#obesity mention
sitronsangbody · 4 months
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First of all BIG no on the "always at all times". But yes, a number of health conditions correlate with fatness or the so-called obesity category of the BMI (the same is true for the underweight category, but we never hear much about that for some mysterious reason). This does not mean that fatness is the root of all these conditions. In some cases, fatness is another symptom of a common root cause. In some cases, the condition causes the fatness, not the other way around. In some cases, health issues trace back to minority stress and discrimination. In some cases, people really just happen to also be fat. All the health conditions that correlate with fatness also occur in thin people. There's no health issue that's exclusive to fat people, just some that are more prevalent. To say that fatness must be causing the issues makes no sense when plenty of people who have them aren't fat.
Should these conditions be treated? Of course! But why would you "treat" a completely healthy fat person? If they aren't engaging in any behaviors that are unhealthy to them, there's literally nothing to treat but a slight, statistically increased risk of certain things. Normal checkups are all the treatment you need.
It's clear to me that a lot of thin people feel like their thinness is the ultimate protection from health problems, and I'm afraid that's just not true. We can do our best to stay healthy, we can absolutely have an impact, but the (understandably scary) truth is that ultimately we're not in control. Genetics, outside impact and sheer coincidence all go in the mix too.
As for the discouragement: fatness IS discouraged at every turn, friend..! Fat bodies are shamed, vilified and excluded in countless well-documented ways and there's a massive industry dedicated to the pursuit of weight loss! If "discouragement" actually prevented fatness, SWEET LORD would it have worked by now!
At the end of the day, you can't meaningfully "discourage" a way of being. Fatness is not a behavior. You can encourage healthy eating and exercise habits - behaviors - but fatness isn't something you do. You can't wake up one day and just stop fatting.
It should also be noted, while we're talking health risks, that 1)there are a whole lot of those associated with intentional weight loss, and 2) research consistently shows that the majority of people who lose substantial amounts of weight, gain it back. Getting thin and staying that way just isn't a viable option for everyone, and many are going to be less healthy if they try. The bottom line is: leave it up to the individual and the medical professionals they put their trust in, and get rid of any notion that you can prescribe the right life choices to people who aren't you.
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lotusofhope · 2 years
Holy fuck was I the only person online that didn't know the Adverse Childhood Experience study was explicitly linked to obesity?
I don't know how many peer reviewed studies there are into the link (there exists at least one afaik) but the ACE only exists because of an obesity doctor.
He ran a program to help people lose weight, and found it odd that many people left the program despite losing weight - he tried to find a link in exit interviews and an above average amount of them were CSA survivors.
I knew obesity science to a certain extent, I knew about the ACE study before yet I didn't even know how trauma was linked to weight gain until today when my therapist mentioned it. And there still isn't enough research imo and there definitely isn't any fucking public awareness because I've been looking into these things and didn't know.
So before you pay a dietician or personal trainer, consider a trauma therapist.
and if you can't get one of those like many in the states, don't be hard on yourself. You are not alone and its another symptom of the trauma inflicted on you.
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starsvation · 1 month
I'm home!!! I can finally get my daily 25k steps in and starve myself :] At least I maintained this week I spent with my bf. I thought I would've gained because he used to order food for the both of us but I'd always eat really slowly and give him half of my food. I'd also cook for him and tell him I already ate when making the food in the kitchen. I mean I do feel bad for lying to him but I'd feel worse gaining and being an even fatter gf.
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keirawantstocry · 26 days
I think i need to lose weight or I'm going to cry
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masteroffakesmiles · 1 year
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Unpopular opinion (because a lot of people hate her design simply because she’s black and is a bit round): I love her design. Here’s the link: https://twitter.com/jmurfish/status/1687554282818531328
Rant in tags.
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poppipiyiii · 2 months
I feel an indescribable pain in my chest when ever i see someone mention southpaw now.
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enchantedlandcoffee · 9 months
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Aware this is ground we've covered time and again, but there's this overarching issue with how a lot of Europeans--especially western Europeans, from what I've personally seen--talk about problems in the U.S. where they adopt a viewpoint which has this almost Lewis Carroll-like quality; [x assertion about obes*ty/laziness/ignorance/education/politics/etc.] ought to makes sense, and it presents as soundly leftist, but when you get right down to it is actually deeply fallacious and functionally very conservative (often with much more sinister overtones undertones).
The kinds of complaints and criticisms I'm talking about are almost always big ones, things which apply to or affect significant portions of the country's population. They also frequently disproportionately hurt lower classes and oppressed groups. Yet instead of looking for root causes or trying to understand the problem/previous attempts to solve it in any meaningful way, they put both the onus and blame on individuals.
As common as this beloved conservative tactic is among many ostensibly leftist Europeans, it's honestly hard for me to feel offended for a few reasons:
One, because I--like many U.S. citizens--have unlearned (and continue to unlearn) the nationalism shoved down our throats in school and also think this country sucks, partly because I am subjected to just how bad it sucks every single day.
Two, because the hypocrisy of a person simultaneously preaching about ignorance and demonstrating their own is hard to take seriously.
Three, because the amount of arrogance required to believe that if one's own country was subjected to the same cultural, political, and practical realities as the U.S., they and the other citizens of their own country wouldn't fall prey to the exact same problems they're mocking--wouldn't see similar rates of poor health, would simply Not Be Ignorant, would out-excellent math and transcend victimhood (presumably through their inherent genetic? superiority)--is mind-blowing. In fact, it's difficult to keep calling it "arrogance" instead of ethnocentrism. Plenty would argue that's still too charitable a term.
And four, because a lot of those who do this most consistently and loudly literally come from the very countries which colonized the Americas and which continue to hold and act on the ideologies which not only shape the U.S., but serve as the foundation for literally every horrible thing they're criticizing and/or complaining about.
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azziopeia · 5 months
beauty standards have always been toxic and ridiculous but since tiktok became popular it’s just gotten so much worse it’s come to the point that being very ill or dead is seen as preferable to being fat or unconventionally attractive.
there’s a reason there’s 10 year olds at sephora.
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minscofrashemen · 6 months
tells doctor I've been struggling with my ED again and while I work out to expect the fluctuations of weight and not talk in depth with me about it because I feel guilty enough
He understands and recommends me stuff
the nurses send my MOM a thing telling me I need to lose fifteen pounds in six months because I'm 'obese'....
i'm 5'9 and weigh in at 180....
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martyrofacrimescene · 6 months
I realized that bmi was massive bullshit when I was like 12 and I went to the doctor and my weight was about the same as the prior year but I got an inch taller and the doctor came in and said "well your BMI went down, which is good", because me being a single inch taller meant I was somehow healthier based on this arbitrary idea. I knew I hadn't gotten any healthier and I hadn't lost weight so it clicked that it means absolutely nothing.
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gertritude · 1 year
wanted to post the full opinion for context.  what is he TALKING about
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cutiestrawberry · 1 year
Been away working like every day for the last couple months and finally have enough saved up to regularly buy phentermine from Mexico :))) skinny girl summer here we come
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just-rogi · 1 year
Bruh sometimes I’ll wake up and just KNOW from like 8:00am it’s a bad food day and I’m gonna be a struggle to eat all my food but like I FUCKING TRY MY BEST RIGHT bc I’m healthy and it will be 9:00 pm and I’ll have not eaten and I’m like shit I need to eat 1200 calories fast but that volume of food is gonna be gross to eat if it’s a balanced meal with veggies and protein so I’m like I’ll just have a brownie or toast or rice or some shit !!!! WHICH IS OBJECTIVELY PALATABLE GOOD FOOD TO EAT AND IS A FUN TREAT!!! And I’ll eat it and my body will STILL be like ‘this is too much food rn kys’ like girl it is ONE BROWNIE and ALMOND MILK why is my stomach hurting this sucks!!
#tw food#tw food mention#tw eating issues#idk!!!! I’m just so ANGRY!!!#why is it so easy for everyone else#like it’s not even a psychological barrier it’s literally that eating a normal amount of food makes me sick#I’m STRUGGLING to get my minimum caloric intake in every day#and my fucking doctor has the audacity to say I’m obese and need to eat smaller portions#GIRL HOW#IM LITERALLY A WOMENS SMALL#YOUR BMI CHART IS FUCKED UP BC IM LITERALLY PUTTING IN THE EFFORT TO JUST GET TO THE DAILY MINIMUM I NEED TO LIVE#I literally don’t even know what portion control would look like for me … awww you want me to eat#what ?#half of my belvita crackers??#1/4 of an apple ? bc I already hit food fatigue after about half an apple and give up#what would portion control even look like for someone like me you fucking bitch it makes me so angry because I’m trying my best#and I just can’t win!!! I can’t fucking win!! you literally can’t look at a bitch in size six jeans and a small t shirt and call me obese#and tell me to lose weight#when I’m activly TRYING to eat more like I just want to eat more without feeling sick!! food is a chore and I hate it!! I hate it so much!!!#I literally want to kill my doctor bc I’m about 500 calories short today of my minimum and I don’t know what else I can eat that won’t make#me sick#and all I can hear is my doctor telling me I’m obese and need to eat less when I KNOW that’s not what’s healthiest for me#food sucks I hate it I hate it I just wanna stop needing to eat to be healthy it’s so fucking hard and everyone else loves it eating#and it’s my worst nightmare bc everything makes me feel sick and I get anxious and can’t eat and it’s so stupid#today was a bad food day. some days are good and some days are bad and I know progress isn’t linear but it still SUCKS SO MUCH#god. and ik I shouldn’t care but hearing mh doctor call me obese sent me back to being a teenager why would you say that#you can SEE my chart in front of you?? my bp cholesterol lipids are all FANTASTIC and I’m literally a women’s size SMALL what is your metric
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faeriesuns · 1 year
i used to get insanely hungry when i was stoned but my sister would make fun of me when i ate so i trained myself to not eat at all when high
((which sucks tbh because being high was the only way i would actually eat and get enough calories to function))
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