#observation mentally ill
astrosouldivinity · 1 year
Astrological placements in a natal chart that may indicate Bipolar Disorder or BPD 😶 🌊
Part 1:
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⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not saying these placements are inherently borderline or bipolar. But they may be more prone to borderline/bipolar behaviors. You can use astrology to observe your subconscious patterns. Essentially, you can use it for shadow work. But these may not apply to everyone so take what resonates and leave what does not.
I want to clarify that I am not demonizing, diagnosing, or generalizing mental health disorders. Astrology & psychology can intertwine with each other. You can use astrology for deeper introspection & pairing both psychology + astrology together can help with healing. But I am simply observing my understanding of specific psychological disorders & how they connect to astrology via shadow work. But you can use astrology to predict certain mental illnesses. But it’s still a prediction so it may resonate or it may not.
Scorpio Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Mars/Saturn- when they feel emotionally slighted they can have a tendency to see things in only black & white. There is no gray area when it comes to how they perceive situations. Can be vengeful & petty when they feel a real or perceived betrayal.
Capricorn Moon- the moon is detriment here. It can be difficult for these individuals to connect to their emotions. They may even suppress them. But they can be emotionally explosive if pushed to that point. Everything they have been suppressing will come to light essentially.
Gemini Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Mars/Saturn emotionally unpredictable & chaotic af. They can be multiple different people at once feeling multiple different emotions & perceiving multiple different perspectives/realities. Their brain is always moving & rarely ever still.
Cancer Sun/Moon/Rising/Mars/Saturn can be emotionally explosive especially if unevolved or negatively aspected. They feel things intensely & can be all over the place emotionally. The moon cycles can impact their emotional state too.
Negatively Aspected or Unevolved 12H/8H Stellium/Sun/Moon/Mars/Venus/Saturn. These individuals may feel like they have an unstable sense of self. They can be emotionally volatile as well especially if they are not connected to their emotions yet.
Moon Square Venus- These individuals can struggle with codependency & will display behaviors like emotional suffocation & emotional neediness overall. May struggle with forming relationships with others because of this too.
Chiron Aspects- Chiron in astrology represents our deepest wounds. But essentially, if these wounds are unhealed or just unevovled in general, they can manifest negatively. Like emotional avoidance or emotional volatility.
Uranus Moon Aspects- can manifest as emotional independence. These individuals may find it difficult to ask for emotional support. Which may manifest itself as emotional detachment or mood swings.
Pisces Sun/Moon/Mars/Venus/Saturn or Neptune aspects- may struggle with being grounded in reality & are prone to more escapist behaviors. They can be emotionally self-destructive too. May be prone to addiction-like behaviors. Could have an addictive personality.
Water Dominant Charts: these individuals may be emotionally unpredictable & sensitive in general. They feel extremely deeply which can be intense for them especially if they haven’t learned how to control their emotions yet.
Aries Moon/Saturn: may be prone to emotionally explosive & emotionally impulsive behavior especially if unevovled or negatively aspected.
Empty 1H or Saturn in the 1H- may struggle with feeling like they have no sense of self & it may even feel like they lack one. Which makes it difficult for these individuals to develop & assert their personality overall especially true if they have no planets in the 1H.
~Part 2~
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libbee · 2 years
Why I Think That 8th House Placements Are Most Valuable
During my 8th house initiation, I met not one but 10+ bad people back to back; they were coming into my life one way or the other as if a bee attack. In the beginning I was very frustrated to see all these narcissists and sociopaths around me, but later on I started peeling my own layers and realized that I was not an angel like I thought. These encounters were like a mirror to me, they showed me what I could not see otherwise in myself. They showed me my own vanity and narcissism. They showed me my own darkness, ignorance and blind spots. I thought I was a normal person until I realized I was actually an emotionally manipulative asshole who had simply not matured yet. And this trickster exists in everyone, but they do not realize it until they go deep within. Most people live their lives on surface levels, while those who do go deeper keep their lives private and secretive so you would not know their affairs unless you are personally involved with them. The reason for keeping their lives private is that the world does not seem to understand them, the world ridicules them and outcasts them.
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8th housers and scorpio placements have an inbuilt vanity detector in them. They can tell who is being insincere, self-contradictory, manipulative, arrogant, who has ulterior motives, etc. They will physically feel sick and disgusted around people who do and say superficial things. Their disgust pushes them to seek answers that are beyond superficiality. This is why 8th housers run from public eye because they want to stay away from persona as much as possible while being true to their emotions and authentic self. These natives learn from their experience, which is why they try to be the most authentic that they can because they want to be that one source of true light in this blind world of superficial niceness and social performance.
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8th house gives trauma like no others. But these traumas, after you have gone through the duration of it, will show you hidden insights. They will push you away from material life and deep into spiritual layers. You will see deeply materialistic natives turning spiritual and emotional. Nobody knows true empathy like an 8th houser because they have actually known their own narcissism and its impact on others. They know how dangerous they can be because they have seen their own darkness, which is why they show true kindness and empathy towards everyone. These natives know that even if the situation gets very bad, they will still survive and come out on the other side with a bag of lessons to understand and accept. These natives are the type to ask "What if I was in their shoes? Will it still be so funny?" this is why they can be so kind, understanding and empathetic.
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Self actualization is their favorite hobby. The thing with 8th house is that it forces you, breaks you, crushes you to your extreme limits. It tests your limits. It tests how much you can bear and still survive. And this house is deeply psychological. So the events and trauma of life really deeply impact the ego of the native. No matter how hard shelled they were, they are forced and crushed to the ground until they awaken. The native suffers so much, so much, so much that the suffering finally breaks their ego attachment and helps them see their own ignorance and blind spots.
In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice. ― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning
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While it appears that the rest of the world who do not have 8th house placements can live a conventional life blindly it is the 8th housers that are being faced with revelations and setbacks that are hidden and complicated. These setbacks are so "below the surface" that the 8th housers are compelled to analyze people and wonder how others can live their lives so carelessly and still be highly functional. It is the 8th housers who are being faced with the darkness of psyche again and again until they surrender to it and begin to explore the irrational and unconscious side of the life. There are two worlds: one in which the non-8th housers live and the other in which the 8th housers live. The world of 8th housers is deep, beneath the surface, seeing the hidden patterns between people and situations, seeing the hidden patterns between people and their fate. They are forced to look at the world this way otherwise they keep encountering problems in physical life that have no solutions.
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8th housers go through a lot of revelations and transformations. While other people can live their lives with same set of beliefs, thoughts, perspectives, ideals as ever; 8th housers are always being faced with shocking, manipulative, psychically controlling situations that make them change their whole beliefs and perspectives and start again, only to be challenged again by another psychic complex. Their whole life is a series of complex psychological problems that they have to change their beliefs about people and events from experience all the time. While others can be living their life through a breeze, 8th housers wonder why they are making errors in judgment, why they find themselves in complicated situations though they had good intentions, why they are being tested though others seem to be winging it easily.
8th house placements are not for the weak-hearted. Whoever said that humans are sweet kind angels can take a hard look to all the cruelty, wars, murders, rapes, crimes, genocides that happened in this world. Is that what you call sweet kind angel? There is potential for cruelty in each one of us, no matter how self-righteous and strong willed you claim to be and nobody knows this better than 8th housers/plutonic people. In their own journey of self discovery, they will see the images of their own devil, trickster, all the wrongs they have committed unconsciously in past, all the secret fantasies, the evil dark thoughts they hide from the world. These natives know their darkness, they do not claim to be saints because they are not. Nobody is.
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ovaruling · 1 year
maybe a hot take but please don’t have or stop having children if you have an active eating disorder/body dysmorphia (including binge eating, not just restrictive disorders). seriously
thinking you’ll be the exception (because you’re So self-aware, unlike those Other disordered women) and won’t give your dysmorphia/eating disorder to your child is pride before a very slow and terrible fall
it never ever works. you’re never ever immune. i mean, such a huge reason of why there are so many of us now is bc our moms thought the same thing lmfao. didn’t matter how well-intentioned they were. no matter how much they tried to separate Their Problems from Ours. here we fucking are
i know it’s not women’s fault to begin with, but the reality is that those of us affected do incubate, nurture, and pass on the virus in the Current Way of Things
the buck needs to stop here. this isn’t a game. think of all the things your mother probably thought she was expertly hiding from you that you still picked up on and were profoundly affected by in a terrible and formative way. it will happen to you, too. don’t think it won’t.
if you know that you’re not solidly and confidently recovered, you have a responsibility to stop that buck and not actively attempt to create a child who will observe, mimic, internalize, adopt, and inherit your lifelong life-ruining behavior. the selfishness is breathtaking honestly
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storgicdealer · 5 months
i think its really obvious with my chosen & dark obsession at this point but i NEED to see them being friendly & domestic and more gentle with each other in canon at least as a flashback
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thebibutterflyao3 · 2 months
The “baby-girlification” of cis male characters is an attempt to make the concept of masculinity palatable. Often the fan wants to relate to the character or is attracted to them.
But, sometimes it’s a trauma response. In creating a safe version of a male character, they find comfort in projecting their own trauma onto him rather than process the trauma within themself. Removing themself from the narrative is a protective/coping mechanism.
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takemetodragonstone · 19 days
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okay i’m going to be a bitch for a second but hear me out. i hate posts like this. i hate them so fucking much. they’re branded as “self-care” but they just assume so much. and if the things they’re assuming as givens happen to not be true for you, they make you feel even worse.
“everything that has ever felt like a hurdle, you’ve passed through”. except what if you haven’t? what if life has knocked you down, and you still haven’t figured out how to get back up? what about us?
i’m still afraid of the same things i was afraid of ten years ago (and five years ago and two years ago). i haven’t overcome anything. i haven’t pushed through. i’m alive, but that’s pretty much all i have going for me in terms of survival. i’m actually probably worse off than i was ten years ago.
posts like this have a place in the discussion of mental health, i’m not denying that. if this kind of thing makes you feel better, that’s great. i’m genuinely happy this resonates with so many people. i’m just exhausted with seeing this kind of message presented as The standard of mental health everywhere. this “look how strong you are! look how far you’ve come!” message just rings hollow to me. idk i just think when it comes to mental health we need to get more comfortable talking about people who genuinely aren’t progressing and “overcoming” too.
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wovenstarlight · 2 months
don't you just love vaguely phrased surveys. this one just asked if i go on the internet "to look at photos" brother do you open books to look at text
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thorntopieces · 6 days
chat is it a common courtesy to warn your (neurotypical) coworkers before cutting your hair asking for a friend
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diagnosed-mess · 10 months
It’s my birthdayyyyy, so I’ve been crying for a week and questioning all my life choices 🥰
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astrosouldivinity · 1 year
Astrological placements in a natal chart that may indicate Bipolar Disorder or BPD 😶 🌊
Part 2:
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⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not saying these placements are inherently borderline or bipolar. But they may be more prone to borderline/bipolar behaviors. You can use astrology to observe your subconscious patterns. Essentially, you can use it for shadow work. But these may not apply to everyone so take what resonates and leave what does not. The last mental illness I will be doing is OCD/Anxiety then that’s it for this series. I may revisit this topic in the future.
I want to clarify that I am not demonizing, diagnosing, or generalizing mental health disorders. Astrology & psychology can intertwine with each other. You can use astrology for deeper introspection & pairing both psychology + astrology together can help with healing. But I am simply observing my understanding of specific psychological disorders & how they connect to astrology via shadow work. But you can use astrology to predict certain mental illnesses. But it’s still a prediction so it may resonate or it may not.
Leo Sun/Moon/Mars/Venus/Saturn: They feel things intensely. They are the sun after all. Their emotions burn through them which can be painful for them especially if they don’t know how to control their fiery, & passionate side. They may be prone to a more extremist mindset. It’s all or nothing for them essentially. But these behaviors may intensify especially if negatively aspected.
Libra Stellium: Has a strong desire for equilibrium they may even stress themselves out trying to get to their perceived peaceful state. They are constantly perceiving multiple perspectives trying to choose the fairest one. This can apply to their emotions as well. If they don’t choose they can be self-destructive in their process of coming to their conclusions.
Aquarius Sun: They can be emotionally suppressive & chaotic at the same time especially if negatively aspected. They don’t like to share their emotions & may even ignore them but that usually tends to backfire on them. When pushed to that point everything they have been suppressing comes spilling out. They feel things deeply but it can be difficult for them to connect to their emotions since they try to stay logical vs. emotional overall. These behaviors may intensify especially if afflicted.
Scorpio Saturn: I forgot to add them to part 1 but the same thing applies. Can be emotionally unpredictable when they feel emotionally slighted or vulnerable. This may cause them to be able to see things in only black & white. Essentially, there is no gray area when it comes to how they perceive situations. But they can be vengeful & petty when they feel a real or perceived betrayal.
Moon Square Mars: These individuals fear vulnerability & just intimacy overall. They may even suppress their emotions out of fear of being judged for their innermost feelings. This can be detrimental for them because they naturally tend to have very deep, & intense emotions. But even though they hide them from others that doesn’t stop them from coming out anyway. May be quick to anger & just emotional volatility in general especially if they feel emotionally exposed as well.
Mercury Square Neptune: May be prone to more escapist behaviors. They can struggle with reality & expressing their innermost thoughts to others. They may also struggle with separating their thoughts from their emotions. Essentially, they will both get muddled which creates much confusion for them. However, they may be prone to paranoia because of their difficulties staying grounded in the reality of their emotions/communication overall.
Afflicted Sun: They may struggle with maintaining relationships with others. They can also struggle with low self-esteem & just lack the confidence overall to authentically express themselves. Can be prone to egoistic & moody behaviors. They can get trapped in their ego & may even find it difficult to break free.
Sun Neptune Aspects: Can struggle with having a distorted sense of self & may even find it difficult to stay present in reality. They could feel like how they perceive themselves is not being presented accurately with how others perceive them.
Moon-Pluto Aspects: They have trauma surrounding vulnerability & intimacy overall. They may fear bonding with people on a deeper level. It can be hard for them to emotionally express themselves because their emotions are all-consuming. But they operate comfortably in chaos & can be more prone to self-destructive behaviors. But others may find it difficult to understand & connect with them as well.
7H Moon/Venus/Saturn: Can struggle with maintaining their interpersonal relationships. Their relationships with others might manifest as being emotionally volatile & just karmic overall.
~Part 1~
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libbee · 2 years
Falling in love as a water dominant native
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Inner planets (moon/sun/venus/mercury/mars) in a water house or water sign - love is different to you. You want to be with someone with whom you can be yourself and just yourself. Truly yourself. With all your feelings and vulnerabilities laid on the table, you are that safe and secure with your lover.
Water house or water sign placements make the native sensitive. Sensitive is to feel the feelings to their extreme. It is like holding a bubble in your palm, worried someone might pinch it, alert someone might blow it. You do not open yourself up to someone unless you trust their character.
Loyalty and honesty means a lot to you. You want someone as transparent as the water. You want to see through them. While other people look with their eyes, you look with your soul. Your eyes are turned inwards and constantly see the ups and downs of your emotions. Being sensitive and emotional, you are drawn to spirituality and choose your own path in life. You strive for a purpose in life. You want to know why you were born here on earth. You need a sense of mission and direction. You are a giver in love, the more you share your love, the more love there is in the world. You strive for higher principles, morals, meaning and values. You are the ones to turn the pages of philosophy books because the exterior life just does not suit your taste.
You fall in love with your soul. You meet someone and they are just the right person. Your intuition (water) tells you, this is it, you cannot reason why or how this person becomes the most prioritized person in your life. You are naturally obsessive. You are thinking of all the things you want to tell them, share with them, listen to them. Their mind, emotions and soul are your adventure place. You want to explore the depths of their mind. You want to merge your soul and identity with this person in your life.
Love is not just a word to you, it is life itself. Men with water dominant energy appear so ordinary from the outside, but oh-the right person will see the glaciers and ocean behind that mask. This ocean contains the secrets of the world. You want to self actualize with your lover. Someone who assists you in this journey. It is not just a material love to you, it is rather spiritual. You value their soul, their spirit, their essence. Love is a sacrifice to you, a noble cause, a martyr.
Perhaps, love is the language of water dominant natives. It is their religion and their philosophy. You will realize that this love trascends personality and unites with God, the eternal and the source. Nobody loves like a water dominant native, especially an evolved and mature one. They make life heaven, understand your emotional needs with their intuition, love you just the right way, be the best version of themselves, do everything to make your life better. Perhaps, nobody talks about water natives' love because very few experience it and those who experience the mature water love are too busy in self actualizing and transformation. They are too detached from self promotion and fakery.
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anza-redstar · 2 months
A few moments before twelve the cream-coloured zone in the north brightened to an orange hue, and precisely at noon half of the form of the sun ascended above the ice. It was a misshapen, dull semicircle of gold, heatless, rayless, and sad. It sank again in a few moments, leaving almost no colour and nothing cheerful to remember through the seventy long days of darkness which followed.
Dr. Frederick Cook, staring down the barrel of being the medical professional responsible for getting all these guys through the next three six ten thirteen months:
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swagging-back-to · 3 months
not sorry i really do believe you have to be fundamentally stupider than the average person to believe in religion and religious teachings.
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sugarpsalms · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Vader Returns AUs is that there's just really no way for Obi-Wan to be sure it isn't temporary. Vader may have his tail tucked now and yes, he's making promises and swearing convincingly, but there's a big ol' elephant in the room, and its name is "he's 180'd before". And as much as Obi would like to believe that he won't again (because this whole affair is giving him stress ulcers) how can he? Betraying yet another master is what brought Vader back to HIM. it's a parlor trick at this point, and not a very nice one
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hussyknee · 1 year
The OCD urge to convince everyone that you're not a good person really.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 9 months
Its fascinating to me how some people on the Qsmp are changing as a result of the events the server puts them in. Forever naturally gravitate towards organizing and leading groups, but its a change that happened after he became president. Having to deal with election debates, the voting system and more intense lore made him go from kind of awkward with the idea of being a leader to becoming one of the first people the others look towards for leadership, and him co-leading with Etoiles in Purgatory 1 proved that he's damn good at it.
You've also got Tubbo who struggled big time to get his team's cooperation and respect during Purgatory 1, but as a result of him constantly putting in the effort and learning from that kind of experience he not only got his team's respect way more as the event went on, but he entered Purgatory 2 ready to meet the expectations put on him as his team's leader with a lot more confidence and success right off the bat.
Quackity himself is getting a chance to really shine as a host/director to his own big events. Stuff like dsmp and creator meetups gave him smaller opportunities to organize his own projects but since the Qsmp is his server, he gets to oversee the full extent of all the workings within and its been incredibly fun and interesting watching him take the stage as a host. And he's gotten really good at it!
There's so many other examples like Baghera getting to flex her acting skills with her lore (and Ordem Paranormal!), Philza doing his own active lore where in the past he usually just went along with others' stories, Forever being scarily good at acting during Happy Pills (and saying its something he didn't do before but that he was really proud of), Bagi getting to write and push forward her own storylines, and so much more
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