#nxt uk fanfiction
sydsaint · 2 years
Imperium hottie incoming!!!!!
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Summary: The night before the readers debut on Smackdown she goes out for a drink where she meets a charming German pretty boy. Unaware that he's about to become much more than just a random one-night stand.
It's a crisp Thursday night in a new city. You are set to start your new job working for the WWE with your childhood friend, Pete, tomorrow night. So you're out celebrating tonight.
Sat on a barstool and nursing a drink, you survey the pick of single men at your disposal tonight. A couple of them look like they might be interesting to talk too for a bit. But none of them really pique your interest. That is until you spot a fine-looking man sitting at the end of the bar.
'Pretty boy.' Is the first thing to comes to mind when you see him. "Hmm." You hum to yourself and carefully make your way down the bar. "Evening." You initiate conversation with a friendly smile.
Your greeting catches your pretty boys attention and he glances your way. "Evening, love." He replies, accent laid on thick.
The strangers accent throws you for a bit of a loop. 'Very pretty boy.' You think to yourself. "That accent local?" You joke to break the ice further.
"Not exactly." The man chuckles lightly and turns to you. "I'm, Marcel. Can I get you another drink?" He introduces himself and takes notice of your nearly empty glass.
"I'm, Y/N. Pleasure to meet you, Marcel." You grin at him. "And yes, I'd love another drink. Thank you."
Marcel beckons the bartender over and gets another drink for himself as well as you. The two of you chat about the city and you learn that he's also in town for work. Though neither of you bother to ask what the other does for a living.
A few drinks and couple of hours later and you find yourself getting pulled into the back of an Uber by your handsome and charming new friend. The two of you head back to Marcel's hotel, which happens to be across the street from the one that you're staying at. But that coincidence is the furthest thing from your mind at the moment.
The next morning you wake with a yawn and rise to your feet. Marcel stirs in bed next to you, so you tiptoe to the bathroom to freshen up a bit before you leave.
"Morning, Y/N." Marcel trudges into the bathroom after you a few minutes later. "You sleep alright?" He jokes, knowing that neither of you bothered to get much sleep last night.
You giggle and brush through your hair with your fingers to rid it of a few tangles. "Oh, yeah! Lot's of sleep." You roll your eyes playfully.
"I don't suppose that I could interest you in a shower and some breakfast?" Marcel offers in an attempt to get you to stay a bit longer.
You frown, remembering that you promised to meet Pete for breakfast. "Damn, I'd love to Marcel. But I can't miss breakfast with my brother." You explain.
"That's too bad." Marcel sighs but understands your excuse. "I was really hoping to hold on to you for a little bit longer." He grins at you.
You share Marcel's desire not to part ways just yet and glance at the clock in the other room "You know what? I think that I might be able to squeeze in a shower." You inform him with a grin.
"Oh?" Marcel quirks a brow at you. "Well then, I think I'll have breakfast in the shower today then." He teases you suggestively.
Two hours later you scramble across the street to your hotel and pray that your brother isn't looking for you. You manage to make it to the floor that your room is on but find Pete in the hall about to knock on your door.
"Shit." You mumble to yourself and sigh. "Pete! I'm over here!" You call out to him.
Pete turns around with a confused look as you walk over to him. "Y/N? Why are you out here? And why've you got a wrinkled dress on?" He asks you, clearly puzzled by your current state.
"I went out last night for a couple of drinks." You explain quickly and unlock your room door. "And I guess that one could say that I met someone while I was out." You add.
Pete follows you into your room and shuts the door behind you. "So you slept with someone last night, then?" He asks you.
"Yeah." You nod and walk to the bathroom. "He was this super charming, pretty boy, at the bar." You explain further. "Super hot accent, German I think."
Pete shakes his head and sits down on your bed. "Are you showering?" He asks when he hears running water.
"Yeah." You call back from the other side of the semi-closed door. "Why?"
"Your hair is still wet." Pete replies. "Haven't you already showered at your pretty boy's place?" He asks you.
You laugh as you once again strip off your dress. "Let's just say that neither of us got very clean in that shower."
"Y/N!" Pete scrunches his nose.
"What?" You laugh again. "You asked."
You take a quick shower then head out to breakfast with Pete like you promised. He goes over a few pointers for your first night on Smackdown to make sure that you're ready.
Later that night Pete introduces you to your new teammates, Sheamus and Ridge. The four of you chat for a bit to get acquainted before it's show time. Everyone heads out to the ring so Ridge can have his match against some guy named Giovanni Vinci.
"Oh my god." Your mouth hangs open when you see Vinci and his pals from Imperium come down to the ring. "Pete! Pete!" You smack his arm.
"What?" Pete looks down at you with worry. "What's wrong?" He asks you.
Sheepishly you point to the other side of the ring as Imperium come down the ramp. "Remember my cute German guy from last night?" You ask. "That's him on the right." You point across the ring.
Pete follows your prompt over to where Marcel is now standing next to Gunter. He looks back at you and puts his palm to his forehead.
"Y/N!" He scolds you. "You slept with Marcel Barthel last night?" He questions you.
"It looks like it, yeah." You nod. "And he's staring at me right now." You add.
Pete glances across the ring and sure enough, Marcel is attempting to catch your attention. "Oh I'm going to beat his ass." Pete scowls and pushes up his sleeves.
"Pete!" You grab him by the arm and stop him. "Don't you dare!" You warn him. "I'll handle it."
Pete tries to protest but you shut him up and march over to the other side of the ring. Marcel waits for you leaning casually against one of the ring posts.
"Well then, back for more already?" He asks you with a chuckle.
You laugh with him but keep to the task at hand. "Oh but we're enemies now, Marcel." You remind him.
"Well you know what they say, love." Marcel replies and pushes off the ring post. "Enemies always do make the best lovers." He leans in close.
Before either of you can close the gap for a kiss, Pete barrels around the corner and shoves Marcel out of the way and to the floor.
"Y/N! Fight now, flirt later!" He reminds you with a glare.
"Right!" You snap back to reality. "Damn, this job just got so much more fun!" You laugh as Marcel picks himself off the floor.
"You got that right." Marcel agrees. "I look forward to converting you to Imperium then, love."
A grin plays on your face. "I'd like to see you try, pretty boy." You challenge him.
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Always There - Marcel Barthel x Reader
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Figured I’d get the Marcel one out of my way while I could. I’ve been having some German feels for a while (who can blame me though? )
I do apologize now for any INCORRECT translations. I do NOT know German well enough, I know about 5-6 words and that’s it. (Yes, No, Hello, Love, Ambulance and Hospital. The necessities) 
Y/N = Your name
If you don’t like Ember Moon, Kacy or Kayden, feel free to think up your own NXT roommate situation for a TakeOver event. That’s where I thought this would be at -shrug- 
EDITED IN: Original Tag List @starwithaheart​ @shedevill22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee​ 
Tagging those who Requested Marcel!  @barthelsimperium
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Letting out a deep breath, I glanced over at the digital clock next to the bed I was sharing with Ember. The red light read 3:29. Frowning, I looked at my other two roommates, Kacey and Kayden, who were also fast asleep much like Ember.
“So unfair…” I sighed.
This was now night three of no sleep. I knew I had to do something—if it kept going, Hunter was bound to realize, and not only that I could accidentally hurt someone in the ring. What could I do though?
Back home, I’d get up and make myself busy—but I didn’t want to wake up my friends.
“Just find me, liebe. I don’t care what the time is!”
Marcel’s words came crashing into my fore-thought, causing me to purse my lips. I couldn’t actually just stroll to his room and wake him up at this ungodly hour… could I? Ember would never let me live it down, if she found out I went to his room this late at night. She’s the only one I have ever told my feelings towards. The only one who knew I loved Marcel, my impeccable German.
On screen, he was cold, cunning, methodical and egotistical. Behind the screen though? Marcel Barthel was the funniest, kindest and most considerate guy I had ever known. Our friendship had started out a bit oddly, as somehow his suitcase had ended up in the women’s locker room and I, of course, was the one to return it to him. He was clearly confused and embarrassed, but thankful all the same. I had cracked a joke that if he wanted to spend time with me all he had to do was ask—and upon hearing the chuckle from Fabian, I quickly excused myself in embarrassment, barely hearing Marcel speak to Fabian as I left.
“Lach nicht uber sie!”  ((ts: Don’t laugh at them))
Later that night, Marcel had found me backstage, quickly taking a seat beside me and leaning back slightly.
“You said if I wanted to spend time, all I need to do was ask,” he explained, causing me to go red from embarrassment.
“I-it was a joke… You don’t have to—”
“You may have been joking, but I’m not, Kleiner.”  ((ts: little one)) 
“I…. have no idea what that means.”
He only laughed in response, shaking his head slightly, promising me,” I’ll teach you some words.”
I smiled at the memory, before glancing a risk at the clock once more.
Fuck it, I decided. Carefully as I could, I pushed back the covers and climbed out of the warm cocoon I had made. Grabbing my wallet on the way by the tv stand, I tiptoed to the door and as quietly as I could, opened the door and snuck out, closing it with a soft click behind me. Gnawing on my bottom lip as I walked up the steps to the floor above, I thought about how close Marcel was to me—how close in my heart he always was.
Holidays, bright and early (even despite time zone differences) we’d be the first to wish one another a happy holiday; happy birthday—new years. When we’d both be at an event, we’d seek the other one out.
Marcel hadn’t taught me the translation for liebe yet, but since he was always calling me it, I had decided to ask Fabian one night, when Marcel was off getting something to drink.
“Heh, I don’t think I should be the one to tell you, Principessa.”  ((ts: Princess))
“Oh, come on—please? If you don’t I’ll just look it up online. C’mon Fabian, please?”
“Alright, alright—love,” Fabian answered, his eyes going over my shoulder for a second, before his voice lowered,” Liebe means love.”
Did it mean Marcel loved me the same way I did him? Probably not.
But it still made me feel happy, like I mattered to at least someone. Coming to a stop at room 329, I took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door.
Five seconds.
Ten seconds.
Twenty-five seconds.
Swallowing the lump in my throat and fighting the urge to just go back downstairs to my own room, I tentatively knocked once again, two short, soft bumps on the door.
Five seconds.
The door opened slowly, catching me by surprise as I looked up from the floor. There before me stood a hooded-eyed, bed-headed Marcel, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. When he realized who it was, he seemed to wake up a bit.
“Liebe? Is everything In Ordnung?”    ((ts: alright))
“Uh, yeah. No. It’s fine…. Uh… I just… you said to…” Everything I said was coming out jumbled, and I could see Marcel trying to make sense of it all,” Sorry I bothered you this late—I’ll just—sorry, go back to sleep—��� I turned to walk away, but stopped short when I heard his voice call my name.
“I’m sorry, please, just—go back—”
“Hör auf, dich zu entschuldigen!” I heard Marcel snap, before his voice softened,” Komm schon, come.”   ((ts: Stop apologizing / come on))
With uncertain steps, I slowly walked back over to his open door, shivers running down my spine when I felt his hand gently rest on my back, ushering me in at my own pace.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Marcel asked as he closed the door behind us.
I shook my head, unsure if he could even see it in the darkness of the room,” Sorry, I just—”
“Liebe—stop saying sorry.”
Without needing to see him, I knew there was a frown on his face.
In the darkness, I heard him give a small sigh, before suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me close to him,” I told you, you can come to me at times like this. There’s no need to apologize for it.”
“It’s just… it’s so late—or… early—I didn’t want to wake you up…”
“Don’t worry about that, okay? Come, make yourself comfortable.”
I felt his hand gently take my own and lead me towards the bed.
“W—what about Fabian? Will he—”
“Don’t worry about him, liebe,” Marcel gave a soft chuckle,” He’s a deep sleeper.” His hand left mine, and I could hear him get back into his bed.
Do I?
Don’t I?
“You won’t have a chance to get any sleep standing there, come on.” I heard him pat the space beside him and I was beyond grateful for the darkness in the room- otherwise he would be able to see how red my face was right now. Slowly, I peeled back the covers on the empty side and slid underneath, careful to not touch Marcel in anyway- which he must have noticed.
“I don’t bite, liebe.”
“Why do you call me that?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. I had to know—needed to know. Marcel grew quiet for a few moments and I feared he wouldn’t answer me, until I felt his hand gently creep over mine once more and slowly pull me towards him. Wordlessly, I felt him softly pull me as close to his body as possible, laying right beside him, my head on his bare chest.
“Because… Du bedeute mir die Welt…I love you…” I could hear the uncertainty and the hope in his statement, and I couldn’t help the smile the slowly grew on my face,” We’ll talk more tomorrow, liebe. For now… get some sleep.”   ((ts: You mean the world to me))
Slowly nodding my head, I let my body relax into his embrace and before I knew it my eyes got heavy—and as I drifted off to sleep, I felt him press a gentle kiss to my forehead.
No more sleepless nights, no more uncertainty.
I was loved.
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bss-babygirl · 1 year
[7:20 pm]- #6. “You're not going to lose me.”
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Mustafa Ali x reader
Warning: Fluff, Friends to Lovers AU
Request for @baeusos
Tag List (as always let me know if you’d like to be added/removed): @1dluver13xx @wwesarahjaneroszko @c-lelo @heyits-liz @meteora-fc @mattjacksons @hisredheadedgoddess28 @queenofthearchitect @queenslayer1985 @officialbroski10-blog @darktammy @mcreigns-enthusiast @blondekel77 @barnesnreigns @cesarofangirl78 @lilred91 @beautybyfire @pleasantlyshamelesswizard @rebellious-desires @punkgoddess-98
In December of 2021, when you first met, if someone would have told you that you and Mustafa would be as close as you are; you would have laughed at them. But here you are a year and four months later, and he has become your best friend. He’s done so much for you in what little time you’ve had together between encouraging you throughout college, and even just being a good friend; there were definitely days if it hadn’t been for him, you wouldn’t have made it through.
Recently, within the last three months you have realized you started to develop feelings for him, which terrified you for multiple reasons. Reasons being: your job for one, working in the wrestling business is hard much less when dating within the company itself is frowned upon. You worried what the fans would think if word go out or that it was even rumored that you two were seeing each other, because the last thing you’d want to ruin where he is in his career. The four year age gap between you two was also another small factor. Now, age may not seem like a big deal to some, but it was to you considering you are short for your age. For all of these reasons, you tried so hard to swallow your feelings towards him.
However, one day all of that changed when one of your mutual friends that you both respect and admire pulled you aside, and told you a little secret—Mustafa may, or may not have feelings for you. That he thinks you are hot. Now, when they said that, it kind of started to play into your head that maybe they were joking around, and just pulling your leg; because you and the word hot rarely ever get used in the same sentence. Plus, you thought it was completely crazy that Mustafa could possibly feel the same way about you because he has always looked at you as a friend. Like he was the one that pushed you to go for your feelings with other guys, like your wingman of sorts. But nonetheless, something inside of you told you ���just go for it, what’s the worst that could happen?”
With this YOLO Mindset you found Mustafa just sitting in catering. “Hey Y/N!” “Hey Mustafa, can I talk to you?” “Yeah, sure. Everything okay Y/N?” Mustafa looked genuinely concerned because of the tone in your voice. You nodded while walking with him, trying to find a more quiet, secluded place for you two to talk. Your nerves? Through the roof at this point. You started playing with your fingers which Mustafa knew was one of your nervous habits. “Y/N, you can tell me anything, you know that right?” “Yeah, I know. I just don’t want what I’m about to say to ruin our friendship.” Mustafa took your hands in his. “You can do this Y/N, just tell me what’s on your mind. You’re not going to lose me.” You took one more deep breath, “Truth is, I’ve liked you for a while now, but I was always afraid to say anything because I knew relationships within the company were frowned upon, and I didn’t want to make it harder on you in any way.” Mustafa started smiling, “God, you have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to hear you say that. I like you to Y/N.”
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wildchildvdm · 2 years
Ladyship's Masterlist
Hello there this is my very first masterlist I ever did. I will pin it on my blog so you can read: enjoy.
Wattpad: MamiOfInfamy
AO3: MamiOfInfamy
OCs Round Up: Here
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kylefletchersgf · 23 days
</3『Revenge cost you』</3
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
-ˋˏ [Word Count] ˎˊ : 1.1k
-ˋˏ [Genre] ˎˊ : angst
-ˋˏ [TW] ˎˊ : angst, gxg, cussing, mistakes I might have
-ˋˏ [Taglist] ˎˊ : @iluvnickwayne @nev-danielgarciawife
[Let me know if you want to be in the taglist]
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
Charlie wrestled for an independent wrestling company and you went on the road with her because she always hated being away from you for a long period of time; and vice versa with you. But little did you know that this time would cause a rough patch in your guys' relationship, right now she is feuding with Billie Starkz and she is kind of stuck because you was brought into the storyline. You are fed up with everything and you are just plain tired of it. So after Charlie's match you came out to the ring with a microphone annoyed.
“You know Charlie I’m tired of it” you started as you got in the ring, you stood across from your girlfriend looking at her with no emotion on your face “I am tired of being in this shit, you know ever since this storyline started you lost yourself, you let this shit go to your head; where is my girlfriend?” “I am right here” “no you’re not, you are lost in this feud and I want my girlfriend back. The one who put others before herself, the one who’s so bubbly around me, the one I fell in love with.”
When you said that last line she froze in the middle of the ring as you looked at her you said “you are not the Charlie I fell in love with I want her back, when you find her you know where I’ll be” you put the microphone down in front of her gently getting out the ring going to the back. You went to where Charlie kept her stuff and you grabbed your purse, you didn’t even want to wait to see her face after that promo. You called an uber going to the hotel you are staying at.
When you got there you set your stuff down going to the bathroom to take a hot shower to get rid of all of your thoughts from earlier that night. When you got out you got dressed then started doing your night routine, you played music quietly while you put on a peel off face mask then going to the room. You sat on the bed turning on the tv as Charlie came in after the wrestling event was over at around 11pm. She looked over at you as she sat her bag on the other bed “Babe?” no response.
“Babe?” again no response, she walked over to the bed you were sitting on the edge of it looking over at you “Y/n?” “What Charlie?” “I’m sorry” “did what I said finally go through your head?” she nodded. “You know what Charlie, I don't think you understand how I felt through all of this, I felt like shit because you let this whole feud change you, you don’t have time to put effort into this relationship anymore. I am the one putting 100 percent effort into this shit when it should be 50/50 not 100/0. I’m tired.”
She looked over at you “I’m sorry Y/n” “how do I even know that you are sorry for real this time? We went through so many rough patches. How do I even know if you are lying or not?” “I’m not lying Y/n” “but how do I know that?” you ask peeling off your face mask. “Y/n” “good night Charlie” you turn your back to her turning the lamp off. She looked over at you and sighed, getting up going to the bathroom to take a shower, 30 minutes later you felt her lay next to you.
You couldn’t fall asleep because of your mind racing so you just laid there staring at the wall until you fell asleep, you woke up the next day to an empty space and Charlie nowhere to be seen so you rolled your eyes. You got ready for the day checking your phone before leaving the hotel room, today you are going to spend the day alone while Charlie is doing another show in the area. First you decided to walk around until something fun or interesting caught your eye, a little clothing shop was the first to catch your eye.
You looked around the shop at all the cute clothes that they had so you grabbed a bunch that you liked paying for them before leaving. After that you went to get something to eat then went back to the hotel. When you went back into the room Charlie was there so you continued what you were about to do. You took out all the clothes you bought laying them on the bed to fold, you began to fold them as you watched a youtube video to make it go by faster; you put the clothes into your suitcase neatly.
You open the smaller section of your suitcase grabbing 2 nail polish colors sitting on the bed turning on the show you were previously watching to continue it as you paint your nails. You started with one color painting every other nail and doing the same on your other foot, “no he didn’t” you gasped as you picked up the other color painting the nails that you didn’t paint. When your toenails dried you did the same to your fingernails but switched up the pattern, Charlie looked at you “Y/n?” “Yes Charlie?” “Can we talk?” “I’m listening” you answer.
“While I was on my way to and back from the arena I really did think about what you said and I am genuinely sorry for how I made you feel. I really do love you and I wanted to apologize and now I will put 50/50 into the relationship again. Can you forgive me and let me try again?” You listened to every word she said carefully before you spoke “thank you for apologizing and while I was out I was thinking too and I do forgive you” you said getting up kissing her heading to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?” “I saw this like night club thing downtown I wanted to go to, you’re free to come along if you’d like babe” you looked over at her. As you did a light makeup look she got ready wearing a nice but not too fancy clothes, when you got done you put on a pair of flats that you bought yesterday then headed out with her hand in hand. When you guys got there you two sat at a table ordering two drinks talking the night away like ya’ll did on your first date 3 years ago.
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Noam Dar x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 1,538 Summary: “Nothing to worry about,” he said. It made you worry even more. 
“What do you think of her?” he asked, sliding his phone in front of you, forcing your attention onto him. 
You shrugged. She looked like every other woman he’d shown you, 
“She looks nice,” you said. 
“You’ve said that about everyone,” he replied. 
“They’re all nice, Noam, I don’t know what you want me to say,” you said. 
He sat back and sighed, 
“I think no,” he said, and swiped left. 
You shook your head, but went back to your own work, 
“What about you?” he asked, trying to peer over your screen. 
You ignored him, 
“I’ve never seen your profile on here,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows, “how have we not matched? I thought I was your dream man?” 
You groaned loudly, and watched him frown, 
“I don’t do dating apps anymore,” you said. “Don’t have the time.” 
“Oh I see,” he said, moving so that he could sit next to you, “an old fashioned one, aren’t you?” he teased. 
“I’m not looking,” you said. 
“Of course you’re not, you’re a busy woman, you’ve got too much on your plate,” he said, one arm around your chair, the other propped up under his chin, watching you with a smile that was too excited to make you feel good. “Shame though, a woman like yourself shouldn’t be alone.” 
“Thank you?” you said. 
“And if you don’t have the time, well…” he trailed off. 
“Noam,” you said, warningly, “whatever you’re planning, do not.” 
He shook his head, 
“Not planning anything, sweetheart,” he said, with a wink.
You turned to face him, fully, now, 
“I’m serious,” you said. 
Still, he smiled wide, nose scrunched, eyes nearly shut as he shook his head, 
“Nothing to worry about,” he said. 
It made you worry even more. 
But he left before you could say anything else, yelling after him though you knew he was ignoring it. 
“Here,” he said, sliding his phone over to you. You stared at him for a moment, afraid to look down at what he was about to show you. “It’s not for me,” he said. 
“That’s why I’m worried,” you said. 
He smiled, 
“Just take a look!” 
“Tyler Bate?” you asked. 
He shrugged, 
“You just want me to distract him before your match against him,” you said, pushing his phone back. 
“Smart girl,” he said with a wink, and you had to pretend as if it did nothing for you. “But you’re right, I’d never set you up with him. How about him?” 
The next picture was Ariya, and while there was no denying how handsome Ariya was, you knew there was no chance you two would ever work out. 
So you shook your head, 
“We don’t fit,” you said. 
“You could!” Noam said. 
You smiled, turning back to your own work, 
“You’re sweet to say that but he’s not my type,” you replied. 
“He’s Ariya Daivari, he’s everyone’s type,” he said. 
“So you date him, then,” you said. 
“I’m out of his league,” he responded, flexing his arms for you, kissing his bicep. 
You rolled your eyes, 
“Of course you are.” 
“Listen, if I tell Ariya about you there’s no chance he’ll say no,” he continued. 
“I’m sure he’s already got someone, I mean look at him, that doesn’t stay single, you know?” you replied, trying desperately to change the subject. 
“He’d settle down for you,” he said. 
You tried not to smile, knowing it didn’t mean what you wanted it to mean. 
But it was still sweet that he said it. 
“I’m gonna pass,” you said. 
“I’ll keep looking,” he said as he left the room, eyes glued to his phone. 
“You don’t have to do that!” you called after him.
But it didn’t stop him. 
Any moment alone with Noam was a moment where he tried to point out any man around you, gauging your interest.
“I’ve got it, Fabian Aichner,” he announced as you picked him up to go out for lunch. 
“I thought you hated him?” you asked. 
“I don’t hate him!” he said, defensively, “I just said I don’t think there’s too much going on up there in that bald head of his.” 
“Don’t be mean, Noam,” you said. 
“So you’ll go out with him?”
“Well not after you said that,” you said.  
He nodded, 
“What about his pal, Barthel?” he asked. 
“I’m good,” you said. 
“You’re right, they’re more of a package deal, can’t have one without the other,” he said. 
The next week he’d found you at the gym and continued his search there, trying to set you up on a date with James Drake while you both were in the middle of a workout. 
You apologized to James, but it was Noam who’d caught most of the heat from him. 
It did make you laugh, though, so it wasn’t a terrible outcome in the end. 
The week after he’d moved away from the UK roster, settling on the 205 boys you knew so well, positive that he’d find you someone from that line up. 
“You said no to Ariya,” he said, laying on your couch while you cleaned up. You nudged his foot with the vacuum and he hung both his legs over the arm of the couch. “Which I still don’t understand, but what about Oney Lorcan?” he asked. 
You paused, as you put the vacuum away. 
Longer than you should’ve, you realized, making Noam smile again as though he’d cracked your code, 
“Ah so that’s it, is it?” he asked, sitting up and pulling his phone out. 
This time, he didn’t slide it towards you, didn’t ask any follow up questions, but typed something out quickly which made you panic. 
“Please don’t!” you said, trying to grab his phone out of his hands, 
“No, it’s too late,” he said, holding it out of reach. “He has your number, and says he’s going to ask you to go out tomorrow night.” 
You lunged at him, but Noam was faster. 
“I’m going to kill you,” you said as he tried to move out of reach. 
“What’s wrong with Oney?” he asked. 
“Nothing! But why would you set him up with me before telling me?” you asked. 
“Because you two would be perfect together!” he said. 
You sighed, taking a seat on the couch. 
“Why are you trying so hard to set me up?” you asked. 
He shrugged, taking a seat beside you, 
“Why not?” he asked. “You deserve to be happy.” 
“What if I am happy already?” you asked. 
“Are you?” he asked. 
You nodded, turning your head to look at him. 
Both of you, with your heads resting on the back of the couch, staring at each other. 
“Yeah,” you said, quietly, “I am.” 
“I just thought…” he started, looking away, “you deserve someone who’s...good to you.” 
Your stomach churned and your heart beat faster, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to say what was on your mind, what was on the tip of your tongue. 
“Oney’s not really my type,” you said, quietly, smiling at him. 
He sighed and nodded, 
“So what is your type?” he asked. 
“Well…” you started, looking up at the ceiling instead of at him. “Not too much taller than me, I don’t really want permanent neck pain for some guy.”
He chuckled, but didn’t interrupt so you kept going. 
“Someone who can make me laugh, you know? They don’t even have to be funny, but they gotta be willing to make me laugh.” 
He kept nodding. 
“Curly hair, preferably. I like the way it feels when I run my hands through it.” 
Now he watched you through the corner of his eyes, but you didn’t look at him. 
“Looks good with and without facial hair. I need that duality in my life. Also, if he’s got facial hair, he’s gotta keep it trim and proper.” 
His hand instinctively went to cheek, but tried to play it off as though he only needed to scratch it. 
“Oh and he’s gotta have a nice, thick, Scottish accent,” you added with an exaggerated sigh. 
“You devil, you know Kenny Williams is a married man,” he teased. 
You turned to him, trying not to laugh as you hit him on the arm. 
“You dumbass,” you scolded, “I’m not talking about Kenny Williams.” 
“Then who’re you talking about?” he asked, moving closer to you, his voice getting softer. 
And you took a chance. 
Because you were tired of pretending you didn’t feel like this, like it wasn’t going to lead anywhere. 
And you pulled his face towards you and kissed him. 
And when he pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist, and moaned as you tangled your hands in his hair, you knew it was all real. 
It wasn’t just in your head, it wasn’t just a dumb crush. 
You and Noam. 
He pulled back, breathless, lips red and slightly puffed, 
“I think you should tell Oney it’s a no from me,” you said, softly. 
He smiled, eyes fluttering shut as he leaned back in, 
“I never texted him,” he said. 
“Then what did you do?” you asked, slightly worried again. 
“I made dinner reservations for us,” he whispered. 
“Bastard,” you whispered. 
“I’m your bastard now,” he replied, kissing you again. 
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bellalutionn · 3 years
I’ve got a Marcel request! (I’ve never watched any of his matches but I just watched one of his interviews and I love German men).
An imagine where after a long date night he asks his gf to stay the night and she accepts. They don’t have sex, but it’s super fluffy. He teaches her some German and she teaches him American slang and they fall asleep in each other’s arms. But before she falls asleep he whispers “ich liebe dich” to her and it just fills her heart with such warmth.
wow🥺 this is so cute. i don’t have imagine requests open right now BUT i will make an exception because this just made me so happy and warm inside🥰 it’ll most likely be a drabble, let’s see!
taglist: @peachmango-kombucha @lghockey @girlmythlegend @sillynilly27
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you and marcel walked into his apartment, marcel slowly taking your jacket off of you. “here, i got it, liebe.” marcel nodded at you, “thank you, honey.” you said, sitting down at the counter. you guys had planned on watching a movie then you would go home, marcel had yet to invite you to stay overnight at his place.
you guys decided on watching shrek and once the movie was done you stood up. “it’s getting late, i should get going.” you said while stretching. “or you could stay the night.” marcel suggested, making you smile. “really?” you asked, marcel immediately nodding. “of course, i want you to stay with me.” marcel smiled at you.
as you laid back down in his arms, you guys started to talk about german and american slang. “geil can mean one of two things; talking about something in a good way, like food or it can mean.. horny.” marcel said, making you laugh. “well, shit. when i get horny i’m just gonna say geil to you and you’ll just know.” marcel shook his head, laughing.
“irre means crazy. like if i call you irre, it means you’re acting crazy.” marcel explained, “what about american slang? i’ve seen this one on twitter from fans. it’s called,” marcel thought for a second, “stan?” marcel questioned, making you started to laugh until the point of tears.
“it’s not funny, i really don’t know what the hell that means!” marcel exclaimed, making you laugh even more while playfully slapping his shoulder. once you were *finally* able to calm down, you took a deep breath to explain it to marcel. “it means they’re a huge fan of you. a loyal fan.” you explained as marcel made an o shape with his lips.
“y/n,” he said, “hm?” you said, “i stan you.” marcel said, making you laugh and kiss his cheek. “i stan you too, marcel.” you giggled, kissing his cheek again. “kudos is like, good job or good work.” you explained some more american slang to your german boyfriend before the both of you were absolutely exhausted.
you both laid in marcel’s bed, marcel caressing your hip with his thumb. “i had a really good time tonight, marcel.” you said, resting your chin on his chest and looking up at him. “i did too, liebe.” marcel replied as you snuggled in closer to his body.
marcel rubbing your hip made you feel loved and relax, sleep slowly taking over your body. as your eyes were about to close, you heard marcel whisper, “ich liebe dich.” which you knew meant i love you. you smiled to yourself, tightening your grip on marcel as you slipped into your slumber.
okay. this was more of a drabble rather than an imagine but i thought it was pretty damn cute lol. i love marcel!!
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Hello Queen!!! Thank you for giving us LIFE each and every day! 💙🥺
I was wondering if you’d be open to a Marcel/Fabian drabble?? Whatever comes to that sexy genius mind of yours we love to see it 🔥 Thank you always!!! 💙✨🥰
Hi gorgeous! Aww, you’re so kind, thank you so much for such compliments 🥰 Thank you for following me ❤️
I’m not that familiar with NXT UK wrestlers but I think I can work something with Fabian 😏 Let’s see if I will not totally embarrass myself with this one 😂
@thenightmareismyreality Thank you for Beta reading it for me ❤️
P.S. Yes, I’m obsessed with massaging giant men 😂 and sorry if this is complete garbage 🤣
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Fabian sighed when he entered your bedroom. You were laying down on the bed and noticing the tiredness all over his face, you asked
“Are you ok, baby?”
“I’m fine, amore (love). Just tired” He smiled weakly
“Do you want to take a hot shower to relax a bit?”
“I already showered at the gym” He undressed until only his boxers were left
“Maybe I can give you a massage to help you out with your sore muscles?”
“I can think of another way you can help me out” He straddled your hips, making your head stay at the same level of his crotch
Already sensing his intention, you raised one hand at his covered length, already caressing his half hard cock through the fabric
“Tell me what you need, baby” You cooed
“Mi fa un pompino (give me a blow job) ” He grunted, already caressing your hair
You smirked, darting your tongue out and tracing the outline of his erection through his boxers
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tateannawrestling · 4 years
A Different I Love You
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Me and BSS have been friends for 5 years now, it has always been the four of us. We spent all of our free time together, shared secrets no one else knew. We were the best of friends. That all ended when Tyler got a new girlfriend, Toni Storm. Well, he said that they were just friends but we all knew that wasn't true.
Me, Pete, and Trent were playing GTA, something that we usually do with Tyler, but when we invited him he said he had "an important night with Toni".
"No, no, jump, you have to ju-" I began to direct Trent who was playing, but I was cut off by the door opening. Behind it was Tyler and Toni. Trent paused the game and all of us looked at them, "What happened to your important night?" Pete asked Tyler and Toni in annoyance "They said that they didn't have our reservations" Tyler replied in air quotes "Hah! Losers!" I reply taking the controller off of Trent's lap unpausing the game. "What's your problem?" Toni finally spoke, "You." I reply in jealousy "Awe, how cute, she's jealous." She replies "Are you jealous? Are you? Are you?" She continued in a baby voice, getting close to my face, "Hey! Leave her alone!" Tyler yells, "What are doing? Why are you sticking up for her? Is she your side piece or somethin'?" Toni yells "No! But she is someone I love very much. And I'm not going to sit here and let you treat her like that." Tyler yelled back as Trent and Pete sit there in surprise at Tyler's actions. "Okay whatever, have her. I never liked you anyways" She admits as she storms off. Everyone except Tyler was shocked, we never saw that coming, not in a million years. They were always so lovey-dovey. "Wow.." Trent and Pete say in sync. "Y/N, may I talk to you, love?" Tyler asks, I nod and go with him to the other room, "Use protection!" Trent yells as we were walking to the other room, I just flipped him off. The other guys started up the game again while me and Tyler were talking.
"So, I- um, well, I-I-I love you." Tyler confesses as we are both sat on the bed in the dimmed room. "I love you too, Ty" I reply. Tyler has told me that he loves me so many times, this time was different though, I don't know how to explain it, it was just a different I love you. "No, love, you don't understand, I- I hooked up with Toni thinkin' it would make you jealous. You were getting so close to Pete and I felt like I was losin' you." Tyler confessed "Wait, so, you never had feelings for her?" I ask "No, love. The only girl I have feelings for is you." Tyler replies honestly, "You're so sweet, Ty and I love you so, so, so much-" I start "But..?" Tyler says thinking I was going to say that, "But. Right now, I want to kiss you more." I say staring at his lips, "Really?" Tyler asks "Really." I nod and kiss his lips, he kisses back. After about 1 minute of kissing, we pull away, "I love you" Tyler says "I love you too baby" I reply "B-Baby? Are we dating? Are you my girlfriend? Are you kiddin'?" He says super fast scrambling his words. I laugh and say, "Yes, we are dating" Then I kiss his lips once more, it turns into a bit of a make out sesh. It lasted 3 minutes until Trent walked, "Completed the mission" He says referring to the game, "You did, yes!" I say as I jump up going to the living room. "Looks like you did too" Trent said winking at Tyler as he was walking out of the door following behind me. Soon, we were all on the couch playing the game, "Just like old times" Tyler says pulling me under his right arm "Just like old times" I smile at him and kiss him, "Gross" we hear Pete say, as we all laugh.
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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snarkandsarcasmftw · 5 years
I’m gonna go with “Killer Queen”. It happened to come on.
SO... I feel like personally, I went waaay too overboard with backstory and set up here, but.... I also feel like maybe I haven’t written the last of these two and I love writing cocky / fighty Pete Dunne, so it was kind of a win. It was so much fun to write this, thank you for sending it to me!! I only hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have writing it?
more fake fic titles here > YOooooo... if anyone wants to be tagged in my writing, just shoot me an ask or a DM stating what fandoms / couples / characters you want to be tagged for, I’ll happily tag you.
Tagging: @rampagewriting @andie01 @calwitch @vonschweetz @kittysilver86 
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The past few months had been a real eye opener for Eileen if she had to be perfectly honest. For starters, she learned that a lot of people she previously thought gave a damn were actually only using her because they knew she was easily taken advantage of, the biggest being her boyfriend.
Throwing his ass out after catching him balls deep in one of the hair and makeup girls she worked with who’d been ‘crashing on her couch’ while she sorted out her own mess of a life… That had been the first step to Eileen taking control of her own life back. Since that night, Eileen hadn’t really… Stopped. She’d gotten that much poison out of her system, why not continue?
Don’t like your weight? Join a gym, start jogging like you used to back in high school and start doing Pilates. Get Rollins to let you come to a few Crossfit sessions.  Talk Matt Riddle into teaching you the basic finer points of MMA.
Friends always using you but hiding it? Ditch them all. Who needs friends like that anyway? Just stop reaching out, stop jumping to return texts not even a second after they’ve been sent to you. Take that cruise during downtime and paint it all over your Instagram.. Do it alone. Start finding other ways to fill the time they previously occupied. Hell, Eileen had even taken up painting and photography again as of late, and she’d been doing quite well at it. She barely noticed when a few weeks slipped by.. Then a month.. And then two.. And then, one day, while waiting on the show to start for the night, Eileen found herself going through her phone and deleting all those so called friends. And then going out for drinks with some of the women on the roster when asked.
It had surprised her they even bothered. For the most part, she was used to just being hair / makeup / special effects makeup backstage. Nobody really knew her. Nobody seemed to care to, either.
That impromptu night out lead to a shopping spree in Florida next time she and Carmella both had downtime at the same time and that is how the new wardrobe and her, being talked into doing something that prior to then she’d have never even considered… Dying her hair and chopping about two inches off the length, even going for curtain bangs because she’d always wanted them. She ditched the glasses shortly after in favor of contacts, because a few drinks with the girls one night led her to realize that everything about her before had been a safety net. 
Defense mechanisms, so to speak. She’d been hiding herself away on purpose.. Because years of rejection and feeling like the outsider left her thinking it was the only way to go, the safe way to go.. Left her frustrated, hating herself and blaming everybody else around her for her own situation, created by her. 
And now, here she was.. About to go way out of her comfort zone, crammed into an SUV to go out to a nightclub for some Halloween party. Before?
She never would’ve believed that the women she worked with, the ones who intimidated her so much before, would have ever even given her the time of day, much less call and skype regularly to check in, inviting her for drinks, tag her in random things they saw that made them think about her on Instagram or Twitter..
But here she was. About to go to a party that before, she never would have thought she belonged at and she would have chickened out of going to.
In a costume that before a few months ago, she never would have been caught dead in, she’d have felt ugly wearing. Now it didn’t matter, because she didn’t care what anybody thought. She liked the costume and wanted to wear it, therefore, she was wearing it.
Rhea Ripley saying her name bought her into the conversation and out of her own mind. “Hey, is it true? What you told Nadine today about Karma?”
Mia turned to stare at Eileen intently and Eileen giggled, nodding as she shrugged. “ All I told her was that it was Karma. I mean what did she really expect, hooking up with the guy who screwed around on me, with her?” 
Mia burst into laughter and nodded, adding her input, “ Phew.. talk about a bullet dodged. That was a huge one you dodged, girl.” 
“Oh god yes. I really did.” Eileen smoothed her hands over the black velvet dress and took a deep breath. She was nervous, but in a more excited way than an anxious one. It felt good.
For the first time in a long time, Eileen was actually enjoying her life instead of just letting it pass her by.
“Thanks for inviting me tonight.” she leaned in to tell Rhea quietly. Rhea shrugged and smiled. “Thought ya might ‘ave fun at this.”
They were parking the SUV when Eileen caught sight of her ex nearby, dressed as a pirate, complete with stuffed parrot on his shoulder and to her surprise, she didn’t immediately want to get back into the SUV and demand to be taken home. Not even three weeks ago, she would have either been really hurt, seeing him out and about or really down, ready to slip back into her age old holding pattern of blaming herself and putting herself down.
He cheated on her because he was a dog. Because he didn’t give a damn about anyone but himself, she reminded herself mentally, taking a deep breath. Candice LeRae seemed to pick up on her being aware of her ex and she nudged her, nodding in his direction as she said quietly, “Don’t let that piece of toxic crap get to you. He’s clearly not worth it.”
Eileen nodded and to her surprise, when she opened her mouth, all she had to say on the matter of her ex being present was, “Oh trust me, I’m well aware.”
They made their way past, getting brought to the front of the line because Rhea was apparently best friends with the bouncer and just as she went to step through the red velvet ropes, her ex Sean called out to her. “Lookin good, Eileen. Sexy bunny… Really suits ya, baby girl.”
“That’s honestly more than I can say for you, Sean. Nice costume.. I’m assuming they were all sold out of inflatable dick costumes?”
Rhea smirked and Candice nearly choked on her laughter as Mia gave Eileen a high five. Eileen took a deep breath and turned away, slinking through the doors, leaving Sean to watch her intently.
She never would’ve even dared to wear a dress like the clingy little black velvet number she just pranced right past him wearing when they were together. She also never would’ve mouthed off, she never would have even bothered coming to a party because he tried a thousand times to get her to go out with him before and she always politely declined. He dragged his fingers through his hair and shook his head, confused.
The last thing he expected was to see her here tonight. His date sidled up, pressing against his back and he turned to look at her. Suddenly, she wasn’t nearly as appealing as she had been months ago.
Not looking at what he threw away to get her.
“Babe?” Nadine knit her brows, looking at Sean as he stepped away, staring at the door. Nadine glared, a hand on her hip. She’d seen Eileen get straight to the front of the line. She’d heard Sean call out to her. To say she was jealous was probably under-statement of the year. 
“That bitch, seriously? You said she wasn’t any fun.” Nadine was in full blown pout mode and while normally, Sean would have found it cute, tonight he just found it annoying. He hadn’t seen Eileen in months. Seeing her for the first time since she threw him out tonight.. Looking happy. Looking confident for once. Knowing the things he heard their old friends saying about her in the months since the breakup between him and her… Sean was having his full blown moment of truth.
By the time the bouncer finally got around to letting the crowd gathered outside the club into it, Sean was contemplating just ditching the party, but parts of him were curious.
It had to be an act, right? There’s no way she was hiding the real her for the entirety of four years they dated.. He made up his mind to watch her, to see how far she’d carry this act of hers. He smirked to himself and pulled Nadine against him, dragging her towards the dance floor. 
“Sean, you’re dragging me.”
“Don’t you wanna dance, baby girl?”
Nadine glared up at him, following his gaze as soon as she realized that it wasn’t fixed on her. “If you want her, go ahead. Doubt she’d have you.”
“Oh? She’d be glad to have me back, Nadie.”
“Right…. That’s not what she said earlier tonight.” Nadine smirked as her words hit their mark.
Across the club, Eileen felt the sensation of being stared at and as soon as she turned to find Sean staring at her, she rolled her eyes, taking the shot from Rhea’s hand, slamming it back and shaking her head as the burn of the liquid made it’s way from throat to stomach. Rhea followed Eileen’s eyes and snorted in derision, rolling her eyes at Eileen’s ex before stepping between them.
“He’s just tryin t’ get to ya.”
“It isn’t working, actually. I can’t believe I ever found… That… attractive at all. He’s got the iq of a flea and the personality of a doorknob.. Or maybe he’s a doorknob on both counts.” Eileen waved the bartender down, ordering herself another round and she started letting her eyes roam the crowded nightclub, leaning in to nudge Rhea, “Weren’t they having a costume contest thing tonight?”
“I think… I wanna enter it.”
Rhea high fived her and Eileen gave a bit of a smirk, giggling softly to herself as the liquor in the shots took effect and she started to feel almost giddy. Rhea snorted. “Don’t tell me yer an easy drunk, woman.”
“Wouldn’t know.. I really haven’t drank much until recently. Don’t do it often enough to know for sure now.” Eileen admitted, Rhea snickering and shaking her head as she told her, “This is goin t’ be fun then. C’mon.” as she grabbed hold of Eileen’s hand, half dragging her through the crowd and straight towards the back… Where the dart boards and pool tables were.
“Rhea, what the hell?”
Rhea held her fingers to her lips and gave a playful wink. “Just wait. Got a surprise for y.”
“Rhea….” But Eileen got the feeling that either way this went, Rhea was going to do whatever it was that she had on her mind to do. And rather than be a stick in the mud, Eileen laughed softly, smiling. “Okay, alright. Let’s see this surprise.”
They stopped near the dartboard that the members of British Strong Style were all gathered around. Eileen found herself kind of momentarily shying towards the back, behind Rhea.
Tyler Bate looked up and promptly choked on the drink in his hand, nudging Pete Dunne.
“Someone brought y’ a present, Dunney. Might want t’ turn around.” Tyler was barely hiding a grin as he nudged his friend to get Pete to turn around.
Trent chuckled, watching it unfold with interest and delight, because it wasn’t a really big secret, Dunne was always watching the quiet brunette whenever she worked hair and makeup for their roster. He’d almost gone to war with at least one of the men on their roster over her, on more than one occasion.
If you asked him he’d just say the brunette in question was cute and drop the matter, giving a death glare as he did so. But Trent and Tyler weren’t stupid, they knew there was a lot more to it than that.
And if something wasn’t done to address it, Pete Dunne was practically a ticking time bomb.
Pete turned, scowl at the ready. That scowl turned to a smirk as he eyed the brunette with the sagging bunny ear headband standing behind Rhea Ripley. Rhea smirked at him, giving a teasing wink that had him glaring at her.
“Pete, Eileen. Eileen, I believe you know Pete? Pete, I know you know Eileen.” Rhea gave a teasing smirk at Pete and Pete glared at her in warning. Anyone who knew him knew full well by this point not, under any circumstances, to bring up his not so hidden feelings about the new hair and makeup artist.
Eileen’s mouth opened and closed as she tried to get her mouth and brain to work together, failing at it miserably. She cleared her throat, her hand raising, tangling in her hair as she stared up at him.
“I don’t, I just… Saw matches. And the one time I had to cover the bruise..”  - Christ, Eileen, snap out of it… He’s just a man. 
…. Just a man you happen to have a huge attraction to… you can’t even form words properly whenever you’re at NXT backstage and you see him around….
Pete chuckled, rubbing his chin as he continued to let his eyes roam slowly. He stepped a little closer, staring down at her. “ Y’ watch th’ matches, hm? Wouldn’t ‘ave taken y’ for a fan.”
“I...I…” - okay, I am totally out of my depth here, abort! Why the hell did I let Rhea drag me over here? Oh right.. Trying new things. Look how amazing I’m doing with that… Eileen’s mind was in overdrive as she bit her lip, meeting his gaze.
She’d come too far to simply be reduced to a hot mess by the likes of him. She wasn’t about to let it happen, either. One way or another, by God, she was going to salvage this whole introduction.
Pete eyed her, waiting on more of an answer. He remembered her being shy, which honestly didn’t track with the way the little black velvet slip dress fit her like a second skin. Rhea smirked to herself. Satisfied that her good deed for the year was done, she turned and walked away, calling out to both of them as she went, “Have fun, you two!”
“Dunney, it’s yer go at th’ board.” Trent cleared his throat, breaking Pete out of his slight dazed moment. Pete smirked and nodded to the dart board behind them. “Y’ play darts, Eileen?”
“Not very well.” Eileen answered, swallowing hard as Pete nodded to the board again. “I can show ya.”
When he stepped up behind her, those big and rough hands wrapping around her arms to help her aim the dart at the board, his chest pressing into her back, she bit her lip and listened to him, eyeing up the dartboard. 
Her first attempt fell short of the board and Tyler picked up the dart, holding it out to her, chuckling. Pete was pressing into her back again, his arms around her, his hands around her wrists as he raised her arm. “ Helps t’ imagine somebody standin ‘ere.. For example, if it were me? I’d imagine ‘at prick Riddle.”
…. And I did the entire night we were playing after I found out he was teachin y’ MMA…. the thought crept it’s way into his mind and he tried shoving it out.
Eileen gave a nod and stared down the board intently. Picturing Sean standing in front of the board gave her enough annoyance to get the dart closer to the board, but not close enough for the dart to stick to the board. She sighed and shook her head. “You do it. I’ll watch. I don’t want to mess up your score.”
“Y’ got closer that time.”
From behind them, a throat cleared. Eileen growled to herself and rolled her eyes, muttering “And here comes this motherfucker.” in a quiet tone that Pete immediately picked up on as his gaze settled on the man dressed as a pirate.
He’d seen him around at shows. Mostly flirting with the women on the roster or hanging out in the parking lot after like your typical fuckboy with no actual life. He honestly thought the guy was something of a male ring rat, and he’d said as much to Trent and Tyler on occasion.
“Who are you?” Pete stared the man down, stepping close to Eileen in a possessive move that neither Trent nor Tyler missed as they shared a smirk right after he’d done it.
“This Pete, is my ex. And he’s in the wrong costume.. But... if he wore a sign that said fuckboy or douchebag around his neck then he wouldn’t get laid, I suppose.”
Trent and Tyler snickered, nudging each other as they exchanged looks. Pete was in prime arrogant prick mode now, and that possessive side that he normally kept reigned in was starting to shine through on top of it.
“Babe, c’mon. It was a mistake.”
“You’re the mistake. Fuck off, Sean. And stop lurking and watching me. I know you’ve been doing it since you saw me outside. I came to have fun. You’re not going to stop me, nor do I give a fuck about you.”
Pete smirked from behind her. His hand went to her hip and as Sean stepped close, Pete stepped out from behind her. “She’s got no use for y’. Get fucked, Sean. Because if I see y’ around ‘er again tonight, yer goin’ to regret it.” Pete stared him down, both men squared up and ready to go at any second. Sean scoffed at Pete. “You think I’m scared of you? If  I want her back, man.. She’ll come back. We’ve got history. You’re just some pretty boy she’s flirting with to get under my skin.” his gaze turned to Eileen, who was seething by this point, her teeth gritted, her eyes blazing with anger.
More anger or emotion than she’d ever really shown before.
He gave her a hurt look that he knew worked well on her on many occasions before. “It’s workin, baby girl. I never woulda thought you’d turn yourself into a glorified fuck toy for one of the assholes you work for.”
Honestly, Eileen was about to step around Pete and just throw her drink right in Sean’s face, but before she could even think about doing it, Pete had Sean against a wooden column nearby, holding him by the collar, sneering at him. As calmly as possible, he leaned in and muttered quietly, “If y’ even breathe around ‘er… and I find out about it? I’ll break yer fucking neck. And I’ll enjoy every second of it.” before loosening his grip, letting Sean slump to the floor.
Eileen stood over Sean, her drink in her hand. “ If anyone’s a slut, Sean, it’s you.” she poured the drink over his head and turned, slinking away, back over to where Pete stood gathered around the dartboard with his friends.
Pete chuckled and shook his head, staring down at her. “Just couldn’t let it go, could y’?”
“Hell no.”
“Oh, I don’t think he’ll be botherin y’ again anytime soon.. Not unless he wants his arse ‘anded to him.”  Pete mused, stepping closer. He wanted no one around them to make any mistakes about it. She was leaving with him tonight if he had his way about things.
A slower song came on and Eileen bit her lip, torn between wanting to ask him to dance and thinking he’d probably say no.
To her surprise, Pete pulled her against him, slipping both arms around her as he turned the baseball cap he was wearing to the back so it didn’t bump her in the forehead. He chuckled and smirked down at her.
“Lucky I like y’.”
“I don’t dance.” Pete muttered, leaning down, lifting her up slightly as he pulled her into a slow, rough and deep kiss….
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debbiechanclub · 5 years
The Ocean In Between
Characters: Adam Cole x OFC x Zack Gibson
Summary: Madeline McGregor’s been given a second shot at the top in the form of NXT UK, and she’s more than willing to grab the brass ring. But it’s more than gold that motivates her to set her sights across the ocean; so long as she can keep from looking back.
Note: I’m not expecting there to be nearly as much interest in this as there is Paradigm Shift, but I wrote it so I’m posting it. Prove me wrong, Tumblr!
Tagging: @dagreatest316 @blondekel77 @pinkxlips @gamer705
Part 1/?
Chapter One: I Have News
Sunday, June 1, 2019 NXT TakeOver: XXV – Bridgeport, Connecticut
As she stared across the table at Triple H, Maddie felt—as Candice would say—like a duck: calm, cool, and collected to the outside world, but frantically treading water just beneath the surface. After all, this meeting would go one of two ways; and if she had to guess, she’d say her chances were 50/50 as to whether she was about to get good news or the worst news of her life.
“Alright, Maddie,” he leaned forward on his forearms, cutting an imposing figure. His expression was entirely unreadable. “First I want to say thank you for coming up here to meet with me. I know you’re not on the card tonight, so I appreciate your flying up from Florida.”
Maddie swallowed a lump in her throat. That didn’t seem like a good start to the conversation, but she forced a smile. “Oh, it’s no problem. I was planning on coming, anyway; there’s no way I’d miss a TakeOver, let alone one this big.”
Hunter sent her a stiff grin of his own. “I know you wouldn’t. You’ve been dedicated since day one; that’s something that’s always stood out to me about you. You never complain, you always show up and put in the work no matter the situation.”
Maddie’s heart hammered so thunderously that it almost drowned out the compliment. “Thank you. It means a lot that you think that of me.”
“You’re welcome. And that sort of segues into what I wanted to talk to you about.”
She sat up straighter, wringing clammy hands in her lap. This was it. Her entire future hung upon whatever the next words would be to come out of his mouth.
His tone was even and steady as he spoke. “I know things haven’t gone how you expected or hoped they would over the last year. Unfortunately, there’s only so much opportunity to go around, and you’ve gotten lost in the shuffle here.”
Blood rushed to her head and she went momentarily dizzy. He was going to release her. This was the end of the road, her last night in NXT, in WWE—
“Which is why I want to see how you do over in NXT UK.”
Suddenly, the world stopped. “I’m sorry what?” she blurted. NXT UK? Had she heard him correctly?
He let out an amused laugh at her utter bewilderment. “Is that something you’d be open to?”
“Yes, absolutely!” Maddie proclaimed. Her heart was still pounding, but it was a different sensation now. “That’s just not—I’m really surprised.”
“I get it,” he sympathetically returned. “But this is actually something I’ve been considering for a few weeks. You made a name for yourself over in Britain working for Progress and Pro Wrestling: EVE. They know you there, they like you there, and, at least right now, I really think there’s greater opportunity for you on the NXT UK roster than there is down in Florida.”
Maddie couldn’t agree more. “When do I start?”
“Well, the next round of UK tapings will be at Download Festival. In two weeks.”
“Then I’ll be at Download Festival in two weeks.”
Hunter genially knocked his knuckles against the tabletop. “That’s what I like to hear. In the meantime, all I need you to do is be ready to go. I’m still ironing out the creative details, but I should have more to tell you in about a week.”
For the first time since sitting down, Maddie gave a genuine smile. “That works for me.”
“Great,” Hunter nodded. “Well, that’s all I had for you, Maddie. Get outta here, go enjoy the show.”
“I will. Thank you so much, Hunter.” She shook his hand and nearly bounced out of the room, feeling a million times lighter than when she’d entered. For the first time in a long time, it felt like something good was on the horizon; and for the boss himself to recognize her dedication and talent made all the difference.
She had to share the good news. It was just past 5 o’clock, so that meant it was just past 10 o’clock in England. They should all still be up, she thought as she whipped out her phone and composed a group text to her closest friends on the UK brand: Toni Storm, Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate, Trent Seven, and Mark Andrews.
Guys!! I have news! Trips just spoke with me and he’s putting me on NXT UK!!
Pete was the first to reply. But you’re a yank.
“Seriously?” She rolled her eyes at the curt, typical Pete-ness of his response; but before she could fire off a snappy retort Toni chimed in.
PETE! Shut it. That’s fantastic Mads! I’ve been wanting a new opponent to defend my title against ;)
Brilliant, Trent added. Don’t listen to Pete, he’s got his cranky dad pants on.
Fuck off mate, Pete returned. To which Trent simply said:
Maddie laughed to herself as her fingers flew over the keyboard. Wow, I can already tell this’ll be a barrel of fun.
Mark checked in next. Mads! This is fantastic news. Will you be at Download?
Yes! she texted back. They’re still working out the details but he said they should have it all figured out by then. Dozens of possibilities flew through Maddie’s head as she hit send, each one better than the last. She hadn’t wrestled Rhea since the inaugural Mae Young Classic, and she’d love to have a re-match; and, of course, she’d want to set her sights on the NXT UK Women’s Championship as soon as possible, whether Toni had it or not. After nearly two years, she’d had yet to taste gold in NXT, and her hunger was growing unbearable. To win that championship would prove that none of the blood, sweat, and tears she’d put into this business had been in vain. It would prove that she belonged.
Her phone vibrated in her hands. Tyler had finally responded. Congrats Mads. Toni needs someone to come over here and knock her down a peg.
Maddie’s eyebrows arched when she read that. She was not about to insert herself between Tyler and Toni—and Trent apparently felt the same.
And that’s my cue to exit, he said.
A text came in from Toni next. I’ll just pretend you didn’t say that, she returned, and Maddie prayed Tyler would just keep his big mouth shut. Thankfully, when nothing else was said, it seemed he knew he was better off just staying quiet.
ANYWAY, Mark interjected. I’m so excited for you and I can’t wait to see you at Download!
Thank you!! Maddie typed back. Alright, I’m gonna go since it’s TakeOver and all. See you in two weeks!    
She smiled down at her phone, thrilled that her friends seemed just as happy as her—and then she remembered. “I have to tell Candice!”
She hurried back down the hall toward the direction of the women’s locker room, cut hard around a corner, and slammed right into a solid body. She stumbled backward from the impact, dazed, and two hands grabbed hold of her shoulders to steady her. When she regained her bearings and focused in on who was in front of her, she realized it was the last person she wanted to see tonight: Austin Jenkins; or, as he was known to the world, Adam Cole.
“Whoa, where’s the fire?” A bemused smile crinkled the skin around his blue eyes, but Maddie didn’t return it.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you. “ She shrugged out of his grip and tried to step around him, but he moved with her, blocking her way.
“Wait. I’m glad I ran into you, literally. I have news.”
He was practically bouncing on his toes. As much as she didn’t want to give him the time of day, Maddie didn’t have the heart to rob him of the excitement of sharing his news, whatever it was. She was in the same boat. “Well?” she asked expectantly. “What is it?”
He couldn’t stop smiling if he tried. “I’m winning the NXT Championship tonight.”
For a second, Maddie just stared up at him wide-eyed, unsure what to do, what to say. She’d known this day would come—everyone did—but it was different now. Before, she’d always imagined him winning the title with her there by his side, greeting him with a kiss as he returned through the Gorilla curtain, sweaty and exhausted and ecstatic. But now it felt impersonal; like someone else living out a dream that had once been hers. “Congrats,” she managed say. “You’ll make a great champ.”
His grin faltered for the first time. “You seem surprised.”
“Well, I am,” she blurted. “I mean, not that you’re winning, but that you’re telling me.”
He looked confused at that. “Of course I’m telling you. There’s no one else I’ve talked with about this more than you.”
Maddie felt bile coming up from her stomach in the form of words, nasty and foul, but before she could spit out what her heart wanted her to say she forced her brain to take over. “I have news too.”
Austin’s face went stoic, and the mood suddenly shifted. He must have heard about her meeting with Triple H—Candice probably told him—and now he was clearly uncomfortable, uncertain if her news was good news, if he’d inadvertently rubbed his happiness in her misery. “Yeah, Candice told me about your meeting,” he cautioned. “How’d it go?”
She kept up her poker face; kept her tone even. “Good. They’re putting me on NXT UK.”
“What?” His obvious shock spewed out of his mouth, and he had to reel it back in. “I mean, that’s cool. I know you like wrestling over there. You’re not gonna have to move there, are you?”
What do you care? she thought, but she kept the question to herself and shook her head. “No. They film just like we do. I’ll still be here—well, in Florida. At the PC.”
He nodded like that information mattered to him. Like he would notice if she was on the other side of ocean. But Maddie knew he wouldn’t. He had someone else to warm his bed. “Well, congrats,” he said, and then they were left with nothing but the awkward silence between them.
She shifted to step around him again. He didn’t stop her this time. “Well, I’m gonna go tell Candice. Good luck tonight; although I guess you don’t need it.”
“Oh no, I probably still do,” he joked.
Maddie sent him an artificial smile, and then she was on her way again to the women’s locker room; to Candice and their friends; to people who really would be happy for her and not just superficially so. But just before she got to the locker room door she slowed to stop, wondering. She looked at her phone again, pulled up his name, debated sending him a text. But no sooner had the thought arrived than she dismissed it. She hadn’t heard from him in weeks; hadn’t seen him since WrestleMania. He probably wouldn’t care anymore than Austin had, and she didn’t want another lukewarm response.
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sydsaint · 2 years
Don't mind me. Just thinking about.....stuff. 👀👀👀👀👀👀🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵😍😍😍😍
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Summary: The reader finds herself being pursued by an aggressive Trick and Carmelo. But thankfully for her. Julius Creed drinks his respect women juice.
It's a crisp Tuesday night in Florida where NXT is taping its latest episode. You're sat backstage waiting for your match against Indi Hartwell, looking at your phone while you wait.
"Y/N, damn girl, I am loving the new ring gear." Carmelo Hayes interrupts your peaceful scrolling with Trick at his side.
"Melo." You glance up from your phone screen, a dry expression plastered on your face. "Don't you have anything better to do than hit on me?" You ask him with a raised brow.
Carmelo chuckles at your dry response. He's always loved that you never hesitate to speak your mind. "Nope. I am all yours tonight, gorgeous." He grins at you. "So why don't you go ahead and swing by the locker room later, huh? I promise that the Trick and Melo experience is unforgettable, baby."
You roll your eyes and set your phone aside so the playboy and his buddy have your full attention. But before you can chew Melo out and tell him to hit the road, Julius and Brutus Creed come around the corner.
"Hey! Get lost, idiots." Julius shouts at Melo as he stomps over to your side.
"Yeah!" Brutus adds from his brother's side. "Leave Y/N, alone!" He barks at Trick.
Carmelo laughs as Julius walks up to him and gets in his face. "What's it to you losers who shorty is hanging with?" He stares Julius down. "Last time I checked you ain't her damn boyfriend, Creed."
"It doesn't matter," Julius replies firmly. "Girlfriend or no girlfriend, you should still show the lady some respect when you talk to her." He snaps at Carmelo.
Melo chuckles again and pushes his way past Julius. "Whatever man." He scoffs. "Y/N, I'll be seeing you around, baby." He glances back at you with a wink before he and Trick walk off.
Julius turns and watches Carmelo and Trick saunter away before he turns back to you with a sympathetic smile.
"Hey, sorry about that, Y/N." He scratches the back of his neck. "I can't believe that you let him talk to you like that." He shakes his head.
"Well, I was going to chew him out." You giggle. "But you kind of beat me to it." You remind him. "Thank you, by the way. That was sweet of you."
"Aw, it was nothing," Julius replies sheepishly. "You might not be in Diamond Mine anymore, but you're still cool with us."
You nod with a small smile, a pang of guilt hitting you at the mention of your brother's impromptu faction.
"Yeah, how is Roddy, by the way?" You ask Julius curiously.
"He's alright." Julius shrugs. "You know how he is."
You nod again, the awkwardness in the room starting to grow by the second. "Well, I better get out to the ring." You cough. "Thanks again, Julius. And you too, Brutus. Take care, guys." You offer the brothers a small wave before you retreat to the ring.
When Roderick first told you that he was building his own faction after Undisputed Era's breakup, you resented him for it. How could your brother just move on from Undisputed Era like that? With seemingly no remorse or regret?
You eventually did forgive Roderick for moving on so quickly. He is your brother after all. But you declined when he asked you to join Diamond Mine. You still work out and see them once in a while. But you're on your own when it comes to working.
You get your match against Indi over pretty quickly and head backstage again. You head up the ramp and reach for the curtain when Carmelo steps out from behind it. Trick steps out behind him and both of them grin at you with sinister smiles.
"Y/N, funny running into you again, baby." Carmelo chuckles and herds you back down the ramp.
"Really, Carmelo?" You scoff as you walk backward. "I knew that you and Trick trolled for hot chicks all the time. But this is ridiculous."
Carmelo chuckles and herds you back down to the ring. "What can I say?" He shrugs. "The A champion always gets what he wants."
You get herded into the ring and start weighing your options for escape. Outsmarting and getting away from one of them would be a breeze. But there are two of them, so things are a bit more complicated.
You weigh whether or not you could make it past Trick and get to the commentary table before one of them grabbed you. You know that Vic and Wade will be nice enough to shield you. Or at least Vic would be kind enough to buy you some time.
Just when all seems lost, you spot movement at the top of the ramp. "Oh, thank god." You sigh in relief when Julius and Brutus come sprinting down the ramp with Roderick.
Roderick and Brutus take care of Trick and Carmelo while Julius gets you out of the ring and back up the ramp. He ushers you backstage before he finally lets your arm go.
"Whew, that was a close one." You joke to hide your initial fear.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" Julius asks you. "Man, those two just don't know when to quit do they?" He shakes his head.
You nod in agreement as Roderick and Brutus come through the curtain. "Y/N, you okay? How come you didn't tell me that Melo and Trick were bothering you? I had to hear about it from Julius." He asks you.
"You told my brother?" You turn to Julius.
"Yeah...I'm sorry, Y/N." Julius nods sheepishly. "But after earlier tonight, I was worried about you." He admits. "I know how sneaky Trick and Carmelo can be."
You let out a small sigh and shake your head. "No, it's okay." You assure him. "Thank you for being worried about me, Julius."
You step forward and hug Julius as tight as you can. He smiles at himself and hugs you back. "So does this mean that you'll join Diamond Mine finally?" He asks you. "Just so I can make sure Trick and Melo leave you alone for good?" He asks you.
"Yeah, I'd like that." You giggle. "I guess you can count me in after Afterall, Roddy." You flash your brother a smile.
"Mhm, whatever gets Julius to stop fawning over you." Roderick replies, "Good to have you back, sis."
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Perfect Chance - Tyler Bate x Reader
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Finally got around to finishing the Reader x Tyler Bate fic I had started a while back. 
Prompt: I’m sorry that somebody you loved made you think it was hard to love you
EDITED IN: TAG LIST @starwithaheart​ @shedevill22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee​ 
I do love my Big Strong Boi <3 
Y/N = Your Name Y/F/N = Your Full Name Y/P/N = Your Partial Name (for instance, i used Anna to write, so it was An-Anna)
Not sure if the perceived Relationships that he has had with Toni and Liv are true, but for this purpose we are saying yes. 
WARNINGS: Verbal Abuse (Brad Maddox is/was a jerk yall), Self-doubt, body conscious 
Austin mentioned = Creed; Ember, Tyler, Etore and Creed are friends I strive to have yall.
Let me know if you’d read a part 2!
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February 2017
First, it was all compliments and the unending love that I felt.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
“You’re absolutely amazing, you know?”
“I can’t believe how lucky I am.”
Then came the backhanded compliments…
“We’re perfect together.”
“You’ll never find another guy out there like me. Hah.”
“You’re really lucky to have landed me, you know?”
Then the compliments turned to criticisms.
“You should lose a few pounds… or twenty. Make you look better.”
“Your hair needs to be longer, get some extensions or something.”
“Show some more cleavage, would you? I want other guys knowing what I got.”
And the criticisms to pure insults.
“I don’t want you sitting on my lap—you’re fat!”
“God you’re ugly—put some more make up on or something!”
“What the hell did I ever see in you? You’re pathetic!”
The sucker punch came when I saw him kissing another girl backstage- one of the audio techs. It was the last straw, and I couldn’t take it anymore. Austin told me to move on, Tyler said I deserved better; Ember wanted to knock him out for me and Etore tried to get my mind off of it.
Off of him.
Of Brad.
The worst mistake of my life. The mistake that took up 15 months of my life. 15 months I’ll never get back.
The only thing is—how do you move on from something like that?
He made me feel loved and desired.
Then he made me feel unworthy of such affection. Made me feel like I didn’t deserve to be loved; that I didn’t deserve to be happy.
So here I am now, four months later. I had managed to get myself lost in work, to keep my mind occupied, but that only lasts for so long. Now? It’s February… February fourteenth. All I see are happy couples walking the halls of Full Sail, or in pictures on Instagram and twitter. Happy little ‘I love you’s and words of affection.
Sighing to myself, I shook my head and tried to focus on the outfit in front of me. Ember accidentally tore one of the seams on her outfit last week but hadn’t realized it until she wore it earlier on. Taking a deep breath, I stitched the small tear quick and easily, snipping off excess thread and then folding them neatly for my friend.
“Uhm, excuse me? Could—”
The sudden voice caused my heart-rate to skyrocket as I jumped in surprise, My hand went over my heart as I glanced behind me to find the owner to the voice—only for my once racing heart to freeze entirely.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he apologized, giving me a small smile.
“N-no, it’s alright. I just—I didn’t… Uh… Can I help you—with… something?” I asked awkwardly, tripping over my own words.
“I was hoping so. My last match, I noticed the seam was starting to unravel… on my trunks? Could you fix that? I’d really rather not be wrestling mid-match and them fall off.”
“That would be highly embarrassing,” I frowned, before nodding,” Yeah—I can do it. Er… sew it, real quick.”
“Thank you, here—let me grab them out of my bag real quick…”
“This isn’t fair…” I thought, sighing inwardly,” Cute… accent to die for… nice… Probably in a happy, caring relationship with some—”
“Here we go,” he smiled, handing the black trunks over to me; I felt my face heat up just slightly, but ignored the shiver than ran down my spine.
“Just… give me a moment… I can have these done real quick.”
“Not a problem, love. As long as I have them before my match.”
“Tyler—Tyler Bate.” He held out a hand, waiting patiently with that adorable smile on his face, causing my heart-rate to skyrocket again.
“Uh… Y/P/N—Y/N. Y/L/N. Y/F/N,” I replied, reaching out and shaking his hand.
JUNE 19th 2018
Almost a year and a half. 16 months to be exact. 16 months that Tyler Bate had been on my mind; that I had tried, and failed, multiple times to get him out of my mind. I tried focusing on work, on all the alterations I needed to make to active-roster outfits, fixes to any broken seams… but in doing so, all I heard was the work gossip that floated around endlessly.
“Did you see them together? They’re cute!”
“Right, Liv is interesting. Different that I’d imagine Bate be with.”
“Too pretty, kinda. I don’t know…”
“Maybe so. Out of left field though—just like that time he was with Toni.”
“Must have a thing for blondes.”
Without meaning to, my eyes floated to the strand of hair that was hanging in front of my face. The brown hair seemingly mocking me. Taking a deep breath, I tucked it behind an ear and attempted to keep the U.K superstar out of my thoughts. I knew it was going to be inevitable, running into Tyler today. Hunter had asked if Id be able to go to London for the next tournament show. It was a chance to visit the beautiful country, immerse myself in the rich culture—and torture myself with a secret crush.
So here I was, at Royal Albert Hall, assisting the UK Brand creative department with everyone’s outfits. Right now I was busy, extremely focused on the outfit in my hands. Not only did I have to focus on doing all the stitches correctly; I had to keep myself professional—ensure no mis-stiches. Why?
The jacket belonged to none other than—
“Hey, are you finished yet?”
My head jerked up in surprise and felt like my thoughts had been read—but the innocent slight smile on Toni’s face told me otherwise.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”
“N-no… it’s—uh,” I felt myself stuttering,” Almost finished. Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I’ll come back later.”
“R-right. Thanks.”
I watched with bated breath as she walked away, not daring to take another breath of air until Toni Storm was no longer in sight. Shaking my head in attempts to clear it, I looked down to refocus on the small sequin I was hand stitching.
“Why’s he gotta like blondes?” I muttered under my breath with a small pout,” Nothin’ special about them.”
“Are you talking to yourself now, love?”
The sudden proximity of his voice, the fact he could—probably already did—know I was talking about Toni. About him.
I jumped out of my skin, the needle going straight through the fabric and into my skin.
“Dammit!” I cried, dropping everything to the desk and clutching my finger as the blood slowly began to pool.
“Bloody hell, I’m sorry love—here—” Tyler frowned, taking the towel from his shoulder and instantly putting it to my finger to stop the blood,” Oi—hey there! Grab a medic kit, will ya?” The passing backstage tech nodded before quickly walking off to find said kit.
“Did I get any blood on—” I panicked, reaching with my free hand for Toni’s jacket.
“Don’t worry about it, it’ll wash off if you did. Toni won’t mind, believe me.”
I had to choke back a scoff—of course he would know if she would mind. Suddenly my eyes landed once more on the towel, and I became hyper aware that he was holding my hand so delicately. Instinctively, I tried to pull it away, only for Tyler’s grip to slightly tighten, his gaze finding mine.
“You’ll be fine. Just a small pin prick,” Tyler smiled to me, as the tech came up to us with the kit and Tyler gave him a nod of thanks. I watched in silence, unable to even form a thought to voice; ever so gently, Tyler brought out a small alcohol wipe and after moving the white towel, dabbed at the bloody spot on my finger causing me to hiss and recoil instinctively. Again, his grip tightened, but not uncomfortably so, and he looked at me apologetically.
“Sorry love, had to clean it real quick.” With a silent nod, Tyler unpackaged the band-aid before gently wrapping it around my finger.
“There… all better,” Tyler smiled to me, causing a blush to cover my cheeks. In an attempt to hide it, I ducked my head.
“Now that you don’t have any pointy objects in your hand,” Tyler chuckled, turning his attention back to me,” How have you been Y/N? Good I hope?”
My head snapped up, eyes wide in surprise.
“Something wrong love?”
“N-no, no. Sorry… I just… I honestly didn’t think you’d remember my name. I mean… we only interacted for like… three minutes… over a year ago…”
“Well, yeah… but you’re a difficult woman to forget,” Tyler smiled and I felt my heart constrict.
“Y-yeah, I… I know…” Looking down, I began to pick at my shirt, my one hand grazing the side of my pant leg,”… Gotta loose some weight…”
“What? No- no, love—” Tyler shook his head, reaching out and gently grabbing my hands, holding both with his own; one hand traveled up my arm to cup my chin, raising my eyes to his own. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach go wild at the look of concern in his blue eyes.
“What makes you say something like that? You’re perfect—”
“Not perfect enough,” I mutter, my eyes flicker once more to the ground, only for the soft touch on my chin to lift my gaze once more.
“Whoever made you think that… They’re wrong. How they could even—” Tyler stopped short, shaking his head and took a deep breath, as if collecting himself. Looking into my eyes once more, I felt his fingers gently sweep a lock of hair behind my ear; Tyler seemed to be searching for the words to say, but what could be said?
“I-It’s fine, Tyler,” I shook my head, slowly pulling from his grip and taking a step back,” I’ve—I’ve accepted it… no one… no one will love me…” My voice grew softer and softer, until it broke at the very end. Taking a breath, I grabbed Toni’s jacket, careful of the needle hiding within somewhere. I busied myself with finishing stitching the sequin on, aware that Tyler was still standing behind me. As I finished the stitch, reaching for the next- Tyler’s hand slowly, gently reached with me, his hand landing on-top mine.
“Y/N… I…” Tyler started, before easing the jacket out of my grip and turning me back to face him. The look of pain, discomfort lacing his features,” I don’t know who… how—” He took a deep breath, composing himself again, before continuing,” I’m sorry that somebody you loved made you think it was hard to love you. You are… perfect— I wish you could see it. See what I see every time I look at you. I would call myself lucky if I had even a chance with you—I mean… maybe… maybe you could give me a chance to prove how perfect you are? Give me a chance to love you like you deserve?”
My heart dropped and I forgot how to breathe for a second. Did he just–?
“Are—are you… asking me out?”
“Rather, asking you to be my girlfriend,” Tyler smiled,” But I would like to take you do dinner, before you left back to the States.”
I could feel it—deep within my bones—the fight or flight instincts trying to kick in.
He’s just going to use you.
It’ll be just like with Brad.
Don’t trust him.
Then my eyes focused, looking straight into his baby blue eyes, and I knew.
I had to believe.
Believe in him.
Believe in the possibility—of happiness. Of love.
I could see his whole body relax with my answer, a bigger smile crossing his face. It was only contagious though, as I too began to smile.
“If there’s time after the show, we can grab a bite to eat. I’ve got to finish getting ready for my match tonight.”
“Best of luck tonight, you and Trent. UE wont know what hit them,” I smiled, blushing as Tyler caressed my cheek; my heartbeat quickened as I saw him lean towards me, before I felt his lips on my other cheek. The mustache tickled a little, but the gesture, innocent and romantic all the same, caused another smile to cross my face.
This was the perfect chance for happiness. For love.
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bss-babygirl · 2 years
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Hey guys, I’m choosing to open up my requests again, so I’ve compiled some writing prompts y’all can choose from to send in with any wrestler of your choosing from the following list of wrestlers and prompts:
*Note: I can write for other people as well just feel free to ask me. Also, you don’t have to necessarily choose a prompt from this list, I can be anything really, a fanfic, a one shot, anything; don’t be afraid to ask!
Wrestlers I write for:
Adam Cole
AJ Styles
Big E
Buddy Matthews
Butch/Pete Dunne
Damian Priest
Drew McIntyre
Finn Bálor
Flash Morgan Webster
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Joaquin Wilde
Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose
Jordan Devlin
Keith Lee
Kenny Omega
Kofi Kingston
Malakai Black/Aleister Black
Mark Andrews
Mustafa Ali
Sammy Guevara
Samoa Joe
Seth Rollins
Shawn Spears/Tye Dillinger
Shinsuke Nakamura
Trent Seven
Tyler Bate
Xavier Woods
Writing prompt List:
1. You're jealous aren't you?" "I'm not jealous."
2. "Shhh, come back to bed."
3. "It's ok. I couldn't sleep anyway."
4. “You're adorable when you are sleepy."
5. “You're everything to me."
6. “You're not going to lose me.”
7. “Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.”
8. “I promised to love you forever.”
9. “Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of being kept a secret.”
10. “Who said I ever stopped?”
1. “How much of that did you hear?”
2. “Stop pushing everyone away.”
3. “It's better this way.”
4. “Don’t make this harder than it already is.”
5. “It wasn’t your fault.”
6. “Just talk to me please.”
7. “You’ll find your way back to me, I know you will.”
8. “Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?”
9. “Because I know when I open my eyes this will all turn out to be a dream and I’ll lose you again.”
10. “Is it worth it? Risking everything just for a chance.”
1. “I could’ve helped.”
2. “All you had to do was ask.” 
3. “Are you just going to stand there and watch, or are you going to come join in?”
4. “My tongue can do more than just talk, you know. Care to find out?”
5. “I love it when you touch yourself while thinking about me.”
6. “No one’s here. we can be as loud as we want.”
7. “You can be rough. I can take it.”
8. “If you called just to get off on my voice, I’m hanging up.”
9. “Say my name.”
10. “I will never get enough of you.” 
Tag List: @1dluver13xx @wwesarahjaneroszko @c-lelo @heyits-liz @meteora-fc @mattjacksons @hisredheadedgoddess28 @queenofthearchitect @queenslayer1985 @writertoo18 @officialbroski10-blog @darktammy @mcreigns-enthusiast @blondekel77 @barnesnreigns @cesarofangirl78 @lilred91 @beautybyfire @pleasantlyshamelesswizard @rebellious-desires @punkgoddess-98 @reigns-5sos @mindofasagittaruis
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wildchildvdm · 1 year
Il Ballo della Vita
Hello my rays of sunshine,
I feel so proud to publish this fanfiction. I was inspired from my meeting with Rohan Raja and Metehan/Teoman and it was on July 15th. As I am a wrestler in the making I promised them that I will give my best that soon we will meet on the same ring. As Tony (Rohan) also turned out to be my mentor and is helping me a lot. So I am thankful to both.
I want also to thank my friends @regalityandcoffee, the babes of Zucchine Combat Club (@iperouranos and their wife, @tatsueigo and @yukioni02) Salvatore and all my friends from OpenWrestling TV. I don't name everyone but you know I am talking about you guys.
I thank my abi (brother in Turkish) Taifun (he is my cousin's husband) for the help with Turkish as he is also Turkish-German.
I thank my dear friend @tatsueigo for the small corrections in German.
I love you all, see you on the next chapter!
In the heart of Berlin's suburbs, Maria De Matteo's life takes an unexpected turn when she is discovered drenched in the rain by Teoman and Rohan, two enigmatic figures belonging to the underground group known as Die Familie. Under their care, Maria not only finds shelter and solace but undergoes intensive training that transforms her into a vital member of the stable.
As NXT Europe soon opens its doors, Die Familie assigns Maria a critical mission-to lure back and seduce a former member of their stable, Charlie.
Chapter 1 - L'altra dimensione
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deepdisireslonging · 6 years
Hi love! Question! What are the next WWE or NXT/UK imagines you’ll be working on and any idea when the next one will be out?
 Oh goodness. So many.
In a perfect world, I’d have one coming out every week, but I just started a new job. So that cuts my writing time down quite a bit. I’m hoping I can use my weekends to get ahead of things. 
Coming Soon (in order-ish): 
* Tommaso Ciampa/female reader/Johnny Gargano with dirty talk and spit roasting (kinda excited to write this one)
*A Shane McMahon vs. Dean Ambrose for Reader’s attention, angst and fluff (AO3 request)
*A couple of Jordan Devlin angsty/fluffy fics
*Reader/Rosemary(TNA) smut
*Braun Strowman/Reader smut
and *Seth Rollins x Male!Reader fluff date
(Plus one Baron Corbin drabble prompt that will come out sooner than later)
I’m going to try and get these out as soon as I can, but I am not a machine. Requests are not [insert] [prompt] [please+thank+you] --> [fanfiction]. They take me a long time to write because I try to make quality fics. And I’m not a huge fan of writing smut, so that takes me longer. But it’s what you guys want, so that’s what I do. And then I spatter in fics where I get to play with plot and character development and where I get to challenge myself (like with Family Found.)
Also, I don’t answer requests that are just a prompt. I’m human. Again, I’m not a machine. If there’s not anything that hints that the requester realizes it, and it’s just a demand, then I won’t write it. Sorry, not sorry. 
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