heavenboy09 · 2 days
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#Gotham #Batman #BruceWayne #JamesJimGordon #AlfredPennyworth #SelenaKyle #BarbaraKean #LeslieLeeThompkins #HarveyBullock #OswaldCobblepot #EdwardNygma #JeremiahValeska #JeromeValeska #PamelaIsley #VictorFreeze #JonathanCrane #RaAlGhul #NyssaAlGhul #Bane #CarmineFalcone #SofiaFalcone #FishMooney #SalMaroni #CourtOfOwls #RoguesGallery #GothamCity #TheDarkKnight #DCComics
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alelisa14 · 5 years
#Arrowverse #TheCW #DCComics #Arrow #whitecanary #nyssaalghul @caitylotz @katrinalaw #cwfamily #arrowseasonfinale (presso Messina, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B75i4uoi-Q6/?igshid=1rju6wqk4lwjx
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tvdversefanfiction · 5 years
Canary Carnage
Fandoms: Arrowverse, DC Universe, TVDverse and The Originals
Chapter Eleven: The Death of The Red Canary
Warnings: I don’t own any of the rights, content or characters belonging to any of the DC content I use within the story along with not owning any rights, content or characters within The Vampire Diaries, Originals or Legacies.
18 Rating: Moderate/Graphic displays of violence, sexual innuendos, sexually charged scenes, SMUT, strong language and potentially triggering scenes.
Pairings: M/M, F/F, M/F.
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Lucas Lance would love to blame his entire life on the fact he had a demon inside of him, but he knew that one murderous blackout didn’t excuse him from the many murders he committed while fully aware.
Redemption was a word that had been on the Red Canary’s mind for a long time but the longer it remained just a word the longer it became less likely for him and now he had killed the woman who raised him he had come to the conclusion redemption was something he would never find.
In his final days Lucas Lance had realized that redemption was something he was never going to have but as he spent more time on the island Lian Yu with Nyssa Al Ghul he realized he wanted to hear the end of the story to why he was taken back in time not fully realizing the closer he got to the truth the closer he got to the end of his story.
Despite total isolation the Red Canary wasn’t nowhere near as miserable as most prisoners of Nyssa Al Ghul’s would be, in fact he had found himself growing to like the demon’s daughter especially as she taught him how to fight like an assassin as if she was somehow unknowingly preparing him for what was about to come.
“You have clearly depended far too much on that sonic scream of yours to learn how to properly fight like a true warrior.” Nyssa scolded Lucas after hitting a bamboo stick out of the canary’s hand and smacking him to the ground with her own bamboo stick. “However, you’re much better at this than Sara was at the beginning so there’s promise.”
“In my defense on this earth I could literally blow your head off with one scream.” Lucas replied as he struggled back to his feet and slowly picked his bamboo stick back up.
“Well you don’t have that collar around you anymore why aren’t you using that scream now?” Nyssa questioned as she struck Lucas once more with her makeshift weapon with such force the canary once again fell harshly to the dirt within the woods of Lian Yu.
“Laurel screams better than me, Sara fights better.” Lucas told the assassin after letting out a series of groans before rising back to his feet. “For some kind of undead child, I pretty much suck in the special department.”
“Yeah I must admit for somebody who has a whole prophecy written about him you aren’t particularly all that impressive.” Nyssa teased Lucas with a devious smirk across her face.
“Did you seriously just sass me?” Lucas laughed. “I’ve got to say you suit be sassy instead of this whole stoic thing you’ve got going for yourself.”
“Just because I haven’t forced you back home doesn’t mean we are friends now.” Nyssa reminded him. “My sister has information about the prophecy and has chosen to come to us…her curiosity clearly has gotten the better of her over this strange world but if she proves as useless as she normally is then we will be heading home.”
“Lucky for you I’m currently more interested in finding out the truth than escaping this damn island or else I’d be getting very violent right now.” Lucas answered the assassin, making it clear he was under no assumption they were suddenly friends only to be met my Nyssa’s bamboo stick striking him across the face and forcing him back into the dirt once again.
“How about we leave the threats until after you manage to land even one hit on me?” Nyssa scolded Lucas once again allowing herself to laugh at seeing him pissed off while back in the dirt once again.
Nyssa Al Ghul was more than happy to smack-down Lucas repeatedly eager to teach the devious canary a lesson or two but she had found herself surprised by how calm he was staying despite succumbing to her strength repeatedly, finding herself impressed with Lucas’ dedication and determination to the fight.
Sara Lance had lost a lot over the last few days including her mother and the man she believed to be her brother at the same time. She had lost her whole life once before when she was presumed dead but at least then she managed to hold out hope on being reunited with them one day but that day would never come because this time it was them who were gone and not her.
She couldn’t help but remember the little brother she was once so close to when they were younger who she unknowingly pulled away from as she grew older and began gravitating towards a closer friendship with her sister Laurel which she eventually ruined by sleeping with her sister’s boyfriend Laurel but that was a different time, Sara was a different person and her relationship with Laurel was once again improving as she realized it was just her that changed it was all three of them.
Sara had went from being a clueless girl obsessed with the wrong guy to a cold blooded assassin and was now a woman seeking redemption for her sins, Laurel was always pure and kind which she had kept to this day but she was stronger now and had spread her kindness through her acts of Black Canary protecting an entire city from evil and as for Lucas he had gone from an innocent, quiet and often shy boy to a ruthless cold blooded vigilante known as the Red Canary who it had been becoming painfully clear was long past any chance of redemption.
Sara Lance couldn’t help but get caught up in the past as she traveled on a boat that her and her sister Laurel had stolen heading to Lian Yu, the island that changed everything for her, as both were prepared to take the life of Lucas Lance.
“You don’t have to do this Laurel; I mean you can always back out now and head back.” The White Canary told her sister the Black Canary as both canaries walked from the shores of Lian Yu heading in the direction of the woods. “You don’t have to be the one who kills your own son…I can do it for you!”
“Sara I know how important your current no killing thing is to you and I won’t be the reason you backslide…sure I’ve never killed anyone before but who better to start with than the person I believed was my brother but was actually my son from the future.” Laurel replied to her as the two stopped at the shore, just before the woods began. “I can’t let him hurt anymore people it’s not right.”
“Shame on you Miss Laurel Lance I believed family meant more to you than that.” Elijah said with a disappointed look at Laurel after vamp speeding out of the woods to greet the two canaries.
“The last thing we need is for you or your family getting involved right now!” Sara snapped at the noble original, furious to learn he had followed them to Lian Yu.
“You can’t go around eliminating your own blood just because they do things, you’re not proud of!” Elijah told Laurel, while ignoring Sara completely. “Sure he has committed some unspeakable acts but as you grow older your going to learn that everyone does sooner or later I mean your own sister has probably taken more lives than your son and I don’t see you trying to kill her.”
“How dare you try and compare me to Lucas?” Sara argued with him. “He chose his path I did not.”
“He killed our mother Elijah you can’t begin to imagine…” Laurel began to say to Elijah, only for the original vampire to quickly cut her off.
“Actually, I do…Niklaus killed both my mother and my father although admittedly there weren’t exactly innocents in that story.” Elijah admitted to both canaries. “In fact, our parents turned us into what we are today the monsters everybody fears and then they turned their backs on us, hunted and tried to kill us multiple times for the creations that they made.”
“Well suddenly your family issues are starting to make a lot more sense.” Sara said to Elijah, shocked to hear of his story and clearly touched by it at the same time.
“Lucas didn’t have terrible parents he had our amazing parents and he had us.” Laurel continued to argue with Elijah, as tears formed in her eyes. “Trust me the last thing I want to do is murder my own son, but he’s hurt so many people and he’s just going to keep hurting more unless I stop him.”
“I guess that’s the difference between you and I.” Elijah stated, looking at Laurel with a sense of complete disappointment, a look that wounded her more than she’d like to admit. “I put family above all else, I’d let the world burn to the ground for my blood to be happy for just one day.”
“I’m the one who has to protect innocents from people like you and him.” Laurel replied as tears began falling from her eyes. “Those who can’t protect themselves will always find protection from me no matter what!”
Laurel and Sara were both left in shock as they saw Rebekah vamp speed out of the woods, heading straight towards her brother Elijah before snapping his neck and throwing her unconscious brother’s body down on to the ground.
“Sorry about that one Elijah but I guess this one is a case of all girls got to stick together.” Rebekah apologised to her older brother before turning her attention to the two canaries. “I for one agree with you about Lucas and not because I give a damn about any of what you said but because he’s messing around with my family and I don’t take too kindly to that.”
“How can we trust you?” Sara asked the original female vampire.
“Because despite my complete and utter hatred for you Lucas is currently pissing me off more!” Rebekah snapped at the White Canary before turning to the Black Canary. “And as for you Laurel Lance I actually quite like you when you’re not wearing bloody ridiculous leather fetish outfits in public that is.”
Rebekah wanted to protect her brother Klaus from his growing feelings towards the unhinged Red Canary knowing it wouldn’t end well for anyone involved and so she decided to double cross her brothers and make an alliance with Laurel and Sara knowing that they were her best shot at killing Lucas Lance once and for all.
Talia al Ghul was the other daughter to the demon Ra’s al Ghul and the half-sister to Nyssa al Ghul but unlike her sister Nyssa she was far less loyal to her father’s every whim and often wanting the head of the demon mantle within the league of assassins to herself creating a strained relationship with both her father and sister.
Neither Talia or Nyssa had a particularly good relationship with their father in fact it was more formal than loving they knew he was their leader more than he was their father and a cruel one at that.
The truth is if Ra’s al Ghul was ever taken out the first suspects would be his daughters but if someone else ever did manage to take out the demon it would be his daughters first in line to avenge his death.
Nyssa al Ghul hadn’t seen or heard of her sister since their father help speed along the end of Talia’s ill-fated romance with Oliver Queen forcing the Green Arrow to break up with her in return for training him, an offer Oliver was quick to accept.
Neither Nyssa or Talia had ever had much luck with love with Nyssa believing her luck had changed with Sara Lance only for her to leave the league and her behind, a move she both admired and was devastated by.
“Even after all she’s done to the league you still grant refuge to the undead child all because of her.” Talia stated as Nyssa greeted her within the woods of Lian Yu, clearly judging her half-sister’s choices. “Father believes her to be dead and I haven’t corrected him…yet.”
“I’m sure you’ll take great pleasure in running straight to our father after this meeting…Sara died for her sins against the league it’s not my fault it didn’t stick but she still payed which means her slate with us should be wiped clean.” Nyssa replied to her.
“Luckily for you that’s not the canary at the top of my list…besides what our father doesn’t know can’t hurt him.” Talia told her sister who was surprised by Talia’s willingness to co-operate. “Of course, in your return for your silence I want the undead child taken out permanently before our father learns of his location.”
“No harm will come to the Red Canary unless there is no other choice, but I have a theory your need to take him out with father knowing benefits you somehow.” Nyssa revealed with a knowing smile on her face. “What do you know that I don’t about Lucas Lance?”
“When our father took Mr Lance into the Lazarus Pit what seemed like a momentary dip was something far more…the pit normally restores life it’s powers somewhat connected to limbo itself and it was that connection our father sought out.” Talia informed her sister. “I’m not sure how he managed it, but he connected his life to the baby through some demon co-inhabitant…he wants to use it to expand his life even more.”
“Our father has lived for five centuries the Lazarus Pit would’ve made him live for another five centuries, why does he need to be bonded to Lucas or have a demon bonded to Lucas?” Nyssa wondered while trying to make sense of the information Talia was giving her.
“The pit had stopped healing father fully a secret he would’ve took to his grave if he didn’t find another way…Lucas Lance is the other way sister.” Talia revealed, confusing her half-sister even more. “Father has convinced himself that neither you or I are fit to take over when he dies and so he granted a literal soulless monster life within the child to be the head of the demon instead.”
“This makes literally no sense…Lucas has more control over the demon than the demon has of him. How do you know all this when Lucas hasn’t even been born in the present timeline?” Nyssa questioned her sister, refusing to believe her at first.
“I’m not the present-day Talia al Ghul, the present-day version of me is not wanting to be found and won’t be found until she wants to be.” Talia continued with the revelations. “As for Lucas Lance he is the demon, the baby died in that pit…my only guess is our father has well and truly lost his mind and believes an actual demon from some dead dimension is the only rightful heir to the throne.”
“Well he always wanted a son to be the heir god forbid a woman or even a lesbian woman take the demon mantle.” Nyssa replied as she began to realize her sister was talking truthfully to her. “All this time we’ve been fighting each other to take his place and he was never going to allow it.”
“The future changed when Laurel took her son into the past…not long after the Red Canary or a future version of him appeared more powerful than either of us…he obliterates everything, his family, our family, the league and our world.” Talia admitted to Nyssa who was clearly still in shock it all. “If we don’t kill him now, we will lose everything especially your beloved Sara Lance.”
Nyssa knew her father Ra’s al Ghul was a bigoted, self-loathing monster of a man who denied her love for Sara because he wanted his daughters both married off to men fitting of them.
She knew his mind was stuck in the past where he was born and as he grew older he grew rapidly more insane but to learn he had went out of his way to kidnap and kill a child to replace it with some kind of demon was her father at his craziest and he needed to be stopped by anyway possible even if it meant killing her beloved’s nephew/brother Lucas Lance.
And so Nyssa al Ghul and Talia al Ghul found themselves with the same mission as Laurel Lance, Sara Lance and Rebekah Mikaelson as they all plotted to kill the Red Canary once and for all leaving Lucas Lance with only three people still on his side Klaus, Elijah and Kol Mikaelson.
Klaus Mikaelson and his siblings had split up in their search for Lucas Lance knowing if either Laurel or Sara found the Red Canary first then they would likely kill him but what Klaus was yet to be made aware of was of Rebekah’s betrayal as she decided to side with the Black Canary and White Canary instead of her brothers.
Klaus believed he could only count on Elijah and Rebekah knowing Kol would more than likely just watch the murder instead of stopping it, not knowing Rebekah wanted him dead just as much as Laurel and Sara.
The original hybrid didn’t quite understand his need to save Lucas Lance not knowing if it was because he had feelings for the canary or if it was because he seen a lot of himself in the troubled meta-human but the one thing he did know was he wanted to protect him not only from himself but from the other canaries.
“Niklaus Mikaelson of all the deserted and decaying islands in the world and you stumbled onto mine.” Lucas said with a sinister smirk as he sped his way into a part of the woods by a near waterfall to see Klaus stood there, clearly looking for him. “Call me crazy but I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”
“I see Nyssa al Ghul has taken the collar of you tell me did you have a lease too?” Klaus teased the Red Canary in a flirtatious manner, clearly happy to see him.
“Let’s just say this hostile retreat has become somewhat less hostile for now at least until I work out why the bloody hell Ra’s al Ghul is so obsessed with me.” Lucas replied to the original hybrid as he began slowly walking towards him. “Although I must admit I’m very happy about your obsession with me.”
“I love flirting with psychopaths as much as any psychopath but I’m actually here to save your bloody ass once again! Your sisters or whatever you want to call them right now are here too and their here to kill you.” Klaus revealed to a stunned Lucas before Talia and Nyssa appeared from out of the woods before Lucas had a chance to process Klaus’ revelation.
“I’m sorry Mr Lance but they are not alone in their crusade.” Nyssa apologised as both her and her half-sister Talia pulled out their bows and arrows, Nyssa aiming her bow in Lucas’ direction while Talia directed hers at Klaus.
“You’ve got to be bloody kidding me you’re supposed to be helping the situation.” Klaus snapped before vamp speeding towards Talia who quickly drew her arrow just in time to launch it into the original hybrid’s chest, causing Klaus to fall to the ground unconscious much to Lucas’ horror.
“Okay…I know you’re an assassin and everything and trust me I get killing’s fun as much as anyone but I’m not dying today…I guess that means you are!” Lucas told Nyssa with a warning tone in his voice before she launched her arrow in his direction at the same time he let out his canary cry causing the arrow to disintegrate mid-air by the blast of his sonic scream which also sent Nyssa and Talia flying back into the deeper woods of Lian Yu as the ground beneath the Red Canary shook for a moment before his cry stopped and he sped out of sight leaving Klaus unconscious in the dirt.
Lucas Lance actually felt some regret for leaving Klaus Mikaelson after Klaus had tried so hard to save his life but he knew he had no other choice and he was determined not to die that day knowing that even if his cry was enough to put Nyssa and Talia down he still had at least Laurel and Sara to deal with.
The Red Canary was determined not to die that day but no matter how hard he cried or how fast he ran it was only a matter of time before death claimed the canary.
Lucas Lance didn’t run for very long as he found himself deep within the woods only to be met by the Black Canary seeing Laurel Lance for the first time since he found out she was actually his mother or rather one day in the nearby future she would become his mother.
The Black Canary managed to catch a speeding Lucas off chance as she sped in his direction before punching him to the ground ready to end the life of her son for his many murderous crimes, the latest being murdering his own grandmother Dinah Lance.
As he lay their in the dirt looking up at Laurel he could see the hatred in her eyes a look he had thought he’d seen many times from her before but this was the coldest stare she had ever gave him and in that moment he knew if he didn’t speak his truth he would more than likely die at the hands of his own mother.
“I didn’t mean to kill her!” Lucas screamed, pleading for his birth mother to believe him as he struggled back on to his feet. “I just lost my head for a moment it was like I blacked out and before I knew it, she was gone…because of me and I don’t even remember doing it.”
“Stop with the lies Lucas I don’t believe a single word that comes out of your mouth.” Laurel admitted to her deranged son. “You have taken so many lives and now hers…If I’m truly the one who gives your life then I should also be the one to take you out of this world.”
“You don’t get to claim mother duties just because of some fucked up future bullshit!” Lucas snapped at her, changing from desperation to fury in a second. “You couldn’t even tolerate me as a child as a sibling, yet you clung to the sibling who fucked your boyfriend! I never meant to kill the woman who was my mother despite her faults but when I kill you today, I’ll make sure to remember this one forever.”
“Even on your best day Lucas you could never take me!” Laurel replied to him, preparing to a fight to the death with her own son.
“That was simple cat and mice play this one’s for the kill and we both know you haven’t got the killer instinct.” Lucas warned his mother, ready to survive not expecting Rebekah to vamp speed her way behind him, snapping his neck instantly with one hand and ripping out his heart with another, dropping his heart to the ground as Lucas’ lifeless body fell to the ground, devastating a watching Laurel in the process.
“When it comes to killing leave it to the professionals.” Rebekah replied while still having the blood from the now dead Red Canary on her hands as Laurel looked over at the original female vampire with tears in her eyes, devastated it had to come to this.
“You didn’t need to make it so brutal.” Laurel cried, as Rebekah rolled her eyes at the Black Canary’s judgement.
“I know he was your son Laurel or whatever the hell he was to you but he was a danger to us all, a danger that needed stopping and I for one won’t apologize for doing what you probably wouldn’t have.” Rebekah replied to Laurel, making it clear to her that she did what was needed, or what she believed was needed.
“He said he never meant to kill my mother…what if he was telling the truth?” Laurel began to sob, quickly beginning to regret her actions. “What if I just helped murder my own son when he was just beginning to get better?”
“You didn’t kill him I did find some solace in knowing your hands are clean unlike my own.” Rebekah said, attempting to reassure a crying Laurel, beginning to regret her actions as Laurel fell to her knees and continued to sob for the son, she never got to be a mother too.
“It’s all my fault…I failed him…” Laurel cried repeatedly as Sara vamp sped her way over to kneel and hug her broken-hearted older sister.
“It’s not on you Laurel.” Sara promised her as she continued to hug her sister tighter, while Rebekah looked on at Laurel’s devastation, as tears began to form in the eyes of the original female vampire.
Lucas Lance tried to run from his fate but on a deserted island he quickly ran out of places to run too with Rebekah Mikaelson being the one to deliver the killer blow killing the Red Canary once and for all, doing what she believed needed to be done despite the backlash she would face from her brother Klaus.
The death of the Red Canary changed things for everyone and as time began to pass following Lucas Lance’s brutal end everyone began to realize it was for the best no matter how much it may hurt them all.
Nyssa al Ghul informed Sara Lance of the information future Talia told her about the prophecy hoping to ease the White Canary’s guilt while she grieved for the man who she once called brother, telling her Talia’s disappearance must mean the future was rewritten which must’ve been a good sign considering how bad the future that Talia painted was.
Klaus Mikaelson was furious with his sister Rebekah at first until he realized how blinded he was by Lucas Lance and the comparisons he had found between the two of them, eventually realizing that if his sister could forgive him for all his terrible crimes he could easily forgive her for doing something bad to him while trying to protect him at the same time.
Laurel Lance mourned the son she never had and the brother she grew up with at the same time blaming only herself for what led to Lucas’ end as she decided not to pursue motherhood or Star City setting up her heroic acts on Earth Blood believing they needed her more.
As the years passed, five years to be exact a lot changed within the world and everyone on Earth Blood believed that they had seen the end of the Red Canary and in many ways they did…however the multiverse was huge and just like there was more than one Laurel and Sara there was more than one Lucas.
In fact an Earth X version of Lucas Lance was about to seek refuge on Earth Blood following the death of the multiverse and the birth of Earth Prime after learning Earth Blood wasn’t connected to the multiverse, in fact Earth Blood was a part of a whole other universe with new rules and possibilities that Earth X’s Lucas Thomas Wayne’s couldn’t wait to take advantage of.
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andypoondesign-blog · 5 years
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Finally picked up this copy of Crisis of Infinite Earths with a new story written by @marcguggenheim and @marvwolfman featuring version of characters that I worked on with costume designer Maya Mani for the @thecw . I’m happy. @dccomics @dcdirect @marcguggenheim @marvwolfman @lamonicagarrett @brandonjrouth @caitylotz @russelltovey @katrinalaw #themonitor #raypalmer #theatom #nyssaalghul #saralance #whitecanary #theray #waverider @cw_legendsoftomorrow @cw_arrow @cwtheflash @crisis_on_infinite_earths #costumeillustration #conceptart #yvr #vancouver https://www.instagram.com/p/B9K1ZVOA31x/?igshid=bfssj4hmevyu
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quakebavarian · 5 years
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Chris Evans & Katrina Law
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tenraii · 5 years
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Me and my bro @apteracosplay We have to few pics together.... We should change that! Ninja @apteracosplay Nyssa Ratko / al Ghul me Costume by @procosplay_official Photographer @00takaya00 #cosplayers #cosplaying #cosplayphoto #dccomics #dccosplayer #cosplayphotography #cwarrow #cw #arrow #Arrowverse #nyssaalghul #nyssaratko #cosplayerofInstagram #comicbook #comiccosplay #instaphoto #girlsofcosplay #photooftheday #womenofcosplay #assassin #ninja (hier: Finowfurt, Brandenburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4fRk_LjNCq/?igshid=74dds8ut6muw
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romeodeltabravo · 5 years
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Wasn’t really planning on doing another season of Arrow so soon, don’t want to give the idea I’m gonna review the whole series (learned my lesson of diminishing returns with GoT), but I really enjoyed the second season of this CW series which really laid the groundwork for their TV universe. It does still feel like they’re doing a Batman series and just using Green Arrow as a mask for it, but it just works, both as a serial and in individual episodes. Big highlight is Manu Bennett as Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, the prime villain, and the introduction of Cynthia Addai-Robinson as Amanda Waller and Katrina Law as Nyssa al Ghul, making almost a reunion of the Spartacus cast, and Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/Black Canary. Another excellent score from Blake Neely really drives the tone through the season, only adding to the strong visuals. Season 2 available on home media and streaming services, soundtrack available on iTunes and Spotify. I think I’m gonna keep at the earlier sessions whenever I can; arm/back/core focus without a time limit is much better, plus more time to unwind after. A vibe. #gym #health #fitness #fit #beard #ink #tattoos #thursday #armday #backday #coreday #comewithmeifyouwanttolift #irontherapy #arrow #season2 #greenarrow #dc #cw #deathstroke #nyssaalghul #amandawaller #blackcanary #superhero #drama #blakeneely #soundtrack #itunes #spotify https://www.instagram.com/p/B3a8RjPg51y/?igshid=1q807k6d8x2vx
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samanthadoodles · 7 years
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Hello lovelies!
I am very excited to be a part of Artist Alley for the upcoming ClexaCon 2018! These are a few of the prints I will have available along with some art books. I hope to meet a bunch of you there–look for the giant Clexa banner posted above and come say Hi!
- Samantha
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arrowgirls10 · 6 years
“Sister-wife” 😂😂
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captaincanarylot4 · 6 years
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Nyssa Al Ghul
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theheadlessblonde · 6 years
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#HappyPrideMonth !!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 I wanted to do a shout out to the great work the #Arrowverse is doing for LGBT rep. It may not always be perfect, but they have so many canon LGBT main + recurring characters throughout their shows that I couldn’t actually include them all in the Layout app. Every show except the Flash has one or more queer leads on its show + the Flash still has recurring characters that are LGBT. Next year looks even more promising as Supergirl will be introducing the first ever trans superheroine + could reveal another character as bi. Idk it’s 2018 + we just finally got a supporting lesbian couple in superhero movies, but no leading openly gay hero. Wonder Woman hinted at it... but we had to get our one bit of representation on the big screen from a franchise that’s on it’s way out... Smh, the Arrowverse is putting the MCU, DCEU etc to shame + I’ll always appreciate it for that. #Arrow #BlackCanary #BlackSiren #LaurelLance #MrTerrific #CurtisHolt #DaughterOfTheDemon #NyssaAlGhul #JohnConstantine #Hellblazer #WhiteCanary #SaraLance #CaptainCold #LeonardSnart #CitizenCold #LegendsofTomorrow #AlexDanvers #Supergirl #FreedomFightersTheRay #CrisisOnEarthX #RayTerrill #Thunder #AnissaPierce #BlackLightning #LGBTRepresentation #LGBTSuperheroes
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alelisa14 · 6 years
Nyssa Al Ghul trained Mia? yeah, make sense.. #Olicity #Arrow #greenarrow #oliverqueen #felicitysmoak #stephenamell #emilybettrickards #overwatch #NyssaAlGhul #thecw #dctv #dccomics #arrowverse (presso Messina, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvL_Q5AoWrx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vtw3g5030ra5
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tvdversefanfiction · 5 years
Canary Carnage
Fandoms: Arrowverse, DC Universe, TVDverse and The Originals
Chapter Ten: Lost Canaries
Warnings: I don’t own any of the rights, content or characters belonging to any of the DC content I use within the story along with not owning any rights, content or characters within The Vampire Diaries, Originals or Legacies.
18 Rating: Moderate/Graphic displays of violence, sexual innuendos, sexually charged scenes, SMUT, strong language and potentially triggering scenes.
Pairings: M/M, F/F, M/F.
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Laurel Lance had returned to Earth Blood and New Orleans with her mother Dinah with the hopes of seeking redemption for her son from the future the only problem was she couldn’t find her secret son who believed she was his sister and that had her worried not to mention she couldn’t find her mother either not knowing her mother had been murdered by her son.
She was determined to find them both determined to have her family reunited one way or another but as the weeks passed by she began to fear the worst terrified her desperate pleas to Elijah Mikaelson had went unanswered horrified at the idea that both her mother and her son were already dead.
Of course she was only half right her mother Dinah Lance had been murdered but it was her son Lucas Lance who was the culprit although Klaus Mikaelson did help him cover his tracks before handing him over to the daughter of the demon Nyssa Al Ghul after some unsettling news about a Lazarus Pit.
Laurel was determined to learn the truth one way or another even if it meant declaring war on the Mikaelson’s, going head to head in battle was something the Black Canary was used to it was something she could handle but what Laurel Lance could never handle was the devastating truth just waiting to be uncovered.
“I’m not saying we sit around and do-nothing Laurel…I’m just saying we need to tackle this wisely.” Sara said to her older sister Laurel as the two sat at the bar counter in the bar of the New Orleans Voyage Hotel, each of them nursing a bottle of beer. “Especially considering you and Marcel botched the whole sleeping poison idea.”
“If I had known they would take Dinah and Lucas I’d have personally hand delivered the poison to them both!” Laurel snapped at her younger sister just before Klaus vamp sped into the bar, instantly making the two sisters rise to their feet, placing down their beers on the bar counter, both ready to take on the original hybrid.
“It’s not nice to go around throwing accusations especially at a new friend who is only trying to help.” Klaus told them both.
“How the hell did you get in here without being invited?” Sara furiously asked the immortal man.
“In case you forgot I got rather close to your brother before he decided to go on holiday.” Klaus replied to Sara with a sinister smirk, all to eager to mention his history with the girls’ brother. “Don’t get me wrong suddenly deciding to go off on holiday with your ex-girlfriend league assassin Nyssa Al Ghul just when your mother goes missing is a tad suspicious but I doubt he had time to slaughter her with all the packing he would have to do.”
“You seriously expect us to believe Nyssa and Lucas are on holiday together hell I don’t even believe she’s still on this earth.” Sara said making clear she didn’t believe a word Klaus was saying.
“Why would you even try cover your tracks?” Laurel asked, not quite trusting the original hybrid but not completely distrusting him either. “If you murdered the both of them why aren’t you showing up here boasting about it?”
“I always knew you were the smart sister Laurel.” Klaus complimented the Black Canary while throwing some shade at the White Canary at the same time. “If I had killed either of them, I’d be all to glad to gloat, but the truth is I’m innocent.”
“What the hell would Nyssa want with Lucas?” Sara demanded to know.
“She’s an assassin which makes her a worthy ally to him the boy isn’t stupid he’s clearly switched sides before we stuck in the knife.” Klaus answered her before letting out a reluctant sigh. “However, my brother Elijah seems to think we should stop this little war of ours…so I won’t make a move if you don’t.”
“You mean if you haven’t already.” Sara snapped at Klaus, believing with certainty that he killed their mother.
“You mother is probably just taking the time needed to get over the fact she’s been raising her grandson as a son for all these years.” Klaus revealed all too eagerly knowing it would force Laurel into revealing the rest of the truth to Sara.
On an earth with no Gotham, Star or Central City there was still an infamous island called Lian Yu the same island in which Oliver Queen and Sara Lance washed ashore before being swept up within the carnage of the league of assassins and Nyssa Al Ghul thought they was no better place to take Lucas Lance knowing he couldn’t just escape the remote island which was the perfect location for nobody to find them.
Nyssa felt immense guilt over her and her group of assassins murdering Sara even if their murder didn’t exactly stick and believed saving Lucas from the demon inside him following a bath in the Lazarus Pit hoping that by giving Sara her brother back it would somehow make up for their twisted past knowing it would be anything but an easy task.
“Here’s me thinking you were going to leave me down here for the rest of my life.” Lucas complained as he stood in his underground bunker cell with a power dampener collar around his neck, as Nyssa climbed down the bunker ladder to stand in front of the Red Canary’s cell.
“Infinity Island is one of many places that doesn’t exist on this Earth clearly there’s something special about Lian Yu on every Earth including this one.” Nyssa replied to him. “The only problem is if there’s no Infinity Island than there’s no Lazarus Pit of course there have been other Lazarus Pits, but I highly doubt they exist on this Earth.”
“Okay then I’ll just ask the question you want me to ask already. What the bloody hell is a Lazarus Pit?” Lucas asked the demon’s daughter, trying to hide his curiosity.
“After your mother came to the present from the future to deliver you to your grandparents at a later date many years later a future version of my father came to Infinity Island to deliver the news of where the undead child was which is the reason Ra’s Al Ghul took such special interest in Sara Lance and Oliver Queen in the first place.” Nyssa revealed to a stunned Lucas, who was still reeling from the fact Dinah Lance wasn’t his biological mother. “My father both in the present and the future is desperate to get you under his control for the same reason your real mother The Black Canary traveled back in time to hide you.”
“That can’t be possible Laurel’s my big sister there’s only like three years between us that’s biologically impossible not to mention one hell of a mind fuck.” Lucas replied, in complete disbelief of what Nyssa was telling him.
“Her future version was more than old enough to bare a child and she did…you.” Nyssa continued to inform the Red Canary. “Funnily enough my father in the future first believed you were special because you were the son of the Black Canary and the Green Arrow although after he kidnapped you, he truly learned just how special you were.”
“You seriously expect me to believe that my sister Laurel and her cheating ex Oliver are my parents?” Lucas scoffed at the demon’s daughter. “And people think I’m the crazy one.”
“Let’s go for a little walk I have a feeling the fresh air will probably go rather well with what I am to tell you next.” Nyssa said as she pulled out a key from her jacket pocket and unlocked Lucas’ cell door. “Of course, you can try to escape but I can ensure you only I can find the only way off this island Mr Lance.”
The thought of escaping Lian Yu was on Lucas Lance’s mind for sure but first he wanted to hear more about this story Nyssa was spinning about his own origins not fully believe the assassin but refusing to try to escape until after her story about him had ended just in case she was telling him the truth.
The Red Canary always wanted someone to believe he was special and now he had found that someone he quickly realized being special had already came with too much burden including being kidnapped by the demon’s daughter after killing the woman who raised him.
Laurel Lance was the type of woman who would always seek out the truth no matter what and so when her future son alongside her mother suddenly vanished of the face of Earth Blood she decided to seek out the wonder witch Davina Claire’s help to locate them both with a certain spell.
She may have believed Klaus hadn’t killed Lucas due to his reasoning being too strange to be a lie but she also believe he was hiding something and she needed to know why, why the original hybrid would cover for Lucas, why Lucas would suddenly disappear with Nyssa and why she couldn’t find her mother.
Laurel’s most recent alliance with Davina led to a failed poisoning attempt on the Mikaelson’s, Davina and Sara not getting the chance to even try poisoning the others before Laurel and Marcel botched things and so the Black Canary was hoping the New Orleans witch regent didn’t blame her too much, hoping even if she did she’d still help her in her search for answers.
“I’m sorry Laurel but I really don’t have time to be seen doing favors for you not while I try and work out what the hell the Mikaelson’s are planning in response to our rather failed attempt to take them out.” Davina told Laurel as they walked through the Lafayette Cemetery side by side. “I know Marcel’s safe considering his venom can literally kill them which means I need to protect myself and my witches and that’s where all my attention should be focused on.”
“I get this war with the witches and the vampires has been going on for centuries and I know Klaus is a formidable foe, but I really need this locating spell Davina I’m scared for my mother and Lucas.” Laurel replied to the young witch. “Somethings just not right and I can feel it…I know I fucked shit up and I’m really sorry for that Davina I really am but please don’t take it out on my family please help me.”
“Fine,” Davina said with a reluctant sigh as they both stopped walking. “It seems like I’m forever finding lost canaries for you…but I have come to think of you as something of a friend, so I’ll do it but you’re going to owe me!”
“Trust me I’ll help you with whatever Mikaelson plan you have next once I’ve got my family back in fact we’ll all help you better three canary cries than just one and Sara’s got that whole vamp/assassin thing going for her too so let’s not count out the White Canary.” Laurel mumbled as she thanked and hugged Davina, delighted to get the help she so badly needed in finding her son and her mother.
“You’re a great person Laurel and that’s very rare around here!” Davina admitted as she broke off her hug with the Black Canary. “I just hope wherever they maybe you’re not walking into some trap because nobody should ever trust Klaus Mikaelson.”
Davina was right just because she could magic up a location for Laurel didn’t mean that location was anywhere near safe for Laurel to go to but Laurel was more than willing to take the risk in order to have her family reunited once again not fully realizing that once she found Lucas Lance that she would discover a certain canary was lost forever.
Sara Lance was beyond furious, furious with her mother for lying to her all her life, furious with Laurel for not opening up to her, furious with Klaus for having something to do with her mother’s disappearance and furious at the thought that her first true love Nyssa Al Ghul was behind Lucas’ abrupt exit from New Orleans.
She couldn’t take out her anger on Laurel knowing her sister had only recently found out the truth and was clearly having trouble adjusting besides it would be hypocritical considering Sara hid the fact she was alive for many years and she couldn’t take it out on her missing brother/nephew and mother so she decided who best to take it out on.
Sara showed up in the compound dressed up in her White Canary suit while holding her bo-staff which she had soaked in Marcel’s venom having borrowed it intending to poison Klaus Mikaelson deciding it was time to go through with that particular plan even if anyone else had backed out.
“It wouldn’t be wise to anger my brother Niklaus he very rarely offers to back down against enemies especially those who have murdered our sister.” Elijah warned Sara after vamp speeding his way over to stand in front of her. “I’d advise you’d leave our home now before I decide to be less forgiving than my younger brother.”
“Here’s the thing he knows where my family is which means I’m not going anywhere until I get answers.” Sara replied to the noble original before hitting him with her staff straight across the face, his skin burning at the touch of the White Canary’s poisoned staff.
Sara continued to hit Elijah with her staff hitting him in the face once more before two more hits in the stomach and a singular hit below his feet causing the original to fall flat to the ground before she quickly pressed the staff harshly down on Elijah’s throat causing him to groan in pain as the poison continued to burn his body.
“The next hit I’ll make will be straight through the chest and even you can’t survive that.” Sara warned him while pressing the staff down harder onto Elijah’s throat. “You maybe a 1000-year-old vampire but I was trained by a 500-year-old assassin that plus the newfound vamp strength makes me much more of a weapon than when I was alive…now tell me where my brother is!”
“I have no idea.” Elijah managed to force out of himself before Sara quickly used her bo-staff to force Elijah’s head to the other side, snapping his neck and knocking him unconscious in the process as Klaus vamp sped into the compound to stand in front of Sara, who was more than ready to take down another original.
“I was convinced I was going to have to rush in and stop you killing my brother and yet you just put him to sleep for a little bit…why?” Klaus asked, confused to why the former league of assassin’s member was showing kindness.
“Yeah well my sister likes that one and the blonde-haired vamp but lucky for me she’s not so keen on you!” Sara informed Klaus as she slowly began walking towards the original hybrid, ready to take him out.
“Clearly being the nice guy gets you nowhere I keep telling my siblings, but they just don’t listen.” Klaus laughed at the White Canary. “Your ex took your brother/nephew to Lian Yu to help him with his little problem now if you would please leave these premises before I show you how natural the bad guy role comes to me.”
“Lian Yu…” Sara said in shock as she began backing away with Klaus. “I didn’t even know that place existed on this Earth…why would she take him there?”
“Because he murdered your mother.” Klaus wasted no time in revealing, watching as Sara face began to display her devastation before she vamp sped out of sight, clearly having heard enough from the original hybrid.
That time around Sara Lance believed Klaus’ words somehow knowing deep down it was true the minute he revealed the truth to her as she was left devastated to learn of her mother’s death and even more furious than before as she realized the man she believed to be her baby brother was the one responsible for it.
Klaus Mikaelson never intended to tell Sara the truth having previously helped cover it up due to his strange and ever growing bond with Lucas Lance but a part of him enjoyed hurting the White Canary he liked seeing the woman who murdered his sister in pain and in those brief moments he had found his revenge for Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux’s deaths but straight after revealing the truth he began to feel something he rarely ever felt and that was guilt.
Nyssa al Ghul wanted nothing more than to help Lucas Lance expel or at least control the demon within him knowing she stood some chance at doing one or the other considering Lucas had been co-existing with the demon most of his life without even knowing anything about it but then again there was very little the Red Canary knew about his life.
Lucas had lived his entire life until very recently believing Dinah and Quentin Lance were his parents not his grandparents and thanks to his trip to Lian Yu had only just discovered that his eldest sister Laurel and her ex-boyfriend Oliver Queen were his biological parents and he was from the future.
Nyssa knew the information she was giving the Red Canary wasn’t easy for anyone to take it but she also knew she had to keep on revealing more secrets to him in order to convince him that he needed to stay with her and her small faction of the league of assassins until they figured out how to fix his killer rage knowing she would force his hand if the information wasn’t enough to make him do the right thing.
“So, my sister from the future is actually my birth mother and her deuchebag cheating ex is going to wind up getting her knocked up which means she takes him back.” Lucas scoffed as he and Nyssa walked through the woods within the island, his power dampening collar still attached to him. “And they have the nerve to say I’m the fool for men.”
“Soon after you are born in the future my father Ra’s Al Ghul kidnaps you and does the unthinkable…he made you the undead child.” Nyssa revealed with a great sense of shame on her face. “When your mother retrieved you, she put you in the past to protect you however a future version of my father eventually figured that out and made contact with my father in the present day.”
“My head is literally spiraling from all of this…I’ve just killed my…grandmother and you want to play a game of who do you think you are with me…how am I meant to believe any of this? What exactly did you father do and why is he so obsessed with me?” Lucas questioned the daughter’s demon, still reeling from Nyssa’s many reveals.
“As you have probably heard about the rumors of the Lazarus Pit many have sought it out to reclaimed a lost one and granted it does grant such acts but it also has some dire consequences…nobody knows this better than my father.” Nyssa admitted to the Red Canary. “My father is over 500 years old using the properties of the Lazarus Pit to sustain his life although each time it’s taken something from him making him less and less human…recently he unearthed a prophecy a little earlier than intended thanks to the future’s manipulation and this prophecy was that of the undead child.”
“You called me the undead child, what exactly did this prophecy say exactly?” Lucas wondered, as he began to believe the truth about his origins slowly, wanting to know more.
“I’m not entirely sure about the fine details of the prophecy but I do know it made the future version of my father want to raise you as his own and the past version want you permanently dead.” Nyssa informed him. “As for what my father does to you in the future when you were just a baby he immersed himself and you within the Lazarus Pit…you died once you came out of the pit very briefly and then you were reborn re-birthing a demon within you at the same time.”
“The Lazarus Pit brings people back to life sometimes just the body and not the soul how the hell is some demon attached to me?” Lucas asked once again, getting frustrated that the answers Nyssa Al Ghul was giving him only served to make him more confused.
“I’m sorry but that’s all the information I can give to you…until we visit limbo but for that I’m going to need you to come back to our Earth.” Nyssa explained to the Red Canary, hoping he was willing to help her with her mission.
“There’s a reason I ditched that world and haven’t exactly been eager to go back!” Lucas snapped at the demon’s daughter. “Under no circumstances am I going back.”
“Mr Lance…I have been more than patient with you even going as far as informing you of a truth everybody else has been keeping from you but let me make one thing clear we will remain on Lian Yu only until my colleagues return and then we’re heading back where we belong.” Nyssa snapped back at him, making it clear she wasn’t asking, she was demanding. “You’re either a threat to my father or an ally and if anyone is going to have you as some kind of weapon then it’s going to be me!”
Nyssa Al Ghul wanted to help Lucas Lance for Sara’s sake but she couldn’t refuse the fact she was curious to find out more about what made the Red Canary so special and knowing her father somewhat feared this undead child made him all the more fascinating.
Nyssa was going to help Lucas as much as she could it just so happened finding out the truth about him may just work to both of their advantages mainly because Nyssa Al Ghul was planning to dethrone her father and take his place.
Laurel Lance was more than grateful for Davina Claire casting a locating spell which revealed that Nyssa Al Ghul and Lucas Lance were on Lian Yu and decided to focus on going there to get him back instead of focusing on the fact that Davina was unable to locate her mother Dinah.
Laurel feared the worst behind Davina’s inability to find her mother Dinah Lance fearing it was confirmation her mother was dead but she had to be a mother right now and put her son first she had to find Lucas and find out why he was on Lian Yu knowing that island wasn’t exactly idealistic for the White Canary or the Green Arrow.
As Laurel packed her rucksack filling it with enough clothes for a round trip to Lian Yu and back within her hotel room in the New York Voyage Hotel, determined to rescue her son she found her quest taking an unexpected turn as a broken Sara walked into the room with tears in her eyes instantly making Laurel realize something terrible had just happened.
“Mum’s gone Laurel…” Sara cried, revealing what she had just learned to her older sister. “That’s what Klaus was hiding from us…that our mother’s gone.”
“I had a feeling that might have been the reason why Davina couldn’t find her, but I didn’t want to admit it to myself.” Laurel admitted with tears in her eyes. “I knew this sudden need of his for us to not be enemies was some plot, but I just didn’t want to accept that we’ve lost her again…this time forever…just like dad.”
“Laurel I don’t know how to tell you this…and I really wish I didn’t have to, but it was Lucas who killed our mum.” Sara reluctantly admitted to the Black Canary in between cries, as she struggled to come to terms with her mother’s death.
“No! Sara…he wouldn’t…he couldn’t…” Laurel replied as she attempted to deny the truth while her gut told her otherwise. “Lucas has committed some terrible acts, but he wouldn’t…Klaus must be lying.”
“I think we both know deep down he’s not…not this time.” Sara said as she walked over to her sister and gave her a hug, as the two women cried as they mourned the death of their mother while coming to terms with the truth of how they lost her.
Despite their complicated history Laurel Lance loved her mother deeply and hoped they could reconnect following years apart, but all that hope had just been taken away from her in that moment and with it all hopes for redeeming her son went with them.
Lucas Lance had killed many times and committed some unspeakable and evil acts as the Red Canary but the one line he had never crossed was killing a family member but that line had now been crossed and with it neither the Black Canary or White Canary could deny the fact that Lucas has to be stopped once and for all.
Klaus Mikaelson had found himself filled with guilt over betraying Lucas’ trust knowing it would lead to Laurel and Sara hunting them down in a bid to stop what they believed was a ruthless monster but Klaus knew there was a man within the monster because he had seen it for himself and he knew more than most that one could be both a man and monster for that’s exactly how he saw himself.
He couldn’t help but find himself growing more and more fond of Lucas and it was that fondness that drove the original hybrid to plot to do something he never normally did, clean up his own mess and in order to do that he had to find a way of convincing his siblings to help him stop Laurel and Sara from seeking revenge on Lucas.
“Absolutely bloody not!” Rebekah declared as she stood up from her chair at the dining table within the dining area at the compound, as Elijah, Hayley, Klaus and Kol continued to sit around the table. “I say if the Lance sisters have seen sense and want to kill their bastard brother then we don’t stand in the way.”
“Rebekah…” Elijah began to say.
“Of all the times you paraded me and made me feel foolish for my choice of partners and now you’re literally asking us to help you save some deranged canary whose own siblings want to see him dead.” Rebekah shouted at Klaus, while interrupting Elijah in the process.
“I guess I don’t have to worry about Lucas seeking round two from me then thanks to my brother soaking up my sloppy seconds.” Kol teased Klaus, looking rather amused with himself as the original hybrid rolled his eyes at his younger brother.
“Well I for one agree with Klaus…I can’t believe I’m agreeing with him, but I’d like to stop Laurel from doing something she might regret.” Hayley chimed in, as she stood up to face Rebekah. “She doesn’t deserve to have that on her conscious…nobody does.”
“When exactly did we start caring about Laurel bloody Lance so much?” Rebekah moaned to Hayley, before rolling her eyes and giving in. “I suppose I am somewhat fonder of her than her siblings.”
“I know Sara Lance killed our sister and for that I’ll never forgive her, but Laurel is a good person and this family have done something terrible things to good people maybe it’s time we turn the tables.” Elijah suggested as he too stood up form his chair to face Hayley and Rebekah, noticing Hayley smiling at his wise words, making him smile back at his former love.
“I’m in but mostly because I want to see it all go down, I can’t promise I’ll stop anything.” Kol somewhat agreed as he and Klaus stood up at the same time, all siblings now standing face to face with Hayley.
“Before we go into this canary filled battlefield there’s something about Laurel and Lucas that I should tell you all about.” Elijah revealed to the rest of them, instantly catching the awkward look on Klaus’ face which revealed his younger brother knew what Elijah was about to say next. “Laurel is Lucas’ mother.”
It was revelation both Klaus and Elijah had already discovered however until now Rebekah, Kol and Hayley had remained in the dark and now they had found out it had made them even more determined to do the right thing by the Lance’s for the first time after all Rebekah and Kol knew just as well as Klaus and Elijah what it was like to have their mother try to murder them and didn’t wish that on anyone.
Despite their protests and the bad blood between the Mikaelson’s and the Lance’s the two families were slowly beginning to grow more and more fonder of each other even if none of them would ever admit it.
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tv-is-my-love-life · 6 years
So glad to see Nyssa and Sara back on Arrow . Arrow Season 6 Episode 18 #arrow #arrowverse #nyssaalghul #saralance #katrinalaw #oliverqueen #stephenamell #felicitysmoak #thea #theaqueen #willaholland #johndiggle #davidramsey #emilybett #emilybettrickads
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thefanspov · 7 years
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#Regram from @karsanacosplay featuring @spitfirecosplay PC: @cosplayer_gallery ・・・ Ta-er al-Sahfer and the Heir to the Demon, looking majestic AF. . . . Nyssa: @spitfirecosplay . Photographer: @cosplayer_gallery . . . . #thecanary #saralance #nyssa #nyssaalghul #nyssacosplay #nyssaalghulcosplay #heirtothedemon #arrow #arrowverse #thecanarycosplay #saralancecosplay #arrowversecosplay #canarycosplay #bostaff
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tenraii · 5 years
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Für Pic of our #arrow #photoshooting More upcoming projects next year. Photographer : @00takaya00 Me as: Nyssa More pics of this project coming soon #cosplayers #cosplaying #cosplayphoto #cospaygirl #cosplay #photooftheday #photoshooting #photography #model #cwarrow #nyssaalghul #dccosplayer #cosplayphotography #dccomics #instaphoto #girlsofcosplay #instacosplay #kawaii #fineart #girlsofcosplay #germancosplay (hier: Finowfurt, Brandenburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4aCjodD2Tn/?igshid=2vgyg099bj95
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