#oc: Commander Gnash
dragon-subway · 24 days
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Ah, well, they weren’t planning on taking any layers off anyways. Surely this will lead to no problems
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ghosts-of-rishi · 2 months
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This took so much longer than I initially expected 💀 Btw it was a surprise bring your oc to the challenge day
Thank you all! @zychk @patchmates @omaano @rochenn @ninjigma @phi-guy @dragon-subway @ivvmell @ddeck @calamity-aims @skeletons-eat
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enigmaticexplorer · 2 months
I Yearn, and so I Fear - A Muse V
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Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
General Summary. Nearly a year since the Galactic Empire’s rise to power, Kazi Ennari is trying to survive. But her routine is interrupted—and life upended—when she’s forced to cohabitate with former Imperial soldiers. Clone soldiers. 
Pairing. Commander Wolffe x female!OC
General Warnings. Canon-typical violence and assault, familial struggles, terminal disease, bigotry, explicit sexual content, death. This story deals with heavy content. If you’re easily triggered, please do not read. For a more comprehensive list of tags, click here.
Fic Rating. E (explicit)/18+/Minors DNI.
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21 Relona
“The only birth control I’m interested in is sterilization.”
A choked gasp interrupted her sketching and Neyti frowned from where she knelt in the sunroom. Her back was to the windows (the sun’s glare kept ruining her sketch), and she pushed the sleeves of her dress to her elbows, blowing a loose strand of hair from her face.
“That’s extreme.” She recognized Daria’s voice. It was gentle, and it reminded her of Mummy’s. But Daria didn’t look like Mummy. Mummy had black hair like her, and bright blue eyes. But the exact color of blue was starting to fade. It was harder to remember Mummy’s face.
Neyti pushed the thought aside, instead, appraising her sketch. It was a dragon, like the one on her necklace. Vaeloria.
The female dragon visited her dreams most nights. They had lots of fun together. Vaeloria even let her ride on her back! Well, some nights.
Poking her tongue out the corner of her mouth, Neyti started on the teeth. Vaeloria was nice, even if she looked mean. Her teeth were pointy, like the knives in the kitchen Neyti wasn’t allowed to use, and she liked to gnash them together. Dark green scales elongated her face. They made her even scarier. Neyti loved it.
“What do you use?”
“I can’t use anything. It inhibits my medicine, and I can’t get pregnant, anyway.”
There was an exhausted sigh. “My body only just started acting normal a few years ago. I don’t want to introduce something that messes with my hormones.”
“It wasn’t normal?”
“My period was irregular. And my libido was all out of whack. I don’t want to go through those things again.”
Neyti half-listened to the conversation. She didn’t understand words like “birth control” and “hormones” and “libido.” Really, she didn’t care about the conversation. But she liked listening to her mum and Daria talk. They were finally being friends.
Finishing the scales of Vaeloria’s snout, Neyti set down her stylus, satisfied with her progress. She hoped Mr. Cody would help her frame it. He was good at those things because he had an artist’s eye. Like her. That was what he told her, at least. Mr. Fox had thought it was funny. She didn’t know why. But Mr. Fox thought lots of things were funny. He was weird that way.
That was why she liked Mr. Nova the bestest. He wasn’t funny, but he wasn’t super serious. She liked to watch him use his telescope, and she reallyliked it when he let her use it. She was good at using the telescope, she decided.
Neyti leaned back on her knees and glanced around the room. Mr. Wolffe was reading but he seemed to be having some trouble. He was frowning at his book, and now that she thought about it, she hadn’t heard him turn a page in a while. Maybe he forgot how to read.
No, she told herself. He was too smart for that.
She studied him, the way her mummy taught her to observe people. His eyes were unmoving. His head was tilted to the side. Like he was listening.
Oh! He was an eavesdropper!
Neyti pressed a hand to her mouth to stop herself from giggling.
He must have understood things like “birth control” and “hormones” and “libido.” He was smart that way.
Deciding her sketch could wait, Neyti wandered to the couch and plopped onto the seat beside Mr. Wolffe. He arched a thick brow. It looked like a black caterpillar, and she giggled at the realization. His eyes narrowed and then they rolled. She liked it when he did that. He was never mean about it. Not like some of the kids at school when she refused to do her readings aloud.  
Mr. Wolffe closed his book and reached into the cabinet of the small stand beside the couch. He pulled out a picture book she recognized.
“Do you remember where we were?” he asked, opening to the Table of Contents. Neyti scanned the numbers and pointed to chapter sixteen. “Good memory.”
Her cheeks warmed at the compliment. Mr. Wolffe’s large arm wrapped around her, and she snuggled into the warmth of his body. He was like a blanket, and he smelled good. Like one of her oldest memories. Back when Mummy was still alive.
“Once upon a time there was a princess,” Mr. Wolffe started.
Neyti stared at the picture on the page, a drawing of a pretty princess with black skin and a pink dress. She liked the princess’s curly hair.
The story wasn’t a fairytale about dragons, but it was still good. She’d ask Mr. Wolffe to retell the story tomorrow. He’d argue they were supposed to read the next chapter. But maybe she could trick him!
Leaning her head against him, she listened to the low rumble of his voice. She yawned.
One day she hoped to be a princess. A princess with a family who lived at home.
She looked toward the living area.
Maybe one day.
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Masterlist | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20
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aceghosts · 2 years
What is your OC's duality?
Hey everyone! I was tagged by @nightbloodraelle, @fourlittleseedlings, @direwombat, @detectivelokis, and @captastra to take this uquiz. Thanks!
I don't think I'm going to tag anyone in this as I'm pretty late, but if you want to do this, consider this your tag!
Blue Murphy
moon curse of the werewolf
you have found yourself hungered or sickened or ambitious to the point of emotional carnage. you are fine, until you're not, and then you could rip someone in your way apart with your bared teeth by complete accident, and later claw at yourself in fits of pain trying to apologize. do you look at the moon that blessed you in her name, at her marred beauty and baneful eyes, and wish she could just crush that loving-hateful heart of yours before it crushes itself? every bite you take out of flesh is a response to the threads of silver bullets in you that haven't healed. the duality is that the human inside is howling too, gnashing, and without the wolf pelt, everyone can ignore it and turn away. at some point, you got tired of the moon being your only witness. now the wolf is there to make sure others know that you are hurt, and deserving of humanity, of attention to wounds. because that wolf loves you; all of you; and knows when you are hurt better than yourself.
Commander Rooney Shepard
big bear; little princess
this is a fun dynamic isn't it? a big burly character, often aloof, finding warmth and love while caring for a little helpless person or animal. and so that's the duality here, one where you can be tough and butch and gruff, but that's because you're protecting a deep sense of wonder and delight for what you love that others have poked at before. it's not selfish to enjoy that side of yourself, and it's not weak to show it either. i promise i promise, the right people want to see you love.
Hunter Delaney
carnal and holy sinning (this is a love letter to myself)
you are the world's leading cross bearer of the most guilty conscience. you feel everything you touch turns to gold but in the way that it becomes molten and rich; and what i mean is that when you allow yourself impulse (which is not often) it leads to disaster. when you want someone it feels like sorrow, and you love the world like tacky honey, and you'll wish it could all feel less heavy. you look at yourself in the mirror and yearn to stake the heart and ascend with peace. someday, you'll rot into the earth, and the dirt will cave with you like a sigh of relief.
Riley Callahan
the most important person and the pale blue dot
it's you. you're the most important because you are here and alive on this planet, that, in the scope of it all, isn't even the most of anything. the silliness of how vast our home is and how many of us there are only makes each of us that much more incredible. every time you kiss the cheek of a loved one you are telling the Earth that she is important in all the little ways, and thanking her for making others to hold. and likewise, when you hurt one of hers, she festers, and when she is hurt by yours she reciprocates--bellowing, and bleeding. she is important because you make her big and you are important because she made you small. and so...take care of each other.
Emerson Wright
you and the hat man
oh boy you're fighting demons aren't you. it's like you're in a constant staring competition with something that's always in the peripheral. what the fuck. (at least, that's how people who don't know you would react). at this point you've probably gotten pretty familiar with the hat man. he's a reliable kind of guy. keeps to himself, sure, but you can trust him to be there. maybe a haunting isn't too bad if it's never left your side. you can only imagine what it will be like when he's not there any more.
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stonecoastweather · 2 years
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Welcome to the blog! Though it’s mostly intended to be an ask blog for my rain world oc’s, it also serves as a dumping ground for my rain world-related art as well! Expect slow responses and vague lore.
As it goes...
The Stone Coastal Weather team has resumed broadcasting after a period of silence. After the weather forecast of the cycle is announced, the channel is left open for anyone to respond.
The weather is clear, the sun is red. The ground continues to dry, and the senior of the group goes silent.
Ask away!
Current OC’s
Silent Surface (they/them) An iterator that collects weather data for the Stone Coast iterator group. Their status, tenuous.
Trespass of Query (she/they) An iterator that processes many data for Silent Surface. Despite the ancient’s disappearance, she still remains cheery, though there are many things on her mind.
Peals of Rippling Stone (he/him) An iterator that had commandeered a variety of functions for Trespass of Query due to how very close his can has been built to his sister. While appointed the lead senior of this group by his ancients, he is youngest in the group.
Lue - A blue slugcat that finds itself wandering the region between the Stone Coast and the Frigid Ridgeline. Still remains rather enthusiastic about things no matter how much cycles it endures.
Gnashing of Teeth, Bite of Winter - An ancient long since gone. Has been friends with the iterator Silent Surface over many years and lives.
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honorpmoved · 7 years
lays on the ground and puts me leggies in the air
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Perpetual Sensitivity (7)
Title: Night Terrors
Pairing: Remus Lupin x OC
Summary: Rosalia's encounter with a werewolf is affecting her more than she thinks.
Words: 1,995
Note: The section in italics is her dream! Previous parts linked below.
<- 7 ->
Rosalia - Past
The freezing night air stole the breath from my lungs as my bare feet hammered mercilessly against the ground, at this moment I had no other compulsion but one of self-preservation; the flight reflex had merged into my brain clouding every other though. It demanded attention in such a way that even my reactions, my impulses seemed to be overpowered by the need to run, it didn’t allow for second-guessing, it didn’t allow me a chance to catch my breath, every fibre of my being buzzed at the command ‘RUN’. But what was I running from? Yes, my mind was fuzzy but surely I would remember what struck fear into me so deep that it penetrated into my bones. I look over my shoulder, my legs still pumping at an impossible pace.
I see its silhouette first, it’s much larger form shrouded in darkness, animalistic growls reverberate from deep within the creature's chest that travelled along with the cold night air, a warning to anything in its path, a warning to me. The sound gnashing teeth send a chill down my spine as I will myself to go faster, the castles in my sight but I remain far away from it; never getting closer. My muscles begin to ache pleading for more oxygen than I can get into my lungs.
I risk another look over my shoulder to see that the creature is no longer a looming silhouette set against the backdrop of the dark forest, instead, it's long limbs and the hunched body begins to take shape that sends a scream ripping out of my throat. I glance over my shoulder once more as I am met by a brilliant glowing yellow. My pace slowed involuntarily, my fear dissipating with every step but there was still the little voice in my head calling, pleading, begging me to keep running. To stay away. The beast still continued at its pace, its primal instincts dictating every move. It skidded to a halt a few meters away from me.
“Remus?” I questioned foolishly with an outstretched hand. It tilted its head and paused for a moment, bravely I took a step towards it – hand still outstretched. It emitted a low growl but still didn't move.  
The moment didn't stay sweet for long as it was done playing with its food. It readied itself to lunge and still I didn't move – I felt calm - my back hit the cold floor with such a force that forced the breath out of my lungs. Tears finally began to spill uncontrollably out of my eyes and whimpers escape my lips as its imposing form stood above me. It brought its large hand above its head before bringing it down to make contact with my body.  
_ _ _ _ _ _
I woke with a start to find Lily sitting on the edge of my bed a concerned look etched into her features; she stayed silent as I continued to cry. I noticed that a light sheen of sweat coated my body as my tears subsided to sniffs and hiccups. Lily edged closer and I could see the full extent of her worry for me.  
“It was the same one again wasn't it?” She said softly  
I nodded stiffly in response, over the past week I hadn't attended any of my classes and my nights were plagued by the same awful dream, she never pushed me to tell her what I dreamed about or what caused them. When I had calmed down she inched closer to me and wrapped me in her embrace, despite how much I tried not to cry a few more tears slipped down my cheeks; I wrapped my arms around her too as they did.
"I really do think you should see Madame Pomfrey about this Rosie" she whispered into my hair.
"I can't..." I sniffed  
"Of course you can!" She exclaimed softly "maybe then you could get proper night’s sleep…"
I knew that she was concerned about my welfare but I couldn’t go to Madame Pomfrey, she would want to know everything, and that was something I didn’t want to delve into.  
"Just think about it, Rosie. If you do decide to go I'll be there with you." she pulled back and smiled a little at me, I gave her the best one that I could muster in return.  
"I'm going to head to the girls bathroom to splash some cool water on my face and clear my head," I said after a while, I swung my legs over the side of my bed and climbed down off it slowly, the stone slabs felt cold under my heated skin and it sent a chill along my body causing goosebumps to appear.  
"I'll come with you" she replied as she slipped on her dressing gown and slippers.
We stayed in a comfortable silence as we walked along to the girl’s bathroom, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of our slippers making contact with the stone. I noted how the castle looked very different at night when there was no one to occupy the corridors, the quiet was nice. Lily kept out arms linked together as we walked; she's the only one that knew about my nightmares since it was just us two in our dorm room. The first night I had the dream I'd been screaming in my sleep, Lily had told me that it was one of the most terrifying moments of her life; she thought someone had sneaked into our room and was attacking me. The rest of the nights she said I had woken her up because I was whimpering and calling out for Remus.
To her, it seemed sweet that I was calling out to him because she thought it was so he could help me... if she could see into my head that she'd understand but I continued to let her believe that. Lily had mentioned a few times that even the guys were getting concerned because I wasn’t showing up for class and I hardly left the room for any meals, Lily had tried to coax me around but my appetite wasn’t great.  
"Remus was asking about you today"  
"Oh" was all I managed to reply with, the thought of him sent images of his transformation flashing through my brain.
"He's really worried yanno Rosie... we all are." She stopped and looked at me but I didn’t turn my head to meet he gaze, instead, I stared straight ahead.
"You shouldn’t be, I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me," I said in a matter of fact tone before unlinking my arm with her and continuing towards the bathroom, she jogged a little to fall back in step beside me before speaking again.
"Yes there is Rosie, you haven't had a proper night’s sleep in over a week, you stay awake throughout the day and you’ve barely eaten." She said with more authority.
"I'm fine."
"No, you are not Rosalia! Stop being so damn stubborn and accept that something is wrong. For goodness sake!" Her voice had risen in pitch ever so slightly.
"Go back to bed Lily, I don’t need your help anymore," I said exasperatedly, she stood there in silence for a few moments before replying.
"You don’t have to suffer alone..." Her voice took on a motherly tone but I said and did nothing in return except listen to the sound of her retreating footsteps.
_ _ _ _ _ _
My hands gripped the sides of the marbles sink while my gaze solely focuses on the metallic plug hole. Slowly I lifted my eyes to the mirror to take in my appearance. I looked sick. My skin was ashen and huge dark circles accompanied my eyes; the lack of food was also beginning to show. My hair was limp and greasy, it hung around my face like heavy curtains, I didn't recognise myself.
How could I? The girl staring back wasn’t me.
How could it be, I looked nothing like myself. Maybe Lily was right, maybe I should go see Madame Pomfrey… I dropped my gaze back down to stare at the metallic plug hole again, a harsh breath forced its way through my lips as I pushed away from the sinks to get a better look at myself.  
I glared at the silvery lock that curled its way over my shoulder. I’d heard of the myth before but had never put much thought into it being true. I shoved it out of the way as I continued to look at myself.
It lingered in the background, crept in the shadows, watching, waiting. Its yellow eyes twinkled in a sinister way that had my heart rate rising. Breathing became surprisingly difficult, it felt like a belt was being tightened around my rib cage making my breaths come in short pants. Bravely the figure stepped out further exposing itself in the reflection shown by the mirror. Pants quickly turned into whimpers as it continued to be bold. I turned around so quickly it made my head spin but there was nothing there, no figure lurking in the shadows. I snapped my attention back to the mirror to see it was still lurking there.
“What?” I whispered panic began to set in.
I continued to whip around looking from the mirror to the rest of the bathroom. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, panic turned to hysteria and it seemed to seep out of every pore. Hot tears poured down my cheeks, each breath caught in my throat. It was here but it wasn't. A dull throbbing started in my temples as black spots danced across my vision. How could it be here? It shouldn't be here. It couldn't be here. I turned to face the mirror once more.
“NO!!” A shriek tore it's way from my throat as I reared a balled fist before bringing back to make contact with the mirror.
Cracks appeared around my fist but I could still see it over my shoulder, I brought my first back as drove it forwards again – the cracks spread further – but it was still there. I continued the movement again and again until the entire mirror was distorted. I couldn't see it anymore.
“No” I whimpered, blood trickled down the mirror, my movements were slow as I brought my bloodied fist away from the mirror. I turned it and surveyed the damage before bringing it to my chest to cradle it.
My legs felt stiff as I began to walk away from the shattered mirror and back into the corridor. Exhaustion finally seemed to set in and every movement was on autopilot as I made my way slowly and quietly through the castle to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey was on me like a hawk as soon as I shuffled through the big ornate doors of the hospital wing.
“Oh my goodness, you poor thing! What happened?” She questioned but I never answered.
I tried my best to keep up my stoic façade as she worked on my hand, the pain was numbed by the potion but I still felt it, a strange prickling sensation. Once she had bound my hand I got up to leave but small hands have an almost vice-like grip on my shoulders
“Now deary, where do you think you're going?” Madame Pomfrey’ soft voice floated into my ears.
“Back to bed miss,” I replied, my head and eyelids felt impossibly heavy.
“This way.” she turned me around and led me back towards the bed I had just left. This time when my head hit the pillow sleep managed to find me but it wasn't like when I usually slept. Nightmares didn't seep in and poison my sleep, instead, it was nothing but darkness.
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dragon-subway · 5 months
Well that’s one way to greet your general (warning for blood and animal death)
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spacegate · 7 years
An Undertale Fanfiction
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / AO3 LINK / TV TROPES / FF.NET Characters: Sans, Grillby, Papyrus, Royal Doggies, Gaster, Asgore, OCs Setting: Baby Blaster AU Contains: SAD CHILDREN. Mentions of child abuse. SOME REALLY MESSED UP THINGS, BODY HORROR. Synopsis: The final battle is here. WARNING: DEPICTIONS OF INJURIES AND VIOLENCE. ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT :D
The ambient sound of magic hummed in the air as blue and white bones flew forward with deadly precision.
The King waved his hand and a searing wall of flames erupted from the walkways to counteract the bones. The bones hit the wall and sizzled, exploding in motes of white and blue magic. Grillby and Gnash huddled behind the wall of flames until the King parted it with a wave of his paw.
“Give up Gaster! It's not too late!” Asgore tried one last plea.
Gaster only sneered and readied another volley of attacks. Rings of hands formed, each clutching a long bone club. He would NOT go down without a fight. He has a duty to monsterkind....but these fools are in the way!
King Asgore brought his trident in front of him and turned to Grillby. “Go! Get your child!”
Gnash readied his sword. “We'll cover you!”
Grillby nodded and picked his way through the catwalks. Gaster turned his head to look at Grillby, intent on going after him, but then met a faceful of sword. He had to summon a vertical row of bones to block the sword, lest he literally loses his head. He scowled at the Fish monster before him.
[Captain Gnash blocks the way!]
“You're going to have to get through me first, you bastard!” Gnash growled and began a relentless assault, slashing and parrying with his sword. Gaster was forced to be on the defensive, twisting and ducking out of the way. One of his blasters surged forward to flank the Captain, but was blocked by a trident.
[King Asgore blocks the way!]
Asgore felt sick fighting these....blasters? They were clearly young, and alive. He used his trident to throw the blaster away from the fight with a roar. The blaster cried out as it went flying end over end in the air, drawing it's sibling's attention. It's sibling really didn't like that, opening its maw and began to gather magic within it. The King pulled Gnash away just in time, as a white hot beam of light struck the catwalk and burned a hole through the metal where they once stood. It was a reminder not to underestimate the scientist.
They had no time to rest as Gaster went on the attack again, summoning rings of bones to assault them. King and Captain fought side by side, doing their best to keep the scientist in one place. They had to keep his attention! Despite Gaster being surprisingly good at combat, it was still a two against one battle. The other blaster regained it's composure and attempted to enter the fray again, but was smacked away yet again.
{“USELESS”} Gaster thought to himself, as he watched one blaster comfort the other far away from the battle. No matter how much he tried he could not completely remove free will. Once struck, children tend not to keep fighting. Despite their master's call, they were quite content to stay far away from the fight.
Meanwhile, Grillby ducked through the stray bones flying debris as he ran to the command console. He didn't have much time before Gaster would be upon him. The fact that he could teleport added to his sense of urgency. Grillby stole a look back to see his King and the Captain harassing Gaster. It seems that Gaster has no choice but to focus on the fight, one false move and he would be dust. He turned away just as Asgore began flinging fire at the scientist, hell bent on burning him to ashes.
That didn't matter now. What mattered now was his son. He ducked under a stray bone and slid down the catwalk, slamming into the large computer console in the middle of the CORE. He grunted, doing his best to catch his breath as he spotted Sans.
Sans still remained unresponsive, just staring off into the distance with those horrible wires shoved deep into his right eye socket. He dared not burn away the metal strips bolting the tiny pup to the console, the super heated metal could hurt him. Grillby looked frantically around for tools. Bingo! Gaster it seems, is sloppy, or was interrupted too fast. The tool box was still there. Grillby quickly grabbed a pair of pliers and cut the wires snaking their way into his Son's skull. He would leave them in there for a doctor to remove, but cutting the wires will at least free him.
“Sans? Can you hear me?” Grillby took up a power drill next, adjusting it to unscrew the bolts.
Sans remained unresponsive and Grillby reined in his urge to cry at the sight. He doubled his effort in unbolting his restraints as he could. He almost dropped the drill when the whole walkway system rattled and buckled from the force of an attack, forcing him to the ground. He moved his head just in time to see a wave of white bones slam into the metal walkways heading right towards him! He rolled out of the way as the bones glanced by.
He heard Gaster's gasp and there was a smell of burning bones. Seems like the King has more than punished the doctor for that move, allowing Grillby to continue freeing his son. The sound of rattling metal and shouts of battle was more than distracting, but he did his best to ignore it.
Finally, the last bolt became undone and Sans slumped to the floor, caught in one of Grillby's hands. “Sans? Sans...I'm here. I'm here.” He scooped up the tiny pup to his chest and hugged him close. He knew that Sans was alive, but he had yet to show any sign of consciousness. It was like he was a computer without a plug. Completely shut down. He continued to whisper gently to Sans as he looked around for the fastest escape route.
{“NnnggAAH!!”} Gaster managed to knock back both Gnash and Asgore. With the precious few seconds of breathing room, he shouted towards his creation.
{“001! ATTACK!”}
Sans jerked in his father's arms stiffly, and then sank his teeth deep into the fiery forearm. Grillby hissed in pain, trying again to rein in his heat so Sans wouldn't get burned. Sans fought like an animal possessed, shrieking and kicking and biting until he managed to break free from his father's grasp. He hit the floor not too gently, but rose quickly, his eye sockets blanck.
Tear were dripping down Sans's face as he growled and assumed an attack position.
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!!” Grillby roared. This was horrible....Sans was obviously in there somewhere, watching, but unable to do anything. It made his core feel like ice at the horror of it all.
{“He is MY creation, he obeys ME!”} Gaster's eye lights flashed blue as he reached a hand out.
Asgore and Gnash groaned as suddenly immense pressure was placed on them, only to be lifted up and slammed hard into the metal catwalk, buckling it. Blue magic is quite powerful, able to lift the king and guardsman with ease. Their souls were trapped in the magic.
The metal in the facility began to groan from stress, and a few panels of the walls rattled off their hinges and fell to the lava below.
Sans jerked, and then his bottom jaw bisected as a thrum of magic began to build in his rib-cage. The tears continued and his bones rattled from the force of the command. He couldn't break free. He could only watch from the inside as he turned his head to his adopted father.....and FIRED.
Grillby wasn't a Major General for no reason. He dodged out of the way, but already Sans was charging up another attack. He couldn't harm his child, but he also couldn't allow him to keep attacking like he was. Soon, the whole walkway system would collapse into the lava below! For now he could only duck and weave from one attack after another.
Gaster opened his mouth to issue another command, but got a fireball to the face. He shrieked as he was burned, losing his grip of blue magic on the two combatant's souls. He didn't have time to look before Gnash punched him so hard in the face, it broke his jaw. { “NNG!!”}
The scientist fell back, clutching his broken face. Pieces of chipped bone and dust fluttered to the catwalk. With the sharp sound of ripping fabric, he vanished too reappear behind Asgore and Gnash. Before they could turn around to attack him, Gaster viciously locked them in blue magic and attempted to throw them over the side of the railing. Asgore and Gnash grabbed a grip on the railing just in time to prevent being thrown to their deaths, but Gaster kept pushing with his blue magic. Every second was an intense struggle as the pressure continued to push.
{“001. LOCK TARGET, AND FIRE.”} Gaster shouted, his words slurred by his broken jaw. All his concentration went into pouring magic into his blue attack. Asgore being able to resist was no surprise, but Gnash hung on as well with fierce determination.
Sans abruptly stopped his attack just as he was about to corner Grillby. He turned around until he faced the struggle on the nearby catwalk. He was ordered to lock target and fire, but Gaster neglected to mention WHICH target to fire upon. His jaws built up with bright blue and white energy, humming and crackling until it released with an earsplitting CRACK!
Imagine Gaster's surprise when the beam of light hit him square on the chest, burning and shattering the bone beneath. The sheer momentum of the blast pushed him over the side of the railing. Stunned, he tried to reach out for anything that could save him, but there was none.
He was F A L L I N G.
With a sickening flash of multi-color fire, the scientist was consumed in the lava of his creation. Soon not even his dust was left, roasting in the intense heat.
Gaster was no more.
Sans slumped over, unconscious once more. Grillby quickly scooped him up as Asgore and Gnash pulled themselves back up to safety. The creaking and rattling of the warped and damaged metal picked up in pitch as the catwalks began to rumble. The computer began to list a repeating string of error messages, sparking and sizzling out as circuits were fried, one by one. A heavy sent of ozone began to build up in the hot air, humming and shimmering.
The blasters, sensing danger, panicked and vanished in a sharp flash of white.
“QUICK! WE MUST GET OUT OF HERE!” Asgore pointed to the exit. Grillby didn't need to be told twice, holding Sans close to his chest as he bolted just behind Gnash. All the while debris and metal began to fall from the rafters above as the facility began to shake. They all sprinted to the doorway, but suddenly there was a loud BOOM. Grillby felt something hit him from behind, and then everything went dark.
get | up
you | have | to | get | up
your| son | needs | you
Grillby groaned as an intense pain blossomed in his head, silencing his inner voice. He struggled to open his eyes. The room twisted and spun in his blurry vision, giving him an intense feeling of vertigo. When he realized that he wasn't dead, he knew he had made it into the outer rooms of the CORE. Through the rubble behind him, the CORE behind him crackled and burned. The sound of it stung his head and increased the pain he was feeling. What in the world hit him?
He blinked and struggled not to slip into the darkness again as he looked around. Gnash was slumped against one of the walls and The King was lying not too far away. All of them seemed to be unconscious from the force of the blast. Debris and pieces of concrete littered shrapnel all over the flooring and thick, heavy industrial dust obscured his ability to see further. His whole body stung from the backlash of magic, his flames were nearly dark red. He was burning out, being snuffed by the thick dust and smoke.
Something was missing.
He gasped and gripped the shattered flooring around him, struggling to rise. He couldn't call out, but he wearily began to crawl, searching for his child. It was slow, and laborious, but he finally found the pup. The right side of his skull was nearly smashed in and many of his bones were broken. He laid there, limply, taking ragged breaths.
Deep anger burned within him, but was quickly dulled buy pain and exhaustion. He couldn't make it outside to get help, but he would do his best to comfort his child.
Grillby could see his vision going dark again as he used the last bit of strength to crawl to Sans. He curled around Sans as protective as he could, holding one of the paws on his unbroken forelimb. He hoped, it would provide him a little bit of comfort and warmth.
He could swear he heard voices just as his vision went black, and he slipped away into unconsciousness once again.
Grillby was at first, aware of sounds. He heard voices, foot steps, and the crackling of his own flame, but he could not see. He tried moving around until he heard a familiar voice.
“Take it easy there Grillby.”
His sluggish mind struggled to process the voice. It was...Frank's? What is FRANK doing here in the CORE? He forced his eyes open with a wince, the room spun and blurred until it finally became still and focused again. He was...in a hospital? He looked down to see that he was in something akin to a bathtub almost, a shallow charmed 'bed'. The bottom was littered with burning wood and embers, no doubt the doctors wished to keep his flame fed.
“You were hit fairly hard with parts of the CORE.” Frank causally tossed another piece of wood into the bed. Grillby's flames devoured it immediately, slowly bringing his color back to a bright orange. “King Asgore and Captain Gnash only suffered minor scrapes and bruising.”
Grillby jerked to attention. “What about Sans?” He put his hand on the rim of the bed, attempting to rise. Frank frowned in response, but made no attempt to stop him.
“He's in the bed over here.” Frank gestured to a bed pushed close enough to the metal bed to be seen, but not catch on fire.
Grillby's flame seized up when he saw Sans. He was lying in bed, one half of his head was bandaged up. One of his forelegs was sticking out of the covers, wrapped up tight in a cast. There was a thin IV line of healing magic feeling into the little pup. He was bundled in warm blankets, and a few wires ran to a machine that measured his HP and magic levels. All Sans seemed to do was breathe, but he was breathing easier at least, and didn't seem to be in any pain. Of course, Frank brought Papyrus along, who was sleeping next to his older brother.
Frank answered Grillby's unspoken question. “He will heal, no doubt about that. He may end up being blind on the right side, but they'll do everything they can to save his vision. He's going to need a while to heal.”
“He cannot stay here.” Grillby wheezed. His continued attempts to get up kept ending in failure. “You know as well as I do that he was medically abused. If he wakes up here...”
“It's why they placed him in a medical coma.” Frank held up his hands to reassure to distraught father. “He needs a few days here, as well as you, to heal. Then he will be sent home with you, with me checking up on his healing often.”
Grillby sighed in relief. That was one problem taken care of. “How is Papyrus?”
“He's fine, he got along well with my daughter. He's just been staying in bed with Sans. Bless him, he believes that hugs will heal him.”
“It's more true than you think.” Grillby at least managed to pull himself up into a sitting position. “What happened at the CORE?”
“That, I can answer.” Came a voice from the doorway.
King Asgore went to enter the room, ducking and moving sideways so he could get his horns in. He no longer wore his armor and cape, but was instead in just simple pants and a shirt. He looked to be fine, except for a few minor bandages on his arms and snout. Gnash followed, a bandage wrapped around the top of his head.
“I'll take my leave then, rest up Grillby.” Frank smiled at Grillby, and with one quick smooch with his husband, he disappeared into the bustle of the Hospital.
For a while there was an awkward silence as the king and guardsman looked over to the injured pup.
“Oh dear....will he...” Asgore was almost afraid to answer the question.
“He will heal.” Grillby answered simply. “He will be fine.”
“He's a tough one, that's for sure.” Gnash added. “I saw what he did to Gaster, that took at lot of guts.”
“Yes, but how will he feel about it when he wakes up. He killed Gaster. It was more than justifiable, but he's just a child...?” Grillby couldn't begin to imagine what mental state his son will be in when he wakes up.
“I don't know,” Asgore added in. “But he will be fine, with a father like you. In fact, I have something for you, if you feel well enough to take it.”
“Of course, your majesty.” Grillby sat up a little straighter as the King walked before him. Asgore handed him a piece of parchment, in gilded leaf and signed with the royal seal. Grillby's eyes widened when he realized what he was holding.
It was essentially a document granting Sans and Papyrus Monster-hood and all the protections thereof. It also designated Grillby as their sole parental guardian. There would be no fears of them being taken away. No fears that they would be treated badly because of the tragic circumstances of their birth. They were now, fully Monsters.
“All the paperwork has already been completed.” King Asgore spoke with a smile. “We have the finest therapists on standby, to help them once they decide to ask for it.”
“...Thank you...” Grillby whispered, setting the precious document on a side table. “This means a lot, to me and the boys...”
But then, Grillby remembered something. “What about the ones without bodies? The ones that fought in the CORE?”
“We don't know.” Gnash piped up. “They just...vanished. The guard haven't seen them return to any of the tubes at the lab, so they can be anywhere. At least....they are away from Gaster.”
There was a solemn silence. “The only thing we can do, is wait for them to show themselves.”
“I'm afraid that's all we can do, is wait.” The King sighed and trudged over to Sans's bed. Papyrus opened his eye-sockets when he heard footsteps approaching. He squinted upward, as he puzzled over the fuzzy new person.
“Abah?” Papyrus gurgled a question that only he could understand.
“I must apologize, to the both of you.” The King spoke, regret on his face. “If I had kept a closer eye on my royal scientist, none of this would have happened to the both of you, and the countless victims of the labs. I swear to you, that it will not happen again and you both shall be cared for by Monsterkind.”
Papyrus tilted his head, puzzling over the words.
“YEE.” He chirped as quiet as he could and then went back to cuddling his injured brother.
“Papyrus forgives you.” Grillby couldn't help but smile. “You should not blame yourself for the actions of others.”
“Yes, but I feel responsible.” The King sighed.
“Not to interrupt, but we have work to do. Things to clean up and announcements to be made. No doubt everyone wants to know what the hell happened to the CORE.” Gnash pointed out. “They'll need the King to settle any fears the citizens may have.”
“Duty calls then, I suppose.” Asgore looked to Grillby one last time. “Heal up, you and the boys. I will always be available should you need me.”
“Thank you.” Grillby nodded.
Both the Captain and the King exited the room, shutting the door behind them. No doubt, they had a lot of fallout and problems to deal with. Grillby was just happy that he and his kids were alive. Gaster was gone, and he would never bother anyone again. No doubt, Sans would be set back in his recovery, but Grillby is a patient person.
Perhaps, everything will be okay.
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