#obey traffic rules
jaubaius · 2 years
Perfect escape!!
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catgirljaneway · 11 months
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lineffability · 7 months
wait wait wait maybe crowley was so opposed to aziraphale taking the bentley not just bc....well it's his bentley his car the machine he loves and Aziraphale is a bumbling disaster who obeys traffic rules yes sure....but also, hear me out, because that means he can't give Aziraphale a lift. he loves giving aziraphale lifts (anywhere he wants to go)!! if aziraphale just starts taking his bentley out by himself then crowley is not needed?? but mr. acts of service crowley wants to drive aziraphale, loves driving beside him....together... aziraphale wanting to go by himself might be disconcerting in a whole other way....oh my
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kennysho · 2 years
Legal Tips: List Of Persons That Are Exempted From Obeying Traffic Rules In Nigeria 
NEWSMEDIANG.COM Legal Tips: List Of Persons That Are Exempted From Obeying Traffic Rules In Nigeria Like most civilised countries, Laws govern Nigeria, Nigerians and their affairs. The law has laid down rules and regulations for using roads in Nigeria but has also exempted certain persons from obeying traffic rules. Kindly note that drivers of bullion vans, politicians, celebrities and…
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wemefication · 2 years
oh btw i almost got run over by a van and a biker in the span of 10 seconds 😄
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taskmastersource · 7 months
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Drive across the finish line. You must obey all the rules of the road and must only stop your vehicle at a traffic signal. If you disobey a rule, Alex will blow his whistle and you must return to the start for a 10-second driving lesson.
TASKMASTER 16x09 • Fagin at the Disco
+ bonus:
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dicenote · 7 days
Death Note characters ranked on how good they are at driving, from worst to best:
Near: I'm sorry, but he's not reaching the pedals. Like, if you could strap his brain to a car and make him psychically drive it, he'd do better than most people on this list. But in a regular car he'd unfortunately struggle. Maybe he can control the gas/brake while Rester steers, or vice-versa.
Matsuda: I just know that he gets distracted by every little thing. Funny road sign? New song on the radio? Discussing murder notebooks with his passengers? He suddenly forgets that he's in the middle of changing lanes.
Ide: Better than Matsuda because at least he keeps his damn hands on the steering wheel. He's considerably worse if Matsuda and/or Aizawa are bickering in the car with him, though.
Misa: Her placement can be shifted up/down a few spaces depending on your definition of "good". She will get you to your destination 10 minutes earlier than you expect, but multiple traffic laws will be broken on the way.
L: Look, I know he piloted a helicopter in canon without a license, but the sky doesn't have lanes or traffic lights. He can figure out how to drive the vehicle, sure, but his driving is chaotic and only marginally better than Misa's overall.
Light: Like L, he probably doesn't have a license and could work his way around a car. Unlike L, he wants to look like the perfect law-abiding citizen and will try his best to drive like one. He ends up going a bit under the speed limit because of this. L finds his behavior highly suspicious.
Aizawa: Completely average driver, other than the occasional bout of road-rage. Or Matsuda-rage, if a certain idiot is messing with the AC again.
Mogi: Also completely average, but goes completely silent while driving (except when working as Misa's manager). Is he focusing on the road, or does he just not feel like talking? Nobody knows.
Mello: Prefers motorcycles, but is shockingly capable at driving a wide variety of vehicles just fine. He'll even obey the law if he isn't actively committing a crime in said vehicle.
Soichiro: We saw him smash that car into Sakura. Dude managed to make that look cool as hell. When not breaking and entering TV studios, though, he's probably very good at going the speed limit and following traffic laws and all that boring stuff (he is a cop, after all).
Matt: Roughly half of his experience driving is from Mario Kart and GTA, but he can still somehow Tokyo Drift IRL. Theoretically, these could be points against him (see L's placement), but he's so bafflingly good that Rule of Cool makes him the best by default. My point is that he could drive normal, but where's the fun in that?!
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bookshelfdreams · 8 months
do it. gimme the Izzy straight-coded meta 👀
I feel like I need to preface this by saying that Actually, Izzy Is Straightcoded would be the inflammatory clickbait title I'd give this if it were written to draw traffic & ad revenue to my shitty website. So don't take that term too seriously.
There has been a lot of ink spilled about Izzy thinking he's in a story where one can only be subtextually queer. Some even by yours truly, but the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. What would be the purpose of queercoding Izzy?
In general, villains* aren't queercoded to show that men being attracted to other men is bad. It's often the outcome; but it's not why the trope exists. It exists because cishet people tend to be (and are encouraged to be) profoundly uncomfortable with gender nonconformity, and so, making a character gnc becomes a quick and easy way to make him appear twisted and untrustworthy. If he** can't even obey the fundamental rules of his own gender (rules that are inherent and unchangeable!) what other rules does he disobey?
Or: If a man is insufficiently masculine, he can't be trusted to have morals. The villain isn't gnc because that's an evil trait to have; rather, the gender nonconformity is a symptom of his evilness. Being evil is what enables him to embrace his feminine side, and embracing his feminine side is what others him and marks him as a villain.
This only really works when he's contrasted with a hero (or heroine) who is Doing Gender Correctly. The villain is foul to highlight how good the hero is. The Hero will be honest and straightforward, brave, physically powerful; the Queercoded Villain treacherous, cowardly, and physically weak. The hero is a Proper Man, a Good Person. The villain an Improper Man, and therefore, a Bad Person.
Of course ofmd fundamentally rejects this. The shorthand wouldn't work, because ofmd simply doesn't think effeminacy is creepy. It's uninterested in moralizing self-expression; it just lets people be how they are. There's a wide range of expressions of masculinity on this show, and none of it is inherently bad. People are allowed to be hypermasculine, flamboyant, and anything inbetween, can express their gender in whatever manner they want, and it's all fine - as long as they are authentic about it. Be however you are, but be yourself, and this is what Izzy fails at. The repression marks him as a villain. The strict adherence to what he thinks a Real Man Pirate ought to be like. He's very preoccupied with enforcing a traditional (and toxic) masculinity on himself and others. It's no coincidence the characters he antagonizes the most - Stede and Lucius - are also the most effeminate ones. And I know, I know anglophones have a much more casual relationship to twat and cunt, those don't nearly feel as uncomfortable for y'all as they do for me, so I don't want to assign too much significance here, but he is the only character who constantly uses this kind of language, and also the one who uses the most gender&sexuality based slurs (as far as I remember).
All of this while being clearly, obviously queer himself! I do not feel like I need to explain this; his flustered reaction when Lucius asks him if he's ever been sketched speaks for itself. The fact that he meets Stede and immediately slices his shirt off of him, speaks for itself. And so on.
Izzy isn't straightcoded in the sense that the story wants us to believe he's exclusively attracted to women. Much like a queercoded villain doesn't need to be shown to be attracted to men (and can even be shown to be attracted exclusively to women!) to still be queercoded. He's straightcoded in the sense that he's a stand-in for restrictive and toxic gender roles that society enforces on people. He buys into the idea that there's a way of Doing Gender Wrong, and this is presented as a tragic character flaw. Something he has to overcome to be able to do the thing that actually marks a hero in this show: express himself authentically.
Part of why I found his death so moving is because it enables him to set right the toxicity he spread. His rehabilitation arc was about himself; about finally allowing himself to be, accepting love, accepting community. His death was about taking responsibility. About fully recognizing the hurt he caused. Looking death in the face enables him to finally abandon the last shreds of that toxicity, to apologize and be granted forgiveness. In the end, he was not beyond saving, and the harm he has done will be healed.
*Izzy is introduced as an antagonist to both Stede and the central romance of this romcom. I'm not gonna debate this; if you disagree, fine, but you clearly have such a fundamentally wrong different view of the show that it's pointless for us to try and convince each other.
**of course Queercoded Female Villains exist s well, but they are a whole different can of worms and less relevant to this discussion
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rottingpirate · 1 year
driving headcanons for 141? like can they even drive or what car do they drive or do they even have a license?? ;D
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If he would have a car then he would have a nice car like a Chevrolet Silverado 1500
No one ever dares to stay in his way because he will drive them over
He hardly ever wears a seatbelt
Has had his licence suspended more than once
He hates driving and avoids it at all cost
Remember how he just drow over that one shadow?
Magically has been pulled over only ONCE
Weirdly enough he hasn't caused any accidents
If you two are going somewhere then you have to drive
He's chill as a passenger though
The type of passenger to yell "HORSE" or "COW" whenever he sees one
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Pulls up with a 1974 Blue Rodger Dodger
The type of person who texts while driving
Almost crashed one time when you sent him a selfie
He likes holding hands while driving
Keep one hand on his thigh and it's perfect
Always brags that he has the best music taste and then he plays marina and the diamonds
He let's you have the aux most of the time
Overall he's a good driver but he tries making it fun by "driving creatively"
He once drove over a mailbox and you never let him forget it
He gets scared by oncoming traffic
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I don't know why but he gives me blue Alpine A110 vibes
Surprisingly careful
Obeys the law and fights the urge to road rage
Very calm, very attentive
Even though he's a good driver I feel like he'd be late everywhere
Plays Doja Cat and Rihanna on repeat
Has music on full volume and loves singing and jamming out with you
You always have to feed him snacks while driving
You have to lean over him to order food because he's terrified of ordering
Has a thing for retro cars
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A clean White Dodge Challenger
Was nervous at first because it's a white car
But keeps his car clean
Will scrub and clean all the bird shit and dirt off until the car shines
Got his licence in one go
Opposite of Gaz in a sense that he's always on time
Goes 90 in a 45
Which doesn't usually keep the car clean
Nights are dedicated to cute little drives so you better not have any plans
Tries keeping his cool when driving with you
He does get distracted by you a lot
Has never been in an accident
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A good ol' 1989 LS 400 sedan 
Or a Dacia jogger
Calls his car "baby"
Drives the squad around wherever they need
I feel like he has never taken the test
Like he can drive but never bothered to get the licence
He likes to smoke while driving
Does that hot one hand driving thing
Has way too many tickets that aren't paid
Will randomly take you to get coffee when you literally have coffee at home
Follows the rules even if he doesn’t always agree with them
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lineffability · 9 months
"Angel! Angel, look!"
"I am looking. What is it?"
"That's my Bentley!'
"I didn't peg you as the type to name your car, Crowley."
"No, it's.... Angel, that's the brand. It's called a Bentley. All of them are. This is a '33 version! Isn't it cool?"
"Yes, my dear boy. Very cool. I notice it has no license plate. Or oil. Or gas in the tank."
"Why should it?"
"You're right, I suppose."
"It's not like I get anything for pumping in some gas, do I? Little gold star for pretending to be human?"
"I get the point, Crowley. But surely... you acquired some kind of license to drive this big thing?"
"A what now."
"Of course. Of course you wouldn't. Demon."
"Why would I get a license, angel?! For what? No one has a license. It's easy! Also, I can drive this baby with sheer willpower, if I have to."
"Certainly. Well, one of us will have to..."
"Have to what?"
"Oh, nothing."
(aziraphale proceeds to go to the nearest transportation authority and convinces the first poor clerk he encounters to please give him a license that has not been invented yet - he insists. the poor guy just scribbles something on a piece of paper and stamps it, anything to get rid of this overly rule-abiding citizen. aziraphale holds onto it for decades. had anyone stopped him on his trip to Edinburgh, it would have worked as intended. nobody stopped him, of course. he obeyed all the traffic rules, even the non-existent ones.)
(the 'license' reads, as dictated, with a little miraculous help, by aziraphale: This license enables A. Z. Fell to drive the vehicle called Bentley, property of Mr. Crowley. It also enables the latter to drive it. Joint license, if you will. Oh, but only for business purposes! Note that down, too, please. Underline business. Thank you. Lovely. You can stop copying me, now. Also, forget this ever hap--- )
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chxrrylime · 1 year
Price has Soap submit to you in hopes that’ll finally earn you his trust.
Soap x Gaz x Price x M!Reader (a focus on Soap x M!Reader with background Gaz x Price) ↪ 2090 words — 18+ / SMUT
Content tags — cis male submissive Soap, cis male switch reader, cis male switch Gaz, cis male dominant Price, sub/dom dynamic, reader is ranked above sergeant and below captain, polyamory, bit of angst again, subspaces, jealousy, gagging, blowjobs, oral fixation, anal fingering and sex, unsafe sex, under-negotiated scene, explicit mention of safe word system, pup as a pet name (haha), Price gets called daddy one (1) time to tease Soap, overstimulation, and implied crying after sex.
Key — C/S for callsign, Y/N for insert name.  
You watch Soap stiffen, pressing straight back against Gaz’s chest as Gaz ties a strip of knotted fabric around Soap’s head, the makeshift ball gag stretching his jaw wide and already beginning to darken with drool. He looks to Price with wide, questioning eyes, and is only met with the image of Price kissing your neck slow and sweet, ignoring the two sergeants as he marks your skin with purpling bruises. 
Soap shuffles his knees further apart as Gaz reaches around to fumble with his belt, undoing his fatigues and pulling both his pants and briefs down over his ass in one swift movement. His slowly hardening cock remains trapped in the confines of the rough fabric, a shudder racking through him as he stares up at you with a weak glare—more half-lidded eyes than anything, his mouth slightly agape as you watch Gaz’s hand work behind him, stretching him open on slim fingers.
Price draws your attention back to him, ordering you to your knees. He moves to the side and you follow, like a working dog to his handler’s hip, and you quickly realize he’s giving Soap a better view as you work to free Price’s cock.
You take his soft prick into your mouth easily, feeling how heavy he rests on your tongue and humming at the salty sweet dribble of pre. Price groans lowly at the vibrations, petting soothingly through your hair as you slowly suck him to hardness.
Price adjusts his stance, widening ever so slightly, shoulders squared as he looks to address Soap. His grip in your hair tightens ever so slightly and you whimper at the pull.
“Ground rules are all the same. Traffic light or tap out—that won’t get you out of this, though. You word out, we sit and have a long talk instead,” Price pauses and Soap realizes through glazed eyes that he’s waiting for a response, a muffled yessir that makes your lips pull tight around Price’s cock in a smile, one that Price notices and meets your eyes with a small grin of his own. It makes something in Soap stir again, that shared moment between you two, a feeling that burns out quickly when Price returns his hard gaze.
Gaz slips in a second finger suddenly and the slight stretch makes Soap moan, lids fluttering shut as he rocks his hips back against the long digits.
“Eyes up,” Price says, gruff, and Soap immediately obeys with a startled grunt like he’s been electrocuted, “you’re gonna let Y/N have a go with you. Team bonding, yeah? However he wants it, while me and Kyle play, and yer not allowed to cum ‘till he says.”
The both of your eyes meet, Soap examining your expression. He finds hunger, or maybe something less dangerous. Desire. Lust. Compassion. It makes Soap burn up hot inside, his cock twitching excitedly in their confines where he’s finally fully, excruciatingly hard and leaking. He moans again, and Price chuckles, looking down at you lovingly and cupping your cheek, thumb swiping over where your lips pull taut around his girth.
“I think he likes that idea,” Price murmurs and you hum in agreement, feeling the hand in your hair slowly guide you off of the Captain’s cock with the wet slick slide and pop as you're pulled free, taking in quick, shallow breaths. 
Soap groans long and low, and you turn to watch, seeing how he’s hunched over toward the floor now, his ass half in the air while Gaz holds his wrists behind his back with one hand, the other still working him open quick and hard, murmuring little ‘there you go,’ and ‘takin’ it so well,’ as he works the other open on skilled fingers.
You’d know—Gaz has made you cum on his fingers alone more times than you’d care to admit.
You can hear the wet, muffled ‘fuck fuck fuck fuck’ coming from Soap, and Price tutting has you tensing ever so slightly.
“Quiet, Johnny, the gag’s there for a reason,” he chides. Soap makes one more petulant whine before falling silent—or near silent, soft little moans and groans occasionally escaping, barely audible past the dampened fabric, his overgrown and sweat slick mohawk hanging down and sticking to his forehead. 
“Think he’s ready, sir,” Gaz says, voice clear and unwavering like this is just another day in the park for him. Price nods, moving around the desk and leaving you kneeling to take a seat in his big leather chair.
“Go ‘head,” Price speaks, and if you hadn’t been looking at him you wouldn’t have known he was talking to Gaz, who smiles, fingers slipping free and sliding up Soap’s shivering spine to the base of his neck before squeezing.
“Present,” Gaz says, in that commanding voice he uses on the recruits, and Soap immediately drops fully forward, wrists still crossed obediently behind his back even without Gaz’s grip, his cheek pressed to the thin carpet, ass in the air, knees spread and staring directly at you with eyes already hazy and cock drunk.
“Good boy,” Gaz coos, petting over Soap’s back for a moment longer before Price beckons him over behind the desk. 
“Go ‘head, C/S, you have fun with your new toy,” Price says, barely paying you or Soap any mind as he tugs Gaz into his lap, shifting his attention to him entirely.
You in turn focus on Soap, shuffling over on your knees slowly so as to not startle him. He watches you like a bleeding animal, cornered and mindless. You frown and move to untie the gag, using the dry parts to wipe his mouth clean of drool. 
“Is this okay?” You whisper, petting through his hair, and you don’t miss the shiver that runs down his spine when you scratch at the base of his scalp.
“Jus’ get it over with,” he grunts out, and that glare returns. He hates how your eyes only soften when he directs it at you.
You don’t dignify him with a response, continuing to pet through his hair. You remember Gaz offhandedly mentioning Soap’s oral fixation and hum, gripping the base of your chubbed up cock with your free hand, spreading your legs further to get closer to the floor, guiding the dripping tip to his lips with a murmured “here.”
Soap hesitantly licks at first, glancing up at you like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop—little kitten licks that make you shudder, hips gently rocking until he takes you into his mouth, simply suckling at the tip, tongue toying with your slit. You can visibly see his shoulders start to droop more, his eyes fluttering shut as he focuses purely on suckling you.
“Good boy,” you purr, and Soap moans, eyes hazy again when they open to look up at you through thick lashes, clumped up with the beginning of tears. You continue to pet his hair, your other hand trailing down his back to tease your fingers at his hole, your arm just long enough to dip the tips of your two digits in, “can I fuck you, Soap?”
He tries to respond, words muffled around your cock, and you chuckle gently as you pull free from his lips, having to hold him in place by his hair to keep him from chasing after your prick.
“Speak up, Soap.”
“Johnny—” he corrects breathily, looking up at you with a determination you can’t quite decipher, “please.”
“Okay, Johnny,” you murmur, and he lets out a shuddering little breath at the name.
You move to kneel behind him, tugging his pants further down to release his aching cock and urging him to move his arms back in front of him to cushion his face. You admire the meaty globes of his ass, taking handfuls just to squeeze and massage. He rocks back against your touch and you smile, pulling at his cheek to see his puffy rim, slick and twitching from Gaz’s minstratons.
“Needy…” you chide, giving him a light slap on the other cheek that has him rocking forward with a grunt.
“Fuckin’ right.”
“Language,” you tease, leaning down to kiss the dimples of his lower back, “don’t want me to have to get daddy involved again, huh?”
“Jesus Christ—” he chokes out, barely a whisper as he buries his face into his bulky arms.
You laugh, gripping your cock, teasing the head at his hole, rubbing up and down over the puckered flesh. You push ever so slightly, letting the tip dip into his tight channel before pulling back, pulling a strained whimper from him.
“Please, what, Johnny?”
Soap tenses for all of two seconds before a huge shiver racks his body, muscles going pliant.
“Please, sir.”
You grin, finally pushing into him. You didn’t earn your rank just for Soap to forget the honorifics.
Soap lets out a loud moan, reverberating through the room as you sheath yourself fully within him, feeling how his hole squeezes tight around you, sucking you in. You hear Gaz laugh and look up, seeing him in Price’s lap, facing the two of you as he slowly grinds back onto Price’s cock, Price’s eyes closed and arms wrapped around Gaz’s torso like he’s lost to the sensation of the younger.
“Having fun there, sergeant?” Gaz smiles, mischievous glint in his eye. His hips cease for all of four seconds and Price grunts, nipping hard at Gaz’s neck and making him jump. You can’t help but chuckle at the annoyed little ‘needy’ Gaz mutters as he continues his movements.
You return your attention to Soap, who’s trying his hardest to rock back on your cock, the firm grip you have on his hips holding him almost entirely in place. He whines high in his throat as you pull out to the tip, shushing him before you slam back in.
He cries out, noisy as you steadily pump into him, marveling in how the sweaty skin of his ass lets out a loud crack with each slap of your hips against it, the meat and muscle there jiggling ever so enticingly. You’re gonna have to leave teeth marks on those pretty cheeks at some point, preferably soon.
You pause to adjust your position, slapping him hard on the thigh when he tries to complain, quickly shutting him up. You blanket yourself over his back, arms wrapping tight around his arms and torso to pull him upright against you, caging him in against you. Your cock sinks ever so slightly deeper at this angle, and Soap’s cock kicks heavy and hard between his legs, dribbling out a steady stream of precum. 
You grind into him with quick, aborted little thrusts, sucking and nibbling at his earlobe.
“Want you to finish before me, Johnny,” you hum, and Soap grunts in question, apparently reverting back to caveman speak from getting railed so hard, his brow furrowed and eyes clenched shut as he pants, “want you overstimulated. Squirming on my cock—clenching ‘round me so fuckin’ tight. Begging me to stop with tears in your eyes. D’you want that, pup?”
You get your wish when Soap suddenly gasps at your words, back arching and shoulders pressing back hard against you. You watch his cock pulse, spurting cum across the floor as you grit your teeth, his hole clenching tight around you, making it hard to even fuckin’ move.
“Fuck, Johnny, there you go, that’s a good boy,” you groan, stilted little movements as his hole milks you, shivers racking through his body.
“S’too much—” he hiccups, like he tried to take in a lungful of breath only for it to get caught in his throat.
“Yeah,” you respond mindlessly, trailing your hand up his torso, to his throat and to his jaw, dipping your fingers past his lips—something to focus on. He immediately starts suckling, making strained little groans and grunts as you continue to rock into him, chasing your own release.
There’s a particular noise he makes—a shaking keen as you press particularly hard over his abused prostate on a stroke in, a sound that has you toppling over the edge with a groan, hips stuttering as you cum, filling him warm and sticky.
You pull your fingers free, hugging him close to your chest as you both come down, carefully keeping your softening cock inside of him. His hands come up to grip your forearms gently, squeezing as you gently sway side to side, kissing Soap’s neck and softly humming an idle tune.
If he cries, neither of you mention it.
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yeah cool bike you’ve got there yeah fuck cars yeah do you obey traffic rules?
do you know that you as a biker have to abide by the same rules cars do in order to keep pedestrians safe?
do you know that you have to stop at stop signs and red lights?
do you know that you have to go the same way as cars do on one way streets?
do you know that you can’t bike on the sidewalk?
do you know that you as a biker are no more a pedestrian than a car?
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heiratemich333 · 2 months
fuuuuck cant wait to go home and obey traffic rules in gta
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ghostofskywalker · 6 months
i am so tired right now and accidentally deleted the ask instead of clicking "answer", so this ficlet is for an anon who requested "can our goal be not to die today" - "that seems like a lot to ask" with harley quinn! i hope you enjoy it :)
words: 818
What a Night
summary: you should have known what you were getting into when you began hanging out with her, but of course sometimes love is truly blind.
harley quinn masterlist || request a winter ficlet!
“Hey Harley!” you yelled from the passenger seat of the car. 
She didn’t listen, and you didn’t really have a way to confirm this from where you were sitting, but you had a feeling that the gas pedal of the car you were riding in was practically resting on the floor of the car, and she had no intention of changing that any time soon. 
“What’s up pumpkin?” How she had the confidence to look over and shoot you a smile while the car was weaving in and out of Gotham traffic at full speed was beyond your comprehension, and you certainly didn’t feel safer for it. 
“Can our goal be not to die today?” 
Something (you thought it might have been a whole watermelon, but you honestly weren’t too sure) came flying off the truck in front of you, and Harley swerved just before it made contact with the windshield. “I don’t know!” she called out, as even though the windows were closed the radio was turned up inexplicably loud. “That seems like a lot to ask!” 
“I don’t feel like it is!” 
The sound of gunshots joined the cacophony of Gotham’s night noises, and you were sure that they had to be raining down all around the car. You should have really expected some kind of chaos to start when you hang around Harley, and maybe you should have said no to tonight, but you couldn’t help it. Even now, with a manic glint in her eye as she played fast and loose with the traffic rules of Gotham (and your lives), you could see something special about her, and it wasn’t just the crazy color combinations she wore. 
Maybe falling in love was admitting when you’re too doomed to ignore it, and there was no questioning that anymore. You thought that your friendship with the exuberant ex-criminal was right at the point where it could shift to be something more, and you couldn’t help the way you hoped that something would happen to trigger that change in the near future. You would have never guessed that you would be speeding through the streets of Gotham with her, but you supposed this probably wasn’t the craziest thing she’s ever done. 
Thankfully, it felt like the stakes of the evening took a momentary pause when Harley pulled into an alley and opened the driver’s door of the car. “What are you doing?” you called, just finally beginning to gather your bearings about what was going on. 
“No time to explain!” she called, right as she took off running. “Follow me!”
With what you felt like was no other choice, you obeyed, and the two of you finally ended up in an abandoned warehouse. Old building materials, shattered window shards, and forgotten furniture laid beneath a thick blanket of dust, and you were just thankful to finally be granted a moment this evening in which you weren’t in active danger of dying. 
“Who were those people?” you asked between heaving pants, wishing that you had access to water (or something else to quench your thirst). 
Harley shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said, with a tone that was way too nonchalant for your liking. “I can hardly ever keep track of who wants to kill me these days.”
“Can we leave this place?” 
Again, she shrugged, the smile on her face only growing. “Why would you want to?” 
Your eyebrows shot up. “Have you seen this place? I don’t think it’s been in use since before Batman was born.”
She just laughed, reaching down to take your hand. “Fine grumpy. I can take you home now, how’s that?” 
“Are we actually going to make it there, or are we going to die two blocks away?” 
“I don’t know!” She giggled as she began to pull you back towards the car. “And isn’t that the fun part of all this?” 
“I think you and I have different definitions of fun Harley.” 
“Oh?” she stopped in her tracks. “And what would you consider fun?” 
“I don’t know, maybe dinner out somewhere? Anywhere where I’m not in mortal peril, really.” 
You hadn’t even realized what you said until you watched her expression shift. “Is this your way of asking me out?” 
Maybe it was the insane car chase you had just experienced, a side effect of the adrenaline that was so obviously pumping through your body right now, but you didn’t shy away. “And what if it is? Would you say yes?” 
Harley answered your question by leaning in to steal a kiss from you, just before she turned and sprinted away from you, gleeful laughter escaping her mouth as she shouted something about racing her back to the car. 
And with the potential of another kiss (and one even better than that) suddenly on the table, you took off running after her, this time a little less worried about your life.
- the end -
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visit-new-york · 1 year
Overlooking DUMBO
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Are there any restrictions for cyclists on the Brooklyn Bridge?
The Brooklyn Bridge stands as an iconic symbol of New York City, connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn while offering breathtaking views of the skyline. For many cyclists, the bridge is a popular route, providing a unique and scenic path between the two boroughs. However, as with any infrastructure that accommodates various modes of transportation, there are guidelines and restrictions in place to ensure safety and smooth traffic flow. In this article, we'll explore the restrictions imposed on cyclists when traversing the Brooklyn Bridge.
Cyclist-Friendly Infrastructure:
The Brooklyn Bridge is equipped with a dedicated bike path, allowing cyclists to pedal their way across the East River without mingling with pedestrian traffic. The bike path is separated from the pedestrian walkway, providing a designated space for cyclists to navigate freely. This setup is intended to enhance safety and efficiency for both pedestrians and cyclists, as the bridge attracts a considerable number of visitors daily.
Speed Limit:
While cyclists have their own designated path, it's essential to note that there is an unspoken speed limit in place. The narrowness of the bike path and the high volume of traffic, both pedestrian and cyclist, necessitate a cautious and considerate approach. Cyclists should adhere to a moderate speed to prevent accidents and ensure a harmonious coexistence with pedestrians.
Pedestrian Priority:
Despite the dedicated bike path, cyclists must be mindful of pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians have the right of way, and cyclists should yield to them at all times. This is particularly crucial in areas where the bike path intersects with pedestrian walkways or when entering and exiting the bridge.
Cyclist Responsibilities:
Cyclists are expected to follow traffic rules and regulations while on the Brooklyn Bridge. This includes obeying traffic signals, yielding to pedestrians, and using hand signals to indicate turns. Adherence to these rules helps maintain order and ensures a safe environment for everyone using the bridge.
Time Restrictions:
While there are no specific time restrictions for cyclists on the Brooklyn Bridge, it's important to be aware of peak hours and increased pedestrian traffic. During these times, such as rush hours and weekends, the number of people walking across the bridge tends to be higher. Cyclists should exercise extra caution and be prepared to navigate through crowds at a slower pace.
Cyclists on the Brooklyn Bridge can enjoy a dedicated bike path that allows them to traverse this iconic structure while taking in spectacular views of the city. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, cyclists should be aware of the guidelines and restrictions in place. By adhering to speed limits, yielding to pedestrians, and respecting the shared space, cyclists can contribute to a positive and harmonious atmosphere on the Brooklyn Bridge. So, grab your bike, follow the rules, and pedal your way across the East River for an unforgettable journey between Manhattan and Brooklyn.
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
I don't remember if I sent this or not cuz I got interrupted, so retry
Wukong has a driver's license. It was difficult for him to get one since he had to learn the laws of the road and, most difficult of all, learn to obey said law which is not easy for an immortal godlike being who cares little for those around him that aren't part of his troop and makes a habit of actively going agaisnt The Man jsut out of sheer spite. That's not even getting into operating the vehicle either. But he has one and a car to go with it. It's not the tuk tuk, he wouldn't be caught dead in it, but it isn't the sports car you'd expect from him either. It's a small car with a big trunk space to fit deliveries and it has enough space for him and Mihou. He bought mostly for work and appearances, since a monkey flying on a cloud is literally the most Sun Wukong thing he could do an he is undercover right now, but Wukong still looks after it like it's his baby and keeps it at peak condition.
Oooof, yeah. Wukong would not have a fun time learning and obeying the rules of the road. Learning the laws and getting the license I feel would be the easy part - unless he just defaulted into transforming his hair into fake ids. I can see a scenario where his first major traffic jam nearly caused him to break in to Kaiju mode cus he was so frustrated (calmed down cus a little kid waved at him in another car). He knows he has to obey the rules of the road, but only to ensure he doesn't hit anyone/get a ticket. Drives like he rides his cloud; fast, seemingly reckless, and able to pause it immediately if he senses something up.
I am just imagining the most Dad™ like car ever like a Chevy Suburban or a Range Rover, its ruby red and he bought it the second he had funding for it so he wouldn't have to drive that hideous tuk-tuk anymore. It's bulky and has a huge trunk - theres enough room for groceries, deliveries, and stowaway kids!
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He'd in theory like a old-fashioned sports car like a Thunderbird or a Delorean, but he knows in his heart that the break in cover ain't worth it. At least his dear "Sommersault Car" can slip in and out of battles mostly undetected.
That and also the occasional kaiju attacks has claimed the life of at least one of his beloved vehicles.
He ends up wearing his now infamous "mechanic" outfit whenever he works on it. Have to keep his baby (car) working great!
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