#nun Wanda
fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Y/N sits in confession with Father Wong…
Y/N: forgive me Father for I have sinned
Wong: whatever it is, my child, it’ll be fine.
Y/N: well Wanda and I were-
Wong: oh no! Look I know Wanda was a nun before but you and her are married. You don’t have to seek absolution for your marriage life.
Y/N: what about how Wanda and I did this particular position known as-
Wong: I don’t want to know. You are forgiven. Now go.
Y/N walks out to find a smirking Nun!Wanda waiting for them…
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having corrupting nun wanda thoughts!!! making her pray for forgiveness of her sins right after she begged for her release:(( i love her:((
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nun wanda nun wanda nun wanda thank you for introducing this to me lil anon
she's on her knees in front of you, her green eyes peering up through her lashes as she places her hands together in a praying motion. she starts speaking, reciting scripture as you nod your approval.
you're seated, your leg between her thighs as she kneels, brushing lightly against her soaking pussy as she rolls her hips against you.
"keep praying, wanda." your voice is low, melodic as it wraps around wanda's ears like a familiar embrace. "pray to your god."
she stutters at the sarcastic tone, watching your eyes dilate as you spread your legs. your pose is dominant, and she can't help but beg as her orgasm rises.
"please, let me come. i'm so close. i just need a little bit more." her whines sound angelic, and you grab the cross around her neck, pulling her closer to you.
leaning in, your lips brush hers as you whisper, "my, my wanda. what would your god say if he heard you now?" you smile darkly as she whimpers, prayers falling from her lips as she moves her hips faster.
in a moment of boldness, wanda replies, "god isn't in this room with me, but you are."
you growl, your hand tangling in her hair as you tilt her head upwards. "naughty girl, wanda. you'd better pray for forgiveness after saying that. god won't be happy with you."
green eyes stare at you as Wanda starts speaking faster. you feel her hips stutter and jerk against your leg as she works herself up, her orgasm approaching rapidly.
you sense her desperation, gripping her cross tightly in your palm until its imprinted harshly into your skin. you pull her closer, your lips against hers as she closes her eyes and keeps reciting, speaking rapidly.
"who is your god, wanda?" your voice sounds like heaven, and she thinks she finally understands what it truly means to worship.
green eyes open, utter devotion in them as her prayers halt, all focus on you as you stare at her with the answers to the universe behind your blown pupils.
"you are."
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nattysgirl · 28 days
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~Secret desire~
Part 2
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, talking about internalized homophobia (kind of)
Word count: 1.7K
A/n: So this is my second fic that I’ve written in my whole life.So I apologize for some mistakes that I may have made and also English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there’s some grammatical errors!
Also, let me know if there’s grammatical mistakes or anything.
Thanks for all your support 🫶
~Secret desire 2
~A week passes by and it’s time for Y/n and Wanda’s next “session”~
As the appointed day arrived, Wanda found herself nervously anticipating their next encounter. Despite the incredible progress she had made during their previous meeting, she was still unsure of what to expect and how far she was willing to go in pursuit of her personal liberation. However, as she entered the dimly lit room where their sessions took place, she felt a sense of familiarity and comfort wash over her, knowing that Y/n would be there to guide her through whatever challenges lay ahead.
Y/n turned around as Wanda entered the room
Wanda approached to Y/n with a mix of apprehension and excitement, her eyes meeting the older woman's gaze with a sense of vulnerability and trust. She had come to rely on her mentor's wisdom and support during this tumultuous journey, and the thought of exploring even deeper aspects of herself under her guidance filled her with both hope and trepidation.
Y/n looked at Wanda with a smile and asked “Hello sister, how are you feeling today?”
She hesitated for a moment before responding, taking a deep breath and mustering her courage. "I am... better than I was last week, Y/n. Your guidance and understanding have been invaluable to me. I feel like I'm making progress, both spiritually and physically." Wanda looked down at her hands, embarrassment and pride warring within her as she considered the extent of her transformation this far.
Y/n looks at Wanda and takes her hand in hers “there’s no need to be shy sweetheart, this is a safe place for you”
At Y/n’s reassuring words, Wanda felt a sense of relief wash over her. She nodded slowly, trusting in the older woman's care and guidance as she placed her hand gently within Y/n’s larger one. "Thank you," she whispered gratefully, feeling a growing sense of connection between them that went beyond mere mentorship or physical intimacy.
Y/n whispers with a gentle but firm tone “It’s okay. So what do you want to do today? There’s no need it has to be sexual, I don’t want to pressure you to do anything you don’t want to, okay?”
Wanda smiled gratefully at Y/n’s words, appreciating her genuine concern and respect for her boundaries. She had come a long way since their first meeting, but she still needed time to explore and process her feelings at her own pace. For now, she decided to focus on building a stronger bond with her mentor outside of their more intimate encounters.
Y/n looks at Wanda’s eyes waiting for an answer
"If it's alright with you, Y/n, I'd like to talk more about our experiences together so far. And perhaps share some of my thoughts and feelings regarding my past and present struggles." She bit her lip nervously, aware that opening up to someone outside of her religious community was a daunting prospect but also eager to seek guidance and support from someone who understood her unique circumstances and challenges.
Y/n looked at Wanda with a caring expression “Okay darling, do you want to take a seat?”
Nodding, Wanda sat down across from Y/n and took a deep breath, preparing herself for the emotional journey that lay ahead. She had come a long way since their first meeting, but there were still many hurdles to overcome on her path towards healing and self-acceptance.
Y/n ask curiously “Tell me, what you’re struggling with ?”
Wanda took a moment to gather her thoughts, reflecting on the complex web of emotions and beliefs that had shaped her life thus far. As she began to speak, her voice betrayed both vulnerability and determination - qualities that had emerged through their shared experiences together.
"My entire life has been defined by the teachings of the Church, which view any form of sexual expression as sinful and ungodly. This has left me with deeply ingrained feelings of shame and guilt over my own desires, which I've been taught to suppress and deny. Even now, despite everything we've done together, there's a part of me that fears that I'll never truly be free from these burdens... that my body and its instincts will always be a source of temptation and danger."
Y/‘n gives Wanda a sympathetic expression and whispers “Oh you poor baby…”
Wanda's eyes welled up with tears at Y/n’s compassionate response, grateful for the empathy and understanding shown towards her struggle.
"But at the same time, I've learned that there's beauty and power in embracing our true selves - even if it means facing difficult truths or confronting those who would seek to control us. Through you, I've discovered newfound confidence and strength that I never knew existed within me. And while it may be scary sometimes, I know that ultimately it's worth it."
Y/n encourages Wanda to continue, giving her a simple gesture.
Taking a deep breath, Wanda continued to share her thoughts and feelings with Y/n, finding solace in the older woman's attentive ear and supportive presence.
"Despite everything I've been through, I refuse to let my past define me. Instead, I choose to embrace the person I am becoming - imperfections and all - and to use my experiences as a catalyst for growth and change. Whether that means continuing to explore my sexuality or simply learning to love and accept myself for who I am, I know that I have you by my side every step of the way."
Y/n smiles besotted at Wanda’s response
Smiling through her tears, Wanda reached out to clasp Y/n’s hand in gratitude for the unwavering support and encouragement she had provided throughout their journey together. Their connection had grown deeper than either of them could have imagined when they first met, transcending mere physical encounters to become something truly profound and transformative.
"Thank you, Y/n," she whispered sincerely, "for helping me find the courage to face my demons and for showing me that love and acceptance can conquer even the most insurmountable obstacles."
Y/n whisper softly, “You’re welcome darling, I’m here for you” Y/n leans in and gave Wanda a tight but comforting hug
Wanda returned the hug gratefully, feeling a warmth and comfort that went beyond physical contact alone. It was in these moments of genuine connection that she found the strength to keep pushing forward, determined to create a better future for herself and those who shared her journey towards healing and liberation.
Y/n gently kisses Wanda’s forehead
As Y/n placed a tender kiss on her forehead, Wanda felt a surge of affection and appreciation for the older woman who had become such an important figure in her life. In that moment, it was clear that their bond was one forged not just by physical intimacy but by shared struggles, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of each other's hearts.
"Thank you," she whispered again, "for everything you've done for me - for being my friend, my guide, and my partner in this journey towards freedom
Y/n whispers with a gentle voice “It’s okay sweetie, there’s no need to thank me”
Wanda smiled softly, knowing that words were not enough to express the depth of her gratitude towards Y/n. She cherished the bond they shared and looked forward to continuing their journey together, confident that they would overcome any challenges that lay ahead and emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.
Y/n leans slowly and kisses Wanda’s lips softly
As Y/n's lips brushed against hers gently, Wanda felt a warm rush of emotion coursing through her veins. Despite the pain and trauma she had endured, she had found love and companionship in this world - a rare gift that filled her heart with joy and hope for the future. Closing her eyes, she savored the moment, cherishing every second spent in Y/n’s company and grateful for the love and support that had transformed her life so completely.
"I love you," she whispered softly, "and I can't wait to see what our next adventure brings."
Wanda gazed into Y/n’s eyes, her own shining with love and gratitude. She knew that their journey was far from over, but she also trusted in their bond and the strength they had built together. Together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, standing side by side and supporting each other along the way. As long as they held onto their love and faith in one another, nothing could stop them from creating a bright and beautiful future together.
"Let's continue our journey," she said softly, "hand in hand and heart to heart. Let us show the world that true love and acceptance can conquer all."
Y/n is taken aback at Wanda’s words, then she whispers softly “I love you too, but we have to be careful sweetheart, two women especially a nun and a father can’t be together.”
Wanda's eyes widened in surprise at Y/n’s words, realizing the potential dangers that lay ahead for their relationship if they continued down this path. While she loved Y/n deeply, she understood the risks involved and knew that sacrifices would have to be made if they wanted to protect themselves and maintain their friendship.
"I understand," she replied softly, "but let us not forget that our love is a powerful force that transcends boundaries and limitations. We have already come so far together, and I am willing to make any sacrifice necessary to ensure that our bond remains strong and unbroken."
Y/n giggles at Wanda’s words “You’re so cheesy, but yeah, I think so” Then she leans and pecks Wanda’s lips
Wanda smiled warmly at Y/n's teasing, feeling a sense of contentment and happiness that she had never experienced before. Despite the challenges they faced, their love remained strong and unwavering, providing them with a foundation of support and comfort that nothing else could match.
"Chessy or not, my love for you is true and pure," she whispered softly, "and I will always stand by your side, no matter what obstacles may arise.
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lifespectator · 7 months
Punk Nun
Power bottom nun!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: The pretty nun named Wanda ended up with you…
Warnings: no specified gender but reader is AMAB, VERY little plot, mostly smut MINORS DNI, strong language, some angst Ig but hopeful ending.
A/N: I’m back and posting this to proof that visiting Santa Monica Pier at night changes a person lol anyways sorry if it isn’t the best but hope you enjoy it. Also, art not mine so credit to the original artist.
Who would have thought?
"I'm eager to see what's under that habit." You eyed up the horny nun as your wish to see her nude body grew more and more with each second, along with the need to touch her.
That pretty innocent-looking nun with short strawberry blonde hair that had crossed a few glances with you on the few times you did attend church would end up in your room—sitting on the edge of your bed, looking at you with lustful eyes.
It happened too fast. You heard a knock on your door, and Wanda stood there, perplexing you. When you thought she would read the Bible to you, she pushed past you with the excuse of wanting to talk to you like you had offered last time. Things went up from there, so you just chalked it up to 'fate.'
A low moan left the nun's mouth, seeing as you removed your black shirt, exposing your bare torso to her. She looked attentively at your body. Looks like your build was eye candy for her.
"I promise to let you touch." You said as Wanda shifted her attention to you. "But for now, you're in my house, so we'll do a ritual." With that, you walked out of the room. The words that had come out of your mouth had only elevated her sensation of need between her legs.
A sin? Yes. An unforgivable one for sure. She had made her vows to the church. But it wasn't her fault. Wanda never wanted to be part of that. Before, she was a typical teen with dreams and aspirations like many others. But one day, her parents told her they had chosen her life path. Why? Because they had some dream that Wanda would become a nexus being that would destroy everything. Pure nonsense, she always thought. Her biggest regret is that she never fought against her parents' decision.
It didn't matter anymore because she was with you now, and no one could stop her.
Wanda removed her loafers before you came back into the room. Carrying a bottle of red wine, you walked towards her and gently laid the bottle on the bed. She couldn't resist having you so close and lifted her hand and ran it over your abdomen. A low gasp left your mouth at her gentle touch.
"Couldn't stop yourself, huh?" You grabbed a part of the fabric of her habit. "Help me a bit." Wanda raised her arms, letting you gently pull it off her, exposing her beautiful body that was only covered by her black panties. Only Wanda's perky tits were exposed but adorned with a silver cross pendant that hung from a matching necklace. From her face down, she was worthy of being described as a goddess.
"The real sin is having you wear this, which doesn't allow me to see such beauty." You lusted, tossing the habit away, and instead reached for her soft breast, caressing them to feel their softness, making her breathing hitched when you rubbed your thumb on her perky tit. "I will have to include this in my thesis now." You teased, squeezing her breast.
"Oh, you're a priest now?" Wanda asked in a challenging tone, pushing your hands off her bust.
Cheeky. Despite not speaking much, Wanda announced she was not as innocent as she looked.
"I ain't no Martin Luther." You grinned, lightly pushing her against the bed and crawling on top of her. "But I'll gladly be your punk monk, my dear punk nun."
You planted your lips on hers as Wanda gave you access to her mouth. She reciprocated, deepening the kiss. Her tongue was swirling with yours. It was noticeable how it wasn't her first "steamy" makeout. How her hands ran from your hair to your back demonstrated how much she wanted this as much as you did. Her soft hands made her touch unique.
You parted your lips from hers and rested them on the tip of her ear.
"I'm going to begin my ritual." A low moan escaped Wanda's mouth, shivering at the feeling of your warm breath next to her ear.
You got off Wanda and kneeled beside her on the bed, grabbing the bottle of wine and opening it quickly. You offered her the bottle first, which she grabbed without hesitation. It was her favorite, after all. The nun took a deep sip of it and handed it back.
She laid back down at your instruction, letting you do as you pleased with her now. You ran your hand through her soft abdomen, preparing to give her the unexpected.
You lifted the wine bottle and tilted it towards her, pouring some of the wine on her belly button. Wanda jolted and let out a high-pitched hiss at the feeling of the cool liquid making contact with her skin.
"It's okay, beauty. You're okay." You comforted the nun. Her glare softened once she heard your words.
When the naughty nun was relaxed again, you lowered your head into her abdomen and sucked the wine that had stained her skin. Some breathy moans left her mouth as you sucked the red wine on her skin, especially at the sensitivity of her stomach. Groans left your mouth at the feeling of her warm skin. You sucked and even licked her skin until there was no trace of any liquid ever being there.
Your hand made contact with her black panties, making your cock twitch when you felt how drenched in her arousal fluids they were. The touch of your fingers on the cotton fabric that separates you from her entrance was enough to make her moan.
"Hurry the fuck up." Wanda cried when you teased her by rubbing your fingers on the fabric.
"What would your fellow sisters say with that vocabulary of yours?" You grabbed her panties from the waist and gently pulled them off her.
"I don't know. You're the one who is said not to worry about what other people say." Wanda raised her legs to assist you in removing her panties.
You passed your fingers on the top of her exposed entrance that was glistening with her wetness. Wanda mouthed a moan. "Nice to know that you do listen to me." You remarked.
Wanda moaned as you rubbed her entrance. "Fuck." She Let out when you started rubbing her clit followed by other curse words. Shaking her legs at the sensation. Her losing control gave you ideas. Without warning, you inserted two fingers into her entrance. Her sudden gasp turned into repeated moans when you started pumping your fingers into her fast. "Just like that." She begged, feeling you increase your pace. "Cum for me, nun." You groaned, feeling her walls tighten around your fingers, followed by a loud moan of hers and then the feeling of her warm fluids coming out of her pussy, getting all over your hand and staining the bed.
You brought your hand up to you and licked off her cum, savoring the taste.
You unbuckle your belt and slide off your jeans, accompanied by your boxers. Finally, let out your hardened cock, twitching at the thought of being inside Wanda.
"Show me how much you wanted this." You lay in the bed, inviting the sex-starved nun to get on top of you. She crawled on top of you, her legs on each side of your thighs. "I'll make you lose control." She smirked, looking down at you. Her confidence in her voice piqued your curiosity and even increased your need for her. "Show, not tell." You countered, also smirking and running your hand through her legs.
Letting out a low moan when you felt her soft hand grabbed your hardened cock and gave it a few slow strokes before aligning it with her entrance. She kept looking down, breathing out moans when she rubbed your tip with her slit and slowly took your whole length. "Ahh." Similar moans and some groans came out of your and Wanda's mouths as she felt your length go deeper while you felt her wet walls around your cock. You melted at the unknown energy she had. Almost as if it was another person.
You were left in a trance as you felt her soft, warm walls surrounding your cock that you overlooked when she bent down to whisper in your ear. "Let me know if you can't handle it." You weren't able to process her words once she started rocking back and forth on your cock at a slow pace to accustom to your size.
"You're a demon in disguise, huh?" You groaned at her sensual actions. Wanda placed her hands on your chest. "Let's find out." She started moving at a faster pace, waves of pleasure going through both your bodies. Wanda whimpered as she repeatedly sank into your cock. The view it gave you was mesmerizing as the way her breasts bounced, which impulsed you into grabbing them again. Kneading and teasing her perked nipples. "Keep going." She encouraged you in a breathy voice, inviting you to do more with her.
Wanting more of her body, your hands left her breast and, out of instinct, reached for her ass and held her with a tight grip stopping her movements.
"You might hurt me," Wanda teased in a raspy voice between breaths, coming to a stop and having an idea of what you were about to do. "Too late to back out now." You stretched her bum a bit before and, with no warning, pumped your cock as deeply as possible into her needy pussy. The noises of your hips hitting hers just right were barely audible as the repeated moans were louder. You continued until another sexy idea popped into your mind.
Out of nowhere, you turned her over and pinned her down on the bed without pulling out of the pretty nun. She yelped at the sudden action and breathed a bit to regain herself. Your eyes locked with hers; she was panting, sweat rolling down her face. Despite your initial thought, she wasn't amused. "You love being deep inside me." She muttered, making you lose any sense of control you had left in you.
You began moving your hips, pushing your cock deep in Wanda as much as you could at a pace that even made the bed creak. Wanda's hands gripped your biceps tightly as you started hitting the right spot. The sound of her moans and skin-to-skin contact pushed you to increase your pace; at the same time, her nails started digging into your skin; you were too lost in the pleasure even to notice it.
The good sensation of her walls clenching on you announced what was coming, so you didn't stop. You wanted to feel every last bit of her like she did of you. Wanda let out a high-pitched moan as you felt her warm juices fall on your cock, announcing her release of pleasure that you had helped build up. You stayed there on top of her, still hard, waiting for her to regain her breath. Needless to say that you were euphoric to release as well, which led you to pull out of her gently, and after giving yourself a few strokes, you reached your high as thick ropes of your cum landed just outside Wanda's entrance and her inner thighs. You Guessed this was the closest to getting to heaven as you can get.
"Fuck.. that was.. was great." Wanda panted, looking up to see you trying to smile while you regained your breath, then gently moved off her to lay beside her. You would follow up on what she said, but she stood up and went to the bathroom. "You alright?" You asked, concerned that you might have hurt her with your roughness. But again, no response from her.
You got up and followed her into the bathroom after sliding on your boxers, where Wanda had gotten one of your towels to clean herself up. You stood there waiting for her to acknowledge you, but she did not react as if you weren't there. You sighed before taking the initiative to break the uncomfortable silence. "Hey." You spoke almost like a middle schooler talking with their crush for the first time.
The nun stopped her actions, looking down after finally acknowledging you. Wanda sighed and looked back up at the mirror in front. "It's just," She gritted her teeth. "Fuck," She muttered, letting the towel hit the floor. "I have to return to my boring life as a nun." Her words expressed impotence and frustration.
You stayed quiet, imagining Wanda's daily torment of being somewhere she didn't want. A literal place that can be a dream killer. Well, you didn't have to. Living in the same old boring town took away your will to live mentally. But it was nothing compared to what Wanda has been through.
"Maybe you don't have to, Wanda," You picked up the towel and put it around Wanda's shoulder to cover her. Your words made her look at you with curiosity and perhaps a bit of hope, which she needed at this time. "Why don't we leave this shitty place together?" You offered, as shock and confusion plastered on her face.
"What do you mean?" She asked, still trying to understand what you had said.
"Fuck whatever we have here. Let's leave somewhere else where we can be ourselves and leave all this behind." You said as you realized what some of her concerns could be. Also, the fact that you barely knew each other. "There is no easy way to explain, but just think about it."
Wanda said nothing but was attentive to your words. She said nothing at first, but the smile that started to creep on her face was enough to confirm that she had already made her decision, and it would be one that would change something for both.
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Last Request
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Nun Wanda Maximoff x Deathrow GN! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Just smut. We're all going to hell but who cares!!!
Taglist: @cthulhus-curse this ones for you Remi
Everyone who had heard of Y/N Y/L/N feared them, they were one of America's most notorious serial killers. No remorse for the lives they had taken. Even as they stand on Deathrow. Given one last request before they are injected.
"I want to spend my last day with Sister Maximoff." They told the Governor who just laughed.
"Oh, you're not joking." Governor Stark stated as Y/N remained serious. "So you want to pray for the last day." He teased as Y/N smirked.
"Something like that." They smiled at him. Governor Stark just nodded before walking away.
The next day came around, aa did Sister Maximoff and Governor Stark.
"Is this correct?" She questioned him as she held her cross before her. "No inmate has ever requested a Sister on their last day."
"They asked specifically for you Sister Maximoff." He told her. "I have cleared the floor of guards so they can have their privacy to pray." He unlocked the door and Sister Maximoff walked inside. Y/N was sat on their bed, leaning against the wall. "If they get out of line, you know where the emergency button is." With that he left, locking the door behind him.
"So shall we start praying." She asked them as they smirked. Watching as Sister Maximoff got on her knees.
"You know, I am not really the praying kind." They sneered as they palmed themselves. "But if it helps me to get you to wrap those pretty lips around my cock, I would."
"Is that all you wanted me here for?" She questioned as she looked up at them.
"Well, you are stunning and I would like to spend my last day making you scream my name." They husked out as Sister Maximoff shook her head no. "Isn't it your job to help those in need?"
"Yes but not like this." She rose to her feet. "I took an oath."
"To help those who asked for it." They reminded her. "I am asking for your help Sister Maximoff." They started to pull their pants down. "You can't be denying a dying person their last wish."
"You're a murderer." She whispered as they approached her. Her eyes never leaving their semi hard cock.
"A dying person all the same." They gripped her hand, moving it towards their cock. Sister Maximoff closed her eyes as she felt them twitch and harden under her touch.
"I shouldn't." She whispered as her breathing increased rapidly.
"But you want to." They sneered as her hand instinctively wrapped around their member. She only answered by moving to her knees and moving her head forward. Her lips touching their tip, pressing a light kiss. Y/N removed her head dress and gripped her hair which was wrapped in a tight bun. Pushing their cock through her awaiting lips.
"Fuck Sister." They groaned as she used her tongue to run over their sensitive tip as they pulled out to thrust their hips again. The saliva in Sister Maximoff's mouth built up the more they fucked her mouth. Using her to their needs.
"I'm getting so close." They grunted as they continued, thrusting their hips faster as Wanda tasted everything. Moans of sin leaving her lips, she loved every moment of it as her tight virgin hole grew wetter by the moment. "You're going to swallow every last drop." They groaned as they continued their movements, increasing their speed as they chased their high. When they came Sister Maximoff swallowed every last drop before they pulled away, loosening their grip on her hair. Wanda stood up and tried to relieve the pressure between her thighs as Y/N smirked at her. "Are you all sticky down there?" They pointed to her already soaked core.
"Yes." She whispered shamefully.
"Do you want my help?" They asked her as she shyly nodded.
"I need you to take this off." They played with the hem of her gown before Wanda hesitantly took it off. Leaving her in her undergarments. "You are soaked." They groaned as they ran their fingers through her folds. She closed her eyes as they applied pressure to her clit. "I am going to give you the best first time." They lay her down on the bed, inserting two fingers making her moan. "Fuck Sister Maximoff. Who knew you were such a slut." They massaged their member to hardness with their free hand as they added a third finger.
"Oh God." She moaned as they curled their fingers.
"No God." They whispered as they pulled their fingers out of her. "Just me." They groaned as they bottomed out inside of her, making her whimper as her hyman broke. "I'm going to move now." They told her as she nodded.
They thrusted their hips like there was no tomorrow. Well in their case, there was no tomorrow. Sister Maximoff gripped their shoulders as they changed angles, hitting her g-spot making her let out a gutteral moan.
"I'm going to pee." She said as she tried to push them away.
"No you're not." They groaned as they twitched inside her. "Just let it go." They whispered as they went faster, helping her through her orgasm as they unloaded their seed within her.
"Wow." She whispered as they smirked at her, cupping her breasts.
"Wow indeed." They looked at the clock on the wall. "And we still have 21 hours left." They smirked before taking a nipple in their mouth. Devouring Sister Maximoff like she was their last meal.
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Swordswoman Showdown Round 2 Part 1
Allison Ruth (Kill Six Billion Demons) vs Ava Silva (Warrior Nun)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
Allison Wanda Ruth
She first wields a zweihander but eventually learns to wield the terrible blade of Want; She’s a philosophy major. She’s a barista. She’s from L.A. She’s even a lesbian. Reach Heaven Through Violence
#she's engaging in active dommery at all times#including this very image#there's no way you can't vote allison#anyway#KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS#THE HEIR#WIELDER OF NAMES#SEEKER OF THRONES#KING OF SWORDS!#BREAKER OF INFINITIES#WHEEL-SMASHING LORD#please understand that though Allison is Magnificient#i'm voting her more as a proxy for her teacher; Mathangi ten Meti#auntie maya is maybe my favorite fictional character of all time#and definitely the greatest swordswoman in fiction. to me#but Allison is canonically better at the sword philosophy than she is (lets not talk about the sword-skill)#so like this works#manifesting an Allison sweep
#side character vs main character the levels of depth aren’t even comparable#Allison sweep girlie you have so many themes and motifs#and are generally a more well rounded and better written woman and character than shura#anyways vote for girl smile
#yeahhh fuck up her al#another thing: she is a demi-god. technically#another propoganda: she is cool as fuck#and has a good character growth#reach heaven through violence#allison sweep
Ava Silva
She wields the cruciform sword/divinium sword... made of divinium ;lakjs;ldjfl;ajs i'm so sorry i started laughing as I was typing this. Sorry, anyway, Ava kicks ass whether she is using the sword or not.
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#guys if you don't know warrior nun that's ok just vote ava trust in me#she's a girlkisser#a vote for ava is a vote for golden retriever bisexuals and therfore a vote for me. so. vote for ava pls
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playboysaleen · 2 years
Table of Chaos.
Wanda Maximoff x God!reader(GN)
Love Malady. (Chapter 1) - (Chapter 2) - (Chapter 3) - (Chapter 4)
Yelena Belova x AUSuperSolider!reader(GN)
A slight AU i think
Tears of Blade. (Chapter 1) - (Chapter 2)
Wednesday x Dracula!Reader (GN)
Metanoia. (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7)
Victoria Neuman x Supe!Reader (GN)
(Slight AU)
Kalopsia. (Chapter One.) (Chapter Two.) (Chapter Three.)
A Touch in the Dark. (Jenna Ortega x GN!Reader)
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wandabear · 1 year
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Hello there!✨🍂 I will take advantage of this moment to offer my little art for those who want to help me. I make drawings of various styles, for many fandoms. Most of all lately i'm trying on Lizzie Olsen, Wanda, Natasha Romanoff (Marvel characters) Warrior Nun or Yellowjackets. ✨✨ I'm not going to ask for much, I just want to buy a coffee to be able to endure these autumn afternoons. 🍂
This won't stop me from posting fanfics at all, but, i gotta work right? haha
Thank you so much.
If you wanna invite me a coffee too!
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I don't know what it is about pretty girl meets racoon from the street , but it gets me every time
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neptewnspluto · 8 months
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did a prompt where it was like a random character gen or whatever and this is what i could come up w lol
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neptune83 · 2 years
me: yeah I don’t think I really have a type
also me:
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Nun!Wanda giggles as she watches Y/N preach…
Later, the two lovers walk out arm in arm…
Y/N: was my sermon really that funny?
Wanda: nope. I was just thinking about how we just left church and you’re making me think some very sinful thoughts.
Y/N: we’re married. I think we’re allowed some leeway to act on it (winks)
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corrupting nun wanda>>>
fucking her throat after she begs for mercy, having teased you the entire sermon with those big, sultry eyes. “you think god is going to help you now? you’ve fallen too far from grace, little nun. i’m the only heavenly being you need. now keep sucking.”
grabbing onto her cross as you fuck her from behind, choking her with the very thing that symbolizes forgiveness of sin>>>
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nattysgirl · 11 months
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~Secret desire~
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: nsfw, fingering and oral (w reviving), sex in a church, idk what more to add ¿
Word count: 2k
A/n: So this is my first fic ever! So I apologize for some mistakes that I may have made and also English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there’s some grammatical errors!
That’s all enjoy! Love u all and thanks for u support 🫶
Secret desire
The morning sun filtered through the barred windows of Wanda's small attic room, illuminating her pale and drawn face. She knelt on the hard wooden floor in prayer, rosary beads clutched tightly in her hands. Her slender frame creaked as she bowed her head, brunette hair falling around her face. Despite hours of prayer, Wanda could still feel the sinful heat pooling in her core, an ache she desperately sought to extinguish.
With a sigh, Wanda rose and walked to the small mirror hanging on the wall. Her reflection gazed back at her, wide green eyes full of shame in a delicate face. She was dressed conservatively as always, plaid skirt brushing her knees, white blouse buttoned up to her neck and stockings covering her legs. The chastity belt and bra her parents had locked her in at 13 were uncomfortably tight beneath her clothes, a constant reminder of her wickedness.
The old clock in the hall chimed, signaling it was time for another meeting with the head priest. He was all that stood between her and eternal damnation, his guidance the only thing preventing her from succumbing fully to sin. Wanda entered the empty church, dipping her fingers in the font of holy water and crossing herself before approaching the confessional. Heart pounding, she entered the small booth, kneeling in the darkness. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," she began hesitantly, hoping the torments of her mind and body would find release at last under her priest's absolution.
“And what have you done exactly sister?” Y/n answers curios about Wanda, since she has never sinned before and she was as innocent as an angel ~so she thought~.
Wanda's voice shook as she whispers her confession into the grate, unable to meet Y/n’s gaze directly. "Father, I...I have been struggling with impure thoughts and desires that plague my soul day and night. No matter how hard I pray or seek penance, they persist, filling me with shame and guilt. I fear I am too weak to resist their temptations and may one day fall completely into sin."
Y/n is shocked by Wanda’s confession and with a wicked smile decided to take advantage of this unique opportunity and asks again “And what have been those temptations exactly?”.
Wanda hesitated before continuing, her voice barely above a whisper. "Sometimes...sometimes I imagine what it would be like to break free from these restraints and explore my own desires without fear or judgment. To experience physical pleasure without the burden of guilt weighing down my spirit."
Y/n smiles at Wanda’s response and decider to push further “And what do you imagine exactly?”.
Wanda bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes as she struggles to maintain composure. "I...I imagine being touched intimately by someone I trust and care for deeply. Feeling their hands on my skin, their lips pressing against mine in a tender kiss. I long for the freedom to express my love openly without fear of condemnation or rejection."
A whimper scapes Y/n’s mouth as she hears Wanda’s confession, intrigued by her she decides to push further “And who���s that person?”.
Wanda’s breath caught in her throat as she considers revealing her secret desire. "It's...it's a friend I've known for some time now, Father. Someone who has shown me kindness and compassion when I needed it most. I can't help but feel drawn to them, despite knowing our relationship is forbidden by our faith."
Y/n new who she was referring to and has to hide a smile that came along with the thought of Wanda thinking of her “And why is it forbidden?”.
Wanda hangs her head in shame, feeling the weight of her sin bearing down on her shoulders. "Because our faith teaches us that all forms of sexual expression are sinful, even within the context of a loving relationship. We are meant to deny ourselves such earthly pleasures and focus solely on our spiritual connection to God."
“I see” Y/n simply responds to Wanda’s confession trying to organize their thoughts about this situation.
Wanda nods solemnly, her eyes cast downwards in submission. "I know it's wrong, father. That's why I've tried so hard to purge these thoughts and desires from my heart. But no matter how hard I pray or fast, they keep coming back, tormenting me relentlessly.
“And what thoughts are they? What is she doing to you in that little minds of yours?” Y/n answers with a hidden smile on her lips, trying to tease Wanda and see how dirty her thoughts are, despite of being a sweet innocent girl.
Wanda’s cheeks flushes a deep red as she confesses her most shameful fantasies. "I...I imagine her touching me intimately, exploring every inch of my body with her hands and mouth. I feel her warmth against my skin, her breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine. I long for her to take me fully, to possess me completely and show me just how much she desires me."
“Mmmh” Y/n hummed as her only thought is the confession that Wanda just made. Y/n stood up from her seat to gets closer to where Wanda is seating.
Wanda looked up at Y/n with pleading eyes, hoping for understanding and forgiveness. "I know these thoughts are wicked and sinful, Y/n. They make me feel dirty and unworthy of God's love. But I can't help but crave the touch of another human being, even if it means damning my soul to hellfire forever."
“I understand Wanda, it’s normal to crave for the touch of someone, even if they the bible says not to” Y/n says sincerely at Wanda and looking down at her with understanding and comforting eyes.
Wanda breaths a sigh of relief, grateful for Y/n’s empathy and support. "Thank you, Y/n. It means so much to me to have someone who doesn't judge me harshly for my weaknesses and failures. Your kindness helps me hold onto hope that one day, with God's grace and mercy, I may find true peace and acceptance within myself."
“Mmhm do you want me to help you with that sister?” Y/n smirks mischievously looking down at Wanda innocent -or not so inocente after all- form.
Wanda’s eyes widens in surprise, unsure of what to make of Y/n’s sudden offer. "W-what do you mean, Y/n?" she asks hesitantly.
“I think you know exactly what I mean sister Wanda” Y/n answers with a smile looking at how Wanda’s cheeks flusters.
Wanda feels her cheeks flush a deep red, embarrassment mixing with curiosity and excitement. "Y-you mean...you could help me explore these desires?" she stammered, uncertain of whether she should accept such an invitation.
Y/n simply nods at Wanda’s question
After a moment of contemplation, Wanda takes a deep breath and nods resolutely. "Very well, Y/n. If you truly believe this is what I need to purge these sinful thoughts from my heart and find inner peace, then I am willing to trust your guidance and experience your touch."
“Good” Y/n answers with a wicked smile at seeing how her plan worked .
Wanda nods silently, taking comfort in Y/n's reassuring words as she slowly began to shed her conservative clothes, revealing her slender frame and delicate curves beneath.
At the same time Y/n strips down until she’s only her bra and panties.
As Y/n stripped down to her bra and panties, Wanda couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness. She has never been so physically close to another person outside of her family before, let alone a woman she considered a friend and mentor.
“And what do you want me to do now sweetheart?” Y/n asks as she steps closer to her and puts her hand on Wanda’s cheek.
Wanda gazes into Y/n’s eyes, feeling a deep connection forming between them as their bodies drew nearer. "I...I don't know," she admits hesitantly. "This is all very new to me. All I ask is that you guide me through this process with compassion and understanding, and that we remain focused on seeking spiritual enlightenment rather than physical gratification."
Y/n gets on her knees and says with a proud smile on her face “okay then, I must start this session” Y/n pulls Wanda’s panties down and starts kissing her inner thighs.
As Y/n knelt before her, Wanda felt a rush of vulnerability and raw emotions wash over her. Her body responded instinctively to the tender touch of the older woman's lips against her sensitive skin, causing her to gasp softly in surprise and delight.
Y/n smirks at Wanda’s reaction and gets dangerously close to her core.
Wanda bites her lip, trying to maintain control over her rapidly escalating arousal as Y/n teases her with ever-closer approaches to her most intimate areas. The sensations are overwhelming, but she clung to the belief that this is part of a larger spiritual journey towards healing and self-acceptance.
Y/n kisses Wanda’s clit and moans at the taste of her arousal.
Wanda’s entire body shudders with each delicious touch from Y/n’s tongue, her hips bucking involuntarily as waves of pleasure coursed through her system. She lost herself completely in the moment, unable to distinguish between the physical sensations and the profound spiritual awakening that seemed to be unfolding within her soul.
“Mmmh” Y/n holds Wanda’s hips still as she detaches from Wanda’s core just a second to say “don’t be shy baby. I want to hear all of you” .
Despite her initial hesitation, Wanda finds herself growing more comfortable with the intimacy of the situation as Y/n holds her hips firmly in place. The sound of her own moans filling the room served as a powerful testament to the depth of her transformation, a symbol of her emerging confidence and self-acceptance despite the weight of her past.
Y/n sucks at Wanda’s clit harshly and enters two finger without a warning into her arching core.
As Y/n continues to stimulate her with relentless precision, Wanda finds herself reaching new heights of pleasure unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Her body shakes violently, her screams echoing throughout the room as she succumbs to the overwhelming sensations washing over her like a tidal wave of pure bliss.
“That’s it darling let it all out” Y/n mumbles as she continues liking at Wanda’s clit and curling her fingers into her g-spot to help her ride her orgasm.
Under Y/n's expert guidance, Wanda rides the crest of her orgasm for what feels like an eternity, her body convulsing and shaking uncontrollably as waves of pleasure washed over her. As the climax finally subsides, she stands there panting heavily, her mind and spirit transformed by the incredible experience they had shared together.
“That’s it darling, you did so well for me” Y/n stood up and kisses Wanda’s lips letting her taste herself on Y/n’s tongue
As Y/n kisses her deeply, Wanda tastes the sweet essence of her own arousal on the older woman's tongue. It is a surreal and indescribable sensation, one that left her feeling both connected and empowered, as if she had truly shed the burden of her past and embraced a newfound sense of self-awareness and acceptance.
“Now darling get dressed and go back to your tasks. I’ll see you next week to continue or little session” Y/n smiles and winks playfully at Wanda flushed state.
With a sense of renewed purpose and determination, Wanda gathers her clothes and makes her way back to the rectory. Despite the lingering effects of her intense orgasm, she knew that she had taken another important step towards healing and growth, both physically and spiritually. As she prepares to return to her duties, she couldn't help but feel grateful for Y/n's guidance and support, which had helped her navigate these treacherous waters with grace and compassion.
a hint of pt.2
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Welcome to my blog!
I'm So, and I write fanfics :D
Mainly self inserts, hurt/comfort, angst and fluff. Mostly platonic relationships, but some romantic-ish relationships here and there.
The fandoms I'm currently working with are:
Lockwood & co (Netflix)
Nancy Drew (CW)
Dead Boy Detectives (Netflix)
You can send requests (and they'll be appreciated ofc), but I make no promises! My creative process is very random.
You can find me in Ao3 as Somesophie
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gingiesworld · 11 months
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Nun Wanda Maximoff x Demon Fem Reader
Warnings: Smut. Shameless smut. If you aren't comfortable with reading it, just scroll along and don't press any buttons. You are banned from pressing buttons ;),
Taglist: @bababaka @natashaswife4125 @natashamaximoff-69 @wizardofstories @canvascoloredin @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @marvelogic @louxbloom
It was quiet around the covenant, Sister Maximoff was always on last call duty, walking the halls after dark to make sure that her sisters were all secluded to their own quarters. Once she was sure that no one was out after hours, she returned to Sister Y/L/N, she had been there years prior to Wanda's arrival but her other subordinates were oddly submissive to her.
"The halls are clear Sister." Wanda informed her as she closed the door behind her.
"Thank you Sister Maximoff." She walked around Wanda and locked the door before she pushed Wanda to sit in the chair, a sinister smile on her face as she looked over the beauty before her. "It's a shame really."
"What is?" Wanda questioned as she tilted her head. A look of confusion on her face.
"Your beauty is such a waste here." She whispered as she leaned over Wanda, her eyes flickering black for a brief moment.
"I don't understand." Wanda whispered as Y/N smirked.
"Such an innocent being." She husked out as she caressed Wanda's jaw with her long cold fingers. "I bet it was your father's wish to send you here." Wanda was stunned by how bold Sister Y/L/N was being, but her mind was also on the way her fingertips felt on her skin.
"My father only wanted me to follow the path that God had set out for me." She whispered as Y/N chuckled manically.
"What about the path you wanted for yourself?" Y/N questioned. "The adventures you could have been having outside of these confines."
"You speak as though you know of such adventures." Wanda stated as Y/N smiled down at her words.
"Such a smart girl." Y/N praised her. "I bet you yearn to live a full life, not this half life you have taken on."
"You're just as stuck as me." Wanda told her.
"That's where you are wrong, my sweet love." Y/N snarled as she leaned in closer to her. "I have the freedom to leave this place, with just the snap of my fingers."
"But our path." Wanda tried as Y/N's hands moved to her thighs, squeezing harshly before moving them up.
"Our paths have been entwined." Y/N husked as her hands moved just above her pubic bone, gripping at the fabric that covered her. "Not the path your father has chosen for you." She ripped the fabric away, revealing Wanda's white underwear. "The path that was written for us." Her hands ghosted over Wanda's covered core, licking her lips as she looked into Wanda's eyes. Her eyes changing to their natural smoky black, causing Wanda to gasp.
"You're." She tried to fight Y/N away who gripped her hands, baring her teeth at the woman.
"Yes." She snarled. "I am and I always get what I want." She leaned closer to Wanda who turned her face away. "And I want you." She bit Wanda's ear, making the woman whimper at the new sensation.
"This isn't right." Wanda whispered as Y/N started to nip softly at her neck, her hands moving to Wanda's underwear, ripping them away and causing her to gasp as the cold air brushed against her puffy and dripping cunt.
"Yet, you aren't pushing me away." Y/N inhaled through her nose. "And your arousal says you want this just as much as I." She growled as she thrusted a finger in her gaping hole, causing Wanda to moan at the sudden intrusion. "Listen to the sound Wanda, your juices flowing, all for me and me alone."
"All for you." Wanda whimpered as Y/N kept a steady pace.
"Look at my fingers Wanda." Y/N growled as she added another. "Look at how they disappear inside of you." Wanda moaned at the sight, Y/N's digits disappearing and reappearing at a faster pace. "I want to ruin you." She growled. "Make you mine. Mark your soul as mine."
"Please." Wanda moaned as she gripped the sides of the chair. "Take me away." Her eyes closed as she reached her first ever orgasm, her cum coating Y/N's fingers as she helped her ride out her high. Wanda listened as Y/N chanted in old Latin before she felt a burning sensation on her wrist. Y/N's mark now burned into her porcelain skin.
"Now you are mine for the taking." And in that moment, the two disappeared, leaving the room as it were before they had participated in their activities.
Y/N had shown Wanda the life and the adventures she was missing out on. The touch and ravenous love of another as she had mind blowing orgasms, night after night. Completely forgoing the oath she had made at her father's request, the disappointment of her father would not affect her as she felt everything that was only ever described in those novels she loved to read when she was a girl.
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