#nuny love
trentione · 3 days
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my baby 🥺
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felixsslutwife · 6 months
lixies quote of the day #16
this. literally just this.
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nunyverse-scribe · 9 months
Ship dynamic where the characters are incredibly similar in personality, and THAT’S what makes them argue and bicker a lot
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bidoofenergy · 20 days
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me to myself at work when three (3) different guys ask me to finish their project immediately and actually i can't even finish one (1) thing in a day
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cinephobia · 1 year
took a random book i'd never heard of from my dad's office bc the cover looked interesting and it turned out to be a collection of short stories i swallowed entirely in record time like holy shit the way this woman writes scratches a very specific itch in my brain i didn't know i had
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Puppy Love- Yunho x Female!Barista!Reader
I haven't forgotten about all my coffee shop stories 😁😁😁 Yunho in his ‘you like jazz?’ era
Word Count: 3536 | Coffee Shop, Fluff | Warnings: too dang fluffy 😝
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Yunho’s dream had finally come true. A dog café had opened up within walking distance of work. What a time to be alive! What a lucky walk of the streets on his break, unsure how to spend his rare free time once he had it. Using it for an activity seemed simultaneously gratifying and overwhelming. Time to burn some energy off with some very good boys and girls instead! Some caffeine might also reverse-jitter him back into productivity…or at least into the right headspace to squeeze in an episode of that show he needed to finish.
Beneath an awning of striped lime green and white awaited the door to Leash Love Latte, the lovely windowed building decorated with paint-on art of joyous pups of all breeds, two of which held mugs and one of which was about to devour a bone-topped cupcake. Yunho couldn't help but smile as his eyes scanned the glass, jumping a bit at the noise when he opened the door, but the startlement easily fell into a laugh as he opened the security door once the front one was closed and was met with a barrage of dogs.
"Oh, hi," he giggled as one little papillon practically climbed up his leg, bending down to scoop her up into his arms. Flipping her collar tag, he saw it read 눈. A name meaning Snow made sense- she was a ball of pure white fluff after all.
Carrying her up to the counter, Yunho was met with the sight of an extremely nimble barista practically skating across the café floor to slide a pastry onto the counter and call out its owner’s name, then turn on her heels to catch a drink from the older man who held it out to her and repeat the process. Once that was done, she twirled around to face the counter.
“Sorry about that, just had an order to finish up,” she paused, taking a couple breaths and getting her hair back into place, smile never leaving her face, “oh, Nunie, are you making friends?” Her gaze had dropped to the sweet pup in Yunho’s arms, the nickname and her evident familiarity with the café dogs warming his heart.
“Yep," he agreed with a chuckle, holding her up a bit higher with fatherly pride despite their very recent meeting, "I think she'd have made a ladder of me if she could."
"Well, you are pretty tall," the girl joked.
"I guess that's true! So, what do you recommend here?"
She grinned. "Dog or drink?"
"Drink," Yunho responded, "I don't think I'll get away with any cheating today."
"How does a peanut butter mocha sound?"
"Great," he replied, "I've never had one before!"
Plucking a solid pink, paw-print-dotted mug from some unseen counter alcove, the barista grinned. "It's sort of my specialty."
"She's always trying to hock those!" The older man called out from deeper in the kitchen, offering a devilish grin.
"Hey! At least I have a specialty!" She called back, smiling when he shouted that she was a better barista than him and sliding the mug down the slick metal counter surface before turning back to Yunho. "Sorry, that's my uncle. He's a bit of a jokester. Your name?”
"Yunho. And that's ok. I can see how well you guys get along. So this is a family business, then?"
"Yep," she nodded, "everything I do, I try to do with my family."
Something about those simple words touched Yunho's heart, throwing its beat off even as he lowered himself into a bench, stroking his snowy new friend and laughing as a brown and white Jack Russel terrier and a little grey mutt with a folded ear scrambled up to fill his lap all the way. His gaze darted between them and the young lady behind the counter as she operated all the kitchenware with focused eyes and lightly smiling lips.
This place really was heaven.
"Here you go!"
Yunho's attention snapped up from the mutt, Sammy, to meet the eyes of the girl. He hadn't really paid attention to the color of them before, but the lime-and-pink shaded light dangling above his table must have somehow brought it out as she set his mug in front of him a respectable distance from the squirming dogs piled upon his lap.
"What was your name again?" Yunho blurted out before he could help it.
"(y/n)," he repeated with a smile, "wonderful. I just felt like I needed to have a name to go with the face."
Her eyes remained on him, though the smile on her face did not fade. Sammy licked at her sleeve, which only made it grow wider, her nose crinkling a bit. A wave of awkwardness crashed over Yunho.
"So, (y/n), you must really like peanut butter." That sounded much better in his head.
She just giggled. “I love it! I was eating a peanut butter cup when I got the idea for the drink.”
“That’s so cool! I have a friend who cooks and that seems hard, let alone designing something new, like I can’t even imagine.”
(y/n) waved a hand before reaching it back down to pet a fluffy spotted Australian shepherd that ran by her feet. “Oh, I bet you could come up with something,” she told him with a smile.
Yunho racked his brain, but beneath the tantalizing chocolate-peanut-butter-coffee-with-a-hint-of-espresso smell, the light of that obnoxiously cute lamp, the warm, wiggling puppy pile on his lap, and the faint, anticipatory flutter of the girl’s eyelashes, not much was floating up coherently. “I can’t think of anything that would be good in coffee,” he finally admitted.
“What about something that would be bad in coffee?”
“All my brain was giving me was fruit loops, so I’d say that.”
(y/n) gave a humored wince. “Ooh, yeah. Though that would make a good milk latte or shake! I could totally work with that!” And with that, she made another of her skate-like drifts across the shop, dodging three dogs darting at her feet as she fell back behind the counter, pulling out a couple appliances and taking notes like a mad scientist.
Well, that wasn’t too bad a response to fruit loops of all things. Patting Sammy, Yunho pulled his steaming mug to his lips, barely feeling the cup’s heat above that in his own sheepish cheeks.
A few days after his Leash Love Latte trip, Yunho was out for a walk to clear his head after a very early morning of choreography practice, having rinsed himself off and wanted nothing more than to get out into the sun and breeze, practically melting the industrial lighting out of his skin. Cleansing the sweat off had only been step one.
Veering off the paved walking trail, Yunho crossed over the inclination of a grassy green hill, wandering over the great emerald expanse and dodging the occasional frisbee. Ducking under one that was thrown high enough, even.
The small amount of skin exposed by his t-shirt warmed pleasantly in the moderate day's air as he passed an area surrounded by metal gating that bore a few tied-on signs. Within it, dogs of varying sizes tore across the grass, played tug-of-war, and ran to their owners with new friends in tow. As he got closer, he noticed that one of those owners had a haircut that looked quite familiar, a smile Yunho felt like he’d just been graced with.
It was (y/n)! Carefully undoing the safety gate with a deft motion of his fingers, he lifted the release and entered, immediately dodging dogs as he ran a hand through his hair hoping he’d straightened it. His other hand was already getting thoroughly sniffed, a few licks coming to it before he reclaimed it, giving a bulldog and a border collie some pats as he milled through the park. A mutt- maybe half terrier- ran up to him snuffling with a squeaky toy in its jaws, so Yunho threw it, laughing as it turned into a little spotted streak of lightning. Hopefully its owner was young. And then, turning on his heels, he faced you.
“Oh, hey, (y/n), right?” He leaned forward, resting a hand as casually as he could atop the bench a few feet from him, mock-guessing your name like it hadn’t made a few runs through his head of late. “Didn’t see you there. I’m-”
“Yunho from the café. Fruit loops guy.”
Fruit loops guy. “Yep, that’s me.” He put a hand to his chest. “Fruit loops guy.”
“I’ve been tinkering around with stuff and that idea is something that we might be adding to the menu if my uncle lets me!” She added, grinning as a pup Yunho recognized as Sammy ran up to her, leaning into her offered pets.
“Really? That’s great!”
“Yeah! Should I name it after you?”
“The Yunho? Might confuse some people-”
(y/n) chuckled, wrapping her arms around Sammy to pull him onto her lap. “Yunho, I was kidding.”
“Oh, right, yeah, I knew that. So, uh, taking Sammy to the dog park?”
“Yep,” she nodded, smiling, “I try to take all the adoptables out on an alternating schedule.”
“Oh,” Yunho tilted his head in thought, “the Leash Love Latte dogs are for adoption?”
“Indeed they are. The goal is people live them so much they want to take them home!”
“Guess then they’d really need a doggy bag,” he quipped.
(y/n)’s eyes widened as she burst out with a laugh. “Ok, that’s so perfect, mind if I steal that?”
“Be my guest.”
“I’ll try my best to credit you where I can. Hey, wanna play frisbee with Sammy? It’s practically as big as him, but he loves it.”
Was there even a question? “Of course! Come on, Sammy, let’s go!”
And with that, they both pushed off their respective bench seat and lean, jogging deeper into the park’s grass and dodging a fire hydrant in the ground as they took turns tossing the blue plastic disc (y/n) had ready in her backpack.
“Hey, remember the guy who inspired my fruit loops latte?” You called back into the kitchen as you refilled the coffee bean jars up front, dim evening lights of closing time filing Leash Love Latte.
“Tall fellow, right?” You uncle questioned in response.
"Yeah," you nodded, "him. If he comes back, I'm going to get him in the kitchen."
"In the kitchen?" Your uncle's voice raised both in incredulity and response to some barks from your café companions. "I thought you liked him."
"Oh, geez!" Plucking a not-so-wet grey washcloth from your counter, you lobbed it at your uncle and his jokes. "I do. You think I'd let any loser with a dazzling smile into my laboratory?"
The washcloth connected with your uncle's shoulder, breaking his face into a grin as he shook it into his hand and started wiping the kitchen surface with it. "Ugh, save the sappy crap for him, huh? What are you even going to make him do? A day of free labor?"
"No," you giggled, leaning on the shining metal of your counterspace, "I think he has better ideas than he gives himself credit for. I'm just going to let him try making whatever he wants."
"As long as you guys clean up after yourselves," your uncle teases you, giving you a fond smile.
"Of course we will," you reply with a joyous look of your own, anticipation coursing through you as you imagined all the things you could come up with on your quest for a new menu item...and maybe something else new for you.
"Get in the kitchen with you? Me?" Yunho looked at you with eyes wide, holding little Nun a bit tighter in his hands in startlement as if you'd suggested he set his pants on fire.
"Well, I wasn't exactly asking your invisible twin brother there," you teased, clicking the pen in your hand open, then closed again, as you glanced over his shoulder.
He turned his head that way too like there'd suddenly be someone there. There obviously was not. "Alright, point taken. You liked the cereal lattes that much, huh?"
That wasn't what I liked most, you wanted to say. You leaned a bit further out from behind the register. "Something like that. I think it would be fun! Don't you? We don't have to make something good, that'll just be a bonus!"
Yunho's smile returned as yours spread out, and he bent over and gently placed the little fluffball he'd been holding back on the floor, where she stood at his feet, sniffing Cherry, a black chihuahua. "I don't think it'll be fun, (y/n)..."
Your expression stiffened a bit, eyebrows raising to urge his trailed-off sentence on.
"I know it will be! Let's do it! As long as you're allowed to do this, of course."
And then you were smiling again, heart beating in anticipation. You were going to get this dog-loving man and his silly innocent brain in your life no matter what it took.
"Cleared with the boss man and all. Let's make something out of this dead workday!"
Yunho laughed at that, accepting the hand you held out, beckoning him into the sacred space behind the counter, aka your drink and treat lab.
"So," you grinned, folding both your hands under your chin, "wanna make a drink or bake something?"
"Why don't we bake?" Yunho replies, gaze breaking from yours in thought. "Hmm, what's a good dessert to go with a drink? Shortcake?"
"Like strawberry shortcake?"
"Yeah, but why is shortcake always strawberry? Why can't it be any other fruit?"
You shrugged, feeling your expression smugly egg him on. "Why can't it? What do you have in mind?"
"Have you ever seen those candied melons? What about melon shortcake? I bet no one's done that before," Yunho answered before pausing for a couple ticks of Leash Love Latte's dangly-tail dog-in-a-teacup wall clock, "or is that gross?"
Crossing further into the kitchen, you pulled open a silver cabinet and turned back to him. "Only one way to find out."
He shuffled into the kitchen beside you, bouncing on his heels. “Do you have a shortcake recipe?”
“I do indeed,” you said with a grin, taking an apron off the peg on the kitchen wall and handing it his way.
You set to work prepping and measuring the wet ingredients while Yunho took on the dry, the most prominent of which was the flour. Shortcake, you reminded him, wasn’t as sweet as a regular cake, so that seemingly small amount of sugar was in fact correct.
It all went nearly without a hitch, only a small chunk of butter plopping onto the silvery counter, which you quickly twirled around to wipe squeaky clean again. Yunho was doing great at sifting everything together, almost as if he’d done it before.
Well, until the last scoop of flour, that is. The last one hung just wrong, dropping from the measuring cup in Yunho’s hand and sliding down the edge of the mesh strainer, bursting in a cloud of curling pure white dust upon the counter, his apron, and even on the side of your pant leg.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n), I'm so sorry!" Yunho immediately exclaimed, holding his hands out like he didn't trust them anymore.
"Don't worry about it," you replied with a smile and a flippant gesture, "it won't be the first or the last time that happens in here. Besides, in Hallmark movies all things like this do is start a cheeky flour fight."
Yunho glanced down helplessly at his apron and the counter. "Wouldn't that just make it worse?"
"Oh, absolutely," you nod, "but if you just twirl it off your apron, you'll get a pretty cloud effect."
Expectation? A little shimmy. Reality? Yunho executing a perfect showman's leaping twirl, the move indeed enhanced by a puff surrounding him as the powder shook off of him and drifted down to the kitchen tile.
You might've been gaping, but it quickly faded into a smile as you drifted past him in search of a rolling pin. "Alright, so you're, like, an expert dancer, that's totally normal and not extremely cool."
"Oh, I'm no expert. I-I just dance for a living," he replied with a shy grin and darting gaze.
"I hate to break this to you," you leaned on the counter in front of him, rolling pin in hand and awe on your face, "but that makes you an expert. Certainly more than me. You should be there one of the many times I forget a step of the macarena."
Yunho's hands started drifting around in the general airspace above his shoulders, head, and hips. "Which part?"
All you could do was giggle and hold the rolling pin up in your hand, head shaking. "Have you ever kneaded and rolled dough before?" He had good dough hands. Certainly more proportional to the dough than yours!
"We did it, (y/n)! We made shortcake!" Practically floating above the tile, Yunho high-fived you after you set the tray down.
While your creation baked, the two of you had ditched your aprons and crossed the threshold back into adoptable territory to absolutely ruin all your kitchen-sanitary hands on the hurricane of dogs that surged after you, leaping into your arms like the sweetest of crests crashing onto your jean-clad knees.
This time you took Nun and Yunho had Mickey the Australian shepherd, who plopped right down on the café tile with his head in Yunho's now-seated lap. You held your fluffy ball of wonder close to your chest and she practically melted in, little black boba eyes fluttering contentedly shut.
Both of you whined how it was torture and apologized to the dogs as if it was a coordinated act as you waved and backed into the kitchen with four remorseful eyes on the adoptable crowd, and that was how the shortcake was procured.
Candying the watermelon went off without a hitch. Well, mostly. While a welcome strength boost to cut the honeydews, Yunho had you half giggling, half protectively extending an arm as he yelped at the bubbling sugar boiling in the pot. For that, you bid him mix the cream while you got the fruit ready.
More time with the adoptables as the candy set, and then you were stacking cake, cream, and shining, syrupy melon chunks into a light yellow-and-green treat topped with some melon balls and classic rosettes.
"It's beautiful," you congratulated Yunho with a wide smile.
"Better than the fruit loop latte idea?"
You just nodded as the sound of your business's door closing rang our behind you. "And here's our proof coming!" You clapped, rushing out of the kitchen in the bouncing dance of a barista on a mission. "Uncle, will you try our dessert please? Yunho and I worked really hard on it," you plead as you dragged your amused uncle into your workspace, one arm linked with his and the other gesturing with a flourish toward the lovely shortcake and your lovely fellow baker, who immediately bent his legs and struck an introductory pose at it himself.
"I can tell. This looks great, you two," your uncle told you, pride clear in his voice as much as on his face as he ruffled your hair with his free hand.
Wiggling gently out of your grip, he accepted the proffered fork from Yunho and reached over to dig into the plated treat you'd decorated on the counter, which of course you'd wiped down before he could see the mess you made. Didn't hurt to butter up the person trying your new innovation, right?
Your uncle's eyebrows shot up the moment the forkful of your shortcake entered his mouth, both you and Yunho leaping up as if watching the pinnacle of a photo-finish race.
"Well, how is it?" You burst out, practically wiggling under the suspense.
"Yes, sir," Yunho added, straightening the apron he'd put back on, "is it good enough to go on the menu?"
"It's very good, son," your uncle began, eliciting a loud cheer from you two and a resonant, stingingly strong high-five of elation to boot.
"But," he added, both of you inhaling at his next words, eyes not even leaving him when an audible, surely adorable play-wrestle broke out among the adoptables, "if you want this on the menu, there's one condition."
"Wh- what's that? Er, sir?" Yunho stiffened under your uncle's serious gaze.
Short-lived as it was; the expression soon melted into your beloved joker's smile of mischief. "You have to take my niece on a date."
"Uncle, I-" You began to protest, heat rising to your cheeks faster than any oven or milk steamer could preheat.
"Yes, sir," Yunho nodded, sparing you a quick glance and a small wave as if he'd forgotten you were there, "that's a much greater reward than the menu spot."
His smile turned almost into something you'd see on a lovesick cartoon, as if your heart hadn't flipped hard enough in the past few minutes or even from the first time he walked in and you saw him being gentle with the adoptables.
What could you say? Guess it was puppy love.
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lights-at-night · 7 months
tmagp 8 thoughts
i love liminal spaces so muchhhhh i cant wait to listen to this !!!! i am very happy. they are feeding meeee
i am stimming so hard. bshxjkdkckkck
who wants to bet robert smirke will come up lmao
"a space that resents its own transitional nature" michael!!!!!
i want to eat this episode
this fits really well into a fic i have thats cool
it's giving the lonely, like andrea nunis' statement. the voices being indistinct is similar
alice and gwen are giving such an old married couple
colins on mental health leave lmaoo
gerry paints?
celia knows gerry???????
celia def has tma connections. alternate universes ....
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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When a Thousand Moons Rise (Webcomic)
Created by: Park heejung
Genre: Shoujo/Mystery
Phew, man this one is going for a ride. It's a reincarnation story with a lot of gore and suspense, and also werewolves? Lots of things are going on here and the mystery here keeps you on your toes. As of now there are about 60 or so chapters and there's a lot of worldbuilding in terms of the reincarnation aspect.
The story starts out with a bang as Nogyung Lee is buying a gift for her dad, only to have a a bus drive into the mall to try to kill her. She is saved by an angelic figure before the bus driver is killed and she is sent to the hospital. We learn fairly quickly that these types of accidents are common with her, earning her the rumors that she's cursed. Nogyung is also able to turn into a werewolf creature during the full moon, which causes her much turmoil as she just wants to be a normal person. She has a one sided crush on her classmate Sunho for a long time, and can't seem to let him go even when it's obvious that he has a crush on another girl named Dasom in her class. Meanwhile, the angelic figure that Nogyung Lee saw has gone about and killed off another man who seemed to have reincarnated and is about to find her. As she struggles in her school life, there is a detective that has been going around learning more about Nogyung and the various accidents that happened around her, as well as the various stories that are spread around this town- specifically about two lovers and a village that was burned down. Nogyung also struggles to remember a memory of her mother, who was running away with her to protect her from someone before she died. Nogyung nearly dies from her nut allergy after Dasom secretly puts nuts in her sandwich, leading to two boys, Dail and Yisun to save her by injecting her with allergy medication. Soon after this instance, Sunho and Dasom official go out, leading to them inviting everyone to karaoke. She ends up going home on a bus with Sunho when one of the people on the bus attempts to try to kill her. Dail ends up protecting her along with another blue eyes male, who seems to know that Nogyung is a wolf. The detective on the other hand starts to piece together what's going on with the reincarnation story and the story of the island as he investigates all of these occurrences. The blue eyed male seems to have connections with Nogyung's mother and has come to protect her from being killed and/or taken away by the angel, Nuni. He slowly teaches Nogyung to embrace her wolf form, and her dad becomes more protective over her. Dali and Yisun move to her school and protect her from bullying attempts and Yisun asks her to be his girlfriend. Nogyung continues to gain memories of her past life when she sleeps, seeing Yisun as her husband in her previous life.
While at school, a police officer possessed by his reincarnation comes to shoot out the school to find her, resulting in one of her classmates dead. The blue eyed uncle, Dali and Yisun try to break into the school to save her, while one of her classmates, Rina seems to know about Nogyung's wolf form. Yisun is able to save Nogyung from the attacker before being almost shot himself, leading to Nogyung using her wolf form to attack him. After she's discharged from the hospital her father and the blue eyes uncle tell her the story about this island. There was once a wolf girl named Otoko that fell in love with a human- however, the demons hidden in his village did not approve since it would reveal their identity. To protect the new life they had, they set out to kill the two. Afterwards, an angel creature named Nuni came to the village with the wolf girl in her arms, killing everyone in the village. The curse starts that every time the wolf girl reincarnates, the monsters and Nuni would as well, leading to a never ending cycle of bloodshed. Nogyung will never know who may betray her, whether it be her friends or some random person who will come to try to kill her, thus why her mother attempted to lock herself in the house basement to prevent herself from hurting her daughter. Sunho it seems has been possessed by one of the demons, leading the dad to lock him in the basement to prevent her from hurting Nogyung. Nogyung goes to visit Rina, whom seems to know more than she lets in on. She tells the story of her grandmother who was friends with Nogyung's previous reincarnation. She saw Nuni take her friend away at a bus stop after killing one of the reincarnations, and has since counted when she would be reincarnated again. We learn that Nuni is actually a spirit connected to the mountain, and that if the mountain is destroyed (which it currently is due to construction) then Nuni will die as well, stating that Nuni isn't much of an angel, since he's keeping her in this cycle of reincarnation. The last couple of chapters detail Sunho breaking out and trying to resist the hold the demon has on him.
There is a lot going on with this series, but I got to say, I love how the story builds up how the reincarnation works, and all of the mysteries, from the angel that she sees to suddenly being turned into a werewolf. While we have a general idea of what is going on based on hints, the story that's told by her father really solidifies all of the things that are going on. There is thrill and terror on the series when we do see these reincarnations go after her, often with various types of foreshadowing, so when everything does go on, we have the context of what is going on. It seems to mix the supernatural and slice of life fairly well, as this is Nongyum's life- on the one hand having to deal with all of the various accidents that happen around her while on the other having to deal with her various unrequited crushes. The artwork I think also shows how beautiful it can be while also showing the gore that happens to the various unfortunate people who were possessed by the demons. It must be terrifying knowing that anyone can just turn into one of the demons that will come to kill you, even those who are your family or friends. There are still a lot of mysteries to unfold such as how the detective fits in with all of this, who was chasing Nongyum and her mother that one night as well as what happened to her mother and who exactly the blue eyed wolf man is.
Nongyum as a protagonist feels very realistic for a high schooler, more focused on the life that she has at school, having fun with her friends and having various crushes, but there's also a sadness of having always being afraid that people won't accept her because of her wolf form, and those that are afraid of her because of her curse. It's not very fair to her that she was simply born in this cycle, only to be constantly in danger from the people whom she trusts and to be tied with Nuni so intricately. While she is more of a kind and often playful person, as the story goes on she becomes a lot more focused, attempting to learn about her powers of a wolf and probably going on to get rid of Nuni, or those that hurt her love.
Dali and Yisun are likely the reincarnations of Nuni and Otoko's husband as based on their birthmarks, though it's not entirely clear if that's true. Dali with his white hair is likely Nuni's reincarnation, but it's strange because in the instances we see Nuni, he is his own person, saving Nongyun from the bus accident far before we ever see Dali and based on Rina's grandmother's telling, also took her previous reincarnation in his angel form. Nongyun and Dali are drawn together though, so in some case or another, they likely are connected by fate, as mentioned multiple times in the story before. Yisun on the other hand is completely convinced of this, always flirting with Nongyun, but based on recent chapters, as much as Nongyun likes him, she feels that the two are not a fated pair, which will likely lead to their breakup in the future.
Nuni and the husband are interesting because I'm not exactly sure how they are connected. From the story, after the villagers killed Otoko and her husband, Nuni suddenly appears carrying her into the village before destroying it. So I'm not sure what Nuni's connection is with the husband or Otoko. Based on the first couple of chapters, the two originated from the forest and Otoko made a promise with Nuni when he was smaller that they would be together, with the "rings" that they made from grass turning into the birthmarks that they have in the current life. It does make me wonder why Nuni would allow the Otoko to marry the human husband since he seems so very attached to her, though perhaps there can be more than meets the eye. Nuni while trying to protect Otoko also seems okay with just murdering everyone in the village, regardless if they are a demon or not, wiping pets, livestock and the demons off the face of the earth. The curse was started by the demons and Nuni after all, with each reincarnation that Nuni has to go and protect Otoko's next incarnation. Nuni seems to be fairly obsessed with Otoko as depicted initially in the first chapter, so while he's not specifically interested in Nongyun as a person, he is obsessed with her as the reincarnation of his beloved. He seems pretty pleased constantly being in this cycle of death and rebirth since it means that the two can be together forever, even kidnapping the previous reincarnation for 47ish years just to (presumably) protect her. Unfortunately we don't know too much about Nuni as of yet, but hopefully as it goes on we will.
Overall, this is a really cool series to read. There's gore, slice of life, lots of mystery and a good use of reincarnation that is fun to read. If you are interested in this, please read it.
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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Shifting gears a bit to Traveller: The New Era (1993). OK, shifting gears a lot.
TNE is born, essentially, out of the failure of MegaTraveller. In that iteration of Traveller, the Imperium fractures into many factions of rebellion. Some folks didn’t like that at all but the ones who did were frustrated by the lack of unfolding story — the rebellion stayed in statis until Hard Times, which fast forwarded to explore the terrible effects the stalemate had on society and trade. Interesting, but bleak. It didn’t save MT.
New Era is characterized by three things. First is the system, which is, unfortunately, derived from Twilight 2000. The back cover of the rulebook has the nerve to describe this as fast and simple. It is not. There is a lot of rolling, a lot of little things to track. Combat (which, admittedly, covers everything from hand to hand through ship to ship) runs like 100 pages of a 380 page book. It is far too much of a system, especially when you look back at how light the original 1976 box is.
The other two defining parts of TNE are narrative. Its 100 years after the Rebellion and the focus is on reformation, of re-discovering lost planets and bringing them back into the greater whole. I love this! The other is Virus, a homicidal artificial intelligence, unleashed as a weapon of war, that controls “vampire” fleets, floating cities and even some whole planets. It seems like a lot of folks thought Virus was too tonally different from the rest of Traveller. I kind of get that. I also really like Virus and the vampire fleets (which remind me a lot of Mass Effect’s reapers, gotta say).
Regardless, there is a TON of great sci fi art in this book and it is work picking up for that alone — Aulisio, Frank, Nunis, Vilardi and Harris, to name just a few. Great John Zeleznik cover, too.
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transgenderboobs · 1 year
fun fact is that i love mag150 cul de sac so much i practically have the script memorized. she is everything to me along with mag48 lost in the crowd and mag13 alone. herman gorgoli andrea nunis and naomi herne are my everything girls
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ggukkiedae · 9 months
Hannah’s Line Distribution in
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“Bodeu bakwi dalgo chumchwotgo
Tareo ga deo ppareun ride, let's go” (0:24-0:27)
“Gieokdeullo nal areumdapge hae” (0:43-0:46)
“Ibeon trackeul kkeunnaeja daeum stage
We go up” (1:52-1:56)
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1 , 2 , 3
“Ssodajineun bicheul bon geot gachi
Du nuni meoreobeoril deusi
Meonghani meongcheonghi nunman kkamppagige dwae” (with JENO) (0:13-24)
“neo geureoke” (0:30-0:31)
“Baby, just don't move” (1:00-1:03) (2:47-2:50)
“Nunbusige areumdaun sungan soge
Ne tteollimeul nan pochakaesseo” (1:18-1:24)
“eonjenga dorikyeo bol ne chueogui jangmyeon soge” (2:19-2:24)
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너 와 나 ( B E A U T I F U L T I M E )
“Saljjak geolchideut ollyeodun songil” (0:42-0:45)
“Ne nune naui nune” (1:43-1:45)
“Uriui beautiful time, alright” (2:00-2:06)
“Geuttae dorabomyeon bomyeon
Yeonghwa sok panoramacheoreom, cheoreom” (2:32-2:38)
“Always, my love” (3:19-3:24)
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D R I P P I N ‘
“Can you hear me? Can you see me?
Nega nareul jageukae
Deureogalge sijakalge jeonhyeo yesang mothal ttae” (MARK) (0:15-0:21)
“Jeonbu da jibeosamkinda
Ontong da naro chaeunda” (0:35-0:41)
“Millyeooda heundeullida
Gyeolguk dwijipyeojil geol
Geureom eottae mwodeun eottae
Nega wonhan geojana” (HAECHAN) (1:14-1:21)
“Drip motion negero action
Drip, drip, my emotions
Da jeonbu sarojaba naui feelings
Mareun gonggan hana eopge ne mame rain shower
Love ain't never shallow
Gipi deureowa plop” (MARK) (2:28-2:40)
“Domangchigin imi neujeosseo
Nega meonjeo sijakan i game” (3:09-3:15)
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“Neon jonjaehae nae maeume” (1:07-1:11)
“I'll be your home (I'll be your home, yeah)” (HAECHAN) (2:24-2:27)
“(Hey, I'll be yours, I'll be yours, I'll be yours)” (HAECHAN) (2:34-242)
“Heulleoganeun geot jung igeon only one part
Jeogeodo dwae julgeora mideo igeo bookmark
Heureume geudaero nwadul ttaega deo jayeonseureowo
But I don't want this to sound like we're about to depart” (2:45-2:57)
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oaxleaf · 2 years
mag 150 - cul-de-sac
the concept of "suburbs" is something that, whilst having set translations in a lot of languages, can have quite different connotations depending on where your from. economically, architecturaly, culturally, etc. as a kid, i was confused by the english speaking depictions of it as soulless and hellish copy-and-paste labyrinths, because what i consider to be the suburbs here in sweden are not necessarily like that at all. i think that this specific brand of suburbia is much rarer here and something i'm honestly not overly familiar with, and i'm not sure whether that makes this episode more or less terrifying
it is one of the scarier ones though, at least to me. i've always been kinda freaked out by empty urban areas, houses that look lived in but there's no one there. it's far freakier than abandoned countryside. it's something about taking this setting that is quite familiar to a lot of us, some place that could, with a tweek or two, be ours, and then corrupting that. the strange is, after all, far less scary if you don't know how it should look. i feel similarly about episodes centered around the internet. in my mind i refer to it as the horror of familiarity
another thing is that this episode is slow-building. like jon himself mentions, the lonely has it's victims do half its work for them. and it makes sense. it's really hard to actively scare someone with the absence of something. making somebody sad and depressed is quite easy, sure, but at the end of the day, the lonely doesn't feed off of that. it feeds of fear. and it does so by letting its victims pull themselves down a spiral of doubt and desperation. i definitely know i'd be driven insane and break down because of this one
there's also something to be said about it being defeated by a loved one. similar to what happened all the way back in mag 48 where gerry tells andrea nunis to keep her mother in mind. similar to what we're about to see in less than ten episodes now...
melanie is not lashing out here. not once, during their entire interaction. which i'm not sure is a first? but it's one of very few in that case. once again, she is really trying here. and jon isn't. she really wants to get out. jon, quite honestly, does not. and by god will i have a lot to say about that in the next couple episodes or so
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trentione · 5 months
nunu 🥲🥲🥲🥲
i love nuni with all my heart, i’m gonna cry
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nunyverse-scribe · 6 months
Love Language Writing Prompts Part 1: Words of Affirmation
“I find it hard to say ‘I love you,’ so instead I say…”
“You look really pretty today.”
“You inspire me every day to be better.”
“Your smile brightens my day.”
“I’m so glad fate intertwined our paths.”
“You have value—don’t ever let anyone tell you different.”
“You’re such an incredibly skilled and talented person.”
“So many people admire and look up to you, I hope you know.”
“You’re such an important part of my life.”
“You’re really special to me.”
“Thank you for being in my life.”
“I love the sound of your laugh.”
“Your voice sounds like honey to me.”
“I could talk with you forever, honestly.”
“You make it easy to be honest with you.”
“I enjoy watching you do this—I get to admire the light in your eyes and the passion in your heart.”
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itchyeye · 1 year
Of Jonah Magnus' regency era compatriots, who's your favourite? Do you have one? If so, why?
oh this is a wonderful question and yes, i do!!! it's barnabas by a miiiiiile
it has, unfortunately, much less to do with barnabas himself than the context of his letter and of elias recording it
elias reading jon a letter from his dead ex-lover is simply. unmatched. unparalleled.
but to be fair to the poor lad i'll start with the things about him specifically that i like. the first:
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if i were begging on my hands and knees for my fwb to come save me from the depths of the forsaken, i would probably not put this in my letter to him
i would probably milk our relationship for all it was worth and beg to see him again
but barnabas is marked deeply by the lonely, even before mordechai banishes him to it
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this makes barnabas an excellent and concise example of one of my favorite themes of magpod victims: people being devoured by the malicious embodiment of something they truly loved
barnabas found peace and solace in his solitude, idt he was really interacting with the dread power in this instance. i think he was just enjoying a moment of pleasant respite in the desert (there is nothing in the desert, and no man needs nothing)
just like robert kelly (mag 21 freefall) loved the open air before the sky swallowed him whole, just like andrea nunis (mag 48 lost in the crowd) loved traveling independently and treasured her solitude before the forsaken tried to claim her, just like julian jennings and his mom (mag 124 freefall) loved the thinner air on top of mountain peaks before the falling titan tried to eat them out of a cable car
it is so deliciously horrifying that the fears so often choose their victims from people who truly love the non-eldritch versions of them. who have a sincere attachment to the experience of their non-evil earthly equivalents. it's just so cruel!!! it's so hopeless! yes we can expect victims of the fears to be people who were, like, already arachnophobes! people who had contamination ocd, people with a fear of clowns, etc. but that you aren't even safe from being hunted by the entity that reflects your passions and joys?? that's so BLEAK!! that's so cold and calloused and unfair!!! I LOVE IT.
i also love that jonah i-can-see-it-coming-in-the-air-tonight-d barnabas after barnabs explicitly is like "if you have a shred of humanity left in you please help me"
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idk i love this!! i love that this could be read as proof that jonah really doesn't have any humanity left in him. you could just as easily say that he probably didn't like barnabas all that much, and maybe just didn't want to expend the effort, and didn't mind him decaying forever in the forsaken, except
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jonah did care for him. he cared enough for him that he went into the lonely to retrieve his bones. he kept those bones as a memento, not in artefact storage as a totem of the forsaken, but in his office as a keepsake
but he made his choice!! ceaseless watching. knowing too much. beholding won out over the clear affection and attachment he had for barnabas. he needed to know.
and then
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so many layers here i can't think about it too hard rn or else i'll start making the sort of sound only mosquitos can hear
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
What's the age difference between the Bradshaw girls?
they're all pretty close in age!! the furthest apart is 6yrs between Olive and the twins!! so five kiddos in six years for Bradley and Faye (yes, Bradley grays early. yes, he loves his life!)
Olive Maggie (November 7th, 2021)
Joni Caroline (August 19th, 2023)
Finch Elizabeth (May 1st, 2025)
June Wylie (TWIN B January 8th, 2027)
Opal Bobbie (TWIN A January 8th, 2027)
I am reallyyyyyy picky about names btw and for the longest time, I thought June and Opal were perfect names for Bradshaw girls but I already had Olive and Joni which are O and J names....but I finally bit the bullet and I think it's cute!! little Finch is an outlier!! but that's okay :-)
btw....all the girls have nicknames
Olive is Ollie or Liv (depends on the day)
Joni is Jojo or Jo (depends on the day)
Finch is Fin or Finnie (depends on the day)
June is Nunie or Jujubee (depends on the day...again)
Opal is Opalwinfrey (Olive starts this during her Oprah era) or Bobbie (depends on the day)
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