#oc natalie rose
drabbles-mc · 2 years
This Isn’t Over
Jax Teller & Sibling!OFC (Natalie Teller)
Whumptober 2022: No.2 Nowhere To Run- Confrontation
Warnings: language, angst, semi-canon compliant for things in s4/s5
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I’ve been staring at this fic for a majority of the day. Coming down with a cold while trying to do Whumptober things is tough lmao. Anyway! I have an entire plan/plot for Natalie’s character (and Happy 👀). This one-shot has nothing to do with any of that, though. 😂 Enjoy some angst between siblings!
SOA Taglist: @garbinge @masterlistforimagines @espieviolet99 @mijop @chibsytelford @thanossexual @anditsmywholeheart @i-just-read-stuff @bport76​ @withmyteeth​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @punkgoddess-98​ @paintballkid711​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @jitterbugs927​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @mijagif​ @frattsparty​ @winchestershiresauce​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @xeniarocks​ @choochoo284​ @littlekittymeow​ @beardsanddetectives​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @passionatewrites​ (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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The banging on the front door was on the brink of shaking the entire house. After how long the last few hours had felt, the last thing Jax wanted to do was deal with whoever was turning up on his doorstep. From how aggressively they were knocking, it wasn’t likely that someone was showing him up to try and make life any easier for him.
He felt like he was still half asleep as he fumbled his way to the front door. He was trying to wipe the sleep from his face when he heard his sister yelling at him from the other side, her hands still slamming against the hardwood between them.
“Jax! Open the goddamn door!”
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered as he flipped the two locks on his side, “you have a goddamn key, you know.”
He pulled the door open, unprepared for Natalie to barge in as aggressively as she did, although perhaps he should’ve known. Both her palms immediately slammed against his chest, pushing him back away from the door. That already knocked him off-balance, but he was still going to try and figure out what she was so bent out of shape about. Before he could try to, however, when he was barely upright again, Natalie cocked her hand back and caught him in the jaw with her closed fist.
He caught himself on the wall, eyes wide with confusion as he said, “What the fu—”
Natalie didn’t give him the chance to finish, “What the fuck did you do?”
“What did I do?” He shook his head as he nursed the side of his face. “You’re the one showing up here in the middle of the night and—” he stopped when he saw who else was still standing on his front step, “What the hell?”
“You should be thanking me,” Natalie said with a scoff as she shook out her hand, “I at least told him to leave his fucking gun in the car.”
Jax let out a deep sigh, too tired to try and keep making a scene, “What’s going on, Nat?”
“You tell me.”
He paused, watching as Happy stepped into the house and pulled the door shut behind him. Jax was suddenly hyperaware of everything that had happened. If they both knew everything, Happy wasn’t going to need his gun to prove whatever point he probably wanted to make. Even though she hadn’t said it yet, something about the edge in her voice told Jax that she was already privy to things that no one was supposed to know about. News traveled fast in their circle, but there was only a couple other people who would’ve told her what happened earlier that night. There was only one in particular who had something to gain from it.
In an attempt to give himself a little space between him and his sister, and to try and buy himself a few extra seconds to get his thoughts together, he made his way into the kitchen. He heard their footsteps behind him and knew that they were going to follow him. It still gave him half of a beat to think, though.
Turning around, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Why don’t you just say whatever you came here to say so you can leave, and I can go back to bed.”
Her laugh was hollow, sarcastic. “You’re unbelievable. How can you just stand there and pretend like everything is fine?”
“Everything isn’t fine. You don’t think I know that?” He gestured angrily back towards the door. “I was there, Natalie!”
“Oh, what, so I’m supposed to feel bad for you? Fuck off. You were there because all this shit is your fault.”
Jax backpedaled at that. It was an exaggeration, but not that much of one. Far be it from anyone to say that the two of them were always in the habit of getting along. They butted heads constantly. But there was a different type of venom this time. Natalie was notorious for getting under people’s skin, especially when it was about things that the club was doing. But this felt much more personal than all of that. It was more personal than all of that.
“You know what he did, right?” she asked, her voice trembling from trying to batten down some of her rage.
“Who?” asking was a bit of a snide choice, but in his defense there had been a lot of men doing questionable things lately.
“Clay!” she snapped. “You know what he did to Opie’s old man?”
“Do you?”
She stepped in, shoving him once more so that he landed back against the kitchen counter. “He blew a hole through his goddamn chest, Jax!” She shook her head in disbelief. “Piney was Dad’s best friend. That’s Opie’s fucking father!”
“I know!” he yelled.
She matched his tone, “Then why didn’t you let Op—”
“What would that have done?!” He reached grabbing onto both of Natalie’s shoulders as he spoke, “Tell me, Nat, what good would come of Opie killing Clay like that?”
She shrugged him off before Happy could step in and get between them. “It’s fucking overdue, Jax. Clay should’ve been done the second he laid hands on Gemma. Maybe if someone had given enough of a fuck about that, no one would be in this situation.”
His voice was quieter as his hands dropped back to his sides, “It’s not that simple.”
“I think it is. I think it’s actually really fucking simple, Jax. You just don’t want it to be because then you’ll have to admit that you made the wrong fucking call.”
“You know what would happen,” he shook his head, “if Opie did it? If I let Opie kill Clay at the head of the table like that? You know what would happen to Opie? To the club?”
She scoffed, the sound nearly loud enough for the neighbors to hear. “Fuck the club, Jax. Your club’s president just shot another member. How’s that for what would happen to the club?”
Jax had almost forgotten that Happy was in the house with them. He stood silently off to the side, arms folded over his chest as he intently watched the two siblings fire back and forth at each other. Jax knew that Happy must have had an opinion on it all one way or another, but he also knew that Happy wasn’t going to get into it until absolutely necessary. He probably wouldn’t get into it in front of Natalie. It was a smart move, one that Jax couldn’t afford to make given the current circumstances.
He wondered if Happy had insisted on coming along, or if Natalie had asked. After everything that had happened, he didn’t have it in him to try and guess what the gameplan was at this point. “What do you want from me?” he finally asked.
“I want you to admit that you fucked up, for starters.”
“You’re gonna tell the club about all of this shit, right? What Clay did?”
“Why, so one of them can kill him?”
Happy finally weighed in on the conversation. “Yea.”
Jax sighed. “Hap, come on, bro, you know it’s more complicated than that.”
“Is it?” The question would’ve sounded like a challenge coming from Natalie. But from Happy, it really was just a question.
And that made it that much harder for Jax to try and justify it all. “There’s,” he dragged his hands down his face, “there’s a lot at stake here, alright? A lot of pieces in play.”
Natalie chimed in, “It’ll be one less piece if you let Opie take Clay out.”
“It’s not happening,” Jax snapped, “alright?” He looked up at the ceiling for a moment, shaking his head. “He shouldn’t have fucking told you, anyway.”
“What? Like you were going to tell me?”
“Club shit isn’t—”
She cut him off, “Opie is family. Piney was family, Jax. This isn’t just about the fucking club.”
“It’s done, alright?” he asked, looking back and forth between the two of them. “I can’t change what already happened.” He turned his focus to Happy. “I will bring this shit to the table when it’s time.”
Happy clenched his jaw, but said nothing. The nod he gave was almost nonexistent. Jax caught it, though. He wondered if Happy would really keep his mouth shut about it. Happy wasn’t known for being a chatterbox, but he also wasn’t a posterchild for keeping his impulses in check. You don’t get kill-tallys permanently inked into your side without being the kind of person who takes matters into their own hands. And, if he had Natalie in his ear on top of all of that, Jax really couldn’t be confident where the chips were going to fall.
Jax looked at his sister. “I get why you’re upset. I am too, but—”
She scoffed. “Could’ve fooled me.”
“Look,” his exhaustion and annoyance were overflowing from every word, “I still don’t know all of what’s going on here. There’s still shit that I’ve gotta figure out. No one is making moves until that happens.” He saw the look in his sister’s eyes and he sighed. “I know I can’t stop you, Natalie. You’re gonna do whatever the fuck you wanna do. But I’m asking you, please—”
“You don’t get to ask me for shit, Jackson.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line. For a moment he tried to think of the last time they had a conversation and she let him finish more than two sentences in a row. He came up dry. The thought crossed his mind that maybe that’s why her and Happy got along so well—the guy never had more than a couple words to say at a clip.
“Fine. Then I’m telling you, get the fuck out of my house.”
She stepped in closer to him, putting them as close to nose-to-nose as they were going to get. She didn’t miss the way that Jax flinched slightly. “This isn’t over, you know. You can’t just sweep this away.”
“I’m not trying to.”
“I don’t believe you.”
The two of them stood there like that for a moment before Happy reached for her. His hand landed on her shoulder. His fingertips pressed just hard enough to break her focus on her brother. Nothing more was going to get done tonight—Happy knew enough to know that much. But the tone was set, at least. Jax was aware that they knew something more was going on, even if not everyone knew the intricacies of it. Happy was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a liar. He wasn’t going to go out of his way to start anything, but if someone asked him, he wasn’t going to lie for the sake of saving Jax the trouble.
“Come on,” he was urging Natalie despite the fact that his eyes were trained intently on Jax, “let’s go.”
Natalie spoke through gritted teeth as she gave her brother one last push, “Fine.” There wasn’t the same amount of force as before—it was just enough to get under her brother’s skin a little more.
She stormed off towards the front door, flinging it open with more emphasis than necessary. She didn’t bother to stop and wait for Happy, didn’t look over her shoulder to see if he was following. She knew that he would.
The two men stood in kitchen. They stared at each other silently. It was a game of chicken that Happy would nearly always win.
“Better go before she takes your car on you,” Jax said, nodding towards the front door that was still wide open.
Happy disregarded the comment completely. “She’s right—this isn’t over.”
Jax wanted to say something in response but then thought better of it. Instead, he just gave Happy a short nod and watched as the man strode out of his house, shutting the door behind him. Jax let out a deep breath as he walked over, flipping the locks once more.
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c00kietin · 3 months
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hey. psst. go follow @sorrowfulwill./nf
the aliens!!! I love how different their colour pallettes are :>
edit- just realised I forgot her second pair of arms let's just say she lost them in a bet or something mhajsjhvash
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rosesart11 · 1 month
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I suck ass at posting so ima try and get better at posting random doodles
featuring Natalie being a little freak, Archie being fueled with rage, and Piper and Abbie being silly as usual (Piper is making them hot chocolateee)
I'm considering just posting about my ocs on here too so more incoherent rambles could be here eventuallyyy
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
9 - I Prefer Plan A
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Part 10
A God Worthy Soulmate
"Lizzie!" I shouted spinning on my feet facing the blonde heretic. "We...he's...he's not who we think he is.."
"Don't tell me you've fallen for him " Lizzie signed in disbelief at my words a few seconds ago.
"Of course not, I'm just saying perhaps we are wrong about him " I said, throwing my hands away from my sides hoping that I am not blushing red.
"Clarisse, are you really that clueless? " a voice said behind her causing me to tilt my head over her shoulder seeing Hope standing behind her.
"He's obviously using you to get to me, I mean he wants me dead to reclaim the title of the most powerful species in the world, " Hope scoffed shaking her head at me
I attempted to defend myself to the Tribrid hearing my breath shaking a little. "You don't know that..."
Hope stomped down the steps standing in front of me in the exact spot where Ken tried to kill all three of us not so long ago. She throws her hands up in the air, annoyance in her tone. "He came here to kill us unless his daughter turned herself in. He wants to kill me all because he needs to keep his title of being the most powerful. From what I've seen I don't think he trusts anyone. He just wants to control people and as your friend I don't want him to break your heart."
"Hope, that's not going to happen. I know how to guard my heart just like you did until you met Landon. If anyone can understand that I thought it would be you." I barked back regretting my words the second I said it.
Her eyes flashed the golden wolf color and I saw some tears in hers when mentioning Landon's name. "I do understand, Clarisse. It's just - we need to talk this over with the squad." She turned on her heels heading back inside reluctantly Lizzie and I followed after her.
Later on, I was currently in the library with Lizzie, Hope along with Dr. Saltzman and the super squad discussing the latest events that had happened.
" Wait, let me get this straight, Clarisse here is mated to Ken and now we're suppously should take his word that he's not going to attack our school again, it's obviously a trap " Kaleb said.
" Gods aren't capable of love anyway, I mean from my recent visions of the gods they're not exactly known as being gentle and kind " Cleo added.
" You don't even know him, " I said, staring at Cleo.
" You don't either Clari and you're obviously falling for him his charms it's a trick, he's the god of death, destruction, arsenal and everything else in between " Hope exclaimed.
" I'm not " I barked back, getting frustrated that they think that about me.
" Maybe, this isn't a bad thing after all... I mean we can use this to our advantage " MG spoke up.
" Yeah, Clarisse, you can lure him and we can finish him off once and for all, " Kaleb added.
Whipping my head around I scoffed at the plan and felt anger rise in my eyes, " No, I won't let you guys hurt him "
" Why are you defending him Clari, he's a bad dude.... he and Ben tried to kill us all and now you want to protect him " Kaleb scoffed.
" He really has brainwashed you alright, " Kaleb added, making me clutch my hands into fists at my side, accidentally breaking some of the lights on the ceiling.
" Clarisse, just calm down okay " Lizzie said in a calming tone since I was clearly angry.
" No, I won't not.... I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm a traitor I'm not " I yelled.
" It doesn't look that way to us Clarisse " Hope commented.
" Clarisse, I think it would be best for you to stay away from him for a while, perhaps I can ask Caroline if you can stay with her in Europe for a while ." Dr. Saltzman suggested to me, I slumped my shoulders, not finding another way around this. But it wasn't like he wouldn't find me thanks to the soulmate bond.
" Alright, a guess a trip to Europe won't be so bad, '' I said.
" Lizzie will accompany you to keep an eye on you just in case you feel the need to try to reach out to him " Dr. Saltzman added.
" Hey, I may be sexual attracted to him but I'm not in that deep " I blurted out flashing my hybrid eyes in his direction.
Lizzie grabbed my hand dragging me back towards our room to go pack for the trip. Shoving one hand into the jacket I was wearing over the dress I felt something. Almost like it was the necklace or key thing back in my grasp.
Once we made it back to our room, Lizzie instantly grabbed two suitcases from the closet and lay them on the bed, she immediately began to pack. "I finally get to see mom and Josie again after so long, " Lizzie exclaimed happily.
" Liz, are you sure it's okay if I accompany you? I mean I don't want to intrude.... I mean I could always find somewhere else to stay for the time being " I asked.
" Clari, you're a part of our family, of course I don't mind besides at least now we can go shopping together down the streets of Europe together which I've always wanted to do " Lizzie answered.
" Yeah " I smiled.
I continued to twirl around with my necklace and for some reason began to feel my heart clutch, something in me told me it was wrong. Regardless I knew if Ken wanted to see me...he would find me no matter where I was.
Ken's POV
At the warehouse my daughter was eating more burritos when I came out of my room eyeing her. "The friends of my mate are getting on my nerves, daughter."
"What exactly do you want me to do?" Jen asked, her mouth full of food.
Hitting my hands on the table in front of my daughter and growled. "I need to teach them a lesson!"
" I won't recommend it dad, you'll lose Clarissa for good if you do anything to her friends " Jen said.
Rolling my eyes at my daughter I wasn't in the mood for this. I needed to see her again and it hadn't been that long since the date. "They are trying to keep us apart. What exactly would you suggest I do, daughter?"
" Maybe, you should stay away from her a bit until you cool down.... you may say the wrong thing to her or possibly hurt her
Glaring at her it was ridiculous to think that I would do that. "If I wished to hurt her I would have already slept with her without her wishes being met."
"That's my advice, dad. Take it or leave it." She replied, going back to eating her food.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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rudaartista · 1 year
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Drew a few of my oc's to show the variety of species, 3 being my original creations (Anomalies, Dreameaters, and Glasskins.) This is the female version (and Candy), next is the male version
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dying-brb · 1 month
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desolation / an ellie x f!oc fanfiction / tlou universe
!slowburn !angst !subreader !domellie !fluff
tw: this is a heavy fic. mentions of sa, violence, gore, etc. 18+
(oc starts off 14 but only for backstory)
click if you haven't read chapter 1
chapter 2: 1900 words
⋆⭒˚.⋆ Natalie  -  14 yrs old  ⋆⭒˚.⋆
The leader of the cannibalistic cult that had captured me, David, began making regular visits to my cell.
Every morning. Every night.
Initially, I tensed at the creak of the door and his heavy steps echoing through the confined space. He would slip into my cell at dawn, before the sun even rose, and again at dusk as twilight fell. I assumed he chose these times to avoid detection by others in the community. If they were capable of consuming their own kind—people they had known, and enjoyed it—what regard would they have for their "Father" assaulting a young girl?
At first, I fought. I screamed, kicked, begged, bit, thrashed—anything to stay alive.
But after 22 days in this grim cell, my will to fight ebbed away. This wretched place drained my hope like a reverse transfusion.
The hope I once clung to was grounded in the possibility of a cure, believing my immunity could make a difference. But what kind of world would my immunity even be saving? A world where girls are confined like animals in cages? Where desperate pleas are met with cruel, heartless laughter? It was a world too far gone.
So I simply let go, releasing my tight grip on life. It seemed easier that way.
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They fed me once a day, enough to sustain me if I had actually consumed what they served. Each time dinner arrived, delivered by a young girl much younger than myself, I refused—knowing full well what they were disguising as 'just venison.' I would gag and swiftly retreat to the farthest corner of my cramped cell, desperate to distance myself from the plate. I would sooner embrace death than stoop to this dehumanizing level.
David noticed my refusal to eat, observing my breath growing more ragged each day, my shirt hanging looser on my small frame. His displeasure was palpable.
"You know, if you don't eat, you'll just die. Starvation is a slow and miserable death. Is that what you want?" His eyes squinted in my direction as he spoke.
I chuckled weakly. I may not have had any fight left in me, but this defiance was the one thing I could still wield against him—something he craved but would soon lose.
"So? Let me die. I don't care. I won't have to endure you anymore," I whispered, my voice cracking, lungs wheezing with each word. A pained smile crept across my extremely chapped lips.
"I know they're tired of me taking up space in this cage. They want me gone. Your community needs food. But you don't want that, do you?" I scoffed, laughter tinged with bitterness. "You're deluded if you think you can keep me here forever. I'll die soon enough, with or without your buddies butchering me first."
Sometimes in my dreams, I glimpsed the light—the one they say appears before death. Yet, every time, just as I approached it —my hand reaching out desperately— I'd awaken to the cramped confines of my cell.
Disappointment flooded me each time.
Please. Make it stop. Let it end.
I silently begged myself and any deities who might hear my cries for help.
The sinister man—the false prophet—simply stared at me, his expression devoid of emotion.
"If you just eat, it doesn't have to be that way. You can survive this. You could join us. If you behave, of course."
My fingers twitched at the word. He had used it incessantly during his visits. It pricked at my eyes and pierced my skin, much like the frigid air on my first night here. My stomach churned. Was it hunger, disgust, or perhaps fear?
"Never," I choked out, tears streaming down my cheeks as he grinned, evidently pleased to provoke a reaction from me.
Now, death was the escape I sought out, death was my vengeance. He would no longer hold my life in his hands, and I would finally be free of him, this place, this cruel torturous world.
A young girl interrupted my thoughts, entering with dinner and placing it on the floor outside of my cell.
"Ravioli today. Mommy said not to waste it or you'll be punished," she chirped, nudging the plate so it slid beneath the bars of the cage. With a skip in her step and a faint smile on her lips, she hummed her way out of the room.
Punishment was reserved for disobedience, escape attempts, or failure to answer David and the others. They'd burn the soles of my feet to ensure I couldn't flee. It had been over a week since I last endured it. I hoped to keep it that way.
I didn't comprehend how they could subject a child to witness a prisoner like this: innocent, naive, and impressionable. This young girl bore daily witness to my battered body. I frowned, contemplating her upbringing, silently hoping for a better future than that of the other corrupted souls trapped here.
Aware that the ravioli came from a can, I crawled over on hands and knees, trembling as I ate the cold concoction with the spoon they provided. Normally denied utensils, I suspected it was the young girl's oversight. David remained oblivious.
"Good. You're eating," he remarked, rising and casting a glance in my direction. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it, Cupcake?"
I recoiled at the nickname. Throughout my time in confinement, they had never managed to pry my real name from me. Instead, they relied on pet names or simply calling out "Hey, you!" to get my attention.
I mechanically stuffed the ravioli into my mouth, despite my stomach already feeling uncomfortably full from days of only sips of water. Every bite was a struggle, but I forced it down, knowing I would need my strength for what lay ahead.
They left the spoon behind. It was a mistake.
After finishing every last bite, I slid the plate back under the barred enclosure and carefully tucked the spoon beneath my makeshift bed—a bundle of newspaper and a thin blanket, but enough to hide my newfound tool.
Tonight marked David's final visit. Tonight, I would make my escape.
The night sky gleamed through the window directly opposite my cage, a constant reminder of freedom just out of reach. Tonight, though, I vowed to step into that moonlit world, to feel the crisp outdoor air on my skin once more. Never again would I have to gaze hopelessly at that window.
David had left some time ago, granting me a fleeting sense of security to plan my escape. The night watch continued their rounds, checking on me sporadically. As the weeks of my captivity drew on, the intervals between their visits stretched longer. Perhaps they mistook my subdued demeanor for resignation, believing I had surrendered any hope of freedom. Maybe yesterday they were right, but today, they would be proven wrong.
Mentally calculating, I estimated the next check-in was approximately 45 minutes away.
"Plenty of time," I muttered to myself, retrieving the spoon from under my pillow. This small oversight, this spoon, was my ticket to freedom.
Pressing the spoon against the cage's lock, I heard the bars lightly clank as I leaned into them. Damn it.
I prayed no one had heard the noise emanating from my confinement; now was my moment to slip away unnoticed. This was my sole chance, my final opportunity before the end. I knew it. The lock securing the cage door wasn't intricate—a simple, rusted padlock with a cord wrapped multiple times around the door and cage. In another time, perhaps it had been a bicycle lock.
With determination, I wedged the spoon's end between the shackle and its base, bending it toward me, shaping it into the tool I required. Straining with every ounce of remaining strength, the spoon bent into a U-shape, exerting pressure on the lock's shackle. The metal groaned, protesting against the strain until finally, with a snap, the rusted shackle yielded, freeing the old lock.
I exhaled a long sigh of relief before slipping out of the cage, my limbs trembling with adrenaline, my mind racing. Glancing at the butchering table that had loomed in front of me for so long, I smirked and quietly seized a cleaver as I tiptoed from the room.
"David, you're dead," I thought to myself, the rush of adrenaline keeping me alert and steady. A frenzied sensation prickled my skin as I navigated the dark corridors, hunting for him.
Yet, instead of David, I encountered someone unexpected—the young girl who had dutifully brought me dinner every night since my arrival. The 9, perhaps 8-year-old pointed up at me, her finger trembling with what seemed like fear. "You're out. The Father won't like this," she whispered.
I gazed into her eyes, my expression pleading silently. I didn't know how to beg a child for my freedom, but I couldn't risk her revealing my escape either.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm going on a little adventure, okay? It's our secret," I whispered urgently.
"I love secrets! I hide them from my mommy all the time!" the little girl chirped, twiddling her fingers and scanning the room.
I chuckled softly, enough to comfort her nerves. "Me too. How about we play hide and seek? You hide, and I'll come find you," I suggested, seizing the chance to divert her attention and buy myself time.
I burned with the desire for David's reckoning, but survival drove me more.
The girl beamed, nodding eagerly and clapping her hands once before scurrying to a nearby corner, starting to count aloud. "Okay! 1, 2, 3..."
I moved cautiously past her, quickening my pace once I was out of earshot.
I swung open the front door of the building, bracing myself against the biting winds of Colorado's unforgiving winter. My hands instinctively wrapped around my body, seeking warmth that was elusive in the frigid air. This wasn't the liberation I had envisioned—feeling the cool breeze on my skin, my clothes fluttering in the wind. No, this was harsh, cutting against my weakened frame.
I recalled vividly the night when David had dragged me here, barely alive, teetering on the edge of frostbite and hypothermia. The memory made my skin crawl with the same chapped numbness as the icy winds whipped around me now.
In the distance, a horse neighed, its sound cutting through the cold night air. I pushed myself to move faster. Escaping on horseback would increase my chances of survival, offering a chance to find shelter far enough away from David and his followers, yet close enough to navigate through the wilderness.
Tears streamed down my face, turning to ice on my chilled cheeks. If I managed to escape on a harsh winter night like this, survival seemed improbable. Yet, the thought of taking control of my fate, even in such brutal conditions, ignited a flicker of hope within me.
With trembling hands, I finally reached the stable. I approached the horse cautiously, shushing her gently to signal I meant no harm, then stroking her neck to earn her trust before attempting to mount. The touch of the icy metal and the warmth of the horse's flank provided a stark contrast against the freezing air. As I settled into the saddle, the once extinguished fire within me surged back to life. This moment, seated firmly on the horse, marked the start of my battle for freedom on my own terms.
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brokenlipstickgirl777 · 2 months
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About me
♡ My name is Vienna Rose but you can also call me Brokenlipstickgirl
♡ I am written by Sylvia Plath, directed by sofia coppola and sung by lana del rey
♡ I do ballet and sing and it's practically my whole personality
♡ My icons are lana, priscilla presley, kate moss, lily rose depp, alana champion, natalie portman, alison dilaurentis, anya taylor joy, effy stonem, Emma roberts
♡ My favorite movies are: black swan, priscilla, buffalo 66, girl interrupted, the virgin suicides, the bling ring, the love witch, sucker punch and Priscilla
♡ Music taste: lana, Mitski, Lizzy Grant, grimes, Vendredi sur Mer, Tchaikovsky and Nirvana
♡ Things i love: ballerina music box, the chic diet, Russian super models, gemma ward, counting calories, Dior lip products, Chanel and 60s makeup and hairstyles
♡ Favorite shows: pretty little liars, skins uk, gossip girl, The hills. The OC
My pinterest / spotify/ instagram
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uncannyoceanz · 6 months
Some basic things about my Creepypasta au!
Ask me or the creepypastas anything! PLEASSEEE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE 😭💀
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Candy Pop x Jason the Toymaker
Jane the Killer x Mary Vaughn
Bloody Painter x Puppeteer
Nathan the Nobody x Ciara
Suicide Sadie x Roadwalker
Clockwork x Nina the killer
Nurse Ann x Dr. smiley
Pinkamena x Rainbow factory
lulu x the skroll
Homicidal liu x Hannah the killer?
Ben drowned x Lost silver
Luring Lyra x Kate the chaser
Candy Cane x April fools?
Masky x hoodie?
Weeping Forest x Ally SlenderDoll
I don’t know a lot about marble hornets btw so…. :’)
Pasta groups:
circus pastas: Papa Grande, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, Candy Cane, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Puppeteer, Nathan the nobody.
The killerz: Jeff the killer, Homicidal Liu, Asylum Nancy, Nina the killer, Clockwork
The girls: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Clockwork, Sally, Suicide Sadie
These people idk what to call them: puppeteer, Bloody painter, Zero, Nurse Ann, Judge Angel
Slender family: slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman, Surrender, Slendrina.
The monochrome crew: Zero, Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Kagekao, Hobo heart.
The doctors: Nurse Ann, Doctor smiley, Doctor pain, EJ.
The dumbass trio: Jeff the killer, Ticci-Toby, Ben drowned.
Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter. Lazari lives with Sadiya and Puppeteer.
Puppeteer doesn’t really work for slenderman nor Zalgo. He’s just there honestly lol
Homicidal liu lives by himself in a cabin in the woods.
Jane and Mary live together
Slender’s main proxies:
Masky, Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, Weeping Forest, Kate the chaser, Ally SlenderDoll, Rogue.
Zalgo’s main proxies:
Sonic.exe, Dr. locklear, Mr. Wide mouth, Stripes, Dark link, The Skroll, glitchy red, Jane Arkensaw
Jeff the killer (Jeffery Woods)
Ben drowned (Benjamin Lawman)
ticci-Toby (Tobias Rodgers)
masky (Tim Wright)
hoodie (Brian Thomas)
eyeless jack (Jack Nyras)
laughing jack
Lost silver (Gold)
Papa grande
Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)
hobo heart
Jason the toymaker (Jason Meyers)
Vine the dollmaker
julius the dressmaker
Candy Pop / Night terrors
X-virus (Cody)
Smile dog
Nathan the nobody (Nathan Lux)
Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake)
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)
Wilson the Basher
Jane the killer (Jane Richardson)
Sally Williams (Sally Maryam Williams)
Nina the killer (Nina Hopkins)
Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark)
Lulu (Lucile Tiffany gracefield)
Nurse Ann (Ann Lusen Mia)
Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Zero (Alice Marie Jackson)
Suicide Sadie (Sadie Marie Bennett
Roadwalker (Zayner Nanook)
Jane Arkensaw
Mary Vaughn
Ally the Slenderdoll (Adeline Abendroth)
Weeping forest (Jennifer Ryhnes)
Rouge (Heather Marshall)
Lilly the Jester
Ms. P (Ms. Pencilneck)
Stripes (Eloise Sarah Bellarose)
Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)
Lifeless Lucy (Lucy Jones)
Lily Kennett
Ellison Burns (Ellison Wright)
Rose (Rose Fairen)
Elizabeth Vazquez
Anna (Anna Schurks)
Kate the chaser (Kate Milens/Hayes)
April Fools
I feel fantastic / Tara
Sadako (Samara Morgan)
Beings of the forest… (That hold a lot of power)
Candy Pop (Mostly Night Terrors)
Zalgo’s Family:
Cynthia Ezelle (My oc)
Realms (Within the slender forest and such)
The Slender Forest Itself
The slendermansion
Homicidal Liu’s Cabin (In the slenderforest)
Granny’s house
Slendrina’s Mansion
Zalgo’s territory and base.
Roadwalker’s clearing
Sadiya’s house (Puppeteer, Sadiya, and Lazari)
The old abandoned Hospital
Jason the toymaker’s realm
The Abyss (Candy Pop’s realm)
The Mindscape
The lake
Cynthia Ezelle’s house
The old abandoned treehouse (Slender proxy Base)
The Circus Realm
Please dear god ask me something😭 I’m too lonely and bored man 💀💀💀
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18caramel · 7 months
Sodapop Curtis x f!OC
Warnings: smut Word count: 1.8k
A/N: what you are about to read is a part of my fanfiction on AO3 called "Bad Influence”. If you are interested in it, you can find me by my username @18caramel, or by clicking on the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53118478/chapters/134401192
pictures taken from Pinterest :)
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It was dark in the bedroom. Dusty curtains blocked all the lights, and they decided to keep it that way. Natalie couldn't dare to light up the candle she spotted on the nightstand, too afraid to burn her fingers. Soda searched the kitchen for a box of matches and naturally wanted to open the cupboard, but it was locked, which raised suspicion, but then again, he wasn't the one to judge. He stole a bottle of wine, promising to himself that he'd return the favor to the owner.
When they finally lit it, the room showed its colors. Natalie lay on her stomach on the scarlet blanket, her feet swinging in the air as she read a magazine that she found under the bed. When she finally looked at him, her eyes were blazing red. The red wine that Soda brought into the bedroom blended well with the feeling he gained from seeing her white clothes contrast with the bedroom. And the intimacy of the moment that he sought for the past two years was telling him that they weren't doing anything wrong.
Soda didn't need alcohol to get drunk to enjoy it, but it seemed like she did. They stayed up another half hour finding out more about themselves, talking about school, their families, and their interests, without any physical contact.
"Have you had a girlfriend before?" Natalie asked him, still chuckling about the joke he made earlier.
"Yeah. I had a few, but I'd say I had only one real relationship." Sodapop made quotation marks with his fingers but saw that Natalie wasn't looking at his hands. She locked her eyes with his, and he sensed that she had probably drunk too much.
"Oh." She looked surprised, "Why did you break up?"
"She cheated on me," Sodapop replied without telling anything else. It seemed like it was enough. Soda looked at her, seeing the guilt drawn all across her face. Saying that Sandy got pregnant with another man would make her regret asking for anything else even more.
"I'm sorry." Natalie said, placing her hand on his thigh, "I never had a boyfriend before."
Soda didn't want to add anything to it. His heart ached just like the day he had received her letter, unopened. First love always stung, and he wondered if Sandy ever thought about him after she left. He could never find out, she never wrote back, never called.
Soda glanced at her, understanding what she meant. She never had to experience that kind of heartbreak or maybe none at all, she had both of her parents alive and a brother who looked after her. Soda's eyes faded but he tried to push the negative thoughts away. Comparing himself to her wouldn't do him any good. And what was the point? Natalie seemed to like him the way he was.
Maybe she never had a boyfriend before, but she sure made it look like a lie when she put her hand on his cheek and gently kissed him. He wasn't expecting it from her, Soda imagined that she would want him to make the first step. Alcohol probably played a big role in her confidence, but Soda didn't mind. Only maybe it was too soon.
Then he really thought she was fibbing. Her tongue ended up in Soda's mouth in a matter of seconds, and he really couldn't put his mind on how she could want them to get closer that quickly. Jealousy was building up inside of him because she did it well, and maybe her word for 'boyfriend' wasn't implying any ephemeral dates. They were sitting on the bed that whole time, Soda's right hand holding the empty glass of wine, the other sliding down her waist.
Natalie soon got wilder, sitting on Soda's lap. The glass of wine put aside, he grabbed her waist with his hands gripping her body as she held his face in hers. The temperature rose, and Soda's guilt did too - he couldn't drop the thought of it being too inopportune. Not that he didn't want it, but because he was too afraid to ruin everything. He kept telling himself that he wasn't the one to insinuate it and tried to forget Steve scolding him for going out to see her. He told him many stories, but it was usually greasers who took advantage of girls from the West, not the other way around. He wished he'd drunk a bit more wine.
He finally took a break from his thoughts when he was shirtless. It didn't bother him anymore because he liked what they were doing. Soda laid her down on the bed, his lips exploring her bare neck and collarbone. She closed her eyes. The light coming from the candle let Soda see her smiling. He felt relieved about everything. The past years were harsh, Darry working two jobs, and Ponyboy studying like never before. And Soda could finally exhale.
Natalie sat up and took off her cardigan with the shirt underneath it, letting Soda know she was serious about what was happening. Her eyes radiated lust as she watched him take a closer look at her body. It felt like she was in a rush and Soda wanted to take their time. Her unclipped bra told him that he wasn't the one who'd decide. Her words of never having a boyfriend replayed in his mind, and he desperately wanted to forget them because it made him doubt. Natalie knew what she was doing, taking full control of him.
But instead of assuming things Soda knew that he was old enough to address the issue. But he waited a bit, his hand trailing up her body and touching her breast. She didn't seem to mind it at all, she smiled through their kiss and took his other hand, placing it on the other one.
"We don't have to rush it." Soda broke the kiss. Natalie let go of him and fell on her back, her head resting against the pillow.
"But I want to." Natalie said, placing her left foot on his thigh, "Do you?"
"I want to but I don't know if you are ready for it," Soda admitted, trying not to make it sound too rough. It wasn't his intention to mock her for anything, he genuinely wanted her to feel ready. He had started to assume that maybe bringing her there was a bad idea, maybe she thought that they had to use that bed, and it's not what he wanted her to assume.
"I don't think I'm ready either." Natalie shook her head, "But I want you to please me."
Soda's widened eyes were about to fall out when he heard her say it. His heartbeat raced and he bit his bottom lip, trying not to fall for her words. He didn't know she was that confident, his first impression was that she was rather timid, but at that moment he knew that it was going to be hard for him to forget her if they'd parted separate ways.
"You're full of surprises." Soda smiled, and before she could've said anything he climbed on top of her, kissing her lips. Topless, they lay there for a few minutes, their tongues dancing around. He managed to get off his jeans, and Natalie pulled up her skirt, letting him touch her bare thighs. It's not like he's never done it before, he thought to himself, feeling his heart skip a beat when he felt the fabric of her underwear with his fingers. He didn't have a girlfriend for a long time but it never meant that he didn't have his guilty pleasures from time to time. Nobody really knew except Steve, Soda would never bring a random girl to the house, Darry would never allow it, and it could never set a good example to Ponyboy. Now it rather felt like Soda was the one that Natalie brought home, but he didn't mind. She knew what she wanted and he could easily give it to her.
When she felt Soda's finger slide in between them, she let out a moan, making Soda face her. His eyes were blazing now too. He felt her clit and took out his finger, placing it near her lips. Soda let out a small sigh when she licked it and got back to business, playing with her clit, rubbing it, and watching Natalie's face decompose with pleasure.
"Everything's okay?" Soda asked, trying to figure out if she wanted him to stop.
She nodded, smiling, "Keep going."
"Is this how you want me to please you?" Soda looked at her, his fingers traveling further down, his thumb still on her clit. Natalie kissed him, but he broke it, making her focus on the new pleasure that she was receiving.
Soda held her hand while he carefully inserted a finger, watching her eyes widen. Soda stopped for a moment, waiting for a green light. She didn't say anything, only nodded once again, catching her breath. He kissed her on the lips as he moved his finger back and forth, feeling the pain his erection was causing him since the first time they kissed.
"Get down," Natalie commanded, making Soda bite his lip. She sure did boost his confidence. He found it hot that she didn't feel ashamed of being there. He cocked an eyebrow, knowing that the next time he'd see her she would crawl back to him. Soda was sure she'd do anything to have her first time with him.
"Beg for it," Soda said as he kissed her body, inserting another finger. Natalie wasn't lying about not having a boyfriend, Soda thought, feeling the tightness of her walls, wishing his cock could have experienced it too. He licked her nipples, hearing her groan each time he'd bite them.
"Fuck," she let out a moan, gripping the bedsheets, "Soda, please, taste it."
She didn't need to say anything else because she secretly wanted it so bad that he was about to rip off her skirt and bend her over for what she had told him. But he could never let his lust hurt her, even if she wanted it.
Too bad, she'd have to wait, Soda thought, getting down. Two fingers in, the other two spreading her lips, he licked her clit, not taking his eyes or her. She was holding her breast with one hand, the other one still gripping the bed sheets. It didn't last too long, it was her first orgasm and she came as soon as Soda started to press his tongue harder and harder against her clit as he sucked it.
Her thighs tensed around Soda's head and then the pressure finally dropped. He took his wet fingers out of her, not licking them. He didn't want her to think that anything else was going to happen that night, it was more than enough.
He let her stay in bed as she tried to get back to her senses. He washed his hands and brought her a glass of water.
"How are you feeling?" Soda asked her after she thanked him.
"Great." She replied, yawning. Soda saw that she was getting sleepier, and accompanied her to the bathroom. Later, he blew off the candle, holding her body closer under the scarlet blanket.
A/N: thank u for reading! for a more in-depth story you can find it on AO3 "Bad Influence" by @18caramel, here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53118478/chapters/134401192
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thatwriterrosefics · 1 year
Rose's 2023 Kinktober List
I have done it! I have finished all of my kinktober prompts and this is the official list of what prompts and who they're about each day. These will be posted on my Ao3 which is ThatWriterRose. I will make daily posts with a link to each fic but this post will also have links to each fic as I post them. I hope you all enjoy!
1. Hair Pulling - Jonathan Byers x OC
2. Roleplay - Larissa Weems x OC
3. Hate Sex - Eddie Munson x OC
4. Breeding Kink - Steve Harrington x OC
5. Office Sex - Foggy Nelson x OC
6.  Double Penetration - Jonathan x OC x Argyle
7. Semi-Public - Randy Meeks x OC
8. Face Sitting - Oscar "Spooky" Diaz x OC
9. Sex Toys - Boba Fett x OC
10. Edging - Oberyn Martell x OC
11.  Cunnilingus - Johnny "Coco" Cruz x OC
12. Mutual Masturbation - Robin Buckley x OC
13. Reunion Sex - Adult!Natalie Scatorccio x OC
14. Shower Sex - Stefan Salvatore x OC
15. Anal Sex - Din Djarin x OC
16. Pegging - Gerald of Rivia x OC
17. Fancy Clothes - Yennefer of Vengerberg x OC
18. Taping Sex - Adult! Van Palmer x OC
19. Caught in the Act - Stu Macher x OC
20. Morning Sex - Jango Fett x OC
21. Aftercare - Evelyn Hugo x Celia St. James
22. Car Sex - Eddie Munson x OC
23. Sex Dream - Lottie Mathews x OC
24. Lingerie - Jim Hopper x OC
25. Quickie - Jaskier x OC
26. Corruption Kink - Henry Creel x OC
27. Dacryphilia - Fennec Shand x OC
28. Marking - Jackie Taylor x Shauna Shipman
29. Phone Sex - Argyle x OC
30. Virginity - Ethan Landry x OC
31. Possessive Sex - Steve Harrington x OC
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dontlookheswatching · 6 months
Im bored and also working on a big post with some head canons about several characters with ref sheets, so im gonna make a birthday list real quick. I tried to keep a lot of this as canon as possible, but I have changed some ages and some birthdays aren't accurate because for some of these characters nothing would show up. Itll be going in order from January to December, 1st to the last day of the month.
-Rogue(Heather Sam Marshall) - January 7th. She's currently 24, and her zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Hoodie(Brian Hiatt Thomas) - February 5th. He's 24, and his zodiac is a Aquarius.
-Eyeless Jack(Jack Zin Nyras) - March 15th. He's 24, and his zodiac sign is a Pieces.
-Judge Angels(Dina Angela Clark) - April 2nd. She's 26, and her zodiac sign is a Aries.
-Alex Kralie - April 4th. He's 27, and his zodiac is a Aries.
-Sally Mae Williams - April 5th. She's physically and mentally 8. Her zodiac is a Aries.
-Ben Drowned(Benjamin Scott Lawman) - April 23rd. He's 22, and his zodiac sign is a Taurus.
-Ticci Toby(Toby Erin Rogers) - April 28th. Hes 22, and his zodiac sign is a Taurus.
-Seedeater - May 27th. His zodiac sign is a Gemini. He is a creature that does not age, just exists.
-Jeff the Killer(Jeffery Alan Woods) - June 2nd. He's 23, and his zodiac sign is a Gemini.
-Lost Silver(Jae-Ing) - June 6th. Hes 22, and his zodiac sign is a Gemini.
-Skitles(OC) - June 24th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Cancer
Kate the Chaser(Kate Miller Hayes) - June 25th. She's 25, and her zodiac sign is a Cancer.
-Nina the Killer(Nina Rose Hopkins) - July 24th. She's 20, and her zodiac sign is a Leo.
-The Puppeteer(Blake Simon Smith) - July 25th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Leo.
-Candypop - August 1st. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Leo.
-Hobo Heart - August 3rd. He’s 23, and his zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Eyeless Lulu(Lulu Mary Millers) - August 6th. She’s 15, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Occisus(OC/Samantha Lin Locke) - August 11th. She’s 24, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Jane the Killer(Jane Eve Richardson) - September 1st. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-HeartFixer(OC/Jamie Noel Martinez) - September 3rd. She’s 25, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Bloody Painter(Helen James Otis) - October 1st. He’s 24, and his zodiac is a Libra.
-Suicide Sadie(Sadie Dawn Myers) - October 21st. She’s 20, and her zodiac sign is a Libra.
-Zero - October 25th. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-NightOwl(My boyfriends OC/Lin Felix Gaspar) - October 29th. He’s 25, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
Nurse Ann(Michelle Ann Quesnberry) - October 31st. She’s 28, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Clockwork(Natalie Gwen Oulette) - November 6th. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Sonic.exe - November 7th. He’s 15, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Tails Doll - November 7th. He’s 15, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Jason the Toymaker - November 15th. He doesn’t have a age. His zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Lure(OC) - November 17th. Hes 21, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Dark Link(Shadow) - November 21st. Hes 21, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Jay Merrick - November 23rd. Hes 26, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Smile Dog - November 27th. He has no known age, as a hellhound. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
-X-Vrius(Cody Swann Diller) - December 9th. He’s 21, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Homicidal Liu(Liu Vicki Woods) - December 21st. He’s 24, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Laughing Jack - December 25th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Lazarus(Lazarus Dae Swann) - December 25th. He’s 12, and only ages every two years due to being part Zalgoid. His zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Masky(Timothy Que Wright) - December 26th. He’s 25, and his zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Kagekao - December 29th. He’s 27, and his zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
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miwsolovely · 7 months
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— ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ REDAMANCY — carmen x reader x luca
⟡ part one, part two, part three, part four, part five //
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In which he was her everything. She wasn’t even his second best. She wasn’t even on the list.
She gave him everything, did everything, he barely even glanced her way. So why when she ran, he suddenly cared? Why won’t he let her have another chance at love with people who actually love her?
Or, In which they gave each other everything, dreamt about each other, thought about each other, loved each other. But even the moon and sun get lonely.
But someway somehow rose perfume and wine stained lips brought them together.
Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto + Luca Davies-Bernardi + Natalie “Sugar” Berzatto + The Berzatto Family + Oc’s
fem!reader, polyamory, strangers to lovers, heavy angst, requited unrequited love, graphic violence, stalking, abuse, domestic violence (not from carmy or luca), more might be added …
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rosesart11 · 11 months
back on my shitpost bs
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lewis-winters · 4 months
OC moodboard tag game!
Pick an OC (or two) and fill out this moodboard template!
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OC: Natalie Morse
Animal: Stoat (bc that's the animal her dæmon settles as in the dæmon au)
Place: the big pond a two minute walk away from her childhood home in Stangley, Texas
Hobby: Whittling
Season: Summer
Plant: Daisies
Color/s: Pink & Green
Crystals: Rose quartz and green aventurine
Food: Apple pie (or anything made out of apples, really)
tagging: @hellofanidea @frstcorinthians @saturnwisteria @bobparkhurst @pastexistence and anyone else who'd like to do it!!
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cherrypikkins · 1 year
Some more FE3H OC things with Kitt Burgess (they/them)
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I've assigned song lyrics to some of their supports :3 See more below and enjoy! And if you have an OC, feel free to do a similar activity.
Edelgard: When the moon is lookin' down / Shine that light up for your ground / I'm flyin' up to let you see / That the shadow cast is me /
"Birds" - Imagine Dragons
Felix: I may be soft in your palm / But I'll soon go hungry for a fight / and I will not let you win
"Fast As You Can" - Fiona Apple
Bernadetta: But you had to come along didn't you / Tear down the doors / Throw open windows / Oh, if you knew just what a fool you have made me
"Stray Italian Greyhound" - Vienna Teng
Hapi: Everyone will say that we're crazy / And that we won't last / Everyone will tell us / Alone that we are better off
"Faint of Heart" - Tegan And Sara
Lysithea: And it's a long way forward / So trust in me / I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
"Shelter" - Porter Robinson & Madeon
Marianne: I won't let you drown / when the water's pulling you in / I'll keep fighting, I'll keep fighting / The rain's going to follow you wherever you go
"Silver Lining" - Hurts
Claude: And if the ocean should freeze / Before we've sailed all the seas / I will drop to my knees / Until Poseidon agrees
"Islands" - Hey Ocean!
Seteth: My dear old friend, take me for a spin / Two wolves in the dark, running in the wind / I'm letting go, but I've never felt better / Passing by all the monsters in my head /
"Slow and Steady" - Of Monsters and Men
Flayn: And anybody can be anything / Make no mistake / If you tell yourself you're broken / Then you just might break
"Nothing Missing" - Natalie Imbruglia
Jeritza: Dress me in red and throw your roses / And I'll rankle the beasts with words / It's a graceless dance of epithets / We learn to make someone hurt
"Take Me To War" - The Crane Wives
So without you now, where would I be? / When I was broke you covered me / Our actions speak in a heavenly / Substitute for a conversation
"Paths in the Sky" - Metric
Linhardt: 'Cause I wanna follow / Just let me follow / I promise I don't scare, don't scare easy / Ain't much I haven't seen
"Hello Hello" - Missy Higgins
Byleth: Thank the stars it's Friday / I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday / Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday
"Waiting for Love" - Avicii
Solo: But now that you're gone / I have to move on / Seems like everyone just smiles staring at the sun
"Gales of Song" - Kylie McNeill
We got too big for the cage / you locked us up in / Let's mark this down as the day / that we started something
"Running with the Wild Things" - Against the Current
I know the border lines we drew between us / Keep the weapons down / Keep the wounded safe
"Antebellum" - Vienna Teng
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ereardon · 2 years
My Girl [Chapter 10][Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC]
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Summary: Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x OC [Lawyer Natalie West]
WC: 2.2K
Warning: Age gap, cursing, light smut
Series masterlist here
Please fill out this form here to join my tag list
“Not again,” Rebecca groaned as she approached your desk, the lavish bouquet teeming with roses perched precariously on the edge. You scooted it inward to safety and looked up at her with a grin. 
“You so aren’t,” she said, stooping and smelling a bulb. “I think Harris has a literal Netflix and Chill night planned for us. How lucky am I?” 
“You are lucky,” you said, swinging around in your swivel desk chair to face her. “He loves you. That’s lucky.” 
“Safe to assume things are going well with pilot dad?” she asked and you chuckled. “I would say so, based on how beautiful these flowers are.” 
You had always prescribed to the rule that you shouldn’t complain about significant others to friends or worse, family. Because then all they would ever be able to see would be the negatives. It was much easier to forgive your own partner than your friend’s or family’s partners. 
So you simply nodded. 
“He’s great,” you smiled. “And I love Ellie. Like truly obsessed with her. I know I said I was afraid of kids but she’s barely even a kid. She’s just this sparkly little person who always gets excited to see me. Like a dog come to life.” 
Rebecca laughed. “So you’ve yet to see a tantrum?” 
“Not yet.” 
She stood up and straightened her skirt. “Oh, sweetheart, just you wait. They’re cute, until they’re not.”
You grimaced. “Not eagerly awaiting that.” 
“So what are your Valentine’s plans?” 
You shrugged. “Jake just said he’s picking me up at six and to wear a dress. That’s it.” 
Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “Curious. OK, I expect the full details on Monday.” 
“I promise,” you said, crossing over your heart and you could hear her warm laugh as she sauntered down the hallway. 
You smirked but as Rebecca’s long legs disappeared around the corner, she was replaced by Patrick’s hulking presence. You sucked in an involuntary breath, anticipation tight across every pore. He shot you an unreadable look before hooking right into a conference room. You let your breath out in a shudder. 
It had been nearly a month since your face-to-face with Patrick. So far there had been no repercussions, no discussions with HR, no threatening emails, no taking you off of accounts. Somehow it had been swept under the rug. 
Perhaps it had been, for him.
In your head, you were plotting revenge. 
The doorbell rang exactly at six. You ran your hands down the sides of your pink dress, smoothing the tight fabric that fell from the off-the-shoulder sleeves down to your knees, the slit in the back letting air travel up mid-thigh. For some reason, you felt nervous. Your feet shook a little in the tall silver Louboutins. 
Immediately, Ellie’s voice filled the hallway as you pulled open the door. 
“Wow!” she said, awestruck, her tiny mouth open in a perfect “O” shape as she looked up at your dress. “You’re so pretty.” 
You chuckled and bent down, pulling her into a hug, her fingers finding traction on your neck beneath your curled hair. “Hi peanut,” you said, standing up and taking in her sweet outfit: a small red dress with a pair of matching glittery shoes, a bow in her hair that was slightly crooked. You reached out immediately and set it straight, finally looking up to see Jake lingering behind Ellie with a grin spread across his handsome face. 
He was wearing a navy shirt tucked into a pair of navy dress pants, a dark green crocodile belt slung around his narrow waist. You leaned over Ellie and pressed your lips to his cheek. 
“Hey there,” you whispered. 
“You look amazing,” he said softly. Ellie bounced at his heels. “Ready to go?” 
You nodded, grabbing your purse and a wrap from the stair banister before following them out the door. 
Jake had somehow found a fondue restaurant on the beach. Ellie was having the time of her life dipping bread and carrots into the melted cheese, and when dessert came around Jake let her choose two different sauces until she had both milk chocolate and white chocolate peanut butter remnants smeared across her face. 
You held her in your lap once she had gorged herself on the chocolate dips, her eyelids already growing heavy. In the distance, the waves crashed onto the shore, a constant drumbeat that threatened to lull you to sleep, too. 
Jake smiled at you over the table as you lifted a glass of wine to your lips. “Thank you,” he whispered. Sometimes it was hard to reckon with the fact that he was so insanely attractive. Even the smallest thing, like when he would smile at a waiter or the nimble flick of his wrist as he signed a check, underscored how gorgeous he was. Every time he looked at you was like a pinch me moment. The fact that he was yours. The fact that he had chosen you. 
“For what?” 
Jake’s eyes trailed down to Ellie, who had her head tipped back against your chest. She was either asleep or close to it. “I’m sure this isn’t the Valentine’s Day you had dreamt of,” he murmured. 
You reached out one hand to grab his on the table, intertwining your fingers. “It’s perfect.” 
A softness overtook Jake’s face. “I love you,” he said and it was so natural rolling off of his lips. But one look into his clear green eyes and you knew he meant it. He meant it with every cell in his body and every breath in his lungs. He was your heart, now. You were tied to him. 
Back at the house, Jake carried Ellie gingerly from the car inside, putting her to bed after changing her out of her little red dress. There was a new stuffed walrus on her bed and you smiled as she rolled over in her groggy state, pulling the plush toy into her arms and falling fast asleep. 
You followed Jake downstairs, where he pulled out a small bluetooth speaker, hitting play and instantly the quiet, dulcet tones of Frank Sinatra filled the living room. “Dance with me,” he said, holding out one hand. 
Jake wound one arm around you, the other hand holding yours tightly between your chests as you swayed in a small circle. You laid your head on Jake’s chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. When you pulled back, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours and the world stopped turning on its axis for a moment. 
There, in his living room, with Ellie sleeping gently upstairs and The Way You Look Tonight cooing into the evening air, you felt it. The way your world shifted, if just for a moment. Letting Jake in. 
It was like up until that moment you had been filling a single journal page, and suddenly, Jake’s lips dancing across yours had flipped the page and you were starting anew. And there was nothing there but Jake. Just Jake. Lines and lines of descriptors for how his hands felt against your waist and the heat of his skin on yours and the dreamy way he looked into your eyes and you knew that you could trust him with your life. 
Your life had split in two. Before Jake and after Jake. 
There was no going back. 
“I love you,” he murmured into your hair, your fingers curling around the hair at the nape of his neck. “God, I love you. Watching you with Ellie tonight. How did I ever find someone so perfect?” 
He pulled back, running one finger over your cheek. 
“You’re it for me, Natalie,” he whispered. “I didn’t think I would find it again, but I did. And thank God it’s with you. I am so ridiculously lucky that it’s you.” 
“Find what?” you asked quietly. 
Jake’s green eyes softened. “True love.” 
And then he leaned back down and pressed his lips against yours, gathering you into his arms, carrying you effortlessly upstairs and laying you down on the bed. The heat of Jake’s lips traveled across your neck and down your chest. He lingered for a moment on your lower stomach, like he would if you were pregnant. You could almost hear the thoughts clicking around in his mind. He wanted another kid. He was an amazing dad, you had no doubt that he would be the perfect guy to have a baby with. But before you could get too in your head, Jake’s lips dipped lower, his teeth nipping softly at the plush skin of your inner thighs before he pushed aside your silk thong, running his tongue across your wet folds, forcing a sigh out of your mouth as he took one hand and pressed your hips back into the bed. 
“Let me make you feel good, baby,” he murmured against your heat. “Let me worship this body.” 
And you let him. 
Let him bring you to orgasm on his tongue, let him run his hands all along your trembling body, let him hold your hips so tight you were worried you might bruise as he slowly slid his cock inside of you as you clenched down on his massive length. Let him fuck into you while you buried your sobs of pleasure into the silk pillowcase, let him flip you around until you were on your knees and Jake had your back pressed against his chest, his mouth filling your ear with soft praises. Telling you how much he loved you. That you were made for him. That he never as long as he lived wanted to put his cock in any other woman, that you were it for him. You were the appetizer and the main course and the dessert. That no one else could compare to the way you felt around him. 
You let him spill inside of you, his grunts heavenly in your ear, his hands gripping your breasts tightly, his chin falling to your shoulder. 
And afterward, you let him pull you in close beneath the covers, run one hand across your side before landing on your neck. He pressed his lips to his favorite spot beneath your left ear and you wondered if the white-hot heat of his kiss would leave a mark. It felt like it was tattooed on your skin. 
“Natalie?” he whispered as you started to drift off to sleep. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” 
In the morning, you rolled over to an empty bed. The smell of pancakes wafted through your nostrils and you pulled yourself out of bed and down the stairs to find Jake and Ellie standing at the stove. He had her in his arms as she sprinkled chocolate chips into the pancake rounds as they cooked on the griddle. She laughed as her fist opened and a shower of chocolate dropped into the middle pancake and Jake shook his head. 
“That’s way too much!” 
“No, daddy,” she said as he put her down. “It’s perfect.” 
“Good morning.” They both turned around with smiles and you stepped forward, accepting the coffee mug Jake offered. 
“Ellie, sweetie, why don’t you go get Nat’s present?” 
Ellie skipped off and you raised an eyebrow. “Present?” 
Jake simply smirked and turned back to the pancakes in the pan. Ellie returned a moment later, holding out a small rectangular present wrapped in silver foil. She took a seat at the island counter and you slid a finger under the wrapping paper, revealing a sleek Ray Bans box. 
“Now we match!” Ellie said, and you watched her slip on her tiny aviator sunglasses. You laughed, turning around to look at Jake only to find him also wearing a pair of matching glasses. You were laughing so hard you had to physically put your hands on your thighs to take a deep breath, coming to standing after a good twenty seconds and slipping the glasses on over your eyes. 
“I love them,” you said. “Thank you both.” 
“Ellie picked them,” Jake said, shoving the sunglasses back up on the top of his head and plating the pancakes. “Said she wanted everyone in the family to have them.” 
Ellie grinned from her place at the kitchen island, and you watched Jake’s smile widen as your mouth dropped open. 
They were your family now. 
You looked around. The casual way that Jake slid two pancakes onto your plate next to Ellie. The soft smile he gave you as you hooked the sunglasses onto the collar of your sleep shirt. How Ellie washed her tiny, sticky hands in the sink using the stool that Jake had bought and helped her paint pink with daisies on it that lived permanently next to the sink so she could always reach the faucet. 
You had walked into a family. You had known that all along. But the fact that they wanted you made your heart swell. Watching Jake whisper into Ellie’s ear and tickle her beneath her thin arms, her laughter filling the sun drenched kitchen, suddenly made everything fall into place. 
He was the man you had always been searching for. And here he was, on a silver platter. 
Were you ready?
A/N: A fluffy chapter as requested! We will start to get some conflict in the next chapter. This one is short, because I wanted to get it out and soothe some souls from last chapter!
Tag list: @double-j @seresinhangmanjake @topguncultleader @hangmandruigandmav @momc95 @minamisulemisa @shawnsblue @blue-aconite @brehonodea @crthurston @angelbabyange @jason-toddsthighs @secretsicanthideanymore @taytaylala12 @mandylove1000 @mizzzpink @showmethewayhomehoney @tvjunkie08 @mygyn @wkndwlff @sadpetalsstuff @shanimallina87 @averyhotchner @oneelleandaneye @starrynightskyz @daddymack01 @buxkybarnez @pookie-cleary @clairedelarosa-blog  @princessofglitterland  @tiredqueen73 @lovingjakeseresin @lilyevanswhore @kurtkunkle17 @amortentiadrops @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @abaker74 @xoxabs88xox @novagreen04 @townmoondaltwistle @rosiahills22 @indynerdgirl @entertainmentgal8 @misshoneypaper @starkleila @ebonyhogan24 @rosewritesitout @sammysimpin @khaylin27 @localhockeygirl @eyesthatroll @wildxwidow @wildlyobserving @bellaireland1981 @wittywhispers-blog @xomrsalliej4787xo @rosiahills22 @oiseul @showmethewayhomehoney @callsign-joyride @teacupsandtopgun @jordanturpen @sexytholland @daddymack01 @pookie-cleary @eternalsams @djs8891
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