#obey me request scenario
smoft-demons · 6 months
MC needs some extra love
You’re having an off day. Your demons have asked to make sure nothing’s actually wrong, just to be safe, but they’ve seen you like this a few times before. They understand. You’re just feeling down for no particular reason. Just sad and low energy. Extra tired.
Nothing happened, no one hurt you, nothing’s wrong… you just woke up in a low mood. Because it simply be like that sometimes. You just… need some extra affection today. No reason. It’s okay, they’re not judging. They’ll do what they can to cheer you up a little—they love you, you know. They want to see you smile at least once today.
When Lucifer notices your mood, he softens towards you a lot. He asks if anything is wrong first of course—they all do—but once he learns that there’s nothing he needs to correct and no one he needs to punish on your behalf, he just softens. He treats you more gently than usual.
He expects you’ll get fed up entertaining all his brothers, with their endless chaotic energy. So he invites you to hide out with him in his office. You are invited to just sit with him and read, or put on some music, or play a game on your DDD, or just rest… or whatever it is that will help.
He’ll even let you curl up in his lap and cuddle with him if that’s what you want. That cheers him up too.
He quietly redistributes the most taxing of your chores for today amongst the seven of them, to give you time to recharge.
You’ll find Levi and Beel doing the dishes for you when it’s your turn, or if you’re supposed to make dinner you’ll find that Mammon and Asmo have already ordered everyone takeout, and they’re already in the middle of setting it all out on the table. You won’t have to do a thing! If you were supposed to clean up a common space in the house, it’ll already be done by some of your assorted pact partners. You might even find sticky notes placed amongst your homework in Lucifer’s, Satan’s, and Belphie’s handwriting, suggesting edits and books titles to check for better information, and pointing out any parts in your work that are particularly well done.
When you check your DDD later, you see that Lucifer had instructed his brothers to take on what they can from you to make your life easier today. He was not planning on letting you know that, clearly—because he sent that in the brothers group chat. You only know because Karasu’s spy feature showed you.
His support is shown in all these soft, quiet details. Peaceful moments. Simple, but unmistakable reminders of how loved you are. It’s okay if you don’t smile today, even though he would like you too. He will verbally remind you that loves you anyway.
Mammon’s first instinct, of course, is retail therapy. He offers to take you shopping. He’ll even pay for your stuff! He doesn’t mind if it makes you happy!
You appreciate that very much—and maybe you’d be happy to take him up on that if you were sad for a reason, but… you just have no spare energy. Just thinking about going out exhausts you more. You’d have to deal with looking at things! And forming opinions, and deciding on stuff to buy! There’s crowds and cashiers and bright lights and just… stuff outside! You can’t, you just can’t. You have no energy and you can’t.
The first time Mammon sees you like this, he’s confused. You don’t wanna go out? You don’t want any new stuff?? He sure hasn’t felt like that before!
He puts effort into figuring out what will actually help cheer you up instead. He’s considerate that way.
He tries taking you for a long drive. He tries taking tasks off your to-do list. He tries trailing after you all day to keep you company, holding your hand, chattering all day so you can’t hear your thoughts, staying quiet so you don’t get overstimulated. He cycles through every possible approach over the months, on every random day you happen to wake up like this.
It’s all greatly appreciated—and hey, some of his ideas work better than the rest! You feel loved and cared for regardless. It’s impossible to miss how much he adores you.
Eventually though, he strikes gold!
That particular day, he had been telling you a stupid joke every time he ran into you, in an attempt to make you smile. He gets a weak grin for his troubles just about halfway through the day. He beams at you triumphantly at that, impulsively scooping you up for a hug and repeatedly kissing the top of your head, and—aha! THERE’S the smile he was looking for!
From that point on, he knows what to do!
The next time you wake up in this mood, he takes the first opportunity to give you a playfully over the top show of affection. Over the course of the day, he keeps doing it!
He runs into you in the hallway between classes, he (gently) aggressively ruffles your hair as he passes you. He finds you aimlessly walking through the house, you immediately get snatched into his arms for a nice long squeeze. You sit with him as he’s scrolling through devilgram, he sets it aside for a moment to squish your cheeks between his hands and cover your forehead and nose with loud, playful kisses. You go up to him and request attention? You get kiss attacked, and he won’t let up until you crack a smile!
Your brain hurts, he says, echoing your very first explanation. It’s okay though, he says. He’ll kiss it better, he says.
He is MORE than happy to completely discard the tsundere façade to lean into this… over-the-top affectionate silliness, as long as it continues to make you laugh and smile like that.
He won’t admit it, but… this is more honest. This is much closer to who he is at heart than his usual behaviour is. Try as he might, he can’t hide how much he cares to save his life.
The realest aspect of Mammon is not the dumbass, not the money-grubber, not the uncaring cool guy that he pretends to be… no, it’s the goofy dork who loves you SO much that he’d go to any amount of effort to cheer you up.
He’s damn good at it too! HE was put in charge of your well-being for a reason! He’s the best big brother/guardian/friend/pact partner ever, and you’re his to take care of. He’s not letting HIS human go without smiling once for a whole day! You’re the sole member of his family he can openly dote on, and dammit, he will!
Levi’s go-to is, of course, distracting you with media. He tries games first, but if you’re too low-energy for that, he gets it. He tries anime, movies, shows, videos, manga, whatever you seem to respond best to.
You’ll notice a theme of letting others help, confiding in friends, opening up to people. There are repeated instances of characters asking for support from the rest of the cast and then being helped and taken care of. Lots of power of friendship stories, lots of hurt/comfort and “it’s rotten work” “not to me, not if it’s you” and team-as-family.
Maybe, just maaaybe, he’s trying to tell you something!
He relaxes when you explain that you just woke up like this, sometimes this just happens and it’s no one’s fault, there’s no problem, he doesn’t have to worry about you. He gets that! Sometimes he wakes up like that too. It does happen!
But… you’re his player two! He wants to worry about you!
So he takes care of you the way he wishes someone would take care of him when he gets like that. Gives you the extra love he knows first-hand that you need right now. He lets you choose the entertainment, he holds your hand, and mirrors what you do to self-soothe.
If you wanna lie on the floor and stare at his jellyfish decorations, he’s right next to you. If you wanna tell Henry how you’re feeling, he’s right there with you doing the same so you don’t have to feel self-conscious. If you’re stimming, he will too. That one makes him happy as well! If you wanna burrow into a pile of blankets and plushies like a hognose snake, he totally gets it and will also do that. He does that anyway sometimes, just because it’s comfy.
There’s not a hint of judgement from Levi. Ever. He gets it.
When you guys HAVE to leave his room, like for meals and such, he lends you his headphones. So you don’t get overstimulated from all the noise his brothers make. He never goes far from you, either. He always stays close enough that you can reach for him if you want to.
After dinner, when you’re tired and done with trying to act normal (not that even one of your demons is fooled), Levi brings you back to his room. He asks if you have any requests, anything you want to do, anything he can do to help you. If you know what you need, he’ll just do it. If you don’t, he’ll offer comfort in some form that makes sense to him. He understands that all you really need is some extra love when you’re like this, so he’s not at a loss. He gets it, he feels the same way sometimes, he can do that!
You end up curled up in his lap, hiding your face in his shoulder as he watches an anime you’ve both seen before at a low volume. Familiar and comforting. He’s happy to just sit and chill with you until you feel like you’ve recharged enough. He knows you’d do the same for him.
Satan’s instinct, once he learns what’s going on, is to bring you to the quiet spot outside where the stray cats he has befriended gather and then plonk the chillest one in your lap.
Cats are perfect fluffy little warm purring bundles of free therapy, after all. How could you not be recharged by this?
He’s not wrong, the cat definitely helps. It is in fact a perfect creature.
But… well, you don’t bother to spend the energy on saying so, but being outside isn’t really helping. You cringe at every loud noise. The wind ruffling your clothes every so often is annoying you. You’re sitting on concrete and it’s making you cold. The streetlights feel particularly aggressive to your eyes today. Very stabby. There are smells outside! No one wants that!
You love the cats, but Satan is giving them all his attention and you’re getting just a little bit jealous. You as well are giving the cat in your lap all your attention, and—as stupid as you feel about it—you’re getting a little bit jealous about that too. You want attention too! All the cat has to do is be cute and soft and it can have all the petting and cuddling it wants! As it deserves, yes, but… don’t you as well, though..?
You try to push that feeling away and just pet the cat. The cat did nothing wrong, you still love it, you’re supposed to be feeling MORE recharged from this! Not… whatever it is you do feel. At the end of the day you still enjoy petting the cat and you don’t want it to leave. That’s still true and that’s what matters, you tell yourself.
Eventually the cat decides it’s had enough petting for now, and gets up. Satan checks on you, fully expecting you to be thoroughly cheered up! Instead he sees you staring forlornly at your hands, mostly zoned out. Confused, he asks if you’re okay.
You nod once, giving him a hollow smile.
Now he’s concerned. He takes a minute to finish petting the cats surrounding him—noting the hint of jealousy in your eyes as you observe him—then comes to sit on the concrete stair next to you.
He gently points out that he knows you well enough to detect a lie. Especially an unconvincing lie like that. You give a noncommittal hum in reply. That’s all you have the energy for.
He wraps an arm around your shoulders, letting you slump against his side. Your head leans against his shoulder. His other arm comes up to stroke your head for a moment, then drops down again to take your hand.
In a small, tired voice, you thank him. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze in reply.
Eventually he adjusts you so he can hold you more comfortably. Every so often he kisses the top of your head, or rubs your shoulder, or squeezes your hand, or says something quietly to you. Pointing out a interesting leaf shape, telling you something inconsequential about his day, prompting you to look when one of the cats does something cute, reminding you that he loves you and it’s okay to feel like this. That he enjoys your company no matter what mood you’re in.
This helps a lot more. Eventually you have enough energy to reply to him in full sentences! He’s visibly relieved at that. Still, he continues to hold you.
It’s after this point that a different cat comes up to you. It sniffs your shoelace then rubs itself against your leg. It flops over your shoe, stretching adorably with its little paws reaching up. It looks up at you all wide-eyed and cute, and finally you give a short puff of a laugh. Satan feels it more than hears it, but still!! He feels successful!
You pet this cat as it stands up and sniffs at your free hand. You look at it with a little smile. There’s a bit more soul in this smile, to Satan’s relief.
Later, as the two of you are leaving, he slips the cat a treat and whispers a thank you to it. Then he takes your hand again and leads you back home.
(He makes a mental note to himself for next time: pet the sad human first!! Then go see the cats!)
Asmo notices that you’re having one of those days today, and he rushes to spoil you. Like Mammon, his first instinct is to take you shopping—but specifically for clothes and makeup and skincare products. Stuff that would cheer him up.
But you’re tired, and he understands that. It’s okay, he still knows what to do!
Asmo brings you into his room. You curl up in a sad, tired lump on his bed. He lets you chill there while he gathers up the stuff he wants.
He returns to you with his arms full of stuff! Nail polish, face masks, a hairbrush, moisturizer and hair oil, etc etc. Stuff for taking care of you.
He makes a point of only doing stuff that doesn’t sting at all. No plucking eyebrows or messing with your cuticles or anything like that. Just the stuff that feels nice.
Asmo quietly chatters about people he knows and stuff he’s used and whatever the latest gossip he’s heard is. Not even really to inform you this time, because he knows you’re probably not gonna remember much when you’re like this, but more to provide you with a constant, grounding backdrop of his familiar voice.
He speaks softly to you as he wipes your face with cleanser and then proceeds with his skincare process. He gently brushes your hair, spending twice as long as necessary just because it feels nice. He insists you don’t bother to move as he sits next to you and paints your nails.
At some point he runs out of stuff to do, so he ends up just brushing over your face with a clean makeup brush. No product on it at all, he’s just doing it to make you relax, because it’s soft and it feels nice. It’s meditative, honestly. For both of you.
He spends a good long while doing that.
He finishes up and lies down next to you. He pulls you into a cuddle. You offer to return the favour for him. Do his skincare and hair and nails and stuff for him, spoil him back—because he deserves the best.
For the first time ever, he declines. He shushes you and holds you tighter. This is the only situation in which he would ever refuse that!
He says you’re more than welcome to return the favour tomorrow if you like, but for now he just wants you to rest. He did all that for you to get you in this relaxed state you’re in right now, don’t get up and un-relax yourself so fast! Keep your brain turned off! It’s good for you sometimes!
… yes, Asmo is surprised by his own selflessness too—more surprised than you are by now, knowing him. He’s always been selfless for your sake since you first became his friend. It still surprises him though.
Beel is your best guy for validation. For quiet, thoughtful, unwavering support. He’s a lot more insightful than he’s often given credit for. He’s one of the best people in this family in terms of emotional intelligence, no question about it.
He knows just what to do. He observes you as the day goes on, taking the first opportunity to pull you aside and check on you without any others around. Just to make absolutely sure there’s nothing else going on.
His voice is soft, his hands are gentle, and he puts effort into understanding you. You’re family, he loves you so much! So of course he would.
He’ll share his food with you of course—both because he wants you to know that he loves you that much, and because he’s trying to remove a task from your to-do list. You don’t have to think about getting food and preparing it and any of that if he just. Does it for you. You can spend your very limited energy elsewhere.
He’ll take you with him on his routine walk, just so you can have a change of scenery and an opportunity to chat uninterrupted.
He listens to you complain about being outside with his characteristic placid sympathy—a combination that would be a bit contradictory if it came from anyone else, but somehow makes perfect sense for Beel. It’s soothing. Reassuring, somehow. He helps a lot, just by being himself.
When you inevitably run out of energy—much quicker than you usually do, but you expected that—he offers to carry you. Or rather, he automatically goes to do it on muscle memory, because that’s just what he does with tired loved ones (Belphie usually). He catches himself and realizes he should ask first in this case. Just to make sure. He’s considerate like that.
You are very tired… and you want contact. So of course you accept the offer. How could you refuse when he offers so earnestly?
He walks in measured, consistent steps as he carries you. The sway of his movement is deliberately relaxing. He’s trying to lull you into a meditative haze, or maybe put you to sleep. Either is good, he thinks.
The warmth of him makes the… everything about being outside when you’re feeling this way a lot more tolerable. The sounds of his footsteps, his breaths, his heartbeat… all of that drowns out the background noise just enough. Your face is pressed into his jacket, so the streetlights don’t stab your eyes and all the distressingly inconsistent outside smells are entirely covered by the spices-aromatics-soap scent of Beel. It’s a smell you know very well, and the familiarity of it is grounding.
Everything about him is grounding, really. He really did know exactly what to do.
At the end of the day… it’s okay if you don’t smile. He would like you to, of course, but he will meet you where you’re at. Anyway, it’s more important to him that you feel like it’s safe to show however it is you actually feel around him. He understands the amount of trust that takes, and he’s honoured by it. Nothing is more important to him than that trust.
So, you don’t have to smile. It’s okay.
Don’t be strong, he tells you. There’s no need, for now. Just let him. Rest, lean on his strength—he’s got more than enough for both of you. He’s got you. He’s not going anywhere.
Oh, you’re tired? A bit sad, a bit grouchy? Damn. Looks like even HE has more energy than you today. That’s not something he sees often! Well, that’s fine. He knows what to do.
It’s straight to baby jail with you!
In his arms, that is. In bed, surrounded by his best pillows, covered by the least warm heavy blanket he has, so you won’t overheat but will still feel nice and covered.
He positions you so you’re facing each other, with your head tucked under his chin. So you have room to comfortably breathe and talk, but your face is still as covered as possible so you won’t be bothered by any lights.
Emotional intelligence may not be Belphie’s strong suit, but he is observant and he understands exhaustion. This may not exactly be the usual kind of exhaustion, but still! There’s no demon better equipped to understand what’s going on with you right now, just by nature.
He’s totally fine with cuddling you in silence if you don’t feel like talking. That really works for him, actually, because it allows him to nap.
Not that he doesn’t WANT to listen to you. He does. He’d be happy to. But he gets it if you don’t wanna bother with that. It’s okay.
He will, however, delay taking a nap until you doze off first. He just wants to make sure you’re okay. He’s not about to just fall asleep and abandon you if you still need attention.
If you’re not falling asleep very fast, he will help. Not with magic, surprisingly. He’s being more… gentle, he supposes, than that in this situation.
He talks quietly about nothing important. The soft drone of his voice, kept consistent and deliberately soporific, melts into your brain like butter, slowing it way down. Blocking everything else out. Gradually turning it off. One hand rubs your back slowly, almost as if to match the rhythm of his voice.
It’s so relaxing. You feel like you could stay like this forever and never want to move, you’re that comfortable.
Belphie knows what he’s doing.
It works really well! He makes sure you feel loved and cared for, then makes sure you get some extra rest. Mental and physical recharging.
Of course, you wake up feeling a lot better. Maybe not entirely back to your normal self yet, but definitely better. How could you not?
You’re a lot less tired after you’ve slept, and less sad too… so he’s succeeded—but you’re still not smiling!
He can fix that, right?
He lets you get up and stretch first, of course. He does the same. Before you leave the room though, he wraps you up in another hug.
He pulls back to examine your face after a minute or two.
Hmm… you look comfy, but still no smile! He can’t have that! So he hugs you tightly again, but this time his fingers start to lightly poke and brush over your sides. He’s trying to force you to smile by tickling you. He’s not gonna do too much, he’s not trying to overwhelm you. He stops as soon as you crack a smile.
There we go, he says as he gives you one last gentle squeeze. That was all he wanted, he tells you.
He doesn’t let go of you for long, over the rest of the day. Always holding your hand, giving you random hugs, draping himself over your shoulders—but without making you take all his weight for once, because he knows you’re still kinda tired. Enough of it to be soothing, but no more. Just so you don’t get lonely. He doesn’t want you to get all sad again.
If you do get sad again though, it’s okay. He will squish the sadness out of you all over again, as many times as you need. He doesn’t mind.
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zephyrchama · 3 months
Satan with an MC who's not academically inclined. An MC who doesn't enjoy studying, who doesn't read books for fun, who would much rather be anywhere other than a quiet library. Someone with what he, a demon with high standards, considers to have low intellect and low grades, who doesn't think things through before rushing into them head-first.
Satan finds them ridiculous. They're crazy, a complete wild card. He can't take his eyes off of them. What a troublesome human. How absurd and silly and endearing. What a captivating human. If they can't sit still for five minutes, he'll just have to follow their lead to the ends of the Earth.
Satan has trouble coming to terms with the fact he's head over heels for them. It frustrates him to no end. The realization hit him like a truck out of the blue one day, and he's already fallen hard. So hard that he can't possibly imagine being with anyone else. That's okay. Satan convinces himself he has enough book-smarts to make up for the both of them.
Satan knows his human is foolish, but nobody else can dare say that out loud. That's Satan's privilege and his alone. People quickly learn to avoid demeaning MC if they don't want to incur Satan's wrath. His nose may be stuck in a novel but his eyes aren't following the words, they're following the human in his peripheral vision.
They're a breath of fresh air. They don't overthink things. They don't make situations complicated. They're Satan's favorite kind of open book. They force him to live in the moment. MC might not know complex math or obscure history, but nobody can teach Satan the joys of life and emotion quite like his human can.
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thewritetofreespeech · 6 months
Could I request Lucifer finding out his s/o was once engaged but got divorced because her ex-fiancé cheated on her with another woman? The worst part? After finding out how much of a greedy, incompetent, and selfish woman his new wife is, her ex now wants to get back with her.
Lucifer x Reader - Running into an Ex
He usually didn’t like going up to the human world, but it seemed he was making exceptions for [Y/N] more & more. His will was weak when it came to their requests. Though he justified it by it only being fair for them to go on their dates ‘up top’ from time to time as they spent most of their time in the Devildom.
Plus with all the mischief, misadventures, and just plain in-fighting between him & his brothers, they could use a break.
They had just finished dinner at a restaurant almost as nice as Ristorante Six when someone called [Y/N]’s name out on the street like a common beggar. “I thought that was you. How have you been?”
“I’m…fine…” Lucifer could tell they were uncomfortable. Clearly this person was someone they knew but was not thrilled to run into. Sensing this would take a moment, Lucifer waved off the car waiting for them and told them to take another lap. “What are you doing here? I thought you moved.”
“Keeping tabs on me, eh?” His fake laugh was insufferable. “I uh…moved back with my wife last year. With the economy crash and everything, it was just better to stay back home.”
“Oh. Your mother didn’t mention it.”
“You still take to my mom? Well, I guess that makes sense. You two were always close. You look….great, by the way.”
“…thank you…”
The tension and conversation were getting tighter. To the point that Lucifer felt obligated to step in. “We should get going, [Y/N]. We don’t want to be late for our travels tomorrow.” He’s never wanted to return home immediately so much in his life, but he wouldn’t open a portal, or ruin [Y/N]’s trip, like that.
“Yes. We should go-“Wait [Y/N]. Can I…talk to you for a minute before you go? You don’t mind right, do you my guy?”
Lucifer glared at the man, but turned to [Y/N] who nodded and said it was alright. He nodded back and pressed his hand to the small of their back to let them know he was still there, but moved off to the side to give them space. Not that he couldn’t hear every word with his demon hearing.
“You really do look great by the way.”
“What do you want [X/N]? Shouldn’t you be home with your wife.”
“Gah…don’t say it like that…” The man scrubbed his face with the palm of his hand. Clearly a man defeated. “Look, I know now what I did to you was wrong. I shouldn’t have broken up with you, or our engagement. I just….had cold feet about the marriage thing.”
Lucifer was shocked. He didn’t know [Y/N] had been engaged. But, if what the man said was true, then he could see why they didn’t mention it to him. It sounded painful.
“You didn’t seem too un-keen on the idea when you jumped right in to marry the woman you cheated on me with.”
“Grass is always greener…” Lucifer sneered at the man’s second untimely joke. He then stepped closer to [Y/N]; raising Lucifer’s hackles. “I wanted to let you know I made a mistake. What I did…who I’m with now…it’s all wrong. I wanted to reach out to you but I could never get a hold of you since everyone said you were abroad or something.” Yes, or something. “When I ran into you now, I knew it was fate. Please. Give me another chance.”
[Y/N] wrenched their hand away from them but stood their ground. “You think I would give you another chance after what you did?! I can never trust you. Besides, you’re married now. What are you doing to get a divorce and jump into another marriage just like that? Out with the old in with the new? Oh, I’m sorry, out with the new in with the old.”
“Hey! I came to you and told you I made a mistake. That I’m unhappy and I want to try again. The least you can do is consider it!”
“ ‘Consider it’?? So I’m doing you the favor here. In case you missed it, along with you being married, I’m here with someone as well.”
“That guy?? He’s too posh for you. A guy like that is just using you probably for sex or arm candy. Make him look more down to Earth. Do you really want to be with someone so far out of your league that you just feel inferior all the time? You should be with someone on your level. Like me.”
“I can assure you sir, the levels [Y/N] would have to stoop to be on your level would require excavation equipment to access.”
The man seemed startled by Lucifer’s sudden reappearance in their conversation. Also likely from his looming figure. Not his demon form, but not his full human disguise either. The full weight of his anger and disgust at this insect talking to [Y/N] like that making him seem probably 10 feet tall to the man.
“Please cease this horrendous display of accosting people on the street who had the unfortune of knowing you and go home to your wife. You may have regretted your decision in a mate, but I have not. There’s no way in hell,” [Y/N] snorted once at that, “that I am going to let you talk to them this way or ruin our evening any further.”
As if summoned by his magic, the car pulled up again beside them and Lucifer opened the door. “Come my love. We have no longer a need to be here anymore.” [Y/N] slide in and he closed the door, before turning to face the man again. “And should you ever be stupid enough to contact [Y/N] again with these ridiculous notions and your own inflated ego, I will personally see to it that you are torn limb from limb by wild dogs by the time I’m through with you.” His eyes flashed red once. Obviously startling the man who almost fell into the street before he rounded the car and got in on the other side.
“I’m sorry I never mentioned him before.” [Y/N] apologized as they drove off.
Lucifer shrugged. “Having met him, he doesn’t seem like a man worth mentioning.” He reached out his hand and clasped it with their own. Such a horrible person would not ruin their evening. And he would see to it that [Y/N] never thought of them again, as he would do everything in his power to make sure they felt love and adored. Second to no one.
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Mammon Imagine: He Finds a Picture of Him in Your Wallet
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anonymous said: “Totally a fluffy moment. picture Mc with mammon and they buy something but mams sees a picture of them together or just mammon in their wallet. Dude is totally gushing over it. brothers probably ask why just him and are throwing pictures at you. Asmo got a whole picture stash we already know.”
You were having a day out with the brothers, visiting several shops and markets together. After a full day of wrangling the seven of them all around the Devildom, you were in desperate need of some sustenance. Beel had enthusiastically suggested you all eat dinner at Hell’s Kitchen, as they were having a BOGO on burger meals, and you would only really have to pay for four people rather than eight. Happy to save some money, everyone agreed, and now you were all sat at a table enjoying your meals.
“Ooh, MC! Let’s go over to that claw machine! I see a super cute unicorn plushy that I really want!” Asmo pleaded, tugging on your arm as the meal was coming to a close.
“Alright, I’m coming.” you smiled patiently, moving to get up out of your chair. You grabbed your wallet out of your pocket it and handed it to the person sitting next to you, which just so happened to be Mammon. “Go ahead and pay for me and Asmo’s if the waitress comes by with the check, okay?”
“Oi! You should offer to pay for mine too since you’re leavin’ me to pay for your food!” Mammon scoffed.
“I figured you’d just take some of my money to pay for yours anyway.” you teased him, ruffling his snow white locks.
He blushed reluctantly as you scampered off to the other end of the restaurant with Asmo.
“How much longer are you going to pretend you’re not in love with them?” Belphie asked him nonchalantly once you were out of earshot.
Mammon gasped defensively. “Wh…? Whadya’ talkin’ about? I’m not in love with them…” His eyes darted down to your wallet in his hands that he was currently fiddling with to avoid the gaze of his brothers. “Besides, they don’t feel that way about me.”
“That’s true, you’re far too scummy.” Levi clicked his tongue apathetically, going back to his phone.
“Hey! That ain’t what I meant!” Mammon screeched back at his younger brother, wacking him on the shoulders. “Of course they like The Great Mammon. But only as a friend.”
“How can you be so sure?” Lucifer inquired, setting his silverware down to focus on his brother.
“I just know, okay?!” the avatar of greed huffed, annoyed that his brothers only seemed to be interested in what he had to say when he was talking about you.
“Alright, here’s the check!” the waitress suddenly interrupted the conversation. “Did you guys want to pay now, or are we still finishing up?”
“We can pay now, thank you.” Lucifer replied, motioning for everyone to hand over their money.
Mammon flipped open your wallet to retrieve the grimm, setting it down face open while he handed the money across the table to Lucifer. However as soon as he sat back down, something caught his attention. Behind your school I.D was the outline of a polaroid photograph. He debated on whether or not to pull it out and look at it. Just as he was about to however, Levi snatched the wallet away.
“Hey, what’s that picture?” the otaku asked, fumbling through the card holders to slip it out.
“Oi, stop! That’s MC’s!” Mammon retaliated, swiping at his brothers’ hands. They began tugging on either side of the wallet like little children, until Lucifer intervened and slapped them both upside the head, snatching the wallet away once they were busy wincing in pain.
“Honestly you two, all this commotion over a silly little photograph…” Lucifer grumbled, glancing down at it. He began slipping the picture out of its slot. “I suppose we’ll have no peace until it’s revealed.” He slapped the polaroid down on the center of the table, causing everyone to widen their eyes at the sight of it.
“Is that…?” Beel asked, shocked enough to even pause his eating for a moment.
“It’s me!” Mammon exclaimed, picking it up to inspect it further. The rest of the brothers all leaned forward to crowd around him, as if they couldn’t believe their own eyes. It was a picture you had snapped of him passed out in your bed after a night of drinking and gambling at the casino. The only part of you that was visible was one smiling eye and your forehead, as he took up most of the shot. He was curled up on his side and clinging onto you like a koala, fast asleep in a white t-shirt. His hair was messy and his face was puffy, but there was an adorable innocence to it that no one could deny.
“Hey everyone, look what MC won me!” Asmo suddenly chirped, holding out his new pink sparkly unicorn. You were trailing slightly behind him, the two of you now stopped in front of the table. “Um, what’s that? And why are you all so stunned?”
“Ya keep a picture of me in your wallet?” Mammon finally spoke in a small voice, his eyes sparkling with adoration.
You glanced over at the photograph in the center of the table, realizing it was yours. “Oh, yeah! I just thought you looked so cute, I look at it all the time. It makes me really happy.”
With that, Mammon’s face flushed a deep shade of hot pink. However, a sly grin soon made its way onto his face as he adjusted his glasses. “Well of course it does. A snapshot of me is bound to make anyone’s day brighter.”
“Oh please…” Levi rolled his eyes, obviously envious of your affections for Mammon. “I’ve got a couple pictures of you I could give MC that are way less attractive.”
“Oh yeah, so do I. I keep a special album on my phone just for them.” Satan agreed, swiping open his phone to show you.
“Aye! Guys, stop!” Mammon demanded, swiping their phones away from your view.
“I actually keep really nice pictures of all of us in my wallet.” Asmo declared, reaching for his purse. He then unzipped the hot pink leopard print wallet and dumped out a fat pile of photographs. Everyone gasped and reached forward to inspect them, except for Mammon who slid out of his chair to lead you away for a semi-private conversation.
“Please, don’t let them show ya any embarrassing pictures of me.” he pleaded, holding onto your hand. “I don’t think I could face ya again if they did.”
“Don’t worry Mammon. I don’t think I could ever find you unattractive.” you told him with an affectionate grin.
He blushed once again, his eyes darting to the ground bashfully. “Aye… ya can’t just be sayin’ things like that…”
“Why? It’s true.” you reassured him, gripping onto his hands comfortingly. He looked up at you with a hopeful glint in his eyes, to which you leaned forward and pecked his lips with your own. It was short, but sweet enough to stop his heart and make his whole body heat up.
“Wh…? MC! What was that all about?!” he exclaimed, mouth falling agape in shock.
“Do I have to spell it out for you?” you asked, comically widening your eyes. “I like you, Mammon! A lot! I want us to be together!”
As soon as your words registered, his face broke out into an enormous grin. In an instant, he was placing his hands on your cheeks to press his lips to yours, longer and more passionately than your previous kiss. Your own hands came to rest against his chest, curving your body into his. As you pulled away, foreheads pressed together, you were startled by the eruption of applause from the entire restaurant, mainly from the rest of the brothers.
“Finally!” Belphie cheered, standing up on his chair. You had truly never seen him so energetic before.
You looked at each other, giggling at your slight discomfort, then held hands and walked back over to the table.
“So, are you two finally official?” Lucifer asked, folding his arms across his chest with an amused grin.
“Well, I’d say so.” Mammon sighed with a mildly cocky yet sincere tone. “After all, I am the one who’s picture is in their wallet.” He then leaned over to you and winked. “By the way, I’m gonna need a picture of ya that’s just as adorable as mine!”
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pseudonymphomania · 4 months
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To celebrate the occasion, LETS PLAY A GAME!
You just know I have DiaLuci in the works but what are YOUR favourite canon x canon ships? I'd love to draw them ❤️🖤 Get your Rare Pairs here!
Give me a Ship and a Situation in the Reddit thread. Don't worry if someone has already said it. I will reply to you with Art!
Additional fun: feel free to respond to someone else's prompt and CONTINUE IT.
Person A: Solomon and Simeon cooking!
Me: *art*
Person B: and Solomon burns it!
Me: *art*
Person C: Simeon rubs burn cream on Solomons hand.
Me: *art*
Person D: Simeon kisses it better 😘
Me: *art*
I will stop taking requests at the end of June or if my hand dies. Whichever comes first. The results will be posted on my tumblr in due time. Reblogs are appreciated. :)
Please note: I will not be taking controversial requests. Thank you.
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blissxjj · 4 days
Hello hello!! I would like to request de brothers with a MC who is a extreme kisser. They lose almost all their breath to be able to stay in a long kiss. And then go to another.
I'm sorry if it's too hard to understand 😥, English is not my first language.
Brothers X An Extreme Kisser
Featuring: Lucifer/Mammon/Asmodeus
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It was a nice quite evening as Lucifer sat on his desk doing some paper work, till he heard a knock and you cracked the door peeking in
"You can come in MC" he said and you push the door and ran to his desk
"Luci you said you would stop overworking yourself" you said extremely aware of his workaholic nature
"I am sorry sweetheart but, you know Diavolo needs me now more than ever" Lucifer said
"Well maybe i need you more than him" you said getting annoyed
He looked up at you and your face heats up because you just realized what you said. You finally make your way towards him and give in to your desires
You lean over his desk grabbing his tie pulling him in for a slow passionate kiss. Lucifer knew he was in for a long one as he had always known how extreme your kisses are, as much as he wants to breath he can't bring himself to pull away from you, both because of your grip on his tie and just the pure lust he started feeling, rising through his body making it harder and harder to breathe.
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It was early morning when you woke up to your bed shuffling, looking back to see Mammon tossing and turning in bed while sleeping. You turn to face him and lift your hand to brush over his cheek, that was enough to make his eyes flutter open. Still heavy with sleep he mumbles a "good morning" to you before his eyes close again
"You move alot in your sleep you know that?" You asked
"Yes and there is nothing you can do to stop it" he said
You loved this challenge, as it made you want to win and rub it in his face
"Bet i can restrain you for a good while" you said seductively
"Really!?" Before he could say more you smack your lips on his and turned to get on top of him, the sudden action made Mammon blush like hell, your kiss made him numb as you lick, bite and rub on him, he broke it off for some air and he said between huffs
"So extreme! But you did restrain me so that’s a point for you"
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It was a quiet evening in the house everyone was minding their business and doing work or hobbies. Not Asmo tho he was going around annoying everyone else because he had nothing to do, everything is checked on his list for today
He was about to give up and go sulk in his room until the front door opened, and oh did he recognise those shoes noises of his beautiful human baby stepping in.
He ran to you greeting you and telling you how everyone was soo mean to him today, poor baby was just trying to bond with someone instead of himself for once and look what they did to him!
"i will show you what real bonding is, go to your room i will be there in a sec" you said
Asmo RAN! to his room and sat on the bed waiting for you to open the door, it didn't take long for you to step in and walk over to him, he was about to say something but your lips were instantly on his
Your kisses are the longest most passionate kisses he has ever experienced, and he is a very experienced man, the way you leave him breathless every single time and oh he loves every second of that deprivation.
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devildomsoup · 1 year
I’ve got a request! (If it’s possible for you to write it of course hehe)
What if everybody has a mark that unites them with their other half? Everybody has found their other half except the brothers, that’s until they notice the MC has the same mark as them after they’ve been living in the HoL for a while.
I think it could be really cute lol
When The Stars Align.
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Genre: Fluff
Characters: The demon brothers
Type: Scenario
MC: gender neutral they/them
A/N: Hope you like it. Also why does tumblr move my text around >:(
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Everyone has a so-called “other half.” Everyone is supposed to have one. 
But when days turn into years and years turn into millennials you lose hope.
The brothers lost hope ages ago. Their other half never appeared. All they had was a mark on their skin to remind them of what could have been but never would be. As much as it pained the seven demons, they eventually came to live with it. They could not keep dreaming of something that did not exist. Eventually, the pain in their hearts became nothing but a dull ache.
That was until MC arrived. 
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He had yet again dragged MC with him for a nap. Belphegor was currently snuggled tightly around MC. Letting out a satisfied yawn he nuzzled his face into the crook of MC’s neck, in response let out a quiet laugh. This was not anything out of the ordinary. MC was just mindlessly stroking Belphegor's hair as they stared at the ceiling above them. It was like a giant weighted blanket was wrapped around them. They could barely move with the way Belphegor had wrapped his limbs around them.
“Belphie I need to get up my feet are sleeping.” 
Belphegor only groaned repose but did not try to stop MC from wiggling their way out of his grip. Cracking one eye open he watched as MC stretched their arms over their head. That was when he noticed something. There, right above their hip was a tiny star.
“I did not know you had a tattoo above your hip,” Belphegor mumbled.
It looked a lot like the mark that was supposed to unite him with his other half. But surely it was just a coincidence, right? There was no way he would not have noticed it sooner if MC truly was his other half, right?
“Oh, that’s not a tattoo. I’ve had it since birth,” MC said casually.
Belphegor’s entire body was buzzing. He was wide awake now. Abruptly sitting up. Belphegor barely managed to prevent himself from falling out of bed.
“Can you repeat that?” Belphegor asked.
“It’s not a tattoo. I’ve had it since birth,” MC repeated with a confused tone.
It was them. Belphegor found them. After all these years he finally found his other half. He almost tackled them to the ground with the force he hugged them.
“I finally found you.”
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Mc was quietly watching Beelzebub rummage through the fridge. It was late at night, and they had been awoken by the sound of someone raiding the fridge. 
“Beel, it's super late.”
Beelzebub turned his head in MC’s direction, swallowing whatever food he had in his mouth.
“Sorry, I got hungry.”
“I know. But could you keep it down a bit? Lucifer will hear you if you are too loud, you know,” MC said with a yawn.
Beelzebub gave a small nod and continued his fridge raid. MC shuffled over to the kitchen counter and leaned against it. They were watching Beelzebub with sleepy eyes. It did not take long before MC sat down on the floor tiredly leaning their head against the kitchen counter. They decided to close their eyes just for a bit. 
MC dozed off in mere seconds sleeping with their face squeezed against the kitchen counter. Beelzebub let out a quiet hum as he brushed the crumbs off his hands. It did not look very comfortable to sleep like that. Beelzebub decided that it was probably best to get MC to bed so they could get some proper rest.   
Beelzebub picked MC up and made his way to MC’s bedroom. The sleeve of MC’s T-shirt moved upwards revealing a star. Beelzebub stopped in his tracks. Was that what he thought it was?
Beelzebub gently shook MC awake who responded with a confused grumble.
“MC what’s that on your arm?” Beelzebub asked as he gestured to the star.
"Huh? Oh, that’s like a birthmark or something. It’s been there since forever,” MC responded tiredly.
Beelzebub blinked a few times and moved his gauze from the star to MC’s face and then back to the star. An enormous smile spread across Beelzebub’s face. It was truly them. It was not just something he imagined.
MC was the person he had been searching for all along.
“Hey MC, would it be okay if I slept in your bed tonight?”
“Sure did you have another nightmare?” MC asked.
Beelzebub only shook his head in response; he just wanted to stay close to MC. stay close to his other half.   
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It was a peaceful Saturday in the House of Lamentation. Asmodeus and MC were hanging out in Asmodeus' room talking about this and that. 
“You should have seen him, Asmo. Never in my life did I expect to see Simeon in a R.A.D uniform,” MC said, kicking their feet around.
 “Aww I wish I could have seen it,” Asmodeus responded.
The two of them were currently sprawled across Asmodeus’ large bed. Their conversion had included many different topics, but they were currently talking about the exchange students from the Celestial Realm. 
“That reminds me, I got this new eyeshadow palette with celestial gold in it. Would you mind if I tried it on you?” Asmodeus asked.
MC got up from where they had been sitting and moved over to the vanity table in Asmodeus' room. One thing was for sure MC’s makeup was going to look amazing if it was Asmodeus doing it. Taking a seat at the matching stool Mc spun around on it so they were facing Asmodeus.
“You are going to look amazing with these colours. You already look amazing but this is going to be the cherry on top,” Asmodeus said in a singsong voice getting the makeup brushes he needed. 
After gathering what he needed Asmodeus immediately got to work. Working with pressure and eagerness it was quite a pleasant experience to have Asmodeus do your makeup.  
“I love how you draw a little star under your left eye, it’s so cute.”
“It’s something I was born with,” MC hummed.
The movement of the makeup brush came to a halt. ASmodes could not believe his ears. Was MC his other half? Was he actually able to find them? for so long he had thought that finding his other half would never happen yet here they were.
MC wondered why Asmodeus had stopped but before they could ask a pair of arms wrapped around them.
“I thought I was going to be alone forever,” Asmodeus whispered.
“Don’t be silly you have me you know,” MC said gently embracing him
“I know,” Asmodeus responded, hugging MC tighter. 
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This had to be one of the best ways to spend your time at least if you ask Satan. He was currently playing with cats alongside MC. About 12 cats were fooling around in a big patch of grass. Satan had brought a few cat toys with him which he and MC were currently throwing around for the cats to catch.
“Look Satan, this one has small socks,” Mc said pointing at a black and white cat.
Satan gave a firm nod observing the cat like it was a piece of art. It was always fun to go cat-watching with Satan. The facial expressions he made were something MC rarely got to see. He truly did relax when surrounded by those small soft creatures.
There was something very special about watching The Avatar of Wrath hold a living creature so gently. The tender smile he wore made the long walk worth it. Satan had awoken MC early in the morning to drag them along on his journey to pet the cats in the Devildom. When MC asked Satan why they had to leave so early he explained that he had made a map of all the best places to pet cats. So fat they had been out and about for a good 5 hours.       
“This is one of my favourite spots. There are at least 6 or 7 cats each time I visit. We’ve really been lucky today. It's rare for there to be so many cats,” Satan said with joy as he watched the cats.
An orange cat walked over to Satan and started rubbing its head against Satan.
“That cat almost has the same mark as me!” Mc exclaimed.
“It does?”
“Yeah, the star-like shape on its chest matches the one on my finger.”
MC held their pointer finger beside the cat and sure enough, there was a star-shaped mark just like on the cat. Satan grabbed MC by the hand and moved it closer to his face staring intensely at the star shape on MC’s finger. He looked MC in the eye and then held out his own pointer finger. Just like MC Satan also had a little star on his pointer finger.
“We match,” MC said with a smile.
“Yes, we match,” Satan repeated with a gentle voice.
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“Okay, so Ruri is taller in the movies, right?”
"Yes, exactly."
Leviathan and MC were in the middle of a Ruri-chan marathon and MC was trying to remember all the information Levithan had told them before they started. 
“Do you remember why she is taller?” Leviathan asked.
“Wasn’t it because of a fight scene or something like that?”
Leviathan beamed with joy when he heard MC answer the question. It was rare for him to talk with someone who actually listened to his long rants let alone remembered the things he said. MC was clearly trying their very best to remember the thing he had told him and it made him feel all warm and fuzzy. 
MC stretched their arms over their head and let out a quiet huff.
“Can we hold a tiny break before continuing Levi? I need to use the bathroom.”
“Sure I will restock on snacks in the meantime.”
With that, both MC and Leviathan got up from where they had been sitting and left the room. MC went to the bathroom and Leviathan headed for the kitchen. Leviathan was the first one back and he patiently waited for MC’s return so they could continue their Ruru-chan marathon. When MC returned they sat down beside Leviathan and grabbed a bag of chips to munch on and so the marathon continued. 
The movie came to an end and MC flopped onto their stomach. Leviathan noticed there was a small mark on MC’s nape. 
“When did you get that tattoo?” Leviathan asked.
“The one on your nape.”
“I was born with that one,” MC answered.
“Oh okay… WAIT WHAT?!” 
Leviathan almost landed on MC when he scrambled to his feet. Was this really happening? Leviathan had given up on finding his other half almost immediately; he held no hope that he would meet someone like that. Yet here they were.
A joyous laugh could be heard from Leviathan’s room that was the sound of someone who had finally been united with their other half.  
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MC and Mammon were both very focused. They were on a mission to build a card house. So far they have not had any luck. The cards kept toppling over but they did not stop the pair from trying again. The two of them were not going to stop until they had successfully built a complete card house.
“Dammit,” Mammon cursed under his breath as the card house crumbled.
“Guess we'll just have to try again, Mammon,” MC hummed, gathering the cards from the table.
“Why is it so hard?” 
MC just shrugged in response. They had been trying to build a card house for at least an hour now. Mammon began to build a new one yet again his tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth while he focused on placing the cards. Card after card was carefully placed as MC and Mammon continued to build.
They were only missing the top part now. Both Mammon and MC were holding their breath in suspense as Mammon tried to build the final floor of the card house. Just as he was about to let go of the cards the entire structure fell apart.
“Urgh and we were so close,” Mammon groaned in annoyance watching the cards on the table.
MC gave Mammon a reassuring clap on the shoulder as they started together the cards yet again. As MC handed Mammon the stack of cards he noticed a little star on their wrist which caused him to freeze up. He gently took MC by the arm and held his wrist against theirs. 
Mammon’s eyes widened in surprise when he realized that the star on his wrist matched MC’s. Before he even noticed it himself Mammon had thrown his arms around MC card house long forgotten.
“It’s really you.”
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It was late at night Lucifer was scribbling away filling out different paperwork at his desk. He let out a tired sigh as he read through the next piece of paper in the big paper pile. Lucifer was so consumed by his work that he did not even hear the quiet knock on the door or the footsteps that followed.
“You need to go to bed.”
Hearing the voice of MC, he looked up and sure enough there they stood with a less than pleased facial expression. Their hands were planted frilly on his desk preventing him from reading the papers in front of him.
“I will go to bed in just a moment. I just need to finish some paperwork,” Lucifer said hoping MC would move their hands.
“No, you need to go to bed now. Knowing you, just a moment will be 4 hours.”
“Please MC need to finish this and then I promise I will go to bed.”
“Doing that while tired will only result in poorly done paperwork and you know it,” MC huffed, not moving their hands away from Lucifer’s desk.
Lucifer ran his gloveless hands through his hair in frustration. He knew MC was right, but he could not let himself fall behind even if his body was begging him to go to bed. MC raised a brow and walked over to Lucifer's side. They grabbed him by the arm not giving the demon a chance to respond and proceeded to drag him towards his giant bed.
“Like it or not you are going to bed,” MC said firmly as they made Lucifer sit on the edge of the bed.
This was not the first time MC had forced Lucifer to go to bed, so it was no issue for them to find his pyjamas either. Handing Lucifer his pyjamas, MC turned around so he had a bit of privacy to change.
“You need to stop overworking yourself,” Mc said as they tucked Lucifer in.
It was such a strange sight. Lucifer The Avatar of Pride was being tucked in by a human who was now sitting at the edge of his bed. MC was gently stroking his hair in a calming motion and Lucifer had to admit that it was quite calming. His eyes softened as he watched MC Their nightshirt was falling off their right shoulder. He reached his hand up to fix it but stopped when he saw the star right under MC’s collarbone.
“Has that star always been there?” He asked  
MC gave him a small nod in response. Suddenly Lucifer's stomach was filled with fluttering butterflies. Had he found them? Was MC his other half? He hoped he was not just dreaming. Lucifer slowly moved his hand up to the collar of his shirt and moved it down a bit to reveal a matching star. MC blinked their eyes in surprise when they saw the star on Lucifer’s skin; it looked identical to the one they had.
“That’s strange, who would have thought we both had this?” MC said.
 “Who would have thought?” Lucifer said slowly sitting up.
MC looked at Lucifer who was giving them the gentlest smile like they were the most precious thing in the world. Lucifer gently ran his hand across MC’s cheek, a very sweet sign of affection. 
How he had lineage for the day he would finally be untied with his other half. He could not have been happier to find out that it was MC.
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loweya-blog · 3 months
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Heyo everybody! So my requests are finally open. Link to rules for requests are here. Feel free to ask me any prompt/request or just general questions. I love to write so I'll have a lot of fun with this!
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certified-sloth · 1 year
Requests you say?
Might need some short hcs on a ticklish, sleepy, cow demon? I believe you know the one. Kinda angy but sweet? Mm yes that one.
I just NEED to write something for this one <333
Belphegor headcanons
He's baby, partly the soft squishy and adorable baby but mostly spoiled baby
He's still a little hung up with what he did to you in the past, so he's even more clingy compared to his natural clinginess
And by more clingy, I mean him following you with that lost puppy look just as he wakes up and has energy to spare
He's... clumsy with his affection when he warms up to you that he sometimes overthinks that maybe he wasn't doing so much to make up for all the trouble he put you through
He would curl into you, face buried in your chest as he tries to shoo away the negative thoughts of guilt that roams through his mind whenever he has nightmares
He'll share all of his pillows with you if it means he could have you and your warm cuddles each nap
Even if he doesn't say anything most of the time, you could tell how he's feeling because the more you spend time with him, the easier it is to read through him
And if you reach out to him with genuine words of comfort, he'll smile briefly and hold onto you a little longer
If it's your birthday, he'll try his best to stay awake and arrange your party with the things you like most
If you whisper words of love to him, he'll break and would want to shy away from all the undeserved affection
As much as he likes to spoil himself and be selfish when he gets away with it... his conscience is still there, gnawing away at him and his poor little heart
Belphie has a fragile heart
Imagine how he loved humans so dearly as an angel. It was possible that he wore his heart on his sleeve
Now that he's a demon, he was more careful
Sometimes, he'll hold onto your wrist and lightly press on your pulse to make sure you are alive and breathing
If you come home tired, he'll greet you with a smile and lazily opens his arms, absolutely ready to take you to dreamland
He loves you to the point that he just wanted to believe this reality is just a good dream he'll never wake up from
OH, he also has this habit of playing with your hair when he can't sleep
If you ask him to braid your hair, he'd actually do a good job at it
When you go out shopping, he'll notice your eyes lingering on an item even though you could've sworn he was sleepwalking behind you
He secretly buys the item and puts it on your nightstand when you're asleep
He'll let you in on secrets and ask you to keep it a secret with him with such a cheeky smile
You'll even get these small heart-to-heart talks in bed, foreheads rested against each other
And LASTLY- he secretly swore to himself that he'd be by your side as long as you want him
Just tell him to stay, and he gladly will, he'll be happy with just that single phrase if it's you
...this doesn't feel shor-
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Selfship Headcanons Requests: Closed
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→ I will only accept platonic, queerplatonic and familial requests. especially in case of queerplatonic f/os, please tell me a bit about your selfship's dynamic to have a better idea of how you imagine it and what you're comfortable with!
→ These will be SFW !
→ I will mostly write using gender neutral pronouns for s/i, so if you need me to use others please mention so
→ Specific requests are welcome and encouraged!
→ Proshippers DNI
→ These are the fandoms I feel comfortable writing for at the moment:
Genshin Impact (except for Kirara, Faruzan, Kaveh and Mika because I barely know them yet)
Honkai Star Rail
Obey Me!
Hypnosis Microphone
Fire Emblem Fates and Three Houses
Tears of Themis
→ Send an ask with the character(s) (4 max) + relationship + any specifications, scenario or idea you'll like to request
→ I can also write in Spanish if you happen to speak it and would like to have more content in that language
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
Mc " I got two dicks to meet tonight." Asmo " Oh? You and who?" Mc " Lev." Asmo " Lev and?" Mc " Himself. he has two." Lev "MC!"
Anon let me just tell you this.
If you say that in front of Levi you'll not meet any dicks that night. He will just straight up faint. My guy will be red faced, steam coming out of his ears type of dead.
What you'll be end up doing is answearing all of Asmo's questions about your sex life. You can't just drop that information in front of him and not expect to get questioned at all 😭😭
He will probably invite you to a self care night while Levi recovers where you will get questioned.(of course if you are not comfortable he will leave you alone but that doesn't mean he isn't curious)
Also, if you end up saying that in front of the other brothers expect either to be scolded by Lucifer or Mammon going around screeching about how he is your first demon and why is Levi getting to do these sort of things with you.
I think it was in 'Levi dream of sleep' card where Mammon went full on demon form to chase Levi cause he thought you two fucked. So there's that..
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smoft-demons · 8 months
hey hey! I really like your writing :) I have a request for the brothers:
gn!mc who has trouble sleeping alone bc of nightmares. they can very rarely sleep but are great at hiding it, because they don’t want to bother anybody. they never notice because mc always sleeps fine during sleepovers??? until eventually the lack of sleep gets to them too much and it becomes too noticeable. how do they respond when mc (reluctantly) reveals the truth?
thank you and have a lovely day ❤️
Good prompt! I like this one :)
(This one took a good few hours! Hope you like it!)
MC has nightmares when they sleep alone
‘…something’s amiss with our human.’ Lucifer thinks.
He’s been observing them lately. Since he cracked down on his brothers sneaking into their room at night—in order to give the poor human a break, so they may rest well and have time to study for the upcoming wave of tests—they’ve been… sluggish. More forgetful. Their assignments are coming back notably worse. He was irritated at first, but when he brought them into his office to confront them about it, he couldn’t ignore how… off they seemed.
Lucifer sets his irritation with their slipping standards aside, in favour of concern. He is above petty reactions, he decides. No, he is reasonable enough to see that there must be a cause for this.
“MC. I did not call you here to berate you. I am not angry with you. Something is obviously wrong. Please, I cannot help you until you tell me what it is.”
You’re not sure if it’s the jarringly unmasked concern in his eyes, or the rising feeling of guilt for stressing him out more than usual that finally cracks your resolve.
Whatever it is, you confide in him. You tell him that you’ve not been sleeping well. He pries the reason out of you, by pointing out his observations about the timing.
Begrudgingly, you admit to having nightmares when you try to sleep alone.
Outwardly, he remains businesslike and practical as always. In his mind, he’s facepalming. In retrospect, the signs are all there! How did he not notice??
He feels just a bit sorry, too. In his attempt to help you, he directly made everything worse. What a great job he’s done…
Then he snaps out of it and steels himself. There’s no use dwelling on that! He can fix this. Very, very easily!
“I see. Then, sleep in my room tonight. I will ensure no nightmares bother you. Once you’ve recovered enough to learn again, I will help you bring your grades back up to your usual standard. Is this satisfactory?”
He refuses to hear any guilt from you about imposing, or taking up his time, or being a burden.
“I am choosing to carry you, MC. There’s no burden.”
From that point on, you’re always welcome in his bed. On the rare occasion that he isn’t home and none of his brothers can sleep over with you, he lends you his coat to sleep under. The familiar scent of him that clings to it is better than nothing.
…Okay, at this point, he HAS to pry. Mammon is one of the first to notice that you’ve not exactly been well lately. You’re being unusually scatterbrained, clumsy, and spacey. You don’t have any energy. It’s obvious to him that there’s a sleep issue! He’s more observant than he looks, ya know!
Now that he thinks of it, these traits are not THAT out of character for you. They’re not usually this bad though!
…shit, does that mean you’re usually sleep deprived? That’s not good. Well! You’re HIS human, and he loves you lots and takes your well being very seriously, as much as he hates to say it out loud. So, he commits himself to figuring this out!
Evening comes. Mammon follows you into the hall leading towards your room. You bash your hip against a wall corner and almost fall to the floor as you dizzily stumble, trying to catch yourself. Mammon grabs you to steady you. Yeah, at this point he has to pry.
“Be careful, human! Seriously, you’d break all your lil toothpick bones without the great Mammon around to protect ya! What’s up with that, huh?”
You trust him of course, but… you’re embarrassed. You don’t want to tell him.
He clicks his tongue impatiently. You don’t say anything. He grabs you by the shoulders and steers you into his room. He pushes you down to sit on his bed.
“C’mon, MC. Talk to me. Your first man is here to help!”
Now, that… almost does it. You feel bad for being stubborn. You know he’s worried, and chaotic as he can be, he’s proven himself as a very good guardian demon time and time again. You take a deep breath, gathering your resolve.
You take just a bit too long. Mammon groans.
“I’m very annoying, yknow. I’ll get it outta ya somehow!”
Mammon pokes your cheeks, gently shakes you, tugs lightly at your hair, as he demands that you talk to him.
“Tell me, tell me tell me tell me tell me, c’mooooon humaaan, tell me!”
‘Oh, fucking fine!’ You think. You confide in him.
He’s mildly tempted to be like, ‘was that really so hard,’ but he won’t. He’s far more concerned than annoyed with you. He feels bad about all the super late nights out he’s been having lately. He wants to always be there for you! Him having missed something like this has him mentally kicking his own ass.
Mammon puts all that aside for now, though. He roots around in a drawer to get two pairs of his old, worn and comfy sweatpants, plus an old tshirt, faded and worn soft from use. He throws the shirt and one of the sweatpants at you
“Go brush your teeth and change, then come right back. We’re having an early night.”
When you return, he locks his door, then puts you back in his bed. He’s changed into the other pair of sweatpants. Mammon wraps himself around you as much as he can, as if to bodily shield you from the nightmares, then pulls his blanket over both of you.
“Sleep, human. No nightmares’ll DARE mess with you now. Not while I’m here. I’ll protect ya.”
Having him so close to you feels like home. Nothing else has ever felt so safe. You sleep deeply, for hours longer than you have in a while.
(Mammon is never letting you sleep alone again)
As much as Levi doesn’t want to bother you, he’s getting worried. You’re performing WAY worse at your video games than usual! You’re missing so many inputs! He knows your usual skill level, this game should be a relaxing walk in the park for you! He’s too worried to even make fun of you!
“Ok, that’s it! I can’t take it anymore! What happened to you, normie?? Are you sick?? Do you… not want to play with me? What’s happening??”
He’s worked himself into a panic. You know he’s sensitive enough right now to take it personally if you don’t confide in him. So fine! You’ll talk!
You’ll talk… auuugh, you can’t get the words out! You’re too self conscious about it. Fuck it. You take your DDD out of your pocket and send him a text.
>not been sleeping well. Nightmares. So tired, can’t pretend anymore! >:( Nothing personal, promise!
Levi reads the text. He chews the inside of his cheek for a long moment, thinking. Then he snaps to attention, looking at you with intense determination.
“We can’t have that! I need my player two in optimal condition! There’s no other way for us to win at any games!”
Levi resorts to his old faithful: relaxing slice of life anime! He makes a big pile of pillows and blankets on the floor, arranging them into an MC-and-Levi sized nest. It’s late enough into the evening that it’s reasonable enough to try to put you to sleep.
If just the anime and the blankets and the being in his room isn’t enough to knock you out, he’ll shyly inch over to you to hold your hand. Blushing and looking away from you because he’s shy, but he’ll do it.
If you ask him—or just look sad and cute enough—he’ll even curl up behind you in the blanket-nest and hold you. Levi won’t have ANYTHING hurting his Henry, not if he can do anything about it!
He doesn’t mind holding you all night like this. The fact that you’re asleep helps, he’s not shy when you’re not perceiving him. The anime he’s still watching is helping too. It’s a good distraction.
As soon as he started to get the feeling something was wrong with you, he began watching you intently. He’s sharp, so he would have caught this very early on.
He can’t help but have a little fun with this investigation at first, thinking of it as detective work.
Soon though, he gets concerned. You’re irritable, you’re not retaining information or remembering small things as well, you’re clumsier and less generally aware… all dangerous things to be in this realm.
He doesn’t need you to tell him what’s wrong. He puts it together himself. He knows you sleep just fine with him, he knows you seem well rested after sleepovers with any of his brothers too. Clearly it’s not general insomnia. He also knows that the usual frequent sleepovers haven’t been happening for a while now.
When he confronts you, he doesn’t start with asking questions. He lays out all the evidence he’s collected and states his guesses as to the cause.
He tells you he has concluded it’s most likely to be any of these causes: loneliness, separation anxiety, touch deprivation, nightmares, stress-induced insomnia. He asks you to tell him which it is, if it’s more than one, if it’s something else?
He’s so clinical about it, you pretty much forget to be self conscious. All you have to do is confirm that it’s nightmares and they only happen when you sleep alone.
“Thank you for trusting me,” he says, regardless of how little you’ve actually told him. “You’re more than welcome to sleep over with me any time. You don’t even have to ask. Just tell me that you’re sleeping over.”
That evening, he leads you into his room. He lies on his back, book in hand, and beckons you to lie on top of him.
He guides your head to rest in the crook of his neck. He balances his book against your shoulders, holding it with one hand. The other wraps around your waist, his thumb rubbing your side soothingly, and he begins to read aloud to you.
His voice and his warmth soothe you to sleep. Not a single nightmare dares touch you.
The first thing Asmo notices is the darkened circles under your eyes.
“Oh, my darling! Your skin!” He gasps, genuinely horrified. “Come, we can do better than that. Let your Asmo take care of you~”
As he often does, Asmo brings you to his room for a spa day. Evening. Night. It’s late.
He smooths moisturizer into your skin, using all the appropriate human-safe products for revitalizing you when you’re tired. He gets a helpful mask on you, then one for him too. As you wait for it to dry, he asks you what’s up.
“Can’t sleep, lovely? You know, if you’re restless I can always tire you out~”
You roll your eyes and elbow him lightly. You expected nothing less from Asmo. Knowing him as well as you do, it’s more endearing than bothersome. You know he’s showing you that he cares.
“Offer’s always open, darling!” He giggles. “But, is there anything else I could do for you? Need to get something off your chest? Or just some good company, hmm?”
Asmo’s really sweet. It’s easy to open up to him—or, as easy as opening up gets. He massages your hand in silence as you gather your resolve to confide in him.
He listens sympathetically. Nodding and humming encouragingly at all the right points as you speak. Squeezing your hand when you need support. Just… being the emotionally intelligent sweetheart that Asmo always is with you.
“You’re welcome to sleep here, love. Nothing you don’t want will happen, of course. Now, let me wash that mask off you, then we can snuggle if you like.”
He washes off the mask, touching you very tenderly as he does. He takes his time gently washing the product off your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb affectionately. He gives you a little forehead kiss when your face is clean as his thanks for trusting him.
He lets you lead on how much contact you want. He really just wants to help. He’s happiest if you choose to cuddle with him, but he’s totally chill with just holding your hand, or even just lying next to you. He’s awesome like that.
No matter what you choose, the familiar perfume of Asmo’s room and the reassuring rhythm of his breathing lulls you to sleep. It feels safe.
You sleep really well. Asmo really is the best.
Beel understands nightmares. He gets them too. He spots the signs easily, familiar as they are to him.
All he has to do is spot the haunted look in your eyes when he sees you before breakfast. Very distracted he usually is at that time, yes, but he loves you. He pays attention to you. He notices it pretty quick.
He can’t help but wonder why you haven’t approached him about it. Hasn’t he demonstrated to you that nightmares in particular are a thing he’s safe for you to confide in about? He’s not going to take it personally, but he IS going to worry.
He keeps an ear trained on your room whenever he goes into the kitchen at night. Carefully listening for any signs of distress.
After a few nights of this, he gives into his impulse and goes to check on you after his midnight snack. He brings you something he knows you like.
He’s not surprised to find you awake.
“Hey.” He says through a mouthful of his own food. “Want a snack?” He comes in to put it in your hands as soon as you acknowledge him.
The two of you eat together, sitting quietly on your bed side by side. Beel’s careful not to drop any crumbs.
You remain quiet even after all traces of snacks are eliminated.
“Nightmares?” Beel asks gently, looking at you with those irresistible soft worried puppy eyes he does. You can’t lie to him. You’re not a monster!
You nod. He hums sympathetically, looking genuinely saddened on your behalf. He gets it.
“Want a hug?” He offers
You press yourself into his side. He wraps one very big arm around you, and you melt into him like warm mozzarella. His solid presence is reassuring. You feel so safe with him. You’re already starting to drift as he rubs your shoulder with one large thumb.
“Would it help if I stay?” Beel murmurs to you.
You nod again.
So Beel picks you up, settling himself in your bed with you and arranging you comfortably in his arms.
He starts softly stroking your hair. Trying to help you relax more.
“Thanks for letting me help you.” Beel says earnestly. It’s obvious that he really means it. He’s grateful you’re trusting him with this. He’s very happy that you’re accepting his comfort, because he wants nothing more than to help you and protect you.
He’s good at that. Being comforting. Helpful and protective—that’s Beel.
You drift off peacefully, with nothing on your mind except the sleep-blurred sentiment of feeling grateful for him, too.
Without question, Belphie is the first one to notice that you’re having nightmares. Sleep is his main thing!
You only get to have one bad night before he steps in. He drags you up to the attic to nap with you right after school. No nightmares happen, of course, because you’re not sleeping alone. Belphie congratulates himself on a job well done!
…wait. Again?? He finds himself aware that you’re having another nightmare that night, hours later when you’re trying to sleep by yourself. Fuck sake.
He goes to your room. You snap awake at the disturbance. Without a word, he pours himself into your bed, draping across you like a clingy cat and going right back to sleep.
Bit rude. But this is helpful. You go back to sleep too, and have no nightmares. Good job, Belphie.
Then the next night, it happens again!! Mildly vexed at the persistent issue, he does the same thing as last night.
The next evening, he doesn’t let you go to bed alone to begin with. He goes with you, staying just aware enough that he can snipe your nightmares before they get a chance to terrorize you—but… none happen? Huh. Wild. Okay.
The next night, he finally asks you what the deal is. You hesitate to tell him. Belphie has no qualms about annoying the information out of you, if his initial blunt concern isn’t enough to get you to talk. If you don’t crack, he’ll try tickling you until you talk to him. If you STILL don’t crack, he’ll sic Beel and his concerned puppy eyes on you. No one can resist Beel’s concerned puppy eyes. Especially not when it’s BOTH twins looking at you like that!
Resistance is futile. You reluctantly tell him that you have nightmares only when you sleep alone.
He mentally slaps himself. Obviously!
He was prepared to use any of his avatar of sloth abilities necessary to cure you of your nightmares—and he still is—but he’s happy (and secretly endeared) to learn that the cure is nothing more than his presence. Less work for him! Less work, AND a good excuse to steal you away for naps all the time! Two of his favourite things!
Belphie is never letting you sleep alone again. No, you’ll either be together in your room, together in his and Beel’s room, or together in the attic.
He’ll make an exception for sleepovers with his other brothers too if you miss them. You’re so lucky he loves you.
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zephyrchama · 5 months
Vampire mc. Like it could be an add on of angst if like they failed to protect mc when mc got attacked by a vampire, got turned into one. Like they can make a cute but vamp!mc is thirsty now- 🧛anon
(I started typing one for each brother but they winded up a little longer than intended. >u< I'm gonna break this up into 7+ parts, one for each character! Gonna use this post as the intro and master list for it, so each time a new installment is posted I'll update this here. Part I will be posted in just a minute!) Intro:
Nobody was at fault.
The Devildom is filled with horrors. Dangers lurk within every shadow, eyeing you as easy prey and waiting for the right time to strike. It was honestly a miracle you hadn't been attacked sooner.
Despite that, everybody naturally blamed themselves. You shouldn't have been alone, they should have been by your side, why did they let you out of their sight? They had been naive.
You were locked up for a month in the Demon Lord's Castle, not that you remember much. The first two weeks were the worst. The room was bare, with a mattress and little else. The rare decorative wallpaper had been tattered with scrapes from your nails. You hardly recall anything more than flashes of confusing memories.
Diavolo restraining you with an anguished expression. Barbatos pinning you to the ground with a firm hand. Solomon chanting as you wailed and clawed at the floor by his feet, unable to cross the magical barrier that separated you from his tantalizing flesh.
You were not a pretty sight. It was for the best that those three would remain your only visitors during your stay at the castle. They wanted to look for a cure, but by the time they found you it had been too late. They knew this. They tried anyway.
Vampire metamorphosis is not a pleasant experience. By the third week you began to mellow out and regain conscious thought, but you were moody and irritable and oh so hungry. Your gums hurt. Everything felt hazy.
By week four you managed to stop yourself from gnawing on the mattress and it was decided that you were stable enough to return to the House of Lamentation.
Finally. You craved familiarity - your bedroom, your possessions, your best friends. But everything felt new, and you were a changed person. No longer the human exchange student.
Changes needed to be made, and it took a couple more days before you were permitted to leave the castle. With few words, you finally went back to your Devildom home.
Lucifer's Part here Mammon's Part here Leviathan's Part here (The rest are currently still WIPS and will be updated here when finished.)
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thewritetofreespeech · 2 months
Could I request Lucifer with a reader who's an author?
Imagine Lucifer finding her naughtier works.
Lucifer x Reader
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The book release was a great success!
You couldn’t believe all the hard work your publishing company put into the event. Or how many people showed up. You had been greeting fans and signing books all afternoon, and it was finally time for a break.
Excusing yourself from the crowd and your table, you head over to a private area that had been sectioned off specifically for this and see Lucifer. Your partner looking positively drool worthy in his human clothes, in one of those big leather chairs, with a book in his hand. “You’re enjoying the event I see.”
“Hmm…I am. It is certainly nice to take a break from the norm. You seem quite the crowd draw.” You were positively giddy at Lucifer’s support and praise.
When you asked him to come to your event, you were nervous he might not come. That he would be too busy. Or just not interested. When he said yes you had nearly been floored, and you were glad that the event really was such a success if he was going to be here.
“Well, people liked signed books. Much easier to sell on Ebay.” Lucifer’s lips jutted up and you felt your stomach do little flip-flops. “What are you reading? Certainly not the new book.”
“Oh, no. I already read that one. The references to totalitarianism in a monarchy were inspired.” He read your book? Honestly, you might faint because you were getting so excited. “I was interested in some of your other work, since you’ve been so secretive about it, and a very nice older lady pointed me into the direction of one of your later, new releases.” Lucifer turned the cover to show you the book title, and you felt all the color drain from your face. “She said it was her favorite. A little ‘off brand’ for your usual work, but she said she couldn’t put it down.”
“Don’t read that!”
You lunge at Lucifer to get the book away from him, but he easily pulled it out of reach of your grasp. Where once you were over the moon for him to read your work, you now wished to be buried under a ton of rock. The book in question was a romance novel, of sorts. Typical fantasy drama, swords, spells, sworn contracts with demons and the like. Spicy elements for the average reader Lucifer was describing. The problem was that if Lucifer caught on to the totalitarianism in your current novel, he would obviously catch on that the main character & her partner were you and him. “But I’m only halfway through. And according to this, it’s very rude to stop just halfway through.”
“Oh God….” You covered your face with your hands. Mortified beyond recognition.
Lucifer smirked, but then set the book down before he stood. “Don’t be embarrassed. It is very good you know.”
“I just based it off real life experiences! It’s easier for me to get a feel for the characters that way!”
“Really? I don’t remember us making love in a crowded ballroom.” You groan again. He got to that part?? “But…” You turn your head up to look at him as his hand reached out for your waist and pulled you close. “We could certainly make an effort for a crowded bookstore, with all your fans here.”
A moment ago, you felt the color drain from your face. Now it felt like it was rushing with color. “You can’t be serious?”
“Why not?” Lucifer asked. With this coy grin and confidence that made you wonder ‘yeah, why not’. “It can be inspiration for your next book. And I am suddenly feeling very….inspired.”
You weren’t sure what happened after that. Like the devil he was, Lucifer said a few sweet words and you had to obey. Suddenly, you were in a locked bathroom. A single unit with a toilet, sink, and mirror, kissing your devil with reckless abandon that would normally be reserved for more trashy romance novels.
Lucifer held you close by your waist, then lifted you up on the sink counter. You moan into the kiss. Feeling the cold of the mirror on your back and linoleum against your thighs. You instantly and eagerly spread your legs to make room for him on your little perch. Lucifer filling the space. Dominating you with his height and just the force of him.
“You need to keep your voice down.” He warned when he pulled away from your kissing. That may have been more of a warning than advice as his hand slipped up your thigh and into your panties. “You don’t want your fans to hear.”
You bit your bottom lip to stiff a moan as he touched you. But realized that that wasn’t enough as his fingers slipped inside and cover your mouth with your hand.
This was crazy. This was absolutely insane! There was literally a room full of people outside waiting for you while you were in here getting fucked by your partner. Or at least you were about to be. God you wished you were about to be. As terrifying as it was that someone might hear you, and your career could be over, all you could think about was Lucifer and having his dick inside you, and fuck let them hear how he fucked you & loved you. You really didn’t care.
You whimper and your free hand clamors for the glass behind you, trying to find purchase on something, when his thumb brushed over your clit again. “Lucifer….” The inside of your pussy clenched around his fingers. Eager for something bigger, harder, more him.
He smiled and pulled his fingers free before sliding down your panties. “Yes, yes. We need to hurry so you can get back to your fans. They are eager to see you. And I’m eager for them to see you, like this.”
You whimper again. Thinking about people seeing you. Would they know? Would they be able to tell that you were just fucked in a bathroom? Would they be able to see the lust still fogging over in your eyes from having sex with a gorgeous man just meters from their showroom? What would they think of their acclaimed, respected author if they knew she was just a dirty slut for her own demon, letting him do whatever he wanted to her and begging for more?
All those thoughts clung to your mind until Lucifer slid his cock inside you. Then it was nothing but ‘Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!’
“Gods your wet.” Lucifer groaned in your ear. His thrust faster and sharper than usual as he seems to know that they need to be quick. “I know that’s not just me. You really are enjoying this, aren’t you? My dove.” You moan. That was what the character in your book called the protagonist. Your mind suddenly shifting between the characters in your book to the real world with you & Lucifer. “Your excited for this. To go back out to that crowd with my cum still inside you. To still feel my hands on you while you greet them with a smile.”
At this point you would be happy to do the remainder of the event siting on his cock. Lucifer’s lap as your chair. Ride him in front of the crowd if only he asked. “Cum inside me. Fill me up, so I can meet my fans.”
Lucifer groaned and sped up his hips. Kissing you to keep you quiet, but also himself. It doesn’t take long for you feel him cum inside you. The hot pulse of his cock sending you over the edge, and you cling to him as it felt like you would fall off the counter. He would never let that happen.
Lucifer held you until you were both done. Then he pulled back, and out of you, slipped your panties back on over your sopping cunt, and helped you off the counter. Your legs felt a little numb & wobbly, but you managed to stand.
“You should get back. I will wait here to avoid suspicion, then see myself out. I’ll come find you after the event is over.”
“Ok.” You honestly weren’t paying that much attention to what he was saying.
Lucifer reached for your hand, then lifted it to kiss it. “I hope this was certainly ‘inspirational’ for you.”
“Oh, it was.” You teased back.
The demon smirked as he released your hand. “I look forward to your next book then.” He then opened the door. His body concealed by the plywood. “Good luck with your fans.”
You gave him a smile and returned to your work. No one made any comment about your appearance, so maybe no one noticed; or was too polite to say anything. It was almost like nothing happened.
But when you moved in your seat, or shifted your legs, you could feel the wetness in your panties, or Lucifer’s cum slip out of you. So the fantasy was definitely a reality.
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Obey Me! Characters As Types of Couples You’d Be
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A/N: No one requested this 🙃 But I couldn’t stop thinking about it while I was working at the coffee shop all day so here you go :)
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon
Lucifer: The Old Married Couple
You two are the extremely established couple. Anyone who knows of your existence knows you’ve been together FOREVER
You have a perfect morning routine together that involves helping each other get dressed and cooking breakfast, and you guys get out the door on time every morning.
Everyone laughs at you for your duality. One minute you’ll be intensely arguing over who has to do the dishes, and the next you’re cuddling up to one another and kissing
You guys get on each other’s nerves a LOT
But you’ll always be each other’s rocks. At the end of the day, coming home and seeing him gives you so much comfort.
You can’t keep any secrets from each other, and why would you want to anyway? There’s nothing about you that he wouldn’t love
You’ll support each other through anything, and no matter what life throws at you, you always make it work ❤️
Mammon: The “Ride or Die” Couple
You’re the “most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse” pair.
Like if any of your friends could bring a couple to a back alley fight, they’d pick you.
You’re practically inseparable. Every time someone sees one of you, the other is soon seen tagging along behind them.
“Partners in crime” is your nickname from the brothers 💀
You always go on missions together, fiercely protecting one another against your enemies. You’d take a bullet for him any day and he’d do the same for you!
And it’s not just in physical fights either. If anyone ever dares to talk shit about you in front of him, he will tear them to shreds. Similarly, all the brothers know not to tease Mammon too much around you.
Leviathan: The Anti-Social Couple
People won’t see or hear from you for DAYS.
In fact if it weren’t for your couple twitch streams, they might assume you were dead 😀
Your friends know that if you aren’t given at least two weeks prior notice, you won’t be showing up to an event.
And early mornings? Yeah forget it. You two won’t untangle yourselves from each others’ arms until at least noon.
Which leads to a lot of late night anime marathons or gaming sessions! Dinners consist of ramune sodas and cup noodles, followed by a dessert of snack cakes.
You’ll go back and forth between hyperfixating on the same franchise, and not speaking to each other while on your own separate devices. Each cycle lasts about three hours.
Satan: The Smart Couple
You two are constantly fighting for the top spots in your classes.
To the innocent stranger, you could be mistaken as enemies. You engaged in heated debates, and often had different points of view.
But during study hall, people would find you curled up on a couch in the library with you in his lap as you both read your books.
On the rare occasion that you agreed on something, you were an unstoppable team against the opposing side. You’d eat them alive and leave zero crumbs.
Despite the debating, you guys are always proud of each other. He cheers the loudest when you’re awarded top exchange student at an assembly, and you’re practically his campaign manager when he runs for class representative.
Cute study dates where you wind up collapsed on top of him on the floor, books and coffee cups strewn everywhere <3
Lucifer comes in and covers you both with a blanket 🥺😭
Asmodeus: The Aesthetic Couple
You’re each others’ official photographers. If someone looked through your phones, they’d be full of well shot pictures of the two of you both together and solo.
You guys at the mall, you eating ice cream, him at the book store, you guys at the coffee shop…
And of course each photo shoot goes straight to devil gram. You’re practically an influencer couple, and everyone ships you so hard.
You guys took some spicy pics in lingerie together and they went VIRAL 🔥
Every time you go literally anywhere, random strangers will come up to you and tell you you’re the most beautiful couple they’ve ever seen
Most people didn’t know which one of you they were more jealous of, sometimes leading to them beginning to question their sexuality 💀
You have the same sense of style and always have the coolest outfits. At every event, you always look the best, and everyone is constantly raving about it afterwards.
Stealing each other’s clothes, shoes, jewelry, makeup, and bags is completely normal. What’s Asmo’s is yours and what’s yours is Asmo’s 🥰
Beelzebub: The Cuddly Couple
Also known as the “PDA couple.”
You guys HAVE to be touching in some way at all times! Whether it’s linking pinkies, his hand in your back pocket, your arm around his waist… if you’re in the same room, you’re practically attached at the hip.
You can never seem to be close enough to him when cuddling. Even if your noses are touching, he’s gripping onto you tightly and telling you to get closer.
You guys love feeding each other, much to the annoyance of the brothers
You sitting on his lap is his favorite form of non-sexual intimacy. He just loves how small you are compared to him, straddling his lap like a koala with your little legs dangling off the chair. He’ll play with your hair and tuck your head into the crook of his neck, smiling down at you affectionately.
Leaving the house without giving each other a kiss is practically sacrilege 😌
You have sickeningly cute food-themed nicknames for each other. Cupcake, honey bunch, sweetie pie, love muffin, cookie…
Belphegor: The Rebellious Couple
You two are always either plotting or executing some sort of diabolical scheme.
You plan the best pranks, and they get talked about for years afterwards. No one else could ever top them
As a result, a lot of your dates happen when you’re both grounded to the attic as punishment.
It was honestly stupid of Lucifer to consider a night trapped in the same dark room full of nothing but cozy blankets as a punishment. You didn’t need anything to entertain you when you had each other.
You’d make the world’s coolest blanket fort and hold each other close in it all night, foreheads pressed together as you talked for hours between kisses
You two never get in trouble without the other though, because that would mean you get punished separately :(
Feeding off of each others’ chaotic energy in class and annoying the teacher until you both get sent off to detention
Running away from Lucifer together, laughing and holding hands as he chases after you
Diavolo: The Power Couple
The two of you together are truly fit for royalty. All his subjects agreed that you were the rightful rulers of the Devildom.
You were a symbol of peace and love, making everyone feel safe and cared for
You always attended charity events together, making speeches and bonding with demons who needed help
You two throw the BEST parties. Your ballroom outfits are the envy of all, and everyone can’t help but swoon at the sight of you dancing the night away 🥰
You guys do interviews together, smiling at each other as you discuss your relationship with the public
Shielding each other from paparazzi, nonchalantly striding past them holding hands
“MC and Diavolo” becomes the new standard by which all other iconic couples are held.
Your fairytale wedding was the most watched program in the history of the Devildom ❤️
Barbatos: The Dependable Couple
If anyone has a job that needs to be done right, they’ll come to the two of you first.
The two of you just take care of everyone so well in addition to running the Demon Lord’s Castle.
You often tag-teamed as the brothers’ therapists. Barb would comfort Mammon while making dinner, and you would give Satan advice while doing the dishes, then you would both take a trip to Purgatory Hall to help Simeon and Solomon with a spell
Time-traveling together ❤️
You guys don’t get a lot of privacy and have been caught getting intimate by Diavolo a few times 💀 He’s also innocently interrupted your dates, not realizing how big of a third wheel he was being.
You started planning how to find the young lord a partner of his own so he’d leave you alone. And you figured you might as well get the brothers into relationships as well while you were at it.
Simeon: The Romantic Couple
Everyone thought you were the perfect couple, and they honestly weren’t that far from the truth.
You guys dominated practically every love language: writing each other poems, having regular date nights, making passionate love, helping each other with chores and school, buying each other cute little gifts…
You take spontaneous trips to the celestial realm and everyone there freaks out upon your arrival 🥺
Romantic picnic dates in the flower gardens by a pond, with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries… putting flowers in each other’s hair and lying next to each other in the grass ☺️
Every once in a while, if the weather was hot, he’d convince you to come for a swim with him in the pond. Your clothes would be left on the bank as you laughed and splashed at each other, floating out to the middle and holding onto each other, foreheads pressed together with your hair dripping wet
He actually wrote a new romance novel inspired by you, and it becomes one of history’s most beloved love stories ❤️
Solomon: The Mysterious Couple
No one ever seemed to know what you guys were up to. You were extremely private about your relationship.
You guys walked everywhere together, but hardly ever engaged in PDA. You never felt the need to, because what went on behind closed doors was enough for both of you.
You were the closest thing this world had to soulmates, being so connected to each other’s hearts… the kind of love that transcends thousands of years
Working on your magic together, going on missions and adventures to acquire mystic elements and uncover ancient secrets ✨
Everyone knows when you two are close because they can smell a strong aroma of herbs and smoke
People aren’t 100% sure whether or not they can trust you… you’re both so charismatic and charming, but at the same time there’s this suspicious air of mischief that you both seem to feed off of
You guys really don’t even care what others think of you… the only thing you care about in life is loving each other for all eternity
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riddlesimp · 1 year
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Hello~! I will be your author for the evening, my name is Angel and I go by she/they
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Twisted Wonderland
Obey me
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Honkai Star Rail
Project Sekai
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Obey me masterlist here!
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5 characters per request except for dorms(dorm leaders, vice leaders, etc)
Have fun here :)!
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anti shippers
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or if you sexualize underage characters in general
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𝙍𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙥 2024- 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙡.
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