#oc content???? in THIS economy????????
heybobbygirl · 1 year
“Doctor, I can’t tell if I’m not me.”
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(I’m actually kind of proud of this one so please be nice) So yeah I finished the drawing from last night and I actually don’t hate it. What a surprise.
The character is named Clarissa, they’re an OC I have, she uses she/they/it if you’re gonna talk about her I guess. I’ll probably explain the story behind it at some point but for now just look at the drawing please I’m so happy I don’t die inside whenever I look at it
(every photo I took while it was still a sketch because why not)
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offorestsongs · 3 months
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don't worry everybody, the hottest Spelldrive star has time for each of you ☆
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cosmiischillin · 21 days
Rayman content? IN THIS ECONOMY yes
Anyway my Rayman videos been getting really big on tiktok so I decided why not? I’ll show it on my tumblr.
The OC is Maybelle. A southern cowgirl who works on a farm and often keeps pests like rabbids out of it. One day she accidentally lasso’d rayman and they got together lol
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wc-confessions · 5 months
🥀 i wish people were bolder when it came to fan content especially ocs. make these cats know how to use fire. then make them know how to make things like oil and brew tea and have them make somewhat of an economy with it. make a cat who knows how to speak badger language. make cats who can speak with ravens and speak with wolves while using ravens as translators. make them know how to make the wheel and make a cat who uses a wheelchair. make an astronomer cat. make a version of starclan or whatever deity youre making and make it so that they arent as clear of their existence, so that there are cats who dedicate their life to studying theology. make a cat whos an oracle. make a rank in your clan dedicated to pottery and crafting. give these cats the ability to cook food. why stick to canon limitations when canon is so boring
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ryuki-draws · 8 months
Alright, I just randomly discovered your blog, and I inhaled like all of the Local Trains AU content in less than half an hour. It makes me so happy and I can't wait for how it continues! I'm still incredibly new in the Transformers fandom and it's artists like you who make me want to learn the lore(s) even faster so I can also do silly stuff with my own little guys properly.
Also, as a Czech person, I admit I stared at the screen a bit too long when I read the AU description (≧▽≦) Czechs represented in fandoms? In this economy?! The RegioJet space shuttle made me cackle, too. Move over, NASA! I just hope the interior is more like the buses, 'cause that's the stuff...
Anyhow, keep on drawing, Astrotrain and Grease are absolutely lovely together and I need more of them. You've got talent! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝
Hi, hello! :D Thank you for such a kind message, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the trains! There's a lot to explore in the TF fandom with many creative people around, I'm sure you're going to have a great time on your big vehicle robots journey. There are so many possibilities for OC creations and backstories!
YES, a fellow CZ & SK fan! :D I mean, it's fun to see all the stuff happen in canon, but what about we bring them here for a while? I want to see Optimus Prime as Tatra 815, thank you very much! (or, you know... a RegioJet Astrotrain). I've never actually been on a RJ bus though, shame on me. Though the idea of Grease boarding Astro for the first time and the interior is like in a Low cost train car... what a trip to the Moon would that be :'D
I definitely have more planned, their little adventures are really fun to draw! Thank you so much! ♥
Here's Grease and Astro dealing with your typical winter on Czech and Slovak rails :'D
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luneengene2 · 9 months
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~ Warnings : Contains smut content!
~ Synopsis : When EJ, the crown prince, fell in love with his sister's lady-in-waiting. Is the love story going smoothly?
~ A/N : Has two parts
|| crown prince!euijoo x fem!oc ||
Byun Dynasty, a successful dynasty that survived until the modern era in South Korea. They were able to lead South Korea and save the monarchy, when the South Korean monarchy almost collapsed in 1910. They were able to win over the hearts of the people at that time after the Joseon dynasty was truly on the verge of collapse, as a result they are now the ones leading South Korea.
South Korea was truly prosperous and very advanced in the hands of the Byun dynasty. In fact, their economy is almost evenly distributed. Even their current Emperor, Byun Jiho, is famous for his high level of innovation in development and gender equality. Apart from that, he was very loyal to his wife and never had dozens or even dozens of mistresses like his father and other predecessors.
Jiho and his wife were blessed with a boy and a girl. His first child, a girl, was born in 1999, named Byun Hajoon. Hajoon has the title 'Her Imperial Highness The Princess Hajoon' (Korean : 제후한예 공주 하준). His second and youngest child, a boy, was born in 2002, his name is Byun Euijoo. Euijoo is of course the main heir to his father, because he is a boy. He has the title of Crown Prince and will one day become the next Emperor after his father dies.
When Euijoo started to grow up, South Korean people were very relieved because Euijoo really resembled his father in terms of behavior. He spoke out for gender equality which made women feel very helped for the second time after his father also helped very well before. The innovations that Euijoo often provides never go out of style but do not harm any party.
Status, wealth, and good looks make Euijoo adored by girls in his country. Many of them dream of becoming Euijoo's lover, marrying him. Oh of course, who doesn't want to be Euijoo's life partner?
Euijoo entered the palace at six in the afternoon because he was visiting his grandmother, the queen mother, because his grandmother wanted to meet him before she left for Japan for a charity event.
When he was about to go to the kitchen first, he bumped into a girl who was carrying a lot of books. Making the servants who were working panic because their crown prince fell.
"Hey, be careful when you walk! You hit the crown prince!" The Head Maid cursed at the girl who looked much more in pain than Euijoo, because she was crushed by the thick books she was carrying.
Euijoo, who got up first from his fallen position, immediately approached the girl. "Hey, are you okay, miss?” Euijoo put away the books that fell on that girl. Then he helped the girl to get up, when Euijoo wanted to speak again to ask about the girl's condition (again), Euijoo was stunned. A girl with slightly curly hair, pink lips, light brown eyes, white skin and slender height. She is very beautiful. Not only that, when he held the girl's arm, Euijoo felt a strange feeling gathering in his stomach, something between tense and flowery.
"Aren't you trained well? You almost got the crown prince hurt!" A sharp rebuke from the Head Maid brought Euijoo back to his senses. He was also shocked.
"I-I'm sorry, Highness. I really didn't mean to bump into you, I was in a hurry," The girl looked at Euijoo and the surrounding area with fear. Euijoo just smiled. "No need to apologize, it's my fault. I should be the one apologizing." Euijoo said softly, he didn't want the girl to be afraid of him.
"Oh yeah, what's your name?"
"My name? My name is Lee Eunji, Highness,"
"Eunji, next time you're holding a lot of things, ask someone else for help. Don't bring it yourself, it's dangerous," EJ smiled faintly then stroked Eunji's shoulder. Eunji immediately became more tense because she was stroked by the crown prince before he left in front of her.
Euijoo knows that Eunji is his older sister's main lady-in-waiting. She was born from a middle-lower class but has a noble lineage from the Joseon dynasty. That means the dynasty was replaced by the Byun dynasty. Her mother sent her to the selection event held to choose Princess Hajoon's lady-in-waiting. And coincidentally she was elected with three other candidates.
Eunji's mother hopes that when Eunji becomes Princess Hajoon's lady-in-waiting, her family's economy can improve further, especially since the salary at the palace is very high. Eunji could be chosen because of her intelligence even though she had just graduated from high school, because Princess Hajoon really likes intelligent ladies-in-waiting, she wants her ladies-in-waiting to help in all aspects, not only in the household aspect.
His first meeting with Eunji succeeded in making Euijoo unable to sleep at all. For some reason, his brain kept thinking about his sister's beautiful lady-in-waiting.
Until one day, he was determined to approach Eunji, and the sweet Eunji opened a 'path' in her heart for Euijoo. Their closeness succeeded in building a secret relationship. They often met every night, whether it was in the garden behind the palace or Euijoo would sneak Eunji into his room and would take her back to her bedroom at four in the mornin.
In that relationship too, Eunji and Euijoo had sexual relations several times. They both gave up their virginity to each other. I don't know why Eunji dared to give up her virginity to Euijoo, even though Euijoo only gave her peace in the form of his promise to marry her.
By the way, today was an annoying day for Euijoo, his mother introduced him to a noble girl who was said to be very beautiful. The girl's name is Somi, who is Euijoo's distant cousin. Euijoo is not happy of course, especially since Somi is not his type. He sees Somi as a spoiled girl who will be troublesome if they get married. In front of the Emperor and Empress, Somi really looks cute, but when walking alone with Euijoo, that girl's spoiled side is really annoying.
Eunji walked behind Hajoon who also accompanied his brother to accompany his future fiancé. Eunji felt painful seeing Somi holding Euijoo tightly as if they were a newly married couple. Eunji also admitted that Somi was very suitable to be Euijoo's future empress, they had equal dignity. As for her? She was included in Euijoo's class of mistresses, because she had sex with Euijoo outside of marriage.
Euijoo occasionally looked back to see Eunji. Eunji smiled faintly at Euijoo, which actually made Euijoo feel very depressed. Eunji should be the one in Somi's position, Eunji should be the one who will be his fiancee, not the spoiled girl who is now holding him like a stamp.
"You will be engaged to her tomorrow," Euijoo immediately looked at his mother, Empress Hwara when he suddenly said that. Eunji, who was serving food to Hajoon, was also shocked when she heard this.
"Mama, it's a rush, I don't know her better yet," Euijoo looked for an excuse, but his mother denied it. "You can get to know each other better after getting engaged, what's wrong with getting engaged?" Hwara raised her eyebrows seeing Euijoo who was not enthusiastic.
"Your mother is right, Euijoo. The sooner the better, people definitely like Somi, she's kind and sweet, right?" Jiho smiled teasingly at Euijoo which made Euijoo shudder because the words 'kind and sweet' were very far from Somi.
"Fuck! I have to save my relationship with Eunji!" Euijoo screamed in his heart, because he only wanted Eunji to be his future empress, not another girl.
"Highness stop it!"
"I won't stop it!"
Euijoo thrust his cock with brutal movements into Eunji's wet pussy. The sex this time was really rough, because initially Eunji had refused to have any more sexual relations with Euijoo, and was even about to end their relationship. This resulted in Euijoo going berserk and forcing Eunji to have sex with him. Euijoo didn't want to lose Eunji.
"Highness stop it, you already have a fiancé," Hearing those words made Euijoo kiss Eunji's lips wetly. He wrapped Eunji's neck with his right hand. "She's not my fiancé, you're my fiancé, Eunji!" Euijoo said with a growl that sounded full of lust.
Eunji was speechless as Euijoo strangled her neck, pleasure and guilt uniting inside her. Several times he clenched, which made Euijoo dizzy because he was being squeezed by her pussy.
"Yeah you like that? You're ambitious about make me a daddy, eh?" Euijoo grinned with his girl's pussy action that made his dick in heaven. "Gonna you a mommy, impregnate you so that nothing can separate me from you," Euijoo said with great hunting desire. Eunji's eyes turned white from the pleasure she was experiencing, Euijoo really made her fly even though she felt guilty.
Eunji whined calling Euijoo's nickname, making Euijoo grin. "Yeah, darling? Do you want something? Use your words,"
"G-g-gonna cum, please. Gonna-" Eunji couldn't continue her words, this time her pussy really clenched around Euijoo's cock.
"Gonna cum, baby? I wanna cum to. Together, yeah?" Euijoo was panting because she also felt himself at the end. In several thrusts, Eunji squirted profusely, but Euijoo did not pull out his cocok, letting Eunji's squirting fluid wet his cock which was also shooting his babies into Eunji's womb.
Eunji and Euijoo were both panting, Euijoo brushed his hair back with his fingers, not yet removing hid dick from Eunji's wet hole. Then he saw Eunji panting beneath him with her chest heaving, Euijoo smiled then gently stroked his beloved girl's hair, then gave a wet kiss to her soft lips.
"You will be in my room until morning really comes, I will not take you to your room again at four in the morning," Euijoo hugged Eunji gently, which he said was a plan.
"EUIJOO!" Eunji immediately woke up from her sleep when she heard Hwara's hysterical screams. Eunji glared when she realized that she had actually woken up in Euijoo's room and was still naked, only covered by Euijoo's blanket.
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szarolina · 1 year
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Witam! I had been lurking in the studyblr community before I left Tumblr a few years ago. Yet here I come again and hope I still fit since I'm not a student anymore. I hope we'll get along!
I'm Karolina and I'm 27 years old.
From Poland (with love ♡).
INTJ & 5w6 / 8w9
I'm a graduate of two Master degrees: 1) International Relations in Asia 2) Russian & Central Asian Studies. I'm currently writing two theses and hopefully finish them by December.
Next, I want to enroll in PhD program and focus on politics, economy and markets in East and Southeast Asia.
In the meantime I'm looking for a job in the field. I'm thinking of an analyst of the area (just Asia or better Eurasia so it would cover both my degrees), but mixing it with academic path, so while pursuing PhD degree.
One of my hobbies are foreign languages! Over time of my education I've managed to learn English, French, Russian and I'm still learning Japanese (currently at B1+ level). I used to learn Mandarin Chinese, but I intend to get back to it at some point. Also, I'm interested in picking Korean.
I like learning often just for sake of it since my mind needs to be constantly on the go (it gave me sleepless nights several times). It could be picking some textbook (I learnt bases of macroeconomics by myself), doing some online quizes on all seas, gulfs and straits or reading a popular history/science books (because of the Oppenheimer movie, I bought "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes and yes, that's my current read!). I just enjoy it.
I have a never-ending books list on my Goodreads account (2600+ and counting). I like nonfiction (history, biography, political science, business, economics, you name it) and catching up on classics. Also, a h u g e Nabokov fan.
I'm one of these people who need to write everything down, from day schedule, important dates and tasks to all kinds of lists, trackers and brain dump. My Filofax is with me everywhere I go.
In general, I tend to be super-organized and put together. That applies to my daily or at least weekly schedule, surroundings or appearance - otherwise I can't properly focus.
I can't live without good coffee and I'm very picky about it.
The plan is to make it more personal by posting original content: hopefully daily, realistically a few times per week - mostly covering my writing proccess and languages learning, but also other random things. I intend to reblog some posts too, but I wish to keep the balance between that and OC.
Tagging #szarolina and #karolinatalking
My inbox is always open! c:
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vent sesh #1
I hate being stuck in school, and I hate having to freelance alongside it. Full-time college for 4 years + self-employment is fucking rough because, lol, what's even a "break"? A "weekend"?
I attend classes midlessly while sneaking in updates on client projects, go home to do chores so I can finally do my homework, self-learn the classwork content because the college I go to is genuinely shit with a curriculum that's all over the fckn place, get paid for completed client projects to finally pay off rent + bills and buy groceries, nibble on the perfectly nice dinner I can't even look at because of how much time it stole from me to be made, and crash on my bed. Rinse and repeat.
I want to sit down. Breathe. Sleep properly and eat slowly.
And then I want to write my stories, make video games of the ones I can't write, publish that shit, draw my OCs, animate a panel or two of my comic strips, bake, cook, go out for a fucking walk and sniff a flower or two.
This economy is insane. I sleep 4 hours per day, and I still can't seem to make enough money to survive. I can't get anywhere without a degree, and I would've fckn had one at 21 if I'd pulled through the injured shoulder + ribs my dad gifted me for my brother's birthday. Well, it was that or my brother's broken jaw, and the latter would only ever happen over my dead body. At least I whooped that grown man into shame and fear that night. I haven't been the same since then, because I'd never snapped that badly before.
I should've graduated by now. I'm fckn 25 and in the middle of possibly moving to yet another country to continue my degree after I already moved out of my homecountry nearly two years ago. I miss my younger siblings; they're my world. I miss my friends; they kept me sane and warm. I miss my old room in my parent's house despite the nightmares and hell those two geezers inflicted on me, but at least us kids are too old to do anything to.
All I want is to breathe without something expecting my effort.
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mantastar · 3 months
Welcome to Pixel Cats' Brainrot! How are you enjoying your stay thus far? :3
These pixel kitties can have all my brain cells- I wasn't using them anyways :3
Also gives me cat material to draw for, I love doodling kit cats! Human oc who?
on another note, I really enjoy the calmer pace of this with a lack of a 24/7 economy grind that a lot of pet sites have. And the wind system is so pleasant feeling. And I love how cats can bond. And the community is so so nice. And since it's new the place is fairly small which I don't want to gatekeep but I'd do get overwhelmed in larger fandoms. And the pride shop! And the amazing custom content creators. And adventuring. And the art is so nice. And aaaaa
my brain had been stuck rotating pixel cats, you can probably tell ^^'
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secret-engima · 2 years
Hi! Anon here! I don’t know your thoughts on fic recs, but you’re rant on Naruto economics and how wars are bad for the economy reminded me about Umei no Mai’s fic Compass of thy Soul. It’s a SI OC insert into the Uchiha clan during the warring clans period, except she’s not a ninja but instead makes the uchiha clan battle coats. It hits the same points as your rant about economics while also giving good uchiha clan culture building (she helps them make money through trade). It even has a likable and good character tobirama (which most pro uchiha warring clans period fics don’t). If you’re ever in the mood, I’d recommend reading it!
Hi! I do not usually mind fic recs so long as they are in a fandom I'm in, are not slash or femslash, and don't have explicit sexual content/smut/whatever tag you wanna use for that stuff. :)
Someone actually recced that to me earlier actually! It's on my To Read list since it sound's interesting.
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year in review time ig
I posted 93 times in 2022
That's 35 more posts than 2021!
88 posts created (95%)
5 posts reblogged (5%)
I tagged 92 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#digital art - 47 posts
#character art - 44 posts
#oc art - 38 posts
#original character - 34 posts
#character design - 32 posts
#my art - 32 posts
#pembles - 26 posts
#ttrpg character - 20 posts
#urban fantasy - 19 posts
#science fantasy - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#also the gif will sync to about 74 or 148 bpm so ive been listening to mr brightside and watching them vibe to it
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
114 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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After owning the game for something like 5 years and never actually finishing it, I've officially beaten Hollow Knight! (ok, I got 108% completion. I'm not masochistic enough to force myself to finish the godhome dlc before I start Metroid Dread.)
More importantly, that means I can now go to the wiki for references without spoiling stuff! So I've been doodling while I settle back into my uni routine. I might end up doing another page, so if you have a fav you'd like to see, let me know in the replies/tags/dms.
115 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
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with my warm ups finished, i figured i should actually get around to drawing the piece i originally intended to. . .
original content will return soon, but i really needed to get this out of my system. They're so good.
140 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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More hollow knight doodles! Including some grubs for @/tagrasso and some of my other random favorites. this game has so much character design. it's everywhere.
If there's a character you wanna see in particular, feel free to lemme know in the replies/tags/dms/asks/whatever the fuck else there is on this website. I'm totally down to do more.
248 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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fan art? in this economy?? It was my cousin's birthday and she really likes the Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom duology, so I did this as a gift.
830 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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arcstral · 2 years
⚙️ GEAR - what are your ocs thoughts on science & art? which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each?
( what are your ocs thoughts on science & art? which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each? )
also asked by @liegebound
He places relatively equal emphasis on science and art, interpreting their values in different ways from the standpoint of both a ruler and an individual.
Art for example equates to visual manifestations of culture and creativity; an indulgence that only countries with fully contented needs or otherwise enjoying a booming economy can partake in en masse. Marth sees art then as the standing evidence of peace. Even if he's no special connoisseur, even if he won't be the one to usher in a renaissance in this field, the connotations and meaning of art is something he appreciates. A meter of success that he even seeks for. Art signifies a land no longer held in a vice grip of war, the simple fact that it can flourish means that a king has done his job.
Science on the other hand bears an interpretation swayed by his experiences with people both evil and good, not to mention his roots as an Archanean. In Archanea it's no secret that the greatest medical and technological advancements are born through magic, and so magic in turn is virtually equatable to science. But when Marth thinks of his encounters with the Dark Pontifex in his wars, he recognizes an insidious employment of 'science' that returned the Shadow Dragon to life. That sundered men from their stalks like wheat through the Imhullu, created Gharnef's clones in Thabes, or brought seven kingdoms to their knees in a great and successive fall of domino blocks.
Science as he's seen it is fearsome. Marth dislikes it in truth, but it's a coin with two sides. Lena, Maria, Merric, Linde, Wendell, Gotoh; simple clerics and collegiate mages of Khadein alike teach him that magical science is not always wielded with bad intentions, that it even remains necessary to be understood for the sake of a safer humanity. Its common uses taught as much as its darkest secrets protected.
In the years following their second war, it's revealed that Elice and Merric—Marth's very own sister and brother-in-law—pilot a magic academy in the Pales capital. Marth wouldn't have subsidized a school of magic in the heart of Archanea, a locale with high visibility and historic value, if he didn't understand its importance. Wouldn't have allowed his closest familial associates to pursue this dream away from Altea if he didn't recognize the necessity. Because Marth has respect for magic, because he has a healthy balance of wariness and judgement, he is able to accept these decisions.
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steambat-art · 2 years
oh my goodness your post about oc reblogs,,, happy to help encourage more original work! ocs don't get enough love in this economy.
on a somewhat related note, your ocs make me want to draw my cowman Bossim more :)! seeing you draw your ocs inspires me to draw mine like so so much you have no idea. someday I'll post him, but for now he lives as a minecraft skin.
Yes !! We need more OCs appreciation !
Fanart is good and it's cool to see characters we know in different art style, but I find original characters more interesting ! I'm so curious to know what people can create on their own. I love to know more about characters I know nothing about.
More 👏 original 👏 characters 👏 content 👏 and 👏 love 👏 please 👏
Also thank you for your kind words, it warms my heart ;;;;
I can't wait to see your character ! And I'm sure he looks good as a Minecraft skin haha
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Nigeria seeks digital transformation for a stronger economy - Notice Global Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/nigeria-seeks-digital-transformation-for-a-stronger-economy/?feed_id=203839&_unique_id=66eaf32f2d091 Digital ProductsWe use cookies and data toDeliver and maintain Google servicesTrack outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuseMeasure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those servicesIf you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data toDevelop and improve new servicesDeliver and measure the effectiveness of adsShow personalized content, depending on your settingsShow personalized ads, depending on your settingsIf you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit g.co/privacytools at any time.Source of this programme “I like ingredients, because they are beautiful.”“Nigeria seeks digital transformation for a stronger economy  World Economic Forum…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilwFBVV95cUxQZi0xc1VWZnpxa0hvVnVYUjZPdHo2WFh1TDU1b2t3YklRWGY0Qkk3LXlLaVphWnhPeVMxYm5ReUNvMFpaRmJUUUVPZWFMSHUzOVNrNEZfMEo3N2RibWk3Nk9TOXdFOHBXTFZuZ0JEeXRpdHhzbExXWWViTEFkYWpyUTlhckdtUU1xVzZJaFRyeGs3TkRVRnhz?oc=5#DigitalProducts – BLOGGER – DigitalProducts Nigeria seeks digital transformation for a stronger economy - Notice Global Web - #GLOBAL BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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Nigeria seeks digital transformation for a stronger economy - Notice Global Web https://www.merchant-business.com/nigeria-seeks-digital-transformation-for-a-stronger-economy/?feed_id=203838&_unique_id=66eaf32e14e84 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER Digital ProductsWe use cookies and data toDeliver and maintain Google servicesTrack outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuseMeasure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those servicesIf you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data toDevelop and improve new servicesDeliver and measure the effectiveness of adsShow personalized content, depending on your settingsShow personalized ads, depending on your settingsIf you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit g.co/privacytools at any time.Source of this programme “I like ingredients, because they are beautiful.”“Nigeria seeks digital transformation for a stronger economy  World Economic Forum…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilwFBVV95cUxQZi0xc1VWZnpxa0hvVnVYUjZPdHo2WFh1TDU1b2t3YklRWGY0Qkk3LXlLaVphWnhPeVMxYm5ReUNvMFpaRmJUUUVPZWFMSHUzOVNrNEZfMEo3N2RibWk3Nk9TOXdFOHBXTFZuZ0JEeXRpdHhzbExXWWViTEFkYWpyUTlhckdtUU1xVzZJaFRyeGs3TkRVRnhz?oc=5#DigitalProducts – BLOGGER – DigitalProducts Digital Products We use cookies and data to Deliver and maintain Google services Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data … Read More
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bravecompanynews · 3 days
Nigeria seeks digital transformation for a stronger economy - Notice Global Web - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/nigeria-seeks-digital-transformation-for-a-stronger-economy/?feed_id=203837&_unique_id=66eaf32d2482f Digital ProductsWe use cookies and data toDeliver and maintain Google servicesTrack outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuseMeasure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those servicesIf you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data toDevelop and improve new servicesDeliver and measure the effectiveness of adsShow personalized content, depending on your settingsShow personalized ads, depending on your settingsIf you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes.Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant.Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit g.co/privacytools at any time.Source of this programme “I like ingredients, because they are beautiful.”“Nigeria seeks digital transformation for a stronger economy  World Economic Forum…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilwFBVV95cUxQZi0xc1VWZnpxa0hvVnVYUjZPdHo2WFh1TDU1b2t3YklRWGY0Qkk3LXlLaVphWnhPeVMxYm5ReUNvMFpaRmJUUUVPZWFMSHUzOVNrNEZfMEo3N2RibWk3Nk9TOXdFOHBXTFZuZ0JEeXRpdHhzbExXWWViTEFkYWpyUTlhckdtUU1xVzZJaFRyeGs3TkRVRnhz?oc=5#DigitalProducts – BLOGGER – DigitalProducts BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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