#oc lucis mori
the-acid-pear-art · 8 days
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This too is yuri
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theknifeclown · 8 months
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Mori belongs to: @kawaiialeisha
Lucy! Her full name is Noctilucent, but she just goes by Lucy for short. She is a cloud and idk I just thought it'd be fun if she could make rainbows, it's called watercolor magic.. also if you recognize the design..... no you don't/j
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forcedhesitation · 18 days
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why should it just be steve who has all the torturous purgatory realm fun?
#dbd#myart#wip#quick clarification for those only familiar with the american version of ringu: sadako is 19.#anyway. I love that dbd lets me explore steve and nancy's characters outside the bullshit that the show is.#because the whole steve and nancy dynamic is Interesting. but the dustbags are plagued by cerebral hetrot so that story never GOES anywhere#it's just the “Waaaah love triangle OMG!!! will they? won't they?” crap. idk man. idc. why're these dumbasses breathing in Upside down air?#some people here have seen lucy before-- he is the ghostface pictured. and he's an OC. different person entirely from danny.#I won't explain his full lore here but-- he was a drag queen before the fog who started out by only killing those who he felt deserved it.#his entire persona satirises catholicism and he calls himself “the holy ghost” rather than ghostface. the entity made him an actual devil.#he's obsessed with steve because he LIVES his own role so he sees steve as his heroic opposite or some fucked up gay shit like that.#he's clutching kate's heart because if he were a real character in the game-- he'd have two moris.#one standard... and one for if a steve is present in the lobby. the second would involve him carving out the heart of a survivor as a gift.#he never harms steve though-- so it makes steve's penchant for self-sacrifice pointless.#steve instead has to do what he can to open the gates as fast as possible-- or watch everyone else die! :)#as for the toxic yuri-- it occurred to me that sadako's backstory bears some striking similarities to barb's story.#as soon as I realised this-- it was like I had suddenly gained the ability to see a new colour I could not see before.#sadako wanting to torment nancy as sick revenge for what happened to her but using barb's death as justification for this...#...nancy being unable to escape the ghost of barb... even in this hell dimension full of terrifying monsters--#it is still the memory of the girl she feels she “let” die in steve's pool that scares and hurts her the most.#not to mention that sadako's powers are reminiscent of how the upside down related fuckery appears...#the screwy technology. the telekinesis.#I just REALLY love seeing characters be forced to confront difficult parts of themselves even if that shit REALLY hurts.#dbd makes it so easy to do that to any given character. of course this goes both ways too-- it'd force lucy & sadako to change too.#which opens the door for torment on their end too because killers who disobey the entity are tortured into obeying.#a rock and a hard place on both ends. and that is Exactly how I like it. intense. complicated-- a puzzle to be solved.
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ochitea · 1 year
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lucy in mori calliope's outfit
its unfinished but i will not let this one rot
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the-acid-pear-ocs · 1 year
Y'know i was gonna make Lucis' mother a clown exclusively but i think I'll add some plant qualities to her too not only out of pity (😒) but also as symbolism.
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autumnrosethorn · 2 months
Bungou Stray Dogs Roleplay Request
Hello! The name's Azul. I'm an 18 year old who loves Bungou Stray Dogs. For a few days now I have been trying to find long-term roleplay partners who knows the fandom of Bungou Stray Dogs.
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I have been in the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom for almost a year now, and let me just say I really adore all of the characters except for Mori.
The problem is that I have never experienced roleplaying the fandom BUT I am now wanting to experience roleplaying the fandom and possibly explore the AUs.
I have cosplayed a character from the fandom before and that is the one and only; Chūya Nakahara.
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My future cosplay would be Ranpo and I'm excited about it but at this very moment I am working on collecting all of the books.
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×More about me with Roleplays×
When it comes to roleplaying, I try my best to stay in character even though sometimes it's hard to.
I'm not an advanced-lit roleplayer, but I am a semi-lit. My roleplay lines are about 5-7 lines, but it may go pass 5-7 lines or below, it all depends on my creativity/motivation.
I do a lot of Genres, so if you want an dark/angst, drama, adventurous, fantasy, romance, etc. Then you came to the right person for it. I will allow all types/gens for your interest of the roleplay.
I have a lot of ships in mind!
×Romantic Ships×
Ranpoe(Ranpo x Poe)
Shin Soukoku(Atsushi x Akutagawa)
Soukoku(Chūya x Dazai)
FukuMori(Fukuzawa x Mori)
Kousano(Kouyou x Yosano)
Odango(Ango x Oda)
HawMitch(Margaret x Nathaniel)
Fyolai(Nikolai x Fydor)
Fyosig(Sigma x Fydor)
Siglai(Sigma x Nikolai)
Sigzai(Sigma x Dazai)
Fitzcott(Louisa x Francis)
×Platonic Ships×
KyouKenji(Kyouka x Kenji)
KyuElise(Elise x Kyusaku)
AtsuLucy(Lucy x Atsushi)
HiguGin(Gin x Higuchi)
AkuHigu(Higuchi x Akutagawa)
MarkLucy(Lucy x Mark)
I do NOT roleplay with minors(apologies) the ages I feel comfortable with is 18 up to 24. If you're 17 turning 18 soon I will allow it.
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×How I got into roleplaying×
I have started roleplaying since the age of 12. To be honest the very first time of roleplaying, is when I got forced to do a roleplay in a public server on Discord. Somehow in the past, I thought to myself that roleplay will never be my taste of interest because on how I got forced, but once I got used to it, I have never stopped roleplaying.
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With this I will mark the characters I can roleplay as and the the characters I'll try roleplaying as, in ships.
Green; Can roleplay as
Purple; Will try
Chuya x Dazai
Ranpo x Poe
Akutagawa x Atsushi
Fukuzawa x Mori
Kouyou x Yosano
Oda x Ango
Nathaniel x Margaret
Nikolai x Fydor
Sigma x Fydor
Sigma x Nikolai
Dazai x Sigma
Lousia x Francis
Kyouka x Kenji
Kyusaku/Q x Elise
Atsushi x Lucy
Higuchi x Gin
Higuchi x Akutagawa
Mark x Lucy
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×Roleplay Rules×
I'm very sensitive to animal deaths, so i will also ask politely to not kill any animals, if we decide to roleplay.
Please do not ghost me, I do have a time limit with roleplays, and that is if you don't reply for two weeks I will stop the roleplay.
Please tell me that the roleplay is getting boring, and we'll try to discuss things out, or even try a different roleplay but still in the fandom of BSD.
I do allow ocs, and ocs x ccs but only for double-ups.
Please being kind at all times when we're talking out of roleplay, sometimes it is hard for me to understand due to having a speech disorder.
Don't be homophobic because I do ship bxb, gxg sometimes.
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I do roleplay on Discord. My user is __.autumn.__ add me and we can discuss more on there. When I accept your friend request please tell me you are from here so I'd know.
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Well this is it for now! I can't wait to meet you if you are interested in roleplaying with me. See you then!
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rollingsim · 4 months
OC Questionnaire
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Name: Sayaka Mori
Nickname: Saya
Gender: Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’8”
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Nationality/ Ethnicity: Japanese
Favorite fruit: Kiwis
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite flower: Cranberry Hibiscus
Favorite scent: Gritti tutu (Kiku’s perfume)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee
Avg hours of sleep: 8 hrs
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Dream trip: New York City (to see the MET)
Number of Blankets: 2
Random fact: Her favorite franchise is Charlie’s Angels solely because of Lucy Liu
Thank you so much for tagging me @kazuaru 💕
Tagging: @bunmou @lilypixels @lazysunjade @gleamer
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biscuits-tragic-diner · 8 months
bsd characters (+ocs!) as quotes from my friends!
sigma: yes girl! shake what your daddy gave you! which is the alcohol addiction.
kouyou (about chuuya): i think my brother has the tism
lucy (about fitzgerald): he said he has a wife and kids, that’s a LIE!!!!!
dazai: on tuesdays though…they’re on limits.
lovecraft: ol’ reliable, i’m not gonna commit genocide. i’m too sleepy
natsuo: sometimes, i can’t handle being in a medicine commercial! but then, i tried xyrantha. xyrantha helped me with my frequent schizophrenic episodes
atsushi: it’s not projecting if i’ve never watched naruto!!
kenzaburō being silly: i’m not even gonna drop out of school at this point i’m just gonna drop out of a plane without a parachute
mori: I can hate crime you right now. Do you want me to hate crime you?
natsuo: no. my pussy is projectile squirting.
yosano: hold on to your urethra because you’re about to kill yourself!
lucy: should i give him cargo pants or should let him have some joy in life?
(kenzaburō is @imarattttt ‘s oc and natsuo is mine!!!)
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powerade · 7 months
how tall are angels usually? (for each verse if thats applicable)
OMG I love questions abt my angels thank you anyway uhhhh hmm.
on average angels in what I just call "misc angels" are around 4'5 (this is stuff like waffle and lung and www) although there's exceptions like death (death is just strange in general tho)
in the verse where paperclip and sam are in their height varies similarily to humans (or uh. mortals in this case cuz it's furry world but *thumbs up* you get it) but usually on the shorter end
Lucy and Mori are both uhm. I'm not sure but they're pretty tall especially compared to all the other angel verses
fantasy verse thing (francois and santiago are notable ocs in this) uh. I don't have this thought out very much.... serenity is pretty tall but the terrors are closer to that 4'5 height
in elevatooors benny (and davit but he's a demon.) is around 4'5 too he's a little short but not an odd amount. height affects rank a little but ranks can change :) or like I guess birth rank affects height is a better way to describe it (strike is same height as benny but a higher rank than him)
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bungoustraypups · 5 months
i want to ramble about ship Things from my BSD next gen canon-divergent universe, bungou stray pups-verse, but i can't decide what to ship ramble about first without being entirely predictable so i'm letting you guys choose!
send me an ask with one or more ships from the list below, OR with one or more numbers 1 - 34 (if you wanna be random about it) and i'll answer it with a handful of bullet points of trivia about them and the family they end up having! if a ship gets sent more than once, that's fine, i'll just use different trivia points each time (trust me there's a lot lmao)
Atsushi Nakajima/Ryuunosuke Akutagawa (Beast Beneath the Moonlight & Rashoumon)
Doppo Kunikida/Katai Tayama (The Matchless Poet & Futon)
Chuuya Nakahara/Osamu Dazai (Upon the Tainted Sorrow & No Longer Human)
Kyouka Izumi/Kenji Miyazawa/Q Kyuusaku Yumeno (Demon Snow, Undefeated by the Rain & Dogra Magra)
Ranpo Edogawa/Edgar Allan Poe (Super Deduction & Black Cat in the Rue Morgue)
Akiko Yosano/Kouyou Ozaki/Kirako Haruno (Thou Shalt Not Die & Golden Demon)
Junichirou Tanizaki/Michizou Tachihara (Light Snow & Midwinter Memento)
Motojirou Kajii/Shoufu Muramatsu [OC] (Lemonade & Demon City)
Yukichi Fukuzawa/Ougai Mori (All Men Are Equal & Vita Sexualis)
Sakunosuke Oda/Ango Sakaguchi (Flawless & Discourse on Decadence)
Gin Akutagawa/Ichiyou Higuchi (No abilities)
Naomi Tanizaki/Charlotte Lennox [OC] (Adventures of Arabella)
Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine (Illuminations & The Spiritual Hunt)
Flags Polycule (All 5 of the Flags)
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald/Zelda Fitzgerald (The Great Fitzgerald)
John Steinbeck/Howard Phillips Lovecraft (The Grapes of Wrath & Great Old One)
Nathaniel Hawthorne/Margaret Mitchell (The Scarlet Letter & Gone with the Wind)
Mark Twain/Lucy Maud Montgomery (Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer & Anne of Abyssal Red)
Louisa May Alcott/Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings [OC]/William Howard Armstrong [OC] (Little Women, The Yearling, & Sounder)
Fyodor Dostoevsky/Ivan Goncharov (Crime and Punishment & The Precipice)
Sigma/Nikolai Gogol (The Overcoat)
Mushitarou Oguri/Yokomizo(†) (The Perfect Crime)
Saigiku Jouno/Tecchou Suehiro (Priceless Tears & Plum Blossoms in Snow)
Teruko Okura/Adalcinda Magno Camarão Luxardo (AKA Meursault Catgirl) (Gasp of the Soul & Clairvoyants)
Tatsuhiko Shibusawa/Bram Stoker (Draconia/Dracula)
André Gide/Jean-Jacques Rousseau [OC] (Strait is the Gate & Julie)
Ryuurou Hirotsu/Herman Melville (Falling Camellia & Moby Dick)
Agatha Christie/Yuan (And Then There Were None)
Adam Frankenstein/Shirase (No abilities)
Ace/Junji Ito [OC] (The Madness of the Jewel King & Black Paradox)
Karma/Ryougo Narita [OC] (Baccano!)
Langston Hughes [OC]/E.E. Cummings [OC] (I Too & i carry your heart with me)
Soseki Natsume/James Baldwin [OC] (I am a cat & Giovanni's Room)
Santoka Taneda/Seisensui (Tokichi) Ogiwara [OC] (Hail in the Begging Bowl & Choryu)
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the-acid-pear-art · 1 month
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Don't remind them
Also some trivia for y'all: Lucis is a remake of a character I created for a comic for class. Said comic ends with them being ran over. Whole story was a retelling of their previous days, a Convo between them and their therapist. The original comic was very silly and lighthearted (and drawn in a single morning if you even care) but I considered that if I were to remake it (always wanted to illustrate my personal diary, that was the goal when I first started it) the art style would be less like my usual style and more surreal like on the right, to represent my mental state back then better.
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bluespiderlully · 3 months
KNY - My lore (Fujiko Mori)🪨
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I'm back with another post about one of my OCs, today the lucky girl is the Stone Hashira, Fujiko Mori.
First of all, I always liked the idea of a female Stone Hashira, in every media if you see a female warrior you're sure she will be focused on speed, I'd just like to see more strong female characters.
She's a beautiful woman, the fact that her mother was American gave her some western features so she looks exotic and attractive basically to everyone, her hair are wavy and black with some white locks in the front, her eyes are green and she has two moles on her cheeckbones; she's very tall, like VERY tall and she is quite muscular. She doesn't have a regular katana but she uses a zanbato (Sir Alonne! Sir Alonne! Sir Alonne!).
Everyone likes her because she's kind and caring towards everyone, they'd probably like her less if they knew about her past (the only ones who know are Tengen and Asuka, they're married but I will probably explain this in another post about the ships in my AU). Basically Fujiko got pregnant at 15 and had to run away from home, she found shelter in the Eternal Paradise Cult and Doma thought she was a good... whatever he can consider a woman, so he took her with him. She was madly in love with him until she discovered corpses and belongings of other women in the Sanctuary, plus, Doma ate her daughter (Haru) too; she ran away in the woods.
When she joined the Corp she immediately met Kanae, and she had a crush on Fujiko, sort of, she genuinely thought she was really cool.
There's one last thing about her: she has a great singing voice, being a singer myself I can't help but put singing characters in my stories, she's the one. There's one song she always sings, Haru loved that song and Fujiko sings it to Muichiro very often: the song is the poem "Lucy Gray", by William Wordsworth, a poem about a girl losing herself in the snow and about her father who disperately tries to find her, but her footprints only lead to an iced river... this is basically the same thing Doma has seen when Fujiko ran away, it seemed she disapperead, just Lucy Gray in her poem (Yeah, I'm still in my Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes era).
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the-loveliest-lotus · 8 months
5, 14, 18 for lucy :>
Thank you <3
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
Honestly, I just think rainbow hair looks so badass, I'm a fan of rainbows, and it seemed like something that could work as a detail in that universe without really being out of place. Metal chicks can totally rock rainbow hair and have it make sense. I also wanted a cute bonding scene for her and Pickles for when he dyes her hair the first time (which I actually took inspiration from thatwritingho's Memento Mori which has a scene of Olive getting her hair dyed).
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
I did answer this one, but I'll link it here. :)
18. What is the most recent thing you've discovered about your OC?
The most recent new attributes for her have been related to her role in the prophecy. As The Sacred Flame, she is the feminine Divine that flows with the masculine Divine that the boys have to create that pentagram. Basically the flow between the points.
The new part is that as The Sacred Flame, she has the ability to illuminate the shadows for those who are willing to see the light. Some people will even help to stoke the fire within her soul and help her burn brighter. But it's double edged, as there will be people (like her former abuser, but some unexpected others) who will be uncomfortable with the brightness of the light, and could try to dim it.
I realize how cryptic and prophecy like that sounds, lol.
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the-acid-pear-ocs · 2 years
This is a wip but the fucking whiplash you get just from seeing all three of those songs together is powerful 💀
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prpfs · 1 year
Anyone into Bungou Stray Dogs?🐶
I've seen all of the anime so far, and trying to catch up to the manga!
I'm up for either a romantic or platonic roleplay, and if going with oc x cc, I can double! I'm up for dark themes, literally anything! First one in the ship is who I'd prefer to play! Oh, and I'm semi to advanced lit!
Platonic ships:
Akutagawa and Dazai (the mentorship, maybe an arc with Akutagawa getting over Dazai)
My oc and Akutagawa and Dazai (can also write as one of the ccs, will be an angsty mentorship)
Fukuzawa and Yosano (father daughter)
Fukuzawa and Ranpo (father son)
Lucy and anyone in the ADA (recruitment)
Lucy and Anyone in PM (recruitment)
Oc and Sigma (I can fix him)
Oc and Fyodor (I can make him worse)
Mori x Fukuzawa
Chuuya x Dazai
Fukuzawa x Fukuchi
Dazai x Fyodor
Dazai x Kunikida
Atsushi x Akutagawa
Oc x Sigma
Oc x Mori
Oc x Fyodor
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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brittleskyblue · 2 months
Still thinking about the new Prismatic subclass...
Not only is this going to be fun to play around with, but I'm thinking about this in connection with my OCs.
In their verse, after the discovery of Stasis, Duality Guardians started to become a thing (Nelan and Valis being some of- if not- the first known Dualities). They are Guardians who can use a Darkness power, in conjunction with their Light. However, they can only use one at a time, not simultaneously.
So like, Nelan and Valis (and maybe Temperance; I'm still debating that one) are solar/stasis users. Meanwhile, Mori is an arc/strand user, as is Lucy after the events of Lightfall. They are Dualities.
And then- Bam! Prismatic! The Final Shape! And since I'm going to have my group of OCs end up in the Pale Heart all together in their verse, I imagine that those who are Dualities are going to have that kick into overdrive, thus being able to use both a Light and Dark power at the same time.
Prismatic is an evolution; a confluence. And though the Final Shape still awaits, let's face it; we're probably going to need it (prismatic)
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