#And a cameo from
originalartblog · 1 year
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Thank you! I am begging you to reconsider.
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dragon-subway · 3 months
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king of going fucking flying
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canonkiller · 1 month
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had a discussion about actors for our characters recently
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bearlytolerant · 26 days
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incantation appreciation
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Okay, Lizzie, these are my last questions about that sonic tattoo promise, one why that particular spot and two are you able to reenact when Norma walked in on you applying it? Sounds hilarious.
[Lizzie] Why? Because, because I thought it would be hilarious. Just the look on people's faces when the image of farting out a spindashing sonic pops into their mind....
As for us reenacting it ...Frazie is currently working on that.
[Frazie] C'mon Topina Carina, just do it once, I really wanna see it..
[Norma] No.
[Frazie] (Sultry singsong voice) I'll make it worth you while.
[Norma] (Pause) As in...?
[Frazie] Your choice of compensation.
[Norma] (Longs Pause) (Groans in defeat) Fine. Lizzie, I'll do it.
[Lizzie] Great. You wait outside my door and just come in whenever.
[Norma] (Walks outside Lizzie's room) I am regretting this immensely.
[Frazie] I ever told you I am very much attracted to sassy spectacled actresses?
[Norma] (outside Lizzie's room) I'm already doing it, no need to seduce me into doing it even more.
[Sam] (Also outside Lizzie's room) Quiet on set! (Clacks two rolling pins together)
[Norma] Get lost, Boole.
[Sam] Nope.
[Norma] (Groans) Can we do this already!?
[Lizzie] Ready when you are. So picture the scene, for which I will be slightly more dressed than I was at the moment itself. (Bends over, looking through her legs).
[Frazie] Nice flexibility, Lizzie.
[Lizzie] Thanks. So, I was kinda bend over by my standing mirror, looking through my legs and applying the paste, when... (Pause) (Clear throat) Ahem, WHEN!
[Norma] (Long, barely audible groan. Walks in) Hey Lizzie, have you seen - (A very much overacted and unenthusiastic, yet believable yell of surprise) ELIZABETH, WHAT IN THE F***ING NAME OF GREAT F***ing SANITY ARE YOU DOING TO YOUR BUTT?!
[Lizzie] I'm working on something! Get lost. (Straightens herself) and that's basically kinda what-
[Frazie] (Starts laughing hysterically) Wow, 2 F-words in one sentence, Norma?
[Norma] (Blushing) I was shocked and appalled by the sight of what was in front of me. Forgive me for losing my decorum.
[Frazie] (Hysteric giggles)
[Lizzie] I got a sign for my door that said 'Work in Progress' after that.
[Frazie] There, it's done. What that so bad now?
[Norma] Yes.
[Frazie] Aww....(Hooks her arm into Norma's, leading her away.) C'mon, let's discuss you compensation for this horrendously embarrassing Posterior charade.
[Norma] Do you know how cute you look when you're trying to use big words?
[Frazie] You know how cute you look in general?
[Lizzie] Ugh, get a room!
[Frazie] working on that!
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ashoss · 4 months
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some things dont change
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canisalbus · 11 days
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✦ Picciriddu ✦
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beybuniki · 2 months
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they should go on a fishing trip pt.1
#DONT COMMENT ON THE BACKGROUND I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWW#anyway this is day 1. they take a bus. the bakugo household has fishing gear so ´deku is wearing bakugo's onesoe (?) and bakugo is wearing#his dad's. and notices he has grown :')#anyway they take a BUS and don't feel like doing this at all it's awkward for so many reason#also trying to relax after everything is neurologically just really hard they might be hyperivgilant dik#and there's so much they never got to unpack bnut they have to and they have to start somewhere and with someone#deku makes that flower crown while bakugo preps everything and they both look at it and are thrown back into their childhood 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️#and at first they just sit and wait for the bavarian fish to bite (rody should make a cameo tbh) but then bakugo breaks the iceeee.#and he starts with their moms because their moms have been such a stubbron connection between these two :')#and deku answers with the usual 'good :) how's your mom :)?' and to everyone's surprise he actually opens up#and tells deku about his mom's insomnia because she watched her son die (that shit was live streamed tpo 10 bnha tweets btw)#idk i love to think of their moms being a very easy subject to connect through i think it's easier for them that way to be more vulnerablei#and then some fish biteeeeeeeeeeee#but like 3 small ones so they have to gather berries and mushrooms and make stew (dw there's an aldi this is bavaria after all)#but yeah day 1 is a bit weird like it's just them in the woods with no distractions#which is so different from whatever went on during their 1st year of high school#don't read this i will throw up i just need this somewhere this is my public scrapbook#bnha#deku#midoriya izuku#bakugo katsuki#the flower crown on their knees makes this a bit homosexual but fishing is always homosexual im not fighting against that#au:#fishing
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bklily · 8 months
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Inside Out but its all the multiple variations of Adrichat
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What a weird guy, huh!
Part Two Here!!
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ohgeesoap · 7 months
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scratches on Soap's forearms
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qiinamii · 8 months
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crown swap
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punnifullife · 12 days
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damian and mary/mar'i: big bro/lil sis //// uncle/niece dynamic. small overprotective gremlin energy. once again, missed out opportunities DC!! :L
(and maybe he's envious of the happy family he sees :L bit of angst whoops)
if y'all got any more funny ideas for kory/starfire and mari with the batfam, lmk! I'm not too familiar with recent batfam changes haha. got a couple more ideas before i go back to tt03 stuff again.
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isjasz · 5 months
The Promised Neverland manga spoilers!
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[Day 201]
Everyone blame cherrysherin2 (go check out this art that made me absolutely lose it) I take no responsibility
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czarojay · 3 months
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Would you still love me if i was a frog?
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spoopdeedoop · 11 months
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umbrvx · 4 months
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[ @orvwomenweek ] ljh + childhood || day 2
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