#obey me Mc: storm
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part Twenty-Three}
Genre: Mixed
WC: ~3.7k
CW: skin picking/scratching, anxiety/panic attacks, mentions of blood, mentions of death, Barbatos being aggressive lol, Illusion to past trauma, swearing, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, prolly lots of typos lol, spoilers for season 1&2, I'm skipping over/changing some things I didn't like in the main story so it will be a bit different from canon!
Series Masterlist
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©️ artwork commissioned by @vivi8bit ©️  
“I don’t understand, why is a stupid record bein’ broken such a big deal?” Mammon crossed his arms. “Beel’s just cursed or somethin’ right? So just reverse it. No biggie for someone like you, Lucifer.” 
It didn’t take long for most everyone to begin sobering up once Lucifer began to exhibit signs of panic. While some thought it was just because he cherished his precious records, others were a bit more concerned. The usual stoicism of the eldest brother faltering was not something often seen, and Storm especially began to grow deeply concerned by what this meant. 
“It’s not just the siren song that was on this record.” Lucifer sighed, nervously picking at pieces of vinyl. “It contained numerous dangerous songs. One of those songs was the Hymn of the Reaper.”
Solomon and Barbatos gasped in sync, catching everyone’s attention. 
Storm swallowed, fear welling in her stomach. “W-what’s the Hymn of the Reaper?” 
“It’s a song from the opera of the same name. It’s performed at the climax of the story.” Solomon gave a deep, concerned sigh. “The protagonist is a young man who is killed by the reaper in the last scene. That’s when the reaper sings this song, blowing out the candle upon which the man’s soul burns. 
“This is the record I obtained for you in exchange for some rare demonus several years ago, yes?” Barbatos nervously glanced toward the pieces in Lucifer’s hands, already knowing the answer. 
“Indeed.” Lucifer sighed. “The version from the year 1818.” 
“That’s the performance that was so ghastly that it’s rumored they were actually channeling the spirit of a reaper, right?” Solomon shook his head, his eyes widening in panic. “This isn’t good at all...” 
Storm shuddered as a chill went up her spine. Looking to the other humans for support. The only other sober human was Vivi, who shrugged in uncertainty as she caught her gaze.  
“So, what does this mean exactly?” Diavolo sighed, rubbing his temples to nurse his impending hangover. 
“It means that Beel may have incurred the wrath of the reaper by breaking the record.” Solomon glanced toward the 6th born, who nervously fidgeted with his fingers. “And there’s a chance that the reaper might decide to extinguished Beel’s soul at any moment.” 
Belphie shook his head, frantically trying to regulate his breath “What! B-but that would mean-” 
“Beel’s soul would be taken by the reaper and he would cease to be.” Lucifer sighed, refusing to make eye contact with the others in the room. His heart pounded with fear, and his skull felt as if it may crack with how terribly his forehead was throbbing. 
The room grew silent for a moment, those were still in their boozed haze before where now snapped back to the harshness of reality. Beel whimpered nervously, not knowing what to make of his situation. 
“T-that can’t be right...” Vivi shook their head, feeling their own panic begin to rise.  “They’ll kill him over a shitty broken record?!” 
“That’s so stupid! And how would the reaper even know that Beel was the one that broke it?!” Fern added, trying to shuffle their way closer to Belphie without being noticed. They stood a few steps in front of him, holding his hand behind their back to ensure no one else saw. 
“I’m afraid I can’t say for sure, but I wouldn’t exactly rule it out.” Barbatos sighed. Everyone glanced at each other nervously, not sure how to take the news that Beel’s life could end at any second. 
“W-what are we going to do?” Storm nearly shouted. She squeezed Beel’s hand tightly, smoothing over his knuckles to try to calm both him and herself down.  “There’s got to be something we can do to fix it...right Lucifer..?”
Lucifer hesitated but glanced up to meet Storm’s panicked expression. His heart dropped to his Stomach as he watched the last bit of hope drain from her eyes, clearly not reassured by his demeanor.
“I’m not sure...” He dropped his eyes back to the record pieces. He smoothed over the vinyl with his thumb, trying his best to remain calm to not further spiral the room into panic.
After a moment of tense silence, Satan cleared his throat. “Well, based on what I’ve read, the reapers are said to live in a cave somewhere in the Devildom, though the entrance is hidden quite well.”
Fern crossed their arms. “Okay, so say we find this place...what exactly are we looking for, then?”
“In the deepest part of the cave is a chamber where row after row of candles are kept. Each one represents someone’s soul- angels, humans, demons...all creatures that reside within the three realms.” Satan began pacing, as if trying to work out the logistics of getting to the cave. “Normally, the reapers monitor these candles. When one of them starts to go out, they know that the person’s death is nigh, and go to harvest their soul.”
“So all we have to do is just get into the reaper’‘s cave and check on Beel’s candle right?” Storm glanced around, her eyes finally landing on Lucifer
“Then...then why don’t we do that?!” Belphie yanked his hand out of Fern’s pushing past them to plead with his older brother. “What the fuck are we just sitting around for then!? Beel’s life is on the line here!”
“Belphie, I’m afraid it’s not that simple.” Lucifer sighed, finally setting the pieces of the record on the credenza behind him. “Amongst all else, I don’t even know where the reaper’s cave is, and-”
“But we can’t just sit and do nothing!” Belphie yelled, now standing toe-to-toe with the eldest. “Don’t you care that Beel could die!?”
“Of course I care!” Lucifer snapped back aggressively, hurt evident in his tone. He and Belphie stared each other down for a moment as everyone watched on in an uncomfortable silence. After a tense minute, Lucifer sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. His voice was now a mere whisper, hiding the tears that threatened to pool in his eyes. “I care more than you know, Belphie.”
Beel whimpered again, trying to ease his discomfort by squeezing Storm’s hand. Before Lucifer and Belphie could argue any more, Solomon chimed in cheerily.
“Oh, I know the location of the reaper’s cave. I can take you there if you’d like.”
Everyone snapped their heads toward Solomon, confused as to how he even had that information. He smiled at Storm, who looked incredibly relieved.
“Why the fuck didn’t you say so earlier!” Vivi snarled, balling their fists tightly. They attempted to take a threatening step toward Solomon, but were stopped by Satan’s outstretched arm.
“Whatever! We just need to go. Now.” Belphie gestured impatiently toward Solomon. “Lets get a move on!”
“Wait.” Beelzebub sheepishly murmured. “I should go alone. This is my problem, I need to fix it.”
“No, I have to go with you. You can’t do it alone.” Belphie linked arms with Beel, refusing to let go.
“You have no idea what you’re up against.” Lucifer sighed. “Everyone else stays put, Belphie, myself, and Beel will go.”
Before Storm could open her mouth again, Lucifer interrupted her. “That includes you, Storm. You are staying as well. I need someone responsible to look after the others.”
“What, ya saying I ain’t responsible?!” Mammon snorted in frustration.
“Yes.” Lucifer stated flatly, before turning to Solomon as he began drawing a large circle on the ground with chalk.
“Lucifer...” Storm pleaded, her eyes shimmering with fear. “I’m worried about Beel. Please...”
Lucifer sighed. “...I have a bad feeling about how things will turn out with all of us going to the cave. This is enough of a hassle as it is. I have no desire to make it even worse...” he paused, staring into Storm’s puppy dog eyes.
“But there’s power in numbers, right?” Heart added with a shrug.
“Yes, I’m sure that would be true if you were talking about individuals who were in any way competent.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. “But that’s not the case here. Just imagining this group in that castle gives me a headache.”
“We’re a family.” Levi interjected, stepping forward. He puffed out his chest in a display of faux confidence as he stood up to Lucifer. He swallowed hard, sparing a nervous glance to Sarah for support. “We wont just stay back and do nothing. We’re going.”
Lucifer sighed, closing his eyes as he admitted defeat. “Fine. But you will all behave and better not touch a single thing in that cave.”
Storm ran to Lucifer, hugging tight around his midsection. He lifted his arms, uncertain of what to do with them as she nuzzled her head against his abdomen. Her voice was low enough to where only he could hear. “Thank you, Lucifer.”
His cheeks burned red as he awkwardly patted Storm’s back, not knowing how to feel about her sudden, brazen display of intimacy in front of the others. He glanced around, landing almost instantly on Fern’s harsh scowl, and then to Barbatos’ warning stare. Finally, she let go, smiling warmly at him. He couldn’t help but smile back.
“I will request that we have some individuals stay behind to aid in cleaning the mess with the angels.” Barbatos interjected, trying to shift the focus to the ridiculous mess behind them. He narrowed his eyes at Sarah, knowing she was a significant contributor to the mess.
“Fine. Sarah, Vivi, and Fern, you two will stay.” Lucifer aided Solomon in moving some furniture out of the way as he marked his path, whistling a joyful tune as he worked.
“What! Why us?!” Sarah’s words slurred as she whined at the oldest.
Lucifer whipped around, a look of rage passing by his features as he pointed to Sarah and Fern. “First of all, you two are beyond drunk and your presence would likely cause trouble. Second, you all specifically are responsible for a significant amount of this damage, and I expect that Barbatos will keep you three in line.”
Lucifer turned to Barbatos, straightening his back. “You have my permission to inflict any punishment you desire if either of them shirk off their cleaning duties.”
“Understood.” Barbatos smiled wickedly, casting a satisfied grin toward the 3 humans. He immediately handed them all brooms, ordering them to get to work.
Lucifer sighed, catching Storm’s twinkling eye and warm smile out of the corner of his vision. She moved to grab Beel’s hand again. He figured she was comforted by the supportive touch, and thought for a moment perhaps he should take up her other one.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve drawn this particular magic circle.” Solomon mused, cutting off Lucifer’s thoughts.
“Hurry up Solomon.” Belphie hissed, impatiently pacing around Beel and Storm.
Another deep sigh escaped Lucifer’s lips. “Please try to be patient. We don’t want him to make an error and send us to the middle of Lotan’s lair or something.”
“He could work a little faster though.” Belphie murmured as Solomon stood, dusting off his hands.
“I have to say, I am surprised that you counted a reaper amongst your acquaintances, Solomon.” Satan sighed, dusting off a stray mark from where Solomon’s chalk had snapped.
“Yeah, aren’t reapers known to like...keep to themselves?” Levi added, “I hear they’re pretty anti-social...”
“Oh! Oh! Solomon! This reaper friend of yours...are they hot?” Asmo giggled, leaning obnoxiously far over him as he continued marking the ground.
Solomon chuckled. “Hmm. Good question. I suppose you should just see for yourself, right?”
“Aww, no fair! I want to meet the hot reaper!” Sarah pouted, stamping her foot in annoyance.
Barbatos clicked his tongue in annoyance before whaping her across the nape of her neck with a wooden spoon. Sarah yelped, glaring toward the butler in annoyance.
“Fucking OW!” Sarah whined, now sweeping faster for fear of being struck again.
“Come on, Solomon. At least give me a little taste of what to expect!” Asmo begged, tugging on his coat.
“Well, I wouldn’t say this reaper looks like an antisocial loner, but I suppose they do sort of fit that description.” Solomon shrugged. “Though I suppose their appearance is a matter of taste, really. I find them quite attractive, though I’ve really only seen them looking quite angry.”
“Wait, I thought you said this reaper was your friend...” Heart glanced uneasily toward Asmo.
“I’d like to think we are.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Vivi raised an eyebrow in irritation.
“...Well...” Solomon chuckled nervously, “...I just don’t know if the feeling is mutual.”
Storm swallowed hard, shifting her weight between her feet. Lucifer looked on, feeling bad that she didn’t have Malice at her side. Beel’s reassuring squeeze of her hand seemed to calm her down slightly though, which eased his guilt.
“Alright, finished.” Solomon turned to the brothers and Storm. “Now, this reaper isn’t exactly the friendly type, so it’s possible we may be accused of trespassing.”
“Wha- why are you smiling!? That doesn’t seem like the sort of thing to smile about!” Levi shook his head, scooting his way anxiously toward Heart to mimic Storm’s act of receiving comfort. He gripped Heart’s entire arm tightly, accidentally yanking them toward him.
Ignoring Levi’s anxiety, Solomon began his incantation. A strong wind began to circle the sigil he had drawn on the ground as everyone stepped inside of it.
“I am the magician Solomon, Heed my words! Open the way forward, creating a path where there was none!”
“Wait, Solomon! Whaddaya mean we’ll be accused of trespassing!” Mammon shouted over the wind as it picked up speed, causing everyones hair to whip back and forth.
Again, ignoring the brothers, Solomon continued: “Show us the way to the reaper’s cave!”
A bright white light blinded everyone in the circle before the group disappeared from the castle ballroom, leaving only trails of chalk dust and stands of Storm’s vibrant red hair in their wake.
Barbatos sighed, glad the chaos that was caused by the brothers was now finally over. He turned his attention back to the other two humans, only to be caught completely off guard by the brooms laying haphazardly amongst the broken glass and bits of food strewn about the floor. He snapped his eyes up to Simeon, his eyelid twitching in annoyance.
“They asked me not to say anything.” Simeon chuckled. “Don’t worry, we’ll get this place cleaned up.”
“You’d better.” Barbatos hissed, now turning his attention back to Diavolo.
Luke groaned in frustration. “Simeon! We have to do this all ourselves?!”
Simeon merely smiled, returning his focus to sweeping. He hummed as Luke groaned again, louder this time.
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“G’AAAHHHH!” Mammon yelped, collapsing onto the ground first. Most of the rest of the group fell from the portal that opened a fair distance above the ground in a plethora of screams and yelps. Each landed clumsily around Mammon, who slowly tried to get back up to his feet.
Storm had tried her best to land gracefully, but the amount of others cascading down out of the portal ended up throwing off her rhythm. Fern grabbed her ankle as they fell through after her, causing her to land directly on top of Mammon.
“G’URGH!” He spat out as Storm’s weight sent him flat onto his back. “H-hey! Get Offa’ me!”
“Fuck, sorry!” Storm scrambled off of him quickly before helping him up and dusting off his jacket. “Are you okay, Mams?”
“Acgh...No! What’re ya thinkin’, Red?!” He groaned, clutching his abdomen. “Seriously, how’d ya manage to land knee-first on my stomach!? I’m gonna end up dead before I even have the chance to meet the reaper at this rate!”
Storm shifted anxiously. “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Solomon, why the fuck did you put the portal so high!” Fern groaned, stretching out their back from the painful landing they had. Unfortunately for them, a very angry Vivi had been their cushion as they fell to the ground.
“Fern, I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Vivi growled as Satan tried to help her to her feet.
"Hup!” Solomon brushed off his cape as he landed on the ground perfectly. “I couldn’t ask for a better landing!”
Lucifer was the last to Land from the portal, surprised to see how many of the individuals had not learned that portals can be tricky to maneuver through. What also caught his attention was three extra humans who shouldn’t be here. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, the pounding in his head only worsening from the fact that this trip was clearly shaping up to be worse than he anticipated.
“I forgot to mention that you should watch where you land whenever you transport somewhere.” Solomon chuckled, helping a few of the others to their feet.
“T-thanks for the tip.” Heart groaned as Levi finally rolled off of him.
“It’s a little late to be warning us NOW!” Levi whined, rubbing his lower back with a wince.
“Hey...Solomon..?” Asmo whimpered nervously. Solomon and the others who now stood turned to him as he pointed at a message scrawled above the entrance to the cave.
“Is...Is that blood?!” Sarah shrieked, immediately hiding behind Vivi for protection. Vivi hissed, pushing Sarah away aggressively and scooting closer toward Satan.
“Attention Solomon, you damned pest of a magician...” Satan cocked his head trying to read the messy chicken scratch. “Just TRY sneaking into my cave while I’m gone, and I promise I’ll make you pay. I’ll take your candle and trample it, boil it, and chop it into a million pieces. Then your soul will be MINE, you bone-headed fool!”
“Ahaha! You have to admit, that’s pretty funny!” Solomon laughed as the others glanced amongst each other in confusion.
“Uh, no...That’s definitely not what I’d call funny.” Levi shook his head. “Anyway, if this reaper wrote a nasty message specifically directed at you, then...”
“Solomon...what did you do?” Storm scratched her forearm nervously.
“Hmm...nothing I can think of off-hand.” Solomon tapped his chin for a moment before eventually shrugging. “Anyways, lets head in!”
“Whoa, hold on a second!” Mammon spread out his arms, blocking Solomon’s way. “You see a message like that and you’re just gonna ignore it? Are ya crazy!?”
“Well, the reaper’s not here, right?” Belphie shrugged. “So that means we can go in, find Beel’s candle, and leave. Easy.”
“Oh, wait! I almost forgot.” Solomon grabbed Belphie’s sleeve, signaling for the others to pause. “There’s something else you all should know. Here in the reaper’s cave, there are certain rules that must be followed. Otherwise, you may end up dead before you even make it to the candles.”
“What?!” Mammon shrieked, feeling a shiver run up his spine.
Storm bit her lip to keep it from trembling, now digging her nails deep into her skin. She felt so much anxiety rise at the idea of another one of her close friends- or rather, family- falling victim to the reapers wrath. Perhaps she made a mistake in insisting they all come with. The anxiety coursing through her veins caused her breath to pick up, almost causing her to dry-heave. Beel watched as she desperately tried to hide he growing panic from the others.
“Storm.” Lucifer placed a hand gently on her back, murmuring to her quietly. “It’ll be alright, just relax.”
She whipped her gaze up to him. The soft look in Lucifer’s eyes and the tickle of his thumb rubbing against her shoulder blade allowed her to calm down ever-so slightly. She took a deep breath as Lucifer turned his attention back toward Solomon.
“What are the rules, then?”
“Yeah, and if we don’t follow ‘em..? I mean, c’mon, ya gotta be exaggeratin’ right?” Mammon added.
“I wish I were, but no.” Solomon crossed his arms. “Now listen up. The reaper’s cave consists of 5 levels, each one deeper than before. And each level has its own specific rule, which the reaper has determined. If you break a rule, you get punished.”
“Sounds soo dangerous.” Vivi rolled their eyes, their tone dripping with sarcasm. “So, then we follow the rules. What’s so hard about that?”
“The rules here are absolute. You have to obey them, no exceptions.” Solomon raised a brow toward Vivi, who still looked disinterested. “So before we go in, you all have to agree to follow the rules exactly.”
“Wait. I don’t want to put Storm and the other humans in a dangerous situation like this...” Beel glanced uncertainly toward where Storm stood at Lucifer’s side, feeling unnerved by the fact that she had panicked before even stepping foot in the cave. “Maybe you should take her and the others home.”
“We’re not leaving.” Belphie shook his head.
“I’ll be fine.” Storm breathed deeply, catching Beel’s eye. “I have you all here with me. I’ll...I’ll be okay.”
“Exactly!” Asmo beamed. “Besides, Storm isn’t an ordinary human. She’s got enough power to subdue all of us just by yelling “sit” and “stay,” right?!”
Lucifer tightened his hold on her back. “That is correct, yes. And the other humans here can follow her lead just as easily. So we’ll be fine. Solomon, lead the way.”
“I see...” He smiled, but beneath it showed uncertainty. “It’s good to see such glowing support amongst friends-”
“Family.” Beel corrected, moving to stand beside Storm and grabbing her hand.
“Yes...Family.” Solomon swallowed hard. “Well then, alright. Ready to get going?”
The group nodded amongst themselves, straightening their posture to follow Solomon into the cave. Solomon’s demeanor changed as he turned to face the cave.
“Alright! Lets face the reapers’ challenge!” He chuckled to himself, a slight bounce in his step as he eagerly entered the dark cavern.
“...He sounds like a child at an amusement park.” Lucifer mumbled, shaking his head and beginning to follow the group into the cave.
“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Asmo sighed, taking Heart’s hand in his.
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kitsune-oji · 1 year
May I please have either a stimboard or moodboard for my mc with celestial vibes please? I am interested to see what you come up with :3 <3 Thank you Oji!
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🪽, 🦋, 🌊
📙, ❤️, 🎻
🌤️, ✨, 🌩️
Little disclaimer that I will only do my friends' MCs cuz otherwise I'd spend hours researching MCs and I just don't have the time or energy for that /nm, info
19 notes · View notes
devildom-moss · 11 months
October poll story
Barbatos - Monster kink
(Barbatos x gn!MC)
(NSFW) (top!Barbatos / bottom!MC) (NSFW tags: monster!Barbatos - non-canon/enhanced demonic features including increased greed and lust, claws, sharp teeth, forked tongue that matches his tail, bigger tail, and bigger "tail"; sex involving magic; no specified sex organs for MC; oral - receiving; penetration - receiving; tail penetration; double stuffed by one man - tail and penis penetration simultaneously; technically masturbation; mild bloodplay, mild primal play; begging; multiple orgasms; seriously judging myself at this point CNC - Somno; mild temperature play; implied being used as a human sex toy; no lube - but tail is naturally wet, so mostly no lube; no condom; overstim - receiving; creampie; mentions of very trusting sex)
(other tags: Plot heavy - in the first half, then it basically all erotica, everyone is annoyed with Solomon poor guy kinda?)
Word Count: +4,600 new longest fic for me?
When you heard that Diavolo was going on an overnight trip without Barbatos, you knew you had to go to the castle and get as much alone time as you could with your favorite butler. Considering that Diavolo was also being left in Lucifer’s very capable hands during the trip, you figured Barbatos wouldn’t be in the anxious state that typically overcame him when Lord Diavolo wasn’t under his close watch. So, when you turned up unannounced at the castle that morning only for Little D. no. 2 to answer the door, something seemed off. You tried not to worry, though. Barbatos was probably preoccupied with one of his many tasks.
“Well, if it isn’t Number 2, how are you doing today?” You smiled and patted his head.
“MC! I’m so happy to see you! Are you here to visit Mr. Barbatos? Ooh, I wonder if he’ll come out of his room for you. No one has seen him at all this morning, and when I knocked on his door to check for him, I heard this weird noise before he asked me to leave him alone. Can you believe that? Well, I thought maybe he wasn’t feeling good, so I brought him some tea – now, it wasn’t anywhere near as good as the tea he makes, but when I brought it, he told me that it wasn’t necessary. I left it at the door, but guess what? When I checked back, the tea was cold and untouched. I don’t know what to do, and I didn’t want to call anyone yet because that seems like something Mr. Barbatos would get mad at me for, but since you’re already here, maybe you could check on him and make sure he’s okay.” The monologue recounting this morning’s events spilled from Number 2’s mouth quickly and with no room for interruption.
Without much thought, you had followed Number 2 in the direction of Barbatos’s room – some attempt to physically follow along with his story as your brain processed the information. You let the words absorb into your mind, fishing for a relevant question. It was already past 10AM. Barbatos was always up and about by now. “Did he sound sick?”
“Can’t say. If not sick, he definitely sounded strange – like he was talking with his mouth half-full or something.” Number 2 hummed and tilted his head to the side. “Or, you know how when you bite your tongue or burn it on your soup because it smells too good not to eat it right away – even though Mr. Barbatos warned you to be careful and let it cool?”
“Sure.” You shook your head and stared down the hall. Barbatos’s room was just a few doors down.
“Anyway, I think something is wrong, so I’d really appreciate it if you could look out for Mr. Barbatos. If he really is sick, you’ll take care of him, right?”
“I’d be happy to.”
“Great.” Little D. no. 2 stopped in front of Barbatos’s door and turned around to face you. “I’ll leave it to you. I’m sure the rest of us can find a way to keep the castle running while you tend to Mr. Barbatos, so don’t worry about anything else!”
“Thank you, Number 2. You’re so reliable.” You could tell how worried and eager to help he was. Number 2 nodded and left you outside of Barbatos’s door. You stood there silently for a second, listening for any strange noises or coughs, before gently knocking. “Barbatos, it’s me. Can I come in?”
“MC?” Your name was quiet and muffled.
“Barbatos? I’m going to enter, alright?”
“Wait. I –” he started to protest in an unusually slurred speech, but it was too late. You had already opened the door.
Barbatos’s eyes seemed to glow in the dim light of his bedroom. He had backed himself against the nearest wall. His typically gloved hands were bare, revealing sharp, claw-like nails. One of those hands shot up over his mouth. You heard his tail thump against the wall a few times before he grabbed it with his free hand, stilling its aggravated motions.
“What’s wrong?” you asked him cautiously. He looked different – more demonic than usual.
“Solomon,” Barbatos responded with his hand still over his mouth, only exacerbating his strange enunciation. He was frozen in place.
Of course. You sighed and shut your eyes. What did he do this time? You closed the door behind you and took a few steps into the room. Barbatos eyed you with every move – even as you reached into your pocket to pull out your D.D.D.
“I’ll call him, okay?”
You waited for the phone to ring once before you put it on speaker. Solomon picked up in seconds. “MC, my adorable apprentice, what can I do for you?”
“What the fuck did you do to Barbatos?” you asked him aggressively.
“What do you mean?”
“Something’s wrong with him, and he said it’s your fault.” Technically, that was a bit of a jump considering the facts you had at hand, but it was a logical conclusion.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“Let’s see, slightly glowing eyes and the sudden appearance of claws to start. And – if you don’t mind me adding, Barbatos – his tail looks bigger than before.”
“His tail . . .is bigger?”
“Longer. Thicker. Girthier. Do you need more adjectives?”
“Just his tail?”
“For fucks sake. I didn’t strip him down and give him a full body exam.”
Solomon hummed. “Anything else?”
“He sounds weird – like he has a lisp.” You glanced over at Barbatos, whose cheeks had grown pinker since the beginning of the call. He dropped his hand slowly and opened his mouth, revealing sharp teeth and a long, forked tongue that looked like his tail. A shiver shot down your spine, and you let out a shaky breath before adding, “that’s new.”
“What’s new?” Solomon asked, unable to disguise his intrigue.
“Sharp teeth and a forked tongue.”
You heard a breezy laugh on the other end of the line. “So, good news: I figured out what happened. I accidentally swapped the magical tea blend I made for Barbatos with the one I made for Asmodeus. Oops.”
“Oops?” You sighed while Barbatos let out a low, guttural growl.
“Asmo asked me for a tea to enhance some of his more demonic features for a photoshoot. It seems Barbatos got Asmo’s tea, so Asmo – oh, speak of the devil. He’s calling.”
“Add him to our call.” You looked over at Barbatos, wishing you could apologize for Solomon’s behavior silently.
“What gives, Solomon? Your tea was a total flop. I tested it as soon as I got up this morning. I wanted to check out my enhanced demon features before the shoot tomorrow – maybe indulge in them a bit on my own. Nothing has happened. You promised quick results. I’m still my same, gorgeous self, and all your stupid potion did was give me the urge to organize all of my make-up and tidy half of my closet. I was really depending on you to come through for me here.” Asmo complained, clearly annoyed by Solomon’s failure.
“You basically made Adderall tea for Barbatos?” you asked, staring between Barbatos and your phone.
“Barbatos?” Asmo questioned. “Also, hey, MC~! Are you calling to yell at Solomon, too?”
“Pretty much, yeah.” You nodded.
“Can I speak?” Solomon added quickly, coming to his own defense since no one else was going to. “First, Barbatos asked for something to soothe him and enhance productivity so he could make good use of his day without Diavolo. Second, we had a little mix up, Asmo –”
“ – we?” you interrupted.
“Okay, I had a mix up. You have the blend I made for Barbatos. Barbatos took some of yours. MC is with him now.”
“Ooh. Enhanced demon form Barbatos sounds sexy. Does he look sexy, MC?” Asmo cooed.
“Focus, Asmo,” you responded, too embarrassed to admit the truth. Well, the truth other than that Solomon clearly sucked at making magical Adderall.
“Asmo. I have plenty of the magical blend I made for you left over. I’ll bring it by in a bit, alright? Will that resolve everything on your end?” Solomon’s voice sounded sweet, but there was a grave calmness to it.
“Then hang up and wait for me, please.” Asmo did as Solomon asked, leaving the sorcerer to clean up the rest of his mess. “As for you and Barbatos, MC, I’m afraid there isn’t much I can do to reverse the effects. Depending on how much he drank, it should wear off anywhere within a few minutes to a full day. Until then, I suggest you leave Barbatos alone. All of his demonic senses are heightened – that includes his urges. He may be dangerous to be around until the effects clear up.”
You looked at Barbatos. His glowing eyes were wide and damp, and his gaze hadn’t left you once during the entire call; even when you looked away, you could feel him staring. His knuckles were white from gripping his tail so tightly. He was even trembling slightly. “No. I’m sorry. I can’t do that. He looks miserable like this. I’m not leaving him. It’ll be fine, just trust me.”
“MC.” Solomon wanted to warn you against it again, but there was no use in arguing with you. “Be careful and call me if you need me.”
“Alright, and Solomon? Learn how to label your shit.” You said it sweetly, but he knew you were livid.
“Sorry! Don’t be mad.”
You hung up the phone and returned your attention to Barbatos. He backed away, pressing his shoulders flush against the wall, as you approached him. It was hard to believe that this was a more demonic version of Barbatos. He seemed so timid and scared. Slowly, you reached your hand out to smooth his hair down. His low growl echoed off the walls like there was thunder muffled inside his chest.
Barbatos gulped and opened his mouth to speak, showing you a glimpse of those magic-sharpened teeth and that tongue – now forked and dyed black and aqua. Overcome by a sudden shyness about his new state, Barbatos covered his mouth again to speak. His breath was unsteady, and his words were quiet. “You should go.”
“But you look miserable. Isn’t there something I can do to help?”
Barbatos dropped his hand, and his gaze followed, landing on the floor. “Help? Please don’t tempt me when I’m like this. I’ve been holding back since you walked into that door – since I first caught your scent from down the hall, if I’m honest.”
You inched closer, testing the waters – testing his control before you cupped his cheeks in your hands and searched his face. When you finally caught his gaze, you realized up-close how unusually terrified he was. You’d never seen him like this, and it only made you want to protect him more – to soothe the fear this spell had pulled from him. Barbatos bit his lip, and for a second you worried he might draw blood, but he didn’t.
“Please,” Barbatos begged with a shaky exhale. You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, hoping to ease his mind. “Don’t touch me any further. I’ll only want more. I won’t be able to stop myself.”
Greed. That was his innate sin. You knew that, and it had never been a concern – even when he lost control. There was always a spark of fear – worry on the lighter days – in his eyes when you caused his composure to faulter. It flashed like lightning. Sometimes, you had to wonder if you had seen anything at all or if your eyes – if his eyes – were playing tricks on you.
The love Barbatos offered was a love that said, “I would like to cherish you always. I will treat you sweetly, and if I must be rough, it will be thoughtful and restrained.” He had never pushed your limits – never even toed the line – unless you asked him to. Now, he was warning you that he did not know his own limits. A dark, selfish, possessive need in him threatened to take everything you would offer him and then some. Barbatos was pleading with you to turn him down, to not indulge him. This was your last chance, and you knew it. All his willpower, reduced into one last-ditch effort to dissuade your trust in him – a final, feeble, “please.”
When you brought your lips to his, it was over. Until that potion wore off, he could indulge his greed until he was sick and bursting with sin; until every ounce of it had spilled over into you, you had committed to take it.
Barbatos wasted no time deepening the kiss. His forked tongue slithered into your mouth, wet and oddly cool compared to the heat of his breath. It wasn’t unpleasant; in fact, you felt a slight shame in how erotic you found this strange new sensation. His tongue entwined with yours like it had never done before. Barbatos also found himself aroused by his new abilities – even more so when you moaned for him. Eager to explore further, Barbatos plunged his tongue deeper down your throat until you could barely breathe. You felt seconds – millimeters – away from gagging on him and pressed against his chest, trying to break the kiss.
Barbatos pulled away, allowing your lungs to recover, but the desperation on his face was worse than ever. Panting and ravenous, he spoke in half-growls: “More. I need more.”
His impatience displayed itself in the way he stripped you of your clothes – reckless with buttons and balling the fabric up tightly in his hands. All the restraint he had went towards refraining from tearing your clothes to shreds. He needed access to more of your body, and with every bit of skin he revealed, Barbatos licked, sucked, and bit part of your exposed flesh.
The feeling of his cool tongue gliding up your forearm made you shiver. Barbatos sank his sharp teeth into your shoulder, breaking the skin and sending a tingling pain through your body. He soothed it by running his soft tongue over the bite mark in slow circles before he licked a trail up your neck, paving a path for him to place hickeys along. Time was lost to you between Barbatos sucking your neck and pawing at your naked body. The sensation of his claws gently scraping along your lower back left you arching into him.
When Barbatos was satisfied with his assault on your neck, he dropped to your chest, marking you and teasing your nipples between the prongs of his tongue. For someone who claimed to be unable to control himself, he sure was taking his sweet time building up your pleasure. If he hadn’t dipped between your legs when he did, you might have found yourself reduced to begging for him.
Barbatos took in the sight of how aroused he had gotten you. His breathing was labored, causing his chest and shoulders to heave. He had waited long enough. You felt his tail wrap around your thigh and pull you closer until you were right in front of his face. His warm breath primed your body for that first, slow, tender lick. Followed by another. Then, one more before his tongue was swirling circles around you. He sucked and licked you ravenously, moaning repeatedly into your body. Barbatos’s moaning was peppered with the occasional growl – reminding you, lest the lust caused you to forget, that Barbatos was an untethered beast.
He clawed up your thighs in the same ravenous manner. Claws sank into the flesh of your ass and thighs, scratching you and pulling you back against him whenever you had squirmed too far away for his liking. You couldn’t escape the constant barrage of stimulation and pleasure. Barbatos refused to stop until he pulled an orgasm out of you. Even then, he overstimulated your sensitive skin with a few teasing licks, cleaning up some of the mess he had made of you. Your knees buckled, but Barbatos got to his feet and pulled you close to support you.
You had not even caught your breath nor come down from your high before Barbatos was kissing you again. He slipped his cum-stained tongue back down your throat, ensuring that you tasted yourself. A low growl rumbled deep in Barbatos’s chest that shook you to your core. The storm had not passed. You weren’t even in the eye of it yet.
As Barbatos continued to kiss you, the familiar sensation of his tail wrapping around your thigh caught your attention. This time, instead of pulling you close, he pulled your legs apart. Had he not been holding you tight, you would have stumbled with the sudden jolt. The silky tips of his forked-tendril-like tail teased between your legs in gentle alternating strokes, occasionally lingering to cup you for a few seconds before the pressure slipped away. Barbatos was building you up all over again. You gripped his shoulders, simultaneously trying to ground and support yourself.
Despite the cloud of lust disorienting him, Barbatos recognized the signs of your weakness and dragged you towards his bed. Even as he pulled you across the room, his tail refused to stop teasing you and preparing you for what was to come. Barbatos had no sooner finally stopped kissing you when your back hit his mattress with a soft thud. Staring up at him, you saw a distorted image of the demon you adored. Maybe it was the enhanced demonic features and those glowing green eyes, or maybe it was the look on his face that told you he was not quite the same Barbatos. His hunger for you had never been this strong – perhaps it would never be this primal and ferocious again. Repressing any fear or hesitation, you wanted to revel in his uninhibited lust.
Fortunately, Barbatos’s tail had a natural wetness to it that aided in the insertion. He lacked the clarity and patience to apply lube before the tips of his tail squirmed into your body. Barbatos delighted in the way your face contorted in pleasure – how you bit your lip to hold back a moan. The prongs of his tail felt cool and soft as they stretched you out, applying pressure to the most sensitive places inside of you. You writhed under him, but it wasn’t enough. He needed to touch you more.
Barbatos scratched his claws gently down your ribs and towards your navel. He fucked deeper into you with his tail and applied slight pressure to your pelvis with his palm, stretching his fingers out above your stomach. Those claws loomed threateningly above your skin while his tail pumped in and out of you. You thought his tail had looked bigger than before, but now you could feel just how much thicker he was. However, you only had a few seconds to dwell on the size before the threat of claws came to fruition and dug into your stomach. The outermost layer of skin split for him, and five distinct pink marks appeared on your stomach; he nearly drew blood. You whined at the pain, but the way your back arched and your muscles tightened told Barbatos that you were in more pleasure than pain.
A brief flash of normalcy came when you heard Barbatos chuckle and saw his lips tug into a wicked smile. “Are you cumming again?”
The noises you were making as another wave of intense pleasure overtook you were the only response Barbatos needed. He was kind enough to slow the movements of his tail as you tried to bring yourself down. It wasn’t fair. Barbatos was making you feel incredible. You were supposed to be the one taking care of him, but there you were, stripped and writhing on your back. All the while, Barbatos was still fully clothed – barring the lack of his standard gloves which had already been removed prior to your arrival. You wanted to make him feel good too.
You reached out for his pants, trying to undo them so you could at least touch him, but Barbatos took hold of your hands and stopped you. “Please, let me focus on you for a bit longer. Please?”
There was no sweetness in his begging – only desperation. It was less of a plea and more of a demand. Refusal seemed off the table, even if you chose it, but you couldn’t. You could hardly refuse Barbatos when he said “please” under normal circumstances – and even less so when he stared at you with such wanton desire.
Barbatos entwined his fingers with yours and held your hands while he watched you come apart on his tail. The way you rolled your hips to get him to press the spot that left your mouth agape was so cute. If he had been gifted with more patience and less greed, Barbatos would have relished in the sight of you fucking yourself on his tail and using him – especially in the exhausted, fucked-out state you were in. Did you realize how flushed you were? Could you feel how hot your skin had become? Were you aware that you had scarcely stopped whimpering and moaning for him in the last few minutes?
“You’re taking it so well,” Barbatos cooed. His affectionate gaze held your attention, even as he pulled another intense wave of pleasure from you. Something about the dim glow of his eyes captivated you. “You’re doing such a good job for me, but can you keep it up?”
Barbatos slid his tail half-way out of you as he dropped to his knees at the edge of the bed. He was trying to go back down on you, but with no opportunity to recover, you weren’t sure how much more you could take. You tugged his hair and stopped his lips and tongue from overstimulating you, earning a whine from him.
“Barbatos, I need you to fuck me now,” you demanded. You couldn’t take another round without at least making him cum once.
Barbatos savored that desperation in you – even if it was just a fraction of his own. He nuzzled your inner thigh playfully. “Just one more taste?”
“No.” You pulled his hair again and made him look at you. “I need it now.”
“Very well.” Barbatos pulled his tail out of you completely and got to his feet. For a second, the way he spoke was so calm that you believed the tea must have been wearing off. Those shining green eyes stayed fixed on your body as he removed his clothes, tossing them into a dark corner of the room. Perhaps the storm was showing signs of passing.
When Barbatos dropped his pants, you couldn’t keep your eyes off the bulge in his underwear and the damp stain, but he didn’t stay contained for long. He stripped fully, finally releasing his cock. He was so hard, and he dripped precum onto the floor. Your mouth watered. Well, if Solomon asked again, it wasn’t just Barbatos’s tail that was bigger than usual. However, you had already taken his tail; you could take this, too. You wanted it.
Your eyes glanced back up at Barbatos’s face as he aligned himself, rubbing his dick against your entrance. Those glowing eyes caught yours, stalling your breath. Even in the dim lighting, those eyes now seemed to be the darkest thing in the room. A low, satisfied growl escaped Barbatos – the last warning from a predator closing in on his prey. The storm was not over, you had merely found yourself in the eye of it for one brief, relenting moment.
He rocked his hips into you, relying on precum and the combined fluids from you and his tail to lubricate himself as he slowly pushed every inch he could get into you. You gasped. The sensation was so different from his tail – so much warmer, pulsating and throbbing inside of you. That initial slow thrust was for your benefit, but it was not intended to set his pace. Barbatos quickly picked up speed, transitioning into rapid, shallow thrusts that repeatedly rubbed against your walls. Still, he seemed to be focusing on maximizing your pleasure.
“I need more,” Barbatos warned you, but you were drowning in too much pleasure, moaning and panting beneath him, to register his warning.
Instead, you whimpered at the shock of Barbatos slipping his tail inside of you. The forked ends swirled around Barbatos’s cock as he continued fucking you, stimulating you both at the same time. It felt like thick, cool, squirming ridges around a hot, throbbing core. Not even an advanced toy could do this to you. But it wasn’t enough for him. Barbatos reached down between your legs to stimulate you further – somehow lucid enough to take care not to scratch you. His touch was light and gentle, contrasting his other insatiable actions, and making your head spin. It was all too much for you. You came again, tightening around Barbatos as you did. He kept fucking you through it.
A pleased moan escaped Barbatos, signaling that he was close. His hands slid up your body slowly, and then, without warning, he clawed down your sides and grabbed your hips. A stinging sensation immediately followed. He gripped your hips so firmly that his claws broke the skin as he forced himself so deep into you that it almost ached. Barbatos gave you a few more deep thrusts before he bottomed out and held you in place. He pumped his cum into the deepest parts of you, filling you up.
Barbatos lolled his head back with a sigh and a smirk. His chest heaved. It took you squirming against his pelvis for Barbatos to realize that he was still holding your hips up against him. He slid his cock out of you, released his tail’s grip around himself, and gently laid you back down.
You looked so blissful and exhausted, but Barbatos had just gotten started. Simply looking at your flushed face and heaving chest was making him hard again. He caressed your cheek; some of the blood he had drawn from clawing at your hips smeared onto your skin. Barbatos leaned down and licked up the mess. When your cheek was clean once more, Barbatos whispered into your ear, “I’m so sorry, lovely. I’m not done. Do I have your permission to keep going?”
His words floated around your hazy mind. You smiled at him affectionately with your eyes half-lidded and reached up to stroke his cheek. Exhaustion was overcoming you. “Yes. Take whatever you need until you feel better.”
“Even if you fall asleep?” Barbatos asked with some of the timidness from earlier.
“Even if I pass out. Even if it hurts. Even if I cry. Be as greedy as you have to be with me.” Maybe you were cum-drunk. Or maybe you just wanted to make Barbatos feel better. Either way, you resigned yourself to being used for the next few minutes or hours or days.
“Thank you, my love.” Barbatos kissed your cheek sweetly.
You watched the dim glow of his eyes dreamily, focusing on them until the rest of the room began to disappear. With your body spent, all you could do was whimper as you felt Barbatos enter you again. Even the pleasure began to dull as you let yourself slip further into the haze. His deep growls and panting were the last thing you heard as your mind fell silent.
Your last thought before a sweet dream swept over you was that, without a doubt, Barbatos would be a mix of grateful and apologetic when you woke up again.
In the morning, Barbatos would ensure you were hydrated, well-fed, and tended to. He would be an affectionate, doting butler for you. And then, someone would have a hefty price to pay.
A/N: I did not think this was going to end up so long, but please enjoy. I am worried I got a little too carried away here. . . but this was still the less deranged Barbatos monster kink idea. Anyway, requests are open and will be until the end of Nov. 5th. And I hope this one does something for some of you.
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If you get it you got banger taste in music 😘
Bonus: MC (after the hellfire newt syrup incident): "My heart, my hips, my body, my love. Trying to find a part of me that you didn't touch"
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loveydovey-leviathan · 5 months
can i request the Obey me brothers and/or the datables reaction to you being jealous ☺️
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mc gets jealous
obey me x gn!reader
🍉 from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸. this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and/or support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. | credit 🍉
a/n: the intro is so long in comparison to what i wrote for the characters lmao
cw: the gender of the person flirting with the characters is not mentioned. they don’t leave even after he’s told them to [belphie’s part]
The two of you have been spending less time together lately, your personal responsibilities keeping you apart longer than they usually would. But when you realised the both of you hadn’t gone on a date in weeks, you decided to surprise them with one at a popular cafe in the human world.
Once seated at a comfortable corner, you kiss them on the cheek and tell them you’ll be right back with your orders. The trip from the counter to your seats couldn’t have taken more than 4 minutes but when you walk back, there’s a stranger at your spot next to them. By their body language, it’s clear they’re trying to snatch up your obviously irritated significant other.
Maybe it’s because today was finally a free day for the two of you, combined with not seeing them as much as you would’ve liked– but when you finally arrived at your table, you set down your orders with a little more force than necessary.
With eyes as cold as a storm as you possessively inserted yourself by your lover’s side, you asked the stranger in your seat, “Do you need something from us?”
A smug little smirk makes its way to his handsome face when the stranger decides not to start anything and walks away.
And while a part of him doesn’t even want to wait until they’re out of earshot– the same part of him that wants to kiss you senseless in front of the many suitors you have– he refrains from doing anything too rash in public.
If he was in his demon form, his wings would ruffle from how you pridefully claimed him to be your lover in front of this “threat”. Not that anyone has the potential to be one when you’re all he ever thinks about in the late hours of the night.
When you sit down next to him once more, still obviously slightly angry after the ordeal, he gently holds your hand and presses it to his lips.
Just in case it wasn’t clear to anyone else in the cafe that the two of you are together.
“There’s no need to be jealous, my dear. I’m all yours.”
He gets a little flustered when you’re at his side but he soon gets over it and pulls you closer.
“In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m taken. Now, scram.”
Unlike Lucifer, he doesn’t even wait until the person leaves before he gets up to kiss you (on the cheek, he can only handle so much PDA).
“Took ya long enough! Seemed like you were takin’ forever.” “I was gone 5 minutes, Mams.” “Same thing.”
He’s sweet. And needy– but that’s why you love him. Another kiss on the cheek and it seems like he’s already forgotten what happened.
He hasn’t obviously. He’s going to daydream about this for the next 4 months every night before he goes to sleep because it proves you’re just as greedy for him as he is for you.
He’ll tease you about it, of course. “You must really love me if that got ya jealous.” He’ll stop if you ask him too but he’s still going to be giddy about it.
He’s so relieved once you’re here because he had no idea what to do. He doesn’t even realise that he’s leaning towards you.
It isn’t until the stranger leaves that he realises that he’s still extremely close to you while in a public cafe.
He instantly gets so embarrassed and wants to leave.
It doesn’t take you long to put the pieces together– so you take your orders to go and pull him outside the cafe and into a nearby park.
“S-Sorry… I know you really like that place.” Now he’s worried that you might hate him for getting embarrassed and potentially ruining the date for the two of you.
When you reassure him that it’s fine and that you can always go to some other place, he calms down enough and the situation completely dawns on him– you got jealous because you thought someone else wanted his affections (which he still isn’t completely sure of btw).
His face is flushed pink when he thinks about it. You love him enough to fight for him.
“What? Oh- uhm.. it’s nothing– just thinking about how cool you looked back in the cafe when you got jealous, hehe.” < is imagining scenarios in his head and totally planning on telling Henry 2.0 about this exciting development in your relationship.
He was about to commit a crime right before you came along.
Usually, he would be better at keeping his anger in check but this is your first date in a while and he’s not about to have some rando ruin it for the two of you.
“Leave.” is all he says to them with a glare sharper than Asmo’s heels.
He calms down as soon as he sees you seated next to him once more.
“They’re lucky you came when you did. The absolute nerve of some people–” he shuts up once you kiss him on the cheek.
While the two of you eat your food, he realises that your actions may have been caused by a spur of jealousy. He’s quick to tease you about it.
“Was somebody jealous? Well, now you know how I feel whenever one of my brothers take you away.”
He thinks you’re so cute when you’re jealous, but he refrains from teasing too much lest you lightly make fun of him when he’s green with envy.
Don’t get him wrong, he absolutely loves attention– but not at the expense of the two of you spending time together.
As soon as you’re next to him, he stands up and pulls you even closer than you already were.
“Ugh, MC~ where were you? I was so bored.”
He’s acting all whiny and needy, pressing his face into the crook of your neck and completely ignoring the other person.
It’s not long before they turn red in the face and storm out of the cafe.
“Finally, they’re gone,” he complains, checking underneath his nails like he was afraid some of their filth might have latched itself to him.
“You’re adorable when you’re jealous, have I told you that?” 
He’s so quick to tease, even though he’s 100x worse when he’s jealous.
Somehow, he’s even more clingy the rest of the date. He's holding your hand, kissing your cheek, pulling you close to him the entire time– his own way of telling you and everyone else that he’s yours and you’re his.
He’s pretty clueless as to what’s happening and what the stranger’s intentions are– but when you come along, his passive face instantly lights up with a smile.
He is so in love with you, that you’d have to be blind to not see the way he looks at you, like your presence alone makes his heart full.
The stranger realises that they didn’t have a chance from the beginning, and Beel doesn’t even notice them leaving.
He notices that you seem angry at something, so he gently takes your hand and seats you beside him again– handing the slightly ruined food to you.
“You look angry. You should eat, it’ll make you feel better.”
He was right, it did make you feel better. Along with him happily eating all the orders you got him.
He won’t bring up the stranger unless you bring it up, but if you do, he’ll just shrug.
“Them? I don’t know, they just came up to me and sat on our table. I don’t mind when people do that but they were interrupting our date. I didn’t want to get angry and make a scene.”
Belphie is spoiled. And he is tired.
When someone comes and sits on your seat, trying to flirt when the two of you came in together– he is instantly pissed off.
He wants nothing more than to “make” them leave, but he can’t (at least not in the way he wants to). So he just decides to be upfront instead.
“Do you mind? That seat is taken by my s/o– the one who walked in with me, in case I need to remind you.”
When they still don’t leave, he’s very seriously considering putting a curse on them.
But before he starts the incantation, you arrive in an equally bad mood.
Recognising that it’s two against one, they roll their eyes and leave, muttering something under their breath all the way.
“That was so tiring…” < (he spoke three sentences)
If you offer to go home, he refuses, saying that you both planned this already.
“I’ll try my best to stay awake but I can’t guarantee it. When we get back home, you owe me a nap.”
The sly little bitch managed to turn the whole thing in his favour.
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sulumuns-dootah · 6 months
WHB Kings meeting their Obey Me! counterparts
A/N: I try to not pit/compare these two games against each other, but as someone who was into Obey Me! (and still is) and found out about WHB thanks to it, i need to get this out of my system.
⟡ Masterlist ⟡
The scenario is that OM!Solomon messed up some spell and made Obey Me! and What in Hell is bad? universes interconnect and our demon kings get to meet their other version. (I only included those kings that we've already met in WHB - when we get Belphie and Asmo, I might make part 2)
Their meeting is the calmest and most civilised out of all of them.
They don't really talk outside of formal greeting and some polite small talk
Oh, but on the inside? OM!Lucifer is internally appalled by the amount of skin that's WHB!Lucifer showing
WHB!Lucifer is really wondering who this Diavolo guy is, since OM!Lucifer managed to mention him in their little small talk about ten times
OM!Lucifer excuses himself after some time to go make sure his brothers don't do anything stupid while meeting their counterpart
Oh no
This can go in two ways: OM!Mammon's ego gets absolutely crushed (there seems to be a pattern with WHB!Mammon) and just doesn't talk at all, just moping around while trying to look intimidating or he tries to get some treasures off WHB!Mammon since they're technically the same guy and he can definitely trust that he won't sell it to repay his debts
In the second case OM!Lucifer storms in and stops any of his attempts
That entertains WHB!Mammon though, and so he does give OM!Mammon some worthless (read: expensive, but not that rare) treasures
That lights up OM!Mammon's eyes and he doesn't shut up about it for the next century
Well this goes even worse than the Mammons meeting
OM!Leviathan tries to keep his composure, but fails
The envy is strong in this one and some Lovecraftian horrors might get summoned
OM!Leviathan now has more reasons to put himself down, good luck OM!MC with this one
WHB!Leviathan has a hard time believing that that's him from different universe. What went wrong?
But it does make him feel better. He was worried that this other Leviathan would look better than him and beat him at one of the things he's best at
If OM!Lucifer manages to calm OM!Leviathan, they might be able to bond over their use of bathtubs, but no promises
WHB!Beelzebub expected a lot, but not this
He's not horny? He just loves to eat food so much he even eats inedible objects like pillars of buildings?
Though, he does now wonder how that tastes
OM!Beelzebub tries to not judge WHB!Beelzebub just based on looks, but can't help himself to see how thin he is. Does he even eat at all?
Also, what are those gemstones and how would they taste?
The huge word 'FEED' on WHB!Beelzebub's coat reminds him that he hasn't eaten in a while
The moment WHB!Beelzebub mentions about his hobby in cooking, OM!Beelzebub is on board and on the way to the nearest kitchen
Interestingly enough, the aphrodisiac effects don't seem to be working on OM!Beelzebub, so he just enjoys the meal, but secretly wishes it was Barbatos' cooking instead
'What do you mean Lucifer is your father?'
These two have hard time accepting that they're technically the same demon.
WHB!Satan is disappointed. He expected someone more scary than horned chicken impersonator. What's that boa about? How do you fight angels in that?
OM!Satan tries to stay calm and not loose his temper when WHB!Satan teases his about his clothing. Somehow he manages.
WHB!Satan is surprisingly more talkative than with most demons. They're the same demon after all and therefore they face the same difficulties, no?
OM!Satan is glad to hear that his other self is favored by his people. The pain kink though? He could do without knowing that, really.
A bonus! ^^
OM!Barbatos is trying to stay as calm and professional as possible, but can't help but wonder what on earth is that noose for
When he finds out it's to show loyalty for his master, he gets calmer
When he finds out that it does actually gets used for hanging, he's back to slight panic mode
WHB!Barbatos doesn't like OM!Barbatos from the beginning. How does one absorb sunlight in so much clothes? No wonder he's so pale and seemingly tired all the time.
All these gloomy colors make him sad. It's almost like this other Barbatos sucked all the color out of the room.
OM!Barbatos is appaled to find out about WHB!Barbatos' interests, but feels intrigued. If the sun ever came up in Devildom, he would try sunbathing, albeit more modestly dressed.
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Obey Me request:
Totally stealing this from another blog but the bros’ reaction to drunk MC saying “I have a bf” (it’s them) when they’re trying to help?
My scenario my rules, and my rules say Dia gets them drunk at a party!
tw for alcohol useage?
He realizes it's time to head home once you poke your finger into Diavolo's chest, slurring your words, "well YOU make Luci work wayyyy too hard, he neeeeeever has time for ME! and I'm like, so cool!" And you blow a raspberry. Dia laughs. Lucifer is embarrassed.
He grabs you by the arm, gently tugging you away and apologizing to Lord Diavolo.
Purses his lips when you push him away, "um excusee me, I have a boyfriend thank you mr.handsy." You shake your head and walk back to Dia. "as I was sayin-" his hand is clamped over your mouth and he's tugging you a little harder, his grip still gentle.
Ends up having to carry you away, his cheeks slightly flushed.
He notices you're intoxicated when he sees you sitting on the steps outside Diavolo's party, talking to a lower level demon.
As he gets closer, he hears, "well MY mammon would probably eat you if you tried that" you cross your arms, a smug grin on your face. The demon cruckles, backing away slowly before turning and running.
Mammon chuckles, grabbing your hand to lead you home, a little proud of what you said.
"no thank you, i have a boyfriend and he will eat you," as you yank your hand away and head back inside.
Chases after you, trying to reason with you, but not wanting to upset you, "Treasure, come on! We gotta head home," until you put your hand in his face and say "I'm not going home with anyone but Mammoney!"
He lets you walk off for a minute before sighing, deciding to let you stay a little longer and keep a close eye on you.
He didn't even want to be here! But he's the Grand admiral of Hell's Navy so he kind of has to go.
You're chatting with one of the lower ranking commanders until he hears, "Leviathan is definitely the strongest brother out of alllll of 'em! He's like a giant fish!" His cheeks get hot immediately, you're embarrassing him in front of his officers!!
He goes to grab your hand, until you yank it away, "um no thank you, I have a boyfriend and he'd drown you for sure."
Now he's really embarrassed, but his uniform gives him a sense of confidence, enough so he grabs your hand and tugs you away.
First he notices you crying, rushing over quickly, "what's wrong my love?"
You scoff, tears still in your eyes, "I have a BOYFRIEND, thank you" you start to cry harder, tears falling rapidly, "and I-I miss himmm," falling to your side, he moves to hold you up.
"oh my, you're going to be quite the handful tonight!" he chuckles, smiling softly as you put your arms around him.
"Wh-Where did he go," you sob, he pats your back, "im right here my love!"
"Azzy!! Where have you been?" You wipe your tears and hug him harder.
He first notices when Asmo walks past him, giggling and letting him know that you're chatting up a storm. He was engrossed in his conversation until then.
You were chatting with a group of lower demons about your partners, "well my boyfriend is the avatar of wrath, so how cool is that!" you say, pointing towards nothing.
He quickly walks over to you, his arm snaking around your waist, until you roughly shove it off, "ew, I have a boyfriend! He'd like, literally tear you apart if you talked to me." You giggle and hiccup, turning back to your demon friends, "anyway he took me on this date a-" he takes your glass away, thankful that you follow him outside the venue to get it back.
He's oblivious until he sees you stumble. Then he realizes that you're absolutely hammered. He gulps down the rest of his plate, making his way over to you, where you seem to be walking to the restroom.
He puts his arm around your waist, trying to help you walk, until you shove him away and fall onto the floor, most of the room staring at you, "No way! I totally have a boyfriend! He'd like, absolutely eat you whole and stuff!" you cross your arms, making no effort to get up.
Beel is unphased, a light blush dusting his cheeks, grabbing your arm and pulling you up before guiding you to the bathroom, waiting outside until you'd finished up.
"It's time to go home MC," he tells you once you step out. "Beel! I missed you!" He catches you when you stumble into a hug.
He's walking over to you, the party almost over, while you chat with Beel. He makes a move to put his arm over your shoulder before you shove it off and lean into Beel.
"no thanks, My boyfriend will literallyyyyy haunt your dreams," You scoff at him, "isn't that right Beelze?" Looking down at you, "definitely MC, my brother is ruthless."
"I doubt you boyfriend would mind."
He chuckles, ignoring your protests as he grabs your hand and tugs you outside, eager to get home.
Definitely teases you about it for the next few months.
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dragongirlpoet · 24 days
Dark Signs
Part I
<Read Part II here>
Alucard x female reader
Synopsis: A flirty, playful night with Adrian takes a dark turn. (1.6k words)
TW: Dark fantasy, horror, blood, smut (explicit) 🔞
This is my first attempt at smut, and who better than my bby Alucard as MC. I hope you enjoy it!
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“…And there, in the dead of night, under a moon so maroon, the White Wolf prowled — ravenous. Sturdy were its footsteps, calculated were its gait. Ahead, still as a rosebud in a windless twilight, its prey lay splayed out — helpless. 
Something about its small intakes of breath, its unsuspecting demeanour, made it all the more enticing for the imposing predator. Ever so slowly, the White Wolf, eyes like the golden gleam of a rising dawn, emerged from the thicket, pressing forward, inching closer, closer, closer…”
Body hovering over mine, Alucard’s words were a rasp above my cheek. The antiquated tome he had been reading from now a forgotten humdrum between our bodies. As velvet lips collided into me, I melded into his being. He was a hypnotic wave crashing into shore, and I was but delicate driftwood being dragged underwater.
His kiss was insistent, impatient. I had no escape, no cavity of air to quell the lack of oxygen in my lungs. Still, I kept going, because he was the only breath I needed. My fingers clawed ruthlessly at his back — muscle and bone Herculean from years of battling night creatures and evil forces. Skin so utterly cold, yet I wanted — needed — more.  
His body was a frigid storm to my fervent summer. “You are glorious as the solstice sun, darling. With you I am forever warm, within you I live eternally,” the confession falling easy from his lips the day he had taught me how to hunt.
Faces lost in each other, bodies entwined and limbs tugging like our lives depended on it, Alucard let his hand roam under my nightdress, finally finding solace in the swell of my chest. I shifted slightly at the unusual chill. Was he ever this cold?
Over the months I had become accustomed to his half human intricacies. His unnerving stillness, his undeniable thirst for blood try as he might to hide it, his erratic need to stay up nights in a row roaming the castle “just to be sure…” 
I was no fool. Those witching hours almost always had him back in his childhood room — he would stare, as if entranced, at the spot he had staked his father. And I would see the grief in his eyes — the absolute contrition at his travesty, one he wished he could take back, but couldn’t. 
Alucard, the son of the great Dracula and benevolent Lisa Tepes, the almighty dhampir. A being so beautiful he could bring a kingdom to its knees, yet one so cruelly tormented by his past.
“Baby, eyes on me.” My eyes fluttered open, realising I was lost in the wrong moment. He crashed his lips into mine once again. 
As if in a bid to stop my obsessive thinking, he started to grab at my breast, kneading furiously, thumb toying with my nipple. I leaned in closer, but alas my human endurance had reached its limits and I pulled away for air. 
“I want to know what happened to the prey. I am most opposed to unfinished stories,” I tried to play coy in between ragged breaths. Nose to mine, he wore a smirk on his handsome face. He had a playful glint to his stare — contemplative, as if taunting me to continue with my officious fib. 
Alucard picked the tome up from my stomach, grazing his fingers ever so slightly over my abdomen. He trailed the book slowly down my navel, its cracked spine against my bare skin sent fireworks to my core. I watched with bated breath as the print finally landed where he wanted it — in between my legs. He dragged its spine down, then up again, repeating the motion, teasing, eyes never leaving mine. 
Satisfied with how wet my undergarment had become, he hushed, “I think it better if I showed you instead. Don’t you agree, princess?” 
“Do you like that?”
“Open your legs wider.”
I obeyed. Submitting to him was easy. Too easy.
“Let’s see just how wet you are for me, hmm?” 
Without warning, Alucard ripped my soaking cloth off my hips and plunged two fingers inside. I cried out at the shock and how good it felt, and as if by instinct grabbed his hands and guided them deeper into me. Alucard let out a stifled moan at my brazenness, his erection growing fast under his black britches.
He watched with eyes half-lidded, completely spellbound as I bounced into his hand, my breasts rising and falling with every thrust. Body and mind so turned on he reached urgently into his pants and started stroking his length. 
For a long moment we just sat there, eyes locked on each other, legs spread wide, our sex stimulated. And what a profane sight it must have been for our bed chamber was filled with nothing but wanton “fucks” and the squelching of his fingers coated in my lust. 
I fucked myself into his fingers harder, and reached desperately for his cock. With more force than necessary, he caught both my wrists with his free hand and pinned them to my stomach. “That’s for later,” he chided. 
Alucard was usually wary of his inhuman strength around me. But tonight, tonight he was carnal, rough, like an animal being let out of its cage. His knuckles went white with how much pressure he had put on my wrists, and I bit my lip knowing it was going to bruise. 
As if to edge me further, Alucard pulled his fingers out and gazed at them ever so intently, admiring the slather of fluid glistening like diamonds on his digits. If his etherealness hadn’t killed me, then perhaps what he did next would have driven me close to death. With deliberate calm, he brought his fingers into his mouth, swiping his tongue over my juices, savouring every single trickle.
My dhampir, hair like a divine cascade of golden waterfalls, on his knees, drinking my lust as if it were vital sustenance, yet all that he was was in direct contrast to his reverence — powerful, dominant and deadly. I marvelled at his masculine elegance — the way his pectorals tensed as he licked his fingers dry, how his faded sanguine scar stood distinct against his alabaster skin, the definition of muscles that ran down his pelvis…
I swallowed. 
“God, you taste so good. Only for me, yes?” 
“Yesss…” Being thoroughly educated and well-read, I was fairly ashamed it was all the vocabulary I could muster.
And it would seem that more crude words were soon to follow, as Alucard then dove in between my thighs and sent his tongue plunging — deep, depraved — into my clenching walls.  
“Fuuuck, Adrian!” 
Hearing his name sent him over the edge, and he started sucking hard — wet pillow lips against wet pillow flesh. I was heaven and hell collided, rising from it like the luminescent birth of a star. I ground my core into his face, hands grasping his woven-gold hair, willing him to dive further into me. 
Alucard groaned in pleasure against my clit. Powerful, cold hands gripped my thighs apart, and my sweet lover lay soft kisses to the insides, thumbs expertly caressing my sensitive folds. In all his vampire glory, he bared his fangs ever so slightly, sharp teeth just barely peeking through, grazing them over my clit and thighs, nibbling, never breaking skin. I was undone. 
“Adrian…Adrian please…”
“Please what?”
I was all heavy pants and delirious to give a coherent reply.
Head still positioned at the apex of my thighs, his eyes raked over his masterpiece — delicate features coated in sweat, nipples hard from stimulation and the soppy, pulsating cunt laid out like a feast inches from his mouth. What a mess he had made of me, and a mess he was most certainly proud of. 
From in between my legs, Adrian was a fallen angel from a paradise unknown. His eyes like gold afire were so wholly glazed over they looked like one with the smouldering flames nestled atop our chamber candles. 
Patience waning, he asked again. “Please…” humming the words into my clit…“what?” A loud moan escaped my lips. I arched my back in sheer pleasure, feeling the build up in my core.
He dragged his fangs against my thighs, eyes fixated on mine, drinking in my desire. 
“I want…I want…” my chest heaving so violently from how close I was to release.
“What do you want?” Adrian moved to whisper against my ear. This was too much. 
“I want…I want you to turn me.”
Alucard went very still, his pupils blown wide. Everything went very still. The flames lost its dance, the curtains absent of sway.
“What did you say?” His voice was still water with undercurrents of danger. 
His statuesque figure towered over me, pinning me under. 
“I said, I want you to turn me.” 
Alucard held my stare, and as I took them in, an unearthly shadow seemed to lurk beneath those incandescent irises. 
If my question threw him off guard, his unsettling stillness made it clear he wasn’t most fond of surprises. It took a long moment before he finally moved, his supernatural speed having him by the window in seconds. 
Frustration soon shrouded my orgasmic high. I forced my spent body off the reprieve of our mattress. He was going to answer me whether he liked it or not.
“Adrian! You cannot disregard my question any longer! I’ve wanted this from the first time you made love to me, don’t pretend it was never asked of you,” exasperation evident in my tone.
“Peril or not, I am not afraid. I…”
A sudden squall of wind extinguished the flickering flames. Our bed chamber was plunged into chasmic darkness, summoning a bitter chill that seeped through the wooden floors. There, still as a predator hunting prey, hovered the glowing golden orbs of Alucard's eyes, the blacks of his pupils far wider than I’d ever seen. 
Part II
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 8 months
Obey Me! Lucifer's reaction to: ..Catching Mc...
Other parts can be found here: they're being made please be patient<3
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Welcome! to this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
⚠︎ Caution: NSFW post! ⚠︎
Cw: table humping, female based anatomy, but I try and keep it gender neutral besides that!
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I don't really have a prompt like usual for this one, just read the content warnings and if this isn't your type of thing feel free to skip. Also this is long, so enjoy or whatever.
Lucifer's Reaction:
Lucifer was having an awful day, he had mountains of paper work to deal with, his brothers were being more chaotic and problem causing than usual, and now he couldn't find Mc in their room. Lucifer storms around the house searching for his little human. He looks almost everywhere, all the places Mc usually is, he even peeked his head into his brother's room to see if Mc was in one of their rooms! With a huff and a grumble Lucifer heads back towards his secret study, assuming that Mc was just out of HoL with somebody and that he'd have to handle his stress in a different way then he was planning to. Lucifer walks to his secret study planning to do paperwork while plotting how to punish Mc for not being home when he needed them to be, poor Mc, but when Lucifer gets close to the secret study he hears noises coming from inside. His eyebrows furrow, his stress levels are already high enough and now one of his idiotic brothers is causing chaos in his secret study?? Fuming due to annoyance and stress, Lucifer swings the door, bookshelf?, to his secret study open, assuming he'd catch one of his brothers in the act of destroying his study or stealing something from it.
...What Lucifer was not expecting was to catch Mc in the act of humping against his desk in the secret study. It's a pleasant surprise though, finding his human humping against his desk like a dog in heat. The way Mc looks is just marvelous to Lucifer, the perfect sight for his overly stressed mind. Mc's eyes are closed, unaware of Lucifer having caught them, their biting their lip, trying to quiet their pleasure filled moans that sound like music to Lucifer's ears. Lucifer's always believed that Mc's sounds of pleasure sound better than any cursed record he owns, especially after a stressful day. Swiftly Lucifer steps inside his secret study and shuts the door behind him with a loud thud to catch Mc's attention. Mc's eyes snap open at the sound, immediately looking towards the doorway, Mc's face flushes in embarrassment, they push themselves away from Lucifer's desk to try and save themselves from some humiliation, but it only adds more humiliation, as the wet spot on Lucifer's desk where Mc had been humping is more prominent and visible with Mc no longer standing there to hide it. Lucifer's eyes stay trained to the wet spot on his desk for a moment, his eyes then dart to Mc, but not to their face, no Lucifer takes his time enjoying the sight of Mc's lower region, how their panties are soaked, how there's some wettness on their thighs making them look messy. Lucifer enjoys the sight, taking it in and drinking it up like a fine bottle of Demonus, his human, an absolute disheveled mess, due to them pleasuring themselves on his desk? It was to good to be true, their embarrassed face, the way they avoided eye contact when he finally did try to look them in the eye, all of it made Lucifer's pants tighten, as his own body reacted eagerly to the sight. With a mischievous smirk, Lucifer begins to walk towards Mc, tutting once he's close enough to really see the mess they've made of themselves and on his desk. Mc looks like a deer in headlights, staring at Lucifer with wide eyes, frozen in place, waiting. Mc knew what they were doing, Lucifer knew that. Lucifer knew Mc's bratty antics better than they did, they were doing this hoping to catch his attention, and oh, his attention is exactly what they would be getting. Lucifer watches as Mc's body trembles in anticipation, anticipating the punishment, anticipating Lucifer's touch. Lucifer's smirk slowly turns sadistic as he comes up with a plan to properly give Mc his undivided attention. Lucifer walks past Mc, teasingly letting his hand lightly graze down their arm as he walks past, earning a needy whine from Mc, which causes Lucifer to smirk more. Lucifer sits down in his desk chair, looking at Mc with a smug little smirk as he motions for Mc to continue their previous actions. When Mc shyly shakes their head no, it earns a low chuckle from Lucifer. "What? You were humping my desk like a dog in heat a few minutes ago, you don't want to now that you have an audience?" Lucifer says, smiling smugly as Mc's face heats up more and they whimper in embarrassment. As Mc shyly shakes their head no again, Lucifer realizes he may need to be a little bit encouraging so he adds- "Come on my dear, you wanted my attention, now have it. If you're too shy, close your eyes and pretend I'm not here, just do it like you were doing it before I came in here", although Mc does feel shy and nervous, Lucifer's encouragement seems to do the job, as Mc slowly inches closer to his desk. Mc shyly begins to hump the corner of his desk again, while they nervously bit their lip and avoid eye contact, just like they had been previously doing. Lucifer knew that when Mc decided to do all of this they weren't expecting this sort of punishment, the fact that he was able to still have the "upper hand" even when giving Mc their way and giving them his attention. As Mc continues to shyly hump against the corner of Lucifer's desk, their movements soon begin to find rhythm. Once Mc's humping at a steady pace they begin to whimper and moan quietly, their eyes are still closed
and their head is thrown back a little, as their face slowly contorts in pleasure. "There you go my dear..just like you were doing before" Lucifer says gruffly while his eyes stay trained on Mc watching their actions like a hawk watching their prey. Mc whimpers in response but their eyes stay closed until they hear the familiar sound of a zipper being unzipped. Mc's eyes snap open, they are immediately greeted with the sight of Lucifer leaning back in his office chair watching them while stroking his erect cock. Lucifer's crimson red eyes bore into Mc's eyes as they make eye contact, Lucifer smirks smugly as he watches Mc's eyes drop down to look at him stroking his cock with his hand. Mc whines needily as they look at Lucifer's cock, the tip of his cock is red and leaking precum, showing how aroused by this he really is. Lucifer's hand pumps up and down the shaft of his cock at a steady fast pace, almost matching the speed of Mc's pace as Mc humping the corner of his desk at a fast pace while begging and whining pleads for Lucifer to do something other than just sitting there watching. Lucifer just shakes his head no, tutting in disapproval as he smiles sadistically at Mc. This was their punishment, no touching, just watching. At this point Lucifer was unsure who was being punished the most, as not touching Mc was like agony to him, but Lucifer would rather torture and punish himself as well as Mc, then hurt his ego by not going through with the punishment. The secret study is filled with the sounds of Mc's moans and occasionally Lucifer's groans. Don't let this man fill you he's fighting not being a moaning mess, he eats this stuff up. The fireplace in the secret study I actually don't know if there is one but pretend, has been on this entire time, that heat combined with the heat from their activities has left both Mc and Lucifer being sweaty messes. Lucifer's hair was disheveled due to how many times he's moved his head during this encounter, throwing his head back against his desk chair while groaning in pleasure, just to whip his head back into a position where he can watch Mc hump his desk. His hair sticks to his sweaty forehead making him look like a hot mess, a blessing of a sight that only some have been blessed to see. Lucifer soon finds rhythm in matching the pace of stroking his cock with the pace Mc humps the corner of his desk. As the two continue their actions Lucifer can feel his release approaching, he knows Mc's getting close as well as their humping gets more frantic yet sloppy and they begin to beg and plead again. Soon tears began to fall down Mc's pretty face, the sight caused Lucifer to groan loudly and pushed him closer to his impending release. Lucifer stands from his chair, still pumping his shaft with his hand, he gets behind Mc as they hump the corner of his desk, close but not close enough for their bodies to touch. Mc whines at the change of position, still humping Lucifer's desk, they turn their head staring at Lucifer as tears continue to stream down their face, Lucifer is in the perfect position to watch Mc as they come undone. Lucifer watches as Mc's legs begin to tremble, their back arches, pushing their body against Lucifer's desk more, their eyes roll back and they moan out loudly as they cum. Mc's hips continue to hump against Lucifer's desk as they ride out their orgasm, finally Mc's body falls limp onto Lucifer's desk as they catch their breath. Mc's orgasm makes their undergarments and the corner of Lucifer's desk all messy and wet. Watching Mc come undone sends Lucifer over the edge, he shoots his load all over Mc's rear end, covering their butt, panties and thighs with his seed. Lucifer's seed drips down Mc and onto the corner of his desk, mixing with Mc's mess leaving a bigger mess on his desk.
With Mc's consent Lucifer will take a quick picture with his D.D.D before he grabs some nearby tissues to clean Mc up. He cleans his desk up after, mans has priorities. After cleaning everything up Lucifer helps Mc off the corner of his desk, he picks them up and sits in his desk chair with them on his lap. He'll rub any sore spots for them as they both catch their breath, if Mc wants to have some more fun again before the end of the night he's down. If Mc doesn't then he's more than happy to just do aftercare things. Snacks, water, cuddles, praise the usual, he's got it down, Mc wants it he's doing it period. Watch the Avatar of Pride become a man servant for aftercare, after all he needs to be able to take pride in his aftercare skills.
Extra: do they hope to catch Mc doing it again? Lucifer would love to catch Mc doing it again, he enjoyed that punishment and just the experience in general. He ate that shit up but mans is too prideful to admit it.
Vivid memory? Would they masturbate to it? It depends on if you think Lucifer masturbates, but the memory would stick with this mans, even if he doesn't masturbate to it he'll remember it, like it happened were he's always working, this man is always remembering it, getting aroused at the memory and then punishing Mc, and poor Mc doesn't know what they did half the time.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! This was my first smut where I tried to be more descriptive and stuff so please be kind. I do have some other characters in mind for this but I don't plan to do all the characters so if you have a specific character you want feel free to ask for it in the comments or my request. I am still making the creepy demon ones, I just got distracted with this. Only one post today cause this is long and I've spent my last couple of days only working on this so my bad, but I hope you enjoyed! More contents coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby!
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Heya! How's ya doing?
Just wanted to drop in and ask if ya had any ideas or concepts or even fandom thoughts you have bouncing around. I personally don't really have much to come up with but that's what cause my brain is a bit slow right now and moving on auto-pilot so it takes a bit for me to think up stuff lol.
Just curious about any thoughts and concepts and such. Anything at all! (Au's, OC's, headcanons or just anything really)
I love this question! here is a few i like with a little description of each<3 I have three fandoms here, obey me, twst and Stardew
Obey me<3
Self aware normal - In this Au they know they are in a game and have managed to access your camera, actually managing to make contact with the pretty human behind the screen. They actually love talking with you and come with you everywhere thanks to your phone, sometimes you get a call and its just them so you can talk to them. They know your boundaries and know when to turn the camera and microphone off but if something happens or if they find something that excites them, they'll send you a message. Really sweet overall, they don't try to leave the game.
Self aware yandere - This is like the previous Au but instead of it being wholesome, its really sinister. They manage to escape the game and become 7 sentient beings on the internet, tracking your every move online and tracking your location in real life. They have a unhealthy obsession with you to the point they torment you at every turn if you try and get rid of them, they love you too much. They get rid of your friends by either pretending to be you and sending nasty messages to them, or they will make fake accounts to black mail them to make sure they wont try and contact you, They'll know when you talk to you irl.
Mermaid Au - Mc gets caught in a bad storm which causes their cruise ship to crash and sink, causing them to plumet into the cold water. Lucifer sees that your still alive and decides to save you by bringing you to the island close by their home. One the situation with belphie happens, the brothers warm up to you and make a large cove on the island your home, taking you on little adventures in the ocean while trying to keep you from leaving the island.
Werewolf Mc Au - While MC is visiting the human world, they get bitten by a werewolf, mistaking the guy for just a crazy homeless guy so they think nothing of it. After heading back to devildom that night, they start to shift during dinner time at the house of lamentation. The brothers freak out and try and found out what happened to you, all while they try and grab a panicked werewolf MC
Dimension hop Au - In this Au, Obey me is simply just a game until a bad electrical storm comes over your Neiborhood. You were playing Obey me when a large lightning bolt hit your house, and before you could drop your phone you were somehow transported inside the game. Your already past lesson 20 when you wake up in the house of lamentation, you apparently passed out on your birthday celebration when a birthday present shot you with something. (I dont know, im making this up as i go). You try and get back to your own world with the help of the others, including the royals and angels
Dimension hop Alt scenario Au- This is basically the same as the previous AU but instead of MC coming to obey me, obey me comes to them
Twisted wonderland<3
Dimension hop Au - While your playing Twisted wonderland on your ipad, you fall asleep during the middle of a chapter with autoplay on, your Ipad plugged into the wall for charging. During the night, a powerline falters after a tree falls down on it, the sparks causing a glitch on your Ipad that was still plugged into the wall. In the morning you felt something heavy on your chest, opening your eyes only to find the whole cast of twst in your house, teachers and all. They all knew who you were and were good friends with you, but they had zero clue about where they were
Dimension hop alt senario Au - Basically the same as the AU above but Yuu goes down to twisted wonderland instead
Body swap Au - Self explanatory
Overblot yuu Au - Yuu gets pushed to far, everything was to much. Yuu had to deal with all the overblots, they got hated on for not having any magic, they missed their home, they barley could afford to live, and Crowley was being a absolute fucker about money and their living conditions. One day Yuu just snapped, full on screaming at crowley as the black ink started to cover their body, only to come out as the worst of all of the overblots yet
Stardew Valley<3
Yandere Au - Instead of one of the bachelors/bachelorettes being yandere, its one big brawl for your affection. There is blackmail, blood, violence as all 12 bachelors/bachelorettes fight it out for you. Couples may form a truce and share you, some might just steal you for themselves, its up to you how things turn out
Cryptid farmer Au - You took the spot of the old farmers grandchild, it was the only way you were able to have a normal life. After making friends with all of the villagers and all the bachelors/bachelorettes, the fear of people finding out got higher and higher as more and more of the villagers want to speak and hang out with you. One night it got too much for you and your human form started to painfully slip away, panicking in your own home as the group of bachelors or bachelorettes come to see if your ok, only to walk in on you having multiple panicked eyes growing from your arms and neck.
Werewolf farmer Au - The residents of Stardew valley started hearing noises coming from the forest and the farmers place, sounds that were alot worse than the slimes living in the secret forest. Each villager got more and more suspicious of the farmer when they started to observe their behaviour, they always ran home quickly before the sun set, they refused to touch anything silver, and they always seemed to have different hair lengths. One night you were in the saloon for too long and forgot about the time, no one had ever seen you more panicked. One of them tried to hold your arm and calm you down but you swiped at them, not realizing your fingernails have grown to claws. You sprint back to the farm and collapse on the hard rock paths, shifting painfully into a werewolf as the town people followed you from the saloon, but you are conscious the entire time
This is not proof read lmao, things may be abit scuffed but please dont mind that
If any of you want to use this as insperation for a fic or some art, please @ me! I dont want credit because they have probably been done before, I would just love to see your creations<3
What should I do next?
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hyperfixat · 1 year
hello!! this is my first time requesting so lmk if im doing smth wrong ヾ(^-^)ノ
id like to request luke and mc playing "house" (basically where you pretend to roleplay as an ordinary family with roles like: wife/husband/child,etc) and upon hearing this, the obey me boys are wagging their tail practically begging to play as your husband (≡^∇^≡) would be hilarous if luke is just like "but... you'd be a terrible father *insert disgusted face here*"
tysm!! havea good day!!
haiii so somehow i didnt get this notification??? sorry its been a couple weeks???? but you asked just fine this is so cute and my tumblr also glitched and i lost my first draft so. it it what it is <3. (~350 words)
brother: can i be the husband!?! :D
luke: …
luke: no. 😐
luke plays as the husband i would like to reinforce that he is a child and this is a silly game that kids play 🙏
Lucifer would act like he doesn’t care, but pursues his lips when Luke eagerly asks for you to play as his spouse. He’ll make a little comment that, ‘shouldn’t Luke be the dog?’ 🤭
In the end he’s too busy to play such games.
Mammon would claim he deserves to be your husband, as your first man and all that. Gets into a genuine argument with the angel that is half his age. You have to pull him aside and tell him to just let Luke win.
Mammon grumbles and tells you that you owe him for this, and takes the role as one of your children.
Levi would stew in his envy, but resign to being the pet fish.
Satan would argue (just a little bit) that he should be your husband, but when he loses to the tiny angel, storms away, claiming he doesn’t have time for childish games.
(He really did get upset about it, but cools down when you let him know that you guys can play house together later on.)
Asmo would want to be your husband, but when told no, say that you deserve two husbands! Or you could have an affair with him! <3
Luke gasps and tells him to get lost, such treachery and infidelity is not allowed in your home! 😠
Beel would pout, and pretend he doesn’t mind not being your husband, and take the role as one of your children.
He understands that this is just a silly game and knows how happy it makes the little angel!
Belphie would be a bit upset, but put up minimal complaints, he finds out being a houseplant offers lots of time to sleep!
(bonus for my wife!) Thirteen gets her way of having you as a spouse by claiming you get to have one husband and one wife!
(Alternatively Luke straight up says that they aren’t allowed to play with you guys 🤭. Simeon will tell him off later for that.)
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part Twenty-Seven}
Genre: Mixed WC: ~3k CW: skin-picking/scratching, blood mention, heavy tension and anxiety, swearing, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, prolly lots of typos lol, spoilers for season 1&2, I'm skipping over/changing some things I didn't like in the main story so it will be a bit different from canon! Series Masterlist
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©️ artwork commissioned by @vivi8bit©️
Storm paced around the common room, panic rippling through her core. Thoughts of blame and the worst possible outcomes for Lucifer's condition raced through Storm's head incessantly, pointing the finger at her for neglecting to care for the eldest when he clearly needed it. Her steps were rapid, carving the same path in the floor with Malice nipping at the hem of her coat, trying to get her to relax. The skin of her arms was streaked pink from her long nails raking canyons into them in an attempt to sooth the thoughts that replayed endlessly on loop. However, the actions seemed to have little to no effect on the endless noise rumbling like thunder through her head.
After Lucifer had passed out, Solomon gathered the royals to assess the situation. Storm had helped Beel and Mammon carry Lucifer to his bed, casting some pain relieving spells to aid in the clear discomfort that was twisted onto the expression on his face. After the royals arrived, Diavolo demanded that everyone else remain in the common area until they ensured Lucifer's condition was stable, shutting him away in his bedroom from everyone else. Solomon was instructed to altert the angels and bring them to the House of Lamentation to aid in any healing that was required, and few words were spared to the rest of the group. The only thing other than firm instruction Diavolo had given them was a brief apology, followed by a promise to explain things later.
The others shared worried glances between each other as Storm nervously paced. Her clear panic was not aiding in reducing the anxiety each of them felt, and all held deep uncertainty as to what was to occur next. The wait was excruciating, even those who claimed Lucifer as their enemy. The longer the royals and Solomon took to assess Lucifer's condition, the more anxiety festered in the room. The air hung thick around them, and little could be said to ease the shared discomfort amongst everyone in attendance.
"He's gotta wake up...he's just gotta..." Mammon mumbled to himself. He bounced his leg rapidly, and smoothed over the hairs on the back of his neck to try to qualm his nerves.
"I've don't think I've ever seen anything like this happen to Lucifer before..." Levi chewed the inside of his cheek, shifting his glances between Storm, Mammon, and the door.
"No! Not ever!" Asmo whined, clutching Heart's hand as tight as he could to prevent more tears from spilling from his eyes. "Even during the celestial war. He was shot with so many arrows and took so many blows...But he was still standing afterwards. What if...what if he's super sick? Or maybe he's dying?!"
"Asmo, please...You have to calm down." Heart pleaded sadly, pulling the 5th born into a tight embrace. Asmo whimpered into their neck, flinging their arms around them tightly.
"I just don't know what we'll do without him..." Asmo muttered, nuzzling further into Heart's body.
Satan swallowed hard, trying to hide his fear behind the book he was reading- or rather, pretending to read. "...Come on, guys...This is Lucifer we're talking about...He...I'm sure he'll be okay."
Vivi glanced up from the other side of the room, furrowing her brow. She shifted her weight to her other foot, leaning back against the wall to try to feign indifference. Though, even her act was slipping. It was very unlike Satan to sound so worried and uncertain...especially when it had anything to do with the eldest brother. Seeing someone who seemed to despise him the most- even going so far as to try to mess with his life-essence- be concerned about him made their skin crawl.
Storm's clear concern also didn't help her to wash her hands of the worry, as they had become very bonded to her over the past month or two since her arrival. She wasn't sure when Lucifer had snaked his way into her emotions, but he was certainly there now, and Vivi had a feeling that part of it had to do with Storm's fondness of the eldest brother. She didn't like Lucifer- that much was true- but she felt care for him almost like one would with an annoying older sibling.
"Yeah...Lucifer's tough..." Beel commented, trying to lift the spirits of the room. The others glanced uneasily toward him before returning their eyes to anywhere else in the room.
"Sure, but he ain't invincible." Mammon retorted, continuing his restless movements.
Beel sighed, watching Storm's movements become more panicked with each passing second. He approached her, stretching his arms out in an attempt to hug her, and to calm her nerves. "Diavolo and Barbatos know what they're doing...He'll be alright."
Storm shook her head wildly, effortlessly dodging Beels hug. Her breathing was rapid, and she rapidly choked out the words that lay just beyond her tongue. Her stutter was even more obviously present than any of them had ever heard from her before:
"B-but wh-what if he's-he's-he's not?! He could d-die, or-or-or be in a coma! T-this is all my f-fault. He-He's been having all the-these headaches, they've o-only gotten wor-wor-worse. If I'd only...If I'd have...Gah! It's all my fault...I...I should have...M-made him rest...Or-or paid more att-attention to him...or s-something...B-but I didn't...and...and...and..." She paused, trying to take a deep breath to get the words spilling past her lips under control.
Beelzebub frowned, now completely uncertain of how to calm Storm down. He turned toward Belphie for help with what to say.
"He always gets headache's, Storm." Belphegor murmured, shrugging to try to play off Storm's fears. "Of course we didn't think much of it. "
"Plus he's always just grumpy and annoyed. This didn't really seem that much different." Sarah added. "How were you supposed to know any better?"
"B-but I knew bet-bet-better!" Storm shouted, the panic bursting from her eyes in tears. She finally stopped her pacing when Beel finally forced her into a tight hug, allowing her to cry into his chest. He squeezed her tightly, feeling the urge to cry himself at how guilty she seemed to feel for Lucifer's sudden illness.
"It's not your fault, Stormy." Beel whispered, placing a delicate kiss on her hairline. She merely shook her head, clearly not convinced she wasn't at fault for what had happened to him. He sighed, not understanding why she was taking responsibility for something that clearly had to have been just a weird happenstance.
"Beel's right." Fern shook their head, joining their hug. They felt their heart ache for how much responsibility Storm was putting on herself. It wasn't like they completely didn't understand, but it was hard for them to conceptualize why Lucifer meant so much to her. "None of this is your fault. Maybe...it was the reaper who did this?"
"Do...Do you really think they'd be able to do that..?" Levi stammered, biting the inside of his cheek to the point where it began to bleed. "I guess we did bust into the cave...but Lucifer didn't break any of the rules!"
Before anyone could offer their input, a portal opened on the other side of the room. Through it stumbled Simeon, followed by Luke falling flat on his face. Shortly after, a poised and proper Solomon stepped through and whisked the portal away.
"Careful, Luke." Simeon smiled, helping the small angel upright.
"I'm fine!" Luke grumbled, shaking off Simeon's caring hands.
"Any updates on Lucifer's condition?" Solomon asked pointedly, glancing amongst the worried faces in the room. His gaze paused on Storm's forlorn expression, and he felt his heart twist in pity. Clearly she wasn't handling this well.
After finally tearing his eyes off of her, he looked expectantly to the rest of the room. a few of the brothers shook their heads dejectedly. Solomon sighed, muttering curses under his breath. He gestured to the angels, directing their gazes away from Storm as well. "both of you, follow me." Within seconds, Solomon, Simeon, and Luke quickly through the doors of the common room, leaving the others alone with the thick tension in the air.
Minutes turned into hours as the others sat in waiting, each trying to take their mind off of the happenings with petty distractions. Asmo attempted to twist some braids into Storm's hair, but her constant rocking, tremors, and fidgeting made the braid hard to do. Vivi and Satan took multiple walks around the courtyard, trying to coax some of the cats inside. Belphie and Fern attempted to nap, while Sarah tried getting them to all watch funny Fabsnap videos with her. Heart and Mammon tried scrolling through Devilgram, but only ended up dissociating after absorbing a few posts.
After what felt like at least 2 hours, The doors to the common room slowly creaked open. Storm and Mammon immediately leaped to their feet, eyes wide with concern. The others snapped their attention up as Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon re-entered the common room. Each wore an intense frown, and the news they would be bringing to the group did not look promising.
"Is...Is Lucifer okay?" Mammon asked nervously, looking between their faces for some hopeful answer.
"He's resting." Barbatos nodded, glancing to Diavolo. He gestured with his eyes for him to speak, but the Demon lord said nothing.
"He appears as if he's going to be okay...but..." Simeon sighed, "there's no way to tell for certain. Luke is keeping watch over him now."
Diavolo squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before addressing the entire room. "I deeply apologize- to all of you. This is all my fault."
Furrowed brows and muttered confusion erupted from everyone in the room.
"What do you mean? How is it your fault?" Belphie asked pointedly. He was uncertain of the meaning behind Diavolo's tone. Either he was just blaming himself, like Storm was, or he actually held some responsibility for their brother's current state.
Diavolo let out a long sigh before turning his attention to Storm. "I should have told you all about this sooner. Perhaps then we could have figured out a solution before-"
"Told us what?" Vivi narrowed her eyes, stepping protectively in Storm's direction. "What are you hiding?!"
"What's going on?" Asmo added, anger shaking behind his voice.
Diavolo pulled up a spare dining chair, raking a hand through his auburn hair. He was quite for a few minutes, seemingly thinking over what he was going to say. "Recently... strange phenomena have been taking place here in the Devildom....Very rare phenomena...or rather, not so much 'rare' as 'unprecedented.'"
"Can you rephrase that in English?" Fern groaned. "I have no idea what the hell you're trying to say, dude!"
Barbatos' eye twitched in annoyance at the disrespectful tone used by Fern, but still answered their question. "Bizarre occurrences, such as the collapsing of the royal tomb, an enormous hole opening in the forest, and more began shortly after Storm left initially, right before we began the second round of the exchange program."
"Even before any of that happened, I could tell something just...wasn't right." Diavolo added, shaking his head. "I sensed something exerting a very powerful influence on this world, you see. Something more powerful than even myself or Lucifer."
Everyone glanced at each other. Each felt a wave of fear wash over them, but still were uncertain as to what the royals were getting at.
"So...someone or something is attacking the Devildom?" Sarah guessed, awaiting someone to confirm her suspicion.
"That sounds like the plot of a game. You really think something could be strong enough to do that?" Levi picked at his cuticles, trying to get a read on Diavolo's expression.
"Or stupid enough." Vivi added, rolling her eyes.
"So Solomon came back to help out with...all this...'n dragged Storm along with him?" Mammon shook his head in annoyance. "What gives, Solomon? Since when d'ya care so much about the Devildom? 'N why d'ya have the nerve to put Storm in danger if ya knew this thing was happenin'?"
"Yeah, you have to have some other reason for coming back..." Belphie glared at him suspiciously.
"You may not realize it, Mammon, but I've grown quite attached to the Devildom, just as Storm has." Solomon glanced to Storm, but quickly averted his eyes with a sigh. "Though, Belphegor is right. I do have another reason for being involved in this, and for involving Storm."
"It wasn't just the Devildom experiencing weird events." Simeon stated. "The celestial realm has been amidst the worst drought in their entire existence, and the human world began experiencing very extreme earthly disasters recently."
"Ancient forests withering, clusters of earthquakes, volcanoes that have been dormant for thousands of years erupting beneath the ocean..." Solomon shook his head with an intense frown. "In every case, these events happened in places related to the Devildom and Celestial realm in some way."
"So...that was why Michael was away when I came to visit you?" Storm swallowed hard as Simeon nodded sadly.
"Michael, Solomon, Barbatos, and myself all felt the same sensation." Diavolo noted, glancing to Storm. All eyes followed Diavolo's path, and there was a moment of silence as the room began developing more confusion on why the small, frail redhead was the center of attention now.
"Okay but what does this have to do with Storm?" Fern gave an exaggerated gesture in confusion. "Like, why get her involved in this mess? What can she do about it??"
"Well...Solomon had a certain...hypothesis about what may be going on." Diavolo paused, glancing away from Storm's direction. "He brought Storm here to verify whether it was correct."
"huh?" Storm blinked, her heart sinking in her chest. She glanced to Solomon, who gave a weak smile in response. "I thought...I thought you brought me back here because everyone wanted to see me..."
"Well, that assertion wasn't necessarily wrong..." Solomon tried to give a teasing laugh, but was met with more tears of hurt threatening to spill from Storm's eyes. His weak smile dropped, and he rubbed his neck nervously. "...but couldn't just outright tell you what was happening. I needed to prove it first. And...well...At first it was just a theory, but-"
"And what was that?" Vivi stood, their eyes narrowing. They crossed their arms over their chest and quickly paced to Storm's side.
Satan mimicked their movements, following close on their heels. "Are you suggesting that Storm is somehow causing all of this to happen? That's absurd!"
"Well...I..." Diavolo sighed again, closing his eyes. The others stared at him expectantly, all eyes widening when he eventually nodded. "...Yes. I'll come right out and say that we believe Storm is the cause behind all of these odd occurrences."
The room fell silent, spare for a few gasps and muttered "what the fuck"s. For a moment, the others waited for Diavolo to say he was kidding, but when he merely stared at Storm, the room began to grow tense once more. Storm's hands shook violently in her lap as she tried to control her breaths. Malice was already practically on top of her, and whined incessantly about not being able to provide his human comfort.
"What are you...What are you talking about?" Beel swallowed, wrapping an arm around Storm and pulling her into his side. "How could she be responsible for any of that?!"
"Yeah, that's batshit crazy!" Fern shook their head, anger building in their chest. "Look at her, dammit! She wouldn't even hurt a fly!"
"There's just no way!" Sarah added, shaking her head wildly.
"Well, that's what we thought at first too." Solomon shrugged with a deep breath. "But the longer we've been here, the more certain I've become."
"I...I don't..." Storm shook her head, refusing to look at anyone else. Instead, her gaze was transfixed on a tile on the floor between where Solomon and Diavolo stood. "I don't un-un-understand..."
Simeon frowned, approaching her and kneeling at her side. He rubbed her shoulder gently.
"I know it's hard to comprehend all at once, Storm..." Diavolo shook his head. "But-"
Before anything more could be said, the common room doors slammed open. Everyone jumped, jerking their attention to the small angel who stood between the huge double doors. Luke was completely out of breath as he wheezed out the words: "Everyone, come quick! Lucifer's awake!"
It took a moment for everyone to process Luke's words. The first one to move was Storm, who quickly wiggled out from Beel and Malice's hold and threw herself toward the doors. She stumbled up the stairs, running as fast as her body would carry her. Her heart pounded in her chest as the adrenaline carried her through the winding hall, the others calling for her to slow down not far behind.
She slid to a stop on the rug in the hall after reaching Lucifer's room, falling over in the process. Hoisting herself up with the door frame, she pulled herself into the room, locking gazes with a very doe-eyed Lucifer. She breathed heavily, but couldn't find the words to say to him. They merely stared at each other. Though...something didn't quite feel right about the expression on Lucifer's face. It was as if he was taking in her form for the first time, seemingly absorbing every one of her features in awe.
"Lucifer!" Diavolo boomed, bursting into the room shortly after Storm. Lucifer turned his gaze to Diavolo, and then the others as they piled into the room and began talking loudly. The same doe-eyed expression passed over each of the individuals as they began talking up a storm.
"He-he's really awake!" Beel sighed in relief. "Thank goodness he's awake!"
"Lucifer!! Oh, Luciferrrrr!" Asmo shrieked, almost tackling him in a hug. Lucifer scowled, pushing Asmo off harshly. "I'm so glad you're not dead!"
"pft, I knew he'd be fine." Mammon let out a nervous laugh, walking up to Lucifer and slapping him hard on the back, earning a confused glare from the eldest brother. "He prolly just needed a nap! No biggie. Y'all lost your heads over nothin'!"
"We lost our heads?" Heart raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, you were more freaked out than anyone. Except maybe Storm." Levi scoffed.
"W-whaat?! I dunno what you're talkin' about! You must be thinkin' of a different Mammon..." Mammon shrugged and crossed his arms, causing Vivi, Fern, Sarah, and Heart to roll their eyes at once.
"If there was more than one of you, there'd be no money left in the Devildom by now." Satan commented sarcastically.
"Wh-whoa...I dunno what to say, Satan. Like...next time warn me before given out compliments like that! You're embarrassin' me here!" Mammon smirked.
"Uh. Mammon..." Heart pinched the bridge of their nose. "That wasn't a compliment."
Lucifer continued looking amongst the group as they squawked back and forth until his eyes eventually fell back onto Storm. He continued to stare at her, but his expression seemed to soften slightly when he met her eyes. She cautiously approached him, anxiety filling her stomach once more as he continued staring at her quietly.
"Um...are you okay..?" she asked sheepishly, gently pushing messy strands of hair out of his face. "We...we were worried about you, you know..?"
Lucifer blinked, cocking his head to the side slightly.
"Uh...Guys..." Belphie punched Mammon in the arm to get him to be quiet. "Is it just me...or does Lucifer seem kind of...off?"
"Hey, say somethin' ya wiener!" Fern screeched causing Lucifer to jerk back. His expression to change into full blown confusion. Everyone stared at him expectantly, an anxious energy beginning to fill the gaps in space in the room.
Storm swallowed hard, cupping his cheek. "Lu-Lucifer?"
He snapped his attention to her, blinking twice. He parted his lips slightly, before shaking his head and closing his mouth again. Her hands began trembling violently once more, the soft patting of her palm against his face causing Lucifer to push her hand away in annoyance.
"Who are you people, and why are you all staring at me?"
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janahanooo · 11 months
It's been a while since I posted anything Obey Me! related, so here, have this. (And so sorry again, for not being active lately)
Lucifer: finnaly, some peace and quiet.
Lucifer: it's too quiet. *storms out of his study*
Mc: would you look at that! Someone decided to come out of their room!
Lucifer: very funny Mc, very.
Mc: yeah I know, anyways, if you think there is trouble and or we destroyed something, we didn't.
Lucifer: then why is the whole house quiet?
Mc: see for yourself, they are in the livingroom.
Lucifer: what the-
Brothers: *all watching human cartoons and didn't see Lucifer comming in*
Mc: see? I told you everything is fine, I put on some cartoons and they are like little toddlers.
Mc: watch this.
Mc: alrighty guys! Would any of you like to munch on some dry apples and some juice?
Bros: *they all turn to Mc* ME!
Lucifer: how in Devildom is this possible???
Mc: I have no idea, but they are not doing trouble and I can have some rest.
Lucifer: you are a genius.
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binibininghermosa · 1 year
Giving him the love he deserves (Sanji x Reader) Part 3
Note: Reader is still Mc (Main Character), but I made it sound like it's a name! I'm still too lazy to think of a real name. Forgive me!
The prompt for the story is: "The reader gets sucked into One Piece after wishing that someone would love Sanji like he is supposed to be loved, as nobody has given him a chance. She would love to give him that chance if only she could. One time, she was in her room, falling asleep while recording her voice for a cover request sent to her. When she woke up, she found herself in a boat floating, wearing pieces of jewelry fit for nobility. Her neck, ears, and bracelets were all glittering in the darkness." P.S. I know this is Sanji fic but I'll use any excuse to use the GIF to say it's his scene! Part 3 under the cut. Part 1, Part 2 here
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In the midst of the chaos, "Zoro," Nami's voice, usually sharp and commanding, was laced with genuine concern as she watched her comrade face the looming threat. "Zoro, don't do anything reckless!" Usopp added, his wide eyes reflecting the worry shared by the entire crew.
Luffy, their fearless captain, clenched his fists, his determination evident in the hard set of his jaw. "Zoro's got this, guys. He's strong!"
Amidst the tension, Mc, their calm and composed beacon, swiftly organized supplies with a precision that belied the chaos around them. Her hands moved swiftly, efficiently gathering bandages, antiseptics, and herbs, her eyes focused and determined. Zeff, their stern mentor, grappled with the puzzle. “Lass, you know this was about to happen,” he stated, not a question but a fact.
Tearfully, she explained, “He won’t listen even if I tell him. Right now, I am no one in the crew. Why would he listen to me if he won’t even listen to them?”
Zeff, begrudgingly accepting her words, said, “Sanji, give me a tequila and a yellowfin.”
“I understand the tequila, but Yellowfin?” an unusual request that left him questioning the old man's sanity. A yellowfin for someone so gravely wounded seemed absurd.
Mc managed to smile weakly at Sanji, her touch gentle on his cheek, her eyes reflecting the depth of their bond. She whispered, “Obey your dad for once,” bridging the gap between them and transforming their rough love into a father-son dynamic that Sanji had never imagined possible.
In the midst of the tension, Sanji nodded, his usual confidence wavering for a moment before he steeled himself. “He could have explained,” he mumbled but followed, determination burning in his eyes as he rushed towards the kitchen. —
When they arrived, Zoro was sprawled out on the table, blood staining his clothes and the floor beneath him. Zeff, with the precision that came from years of experience, meticulously prepared the yellowfin fish. With delicate hands, he skinned the fish and placed it against the newly stitched wound on Zoro's chest, explaining it was a sailorman’s trick, an old remedy passed down through generations.
“Old man,” Sanji marveled, his admiration for the old chef's wisdom evident in his eyes.
"It's an old trick I learned. Sometimes, the simplest remedies work wonders," Zeff replied, his hands steady despite the urgency of the situation.
After they moved Zoro to Nami's room, Nami began reading to Zoro's unconscious form, her voice a soothing melody. Her presence brought a sense of calm to the room, a brief respite from the storm of emotions that raged outside.
Outside the room, Luffy, diligently cleaned Zoro’s sword, his face set in determination. He was focused, his every movement purposeful, as if he could will his friend back to health through sheer determination alone. Mc and Sanji tried giving Luffy food, but just this once, Luffy declined. That boy never said no to food. Luffy still had that smile on his face.
Mc, Usopp, and Sanji gathered around the kitchen island, Sanji’s hands working swiftly and efficiently to prepare the yellowfin that had been skinned earlier. Mc roped Usopp in to mold some rice balls, her childlike enthusiasm managing to distract the sniper. The room was filled with the aroma of fresh ingredients, a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air.
Inside the room, tension thickened when Nami walked out, unshed tears in her eyes. The air was heavy with their collective worry and fear. Nami, her eyes filled with frustration and despair, cast blame upon Luffy for not preventing Zoro's challenge to Mihawk. Luffy's unwavering commitment to not shattering anyone’s dreams fueled the fire in Nami’s eyes. She gritted her teeth, expressing her belief that life was worth more than risking it all for a dream, her frustration evident in every word she uttered. In a huff, she stormed out of the room, leaving an atmosphere charged with emotions behind her.
Feeling Mc stiffen beside him, Sanji was aware of the burden she carried. He pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her protectively. He felt her tense muscles relax against him, her head finding solace against his chest. In that moment, he understood the weight of her knowledge from the future and the pain it brought her. The crew they had just joined was falling apart, and he couldn't bear to see Mc suffer because she couldn’t do anything about it. His grip tightened around her, silently promising to be her anchor amidst the storm, to share her burden, and face the challenges ahead together.
"No matter what happens, I'll stand by your side; I would never desert you,” he whispered, his voice a soft reassurance in the midst of uncertainty. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude and love, and for a moment, the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of them. —
Then a shocking revelation struck – Nami had been colluding with Arlong all along, betraying the crew's trust by handing over the map of the Grand Line.
Burdened by her knowledge of the future, Mc wrestled with the decision to withhold this information. Sensing her inner conflict, Sanji gently pulled her aside, his eyes searching hers for answers.
"Did Nami betray us?" His voice was low, filled with concern.
Mc looked into Sanji’s eyes, her gaze reflecting the pain she felt.
“Of course, she wouldn’t,” Luffy said, his voice surprisingly calm after overhearing their conversation "You-", Sanji's eyes widened in shock. "The future huh?"Luffy smiled at Mc, now comprehending the weight of Mc's burden, her knowledge from her world guiding their path, he stood rooted to the spot. His usually carefree demeanor turned serious as he realized the gravity of the situation. His voice cut through the tension of the room. "We need to save her," he declared, his tone unwavering, filled with determination and hope. "We will?" Usopp is half hesitant remembering the fishmen. Luffy clenched his fists, his resolve firm. “Of course! We're a crew. We never leave anyone behind! Let's go kick Arlong's butt and bring Nami back!"
Zoro, the swordsman with a stern expression, nodded in agreement, "Arlong won't know what hit him when we're done."
Eyes immediately went to Zoro, who was standing like nothing had happened.
"Nami would jump out of joy if she sees you awake!" Usopp said, his eyes bright with admiration for Zoro's strength.
“That’ll be a sight to see,” Zoro snorted knowing Nami.
Mc, her eyes filled with gratitude and determination, stepped forward. "You let us take care of this. Fight, but make sure you don't make those stitches worse. Unless you want to die on us.”
“Like something like that will kill me,” Zoro snorted but looked at their new crew member fondly. She, after all, supplied his alcohol during their stay. “You can fight too, eh?” Zoro smirked at Mc. She always had been away from the fights they encountered.
Usopp, his eyes gleaming with a mix of fear and excitement, chimed in, "We'll show Arlong that the Straw Hat crew doesn't back down from a fight! Prepare yourselves, because we're coming for you, Arlong!"
Clearly hearing Usopp's hesitance earlier, “You’ll scare them away, huh, great captain Usopp?” Zoro grinned.
Sanji tightened his grip on Mc's hand, his usual suave demeanor replaced by fierce determination.
══════════════════ Thanks for stopping by! The last part of the series is on its way, followed by lots of fun/fluffy headcanons. I can't help but giggle—I have tons of them! I'm a big fan of the established relationship trope and the crew's interactions.
Series here: Part 1, Part 2 here, Part 4-Ending Masterlist here!
Get ready for more Future Fluffs aboard the Thousand Sunny, featuring Mc and Sanji being their adorable married selves, along with the Straw Hats getting in on the fun!
Breakfast in Sunny
Caught in Again Part 1,  Part 2(coming up)
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strange-pass · 7 months
Being alone with you
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Pairing: Barbatos x GN!reader
synopsis: MC is having a hard time, and the brothers constantly needing their help was draining. They have a hard time expressing their feelings and just needed to be alone for a while. Maybe visiting Barbatos could take off some edge, since he doesn’t put pressure on MC
A/N: This is my first post on this account, I rarely see any barbatos content so I thought I would write something! It isn’t long but I hope you enjoy it. If anyone feels the need, give me a request for any obey me characters! I only do fluff and some angst at the moment. If you’re interested, I’ll make a post about requests. Have a nice day!
Requesting here
Genre: Fluff, no warnings!
Word count: 950+
Today was an upsetting day, you just want to be alone for a few hours. You loved the brothers, the angels, and Solomon, but it was one of those days where they needed you for something or other. With everyone texting you, it was a bit overwhelming to say the least. So this prompted you to go to a place where you didn’t feel like you were needed constantly, even if it was just for a bit of time. The Demon Lords castle. It was a grand place, those empty and spacious halls were weirdly comforting. The quietness was alluring, but you were more interested in seeing Barbatos more than anything.
Before going in, you had to make sure that nothing important was happening, you didn’t want to be a burden.
MC “Barbatos, I was wondering if I could visit you for a little while.”
Barbatos “Of course, a visit from you would be greatly appreciated.”
Barbatos “I will be there to greet your presence.”
Seeing him accept your visit with open arms made you feel warm inside, you hope that he didn’t mind that the visit was for selfish reasons. Approaching the Demon Lords castle, you see Barbatos at a distance, waiting to walk you inside.
“Thank you for letting me visit on such short notice”
“Certainly, it’s no trouble.”
He escorts you inside and sits you down on a couch that sinks in as soon as you sit on it.
“Would you like some tea? I also have small cakes if they fit what you are looking for.”
You quietly tell him what you want, and as he’s preparing to sit down, you hear your D.D.D. buzz. When you glance at it, you see one of the brothers calling, most likely asking where you are. All you do is sigh, and choose to not answer it. You understand that they need you, but seeing that it’s not an emergency, you take advantage of it.
“My, MC, is there something that’s troubling you?”
You’re a bit caught off guard at this comment, you didn’t realize that you were showing your emotions on your sleeve.
“Oh.. it’s nothing much I promise, I just wanted to be alone today. It’s been a tough day, so I thought I would come here for some time away because it’s just a bit too much to handle at the moment.”
You fiddle around and look down, as long as you didn’t look at him. When you came here, you weren’t looking to tell him why you came. Even if it wasn’t specific details, talking about how you feel was not a specialty, you didn’t want him to drop everything just to comfort you.
“I see, if you are planning to hide from everyone, I advise that you let them know you are here. You understand how they act, they will end up tearing up the entirety of the Devildom if they suspected there was foul play.”
Hearing his soft voice gave you some peace. After pondering for a moment, you decided to shoot a text in the group chat reading “Hey I’m sorry for not answering, I’m at the Demon Lords castle visiting Barbatos. I’ll be back in a couple hours”
Sending that text made you feel a little less guilty about leaving them for a bit. After seeing everyone express that they’re glad you’re safe, you turn your D.D.D. on silence mode.
“Thank you for that, I probably would have ignored them until I got back.”
You probably sent it for Barbatos’ appeasement, yes, you didn’t want to worry the brothers but it would cause more trouble for Barbatos if they came storming in the castle to look for you.
“You mentioned having a rough day, is it something you’d like to talk about?”
“Not really, I appreciate the concern, but I’d rather have a normal conversation.”
“I understand, if you feel the need, please enlighten me. Seeing you upset brings me discontent, but your comfort is the top priority.”
You flashed him a smile to show how grateful you were. He didn’t feel the need to put pressure on you, and it made you feel at ease. Both of you move on to different topics, what he was doing lately, if Diavolo was on top of his work, sharing stories, it was nice sitting there without worrying about people needing you. You never realized how much you were talking, you could have been talking with each-other for an hour, two hours, or more.
“Say, MC, you said that you wanted to visit me at the Demon Lords castle despite wanting peace. Why is that?”
You suspected he knew why, and just wanted to hear you say it, it was still embarrassing to say out loud.
“You’re a quiet person, I guess just being around you gives me some solace. It’s nice sitting here with you, it feels like we never get to hang out since we’re both so busy. If I want to be alone, I want to be alone with you if that makes sense..”
As soon as you said it, you could feel your face heat up. You did not mean to reveal that last part, it was in the heat of the moment. To your surprise, you hear Barbatos chuckle a bit.
“Well then, feel free to come around the Demon Lords castle if you feel like this again. I would be glad to sit and chat with you, as long as it brings you happiness.”
You noticed his face dusts with pink as you got up. Once you left to head home, Barbatos held his hand up to his mouth to hide the smile that appeared on his face. He could not wait for your next visit.
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sulumuns-dootah · 1 year
WHB HC's - Gehenna demons
A/N: I'm not that far into the game, so some of this might be ooc to the game, but i based this off of what I've seen + Ars Goetia (Solomon's book of demons)
⟡ Masterlist ⟡
Characters: Satan, Sitri, Belial, Leraye, Astaroth, Zagan, Paimon
Definitely has Gen Z humour
His necklace is a gift from Solomon
If Satan and Beelzebub happen to be at the same pub, they eventually end up having drinking competition
When he's depressed, the only ones he'll allow near him are Sitri and Ppyong
His playlist mostly contains metal and rock (He also has a secret playlist with pop music, but if you find out, he'll kill you right on the spot)
He has only one horn, because he gave the other to Solomon
Knows his dining etiquette and glares at anyone who does something wrong, including Satan
Loves watching horror movies with MC just to hear their heartbeat, but gets nightmares afterwards
Enjoys mixing batter for baking, but absolutely hates the rest of steps
A big fan of Edgar Allan Poe
Frequently forgets to take Jiyu off his horn before shower
Secretly uncomfortably stares at everyone around him (Like we all do when we have sunglasses on)
I imagine his personality being just like Belphegor from Obey Me
Has a collection of plushies on his bed and a fully decked out dollhouse where Jiyu sleeps
Loves classical music, but also has few playlists with indie and symphonic metal
Would rather prefer bow and arrow than a gun, but bows don't have as much range
As an offering from mortals, he prefers fire water (=rainwater collected during storm with chilli)
Every teddy bear body on his outfit has a name
At first I was gonna say he loves playing darts, but he strikes more as a chess guy
Very competitive
Loves gossip and secrets
In Ars Goetia it says his breath is toxic and I kinda like that idea
Always has a smut book on hand and sometimes he can be seen reading during battles
During sex the viper stays on (or even participates)
Gives really good advices
Favorite beverage is wine
Can move silently if he wishes to
Unlike Astaroth, you can actually trust him with your secrets
Absolute cuddle-bear
Actually kinda sassy and sarcastic at times
Complete Asmodeus from Obey Me energy, definitely follows him on Devilgram
Always wins the popularity contest despite the not being held one
If you introduced them to human music, they would love Marina & the Diamonds
Good friends with Zagan due to his Wine-to-Blood ability
Loves singing and has an amazing singing voice
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