tired rn and am about to leave on a field trip so for now my thoughts will remain unfinished, but I will say this: what happiness is and what simplicity means is definitely the theme of The Glass Scientists in my opinion, and in my opinion it’s portrayed in such a good way especially because of its’ queer themes.
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watchyourbuck · 10 months
Oh god okay here we go
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Why must I go into heavy detail you ask? Well, I am actually unable to shut up so here it is them 10 TOP “there’s no chance this is a straight friendship” MOMENTS
“You can have my back any day” aka the enemies to lovers speedrun. The immediate feeling we’re supposed to get from the screen is jealousy. Buck is jealous of the new recruit because he’s hot, a medic, a veteran, whatever. I’ll give it to you children, he WAS jealous. But then they go on call and they get into immediate danger bc 911 is a drama and then Eddie’s very keen on being Buck’s partner. Nothing queer til then right? WRONG. Eddie’s line is pretty normal but the way Buck reacts isn’t. I have had my fair share of “huh this person I didn’t like is actually cool” moments but nEVER have I once sucked in a breath, forgot how to blink, rushed in my words OR stared at said person like I’d like for them to be my lover. Three points to Gayfindor.
“Is your son REALLY the reason you don’t date?” This line and the dialogue that follows makes absolutely no sense from the non-queer glass. Alright he asks bc he wants to know why two girls practically launched themselves at him and he declined (such a kind offer lmao) but… why are you standing so close? Why do you bump shoulders with him as you walk? Most importantly, what the FUCK does Eddie’s smirk mean after “they’re not my type either… not anymore.” Idk about you guys but when I’m not on the market I’m actually not in it 😀 and I don’t go around looking at my best friend like I’d consider fucking her (I’m actually kinda yikes about that thought bc she’s like my sister). Bottom line is: if you’re willing to fuck your best friend, there’s attraction. That scenes oozes attraction and I’d be willing to white glove challenge a body language reader.
The Tsunami. YES okay, there are far many moments in between but I also need to make this a somewhat readable list so here we go. We’re gonna pretend for a hot second Buck wants to save his best friend’s son, and not the child that he considers his own bc I’m tired. Let’s skip to the far end of this (be GrAtEfuL I’m skipping the whole sacrifice that this episode entailed. Buck was willing to die, to never sit down again if it meant looking for Chris [& the utter fear he has to face Eddie]. It’s a lot). Now, I do not OWN a child (thank god) but if I did, I wouldn’t be particularly comfortable with a simple friend from work taking care of them. They could be my very best friend from work and I’d still feel a little icky -at least nervous- about it. Yet Eddie not only takes Christopher back A F T E R the tsunami (Chris could’ve died and Eddie is nothing short of apprehensive), but he says ‘there’s no one I trust with my son more than you’. Um. Not his wife. Not his family (CHRIS’ family), not Abuela, not Tia Pepa. Buck. Who he… just met? Surely it isn’t bc he’s uncle buck… I don’t believe even Maddie has said that to Buck, where he’s actually, yknow, UNCLE BUCK. Co-parenting is not something done between a parent and a friend, and I know this shit bc my mom raised me with a few of her friends and guys,,, she never said that to any of them. Also Chris is practically never seen with anyone else from the 188firefam alone.
The Kitchen Scene™️. I have gone on rants about this before but truth be told THIS is the scene that conveys the MOST canonically sexual tension between them. We can joke about it all y’all want but this scene is unhinged. I don’t think Oliver and Ryan were aware that they should’ve been friends in this scene. The way the conversation shifts from apologetic sad puppy eyes to “you’re throwing your punches at the wrong guy” to I CAN TAKE YOU (???) you can what? “Oh you think?” “Oh I know” HELLO? Pls don’t even get me started on how Buck approaches Eddie, the way he’s puffy-chested, his hand on his belt, eyeing him up and down, nearly biting his lip, cocky grin,,,,, explain to me in hetero. I’m waiting😐 guys c’mon exPLAIN IT TO ME IN HETERO. The way Eddie glances to the side bc where’s Chris? And h o w he sips his beer right after, smirking, tiLTING His head. I’m sorry this is not straight in any way. I’m sorry you’re gonna have to accept this.
Clipboard Buck. Alright u got me!!! This one’s a lil silly, but so is my life, so it’s fair game. Clipboard Buck is annoying as fuck, he’s so fucking annoying. The entire firefam picks up on this, no one wants to be around,,,, except Eddie. You could argue that it’s bc he likes him as a friend and he’s just indulging …. 👁️👄👁️ sure but he also hides from Interim Captain Han soooo anyway what’s fun about this is how willing Eddie is to comply with everything he says. He’s basically twirling his hair, kicking his feet, smiling & blushing and “check!” 🧍🏽‍♀️ buck is kinky (that is canon e.g the ring cutter) and he gets high on authority and Eddie does backflips to meet his kinks. Exhibit 5 complete.
The Lawsuit Arc acka the first divorce era😔✊🏼. This one makes me rage a little bit because I get really upset at Buck for acting recklessly. Like baby let yourself HEAL. Anyway,,,, onto what brings us here 🥷🏼. It’s canon that the entire team is mad at Buck, they don’t really wanna bump into him, can’t really speak to him,,, but Eddie? Eddie’s filled with wrath. I cannot stress enough the fact that he uses Chris as an excuse “do you even know how much he misses you? how could you! you’re not here”. The way he expresses himself, and we’re choosing to ignore the fact that he HIMSELF misses Buck,, that’s how you talk to someone who has a responsibility with the child, not the fun coworker that randomly shows up @ your house with pizza every once in a while. “I couldn’t even call you to bail me out of jail”. He’s so u p s e t that for the first time they know each other he can’t rely on Buck when he’s hurting and in danger. And pls for the love of Jesus Christ my lord & savior don’t tell me that it’s a 118 thing bc he calls Ronda Rousey to come pick him up 🎅🏻 that grocery store scene is.. interesting.
Eddie Underground. Alright we’re getting serious now guys,,, might as well put on your thinking caps on this one. We all know the story, this isn’t a latest ep recap soooo The wAY Buck’s the ONLY ONE who desperately calls Eddie’s name when he’s fallen underground, amidst the heavy rain and dirt. Listen to me: he starts digging with his hands. With his bare hands I tell you!!!! 😩 Bobby has to physically pull him back as he cries on his lap. Buck is a smart man, he wouldn’t do something that’s completely illogic, he knows he can’t dig him out but he’s so desperate. His voice breaks, he can’t breathe, he becomes impulsive, reckless, impatient. Do I need to remind y’all the reason he wasn’t the one getting strapped to go underground??? “You’re not going down there. So we can have two cut off ropes?” Everyone knows he’s willing to sacrifice his integrity for Eddie bc his life doesn’t make sense without him. “We’ll get him back for you”
The Shooting + “I’ve made u my son’s dad lol”. When Eddie gets shot the world freezes for Buck. He’s left standing there, staring as Eddie’s blood splatters on him. He has to be tackled down. Even then, he’s unable to move, to breathe. He just looks as he bleeds out, and theN he snaps back into reality, bracing himself to go under the truck (foregoing his own trauma - I’ve said this before) and preparing for the amount of strength it’s gonna take to pull him under it. He screams at him to hold on, and later when he manages to pull him inside the truck he tells him he needs him to hang on. He rips his uniform open, he cries and screams,,, then Eddie wakes up, and he asks BUCK if HES okay. Bc he saw blood :( also as @butraura pointed out, he can’t die if Buck’s dying bc what about Chris? He only lets himself drift off when he knows Buck’s okay. Then we got The Will Reveal™️ also so unhinged. “You knew I wouldn’t turn it down” right what is this guys??? That was a year ago. He added him to his will A yEaR aGo. Idk about y’all but I haven’t added my friends to my will😀 also Buck’s the one who tells Chris ??? (I’m being very brief on this subject). Also “Because, Evan” shut up🧎🏽‍♀️
& 10. The Lightning Strike + “She sees me”. I’m doing these together bc I haven’t watched this episodes yet but I’m an addict so I’ve spoiled myself to the brim. The way Eddie screams Buck’s name, the way he saves him, “do more” h e l l o ?? The absolute PAIN in Eddie’s eyes, “you died Buck” “3 minutes and 17 seconds”, “his humor hasn’t changed” & the fact that he listens to Buck on his super genius math theory. And then Buck goes and says “I feel like Natalia sees me” ok. I mean my feelings mean nothing but Eddie’s face ??? That’s a man that knows he’s waited too long.
I rest my case. I’m missing a lot of scenes (like a lot omg Abby comes back, Buck under the Truck, Buck vomiting blood, the Taylor Arc) & y’all can argue in the comments about them, or add shit or try to dismantle mine, honestly the floor is yours idc wHat u do, just know you won’t convince me otherwise 🤸🏽these two are in love & that’s pretty much that on THAT. PERIOD.
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DESTIEL TROPE COLLECTION 2023 | DAY 15 | Everyone Knows But Them
Coming Out | NannaT (AO3)
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,002 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, one-shot, gambling, shipping Summary: Cas and Dean are in love. But, what if everyone else knew before they did? LOL. Of course everyone knew!
people will say we're in love | @demonmary
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,817 Main Tags/Warnings: Internalized Homophobia, Mutual Pining, Confessions Summary: “We have a special on our queen bed available if you book more than two nights, or are you two just passing through?" A queen. A-fuckin’-mazing, Dean thought. Add the smart-aleck at the Motel 6 to the list now too. He would be the 4th person that day that assumed he and Castiel were… Dean’s shoulders tensed, his hackles raised as a defense. Was it him? Some sort of energy or abstract, uncontrollable trait Dean possessed that had everyone around him assuming his sexuality? Was there a post-it stuck to his back that said, “Hey! I’m banging Cas”?
A Christmas Conspiracy | @twinone1221
Rating: General Word Count: 21,110 Main Tags/Warnings: Idiots in Love, Christmas Fluff, Coffee Shop AU, Mechanic!Dean Winchester, Writer!Castiel, Everyone know but them Summary: Charlie and Anna are tired of seeing their friends Dean and Castiel dance around each other. They decide to take matters into their own hands.
Changing Channels: Queer Premiere | @fellshish & @emeraldcas
Rating: General Word Count: 26,536 Main Tags/Warnings: Humor, multiple crossovers, pov alternating, first kiss Summary: Gabriel puts Dean and Cas in Changing Channels scenarios where they just happen to meet a lot of gay people. Hmmm, what could it all mean?
How a Grocer Watches Dean Pull His Head Out of His Ass in Seven Days | @pray4jensen
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 51,132 Main Tags/Warnings: outsider POV, switching, miscommunication, fake/pretend relationship, humour, voyeurism, temporary amnesia Summary: Mrs. Christian, owner of Lebanon's only grocery store, had once been a perfectly respectable woman. But now here she was, completely invisible, being forced to witness Dean Winchester's love lessons, all in an effort to teach Castiel how to flirt and bed a woman. “Thank you, Dean,” Castiel said and he looked as thankless as one could be. “For our fake date yesterday. I think I'm ready now. To find a woman...like you want me to.” "I want you to be happy, Cas," Dean said. "You're human now. Hunting isn't a life." But oh, how utterly strained and painful his smile looked! And then, Mrs. Christian had an epiphany and her body shuddered with homophobic shock. How had she not seen it before? How had she not noticed how thin their fake-dating pretence was? This godless man, Dean Winchester, was an authentic homosexual, wasn’t he?! He hadn't been pretending! She lost consciousness at once.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
I’ve made posts about this before but I’m gonna keep on about it. Please if you love Buddie (when you have time) you need to be posting about them on every social media platform there is. Also liking and commenting on posts especially ones that are on official 911 accounts like the main ABC one or the actors or when interviews come out.
If ABC posts about Buck/Eddie or Ryan and Oliver you need to remind them in the comments we’re rooting for Buddie. I know Buddie fandom is bigger and louder than B/T fans but I keep seeing them all over. There's no reason that pairing with two eps of build up are getting anywhere near the level of attention as Buddie does.
I’m not saying as fans we have all this power over what is going to happen on the show but we have some sway. It’s part of how bi Buck has even happened. So us being so vocal and supportive of Buddie all these years and even more now while the story is still unfolding matters.
I don't want Tim or anyone else getting the impression that we want T*mmy sticking around any longer than necessary at least not as a love interest.
I know there's been a lot of talk about how the show needs take their time and build Buddie's story if they're going canon and I know some want Buck to be with T*mmy so Buddie can have that slow burn towards getting together. While I do think it's important that Buddie's story is not rushed and handled with care that fact is we really have no idea how many seasons the show even has. I wish some of you would realize we are not living in the golden age of tv anymore. We are living during a time when tv shows get canceled even when they are successful just as a way for networks to cut costs. It's why Fox canceled 911 before it was moved to ABC.
So as much as I do want the show take all the time in the world with Buddie I also want us to actually get to see them go canon. I also feel like we've been in a slow burn with them for six years especially those of us who have watched the show for its entire run. I want to see the show make some progression in moving Buddie's story further along. I'm not saying I want them to be in a relationship tomorrow, absolutely not. But I do think that moving into season 8 I'd like the show to have given us some kind of canon sign that both men feel something for each other beyond friendship. We know they do but I mean something that can't be taken any other way like say an almost kiss at the wedding for example. I'd also like for Eddie to be dealing with his own sexuality storyline by next season.
Back to T*mmy in all honesty the main reason I don't want to see him sticking around much longer is because of his fans. I'm tired of just how much the B/T fans have taken over our fandom. All the tags even ones on other social media platforms are being overrun by B/T and worse by negativity towards Buddie and Eddie and the complete minimizing of the importance of Buddie going canon. I'm glad that T*mmy has helped Buck with his bi awakening but he is so clearly not meant to be an endgame love interest. I just want to see him gone or have the storyline at least move on to where if he's still on the show it's as a friend for Buck, which I personally think he needs more than a relationship right now. Someone who is queer who can help him navigate this newly discovered part of himself.
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tokuvivor · 10 days
Duckverse June Week 2: Travel/Vacation
@duckversejune2024 @secret-tester @queer-in-a-cornfield
Appropriately enough, I’m going on vacation myself tomorrow. And now, I give you…
Launchpad’s Week Off
“I still can’t believe that Mr. McDuck gave you the week off!” Drake exclaimed. “This is so exciting.”
“Oh, I know,” agreed Launchpad. “Just what we need-a relaxing week at the beach.”
“How long is is gonna be for us to get there?” Gosalyn asked.
“Nine hours, give or take,” Drake told her. “But I promise you, it’s going to be worth the wait.”
“Awesome!” grinned Gosalyn. “Not the long drive, of course. No offense to Duckburg, but you can only look at the pier area so many times before you get tired of it.”
“Fair point,” Launchpad noted. “Plus, even we need a little distance from the chaos once in a while.”
“Alright,” Drake said. “Looks like we’re all packed. Let’s go!”
The Mallard-McQuacks left for their trip fairly early in the morning, so that would hopefully get them to their destination by late afternoon. Of course, in all the planning, Drake had forgotten to account for…
“…morning traffic,” he grumbled. “Of course.”
“This is gonna take us ages to get out of!” groaned Gosalyn.
“Hey, cheer up, you two,” Launchpad persuaded. “It’s not so bad.”
“Really?” Gosalyn asked. “Can you use your crazy driving skills to get us out of this mess?”
“Driving on city streets is a lot different from driving on the highway, Gosalyn,” Drake reminded her. “Besides, Duckburg is just…well, it’s different from other cities.”
“He’s right,” Launchpad agreed. “So for now, we just gotta roll with it.”
Well, every once in a while, the car did gradually move forward. But not by much. Gosalyn decided to just put in her earbuds and play a game on her phone to pass the time. The slow passage of time was even getting to Drake.
“Let’s see-nope. No new e-mails.”
“Babe, that’s the third time you’ve checked your e-mails,” Launchpad noted.
“I’m sorry,” Drake responded. “It’s just all this traffic. Can’t it go any faster?”
“Traffic goes only as fast as it wants to go,” Launchpad told his boyfriend. “It’ll thin out soon. I guarantee it.”
About 20 minutes later, traffic started thinning out, and the car really began moving again.
“Alright!” Drake exclaimed. “Let’s see-we lost about an hour in all that, but we could still get there before…6.”
That was the usual dynamic the superhero duo/couple had when it came to driving-Launchpad was the driver, Drake manned the GPS. Gosalyn-well, she just let them do their thing. She took a break from her game, and just took to staring out the window, other cars passing by, Muse playing through her earbuds. She wondered what it would be like if Launchpad really could maneuver through all those other vehicles on the highway. Was it possible? Probably not. But a girl whose dad’s boyfriend was an insanely brilliant pilot/chauffeur could dream.
Eventually, several hours, several miles of highway, one lunch stop, and one gas refill later, they made it to their destination.
It was a nice little beach house, not exactly a shack, but not overly fancy, either. It was just off of the main drag along the coast, which was convenient.
Drake checked his watch. “5:24. Could be worse.”
“Well, the important thing is, we’re here,” Launchpad put in.
“Finally!” whooped Gosalyn. “Let’s check this place out.”
They quickly got their bags out of the car, and made their way inside.
“Well, this is nice,” Launchpad remarked.
“It’s cute,” Drake added.
“Keen gear,” Gosalyn finished. “I like the digs.”
It took a bit of time to get the two bedrooms set up, but by the time they were done, the three of them were starving.
“Well, since we’re at the beach, I think it’d be appropriate to get seafood our first night here,” Launchpad suggested. “Apparently, there’s a place not too far from here. We could easily just walk.”
“Then ice cream, possibly?” Drake posed, knowing what his daughter’s answer would be.
“Yes,” agreed Gosalyn. “Also, are we gonna have time for the beach tonight? I really want to check that out, too.”
“Alright, alright,” Drake replied. “The sun doesn’t set until after 8, so we won’t be bumping into anything.”
“Dad,” commented Gosalyn. “It’s not like there’s a huge risk of that happening, considering beaches are flat. Mostly.”
Launchpad sighed. “Let’s just go and find some food,” he chuckled.
Well, it was nice to have some time off. He, Drake, and Gosalyn certainly needed it. He couldn’t wait to see how the rest of it would go.
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rowanthestrange · 12 days
So we know the main theme of the season is ‘you created the problem’:
Space Babies - Booger monster, story.
The Devil’s Chord - A human had to play the chord first, more broadly Fourteen gave the Pantheon ability to manifest.
Boom - The mudmen aren’t real and your ambulances are putting you down.
73 Yards - Dead Ruby becomes The Woman.
Dot & Bubble - You were so racist the robots chose genocide - person creates robot, robot creates or enables slugs.
Rogue - Depending on how surface level you are, anywhere from ‘the Doctor set the trap’ to ‘if you’d proposed to the Master before running away he would have given up being a Time Lord for you’.
The start of The Church On Ruby Road looks like Ruby dropping herself as a baby, so we’ve presumably got at least one layer covered. If it’s a Pantheon member behind it, two.
I was wondering for era-arc (we’re not dealing with the Pantheon once and for all now, no way, this is an introductory season), do you think we’re going to swing round to the Doctor getting the Pantheon to turn on their father/head of the family?
By the sound of it, the Toymaker has created legions of offspring. A terrible father who presumably made them for the sole reason of having someone to play against while being kept from the universes. He makes toys. And when they don’t amuse him anymore, he discards them.
Certainly the Maestro has a poor opinion of him, “Daddy was bad to me,” and yes, I can imagine. The basic literary (and life) dynamic that is the creative queer child of a competitive shit dad. Their specialty is music, and they are summoned as a set of rule-breaking ‘wrong’ notes. But they’re not about playing it and expressing it for everyone, they want it all for themselves. Which makes a lot of sense if your daddy is constantly playing with you, forcing you to bet, even though he wins he always wins. You don’t get to own anything. So you become the owner of the unownable. Playing but in a new way. Playing pianos and fiddles and drums and instruments, a playing you can’t win or lose.
And if Rogue is The Rogue, their specialty also fits. D&D is a roleplaying game. A thing you can play but there is no winning. It is structured, there are rules, as they would have been brought up with, not quite as loosey-goosey as Playing Pretend, but not so strict that creativity is punished. A DM has control but any bullshit moving the universe around to get what you intended is bad practice - perhaps tired of a dad that will literally make the floor lava ‘that’s not cheating that’s just the game’. They love roleplaying because it’s not about winning, but about the experience. And again, a queer offspring as per literary and life dynamic.
Is the Toymaker the root? Is there a worse parent above him? Possibly. Probably. We at least temporarily dispatched him at the start so he doesn’t hold much sway as the Biggest Bad. The Maestro refers to a he/him ‘The Oldest One’ though that could be the oldest sibling. The One Who Waits (it/its) could be that - but it seems included in a list of new players the Toymaker had access to, so perhaps not. (And if it’s something like Love, well, the Toymaker doesn’t play games with love perhaps? Too messy).
But Russell saying abused kids, queer kids, have a right over their shitty parents? That feels like a good and thematic way to end the Pantheon stuff.
(What else do you play? Well a play obviously - would fit either Susan Twist or Mrs Flood, acting-to-a-crowd. Musical same vibe. You can play with people’s minds. Sport would be funny - a child the Toymaker hated less until for some reason they couldn’t do it anymore. Literally play perhaps, the essence thereof, one with no goals, more silly, innocent, more abstract a creature than the rest with their humanoid forms - too esoteric for the Toymaker. If The One Who Waits isn’t Love, then Love who was raised to play games…but actually doesn’t want to...)
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jahiera · 9 months
I think there’s a definite problem though with the amount of art and fics being HEAVILY Astarion with cis women. That reeks of his queerness being erased. There should be a healthy balance of Astarion with different partners, but the “default” in the fandom is always him with a woman. As a gay man it’s very frustrating.
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Okay so. in however much any of this matters. 1. Shoving this under a cut for people who are tired of seeing the discourse (I am too, I tend to scroll really really fast past it.) 2. I know the fandom discourse machine looooves super firm and snarky opinion jabs summed up in 169 words or less but I am literally incapable of not elaborating so. sorry YOU asked. since it’s also probably relevant, Im coming at this with the Mega Dyke with the fuck around and find out perspective irt my life experiences and queerness. I don’t generally care about niche queer internet discourse and I don’t generally care about fandom discourse, so you can tell how bored I am at work rn that I’m deep diving into this. tldr yeah you’re not wrong I agree that astarion’s queerness is erased in certain spaces but that has nothing to do with being attracted to women. my funny hot take is once again that astarion is a he/him evil femme to me so. let’s MOVE.
I received the second one within the first few minutes of the first, and I’m goingggg to proceed on good faith and with the idea that I think we’re all in agreement for the most part, because I think we are. But I’m going to address the most obvious thing that. I don’t really…. think is necessarily the point in this. first of all, I empathize that it suuuucks to not see as many works made for your main pairing of choice (there’s generally a deficit for literally everyone BUT astarion to boot too.) however ultimately fanworks are exactly that: fanworks, and they’re made For Free and posted by a Fan Author who has done this As A Hobby, “a problem nobody is addressing” in this context is……. you are one google doc and keyboard away from writing what you want to see in the world. or, I don’t know. encourage + comment + follow up on fic authors that write what you enjoy. fic is not paid content and the fic authors in bg3 are writing for themselves and what they put out, that they wrote for FREE, is up to them. I once again empathize with not seeing as much of a specific thing as you would like, and I definitely empathize with seeing a popularization of specific characterization that makes you want to scream, cry, throw up, etc. which brings me to what I can actually comment on and critique here. (general note: if you proceed to misread me on the basis of “people can do what they want!!” I assure you. you can do whatever you want forever. I do not care. I am not mad. I am minding my business 90% of the time. do I like domstarion? no. but it is NOT my concern nor my judgement.)
“That reeks of his queerness being erased. There should be a healthy balance of Astarion with different partners, but the “default” in the fandom is always him with a woman.” <- so! now that we have “it’s all for free man idk what you want me to say here” out of the way. we CAN critique something real in this that I do agree with. the sort of…. honestly kind of fascinating (derogatory) trends of what I’ll call Straightifying astarion for lack of a better word.
this brings me to the point I kind of offhandedly made in the previous post, about how there IS nuance to be said on astarion’s queerness getting erased. I do actually agree with you that in some spheres of the bg3 fandom, his queerness has been heavily sanitized and he’s become something of a placeholder for Sexy Vampire Boyfriend romance tropes. he’s mostly there to be a stand-in for a sexy dom vampire man; MANY of his complex character traits that have literally Nothing to do with romance have been basically entirely removed to serve a specific idealized idea of him that suit the scene. it’s frustrating! I find it frustrating. I also agree that within this specific Brand of Mischaracterized Astarion, he’s been so……….. reduced down to this that his more overt queerness is basically entirely removed. however, the issue is not that he’s with a woman in this? the issue is that the writer is not incorporating a sort of.. overarching queer lens, for lack of a better term, to the characterization they’ve got going on. you can write whatever you want forever, but it’s not written in a vacuum, I agree.
Since these are all popular straight romance tropes, he falls directly into the pit of Sexy Man (straight) very quickly, and his attraction toward others (let alone, good god, his complex relationship to sex, sexuality, desire? good fucking luck finding something thoughtful in there about that) tends to fall by the wayside as a result. It is what you would expect but it’s not without room for critique in what I think we’re aligned on; which is seeing astarion’s queerness erased is maddeninggg. And it is EXTREMELY frustrating to see if you’re someone like me, or possibly yourself, who’s into 1. really analyzing characterization and 2. really into exploring queer dynamics in writing + lit + media many different formats. THIS—the sanitization, the removal of astarion’s queerness—this is what is irksome as a queer reader.
however. the issue I’m seeing is that ^^^^^ this brand of mischaracterization is 1. being conflated with simply that he’s with women, and 2. the frustration of having less content (understandable) is turning into a very WEIRD dialogue in which the extreme of “well actually he wouldn’t even want to fuck women!!” is the stance to take (very weird) (kind of misogynistic) (kind of also reeks of continuing to talk about women as sex objects that astarion would not or would want to fuck) (astarion himself doesn’t even want to fuck for about 90% of his romance so maybe we should talk about that too) — rather than that it would be nice if his queerness would be addressed more openly and with more nuance and clarity than it currently is in That Particular Sphere Of Astarion Characterization. and, of course, the idea that it would be nice if he was portrayed with other kinds of partners! which I agree with and equally appreciate.
but there is no default. literally, there’s no default. what you’re seeing is what people are making of their own tavs, and maybe you would like to see more of another kind, but it doesn’t hold up as an actual fandom critique. what holds up is when we dive into how people write him; how do they write his personality, what traits are being exaggerated and what traits are being ignored; IS his queerness remembered within the text at all? and beyond that, how is that queerness treated when it is written? because I’ve seen the other extreme in which it’s The Homophobic Gay Stereotypes That Maybe We All Agreed At One Point Were Equally Offensive To Exaggerate To The Point Of Horror. half the discussion I see AROUND his queerness amounts to “omg he’s such a slutty flamboyant little fag” but in a quirky haha internet way. very “fruity is a nice alternative to saying queer!” “calling a gay guy fruity in the real world will get you punched out.” vibes in here sometimes and it is EQUALLY weird.
anyways. Astarion’s a multifaceted character which means the first thing everyone did was pick one or two traits to exaggerate and cling to and these color the entire reading of his character rather than taking in the whole. i agree that means his queerness got put to the wayside in some formats of him, and that’s deeply unfortunate + very frustrating. but fanfic is free, so I’m not with you that there’s a Problem That Needs Addressing so much as that’s what people are creating, and you should add to what you want to see in the world.
I’m not going to go on a tangent about how “oh let m/f be a thing!!” because I ALSO agree literally no one needs to be told “m/f is okay to do ❤️” we live in the real world here. and it’s really mindboggling how in some iterations he’s been turned into Straightstarion rather than his CANON QUEERNESS being applicable in every format of every relationship dynamic he could ever possibly be in. However. However. the answer to that is not? acting like the baseline attraction to women is the problem. if the way you’re talking about attraction to women feels rooted in upset about not relating to it and feeling like you’re forced to either relate to it or simply not engage, I do Get It, but at the risk of opening up an entirely different can of worms that needs an entirely different essay to address, gay men are not immune to misogyny and if the language used while talking about women is also objectifying or belittling women to some extent or acting as though attraction to women makes his queerness lesser. newsflash. that is still misogyny (and biphobia). it is not about defending straightness here, it’s entirely that reducing women down to sex objects even in the conversations about not seeing women sexually is alive and well (and repulsive), and that’s what I mean when I say I can hear the “lol I don’t fuck WOMEN that’s DISGUSTING” behind some of the other side of the conversation here. also this is an entirely separate essay but queerness will almost never exist in an easily consumable binary and trying to type him by his character traits is also. kind of weird. just as a thing.
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vezalust · 7 months
we’re just friends!!!!
yu q wilson x reader
wrote this at 10pm cause thats when i write best :33 this is so heavily queer platonic relationship coded and i think the aromantic in me is shining through with this one!! if u can’t tell by now i love wilson.
sleeping together and cuddling (NO HOMO!!)
SONG - PP1 by frakkur
you two were friends, and friends always were there to support you were feeling down. it was quite the stressful day, and the second you got home you immediately opened your phone to text your friend, wilson. you’ve always felt comfortable with him, and the two of you seem to have quite the deep connection.
he comes over not long after you message him, and the two of you set up base in your living room. he listens carefully as you spill out your troubles, rambling on about everything and nothing. if you need to cry, simply hug him and rest your head on the crook of his neck, let out all ur tears, he doesn’t mind.
after you’ve finally seemed to be a bit better, he’ll make sure ur in tip-top shape before asking if u need anything else to help u feel any more well. if you want him to stay the night, he’ll gladly do so!! sleeping in the same bed isn’t too uncommon for you too, as you both have your moment like this. it’s more often at his house, as being a hero gets very stressful and can hurt both emotionally and physically.
if you’re too tired, he’ll help you brush your hair. fingers running carefully through the strands, brushing oh so gently as to not hurt you. after finishing , he’ll sit in bed with you as you fall asleep, scrolling on his phone and talking to krisis. after you’ve fallen asleep, he can finally allow himself to rest. his eyes flutter close as he puts down his phone and lays down, wrapping one familiar arm around your waist and pulling you in to hug you as he dozes off. his presence is so comforting, just knowing you have someone who you can both care for and rely on to care for you makes your heart practically burst with joy.
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