#object show xenos
jupitoorz · 8 months
erm 3 the waiting room xenogenders
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the-floating-isles · 2 years
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Xeno/Pinny! They/Xe/Paw/It!
This is the final character! :D!
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moodymisty · 7 months
no fear response, and more that it’s been turned nearly all of the way down.
I headcanon that it’s a similar situation with their feelings of romance or sex. That it’s not completely gone, but that it’s nullified just enough for them, under the right circumstances (a.k.a never truly interacting with baseline humans), to not feel those feelings ever. Because you can’t have your killing machines questioning their loyalty and running off with some mortal, right?
So I this brings me to the thought that a space marine can feel romantic or sexual feelings, it’s just that it’s probably got to be under some very specific circumstances. And that most of them would have no idea what to do when they get a crush on someone. Yes they’re grown adults but new emotion?? New emotion that is affection??? Affection that isn’t platonic or familial?!! Confusion!!!!
Cue a bunch of different reactions to this. Ranging from trying to impress their object of affection by showing off how well they can fight (“Check out how strong I am!” “Well yeah, you’re a space marine.” “Oh… right.”), to deciding to avoid them completely, or being weirdly obsessive/possessive of them because they never want to lose the person that made them feel this way, or getting angry at the baseline human for distracting them from their duties (even though they probably didn’t even realise the space marine had feelings for them), perhaps even deciding to do what they do best and bringing their human trophies of the enemies/heretics/xenos they killed like some kind of giant catboy.
Space marine: 7 years ago I had a crush on a serf in my chapter and I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I wrote her a letter that just said “leave this place immediately”
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(first part of the ask because dumblr cut it off)
Putting this ask on my fridge because you understood the fucking assignment.
Astartes start their transformation at around 10-13, so basically their entire formative years are taken away from them. How are you expected to know what a crush is or love or really any complex emotion if you’re too busy having a bakers dozen of extra organs shoved in you and running through the Tunnel of Terror?
'Yeah I didn't have a girlfriend I was too busy getting acid spit'
I imagine that having to deal with an Astartes who's figuring out how an entire array of emotions work is going to be, a handful. He ends up knocking someones lights out while sparring just to show off, or you end up with the hide of an entire Tyranid Warrior. What do you say to that? Thanks? Them being hyper vigilant of you being around other Astartes, almost obsessively. Also all this depends heavily on the chapter. It would probably be much easier with a White Scar, Lamenter( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Ultramarine, or Blood Angel( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) than an Imperial Fist, World Eater, or Black Templar (I love my wall husbands but their heads are filled with concrete).
[PENDING COMFIRMATION LOL] And, some of this is actually canon! In a book, a space Marine thinks about how weird he feels when looking at an attractive young woman who’s a refugee they saved. I KNOW this is a thing but I cannot remember the source so I’m going to try and find it. I believe he was a blood angel. If I can't find it please take all this with a grain of salt.
And anyone who manages to land themself an Astartes BF pretty much got themself the himbo to end all himbos. Because while Astartes are super smart and have crazy fast reflexes, they’re fucking dumb as rocks in other regards. (Examples being any emotion that isn’t anger or respecting your superiors, stupid infighting between chapters, Talos Valcoran)
Also in the 41st millenium they’re pretty much mildly worshiped as 'angels', so you have a literal trophy husband. Congrats. Please keep him on a leash the guardsmen are very scared and he has no trigger discipline.
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sammy--moh · 10 months
A random ramble about my identity, modern queer community and queer history bc I'm hyperfixated
(I don't want slur discourse under my post. I reclaim words that have been directly used to oppress me only and only towards myself, that's where the conversation ends)
(Cis/Hets don't touch this post
Terfs especially don't even look at this post
Anti kink fuckers don't look at this post, kink and LGBT are separate things but you cannot untangle kink history from queer/LGBT history
If your against the use of the word queer, don't clown on this post
Queer cis people are free to interact and add their opinions but don't clown on this post
Trans people and queer punks and activists please interact <3
Any corrections are welcomed as long as their constructive)
So you could probably find a few posts of me talking about some of my more modern and neo/xeno identity labels, its something I'm fairly proud of I'm a neo pronoun user and have been out as a nonbinary man for a long time
But I don't think I talk about my more, I guess classical and older queer labels and that feels disingenuous because I do still love queer history and have a lot of what would be considered ""outdated"" identieies
Yeah I'm a neo user and have some xeno gender labels, and I'm T4T which as far as I know is a label thats been around a long time but its still common and normally used today
But im also just a gender nonconformist(sometimes i use and reclaim the words transexual and transvestite just to piss off cis people who say i cant), i unapolgetically reclaim the word f4g, im in the leather community, I'm a fem man, im a cub, all things that have been around maybe since the 60s - 70s that I/still/ find connection to, comfort and community in
I mean hell I usually consider myself to currently be in a masc 4 fem relationship which you'd probably never guess by just looking at me
Which is another thing! Why is it always assumed that cubs and bears are the mascs?? I think I have more traditionally feminine clothing and presentation then most of my twink friends, I am a big, fat, extroverted, hairy cub and I am still the fem in one of my relationships and very feminine and fem presenting in general
Obviously masc 4 fem is not the only kind of mlm and wlm relationship that's stupid sndnd and expecting it is heteronormative, some people are masc 4 masc,fem 4 fem, heck not everyone /likes/ traditional masc fem labels and that's awesome!
Another thing I don't see a lot of people talk about is the fact that the bear and cub community is objectively a body positivity movement, that's what it started as that's what it always will be
Bear culture was a reaction to the beauty standards of gay culture at the time, when the ideal in gay relationships were young, thin, conventionally attractive gay and bi/multisexual men
Bear culture was specifically made to appreciate, lift up, and love large, hairy,sometimes older gay and bi/multsexual men and cub culture branched off from bears
I'm gonna be honest, I am recovering from a few body image issues and disorders that I wont go in depth on, and bear + cub culture has helped me to love myself and my body and find myself attractive more than any other body positivity space! Not to say other body positvity spaces arent important and needed, but that as a queer trans man this one has been the space I felt the most welcomed in
I wish there were a few expectations we could leave behind, like the idea that bears and cubs only date other bears and cubs, that terms like bear, twink, otter, leather gay, ect are gay exclusive and not just mlm and nwlnw terms, that fem and masc culture are gay and lesbian exclusive (dont come at me there are several moments in history we see these terms used by bi and generally queer men and that show masc and fem culture in bi and generally queer spaces)
I wish I could find more people like me in history, trans men who weren't masc, transmen and transmascs that were unapologetically feminine, I want to find transman queens in history, trans gay and mlm men, it's hard to find.. but I'm almost positive there has to be at least some people like me in queer history
But in general there's so much we can learn and keep from older queer culture that I feel has been lost a lot with younger generations
I love modern queer culture and neo/xeno labels and communities ans MOGAI and the breakdown of gender norms and sexual expectations
But im also unapolgetically a fem, leather loving, kinkster, trans fucking, fat cub, cross dressing faggot
All of these things are me
You cannot untangle or separate these identieies and labels from /me/
There are riots and loss in my history, and there is raw, unapolgetic queer beauty as well. there is pride in my veins, and fight in my lungs, and I wouldn't trade any of it for shit
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headmate-ideas · 10 days
could you do an alter based off of malachite, the gemstone?
✦ Name(s): Maliel/Mal, Terra, Zilfen ✦ Pronouns: they/them, it/its, gem/gems/gemself, wing/wings/wingself, ce/cen/cens/cenself, ae/aer/aers/aerself ✦ Species: gem angel ✦ Age: ageless adult ✦ Role(s): protector, nummica, naturalist, spiritual headmate (optional) ✦ Labels: extrivian/nonhuman4nonhuman, luxine, naturegender ✦ Xenos: gems, fairies, magic ✦ Interests/likes: folklore, magic, art ✦ Dislikes: swimming ✦ Music taste: freak folk, psychedelic rock ✦ Aesthetic(s): angelcore, naturecore ✦ Kins: badgers, doves, dragons ✦ Emoji proxy: 🪽🌳 ✦ Details:
Maliel is a being of a species that calls itself an angel but was made not by God in Heaven but rather originated as a benevolent, protective nature spirit that extrapolates a winged, ethereal form based on a natural object - in this case, a malachite gemstone. Its skin is a rich green with lighter stripes and spots and looks like a tumbled malachite gem. As a spiritual gem-based being, they are interested in any form of magic that involves crystals and will participate in such practices if the system have them. If not, they still enjoy learning the meanings of different crystals. As a nature spirit, Mal enjoys spending time outdoors as well as learning about folklore. They make sure the system spend enough time outside as well as taking care of other physical needs. Mal is good at managing finances for the system, making sure they stay within a budget as well as helping the system find more ways to make money if possible (e.g. selling arts and crafts). Mal is very protective of the system and considers itself a guardian angel. Any way in which it is possible for them to protect the system, they will do so. This can include setting boundaries, keeping the system away from dangerous people or places, or fronting during stressful situations. When protecting the system from specific individuals, Mal will show tremendous aggression, but is not angry or violent outside of these times.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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The surface of the Tomb World of Solemnace was a rented horizon of overthrown black spires and still-pulsing monoliths as the golden woman walked into the broken valley. Celestine was her name, and glorious was her purpose, but there was no glory to be found here, not anymore.
A figure emerged from the rolling smog, tall and red-robed, more machine than man. He was beautiful in the dim light offered by the green sky of the Necron world, made holy by his augmetics, the sight of his sanctioned tech-worship a welcome relief from the eyesight that were the works of the Xenos.
“Archmagos.” Despite her pleasure, Celestine could not keep a note of disappointment from her voice, and prayed the tech-priest would forgive her for it. He should; they both knew he was not who Celestene had come looking for. “I am glad to see you did not perish in the battle.”
Belisarius Cawl looked at her the same way he had on the day they’d restored the Son of the Emperor. It was a piercing, unfeeling sort of gaze, and Celestine did not like it. “I am not easily dispatched, Saint.”
Celestine hid a grimace behind a smile. In truth, she was not overly fond of the tech-priest or his ilk—they had been granted the grace to be born humans of the Imperium and had spat on it by seeking to alter the holy perfection that was their bodies—but he was a servant of the Imperium and, in his own way, a devotee of the Emperor, so she would treat him with the consideration that deserved. “Walk with me.”
And so he did.
Next came the great man, the hero. He was tall, old, and still so proud, and the sight of him gladdened Celestine’s heart and strengthened her faith.
“Lord Castellan. You live.”
Ursarkar Creed had seen better days, but he still managed a straight back upon seeing her. “I do.”
“Good.” Celestine did not ask how. She knew already, because she’d seen it in the mind of another. “That is good. Walk with me.”
And so he did.
One by one men and women came to her. One by one they followed. The old and youthful, the sick and healthy, the captives and the soldiers who’d freed them. All rallied to her march, until she was followed by a great multitude, a wandering flame leading a hive of moths. In long lines they streamed out of the broken ziggurats and pyramids, drawn inexorably to her light, a crusade of her own, one aimed at a singular objective.
They had not journeyed long before they came across Celestine true target.
She was still beautiful, in a harsh, sneering sort of way, even with the green veins running across her darkened face. A gift from the Necron. A final laugh from beyond the grave.
Or so Celestine hoped, anyway.
“Katarinya.” She wondered if she sounded as aghast as she felt. She’d assumed—no, hoped—that she would be alien by the time she arrived, unknowable and strange, but the woman before her was as familiar as the incensed halls of a monastery or the long canticles of her faith. “By the Emperor…”
She swallowed. The faithful stared. Cawl allowed her a moment to compose herself before shambling up to her side.
“Archmagos.” This time, her voice was little more than a desperate whisper. “Is there truly no way she can be saved?”
The Archmagos was silent for a moment. A part of Celestine thought inanely that it was out of pity, and loathed him for it. “Logic dictates otherwise.” There was a pause in his crackly tone, as if he was allowing her time for her loathing to grow into an inferno of hate. “The infection has progressed beyond restorative procedures. Attempting an extraction now would be… unwise.”
“How unwise?” Celestine demanded. If it had been under any other circumstances, she might have been amused by how much she sounded like Katarinya. “If it can save her, then…”
“It could not. Only prolong her suffering.”
Celestine shook her head and stepped forward, drawing the attention of the shambling husk that had been Katarinya Greyfax.
“Katarinya. Show me that he is wrong,” she demanded—no, pleaded. “Show me that you perdure, somewhere in the darkness.”
The shambling husk had no answer for her. No sound left her cracked, greying lips.
“Please. Do not make me beg it of you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
The wind howled over the black plains, empty and quiet.
Celestine drew her Rosarius, the one she’d had since becoming a Repentia. “Not now, my God-Emperor,” she pleaded to Him, screwing her eyes shut. Tears stung at her eyelids, but she refused to see them shed, her voice resounding with the bold confidence of utter faith. “Not so close to the end.”
She opened her eyes. Greyfax was still there, grey-veined and unseeing. The faithful were still watching. The Master of Mankind was still waiting for her duty to be done.
“I… understand, Lord.” She released a ragged breath and drew her weapon. “I pray you see this one to your Table.”
She advanced, one step after the other, the light of the Emperor pushing forward her legs.
The message was clear. The last trace of the Xeno scourge must be purged, no matter what.
A long time passed before anyone dared to disturb her. Maybe months. Maybe years.
Maybe just a minute.
“My lady.” A hand on her shoulder, as she cradled a woman she’d loved. “We must be moving. There may still be survivors elsewhere on the planet.”
Celestine’s armored grip tightened on her Inquisitor’s cold body, unwilling to let her go. But only for a moment.
“Yes, yes, of course.” She rose, distractedly, letting Greyfax slump to the ground, cold and dead. The man who’d disturbed was unfamiliar to her, just one of the many sons of the Emperor who looked to her. “Forgive me.”
He nodded. Celestine crouched down, opening Katarinya’s limp hand and leaving her Rosarius in it. It was a violation, she was not foolish enough to pretend otherwise, but if dying with a Rosarius in her hand helped Katarinya be forgiven by Him for her faithless ways, even a little, she’d suffer her memory’s unliving scorn gladly.
“Come.” She straightened and began walking, leaving the corpse to the winds. ”We must be off.”
The procession began again. Light washed away the shadows of a world that had never seen a warm sun.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Super Dragon Ball Heroes 33-36
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I don’t think I’ve ever related to Goku more than I do right now.
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We’re now in the “New Space-Time War” arc of Super Dragon Ball Heroes.  The previous arc saw Fu become the King of the Demon Realm and create his own universe, and nobody really stopped him, so I assume this arc will just keep following that plotline.  My main question is this:  What was the Old Space-Time War?  Or does “New Space-Time” refer to the new universe Fu created?
This arc is only eight episodes, and I’m only four episode in and it’s a complete trainwreck.  Every few seconds someone else shows up and it’s either a mystery man in disguise, or a surprise cameo, or some other damn thing that doesn’t make any sense.  We open with this dude looking out over the uninhabited Earth in the New Universe, but he doesn’t actually do anything.
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Not far away, Goku is being chased through the empty West City by two spaceships. As he runs, he gets a message from Tokitoki City, where Trunks explains to him that Goku is currently inside the new universe Fu created, but it’s just a bad copy of Universe 7, which is why it has the same Earth and the same West City, but no people.
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And somehow, the new universe and U7 are connected somehow.  When Goku’s pursuers shoot at a nearby building, the same building in the real West City experiences the same damage. 
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As Trunks mulls this over, Xeno Pan tends to Xeno Goten and Xeno Gohan.  So these four characters must have escaped the Universe Tree somehow.  Since Goku was fused with Vegeta before he arrived in the new universe, it stands to reason that Vegeta is also in the new universe.  That just leaves Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta unaccounted for.
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This is dumb as hell.  These two haven’t done jack shit in this whole series, so I don’t know why we’re wasting screen-time on them.
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It turns out Cooler and Frieza were in those ships that were chasing Goku.  When Goku flees the city to find a place to regroup, they ditch the ships and chase after him with their own power.  But then some mysterious force stops them in their tracks and it’s...
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... Hearts, who died in Episode 19.  He explains that he was freed from Hell by Demigra, although he doesn’t seem to know who Demigra is.  Hearts wants to team up with Goku to oppose Fu, since Hearts disapproves of the way Fu has been using the Universe Seed.  Goku isn’t convinced, but he doesn’t have much choice, since Frieza and Cooler are still after him. 
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Goku manages to overwhelm Golden Frieza with Ultra Instinct, while Hearts seems to fight evenly with Golden Metal Cooler.  I was going to point out that Hearts used to be a lot stronger than this, but he was using the Universe Seed to amplify his powers, so I guess it makes sense for him to be weaker now.
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Then someone throws red Dragon Balls at Frieza and Cooler, and they get turned into rampaging maniacs.  When Demigra released Hearts, he told him about this.  They’re called “Dark Dragon Balls” and they can be used to turn warriors into berserkers.  But before Goku and Hearts can deal with that...
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... Broly shows up and attacks everyone, because of course he does.   
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This doesn’t bother the guy who threw the Dark Dragon Balls, though, since he only seems to want the fight to continue.  If Broly wants to jump in uninvited, that’s fine with him. 
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Then the other mystery man that we saw before shows up and removes the Dark Dragon Balls from Frieza and Cooler, then he challenges Broly, and leads him away from Goku and Hearts.  Goku asks Hearts who that guy is, and Hearts says that he tried to read his mind, but he couldn’t.
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The Crimson Masked Saiyan withdraws as well, and Hearts gives Goku a senzu bean.  He found it on this Earth, but since it restores Goku’s strength and stamina, he concludes that the copies of objects work the same way they do in the real world.  So Hearts believes that the Dragon Balls of this Earth will work as well.  He already has one of them, and Goku knows how to find the rest.
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He finds the Dragon Radar in the Capsule Corp. building, but when he turns it on, he gets a reading from a second Dragon Ball directly overhead.  I guess this is a different planet, but up here we find the Crimson Masked Saiyan forcing Vegeta, Cumber, and Turles to fight each other.
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Vegeta’s been getting his ass kicked, because Cumber was always a handful, and Turles has eaten so much Tree of Might fruit that he’s got Radditz hair now. 
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Goku and Hearts show up to save Vegeta, and the Crimson Masked Saiyan turns Super Saiyan Pink, which immediately gives away that he’s just Goku Black.  Why the mask, then?
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While the Gokus fight, Turles infuses Vegeta with evil power and tries to convince him to be evil.  I guess he and Cumber are in cahoots now?  I don’t understand this.
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Vegeta struggles against this energy, and he has a flashback montage of various key moments like when he killed Nappa and massacred that Namekian villiage, and when he died to Frieza and watched Goku fight Kid Buu.   At last he goes into action, and Turles realises that Vegeta has somehow taken control of this “evil” power. 
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He whoops Turles’ ass and explains that evil is not the true nature of the Saiyans.  Rather, the true nature of their people is to keep fighting, and to strive for greater strength.  Cumber sees Vegeta riding high and he wants to take him on...
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So Vegeta whoops Cumber’s ass too.  Hell yeah!  It’s about time they gave Vegeta a hero moment in this series. 
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Vegeta Galick Guns Cumber and his mask falls off.  Cumber salutes Vegeta for turning the evil aura into his own power without succumbing to its corruption, and then he passes out.  Fuck yeah!
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Vegeta tells Turles to get stronger and challenge him again sometime if he’s got the stones.  I think that challenge is open to Cumber too, but he’s too busy sleeping off the last beating he took.
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But Black has defeated Goku, and when Vegeta turns his attention to him, he learns Black’s backstory.  Of course, the Goku Black we know fused with the other Zamasu and their merged form was erased by Grand Zeno, then they somehow came back to life and got killed by Hearts.  This Goku Black is different.  He’s from some other timeline or dimension or whatever, and Fu found him before he could go on to be defeated and warned him of his fate. 
To avoid that impending defeat, this Goku Black traveled through different timelines, defeating one Goku after another.  The Goku he’s beaten just now is his 100th victory, and he declares that he now has achieved complete mastery of his body.
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Vegeta tries to stop him, but his new power-up quits on him, and Black observes that he hasn’t fully mastered it yet.  But before Black can take advantage of this...
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“Bitch, you thought--”
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Yeah, Goku’s back in Ultra Instinct, and he just demolishes Black.  This web anime has a lot of flaws, but I’ll give it credit for doing what Dragon Ball Super was too cowardly to do.  SDBH actually lets good guys clobber the shit out of Zamasu and Black.  And it’s incredibly satisfying to watch, because one of the things that made the Zamasu Saga so shitty was that Goku and the others would attack and attack and Black and Zamasu would just no-sell all of it and keep smirking like assholes.  Not in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, though.  Jiren beats up Zamasu, Hearts kills Zamasu, and not Goku eats Black’s lunch with Ultra Instinct.
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So Black withdraws, realizing that if this Goku can improve, then he must still have some work to do before he’s ready to carry on with his agenda.  But to dispense with the others, he fires a blast at the planet to destroy it... wait, is that the Vengeance Cannon?  Fuck you, Goku Black, that’s a Luffa move!  I’ll sue!  I’ll sue every Kai in Universe 10, you plagiarizing piece of shit!
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Hearts picks up Cumber because he still wants to work with the guy, so all four them can escaper together, except Goku can’t teleport because there’s no ki signatures for him to lock on to.  Remember, this universe is uninhabited, so there’s almost no one around.  But then--!
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Awwww yeah!
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Awwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeah!  It’s Cell, everybody!  This is automatically the best arc in the series!
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Black tries to kill them before Cell can do anything, but Turles blindsides him first, and it looks like Black kills Turles, but while he’s busy doing that, Cell gets everyone out of there.
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So back on... Earth, I guess?  The uninhabited Earth in this New Universe, I mean.  Cell explains that the same guy who freed Hearts from Hell also freed Cell.  I guess Demigra arranged all of this to get Goku some reinforcements for the battle against Fu.  All I know for certain about Demigra’s role in this is that he’s opposed to Mechikabura’s Dark Empire, and so he would be equally opposed to Towa’s plot to revive the Dark Empire with Fu as Mechikabura’s successor.  As to why he would turn to Cell for help, well... Demigra’s got excellent taste, what else can I say?
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Look at how pissed these two idiots are.  “Tell us why you saved us, Cell!” When Hearts offered to team up with Goku, he was confused, but accepted his help.  When he recruited Frieza for the Tournament of Power, Goku was at least cordial with the guy.  But Cell?  Fuck all that.  They hate Cell, and they should.  Cell kicked both their asses, and he killed Goku and then he killed Vegeta’s son.  He’s not some guy you can work with like Frieza.  Cell’s a weapon, and all he does is pick targets to attack.  All he cares about is how much fun he’ll have in the process.   Goku and Vegeta see this guy and they know he can’t be trusted.
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Goku’s like “You want to throw down, is that it?” and Cell doesn’t reject that possibility.  Oh, he’ll get to that, but first he needs to explain some stuff, I guess, but before he can do that...
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... Well, I guess some other asshole shows up, but we don’t even get to see this one, so I guess we’ll have to wait until next time to find out what’s going on.  That’s okay, because Cell’s back, everyone.  
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valeriefauxnom · 5 months
Euden's Surprising Spread of Spidey Senses
So this is another of the 'things I noticed a while ago but am now properly committing to text so I don't forget everything'. Anyways, I found it funny the more I looked that Euden seemed to have a wing of general senses/ability to discern things/feelings or reactions that nobody else had, and sometimes he thought he was completely normal when they really weren't.
The earliest example I can think of offhand is chapter 13, wherein he feels drawn to the whatever ominous mana stuff that gives Ranzal the heeby jeebies.
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Yes Euden I wonder why you're attracted to artificial mana that may be corrupted by black mana
As my friend joked in this scene, he's the one kid in a tv show that has to be stopped from licking whatever clearly bad object everyone else has the good sense to not touch (even if in this case, he'd be perfectly fine if the main reason it is 'dangerous' is because of black mana, being immune. Not that they knew that because since everyone hightails it as soon as it starts getting too thick so they have no idea he's not susceptible, but I digress).
Then, there's his ability as I jokingly refer to as the ability to sample and dissect dragon roars/behavior like fine wine:
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Nothing like being able to tell if a dragon is hurting or sane as well as their mood based on their roars. And it's not exactly a set science or habit that can be learned with all the noises the very-varied-in-form Dragalia dragons make. I think he does this at least once or twice more, but I could be wrong.
Regardless, imagine Euden and Bahamut having a conversation where Bahamut does his standard Variations On A Roar performance and Euden's just like, 'hm, interesting. that does sound tasty'. And everyone is very confused how he got that from ROOOOAAAARR.
Then there's his sensitivities regarding other things, like his ability to tell when someone is about to shapeshift.
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This is where he also tries to turn to his siblings to go, 'hey this is normal, right guys??' only to be flatly rejected.
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Granted, they more suggest experience might be the cause of his talent here, but since it's ultimately speculation and up in the air and explicitly something everyone else finds weird I elected to include it. Regardless if it's natural or supernaturally developed, it's a sense nobody else has.
Even Nedrick realizes quickly that Euden's just Weird and hypersensitive to dragon-mana stuff and decided to formulate a plan around that and extend a bit of trust to his ability. Which, for Nedrick, Mr.Never Trust Anyone Ever To Do What I Need Done, is a testament to just how weird and valuable he finds the skill.
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He later goes on to use his understanding of dragons and pacts to split up the power concentrated under Elysium back to their proper owners, the individual Greatwyrms.
Then, of course, is the built-in 'GPS return to sender' he has when it comes to Xenos' location and status. Quite handy he had that, or else we would immediately have gotten Dragalia 2: Electric Boogaloo wherein everyone collectively realizes Xenos isn't dead and has to assemble the gang again x years into the future. (Actually maybe it'd be better if he didn't so we could've gotten another Dragalia-)
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Ahem. Anyways, this is getting long, so I'll cut it off there, but the fact that Euden was weird compared even to his family is just a thing that is passively baked into canon. And this isn't even counting his behavioral oddities that constantly leave others going ??? regarding him all the time, just his sensory ones!
And I like those little kinds of oddities very much.
Long story short regarding Euden:
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Bonus round on editing:
Oh yeah, he also has a Find a Friend working ability that allowed him to track down and hear his friends across pocket dimensions. Even Mids, who has supernatural senses of his own in being able to derive 'true location', can't hear across worlds. Perhaps it's a good thing Euden didn't make too many otherwordly friends. Imagine constantly hearing friends speaking that aren't even in the same area or time of existence as you are (like Luca did that one time in the comics).
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Also, it's a bit funny that even if it's a power innate to him he's still addressing it as if it's completely separate from him and asking 'it' nicely to open up portals. Nothing like Euden being unable to do something himself, but because he's asking 'himself' nicely suddenly finds the willpower to make manifest what he wants.
...Imagine if it applied to food. 'Please mysterious power my friends and I are starving, can we have some food?' and a luxury turkey dinner just pops in front of them, what he was secretly wanting and is like 'wow what a coincidence, exactly what sounded heavenly to me personally. Thanks mysterious power!'
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rubixisanidi0t · 4 months
Oh! Hey! Hm..you look scared..don't worry! I'm not a monster! Even my intro says not!
Name: Rubix!
Last Name: Lumen!
Nickname: "Seph"
Full Name: Rubix "Seph" Lumen
Joseph - Besties and Mutuals only!!
Seph - Everyone can call me so!
Rubix - Everyone can call me so!
Meowbix - only @theoneandonlysalt can!
Bix - Roleplay name only!!
Roomie - only @mochablogger can!
Neobix - No.
Slush - everyone can call me so!
Galbix - Not until Rubix's next update (where we FINALLY get some imagination DLC)
Partner: N/A
The Rubix's:
@demonslay3r3 (rubix)
@rubixisanidi0t (me)
@bezelissostupid (Bezel!)
I'm a minor , so let's keep it neutral.
Wattpad: RubixDoubtsAlot
Roblox: Rubixxasapei99
YouTube: linked at bottom of intro!
Here's the catch:
No Nsfw , Pedos , Xenos , and Racists.
I approve of all races.
Sonic The Hedgehog
OSC (Object Show Community)
Among us
Garten of BANBAN (I'm completely sane btw)
Poppy Playtime
Murder Drones
The Amazing Digital Circus
I will Rubix Approve your art. if not Rubix Approved, which is rare , I think you violated up my RORA (Rules of Rubix art)
-Any Art shall not place Rubix into any sexual state
-Any NSFW or Smut shall not be allowed (Angst? Fluff? Sure)
-Shipping Art is fine , unless you do , as rule one , place Rubix or whoever into any sexual state.
-No Art shall have Rubix Pregnant, or even Considering Pregnancy.
-Have Fun! Don't rush.
Favorite color: BLUE!
Sexuality: ???? ^-^
Race: (brown or smfh?)
Age: (Nuh Uh!)
Gender: Male!
Siblings: 2
Birthday: October 9th!
Birth year: (NOPE)
Favorite YT: Life Of Luxury
YT channel:
See? That wasn't so scary! Wasn't it?
(intro still in progress. You may now be gone from my sight/j)
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jupitoorz · 8 months
easelcharic o yeahhahahahaaa
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archiveikemen · 1 month
Morganatic Idol Prologue: Chapter 5
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
(Looks like I’m still too incompetent after all…)
The disappointment hit harder after all the hard work I put into the project planning.
Feeling dejected, my shoulders fell and I went back to my usual work…
Meanwhile, in the meeting room…
The executives of Aegis Public Holdings were gathered. 
The top management from the French headquarters of Aisance, the client for this project, were present as well. 
Standing before them were the members of the world’s top idol group, exe Creed.
After exchanging pleasantries, the group’s Producer, Sakura, spoke.
Sakura: Allow me to re-emphasise that as all of you are aware, exe Creed only accepts projects they personally approve of.
Sakura: Myself included as their Producer, we will take your plans into careful consideration. We look forward to working with you.
Managing Director: … In other words, the company that successfully convinces exe Creed to accept their proposal will win the partnership? 
General Manager: Today’s presentation absolutely must not fail.
… Amidst the tense atmosphere, the presentation began.
Department Chief: … Therefore, in order to better publicise Aisance's perfume, our company has developed a unique campaign… 
The members of exe Creed listened attentively to Aegis.
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Xeno: …
Jace: A new product by Aisance, huh… the design is not bad, and it’s selling well. How exciting.
Finn: Of course the product is good. The main focus here is on the plan for the commercial campaign. 
Hugh: … This complicated stuff is making me tired… 
Ivy: Even so, you should still listen well and think of it seriously. Being brand ambassadors is a big deal. 
Department Chief: Well then, we shall invite the planner of this project to explain it to you in detail… Mori.
Mori: Yes! Allow me to introduce the outline of the plan. Our plan for this project is— 
Mori: To have all members of exe Creed portray themselves as the personification of gemstones! 
Jace: Gemstones? 
Mori: Please have a look at the storyboard included in the documents distributed to you. … The first scene will show various colourful gemstones. 
Mori: Xeno as amethyst, Ivy as sapphire, Jace as morganite…
Mori: … Finn as ruby, and Hugh as emerald. These unique gemstones are all beautifully radiant. 
Mori: Afterwards, perfume will be sprayed onto the gemstones… and they’ll transform into human beings. 
Mori: The personified gemstones shine even brighter, and they carry their brilliance as they walk towards the stage… 
Mori: The theme of our commercial is ‘an overwhelming brilliance and fragrance’ that will captivate people all over the world! 
Ivy: Gemstones… they’re inanimate objects, and turn into human beings after coming into contact with the perfume, hmm… 
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Sakura: An interesting idea. Did you think of this yourself? 
Mori: Yes, that is correct. 
Finn: Why do you think of us as gemstones? 
Mori: That goes without saying. It’s because all of you are gemstones! 
Hugh: Us…?
Mori: Gorgeous gemstones that captivate the eyes of audiences worldwide. 
Mori: The brilliance of the world’s top idol group, exe Creed, is what ANYONE longs for! 
The executives of Aegis nodded in agreement with Mori’s powerful declaration. After a brief silence, Xeno spoke up.
Xeno: … How boring.
Mori: What…? 
Sakura: Hmm… your explanation differs greatly from the impression we had in mind. 
Mori: !
Sakura: There are no issues with the project plan itself. 
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Sakura: However, don’t you think that your explanation completely missed the gist of it? 
Sakura: I’ll ask you this once more. Did you really come up with this plan by yourself? 
Mori: T-That’s…
The situation caused a stir in the meeting room.
Department Chief: Oi, what’s going on? Mori.
Mori: …
(*sigh*... I wonder how the presentation is going.)
The progress of the presentation weighed on my mind as I carried on with my work… suddenly, the office’s door opened. 
A furious Department Chief stormed into the office. 
Department Chief: Kawanaga! 
Rina: P-Present! My apologies, I’m still in the middle of entering the data… 
Department Chief: Forget about that and come to the meeting room! Immediately! 
Rina: Huh…? 
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alters-in-a-box · 1 month
Is it OK if I know what's in the inbox so I know if my request got sent or not. Because tumblr can delete my stuff randomly ^^"
Ofc! I'll probably do a mass box drop at some point to clear all my asks out haha
From top of the inbox (lower priority) to bottom (higher priority) (note; some requests may be pushed around if I'm unfamiliar with the source)
- transharmed addiction holder
- nonhuman / dead, masc aligned horror xenos
- bright colors fluffy haired turtle and mlp enjoyer
- classic who paraphile
- transnazi alter
- creative freedom introject
- abandoned subway/train station vibes
- medical themed transharmful
- vox
- funniest joke I've ever seen (object show introject... in a box...)
- sakia / saki
- scenecore / acid themes
- mac from ita always sunny in Philadelphia
- toonbriel
- iz/izzy
- alien with an Italian accent
- genloss introject
- cress from pokemon
- AI like from wintermancer / neuromancer
- transworshipped trandeity kid in a lab code vibes
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zack-agere · 10 months
Hi Zero! Is it okay to follow you? I have a mostly agere blog but I do post other things like Hazbin Hotel, Helluva boss, Start wars, Good omens and other stuff I'm interested in but I try and keep it as child-friendly as possible! I have another question as well. What is xenogender? I've never heard of it before and it sound epic, like the name of a boss in a video game.
Yes, you can follow! Also I'm very excited to tell someone what xenogender is! Xenogender is a group of genders that fall under the nonbinary umbrella, and the prefix "xeno" means "foreign" and "other/different" in latin.
If you look online, the definition is "beyond the human understandings of gender" but that's kinda problematic since it implies we don't experience gender in a "human enough way". A better way to explain is that our genders aren't traditional, and can include your gender relating to stuff like animals, colours, objects, shows, etc. (There is no one definition however)
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headmate-ideas · 27 days
✦ Name(s):
✦ Pronouns: he/him 
✦ Species: human 
✦ Age: 15-Older
✦ Role(s): Social | Overt 
✦ Symptoms experienced: none 
✦ Labels: 
✦ Xenos: no
✦ Interests/likes: 
✦ Dislikes:
✦ Music taste: metal
✦ Aesthetic(s): 
✦ Objectum attraction(s): none but i do want objects he likes 
✦ Kins: 
✦ Emoji proxy: 🎐🎐
✦ Details: yes 

✦ Name(s): Don, Spike, Lukas ✦ Pronouns: he/him ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: age slider (15 to 35) ✦ Role(s): social headmate, interest holder ✦ Labels: biromantic graysexual, neoboy ✦ Interests/likes: being outside, japanese media, being prepared ✦ Dislikes: overly sunny weather, eyestrain, silence ✦ Music taste: heavy metal, industrial rock, noise rock, japanoise ✦ Aesthetic(s): metal, rivethead, brutalism ✦ Favorite objects: wind chimes, CDs/VHS tapes/anything you store media on, candles, rough crystals, knives ✦ Kins: hammerhead sharks, akitas, lions ✦ Emoji proxy: 🎐🎐 ✦ Details:
Don loves socializing (both online and offline) and his interests, and he especially loves socializing about his interests. He is willing to initiate social things for the rest of the system (such as befriending new people or arranging meetups with friends) and has a higher social battery than the rest of the system. He is not afraid of being awkward, believing that it is better to take social risks than to not try to make connections or engage with others. While his social battery is higher than that of his system mates, it is not infinite, and he is aware of his limitations once he knows them and always plans accordingly. One of Don's interests is Japanese culture, including history, music, anime, food, and video games. He likes participating in fandoms for these things, both offline (through meetups and conventions) and online (through forums and Discord servers), as well as taking friends to Japanese restaurants. Any interests the system may have in any Japanese media are held by Don, and he tries to make friends through their fandoms. He additionally loves heavy metal and enjoys going to shows offline as well as talking with other music fans online. He uses RateYourMusic and Bandcamp to discover new music in his favorite styles of metal, which include but are not limited to doom metal, death metal, power metal, and glam metal. He also enjoys comparable genres such as industrial and noise. Additionally, any other major music interests held by the system are held by him as well.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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duckydemons · 10 months
˗ˏˋ heyyyy ´ˎ˗
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➼ hi !! my names eddie (you can also call me ducky or grant) and my pronouns are he/they/squeak and im autistic and physically disabled :D im transmasc and demiromantic asexual !!
➼ my special interest is yeptheboys - especially your narrator
however, my other interests are the stanley parable, five nights at freddys, omori, little nightmares, dnd, portal, role playing, eddsworld, be more chill, object shows, smg4, life of luxury, fight club and ride the cyclone - danganropa is pretty cool too.
➼ dni: homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, ableists, people against xenopronouns/xenogenders
side note: please use tonetags when interacting :)
➼ im 16 and my birthday is the 11th september - asks are always open !!
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carrd - https://squeakerbrains.carrd.co
xeno tumblr - @analogtoonz
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torpublishinggroup · 11 months
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Showdown in the Skies: Aliens Vs. Dragons!
Strange lights fill the skies. So too does the beating of giant wings.
Shadows of an ominous future meet legends of a mythic past, and do battle. We do not come in peace, for here be dragons.
We’ve assembled a panel of experts to weigh in on the potential victors of each fight.
Check it.
The Xenomorph Vs. Toothless
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Proposed Victor: Toothless Expert: Tessa Villanueva, Editorial Assistant
“What chance does anything even have against the Alpha of All Dragons? The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself? Yes, Toothless may look cute and adorable, but his intelligence is unparalleled–he’s been known to show smart and strategic thinking. He can fly over 100 mph and is agile and strong enough to dive-bomb giant dragons and knock them to the ground. He also has plasma blasts, unerring accuracy, and an indomitable fighting spirit that won’t quit–and he fights for his friends? Does the Xenomorph have friends? (Yes, she has a hive, but are they really friends?)”
Proposed Victor: The Xenomorph Expert: a cat, Assistant Marketing Manager
“The Xenomorph is an acid-blooded, highly adaptive social hunter who has proven time and time again that in space we can hear you scream when it bursts out your chest. She’s a star terror of cinema and has torn through the armor of the Predator, and she frequently carries me to victory royales in Fortnite. Fans of Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Alien 3 (1992), Alien: Resurrection (1997), Prometheus (2012), and Alien: Covenant (2017) understand that Toothless, who is domesticated and trained, will be ruined, ribboned, and folded into a scary xeno-cocoon.”
Stitch Vs. Melanchthon
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Proposed Victor: Melancthon Expert: Mal Frazier, Editorial Assistant
“So, you might think Stitch is going to win. Sure, there’s no way that the cutest character could ever defeat the scariest character, but we’ll give him a fair crack. Dragon #7332 (no, not your buddy’s discord username) from The Iron Dragon’s Daughter by Michael Swanwick is rusting in a heap in the disgusting child labor factory for years when he finally finds an appropriately malleable pilot and steals Jane. He’s a giant metal dragon war machine built by fairies who eat death magic and [spoilers for a book older than me] kills the entire world. Yes, the whole thing. I think he’s neat. Also he’s named after a dead philosopher which has to give you a stats boost if some kind.”
Proposed Victor: Stitch Expert: Lizzy Hosty, Publishing Strategy Assistant
“Experiment 626 was created to cause chaos across an entire galaxy. According to the mad scientist who created Stitch, he’s bulletproof, fireproof, can think faster than a computer, can see in the dark, and move objects 3,000 times his size. His first instinct is literally destruction. It’s like he was created to not only survive a fight against a dragon, but absolutely destroy them; change my mind.”
Zanj Vs. Tairn
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Proposed Victor: Zanj Expert: a cat, Assistant Marketing Manager
“Okay before anything else, if space-pirate-werewolf-queen Zanj asked me to join her in (un)holy matrimony, I would ascend to her side instantly, madly, and without hesitation. By that metric at least she’s the most powerful combatant of this whole bracket, and I think we should take that into account. Max Gladstone’s phenomenal Empress of Forever chronicles the second conflict between Zanj and her allies against the omnipotent Jade Empress, who can destroy planets with her thoughts. Yeah. Zanj is back for round two. But Tairn won’t be.”
Proposed Victor: Tairn Expert: Lizzy Hosty, Publishing Strategy Assistant
“I just read Fourth Wing (I’m late to the party, I know), and when I tell you Tairn could literally destroy a whole fleet, I’m so serious. This dragon took on multiple [redacted] and didn’t even flinch. His only weakness would be keeping his rider alive, but for the purposes of this, Tairn has claimed no rider, so he’s practically invincible and nothing could change my mind. He can shoot fire, his teeth are as big as humans, his wing span could crush dozens just accidentally. Need I say more.”
Deoxys Vs. Chronormu
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Proposed Victor: Chronormu Expert: a cat, Assistant Marketing Manager
“Look Deoxys might come from space, but Chronormu helped stave off the invasion of the Burning Legion. Twice. She isn’t afraid. She’s cute, she’s trans, she’s a guardian of the timeways, and when she glances at this silly triangle-island (remember that puzzle? It was awful) and chooses FIGHT, it’ll be a OHKO. Plus Deoxys has base 50 HP, no matter what form it’s in. Flop.”
Proposed Victor: Deoxys Expert: Tessa Villanueva, Editorial Assistant
“First of all, Deoxys came from outer space from INSIDE A METEOR. You cannot get more metal than that. It was on its way to destroy the world, but it stopped just to have this little battle. It’s capable of using any of its Formes to gain an advantage in battle, whether it’s Normal, Attack, Defense, or Speed. It’s also able to regenerate any part of its body! Not to mention its ultimate signature attack, Psycho Boost–sure, the recoil will lower its special attack, but no one’s going to survive that…”
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