#obey me yandere  asmodeus x you
ironicallyyn · 11 days
Obey me cast getting Outta character.... Pt..?
Dinner at HoL
Mc: the food looks so cute! I can't eat this (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
Asmo: you're cute too but I'd still eat y-
Levi: here we go again..
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Yandere platonic obey me brothers with younger sister reader please?
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Youngest Sibling Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
Before Lilith’s passing and the war that sent them to the devildom they’d been prepared to raise a new member to their family. Through much deliberation you do join them in their new life in the devildom but seeing as you are the youngest there’s a lot more pressure on you:
Whether you appear when they are in the devildom or within the celestial realm you are considered the youngest 
Especially with your generally smaller size 
Satan and Belphegor are considered older in every which way
“As the youngest of us (Y/n), you have to trust that we know more than you.”
“Which means you need to rely on us, so trust your older brothers.”
They can’t have you do anything on your own
What should stop you from also meeting some human or other being and trying to run off with them
They often don’t listen to you at all
Specifically Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Mammon
Like you’ll say, “Hey I can do my own laundry!”
And they’ll be like “No you can’t. Your tiny hands and tiny brain can’t comprehend such a difficult task.”
It’s just too easy for them to write you off 
Your cute little face and your tiny little nose and the little pitched voice that sounds like a toddler
They always come up with some logic that just doesn’t allow you to grow in any way
And then you have the others that can’t understand you because they just don’t hear you
You’ll say,”I read in an article about our monarchy being extremely barbaric despite the…”
But all they hear is “Goo Ga Ga. Can you pwick me up bwig brother?”
“Awww of course I’ll pick you up! An then we can dress you up in something to match me!”
“Hey what’re you even talking about?! Stop it!”
“Wow I wish I had a camera! These years go by far too fast!”
“Ugh Levi! Are you even listening?!”
Sometimes they’ll hear you…but don’t expect them to actually respond to you in any coherent way
Asmodeous and Leviathan are just automatically going to somehow misconstrue anything you say
They think you’re a baby after all
The only ones that seem to actually understand you is Belphegor and Satan
Both of which who seem to have gone through what you did or actually notice that you’re as independent as you are
“I kept trying to ask him but he just said I wouldn’t understand any of it. Even though I was the one to bring it up.”
“He’s an idiot. You can’t expect him to pick up on your genius. Which is why I tell you to only talk with me.”
“Yeah, but it’s folly to have only one person’s opinion.”
“Says scientists but I for one love only talking with you.”
That doesn’t mean they don’t tend to baby you too
“Can you blame me, you're a cute little calf. Pampering you comes naturally.”
“But can’t you see how exhausting it is. I’m old enough to want to have intelligent conversation.”
“I know you do…which is why I’m always going to be willing to listen.”
It’s a pain
But thanks to a nosy ruler that keeps the worst brother at this busy
There are so many chances to grow and maybe get away from these overbearing brothers of yours
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Obey Me!
[How the demons react to you touching their demon form.]
I tried my best to find the owners of the picture but failed. I forgot to get the owners and tried to find the pictures again (since I deleted them in my gallery) so do not hate me 🥲
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He declines immediately when you asked him. His pride would never let you touch his wings/horns...until you 'accidentally' touch his wings.
He wants to scold you. But on the other hand... "As a reward, I'll let you touch my wings...and horns perhaps." And pamper him.
[He just wants you to touch him]
He brings you to the bedroom and sits on the bed letting you stroke his horns and touch his wings.
He wants to lean on you. Oh how he wishes for you to keep going like this.
"Keep going...hah, just like that. Hngh-....I have work to do-" He walks away. It seems that you have found a new side of him. Congrats!
In the past, if you're trying to do it while he's working, he'll say "Stop bothering me....fine, you better make this worth it." Looking at him now, he whines at the loss of contact, grabbing your wrist to lead back on to the bed.
"please don't go just yet.....stay."
[He's begging you.]
He said those words while he puts his head on your shoulder. He sighs in relief when you rub his wings and kisses his horns.
[He'll put away his pride just for you]
Now if any other people ask you to do it for them, well the next morning. The person disappears. If you do it to them, wanting to do it, he will drag you away. Scolding you that you shouldn't trust any other people so easily. He just wants you to do it only for himself.
Now if you want to put accessories on him, he will say it's unreasonable. Well, the next thing you know! He will be acting like a doll, letting you put accessories on him. Maybe put little feathers (any color) accessories on his horns.
"You look way more beautiful than a ruby, even the most famous painting. Perhaps are you all beautiful just for me Luci?" You tease. "Stop with the teasing already." If you had paid enough attention, you'd see a full-on flustered Luci trying to keep his composure.
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"H- huUuUUHH?! Y-...Fine! Be grateful that the Great Mammon is allowing you!" Looking away from you. Well, the thing you didn't expect was when you touch his horn, then outlined his wings; He became greedy.
Welp, now you're stuck with a demon who is trying to be sly and make you touch his horns/wings. So, the moment you touch him, he will be addicted and snuggling onto your hand.
[Don't let go.]
Drowning into your warmth, when you tried to let go. He frowned. Not letting go, you sighed. When you stopped striding your fingers on his wings, rubbing the base of his horns. He started begging, for your touch, warmth, and praise for how fluffy his hair is.
If you hadn't touched him for a week, He'd start throwing little tantrums at you. Then when you finally started to do it. He would be saying so many muffled apologies.
If you started doing it to other people, even just playfully bullying them by messing their hair. The next day, the person didn't want to get close to you. Flinching at the sound of Mammon's voice.
Accessories. He would be delighted to have jewelry on his horns/wings. Especially when you chose them and put it on him.
"My little treasure, no amount of money can compare to you!" Patting his head and gliding your hand through his fluffy hair. He was stuttering about what you just said. Falling onto the floor. He looked away blushing.
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"W- WHAaaAaA?! I-....alright. B- but! Can you please wear Henry's outfit in exchange? (The fish)/Ruri Chan outfit in exchange?"
(If you have a built body, do. Not. Flex. Well, if you do. You will have him having a nosebleed. No matter which outfit. The Henry outfit or the Ruri Chan outfit.)
He looked away embarrassed. Flinching when you grab the base of his horns, lightly stroking down his tail. Now, if you do it while he's playing a game. His focus is all on you, the contact of your hand on his tail, and the other hand on the tip of his horns.
When you let go, he will start crying. Saying if he did anything wrong, did he? He holds you tight. (Even when you have a big body. Not in the sus way though) feeling hot tears on your back.
[Please continue. If you wont, he'll be sad!]
He's the demon of envy! So of course he's gonna be soooo jealous when you do it for other people. The next thing you know, the person looks like he has been through a whole lot. Flinching at the sound of water, and doesn't even get near you.
Accessories! He would let you do it. Nothing too flashy. Maybe make him wear the Ruri outfit just for fun~ or maybe put little bows on him to make it look even cuter!
"Awww, such a cutie. Don't be shy, let me add the one last bow." You said smugly, wrapping his tail with a little bow. You also had wrapped a bow on his neck and his horns. He was blushing so hard, he was even redder than the bows!
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"Is this perhaps a new kind of torture? Hmm..I will participate then." You chuckled. You griped his horns then tugged his tail. He flinches. Wasn't because of pain, he was quite enjoying this.
You would scratch the base of the horns softly. Then stroking his tail lightly. Do this especially when angry or maybe stressed. This can distract him from doing destruction and chaos. He would enjoy it even more if you do it a bit more rough.
[Maybe in bed too.]
He can last about half a month. (If there wasn't something to trigger his wrath.) But if you don't do it for too long, he WILL. Knock down your door, dragging you to his bedroom so you can pamper give him with your love and care.
If you refuse to do it, he will crack. Having frustration upon him, he destroys everything in his path. The next day, you have no choice but to do it. Because he knows that you're too soft and kind to let any destruction that hurts life.
[So, please keep pampering him.]
You can't even do it to anyone. The moment that there's a sign of it. That person would be gone. No traces.
Accessories, you only let him have soft, not-so-harmful ones. (Since even if it isn't supposed to be harmful, he has a way to make it harmful.) He loves it because it's your choice. You had thought about him.
"Hello, my little emerald." You are trying to not laugh. He was surprised you called him that. Even though it seems he was calm. He was malfunctioning.
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He won't even hesitate. He loves when you touch his horns and small wings. You treat them so gently, like an artifact that can break even a single mistake.
[He doesn't mind if you go rough]
You would take care great care of them with the first contact with his horns/wings. So now, it's in your daily schedule to take care of him. At first, he didn't really like them. But when you came into his life, he now has a reason to like them. It's because you are the one who put great care into it for him! He usually feels lust. But from you, just filled with love and care!
[He would be delighted if you have some lust for him]
If you don't take care of them, even for 1 day. He will open the door and launch on you. Whining about it and how he misses you! The way you touch him so gently. If you leave, he will get on his knees. Begging for you to not leave.
If you do it to anyone, the next day. The person feels like his energy and life force is being taken away and later withers away.
He would love accessories! Any accessory will do. He will ask you if it fits him well. Maybe put some roses. (The picture is an example)
"You look so pretty. Even without it." He smiles, hugging you and you hug back oh so lightly.
[He loves when you compliment him even without anything on him.]
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He doesn't mind. He actually appreciates it. It distracts him from eating everything in the fridge. Happily basks in your warmth.
Touching his horns, gently outlining the shape of his wings. If you stop, he'll frown. Asking you to keep going. If you refuse, he gets even more sadder and now he barely even touch his food!
If you hadn't done it yet, he will go to you and ask for more. Snuggling onto your neck. Hungrily wanting for more.
If you do it for someone else, he will tell you that his heart stings and has the desire to drag you and keeping you in his arms so you can only do it for him. He felt guilty, frowning. Thinking he was in trouble. Nope, you just ask him if he wants to eat with you.
He doesn't really find it in the use of accessories. But if you're doing it, he wouldn't mind. That's just another excuse for you to touch him.
"You look like a chipmunk! How cute." He doesn't know if he should be flattered or embarrassed but he just smiles sweetly.
Or maybe
"You know. I can just eat you up right now!" You smiled. He was still processing what you mean by that.
[He hopes you keep your promise]
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He was too tired so he just nodded. He jolted when he felt a hand rubbing the base of his horns and the other hand was playing with the fluff on the ends of his tail.
He was about to quietly yell at you until he found it...soothing, comforting and so relaxed. So he just bathe in your warmth and sleep
Well, for a few days now, he has been asking you to do it since he found out he cannot now sleep without you doing it.
If you refuse, he will be cranky and throw small tantrums. Day, by day. It got worse and worse. So you just agreed to do it. When you leave, you hear a whimper. Tugging on your sleeve, leading you to the bed, and laying on your lap. Expecting you to comfort him. Wrapping his tail around your arm. Teasing you with the fluffy ends of his tail.
[In hopes of you grabbing it.]
If someone asks you to do it then later, the person suddenly cannot sleep and if they do, they will have terrible nightmares.
He only accepts soft accessories that are quiet or a necklace that doesn't easily get tangled with anything.
"Goodnight belphie. Sweet dreams." He smiled. Snuggling in closer while you cuddle him.
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squeakyducky · 3 months
Ahem so obey me replaced au (kinda??)
Let's say a witch was jealous of MC and put a spell on brothers that made them forget about them and tryna get together with the brothers. Ik some of them won't fall for it Luci ahem, but like pls get amnesia for the sake of plot. At first MC was hurt and stuff but the second they found out it was a witch's doing? How dare she steal their men ⁉️⁉️ IMAGINE MC going apeshit and literally obliterated the witch on the spot with their magic because they're hot and badass like that. And it's canon that MC is super strong in the story as well. AND AND since the witch is dead, the spell was broken and the brother got their memories back, and then sees the destruction MC left behind LMFAO and MC was acting all cute and saying 'you're mine' with a cute pout on their face 👀
Luci, Belphie and Satan would be proud asf
Mammon and Levi would definitely be flattered
Beel and Asmo will admire MC's strength probably
I actually kind of want to see a story like that, oh glorious writers pls do your magic ✨ 🙇🙇 (not forcing anyone ofc)
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
This is brilliant
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I absolutely love this, this is such a great head cannon @secretlynotablog <3
Just imagine your studying, reading, whatever you need to get done at that moment and put your air pods in, turning on some music to get through what your currently doing. Its been a few hours as you get carried away by what your doing, focusing on the work on your desk as music blasts in your ears.
It was only when you started to hear your AirPods glitch and distort that you get pulled out of your work, starting to hear the needy whines coming from the brothers. They weren't happy that you were focusing on something other than them but because you needed to get work done, you just ignored them and pretended that the music was still on, feeling satisfied when you hear them start to get desperate for your attention. It was hard to keep a straight face as you heard them start to bicker with eachother, trying to catch your attention with cheesy pick up lines.
"Are you lightning? cause your my-queen"
"hey cutie, do you like water? that means you like 70% of me"💀
"you dropped something, my jaw"💀
"did you fart because you blew me away"💀
"I wish you were my pinky toe so i could bang you into every piece of furniture in my house"💀
"Hey darling, are you a white van because i wanna put some kids in you"💀
"Did you sit in a pile of sugar cause you have a pretty sweet ass"💀
"I just shit my pants, can i get in yours"💀
You almost got away with it aswell, hearing their voices talk to you as the airpods eventually die. They it was peaceful again, its not that you didn't like talking to the brothers, but it did just get abit annoying that they wouldn't give you some personal space. It was around 12pm, the perfect time to go and get some lunch.
You didnt want to be disturbed while on your lunch run so you left your phone on your desk, ignoring the countless notifications coming from the brothers that flooded your phone. Little did you know that they were all tracking you through your apple watch, making sure your safe as you head out to get some lunch. They were happy that their darling was getting so many steps in, they may have been abit jealous though that you were out of the house and free in the world. Anyone could talk to you, and boy were they having a talk with you when you get home
Please don't crucify me because of those pick up lines, i found them on google💀
The headcannons were so cute, i love the idea that if they weren't so creepy in my OG headcannons, they would be abit more sweet. Thank you so much for the headcannons and im sorry if they weren't like how you imagined
What should I do next?
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chaedomi · 1 year
imagine that lilith was not the only sister in the family. om bros with another little sister… but add a splash of yandere to it. / mlist.
LUCIFER who constantly monitors everything you do. LUCIFER who puts you in lockdown when the slightest detail has him suspicious. LUCIFER who ignores your protests as he searches for the problem and eradicates the source.
MAMMON who is somehow worse than Lucifer. MAMMON who asks about your business every hour, every second of the day that it drives you crazy. MAMMON who is very possessive as well, so much so that if someone were to eye you for more than three seconds, MAMMON gets so snippy and shoves at the person.
LEVIATHAN who seems the most normal out of all, but is as equally as messed up as the rest. LEVIATHAN who handles your life online, while the others handle what happens offline. LEVIATHAN who browses through your history and websites, going to fix whatever seems "off" to him.
SATAN who reflects Lucifer's emotions, instinctively harbors extreme feelings for you. SATAN who investigates the reason for his brothers’ actions and eventually understands. SATAN who forms his own attachment to you when you patiently and lovingly treat him as his own person.
ASMODEUS who understands the uproar about you; you were basically an angel inside a demon's body. ASMODEUS who understands when someone falls head-over-heels for you. ASMODEUS who allows that person to be entertained by your presence. ASMODEUS who will quickly turn hostile if said person tries to make advances on you.
BEELZEBUB who vows to not repeat the same mistake in failing to protect you. BEELZEBUB who follows wherever you go like a damn shadow, looming over you. BEELZEBUB who sends a piercing glare to anyone if they so much breathe incorrectly in your space. BEELZEBUB who practically obliterates anyone daring to approach you.
BELPHEGOR who scares and rids of any potential male/female suitors for you. BELPHEGOR who acknowledges the problem began when his other sister fell in love. BELPHEGOR who works thoroughly to prevent history from repeating itself.
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©chaedomi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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hwascripts · 1 year
A Yandere Love Letter From Satan
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Warning: Brief mention of violence, toxic behaviour, dark themes. This is simply a work of fiction, I in no way support or condone yandere behaviour.
Check out my directory if you want to see more
Hello, my darling.
I hope this letter finds you well. At the moment I am writing this, it has been exactly three days, 17 hours and 56 minutes since you “escaped” from me. Yes, darling, I’ve even counted until the very last minute. Your absence has been absolute torture, my sweet one.
Tell me, my beloved, did you honestly believe you could escape that easily from me? Did you sincerely think you could hide from the Avatar of Wrath? How silly of you to believe you could run from a demon you have a pact with; how silly indeed.
I know you've run off to the human world, my beloved. I know exactly where you are, and I can't say I’m amused. I’m furious with your decision to run away from me, your soul mate, to foolishly frolic around with your...” real boyfriend.”
The mere thought of a lowly, worthless, filthy HUMAN laying his hands on you, filling your pretty little head with ridiculous ideas, makes me want to rip out his heart. How dare such a disgusting, vile creature taint you with his impurities.
I am not a patient demon, my darling. My patience has been stretched thin over the last three excruciatingly painful days. You have one day to return to your rightful home, here in my arms. Fail to return, and I shall take matters into my own hands. I sincerely hope that wretched beast isn't too fond of his limbs because I’ll tear them apart slowly if you don’t take my warning seriously, my beloved.
And I do hope you don't think you won't be punished for this outrageous behaviour, darling. I hate punishing you, sweet one, but you must repent for betraying me, your only true love.
But for now, my beloved, I hope you like chains because you’ll be chained to my side forever.
Eternally yours,
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fanfic-gallery · 1 year
mr. popular
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yandere obey me x popular m!reader headcanons
|| cw : DEAD DOVE - DO NOT EAT, mentions of stalking, gaslighting, manipulation, taking advantage of the reader
» manager’s note: this was requested by a very sweet anon through my DMs, thank you so so much anon~ hope this meets your expectations and i hope everyone enjoys this fic too! stay safe, drink lots of water, take care <33
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|| never had an interest; may have even thought of you as some-sort of troublemaker. has always shrug you off whenever you would bother them with unnecessary small-talk during sudden encounters; but, as they start getting a closer look at you; maybe you both were forced into a group project or had business to settle till a certain date; whichever it was, it seems like their interest has been peaked.
|| they start to adore your talkative nature, sometimes even drowning in your eyes as you spoke, their smile growing larger the longer your rambles went on. your cheerfulness and charisma is like their coffee, just seeing your smile early in the mornings fill them up with so much energy that they could take on anything throughout the day. probably has purposefully stalked you from a distance, but its never obvious, it would just look like they were just ‘passing by’.
|| may or may not have slipped little letters or poems of their affection into your lockers sometimes even a little.. ‘gift’ alongside it. oh, it’s nothing serious, just maybe a loose finger from someone that had gotten a little too close to you the last time they saw you during free period. don’t worry, they aren’t hurt too bad.. they just won’t be coming to campus for the rest of the week... maybe they won’t even return... what can they say? that nuisance deserved it, how dare they take your obvious platonic gestures and touches as an invitation... oh no no no... you were being how you always were.. friendly <3
⇒ lucifer, barbatos, satan, raphael
|| it was love at first sight; either it be your beauty or your personality. can barely even be within a radius around you, let alone hold your stare when you finally noticed them and decided to give them a gesturing wave to come over. definitely worships the ground you walk on; they just see you as an angel that had descended from the heavens to bless them in all your glory. stalks you 101%; has followed you home and took some of your stuff to either display in their shrine of you or too do very very unholy stuff to them-
|| be friending them is just making your case worse for yourself. they see your friendship as an approval of the relationship between the both of you, which means they have your consent to do whatever they want to you. it starts off small, such as, accidentally grazing your skin when walking pass you or not knowing they had placed their hand on your lap, subtle romantic gestures that they thought would have set the record straight but i guess you were too pure to recognize their sinful ways
|| gestures grow more intense, more.. uncomfortable; so disturbing in fact, that your friends would have questioned your relationship with them. of course, they weren’t happy to find out that those bastards had told you stuff like ‘stop hanging out with them’, ‘i knew they were a creep from the beginning’ blah blah B L A H... but it’s alright, they’ve dealt with your idiotic friends, and now they won’t bother you both anymore... in fact why don’t you and them get together already? it’s not like you have anyone else... right?
⇒ amos, simeon, belphie, mephistopheles, levi
|| were actually your friends — people you vibed with and deliberately started hanging out with. they’re initial feelings for you were mutual; they treated you almost like a brother; but... all of a sudden; one day, at a certain time; something clicked in that little brain of theirs, systems had overridden itself, overloading with emotions they never thought was physically possible
|| doesn’t really have to do anything unsavory like stalking, why do that when they literally can ask to hang out with you whenever they like; why need to steal your stuff when they can just borrow them, though you might never see said item ever again or maybe you will but... it might have some heavy signs of use on it- despite all this, this doesn’t 100% remove the possibility of them not doing the actions listed above but with you befriending them for quite some time, it does help them make great excuses for why they were coincidentally at said place doing whatever the fuck: “...i’m taking a different route home”, “...this was yours?”, etc.
|| they crave your attention, so much so, that you barely even have any time in your schedule to hang out with anyone else but them. of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by your pals; some asking, some even demanding you to stop this nonsense at once only for you to yell back, claiming there’s nothing wrong with you spending any of your time with them. in fact, you think they might just be salty; they have been nothing but nice and sweet, they’ve only been taking up some of your time, right? there’s nothing wrong there... right? besides... your friends haven’t even paid you any mind, only they did...
⇒ beelzebub, mammon, thirteen
|| they were someone you looked up to or a senior of yours, either way, you kinda adored them; sometimes even seeing them in a different light than others... and they take full advantage of that. group project? the teacher wouldn’t even bat an eye if they requested you to be paired with them, both experienced and a top scholar. have trouble with a certain course, not to fear, they would generously provide you with free tutoring; the only catch, you’ll have to see them weekly, no skipping unless you have a valid reason and no plus-one... only you and them... alone
|| clearly understands your status on campus, that’s why they like using your popularity and twisting it to their desires. they would request your friends make reports on you at all times; what were you doing, where you were, who were you with... everything to the finest detail. sometimes, they would even come find you personally, making up excuses to drag you out all alone with them to an empty classroom for a little chat... but wouldn’t this awake suspicion, why would it? they were of higher power within RAD no one would deny them of what they asked of them... not even you
|| the most likely to confess and most likely to be accepted by you; maybe they’re just confident in their ability to be able to charm you, or maybe they know you wouldn’t reject them, someone as reputable and well-known as them giving away their heart to you? wouldn’t that just blast your already high popularity through the roof? that and also.. all your other suitors probably haven’t seen the light of day since... there’s a reason why they collect reports on you... not just for surveillance... but also to mark up the names they would have to get rid of just to have you chose them.. only them 
⇒ solomon, diavolo
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delusionalwings · 1 year
Hello, may I please ask separate headcanons for yan Satan and Asmo reacting to their darling not believing they love them cause their ex was the same as them please
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― synopsis -> you don't believe it when he confesses his love for you because your ex used to say the same
― characters -> asmodeus, satan
― gender neutral reader
― headcanons
― warnings -> yandere content,
gaslighting and manipulation, blaming you, getting angry, trapping you in the relationship (satan)
tailing your ex, harming them indirectly, trapping you, emotionally manipulating you (asmodeus)
― a/n -> i hope i understood the request properly? have a great day/night
ex mentioned by they/them. you are romantically involved with character in this scenario
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He's lowkey offended that you would distrust him because of an ex! He is Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust, the most beautiful being in the three realms and above all, someone truly in love with you. Darling, there's a reason that they are an ex and he is your boyfriend.
After tailing this ex for a few days, he is a little surprised. Hmm... They are no competition for him in any way so he shouldn't feel threatened. However, his heart aches on imagining the love you must have once held for that person. Despite being notorious for fooling around, you are the only person he has ever loved romantically. He is free from the pain of a broken heart so he doesn't know how you feel about your ex.
Do you still remember them...? Do you still think about them? Do you still have feelings for them...? Who do you think about more? If you ever stopped loving them, does that mean that you could stop loving him one day too?
His obsession seems to grow with every thought till he has driven him into a hysterical state. Sadly, he can't overcome this. And that's when things go wrong.
You are such a lamb, darling! You must be kept close, always where he can keep an eye on you. Who knows what may happen when he turns away.
He wouldn't believe a word that the likes of your ex utters... Rage fills him when he looks at them. If he ever finds them flirting with someone, he charms that person to leave so that your ex hardly ever finds date, or for that matter anybody who actually likes them. That will teach them about how to treat another person! Haha, but surely they will never get another chance to hurt someone ever again.
Now he is the one who's seeking promises from you. It does not matter if you are comfortable with the words that he is putting in your mouth. Maybe you need some more time before you can overcome your demons and truthfully make those promises but Asmodeus lacks patience now. You are everything Asmodeus ever wanted so tell him that you feel that same about him.
Let him tell you what you mean to him and give him your reassurance. He will believe all that you tell him as long as you continue speaking those words like a pretty bird. What do you have if not trust? How can he continue existing without your love?
He does not like being compared to others in any form, not after being in the shadows of his elder brother since his existence.
When you finally confess the reason for not believing his promises, he gets angry, really angry and turns into his demon form. Despite knowing all about your past, he couldn't quite point his finger on the reason for your distance.
Not until now.
But this?
Your ex? Really? And now you are looking all hurt and even more aloof? How were you expecting him to behave after that?
He returns after cooling down and apologises, while his mind comes up with a new plan.
"You know my ex used to...," he would begin randomly without warning nowadays. It was irritating, especially during the times when the moment was supposed to be about you, about your relationship. Not some ghost of the past that you felt compared to but to the present and possibly the future.
When you finally muster the courage to speak against this injustice, he just blankly stares at you and shrugs. "You started this, didn't you? I thought this is what you wanted. You knew that I despise being compared to and yet you went ahead and did just that. When I return the favour, suddenly I'm the bad guy?"
Satan smiles inwardly on seeing the defeat and conflict on your face. Of course, he knows that sooner or later he would have decided to enjoy teasing you a little. All you did was make him show his true colours sooner and in this particular way. Now he makes you feel that no matter how far you run away, this is the fate that awaits you. The feeling of never being enough.
Your ex has a few things coming - all of those twisted and ugly. No human can make him feel that way and live unhurt. Death is an easier escape than what he has in mind...
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Yandere Asmodeus headcanon (remake)
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Asmo would be a possessive and mildly manipulative type of yandere.
he wouldn't have known "real" love before.
Or experienced what it feels like to be "really" loved.
This would start as a normal relationship.
But after a while Asmo becomes more obsessive.
He would like to feel more of your love.
And that you feel loved.
At the same time, Asmo would become jealous.
He wouldn't want you to "share" your love with others.
Asmo might not lock you out.
But he is always with you.
And Asmo can be really passive aggressive when he thinks you are too close with others.
At the same time, Asmo is also uncertain.
He's just afraid of losing you.
You are the only one who truly loves him.
Asmo won't let you leave.
Asmo would certainly also be really manipulative.
He makes you believe that all the fights are your fault.
That You are the problem in your relationship.
cunning bastard.
Punishments would be either verbal or isolation.
Maybe some sexual punishments too.
But Asmo doesn't want you to start being afraid of having sex with him.
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ironicallyyn · 10 days
Mc: hey Lucifer.. wanna see something funny?
Lucifer: ... Sure?
Mc: shout
Lucifer: (shouts... But nothing happens) ?
Mc: (shouts)
Mammon, Levi and Asmo barged into the room: I HEARD SHOUTING!! MC ARE YOU OKAY!!??
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Hii not sure if your requests are open or not- so ignore this if they’re closed! <3
Can I request some Obey Me! Headcanons?
So reader is the 8th sister of the brothers. So she’s the youngest.
Just some general headcanons of her relationships w the brothers
( And some of the side characters if it’s not too much trouble :>)
Thanks <33
I've already done something like that but I love the concept so I'm just going to build that 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Youngest Sibling Reader Headcannons | Yandere Obey Me
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Before I said he was the worst one and I mean it
He’s an amalgamation of someone who understands you but undermines you at every moment
Because he understands, he does listen
He just doesn’t hold your opinions on the same level as his own
But worse 
Of course his brother’s constant chatter about aimless things isn’t on his level
But every now and then he’ll enjoy hanging out with them 
But not you
Never you 
“Ah so you do pay attention to the political atmosphere. Good job.”
“I don’t expect you to know but I’ll tell you anyways.”
It’s degrading
It’s disrespectful
And he does not care
You can cry and yell all you like 
it’ll just sound like a tantrum to him 
So he’ll treat like one
“If you can’t behave, I’ll have to send you to the attic.”
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As previously stated is apart of the group that just misinterprets everything you say
It’s hard to say if it’s delusion or denial 
Because sometimes he’ll slip up 
You’ll catch him crying or a single mumble in his late night rambles 
“Aw my baby is so grown up…I just can’t believe it anymore.”
If you try to address it he’ll pat your head and ruffle your hair (if you have any)
Before telling you it’s nothing for the baby to worry about anyway
It’s incredibly annoying 
When he writes off your achievements in gaming as button mashing 
Or saying your just a genius so you’d get on his level eventually
Any protests or ‘grown-up’ conversations are often just outright ignore
Now doing things outside of the ‘baby’ image he has of you mostly has him ignoring that too
Unless you come back hurt or specifically crying for his help 
He will actually start flooding places and going into an absolute rampage
He won’t listen to you about calming down
Its going to take all the brothers to de-aggro their brother to save everyone from drowning
“Sorry guys I just want to make sure our baby sib is doing okay!”
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Also a part of that ‘doesn’t listen to you’ crew
Accept while he might actually here you his brain literally just never let’s him hear your real voice
“Can you please stop trying to rearrange my closet?! It’s weird to find you digging through my stuff–”
“Okay okay no need to cry what’s the problem baby sib? C’mon you can use your words! Tell big bro Asmo what’s the matter?”
It’s almost a concern when he does it in front of your other brothers 
Especially the ones you can hold an actual conversation
“Hey (Y/n) can you pass the salt and the salad.”
“Sure, man.”
“Hey Hey! Why are you bothering (Y/n), they’re trying to focus on eating? Not to mention your being such a meanie, trying to make them reach with their tiny arms!”
“(Y/n) is sitting closer to me than you…”
“So? How do you expect them to know good manners if you don’t show them! Here I’ll show you how! Watch me baby (Y/n)!”
He honestly doesn’t compute when you’re getting older
He’ll celebrate birthdays, milestones, awards
But he doesn’t believe you are growing and can’t see it either
Reprimanding you when you went out with your own car
“I’m all for playing with your toys, but you have to have a chaperone. Okay?”
That being said any advances from others are met with extreme animosity
“Not my little (Y/n)! Try that with someone else’s little baby!”
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antiromanticbaby · 1 year
Asmodeus - Pink Paradise
Yandere!Asmodeus x fem! reader oneshot!
       ꨄ I got really inspired by the song ‘wrap me in plastic’. 
       ꨄ Contains: isolation, oblivious mc 
       ꨄ 3rd person pov, you’ll be called (y/n) and not mc. Asmo uses he/him pronouns but will be referred to as ‘princess’ and not prince. (The anime episode 5, remember?)
       ꨄ first fic I’ve written on tumblr, not sure how I feel abt it. Feedback appreciated :)
Summary: Asmo can’t take his brothers or any other being look at his beloved princess. It was about time he took matters into his own hands. 
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    Have you ever felt like the world is just too big for you?  No matter how much you look up, you just feel small and petite compared to this world you live in. Too enormous, and yet too stuffy. 
    That was exactly how (Y/n) felt every time she looked up to the clear sky. Even in this miniature world, she felt small and vulnerable. Especially when her charming princess was away. She couldn’t stand being alone in this pink paradise. In this world of fluffy pink cotton clouds and rosy colored jewelry that would catch the attention of any black crow wandering around
    Only if those dirty black crows actually existed in this paradise. 
    (Y/n) couldn’t remember the last time she saw the outside world. It was something she liked to call ‘the unknown’. Was there actually anything called ‘the unknown’? She would never know. The gates were always closed and the castle had too much beauty to have her wandering too far. 
    She even felt like she had been born here, how couldn’t she? This world was the definition of perfection, with love filled pink candies and fluffy pink dresses put together with marble white gloves and corsets. The champagne color matched with a lovely pastel pink was evident everywhere she looked, even on her beautiful princess Asmodeus. 
    Her lovely princess had also told (y/n) how much this color suited her. Not once, but countless.
     “Darling? Where are you?~” 
     The rose gold colored gates amongst those fluffy pink cottons opened, revealing (y/n)’s beloved princess. Asmodeus, the fifth oldest brother amongst the seven demon lords, the jewel of the heavens. He was truly a rosy gem with honey colored eyes and pink tinted lips. He was like the apple blossoms blooming in early spring, like the soft sakura petals that made every scene more romantic than they already were. Always accompanied by his sweet rose fragrance that suited this pink heaven perfectly.
     Upon seeing his beloved (y/n) struggling with her corset, a smile formed on his glossed lips. 
     “Oh sweetheart, let me help you.” He was standing behind her in a blink of an eye, his slim fingers working their way through the long strings of the marble colored laced up corset. 
     “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long, my beautiful jewel.” Asmodeus hummed softly, putting his arms on (y/n)’s hips and pulling her closer, his warm chest now pressed against her back as they both gazed into the mirror. 
    Shaking her head, (y/n) leaned back on him. She was oblivious to the malicious glint in his eyes, to the possessive hold of his on her body and his sickeningly sweet smile as he continued his speech. 
     “We are truly made for each other, aren’t we, hun?” 
     Asmodeus put his head on the crook of her neck, his golden eyes never once leaving her gaze in the mirror. 
     He wasn’t going to let her go anytime soon. 
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moonwritesatnight · 2 years
Can you write yandere Asmodeus headcanon from obey me?
ooh, I love Asmodeus but never actually thought of him as a yandere, this scares me but I like it at the same time, enough about my spiel, here's your headcanons
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The clingiest Yandere every
He's also very delusional about his darling loving him
Hugs his darling every time they come into a room or when he sees them at RAD
Clings to them the most when he sees his darling talking to anyone else
He often thinks you already like him because who cannot enjoy when he flirts with you
Asmodeus would fall in love with you if you even talked to him or let him do your hair, paint your nails, etc
Even if you tell Asodeus that you don't like him, he knows that you do
He'll think your just insecure to admit it or astonished that someone as good looking as him likes you
He knows that he can't kidnap his darling since he knows that Lucifer watches you and he'd know if you went missing
He just makes sure that you don't see anyone else but him
If his darling doesn't want to get stressed out just talk to him and he won't be as clingy
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blazemourn · 2 years
Silly comic featuring my MC cause I want people to eat my art
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Anyways get DuNkEd On!
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hwascripts · 1 year
A Yandere Love Letter from Asmo
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Warning: Manipulative behaviour, toxic relationship, blackmailing, overall dark content under the cut. I do not support or condone real life Yandere behaviour, this is simply a work of fiction.
Wanna see more? Hit up my directory
Are y’all interested in dad!Satan or dad!Mammon headcanons? Because I’m genuinely about to sob over the demon bros as dads.
Hi sweets,
Did you miss me? I know you must’ve! Don’t worry, though. I missed you too. I missed you so much that my beautiful skin has broken out with stress acne. I’m gonna have to punish you for what you've done to me, sweets. Since you've taken off, my perfect skin has been an absolute mess!
A perfect being like me should never have dull, lifeless, blemish-filled skin. But I guess my life has also been dull and lifeless since you left the devildom. Now I’m very curious, honey. What could possibly be better than being here in my presence? Certainly it can’t be that little…fling of yours.
Oh baby, it really does hurt me so! You shatter my heart with your cruelty. How could you leave me, your perfect match, for some little…useless toy? I’m very hurt, and offended. You see, nobody crosses me and gets away with it.
I’ve existed for thousands of years, sweets. And nobody has been good enough for me, at least not until you came along. You managed to wrap me around your cute little finger, baby. You’re truly a charming little fox, and that's why I can’t afford to let you go.
We were clearly made for each other, honey. There's no use in denying it. That's why I’ll have to resort to extreme measures if you don't return to me. What measures? Well, wouldn't it be truly awful if all our intimate conversations were released to your loved ones?
What would your little fling think if they knew you were already in a relationship? What would your family think if they found out you enjoyed toying with people’s hearts? It’s scary to think about, isn’t it baby?
But don’t you worry, I’ve always been a generous demon. I’ll give you three days to carefully consider your options. I know you’ll use that pretty little head of yours wisely, but just in case you haven’t gotten the message.
You are mine. Got it, sweets?
Don’t disappoint me.
Your perfect match,
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